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The work undertaken some two years ago of classifying and re-arranging the books on the library shelves, and of preparing and publishing a classified catalogue, has occupied a much greater lergth of time, and proved to be a much more difficult task than was anticipated when it was commenced. The delay and the difficulty are both attributable to the fact that suitable help could not be procured, except at an expenditure that the funds under the control of the committee would not admit of. As the necessity for a more convenient arrangement of the books, and the issue of a new catalogue, were becoming more pressing every day, and expert assistance, for the reason .stated, was a matter that was out of the question, the chairman of the library committee determined to undertake the work himself, employing such help, for special purposes, as might be necessary from time to time. The arrangement was an advantageous one so far as the library funds were concerned, but not quite so advantageous from the chairman's point of view, in as much as it has involved the sacrifice of practically all his leisure time while the work was in progress, without any other compensation than the satisfaction of seeing a necessary work completed, and a most excellent public institution placed in a position in which its usefulness will be increased, and its growth facilitated. While every effort has been made to secure accuracy in the catalogue, by repeated revisions of the manuscript, and by the careful examination of thousands of volumes, where the classification was doubtful or difficult, it is in every way probable that many cases in which corrections should have been made have escaped notice. The thanks of the committee are due to Rev. Dr. Black, and to Dr. Mackay, Superintendent of Education, for revising the divisions, including Religion, Sociology, Philology and Natural Science, before the copy was placed in the printer's hands ; and to Miss N. E. Browne, of the Boston Athenoeum Library, for many valuable suggestions in connection with methods, arrangement, and doubtful classifications. Halifax y April i6th, igoo. LIBRARY COMMITTEE, 18991900. AI.DERMAN J. M. GEI.DERT JR., Chairman. A. W. Reddkn. J. Menger. J. F. Ryan. W. S. Rogers. I. Creighton. Librarian. — ^Josephine Warren. Assistant Librarian.— Uhtti^ Barnaby. LIBRARY RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. The library shall be open ever>' week da}-, except public holidays, from II a. m. to i p. in., and from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m., and on Saturdays, in addition to the above hours, from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. 2. All persons making use of the library or reading room are expected to observe strict order. No conversation will be permitted except with the librarians in relation to library matters, and then only in a low tone of voice .so as not to disturb readers. , 3. The u.se of the library is free to all ratepayers, on taking out a reader's card, to be obtained from the librarian; and to non- ratepayers, minors, or temporary residents who agree to observe the rules and regulations, and who procure a card, signed by .some responsible person, guaranteeing the return, in good order, of books borrowed, and the payment of fines or penalties. All cards must be signed in the presence of the librarian. In the ca.se of persons residing temjxjrarily in the city a money depo.sit, to the satisfaction of the librarian, may be accepted in lieu of a guarantee card. 4. The librarian will carefully examine each book returned, and if the same be found to have sustained any injury, or to have been rendered of less value by being soiled, or written in, or defaced in any way, the person to whom the same was issued shall pay such amount as shall, in the opinion of the librarian, be .sufficient to cover the damage done. 5. If a borrower lo.se, or materially injure, a book, he may be required, at the option of the librarian, to furnish another copy of the same, or a later edition, or to pay the full value; and where the book lost or damaged is one of a .set he may be required to replace or pay for the entire set, and, upon doing so, shall be entitled to receive the remaining volumes as his property. 6. Reference books, and books deemed unsuitable for general circulation, shall not be loaned except upon special permi.ssion approved of by at least two members of the committee. 7. At the expiration of the time for which books are issued they must be returned to the library, and can only be taken out again by the same person in case no other application for them has been previou.sly made. i! VI LIBRARY RULES AND REGULATIONS. 8. When a book is one week overdue it shall be the duty of the librarian to notify the borrower and request its return. When a book is two weeks overdue it shall be the duty of the librarian to send a second notice to the same effect. When a book is three weeks overdue a third and final notice .shall be sent, and the borrower shall be notified that unless the book is returned within one week from the date of the notice it will lie considered lost, and legal proceedings will be taken for the recovery of its \'Ulue, with all fines and expenses. 9. It shall be the duty of the librarian, in addition to the fine of two cents per day for each day that a book is overheld after the same becomes due, to collect the sum of three cents for each notice sent out, and, where a book is overheld for a period of three weeks, the borrower shall become liable to pay, and the librarian .shall collect, an additional fine of twenty-five cents. 10. The omission or non-receipt of notices provided for .shall not relieve the borrower from any of the fines or penalties imposed. 11. Any person abusing the privileges of the library, or violating, or refusing to comply with, the rules and regulations, shall be temporarily suspended from the use of the library, and the ca.se at once reported to the committee for their action thereon. 12. No person shall lend his card or any book belonging to the lilbrary to anyone not a member of the same household. 13. Immediate notice of change of residence must be given at the library. EXTRACT FROM CITY ORDINANCES. Any person who shall wilfully or maliciously cut, write upon, injure, deface, tear, or destroy any book, magazine, periodical, newspaper, plate, picture, engraving, or other property belonging to the Citizens' Free Library, shall be liable to a fine of not less than Five Dollars, nor more than Fifty Dollars, for every such oflFence, and in default of payment, to imprisonment in the City Prison for not less than five nor more than fifty days. NOTES. In sending for, or asking for, books, it is necessary in all cases to give accurately the "call number," that is the figures and letters following each entry, indicating the class in which the book is to be found, and the author. It will facilitate the work of the librarians and avoid delay if, at the same time, the name of the author and the title of the book are briefly given. Where imformation is desired on any given subject, and no reference to the subject can be found in the Subject Index, it may be of assistance to consult the Relative Subject Index, which contains in a single alphabet references to all the subjects named in the complete tables of classification. This will be shown on application to the librarians. By consulting Poole's Index, the Annual Literary Index, or the Cumulative Index, references will be found to the innumerable topics discussed in the magazines. In addition to the works of reference contained in this library, readers, who desire to make use of the privilege will be permitted to consult a number of valuable works contained in the Provincial Library , which it has not been considered desirable to duplicate here. These include, among many others, the Century Dictionary, Oxford Dictionary, Dictionary of National Biography, English and Canadian Hansards, and other parliamentary sets ; complete sets of the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews, Je.suit Relations, Annual Register, and Collections of the Massachusetts and New York Historical Societies. J. M. G. OITLINE OF THR DKCIMAL CLASSIFirATlON. I 000 General Works. oio IJihlioj^rapliy. 020 Library Kcononiy. 030 General Cyclopedias. 040 General Collections. 050 General Periodicals. 060 General Societies. 070 Newspapers. 080 Special Libraries. Polygraphy. 090 Hook Ranties. 100 Philosophy. no Metaphysics. 120 Special Metaphysical Topics. 130 Mind and Body. 140 Philosophical Systems. 150 Mental Faculties. Psychology. 160 Logic. 170 Ethics. I So Ancient Philosophers. 190 Modern I'hilosophers. 200 Religion. 210 Natural Theology. 220 Bible. 230 Doctrinal Theol. Dogmatics. 240 Devotional and Practical. 250 Homiletic. Pastoral. Parochial. 260 Church. Institutions. Work. 270 Religious Hi.story. 280 Christian Churches and Sects. 290 Non-Christian Religions. 300 Sociology. 310 Statistics. 320 Political Science. 330 Political Economy. 340 Law. 350 Administration. 360 Associations and Institutions. 370 Education. 380 Commerce and Communication. 390 Customs. Costumes. Folk-lore. 400 Philology. 410 Comparative. 420 English. 430 German . 440 French. 450 Italian. 460 Spanish. > 470 Latin. 480 Greek. 490 Minor Languages. 500 Natural Science. 510 Mathematics. 520 Astronomy. 530 Physics. 540 Chemistry. 550 Geology. 560 Paleontology. 570 Biology. 580 Botany. 590 Zoology, 600 Useful Arts. 610 Medicine. 620 ICngineering. 630 Agriculture. 640 Domestic Economy. 650 Conmnmication and Commerce. 660 Chemical Technology. 670 Manufactures. 680 IMechanic Trades. 690 Building. 700 Fine Arts. 710 Landscape Gardening. 720 Architecture. 730 Sculpture. 740 Drawing. Design. Decoration. 750 Painting. 760 Engraving. 770 Photography. 780 Music. 790 Amusements. 800 Literature. Bid American. 820 English. 830 German. 840 French. 850 Italian. 860 Spanish, 870 Latin. 880 Greek. 890 Minor Languages. 900 History. 910 Geography and Description. 920 Biography. 930 Ancient History. 940 Europe. 950 . 960 g Asia. Africa. 970 %' North America. 980 s South America. 990 >Oceanica and Polar Regions o.A.T.A.r^oouE> l>K TIIK Citizens^ Free Library, HALIFAX, INOVA SCOTIA. The general scheme of classification is shown in the table on the opposite paj^e. The various classes of lKK)ks will be found under the numbers indicated, and are arranj,(ed in the same way on the library shelves. For more extended information consult the author and subject indexes, and, whenever necessjiry, the librarian. (GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. ROBKRTS, \V. The Book-IIunter in London 010-R6 RoGKKS, J. Manual of Biblio- j^raphy 010-R7 CrSHiNO, W. Anonyms R014-C Ci'SHiNC, \V. Initials and Pseudon- yms Roi 4-C9i Hai.kkt and I.aing. Dictionary of Anonymous and I'scudon} mous Literature. 4v R014-H i HowKKR, R. R. Annual Knj^lish and American catalogues R015-B7 Morgan, H. J. Bibliotheca Canadi- ensis, or manual of Canadian literature. Ottawa, 1867 R015-M8 LIBRARY CATALOGUES. American Library Association cata- logue of model library of 5,000 v. ed. 1S93 Roi 7-A Boston public library, Boston, Mass. Additions, 1S97-1898 R017-IJ Carnkgik library, Pittsburg. 1895 R017-C Hamilton, Out., public library R017-H Newark, X. J., public library. 1890-93 R017-N Nkw York State library. Additions, no. I, 1891 ; no. 3, 1894 R017-N2 OSTKRHOLT free library. 1889-95. 2v R017-O Sai.km public library, Salem, Mass. Aug., i«95, to April, 1898; Supplement, Oct., 1898 R017-S WOKKS. Toronto public library, Toronto, Can. v. 2, 1S96 ; v. 3, pt. i, 1897. R017-T Cataj.ogik of the library of King's College, Windsor, N. vS., with occasional annotations. L., 1893. R019-K Legi.si,ativk library of Nova Scotia (amalgamated with that of the N. S. Historical Society. Hali- fax, 1890 i: NDON encyclopsedia. v. 1-17. 19-22 R032-L8 RBES, a. Cyclopaedia, or iversal dictionary of arts, sciences, and literature R032-R3 GENERAL PERIODICALS. (Those marked * have discontinued publication, or are not now taken). American. *Anai,ectic magazine, vols. 7-14. Ph. i«i6-i9 051-A5 Argosy 051-A6 Art amateur R740-A 7 Art interchange R740-A78 Atlantic monthly 051-A8 Bookman 051-B7 ^British North American magazine. 2v 051-B8 Canadian magazine . 051-C2 ♦Canadian review, Montreal, 1824- 26 051-C2 Century magazine 051-C3 Chatauquan 370-C4 COSMOPOUTAN 051-C8 Current literature 051-C9 Demorest's monthly magazine 051-D3 ♦Eclectic magazine 051-E1 Education 370-E2 Electrical world S37-E3 Engineering magazine 620-Esm Engineering news 620- Esn Forum 051-F7 pRANCAis le 440.5-F8 Germania 430.5-G3 Harper's new monthly magazine. . o5i-H2m ♦Harper's round table o5i-H2r Independent 051-I3 International monthly magazine. *o5i-I6 ♦Knickerbocker, or New York monthly magazine Ladies' home journal Leslie's popular monthly LiPPiNCOTT's mc thly magazine . . . 051-K6 071-L1 051-L6 051-L7 *LlTTELL'S living age ...» 051-L77 McClure's magazine MuNSEY's magazine Music ♦New England magazine North American review Outing Popular science ♦Provincial, or Halifax monthly magazine. 2 v. Halifax, 1852-53. Puritan ♦Putnam's monthly magazine Review of reviews St. Nicholas illustrated magazine for young folk SCRIBNER'S magazine Studio, international Youth's companion English. ♦All the year round Argosy Badminton magazine Belgravia ♦Bentley's miscellany Blackwoods Edinburgh magazine . . ♦Bowbell'S weekly Boy's own ♦Builder, the. An illustrated maga- zine for architect, engineer, archaeologist, cout^tructor and artist. 1859-61, 4 v Building news ♦British army and navy review. 1864-66. 4v Cabinet maker and decorator Cassel'S family magazine Chambers's journal ♦CoLBURN's united service magazine and naval and military regis- ter. 101 V. (Note. — The vol- umes to 1841 are entitled " United service journal.") ♦Colonial magazine and Commercial maritime journal. 4v. L (i^ONTKMPORARY review (!oRNHiLL magazine ♦Country gentleman's magazine. V. 2-3. L., 1869 ♦Dublin university magazine. 68v.. ♦Edinburgh journal of science. V. 1-3. Edin., 1824-25 ♦Edinburgh magazine ; a new series of the Scots magazine. 6v. Edin 051-M1 051-M9 780.5-M9 051-N5 051-N8 051-O9 505-PX 051-P 051-P9 o5i-P9« 051-R4 05 1 -Si 051-S4 705-S9 071-Y8 052-A4 052-A6 052-Bi 052-B4 052-B47 052-B6 072-B7 072-B7 69o-B9m 690-B9n 052-B8 740-Ci 052-C3 052-C4 052-C6 052-C7 052-C76 052-C8 052-C85 052-D8 505-E2 052-E2 si GENERAL *Edinburgh review. v. 1-141. Edin., 1802-75 o52-E2r ♦Englishwoman's domestic maga- zine. New series. 8 v. h 052-E5 *Famii.y friend. 15 v. L., v. d 052-Fi Family herald; a domestic magazine. Bd. inisv. L., v. d 052-Fih ♦Farmer's magazine. v. 1-19. Edin., V. d 052-F2 ♦Foreign quarteriy review. 36 V. L., V. d 052-F7 Fortnightly review 052-F74 ♦Eraser's magazine. 87 V. L., v. d. 052-F8 Gentleman's magazine 052-G3 ♦Glasgow mechanics' magazine. New ed. v. 1-5. Glasgow, 1829 , 052-G5 Good words magazine 205-G6 ♦Hogg's weekly instructor. v. 5. Edin., 1847 052-H7 ■■'Household words, ed. Charles Dickens, iiv 052-H8 Idler magazine 052-I1 ♦Ladies' treasury, v. 5. L., 1861.. 052-Iyi Leisure hour 052-L5 ♦London ; a magazine, v. 2-3. 2 v. L., 1868 o52-L8m ♦London society 052-L8S Longmans' magazine 052-L85 Macmillan's magazine 052-Mi Magazine of art 705-.M1 *Metropolitan 052-M5 Mining journal 622-M6 ♦Mirror: a magazine. 15 v. L., 1823-32 052-M6 Nature 505-N2 ♦New monthly magazine. 125 v. L., v. d o52-N5m ♦New quarterly review, v. 4-9. L. , 1844-48 o52-N5q Nineteenth century 052-N7 North British review. 7v 052-N8 ♦Once a week. 6 v 052-O5 Pall Mall magazine 052-Pi ♦Penny magazine. 5v. L.,v. d... o52-r4 ♦People's journal. L., 1846-184-. . 052-P41 Photographic news 770-P5 ♦Quarterly review. 129 v. L.,v. d. 052-Qi Quiver illustrated magazine 052-Q8 ♦Retrospective review. 15 v 0S2-R4 Review of reviews 052-R4 ♦Royal united service institution. Journal, v. 16. 052-R8 WORKS. 3 ♦St. James's magazine. 30V. L., v. d 052-Si j ♦St. Paul's magazine, ed. A. Trol- lope. II V. L.,v. d 052-Sip ♦Sixpenny magazine, 10 v 052-S6 Strand magazine 052-S8 Sunday at home 20S-S9 ♦Tait's Edinburgh magazine, 1848-60, 24 V 052-Ti Temple bar. 66 v 052-T2 ♦TiNSLEY's magazine 6 v. L., v. d. 052-T5 ♦Titan: a monthly magazine, v. 26-29, Edin. and L., 1858-59 052-T6 ♦Westminster review 052-W5 Windsor magazine 052-W7 ♦Young ladies' journal. 10 v. L., V. d C52-Y7 Foreign. Monde modeme 054-M7 Ueber land und meer 053-U2 Indexes. Cumulative index R050-C Fletcher and Bowker. Annual literary index, R050-F Poole, W. F. Index to periodical literature, 1802 to 1881, 2 vols. 1882 to 1887, 1st supplement. 1887 to 1 89 1, 2nd supplement. 1891 to 1896, 3rd supplement R050-P GENERAL SOCIETIES, TRANSACTIONS. Highland society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. V. 1-4. Edin,, 1812-16 062-H6 MacDonald, J. S. Annals of North British society of Halifax, N. S. Halifax, 1868 061-M1 GENERAL NEWSPAPERS, JOURNALISM. Halifax herald 070-H Illustrated London news. Bd, in9v. L., V. d 070-I Mayflower or ladies' Acadian news- paper. May, 1851 - Feb. 1852. Halifax 070-M Morning chronicle, Halifax o7o-Mi> Punch. 68 v. L., 1841-75 070-P Truth, London 070-T ! !i' SPECIAL LIBRARIES, PHILOSOPHY. s POLYORAPHY. of Brande, W. T, Dictionary science, literature and Art 080-B8 Cassel'S new popular educator : an encyclopedia of elementary and advanced education. Illus. 8 v. 080-C3 Chambers, Information for the people. 2 V o8o-C4i Chambers, Miscellany of useful and entertaining tracts. 8v o8o-C4m Chambers, Repository of instructive and amusing tracts. 10 v. ins.. o8c>-C4r Crabbe, G. Dictionary of general knowledge o8o-C8d Female's encyclopaidia of useful and entertaining knowledge 080-F3 Hone, W. Year book of daily recreation and information 080-H7 National library of universal enter- tainment and instruction 080-N2 Smith, T. Wonders of nature and art 080-S6 Things new and old in religion, science and literature 080-T4 Weldon's register of facts and occurrences relating to literature, science and art. 3 v 080. \V4 Wells, D. A. ed. Things not gener- ally known 080- W45 Ye.\r book of facts in scietice and art ; discoveries and improve- ments in mechanics, natural philosophy, electricity, chvrnii.s- try, zoology, botany, geology, > geography, meteorology, and astronomy. 20 v. L., 1839-59.. 080-Y3 BOOK RARITIES. Manilius, M. The spheres. Made an English poem, with annota- tions and an astronomical appen- dix, by E. Sherburne. L., Xathanul Brooke, 1675 090-M2 Plinius Sec;tndus, Caius, Pliny the elder. Naturalis Historise libri xxxvii. Ludguni (Lyons) apud bartholomieum honoratum, 1586. 090-P7 iii i PHILOSOPHY. PHILOSOPHY IN GENERAL. Davy, Sir H. Consolations in travel, or last days of a philo.sopher Sarrazin, Gen. J. The philosopher, or historical and critical notes. 2 v. (bd. with Richardson's " Movements of British legion." see 946.07. R82) MIND AND BODY. Rnsor, G. Independent man, v. I Godwin, W. Thoughts on man Stewart, D. Philosophy of human mind. 2 v Mental Derangements. Burton, R. Anatomy of melan- choly. 2 v Pkichard, J. C. Different forms of insanity 104-1)2 104-S2 130-E5 130-G5 130-S8 132-B9 132-P9 Delusions, Witchcraft, Magic. Crowe, C. Night-side of nature, or ghosts and ghost-.seers HiBBERT, S. Sketches of philosophy of apparitions Lang, A. Book of dreams and ghosts Mallock, W. H. Studies of con- temporary superstition Stead, W. T. Real ghost stories. . . Sleep, Dreams. Goodwin, P. Mystery of dreaines historically discoursed Macnish, R. Philosophy of .sleep. . . 1 33-^9 '.33-H6 133-^2 133-^12 1 33-^^7 135-G6 135-M t Physiognomy. Darwin. C, M. A. The expre.s.sion of the emotions in men and animals SiMMS. J., M. D. Phy.siog-.iomy illustrated 138-D2 13»-S5 PHILOSOPHY. Phrenology. CoMBK, G. Elements of plirenoloj^' . Scott, W. narmony of plirenology with scripture 139-C7 139-S4 PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS. LoCKK, J. Essay concerning the human understanding 145-L8 RoGKRS, E. C. Philosophy of the mysterious agents, human and nmndane I4q.3-R7 MENTAL FACULTIES, PSYCHOLOGY. Hasi^am, J. Sound mind, or contri- butions to natural history and physiology of human intellect. . . LoKKT, C, Ji. Self-formation, or history of an individual mind. Intellect. AflKRCROMBiE, J. Intellectual powers and investigation of truth Martinkau, H. How to observe : morals and manners Understanding. Hamilton, U. Popular essays illus- trative of principles connected with improvement of under- standing, imagination and heart. 2V Memory. AiKKN, C. Methods of mind training, concentrated attention and memory •, Sensibility, Tavi.or, I. Natural history of eti- 150-H3 J50-L8 151-A1 152-M3 153-112 ETI^ivd. Abkrcrombik, J. Philosophy of moral feelings 170-A i CoMBK, O. Moral philosophy 170-C7 Ei.i,is, Mrs. S. S. Prevention better than cure 1 70- E4 EsTi.iN, J. P. Familiar lectures on moral philosophy. 2 v 170-E8 Lfxky, \V. E. H., M. a. History of European morals, from Augus- tus to Charlemagne. 2 vols 170.9-L4 Pai.ky, W. Moral and political phi- lo.sophy. 2 v X70-P1 Stkwart, D. Outlines of moral philosophy 170-S8 Theories. Loudon, Mrs. J. Philanthropic Economy, or philosophy of happiness. (Ixjund with F'ag's "Recess," 914. 1, F15.) 171.4-L8 Lucas, R. Inquiry after happiness. 2v 171.4-L9 Mai.lock, W. H. Artistocracy and evolution 171.7-M2 Family Ethics. King, Mrs. F. E. Beneficial effect of christian temper on domestic happiness 173-K5 Professional and Business Ethics. 174-C8 154-A2 thusiasm 157-T2 Cox, F. A. Our joung men FoRDYCK, J. Addresses to young men. v. 2 Hunt, F. Worth and wealth : max- ims, etc., for men of business. . . 174-F7 174-H9 Social Ethics. Beattie, J. Essay on nature and immutability of truth 1773-B3 CoBBETT, W. Paper against gold and glory, against prosperity. 2v. in 1 177.5.C6 EiJJS, Mrs. S. S. Guide to social happiness i77-E4g RELIGION. t B1.US, Mrs. S. S. Women of Eng- land, their social duties and domestic habits 177-E4W GiSBORNK, T. Enquiry into duties of female sex ijj-Gst GiSBORMB, T, Enquiry into duties of men I77-G5m ToNNA, Mrs. G. E. Falsehood and truth 177.3T6 Temperance, Stimulants, Narcotics. Intbrnationai. temperance and prohibition convention pro- ceedings 178-I Less, P. R. Argument for legis- lative prohibition of liquor traffic. (Backed " Alliance prize essay." ) 178-L4 Macnish, R. Anatomy of drunk- eness 178-M1 PAI.MRR, C. F. Inebriety, its source, prevention and cure 178-P1 Cruelty to Animals. Saunders, M. Beautiful Joe : auto- biography of a dog 179.3-S2 Sewett,. Some of New York's four hundred 179.3-S6 MODERN PHILOSOPHERS. Bacon, F. Works. 10 v 192. i-Bi I/)CKE, J. Works. 3v 192.2-L8 PonoCK, Sir F. Spinoza, his life and philosophy I93-9-P7 Balzac H. de. Etudes philosophi- que. 3v 194.9-B1 I ! ill RELIGION. GENERAL WORKS. Bai^Pour, a. J. Foundations of belief BraiThwaiTB, H. T. Esse and posse Chai,mbrs, T. Adaptation of Exter- nal nature to the moral and intellectual constitution of man . Dick, T. Christian philosopher Dick, T. Philosophy of religion .... M11.1., J. S. Nature, the utility of religion, and theism Pai,ey, W. Works. 2 v Thompson, R. A. Christian theism . Walton, C. Introduction to theo- logy Beavbn, T. Restoration of primitive Christianity BEBCHER, H. W. New star papers. BiCKBRSTBTH, Rev. E. Occasional 'works 201-B1 201-B8 201-C4 201-D5C 201-D5P 201-M6 201-P1 201-T4 201-W2 204-B3 204-B4 204-B5 Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Letters upon divers subjects concerning religion and metaphysics. By the Archbishop of Cambray 204-F3 Christian miscellany and family visitor for 1847. v. 2 205-C5C Christian observer. Conducted by members of the established church 2o5-C5ch Church of England magazine, v. 1-4 2o5-C5cm Good words, magazine 205-G6 Sunday at home 205-S9 Chalmers, T. Works. 24 v 208-C4 Doddridge, P. Works. 2v 208-D6 Duncan, H. Sacred philosophy of the seasons 208-D9 DwiGHT, T. Theology. 5 v 208-D99 Bellamy, J. History of all reli- gions. (See also 213) 209-B4 RELIGION. 7 NATURAL THEOLOOY. Babbagb, C. Ninth Bridgewater treatise : a fragment 2 lo-Bi Brougham and Vaux, H. P., Baron. Discourse on natural theology. . . 210-B8 Grotius, H, Truth of ch 'stian religion 210-G8 Pai,EY, W. Natural theology 210-P1 Religion of nature delineated 210-R3 Deism and Atheism. CotTRSE of lectures on infidelity. By ministers of the Church of Scotland 211-C8 Lamartine, M. Iv. a. p. de. Athe- ism among the people 21 1-L2 Leckie, W. E. H. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. 2v 211-L4 Leland, J. Supplement to ist and 2nd volumes of the view of deistical writers 21 1-L5 Tlieosophy. Law, W. Notes and materials for biography of the philosopher, W. Law 212-L4 Creation and Evolution. Curtis, G. T, Creation or evo- lution ? 213-C9 Turner, S. Sacred history of the world. 3v 213-T9 Religion and Science. Bell, Sir. C. The hand. Bridge- water Treatise 215-B4 BucKLAND, W. Geology and miner- alogy with reference to natural theology. 2 v 215-B9 Drummond, Prof. Natural law in the spiritual world 215-D7 Miller, H. Testimony of the rocks 215-M6 Prout, W. Chemistry, meteorology and digestion. (Bridgewater Treatise. ) 215-P9 Whewell, W. Astronomy and general physics, with reference to natural theology 215-W5 White, A. D., LL. D. A history of the warfare of science with theology in Christendom 215-W58 BIBLE, GENERAL WORKS. Arn> ld, M. God and the bible. . . . 220-A7 BLArK'VALL, A. The sacred classics defended and illustrated. .2v... 220-B6 Sainte bible, (probably 17th centxuy) 320-Si Alexander, A. Evidences of authenticity, inspiration, and canonical authority of the holy scriptures 220. 1-A3 Hastings, J., M. A. A dictionary of the bible. (4 vols) R220.3-H BuRDER, S. Oriental customs. 2 v. 220.7-B9 Illustrated commentary upon old and new testaments, v. 1-4 220. 7-I Dawson, Sir J. W. Archaia 220.8-D2 Anderson, C. Annals of English bible. 2 V 220.9-A5 Headley, J. T. The sacred moun- tains 22o.9-H4m Headley, J. T. The sacred plains. 220.9-H4P Headley, J. T, Sacred scenes and characters 220.9-H4S Historical Books. Clapham, S. Pentateuch, or 5 books of Moses, illustrated 222. 1-C5 Poetical Books. GiLFlLLAN, G. Bards of the bible . . 223-G4 HoRNE, G. Commentary on book of psalms. 2v 223.6-H8 Sprague, W. B. The excellent woman as described in book of proverbs 223.7-S7 Prophetical Books. /th, R. Isaiah : a new trans- lation with dissertation and notes. 2v.ini 224.1-L9 Bogub, D testament New Testament Divine authority of new 335-B6 "W- ^mKm ■MUM i 6 RRUGION. GuTH'tiK, T. Parables read in the light of the present day 226.8-G9 The lyord's prayer in about a hundred languages, versions and characters 226.9-L8 Doctrinal, Theology. Liters sacrse, or moral philosophy and scriptural Christianity com- pared Toi^Toi, Count L. The kingdom of God Flavel, J. Divine conduct Jackson, T. Providence of God viewed in the light of holy scripture Brewer, E. C, LL. D. Dictionary of miracles SEELEY, J. R. Ecce homo : a survey of life and works of Jesus Christ. SHERI.OCK, T. Trial of witnesses of resurrection of Jesus : with sequel to trial Harris, J. Great teacher ; charac- teristics of our Lord's ministry . . Parker, H. Harmony of ages : relations between conditions of man and character of God Garnier. Sin and its redemption . . NealE, E. The closing scene. (Same. 2nd series) . . Gumming, J. From Patmos to Para- dise Moore, D. A. Age of progress, or panorama of time Butler, J. Analogy of religion, natural and revealed Lectures on evidence of revealed religion. By ministers of esta- blished church in Glasgow Owen, R. and Campbkij^, A. De- bate on evidences of Christianity Watson, R. Two apologies for Christianity and the bible Wii,BERFORCE, S. Words of counsel on some of the chief difficulties of the day HoRNE, T. H. Deism refuted Dawson, Sir J. W. Origin of the world according to revelation and science 230-L7 230-T6 23I-5-F5 231.5-Ji R231.7-B8 232-S4 232-S5 232.9-H3 233-P2 233.2-G2 236.1-N3 236.3-C9 236.3-M8 239-B9 239-M 239-O9 239-W3 239-W6 239-5-H« 239.8-D2 DEVOTIONAL, PRACTICAL. FIvAVEi., J. Saint indeed Murray, I,. Power of religion on the mind Penn, G. Bioscope, or dial of life explained Penn, W. No cross, no crown Baxter, R. De heligas ewiga ro . . . Baxter, R. Saints everlasting rest. Hervey, J. Meditations and con- templations Tayi^or, I. Saturday evening' Hamiwon, E. Letters to the daughter of a nobleman, on formation of religious and moral principles. 2 v Spurgeon, C. H. Saint and his Savior 240-F5 240-M9 24o-P4b 24i-P4n 242-B3d 242-B3S 242-II5 242-T2 243-H2 243-S7 Miscellany. Bunyan, J. Pilgrim's progress 244-B9 Clayton, E. C. Women of the reformation 244-C6 MiCHKi.ET, J. Priests Women and families 244-M6 ToNNA, Mrs, C. E. Flower of inno- cence : with other tales 244-T6 Trollopk. T. a. Paul the pope and Paul the friar : the story of an interdict 244-T8 Tucker, Mrs. C. The christian's mirror 244-T89 ■*' Hymnology, Religious Poetry. Blackmore, Sir R. Creation Griswold, R. W. ed. Sacred poets of England and America Keble, J. Christian year • thoughts in verse for Sundays and holy- days throughout the year Klopstock, F. G. The messiah Julian, J. Dictionary of Hymn- ology Maturin, C. R. The universe MiLLHOUSE, R. The destinies of man Montgomery, J. Omnipresence of the deity Salome the daughter of Herodias . . . Swain, J. Redemption 245-B6 245-G8 245-K2 245-K6 245-03-J9 245-M4 245-M6 245-M7 245-Si 245-S9 wKUi^UMblWUUl RKUGION. Fanaticism. Tayi^or, I. Fanticism. 248-T2 HOMILETIC, PASTORAL. the Whatkly, R. Parish pastor. . Barrow, I. Semions. 2v BeiJ-, J. Sermons before University of Glasgow B1.AIR, H. Semions. 5v Brookr, Rev. S. A. Short sennons . CHAiyMKRS, T. A.stronon ical dis- courses KiNGSi,KY, C. Sermons on national subjects. 2nd series Massii.i.on, J. Baptiste {?). Petit carf^me MEtYiLL, H. Sennons. v. 2 The pulpit : 150 sermons by eminent divines, v. i ScoTT, Rev. J. Works, v. 2 Spurgeon, C. H. Sermons. 3rd series Spurgeon, C. H. Sennons. 9th series Talmage, Rev. T. D. Choice works Thirlwall, C. Bishop. Remains, literary and theological, v. 1-2. WarTon, J. Death-bed scenes, and pastoral conversations. 3 V 250-W5 252-B2 252-B4 252-B6 252-B8 252-C4 252-K5 252-M4 252-M5 252-P9 252-S4 252-S7 252-S7-2 2,S2-Tl 2S2.I-T4 253-W2 CHURCH, INSTITUTIONS AND WORK. Hague, Rev. D., M. A. The protes- tantism of the prayer book 260-Hi DeSanctis, L. Rome, christian and papal 262-D4 Gavazzi, Father A. Ivcctures in New York 262.13-G2 Robertson, J. Treatise on infant baptism 265. 1-R6 Shoberi,, F. Present state of Chris- tianity and missionary establish- ments 266-S5 Parkman, F. Jesuits in North America in 17th century 266.2-P2 Lectures delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association, in Exeter Hall, 1851-52. (Same, 1858-59.) 267-M RELIGIOUS HISTORY. Cumming, J. Church before the flood Huber, V. A. The Pope and the council. By " Janus." MoSHEiM, J. L. Ecclesiastical his- tory, to i8th century, ed. C. Coote. 6 v. L., 181 1 SouTHEV, R. Book of the churcL . . BoNNECHOSE, E. de. Reformers before the reformation 270-C9 270-H8 270-M9 270-S7 270.5-B7 Monastic Orders. CuRZON, R. Visits to monasteries in the Levant 271-C9 Mahoney, S. L Six years in mon- asteries of Italy, &c 271-M2 Pascal, B. Provincial letters 271-P2 Taylor, I. Loyola : and Jesuitism in its rudiments 271.5-T2 Jameson, Mrs. A. Sisters of Charity : and Commission of Labor 271.91-J3 Persecutions. Beattie, W. The Waldenses or Protestant Valleys of Piedmont, Dauphiny and the Ban de la Roche Shoberl, F. Persecutions of Po- pery. 2 V Tayler, C. B. Memorials of Eng- lish martyrs General Religious History. 272-B3 272-S5 272-T2 274.2-C6 CoiT, T. W. Puritanism Neal, D. History of the Puritans. Abridged by E. Parsons 274.2-N3 CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS. Jones, W. History of christian church. 2v 280-J7 M11.NBR, J. History of church of Christ. 5v. (Same. Abridged.) 280-M6 ScoTT, J. History of church of Christ, 1530-46 280-S4 mamm lO REUGION, I I !i! li Waddington, G. History of the church 280-Wi Maiti,and, C. Church in the Catacombs 281-M2 Grant, A. The Nestorians, or the lost tribes 281.8-G7 Murray, N. " Cirwan," Pseud. Romanism at home : letters to R. B. Taney 282-M9 Ranke, L. Ecclestical and political history of Popes of Rome, i6th- 17th centuries. 2 v 282-Ri Seymour, M. H. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome 282-S5 WAI.CH, C. W. F. History of the Popes 282-Wi Short, T. V, History of Ch- a of England, to 1688 283-S5 Mockridge, Rev. C. Bishops of the Church of England in Canada and Newfoundland 283.71-M6 BiNNEY, T. Lights and shadows of church life in Australia 283.94-B6 Meri,E d'AubignE, J. H. History of Protestant church in Hun- gary 284-M5 FEiyiCE, G. de. History of Protes- tants of France. 2 v 284.5-F3 Cook, G. History of Church of Scotland. 3 V 285.2-C7 WardIvAW, R. Principal points of Socinian controversy 288-W2 SwEDENBORG, E. True christian religion. 2 v. in i 289.4-S9 Barclay, R. Apology for true christian divinity, being a vin- dication of the Quakers 289.6-B2 Dymond, J. An enquiry into the accordancy of war with the principles of Christianity 289.6-D9e Dymond, J. Essays on the principles of morality 289.6-D9es Evans C, M. D. Friends of the seventeenth century 289.6-E9 Friend, The : a religious and literary journal 289.6-F9 GURNEY, J. J. Religious peculiar- ities of»the society of friends 289.6-G9 Penn, W. No cross, no crown : a discourse 289.6-P4 Sewei., W. History of the Quakers. 2 V 289.6 S5 TuKp;, H. Principles of religion as pp )f essed by the Quakers Walton, J. Incidents illustrating the doctrines, &c., of the Society of friends Wight, T. Rise and progress of Quakers in Ireland, 1653-1700; continued to 1751, by John Rutty Green, C. trtid Wells, S. Y. View of Millennial church or United Society of Believers, connnonly called Shakers Train, J. The Buchanites from first to last 2.19. 6-T9 289.6-W2 289.6-W6 289.8-G7 289.9-T7 ETHNIC NON-CHRiSTIAN. Cox, Rev. Sir G. W., Bart., M. A. An introduction to the science of comparative mythology and folk- lore Cox, Rev. Sir G. W., BarL, M. A. The mythology of the Aryan nations. 2 vol CuRTiN, J. Creation myths of primitive America, in relation to the religious history and mental development of mankind Identity of religions called Druidi- cal and Hebrew Keary C. F., M. a. Outlines of primitive belief among Indo European races Lang, A. Myth, ritual, and religion. 2 vol KeightlEy, T. The mythology of ancient Greece and Italy KiNGSLEY, C. The heroes, or Greek fairy tales for my children RuSKiN, J. Queen of the air : study of Greek myths of cloud and storm Grimm, J. tr. by Stallybrass, J. S. Teutonic mythology. 4 vols Frederic, H. The new Exodus. (Israel in Russia. ) Prideaux, H. Old and new testa- ments connected, in history of the Jews and neighboring nations, v. 1-3 291 -C8i 29i-C8m 291 -C9 291-I1 291-K2 291-L2 292-K2 J292-K5 292-R9 293-G8 296-F8 296-P9 ~..'l!Wre'-jM *i! anas matim SOCIOLOGY. Stant.rv, a. p. Lectures on history of Jewish Church. 3r(l series, from captivity to christian era. . . Carnarvon, Earl of. Recollection'- of the Druses of Lebanon 296-»S7 297-C2 Thr Koran, tr. by George Sale Mii.i,s. C. History of Mohamme- danism. 2V , OahspE, a new bible II 297-K8 297-M6 299-O1 SOCIOLOr.Y. SOCIOLOGY IN GENERAL 301-K4 KiDD, B. Social evolution Bi.iss, W. D. P. The encyclopaedia of social reform R303-B6 Harris, G. Inequality and progress 304-H3 St. John, J. Anatomy of .society. 2v 304-Si STATISTICS. Marttn, R. Statistics of colonies of British empire in West Indies, South America, North America, Asia, Australasia, Africa, and Europe 310-M3 Porter, G. Progress of the nation, from the beginning of the 19th century. 8v. in 3 310-P8 Census of Canada, 1870-71. 5V 312.71-C Census of Canada, 1880-81, with general report on. 4v 312.71-Ca Census of Manitoba, 1885-86 312.712-Cni Census of North-West of Canada, 1885 312.712-Cn Census of Nova Scotia, March 30, 1861. Halifax, 1862 3r2.7i6-N Taylor, R. Statistics of coal. Ph., 1848 Sinclair, Sir J. General report of agricultural state and political circumstances of Scotland. 5v. 1814 3i4S6g Sinclair, Sir J. Statistical account of Scotland 314-S6S Mason, W. S. Statistical account or parochial surs'ey of Ireland. 2v. 314.15-M4 British North American almanac and annual record, for 1864. Ed. J. Kirby 3171-B GouRLAY, R. Statistical account of Upper Canada 317. 1-G7 Johnson, G. Graphic statistics of Canada. HLstory, productions and natural resources of Canada. Statistical year-lK)oks of Canada. 1896-1898 United States. 8th census, i860. Agriculture. Compiled by J. C. G. Kennedy. Same. Manufactures. Same. Population P.\MPHLETS, relating to insurance in U. S., Harvard university (re- ports); cultivation of tobacco in U, S. ; survey of Potomac river; Mass. state prison; &c., &c. 3V. DeWolk, T. R. Nova Scotia regis- try of shipping. Halifax, 1866.. 3I7-I-J6 R317.1-C2 3I7-3-U 317.3-P 317.7-D5 POLITICAL SCIENCE. Montesquieu, C. S, Baron de. The spirit of laws. tr. T. Nugent. 2v More, Sir T. Most plea.sant, fruit- ful, and witty work of the best state of a public weal, and of the new isle called Utopia. 2v . . Godwin, P. Political essays 320.1-M7 320.1-M8 320.4-G5 313T Form of State. Miller, J. Origin of distinction of ranks. 4th ed., Edin., 1806 Abdy, J. T. Feudalism, its rise, pro- gress and consequences Lecky, W. E. H. Democracy and liberty Bailev, S. Rationale of political representation GoDKiN, E. L. Unforseen tendencies of democracy GuizoT, M. Representative govern- ment ill Europe 321-M6 321.3-A1 321.4-L4 321.8-B1 3^i-8-G5 321.8-G9 19 SOCIOLOGY. !il^ :l 1. II ! Suffrage. WitUAMS, T. W. Parliamentary re- form; abstract of act to amend representation of people in Eng- land and Wales. L,., 1832 324.42-W7 Colonies and Immigration. Btmv, W. C. Keppel, viscount. Exodus of western nations. (2 copies) ^25-69 DlLKK, C. W. Creator Britain; travel in English - speaking countries during 1866-67 (2 copies) 325-D5 Froude, J. A. Oceana, or England and her colonies 325-F9 Grey, H. G., 3rd earl. Colonial policy of Lord John Russell's administration. 2v 325-G8 Martin, R. M. British colonial library, v. i, 3-10 325-M3b Martin, R. M. British colonies, their history, extent, condition, strength and resources, v. i 325-M3br Martin, R. M. History of colonies of British empire 325-M3h PradT, D. D. de. The colonies and the present American revolution . 325-P8 Slavery. Buxton, Sir T. F. African slave trade and its remedy 326-B9 Clarkson, T. History of abolition of African slave trade by British parliament 326-C6 Coi,OMB, Rear-Admiral, P. H. Slave catching in Indian ocean 326-C7 Helper. H. R. Impending crisis of the south 326-H4 Stiles, J. C. Modem reform ex- amined 326-S8 Sullivan, G. L. Dhow chasing in Zfmzibar waters 326-S9 Foreign Relations. Bbnbdetti, Count. Studies in dip- lomacy 327-B4 Murray, E. C. G. {Pseud., "The rov- ing Englishman"). Embassies and foreign courts; a history of diplomacy 327-M9 Papers relating to foreign affairs. 10 v. Wash., 1864-66 327.73-P Legislative Bodies and Annals. Grant, J. Random recollections of house of commons, 1830-35. By one of no party 328-G7 Bourinot, J. G. Canadian manual of procedure at meetings, etc 328.1-B7 Hammond, A. Sunmiary treatise on practice and proceedings in par- liament 328.1-H2 Hatsell, J. Precedents of pro- ceedings in house of commons; with observations. 2 v. . . , 328. 1 -H3 Standing orders of house of lords, 1844 328.1-S7 Debates of house of commons, 1774, on bill for making more effectual provision for government of pro- vince of Quebec. From notes of Sir Henry Cavendish, published by J. Wright 328.42-D Report on steam-vessel accidents (made to committee of privy council for trade). L., 1839 328.42-R House of commons. Debates, 1884- 85 328.712-D Parliamentary debates on subject of confederation of British North American provinces. Quebec, 1865 328.712-De JouRNAW. 