■,%. <^J -^- .ti, . 7 ■: /„,, ,:;i :. 1. I Irak Sm. — On Ihc L'oili nit. I sont to you my iiriiitcil lctti>r ontitlnil tlin "nonnurTiox of the Geoloqical Si'Hvrv IN NuHTFI-Wkst TKiiiiimnv Mattkus," with ilic lolluwin^; iiutc : — Dkaii Sili: — Tlio iMicliiiivd piinli'il lillcrs ii'lilri'ssi'd in yoiirsi'lf anil Sir .',. A. M.'iclonaKI am. nf conrso. only prullinlnaiy, for I take It fi)rgranl(«l thai you will ri'9|)onil lo uiy ivi|iii.st aiiu to this joint aciion. anl prepan! any letter you liki: to follow tlieso which I siMiil to various ili'slliiatiinis. Yours truly, Hkni'.y Youi.k Hind. Nut receiving any ncknowlcilijoniont of tli« roci'ipt of tlio printnd lottir, ur tln^ iiccoiii|vmying p;ickct of ri'lcnnici's, or to tlio ftbovc. (luoteil nolo, I tolegraplicd at noon, on tlio .Ifltli ult., to yun as .sulijoiniMl : — Wi.NDHOii, Nova Scotia. April .ioth, IRS:!. To Ski.wyn. DIrooior (Ji-olouical .Surviiy. (Itiavva. Have you ri'spoinli'il lo my printiMl IcitiT of i:lih .\pril. FaiKC conlt'niplaled swindling operations di'piniilant upon your action. Matter very iiiipiirlant. I'lvaH'! answer iniineilialelv. ir. Y. lliMi. At '.I. .1(1 on tlic morning of Mny l«l, I iceciveil fioiii you tliu following' lolr^'iain : — To I'HiiK. 11. Y. lliNi>. Ottawa. Oxt. "1 have no reply to make to your coniinuinealion." (SilJIied) j\l.FUKI) n. ('. SKI.WV.V. Wliili' thanking yon for yonr significant aiiMwer, tlieic reiniiiH for me no other alternntive now than to ipreneiit yim mill the jiulilii' with my siiniin.uy of tlie matter ami to |iersi,-sur .1. Macouii ami I>r. I;. I'ell. your assi.-tanls. which 1 have not at the sinie tini". oi' aiileeedenlly, ])rovc'd by [irinled referencHs or oll'ei'eil to piove in u|ien court. (1| Von are forlhev aware, as a scientilic mm, ami the ^\l|•erior ollii.'er over .Mieunn and liell lliat llicie are numerous other sliamet'nl peiversiuus of fad rel.itin- lo the Norlli-Wesl, .Vc. in 1 he wrilings of llie.se ollieers of tin- ( ;euloj^ie;il .'survey (|Mrtieularly .\I leonn) which I hue iijl ton. 'hi'. I u|ion. Ii:i; wliijii if f lirly r.'iu'esetit- I'll iiio|ien conn would condemn them as misleiders, ur as trU!hlessii"liiie:ilor<, or as lelialile authorilies in (iertaiu phy- sical m.itteis |>osse,ssing commercial value. With re;,'ard to .\lacoun, the sLitemeiils ho li.is ni.nle and to which 1 have not referred, Imt which are iiecesi^arily fimiliar lo you, would slamp liim at oiice as an inipu lenl im|>o-,torch';.rly pro- tected in his perversions respecting N'orth-W'e.st Territory advant iges or resjurpes. It. .Apiirl from yonr position as Director of tlie (ieologicil Survey, with your ahii'ty lo dis^rn and yonr pro- vince to . I have repeatedly pointed out my objei't in |uirsuiiig the coui.se 1 h.ive followed for two years, ii.inicly, to resist crime and imposture, with its atti'iid ml misi-ry or ruin lo many, and corrupt success to .-i lew ; iu, negition of truth ami honour, ami its support of fraud and wruiig-doing. 7. In pnrHuit of my legilimate ellbrls 1 have been met with dislionest opposition, and opposition of a character viscioiisly bad ami misleading, in rei'cnt artiides commenting on my work, appearing in the editorial columns of a reported iv.tiuential liiianci.il pajur at Montreal, "7'/i/' Slinivlmlilcr miU liniirtiwi' (inzffli;" tliu tricks of the mislead- ing editor can .scarcidy he surpassed in the way of di.sgiacefnl perversion of fact or coliecalment of the truth, but in addition to revileinenlH he adds atrocious hints of grave misilirecling tendencies ("J) ~ This iinscrupiiloiis linanceinonger iirl fully relers to the liiiited Status Trcusury Departniont at W.ishiiiglon, iiinting vile things. What conceivable inlereslK can there be between that vast centre of surprising wealth and inuiagomont, and the pettifogging decoys of the Montreal "Slmrthnlilfr," or the seltish seheines ofalien sh.irpcrs ( Vou havi! broken the seal which gave Hpiirioii.s validity to their "Itoiids," an all hon-st men will thank you for the deid. It is l-'KI.ONV now, or kindred to felony, lo inarkei the impositions oi Macoun ami liell, but it would bo dilficnlt t-o OHtinmle the extent and raiiiilicatioiis of the swindling ami corruption which havu been piu'petrated ou the Imstiu'd faitli of their false "Hepurta" und writings, or those of their allies, (1} hut) prlntvil letlrr btkI Hrxuni«*i)ti«. ilaltsl WlniUor, N. H.. Mny '^7, IHi^l. HildrcSHi-il to llif Itt. lltm'a lUrli* (Irnnvillf Miul Kimbcrlej .