6 V. Ottawa, v. d 328.714-Jc Legislative assembly. Journals. . .328.714-Jla Legislative council. Journals. (Joumeauz du conseil legislatif). 7 V 328.714-Jlc Senate. Journals. 5 v 328.714-Js Sessional papers. 47 V. Ottawa, v. d 328.714-S House of assembly. Debates and proceedings, 1864-67. 4 v. in i. Halifax, 1864-67 328.716-D Journals. Bd. in 25 v. Halifax, v. d 328.716-J Parliamentary reporter, contain- ing debates of assembly for 1851. Halifax, folio 328.716-P SOCIOLOGY. 13 Political Parties. Anthony, C. Popular sovereignty, being some thoughts on domestic reform 329.3-A6 330-B8 330-H8 POLITICAL ECONOMY. IlROUGHAMand Vaux, Henry, Baron. Political philosophy. 3 V Fawcett, H. Manual of political economy 330-F2 CiKORGE, H. The science of political economy 330-G3 HoRTON, Sir R. W. Lectures on statistics and political economy . . Knight, Charles. Knowledge is power. An elementary treatise on the results of the use of machinery. Production and dis- tribution of wealth. Relations of capital and labor, &c Laing, S. National distress, its causes and its remedies Marcet, Mrs. J. Conversations on political economy 330-M3 RiCARDO, R. Principles of political economy and taxation Smith, A. Nature and causes of wealth of nations. 4 v. Edin., 1817. (Same, Edin., 1838) Wade, J. History of political phil- osophy of middle and working classes. (Bd. with Guizot's "hist, of civilization," see 901 . . , Wei,LS, D. a., LL.D., D.C.L. Re- cent economic changes and their effect on the production and dis- tribution of wealth on the well- being of society 330-W4 Palgrave, R. H., F. R. S. Dic- tionary of political economy. 2 v R330.3-P1 Bastiat, F. Essays on political economy 330.4- B3 330-K6 330-Li 330-R4 330-S6 330- W I Capital, Labor and Wages. 331-B8 Brassey, T. Work and wages Helps, Sir A. Claims of labor; essays on duties of employers to employed. L. , 1845 331-H4C Helps, Sir A. Report on employ- ment of women and children in agriculture 33i-H4r HlPPlSLEY, Sir J. C. Prison labor . . Lalor, J, Money and morals Taussig, F. W. Wages and capital : an examination of the wages fund doctrine Thompson H. M. The theory of wages, and its application to the eight hour question, and other labor problems Wright, T. {Pseud., "The journey- man engineer"). The great unwashed 331-W9 Wyckoff, W. a. The workers. An experiment in reality, (the east) 33i-W97e Wyckoff, W. A. The workers, an experiment in reality (the west). 331-W97W 331-H6 331-1^2 331-T2 331-T4 Banks, Money, A.. M. E, Credit, Interest, A history of Dei. Mar, money 332-D3 Francis, J. Chronicles and char- acters of the stock exchange 332-F8 GiLBART, J. W. History of banking in America. L., 1837 332-G4 GiLBART, J. W. (Rd. by Michie, A. S. ) The history, principles and practice of banking. ( 2 v. ) 332-G4m Gouge, W. M. Short history of paper money and banking in the United States '. 332-G6 JEVONS, W., LL.D. Investigations in currency and finance 332-j5i jEVONS, W., LL. D. Money and the mechanism of exchange 332-j5ni Laughun, J., Ph.D. The historj of Bimettalism in the United Stati-s. 332-L3 MACLEOD, H. D., M.A. The theoiy and practice of banking. 2v... 332-Mi Rae, G. The country banker, his clients, cares and works 332-Ri RiCARDO, S. A national bank, the remedy for evils of paper cur- rency 332-R4 Society of arts. Report relative to mode of preventing forging of bank-notes 332-S6 ■■ !i I' I I if : I, :iii ' i;; i^! 14 YouNO, O. R. History, principles, and prospects of bank of Uritish North America, and of Colonial bank SOCIOLOGY. Co-operation. CRATCHi.RV, A, Friendly societies for sickness pay, life-assurance and pensiors rinaiice. Hamit.ton, R. Inquirj' concerninfj the national debt of Great Britain and Ireland ToRRKNS, R. Influence of external corn trade upon national wealth. 332-V7 334-S4 336-112 336-T6 Protection and Free Trade. Buss, Henry. Colonial intercourse. L., 1830 Corn Laws. Pamphlets relating to corn laws, etc Customs. Provincial laws of the customs, and imperial acts on the same subject, applicable to province of C. Montreal, 1844 . Pauperism. Pinch of Poverty. The sufferings and heroisms of the London poor. 337-R6 337-C8 337-C9 339-1' LAW. Smith, J. G. Principles of Forensic medicine. (See also 132. i. In- sanity) 340.6-S6 Hoffman, .1. Course of legal study 340.7-H6 Pollock, Sir F. Oxford lectures. . . 340.8.P7 Pulling, A. The order of the coif . 340.9-P9 Westminster hall, or professional relics and anecdotes of bench, bar and woolsack. 2v 340. 9- Ws PUBLIC LAW. International Law. International American confer- ence. Reports and recommen- dations 341. i-I Constitutional Law and History. Drlolm, J. Con.stitution of F.ngland 342-1)3 Dl'MAS, A. Progress of democracy . . 342-1)8 Frkkman, R. a. Growth of the Knglish constitution 342-I*'8 Hallam. H. Constitutional hi.story of England. 3v 342-Hf Miller, J. Historical view of Kng- • lish government to 1688 342-M6 Parliamentary or constitutional history of F'ngland to Charles H. 2nd ed. V. 1-4, 7-24. L., 1762. 342-P2 Rationale of political representa- tion. By author of e.s.says on formation of opinions. L., 1835. 342-R2 Stephens, A. J. Rise and progress of the English constitution 342-S"* Stores, A. The constitution of the British colonies in North Americ and the West Indies at the time the civil war broke out in America. L. , 1 783 342-S87 Story, J. Constitution of the United States 342-S88 Taylor, H. LL.D. The origin and growth of the English constitu- tion ( 2 vols. ) 342-T2 Todd, A, Parliamentary government in British colonies 342-T6 Western, T. G. Commentaries on the constitution and laws of England, incorporated with the political text of J. L. DeLolnie . . 342- Wsn Criminal Law. Carpenter, Mary. Our convicts. 2 v. L., 1864 343-^2 Celebrated trials and remarkable cases of criminal jurisprudence to 1828. v. 2. 3, 5, 6 343.1-C3 SOCIOLOGY. »5 Rki'okt of trial of Frof. W. Webster, indicted for iminler of Dr. I'arkinan, before sui)reine judi- cial court of Massachusetts, March 19, 1850 Smith. Debate, house of coininons, June, 1824, resjiectiii)^ trial and coiideninntion to ileath by court- martial of Rev. J. Sniitli, late missionary in Demerara TowNSKNO, W. C. Motleru state trials; with notes, &c. 2 v Tai.lack, W. Penological and pre- ventive principles with special reference to P^urope and America. PRIVATE LAW. U. S. Statutes. r.XRKKS, J. Statutes and orders of court of chancery, and statute law of real property of New York British Statutes and Cases. CHirrv, E. Index to all reported cases, statutes, and general orders relating to equity and bank- ruptcy. 3 V. L., 1837 Cruise, W. Digest of laws of Eng- land resjiecting real property. 7v. L., 1835 ST.^TL'TES of Upper Canada to time of union. (Backed "revised statutes of TJ. C") 2 v. Toronto S'iWTuTES (acts). (Backed N. S. laws). 4 v., 1758-1835. 8 v., 1841-1880 Statutes (Revised). ist series. Halifax, 1851. Same : 4th series. Halifax, 1873 NEWFOUNDI.AND. Acts, 1843-45. 3v. Treatises. Angela, J. K. Law of watercourses BlacksTone, Sir W. Commentaries on laws of England 3431-R4 343i-vS6 343.I-T7 343-2-Ti 345-I'2 346-C5 346-C9 346-U 346-Na 346-Ns 346-Ne 347-A5 347-B6 Branch, T. Principia Icgis et iL'Cjuitatis : Alphal)etical collec- tion of maxims, princij)les or rules, definitions, etc., in law and equity. L., 1824 JoNi<;s, Sir W. Law of bailments... Kent, J. CommenUiries on American law. 4 V. N. Y., 1832 Marh's, J. Advice concerning bills of exchange. 1-3 v. (Bd. with Rolx-'rts's "map of conmierce." 380-R6) Marshall, J. G. Justice of the peace and county and township officer in Nova Scotia; guide to such officers in the di.scharge of their duties. Halifax, 1846 Murdoch, B. Epitome of laws of Nova Scotia. 2 v Roberts, VV. Law of wills and codicils. 2 V Roper, R. S. D. Law of property between h asband and wife. 2 v . Roscoe, II. Digest of laws relating to bills of exchange, etc ADMINISTRATION. Central Government P^NSOR, G. National government. 2 V. L., 1810 Fitzgerald, P. Chronicles of Bow street police office 347-B8 347-J7 347-K3 347-M3 347-M36 347-M9 347-R6 347-R7 3-17-R79 350-E5 35«-I'5 Local Government. Bei.L, Sir J. />'ar/. Glasgow: its municipal organization and ad- ministration 352-B4 C<}NKi,iNG, A. R. City government in the United .States 352-C7 Dolman, F. Municipalities at wo''- 352-D6 Ely, R. T. and FinlEY, J. . Taxation in American states and cities 352-E5 Mathews, N., Jr. City government of Boston 352-M4 O'Meara, J. J. Municipal taxation at home and abroad 352-O5 Shaw, Albert. Municipal govern- ment in Europe 352-S5e i6 SCX:iOLOGY. I il ? ■4t: li 1 Shaw, Albert. Municipal govern- ment in Great Britain 352-S5g Waring, George E., Jr. Street cleaning. The effect upon public health, &c 352-W2 City Reports, Ordinances, &c. Boston. Auditor's 50th annual re- port, for 1861-62. Also 1890-94. . 352-Ba Boston. Charter and ordinances. B., 1834. Same. B., 1850. Same. B., 1856 352-Bc Boston. Municipal register: city charter, and rules and orders of city council. B., 1857 352-Bch BuFFAt,o. Revised charter, by-laws and ordinances. Buffalo, 1855 . . 352-B9 Charlottetown, p. E. I. Act to incorporate the town. Charlotte- town, 1885 352-C4 Hawfa::. Council minutes, 1896-97, 1897-98 352-Hic Halifax. Laws and ordinances, 1876, 1891 352-Hil Hamilton, Ontario. Civic reports. . New York fire department. Annual report of chief engineer. N. Y., i860 Portland. Annual reports of city department'- 2 v. Portland, 1861 and 1863 Portland. Charter and ordinances, &c. Portland, 1856 St. John, N. B. Civic reports Toronto. Report of City Engineer. Toronto, 1898 352-H2 352-N 352-P 352-Pc 352-Si 352-T United States and State Government. Laws of state of New York, &c., relating to fire department of state of New York, 1812-60. ' N.Y., 1859 353-1/ OusKLKY, W. G. Statistics find poli- tical institutions of United States. Ph., 1832 353-0 Organization of Central Government. British Army. Duncan, F. Our garrisons in the west, or sketches in British North America 354.426-D9g Duncan, F. History of royal regi- ment of artillery. 2 v 354.426-0911 FiTCHETT, P.ev. W. H. Pseud., "Vidette." Deeds that won the empire 3S4.426-F5d Forbes, A. History of the Black Watch 354.426-F6 MacKinnon, Col. D. Origin and services of Coldstream Guards. 2 v. L., 1^33 354.426-Mi Stewart, D. Sketches of character, manners, &c., of highlanders of Scotland, with military services of highland regiments. 2 v. Edin., 1822 354.426-S.S Victories of Wellington and the British armies. By author of "Stories of Waterloo." L., 1852. 354,426-V British Navy. Adams, William H. Famous ships of the British navy 354.427-A2 Duncan, A. The British trident, or register of naval actions. 6 v. in 3- L., 1809 354.427-D9 Hannay, D. a short historj' of the royal navy 354.427-H2 Naval Chronicle, containing gen- eral and biographical history of royal navy of united kingdom. 20 V. L. V. d 354.427-N3 SteevENS, G. W. Naval policy 354.427-S8 Military Science, &c. Miles, General N. A. Military Europe. A narrative of personal observation and personal experi- ence 355-M6 Ro'\rAL united service institution. Journal, v. 16 355-R8 Whitaker. Naval and r.iilitary directory, 1899 R355-42-W5 Wood, Gen. Sir. E. Achievements of cavalry 357- W8a Wood, Gen. Sir E. Cavalry in the Waterloo campaign 357- W8c ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS. Political. O'LKarv, J. Recollections of fenians and fei ianism 363-04 Reformatory. I.oMBROSO, Prof. C. and Ferro, W. The female offender 364-L8 Morrison, W. D. Juvenile oflFen>lers 364-M8 Howard, J. State of prisons in England and Wales 365-H8 ()i,D Bailky experience; our penal code and prison di^^ipline, L,, 1833 365-O4 Secret Societies. Carbonari. Memoirs of secret societies in Italy, particularly theC I-'rost, T. Secret societies of Euro- pean revolution, 1776- 1876. 2 v. Social Clubs. Hay, C. The club and the drawing- room; pictures of modern life. 2 V Insurance. Price, R. Observations on rever- sionary payments, annuities, assurances, etc. 2 v Rki.ton, F. B. Fire insurance com- panies EDUCATION. CENTRAL society of education. Second publication. L., 1838... Ch atauquan, The I'6 391-E1 382-A5 38a-C8 Jeafkreson, J bridals. 2 v Birtli, Home and Sex Customs. C, Brides and 392.5-J4 Harvey, Mrs. A. J. Turkish harems, and Circassian homes 392.6-H3 LoTT, E- Governess in Egypt: harem life in Egypt and Con- stantinople. 2 V 392.6-L8 394-BS 382-M9 385-Ri 385-S5 385-Ri 3«7-P7 CUSTOMS, COSTUMES, POPULAR LIFE. Gould, S. Baring. Strange survivals 390-G6 B^ANC, C. Art in ornament and dress 391-B6 Public and Social Customs. Brand, J. Popular antiquities. 2 v. Doran, Dr. J. History of court fools 394- D6h Doran, Dr. J. Table traits with something on them 394- D6t Habits of good society. N.Y.,'865 394-Hi Jeafkreson, J. C. Book about the table. 2 V. L., 1875 Stone, Mrs. E. Chronicles of fashion: English society from time of Elizabeth. 2 v 394-J4 394-S8 Etiquette. Etiquette. Habits of good society. N. Y., 1865 '.. 395-H I IFowati's Post (ion and Treatment. Mason, O. awa'Tufton, A.M., Ph.D. Woman's share in primitive culture 396-M4 Gipsies, Nomads. Borrow, G. The Zincali, or ac- count of the gypsies in Spain. Ph., 1833 397-B7 Folklore, Proverbs, &c. Burckhardt, J. L. Arabic proverbs translated and explained. L., 1830 398-B9 Folklore of England and Scotland, Ireland and Russia, Gennany and Scandinavia, Oriental and North American indian PHILOLOGY. 19 398-F6 Gould, S. Baring. Old English fairy tales 398-G5 MiDDLEMORE, Mrs. S. C. G. Spanish legendary tales 398-M6 PHILOLOGY. PHILOLOGY IN GENERAL. TooKE, J. H. The diversions of Parley. 2 v. L., 1829 400-T6 COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY. MuLLER, F. Max. The science of language. ( 2 v. ) 410-M9 ENGLISH PHILOLOGY. Morris, R., and Skeat, W. \V, Specimens of early English 420-M8 Dictionaries. Johnson, S. Dictionary of English language. 2 v. L. , 1 799 Library Dictionary of English language. Founded on Johnson, Walker, Webster, Worcester, &c. Standard Dictionary of the English language. Funk & Wagnalls. . . Webster, N. International Diction- ary of the English language .... 423-J 423-L 423-S 423-W Synonyms, Homonyms. Crabbe, G. English synonyms. , . . 424-C8 Elementary Books, Composition. Booth, D. Principles of English composition 428-B7 Irving, D. Elements of English composition Parker, R. G. Aids to English com- position GERMAN. Flugel's Universal dictionary, Eng- lish-German, and German Eng- lish. 3v Becker, C. F. Grammar of Ger- man language FRENCH. Spier's Dictionary, English-French, and F^rench-English. 2v CoBBETT, W. French Grammar SPANISH. Fernandez, V. Grammar of Span- ish language 428-I7 428-P2 433-F6 438-B3 443-S7 445-C6 465-1*3 LATIN. Gradus ad Parnassum. Edin., 1816 474-G7 MINOR LANGUAGES. Arnold, M. Celtic Literature 491.6-A7 Davies, E. Celtic researches on origin, traditions, and language of ancient Britons 491.6-Di 'II! iir III. ' ili-i if!! I NATURAL SCIENCE. SCIENCE IN GENERAL. Beaumont F. and Fletcher, j. Beau- ties and wonders of nature and science Gilbert, L. Beauties and wonders of nature and science Good, J. M, Book of nature ....... Humboldt, F. Baron von. Aspects of nature HuMBOiyDT, F. Baron von. Kosmos. Survey of physical phenomena of the universe Modern Preceptor v. 2 Patterson, R. E. Familiar science 500-B3 500-G4 500-G6 Soo-Hga Soo-Hgk 50D-M6 500-P4 Philosophy Theories, &c. Martin, B. Philosophia Britannica. or system of the Newtonian Philosophy, astronomy, and geo- graphy. V. 3 Wheweli,, W, Philosophy of the inductive sciences. 2v 501 -M3 501 -W5 Essays, Lectures, &c. Allen, G., Wilson, A., Foster, T,, Clodd. E., a«!arcet, Mrs. J. Conversations on chemistry, 2 v 541-M3 Practical and Experimental Chemistry. Faraday, M. Chemical manipula- tion 542-F2 Henry, W. Epitome of experi- mental chemistry 542-H5 Analysis. AiKMAN, C. M. Milk, its nature and composition 543-A2 Children, J. G. Chemfcal analysis, chiefly from ' ' Traite de Chimie Elementaire," of L. J. Thenard. 543-C5 Macadam, S. Chemistry of com- mon things. Halifax, n. d 543-Mi Organic Chemistry. LiEBiG, J. J. von. Animal chemistry , S47-L7 MINERALOGY. Anderson, J. W. Prospectors' hand- book 549-A5 Erni, H. Mineralogy simplified . . . 549-E7 SCIENCE. ' ■ 9$ Jameson, R. System of Mineralogy. 3 V 549-J3 Robinson, S. Catalogue of Ameri- can minerals, with localities 9-R6 GEOLOGY, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. General Works. Conversations on geology. L., 1828 5S0-C7 CuviER, G. L. C. F. D., baron. Essay on theory of the earth .... 550-C9 • Dana, J. D. Manual of geology... S50-D1 Darwin, C. Geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of South America visited during the voyage of H. M. S. " Beagle. ' ' 550-D2 Dawson, Sir J. W. The meeting- place of geology and history .... 550-D27 Greenough, G. B. Critical examina- tion of first principles of geology 550-G8 LooMis, J. R. Elements of geology. 550-L8 LYEI.L, SirC. Elements of geology. 55o-L9e LyeiJv, Sir C. Lectures on geology, delivered at New York. (Bound with Guizot's "Hist, of civiliza- tion," 901, G. 96) S50-L9I LYELt, Sir C. Manual of elementary geology 55o-L9m Lyeh, Sir C. Principles of geology. 2v. L., 1833 550-L9P Mii.LER, H. Footprints of the Crea- tor 550-M6 Seelev, H. G. Story of the earth in past ages 550-S4 Trotter, T. Treatise on geology . . 550-T8 Physical Geology. KiNGSLEY, C. Madam how and lady why, or first lessons in earth lore for children. L. 1870 551-KS Maury, T. F. Physical geography of the sea 551.4-M4 Miw^ER, H. Geology of Bass Rock . S51.4-M6 SoMERVii,!,^, M. Physical geogra- phy 55I-4-S6 ,IHi l»l 24 NATTTRAL Meteorology. Archibald, D. Story of the earth's atmosphere 551.5-A6 Chambers, G. F. Story of the weather 55I.5-C4 (5^^ also 613. 1, R6n). Lauder, SirT. D. Great floods of August, 1829, in province of Moray 55I.5-L3 RBID, Sir W. Law of storms 551.5-R3 Stratigraphical Geology, Agents. Miller, H. Old red sandstone. B., 1851. (Same. B.. 1851) 551.7-M6 Darwin, C. The formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms ssi.g-Daf Darwin, C. The structure and dis- tribution of coral reefs 55 1 .9-D2S Economic Geology. Martin, E. A. Story of a piece of coal 553-2-M3 RENNIE, R. Natural history and origin of peat moss. Edin., 1807 553-2-R4 Geology of Europe and America. Miller, H . Cruise of the ' ' Betsey , ' ' or ramble among fossiliferous deposits of the Hebrides ; with rambles of a geologist. B,, 1858. (Same. B., 1862) 554-M6 Dawson. Sir J. W. Acadian geology 557-D2 Geological and natural history sur- vey of Canada. Annual report. 1882-86. 3 v. Ottawa, 1885-87. S57-G3 GesnER, a. Remarks on geology and mineralogy of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1836 557-G39r Gesner, a. ist-4th report. Geo- logical survey of New Brunswick. Bound in i v. St. John, 1839-42. With additional report, dated 1843 557-G39S PALEONTOLOGY. Chambers, R. Vestiges of natural history of creation 560-C4 SCIENCE. Witham, H. T. M. Internal structure of fossil vegetables of Great Britain 561 -WS BIOLOGY. Pre-historic Lubbock, Sir J. Pre-historic times, as illustrated by ancient remains and manners and customs of modern savages 571-L9 Ethnology, etc. Figuier, L. Human race 572- F4 Latham, R. G. Ethnology of Europe 572-L3 Reid Capt. M. Odd people, being a description of singular races of man 572-R3 TvLOR, E. B. Anthropology, an intro- duction to the study of man and civilization 572-T9 Wilson, Sir D. The lost Atlantis and other ethnographic studies. . 572-W7 Natural History of Man. Anderson, R. E. Story of the extinct civilizations of the east. . 573-A5 Carev, H. C. Past, present and future 573-C2 Clodd, E. The story of primitive man 573-C6 Kames, H. H. Lord. Sketches of the history of man d 573-Ki KiDD, J. Adaptation of external nature to physical condition of man 573-^4 Lyell, Sir C . Geological evidence of antiquity of man 573-L9 Prichard, J. C. Natural history of man 573-P9 Evolution. Clodd, E. Pioneers of evolution . . Darwin, C. The descent of man . . Darwin, C. Descent of man and 575-C6 575-D2d selection in relation to sex 575-D2ds NATURAL Darwin, C. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life 575-D^o Darwin, C . The variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2 v 575-D2V Heredity . Gai,Ton, F. Hereditary genius, an enquiry into its laws and con- sequences 575-Gi BOTANY. General Works. BkssEy, C. E . Essentials of botany . S80-B5 Broderip, J. W. Leaves from note book of a naturalist 580-B8 Creevey, C. a. Flbwers of field, hill and swamp 580-C9 Lee, J- Introduction to botany. Edin., 1799 580-L4 LiNDLEV, J. Botany 580-L7 Linn or Linn^^us, C. von. Selec- tion of the correspondence of LiNN^us and other naturalists. 2 V 5«o-L75 •Marcet, Mrs. Conversations on botany 580-M3 Rhind, W History of vegetable Kingdom 580-R4 Rodway, J . Story of the forest and stream 580-R6 Thornton, R. J. Elements of botany. 2 v 580-T5 Wakefield, P. Introduction to botany 580-W1 Wood. A. Class-book of botany 580- W8 Structural Botany, etc. Darwin, C. The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species 58i-D2d Darwin, C. Effects of cross and self fertilization in vegetable kingdom 58i-D2e Darwin, C. Insectivorous plants. .. 58i-D2i Darwin, C. Power of movement n plants 581-D2P SCIENCE. 25 Lyon, P. Physiology and pathology of trees 581-L9 Moody, S. The palm tree 584-M8 Conn, H. W. The story of germ life 589-C7 Report of microscopist for 1892, Edible and poisonous nmshrooms, etc. Pamph., Wash., 1893 589-R4 ZOOLOGY. General Works. BiNGLEY, W. Animal biography. 4 V 590-B6 Buckland, F. Log of a fisherman and zoologist 590-B9 BuKFON, G. L , Conite de. Natural history, tr. with notes by W. Smellie. 20 v. L., 1^12 590-B92 CuviER, G. L. C. F. D., Baron. Regne animal. 4 v. Paris, 1817 590-C9 Dawson, Sir J. W. Handbook of Zoology 590-D2 Goldsmith, O- History of the earth and animated nature . 6 v. With many colored plates. L., 1822 . . 590-G6 HiCKSON, S J. The story of life in the seas 590-H6 Pennant, T. British zoology. L-, 1812 590-P4 PiERSON, C. A. Among tlie forest people J590-P6 White, G. The natural history of Selborne. 2 v 590-W5 Wood. J G Illustrated natural his- tory. 3 V. L. , n. d 590- WS Physiological Zoology. RoGET, P. M. Animal and vegetable physiology. 2 v 591. i-Rya Menault, E. Wonders of animal instinct 59i 'S-Ms invertebrates. KiNGSLEY, C. Glaucus, or wonders of the shore 592-K5 'l1 96 USEFUL ARTS. Insects. HUBER, F. Observations on natural history of bees. Edin , 1821 595-7-H8 KiRBY, W. Introduction to ento- mology. 4 V. 1822-26 595 7-K5 Lubbock, Sir J. Origin and meta- morphoses of insects. N. Y., 1874 595-7-L9 MoRtKY, M. W. The bee people J595-7-M8 Wilson, J. Treatise on insects 595-7-W7 Fishes. SwAiNSON. W. Natural history of fishes, amphibians, and reptiles. 2v. L„ 1838 Yarreli,, W. History of British fishes. 2 V. L , 1841 597-S9 597-Y2 Birds. Waterton, C. Essays on natural history, chiefly ornithology ; with autobiography. L. , 1844 Wilson, A. avd Bonaparte, C L. American ornithology. Ed. E. Jameson, 4 v. Edin , 1831 Mammals. SWAINSON, W. Natural history and classification of quadrupeds. L., 1835 Beale, T . Natural history of sperm whale. L., 1839 599-S9 599-5-B3 ll'li; USEFUL t I GENERAL WORKS. Martin, S. The useful arts 600-M3 Marquart, J. Six hundred receipts 603-M3 Franklin institute, Pliiladelphia, journal. Vol. 9-10. Ph., 1832.. 605-FS Glasgow mechanics' magazine and annals of philosophy. New ed Glasgow, 1829 605-G5 Mechanics' magazine, museum re- gister, journal, and gazette. 41 v. L., 1823-51 '. 605-M4 Practical mechanic and engineer's magazine. Glasgow, 1842-45 605-P8 Scientific American. 13 v 605-S4 Societies, Exhibitions. ShEpp, J. W. and D. World's fair photographed (with descriptions) Society for the encouragement of arts.manufactures and commerce, London. Transactions. 38 V... 606-S5 606-S6 ARTS. Patents, Inventions. Commissioner of patents. Annual report for 1845 608-C7 Repertory of patent inventions. V. 6. L-, 1828 608-R4 History of Useful Arts. BECKMANn, J. History of ancient institutions, inventions and dis- coveries in science and mechanic art 609-B; MEDICINE. Holmes. O. W. Medical essays 610-H7 MiLLiNGEN, J. G. Curiosities of medical experience 610-M6 Hachenberg, G. P , M. D. Medical consultation book. A Pharmacolog- ical and clinical book of reference 610.3-H I Halford, Sir H. Essays and orations 610.4-H16 USEFUL ARTS. «7 Anatomy. Gray, Anatomy descriptive and surgical 6i 1-G7 PaxTon, J. Study of human anatomy 611-P3 Physiology. AcASSiz, 1,. J. R. and Gould, A. A. Outlines of comparative physi- ology 612-A2 Philip, A. P. W. Experimental inquiry into laws of vital func- tions 612-P5 KoKLER, L. Art of breathing 612.2-K7 Thompson, Sir H. Food and feeding 612.3-T4 Personal Hygiene. Robertson, H- Natural history of the atmosphere, in connection with medicine and agriculture . . . 613.I-R6 Clarke, Sir A. Essay on warm, cold and vapour bathing 613.4-C5 Thackrah, C. T. Effect of arts, trades, professions, etc., on health and longevity 613.6-T3 Adam, G M. Sandow's physical training 613.7-A1 Hlaikie, W How to get strong and how to stay so 613.7-B6 RrssELL, C Wonders of bodily strength and skill Tr. and enlarged from Guillaume Dep- ping 613.7-R9 Materia Medica. Drysdale, J. J and RussELL, J R. Introduction to the study of homeopathy 615.53-D8 Diseases and their Treatment. Andrew, T. Cyclopaedia of domestic medicine and surgery BrcHAN, W. Domestic medicine. . . 616-A5 616-B9 . Veterinary. Clater, F. Every man his own cattle doctor 619-C6 You ATT, W. History, treatment, and diseases of the horse 619- Y6h YouTT, W. The horse 6i9.Y6ho Blaine, D. Canine pathologfy 619-B6 ENQINEERINQ. General Works. Nicholson, P. Mechanic's com- panion 620-N6 Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of civil engineering 620-R2 Robertson, F. Engineering notes. 620-R6 Byrne, O Dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering. 2 v 620.3-B9 Spon, E. Spon's dictionary of engineering. 3 v 620.3-S2 Civil engineer and architect's journal 5. V L , v. d 620.5-C5 Engineering magazine 62o.5-E5m Engineering news 62o.5-E5n Practical mechanic and engineer's magazine. v. 1-4. Glasgow, 1842-5 620.5-P8 Rankine, W. J. M. Useful rules and tables relating to mensuration, engineering, structures and ma- chines 620 8-R2 Mechanical Engineering. Rankine, W. J M. Manual of applied mechanics 621-R2 Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of machinery and millwork 62i-R2m Rose, J, Practical machinist 621-R7 Steam Engines and Boilers. Bourne, J Catechism of steam engine 621. 1-B7C Bourne. J. Hand-book of steam engine 62i.i-B7h Edwards, E American steam engineer 621. 1-E2 Galloway, E History of steam- engine., 621.1-G1 Grimshaw, R. Steam-boiler catech- ism 621.1-G8 Hoblyn, R. D. Manual of steam- engine 621 . 1-H6 f i ! 38 rSEFUL JAMIKSON, A. Text-lx)ok on steam and steam en^nes 621.1-J3 Klkin, J. F. Elements of machine design 621.1-K6 Lardnkr, D. Steam enj^ine 621.1-L3 MUNRO, R. I). Steam boilers 621.1-M9S MUNRO, R. I). Steam boilers, their defects, management and con- struction 62i.i-M9st Rankink, \V. J. M. Manual of steam engine and other prime movers 621.1.R2 SCHWACKHOKER, F. Fuel and water, with chapters on heat and steam- boilers. Ed. \V. R. Rrowne 621.1-S3 Seaton, a. E. Manual of marine engineering 621.1-S4 Thurston, R. H. Manual of steam- boilers 621. 1-T5 BuSLEY, C. The marine steam-engine, its construction, action and management. (Not yet com- pleted) R621.12-B9 Electric power and Light Atkinson, P. Electric transforma- tion of power 621 .3-A8 SuNGO, W., and Brooker, A. Electrical engineering for electric light artizans and students 621.3-S6 Thompson, S. P. Dynamo-electric machinery : manual for students of electrotechnics 621.3-T4 (5;^^ also 537). Mining Engineering. Mining journal. The 622-M6 Lock, C. G. W. Practical gold min- ing. 1889 622.2-L8 Andre, G. G. Practical treatise on coal mining. 2 v 622.3-A5 Davy, Sir H. Safety lamp for coal miners 622.4-D2 Military and Naval Engineering, Papers on subjects connected with duties of royal engineers. New series, V. 13. Woolwich, 1864.. . 623-P2 Synge, Col. M. On the defence of England : military sketch 623-S9 ARTS. Bridges and Roofs. I'lm.KR, T. C. Bridge construction. 624-F4 Haupt, H. Theory of Bridge con- struction 624-H3 Railroad and Road Engineering. (iii.MCSPiK, W. M. Principles and practice of road making 625-G4 Edgkworth, R. \^. Construction of roads and carriages 625-E2 M'Adam, J. \^. Present system of road making 625-M i Canal Engineering F1TZGERAI.D, P. Great canal at Suez. 2 V 626- F5 Tanner, H. S. Description of canals and railroads of the United States. > N, Y., 1S40 626-Tr Sanitary Engineering. MacguirE, W. R. Domestic sanitary drainage and plumbing 628-M2 Matthews, W. Hydraulia : accoimt of waterworks of London. L., 1835 628.M4 Waring, G. E., Jr. Modern methods of sewage disposal for towns, public institutions and isolated houses 628-W2m Waring, G. E. Jr. The sanitary con- dition of city and country dwell- ing houses 628-W2S AGRICULTURE. AiTON, W. Agriculture of county of Bute 630- A3 Brown, R. Agriculture and rural affairs. 2 v 630-B8 Coventry, A. Discourses explana- tory of lectures on agricultural and rural economy 630-C8 CuRWEN, J. C. Observations on the state of Ireland. 2 v 630-C9 Davy, Sir H. Elements of agri- cultural chemistry 630-D2 USEFUL Dawson, Sir T. W. Contributions towards improvement of aj;ri- cultiire in Nova Scotia, with hints on in.maKement and improve- ment of livestock. Halifax, 1H56 630-D27 Dickson, A. Agriculture. 2 v. Kdin., 1770 63o-D5a Dickson, A. Hu.shandry of the ancients. 2 v, 17H8 63o-D5h Dickson, R. W. Practical aj^jri- culture. 2 V. L., 1807 630-D55 Doici.AS, R. Aj^culture of counties of Roxburgh and Selkirk I^., 1S13 630-D7 Ellsworth, W. H. Improvements in agriculture and arts of I'nited States. (Bound with Guizot's " history of civilization, qoi- Cr^g." 630-E4 Evans, W. Theory and practice of agriculture, adapted to Canada . . 630-E9 KiNDi.ATKR, C. Agriculture of Peebles. Edin., 1802 630-F4 Forsyth, R. Principles and practice of agriculture. 2 v. Edin., 1804. 630-F7 Gray, A. Explanation of engravings of implements of husbandry used in Scotland. From drawings by Gray. Backed "Sinclair's husbandry, plates." (630-S6S).. 630-G7 Hayward, J. Science of agriculture. L., 1825 630-H4 Hkadrick, J. Agricvilture of county Angus, Forfarshire. Edin., 1813, 630-H43 Huntrr, a. Georgical essays. York, 1777 630-H9 Jackson, J. Agriculture and dairy husbandry. (Bound with Guizot's " Hist, of civilization," See qoi) . 630-Ji Keith, G. S. Agriculture of Aber- deenshire. Aberdeen, 181 1 630-K2 Kkrr, R. Agriculture of county of Berwick. L., 1813 630-K4 Loch, J. Improvements on estates of Marquis of Stafford, in counties of Stafford and Salop, and on estate of Sutherland. L., 1820. . 630-1,8 Lowe, J. Present state of England in regard to agriculture, trade, and finance. L. , 1822 630-L9 ARTS. 99 Marsiali., W. Management of landed estates. L., 1806 63o-M3m Marshai,!,, W. Review and abstract of county reports t board of agriculture, l-'ngland. 5 v. York, 1818 : 63o-M3r Our farm of four acres and the money we made by it 630-O9 Philadelphia .society for promoting agriculture. Memoirs. 4 v. Ph., i«i5-iH 630-P5 Robertson, J. Agriculture of county I n verness. L. , 1 81 3 63o-R6i Robertson, J. Agriculture in county Perth. Perth, 1813 630-R6P Sinclair, Sir J. Code of agriculture. L., 1817 630-S6C Sinclair, Sir J. Systems of Hus- bandry adopted in Scotland. 2 v. Edin., 1814 630-S6S Singer, W. Agriculture in county Dumfries. I'l .If ' t' IM ^i:i:f 34 FINE PHOTOGRAPHY. * Brothf:rs, a., F. R. S. Photo- graphy, its history, process, apparatus, working details, &c . . 770-B8 HlNTON, A. H. Practical pictorial photography 770-H6 Photographic news. The R770-P5 Story, A. S. The story of photo- graphy 770-S8 Watts, W. A., M. A. The photo- graphic reference book R770-W3 WitSON, E. L. Photographic mosaics, an annual record 770-W7 Woodbury, W. E. The encyclo- paedia of photography R770-W8 MUSIC. BURNEY, C. History of music. 4 v. 1776-89 780-B9 Crotch, W. Lecture on r.uisic 780-C9 CROWK.ST, F. J. The story of British music 780-C95 Dictionary of musicians. v. 2. (K-Z.) L.,1827 7S0-D5 Engki,, L/. From Handel to Halle.. 78o-E5h ENGEiy, Iv. From Mozart to Mario. 2 V 78o-E5m Hawkis, Rev. H. R., M. A. Music and morals 780-H3 Krehbiki,, H. E. How to listen to music 78o-K9h KREHBiEt, H. E. music and man- ners in the classic period 78o-K9m Naumann, E. The history of music 780-N2 Phipson, Dr. T. 1,. Voice and violin 780-P5 Rowbotham, J. F. a history of music 780-R8 Ei,SON, L,. C. Theory of music 781-E4 Upton, G. P. The standard cantatas, their stories, their nmsic, and their composers 782-U7C Upton, G. P. The standard operas, their plots, music and composers; 782-U70 Upton, G. P. The standard oratorios, their stories, music and composers 783-U7or ARTS. Upton, G. P. The standard sympho- nies, their history, nmsic and composers 785-U7S Musical miscellany ; collection of songs set to violin and flute, by eminent masters, v. 1-2, 4-5. h., 1729-31 R784.8-M9 Bkhnkk, E.,<""/ Browne, L. Voice, song and speech 784.9-B4 GuTTMAN, G. Gymnastics of the voice 784.9-G9 Mackenzie, Sir M., M. D. Hygiene of the vocal organs 784.9-Mi Hart, G. Famous makers of the violin 787. 1-H3 (&^ also78o-P5 and B-H38). AMUSEMENT. SuEFOLK ; Earl of, cl al. (Editors) . The encycloptedia of sports. 2 v. R790-S7 Bernard, J. Retrospections of the stage. 2 V ygi-ti^ Freeborough, H., and Raneen, C. v.. Chess openings, ancient and modern 794-F.S Steinitz, \V. Modern chess instructor 794-8^ Courtney, W. P. English whist and English whist players 795"C.S Pole, Dr. W. The theory of the modern scientific game of whist. 795-P7 Proctor, R. A. How to play whist. 795-P9 Outdoor Sports, Yachting, Fishing, Hunting. DiTCHKiELD, P. H., M. A. Old Eng- lish sports 796-D6 HERBERT, H. W. [Pseud., "Frank Forrester. ' ' ) F^ield sports of the United States and British pro- vinces of North America. 2 v.. 796-H.s StruTT, J. Sports and pastimes of people of England 796-S9 Grace, W. G. Cricket 797-G7 KinGvSTon, W. H. G. Yacht voyage round England 797-^,1 1 MiDDLEToN, E. E. Cruise of the " Kate" 797-M6| vmm 785-I-'7s 784.8-M9 784-9-^4 784.9-G9 784.9-Mi 787.1-H3 LITERATURE. R790-S7 792-1^5 794-rs 794-S^ 795-CS 795-^7 795-I'9 , Hunting. 796-D6 796-H.s 796-P9 797-G7 797-KSJ 797-M6 SiiKARMAN, M. I'ootball, history, games, &c STI'KI,, a. G., Lytti,eton, R. H., an J others. Cricket OVKR tiuf and stubble. By " Old Calabar. " Barry, W. Moorland and stream, with notes on shooting and trout fishing Boccius. G. Fish in rivers and streams Burton, E. F. Sport in India Capper, J. Duke of Edinburgh in Ceylon ; elephant 0".d elk sport. . Ci'MMiNG, R. G. Five year's of Hunter's life in interior of South Africa. 2 v CiMMiNO, R. G. Wild men and wild beasts : scenes in camp and jungle Davy, Sir H. Salmonia, or days of fly fishing. By an angler Grimblk, a. Deer-.stalking IIoPKiN.s, Major F. P. Fishing experiences Johnson, D. Sketches of Indian field .sports Kennedy, W. R. Sporting adven- tures in the pacific 797-S5 797-S8 798-O9 799-B2 799-B6 799-B9 799-C2 799-C9f 799-C9W 799-D2 799-GS 799-117 799-J6 799-K3 LamonT, J. Seasons with the sea horses : sporting adventures in the northern seas Napier, Lieut. Col. E. Wild sports in Europe, Asia and Africa. 3 v. Newall, J. T. Scottish moors and Indian jungles PowEi.iv, R. S. S. Baden. Pigsticking or hoghunting Roosevelt, R. B. Game fish of northern states and British pro- vinces Senior, W. Pseud. , ' ' Red Spinner. ' ' By stream and sea : book for wanderers and anglers Walton, I., and Cotton, C. Com- plete angler Whitehurst, F. F. Hark away : .sketches of hunting, coaching, fi.shing etc Whitehurst, F. F. On the Gram- pian hills ; grouse and ptarmigan shooting, deer-stalking, salmon and trout fishing, and other sketches Wilson, J. Rod and gun : treatises on angling and shooting 35 799-L2 799-Ni 799-^5 799-P8 799-R7 799-S4 799-W2 799-W5h 799-W50 799-W7 LITEUATURE. GENERAL WORKS. Anonymiana. Ten centuries of ob- servations on various authors and subjects 800-A6 Kames, H. H., Lord. Elements of criticism. 2 v 801-K1 l^REWER, E. C, Ll. D. Dictionary of phrase and fable R8o3-B8d Hrewer, E. C. Readers' handbo'^k of allusions, references, plots and stories R8o3-B8r 1>ALLAS, E. S. Poetics : essay on poetry 804-Di ScHLEGEL, A. W. Lectures on dramatic art and literature, a v. 804-S3 Rhetoric. Adams, J. Q. Lectures on rhetoric and oratory. 2 v Blair, H. Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres. 2 v Campbell, G. Philosophy of rhetoric. 2 v WhaTELY, R. Elements of rhetoric . 808- A 2 808-B6 808-Ci 808-W5 Elocution and Oratory. BauTain, L. E. M."Art of extempore speaking 808.5-B3 Carpenter, J. K. Popular readings in prose and verse. Selected. 5 v. 808.5-C2 \W LITERATURE. 1 1 ' ■;: mi-'. '!•' ' p. 36 RippiNGHAM, J. Art of public speak- ing extempore 808.5-R5 Rush, J. Philosophy of human voice SoS.s-Rg Coftections. BarTLETT, J. Familiar quotations. . R808.8-B CUNNIXGHAM, A. ed. The anni- versary, or poetry and prose by various writers 808.8-C9 ElEGANT extracts. Prose, 2 v. Poetry, 2 V. Epistles, 2 v. (Same. New ed. by j. G. Percival) 808.8-E3 Gknti,Eman's magazine. Selection of curious articles from. John Walker. 4 v. I,., 1814 &v>8.8-G3 Knight, C. Half hours with the best authors ; selected and arranged with biographical notices 808.8-K6 Repository of modern literature. v. I & 2 808.8-R4 Warner, C. D. Library of the world's best literature, ancient and modern. 30 v R808.8-W2 History of Literature. Berrington, J. Literary history of the middle ages DUNI^OP, J. History of fiction. 3 v. Fitzgerald, P. History of Pick- wick Haham, H. Introduction to litera- ture of Europe. 15th- 17th cen- turies. 4 v. (Same. 3 v. Same. 2 V.) ScHtEGEL, F. Lectures on history of literature SiSMONDi, J. C. L. S de. Historical view of the literature of South of Europe. 4 v AMERICAN LITERATURE. DUYCKiNCK, E. A., and Long, G. Cyclopaedia of American litera- S09-B5 809-D9 809-F5 809-H1 809-S3 809-S6 ture. 2. N. Y., 1856 810-D9 American Poetry. Ai^DRiCH, T. B The sisters tragedy, with other poems, lyrical and dramatic Archibald, A. K. Poems Bailey, P. J. The age : a colloquial satire Bell, J. A. Chebucto and other poems. Halifax, 1890 Bloomfield, R. Poems Brainard, J. G. C. Poems; with memoir Campbell, W. W. The dread voy- age ; poems , Carman, B. Low tide on Grand Pre. DeMillE, J. Behind the veil : a poem. Halifax, 1893 Drake, J. R. Culprit Fay and other poems Drummond, W. H. The Habitant.. Emerson, R. W. Poems Fairfield, S. L. Poems Harte, F. B. Poetical works Herbert, S. and M. E. The ^^Jolian harp or miscellaneous poems. Halifax, 1857 Holmes, O. W. Poetical works. 3 v. Longfellow, H. W. Poems Longfellow, H. W. Poetical works Lord, W. W. Poems MURDOCK, W. Poems and songs. St. John, N. B., i860 PoE, E. A. Poems Simson, L- F. Flowers of the year, and other poems St. John, N. B, 1869 Americac Drama. Preston, D. S. Columbus, or a hero of the new world : historical play 811-A36 811-A67 811-B15 811-B43 811-B65 811-B81 811-C19 811-C28 811-D38 811-D76 811-D79 811-E53 811-F16 811-H32 811-H53 811-H75 811-L85P 811-L85W 811-L86 811-M97 811-P74 811-S61 812-P93 Brooks, P. Americaa Essays. Essays and addresses. 2v 814-B87 UTBRATURE. ^^ 811-M97 811-P74 811-S61 812-P93 Burroughs, J. Birds and poets..,. Fresh fields Indoor studies Locusts and wild honey Pepacton Riverby Signs and seasons Wake robin Winter sunshine Channing, W. E.. D. D. Works. 