— Nunier- ouscople* orthlt It-ttrr were ileniiutcluMt to Interested partlex. f In tlie dDcuiiicnta IrAilinetteU Willi my printed tellprii uf IHlti April, I8sa. ■mtilled>''lh« Curriipllon of tliu i>i*oln||lritl purvey in iNorlleWeil IVrillory mallura.'* Ci) Kee lh« iKiUPluflhe ".Vytiii-rWi/ri-nnif /■uurvince r;iitrllc"or Muntrritl, fur April 6lli and April 'j;ih, ItU, -«»Tf «r lft4.T-5 "^t* '•''^"* ? ■i Thtmo comjipl inc to fiirihcr ivrtijn, nnd to »it«t4i ^n a priiliminni'V, tliiil w)iili> in tlif ]iiirHiiil of i)iil|iiililn iliily, hikI knowing no utlioi motivffn tliiin iIiohc whirli Mpiinj; from Ininmni' ami Just icco^jnilion of l>ij;)il, I Imvu inul (unt.iin l«)M»il)li' conH<'i|nnnci'n |iointoil oiit to iiic in writing; iinil uvi'i' llic nnnic of Itii- wiiicr Anionj; lll(■^'l■ conxiMiiii'ncoH, n lii;^li oflioiiil, liinisclf iiIkjvi! iiml liryoiul rcpioai'li, kimlly wioln to nii> in n-fiTrnrc to riiy action, tlml iiiiilrr ci-rdiin conlliliun^ F ni^cil not niinu'. "Vnr (I) wori.n I'noinin.v iir .spidt rniioiuii a winimiw, mi imiiwinko in liKT voi: (mk) OUT liF niK w.\v." 1 am tlmiiklnlly mlilfiTiiit to tlic "lianta's of nucli consL'uni'nci's, for I have my work in lilc to ilu. anil know on what 1'oweh to rely in time of ni'ril. f. In ri'lalion to |)io(iohi'i1 sdii'miw of as-sisttd c'nii^;ralion from Irolaml, Tliusrwoiiriiv infoiimatiox ri'Miwctiii;.' till' North- Wi'st in of viist Inimanc iniiiortancK In mattora of eomnii'rcial ouli'rpri.so it i.i aUoof imiuiiI moment. To intinilin;,' iniigranlii of all chuwcj anU soujcfH, it is of tlm hit(lH'«l intcn-Ht. This "iiki.iaiii.k inkiiiimaticiv" liai lircii i'nornion«ly falsifidd. !•• 1 eonrluile by sayin;; lliat on you an Itlrcctor of the ( M'olo;*:\. May it pi.eask voni K.\i ei.i.kxcv, — I respectfully ask your K.xcellency's attention to the accompanying cones pondeiice for .State and penonal considenitionH. .\fi a (•oiiMMpience of I)r. Selwyn's reply to my hitir of the l:>th nil. and the piemises, I uigi':\tly call upon you in the interests of honest dealing, humanity and Iruthftd official information, to he plea.si'd to give in.st ructions warning the public against the pernicious deceit-s and impoHtures embodied in the work dedicated by special perinis- .aJ|>able scientillc uhuat. Xece.snily for jirompt action in this matter is more than ever apparent fmm the i-eeeiil remarks of ll dilor of the ■'.S/ki/W/'i'i/',." a Moiiiieal financial papltiii-iliiilil,r" to "liooin." ill unison with unprincipled specuLitow of like kidney. The l»ireclor of the ( leological Survey, l)r. .Selwyn, pnicticilly admits th.it my slalemeulr. ielaliiig to llie ulliuei's of his .issistaiils, named by \iw. are sulistantiaily incontroverliblti. Kull .maly.-is in open court would greatly widen and intensify their force am! gravity, but conspimtois ami pio niolois appear to shrink froiii the ivvelatioiis of open court as thev would from di.sgorging their gdns, ur social death TlicMefure, it fullow^■ that the uses of tlie.se uth'iices in any form whaleMr, either by the llepailiiieiil ul .\giicul- lure, by any public body, or by any private pi-rsolis are dishoiioumble, illegal and ]iossilily felonious. |lr. Selwyn has practically placed the issue .». The ileclaii'd abu.ses of your Uepuly ami the significant rejoinder of I)r Selwyn, narrow th« ciiide of euii«piiaey to a degiiM- which might lendur inacfioti or silence a source of further distics.- and grave com] d ic.it ions. I liavii the honour to Ixt, '~; ■*.,*""'" " ' •'•' Your oliedieiit sirvaiit. ' . • '' ■^:;-^ ■^:"li'•^ ' f"*(?A,-:v ..: . „ IIKNIiV Vtil I.K fllNK. : ■ ' •'•t-.- . ■:•'■:•. '\-,', .,■ , , Tormerly in ohariie of the Aixlniboine and Saakatchewan Kzplorinc Bxpedttion. • ;«.»C,.jirJi»,*-Siyn* -i . ^"-tv .-V"^'* \r^^ .-.,vs*i ,.> ...*./' > * V I i f «