5 v Curtis, G. W. From the easy chair Emerson, R. W. Essays, ist series. Letters and social aims Representative men Society and solitude Harvey, Rev. M. Lectures : literary and biographical Hastings, S. Harvestings ; sketches in prose and verse Higginson, T. W. Cheerful yester- days Howells, W. D. Impressions and experiences James, H. Essays in London and elsewhere Lowell, J. R. Fireside travels My study windows PrESCOTT, W. H. Biographical and critical miscellanies ReppliER, a. Books and men Essays in idleness Essays in miniature In the dozy hours Points of view Varia Smith, G. Questions of the day . . . 8i4-B97b 8i4-B97f 8i4-B97i 814-B97I 814-B97P 8i4-B97r 814-B97S 814-B97W 8i4-B97wi 814-C45 814-C97 8i4-E53e 814-E53I Si4-E53r 814-E53S 814-H34 814-H35 814-H63 814-H85 814-J27 8i4-L9if 814-L9IS 814-P9 8i4-R42b 8i4-R42e 8i4-R42es 8i4-R42i 814-R42P 814-R42V 814-S64 Howe, J. letters. B., 1858 American Oratory. Speeches and public ed. Annand W. 2 v. American Humor. 815-H85 814-B87 American Letters. Greyson, R. E. H. The Greyson letters Murray, N. Pseud., " Kirwan " Letters to Rt Rev. J. Hughes. . . . Washington, G. Letters to Sir John Sinclair on agriculture and other interesting topics. L , 1800 816-G84 816-M98 816-W31 Change for American notes : letters from London to New York. By an American lady 817-C45 Cozzens, F. S. Sparrowgrass papers, or living in the country 817-C88 Davis, C. A. Pseud., " J. Downing." Letters of J. Downing, major, Downingville militia. N. Y,, 1834 8i7-Di6 Haliburton, T. C. Traits of Ameri- humor ; by native authors 817-H17 Holmes,' O. W. Autocrat of the breakfast table 8i7-H75a Over the teacups 817-H750 Pages from an odd volume of life 817-H75P Poet at the breakfast table. . . . 817-H75PO Professor at the breakfast table 8i7-H75pr Irving, W. History of New York : a burlesque chronicle. 2 v. 8i7-l72h Sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon 817-I72S American Miscellany. BuRRiTT, E. Thoughts and things at home and abroad CoLTON, W. Sea and sailor ; notes on France and Italy and other literary remains Genin, T. H. Selections from his writings Headley, J. T. Miscellaneous works. 3V HowK, J. Poems and essays Mitchell, D. G. Pseud, "Ik Marvel." Fudge doings. 2 v. Reveries of a bachelor Parley's Panorama, or curiosities of nature and art, history and biography POE, E. A. Works Sigourney, Mrs. L- H. Lucy How- ard's journal Story, J. Miscellaneous writings. B., 1835 818-B97 818-C72 818-G3 818-H4 818-H8 8i8-M68f 8i8-M68r 818-P25 818-P74 818-875 810-S8 w 38 LITKRATURE. !i' I Thorkau, H. D. Autumn 81 8-T4Sa The Maine woods 818 TaSni Miscellanies 8i8-T48nii vSuinnier 818-T48S Walden Tond, or life in the woods 818-T48W A week on the Concord and the Merriniac rivers 8i8-T48we Winter 8i8-T48wi WarIvAjnd, J. H. The plume, a tuft of literary feathers 81 8-\V27 Wll,US, N. P. Outdoors at Idle wild. 818-W93 ENGLISH LITERATURE. General Works, History. Chambers, R. Cyclopicdia of Eng- lish literature. 2 v 820-C44 SPAI.DING, W. English literature . . 820-S73 Harrison, F. Studies in early Victorian literature 820-H31 Brooke Stopeord, A. English literature from the beginning to the Norman conquest 820.9-B87 SainTsbury, G. a short history of English literature 820.9-S15 Taine, H. a. History of English literature 820.9-T13 English Poetry. {See also religious fioelry, 3^^.) Aikin, J. Letters to a lady on a course of English poetry 821-A29 Arnoi^d, Sir E- Light of Asia or great renunciation 821-A75I Arnold, Sir E. Light of the world. Sai-Ajsli Arnold, M. Poems. 3 V 821-A757 Barton, B. Household verses 821-B29 Browning, Mrs. E. B. Poems. 2 v 821-B88 Browning, R. Selections from poetical works 821-B882 Burns, R. Works. (With life by A. Cunningham). 3 v. Same. (With life by J. Currie). 4v 821-B96 Butler, Mrs. F. A. Poems 821-B98 Butler, S. Hudibras. 2 v 821-B986 Byron, G. G. N., 6th Baron. Childe Harold's pilgrimage. L,., 1819 821-B99C Marina Falierno, Doge of Venice, an historical tra- gedy ; Prophecy of Danto. a poem. L., 1821. (With this is also bound, Deformed, transformed, a drama; Heaven and earth, a mystery ; Wer- ner, a tragedy 8:>i-B99m Mazeppa, a poem. L., 1819 .. 82i-B99ma Works, 4 v. L., 1823 821-B99W Campbell. T. Poetical works. 2 v. 821-C19 Specimens of British poets, with biographical and critical notices, and essay on Eng- lish poetry. 7v 821-C19S Coleridge, S. T. Poems 821-C69 Collier, J. P. Poetical decamcron, or conversations on English poetry |and poets, av 821-C69 Cook, E. Melaia ; atid other poems. 82i-C77m Poems. 2nd series 821-C77P Cooke, P. P. Froissart ballads, and other poems 82 1-C772 CowPER, W^ Poetical works 821-C87 Crabbe, G. Life and poems H21-C88I Crabbe, G. Works. 5 V 821-C88W Goldsmith, O. Poetical works.... 821-G63 Havergal, F. R. Poetical works . . 821-H38 Heber, R. Poems and translations. 821-H44 Hood, T. Complete poetical works. 821-H77C Dream of Eugene Aram 82i-H77d Poems : Hood's own 821H77P Whims and waifs 82i-n77w INGELOW J. Poems 821-146 Keats, J. Works 821-K25 KiNGSLEY, C. Andromeda and other poems 821-K55 Kipling, R. Departmental ditties. . 82i-K57d The seven seas ><2i-K57s Landon, L. E. Pseud., " L. E. L." Poetical works 821-L25 Landor, W. S. Works 821-L26 Lawson, Mrs. M. J. (formerly Katzmann). Frankincense and myrrh : selections from the poems of Mrs. Lawson. ed. H. Piers and C. Fairbanks. Halifax, 1893 821-L45 LEyden, J. Poetical remains 821-L68 % UTKRATURR. 39 LyTTon, K.G. Euhver-Lyttoii, Baron. Kiii^ Arthur .S2i-L99k Siamese twins : salirioal tale with otlier poi'iiis. N. Y., I S3 1. (2 copies) M2I-L99S LvTToN, IC. R. Rulwer-Lytton, 2ud Baron. Pseud., " Owen Mere- dith." Poetical works 821-L99S Macaulay, T. B., ist Baron. Lays of ancient Rome 821-M11 Macphkrson, J. Poems of Ossian, With Blair's dissertations. 2 v. L., 1806 82r-Mi7 McPhkrson, J. Poems, dcscriptivfc and moral. Halifax, 1862 821-M172 Mathkr, J. JI. Popular studies of 19th century poets 821-M42 MUTON, J. Paradise lost. L., 1732. (Second copy. L., 1790)... 82i-M66p Poetical works. 2 v 82 1 -M66po MiTCHKLi., N. ■ Ruins from many lands ; descriptive poem 821-JI68 MoNTGOMKRV, J. Pelican island and other poems S21-M78P Poetical works. 4 v 821-M78W MoNTGOMKRV R. Oxford : poem. . . 821-M78S MooRK, T. The epicurean 82i-M82e Poetical works. 10 v 821-M82W Mullen, S. The pilgrim of beauty, the Cottager's Sabbath, and other poems 82S-M95 Norton, Hon. Mrs. C. E. Child of the islands 821-N88C Poems. 2v 821-NHSp The undying one and other poems 82i-N88t Percy, T. Reliques of ancient Kng- lish poetry, v. i. I.., 1767 821-P43 Pollock, R. Course of time 821-P77 PoPK, A. Poetical works 82i-P;'.2 Prior, M. Poems on several occasions 821-P95 Proctor, A. A. Poems 82i-Pq6 Rogers, S. Italy 82i-R72i Poems 821-R72P Scott, Sir W. The lady of the lake 821-S42I Lay of the last minstrel 82i-S42la Marmion 82i-S42m Miscellaneous poems 82i-S42mi Works 821-S42W Shelley, P. B. Works 821-S54 Singleton, I\Irs. JL ISL Pseud., " Violet Fane,". Denzil place: a story in verse 82 1 -S6l SoMKRYiLLE, W. Chance 821-VS69 SouTHEY, R. Curse of Kehama S21-S72C Poetical works 82 1-S72P Vision of judgment, ist ed. L., 1S21 821-S72V Tennyson, A. Enoch Arden 82i-T3ie Gareth and Lynette, etc 82i-T3ig Holy grail, and other poems. . 82i-T3ih In mcmoriam. L., 1S70 S2i-T3ii Poems 821-T3IP The princess : a medlej- 82i-T3ipr Works 821-T31W Thompson, J. The .seasons 821-T48S TUPPER, M. P., Proverbial philoso- phy, with poems entitled a " thou- sand lives " 82 1-T92 White, H. K. Poetical works ; and remains 82 1-W58 Wilson, J. I^seud., "Christopher North." Poems. 2 v. Edin., 1825 821-W74 Wordsworth, W. Poems, chiefly of early and late years, including the Borderers, a tragedy 82i-W9:^ Poetical works. 5 v. L., 1827 821-W92PW Selections from the poems of Wordsworth 821-W92S VouNG, E. Works. 3 V 821-Y71W Dramatic Poems. Hemans, Mrs. F. D. The siege of Valentia and other poems 821.02-H48 MiLMAN, IL H. Anne Boleyn 82i.o2-M65a Belshazzar 82i.o2-M65b Martyr of Antioche 82i.o2-M65m Ballads. Book of ballads. Edited by Bon Gaultier 821.04-B71 Couch, A. T. Q. Golden pomp 821.04-C85 Kipling, R. Ballads : and barrack- room ballads 821.04-K57 ScoTT, Sir W. Glenfinlas and other ballads ; with the vision of Don Roderick. L., 1812 821.04-S43 Satirical. Mathias, T. J. Pursuits of literature : a satirical poem. L., 1798 .... 821.07-M43P if Hi n I if IM^i 1^ 40 LITERATURE Collections. Coi,ERiDGR. Poetical Works of Cole- ridge, Shelley and Keats 821.08-C69 CowPER and Thompson. Works of . 821 .08-C87 Crabbr, G. Works of Crabbe, Heber and Pollok 821.08-C88 Ei/Y/. Greek Antliology., 876-C5 876-P7 877-J9 878-Ci 878-G3 878-L7 878-L7 878-S4 878-Ti 878-Tiw 880-B7 880-C6 881-N3 Sl*j ■w m fif 1 1 48 Dramatic Poetry. iE.SCHYl.uS. Copleston, R. S., M. A. Aristophanes. Collins. Rev. C. \V. Aristophanes. 2 v. tr. by Mitchell, T. I^., 1820-22 Euripides. Doinie, W. B Sophocles. Collins, C. W Epic Poetry. Hesiod a>i(/ Theognis. Da\des, Rev. J., M. A Homer, Illiad. Collins, Rev. W. h., M. A Homer, Odyssey. Collins, Rev. W.l,., M.A Lyric Poetry. Pindar. Morice, Rev. F. D., M. A. HISTORY, 882-A2 882-A7C 882-A7m 882-E8 882-S7 Oratory. Demosthenes. Brodribb, Rev. W.J., M.A Miscellany. .^SOP. Fables. By James, T Aristotle. Grant, Sir A Epictetus. Works, tr. Elizabeth Carter. 2 v 883-H5 883-H7i 883-H70 884.5-P6 885-D3 888- A 2 888-A7 888-E6 Herodotus. Historj'. tr. W. Beloe. V. 3-4. (Book 4-9. ) Herodotus tr. Swayne, G. C, M. A. LuciAN. Collins, Rev. W Thucydides. 2 V. Hi.story of Pelo- ponnesian war. tr. Bloomfield S. T Thucydides. Collins, Rev. W Xenophon. Expedition of Cyrus into Persia, and retreat of the ten thousand, tr. E. Spelman . . Xenophon. Grant, Sir A., Ll. D. . Plato. Works, tr. H. Cary. 2v.. Plato. Collins, C. W. , M.A Plato. Dialogues. Jowett, B., M. A., &c 888-H5b 888-H5 8S8-L9 888-T5b 888-T5C 888-X5e 888-X5g 888-P7C 888-P7C0 888-P7J LITERATURE OF MINOR LANGUAGES. Sadi or Moslih-ed-Din Sadi ben Abdallah. The Gulistan or Rose Garden, tr. F. Gladwin 891 .55-Si BashkirTSEFF, M. Letters 891.76-B2 BowRiNG, J. Servian popular poetry h., 1827 891.82-B7 History. Wilson, H. H. Specinients of the theatre of the Hindus, tr. from the Sanskrit. 2 v. L,., 1835 894.91-W7 ' M ■ ■ ■: 1 I ( GENERAL WORKS. Creasy, Sir E. S. Fifteen deci.sive battle.= of the world Mahan, Capt. A. T., U. S. N. Sea power. Influence on history Sea power. Influence on the French revolution Maunder, S. History of the world. 2 V Treasury of history, v. i . , , . HISTORY. 900-C9 900-M2S 9oo-M2se 9oo-M4h 9oo-M4t Nares, E. Continuation of Tytler's elements of general history Raleigh, Sir W. History of the world. Iv., 1614 R0BERT.S0N. W. Historical works.. RoTTECk, C. von. Hi,story of the world Tytler, a. F. Elements of general history. 2 v. L,., 1821. (For continuation by Nares, See 900-N2) 900-N2 9ao-Ri 900-R6 900-R8 900-T9 HISTORY. )i-W7 History of Civilization. Buckle. H. T. History of civiliza- tion in England. 3v 901-B9 Draper, J- History of the intel- lectual development of Europe. 2 V 901-D7 Ferguson, A History of civil society 901-F3 GuizoT, F. P. G. General History of civilization in Europe. , , . goi-Ggg Histoire de la civilisation en France. 6 v. in 5. Bruxelles, 1835 90i-G9h Hai^SEY, L. J. Scotland's influence on civilization 901-H1 Lubbock, Sir J, Origin of civiliza- tion and the primitive condition of man 901-L9 Chronologies. Br.AiR, J. Chronological tables of remarkable events, famous men of learnin,-^, statesmen, etc., from the creation to A. D., 1750. 55 folio engraved plates 902-B6 Haydn's dictionary of dates R902-H4 Nicholas, Sir H. Chronology of history 902-N6 Tablet of memory, showing every important event in history to 1817, etc. Iv., 1818 902-Ti Dictionaries, Cyclopedias. Bayle, p. de. Dictionaire historique et critique. 4 v. Rotterdam, 1720. (Folio.) Historical and critical diction- ary. Selected and abridged. 4v I.ARNED. J. M. History for ready reference and topical reading. 4v. 903-B3d 903-B3h R903-L3 900-T9 .'iRNOLD, T. history , Lectures. Lectures on modern 904-A7 Periodicals. Annual register, or history, politics and literature. 72 v 49 905-A Methods of Teaching, BoLiNGBROOKE, H. ST. J., Lord Vis- count. Letters on study and use of history 907-B6 Collections. Richardson, M. Movements of British legion, with strictures on conduct of Lieut. -Gen. Evans. L., 1837. (Contains also the philosopher, historical and critical notes, biography, etc. ) 908-Rs Robertson, W. Works. 10 v 908-R6 Universal Histories. Fredet. p. Modern history from coming of Christ 909-F8 Shuckford, S. Sacred and profane history of the world connected . . 909-S5 Taylor, W. C. Manual of modern history 909-T2 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL. Bigland. J. System of geography and history 910-B5 Gazeteers. Brookes, R. London general gazet- teer of the world R910.3-B8 Chambers, R. and W. Gazetteer of Scotland '. R910.3-C4 Descriptive and statistical gazetteer of the world R910.3-D4 Landman, G. Universal Gazetteer . R910.3-L2 LiPPiNCOTT's pronouncing gazetteer of the world, ed., 1898 R910.3-L7 Murray, H., and others. Encyclo- paedia of geography R910 3-M9 Smith, J. C. Harper's statistical gazetteer of the world R910.3-S6 Thomson, J. Universal gazetteer... R910.3-T4 if 50 TRAVELS. in !•' ■511 5i ■»' ' h^'i' Circumnavigations, Ocean and General Travel, etc. Al,l Bey. Travels in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey 910 4-A39 AiyViEHA, Count G. Sahara and Lapland 910.4-A47 Amicis E. de. On blue water 910 4-A51 Anderson, Capt. L. Among typ- hoons and pirate craft 910.4- A54a Cruise in an opium clipper 910.4-A54C Aanoi^d, Sir E. Seas and lands 910 4-A75 Ayi^mer, F. Cruise in the Pacific, from the log of a naval officer. . . 910.4-A97 Beaxtvoir, L. Marquis de. Voyage round the world 910.4-B38V Pekin, Jeddo, and San Fran- cisco : conclusion of voyage round the world 910.4-B38VO Beechey, F. W. Voyage to the Pacific and Beering Strait in H. M. S. Blossom. 1825-28.2 v. 910.4-B41 BeIyCHER, Sir E. Narrative of voy- age round the world in H. M. S. "Sulphur." 2 V. L., 1843 910.4-B42 Bernard, W. D. Voyages and ser- vices of the "Nemesis." 2 v. L., 1844 910.4-B52 Berrian, W. Travels in France and Italy 910.4-B53 BlGEl^ow, A. Travels in Malta and Sicily, with sketches of Gibraltar 910 4-B59 BowtES, T. G. Log of the " Nereid " 910.4-B78 Brassey, Lady A. Last voyage to India and Australia in the " Sun- beam." 910.4-B82I Voyage in the " Sunbeam" 9io,4-B82v Brooks, P. Letters of travel 910.4-B87 Byron, Commodore J. Loss of the " Wager," on coast of Patagonia. 910.4-B99 Caddy, Mrs. F. To Siam and Malaya in Duke of Sutherland's yacht 910.4-Cit Cameron, Commander \. L., R. N, Log of a Jack Tar 910.4-C18 Capper, S. J. Wanderings in war time; France and Germany in 1870-71 910.4-C24 CaruSI,E, A. D. Round the world. 9io.4-Ca8 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls abroad : Rambles through France ^nd Spain 910.4-C45 Chateaubriand, R. F. A. I'komtc de. Travels in America and Italy. 2 V 9io,4-C49a Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt and Barbary, i?'o6-o7. 2v 9io.4-C49g Choui.es, J. O. Cruise of steam yacht " North Star." 910.4-C35 Clarke, E. D. Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa. 11 vols. L., 1816 910.4-C59 Clemens, S. L. pseud. "Mark Twain." Following the Equator. 910.4-C62 Clerk, Mrs. A. M. The Antipodes, and round the world 910.4-C63 CoLLiNGWOOD, H. Log of a priva- teersman 910.4-C71 CoLTON, W. Deck and port, or cruise of U. S. Frigate ' ' Congress, ' ' round North and South America to Cali- fornia 9io.4-C72d Ship and ashore in Madeira Lisbon and the Mediterran- ean 910.4-C72S Cook, Capt. J. Journal during his first voyage around the world in H. M. S. " E;ndea- vour." 910.4-C77J Three voyages round the world. 7 V 9io.4-C77t Damer, Mrs. G. L. D; Diary of tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt and the Holy Land. 2 v 910.4-D15 Da VIES, J. First impressions : letters from France, Switzerland and Savoy, 1833-34 910.4-D25 DeGurowski, a. G. America and Europe 910.4-D32 Dennys, N. B. Cruise of the " St. George " on North American and West Indian Station, 1861-62. 910.4-D41 Depons, F. Voyage to eastern part of Terra Firma or Spanish Main in South America, 1801-94. 3 V 910.4-D42 WiNDT, H. De. From Pekin to Calais 910.4-D52 TRAVELS. 51 .4-C77i .4-C77t .4-D15 •.4-D41 ).4-D42 ).4-D52 I Dow, L. History of Cosmopolite, or writings of L. Dow ; containing his travels in Europe and America : also his polemic writings ; to which is added the journey of life, by Peggy Dow. Cin., 1863 910.4-D74 DuFFERiN, Marquis of. A yacht voyage ; Letters from High Latitudes, 1856 910.4-D85 EtwES, R. A sketcher's tour around the world 910.4-E52 FAi,Kr^44 R912-A2 Johnston, K. Royal atlas of modern geography R912-A3 Antiquities. Adams, A. Roman antiquities 913-A21 Arundell, F. V. G. Visit to the seven churches of Asia, &c 9 13- A 79 Belzoni, G. Operaticns and discov- eries within the pyramids, temples, tombs, and excavations in Egypt and Nubia. 2v 913-B45 Buckingham, J. S. Travels in Media and Persia and Assyria. 2 v 913-B92 Burton, E. Antiquities and other curiosities of Rome. 2 v 913-B97 Forsyth, J. Remarks on antiquities, arts and letters during excur- sion in Italy, 1802-03. 2 v 913-F73 ;!'■.■ [2-Al I2-A2 [2-A3 3-A2I 3-A.79 3-B45 3-B92 3-B97 n 3-1^73 Gray, Mrs. H. Tour to sepulchres of Rtruria, 1839 Hawks, V. L. Monuments of Ejjypt ; or Egypt a witness for the Bible. Layard, a. H. Discoveries in ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, &c. 1 V. in 2. (Same abridged) LoFlus, W. K. Travels and re- searches in Chaldaia and Susiana, 1849-52 Maurick, T. Indian antiquities. L., 1793-1^00 MiGNAN, R. Travels in Chaldica, 1827 Nineveh and its remains Vaux, \V. S. W. Nineveh and Per- sepolis WachsmuTH, \V. Historical anti- quities of the Greeks. 2 v Wordsworth, C. Athens and Attica (5^^ also 871-S7.) EUROPE. AnEN, G. The European tour Blainvili^e de. Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and (especially) Italy. 3 v Cadei,!-, W. a. Journey in Carniola. Italy and France. 1817-18. 2 v. Carter, N. H. Letters from Europe. 2 V Coi.MAN, H. European life and man- ners. 2 V CoxE, W. Travels in Poland, Sweden, Russia and Denmark. 2 v. 1,., 1785 DODD, A. B. Cathedral days Edwards, J. E. Random sketches and notes of European travel, 1856 EtiJOT, C. B. Letters from North of Europe GreeIvEY, H. Glances at Europe . . Greenwood, G. Haps and mishaps of a tour in Europe Guii.D, C. Over the ocean Hoi,MES, O. W. Our hundred days in Europe TRAVELS. 53 HuNTr.Y, C. Gordon, nth 3farqiiis 913-G77 of. Travels, sport, and politics in East of Europe 914-H95 913-H39 Kingston, \V. B. A wanderer's notes. 2 V 914-K55 KiRKLAND, Mrs. C. M. Holidays 91S-L42 abroad. 2v 914-K59 Laing, S. Notes of a traveller in Europa 914-L18 913-L82 Landscape Annual, 1830-34. v. 1-5. 914-L26 Macgregor, J. Thousand miles in 913-M45 Rob Roy Canoe on rivers and 913-M63 lakes of Europe 914-M14 913-N71 Matthews, H. Diary of an invalid in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland 913-V38 and France, 1817-19. 2v 914-M43 Maximiijan I. On the wing 914-M46 913-W11 meri.E D'Aubigwe, J. H. Germany, England and Scotland 914-M56 913-W92 MiTCHEiJ., D. G. pseud., "Ik Marvel," Fresh gleanings . 9i4-M68f Notes from over sea. 2 v.... 9i4-M68n MoTT, V. Travels in Europe and the east, 1834-41 914-M92 914-A42 M0UI.TON, L. C. Lazy tours in Spain and elsewhere 914-M926 Murray, N. pseud., "Kirwan." 914-B63 Men and things as I saw them in Europe 914-M98 914-C12 napikr, Col. E. Excursions along shores of Mediterranean. 2 v.. 914-N19 9M-C33 Na.?.; ED-DIN. Diary during tour in : urope, 1873 914-N26 914-C71 pgpYs, Lady Charlotte. Journey on a plank from Kiev to Eaux Bonnes, 1859. 2 v 914-P42 914-C87 Picturesque tour through France, 914-D63 Switzerland, on banks of Rhine, • and through the Netherlands, in 1816 914-P61 914-E26 pi^anche, J. R. Descent of the Danube, 1827. (bd. with EUiot's 914-E46 " letters from Europe," 914-E46) 914-P69 914-G79 PucKLKR-MusKAU, H. L. Prinz von. Tour in England, Ireland 9I4-G8I and France 914-P07 914-G95 Reach, A. B. Claret and olives, from the Garonne to the Rhone, . 9I4-R28 914-H75 RiDDEi ■ CaunTKR, H. Oriental annual, or scenes in India 9i5-4-C37o Scenes in India 915.4-C37S Conway, W. M. Climbing and explorations in the Karakoram Himalayas 915.4-C76 CooKSON, J. C. F. Tiger shooting in the Doon and Ulwar ; with life in India 915 . 4-C77 De WindT, H. a ride to India 915.4-D52 Dubois, x-IMe J. A. Description of people of India 915.4-D81 DuFFERiN, Marchioness of. Our vice- regal life in India 915 . 4-D85 East India Sketch book : account of Calcutta, Bombay, &c, 2 v 915.4-E13 Eden, E. Letters from India. 2v. 915.4-E22 Edwardes, Sir H. B. Year on Pun- jab frontier, 1848-49 915 .4-E25 Fane, H. E. Five years in India. 2 V 915 .4-F21 Forbes, G. S. Wild life in Canara and Canjam 915.4-F69 Forsyth, J. Highlands of Central India 915-4-^73 Hamilton, F. Account of kingdom of Nepal, &c 915.4-H21 Heber, R. Journey through the upl^er provinces of India, v. 1-2. 915.4-H44 Hoffmeister, W. Travels in Cey- lon and continental India 914.4-H71 Kipling, J, L. Beast and man in India 915.4-K57 Knighton, W. Elihu Jan's story, or private life of an eastern queen. 915 .4-K71 '^i *l:.ESON, G. B. Recreations of an English officer 915.4-M25 MuNDY, G. C. Pen and pencil sketches : being journal of tour in India. 2 v 915.4-M96 OliphanT, I,. Journey to Katmandu, the capital of Nepaul 915.4-O47 OTTLEy, T. H. English in India and other sketches 915.4-O91 REnnell, J. Memoir of a map of Hindoostan. I,., 1792 915.4-R31 Roberts, Field Marshal, Lord, Forty-one years in India 915.4-R64 RusSEiJ,, W. H. My diary in India, 1858-59 915.4-R96 ShereR, Col. M. Sketches of India : written by an officer, for fire-side travellers at home 9I5-4-S55 Speid, Mrs. J. Our last years in India 914.4-S74 Temple, Sir R. India in 1880 915.4-T28 Wallace, R. G. Memoirs of India. 915.4-W19 Younghusband, Capt. F. E. The heart of a continent. A narrative of travel in Manchuria, &c. The relief of Chitral 915.4-Y78 Ceylon. Baker, Sir S. W. Rifle and hound in Ceylon. Ph., 1869 915.48-B16 DeButTES, Lieut. Rambles in Cey- lon 915.48-D28 Tennent, Sir J. E. Ceylon. 2 v. . .915.48-T29 Persia. Bishop, I. L. (Isabella L. Bird.) Journeys in Persia and Kurdes- tan 915.5-B62 Kotzebue, M. von. Journey into Persia, 181 7 915.5-K87 Malcolm, Sir J. vSketches of Persia. 915. 5-M24 Turkey in Asia. Barkley, H. C. a ride through Asia Minor and Armenia 915 . 6-B25 Burnaby, Col. F. On horseback through Asia Minor 916.6-B96 Carne, J. Letters from the east, 2 v 915.6-C28 CuRZON, R. Armenia 915. 6-C' Davis, J. Life in Asiatic Turkey 915.6-D26 MiLLiGEN, F. Life among the Koords 91 5.6-M65 Neill, J. Recollections of four years' service in the east 915.6-N41 Cyprus. Baker, Sii 3. Cyprus, 1879 915.64-B16 Dixui-i, \V. H. British Cyprus 915.64-D62 Mallock, W. H. In an enchanted island : Cyprus. L., 1889 915.64-M25 .6-B25 .6-B96 1.6-C28 .6-C' .6-D26 i6-M65 .6-N41 I64-B16 34-D62 54-M25 TRAV Syria, Palestine. RUSSKLL, A. Natural history of Aleppo. 2 V, L,, 1794 915.61^-1^9611 Addison, C. G. Damascus and Pal- myra. 2 V 915.69-A22 Barclay, J. T. City of the Great Kinjf (Jerusalem) 915.69-B24 BuRCKiiARDT, J. L. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land 915.69-B94 Burton, I. Inner life of Syria, Pale.s- tine and the Holy Land. 2 v . . . . 915 .69-B97 CuRTi.s, G. W. Howadji in Syria. . .915.69-097 Finn, J. Byeway.s in Palestine 915.69-F51 Kkith, A. Land of Israel 915.69-K28 Lynk, a. a. Midshipman's trip to Jerusalem, andcrui.se in Syria. . .915.69-L98 MacgricGOR, J. Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, and Gen- nesareth 915.69-M14 Marggijouth, M. Piljfrimage to the land of m^- fathers. 2 v. . . ,9i5.69-M32 Porter, J. L. Five years in Damas- cus. 2 V 9i5.69-P84f Giant cities of Ba.shan, and Syria's holy places 9i5.69-P84g Prime, W. C. Tent life in the Holy Land 9I5.69-P95 Rokin.son, ]•<., and Smith, K. Bib- lical researches in Palestine, &c., 1838. 3 V 915.69-R65 RoGiiRS, M. E. Domestic life in . Palestine 915.69-R72 Russell, M. Palestine 915.69-R96 Saulcy, L. V. C. de. Journey around Dead Sea and in bible lands, 1S50-51. 2 V 915.69-S25 Sayce, Rev. A. H. Patriarchal Palestine 915.69-S27 Taylor, B. Land of the Saracen 915.69-T23 Wilson, Sir C. W , and Warren, Sir C. Recovery of Jerusalem. Exploration and discovery in the city and the Holy laud qi5.69-W74 Woodcock, W. J. Scripture lands.9i5.69-WS8 Siberia. Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and Western Siberia 915.7-A770 Travels in regions of upper ./ and Lower Anioor, &c 915 . 7-A77t ELS. 63 Collins, P. M. Voyage down the Amoor, etc 915.7-C71 Cox*;, W. Russian discoveries be- tween Asia and America. L.,1787 915.7-G87 De Windt, H. Siberia as it is 915.7-052 DoBELL, P. Travels in Kamtchatka and Siberia, with residence in China. 2v 915.7-D63 Erman, A, Travels in Siberia. 2 v. 915.7.E71 Kenn.\n, G. Siberia and the exile .system. 2 v 915.7-K34S Tent life in Siberia 915-7 K34t Lansdell, H. Through Siberia. 2 v 915.7-L29 Afghanistan, Turkestan. Abbott, J. Journey from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow and St. Peters- burg. 2v 915.8-A13 BuRNES, Sir A. Travels into Bok- hara. 3 V 9T5.8-B96b Cabool. 1S36-38 915.8-B96C CURZON, G. N. Russia in Central Asia in 18S9 915.8-C98 DoBSON, G. Rus.sia's railway advance in Central A.sia 915.8-D63 WoLi'E, J. Mission to Bokhara, 1843-45. 2 V 915.8-W85 Farther India. CrawEURD, J. Journal of emba.s.sy from India to Court of Ava. 2 V 9I5 9-CS9J Journal of emba.ssy from India to courts of Siam and Cochin China. 2 v 915.9-C89J0 Geary, G. Burmah after the conquest 915.9-G29 GouGER, H. NaiTative of two years imprisonment in Burmah 915.9-G69 Leonowens, Mrs. A. H. English governe.s.s at Siamese court 9^5 -9-1/58 Palmer, J. The golden Dagon, or up and down the Irrawaddi 9i5-9-Pi7 Siam, Revelations of. By a banished lady. 2 v. in I 915 . 9-S56 64 TRAVELS. i," !'i-fi.' ¥- «! AFRICA. CoRRY, J. Obsenations upon wind- ward coast of Africa 916-C82 Harris, Sir W. C. Adventures in Africa 916-H31 JUNKKR, Dr. W. Travels in .' frica, 1879-S3 916- J95 Readk, W. W. vSavage Africa 916-R28 Northern Africa. Lyon, Capt. G. F. Travels in Nor- thern Africa, 1818-20 916.1-L99 SAI.A, G. A. Trip to Barbary by a roundabout route 916. 1-S15 TuivLY, R. Ten years' residence in Tripoli 916. 1-T92 Egypt and the Soudan. ApptETON, T. G, A Nile Journey .. 916.2-A65 Beaufort. E. A. Egyptian Sepul- chres and Syrian shrines. 2 v.. 916.2-B37 Buckingham, J. S. Notes of the Buckingham lectures ; sketches of Egypt and Palestine 916 . 2-B92 BuRCKHARDT, J. ly. Travels in Nubia 9[6.2-B94 Butler, vSir W. F. Campaign of the Cataracts, 1884-85 916,2-698 Denon, D. V. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt during campaigns of Bonaparte, tr. A, Aikin, 3 v 916.2-D41 Ebers, G. M. Egypt, descriptive, historical and picturesque. 2 v. 916.2-E16 Expedition to Dongola and Sennaar under command of Ismael Pasha. By "An American in the service of the Viceroy." 916.2-E96 FuRNiss, W. Waraga, or channs of the Nile 916. 2-F98 Gordon, L. A., (Lady Duff). Letters from Egypt, 1863-65 916. 2-G66 Klunzinger, C. B. Upper Egypt , . 9i6,2-K66 HamlEy, W, G, New sea and old land , visit to Egj'pt, 1869 916, 2-H22 HoFLAND, Mrs. B. Travels of a young pilgrim in Egypt and the Holy Land 9i6.2-H7it Young pilgrim, return to the east and travels in ICgypt,&c 916. 2-H7iy HoRNEMAN, F. Travels from Cairo to Mourzouk 916.2-H81 KiNNEAR, J, G. Cairo, Petra, and Damascus, in 1839 916. 2-K55 Lane, E. W. Manners and customs of modern Egyptians. 2 v 916.2-L26 LEGH, T. Journey in Egypt, &c 916.2-L51 Lepsius, R. Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia, and Peninsula of Sinai, 1842-45 916.2-L61 LiNDS.\Y, A. \V. Crawford. Lord. Letters on Egypt, Edom and the Holy Land. 2 v 916.2-L47 Petherick, J. Egypt, the Soudan, and Central Africa 916. 2-P48e Petherick, J., (and Mrs. P). Travels in Central Africa. 2v 9i6.2-P48t Prime, W. C. Boat life in Egypt and Nubia 916.2-P95 SarToru'S, E. Three months in the Soudan 916. 2-S25 Scenes, and impressions in Egypt and Italy 916.2-S28 ScoTT, C. R. Rambles in Egypt and in Candia. 2 v 916. 2-S42 Si.ATiN, F. Fire and sword in the Sudan 916.2-S63 SoNNiNi, C. S. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt . 3 v. L,, 1807 916.2-S69 Spencer, J. A. Egypt and the Holy Land 916. 2-S74 Steevens, G. W. Egypt in 1898... 916.2-S81 Stephens, J. L, Travels in Egypt, Arabia, Petriea, and Holy Land. 2 V 916.2-S83 TowLE, G. M. England in Egypt.. 916.2-T74 Wai,i.ace, Sir D. M, Egypt and the Egyptian question 916.2-W18 Werne, F. Expedition to discover sources of White Nile, 1840-41. 915. 2-W49 Wii,.SON, R. T. History of British Expedition to Egypt. 2 v 916 . 2-W75 WiNGATE, Major, F. R. Ten years captivity in the Mahdi's camp. . .916.2-W76 TRAVELS Abyssinia. Rakkr, Sir S. W. Nile tributaries of Abyssinia 916.3-B16 Pakkyns, M. lyife in Abyssinia 916.3-P25 Sai.T, H. Voyage to Abyssinia 916.3-S17 65 Morocco. Amicis, E. (le. Morocco, its people and places 916.4-A51 Jackson, J. G. Empire of Morocco, ^^c 9T6.4-J13 I'KRiUKK, A. A winter in Morocco. 916.4-P45 Algeria. Campi!]vIJ., T. Letters from the south 916.5-C19 CrawI'ORD, M. S. Through Algeria 916.5-CS9 ICvans, Mrs. H. L. Latt winter in Algeria 916.5-E92 I"ranci:, Lieut, A. de. Frencii in Algeria <.ji^. 5-VS1 Gaskkm,, G. Algeria as it is 916.5-G24 Lamping, Lieut. C. French in Algiers 916.5-L23 I'ANANTi, F. Residence in Algiers. 916.5-PiS I'rCKi.KR-MusKAU, /V/wr von. Travels and adventures in Algiers and other parts of Africa. 3 v. . 916.5-P97 North Central Africa. Harth. H. Travels and researches in North and Cential Africa. 1849-55- 3V 916.6-B2.S HowniCH, T. E. Mi.ssion from Cape Coa.st Castle to Ashantee 916.6-B78 Burton, Capt. R. F. Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome 916.6-B97 Caiij.ie, R. Travels through Cen- tral Africa to Timbuctoo, 1824-2S. 2 V 916.6-C13 Dl'PUlS, J. Journal of residence in Ashantee 916. 6-D94 Harri.s, Sir \V. C. Highlands of Ethiopia 916.6-II31 Hav, Sir J. D. Ashanti and the gold coa.st 916.6-H41 Hutchinson, T. J. Ten years' wand- erings among the Ethiopians 916.6-II97 Kkrr, W. M. The far interior : Central Africa. 2v 916.6-K41 Landkr, R. Capt. Clappertou's last expedition to Africa 916.6-L25 McQukp;n, J. (Geographical and com- mercial view of Northern Central Africa 916.6-M17 Pooi,i:, T. E. Sierra Leone and the Gambia. 2 v 9i6.6-r82 Rkadh, W. W. Story of Ashantee campaign 916.6-R28 Stanley, H. M. Cooma.ssie and Magdala 916.6-S78 Taylor, B, Journey to Central Africa 916.6-T23 South Central Africa. Bakp:r, vSir S. W. Albert Nyanza, Great Basin of Uie Nile, and explorations of '.lie Nile .sources. 2 V 916.7-B16 Burrows, Capt. G. Land of the Pigmies 916. 7-B97 KiNCsr.KV, M, H, Travels in West Africa 9i6.7-K55t We.st African studies 916.7-K55W Krapf, J. L. Travels in F'astern Africa 916. 7-KS9 Livingstone, I). Fyxpedition to Ztmibesi 9i6.7-L78e Last journals 916.7-L78I Missionary travels and re- searches 916. 7-L78m Lugard, Capt. F. D. The rise of our East African Fanpire 916. 7-L95 Maloney, J. A. With Stairs to Katanga 916. 7-M25 MoHR, E. To the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi 916 , 7-M69 Stanley, H. M. How I found Livingstone 916. 7-87811 In darkest Africa 916,7-878! i '!» 66 TRAVELS. South Africa. Ai,EXANDER, Sir J. K, Voyage of observation among colonies of Western Africa, and Campaign in Kaffir land, 1835. 2v 916.8-A37 Anderson, A. A. Twenty-five years in a waggon in the gold regions of Africa 916.8-A54 AnderSSOn, C. J. Lion and elephant 916.S-A55I Okavango River 916.8-A550 Baines, T. Explorations in South- west Africa. L, 1864 916.8-B16 Baldwin, W. C. African hunting, 916.S-B18 Bannister, S. Humane policy or justice to Aborigines of the New Settlements 916 '-B2 r Bent, J. T. The ruined cities of Mashonaland 96. 8-B47 Biria 919. 4-^55 Mundy. G. C. Our antipodes : Aus- tralian Colonies. 3 V 919.4-M96 vStonkv, II. B. Victoria 9I9.4-S8.S TroijiSON. Aikin, L. Life of Addison. 2 V B-.\22 .\i)Oirainne of. Memoirs. 2V B-A62 Arnold. B. Sparks, J. Life of Benedict Arnold B-A7 Arnold, T. Stanley, A. P. Life of T. Arnold B-A75 Bacon. Dixon, W^ H. Personal history of Lord Bacon B-B 1 2d Montagu, B. Life of P'rancis Bacon iM{i2m Baii.i.ik, J. Life .stui9 Bannistkr. Adolphus J. Memoirs of John Banni.ster, commedian . . F{-n2i Harnj;viu,d. Motley, J. L. Life of John of Barneveld. 2 v »-Ba6 Barras. Duruy, G. Memoirs of Barras, member of the director- ate. 4V B-l'269 BARRrNC.TON, Sir J. Personal sketches of his own times. 3 V. H-H27 Bashkirt.shki', M. Journal of H-ift29 Bathurst. Thistlethwayte, Mrs. 1'. Memoirs and correspondence of her father, L'r. H. Bathurst B-n33 Bayard. Sinmis, W. (r. Life of Chevalier Bayard B-H35 I . ;J «; ■B nP Myi I f li 'I f 76 INDIVIDUAL Bkaumarchais. Lonicnic, L. do. lieauiimrcliais and his times ^^-1^37 Bei.i., Sir C. Letters H-IM3 Bkt^i^oT, Lieut. J. R. IVIenioirs ; with journal of vo3'a}.,a' in search of Sir John Franklin. 2 v I}-n44 Bei,OK, Rev. W. Sexagenarian or recollections of a literary life. 1^-1^45 Bknnktt, J. G. Memoirs '^-J^/ Bkrangkr, P. J. de. Memoirs H-H48 BlCRNARDOTTK. (.SV^' Charles XIV). Hkrry, M. Journals and corre.spond- ence. 3 V 1^-1^53 Bp;ust, Coiiiif F. V. von. Memoirs, with introduction containinj^ personal reminiscences, b}' Huron Henry de Worms, M. I'. 2 v. . . Ii-B56 Bickkrstkth, T. R. Memoirs of Rev. F.dward Bickersteth. 2 v. N. Y,, 1851 B-IJ5,S BiRK, K, Diary of a citizen of Paris during " the terror " H-n6i Bismarck. Lowe, C. Piiiue Bis- marck. 2 v B-H62 Rl.ACKWoun. Oliphant, Mns. Wil- liam Blackwood and his sons B-B63 Bl.ESSiNGTON. Madden, R. R, Liter- ary life and correspondence of the Counte.ss of Blessington. 2 v. B-B64 Boi.KVN. Benger, E. O. Memoirs of Amiie Boleyn. 2 v B-B68 Bonaparte. L. (Prince of Canina). Memoirs B-B69 BoNCHAMPS, {Marchioness i\^). Me- nu)irs Fi-BSgg B0NNKVAi<. I-'ullerton, l.ady C The Countess de Boiineval : her life and letters. 2 v B-B71 Bovn, M. Reminiscences of fifty years. (1820-70) B-ByS BrassivY. Helps, vSir A. Life and labors of Thomas Brassey, 1805-70 B-B82 Brenton. Raikes, IL Memoir ot Adtniral Sir J. Brenton B-B83 Brj'.\vsti;r. Gordon, Mrs. M. M. Home life of Sir David Brewster. By his daughter B-BH4 BIOGRAPHY. Brock. Read, I). B. Life and times of Maj. Gen. Sir Isaac Brock H-B86r Tui)per, I". B. Liff- aiid corres- pondence of Sir I. ]5rock, inti-rspersed with notices of the Indian chief, Tecumseh, and memoirs of Daniel De Lisle Brock, Lieut. !•;. W. Tui)pc'r, and Col. W. De Vic Tujjper B-B86t Brodv, Sir H. C. Autobiography... IJ-B865 BronTK. Gaskell, Mrs. Iv C. Life of Charlotte HronU'. 2 v IJ-B869 Brouciiam and Vaux, II. Lord. Life and times. 3 V '5-'^''^75 Brown. Brown, I). W. Memoirs of Charles Brockden Brown I5.B877 Brown, J. Sixty years' gleanings from life's harvest : an autobio- graphy B-878 BrovvnIvOW, F-mnia S. Countess. Slight reminiscences of a septua- genarian B-B88 BrummeU,. Je.sse, W. Life of George Brummell, commonly Beau Brummell. 2 v B-B8q BrCKiNC.iiAM. Thomson, Mrs. C. B. Life autl times of Duke of Buck- ingham. 3v B-B92 BuCKl.ANi). Bompas, G. C. Life of l-rank Buckland B-B924 BuRCiiM'V,. Hume, M. A. S. The great Lord Burghley. A .study in KHzabethan statcscraft 1^-1^95 BiJRKK. O'Brien, C. Archbishop. Memoirs of Rf. Rev. Tuhnund Burke, i.st Vicar Apo.stolic of Nova Scotia B-B950 Burke. Prior, J. Memoir of K. Burke B-H95P BiRNEV, l'\ Ivarly diary of B-B96 BiRN.S. Lockhart, J. G. I,ife of Robert Burns B-n967 Burton, Wilkins, W. H. The romance of Lsabel, Lady Burton, B-B97 BiiRR(JU(;n, K. Memoir of the '.ife, &c.,of B-B972 m INDIVIDUAL niOGRAPIIY. 77 B-878 B-B89 H-1395 I J- 15967 H-H97 H-H972 Hukv, Lac/y C. Diary illustrative of times of (ieorge IV,, with letters from Queen Caroline. 2 v U-|}975fl Continuation of same B-I}975(li BuTi. iiAi.Kicv, T. The journal of B-C43 Chai.mkr.s. Hanna, W. Life and writings of Thomas Chal- mers, I). I). 4v T;-C43h Memoirs of B-C43m Chamhkrs. Chand)ers, W. Memoir of Robert Chambers with auto- biographic reminiscences B-C44 Chari.ics I.ST. Abbott, J. Hi.story of Charles I B-C47ia Aikin, L. Memoirs of the court of Charles the i.st. 2 v. L., 1833 B-C47iai CHARM'S II. Abbott, J. History of Charles II B-C472 CiiARi.KS V. Stirling W. Cloister life of Charles V I^-C475 Chari.k.s XIV. Meredith, W. G. Memorials of Charles XIV, (John of Sweden and Norway B-C4714 CnARi.MoNT. Hardy I'. Life of J. Caul field, /uir/ of B-C479 ClFATTKRTON. Dix, J. Life of Thomas Chatterton CiHRKR, C. Apology for the life of C. Cibber of the Theatre Royal : a hi.story of the .stage for 40 years. By him.self CiCKRO. Middleton C. Cicero. 2 v Life of B-C49 B-C56 B-C568 B-C62 B-C628 B-C64 CrjVJv. Maciday, T. B. Lord Clive, B-C642m Malcolm, vSir J. Life of Lord t^li ve. 3 v B-C642nia Wilson, Col. Sir C. Lord Clive B-C642W CoCKurRN, H. T., /.on/. Memorials of his own time Ci.KMHNT XIV., Pofii'. Letters, with anecdotes of his life Cr.Koi'ATRA. Abbott, J. History of Cleopatra CijNTON. Ho.sack, D. Memoir of DeW. Clinton Coi.MNC.wooD, C, /.(»■(/. vSelection from ])ublic and jmvate corresjjondence, with me- moirs of his life Russell, W. C. Life of Admiral, Lord Collingwcod R-C66 B-C71C B. ir 78 Coi,UMBUS. Irving, W. History of life and voyages of Columbus. 4v Tarducci, F. Life of Christo- pher Columbus CoNDE. Aumale, H. E. P. £>uc. de. History of Princes de Conde, 1 6th and 17th century. 2 v. Stanhope, P. H., 5th Earl; fonnerly Lord Mahon. Life of Prince of Conde INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. CORDAV. Van Alstine, J. Corday , Charlotte CORNEii,il])hus and of the thirty year's war R-GgS GuTHRiJC, T. Autobiography and memoir by his .sons, I). K. (V/d C.J.Guthrie. 2v B-G983 Haw;. Burnet G., /i'is/io/>. Iliical sketch of Rev. Ivdwanl Irviiij^ . . J.VMKS I. Aikiii, L. Memoirs of the court of James I. 2 v JAMKS, J. A. Life and letters, inchid- inj^f an unfinished autohioj^rapliy. Ji;I'1'"1';kson, T. Memoirs, corres- pon(hMU-eand private ])apers. ed. T. Randoi])li. 4 v Rayner, H. h. Life of Tliomas Jefferson Tucker, (1. Life of Thomas Jefferson. 2 v JiCKKRKY, I'rancis, Lord. Cockburn, H. T., Lord. Life, with corres- pondence. 2 V JKI'KRHVS. Woolrych, \\. W. Life of (icorge Jeffreys, Lord Chan- cellor JKNKIN. Stevenson, R. L. Memoir of P'^leemiuf^ Jenkin Ji;rroi.I). Jerrold, 15. Life and remains of Douf^las Jerrold . . Jerrold, J. Life of Douglas Jerrold Joanna oi' Sicii.y. Historical life of. 2. V Johnson. Anderson R. Life of Samuel Johnson Boswell, J. Journal of tour to Hebrides with Johnson. . . Boswell, J, Life of S. Johnson ; includiuff tour to tlie Heb- rides. 5 V. L., 183 1 JoNitS. Al)bott, J. S. C. Life of John Paul Jones JoxKS. Teiginnouth, J. Shore, Baron. Life, writing's, and correspond- ence of Sir William Jones Jordan, R. Journal of life, &C., of. Jordan, Mrs. Boaden, J. Life of Mrs. Jordan. 2 v. L., 1831 JosKiMiiNK. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Jo.sephine Memoirs of Ivmpress Josephine, with anecdotes of courts of Navarre and ISIalmaison . . . JUDSON. Wayland, F. Memoir of A. Judson. 2 V Jl'DSON. Jud.son, Mrs. IC. C. Memoir of Sarah Boardjnan Judson. Psi'iid., " Fanny Forester " 81 Ji;N(yr, Mme. Lauretta l\ (.Sir Abrantes) Ki;i,i»//c de. Journal of private life and con- versations of Nii,ix)leon at St. Helena. 4v B-N21I Maitland, 1\ L. Surrender of Bonaparte B-N2im Scott, Sir \V. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 9 V B-N21S Wol.seley, Pield ^Marshall, /'/.?-. couut. Decline and fall of Napoleon B-N21W Napoleon III. Postlunnous works and luipublished autographs of. Collected by the Count de la Chapelle B-N2i6c Roth, IC. Life of Napoleon in B-N2i6r Nklson. IMahan, Capt. A. T. The life of Nelson, the embodi- ment of the sea power of Great Jiritain B-N42m Nelsonian Reminiscences B-N42n Tucker, J. M. Life and naval memoirs of Nelson Nkpos, C. Excellentium Impera- torium Vita; Nkro. Abbott, J. History of Nero. NiKBUHR. Biuisun, The Chevelier and others. Life and letters of G. B. Niebuhr Lieber, F. Reminiscences of G. B. Niebuhr Oberi.in, J. F., pastor of Waldbach, in the Ban de la Roche. Me- moirs of G'Kkkkvk, J. Recollections. 2 v. . Orford, (S'^' Walpole. ) OtranTo, Joseph Fouche, Due de. Memoirs, v. 2. B-N42t B-N44 B-N449 B-N66b B-N661 B-O12 B-O41 B-088 83 Pai.mkk.sTon. Bulwer, H. L. Lord I)allin>^. Life of Palmer.ston. . . . B-P17 Pandkrano. Hari. Ottley, T. H. Memoirs of a Hindu. 3 V B-P18 Park Mingo. Life and travels, (bound with Parker's "journey I cyond Rocky Mountains," 917). B-P23 Piua,. Bulwer, H. L., Ac/w'Dalling. Sir Robert Peel B-P37d Mtmoir.s of Sir Robert Peel. 2 V B-P37m Thur.'.field, J. R. Peel B-P37t Pkllico da Sai,\v//(), S. My imprisonments : Memoirs. L., 1835 B-P39 PENINGTOn, I. Letters of Lsaac Penington B-P41 PENN. Clarkson, T. IMemoirs of William Penn B-P41C I'assiiges from the life, &.C., of William Penn B-P41P Pepys, S. Diary ( 1659-69) and cor- respondence in reign of Charles II, and James II. With life and notes by Lord Braybrooke. 4 v. B-P42 Perceval. Walpole, S. Life of Spencer Perceval B-P42W Peter the Great. Bradford, S. II. History of Peter the (ireat B-P47 Petrarch Campbell, T. Life of Petrarch B-P49 Piozzi, Mrs. H. L., (Mrs. Tlirale). Autobiograpln-, letters and literary remains B-1'66 Pitt. Rosebery, Kaii of. Pitt the j'ounger B-P68r Tondine, G. Life of William Pitt. 3v 3-P68t \ Pi.ANCHE, J. R. Recollections and reflections : professional autobio- graphy. 2 v. L., 1872 B-P69 Pollock. Sir F. Personal reminis- cences. 2 v B-P77 Porteus. Hodgson, R. Life of Bishop Porteus B-P84 Prescott. Ticknor, G. Life of William H. Prescott B-P 93 PuivSZKY. T. Memoirs of a Hungarian lady. 2 V B-P98 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) Y <" w^.. ^^ 4?j # ;> /A ^ m '^ '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation iV -^q 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 •^ ■1>^ \\ €> 6^ PL^ ^%^ 3E I' ii; I I 84 INDIVIDUAL Pyrrhus. Abbott, J. History of Pyrrhus B-P99 Rai.eigh. Tytler, P. F. Life of Sir W. Raleigh B-R16 Rankkn, Major G, Canada and the Crimea, or sketches of a soldier's life B-R19 Renan. Darniesteter, Mrs. Mar}'. The hfe of Ernest Renan B-R39 Rkynoids, F. Life and times of. 2 v. B-R46 Reynoi.d.s. Northcote, J. Life of Sir J. Reynolds. 2v B-R463 Richard I. Abbott, J. History of Richard I. of England B-Rsiia James, G. P. R. Life of Rich- ard, Caur de Lion, King of England. 2v E-R511J RiCHElJKU. Robson, \V. Life of Cardinal Richelieu B-R52 Richmond. Grimshaw, T. S. Me- moirs of Rev. L. Richmond B-R53 RoBiA'SON, B. C. Bench and bar : reminiscences of one of the last of an ancient race B-R65 Rochester. Burnet Gilbert, Bishop. Passages in life of John Wilmott, Earl of Rochester E-R67 Rock. Moore, T, Memoirs of Captain Rock, the celebrated Iri.sh chieftain B-R68 .'ioi NEY. Mundy, G. C. Life and correspondence of Admiral Lord Rodney. 2 v B-R69 Roland. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Madame Roland B-R74 RoscoE. Roscoe H. Life of W. Roscoe. 2V B-R79 Rousseau. Morley J. Rousseau. 2 v. B-R86 RusSEi.r,, Rachael W., Lady. Some account of life of Lady Russell, followed by letters ty Lady Russell to her husband, William Lord Russell B-R96 RusSEi.L. Russell, John, Earl. Life of William, Lord Russell. 2 v.. B-R968 RYI.EY, S. W. The Itinerant, or me- moirs of an actor. 6v B-R99 Sala, G. A. Life and adventures of. Written by himself. 2v... B-Sij BIOGRAPHY. Saladin. Poole, S. L. Saladin and the fall of the kingdom of Jerusalem B-S159 Savery. Evans J. Journal of the life, &c., of William Savery B-S26 SCROEKBY. Jackscn, R. E. S. Life of W. Scroesby B-S42 ScoiT. Allan, G. Life of Sir Walter Scott B-S43a Lockhart, J. G. Memoirs of Life of Sir Walter Scott. 7v B-S43I Scott. Headley, J. T. Life of Gen. Wimlc'.d Scott B-S431 Segur, L. p. Cinitc (\^. Memoirs and recollections. 3 V E-S45 Sevigke, M. Rlarqnise de, and her conttmi-orarits. 2v B-S51 Shackleton. Leadbeater, M. Memoirs, &., of Richard and Elizabeth Shackleton B-S52 Shaftesbury. Martyn, B. and Kippis, A. Life of Earl of Shaftesbury. 2v B-S525 ShakEvSPEare. Guizot, F. P. G. Shakespeare and his times .. B-S527g Skottowe, A. Life of Shakes- peare, etc. 2 V B-S527S Sheridan. Moore, T. Life of R. B. Sheridan. 2v B-S55 SlDDONS. Eoaden. J. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons. With anec- dotes of authors and actors. B-S56b Campbell. T. Life of Mrs. Siddons. 2 v B-S56C Smith. Holland, Lady S. S. Me- moir of Rev. S. Smith. 2 v .... B-S65 Sofhia Dorothea. Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea, chiefly from .'cme secret archives of Hanover, Brunswick, Berlin, and Vienna. 2 V B-S71 Si'Ai.DiNO. J. Seme account of J. S. B-S73 Stanhope, Lady, H. L. Memoirs as related by herself in conversation with her physician. Dr. Meryon. 3 v B-S786 Stanley, C. S. Reminiscences of a midshipman's life B-S78^ B-SI59 B-S26 B-S42 B-S43a B-S43I B-S431 ■ E-S45 B-S51 B-S52 B-S525 B-S527g B-S527S B-S55 B-S56b B-S56C B-S65 B-S71 B-S73 B-S786 B-S78^ ' INDIVIDUAL Stanley. Rowlands, C. Henry M. Stanley, the story of his life .... B-S787r Stephenson. Smiles, S. Life of G. Stephenson B-S83 Sterijng, Carlyle, T. Life of John Sterling B-S838 Stockmar, E., Baron von. Memoir of. 2V B-S86 Strafford. Cooper E. Life of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. 2v B-S89 Suluvan. Amory, T. C. Life of James Sullivan. 2 v B-S94 Sui,i,Y, Maxiniilien, Due de. Me- moirs : with trial of Francois Ravaillac for murder of Henry the Great. 5 v B-S95 Swift. Forster, J. Life of Jonathan Swift B-S97 Sydenham. Scrope, G. P. Life of Charles, Lord Sydenham, with narrative of his administration in Canada B-S98 Tayler, C. B. (Pseud., Rev. A. Temple. ) Facts in a clergyman's B-T23f Thankfulness, a narrative B-T23t Taylor. Heber, R. Life of Jeremy Taylor B-T24h Taylor. Montgomery, H. Life of Maj.-G.ii. Z. Taylor B-T24m Tennyson. Tennyson, H. Tenny- son, a memoir. 2v B-T31 Thodoric. Hodgkin, T. Thodo- ric the Goth B-T38 Thompson. Hopkins. J. P. Life of Sir John S. D. Thompson B-T47 Thorburn, G. Life and writings of. By himself B-T48 Forty years' residence in America : or doctrine of particular providence exem- plified in life of G. Thorburn. B-T48f Thorpe, J. Letters and memoir of . B-T51 TicKNoR. Hillard, G. S. Life, letters, and journals of George Ticknor. 2v B-T55 Tone, T. \V. Life of. ByLaiself. B-T66 BIOGRAPHY. 85 ToNNA, Mrs. C. E. Personal recol- lections B-T666 TuRENNE. Ramsay, A. M. History of Viscount de Turenne. 2v... B-T93 Van BurEn. Mackenzie, W. L. Life and times of Martin Van Buren B-V22 Vicars. Marsh, C. Memorials of Capt. Hedley Vicars B-V62 ViCENZA. A, A. L. Caulaincourt, Duke oi. Recollections. 2v B-V63 Vidocq, E. F. Memoirs. 4 v B-V65 VizETEi.LY, H. Glances back through seventy years B-V86 Voss, S. M., Countess von. Sixty- nine years at the court of Prussia. 2 v B-V96 Walley, T. S., D. D. Journals and correspondence. 2 v B-W19 Wallis. Brighton, J. G. Admiral of the fleet. Sir Provo Wallis .... B-W21 Walpole, H. Coxe, W. Memoirs of (Horatio) Zo;'pt ... . 932-R2 vSayce, Rev. A. H. The Egypt of the Hebrews 932-S2 Judea. Hosmer, J . K . The Jews 933-H8 Hudson, E. H. History of the Jews at Rome 933-H8 JoSEPHUS. Works, ed. Bradshaw 933-J8b Same . ed . Whiston 933-J8w Kent, C. F. a history of the Hebrew people : the united kingdom 933-K3h The divided kingdom 933-K3hi Morrison, W. D. Jews under Roman rule 933-M8 RoTHvSCHiLD, C. and A. de. History and literature of Israelites accord- ing to Old Testament and Apocrj-- plia 933-R8 Medo • Persia. Ragozin, Z. a. Assyria to fall of Nineveh 935,1-Ri Caldea 935.2-Ri Media, Persia and Babylon. L-, 1891 935-3-Ri 87 Benjamin, S. G. W. Persia 935-5-B4 Rawwnson, G. I'arthia 935 . 6-R2 Rome, Italy. Arnold, T. History of Rome. 2 v. History of the later conmion- wealth Bankks, H. Civil and constitutional history of Rome. 2 v Catrou, F. and RoriLLE, J. His- toire de la Roumaine, depuis la fondation de Rome. 19 v. Paris, 1725-35 Cramer, J. A. Geographical and historical description of Ancient Italy. 2 V Fergi'SON, a. History of progress and termination of Roman Re- public. 5 V Gii.MAN, A. Rome HooKE, N. Roman history. 6 v. . . Keightley, T. History of Rome.. Manners, history, literature, and works of art of the Romans, explained and illustrated Mi LEV, J. Rome as it was under Paganism, and as it became under the popes. 2 v NiEBUHR, G. B. Roman history. 2 V Roman Empire Bi.ACKWEi.i., T. Memoirs of court of Augustus. 3 V. Edin., 1753 . .. Edin. Crevier, J. B. L. History of Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine. 10 v. L., 1814. Gibbon, E. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire 937-A7h 937-A7hi 937-B2 937-C3 937-C8 937-F3 937-G4 937-H7 937-K2 937-M2 937-M6 937-N6 937-R7 f37.o7-B6 937.07-C9 937.09-G4 Greece. Bulwer-LyTTOn, E.G.E.L. Athens, its rise and its fall. 2 v 938-B94 Gillies, J. History of ancient Greece. 8 v . 938-G4 Mahaffv, J. P. Alexander's empire. 938-M2 Malkin. a. T. History of Greece to final subjectif m to Rome 938-M25 88 MODERN HISTORY. MiTFORD, \V, History of Greece. ID V 938-M6 Thirwai,!,, C. Bishop. History of Greece, 8 v 938-T4 Minor Countries. KelIvY, W. K. Syria and the Holy Land : history and travel, from recent authorities 939.4-K2 Rawunson, G, Phoenicia 939.4-R2 Church, A. J, Carthage 939-7-C5 Davis, N. Carthage and her remains 939.7-D2 Hekren, a. H. I/. Historical re- searches into politics, intercourse and trade of Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians 939.7-H4 MODERN HISTORY. Europe. Bradley, H. The Goths 940-B81 Bryce, J. D. C. L. The Holy Roman Empire 940-1591 Froissart, Sir John. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, &c. 2v 940-F92 Geographicai,, historical, and poli- tical description of Germany, Holland, etc 940-G3 Haham, H. Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 V 940-H18 Koch, C. W. History of Europe, having special reference to revolutions 940-K76 DiTSON, G. L. Crescent and French Crusaders 940.4-D61 Mills, C. History of the Crusades. 2 V 940.4-M6S MoNSTRELET, E. de. Chronicles of England, France, Spain and ad- joining countries, 1400-1516. 2v. 940.6-M75 Parival, J. Historic of this Iron Age ; state of Europe in 1500. L.. 1609 945.6-P23 Russell, W. History of modem Europe to 1763. With continua- tion to 1 8 15. 2 V. (Same, with continuation to 1821. 7 v) 940.7-R96 Alison, Sir Archibald. History of Europe, 1789-1815. 18 v 94o.8-A4ih History of Europe, 1815-52. . .94o.8-A4ihi Russell, J., Earl. History of prin- cipal states of Europe to Peace of Utrecht. 2 v 940.8-R96 Holland, H. Richard,Zo;-rf. Foreign Reminiscences 940.9-H73 Scotland. Dalrymple, Sir D. Annals of Scot- ' land, 1057-1371. 3v 941-D15 Kerr, R, History of Scotland, dur- ing reign of Robert I., the Bruce. 2 v 941-K41 Mackintosh, J. Scotland 941-M15 Scott, D. History of Scotland to 1726 941-S42 Scott, Sir W. History of Scotland. 2 v 941-S43 TytlER, p. F. History of Scotland. 9 V 941-T99 NiMMO, W. History of Stirlingshire. 2 V 941.36-N71 Brown, T. C. History of the County of Selkirk. 2 v 941 .46-B88 Ireland. Barrington, Sir J. Historic me- mories of Ireland. 2 v 941.5-82711 Rise and fall of the Irish nation. 941 . 5-B27r Froude, J. A. English in Ireland in iStli century. 3 V 941 .5-F94 Graham, J. Siege of Londonderry and defence of Enniskillen, 16S8-89 941-G73 i:iATHERT()N, K. J. Littleton, Lord. Memoir and correspondence relating to political disturbance in June and July, 1834 941 .5-H36 Lawless, E Ireland 941.5-L41 LELAND, T. History of Ireland. 3 V. 941.5-L53 Macgeoghegan Abbe, J. History of Ireland 941 . 5-M 14 Madden, R. R. United Irishmen, their lives and times. 2v 941.5.M17 Maxwell, W. H. History of Irish rebellion in 1798 941 . 5-M46 MODERN HISTORY. O'Clkry. M. Annals of Ireland, (translated from the original Irish of the Four Masters, by Owen Connellan) 941.5-O16 Englaad. AVBRKY, W. H. S. National and domestic history of England, describing especially the social conditions of the people, their dwellings, costumes, habits, trades, implements, armour, con- veyances, and sports. (Contains colored plates of costumes, fac- similes, &c.) 10 V 942-A89 Raker, Sir Richard. Chronicle of kings of England. L., 1684 942-B16 Berkley, Captain George. Naval* history of Britain to conclusion of 1756 942-B51 Resant, W. Westminster 942-B55 RoMNGBROOKE, H. St. J., Aord i'is- coutit. Remarks on history of England 942-B6S RuRNET, G., Bishop. Hi.story of his own time, from restoration of Charles II. to Peace of Utrecht. 4v 942-B96h History of reformation of the church of England. 2 v. I,., 1850 942-B96hi Campbeix, J. Naval history of Great Britain to 1816 ; including lives of British admirals. 8 v. , . 942-C18 Cowley, C , Ladies history of Eng- land to 1780 942-C87 Dickens, C. Child's history of Eng- land 942-D54 Dilke, TheRt. Hon. Sir C, Bati. The British Empire 942-D5; Dunsany, E. Plunkett, .ffa/w/ . Gaul or Teuton ? Considerations as to our allies in the future 942-D92 Ivij.iS, Sir H. Original letters illus- trative of English history 942-E47 I'lTCHETT, W. H. Fights for the flag 942-F54 Green, J. R. Short history of the English people 942-079 HouNSHED, R., and others. Chron- icles of England and Scotland. 6v. L., 1807-08 Hume, D. History of England to 1688. 10 v. (for continuation see Smollett) James, W. Naval history of Great Britain, 1793-1820. 6v Johns, Major R., and Nicolas, Lieut. P. H. Calendar of victory; record of British valor and con- quest by land and sea, on every day in the year MoRELL, T. Studies in history ; con- taining history of England till death of Elizabeth. 2 v Rapin de Thoyras, p. Hi.story of England, ed. Tindal Abridgement of History of England with Tindal's con- tinuation. 3 V. L. , 1 747 .... Raumer, F. L. G. von. Political history of England. i6th-i8th centuries Robinson, J. Pictorial history of PCngland. Abridged from Hume and Smollett, and continued to Victoria. 2v. ini. B., 1850... Smollett. T. G. History of Eng- land from 1688 to death of George III White, J. Landmarks of History of England Period Divisions. 89 942-H73 942-H92 942-J28 942-J65 942-M84 942-R21 942-R2ia 942-R24 942-R66 942-S66 942-W58 Church, A. J. Eaily Britain 942.01-C56 Turner, S. History of Anglo- Saxons to Norman Conquest. V. 2-3 942.01-T95 Freeman, E. A. History of Nor- man conquest of England. 3 V.942.02-F85 JEWETT, S. O. The Normans, chief- ly in relation to their conquest of England 942 .02-J59 Turner, S. History of England during Middle Ages. 5 v 942 . 03-T95 Hall, E. Chronicle : Hi.story of England, Henry IV. to Henry VIII 942.04-H17 f;.^' mem mmmm 'ii • :5 J 1 90 MODERN Roberts, E. Memoir of rival houses of Lancaster and York 952 . 04-R64 Froudk, J. A. History of England from fall of Wol.sej- to defeat of Spanish Armada. 12 v 942 . 05-F94 Merle d'AvmcNE, J. II. History of reformation of the i6tli cen- tury 942.05-M56 Thomson, Mrs. C. B. Memoirs of court of Henry VIII. 2 v 942.05-T48 Turner, S. History of the reigns of Edward VI., Mary and Eliza- ' beth 942.o5-T95h History of reign of Henry VIH 942.o5-T95hi Carrel, a. History of the counter revolution in England under Charles II. and James II 942,o6-C3i Clarendon, E. H. Ear/ of. History of the rebellion and civil wars in England, (1628-60) ; to which is added historical view of affairs of Ireland. 6 v 942.06-C59 Disraeli, I, Commentaries on life and reign of Charles I. of Eng- land. 5 v 942.06-D61 Fox, C. J. History of reign of James II. (Subjoined to Carrel's " history of counter-revolution in England," 942.06-C31.) 942.06-F79 Godwin, W. History of common- wealth of England. 4v 942.06-G59 GuizoT, F. History of the English reformation 942 .06-G96 Lonsdale, J. Lowther, Viscount. Memoir of reign of James II. (Subjoined to A. Carrel's " coun- ter revolution in England," 942.06-C31) 942.06-1,86 Macaulay, T. B., Lord. History of England from accession of James II 942 . 06-M 1 1 Oldmixon. J. History of Er.gland during reigns of Williarn and Mary, Anne, and George I., being sequel of reigns of the Stuarts. L., 173S 942.06-O44 Stanhope, P. H., Earl', (formerly Lord Mahon.) History of Eng- land : reign of Queen Anne to Peace of Utrecht, 1701-13 942.06-S78 HISTORY. Ward, R. P. Historical essay on the revolution of 1688 962.06-W26 Adolphus, J. History of England from accession of George III. to i/f^S- 3 V 942.07-A23 Batty, Lt.-Col. R. Campaign of light wing of allied army in western Pyrennes and South of France, 1813-14, imder Wellington 942.07-B33 Buckingham aWCHANDos, R. P. T. N. B. C. Grenville, Duke of. Memoirs of the court of George IV. 1820-30. 2 v.942 o7-B92m Memoirs of courts and cabinets of William IV. and Victoria, 2 V 942 .o7-E92me Greville, C. C. F. Greville me- moirs : journal of the reign of George IV. and William IV. 2 V.042.07-G34 Historical account of his majesty's (George IV.), visit to Scotland.. 942. 07-H67 HuiSH, R. History of the life and reign of William IV 942.07-H89 Mercer, Gen. C. A. Journal of the Waterloo campaign. 2 v 942.07-M55 OliphanT, Mrs. M., {nee Wihon.) Historical sketches of reign of George II. 2 v 942 .07-O47 Orford, H. Walpole, Earl of. Me- moir of last 10 years of reign of George III. 2 v 942.o7-067m Memoirs of reign of George III. 4 v 942 .o7-067me Stanhope, P. H., F^arl\ (Lord Mahon.) History of England from Peace of Utrecht, (1713), to Peace of Versailles, ( 1 783) 942 . 07-S78 Smucker, {or Schmucker), S. M. History of the four Georges, kings of England 942 .07-S66 Victories of Wellington and the British army 942 ,o7-V64 Wellington, a. Wellesley, Duke of. Dispatches during campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France, 1799-1818. ed. Lieut.- Col. Gurwood, 12 v., with index 942.07-W45 !.o6-W26 2,o7-A23 J2.07-B33 : o7-B92m ,o7-P-92nie 142.07-034 42.07-H67 142 .07-H89 42.07-M55 142.07-047 ,07-067111 .o7-067me )42.o7-S78 J42.07-S66 f42.o7-V64 t2.o7-W45 MODERN Wiij.iAM III. and Louis XIV. Let- ters of. ed. P. Griinblot 942 .07-W713 Wn,i,iAM IV. \Vri)rht, G. N. Life and reign of William IV 942.07-W714 Campbkh, Col. Sir C. Menioran- duiii on part taken by 3rd division of army of Punjaub, at battle of Chillianwala 942.08-C18 HoDDER, G. Memories of my time, including personal reminiscences of eminent men 942.0S-H68 HowiTT, W. Illustrated hi.story of England during the last hundred years. (Cassel's.) 942.08-H86 McCarthy, J. History of our own times, 1837-80. With appendix of events to 1886. 2 v 942.08-M12 RUSSEU,, W. H. The war in the Crimea, to death of Lord Raglan 942 . 08-R96C The war in the Crimea, from death of Lord Raglan to evacuation of Crimea . . ..942.o8-R96cr Germany and Austria. Could, S. Baring- Geniiany 943-C69 KoHT.RAUSCH, F. History of Ger- many 943-K79 .Mai.kt, Sir A. Overthrow of the Germanic Confederation by Prus- sia in 1866 943-M24 Ranke, L. History of reformation in Germany 943-R19 Raumer, F. L. G. von. Contribu- tions to modern history : Freder- ick II. and his times 943-R24 Wraxali,, Sir N. W. Memoirs of Courts of Berlin, Dresden, War- saw, and Vienna, 1777-79. 2 v.. 943-W94 Geographical Dhnsiofis. ZiMMERN, H. The Hansa towns.. . . 943.5-Z76 Maurice, C. E. Bohemia 943.7-M45 MoRKni., W. R. Poland 943 . 8-M84 ScHtESiNGER, M. War in Hungary, 1^48-49 943-9-834 Vamberv, a. Hungary 943 . 9-V21 HISTORY. France. BiGi.AND, J. Letters on French hi.story BVSSKY, G. M. and Gaspky, T. Pictorial history of France Calton, R, B . Annals and legends of Calais ; with sketches of eniigrt^ notabilities, and memoir of Lady Pjnma Hamilton GiFi-ORD, J. History of France .... GuizoT, F. P. G. History of France to 1789 Stephen, Sir J Lectures on history of France Period Dii'isions. 91 944-B59 944-B98 944-C16 944-G45 944-G96 944-S82 CoMiNES, P. de, Sieur d'Argenton. Memoirs, containing history of Louis XL, and Charles VIII. of France, and of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy ; witli the .secret historj' of Lewis XI. out of tlie " Scandalous Chronicle." 2 v. L., 1823 944.02-C73 Kirk, J. F. Hi.story of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy 944.02-K5 Masson, G. Mediaval France ....044.02-M41 Ci-ERY, J. B. Journal of occurrences in the tower of the 'Temple, dur- ing confinement of Louis XVI. of France 944.03-C63 Dangeau, p. de C. Marquis de. Memoirs of court of France, 1684-1720 C44.03-D18 E1.U0T. F. Old court life in France. 2 V 944.03-E46 GiEFORD, J. Reign of Louis XVI., and history of French revolu- tion 94403-G45 Hezecques, C. A. F. F., Cow/^de. Recollections of a page at the court of Louis XVI 944.o3-H6a Pardoe, J. Louis XIV and the court of France in the 17th cen- tury. 3 v 944.03-P22 Alger, J. G. Englishmen in the French revolution . . '. 9 44 • 04-A39 Baines, E. History of wars of the French revolution 944 .04-B16 9a MODERN Cari,yi.e, T. French revolution . . .944.04-C28 Comparative display of different opinions of distinguished British writers on French revolution ; followed by review and compari- son with events. L., 1811 944.04-C73 ElwoT, G. D. Journal of my life during French revolution 944.04-E46 Impartiai, history of late revolu- tion in France 944 .04-I3 LamarTine, M. L. a. p. de. History of the Girondists 944.04-1,2 Lamballe, M. L., Ptincesse de. Secret memoirs of the royal family of France during the revolution 944.04-1,21 MACFARI.ANE, C. French revolu- tion 944.04-Mi M'Gregor, J. J. History of the French revolution and the wars resulting. 12 v 944.04-M14 MiGNET's history of the French revolution. (1789-1814) 944.04-M63 New history of twenty years' war with France, concluded by a glorious peace in 1814. v. 1-2 ...944.04-N53 Thiers, L. A. History of French revolution 944.o4-T43h History of consulate and em- pire of France under Na- poleon., 16 v. Iv.. 1 845-58,, 944. o4-T43hi ToCQUEVilXE, A. C. H. C. de. Old regime and revolution 944 .04-T63 Cooke, J. H. Events in South of France, and attack on New Orleans, 1814-1 5 944.05-C77 Hooper, G. Waterloo 944.05-H78 Pardoe, J. Episodes of French his- tory, during consulate and first empire. 2 v 944 .05-P22 Savarv, A. J. M. R., Due de Rovigo, Memoirs illustrative of history of Napoleon. 4 v 944 .05-S26 GuizoT, F. P. G. Last days of reign of Louis Philippe 944 . 06-G96 Morgan, S. O., Lady. France in 1829-30 944.06-MP4 HISTORY. Sarran.s, B. Lafayette, Louis Phil- ippe, and the revolution of 1830. 2 v '. 944 .06-S24 Head, Sir F. B. Faggot of French sticks, or Paris in 1851 944.07-H43 Lamartine, M. L. a. p. de. Historj- of French rcvcluticn of 1848 . ..944.07-L21 Raikks, T. France since 1830 944.07-R15 Bingham, Captain 1). A. Journal of siege of Paris 944.08-B61 Forbes, A. My experiences of war between France and Germany. 2 V 944 . 08-F69 From Sedan to Saarbruck, via Ver- dun, Gravelotte, and Met/.. By an officer of the Royal artillery. .944. 08-F93 FuRLEY, J. Struggles and experi- ences of a neutral volunteer. 2 V 944.C8-F98 O'Shea, J. A. An iron-bound city. 2 V 944.C8-O82 Pearson, E. M. awr/ Maci.auohi.in, L. E. Our adventures during the war of 1 870. 2 v 944 .Q8-P36 RussKi.iv, W. H. My diary during the last great war 944 .08-R96 Shepi'ARD, N. Shut up in Paris. . .944. 08-S54 Italy. About, E. Roman question 945-A15 Denina, C. Delia Rivolu/ioni d'ltalia. 4 v 945-D39 Gallenga, a. Italy : general view of its history and literature in reference to its present .state. 2 v. 945-G16 Percevai., G. History of Italy. 2 v. 945-P42 SiSMONDi, J. C. L. S. de. History of the Italian Republic 945-S62 Whiteside. J. Italy in the 19th cen- tury. 3 v 945-W59 Period Diinsions. Ei,i.esmere, F. Egerton, Earl of. Military events in Italy, 1848-49, (from the German . ) 945 .C8-E45 Arrtveabene, Count C. Italy under Victor Emmanuel. 2 v 945.09-A77 44 06-824 H.07-H43 ;44.o7-L2i 44.07-R15 J44.08-B61 )44 . 08-F69 944.08-F93 944.C8-F98 944.08-O82 944,o8-r36 944.08-R96 944.08-S54 945-A15 945-D3«) 945-G16 945-P42 945-S62 . 945-W5'^ 945.08-E45 r 94509-A77 MODERN Geographical Divisions. Gaixenga, a. History of Piedmont. 3 V 945.1-G16 Duffy, B. The Tuscan republics : Florence, Siena, Pisa, and Lucca, with Genoa 945 . 5-D85 Freeman, E. A. Sicily : Phcenician, Greek, and Roman 945 . 8-F85 Spain. Busk, M. M. History of Spain and Portugal 946-B98 CoMPENDio de la Historia de Espana. Por Ascargorta. Paris, 1858. ... 946-C73 IIerefknd, Rev. C. History of Spain to death of Ferdinand, sur- named the Sage. 2 v 946-H54 Period Divisions BoiTRKR, T. History of the Moors in Spain 946 . 02-B77 Pooi.R, S. L. Moors in Spain 946.02-P82 Prescott, W. H. History of reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic. 3 V 946.03-P93 AcHiijj, G. Dealings with the Inquisition 946.04-A17 Froude, J. A. The Spanish story of the Armaria 946.04-F94 Ivi-ORENTE. J. A. History of Inquisi- tion in Spain 9^6 . 04-1,79 Prescott, W. H. History of reign of Philip II. of Spain. 3 V . . ..946.04-P54 Watson, R. Reign of Philip II. of Spain. 3 V 946 . 04-W34 Ranke, L. Ottoman and Spanish empires in i6th and 17th cen- turies 946.05-R19 Hamilton, T. Annals of Pennin- sular campaigns, 1808-14. 3 v. .946.06-H22 Londonderry, Lieut.-Gen. C. W. Vane, Marquis of. Narrative of Peninsular war, 1808-13. 2 v . . .946.06-1,84 Maxwei,!,, W. H. Peninsular sketches. 2 v 946.06-M46 Napier, Sir Charles. The war in Spain. 2 V 946.06-N19 HISTORY. 93 Napier, Sir W. F. P. Historj- of war in the Peninsula, and in South of France, 1807-14. ..946. 06-N21 Sherer, Major M. Recollections of the Peninsula, 1809-13 946,06-855 SouTHEY, R. History of Peninsular war 946.06-S72 Shaw, Col, C. Personal memoirs and correspondence ; comprising nar- rative of war for constitutional liberty in Portugal and Spain, '831-37 946.07-S53 Geographical Diinsiofts. Agapida, a. Chronicle of Conquest of Granada. 2 v 946.2-A52 Drinkwater, J. History of the late siege of Gibraltar 946.8-D78 Stephens, H. M. Portugal 946.9-S83 Russia. Morfili,, W. R. Russia 947-M84 Period Divisions. Segur, p. P. History of Russia and of Peter the Great 947-05-845 Laveaux, J. C. T. de. History of reigns of Peter III. and Catherine II. of Russia 947.06-L39 Spencer, E. Fall of the Crimea . . .947.06-874 TooKE, W. Russian empire during reign of Catherine II., and to close of 1 8th century. 3 V 947.06-T66 Dodd, G. Pictorial history of Russian war, 1854-56 947.07-D63 Kingi.ake, a. W. Invasion of the Crimea 94707-K54 Labaume, E. Campaign in Russia. 947. 07-L 11 Sandwith, H. Siege of Kars 947.07-822 Segur, P. P. Comfe de. History of expedition to Russia. 1812. 2 v. .947.07-845 Chesney, Col. F. R, Russo-Turkish campaigns, 1828-29 947.08-C52* Forbes, A. Czar and Sultan 947 . 08-F69 Is Russia wrong? Letters by a Russian lady. ed. J. A. Froude. 947.08-I8 Marvin, C. Account of the dis- astrous Russian campaign against the Turcomans 947.08-M39 A I 94 MODERN HISTORY. Geographical Dhnsions. Dunham, S. A. History of Poland. 947.5-D91 Harking, H. Poland under Russia. 947.5-H29 Norway, Sweden and Denmark. WhEATOn, H. History of Northmen, or Danes and Nonnans 948- W55 Du Chaii,IvU, p. B. The Viking age ; early history, manners, and cus- toms of ancestors of English- speaking nations. 2 v 948.01-D82 Creasy, Sir E. S. History of Otto- man Turks. 2 V 949.6-C91 Lake, Col. A. Kars and our captivity in Russia ; with letters from Gen. Sir W. F. Williams 949.6-11,19 PalgravE, W. G. Essays on the eastern questions 949.6-P16 Poole, S. Lane, awrfoMrr.?. Turkey. 949.6-P82 Bulgaria. HUHN, A. von. Struggle of Bulgari- ans for independence, 1885. L., 1886 949,7-H89 ASIA. Macfarlane, C. Chinese revolution 951-M14 Netherlands. Bonaparte, L. Historical docu- ments and reflections on govern- ment of Holland. 3 V 949, 2-B69 MoTi,EY, J. L. History of United Netherlands, 1584-1609. 4v..949.2-M9ih I, , > x^ • • .^,.- . J t 7 t 7^:^ 7 I Murray, A. Doings in China. 1841- Rise of Dutch Republic. 3 v..949.2-M9ir ^^ 951-M98 Rogers, J. E. T. Holland 949. 2-R72 3chii,i.ER, J. C. F. von. History ot revolt of Netherlands 949- 2-S33 Theatre of present war in Nether- lands and upon Rhine ; with plans of fortified places, also mili- tary dictionary. L., 1746 949. 2-T37 Belgium. White, C, Belgic revolution of 1830.949. 3-W58 Switzerland. Hug, Mrs. L. and Stead, R. Switzerland 949.4-H89 Pi,anTA, J. History of Helvetic Con- federacy. 2 v 949.4-P71 SiMOND, L. Switzerland, 1817-19. . . 949.4-S59 Greece. Oman, C. W. C. Byzantine empire. .949.5-O54 Turkey in Europe. CampbEIvI,, Sir G. Handy book on eastern question ; recent view of Turkey 949.6-C18 Japan. MOSSMAN, S. New Japan 952-M91 Arabia. GitMAN, A. The Saracens 953-G48 India. Corner, J. History of India 954-C81 India : political, descriptive and historical 954-13 Macfarlane, C. History of British India 954-Mi4h Our Indian empire. 2v 954-M140 Malcolm, Sir J. Political history of India, 1784-1823. 2 v 954-M24 Murray, H. History of British India to 1854 95''-M98 HOLMES, T. R. E. History of the Indian mutiny 954. 2-H75 GouGH, Sir C, V. C. The Sikhs and the Sikh wars 9545-G69 MODERN HISTORY. 95 954-C81 954-I3 954-M24 95''M98 54.2-H75 54.5-G69 Shahamat, ah. The Sikhs and Afghans, in connection with India and Persia, ininiediatclj hefore and after death of Ranjcet Singh. L., 1^47 954.5-f^52 Knighton, W. History of Ceylon.. 954. ^-K7i Turkey in Asia. Barker, J. Syria and Egypt under the last five Sultans of Turkey. . 956-B25 HUNTKR, W. P. Expedition to Syria under Admiral Sir R, Stop- ford. 2v 956-Hq4 Finn, J. Stirring times, or records from Jerusalem consular chron- icles, 1853-56. 2v 956.9-^51 WiLUAMS, G. The Holy city 956.9-W72 Russia. Krauss, a. Russia in Asia. 1558 to 1^99 957-K91 . ^: Farther India. SnodgrAvSS, J. J. The Burmese war, 1824-26 95Q.1-S67 AFRICA. Poole, S. L. Barbary Corsairs 961-P82 M11.NER, Sir Alfred, G. C. M. G. England in Egypt 962-M65 Bennett, E. N. The downfall of the Dervishes 962.6-B47 BtTRi.RiGH, B. Kartoum campaign, 1898 962.6-B96 Steevens, G. W. With Kitchener to Kartoum 962 . 6-S81 BuTtER, Sir W. F. Akini-Foo ; the historv of a failure 966.7-B98 NORTH AMERICA. Buckingham, J. S. America : histori- cal, statistic and descriptive. 3 v. 970-B92 Northrop, H. D. Four centuries of progress, or panorama of Ameri- can history 970-N87 Parkman, F. Half-ccnturj- of con- flict. 2 V 970-P24 RoBERTvSON. History of America continued to the jiresent time.. 970-R64 Indians of North America. Catijn, G. Letters and notes on manners, customs and conditions of North American Indians. 2 v. 970. 1-C36 Drake, S. G. Book of the Indians. 970.1-D75 HAI.KKTT, J. Historical notes respect- ing Indians of North America, with remarks on attempts to con- vert and civili/e them , 970. i -Hi 7 McLean, J., M. A., Ph. D. Canadian savage folk 970. 1-M16 YovNG, E. R. Stories from Indian wigams 970. 1-Y71 Drake, B. Life of Tecumseh and hi' brother, the prophet ; with s' jli of Shawanoe Indians.... 970.2-D76 Copway, G. Traditional history Ojibway Indians 970.3-C78 Hunter, J. D. Manners and customs of several Indian tribes west of the Mississippi 570. 3-H^ Miu.ER, C. H., {Pseiid., "Joaquin Miller.") Life among the Mo- docs : unwritten history 970.3-M64 Canada. BouRiNOT, J. G. The story of Canada. 971-B77 BrycE, Rev. G. A short history of the Canadian people 971-B91 Coffin. W. F. 1812 ; the war and its moral : a Canadian chronicle. 971-C67 Durham, J. G., Earl oi. Report of affairs of British North America. 971-D96 Fitzgibbon, M. a. Veteran of 1812 : Life of J. Fitzgibbon 971-F55 Head, Sir F. B, Narrative. (Cana- dian affairs. ) 971-H43 Hind, H. Y. and others. Eighty years' progress of British North America 971-H66 KiNGSFORD, W. History of Canada. 971-K55 .m i; 4i:. Bi 96 MODERN KiRKB, H. First English conquest of Canada : with :.ccount of earliest settlemer.ta of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland 971-^59 Macgrkgor, J, British America .. . 97i-Mi4b Progress of America to 1846. 2 V 971-M14P Murray, H. Historical and descrip- tive account of British America. 3 V :i-M98 Farkman, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac and Indian war after con- quest of Canada. 2 v 971-P24C Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV . . . 971-P24CO Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 v 97i-P24m Old regime in Canada 971-P240 Pioneers of Franc^ in the New world 971-P24P Roberts, C. G, D. The Canadians of old 971-R64C History of Canada 97i-R64h Warburton, G. Conquest of Canada. 2 v 971-W25 WlTHROW, W. H., D. D. Popular history of the Dominion of Canada 97i-\V82 Hopkins, J. Castell. Canada, an Encyclopaedia. 5 v R971 .03-1179 British Columbia. BEGG, A. C. C. History of British Columbia 971 . 1-B41 North-West. Begg, a. The creation of Manitoba, or history of the Red River troubles 971 . 2-B41 Macbeth, Rev. R. G. The making of the Canadian west 97 1 . 2-M1 im The Selkirk settlers in real life.971.2-M1 is McDougah, J. Forest, lake and prairie 97i.2-Mi3f Pathfinding on plain and prairie 971.2-M13P Saddle, sled, and snowshoe . . .971.2-M13S Young, E. R. By canoe and dog- train 971 . 2-Y71 Young, Rev. G. Manitoba memoirs. 971.2-Y72 Ontario. CONANT, T. Upper Canada sketches. 971.3-C74 Edgar. M. Ten year» of Upper Canada, 1805-15 971.3-E2 HISTORY. Hodgins, J. G. Legislation and his- tory of separate schools in Upper Canada 971 .3-H68 Lizars. R. and Mackarlane, K. In the days of the Canada com- pany 971 .3-L78 Quebec. G1.ENEI.G, C. Grant, Baron. Des- patches to Sir F. B. Head, governor of Upper Canada. L., 1839 97I-4-G55 New Brunswick. Lawrence, J. W. Foot-prints, or incidents in the early history of New Bninswick 971 . 5-L42 St. John relief and aid society. Report : disbursements of contri- butions for sufferers by fire of 2ota June, 1877 971 .5-S14 A'ova Scotia. Campbki.i., D. Nova Scotia in its historical, mercantile and indus- trial relalions 971 .6-C18 Hai,i burton, T. C. Historical and statistical account of Nova S^ Ha. 2 V. Halifax, 1829 971.6-H17 Hannay, J. History of Acadia 971 .6-H24 LAWSON.Mrs.M. J., («£•<• Katzmann.) History of the township of Dart- mouth, Preston, and Lawrence- town, Halifax county, N. S. ed. H. Piers. Halifax 971.6-L45 LouiSBOURG memorial. Report of the committee on the. N. Y., 1896 R971 .6-L8 More, J. F. History of Queen's county, N. S. Halifax, 1873..., 971.6-M83 Murdoch, B. Hi.story of Nova Scotia. orAcadie. 3 v. Halifax, 1865-67. 971. 6-M97 Nova Scotia. Archives, 1714-1755. ed. Akins, T. B R97i.6-N9a Nova Scotia historical society. Trans- actions, 1 887-95 R971 .6-N9h Patterson, G. History of Pictou county, N. S 971 .6-P31 Prince Edrvard Island. Campbell, D. History of Prince Edward Island 971.7-C18 MODERN Neivfoiindlaud Prowsk, D. W. History of New- foundland 971 . 8-P96 Mexico. Hale, S. Mexico 972-H16 Mill,, N. History of Mexico 972-M64 PreSCOTT, \V. H. History of Con- quest of Mexico 972-P93m RouiNSON, W. D. Memoirs of Mexi- can revolution. 2 v 972-Pv66 Mansfield, E. D. The Mexican war 972.05-M28 Kendall, J. J. Mexico under Maxi- milian 972.07-K33 Salji-Salm, F., Prince. iJiary in Mexico, 1867, including last days of emperor Maximilian ; with leaves' from diary of Princess Salm-Salm. 2 v 972 . 07-S1 7 West Indies. EDWARDr, B. History of British West Indies 972 . 9-E26 RoDWAY, J. West Indies and the Spanish Main 972 . 9-Rb9 Hazard, S. Santo Domin.'jo, past and present ; with glance at Hayti 972.93-H42 History of Island of San Domingo... 972. 93-H67 United States. Bancroft, G. History of the United States 973-B21 Bryce, J. The American connnon- wealth 973-B91 Buckingham. J. S. Eastern and western states of America 973-B92 FiSKE, J. A l.'istory of the United States, for schools 973-^54 Gbahame, J. History of the United States of America, till British revolution of 1688. 2 v. L., 1827. 973-G74 I(KE, H. Memoirs of war in southern department of United States. 2 v. rii-, 1812 973-L47 McCarthy, J. H. A short history of the United States 973-M12 Peabody, E. p. Chronological his- tory of the United States 973-P35 HISTORY. 97? Smith, G. The United States : an outline of political history, 1492- 187 1 973-S64 Walsh, R. Appeal from judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States. L,., 1820 973-W22 Colonial Period. Church, T. History of Philip's war, conmionly called great Indian war of 1675-76 ; also French and Indian wars at the eastward, 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696, 1704, with numerous notes ; also appendix by Samuel G. Drake. 2nd ed. Exeter, N. H., 1834 973.2C56 Greene, E. B, The provincial governor in the English colonies of N. A 973 . 2-G79 HaliburTon, T. C. Rule and mis- rule of English in America 973.2-H17 Parkman, F^. La Salle and dis- covery of the great west 973 . 2-P24 Revolution. CURWEN, S. Journal and letters of an American refugee in England, 1775-84 973.3-C98 Lodge, H. C. The story of the revolution. 2 v 973 . 3-L82 LossiNG, B. J. Seventeen hundred and seventy-six 973 . 3-L88 Safeell, W. T. R. Records of the revolutionary war 973 3-Si2 Stedman, C. History of American war 973-3-S81 Trevelyan, Rt. Hon. Sir G. O., Bart. The American revolution. Part I, 1766-1776 973.3-T81 War of iS'2 GlEIG, G. R. Campaigns of British army at Washington and New Orleans, 1H14-15 972-5-G55C Subaltern in America ; com- prising campaigns of British army at Baltimore, Wash,, &c 9735-G55S Mexican War. Carleton, J. H. Battle of Buena Vista 973.6-C28 Kendall, G. W. Narrative of Texan Santa F6 expedition. 2 v 973 •6-K33 'AM m .'.:■■& ■myaiw^— ■' ^•'"•" ,.*,.«ji»^if «M 98 MODERN C/t'?'/ War. BATTi,E-FiEivr)S of the south, from Bull Run to Fredericksburg. By an English combatant in the southern army. 2 v 973 . 7-B33 GRKEI.EY, H. American conflict : rebellion in the United States. 1860-64. 2 V 973.7-G79 Hardinge, Mrs. B. B. Belle Boyd in camp and prison. By herself. ed. G. A. Sala 973 . 7-H26 Lawrence, G. A. Border and bas- tile 973.7-L42 ParTon, J. General Butler in New Orleans 973 . 7-P27 Poi,i.ard, E. a. First year of the war 973-7-P77f Southern history of the war. . .973.7-P77S Russell, W. H. My diary north and south 973 . 7-R96 Naval History. Cooper, J. F. History of navy of United States of America 973 . 75-C77 N'ew England. Cheever, J. B. Journal of the pil- grims at Plymouth, 1620 974.4-C51 FiSKE, J. The beginnings of New England 974.4-F54 Hutchinson, T. History of colony of Massachusetts Bay from 1698 until 1750. L., 1768 974.4-H97 MiNOT, G. R. History of insurrec- tions in Massachusetts in 1786, and rebv^llion consequent thereon. Worcester, Mass. , 1 788 974 . 4-M66 Thacher, J. History of town of Plymouth, with history of Abori- gines of New England. B., 1835, 974.4-T35 South Eastern States. Buckingham, J. S. Slave states of America 975-B92 FiSKE, J. Old Virginia and her neighbors. 2 v 975-F54 HewiT, A. Historical account of the colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 v. L., I779 975-H61 Irving, T. Conquest of Florida by Hernando de Soto 9;- . 9-I72 Southern and Pacific States, Green, T. J. Journal of Texian ex- pedition against Mier 976.4-G79 HISTORY. Greenhow, R. History of Oregon and California, &c 979-G81 Wilkes, G. History of Oregon.... 979. 5-W68 SOUTH AMERICA. Brazil. ArmiTage, J. History of Brazil. 2 v. 98:-A73 Henderson, J. History of Brazil . . 981-H49 SouTHEY, R. History of Brazil. 3 v. Iv., 1810 981-S72 Peru. PrescoTT, W. History of conquest of Peru. 3 v 985-r'93 Ranking, J. Historical researches on conquest of Peru, Mexico, Eogoto, Natchez, Talomeco, in 13th cen- tury, by Mongols, accompanied with elephants. L., 1827 985-R21 Paraguay. Rengcer, J. R., and Longchamps, Reign of Dr. J. G. R. de Francia in Paraguay. L., 1S27.. 989-R41 OCEANICA. Crawfurd, J. History of Indian Archipelago. 3 V Edin., 1820. 991-CS9 Raffles, SirT. S. History of Java. 2v. Iv., 1830 992.2-R13 New Zealand. Thomson, A. S. Story of New Zea- land, v. 2. L., 1S59 993.1-T48 Australia. Tregarthen, G. Australian com- monwealth. L,,, 1893 994-T76 Barrincton, G. History of New South Wales. L., 1810 994.4-B27 Arctic Regions. Saabye, H. E. Greenland : extracts from journal kept in 1770-78. L.. 1818 998-Sii ).5-W68 INDEX OF AUTHORS. 981 -A 73 981 -H 49 981-S72 985-r93 985-R21 989-R41 991-CS9 92.2-R13 (93.1-T48 994-T76 194.4-827 998-Sii Abbott,J.,63, 75, 78,80,82,83. 84, 86. Abbott, A'ev. J., 6q. Abbott, J. S.C, 73, 78,81,82, 84. Abdy, J. T., 11. Abercronibie, J., 5. Abercrombie, R., 20. About, E., 46, 92. Abrantes, Mme. Laurette P. Junot, Duchesse de., 75. Accuni, F., 31. Achilli, G., 93. Adam, G. M., 27. Adams, A., 20, 52. Adams, A. L., 20. Adams, J. Q., 35. Adams, O. F., 73. Adams, W. H., 16. Addison, C. G., 63, 73. Addison, J., 40. Adolphus, J., 75, 90. Aeschylus., 47. Aesop., 48. Agapida, A., 93. Agassiz, L. J. R., 20, 27, 70. Aga.ssiz, Mr.e. I,. J. R., 70. Aiken, C, 5. Aikin. A,, 22. Aikin, C. R., 22. Aikin, J., 38, 55. Aikin, L., 75- 77. 79. 81. Aikman, C. M., 23. Ainie-Martin., 17. Aiton, W. 28. Akins, T. B., 17. Albeit F.dward, Prince Con- sort, 75. Alcott, L. M., 75. Aldrich, T. B., 36. Alexander, A., 7. Alexander, Sir]. E., 66, 67. Alfieri, V., 47, 75. Alfred, 75. Alger, J. G., 57, 91. Ali Bey., 50. Alison, AVz'. A., 32. Alison, Sir A., 40, 82, ^8. Allen, G., 20, 40, 53, 84. Allibone, S. A., 73. Almon, J., 44. Alviella, G?««/ G., 50. Amherst, Earl, 75 . Amicis, 13. de., 50, 65. Amory, T. C, 85, Andersen, H. C, 46, 75. Anderson, A. A., 66. Anderson, C, 7. Anderson, J. W., 23. Anderson, Capf. L,., 50. Anderson, R., 81. Anderson, R. E., 24. Andersson, C. J., 66. Andre, G. G., 28. Andre, Jl/ajor, 75 . Andrew, T., 27. Andrews, I. D., 18. Angell, J. K., 15. Angot, A., 22. Angouleme, Duchess of, 75 . Anne of Austria, 75. Anspach, E. B., Margravine ol, 75. Anthon, C. E., 56. Anthony, C, 13. Antonnnarchi, F., 83. Appleton, T. G.,64. Arblay, Mme. d', 43. Archibald, A. K., 36. Archibald, D,, 24. Ari.stophanes, 48. Aristotle, 48. Armitage, J., 98. Armstrong, I. J., 60. Arnold, B., 75. Arnold, Sir E., 38, 50, Arnold, M., 7, 19, 38, 40, 43. Arnold, T., 49, 75, 87. Arnott, N., 22. Arnould, Sir]., 78. Arrivabene, Count C, , 92 . Arrowsmitli, J., 31. Arthur, W., 57. Arundell, F. V. G., 52. Atkinson, E., 30. Atkinson, E. W., 73. Atkinson, P., 22, 28. Atkinson, T. W., 63. Aubrey, \V. H. S., 89. Auldjo, J., 57. Aumale, H. E. P., Due. de, 78. Austen, J., 43 Austin, A., 40. Austin, S., 79. Aylmer, F., 50. Ayscough, S., 40. Babbage, C, 7. Back, G., 72. Bacon, F., 6, 40, 75. Bacon, J., 79. Bacon, J. F., 58. Bailey, P. J., 36. Bailey, S., u, 41. Baillie, J., 40, 75- Baincs, E., 91. Baines, T., 66. Baird, H. M., 60. Baker, I. O., 31. Baker, Sir R., 8q. Baker, .SYrS. W., 62, 65. Balboa, Vasco Nunez de,* 74 . Baldwin, W. C, 66. Balfour, A. J., 6, 41. Ball, 5/VR. S., 2T. Ballantine, W., 75. Balzac, H. de, 6, 46, Bamford, S., 75. Bancroft, A., 85. Bancroft, G., 97. Bankeii, H., 87, Bannister, J., 75. Bannister, S., 66. Barclay, J. T., 63. Barclay, R., 10. Barclay, T., 43. Bardsley, C. W., 86. Barham, R. H., 43. Barker,]., 95. Barker, Ladv M. A., 71. Barkley, H.'C, 60, 62. Barnard, M. R., 59. Bameveld, John of, 75. Barras, 75. Barrington, G., 98, Barrington, Sir]., 75, 88. Barrow, I., 9. Barrow, J., 56. Barry, W., 35. Barth, H., 65. Barthelemy, J. J., 60. Bartlett, J., 36, 40. Bartley, G. C, M. P., 56. Barton, B., 38. Bashkirtsefl, M., 48, 75. Bastiat, F., 13. Bates, Mrs. D. V., 70. Bathurst, Dr. H. 75. Batty, Lt-Col. R., 90. Bautain, L. E. M., 35. Baxter, R., 8. Baxter, W. E., 66. Bayard, Chevalier, 75. Bayle, P. de, 48. Bayne, P., 41 . Bazin, R., 46. Beale, T., 26. Beaton, Mrs., 30. Beatson, A., 29, 72. Beattie, J., 5. Bcattie, \V., 9. Beauchesne, A. de, 81 . Beaufort, E. A., 64. Beaumarchais, P. A. C. de, 76. Beaumont, F., 20, 40. Beauvoir, L. Marquis de, 50. Beaven, T., 6. Beazley, C. R., 77. Becker, C. F., 19. Beckmann, J., 26. Beecher, C. V.., 30. Beecher, H. W., 6. Beechey, F. W., 50. Beesly, E. S., 79- Begg, A., 96. Behnke, E, ^. lOO INDEX OF AUTHORS. Belclier, Sir E., 20, 50. Belfast, Lord, 58. Bell, 6VrC., 7, 76. Bell, J., 9. Bell, Sir]., 15. Bell, J. A., 36. Bell, J. S., 59- Bellamy, J., 6. Bellew, H. W., 61. Bellot, /-/<■«/. J. R., 76. Beloe, A'rv. W., 76. Belzoni, G., 52, Benedetti, Count. 12. Benjrer, E. O., 76, 8t. Benjamin, vS. G. W., 87. Bennett, E. N., 95. Bennett, G., ao. Bennett, J. G., 76, 79. Benson, A. C, 41. Bent, J. T., 66. Beranger, P. J. de, 76. Berkley, Capt, G., 89. Bernard, J., 34- Bernard, VV. D., 50. Berrian, W., 50. Berrington, J., 36. Berry, M., 76. Besant, W., 89. Bessey, C. E., 25. Beust, Coutit F, F. von, 76, Beyle, M. H., 73. Bickersteth, AVz', E., 6, 76. Bickersteth, T. R., 76. Bigelow, A., 50. Bigelow, J,, 79- Bigelow, P., 58- Bigland, J., 49, 91. Bingham, Capt. D. A,, 92. Bingley, \V., 25. Binney, T., 10. Binns, C. F., 33, Binns, W., 33. ^ Bire, E., 76. Bishop, 1. Iv., 60, 61, 62, 72. Bismarck, Prince, 76. Black, J., 22. Blackmore, ^;VR,, 8. Blackstone, Str'W., 15. Blackwall, A. 7. Blackwell, i., 87. Blackwood, W,, 76. Blaikie, W., 27. Blaine, D., 27. Blainville, de, 53. Blair, H., 9. 35. Blair, J., 49- Blake, J, L., 21, 22. Blanc, C, 18. Blanchard, L., 41. Blennerhasset, R., 66. Blessington, Counters, 43, 53, 57. 76. Bliss, H., 14. Bliss, W. D. P., II. Bloomfied, R., 36. Blouet, P., 43, 55. 66. Boaden, J., 81, 84. Boccius, G. 35. Bogue, D., 7. Boleyn, A., 76. Bolingbrook, Lord Viscount, 48, 89. Bollcs, F., 69. Kompas, G. C, 76. Boiiaparte, C. 1,., 26. Bonaparte, L., 76, 94. Bonchamps, Marchioness de, 76. Boner, C, 56. Bonnechose, E. de, 9. Boimeval, Countess de, 76. Bonnycaslle, J., 31 . Bonnycastle, Sir R. H., 67. Bonpland, A., 70. Bonvalot, G., 61. Booth, D., 19. Borrow, G., \^, 58. Borthwick, J. D., 70. Bo.swell, J., 81. Bosworth, N., 68. Botfield, B., 47. Bouchette, J., 67, 68. Bourget, P., 69. Bourinot, J. G.. 12, 95. Bourke, T., 93, Bourne, J., 27. Bourrienne, L. A. F. de, 83. Bowdich, T. fC., 65. Bo wen. A., 69. Bowes, L. J., 33. Bowker, R. R., i, 3. Bowles, T. G., 50. Bowring, J., 48. Boyd, A. K. H., 41. Boyd, M.,44, 76. Brace, C. L,., 56. Bradford, S. H., 83. Bradley, H., 88. Erainard, J. C. G., 36. Braithwaite, H. T.,6. Branch, T., 15. Brand, J., 18. Brande, W. T., 4, Brassey, Lady A., 50, 60. Brassey, T., 13, 76. Bremer, F., 59, 69. Brenton, Admiral Sir ]., 76, Brewer, E. C, LL. D., 8, 35. Brewster, SirTi., 21, 73, 76. Brierly, O., 51. Bright, R.. 56. Brighton, J. G., 85. Bristed, J., 55- Brock, Maj. Gen. Sir I., 76. Brock, W., 80. Brodeiip, J. W., 25. Brody, .SVr B. C, 76. Bronte, C, 76. Brooke, Rev. S. A., 9, 38. Brooker, A., 28, Brookes, R., 49, Brooks, P., 36, 50. Brothers, A., F. R. S., 34. Brougham and Vaux, H., Baron, 7, 13, 42, 73, 76. Broughton. J, C. {^sce Hob- hoiisc). Brown, C. B., 76, Brown, D. W., 76. Brown, G., 66. Brown, J., 41, 76. Brown, J. B., 80. Brown, R., 28. Brown, T. C, 88. Browne, I^.. 34. Browning, Mrs. E. B., 38, 41, 43- Brownnig, R., 38, 43. Brownlow, E. S., Countess, 76. Bruce, J., 73. Brummell, G., 76. Brutietiere, 46. Brunner, A. W., 33. Bryce, Rev. G., 95, Bryce, J.. 66, 8897. Buchan. W., 27. Buchanan, R., 40, 41. Buckingham, Duke of, 76. Buckingham, J. S., 52, 64, 95, 97. 98. Buckingham, J. T., 73. Buckingham and Chandos, l^uke of, 90. Buckingham, W., 82. Buckland, F, 25, 76. Buckland, W., 7. Buckle, H. T., 49. Buel, J. W. 66. Buffon, G. E. Coutte de, 25. Buffuni, E. G., 70. Bullar, H., 5S. BuUar, J, 58. Bullock, J., 33. Bulwer-Lylton, "E. G. E. L., 87. Bulwer, H. L. {see Bailing). Bunsun, (The Chevalier), 83. Bunyan, J., 8. Burckhardt, J. L., 18, 63, 64. Burder, S., 7. Burghlej', Lord, 76. Burke, E., 32, 42. , , Burke, Rt. Rev. £,76. Burke, J., ^6. Burke, Sir]. B,, 73. Burleigh, B., 95. Burnaby, Col. F. 62. Burnes, Sir A., 63. Buniess, J., 44. Burnet, G, Bishop, 80, 84, 89. Burney, C, 34. Burney, F., 76. Burns, R., 38, 44, 76. Burritt, E., 37. Burrough, E., 76. Burroughs, J., 37, 86. Burrows, Capt. G., 65. Burton, E., 52, Burton. E. F.,35. Burton, I., 63, 76. c, H., ,,76. e Hob- , 38, 41. less, 76. ,76. !, 64, 95, 'handos, e, 25. . E. L., falling) . ier), 83. 63,64. ). ,, 84, 89. INDEX OF AUTHORS. • lOI |l Burton, R., 4- Carter, N. H., 53. Clayton, J. W., 58. Burton, Capi. R. F., 65, 71. Cary, J., 55. Clemens, S. 1*., 50. Bury, Lady C, 77. Castlereagh, Lord, 43. Clement XIV, Pope, 77. Bury, W. C, 12. Castriot, G., 77. Cleopatra, 77. Clerk, Mrs. A. M., 50. Bushbridge, W., 31. Catherine 11, 77. Busk, M. M., 93. Catlin, G.. 95. Clery,J. B.,91. Busley, C, 28. Catrov- F., 87. Cleveland, C. D, 41. Bussey, G. M., 91. Cattermole, R., 33. Clinton, De. W., 77. Butler, C, 77, 79. Catullus, 47. Clive, Lord, 77. Butler, Mrs. F. A., 38, 40, 57, Caulair.court, Duke of, 85 , Clodd, E., 20, 24. 69. Gaunter, H., 62. Clutterbuck, W. J., 68, 72. Butler, J., 8. Cavour, 77. Cobbett, W., 5, 19, Butler, S., 38. Cecil, C, So. Cochrane, C. S., 71. Butler, Sir W. F., 64, 68, 82, Celline, B., 77. Cockburn, H. T., Lord, 77, 81. 95. Cervantes, S. M. de, 47. Coffin, W. F., 95. Buxton, SirT. F. 12, 77. Chaboulon, F, de, 83. Coit, T.W., 9. Byerley, T., 44. Chalkey, T., 77. Colbert, J. B., 78. Byrne, O., 27. Chalmers, T., 6, 9, 77. Cole, G. A. J., 56. Byron, G. G. N., 6th Baron, Chambers, G. F., 21, 24. Cole, \V., 21. 38, 40, 43, 73. 77. Chambers, R., 24, 38, 49, 77- Coleridge, H. N., 47. Byron, Comtnodore ]., 50, Chambers, \V., 44, 49, 54, 77. Coleridge, vS. T., 38, 40, 41, 44. Cabot, J., 77- Champney, E. W., 50, 57, 59. Collier, J. P., 38. Cabot, S., 77- Channing, \V. E., 37. CoUingwood, C., Lord, 77. Caddy, Mrs. F., 50. Chapman, B., 80. Collingwood, H., 50. Cadell, W. A., 53. Charles I, 77. Collins, P. M.,63. Caesar, 47, 77. Charles II, 77. Coilins, W., 44, Caillie, R., 65. Charles V, 77. Colman, G., 44. Calton. R. B., 91. Charles XIV, 77. Colman, H., 53. Cameron, Commander V. L,., Charlmont, J. C, Earl oi. 77. Colomb, Kear-Admiral, P. H., R. N., 50. Chateaubriand, R. F. A., 50. 12. Canipan, J. L., 82. Chaf'am, Earl 0^, 42, 43 Colton, W., 37, 50, 60. 70. Campbell, A. 8. Chatterton, Lady G., 79. Columbus, 78. Campbell, Col. SirC, 91. Chatterton, T., 77. Combe, G., 5. Campbell, D., 96. Cheadle, W. B., 72. Combe, \\\, 44, Campbell, F. A., 71. Checver, G. B., 57, 98. Combrime, M., 31. Campbell, G., 35. Cheever, II. T., 72. Comines, P., de, Sieur d'Ar- Campbell, .SYrG.. 94. Chenevix, R., 23, 41. genton, 91. Campbell, Lord C^., 21. Cheney. E. D., 75. Conant, T., 9(5. Campbell, J., 73, 89. Cherbiiry, Lord, 80. Conde, lYince de, 78. Campbell. Lord]., 73. Chesney, Col. F. R., 93. Condillac, E. B., de. Abbe de Campbell, T.. 38, 65, 83, 84. Chesterfield, 4th Earl of ,43. Mureaux, 46. Campbell, CjI. W.,6i, Chew, R., 79. Conkling, A. R., 15. Campbell, W. W., 36. Children, J. G., 23. Conn, H. W., 25. Canning, G., 42. Chitty, E., 15. Conscience, H., 46. Canova, A., 77. Choules, J. 0., 50. Conwav, W. M., 59, 62. Canterbury, H. A., Dean, 77. Church, A. J., 88, 89. Cook, E., 38. Capper, J., 35. Church, II., 67, Cook, G., 10. Capper, S. J., 50, 59. Chuvch, R., 67. Cook, Capl. ]., 50. Carey, G. C, 21. Church, T., 97. Cooke, J. H., 92. Carey, H. C , 24. Churchill, J. {see Marlbor- Cooke, P. P., 38. Carleton, J. H., 97. ough). Cookson, J. C. F., 62. Carlisle, A. D., 50. Churchill, Lord R., 66. Cooper, E . , 85 . Carlisle, 5th Earl of, 44. Churchill, S. (see Marlbor- Cooper, H. S., 58. Carlisle, 7tli Earl oi, 66. ough). Cooper, J. F.,55, 60, 98. Carlyle, Kev. A., 77. Churchward, W. B., 72. Coote, C, 87. Carlyle, Mrs. J. W., 43. Cibber, C, 77. Coppee, F., 46. Carlyle, T., i, 41, 77, 78, 79, Cicero, 47, 77. Copway, G., 95. 85. 92- Clapham, S,, 7. Corbett, J. S., 78. Carman, B., 36. Clarendon, Earl oi, 90. Corday, C, 78. Carnarvon, Earl oi, 11. Clark, Capl. W., 67. Corneille, 78. Carne, J., 59, 62, Clark, W. G., 58, 60. Corner, J., 94. Carne, L. M. de, 61. Clarke, St'r A., 27. Corry, J.,64. Caroline, Queen, 77. Clarke, E. D., 50. Corwin, T., 18. Carpenter, J. E., 35. Clarke, J. S., 52. Co.stello, I,. S., 56. Carpenter, M., 14, 61, Clarkson, T., 12, 83. Cotton, C, 35. Carrel. A., 90. Clater, F., 27, Couch, A. T. Q.,39, 41. t Carrington, G., 58. Clayton, E. C, 8. Courtney, W. P., 34. ■ii i?r:«< iZ lu (-1 I SI I02 Coventry, A., 28. Cowley, C, 89. Cowper, W., 38, 43, 44. Cox, F. A., 5. Cox, /?ev. Sir G . W., 10. Coxe, W., 53, 63, 82, 85. Cozzens, F. S., 37, 68. Crabbe, G., 4, 19, 38, 40. Craik, Mrs. D. M., 41. Cramer, J. A., 87. Cranmer, T., 78. Crawford, J. C, 71. Crawford, Lord, 64. Crawford, M. S. 65. Crawfurd, J., 63, 98. Creasy, StrE. S., 48, 94. Creevey, C. A., 25. Creighton, M., 86. Crevier, J. B. L.,87. Crichton, J., 78. Crichton, T. P. F., 78. Crisp S., 78. Crockett, Col. D., 69. Croil, J.. 30. Croker, T. C, 54. Cromwell, O., 78. Crotch, W., 34. Crowe, C, 4. Crowest, F. J., 34. Cruise, W., 15. Culley, G.,30. Cumberland, R., 78. Cumming, J., 8,9. Gumming, R. G., 35. Cunningham, A ,36. Cunningham, R. O., 21. Cunynghame, Sir A. T., 59. Curran, T. P., 78. Curran, W. H., 73, 78. Curtin, J . , 10. Curtis, G. T., 7. Curtis, G. W., 37, 63. Curtis, W. F., 71, Curwen, J. C, 28. Curwen, S., 97. Curzon, Hon. G. M. P., 60, 63. Curzon, R., 9, 62. Gushing, W., i. Gustine, A., Marquis de, 58. Guvier, G. L. C. F. I)., 23, 25. Gyrus, the Great, 78. Dagley, R.,44. Dallas, E. S., 35. Balling, Lord, 56, 73, 83. Dalrymple, Sir D., 88. Daly, Mrs. D. D., 71. Damer, Mrs. G. L. D., 50. Dampier, W., 71. Dana, J. D., 23. Dangeau, P. de G., Marquis de, 91 . Dante, A . , 47 . D'Arc, J., 78. Darius, 78. Darmesteter, J., 46. Darmesteter, M., 79, 84. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Darwin, C, 4, 21, 23, 24, 25, 78. Darwin, F., 78. Dasent, G. W., 41. Davie, J. C., 71. Davies, G., 21. Davies, E., 19. Davies, J., 50. Davis, C. A., 37. Davis, J. 62. Davis, J. F., 61. Davis, N., 88. Davis, O. W., 33. Davis, R. H., 70. Davy, .SVVH,,4, 28, 35, 78. Dawson, Str J. W., 7, 8, 23, H, 25, 29. Dawson, W. H., 56, 60. Debrett, J., 86. DeButtes, Lieut., 62. DeFoe, Daniel, ^^. DeGurowski, A. G., 50. Delaney, Mrs. M., 78. DelMar, A., 13. Uelmard, S. D., 60. Delolni, J., 14. DeMille, J., 36. DeMorgan, A., 21. Demosthenes, 48. Denina, C, 92. Denison, SirW., 71. Denman, Thomas, ist Lord, 78. Dennys, N. B., 50. Denon, D. V., 64. Depons, F., 50. DeQuincey, T., 41, 43. DeSanctis, L., 9. DesBrisay, M. B., 68. DeWindt, H., 50, 62, 63. DeWitt. J., 73- DeWolf, T. R., II. Dibden, T., 78. Dicey, E., 57, 58, 77- Dick, T., 6, 21. Dickens, G., 43. 69, 78, 89. Dickson, A., 29. Diderot, Denis, 78. Dieffenbach, ¥,., 71. Dilke, T/ie Rt. Hon. Sir C., Bart., 12, 89. Disraeli, I., 4i. 73. 90. Ditchfield, P. H., 34, 55. Ditson, G. L., 88. Dix, J.,77- Dixon, H . H . , 55 . Dixon, J., 66. Dixon, W. H., 55, 58, 6c., 62, 66, 75. Dixson, Z. A., I. Dobell, P., 63. Dobson, G., 63. Dodd, A. B., 53, 56. Dodd, G. E., 56. Dodd, G., 31, 93. Doddridge, P., 6, 79. Dodington, G. B., 78. Dcllinger, J)r., 78. Dolman, F., 15. Donne, 75. Donnelly, I., 40. Doran, Dr. J., 18, 30, 41, 73, 75. Doughty. H. M., 59. Douglas, R., 29. Douglas, T. (see Selkirk) . Dover, Lord., 79. Dow, L., 51- Dowden, E., 46. Dowie, M. M., 56. Doyle, .SVr F. H., 78. Drake, B., 95. Drake, Sir F., 78. Drake, J. R., 36. Drake, N . , 41 . Drake, S. G., 95. Draper, J., 49- Drayson, Major Gen. A. W., 78. Drinkwater, J., 93. Druniniond, Prof. H., 7, 41. Drumniond, W. H., 36. Drysdale, J. J., 27. Dubois, ^M^' J. A., 62. Dubost, G., 18. DuChaillu, P. B., 94. Dufferin, j\/arquis of, 51 . Dufferin. A/arc/iionessoi, 62, 67. Duify, B., 93. Dumas, A., 14, 46, 56, 78. Duncan, Mrs., 66. Duncan, A., 16. Duncan, F., 16, Dixncan, H., 6. Duncombe, T. S.,78. Dundonald, Lart, 78. Dunham, S. A., 94. Dunlop, J., 36, 47. Dunraven, Earloi, 70. Dunsany, Baron, 89. Dunton, J.' 44, 78. Dupin, F. P. G., 18. - Dupuis, J., 65. Durham, iE'rt/'/ of 95. Duruy, G , 75. Duyckinck, E. A., 36. Dwight, T., 6. Dyer, Rev. T. F., 40. Dymond, J., 10. Earle, A. M., 18. Eastlake, G. L., 33. East\vick, E. B., 71 . Fibers, G. M., 64. Eden, G. H., 71. Eden, PI, 62. Edgar, M., 96. Edgeworth, Abbe, 78. Edge worth, M., 17, 41. Edgeworth, R, L., 28, 78. Edward, I, 78. Edwardes, 5/rH. B., 62. Edwardes, M. H., 81. I Edwards, A. B., 56. Edwards, B., 97. Edwards, E., 27. Edwards, J. E., 53- Eldon, Lord Oiaitcellor, 78. Elpin, Earl, 79. Elizabeth, Queen of England^ 79- Ellesmere, Larl oi, 92. Elliot, C. B., 53. Elliot, C. W.. 17. Elliot, F., 57, 91. Elliot, G. D., 92. Ellis, G. J. W. A. (see Dover). Ellis, SirVL., 61, 89. Ellis, M. M., 79. Ellis, Mrs. S. S., 5, 6, 44. Ellis, v., 66, 79. Ellsworth, W. H., 29. Elson, L. C, 34. Elwes, R., 51- Ely, R.T., 15. Emerson, J., 60. Emerson, R. \V., 36, 37, 55. Emory. W. H., 70. Engel, L., 34- Ensor, G., 4, 15. Epictetus, 48. Erasmus. 79. Erman. A., 63. Erni, H., 23. Erskine, T., Lord, 43. Espriella, M. A., 55. Essington, R., 56. Esthn. J. P., 5- Eton, W., 60. Eugene, I^-ince de Savoie, 79. Euler, L., 21 . Euripides, 48. Eustace, J. C, 57. Evans, C, 10. Evans, G. W. D., 57. Evans, Mrs. H. L., 65. Evans, J., 84, Evans, W., 29. Evelyn, J.. 32, 79. Everett, E., 17. Everett, J., 82. Ewbank, T., 70. Exmouth, Admiral liscotnii, 79- Eyre, M., 56, 58 Fabens, J. W., 71. Fabre, F., 46. Fag, F., 54. Fairfield, J., 79. Fairfield, S. L., 36, 79. Falconer, W., 31 . Falkland, I'iscoun/ess, 51 . Fane, H. E.. 62, Fanshaw, Lady Ann, 79. Faraday, M., 22. 23. Farmer, F. M., 30. Farrar, AVr^. F. W., 41. Fawcett, H,, 13. Featherstonhaugh, G. W., 69. Felice, G. de, 10. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Fell, J., 80. Fenelon, F. de S. de la M., 6, 47- Fenety, G. E., 80. Fenton, R., 55. Fergu.son, A., 49, 87. Ferguson, J., 22. Fernandez, F., 19. Ferro, W., 17. Feuillet, O., 46. Fidler, I., 66. Fidler, T. C, 28. Figuier, L., 24, Findlater, C., 29. Finley, J. H., 15. Finn J., 63, 95. Fishtr, \V. E. G., 66. Fiske, J., 97, 98. Fitch, J., 79. Fitchett, A'ez'. \V. H., 16, 89. Fitzgerald, P., 15, 28, 36, 73, 78. Fitzgibbon, M. A., 95. Fitzherbert, Mrs., 79. Fitzo.sborne, SirT., 43. FitzRoy, R., 21. Flavel,J.,S. Flaxman, J., 33. Fleming, S., 67. Fletcher, J., 20, 40. Fletcher, \V. I., 3. Flint, T., 70. togg, \V. P., 51. Fontenelle, B. de, 22. Forbes, A., 16, 51, 70, 80, 92, 93. Fori es, G. S., 62. Forbes, J., 60. Ford, J., 40, Fordyce, J , 5 , Forester, T., 58. Fonster, J., 78, 85. Forsyth, J., 52, 62. Forsyth, R., 29. Forsyth, W., 30, 41. Foster, T., 41 . Foster, f., 20. Fouche, J. (see Otranto) . Fownes, G., 22. Fox, C. J., 43, 90. Fox, G., 79. Fox, H. R. v., (see Holland). Fox, Lady M., 71. France, Lieut. A. de, 65. Francis, I of France, 79. Francis, J,, 13. Fiankland, C. C, 60. Franklin, B., 79, Franklin, J., 69. Franklin, Sir]., 72. Franklin, W. T., 79. Eraser, J., 82. Frederic, H., 10. Frederick the Great, 79. Frederick H, 46, 79. Fredet, P., 49. Freeborough, E., 34. 103 111 Freeman, E. A., 14, 41, 86, 89, 93- Freeman. J., 72. Freer, M. W., 75, 80. Fremantle, A. J., 69. Fremont, C. J., 70. Fremont, K. J. C, 79. Friswell, H., 44. Froissart, Sir J., 79, 88. Frost, J., 51. Frost, T., 17. Froude, J. A., 12, 41, 77, 8. Snow, W. P., 72. Somerville, M,, 22, 23. Somer\ille, R., 29. Somerville, W., 39. Sonnini, C. S., 64. Sophia, Dorothea, 84. Sophocles, 48. Southey. R,, 9, 39, 45, 74, 86, 93, 98. Spalding, J., 84. Spalding, J. W., 52. Spalding, W., 38. Sparks, J . , 75 • Speid, Mrs. J., 62. Spence, J., 45. 47- Spencer, E., 59. 60, 93. Spencer, J. A., 64. vSpix, J. B., von, 70. Spon, p;., 27. Sprague, W. B., 7, 74. Spretson, N. E., 31. Spry, W.J. J., 21. Spurgeon, C. H,, 8, 9. Squarey, C, 29. Squier, G., 68. I . INDKX OF AUTHORS. Ill , 39- , de, 36, 68. 97- •e Stratig- 23- i9. 45. 74. 93- 74- .9- Stael-Holstein, A. L. G., Baromie, de, 56. Stanhope, Lady H . L . , 84 . Stanhope. P . D . , {sec Chester- field). Stanhope, P, H., Earl, 78, 90. Stanley, A. P., 11, 75. Stanley, C. S., 84. Stanley, F., 59. Stanley, H. M., 52, 65, 85. Stark, J., 54. Staunton , Sir G . , 6 1 . Stead, R., 94. Stead, W. T., 4. Stedman, C, 97. Steel, A. G.,35. Steevens, G. W., 16, 64, 95. Steinitz, \V., 34. Steinnietz, A., 61. Stephen Sir J . , 42, 91 . Stephen, L., 42. Stephens, A. J., 14. Stephens, H., 29. Stephens, H. M., 93. Stephens. J. L., 64, 68. Stephenson, G., 85. Stepniak, S., 59. Sterling, J., 85. Sterne. L., 45. Stevenson, R, L., 42. 43, 74. ^\. Stewart, C. S., 55- Stewart, D., 4, 5, 16, 74. Stewart, R . , {see Castle- reagh ) . Stickuey, Mrs. S.. 57. vStiles, J. C, 12. Stirling, W., 77. Stockniar, E., Baron von, 85. Stockton, F. R ,54. Stokes, A., 14. Stokes, J., 31. Stokes, J. L., 21. Stone, Mrs. E., 18. Stoney, H. B.. 72. Story, A . S . , 34 . Story, J., 14. 37. „ - Story, W. W., 42, Stcwe, I)., 17. Stowe, Mrs. H. E)., 54, 74. Stowell, H.,86. Strafford, Earl oi, 85. Strang, J., 56. Strangford, Visccmitess, 56. Strickland, A., 74. Strickland, Maj. S., 68. vStrutt, J.,34. Stuart, J., 67. Suffolk, H., Countess of, 43. Suffolk, Earl oi, 34, Sullivan, G. L., 12. Sully, Maximilion, Due de, 85. Surtees, R. S., 44. Sutherland W.,31. Sutherland, W. A., 31. Swain, J., 8. Swainson, W., 26, 71. Swedenborg, E,, 10. Swift, J., 44, 85. Sydenham, C, Lord, 85. Synge, Col. M., 28. Tacitus. 47. Tadd, J. L,., 32. Tagart. E., 80. Taine, H. A., 38. Talbot, C, 43. Talfourd, T. N., 40, 42, 54. Tallack, W.. 15. Talnif -, /^ez>. T, D., 9. Tanne.', H. S., 28. Tarducci, F., 77, 78. Tasistro, L. F., 70. Tasso, T., 47. Taussig, F. W., 13. Tayler, C. B., 9, 85. Taylor, B, , 52, 54, 59, 61, 63, 65. Taylor, F., 75. Taylor, H., 14. Taylor. I, 5, 8, 9. Taylor, J., 85. Taylor, R., 11. Taylor, T., 56. Taylor, W. C.,49. Taylor, Maj. Gen. Z., 85. Teignmouth, Baron, 81. Temple, SirO., 52. Temple. H. J. {see Palmer- ston.) Temple, .S'?>'R.,42, 62, 81. Temple, .SYr W., 45, Tennent, .S'/V J E..59, 62. Tenny.son, A., 39, 85. Tennyson. H., 85. Terence, 47. Terrail, Vie. Ponson\Du., 46. Te-sla, N., 22. Thacher, J., 98. Thackeray, \V. M., 44, 45, 54, 75. Thackrah, C, T., 27. Theognis, 48. Theuriet, A., 46. Thierry, A., 46. Thiers, L. A., 92. Thirl wall, C. Bishop, 9, 88. Thistlethwayte, Mrs. F., 75. Tliodoric, the Goth, 85. Thoma.s, J. J., 30. Thomas.'^on, E., 78. Thomp.son, E. P., 56. Thompson, .S'/rH., 27. Thompson, H. M. , 13. Thomp.'^on, J., 39. Thompson , J . P . , 72 . Thcmpson, Sir]. S. D., 85, Thompson, R. A., 6. Thompson, S. P., 28. Thompson, W.,68. .Thomson, A, S., 98. Thomson, Mrs. C. B., 75, 76, 90, Thomson, J., 49. Thomson, R. D., 30, Thomson, T., 21. Thorburn, G., 85. Thoreau, H. D.,38, 68. Thornton, R. J., 25. Thorpe, J., 85. Thucydides, 48. Thursfield, J. R., 83. Thurston, R. H., 28. Ticknor, G,, 47, 83.85. Tikhomirov, L., 59. Tillotson, J., 68. Timson, T., 79. Tinseau. L., de, 46. Tissot, v., 60. Tocqueville, A. C. H. C. de, 92. Todd, A., 14. Todd, D, P., 21. Tolstoi, Count, I,., 8. Tomline, G., 83. Tone, T. W., 85, Tonna, Mrs. C. E., 6, 8, 32. 54,75.85. Tooke, J. H., 19. Tooke, \V., 77, 93. Torrens. R., 14. Tour, T. F., 78. Towle, G, M., 64. Townsend' F. T., 52. Townsend, W. C, 15. Traill, H. D.,42,86. Train, G. F.,52. Train, J. , 10, Tregarthen, G.,98. Trevelyan, Rt. Hon. Sir, G. O., Bart, 97. Trollope, A., 66, 67 72. Trollope, Mrs. F. 6, 57, 67. Trollope, T. A., 8. Trotter, J., 29. Trotter, T., 23. Trowbridge, J., 22, Troyt,C. E. Acland.sy. Tucker, Mrs. C, 8. Tucker, G.. 67, 81. Tucker, J. M., 83. Tuckerman, H. T.,58. Tufton, A. M., 18. Tuke, H., 10. Tuke, S.,78, 86. Tully, R.,64. Tupper, F. B., 76, 86. Tupper, M. F., 39. Turenne, Viseount, de, 85. Turnbull, D., 69. Turner, E., 23. Turner, J. M. W.,57. Turner, S. , 7, 89, 90. Tuthill, Mrs, L. C, 17, 32. Twining, F;.,32. Twiss, F.,40. Twiss, H., 78. Tylor, E. B.,24. Tyndall, J., 20, 22. Tyrell,J. W.,68. Tytler, A. F.,48. Tytler, P. F., 84, 88. I r^ 11'^; Tytler, S., 20, Upton, G. P., 34. Ure, A., 23. Urquhart, D.,60. Vambery, A., 52, 61, 91. VanAlstine, J., 78. VanBuren, Martin, 85. Vandam, A. D.' 57. Vaux, W. S. W.,53. Vicars, Capt. Hedley, 85. Vicenza, A. A. L., {see Caulaincourt). Vidocq, E. F.,85. Vigne, G. T.,67. Villiers, G., {see Bucking- ham). Virgil, 47. Vizetelly, H.,85. Volney, C. F. C. , de, 52. Voss, S. M . , Countess, von, 85 . Wachsmuth, W. , 53. Waddington, G., 10. Wade, J., 13. Wakefield, E.,54. Wakefield, E. J., 71. Wakefield, P., 25. Walch,C. W. F., 10/ Walford, 86. Walford, L. B.,75. Walker, M. A., 60. Wallace, A. R., 70, Wallace, Sir D. M. , 59, 64. Wallace, H. B.,54. Wallace, R. G.,62. Walley, T. S.,85. Wallis, Sir Provo, 85. Walpole, H., {see Orford). Walpole,H.,Zon/,85. Walpole, Sir R . , {see Orford) . Walpole, S., 83. Wsi\sh.,Rcv. R.,60. Walsh, R., 97. Walton, C, 6. Walton, I., 35, 75. Walton, J., 10. Walton, W., 30. Warburton, E. B. G., 60. Warburton, G.,68' 96. Ward, Hon. Mrs. M. , 21 . Ward, R. P., 90. Ward, W., 86. Wardlaw, R. , 10. Waring, George E. , jr, 16, 28. Warland, J. H.,38. Warner, C. D.,36, 68. Warren, ^rVC, 63. Warton, J., 9. Warton,T.,4o. Washburne, E. B., 85. Washington, E. K.,54. Washington, G., 37, 85. Waterman, C. H., 32. Waterton, C, 26. Watkins, J., 75. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Watson, R., 8, 23,93,85,86. Watts, I., 17. Watts, W. A., 34. Wayland, F., 81. Webb, W., 54. Webster, N., 19. Wedderbum, A. , 68. Weld, C. R.,58. Wellington, A. Wellesley, Duke of, 85, 90, Wells, D. A., 4, 13. Wells, J. W., 70, Wells, S. Y., ID. Wellsted, J. R.,6i. Welsh, J., 85. Wentworth, 'T., {see Straf- ford). ■\<7erne, F., 64. Werner, J. R.,66. Wesley, J., 86. Westcott, T., 79. Western, T. G., 14. Westgarth, W. , 72. Whately, E. J,, 86. Whately,R.,9,35,86. Wheaton, H. , 94. Wheeler, D., 86, Wheeler, J., 80. Whetham, J. W. B., 72. Whewell, W., 7, 20. Whish,J. C.,42. Whitaker, Joseph, 16. White, A. D., 7. White, C, 94. White, G., 25. White,H.K.,39,45. White,J,,52,88. White, J. B.,58. Whitehead, G., 85. Whitehurst.F. F., 35. Whiteside, J. , 92, Whymper, E. , 60. Whymper, F., 70, Wight, T., Wightwick, G., 32. Wilberforce, R. I., 86. Wilberforce, S., 8, 86. Wilberforce, W.,S6. Wilbraham, R., 59. Wilkes, G., 98. Wilkey, E.,56. Wilkins, W. H.,76. William, the Conqueror, 86. William, III, 91. Williams, G., 95. Williams, Rev. J., 86. Williams, T.W., 12. Williamstone, D., 79. Willinott, Rev. R. A., 42. Willis, N. P., 38, 54. Willson, Mrs. A., 75. Wilmott, J., {see Rochester). Wilson, A., 20, 26. Wilson, Col. SirC, 77. Wilson, .S"/rC. W.,63. Wilson, .SV^ D. , 24, Wilson, E. L., 34. Wilson, G. H. , 71 . Wilson, H. H.,48. Wilson, J., 26, 35, 39, 45, 86. Wilson, O., 86, Wilson, R. T,, 64. Wilson, S. S.,6o. Wilson, T,, 86. Wilson, /^ev. T,, 86, Wilson, W., 78. Wingate. Major 1^. R., 64. Wirt, W.. 80, Wise, H. A., 52. Wiseman, Cardinvl, 75, 86. Witham, H. T.M., 24. Withrow, W. H., 96. Wolff, J.. 63. Wolseley, Field Marshall, Viscount. 83. Wolsey, Cardinal, 86. Wood, .\., 25. Wood, Geu, Sir E., 16, 59. Wood, J. G., 25. Wood, W. M.,52. Woodbridge, T., 86. Woodburj', W. E., 34. Woodcock, W. J., 63, Woods, N. A., 67. Woolman, J,, 86, Woolrych, H. W.. 81. Worderman, Dr, 69. Wordsworth, C., 53, 75, 86. Wordsworth, W., 39, 86. Workman, F. i]., 58. Workman, W. n.,58. Wortley, Lady M. S., 69. Wraxall, .SVrN, W., 86, 91. Wright, F.,69. Wright, G. N,,9i, Wright, T , 13. Wyckoff, W. A.. 13. Wynn, Frances W., 86. Xenophon, 48. Xerxes, 86 . Yarrell, W., 26. Yates, E., 86, Youatt, W., 27, 30. Youmans, E. L., 17. Young. A., 29, 57. Young, E., 39. Young, E. R., 95, 96. Young, Hev. G., 96. Young, G. R,, 14, Young, J., 29. Young, J. F., 60. Young, Mrs. M., 60. Young, W., 32, 58. Younghusband, Capt. F. E., 62. Zaaehnnsdorf, J. W., 31. Zimmern, H., 91, Zschokke, J. H, D.,86. Ai Ai Ai INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 86. 54. 86. arshall, 59- 5.86. !6. 69. $6, 91 . F. E. 31 Aberdeenshire, agriculture of, 29. Aborigines, New England, 98. Abyssinia, travels 65. Acadia, history, 96. Acadian geology, 24. Administration, 15, 16. Admirals, lives, 73. Adriatic, description, 56. Advertising, 31. .lEgean, description, 60. . Afghanistan, travels, 63. Africa, history, 95. Travel and description, 50, 51, 52 64, 65-66. Wild Sports, 35. Agricola Letters of. 29. Agricultural chemistry, 28 29. Economy, 28. Agriculture, 28-30. Alaska, travel, 70. Albania, travel, 60. Albert Nyanza, 65. Alexander's Empire, 87. Algebra, 21 . Algeria, travel and description, 65- Alhambra, 58. Alpaca, 30. Alps, 59, 60. Amatongas, 66. Amazon river, 70. America, history, 95-98. Inhabitants, 67, 69. Institutions, etc, of Ancient Inhabitants, 21. Travel and description, 50, 51 52, 66-71. America, Central, travel and description, 68. .\merica. North, hi.story, 95-98, Travel and description, 66, 67. America, South, history, 98. Travel and description, 66, 67. 70. American, drama, 36. Essays, 36, 37. Geology, 24. Humor, 37. Letters, 37. Literature, 36, 37. Minerals, 23. Oratory, 37. , , Ornithology, 26. Periodicals, 2. Poetry, 36, Amoor. 63. . Amphibians. 26. .\mu,sements, 34. .Vnatomy, art, 33. Human, 27. .\ncient history, 87-88. Andes, 70, 71.' Anglican Church, 10. Anglo-Saxon.s, history, 89. Literature, 45. Angus, agriculture of, 29, Animal biography, 25 . Instinct, 25. Animals, 25. Cruelty to, 7. Disea.ses, 27. Domestic. 30. Animated Nature, 25. Anne, (jueen. 90. Annual biography and obi- tuary, 73. Annual Register, 49. Annuities, 17. Anonyms i . Anthropolog)', 24. Antiquities, 18, 52. 53. Antiquity of Man. 24. Arabia, hi.story, 94. Travel and description, 50, 51, 61, 64. Architecture, 32. Arctic Regions history, 98. Travels and description. 72. Argentine Republic, travel and description, 71. Aristocracy, 73. Arithmetic, 21. Armenia, travel and descrip- tion, 62. Anny, British, 16. Art, 32. Anatomy, 33. Fine, 32-35. History of, 30 . Periodicals, 33. Useful, 26-31. Arti.sts lives 74. Arts and Manufactures, 33 . Aruhwimi, 66. A.shantee, 65. Asia, discoveries, 52. Hi.story, 94-95. Politics, 61. Travel and description, 50, 51, 52, 60-63. Wild sports, 35. Asia Minor, travels and tles- cription, 62. Assaying, 31 A.ssociations and Institutions, 17. Assyria, history, 87. Travels and description, 52. Astronomy, 21, 22. Atheism, 7. Athens, description, 53, 60. History, 87. Atlantic Ocean, 52. Atlases, 52. Atmosphere, 24, 27, Aurora Borealis, 32. Australasia, travel and descrip, tion, 71. Australia, history, 98. Scientific discoveries, 21. Travel and description, 50, 52,71-72. Austria, history, 91 . Travel and description, 56. Azani, description, 60. Azores, description, 58. Babylon, ancient history, 87. Antiquities, 53. Baddeck, 68. Balcan, 60. Ballads, 39. Banks and Banking, 13, 14. Baptism, 9. Barbary, corsairs, 95. Travels and description, 50, 64. Baronetage of England, 86. Ba.ss Rock, geolog)', 23. Bathing, 27. Bavaria, travel and description, 56. Beering Strait, 50. Bees, 26. Beggars, lives of famous. 74. Belgium, history, 94. Travel and description, 59. Berlin, court of, 91 . Berwick, agriculture of, 29. Beverages, 31 . Bible, 7. Bible biography, 74. Bibliography, i. Biography, collected, 73-75. Individual, 75-86. Biology, 24. Birds, 26. Birth. Home and Sex Customs, 18. Bi.scay, 58. Black Sea, 56, 60. Boats, 31. Boden See, 59. Boers, 66. Bohemia, hi.story, 91 . Travel and description, 59. Bokhara, travel, 63. Book, binding, 31. Keeping, 30. Rarities, 4 . Books, Choice of, i . Borneo, travel and description, 71. Boston, cooking school, 30. Description, 69. Botany, 25. Brazil, history, 98. Travel and description, 70. Breathing, 27. Brewing, 31. Bridges, 28. h m p ■-•iinM«-,IMAMni npHMMin i I !: . liJSi il 114 ■ , Britain, early history, 89, British, army. 16, Empire, 89. Essayists, 42. Fishes, 26. . Music, 34. Navy, 16. Statutes and cases, 15. Trees and shrubs, 32 . Zoology, 25 British Columbia, history, 96. Travel and description, 68. British North America, history, ^95,96. Travel, 67, 68, Buccaneers, 52. Buenos, Ayres, 70. Building, periodicals, 31. Plans, 31 . Bulgaria, history, 94. Travel and description, 60. Burmah, description, 63. Burmese war, 95 . Business ethics, 5 . Bute, a^culture of, 28. Byzantine Empire, 94. Cabinet maker, 31, 33. Cabool, description, 63. Cairo, 64 . Calais, annals of, 91 . Description, 50. Calendar of victory, %. California, travel and descrip- tion, 52, 70. History, 98. Cambridge essays, 42 . Canada, agriculture, 29. History, 95-97. Men and women, 74. Natural history, 20. Travel and description, 66, 67-78. Canadian, bibliography, i . Geology, 24. Savages, 95. Canal engineering, 28. Canara, wild life, 62 . Canary Isles, 58. Candia, travel, 64. Canine pathology, 27. Canjani, wild life, 62. Cantabria, highlands of, 58. Cantatas, 34. Cape Coast, 51. Capital, Labor and Wages, 13. Carbon series, 24. Carbonari, 17. Care of Person, 18. Carpentry, 31 . Carriages, 28. Carthage, history, 88. Catherine II., 93. Cartoons, 33. Cataloging, i . Catalogues, American Miner- als, 23. Library, r. INDEX OF STTBJECTS. Cathedrals, 53. Cattle, 30. Caucasus, 59. Cavalry, 16. Celestial scenery, 21 . Celtic literature, 19. Census, ir. Central Africa, travel and description, 64. Central America, travel and description, 68. Central Government, 15. Ceylon, elephant and elk sport, 35- History, 95 . Travel and description, 51, 62. Chaldaea, ancient history, 87. Travel and description, 53. Chancellors, lives of Lord, 73. Channel Isles, 55 . ■ Charles I., 90. Charles II., 89 90. Cliarles VIII.,91. Chemical, analysis, 23. Technology, 31 . Cheniistr)', agricultural, 28, 29. Dictionaries 22, 23. Es.says. 23. History-, 23. -> Of food , 23 . Organic. 23. Physiological. 29. Practical. 23. Theoretical. 23. Chess, 34. Chiapas, 68. Chief Justices, lives, 73. Chili, travel and description, 51,52, 70, 71. China, history, 94. Travel and description, 51, 52,61, 63. Chincha Islands, 51. Christian , architecture, 33 . Churches and sects, 9. Christology, 8. Chronologies, 49. Church, architecture, 33. History, 9, 10. Institutions and work, 9. Registers, 86. '^ircassia. travel and desclp- tion, 59. 60. Circumnavigations, 50. City reports, 16. Civil engineering, 27. Civilization, history of, 49 Coal, formation, 24. Mining, 28. Coblentz, 56. Cochin-China, travel and des- cription, 52, 63. Cocoa, 31. Collected biography, 73-75 . Collections, essays, 42, Historical, 49. Literary, 36. Poetical, 40. Travels, 52. College Libraries, i . Colleges and Universities, 17. Colonial costumes, 18. Colonies and Immigration, 12. Columb'a, travel and descrip- tion, 71 . Commerce, 18, 30. Commonwealth of England, 90. Communication, 30. Comoro Islands. 51. Comparative philology, 19. Comparative physiology, 27. Complete grazier, 30. Composition, 19. Con naught, 54. Constantinople, description, 60. Constitutional law and history, 14. Constructive architecture, 32. Con.sular reports, 18. Cookery, 30. Coomassie 65. Copyright, 30. Coral reefs, 24. Corea. (56Y Korea.) Cornwall, 55. Correspondence, 43. Corsica. 58. Costumes, 18. Cottages, 32, 33. Count}' families, 86. Court fools, 18. Creation and Evolution, 7. Creation, Natural History of, 24- Credit 13, Cricket, 34, 35. Crimea, history of war. 91, 93. Travel and description, 59. Criminal law. 14 15. Criticism. 35. Cruelty to animals, 6. Crusaders, 88. Cuba 69. Cultivation, .system of, 29. Culture, 17. Cu.stoms, public and social, 18. CyclopiEdias. (sec encyclo ptedias. ) Cyprus. 50, 60, 62. Daliome, mi.s-sion to, 65. Dairy husbandry, 29. I)ama.scus, 63, 64. Danes, 94- Danube, 53, 56, 60. Danubian principalities, 60. Dartmouth, history, 96. Dead Sea, scientific expec'ition to. 21 . Death, 8. Decoration, 33. ; ^ » ;s, 17. on, 12. lescrip- ngland, 19- y, 27. >tion,6o. history, ire, 32. n,7. tory 01, 91' 93- ion, 59. , 29. ocial, 18. encyclo 65. es, 60. xpecUtion Deer-stalking, 35. Deism and Atheism, 7. Delhi, 51. Delusions, 4. Democracy, political science, II. Democratic party, 13. Denmark, history, 94. Travel and dercripti6n, 53, 59. Dervishes, 95. Descriptive astronomy, 21. Design, architectural, 33. Devotional works, 8. Dictionaries. Authors, 73, Biography, 73. Chemistry and mineralogy, 22 23.' Dates. 49, Engineering. 27, English language, 19 French language. 19. Genealogy. 86. German language, 19. History, 49. I> achines, 27. Marine technical terms 31, Political economy, 13. Practical receipts, 30. Plirase and fable, 35 . Proper names, 74 . Trade and commerce 30 Diplomatics, 12. Directory, florists', 32. Discipline, 17. Diseases and their treatment, 27. Divine Providence, 8. Doctrinal works, 8. Dogs, 30. Dolomites 56. Domestic, animals, 30. {sre als^o Veterinary.) Economy, 30. Manners, 18, 67, Medicine, 27. Dongola. 64. Drainage, 28. Drama. American, 36. English, 40. Latm, 47. Dramatic poems, 39. Draughtsmanship, 33. Drawing instruction, 33. Mechanical and engineering, 33- Dreams, 4. Dresden, court of, 91 . Dumfries, agriculture of, 29. Dutch Republic, history, 94. Early Britain, history, 85. Earth, theory of, 23 . East Lothian, agriculture of, 29. Eaux Bonnes, 53. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Ecclesiastical, architecture, 33. Biography, 88. Polity, 9. Economic, geology, 24. Economy, domestic, 30. Political, 13. T^dinburgh, 54. Edinburgh Journal, 20, Edom, 64. Education, Upper Canada, 96. Educational, institutions, 17. Periodicals, 17. Reform, 17. Reports, 17. Societies. 17. Edward VI., 90. Egypt, ancient history, 87, 88. Maimers and customs, 64. Modern history, 95. Monuments, 53. Natural, history, 21. Travel and description, 50, 51.52, 64. Electricity, 22. Electric light, 28. Power. 28. Electrical engineeriiig, 28, Electrotechnics, 28. Elegant extracts, 36. Elementary books, 19. Elizabeth, Queen, 90. Elocution, 35. Encyclopiedias. American literature, 36, Architecture, 32. Biography, 73, 74- Canada. 96. linglish literature, 38. Females' 30. General , i . Geography, 49. History, 49. Medicine and surgery, 27. Photography, 34. Plants, 32. Sociology, Sport. 34. Engineering, 27. 28. Engineering News, 27. Engineering, Magazine, 27. England, clironicles of, 88, 89. Commonwealth, 90. Defence of, 28. History, 89. Politics, 89. Revolution, 90. State of agriculture, trade and finance, 29. Travel and description, 51, 53.55- English drama, 40. Essays, 40. Literature, 38-45. Periodicals, 2-3. Philology, 19. Poetry, 38. Statesmen, 73. English surnames, 86. Engraving, 33 . Enthusiasm, 5, ^ Entomology, 26. Epic poetry, 47. Esquimaux, 72. Essays, chemistry, 23. Literature, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42. Mathematics. 21. Medicine, 26. Science. 20. Ethics, 5-6. Family, 5 . Professional, 5. Social, 5,6. Ethiopia, travel and descrip- tion, 65. Discoveries in, 64. History, 88. F'thnology, 24. Etiquette. 18, Etruria, 53. Europe, ancient history, 87 . Civilization, 49. Literature, 36. Modern history, 88-94. Travel and description, 50, 51-53. 54. 57-60. Wild sports, 35. European commerce, 18. Ethnology, 24. Geology, 24 Evidences of Christianity, 8. Evolution, 7, 24. Exhibitions, 26. Exile system, 63. Experimental chemistry, 23. Philosophy, 22. Extempore speaking, 35, 36. Extinct civilizations, 24. F"^actories, 31 . Fairy tales, 46. Familiar quotations, 36. Family ethics, 5. History, 86. Medicine, 27. Names, 86. Farmhouses, 32. Farther India, history, 95 . Travel and description 63 . Fashion, 18. Female biography, 73, 74. Offenders, 1 7 . Female's encyclop£edia, 30. Fenianism, 17. Ferdinand, Spanish history, 93. Fernando Po. 5 1 . Fertilization, 25. Feudalism, 1 1 . Fiction, history of, 36. Finance, 14. Fine Arts, 32-35. Education, 32. Periodicals, 32. Philosophy, 32. Finland, 59, t ; ! r^ r~^ ii6 Fire insurance, 17. Fishes, 26, 30. Fishing, 35. Flags, 87. Floods, 24. Flora's Lexicon, 32. Florida, history, 98. Flowers, 25, 32. Folklore, 19. Food, 27, 30. Football, 35. Foreign periodicals, 3 . Relations 12. Trade, 18, Forests, 25. Inhabitants of, 25 . '. Fonn of State, 11, Fortunate Isles, 58. Fossils, 24. France, civilization, 49, Court life, 91 . History, 88, 91 . Revolution, 91, 92. Travel and description, 50, 91- 53. 56, 57- Franklin Institute, 20, 26. Frederick II., 91. Free trade, 14, French, fiction, 46. Language, 19. . Literature, 46, Friendly Societies, 14. Friesland, 59. Fruits, 30, ' Gambia, 65 . Gardening, 32. Gardens, 30. Garonne River, 53. Gas lighting, 31 . Gazetteers, 49. , Genealogy, 86, Gennesareth, 63. Gentleman's Magazine, 36. Geodesy, 22. Geography and travel, 49-56. Geology, 23, 24. Economic, 24. Physical, 23. Stratigraphical, 24. Geometry, 21, George I., 90. George II., 90. George III., qo. George IV., 90, Georgia, history, 98. Travel, 59. German, fiction, 46. Language, 19. Literature, 45, 46. Germany, educational institu- tions, 17. Folk-lore, 19. Geography, 88. History, 88, 91-92. Politics, 88. Student life, 17. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Germany, travel and descrip- tion, 50, 53. 56. Germ life, 25 . Ghosts, 4. Gibralter, description, 50. Siege of, 93. Gilding, 31. Girondi.sts, 92. Glasgovv' Mechanics Magazine, 26. Glazing, 31. God, 8. Gold-mining, 28. Gothic architecture, 33. Goths, 88. Granada, conquest of, 93. Description, 58. Grand Manan, 68. Great Britain, army, 16. Cathedrals, 33. Commercial power, 18. Finance, 14. Local goverment, 16. Navy, 16. Peerage, 86. Prisons, 17. Royal family, 17. Great Fish River, 72. Greece, ancient history, 87, 88. Antiquities, 53. Modern hi.story, 94. Travel and description, 50, 52, 60, Greek literature, 47. Mythology, jo. Greenland, history, 98. Guiana, 71 . Gymnastics, bodj', 27. Voice, 34. Gypsies, 18, 56. Habits, 18. Halifax, industrial resourses, 68. Hand-book for architectural surveyors, 32. Hand-railing, 31. Hansa towns, 91. Happiness, 5. Harems. 18. Harper's gazetteer, 49. Hartford, 67. Hawaii, 72. Ha\'ti, history. 96. Travel and description, 69. Heat, 22. Heating, 31. Heavens, 21. Hebrew people, history, 87. Hebrides, geology, 24. Travel and description, 54. Helvetic Confederacy, 94. Henry IV., 89. Henry VIII. , 89, 90. Heraut, 63. Heredity, 25. Himalaya Mountains, 61-62. Hindoostan, 62. History, anc'. nt, 88. Church, 9. Collected works, 49. Dictionaries, 49. General works, 48-49. Lectures, 49. Modern, 88-98. Periodicals, 49. Study and use, 49. Vnivers^al, 49. Holland, history, 94. Travel and description, 50, 53, 59- Holy Land, history, 88. Travel and description, 60, 63-64. Home economics, 30. Homeopathy, 27. Homiletic, 9. , Homonyms, 19. Honduras, 68. Horses, 27, 30. Horseshoeing, 31. ' .; Horticulture, 32. Household taste. 33. ' ' Hudson's Bay Territory, 67. Human body, 27. Race, 24. Voice, 36 . Humor, American, 37. English, 43. 44- Latin, 47. Hungar)'. history, 91 . Travel and description, 56. Hu.sbandry, 29. Hydrostatics 22. Hymnology, 8, Iberia, 58. Icebergs, 51. Iceland, travel and description , 59- Illustration, modern, 33. Immigration, 12. Implements of husbandry, 29. India, antiquities. 53. History, 94-95- Politics, 94. Sport, 35. Travel and description, 50, 51,52, 61, 62. Indian Archipelago, history, 88. Indians of North America 'i, 96. Individual biography, 75-86. Indo-China, travel, 61. Industrial biography, 74. Inebriety, 6. Inquisition, 93. Insanity, 4. Insectivorous plants, 25. Insects, 26. Instinct of animals, 25. Insurance, 17. Intellect, 5. Interest, 13. International law, 14. Inventions, 26. ! INDEX OF SUBJECTS. II' m, 50, )n, 60, ,67. n, 56. iriptlon, ry, 29. ion, 50, itory, 88. rica '^, 75-86. 14- Inventors, lives, 73. Inverness, agriculture, 29. Invertebrates, 25. Ionian Isles, 60. Ireland, agriculture of, 28. History, 88, 89. Travel and description, 53, 54, 55- Iron founding, 31. Irrawaddi River, 63. Irrigation, 22. Isabella, Queen of Spain, 93. Isolated Lslands, 72. Israelites, history and litera- ture, 87. Italian literature, 47. Italj', ancient hi.story, 87. Antiquities, 52. History, 92. Travel and description, 50, 51.53.54,57.58,59.60,64. Jamaica, 69. James II., 90. Japan, history, 94. Natural history, 20. Travel and description, 51, 52, 61. Japanese designs, 33. Java. 98. Jeddo, 50. Jerusalem, 63, 95. Jesuits, 9. Jews. 87. Joining, 31. Jordan, 63. Josephus, works, 87. Journalism, 3. Judaism, 10 Judea, ancient history, 87. Juvenile offenders, 17. Kaffir land. 66. Kalendar, gardener's, 32. Kamtchatka, 63. Kansas, 70. Karakorum Himalayas, 62. Karpathians, 56. Kars. siege of, 93, 94. Kartoum campaign, 95. Kashghar, 61. Kashmir, 61. Katanga, 65. - ■ Katmandu, 62. ■ Khiva. 63. <• Kiev, 53. Kings, lives of, 73, 89. King.ston, 55. Knights Templars, 73. Koord.s, 62. Korea, 61. Krakow, 56, Krimea. (588-i B988-2 C115-1 C115-2 C115-3 C115-4 C135-1 C135-2 c 135-3 C135-4 C135-5 C 1 35-6 C 1 35-7 C135-8 C135-9 C182-1 C182-2 C182-3 C 1 82-4 C 1 82-5 C 1 82-6 C353-I C353-2 C3532-I C4I9-1 C445-I CHANLER.Mrs. A. (Rives). Accord- ing to St. John C457-I Barbara Dering C457-2 Virginia of Virginia C457-3 Charles, Mrs. E. Bertram Family. C475-1 Chronicles of the Schonberg- Cotta Family C475-2 Kittj' Trevalyn's Diary C475-3 Winnifred Bertram . , C475-4 Chateaubriand, R. F. A., Vicomte de. The Natchez, an Indian Tale C492-1 Chetwynd, Hon, Mrs. H. and Wil- kins, W. H. John Ellicombe's Temptation C526-1 Church, Prof. A. J. Two Thousand Years Ago C561-1 Church, E. Ross-. {See Stevens, " Mrs.). Churchill, W. Richard Carvel C563-1 Clarke, C. C. Chips from an Old Block C597-1 Flying Scud C597-2 Lord Falconberg's Heir C597-3 Clarke, M. For the term of his Natural Life C599-1 Clemens, S. L. {Pseud., Mark Twain ) . Adventures of Huckle- berry Finn, Tom Sawyer's Comrade C625-1 Adventures of Tom Sawyer C625-2 The American Claimant C625-3 Choice Humorous Works C625-4 Innocent's Abroad : excursion to Europe and the Holy Land . , C625-5 Life on the Mississippi C625-6 Prince (the) and the Pauper .... C625-7 Roughing it ; and Innocents at Home C625-8 Stolen White Elephant C625-9 Tramp Abroad C625-10 The £1 ,000,000 Bank Note C625-11 Tom Sawyer Abroad C625-12 Yankee at the Court of King Arthur C625-13 Library of Humour C625-14 and Warner, C. D. Gilded Age, the C625-13 136 FICTION — AUTHORS. t'i i i Clifford, Mrs. W. K. A Flash of Summer The Love Letters of a Worhily Woman Cobban, J. M. Avenger of Blood , . The King of Andaman Master of His Fate Her Royal Highness's Love Affairs Wilt thou Have tliis Woman ?. . . COBBET, M. Man on the March CoGSWELi., F. H. The Regicides. . . ConiNGRiDE, A. A Night near Windsor, or Port Royal Annals ; and Tale of the Turf Coi^tiNGWooD, H. The Doctor of the Juliet CoLUNS, M. Sweet Anne Page and F". Sweet and Twenty You Play me False CoLUNS, W. After Dark ; and Other Stories Antonina, or the Fall of Rome . . Armadale Basil Dead Secret, the Hide-and-Seek, or mystery of Mary Grice "I Say No." or the love letter answered ; and other stories . . . Man and Wife Miss or Mrs Moonstone, the New Magdalen, the No Name Poor Miss Finch Queen of Hearts Two Destinies, the Woman in White CoMPTON, H. A Free Lance in a Far Land A King's Hussar Conrad, J. Almayer's Folly Outcast of the Islands Tales of Unrest The Nigger of the Narcissus .... Cooper, J. F. Afloat and Ashore : sea tale Bravo, the Chainbearer, or the Little Page Manuscripts, No. 2 C638-1 C638-2 C653-1 C653-2 C653-3 C653-4 C653-5 C654-1 C677-1 C711-1 C7112-1 C712-1 C712-2 C712-3 C713-1 C713-2 C713-3 C713-4 C713-5 C713-6 C713-7 C7i3-« C713-9 C713-10 C713-11 C713-12 C713-13 C713-14 C713-15 C713-16 C738-1 C738-2 C754-1 C754-2 C754-3 C754-4 C777-1 C777-2 C777-3 Cooper, J. F., continued. Crater (the) : tale of the Pacific. Deerslayer, or the first war-path. Headsman (the), or the Abbaye des Vignerons Heidenmauer (the) , or the Bene- dictines : a legend of the Rhine Home as Found Homeward Bound, or the Chase. Jack Tier, or the Florida Reef . . Last of the Mohicans Lionel Lincoln Mercedes of Castile, or the voy- age to Cathay Miles Walliiigford Monikins Oak-Openings, or the bee hunter. Pathfinder, or the inland sea Pilot (the) : tale of the sea Pioneers, or the sources of the Susquehanna Prairie, the Precaution Red Rover : tale of the sea Redskins Satanstoe, or the Little Page Manuscripts, No. i Sea Lions, or the lost sealers .... Spy, the Two Admirals : tale of the sea. . Water-Witch, the Ways of the Hour Wept of Wish-Ton-WMsh Wyandotte Wing and Wing CORBETT, Julian. A Great Waters.... Business in CORNFORD, L. C. Captain Jacobus. Sons of Adversity Cotes, Mrs, E. (S. J. Duncan). American Girl in London Daughter of to-day His Honor and a Lady Path of a Star Simple Adventures of a Mem- sahib Social Departure : how Ortho- docia aiid I went round the world by ourselves Vernon's Aunt Voyage of Consolation C777-4 C777-5 C777-6 C777-6 C777-7 C777-7 C777-8 C777-9 C777-10 C777-2 C777-4 C777-16 C777-11 C777-5 C777-12 C777-q C77:-i3 C777-14 C777-12 C777-3 C777-11 C777-1 C777-13 C777-15 C777-15 C777-14 C777-10 C777-16 C777-8 C789-1 C816-1 C816-2 C843-1 C843-2 C843-3 C843-4 C843-5 C843-6 C843-7 C843-.H C777-4 C777-6 C777-6 cin-1 C777-9 C777-10 C777-2 C777-4 C777-I6 C777-" C777-12 C777-q C77:-i3 C777-I4 C777-12 C777-3 C777-11 C777-1 C.777-13 C777-15 C777-J5 C777-14 C777-10 C777-J6 C777-S C789-1 C816-1 C816-2 C843-1 C843-2 C843-3 C843-4 C843-5 C843-6 C843-7 C843-^ fiction- Couch, A. T.Q. {Pseud., "Q.") Blue Pavillions C853-1 Dead Man's Rock C853-2 Delectable Duchy C853-3 I Saw Three Ships C853-, la C853-D Noughts and Crosses C853-6 A Spanish Maid C853-7 Splendid Spur, the C853-8 History of Troy Town C853-9 Wandering Heath C853-10 CowRN. (5^754-4 D754-5 D754-6 D754-7 D754-8 D754-9 D754-10 D754-11 D754-12 D754-13 D754-14 D754-15 D759-1 D845-1 D845-2 D886-1 D886-2 D886-3 D8862-1 D912-1 D923-1 D923-2 FICTION — AUTHORS. Eaton, A. W. H., and Betts, C. L Tales of a Garrison Town Ebers, G. Bride of the Nile An Egyptian Princess Per Aspera Edwardes, Mrs. A. L,eah, a woman of fashion Edwards, A . B . Lord Brackenbury. Edwards, Mrs. H. B. Pharisees. .. Edwards, H. S. What is a Girl to do ? Edwards, M. B. Bridget Brother Gabriel Kitty Love and Marriage ; and other tides Mademoiselle Josephine's Fri- days ; and other stories Wild Flower of Ravensworth . . . Eggi^esTon^ E. The Faith Doctor. . E1.10T, G., pseud, [See Cross, Mrs. M.). Evans, M. {See Cross, M.) . ESLER, E. R. The Wardlaws Fai,kner, J. M. The Lost Stradi- varius Farjeon, B. L. Aaron the Jew Betrayal of John Fordham The Mystery of M . Felix Secret Inheritance Shield of Love Farrar, F. W. Darkness and Dawn, or Scenes in Days of Nero .... St. Winifred's, or the world of school Fawcett, E. a New York Family. Fenn, G. M. Case of Ailsa Gray. . . Cursed by A Fortune An Electric Spa/k Fluttered Devecote Golden Magnet High Play Lass that loved a Sailor. ,; v . . . Man with a Shadow One Maid's Mischief Queen's Scarlet Quicksilver Sappers and Miners Star Gazers Vicar's People, The E14-1 E16-1 E16-2 E16-3 E259-1 E26-1 E264-1 E265-1 E268-1 E268-2 E268-3 E268-4 E268-5 E268-6 E29-1 E76-1 F193-1 F229-1 F229-2 F229-3 F229-4 F229-5 F342-1 F242-2 F278-1 F334-1 F334-2 E334-3 F334-4 F334-5 F334-6 F334-7 F334-8 F334-9 F334-10 F334-11 F334-12 F334-13 F334-14 Fernandez and GonsaIvEZ. Mar- garita, or Queen of Night FerriER, M. Destiny, or the chief's daughter Marriage FiEi^DiNG, H. Joseph Andrews Tom Jones Amelia FiNDT.ATER, J. H. Daughter of Strife The Green Graves of Balgowrie. . FiNDLATER, M. Over the Hills FoTHERGiix, C. Diana Wentworth. FoTHERGm, J. Aldyth First Violin, The March in the Ranks Fowr.ER E. T. Concerning Isabelle Caruaby A Double Thread Francii^IvON, R. The Dog and His Shadow Jack Doyle's Daughter Ropes of Sand Eraser. Miss J. {Pseud., Tasma.) Knight of the White Feather. Eraser, W. A. The Eye of a God . . Frederic, H. The Copperhead Illumination In the Valley March Hares The Market Place The Return of the O'Mahoney.. Froude, J. A. Two Chiefs of Dun- boy : an Irish romance of last century GallENGA, a. Blackgown Papers. Gaskeli<, E. C. Cranford Wives and Daughters Gibbon, C. Golden Shaft Margaret Carmichael Gift, T. {See Boulger, D. H.). Gissing, G. Born in Exile Emancipated, The Odd Woman, The Unclassed, The Whirlpool, The Gi,anvii,i,E, E. Kloof Bride Goldsmith, O. Vicar of Wakefield. 129 F363-1 F391-1 F391-2 F459-1 F459-2 F459-3 F494-1 F494-2 F4942-1 F761-1 F7616-1 F7616-2 F7616-3 F786-1 F786-2 F817-1 F817-2 F817-3 F841-1 F842-1 F852-1 F852-2 F852-3 F852-4 F852-5 F852-6 F942-r G166-1 G248-1 G248-2 G439-1 G439-2 G535-1 G535-2 G535-3 G535-4 G5355 GS46-1 G624-1 IM 130 FICTION — AUTHORS. il 1:' I Gordon, Zo/y/G. The Race of To- Day G6633-1 Gordon, S. Handful of Exotics. ,. G665-1 Goui.D, S. Baring. Arminell Bladys of the Stewponey The Broom-Squire Cheap Jack Zita Dartmoor Idylls Grettier the Outlaw Guavas the Tinner In the Roar of the Sea Jacquetta Kitty Alone Margery of Quether and other stories Mrs. Curgenven of Curgenven . . Noemi The Pennycomequicks Perpetua The Queen of Love Urith Old English Fairy Tales Grant, J. Adventures of an Aide- de-camp A Constable of France Frank Hilton, or "The Qvieen's Own." Laura Everingham, or High- landers of Glen Ora Philip Rollo, or the Scottish Musketeers Romance of War, or Highlanders in Spain Royal Highlanders, or the Black Watch in Egypt Scottish Cavalier, or ist Royal Scots Shall I Win Her Gray, M., pseud. {See Truttiett, M. G.). Grkkn, a. K. (.SivRohlfs.Mrs. C). GraTTAn, T. C. High-ways and By-ways, or Tales of the Road- side Grbgg, Miss H. {Pseud., Sydney C. Grier). His Excellency's English Governess G698-1 G698-2 G698-3 G698-4 G698-5 G698-6 G698-7 G698-8 G698-9 G698-10 G698-11 G698-12 G698-13 G698-14 G698-15 G698-16 G698-17 G698-18 G762-1 G762-2 G762-3 G762-4 G762-5 G762-6 G762-7 G762-8 G762-9 GRiBBtE, F. The Lower Life. G773-1 G819-1 G846-1 Griki'in, G. Christian Physiologist ; a Night at Sea G851-1 Duke of Monmouth G851-2 Invasion, The G851-3 Rivals ; and Tracy's Ambition. . . G851-4 Grt1'Kith,G. Vaklar, the Oft Born. G853-1 The Virgin of the Sun G853-2 GunTkr, A. C. King's Stockbroker. G977-1 Miss Dividends G977-2 Mr. Potter of Texas G977-3 Princess of Paris G977-4 Guthrie, T. A. {Pseud., F. Anstey). A Fallen Idol G984-1 Black Poodle, and other Tales . . G984-2 Pariah, The G984-3 Tinted Venus : a farcical ro- mance G984-4 Travelling Companions G984-5 The Talking Horse and other Tales G984-6 Under the Rose G984-7 Vice Versil G984-8 GwYNNE, T. Nanette and her lovers G995-1 Silas Barnstarke G995-2 Yovmg Singleton G995-3 HabberTon, J. Helen's Babies H113-1 Country Luck Hi 13-2 Well out of it H113-3 Haggard, A. Tempest Torn H145-1 Haggard, H. R. Dawn H1453-1 Eric Brighteyes H1453-2 Heart of the World H1453-3 Joan Haste H1453-4 King Solomon's Mines H 1453-5 Nada, the Lily H1453-6 She H1453-7 The World's Desire H1453-8 Hai,E, E. E. Sybil Knox, or Home Again H161-1 HAtiBURTON, T. C. {Pseud., Sam Slick). Americans at Home. H172-1 Clockmaker, The H172-2 Letter-bag of Great Western Hi 72-3 Old Judge, or life in a colony. . . H172-4 Halifax, C. {See Smith, E. T. M.). Hamilton, Lord E. Outlaws of the Marches H2177-1 Hamilton, M. Freedom of Henry Meredyth H219-1 vti FICTION — AUTHORS. H161-1 H172-1 H172-2 H172-3 Hi 72-4 Harding. Capt. C. R, N- The Capture of the Estrella H263-1 Harding, E. J. Slav Tales H2633-1 Hardy, A. S. Passe Rose H268-1 Hardy, T. Desperate Remedies ... . H272-1 Far from the Madding Crowd. . . H272-2 The Hand of Ethelberta H272-3 Pair of Blue Eyes H272-5 Stories in Black and White H272-6 Tess of the Durbervilles H272-7 Harradkn, B. At the Green Dra- gon H296-1 In Varying Moods H296-2 Ships That Pass in the Night.,. H296-3 Umbrella Mender, The H 296-4 Harris, J. C. Mr. Rabbit at Home. H314-1 A Plantation Printer H314-2 Harrison, Mrs. B. The Anglo- maniacs H318-1 Harrison, F. S Forest of Bourg- Marie H319-1 Harrison, Mrs. M. {Pseud., Lucas Malet). The Carissima H321-1 The Wages of Sin H321-2 Hart, Mrs, Freda H325-1 HarTE, F. B. Argonauts of North Liberty H327-1 Bell Ringer of Angels H327-2 By Shore and Sedge H327-3 Cressy H327-4 The Heritage of Deadlow Marsh and other Tales H327-5 In the Carquinez Woods H327-6 Luck of Roaring Camp ; and Other Stories H327-7 Maruja H327-8 Millionaire of Rough-and-Ready ; and Devil's Ford H327-9 • On the Frontier H327-10 Phyllis, of the Sierras and a ■> Drift from Redwood Camp. . . . H327-11 Protege of Jack Hamlin's H327-12 Sally Dows, etc H327-13 Sappho, of Green Springs ; and Other Stories H327-14 Susy H327-15 Two Men of Sandy Bar : a drama. H327-16 A Waif of the Plains H327-17 A Ward of the Golden Gate H327-1R HaXTON, J, Under the Great Seal., H366-1 Hawkins, A. H. {Pseud., Anthony Hope) . Change of Air 11393-1 Chronicles of Comit Antonio .... H393-2 Comedies of Courtship H393-3 Father Stafford H 393-4 God in the Car H393-5 Half a Hero H393-6 Heart of the Princess Osra H393-7 Man of Mark H393.8 Phroso H393-9 Simon Dale H393-10 HawThornk, J. Beatrix Randolph. . H399-1 David Poindexter's Disappear- ance, etc H399-2 Dust H399-3 El lice Quentin ; and Other Stories H399-4 A Fool of Nature H399-5 Fortune's Fool H399-6 Garth H399-7 Hawthorne, N. Marble Faun : a romance of Monte Beni. . . H3995-1 Mosses from an Old Manse H3995-2 Septimius Felton, or the elixir of life H3995-3 Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys H3995-4 Twice-told Tales H3995-5 Hay, M. C, Back to the Old Home. H413-1 Hector, Mrs. A. F. {Pseud., Mrs. Alexander) . Barbara H451-1 Choice of Evils H451-2 Fight with Fate H45 1-3 A Golden Autumn H451-4 A Love Match H451-5 Mammon H451-6 Mona's Choice H451-7 Winning Hazard H451-8 Hennessey, J. D. The Dis-Honor- able H515-1 Henty, G. a. At Agincourt H527-1 Aboukir and Acre H527-2 Beric the Briton H527-3 Both Sides of the Border H527-4 Bravest of the Brave, or with Peterborough in Spain H527-5 By England's Aid : freeing of the Netherlands, ( 1585-1604) H527-6 By Right of Conquest, or with Cortez in Mexico. H527-7 By Sheer Pluck : tale of Ashanti War H527-8 % 4 \\i ■I 132 FICTION — Hknty, G. a., continued. Cat of Bubastes : tale of Ancient Egypt H527-9 Chapter of Adventures : or through bombardment of Alex- andria H527-10 Dash for Khartoum : tale of the Nile Expedition H527-11 Dorothy's Double H527-12 Facing Death : tale of the coal mines H527-13 Final Reckoning : tale of Bush Life in Australia H527-14 Held Fast for England : Siege of Gibraltar, ( 1779-83) H527-15 In Freedom's Cause : story of Wallace and Bruce H527-16 In the Reign of Terror : adven- tures of a Westminster Boy. . . H527-17 I/ion of the North : tale of times of Gustavus Adolphus and the Wars of Religion H527-18 Maori and Settler : story of New Zealand War H527-19 On the Irrawaddy H527-20 One of the 28th : tale of Water- loo H527-21 Orange and Green : tale of Boyne and Limerick H527-22 Redskin and Cow-boy H5 27-23 Rujub the Juggler H527-24 8t. George for England : tale of Cressy and Poitiers H527-25 Through the Fray : tale of the Luddite Riots H527-26 Through Russian Snows H527-27 True to the Old Flag : tale of American War of Indepen- dence H527-28 Under Drake's Flag : tale of Spanish Main H527-29 Under Wellington's Command.. H527-30 When London Burned H527-31 Winning his Spurs : tale of the Crusades H527-32 With Olive in India H527-33 With Cockrane the Dauntless... H527-34 AUTHORS. Henty, G. a., continued. With Frederick the Great H527-35 With Lee in Virginia : story of American Civil War H527-36 A Woman of the Commune H527-37 Wulf the Saxon H527-38 Yarns on the Beach H5 27-39 Young Colonists H527-40 Herman, H. (5tr Murray). HiCHENS, R. S. Byeways H626-1 Flames H626-2 The Folly of Eustace H626-3 Imaginative Man H626-4 The Londoners H626-5 HiNKSON, Mrs. (Pseud., Katherine Tynan). The Way of a Maid. H663-1 HoBBES.J. O. (^f^Cragie.) Hodgson, Mrs. C. H. Siegfried's Crown : artist life H6915-1 HoFiyAND, Mrs. B. Decision : a tale. H712-1 Energy H712-2 Fortitude : a tale H71 2-3 Moderation H712-4 Self-Denial : a tale H712-5 Hoi,DSWORTH, A. E. The Gods Arrive H728-1 Years that the Locust Hath Eaten H728-2 Hoivi,AND, E. The Evolution of a Wife H734-1 Holmes, O. W. Elsie Venner H752-1 The Guardian Angel H752-2 A Mortal Antipathy H752-3 Hooper, I. The Singer of Marly . . . H7863-I Hope, T. Anastasius, or memoirs of a Greek H7915-1 HoRNUNG, E. W. Boss of Taroomba. H816-1 My Lord Duke H816-2 Rogues March H816-3 Tiny Luttrell H816-4 Ho'TCHKiss, C. C. In Defiance of the King H832-1 FICTION — AUTHORS. H734-1 H752-1 H752-2 H752-3 H7863-1 H7915-1 H816-1 H816-2 H816-3 H816-4 II832-1 and HowELLS, W. D. Annie Kilburn April Hopes Chance Acquaintance Counterfeit Presentment Fearful Responsibility : Other Stories Foregone Conclusion A Hazard of New Fortunes Imperative Duty Indian Summer Lady of Aroostock Mercy Minister's Charge Modern Instance Out of the Question : a comedy Rise of Silas Lapham The Shadow of a Dream Their Wedding Journey Undiscovered Country Woman's Reason, A Hughes, T. Tom Brown at Oxford. Tom Brown's Schooldays Hugo, V. Bug-Jargal and other Stories Hans of Iceland The Man who Laughs Les Miserables Ninetj'-Three Notre Dame The Toilers of the Sea E. Ozmar the Hui,me-Beaman, Mystic Hume, F. The Carbuncle Clue Expedition of Capt. Flick . Lady Jezebel HuNGERFoRD, Mrs. M. {Pseud., The Duchess). Beauty's Daughters. The Coming of Chloe The Hoyden A Lonely Girl The O'Connors of Ballinahinch . . Peters Wife Rossmoyne Tug of War Hunt, V. A Hard Woman The Way of Marriage HuTCHESON, J. C. Crown and An- chor, or Under the Penant. . . . The Pirate Junk Hutchinson, H. Fairway Island.. H859-1 H859-2 H859-3 HS5q-4 H859-5 H859-6 H859-7 H859-8 H859-9 H859-10 H859-11 H859-12 H859-13 H859-14 H859-15 H859-16 H859-17 H859-18 H859-19 H894-1 H894-2 H895-1 H895-2 H895-3 H895-4 H895-5 H895-6 H895-7 H915-1 H921-1 H921-2 H921-3 H936-1 H936-2 H936-3 Hq36-4 H936-5 H936-6 H936-7 H936-8 H943-1 H943-2 H973-I H973-2 H976-I Hyne, C. J. C. The Recipe for Diamonds INGRAHAM, J. H. Pillar of Fire, or Israel in Bondage Prince of House of David Jackson, H. Hetty's Strange His- tory Ramona Zeph Jacobs, W. W. Many Cargoes The Skipper's Wooing James, C. T. C. On Tumham Green. James, F. a. {Pseud., Florence Warden). The Girls at the Grange Girls Will be Girls A Lady in Black Mystery of Dudley Home A Perfect Fool A Spoilt Girl James, H. Embarrassments The Other House The Spoils of Poynton Terminations What Maisie Knew James, G. p. R. Russell ; a tale of * Reign of Charles II fEFFERY, W. (&^Becke). JEPSON, E. Keeper of the People. . Jerome, J. K. Diary of a Pilgrim- age On the Stage, and Off ; the brief career of a would-be actor Stageland Three Men in s Boat — to say nothing of the dog jERROi,D, D. Man made of Money ; and Chronicles of Clovernook . Men of Character JEWETT, S. O. The Country of the Pointed Firs Johnson, S. Rasselas Dr. Congalton's Johnston, H Legacy Johnston, Miss. G. L. K. pseud. (Keith Leslie). Lisbeth A Hurricane in Petticoats ^35 H99-1 I54-I I54-8 J13-1 J 13-2 JI3-3 J17-1 J 1 7-2 J27-I J273-1 J 273-2 J273-3 J273-4 J273-5 J273-6 J275-I j275-« J275-3 J275-4 J275-S J28-I J54-1 J56-1 J,56~2 J56-3 J56-4 J563-1 J563-2 J59-1 J69-1 J72-1 J73-I J73-2 k" ■ i.: m 'fit '\\ Si V':^ JOKAi, M. Dr. Dumany's Wife Eyes life the Sea Midst the Wild Carpathians Katharena, a, Home of the Dra- gon Kavanagh, J. Adele Keary, a. a York and a Lancaster Rose Keary, C. F. Herbert Vanlennert. The Two Lancrof ts FICTION — AUTHORS. J74-1 J 74-2 J 74-3 K19-1 K21-1 K24-1 K242-1 K242-2 K27-1 K27-2 K33-1 KeighTi.ey, S. R. Crimson Sign. .. The Last Recruit of Clare's KENEAIvY, a. Belinda's Beaux Kennard, Mrs. E. At the Tail of the Hounds K34-1 The Catch of the County K34-2 Fooled by a Woman K34-3 A Riverside Romance K34-4 Kennedy, H. A. A Man with Black Eyelashes K35-1 Kernahan, C. The Child, the Wise Man, and the Devil K39-1 King, K. Sweet is True Love K53-1 KiNGSiyEY, C. Alton Locke : tailor and poet K552-1 Hereward the Wake : last of the English K552-2 Hypatia K552-3 Yeast : a problem K552-4 KiNGSi,EY, F. M. Stephen K553-1 Kingston, W. H. G. Albatross (the), or voices from the ocean : a tale K555-1 Ben Hadden ; or do right what- ever comes of it K555-2 Charley Laurel : adventure by sea and land K555-3 Dick Chevely K555-4 Golden Grasshopper (the) : story of days of Sir Thos. Gresham , K555-5 Hendricks the Hunter]: tale of Zululand K555-6 Midshipman (the), Marmaduke Merry, or early days at sea. . . . K555-7 • My First Voyage to Southern Seas K555-8 Old Jack K555-9 Peter Trawl, or adventures of a whaler K555-10 Peter the Whaler K555-11 Kingston, W. H. G., continued. Roger Kyffin's Ward Roger Willoughby : story of times of Benlow Saved from the Sea, or loss of the ' ' Viper ' ' and adventures of her crew in the Great Sahara. Voyage Round the World Young Llanero : war and wild life in Venezuela Young Rajah KiPijNG, R. The Jungle Book Life's Handicap Many Inventions The Naulahka Stalky & Co KiRBY, W. The Golden Dog KiRKi^AND, Mrs. C. M. Western Clearings LAGERI.OF, S. The Story of Gosta Berling Lander, H. Lucky Bargee Lane, E. W. The Thousand and One Nights, or Arabian Night's Entertainments Lang, A. The Green Fairy Book . . . Mark of Cain Monk of Fife Red True Story Book Lang, Mrs. A. Dissolving Views . . . Laffan, Mrs. R. S. DeC. {See Adams, Mrs. L.). Laszowska, Mrs. E. D. von. A Foreigner Lavenu, L. S. Erlesmere LawIvESS, Hon. E. Maelcho Lee, H. Loving and Serving Poor Squire Straightforward LeGaluenne, R. The Quest of the Golden Girl LEIGHTON, R. Pomona . . The Pilots of LeQuEX, W. Devil's Dice. The Eye of Istar Scribes and Pharisees . Whoso Findeth a Wife Zoraida K555-12 K555-13 K555-r4 K555-15 K555-16 K555-17 K57-1 K57-2 K57-3 K57-4 K57-5 K58-1 KS9-I L174-1 L2552-1 L265-1 L269-1 L 269-2 L269-3 L269-4 L2692-1 1^349-1 Iv399-i L418-1 L478-1 L478-2 1.478-3 L496-1 L529-1 L613-1 X,6i3-2 L613-3 1.613-4 L613-5 K555-I2 K555-I3 K555-I4 K555-15 K555-I6 K555-I7 K57-I K57-2 K57-3 K57-4 K57-5 K58-1 K59-I LI74-I L2552-I L265-1 L269-1 L 269-2 L269-3 L269-4 1,2692-1 L349-1 Iv399-i L418-1 L478-1 L478-2 L478-3 L496-1 1^529-1 L613-1 X,6i3-2 L613-3 L613-4 1.6 1 3-5 FICTION — ATTTHORS. IrEVER. C. Arthur O'Leary Barrington Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. ... Charles O'Mallcy, the Irish Dragoon Con Cregan, the Irish Gil Bias.. Daltons, the Davenport Dunn Day's Ride, a life's romance .... Dodd Family Abroad Fortunes of Glencore Harry Lorrequer Horace Templeton Jack Hinton, the Guardsman . . . Knight of Gwynne Lord Kilgobbin IvUttrell of Arran Martin's of Cro' Martin Maurice Tiernay O'Donoghue : a tale of Ireland . One of Them Roland Cashel Sir Brook Fosbrooke Sir Jasper Carew That Boy of Norcott's Tom Burke of " Ours " Tony Butler Linton, E. Lynn. In Haste and at Leisure World Well Lost LlTTi^E, Mrs. A. A Marriage in China Locke, W. J. At the Gate of Sa- maria Logan, A. S. Not on the Chart LoNGARD, Mme. L. de. {Pseud., Dorothea Gerard). Lot 13. . . Miss Providence The Rich Miss Riddell The Wrong Man LoRiMER, N. Josiah's Wife LowRY, H. D. A Man of Moods., . Lynch, H. The Autobiography of a Child An Odd Experiment Lytton, E. G. E. Lytton Bulwer- Lytton, baron. Caldron, the Courtier. {Appended to " Le- ila.'') Caxtons, The Chairolas, prince of Paida L658-1 L658-2 L658-i L658-4 L658-5 L658-6 L658-7 L658-8 L658-9 L658-10 L658-11 L658-12 L658-13 L658-14 L658-15 L658-16 L658-17 L658-18 L658-19 L658-20 L658-21 L658-22 L658-23 L658-24 L658-25 L658-26 L761-1 L761-2 L778-1 L8142-1 L831-1 L848-1 L848-2 L848-3 L848-4 L865-1 L921-1 L987-1 L987-2 L998-1 t998-2 1.998-3 Lytton, E. G E,, continued. Coming Race, The L998-4 Devereux L998-5 Disowned. The L998-6 Ernest Maltravers L998-7 Eugene Aram L998-8 Godolphin L998-9 Harold, last of the Saxon Kings. L998-10 Kenelm Chillingly L998-11 Last of the Barons L998-12 Last Days of Pompeii L998-13 Leila, or the Siege of Granada ; Caldron, the Courtier,; and the Pilgrims of the Rhine L998-14 Lucretia, or the children of night L998-15 "My Novel," or varieties in English Life L998-16 Night and Morning L998-17 Parisians, The L998-18 Paul Clifford L998-19 Pelham, or the adventures of a gentleman L998-20 Pilgrims of the Rhine L998-21 Rienzi, last of the Roman Tri- bunes L998-22 Strange Story ; and Haunted and Haunters L998-23 What Will He Do With It ? L998-24 Zanoni L998-25 Lytton, E, R. Bulwer-Lytton, earl of, (Owen Meredith). Lucile, L9982-1 Maartens, M, {See Poorsen-Sch- wartz, J, van, der.). McCarthy, J. Dictator M123-1 Dear Lady Disdain M123-2 Donna Quixote M123-3 McCarthy, J. H. Dolly M1232-1 McDonald, G. Adela Cathcart.. .. M135-1 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. M135-2 Alec Forbes M135-3 Castle Warlock M135-4 David Elginbrod M135-5 Donald Grant M135-6 Elect Lady M135-7 Flight of the Shadow M135-8 Guild Court M135-9 Home Again M135-10 Malcolm M135-11 Marquis of Lossie M135-12 Mary Marston M135-13 Orts M135-14 »w»s 136 FICTION — McDonald, G., coHlinued. Paul Faher M135-15 Robert Falconer M 135-16 Rough Shaking M135-17 St. George and St. Michael M135-18 Seaboard Parish M 135- 19 Sir Gilibie M 135-20 Stephen Archer M 135-21 There and Back M135-22 Thomas Wingfold M 135-23 Vicar's Daughter M 135 24 Weighed and Wanting Mi 35-25 What's Mine's Mine M 135-26 Wilfrid Cumbermede M 135-27 McFai.i,, Mrs. {Pse ltd., ^&ra\\ Grand). The Beth Book M143-1 The Heavenly Twins Mi 43-2 Ideala M143-3 Our Manifold Nature Mi 43-4 Singularly Deluded M 143-5 Machray, R. Grace O'Mally, Prin- cess and Pirate M149-1 Mack AY, M. [Pseud. , Marie Corelli) , Ardath M153-1 Barabbas M153-2 Cameos M153-3 The Mighty Atom M153-4 The Murder of Delicia M 153-5 A Romance of Two Worlds M 153-6 The Sorrows of Satan M 153-7 The Soul of Ivilith M153-8 Thelma M153-9 Vendetta M153-10 Wormwood M153-1 1 Ziska M153-12 Mackenzie, E. Highland Lassies.. M156-X McKiNNON, W. C. St. George, or the Canadian League M158-1 MACI.AREN, I. {See Watson). McLeod, G. D. Stories of Land of Evangeline " M165-1 Macquoid, K. S. Berris. M173-1 In an Orchard M173-2 Little Fifine ; and other tales Mi 73-3 Sir James Appleby, Bart Mi 73-4 Major, C. {Pseud., Caskoden, E.) When Knighthood was in Flower M234-1 Maw( the River Asphodel Aurora Floyd Barbara Birds of Prey Captain of the Vulture Charlotte's Inheritance Cloven Foot Day (the) Will Come Dead Men's Shoes Dead-Sea Fruit Doctor's Wife Eleanor's Victory Fatal Three Fenton's Quest Flower and Weed ; and other tales Gerard Golden Calf (the) Henry Dunbar Hostages to Fortune Ishmael John Marchmont's Legacy . Joshua Haggard Just As I Am Lady Audle;,''^ Secret Lady Lisle Lady's Mile (the) Like and Unlike Lost for Love Lovels of Arden Lucius Davoren Milly Darrell ; and other tales. Mohawks Mount Royal , Octoroon One Life, One Love One Thing Needful Only a Clod Open Verdict Phantom Fortune Ralph the Bailiff ; and other stories Robert Ainsleigh Run to Earth Rupert Godwin Sir Jasper's Tenant Sons of Fire Story of Barbara Strange World Strangers and Pilgrims M465-1 M46S-2 M465-3 M465-4 M4t>5-6 M465-6 M465-7 M465-8 M465-9 M465-10 M 465- 1 1 M465-12 M465-13 M465-14 M465-15 M46516 M465-17 M465-18 M465-19 M465-20 M465-21 M465-22 M465-23 M465-24 M465-25 M465-26 M465-27 M465-28 M46529 M465-30 M465-31 M465-32 M465-33 M465-34 M465-35 M465-36 M465-37 M465-38 M465-39 M465-40 M465-41 M465-42 M465-43 M465-44 M465-45 M465-46 M465-47 M465-48 M465-49 MAXWKLL.Mrs. M. E. B., continued. Taken at the I'lood Thou Art the Man To the Bitter Find Trail of the Serpent Under the Red Flag Venetians Vixen Weavers and Weft ; and other tales When the World was Younger. . Wyllard's Weird Maynard, L. The Philanthropist. . Meadk, L. T. {See Smith). Meldrum, D. S. Grey Mantle and Gold Fringe Melviu^E, G. J. W. Black but Comely Brookes of Bridlemere Cerise Old Man's Love Rosine Uncle John Mendoza, Don D. de H. Life and Adventures of Lazarillo de Tor- mes Meredith, G. The Adventures of Harry Richmond The Amazing Marriage Diana of the Crossways The Egoist Evan Harrington Lord Ormont and his Aminta . . . One of Our Conquerors The Ordeal of Richard Feverel . . Rhoda Fleming Sandra Belloni Shaving of Shagpat. an Arabian entertainment ; and Farina . . . The Tragic Comedians Vittoria Meredith, O., pseud. {See Lytton, E. R. Bulwer-Lytton, earloi). Middi.eT( C. Without Respect of Persons MII.I.ER, H. Tales and Sketches . . . MinER, Mrs. H. L. {Pseud., Mary Gaunt) . Kirkham's Find The Moving Finger Mnw, J. Too Fast to Last ^37 M465-50 M465-51 M465-52 M465-53 M465-54 M465-55 M465-56 M465-57 M465-58 M465-59 M471-1 M518-1 M531-1 M531-2 M531-3 M531-4 M531-5 M531-6 M539-1 M559-1 M559-2 M559-3 Ms 59-4 M559-5 M559-6 M559-7 M559-8 M559-9 M559-10 M559-11 M559-12 M559-13 M627-1 M648-1 M6482-1 M6482-2 M657-1 V' II^H.' ' N ll^H' ;K - . ll^.j'' i^B '■ ^H ll ■ 'V Bjii' H'<- ; £^l ' ' ^^H ^B, ! . ^Bi 1 ^■!< ,1 138 FICTION — AUTHORS. \. s She Good or Bad ?. M667-1 MiNTO, W MiTCHEivi,, Dr. S. W. Adventures of Francois M682-1 Hugh Wynne M682-2 MiTFORD, B. A Romance of the Cape Frontier M683-1 The Sign of the Spider M683-2 'Tween Snow and Fire M683-3 White Shield M683-4 MotESWORTH, Mrs. The Carved Lions M719-1 MONCREFF, //<;«. F. The X Jewel. M739-1 Montgomery, F". Thrown Together. M787-1 MoNTRESOR, F. F. Into the High- ways and Hedges M81 i-i The One Who Looked On Moore, A. {See Dowson, E.). MooRB, F. F. Under Hatches MooRE. J. Zeluco : views of human nature MooRE, T. The Epicurean : ^ tale. . More, H. Coelebs in Search of a Wife. M811-2 M821-1 M822-1 M824-1 M835-1 MORIER, J. The Mirza M855-1 MORRAH, H. The Faithful City .... M872-1 A Serious Comedy M872-2 Morris, W. The Waters of the Wondrous World M877-1 Wood Beyond the World M877-2 Morrison, A. A Child of the Jago. M878-1 Tales of Mean Streets 1M878-2 MuDDOCK, J. E. Stripped of the Tinsel M943-1 The Star of Fortune . . M943-2 MuGGE, T, Life and Love in Nor- way M951-1 MunroE, K. \t War with Pontiac. M968-1 Rick Dale M968-2 Through Swamp and Glade M968-3 MURFREE, Miss M. N. {Pseud., Chas. Egbert Craddock). In the Stranger Peoples Country. M975-1 Murray, r>. C. Bit of Human Nature ; and " Lively Fanny." M981-1 Bob Martin's Little Girl M981-2 By the Gate of the Sea M981-3 Coals of Fire ; and other Stories. M981-4 Cynic Fortune M981-5 Murray, D. C, continued. First Person Singular M981-6 Hearts M981-7 Joseph's Coat M981-8 Life's Atonement M981-9 Model Father, etc M981-10 Old Blazer's Hero M981-11 Val Strange ; a Story of the Primrose Way M981-12 A Wasted Crime M981-13 Way of the World M981-14 The Weakci Vessel M981-15 and Herman, H. One Travel- ler Returns M981-16 Neuman, B. P. The Supplanter. . . N489-1 A New Note N532-1 Nichoi.i,s, Mrs. C. (Charlotte Bronte) . Jane Eyre N613-1 Professor, Emma, Poems N613-2 Shirlej' N613-3 Villette N613-4 NoRDAU, M. A Comedy of Senti- ment N828-1 Malady of the Century N828-2 NoRRis, W. E. Baffled Conspirators. N861-1 Clarissa Furiosa N801-2 The Countess Radna N861-3 Dancer in Yellow N861-4 A Deplorable Affair I ^01-5 The Despotic Lady and Others.. N861-6 His Grace N86J-7 Marcia N861-8 Marietta's Marriage N861-9 Mathew Austin N861-10 Misadventure N861-1 1 Mrs. Fenton N861-12 The Rogue N861-13 A Victim of Good Luck N861-14 NoTLEY, F. E. M. Cordelia N913-1 Ochiltree, H. Redbum O16-1 OuPHANT, Miss. {.^s.ad., Amy Dunsmuir) . Claire O471-1 OuPHANT, Mrs. M. O. W. Adam Graeme of Mossgray O472-1 Agnes O472-2 House in Bloomsbury O472-3 Janet O472-4 Lady Car O472-5 Lady's Walk O472-6 Laird of Norlaw ; Scottish story . O472-7 Last of the Mortime r?i O472-8 M98I-6 M98I-7 M98I-8 M98I-9 M98I-IO M98I-II M98I-I2 M98I-I3 M98I-14 M98I-I5 M98I-I6 N489-1 N532-I N6I3-I N6I3-2 N6I3-3 N6I3-4 N828-I N828-2 N86I-I N80I-2 N86I-3 N86I-4 1—^1-5 N86I-6 N86I-7 N86I-8 Nb6i-9 N861-10 N861-11 N861-12 N861-13 N861-14 N913-1 O16-1 O471-1 O472-1 O472-2 0472-3 0472-4 0472-5 O472-6 0472-7 0472-8 FICTION — AUTHORS. OuPHANT, Mrs. M. O. W., continued. Madonna Mary Oliver's Bride Passages in Life of Mrs. Mar- garet Maitland, of Sunnyside. . Poor Gentleman The Prodigals The Sorceress Sir Robert's Fortune Sir Tom Son of his Father Two Marys Who was Lost and is Found Opik, Mrs. A. New Tales Simple Tales, v. 3-4 Tales of Real Life. v. 2-3 Works OSBOURNE, L. {See Stevenson, R. L. B.). Ottoi,bngui, R. The Crime of the Century OuiDA. {See Rame, L. de La). Our Own Pompeii: a romance of to- morrow Owen, M. a. The Daughter of Alouette OxLEY, J. McD. Diamond Rock. . , Strange Rescue Paruoe, J. Romance of the Harem Parker, G. An Adventurer of the North The March of the White Guard. Mrs. Falchion Pierre and His People Pomp of the Lavilettes The Trail of the Sword The Translation of a Savage The Trespasser When Valmond came to Pontiac. Seats of the Mighty Parr, Mrs. The Squire Pai^ERSOn, a. a Man of his Word PaTon, J. L. A Home in Inveniesk . Patton. J. B. Bijli the Dancer Payn, J. Another's Burden Canon's Ward Disappearance of George Driffell, Eavesdropper O472-9 O472-10 O472-11 O472-12 O472-13 O472-14 O472-15 O472-16 O472-17 O472-18 O472-19 O61-1 O61-2 O61-3 O61-4 O91-1 O93-1 O97-1 O98-1 O98-2 P226-1 P239-1 P239-2 P239-3 P239-4 P239-5 P239-6 P239-7 P239-8 P239-9 P239-10 P258-1 P296-1 P312-1 P322-1 P345-1 P345-2 P345-3 P345-4 Payn, J., continued. Glow- Worm Tales ^345-5 Grape from a Thorn F345-6 High Spirits ; being certain Stories written in them P345-7 In Market Overt P345-8 Less Black than were Painted. . P345-9 A Modern Dick Whittington .... P345-10 Mystery of Mirbridge P345-1 1 A Stumble on the Threshold .... P345-12 Talk of the Town P345-13 PEard, F. M. Alicia Tennant P359-1 PEMberTon, M. Christine of the Hills P395-1 A Gentleman's Gentleman P395-2 The Impregnable City P395-3 The Iron Pirate P395-4 Kronstadt P395-5 A Puritan's Wife P395-6 Queen of the Jesters P395-7 The Sea Wolves F395-8 PENDERED, mi., a Pastoral Played Out P397-1 Phelps, E. S. Fourteen to one.... P539-r and Ward, H. D, Master of the Magicians P539-2 Phii,ips, F. C. Poor Little Bella. .. P554-1 Phtlpotts, E. Lying Prophets .... P564-1 My Laughing Philosopher P564-2 Some Every-Day Folks P564-3 Pickering, E. After Sedgmore, . . . P596-1 Pitt, S. a Limited Success P6883-5 PoE, E. A. Arthur Gordon Pym P743-1 Poole, J. Little Pedlington and the Pedlingtonians P822-1 Phineas Quiddy P822-2 PooRSEN-ScHWARTz, J. van der. God's Fool P823-1 Greater Glory P823-2 Old Maid's Love ; P823-3 Sin of Joo.st Avelingh P823-4 Question of Taste P823-5 PousHKiN, A. S. (^i'd'Puskin, A. S.). Praed, Mrs. C. Affinities, a ro- mance of to-day P?97-i Christina Chard P897-2 December Roses P897-3 Outlaw and Lawmaker P897-4 Romance of a Chalet P897-5 The Romance of a Station P897-6 The Scourge-Stick P897-7 140 FICTION — AUTHORS. Proctor, J. This Year, Next Year, Sometime, Never P964-1 PuSKiN, A. S. {Pseud., Poushkin, A. S.) r rose Tales r987-i Pyle, H. Jack Ballister's Fortunes. P996-1 Rame, Iv. de la. {Pseud., Ouida). Bimbi : stories for children R171-1 Chandos R171-2 Folle-Farine R171-3 Frescoes, etc R171-4 Idalia R171-5 In Maremma R171-6 In a Winter City R171-7 Moths R171-8 Pascarel R171-9 Princess Napraxine Ri 71-10 Puck R171-11 Signa R171-12 The Silver Christ R171-13 Strathmore R171-14 Tower of Taddeo R171-15 Tricotrin R171-16 Two Little "Wooden Shoes R171-17 Under Two Flags R171-18 Views and Opinions R171-19 Village Commune Ri 71-20 R273-1 R285-1 R285-2 R285-3 Raymond, W. Charity Chance.... Reade, C. Christie Johnstone...,, Hard Cash Good Fight ; and other Tales. . , Reade, Chas. Who was then the Gentleman R2852-1 Reid, C, pseud. {See Tieman, Mrs. F. C). Reid, Capt. M. Afloat in the Forest. R357-1 Bosjesmen or Bushmen R357-2 Boy Hunters R357-5 Boy Slaves R357-4 Bush-Boys ; adventures in South Africa Cliff -Climbers Desert Home Fatal Cord Forest Exiles, or perils of a Pei'uvian family amid wilds of the Amazon Giraffe Hunters R357-10 Guerilla Chief; and other Tales. R357-11 Half-Blood, The R357-12 Headless Horseman : tale of Texa0 , , , . , R357-13 R357-5 R357-6 R357-7 R357-8 R357-9 Reid, Capt. M., continued. Hunters' Feast Maroon, The Ocean Waifs Plant Hunters : adventures among Himalaya Mountains.. Quadroon, or adventures in Louisiana Ran Away to Sea Rifle Rangers, or adventures in southern Mexico Tiger Hunter War Trail White Chief : legend of Mexico . White Gauntlet Wild Huntress Wood-Rangers Young Voyageurs, or boy hun- ters in the north Young Yiigers : hunting adven- tures in Africa Rhoscomyi,, O. Battlement and Tower For the White Rose of Arno .... Jewel of Ynys Galon Rice, J. {See Besant, W.). RiDDEiX, Mrs. C. E. L, Alaric Spenceley The Head of the Firm Home, Sweet Home Prince of Wales's Garden-Party ; and other stories Princess Sunshine Struggle for Fame Susan Drummond RiGGS, Mrs. J. C. (Kate D. Wiggan). Marm Lisa Penelope's Experiences in Scot- land Rita, pseud. {See Booth, E. M. J. von.). Rives, A. {See Chanler, A. R.). Roberts, C. G. D. The Forge in the Forest Roberts, M. Little Step-daughter. That Child R357-14 R357-15 R357-16 R357-17 R357-18 R357-19 R357-20 R357-21 R357-22 R357-23 R357-24 R357-25 R357-26 R357-27 R357-28 R478-1 R478-2 R478-3 R543-1 R543-2 R543-3 R543-4 R543-5 R543-6 R543-7 R569-1 RS69-2 Robinson, F. W. The Keeper of the Keys Youngest Miss Green R643-i R646-1 R646-2 R659-1 R659-2 ^357-14 i 357-15 ^357-16 R357-17 R357-18 R357-19 R357-20 R357-21 R357-22 R357-23 R357-24 R357-25 R357-26 R357-27 R357-28 R478-1 R478-2 R478-3 R543-1 R543-2 R543-3 R543-4 R543-5 R543-6 R-543-7 R569-1 R569-2 FICTION — AUTHORS. R643-1 R646-1 R646-2 R659-1 R659-2 R0HI.FS, Mrs. C. (Anne Katherine Green ) . Lost Man 's Lane .... Marked " Personal." That Affair Next Door Agatha Webb RoscoE, T. Italian Novelists Ross, R. Spirit of the Storm Russell, D. A Man's Privilege.... Russell, P. A Husband's Ordeal . . Russell, W. C. Book for the Ham- mock The Copsford Mystery Hearts of Oak In the Middle Watch Jack's Courtship : a sailor's yarn. John Holdsworth, chief mate. . . List, Ye Landsmen Mrs. Dines' Jewels : A mid- Atlantic romance My Danish Sweetheart Mystery of the "Ocean Star" : a collection of maritime sket- ches On the Fo'k'sle Head Round the Galley Fire Sea Queen, A The Tale of the Ten Tragedy of Ida Noble The Two Captains Voyage to the Cape What Cheer ! Rutherford, M. Clara HorTood. St. Aubyn, a. a Fair Impostor. . . . A Procter's Wooing St. Leger, H. An Ocean Outlaw. . Saintine, M. D., pseud. {See Boni- face, J. X.). Saint-Pierre, J. H. B. de). Paul and Virginia Sala, G. a. Seven Sons of Mam- ^ mon Sand, G., pseud. {See Dudevant, A. L. A. D.). Sardou, V. Madam Sans Gene.... Saunders, M. The King of the Park My Spanish Sailor ScHREiNER, O. {See Cronwright, Mrs.). R738-1 R738-2 R738-3 R738-4 R794-1 R825-1 R962-1 R966-1 R968-1 R968-2 R968-3 R968-4 R968-5 R968-6 R968-7 R968-8 R968-9 R968-10 R968-11 R968-12 R968-13 R968-14 R968-15 R968-16 R968-17 R968-18 R975-1 S134-1 S134-2 S145-1 S149-1 S159-1 S244-1 S257-1 S257-2 Scott, H. S. {Pseud., Henry Seton Merriman). Flotsam, the study of a life The Grey Lady In Kedar's Tents The Sowers Suspense Young Mistley Dross Scott, M . Cruise of the ' ' Midge. ' ' . Tom Cringle's Log Scott, Sir W. Abbot, The Anne of Geierstein Antiquary Betrothed, The ; Highland Wi- dow Black Dwarf ; Legend of Mon- trose Castle Dangerous Count Robert of Paris Death of the Laird's Jock Fair Maid of Perth Guy Mannering, or the astrolo- ger Heart of Mid-Lothian Highland Widow Ivanhoe Kenilworth Legend of Montrose Monastery My Aunt Margaret's Mirror Old Mortality Peveril of the Peak Pirate Redgauntlet Rob Roy St. Ronan'sWell Surgeon's Daughter Talisman Tapestried Chamber Two Drovers Waverley Woodstock ScuLLEY, W. C. Between Sun and Sand The White Hecatomb Sergeant, a. The Failure of Sybil Fletcher Out of Due Season A Rogue's Daughter The Story of a Penitent Soul .... Seventy times Seven Told in the Twilight 141 S426-1 S426-2 S426-3 S426-4 S426-5 S426-6 S426-7 S428-1 S428-2 S431-1 S431-2 S431-3 S431-4 S431-5 S431-6 S431-7 S431-21 S431-8 S431-9 S431-10 S431-4 S431-11 S431-12 S431-5 S431-13 S431-21 S431-14 S431-15 S431-16 S431-17 S431-18 S431-19 S431-20 S431-21 S431-21 S431-21 S431-22 S431-23 S437-1 S437-2 S484-1 S484-2 S484-3 S484-4 S484-5 S484-6 mm 142 FICTION— Sbtoun, G. Robert Urquhart S495-1 Shield, A. Squire of Wandales 8555-1 Shorthouse, J. H. John Inglesant. S559-1 Blanche, Lady Falaise S559-2 The Countess Eve S559-3 A Teacher of the Violin S559-4 Sir Percival S559-5 SiENKiEwicz, H. Deluge. {Sequel to Fire and Sword) S572-1 In Vain S572-2 Pan Michael S572-3 Quo Vadis S572-4 With Fire and Sword S572-5 SiNCiyAiR, C. Flirtations in Fash- ionable Life S616-1 Jane Bouverie S616-2 Lord and Lady Harcourt S616-3 Moflern Accomplishments S616-4 SkerTchIvY, J. A. Melinda, the Caboceer ; or Sport in Ashanti. S627-1 Smart, H. The Master of Rath- kelly S636-1 A Member of Tattersall's and other Tales S636-2 Sunshine and Snow S636-3 Smeaton, O. Our Laddie S637-1 Smith, E. T. M. (Pseud., L. T. Meade). A Girl of the People. S646-1 A Life for a Love S646-2 The Medicine Lady S646-3 Out of the Fashion S646-4 A Son of Ishmael S646-5 Stories from the Diary of a Doctor S646-6 The Way of a Woman S646-7 Smith, F. H. A Gentlemen Vaga- bond S647-1 Smith, H. Tales of Early Ages S649-1 SnaiTh, J. C. Fierceheart the Sol- dier S669-1 Spence, C. Tender and True : a col- onial tale S744-1 Spender, Mrs. J. K. The Wooing of Doris S746-1 Spofford, H. p. Old Madame, and other tragedies S762-1 Stabiles, G., The Rose of Allan- dale S775-1 AUTHORS. STAEi.-fe[oi,STEiN, A. L. G. N., Bar- onne de. Corinne, or Italy . , . Stannard, Mrs. {Pseud., John Strange Winter). Army Tales. Aunt Johnnie Beautiful Jim Blameless Woman Booties' Baby Booties' Children Buttons Cavalry Life Confessions of a Publisher Dinna Forget Garri,son Gossip Grip He Went for a Soldier I Married a Wife Into an Unknown World Little Fool Lumlej', the Painter Major's Favorite Mignon's Husband Mignon's Secret Mrs. Bob Only Human Other Man's Wife (the) Pluck Private Tinker Regimental Legends Seventh Child Siege Baby Soldiers Children Soul of the Bishop Strange Story of My Life Stranger Woman (the) That Mrs. Smith Three Girls Statham, F. R. Mr. Magnus Stearns, A. Chris and the Wonder- ful Lamp Steel, F. a. From the Three Rivers. On the Face of the W'ater In the Permanent Way The Potter's Thumb STEEI.E, A. C. Lesbia Stephens, R. Mr. Peters Stephens, R. N. Gentleman Player. Stkpniak,S. (^i?)? Dragomanov). SteuarT, J. A. The Minister of State. S778-1 S789-1 S789-2 S789-3 S789-4 S789-5 S789-6 S789-7 S789-8 S789-9 S789-10 S789-IX S789-12 S789-13 S789-14 S789-15 S789-16 S789-17 S789-18 S789-19 S789-20 S78g-2i S789-22 S789-23 S789-24 S789-:25 S789-26 S789-27 S789-28 S789-29 S789-30 S789-31 S789-32 S789-33 S789-34 S797-1 S799-1 S813-1 S813-2 S813-3 S813-4 S814-1 S835-1 S8352-1 S842-1 S778-I S789-1 S789-2 S789-3 S789-4 S789-5 S789-6 S789-7 S789-8 S789-9 S789-10 S789-11 S789-12 S789-13 S789-U S789-15 S789-16 S789-17 S789-18 S789-19 S789-20 S789-21 S789-22 S789-23 87^9-24 S789-25 S789-26 S789-27 S789-28 S789-29 S789-30 S789-31 S789-32 S789-33 S789-34 S797-I S799-I S8I3-I S8I3-2 S8I3-3 S8I3-4 S8I4-I S835-I S8352-I S842-I FICTION — AUTHORS. Stevenson, R. L,. The Black Arrow. Catriona Dynamiter Island Nights Entertainments. . , Kidnapped Master of Ballantrae Merry Men ; and Other Tales and Fables New Arabian Nights St. Ives Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Treasure Island Weir of Hermistoun a«^OsBOURNE, L. The Wrecker. The Wrong Box The Ebb Tide Steward, Mrs. The Mascarenhas, a legend of the Portugese in India Stinde, J. The Bucholz Family Frau Wilhelniine Stockton, F. R. Amos Kilbright ; with other stories Ardis Claverden Bee-Man of Orn ; and other Fanciful Tales Captain Chap Christmas Wreck ; and other stories Clocks of Rondaine ; and other stories The Great Stone of Sardis House of Martha Jolly Fellowship Lady, or the Tiger? and other stories Late Mrs. Null Mrs. Cliff's Yacht Pomona's Travels Rudder Grange Rudder Grangers abroad ; and other stories The Squirrel Inn Story Teller's Pack Stowe, Mrs. H. E. (Beecher). Agnes of Sorrento Uncle Tom's Cabin Strain, E. H. A Man's Foes Strickland, A. Pilgrims of Wals- ingham, or tales of the middle ages S848-1 S848-2 S848-3 S848-4 S848-5 S848-6 S848-7 S848-8 S848-9 S848-10 S848-11 S848-12 S848-13 S848-14 S848-15 S849-1 S859-1 S859-2 S866-1 S866-2 S866-3 S866-4 S866-5 S866-6 S866-7 S866-8 S866-9 S866-10 S866-11 S866-12 S866-13 S866-14 S866-T5 S866-16 S866-17 S892-1 S892-2 S896-1 S917-1 Stuart, E. Arrested S929-1 Inscrutable S929-B Woman of Forty S929-3 Tabor, E. Double Wedding Ti 14-1 St, Olave's T114-2 Tarbet, W. G. Ill-Gotten Gold. . . T179-1 Thackeray, W. M. Book of Snobs ; Sketches of Life and Character, etc., etc T363-1 Catherine ; Lovel the Widower ; Denis Duval ; Ballads, etc ... , T363-a Christmas Books of Mr. M. Titmarsh T363-3 Confessions of Fitz-Boodle ; and Some Passages in the Life of Major Gahagan T363-4 Newconies (The) T363-5 Punch's Prize Novelists ; the Fat Contributor ; and Travels in London T363-6 Virginians T363-7 ■^^anity Fair T363-8 Thomas, A. {See Cudlip, Mrs. Pender). Thomson, E. V. Old Man vSavarin. T482-1 Walter Gibbs, the Young Boss . . . T482-2 Thomp.son, E. S. Wild Animals I Have Known T489-1 Tiernan, Mrs. F. C. {Pseud., Chris- tian Reid). A Comedy of Elopement T564-1 TiREBUCK, W. E. Miss Grace of All Souls T569-1 TONNA, Mrs. C. E. {Pseud., Char- lotte Ehzabeth ) . Judah's Lion. T66-1 TouRGEE, A. W. Button's Inn T727-1 TowNSEND, Rev. G. F. Arabian Nights T748-1 TowNSHEND, E. W. Chimmie Fad- den ; and other stories T753-1 Tracy, L. An American Emperor . . T761-1 TroixopE, A. Doctor Thorne T848-1 Dr. Wortle's School T848-2 Framley Parsonage T848-3 Frau Frohmann ; and other stories T848-4 Kellys and O'Kellys T848-5 Lily Dale T848-6 Phineas Redux T848-7 Prime Minister, The T848-8 Warden, The T848-9 Old Man's Love T848-10 i 144 FICTION — AUTHORS. TROLtoPE, F. E. That Wild Wheel T8482-1 Truttiett, M. G. {Pseud., Maxwell Gray). In the Heart of the Storm T874-1 An Innocent Imposter T874-2 TuRGENKV, I. Rudin T936-1 - Smoke T936-2 Unl iwooD, F. H. Doctor Gray's Quest U56-1 Vanpam, a. D. The Mystery of the the Patrician Club ■V224-1 Verne, J. Abandoned V531-1 Adrift in the Pacific V531-2 Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa V531-3 Begum's Fortune V531-4 Blockade Runners V531-5 Burbank the Northerner V531-6 Captain Antifer V531-7 Captain of the Guidara V531-8 j Child of the Cavern, or strange doings underground V531-9 Clipper of the Clouds V531-10 Crj'ptogram "V531-11 Demou of Cawnpore V531-12 Dropped from the Clouds V531-13 Eight Hundred l,eagues on the Amazon ■V531-14 Five Weeks in a Balloon, a voyage of Exploration in Central Africa V531-15 Flight to France, or memoirs of a dragoon : tale of days of Dumouriez V531-16 Floating City V531-17 From the Earth to the Moon direct in 97 hours, 20 minutes. V531-18 Fur Country, or 70 Degrees North Latitude V531-19 Godfrey Morgan, a Califomian Mystery V531-20 Hector Servadac V531-21 Kereban, the Inflexible : Pt. i. The Captain of the Guidara ; Pt, 2, Scarpente, the Spy V531-22 Lottery Ticket : a tale of Telle- marken V531-23 Martin Paz V531-24 Mathias Sandorf V531-25 Michael StrogofF, courier of the Czar V531-26 Verne, J., continued. Mysterious Island : Pt. i, Drop- ped from the Clouds ; Pt. 2, Abandoned ; Pt. 3, The Secret of the Island North Against South : Pt. i, Burbank, the Northerner ; Pt. 2, Texar, the Southerner. Purchase of the North Pole Round the Moon Scarpente, the Spy Secret of the Island Steam House : Pt. i , The Demon of Cawnpore ; Pt. 2, Tigers and Traitors Texar, the Southerner Tigers and Traitors Tribulations of a Chinaman Vanished Diamond : tale of South Africa ViDAL, Mrs. Florence Templar .... WaiTE, V. Cross Trails Wai,ford, L. B. The Matchmaker. The Mischief of Monica Successors to the Title Walkey, S. Cross ., Rogues of the Fiery Wai,sh, H. C. Bonhomme, French Canadian Stories and Sketches. Wahace, L. Ben-Hur, a tale of the time of Our Lord Fair God, or last of the 'Tzins : tale of conquest of Mexico. . . . Prince of India, or Why Con- stantinople Fell Ward, E. S. P. {See Phelps, E. S.). Ward, Mrs. H. History of David Grieve Marcella Sir George Tressady Ward, R. P. Illustrations of Human Life Supplejack , a Romance of Maori- land Ware, W. Julian, or Scenes in Judea Warner, A. Blue Flag and Cloth of Gold Warner, C. D. The Golden House. V531-27 V531-28 V531-29 V531-30 V531-31 V531-32 V531-33 V531-34 V531-35 V531-36 V531-37 V649-1 W145-1 W174-1 W174-2 W 1 74-3 W177-1 W224-1 W191-1 W191-2 W191-3 W258-1 W258-2 W258-3 W262-1 W262-2 W273-1 W279-1 W2792-1 FICTION — AUTHORS. 145 1- V531-27 V531-28 V531-29 V531-30 V531-31 V531-32 V531-33 V531-34 V531-35 V531-36 V531-37 V649-1 W145-1 W174-1 ■W174-2 W 1 74-3 W177-1 W224-1 W191-1 W191-2 W191-3 W258-1 W258-2 W258-3 W262-1 W262-2 iti W273-1 h W279-1 W2792-1 Warner, S. (Pseud., Elizabeth Wetherall ) . Queechy W284-1 Wide, Wide World W284-2 Warrkn, S. Passages from the Diary of a Late Physician W293-1 Ten Thousand a Year W293-2 Watson, /^ev. J. Auld l,ang Syne. W339-1 Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush . . . W339-2 Kate Carnegie W'339-3 WEU.S, H. G. The Invisible Man. . W454-1 The Island of Dr. Moreau W454-2 The Plattner Story W454-3 Stolen Bacillus and other Inci- dents W454-4 The War of the Worlds W454-5 WEvSTai.1., W. For Honor and Life. W522-1 Westbury, a. Shadow of Hilton Fernbrook W523-1 W-ESTCOTT, E. N. David Harum. . . W524-1 Wetherai.1., E. (5^^ Warner, S.). Weyman, S. J. From the Memoirs of a Minister of France W^549-i A Gentleman of France W549-2 House of the Wolf W549-3 The Man in Black W549-4 The Red Cockade W549-5 The Story of Francis Cludde W^549-6 Under the Red Robe W549-7 WHIST1.ER, C. W. Wulfric the Weapon Thane W576-1 Whitby, B. The Awakening of Mary Fenwick W579-1 In the Sunshine of her Youth. . . W579-2 A Matter of Skill W579-3 One Reason Why W57Cr4 White, P. Mr. Bailey-Martin W587-1 A Passionate Pilgrim W587-2 WHiTeiNG, R. No. 5 John St. W593-1 Whiting, S. Heliondc, or adven- tures in the Sun W612-1 WiCKENDEN, W. The Triad W636-1 Wicks, F. The Infant W6364-1 Wacox, E. M. A Double Life,... W667-1 WitKiNS, M. E. A Humble Romance. W685-1 Jane Field W6S5-2 Jerome, a Poor Man W685-3 Madelon W685-4 Pembroke W685-5 Winter, J. S., pseud. {See Stannard, Mrs. H. E. v.). WotLEY, C. P. The Queensberry Cup Wood, Mrs. H, [nee Ellen Price.) Anne Hereford Bessy Rane Channings (The) Court Netherleigh Dene Hollow East Lynne Edina Elster's Folly George Canterbury's Will Johnny Ludlow Lady Adelaide Master of Grey lands Mildred Arkell Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles .... Orville College Oswald Cray Pomeroy Abbey Red Court Farm Roland Yorke St. Martin's Eve Shadow of Ashlydyat W^ithin the Maze Wood, J. The Tempered Wind W001.SON, r F. Horace Chase YoNGE, C, ivl. Lady Hester Young, E. R. Three Boys in the Wild North Land Zangwii,!., I. The Children of the Ghetto Dreamers of the Ghetto The King of Schnorrers .... The Master a/id Cowen, L. The Premier and the Painter ZANGwim, L. {Pseud., Z. Z.). A Drama in Dutch Zola, E. The Downfall The Dream Stories for Ninon W864-1 W875-1 W875-2 W875-3 W875-4 W875-5 W875-6 WS75-7 W875-8 W875-9 W875-10 VV875-11 W875-12 W875-13 W875-14 W875-15 W875-16 W875-17 W875-18 W875-19 W875-20 W875-21 W875-22 W876-1 W916-1 Y56-1 Y71-1 Z29-1 Z29-2 Z29-3 Z29-4 Z29-5 Z293-1 Z86-1 Z86-2 Z86-3 ^flW ^ FICTION— TITLE LIST. Aaron the Jew. Farjeon F229-1 Abandoned. Verne V531-1 Abbot, The. Scott, Sir \V S431-1 Aboukir and Acre. Henty H527-2 According to St. John. Chanler.... C457-1 Across the Salt Seas. Burton B974-1 Adam Rede. Cross, Mrs. M C9512-1 Adam Graeme of Mossgray. Oli- phant O472-1 Adam Johnstone's Son. Crawford. . C899-1 Adela Cathcart. McDonald Mi 35-1 Adele. Kavanagh K21-1 Admirable L,ady Biddy Fane. Bar- rett, F B274-1 Adrift in the Pacific. Verne V531-2 Adventurer of the North. Parker. . . P239-1 Adventures of an Aide-de-camp. Grant . . .*. G762-1 Adventures of Francois. Mitchell . . M682-1 Adventures of Henry Richmond. Meredith M559-1 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Clemens C625-1 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle D754-1 Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa. Verne V531-3 Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Clemens. C625-2 Affinities, a romance of to-day. Praed P897-1 Afloat and Ashore. Cooper C777-1 Afloat in the Forest. Reid R357-1 African Millionaire, An. Allen, G,. A425-1 After Dark. Collins, W C713-1 After Sedgmore. Pickering P596-1 Agatha's Husband. Craik C887-1 Agatha Webb. Rohlfs R738-4 Agitator, An. Black B627-1 Agnes. Oliphant O472-2 Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe S892-1 Alaric Spenceley. Riddell R543-1 Albatross, The. Kingston K555-1 Aldyth. Fothergill, J F7616-1 Alec Forbes. McDonald M 135-3 Alice in Wonderland. Dodgson C319-1 Alicia Tennaut. Peard P359-1 All along the River. Maxwell M465-1 All Sorts and Conditions of Men. Be.sant B554-1 Almayer's Folly. Conrad C754-1 Alton Locke. Kingsley K552-f Amazing Marriage, The. Meredith, M559-2 Amelia. Fielding F459-3 American Claimant. Clemens C625-3 American Emperor, An. Tracy T761-1 American Girl in London. Cotes... C843-1 American Politician. Crawford C899-2 American Wives and English Hus- bands, Atherton A868-1 Americans at Home. Haliburton . . . H172-1 Among the Tartar Tents. Bowman. B787-1 Amos Kilbright and other stories. Stockton S866-1 Anastasius. Hope H7915-1 Anglomaniacs. Harrison, Mrs. B. . . H318-1 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. McDonald M135-2 Annan Water. Buchanan B918-1 Anne Hereford. Wood W875-1 Anne of Geierstein. Scott, St' r W .. S431-2 Annie Kilburn, Howells t H859-1 Another's Burden. Payn P345-1 Antiquary, Scott, Sir W S431-3 Antonina. Collins, W C713-2 Appassionata. D'Esterre-Keeling. . . D476-1 April Hopes. Howells H859-2 Arabian Nights. Townsend T748-1 Ardalh. Mackay M153-1 Ardis Claverdon. Stockton S866-2 Argonauts of North Liberty. Harte. H327-1 Armadale. Collins, W C713-3 Arminell. Gould G698-1 Army Tales. Stannard S789-1 Arne. Bjornsen B626-1 Arrested. Stuart S929-1 Arthur Gordon Pym. Poe P743-I Arthur O'Leary. Lever L658-1 Asphodel. Maxwell M465-2 At Agincourt. Henty H527-1 At the Gate of Samaria. Locke L8142-1 At the Green Dragon. Harraden... H296-1 At the Sign of the Cat and the Racket. Balzac B198-1 At the Tail of the Hounds. Ken- nard K34-1 At War with Pontiac. Munro M968-1 Auld Lang Syne. Watson W339-1 FICTION — TITLES. B554-1 C754-1 K552-1 M559-2 F459-3 C625-3 T761-1 C843-1 C899-2 A868-1 H172-1 B787-1 S866-1 H 791 5-1 H318-1 Mi 35-2 B918-1 W875-1 S431-2 H859-1 I'345-i S431-3 C713-2 D476-1 H859-2 T748-1 M153-1 S866-2 H327-1 C713-3 G698-1 S789-1 B626-1 S929-1 P743-1 L658-1 M465-2 H527-1 L8142-1 H296-1 B198-1 K34-1 M968-1 ■W339-1 Auld Licht Idylls. Barrie, J. M B275-1 Aunt Johnnie. Slannard S789-2 Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag. Alcott A355-1 Auriol, or the Elixir of Life. Ains- worth A297-1 Aurora Floyd. Maxwell M465-3 Autobiography of a Child. Lynch.. L987-1 Avenger, The. DeCjuincey D426-1 Avenger of Blood. Cobban C653-1 Awakening of Mary Fenwick. Whitby W579-1 Awkward Squad, The. Bullock B938-1 Babe, B. A. Benson B474-f Back to the Old Home. Hay H413-1 Bad Lot, A. Cameron C182-1 Baffled Conspirators. Norris N861-1 Barabbas. Mackay M153-2 Barbara. Maxwell M465-4 Barbara. Hector H451-1 Barbara Bering. Chanler C457-2 Barnaby Rudgc. Dickens D54S-1 Barrington. Lever L658-2 Basil. Collins, W C713-4 Battlement and Tower. Rhoscomyl. R478-1 Beads of Tasmer. Barr, Amelia B268-1 Beatrix Randolph. Hawthorne, J.. H399-1 Beautiful Jim. Stannard S789-3 Beauty's Daughters, Hungerford . . . H936-1 Bee-Man of Orn, etc. Stockton S866-3 Beggars All. Dougall D731-1 Begum's F'ortune, The. Verne V531-4 Behind the Magic Mirror. Birrell.. B619-1 Belinda's Beaux. Kenealy K33-1 Bell of St. Paul's. Besant B554-2 Bell Ringer of Angels. Harte H327-2 Benefits Forgot. Balestier B184-1 Ben Hadden. Kingston K555-2 BenHur. Wallace W191-1 Beric the Briton. Henty H527-3 Berris. Macquoid M 1 73-1 Bertram Family. Charles C475-1 Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush. Wat- son W339-2 Bessy Rane. Wood W875-2 Beth Book, The. McFall M143-1 Betrayal of John Fordham. Farjeon. F229-2 Betrothed, The. Scott, SirW S431-4 Between Sun and Sand. Sculley .... S437-1 Between Two Loves. Barr, Amelia . . B268-2 Beyond the City. Doyle D754-2 Beyond the Dreams of Avarice. Be- sant B554-3 147 Bijli the Dancer. Patton P322-1 Bimbi. Rame R171-1 Birds of Prey. Maxwell M465-.S Bit of Human Nature. Murrray M981-1 Black Arrow, The S848-1 Black but Comely. Melville M531-1 Black Douglas, The. Crockett C938-1 Biack Dwarf. Scott, Sir W S431-5 Black Poodle and other tales. Guthrie G984-2 Blarkgown Papers. Gallenga G166-1 Bladys of the Stewponey. Gould .... G698-2 Blameless Woman. Stannard S789-4 Blanche, Lady Falaise. Shorthouse. S559-2 Bleak House. Dickens D548-2 Blockade Runners. Verne V531-5 Blood Royal. Allen, G A425-2 Blown to Bits. Ballantyne B 188-1 Blue Flag and Cloth of Gold. War- ner, A W279-1 Blue Pavillions. Couch C853-1 Bob Martin's Little Girl. Murray. . . M981-2 Bog Myrtle and Peat. Crockett C938-2 Bonaventure. Cable C115-1 Bondman, The. Caine C135-1 Bonhomme. Walsh W224-1 Book for the Hammock. Russell, W. C R968-1 Book of Snobs. Thackeray T363-1 Booties' Baby. Stannard S789-5 Booties' Children. Stannard S789-6 Border Shepherdess. Barr, Amelia . . B268-3 Born in Exile. Gissing G535-1 Bosje; j in or Bushmen. Reid R357-2 Boss ot Taroomba. Hornung H816-1 Both Sides of the Border. Henty... H527-4 Bow of Orange Ribbon. Barr. . . B268-4 Boy Hunters. Reid R357-3 Boy Slaves. Reid R357-4 Bramleigh's of Bishop's Folly. Lever L658-3 Bravest of the Brave. Henty H527-5 Bravo, The. Cooper C777-2 Bride of the Nile. Ebers E16-1 Bridget. Edwards, M. B E268-1 Briseis. Black B6275-1 Brookes of Bridlemere. Melville... M531-2 Broom of the War God, The. Brails- ford B814-1 Broom-Squire, The. Gould G698-3 Brother Gabriel. Edwards, M. B .. , E268-2 Bucholz Family, The. Stinde S859-1 Bug-Jargal and other stories. Hugo. H895-1 FICTION — TITLES. 148 Burbank the Northerner Verne... V531-6 Bush-Boys. Reid R357-5 Business in Great Waters, A. Cor- bett C789-1 Buttons. Stannard 8789-7 Buttons Inn. Tourgee T727-1 By Celia's Arbour. Besant and Rice. B554-1 By England's Aid. Henty II527-6 By Reef and Palm. Becke B394-1 By Right of Conquest. Henty H527 7 By Sheer Pluck. Henty H527-8 By Shore and Sedge. Harte H327-3 By Stroke of Sword. Balfour, A B185-1 By the Gate of the Sea. Murray M 98 1-3 Byeways. Hichens H626-1 Calavar. Bird B618-1 Caldron the Courtier. Lytton L998-1 Cameos. Mackay M153-3 Canaanitish Woman, A. Duncan... D912-1 Canon's Ward, The. Payn P345-2 Captain Antifer. Verne V531-7 Captain Chap. Stockton S866-4 Capt. Davy's Honeymoon. Caine.. C135-2 Captain Jacobus. Cornford C816-1 Captain of the Guidara. Verne V531-8 Captain of the Pole Star. Doyle D7S4-3 Captain of the Vulture. Maxwell . . . M465-6 Captain's Room. Besant B554-4 Captain's Younf.ot, The. Burnett.. B964-1 Capture of the Estrella. Harding, C. H263-1 Carbuncle Clue, The. Hume H921-1 Carissima, The. Harrison, Mrs. M. H321-1 Carved lyions. The. Molesworth... M719-1 Casa Braccio. Crawford C899-3 Case of Ailsa Gray. Fenn F334-1 Case of Mr. L,ucraft. Besant and Rice B554-2 Cassandra's Casket. Marshall . . M367-1 Castle Dangerous. Scott, Sir W. , . . S431-6 Castle Warlock. McDonald M135-4 Cat of Bubastes. Henty H527-9 Catch of the County, Kennard K34-2 Catherine. Thackeray T363-2 Catriona. Stevenson S848-2 Cavalry Life. Stannard S789-8 Caxtons, The. Lytton L998-2 Cerise. Melville M531-3 Chainbearer. Cooper C777-3 Chairolas. Lytton L998-3 Chance Acquaintance. Howells H859-3 Cbandos. Rame R171-2 Change of Air. Hawkins H393-1 Channings. Wood W87S-3 Chapter of Adventures. Henty H527-JO Charity Chance. Raymond R273-1 Charlatan. Buchanan B918-2 Charles O'Malley . Lever L658-4 Charley Laurel. Kingston ^555*3 Charlotte's Inheritance. Maxwell . , . M465-7 Cheap Jack Zita. Gould G698-4 Child of Nature. Buchanan B918-3 Child of the Cavern. Verne V531-9 Child of the Jago. Morrison M878-1 Children of the Ghetto. Zangwill, I. Z29-1 Children of the King. Crawford. . .. C899-4 Children of the New Forrest. Marryat M3622-1 Chimmie Fadden, and other stories. Townshend T753-1 Chips from an Old Block. Clarke... C597-1 Choice Humourous Works. Clemens. C625-4 Choice of Evils. Hector H451-2 Choir Invisible. Allen, J. L A427-1 Chouans (The). Balzac B198-2 Chris and the Wonderful LAnp. Stearns S799-1 Christian (The). Caine C135-3 Christian Physiologist. Griffin G851-1 Christie Johnstone. Reade R285-1 Christina Chard. Praed P897-2 Christine of the Hills. Pemberton.. P395-1 Christmas Books. Dickens D548-3 Christmas Books of Mr. M. Titmarsh. Thackeray T363-3 Christmas Week, and other stories. Stockton S866-5 Chronicles of Clovernook. Jerrold.. J563-1 Chronicles of Count Antonio. Haw- kins , H393-2 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family. Charles C475-2 Cigarette-maker's Romance. Craw- ford C899-5 City of Sunshine. AUardyce A4i9-i Claire. Oliphant, Miss O471-1 Clara Hopgood. Rutherford R975-1 Clarissa Furiosa. Norris N861-2 Clash of Arms. Burton B974-2 Cleg Kelly. Crockett C938-3 Cliff-Climbers. Reid R357-6 Clipper of the Clouds. Verne V531-10 Clockmaker, The. Haliburton H 172-2 Clocks of Rondaine, and other stories. Stockton S866-6 Cloven Foot. Maxwell M465-8 MICTION — Titles. H527-10 R273-1 B918-2 1.658-4 K555-3 M465-7 G698-4 Bqi8-3 V53i-q M878-I Z29-I C899-4 M3622-I T753-1 C597-1 C625-4 H451-2 A427-1 B 1 98-2 S799-I C135-3 G85T-1 R285-T P897-2 P395-1 D548-3 T363-3 S866-5 J563-I H393-2 C475-2 C899-5 A419- 1 O471-1 R975-1 N861-2 B974-2 C938-3 R357-6 V531-10 H172-2 S866-6 M465-8 Coals of Fire, and other stories. Murray M981-4 Ccelebs in vSearch of a Wife. More.. M835-1 Come live with Me and be my Love. Buchanan B918-4 Comedies of Courtship. Hawkins... H393-3 Comedy of Elopement. Tiernan. . . . T564-1 Comedy of Masks. Dowson and Moore D752-1 Comsdy of Sentiment. Nordau N828-1 Coming of Chloe. Hungerford H936-2 Coming Race, The. Lytton L998-4 Concerning Lsabelle Carnaby. Fow- ler F786-1 Con Cregan. Lever L658-5 Confessions of a Publisher. Stan- nard S789-9 Confessions of Fitz-Boodle, etc. Thackeray T363-4 Conspiracy of Silence. Dunn D923-1 Constable of France. Grant G762-2 Constable of 8t. Nicholas. Arnold.. A753-1 Copperhead. Frederic F852-1 Copsford Mystery. Russell, W. C. . R968-2 Coral Islands, The. Ballantyne B 188-2 Cordelia. Notley N913-1 Corinne, or Italy, Stael-Holstein . . . S778-1 Count Robert of Paris. Scott, ^/rW. S431-7 Counterfeit Presentment. Howells . . H859-4 Countess Eve. Shorthouse S559-3 Countess Radna. Norris N861-3 Country Luck. Habberton Hi 13-2 Country Manse. Bame B275-2 Country of the Pointed Firs, Jewett. J59-1 Court Netherleigh. Wood W875-4 Cranford. Gaskell G248-1 Crater, The. Cooper C777-4 Creel of Irish Stories, Barlow B258-1 Cressy. Harte H327-4 Crew of the Water- Wagtail. Ballan- tyne B188-3 Crime of the Century. Ottolengui.. O91-1 Crimson Sign. Keightley K27-1 Cross Trails. Waite W145-1 Crown and Anchor. Hutcheson H973-1 Cruise of the Midge. Scott, M S428-1 Cryptogram. Verne V531-11 Cursed by a Fortune. Fenn F334-2 Cynic Fortune. Murray M981-5 D'Alfarache, Guzman, Life of. Ala- man, (bd. with M539-1) A318-1 Daltons, The. Lever L658-6 Dancer in Yellow. Norris N861-4 149 Daniel Deronda. Cross, Mrs. M.... C9512-2 Darkness and Dawn. Farrar F242-1 Dartmoor Idylls. Gould G698-5 Dash for Khartoum. Henty H527-1 1 Dash for a Throne. Marchmont M318-1 Daughter of Alouette. Owen O97-1 Daughter of Fife. Barr, Amelia B268-5 Dau^Iiter of Music. Dunn D923-2 Daughter of Strife. Findlater F494-1 Daughter of the Fen. Bealby B366-1 Daughter of the Soil. Blundell B658-1 Daughter of this World. Batter- shall B335-1 Daughter of To-day. Cotes C843-2 Daughter of Danaus. Caird C136-1 Davenport Dunn. Lever L658-7 David Copperfield. Dickens 1)548-4 David Elginbrod. McDonald M 135-5 David Harum. Westcott W524-1 David Poindexter's Disappearance. Hawthorne, J H399-2 Dawn. Haggard, R H 1453-1 Day (The) will Come. Maxwell. . . . M465-9 Day's Ride : a Life's Romance. Lever L658-8 Dead Man's Rock. Couch C853-2 Dead Men's Shoes, Maxwell M465-io Dead-Sea Fruit. Maxwell M465-1 1 Dead Secret, The. Collins, W C713-5 Dear Lady Disdain. McCarthy Mi 23-2 Dearest. Bridges B851-1 Death of Laird's Jock. Scott, Sir W. S431-21 December Roses. Praed P897-3 Decision. Hofland H712-1 Deemster. Caine C135-4 Deerslayer. Cooper C777-5 Delectable Duchy. Couch C853-3 Deluge, The. {Sequel to With Fire and Sword ) . Sienkiewicz S57 2- 1 Demon of Cawnpore, Verne V531-12 Dene Hollow, Wood W875-5 Denis Duval. Thackeray T363-2 Denounced. Burton B974-3 Deplorable Affair. Norris N861-5 Derrick Vaughan, Novelist. Bayly., B359.1 Desert Home. Reid R357-7 Desperate Remedies. Hardy, T H272-1 Despotic Lady, and others. Norris.. N861-6 Destiny. Ferrier F391-1 Devereux. Lytton L998-5 Devil's Dice. LeQueux L613-1 Dewdrops and Diamonds. Mar- shall M367-2 1 50 FICTION- Dianioiul Rock. Oxley 098-1 Diana of the Crossways. Meredith . . M559-3 Diana Wentworth. Fothergill, C. . . F761-1 Diary of a Pilgriniage. Jerome J56-1 Dick Cheveley. Kingston K555-4 Dictator. McCarthy Mi 23-1 Dinna' Forget. Stinnard S789-10 Disappearance of George Driffell. I'ayn P345-3 Dis-Honorable, The. Hennessey... H515-1 Dishonored. Boulger B763- 1 Disowned, The. Lytton L998-6 Dissolving Views. Lang, Mrs. A . . . L2692-1 Doctor Claudius. Crawford C899-6 Dr. Congalton's Legacy. Johnston. J72-1 Dr. Dumany's Wife. Jokai J74-1 Doctor Edith Romney. Anon D637-1 Doctor Gray's Quest. Underwood... U56-1 Doctor of the Juliet. Collingwood. . C7112-1 Dr. Sevier. Cable C115-2 Doctor Thorne. TroUope T848-1 Dr. Wortle's School, Trollope T848-2 Doctor's Wife, The. Maxwell M465-12 Dodd Family Abroad. Lever L658-9 Dodge Club. DeMille D381-1 Dodo. Benson B474-2 Dog and His Shadow. Francillon. F817-1 Dog Fiend or Snarleyyow. Marryat. M3622-2 Dolly. Burnett B964-2 Dolly. McCarthy, J. H M1232-1 Dombey and Son. Dickens D548-5 Don Orsino. Crawford C899-7 Don Quixote de la Mancha. Cer- vantes , C419-1 Donald Grant. McDonald Mi 35-6 Donna Quixote. McCarthy M123-3 Donovan. Bayly B359-2 Doreen. Bayly B359-3 Dorothy Forster. Besant B554-5 Dorothy Wallis. Besant B554-6 Dorothy's Double. Henty H527-12 Double Life. Wilcox W667-1 Double Thread, A. Fowler F786-2 Double Wedding. Tabor Ti 14-1 Downfall. Zola Z86-1 Drama in Dutch. Zangwill, Louis. . Z293-1 Dream. Zola Z86-2 Dreamers of the Ghetto. Zangwill . . Z29-2 Dropped from the Clouds. Verne... V531-13 Dross. Scott, H. S S426-7 Duke of Britain. Maxwell M465-1 Duke of Monmouth. GrifBn G851-2 Dust. Hawthorne, J H399-3 -TITLES. Dynamiter, The. Stevenson and Van de Grift S84S-3 Ea.st Lynne. Wood W875-6 Eavesdropper, The. Payn 1*345-4 Ebb-Tide. Stevenson and Osbourne. S848-4 Ebbing of the Tide. Becke B394-2 FIdgar Huntley. Brown R877-1 Edina. Wood W875-7 Effie Hetherington. Buchanan B918-5 Egoist, The. Meredith ^559-4 p^gyptian Princess, An. Ebers l';i6-2 Eight Hundred Leagues on the Ama- zon. Verne V531-14 Eleanor's Victory. Maxwell M465-13 Elect Lady. McDonald Mi 35-7 Electric Spark, An. Fenn F334-3r' Elizabeth. Butt B988-1 Ellice Quentin. Hawthorne, J H399-4 Elsie Venner. Holmes H 75 2-1 Elster's Folly. Wood W875-8 Emancipated The. Gis.sing G535-2 Embarrassments. James J275-1 F^mma. Austen A936-1 Enmia. Nicholls " N613-3 Emu's Head, The. Dawe D269-1 Endymion. Beaconsfield B365-1 Energy. Holland H712-2 Epicurean, The. Moore, T M824-1 Equality. Bellamy B433-1 Eric Brighteyes. Haggard, R Hi 453-2 Erlesmere. Lavenu L39q-i Erling the Bold. Ballantyne B188-4 Ernest Maltravers. Lytton L998-7 Erring Pilgrimage, An. Ainslie.... A296-1 Esmeralda. Burnett B964-3 Essentially Human. Cudlip C964-1 Eugene Aram. Lytton . L998-8 Evan Harrington. Meredith M559-5 Evolution of a Wife (The). Holland. H 734-1 Expedition of Capt. Flick. Hume... H921-2 Eye of a God, The. Eraser, W. A. . .. F842-1 Eye of Istar. LeQueux L613-2 Eyes like the Sea. Jokai J74-2 Eyre of Blendon. Cudlip C964-2 Facing Death. Henty H527-13 Failure of Sybil Fletcher. Sergeant. S484-1 Fair Barbarian. Burnett B964-4 Fair Claimant. Armstrong A735-1 Fair God. Wallace W191-2 Fair Impostor. St. Aubyn S134-1 Fair Maid of Perth. Scott, Sir W. . . S431-8 Fairway Island. Hutchinson H97-1 Faith Doctor, The. Eggleston E29-1 S848-3 \V875-6 I'345-4 S84.S-4 B394-2 R877-1 WK75-7 B918-5 M 559-4 K16-2 V53I-14 M465-13 Mi 35-7 I'^334-3r B9S8-1 H 399-4 H752-1 W875-8 G535-2 J275-1 A936-1 N613-3 1)269-1 B365-1 H712-2 M824-1 B433-1 H 1453-2 L399-1 B 188-4 L998-7 A 296- 1 B964-3 C964-1 L998-8 M559-5 H734-1 H921-2 F842-1 L,6i3-2 J74-2 C964-2 H527-13 S484-1 B964-4 A735-1 W191-2 S134-1 S431-8 H97-1 E29-1 FICTION- Faithful City. Morrah M872-1 Fall of the Sparrow. Balfour B1853-1 Fallen Idol. Guthrie G984-1 False Colors. Cudlip C964-3 Far from the Madding Crowd. Hardy II272-2 Farina. Meredith M559-" Fat Contributor, The. Thackeray. . . T363-6 Fatal Cord. Reid R357-8 Fatal Three. Maxwell M465-14 Father Stafford. Hawkin.s H393-4 Fearful Re.sponsibility. HowelLs H859-5 Felix Holt. Cros.s, Mrs. M C9512-3 Fenton's Que.st. Maxwell M465-15 Fierceheart the Soldier. Snaith S669-1 Fifteen-Hundred miles an Hour. Dixon D621-1 Fight ,1th Fate. Hector H451-3 Fighting the Flames. Ballantyne. .. B188-5 Final Reckoning. Henty H527-14 Firm of Girdleston. Doyle D754-4 I'irst Fleet Family, A. Becke and Jcffery B394-3 First Person Singular. Murray M981-6 First Violin. Fothergill F7616-2 Five Weeks in a Balloon. Verne V531-15 Flames. Hichens H626-2 1 lash of Summer. Clifford C63S-1 Flight of the Shadow. McDonald. . . M 135-8 Flight to France. Verne V531-16 Flirtations in Fashionable Life. Sin- clair S616-1 Floating City. Verne V531-J7 Floating Light of Goodwin Sands. Ballantyne B188-6 Florence Templar. Vidal V649-1 Flotsam. Scott, H. S S426-1 Flower and Weed. Maxwell M465-16 Fluttered Dovecote. Fenn F334-4 Flying Scud. Clarke C597-2 Folle-Farine. Rame R171-3 Folly of Eustace. Hichens H626-3 Fooled by a Woman. Kennard K34-3 Fool of Nature. Hawthorne, J H39q-5 For Honor and Life. Westall W522-1 For the Term of his Natural Life, Clarke, M C599-I For the White Rose of Arno, Rhos- comyl. R478-2 Foregone Conclusion. Howells H859-6 Foreigner. Laszowska L349-1 Forest and Game Law Tales. Mar- tiiieau M385-1 -TITLES. 151 Forest Exiles. Reid ^357-9 Forest of Bourg-Marie. Harrison. S. F n3>9-i Forgo in the Forest, The. Roberts... R643-1 Fortitude. Hofland H7>2-3 Fortune's Fool. Hawthorne, J A399-6 Fortune's Footballs. Burgin B956-1 Fortune's of Glencore. Lever L658-10 Fortune's of Phillipa Fairfax. Bur- nett B964-5 Forty-five Guanl.sman, The. Dumas. I)8862-i I'ourteen to One. Phelps P539-I Fourth Napoleon, The. Benliam B466-1 Four Women in the Case. Cudlip... C964-4 Fragoletta. Booth B725-1 Framley Parsonage. TroUope T848-3 Frank Hilton. Grant G762-3 Frank Mildmay. Marryat M3622-3 Fran Frohmann, and other stories. Trollope T848-4 Frau Wilhelmine. Stinde S859-2 Freaks of the Fells. Ballantyne B 1 88-7 Freda H32S-1 Freedom of Henry Meredyth. Ha- milton, M H219-1 Free Lance in a Far Land. Comp- ton C738-1 Frescoes, etc. Rame R171-4 From the Earth to the Moon. Verne. V531-18 From the Memoirs of a Minister of France. Weyman W549-I From the Three Rivers. Steel S813-1 Fugitives, Ballantyne B188-8 Fur Country. Verne V531-19 Garrison Gossip. Stannard S789-1 1 Garth. Hawthorne, J H399-7 Gascoyne. Ballantyne B188-9 Gentleman of France. Weyman W549-2 Gentleman Player. Stephen S8352-1 Gentleman Vagabond. Smith S647-1 Gentleman's Gentleman. Peniberton. P395-2 George Canterbury's Will. Wood . . . W875-9 Gerard. Maxwell M465-17 Gilded Age, The. Clemens & Warner. C625-15 Giraffe Hunters. Reid R357-io Girl of the People, A. Smith S646-1 Girls at the Grange, The. James. J 273-1 Girls Will be Girls. James J 273-2 Glow-Worm Tales. Payn P345-5 God in the Car. Hawkins H393-5 Godfrey Morgan. Verne V531-20 Godolphin. Lytton L998-9 Gods Arrive, The. Holdswortli H728-1 152 , FICTION- Gods (The), Some Mortals and Lord Wickenham. Craigie C885-1 God's Fool. Poorsen-Schwartz P823-1 God's I'oundling. Dawson D272-1 Golden Autumn, A. Hector H451-4 Golden Butterfl}'. Besant ««rf Rice . B554-3 Golden Calf, The. Maxwell M465-18 Golden Dog, The. Kirby K58-1 Golden Grasshopper, The. Kingston. K5^5-5 Golden House, The. Warner W2792-1 Golden Magnet. Fenn ^'334-5 Golden Shaft, The. Gibbon G439-1 Good Fight. Reade R285-3 Gosta Berling, The Story of. L,ager- lof L174-1 Grace O'Malley, Frincess and Pirate. Machray M 149-1 Grande Breteche, etc.. Balzac B198 3 Grandissimes, The. Cable Ci 15-3 Grape from a Thorn. Payn F345-6 Great Deep. In the. Barry B279-1 Great Expectations. Dickens D548-6 Great Plague in London, History of. Defoe D314-1 Great Shadow, The. Doyle D754-5 GreatStoneof Sardis.The. Stockton. S866-7 Greater Glory, The. Poorsen- Schwartz P823-2 Greifen.stein. Crawford C899-8 Green Fairy Book. Lang L269-1 Green Graves of Balgowrie. F^ind- later F494-2 Grettier the Outlaw. Gould G698-6 Grey Lady, The. Scott, H. S S426-2 Grey Man, The. Crockett C938-4 Grey Mantle and Gold Fringe. Mel- drum M518-1 Grip. Stannard S789-12 Guardian Angel, The. Holmes H752-2 Guavas the Tinner. Gould G698-7 Guerilla Chief. Reid R357-1 1 Guild Court. McDonald Mi 35-9 Guy Mannering. Scott, Sir W S431-9 Half a Hero. Hawkins H393-6 Half-Blood. Reid R357-12 Hand of Ethelberta. Hardy, T H 272-3 Handful of F^xotics. Gordon, S G665-1 Handsome Humes. Black B6275-2 Hans of Iceland. Hugo H895-2 Hard Cash. Reade R2C5-2 Hard Times. Dickens D548-7 Hard Woman. Hunt H943-1 -TITLES. Harding Scandal. Barrett, F B274- 2 Harold. Lytton L998-10 Harry Lorrequer. Lever L658-1 1 Haunted and Haunters. Lytton L9q8-23 Hazard of New Fortunes. Howells . . . H859-7 He went for a Soldier. Stannard. . . S789-13 Head of the Firm. Riddell K.543-2 Headless Horseman. Reid ^357-1 3 Headsman, The. Cooper C777-6 Heart of Life. Mallock M255-1 Heart of Mid-Lothian. Scott, 5"7>W. S431-10 Heart of the Princess Osra. Hawkins. H393-7 Heart of the World. Haggard, R. . . H1453-3 Hearts. Murray M981-7 Hearts of Oak. Russel, W. C R968-3 Heavenly Twins. McFall M 143-2 Hector Servadac. Verne V531-21 Hedda Gabler. Ibsen 1 14-1 Heidenmauer, The. Cooper C777-6 Held Fast for England. Henty H527-15 Helen's Babies. Habberton H113-1 Helionde, or Adventures in the Sun. Whiting W612-1 Hendricks the Hunter, Kingston... KJ55-6 Henry Dunbar. Maxwell M465-19 Hei Own Folk. Malot M257-1 Her Royal Highness' Love Affair. Cobban C653-4 Herb Moon , The. Craigie C885-2 Herbert Vanlennert. Keary K242-1 Hereward the Wake. Kingsley K552-2 Heritage of Deadlow Marsh, etc. Harte H327-5 Herr Paulus. Besant B554-7 Hetty's Strange History. Jackson.. J13-1 Hide and Seek. Collins, W C7 1 3-6 High Play. Fenn F334-6 High Spirits. Payn F345-7 Highland Cousins, The. Black B6275-3 Highland Lassies. MacKenzie M156-1 Highland Widow. Scott, .SVr W S431-4 Highways and By-ways. Grattan . . . G773-1 His Excellency's English Governess. Gregg G819-1 His Grace. Norris N861-7 His Grace of Osmonde. Burnett .... B964-6 His Honor and a Lady. Cotes C843-3 Hispaniola Plate. Burton K974-4 Hi.story of David Grieve. Ward W258-1 History of Troy Town. Couch C853-9 Home. Bremer B836-1 Home Again. McDonald..., M135-10 Home as Found. Cooper C777-7 FICTION — TITLES. \V6i2-i Ki55-6 M465-19 M257-1 C653-4 C885-2 K242-1 K552-2 H327-5 B554-7 J13-1 C713-6 l"*334-6 P345-7 B6275-3 Mi 56- 1 VS431-4 G773-1 G819-1 N861-7 B964-6 C843-3 R974-4 W258-1 C853-9 B836-1 M135-10 C777-7 Home in Invernesk. Paton P312-1 Home of the Dragon. Katharena... K19-1 Home, Sweet Home. Riddell ^543 -3 Homeward Bound. Cooper C777-7 Horace Chase. Woolson W916-1 Horace Templeton. I,ever 1,658-1 2 Hospital Sketches. Alcott A355-2 Hostages to Fortune. Maxwell M465-20 House Boat on the Styx. Bangs. . . . B216-1 House in Bloomsbury. Oliphant O472-3 House of Martha. Stockton S866-8 House of the Wolf. Weyman W549-3 Household of Girls. Tytler T997-1 Household of McNeil. Barr, Amelia. B268-6 Hoyden. Hungerford H936-3 Hugh Gwyeth. Dix D619-1 Hugh Wynne. Mitchell M682-2 Human Document. Mallock M255-2 Humble Romance. Wilkins W685-1 Hunter's Feast. Reid R357-14 Hurricane in Petticoats. Johnston . . J73-2 Husband's Ordeal. Russell, P R966-1 Hypatia. Kingsley K552-3 I Married a Wife. Stannard S789-14 I Saw Three Ships. Couch C853-4 I Say No. Collins, W C713-7 la. Couch C853-5 Idalia. Rame R171-5 Ideala. McFall M143-3 111 -Gotten Gold. Tarbet T179-1 Illumination. Frederic F852-2 Illustrations of Human Life. Ward, R. P W^262-i Imaginative Man. Hichens H626-4 Imperative Duty. Howells H859-8 Impregnable City. Pemberton F395-3 In a Winter City. Rame R171-7 In an Orchard. Macquoid Mi 73-2 In Defiance of the King. Hotchkiss. H832-1 In Far Lochaber. Black B6275-4 In Freedom's Cause. Henty H527-16 In Haste and at Leisure. Linton .... L761-1 In Kedar's Tents. Scott, H. S S426-3 In Maiomma. Rame R171-6 In Market Overt. Payn P345-8 In Silk Attire. Black. „ B6275-5 In Spite of Himself. Barr, Amelia. . H26S-7 In Two Moods. Dragomanov D759-1 In Vain. Sienkiewicz S572-1 In Varying Moods, Harraden H296-2 In the Carquinez Woods. Harte, . . . H327-6 In the Day of Adversity. Burton B974-5 In the Heart of the Storm . Truttiett. T874-1 In the Middle Watch. Russell, W. C. R968-4 In the Midst of Alarms. Barr, Robt. B2683-2 In the Reign of Terror. Henty H527-17 In the Roar of the Sea, Gould G698-8 In the Stranger Peoples' Country. Murfree M971-1 In the Sunshine of Her Youth. Whitby W579-2 In the Track of the Troops. Ballan- tyne B188-10 In the Valley. Frederic F852-3 Incidental Bishop. Allen, G A425-3 Indian Summer. Howells H859-9 Infant. Wicks W6364-1 Ingelheim, Butt B988-2 Innocent Imposter. Truttiett T874-2 Innocents Abroad. Clemens C625-5 Into an Unknown World. Stannard. S789-15 Into the Highways and Hedges. Montresor M811-1 Inscrutable. Stuart S929-2 Invasion. Griffin G851-3 Invisible Man. Wells W454-1 lone March. Crockett, S. R C938-14 Iron Pirate. Pembei ton , ^395-4 Ishmael. Maxwell M465-21 Island Nights Entertainments. Stevenson S848-5 Island Princess, An. Boulger B763-2 Island Queen. Ballantyne B188-1 1 Island of Dr. Moreau. Wells W454-2 Ivanhoe. Scott, Sir W S431-1 1 Ivory Gate. Besant B554-8 Jack. Daudet D238-1 Jack and Jill. Alcott A355-3 Jack Ballister's Fortunes. Pyle P996-1 Jack's Courtship. Russell, W. C . . . . R968-5 Jack Doyle's Daughter. Francillon. F817-2 Jack Hinton. Lever L658-13 Jack Tier. Cooper C777-a Jack's Secret. Cameron C182-2 Jacob Faithful. Marryat M3622-4 Jacquetta. Gould G698-9 Jan Vedder's Wife. Barr, Amelia. . . B268-8 Jane Bouverie. Sinclair S616-2 Jane Eyre. Nicholls N613-2 Jane Field. Wilkins W685-2 Janet. Oliphant O472-4 Japhet in Seach of a Father. Marryat M3622-5 Jerome, a Poor Man. Wilkins W685-3 Jewel of Ynys Galon. Rhoscmyl . . R478-3 Joan and Mrs. Carr. Booth B725-2 154 Joan Haste. Haggard, R Hi 453-4 John Ellicombe's Temptation. Chet- wynd and Wilkins C526-1 John Halifax, Gentleman. Craik. . . C887-2 John Holdsworth. Russell, W. C. . . R968-6 John Inglesant. Shorthouse S559-1 John Marchmont's Legacy. Maxwell. M465-22 John Ward, Preacher. Deland D337-1 Johnny Ludlow. Wood W875-10 Jolly Fellowship. Stockton S866-9 Jo's Boys. Alcott A355-4 Joseph Andrews. Fielding F459-1 Joseph's Coat. Murray M981-8 Joshua Haggard. Maxwell M465-23 Josiah's Wife. Lorimer L865-1 Journeyman Joiner. Dudevant D845-1 Judah's Lion. Tonna T66-1 Judith Shakespeare. Black B6275-6 Julian. Ware W273 -i June. Bridges B851-2 Jungle Book. Kipling K57-1 Just as I am. Maxwell M465-24 Justification of Andrew LeBrun. Barrett, F B274-3 Kafir Stories. Scully S437-1 Kallee's Shrine. Allen, G A.+25-4 Kate Carnegie. Watson W339-3 Kate Valliant. Cudlip C964-5 Katharine Lauderdale. Crawford . . . C899-9 Katherine Regina. Besant B554-9 Kathleen. Burnett B964-7 Keeper of the Keys. Robinson R659-1 Keeper of the People. Jepson J54-I Kellys and O'Kellys. Trollope T848-5 Kenelm Chillingly. Lytton L998-1 j Kenilworth. Scott, Sir W S43 i-i 2 Kentucky Cardinal. Allen, J. L A427-2 Keraban the Inflexible. Verne V531-22 Khaled. Crawford C899-10 Kidnapped. Stevenson S848-6 King of Alberia. Daintrey I)i33-i King of Andaman. Cobban C653-2 King of the Park. Saunders S257-1 King of Schnorrers. Zangwill, I Z29-3 King Solomon's Mines. Haggard, R. H 1453-5 Kings in Exile. Daudet 1)238-2 King's Hussar. Compton C738-2 King's Own. Marryat M3622-6 King's Stockbroker. Gunter G977-1 Kirkham's Find. Miller M6482-1 Kit Kennedy. Crockett C938-5 Kitty. Edwards, M. B E268-3 Kuty Alone, Gould G698-10 FICTION — TITLES. Kitty Trevalyn's Diary. Charles C475-3 Kitty's Father. Barrett, F B274-4 Kloof Bride. Glanvill G546-1 Knight of Gwynne. Lever L658-14 Knight of the White Feather. Eraser. F841-1 Kronstadt. Pembertou 1*395-5 "La Bella." Castle C353-1 La Gaviota. Arrom A778-1 Lad's Love. Crockett C938-6 Lady Adelaide. Wood W875-1 1 Lady Audley's Secret. Maxwell .... M465-25 Lady Car. Oliphant O472-5 Lady Dean, Adams A214-1 Lady Hester. Yonge Y56-1 Lady Jezebel. Hume H921-3 Lady Lisle. Maxwell M465-26 Lady or the Tiger, and other stories. Stockton S866-10 Lad)' Su.san. Austen A936-2 Lady in Black. James, F. A J273-3 Lady of Aroostock, Howells H859-10 Lady of Quality. Burnett B964-8 Lady's Mile. Maxwell M465-27 Lady's Walk. Oliphant O472-6 Laggard in Love. Cudlip C964-6 Laird of Norlaw. Oliphant O472-7 Land of Evangeline, Stories of. McLeod M165-1 Lass that Loved a Sailor, Fenn F334-7 Last Days of Pompeii, Lytton L998-13 Last of the Barons. Lytton L998-12 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper C777-9 Last of the Mortimers. Oliphant . , . O472-8 Last Recruit of Clr-r-i's. Keightley.. K27-2 Late Mrs. Null Stockton S866-1 1 Laura Everingham. Grant G762-4 Lavengro. Borrow B737-1 Leah, awomanof fa.shion, Edvvardes. E259-1 Legend of Montrose. Scott, Sir W. . S431-5 Leila or the Siege of Granada. Lytton L998-14 Lesbia. Steel, A. C S814-1 Less Black than we're Painted. Payn. P345-9 Letter- bag of Great Western. Hali- burton H172-3 Library of Humor. Clemens C625-14 Life and Love in Norway. Miigge. . M951-1 Life for a Love. Smith S646-2 Life on Missis,sippi, Clemens C625-6 Lifeboat. Ballantyne Bx88-i2 Life's Atonement. Murray M981-9 Life's Handicap. Kipling K57-2 Light of Her Countenance. Boye.s,sen, B791-1 FICTION — TITLES. C475-3 B274-4 G546-1 L658-14 F841-1 P395-5 C353-1 A778-1 C938-6 W875-11 M465-25 0472-5 A214-1 Y56-1 H921-3 M465-26 S866-10 A936-2 J273-3 H859-10 B964-8 M465-27 O472-6 C964-6 O472-7 M165-1 F334-7 L998-13 1,998-12 C777-9 0472-8 K27-2 S866-11 G762-4 B737-1 E259-1 S431-5 L998-14 S814-1 P345-9 H172-3 C625-14 M951-1 S646-2 C625-6 B188-12 M981-9 K57-2 B791-1 Light of Other Days. Bridges B851-3 Light of Scarthey. Castle C353-2 Lighthouse. Ballantyne B188-13 Like and Unhke. Maxwell M465-28 Lilac Sunbonnet. Crockett C938-7 Lily Dale. Trollope T848-6 Limitations. Benson B474-3 Limited Success. Pitt P6883-1 Lindsay's Luck. Burnett B964-9 Lion of the North. Henty H527-18 Lionel Lincoln. Cooper C777-10 Lisbeth. Johnston J73-1 List, Ye Landsmen. Russell, W. C, R968-7 Little Fifine, etc. Macquoid Mi 73-3 Little Fool. Stannard S789-16 Little Journey^ in the World. Warner. W2792-2 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett... B964-10 Little Manx Nation. Caine C 135-5 Little Men. Alcott A355-5 Little Minister. Barrie B275-3 Little Minx. Cro.ss, Mrs. G C951-1 Little Pedlington and the Pedling- tonians. Poole P822-1 Little Saint Elizabeth Burnett B964-1 1 Little Savage. Marryat M3622-7 Little Step-daughter. Roberts R646-1 Lochinvar. Crockett C938-8 Londoners. Hichens H626-5 l^onely Girl. Hungerford H936-4 Lonely Lsland. Ballantyne B188-14 Looking Backward, 2000-1887. Bellamy B433-2 Lord and Lady Harcourt. Sinclair.. vS6i6-3 Lord Brackenbury. Edwards, A. B. E26-1 Lord Falconberg's Heir. Clarke C597-3 Lord Kilgobbin. Lever L658-15 Lord Ormont and his Aniinta. Meredith M559-6 I^s Cerritos. Atherton A868-2 Lost for Love. Maxwell M465-29 Lost Man's Lane. Rohlfs R738-1 Lost Stradivarius. Falkner F193-1 Lot 13. Longard L848-1 Lothair. Beaconsfield B365-2 Louis Draycock. Adams A214-2 I,ove and Marriage. Edwards, M. B. E268-4 Love in Idleness. Crawford C899-1 1 Love Letters of a Worldly Woman. Clifford C638-2 Love Match. Hector H451-5 Lovel the Widower. Thackeray . . , . T363-2 Levels of Arden. Maxwell M465-30 I,oving and Serving. Lee L478-1 Love's a Tyrant. Cudlip C964-7 Lottery Ticket. Veme V531-23 Lower Life. Gribble G846-1 Lucius Davoren. Maxwell M465-31 Luck of Roaring Camp. Harte H327-7 Lucky Bargee. Lander L2552-1 Lucretia or Children of the Night. Lytton L998-15 Lumley the Painter. Stannard S789-17 Luttrell of Arran. Lever L658-16 Lying Prophets. Philpotts P564-1 Mad Sir Uchtred. Crockett C938-9 Madame Sans Gene. Sardou S244-1 Madcap Violet. Black B6275-7 Madelon. Wilkins W685-4 Mademoiselle Josephine's Fridays. Edwards, M. B E268-5 Madonna Mary. Oliphant O472-9 Maelcho. Lawless L418-1 Magic Ink, etc. Black B6275-8 Maid of Sker. Blackmore B629-1 Major's Favorite. Stannard S789-18 Malady of the Century. Nordau N828-2 Malcolm. McDonald M135-11 Mammon. Hector H451-6 Man and Wife. Collins, W C713-8 Man in Black. Weyman W549-4 Man made of Money. Jerrold J563-1 Man of his Word. Patterson P296-1 Man of Mark. Hawkins H393-8 Man of Moods. Lowry L921-1 Man on the March. Cobljett C654-1 Man with a Shadow. Fenn F334-8 Man with Black Eyelashes. Kennedy. K35-I Man who Laughs. Hugo H895-3 Mansfield Park. Austen A936-3 Man's Foe.s. Strain 8896-1 Man's Privilege. Rus.sell, D R962-1 Man's Undoing. Cameron C182-3 Manxman. Caine C135-6 Many Cargoes. Jacobs J 1 7-i Many Inventions. Kipling K57-3 Maori and Settler. Henty H527-19 Marble F'aun. Hawthorne, N H3995-1 Marcella. Ward W258-2 March Hares, Frederic F852-4 March in the Ranks. F'othergill, J. . F7616-3 March of the White Guard. Parker. P239-2 Marcia. Norris N861-8 Margaret Carmichael. Gibbon G439-2 Margarita, or Queen of Night. Fernandez and Gonsalez F363-1 Margery of Quether. Gould G698-1 1 156 Marietta's Marriage. Norris Marion Darche. Crawford Mark of Cain. Lang Marked ' ' Personal. ' ' Rolilfs Market Place, I'rederic Mann L,iza. Riggs Maroon. Reid Marquis of Lossie. McDonald Marriage. Ferrier Marriage Ceremony. Cross, Mrs. G. Marriage in China, Little Marriage of Esther. Boothby Martian. DuMaurier Martin Paz. Verne Martin Rattler. Ballantyne Martins of Cro' Martin. Lever Martyrdom of Madeline. Buchanan . Mariija. Harte Mary Anerly. Blackmore Mary Marston. McDonald Marzio's Crucifix. Crawford Mascarenhas. Steward "Master. Zangwill Master Builder. Ibsen Master of Ballantrae. Stevenson Master of Greylands. Wood Master of His Fate. Cobban Master of Rathkelly. Smart Master of the Magicians. Phelps and Ward Masterman Ready. Marryat Matchmaker. Walford Mathew Austin. Norris Mathias Sandorf, Verne Matter of Skill, Whitby Maurice Tiernay. Lever MeC n :n»j Lady. Smith Meliri^a, the Caboceer, Skertchly . . Member of Tattersall's. Smart Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, Doyle, Men of Character. Jerrold Men of the Moss Hags. Crockett . . . Mercedes of Castile. Cooper Mercy. Howells Merry Men. Stevenson Micah Clarke. Doyle Michael StrogofT. Verne Micheline. Malot Middlemarch. Cross, Mrs, M Middy and the Moors, Ballantyne , . Midshipman Marmaduke Merry. Kingston FICTION — TITLES. N861-9 C899-12 L269-2 R73«-2 F852-5 R569-1 R357-T5 M135-12 F391-2 C951-2 L778-1 B725-1 D886-1 V531-24 B188-15 L658-17 B918-6 H327-8 B629-2 M135-13 C899-13 S849-1 Z29-4 1 14-2 S848-7 W875-12 C653-3 S636-1 P539-2 M3622-8 W174-1 Na6i-io V53I-25 W579-3 L658-I8 S646-3 S627-I S636-2 D754-6 J563-2 C938-IO C777-2 H859-II S848-8 t>754-7 V531-26 M257-2 C9512-4 B188-16 K555-7 Midst the Wild Carpathians, Jokai.. J74-3 (Same as The Golden Age in Transylvania). Mighty Atom. Mackay :m 1 53-4 Mignon's Husband. Stannard vS75-32 SS42-1 H859-12 M855-I N861-II \Vi74-2 H895-4 D252-1 B964-12 D554-1 G977-2 B65S-2 T569-1 B433-3 C713-9 L848-2 M3622-9 B964-13 M981-10 S616-4 P345-10 H859-J3 H712-4 M465-33 H451-7 S431-13 B474-6 C777-16 L269-3 B554-4 A355-6 C7i3-'o H752-3 H3995-2 R171-8 M465-34 M6482-2 FICTION- Mr. Bailey-Martin. White \V587-T Mr. Isaacs. Crawford C899-14 Mr. Majrnus. Statliani 8797-1 Mr. ^Midshipman Kasy. Marryat M3622-10 Mr. I'l'tcrs. Stephens S835-1 Mr. Potter of Texas. Gunter G977-3 Mr. Rabbit at Home. Harris H314-1 Min. Bot). Stannard S789-21 Mrs. Cliff's Yacht. Stockton S866-12 Mrs. Curgenven of Cnrgenven. Gould G698-12 Mrs. Dine's Jewels. Russell R968-8 Mrs. Falchion. Parker P239-3 Mrs. Fenton. Norris NS61-12 Mrs. Haliburton's Troul)les. Wood. WS75-14 Murder of Delicia. Mackay M135-5 Mutable Many. Barr, Robert B2683-1 Mutineer. Becke and Jeffery B394-4 My Aunt Margaret's Mirror. Scott, Sir VJ S431-21 My Danish Sweetheart. Rus.sell R968-9 My Doggie and I. Ballantyne B188-17 My Fii-st Voyage to Southern Seas. Kingston K555-8 My Friend the Murderer. Doyle.... D754-8 My Guardian. Cross C951-3 My Lady Nicotine. Barrie B275-4 My Laughing Philo.sopher. Philpotts. P564-2 My Little Girl. Besant and Rice B554-5 M\' Lord Duke. Hornung H816-2 "My Novel." Lytton L998-16 My Run Home. Browne B884-1 My Spanish Sailor. Saunders S257-2 Mysterious Island. Verne V531-27 Mystery of Dudley Home. James. J273-4 Mystery of Mirbridge. Payn P345-11 Mystery of M. Felix. Farjeon F229-3 Mystery of the "Ocean Star." Russell R968-10 Mystery of the Patrician Club. Vandam V224-1 Nada, the Lily. Haggard, R H 1453-6 Nanette and her Lovers. Gwynne , . G995-1 Natalie. Burnett B964-14 Natchez. Chateaubriand C492-1 Naulahka. Kipling K57-4 New Arabian Nights. Stevenson S848-9 New Magdalen. Collins 0713-1 1 New Note. Anon N532-1 New Tales. Opie O61-1 New York Family. Fawcett F278-1 Newcomes. Thackeraj' T363-5 Newton Forster. Marryat M3622-1 1 -TITLES. " 157 Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens D548-8 Nigger of the Narcissus. Conrad... C754-4 Night and Morning. Lytton L998-17 Night near Windsor. CoUingride , . . C711-1 Ninety-Three. Hugo H895-5 No Name. Collins C713-12 Noemi, Gould G698-13 Norsemen in the W^est. Ballantyne. B 188-18 North against Soutli. Verne V531-28 Northanger Abbey. Austen A 936-4 Not All in Vain. Cross C951-5 Not on the Chart. Logan L831-1 Notre Dame. Hugo H895-6 Noughts and Crosses. Couch C853-6 Number 5 John Street. Whiteing. . . W593-1 Oak Openings. Cooper C777-1 1 Ocean Outlaw. St. Leger Si 45-1 Ocean Waifs. Reid R357-16 O'Connors'of Ballinahinch. Hunger- ford H936-5 Octoroon. Maxwell M465-3S Odd Experiment. Lynch L987-2 Odd Women. Gissing G535-3 O'Donoghue. Lever L658-19 Old Blazer's Hero. Murray M981-I1 Old Creole Days. Cable Ci 15-4 Old Curiosity Shop. Dickens D548-9 Old Engish Fairy Tales. Gould G698-18 Old Jack, Kingston K555-9 Old Judge. Haliburton Hi 72-4 Old Maids and Young. D'Esterre- Kneeling D476-2 Old Maid's Love. Poorsen-Schwartz P823-3 Old Man Savarin. Thomson T482-r Old Man's Love. Melville M531-4 Old Man's Love. Trollope T848-10 Old Mortality. Scott, ^/r W S431-14 Oliver Twist. Dickens D548-10 Oliver's Bride, Oliphant O472-10 On the Face of the Water. Steel S813-2 OntheFo'k'sleHead. Russell R968-11 On the Frontier. Harte H327-10 On the Irrawaddy. Henty H527-20 On the Stage and Off. Jerome J56-2 On Turnham Green. James J27-1 One I Knew the Best of All. Burnett. 2964-15 One Life One Love. Maxwell M465-36 One Maid's Mischief. Fenn F334-9 One of Our Conquerors. Meredith . . M559-7 One of the 28th. Henty H527-21 One of them. Lever L658-20 One Reason Why. Whitby W579-4 One Thing Needful. Maxwell M465-37 ^58 FICTION — TITLES. One Traveller Returns. Murray and Herman M981-16 One Who looked on, Montresor . . . . M81 1-2 Only a Clod. Maxwell M465-38 Only Hunian. Stannard S789-22 Open Boat. Crane C8912-1 Open Verdict. Maxwell M465-39 Orange and Green. Henty H527-22 Orange Girl. Besant B554-14 Ordeal of Richard Feverel. Meredith. M559-8 Orts. McDonald M135-14 Orville College. Wood W875-15 Oswald Cray. Wood W875-16 Other House. James J275-2 Other Man's Wife. Stannard S789-23 Our Laddie, Smeaton S637-1 Our Manifold Nature. McFall M 143-4 Our Mutual Friend. Dickens D548-11 Our Own Pompeii. Anon O93-1 Our Radicals. Burnaby B963-1 Out of Due Season, Sergeant S484-2 Out of the Fashion. Smith S646-4 Out of the M'sts. Dormer D71 2-1 Out of the Question. Howells H859-14 Outcast of the Islands. Conrad C754-2 Outlaw and Lawmaker. Praed P897-4 Outlaws of the Marches. Hamilton. H2177-1 Over the Hills. Findlater F4942-1 Ozmar the Mystic. Hulme-Beaman . H915-1 Pacha of Many Tales. Marryat M3622-12 Pacific Tales. Becke B394-5 Pair of Blue Eyes. Hardy H272-5 Pan Michael. Sienkiewicz S572-3 Parasite. Doyle D754-9 Pariah. Guthrie G984-3 Parisians. Lytton L998-18 Pascarel. Ranie R171-9 Passages from Diary of a Late Phy- sician. Warren W293-1 Passages in Life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland, Oliphant O472-1 1 Passe Rose, Hardy H268-1 Passionate Pilgrim. White W587-2 Pastoral Played Out. Pendered P397-1 Path of a Star. Cotes C843-4 Pathfinder. Cooper C777-5 Paul and Christina. Barr B268-9 Paul and Virginia. Saint Pierre .... Si 49-1 Paul Clifford, Lytton L998-19 Paul Faber, McDonald M135-15 Paul Patoff , Crawford C899-15 Pelham. Lytton L998-20 Pemljroke. Wilkins Penance of John Logan. Black .... Penelope's Experiences in Scotland. Riggs Pennycomequicks. Gould Per Aspera. Ebers Percival Keene. Marryat Perfect Fool. James Perlyoross. Blackmore Permanent Way, In the. Steel Perpetua. Gould Persuasion, Austen Peter Ibbetson. DuMaurier Peter Simple. Marryat Peter the Whaler. Kmgston Peter Trawl. Kingston Peter's Wife. Hungerford Peveril of the Peak. Scott, SirW. . . Phantom Fortune. Maxwell Phantom Ship. Marryat Pharisees. Edwards Pharos the Egyptian. Boothby.,.. Philanthropist. Maynard Phillip Rollo, Grant Philosopher Jack. Ballantyne Phineas Quiddy. Poole Phineas Redux. Trollope Phra the Phoenician. Arnold Phroso. Hawkins Phyllis of the Sierras. Harte Picciola. Boniface Pierre and His People. Parker Pietro Ghisleri. Crawford Pilgrims of the Rhine. Lytton Pilgrims of Walsingham. Strickland. Pillar of Fire. Ingraham Pilot. Cooper Pilots of Pomona. Leighton Pioneers. Cooper Pirate. Scott, SirW Pirate and Three Cutters. Marryat . . Pirate City. RalUmtyne Pirate Junk. Hutcheson Plant Hunters. Reid Plantation Printer. Harris Plattner Story. Wells Pluck. Stannard Poacher. Marryat Ponieroy Abbey, Wood Pomona's Travels. Stockton Pomp of the Lavilettes, Parker Poor Gentleman, Oliphant W685-5 B6275-9 R569-2 G698-14 E16-3 M3622-13 J 273-5 B62q-3 S813-3 G698-15 A936-5 D886-3 M3622-14 K555-11 H936-6 S431-15 M 465-40 M3622-15 E264-1 B725-2 M471-1 G762-5 B 1 88-19 P822-2 T848-7 A753-2 H393-9 H327-11 B5715-1 P239-4 C899-16 L998-21 S917-1 I54-1 C777-12 L529-I C777-9 S431-16 M3622-16 B 1 88-20 H973-2 R357-17 H314-2 W454-3 S7^9-24 M3622-17 W875-17 S866-13 P239-5 O472-12 FICTION — TITLES. R569-2 ^698- 1 4 E16-3 3622-13 J 273-5 B62q-3 S813-3 G698-15 A936-5 D886-3 I3622-14 K555-II K555-10 H936-6 S431-15 M 465-40 kl 3622-1 5 E264-1 B725-2 M471-1 G762-5 B 1 88-19 P822-2 T848-7 A753-2 H393-9 H327-11 B5715-1 P239-4 C899-16 L998-21 S917-1 I54-1 C777-12 L529-r C777-9 8431-16 3622-16 B 188-20 H973-2 R357-'7 H314-2 W454-3 87^9-24 3622-17 W875-17 S866-13 P239-5 O472-12 Poor Jack. Marryat M3622-18 Poor Little Bella. Philips P554-1 Poor Miss Finch. Collins C713-13 Poor vSquire. Lee L478-2 Postlumious Papers of Pickwick Club. Dickens D548-12 Potter's Thumb. Steel 88 1 3-4 Prairie. Cooper C777-13 Precaution. Cooper C777-14 Premier and the Painter. Zangwill and Cowen Z29-5 Pretty Polly Pemberton. Burnett... B964-16 Pride and Prejudice. Austen A936-6 Prime Minister. Trollope T848-8 Prince and the Pauper. Clemens. . . C625-7 Prince Fortunatus. Black B6275-10 Prince of the House of David. Ingraham I54-2 Prince of India. Wallace \V191-3 Prince of Wales's Garden Party. Riddell R543-4 Princess Napraxine. Rame R171-10 Princess of Paris. Gunter G977-4 Princess of Thule. Black B6275-1 1 Princess Sunshine. Riddell R.')43-5 Prisoners of Conscience. Barr. . . . B268-10 Private Tinker. Stannard S789-25 Privateersman. Marryat M3622-19 Proctor's Wooing. 8t. Aubyn 8134-2 Prodigals. Oliphant O472-13 Professor. Nicholls N613-3 Prose Tales. Puskin P987-1 Protege of Jack Hamlin's. Harte. . . H327-12 Proved Lhnvorth}-. Cameron C182-4 Proverb Stories. Alcott A355-7 Prue and I. Curtis C979-1 Punch's Prize Novelists. Thackeray. T363-6 Puck. Rame R171-11 Purchase of the North Pole. V rne. V531-29 Puritan's Wife. Pemberton 1*395-6 Quadroon. Reid R357-18 Queechy. Warner W248-1 Queen of Hearts. Collins C713-14 Queen of Love. Gould G698-16 Queen of the Jesters. Pemberton . . . F395-7 Queen's Scarlet. Fenn F334-10 Queensberry Cup. WoUey W864-1 Quest of the Golden Girl. Le Gallienne L496-1 Question of Taste. Poorsen-Schwartz. P823-5 Quicksilver. Fenn F334-1 1 Quo Vadis. Sienkiewicz 8572-2 Race of To-day. Gordon G6633-1 Rachel Dene. Buchanan B918-7 Raffles Haw, The Doings of. Doyle, D754-10 Raiders. Crockett C938-16 Ralph the Bailiff, etc. Maxwell M465-41 Ralstons. Crawford CS99-17 Raniona. Jackson J13-2 Ran Away to Sea. Reid R357-19 Rassela.s. Johnson J69-1 Rattlin the Reefer. Marryat M3622-20 Real Lady Hilda. Croker C943-1 Rebel Queen. Besant B554-10 Recalled to Life. Allen A425-5 Recipe for Diamonds. Hjne H99-1 Recoiling Vengance. Barrett B274-5 Recollections of a Literary Man. Daudet D238-3 Red Badge of Courage. Crane C8912-2 Red Cockade. Weyman W'549-5 Red Court Farm. Wood W875-18 Red Republic, Chambers C445-1 Red Rooney. Ballantyne B188-21 Red Rover. Cooper C777-12 Red True Storj' Book. Lang L269-4 Redburn. Ochiltree O16-1 Redgauntlet. Scott, .S"/> W 8431-17 Redskin and Cow-boy. Henty H527-23 Redskins. Cooper C777-3 Refugees. Doyle D754-1 1 Regicides. Cogswell C677-1 Regimental Legends. Stannard .... 8789-26 Reigning Favourite. Cudlip C964-8 Return of the O'Mahoney. Frederic. F852-6 Rev. Annabel Lee. Buchanan B918-8 Rex and Regina. Marshall M367-3 Rhoda Fleming. Meredith M559-9 Rich Miss Riddell. Longard L848-3 Richard Carvel. Churchill C563-1 Rick Dale. Munroe M96-82 Rienzi, last of the Roman Tribunes. Lytton L998-22 Rifle Rangers. Reid R357-20 Rise of Silas Lapham. Howells H859-15 Rivals ; and Tracy's Ambition. Griffin G851-4 Rivers of Ice. Ballantyne B188-22 Riverside Romance. Kennard K34-4 Rob Roy. Scott, SirV^ S431-18 Robert Ainsleigh. Maxwell M465-42 Robert Falconer. McDonald M 135-16 Robert Helmont. Daudet D238-4 Robert Urquliart. Setoun S495-1 Rodney Stone. Doyle D754-12 i6o FICTION — TITLES. Roger Kyffin's Ward. Kingston..,. K555-12 Roger Willoughby. Kingston K555-13 Rogue. Norris N86J-13 Rogue's Daughter. Sergeant S484-3 Rogues March. Hornung H816-3 Rogues of the Fiery Cross. Walkey. W177-1 Roland Cashel. Lever 1,658-2 1 Roland Yorke. Wood W875-1 9 Roman Singer. Crawford C899-18 Romance of a Chalet. Praed P897-5 Romance of a Station. Praed P897-6 Romance of Cape Frontier. Mitfort. M683-1 Romance of the Harem. Pardoe.... P226-1 Romance of the 19th Century. Mallock M265-3 Romance of Two Worlds. Mackay . . M 13.S-' Romance of War. Grant G76 Romola. Cross C9511-6 Ropes of Sand. Francillon F817-3 Rose of a Hundred Leaves. Barr. ,. B268-11 Rose of Allandale. Stables S775-1 Rosine. Melville M531-5 Rossmoyne. Hungerford H936-7 Rough Shaking. McDonald Mi3,'5-i7 Roughing it. Clemens C625-8 Round the Galley Fire. Russell. . . R968-12 Round the Moon. Verne V531-30 Round the Red Lamps. Doyle D754-13 Rover of the Andes. Ballantyne B 188-23 Royal Highlanders. Grant G762-7 Rubicon. Benson B474-4 Rudder Grange. Stockton S866-14 Rudder Grangers Abroad ; and other stories. Stockton S866-15 Rudin. Turgenev T936-1 Rujub the Juggler. Henty H527-24 Run to Earth. Maxwell , M465-43 Rupert Godwin. Maxwell M465-44 Russell. James J28-1 Sabina Zembra. Black B6275-1 2 St. George ; or the Canadian League. McKinnon M158-1 St. George and St. Michael. McDonald M135-18 St. George for England. Henty .... H527-25 St. Ives. Stevenson S848-10 St. Katherine's by the Tower. Besant. B554-11 St. Martin's Eve. Wood W875-20 St. Olave's. Tabor T114-2 St. Ronan's Well. Scott, SirW.... S431-19 St. Winifred's. Farrar F242-2 Salem : tale of 17th Century. Castleton C3532-1 Sally Dows, etc. Ha -te H327-T3 Sandra Belloni. Meredith M559-10 Sant' Ilario. Crawford C899-19 Sappers and Miners. I'enn F334-12 Sappho (A) of Green Springs. Harte. H327-14 Sara Crewe. Burnett B964-17 Saracinesca. Crawford C889-20 Satanstoe. Cooper C777-1 1 Saved from the Sea. Kingston K555-14 Scallywag. Allen A425-6 Scapegoat. Caine C135-7 Scarpante the Spy. Verne V531-31 School for Saints. Craigie C885-3 Scottish Cavalier. Grant G762-8 Scottish Chiefs. Porter P846-1 Scourge-stick. Praed P897-7 Scribes and Pharisees. LeQueux .... L613-3 Sea Lions. Cooper C777-1 Sea Queen. Russell R968-13 Sea Wolves. Pemberton F395-8 Seaboard Parish. McDonald Mi 35- 19 Seamy Side. Besant and Rice B554-6 Secret Inheritance. Farjeon F229-4 Secret of the Island. Verne V531-32 Self-Denial. Hofland H712-5 Sense and Sensibility. Austen ...... A936-7 Sentimental Tommy. Barrie B275-5 Septimius Felton. Hawthorne H3995-3 Serious Comedy. Morrah M872-2 Set of Rogues. Barrett B274-6 Settler and the Savage. Ballantyne. B 188-24 Settlers in Canada. Marryat M3622-21 Seven vSons of Mammon. Sala Si 59-1 Seventh Child. Stannard S789-27 Seventy Times Seven. Sergeant S484-5 Shadow of a Crime. Caine C 135-8 Shadow of a Dream. Howells H859-16 Shadow of Ashlydyat. Wood W875-21 Shadow of Hilton Fernbrook. West- bury W523-1 Shall I win Her. Grant G762-9 Shandon Bells. Black B6275-13 Shaving of Shagpat. Meredith M559-1 1 She. Haggard H1453-7 She Loved a Sailor. Barr B268-12 Shield of Love. Farjeon F229-5 Shifting Winds. Ballantyne B188-25 Ships that Pass in the Night. Harraden H296-3 Shirley. Nicholls N613-4 Sidney. Deland D337-2 Siege Baby. Stannard S789-28 Siegfried's Crown. Hodgson H6915-1 H327-I3 M559-IO C899-19 F334-I2 H327-14 B964-17 C889-20 C777-II K555-I4 A425-6 CI35-7 V53I-3I C885-3 G762-8 P846-1 P897-7 L6I3-3 C777-I R968-13 P395-8 MI35-I9 B554-6 F229-4 V531-32 H7I2-5 A936-7 B275-5 H3995-3 M872-2 B274-6 B 1 88-24 M3622-21 S159-1 S789-27 S484-5 C135-8 H859-16 W875-21 W523-1 G762-9 B6275-13 M559-" Hi 453-7 B268-12 F229-5 B 1 88-25 H 296-3 N613-4 D337-2 S789-28 H6915-1 FICTION — TITLES. Sign of the Cross. Barrett B2747-1 Sign of the Spider. Mitford M683-2 Signa. Rame R171-12 Silas Barnstarke. Gwynne O995-2 Silver Christ (The). Rame R171-13 Silver Pitchers. Alcott A355-8 Simon Dale. Hawkins H393-10 Simple Adventures of a Memsahib. Cotes C843-5 Simple Tales. Opie O61-2 Sin of Joost Avelingh. Poorsen- Schwartz P823-4 Singer of Marly. Hooper H 7863-1 Singularly Deluded. McFall M 143-5 Sinners' Comedy. Craigie C884-5 Sir Brooke Fossbrooke, Lever L658-22 Sir George Tressady. Ward VV 258-3 Sir Gibbie. McDonald Mi 35-20 Sir James Applyby, Bart. Macquoid. Mi 73-4 Sir Jasper Carew. Lever L658-23 Sir Jasper's Tenant. Maxwell M465-45 Sir Percival. Shorthouse S559-5 Sir Robert's Fortune. Oliphant O472-15 Sir Tom. Oliphant O472-16 Sister to Esau. Barr B368-13 Sivan, the Sleeper. Adams A213 Skipper's Wooing. Jacobs J 17-2 Slav Tales. Harding H2633-1 Sloane Square Scandal. Cudlip C964-9 Smoke. Turgenev T936-2 Social Departure. Cotes C843-6 Soldier of Manhattan. Altshelter. . . A469-1 Soldiers Children. Stannard S789-29 Soldiers of Fortime. 1 vis D2632-1 Some Every-Day Folks. Philpotts . . P564-3 Son of Hagar. Caine C139-9 Son of His Father. Oliphant O472-17 Son of Ishmael. Smith S646-5 Sons of Adversity. Cornford C816-2 Sons of Fire, Maxwell M465-46 Sorceress. Oliphant O472-14 Sorrows of Satan. Mackay Mi 35-7 Soul Astray. Cameron C182-5 Soul of Lilith. Mackay M135-8 Soul of the Bishop. Stannard S789-30 Sowers. Scott S426-4 Spanish Maid. Couch C853-7 Spanish Nun. DeQuincey D426-2 Speculators. Brewer B847-1 Spinning- Wheel Stories. Alcott .... A355-9 Spirit of the Storm. Ross R825-1 Splendid Sin. Allen A425-7 Splendid Spur. Couch C853 8 161 Spoils of Poynton. James J275-3 Spoilt Girl. James J273-6 Spring Comedies. Barker B255-1 vSpringhaven. Blackmore B629-4 Spy. Cooper C777-13 Squire. Parr P258-r Squire of Sandal-Side. Barr B268-14 Squire of Wandales. Shield S555-1 Squirrel Inn. Stockton S866-16 Stageland. Jerome J56-3 Stalky and Co. Kipling K57-5 Standard Bearer. Crockett C938-15 Star Gazers. Fenn l''334-i3 Star of Fortune. Muddock M943-2 Steam House. Verne V531-33 Stephen Archer. McDonald M 135-21 Stephen, a Soldier of the Cross. Kingsley K553-1 Stickit Mini.ster. Crockett C938-1 1 Stolen Bacillus, and other incidents. Wells W454-4 Stolen White Elephant Clemens... C625-9 vStories for Ninon. Zola Z86-3 Stories from the Diary of a Doctor. Smith and Halifax S646-6 Stories in Black and White. Hardy. .. H272-6 Story of a Modern Woman. Dixon. D6214-I Story of a New York House. Bunner. Bq42-i Storj' of a Penitent Soul. Sergeant. S484-4 Story of an African Farm. Cron- wright . . C946-1 Story of Barbara. Maxwell M465-47 Story of Francis Cludde. Weyman . W549-6 vStory of John Marbeck. Marshall.. M367-4 vStory Teller's Pack. vStockton S866-17 vStraightforward. Lee L478-3 Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. Black B6275-14 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde . Stevenson S848-1 1 Strange Manuscript Found in a Cop- per Cylinder. DeMille D381-2 Strange Rescue. Oxley O98-2 Strange Story. Lytton L998-23 Strange Story of My Life. Stannard. S789-31 Strange World. Maxwell M465-48 Stranger Woman. Stannard S789-32 Strangers and Pilgrims. Maxwell . . . M465-49 Strathmore. Rame R171-14 Stripped of the Tinsel. Muddock... M943-1 Strong Arm. Barr, R B2683-3 Struggle for Fame. Riddell R543-6 Stumble on the Threshold. Payn... P345-12 l62 FICTION — TITLES. Miller Telling House. Successors to the Title. Walford Sunshine and Snow. Smart Superfluous Woman. Brooke Supplanter. Neuman Supplejack. Ward Surj^cons Daughter. Scott, ^SVr W. . Surly Tim. Burnett Susan Drumniond. Riddell Su.spense, Scott Susy. Harte Sweet and Twenty. Collins Sweet Annie Paj^e. Collins Sweet is True Love. Kinj? Sweetheart Travellers. Crockett Sybil Knox. Hale Sylvie and Bruno. Dodgson Taken at the Flood. Maxwell Tale of a Lonely Parish. Crawford. Tale of the Ten. Russell Tale of the Thames. Ashhy Tale of two Cities. Dickens Tales and Sketches. Tales from the Blackniore Tales of a Garrison Town. Eaton and Betts Tales of Adventure by Flood, Field and Mountain. Ballantyne Tales of Adventure on the Sea. Ballantyne Tales of Early Ages. Smith Tales of Mean Streets. Morrison . . . Tales of our Coast. Crockett Tales of Real Life. Opie Tales of Unrest. Conrad Talisman. Scott, Sir W Talk of the Town. Payn Talking Horse. Guthrie Tanglewood Tales. Hawthorne Tapestried Chamber. Scott, Sir W . Taquisara. Crawford Tartarin of Tarascon. Tartarin on the Alps. Teacher of the Violin. Tempest Torn. Haggard Ten Thousand a Year. Warren Ten Years' Tenant. Besant and Rice. Tender and True Terminations. James Tess of the Durbervilles. Hardy . . . . Teverino. Dudevant Texar the Southerner. Verne That Affair Next Door. Rohlfs W 1 74-3 That Beautiful Wretch. Daudet Daudet Shorthouse . . S636-3 BS72-1 N489-1 W262-2 S43T-20 B964-18 R543-7 S426-5 H327-15 C712-2 C712-1 K53-T C938-12 H161-1 C319-2 M465-50 C899-21 R968-14 A823-1 D548-13 M648-1 B629-5 E14-1 B188-26 B188-27 S649-1 M87^'-2 C938-13 O61-3 C754-3 S431-21 P345-13 G984-6 H3995-4 S431-21 C899-22 D238-5 D238-6 S559-4 H145-1 W293-2 B554-7 S744-1 J275-4 H272-7 D845-2 V531-34 R738-3 Black . Lever . That Boy of Norcott's. That Child. Roberts That Lass o' Lowrie's. Burnett.... That Mrs. vSniith. vStannard That Wild Wheel. Trollope The Child, the Wi.se Man, and the Devil. Kernahan The X Jewel. Moncreiff Their Wedding Journey. Howells. .. Thelma. Mackay There and Back. McDonald Third Violet. Crane This Son of Vulcan. Besjmt and Rice This Wicked World. Cameron This Year, Next Year, Sometime, Never. Proctor Thomas Wingfold. McDonald Thou Art the Man. Maxwell Thousand and One Nights. Lane . . Three Boys in the Wild North Land. Young Three Fates. Crawford Three Girls. Stannard Three Men in a Boat. Jerome Three Miss Kings. Cross Through One Administration. Bur- nett Through Russian Snows. Henty .... Through Swamp and Glade. Mun- roe Through the Fray. Henty Thrown Together. Montgomery .... Tiger Hunter. Reid Tigers and Traitors. Verne Tinted Venus. Guthrie Tiny Luttrell . Hornung To Leeward. Crawford To the Bitter End. Maxwell Toilers of the Sea. Hugo Told in the Twilight. Sergeant Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes Tom Brown's Schooldays. Hughes. . Tom Burke of ' ' Ours. ' ' Lever Tom Cringle's Log. Scott, M Tom Jones. Fielding Tom Sawyer Abroad. Clemens Tomalyn's Quest. Burgin Tony Butler. Lever Too Fast to Last. Mills Tonnes, Lazarillo de. Alaman {see Mendoza) B6275-1 5 L658-24 R646-2 B964-19 S789-33 T8482-1 K39-1 M739-1 H859-17 M 135-9 M135-22 C8912-3 B554-8 C 1 82-6 P964-1 M 135-23 M465-51 L265-1 Y71-1 C899-23 S789-34 J56-4 C951-4 B964-20 H527-27 M968-3 H527-26 M787-1 R357-21 V531-35 G984-4 H816-4 C899-24 M465-52 H895-7 S484-6 H894-1 H894-2 1^58-25 S428-2 F459-2 C625-11 B956-2 L658-26 M657-1 A318-1 . I 36275-1 5 L658-24 R646-2 B964-19 S789-33 T8482-1 K39-I M739-I H859-I7 Mi 35-9 M135-22 C8qi2-3 B554-8 C I 82-6 P964-I M 135-23 M465-51 L265-1 Y71-I C899-23 8789-34 J56-4 C951-4 B964-20 H527-27 M968-3 H527-26 M787-1 R357-21 V53^-35 G984-4 H816-4 C899-24 M465-52 H895-7 S484-6 H894-1 H894-2 1.658-25 S428-2 F459-2 C625-11 B956-2 1.658-26 M657-1 A318-1 FICTION — TITLES. I Tower of Taddeo, Ranie Tragedy of Ida Noble. Russell Tragedy of the Korosko. Doyle .... Tragic Comedians. Meredith Trail of the vSerpent. Maxwell Trail of the Sword. Parker Tramp Abroad. Clemens Transition, Brooke Translation of a Savage. Parker . , . , Travelling Companions. Guthrie . . . Travels and Adventures of M. Violet. Marryat Travels in London. Thackeray Treasure Island. Stevenson Trespasser. Parker Triad. Wickenden Tribulations of a Chinaman. Verne, Tricotrin. Rame Trilby, DuMaurier Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland. Cronwright True to the Old Flag. Henty Tug of War. Hungerford Tuxter's Little Maid. Burgin 'Twas in Trafalgar's Bay. Besant and Rice 'Tween Snow and Fire. Mitford Twice-told Tales, Hawthorne Two Admirals. Cooper Two Captains. Russell Two Chiefs of Dunboy. Froude . , , . Two Destinies, Collins Scott, Sir W Keary Pilgrims Progress, Two Drovers. Two Lancrofts. T\\ro Little Burnett Two Little Wooden Shoes. Rame . Two Marys. Oliphant , Two Men of Sandy Bar. Harte. ... Two Thousand Years Ago. Church . Umbrella Mender . Harraden Unclassed. Gissing , Uncle John. Melville Uncle Tom's Cabin. Stowe Uncommercial Traveller. Dickens, Under Drake's Flag. Henty Under Hatches, Moore Under the Great Seal, Hatton . Under the Lilacs, Alcott Under the Red Flag, Maxwell Under the Red Robe. Weyman .... Under the Rose. Guthrie R171-15 R968-15 D754-14 M559-12 M465-53 P239-6 C625-12 B872-2 P239-7 G984-5 M3622-22 T363-6 S848-12 P239-8 W636-1 V531-36 R171-16 D886-2 C946-2 H527-28 H936-8 B956-3 B554-9 M683-3 H3995-5 C777-15 R968-16 F942-1 C713-15 S431-21 K242-2 B964-21 R171-17 O472-18 H327-16 C361-1 H296-4 G535-4 M531-6 S892-2 D548-14 H527-29 M821-1 H366-1 A355-10 M465-54 W549-7 G984-7 Ballantyne Rame Command. Under the Waves Under Two Flags, Under Wellington's Hetity Under5..de of Things. Bell Undiscovered Country. Howells , . . . Ungava. Ballantyne Unknown Masterpiece. Balzac Untempered Wind. Wood Urith. Gould Val StrangL'. Murray Valdar, the Oft Born. Griffith Valerie. Marryat Vanished Diamond. Verne Vanity Fair. Thackeray Various Writings. Matthews Vendetta. Mackay Veuetia. Beaconsfield Venetians. Maxwell Verbena, Camellia Stephanotis. Besant Vernon's Aunt. Cotes Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith Vicar's Daughter. McDonald Vicar's People. Fenn Vice Versa. Guthrie Victim of Good Luck. Norris Views and Opinions. Rame Village Commune. Rame Villette. Nicholls Vintage. Benson Violinist of the Quartier Latin, Curzon Virgin of the Sun. Griffith Virginia of Virginia. Chanler Virginians. Thackeray Vittoria. Meredith Vixen. Maxwell Voyage of Consolation. Cotes Voyage round the World. Kingston Voyage to the Cape. Russell Wages of Sin. Harrison Wagner's Heroes. Maud Waif of the Plains. Harte Walter Gibbs, the Young Boss Thomson Wandering Heath. Couch War of the Worlds. Wells War Trail. Reid Ward of the Golden Gate. Harte . . . Warden. TroUope Wardlaws. Esler Was She Good or Bad, Minto 163 B 1 88-28 R171-18 H527-30 B434-1 H859-18 B 1 88-29 B 1 98-4 W876-1 G698-17 M981-13 G853-1 M3622-23 V531-37 T363-8 M429-1 M135-10 B365-3 M465-55 B554-12 C843-7 G624-1 Ml 35-24 F334-14 G984-8 N861-14 R171-19 R171-20 N613-5 B474-5 C983-1 G853-2 C457-3 T363-7 M559-13 M465-56 C843-8 K555-15 R968-17 H321-2 M447-1 H327-17 T482-2 C853-9 W454-5 R357-22 H327-18 T848-9 E76-1 M667-1 164 Was ed Crime. Murray Water-Witch. Cooi)er Waters of the Wondrous Isle. Morris. Watsons. Au.sten Waverley . Scott, Sir W Way of a Maid. Hinkson Way of a Woman. Smith Way of Marriage. Hunt Way of the World. Murra}- Wayfarinjj Men. Bayly Ways of the Hour. Cooper Weaker Ves.sel. Murray Weavers and Weft. Maxwell Weighed and Wanting. McDonald. Weir of Hermistoun. Stevenson , , . . Well Out of It. Habberton Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Cooper. . . Western Clearings. Kirkland What Cheer ! Ru.ssell What is a Girl to do ? Kdwards What Maisie Knew. James What Necessity Knows. Dougall . . . What will He do with It ? Lytton . . What's Mine's Mine. McDonald When Knighthood was in Flower. Major When Loudon Burned. Henty When the World was Younger. Maxwell When Valmond came to Pontiac. Parker Whirlpool. GLssing White Chief. Reid White Company. Doyle White Gauntlet. Reid White Hecatomb. Sculley White Shield. Mitford Who was Lost and is Found. Oliphant Who was Then the Gentleman? Reade Whoso Findeth a Wife. Le^uex W ide Wide World . Warner Widower Indeed (A). Broughton and Bisland Wild Animals I Have Known. Thompson Wild Flower of Ravensworth, Edwards Wild Huntress. Reid Wild Life in Southern Seas. Becke. Wild Men of the West. Ballantyne. FICTION — TITLES. M981-13 C777-15 M877-1 A936-2 VS431-22 H663-1 S646-7 H943-2 M981-14 «359-4 C777-14 M981-15 M465-57 M 135-25 S848-13 H113-3 C777-10 K59-1 R968-18 1^265-1 J 275-5 D731-2 L998-24 Mi 35-26 M234-1 H527-31 M465-58 P239-9 G535-5 R357-23 U754-15 R357-24 S437-2 MG33-4 O472-19 R2852-1 L613-4 W284-2 B875-1 T489-1 E268-6 R357-25 B394-6 Bi88-3o Wildf ell Hall. Bronte B869-1 Wilfrid Cumbermede. McDonald.., M135-27 Wilt Thou Have This Woman. Cobban C653-5 Window in Thrums. Barrie B275-6 Wing and Wing. Cooper C777-8 Winnifred Bertram. Charles C475-4 Winning Hazard. Hector H451-8 Winning His Spurs, Henty H527-32 Witch of Prague. Crawford C899-25 With Clive in India. Henty H527-33 With Cochrane the Dauntless. Henty, H527-34 With Fire and Sword, Sienkiewicz, . S572-3 With Frederick the Great. Henty , . H527-35 With Lee in Virginia, Henty H527-36 With the Inmiortals. Crawford C899-26 Within the Maze. Wood W875-22 Without Respect of Persons. Middleton M627-1 Wives and Daughters. Gaskell G248-2 Woman in White. Collins C713-16 Woman of Forty. Stuart S929-3 Woman of the Commune. Henty . , . H5?7-37 Woman's Reason. Howells H859-19 Woman's Will. Burnett B964-22 Wondrous Tale of Alroy. Beacons- field B365-4 Wood Beyond the World. Morris,, M877-2 Wood-Rangers, Reid R357-26 Woodstock. Scott, i)"/;- W S431-23 Wooing of Doris, Spender S746-1 Works, Opie O61-4 World and a Man. Zangwill Z293-2 World of Ice. Ballantyne B 188-31 World Well Lost. Linton L761-2 Worid Went Very Well Then, Besant B554-13 World's Desire. Haggard H1453-8 Wormwood. Mackay M135-11 Wrecker. Stevenson a fid Osbourne . S848-14 Wrong Box. Stevenson a«rf Osbourne. S848-15 Wrong Man, Longard L848-4 Wulf the Saxon. Henty H5 27-38 Wulfric the W^eapon Thane. Whistler, W576-1 Wuthering Heights. Bronte B869-6 Wyandotte. Cooper C777-16 Wyllard's Weird. Maxwell M465-59 Yankee at Court of King Arthur. Clemens C625-13 Yarns on the Beach. Henty H527-39 Years that the Locust Hath Eaten. Holdsworth H728-2 Yeast. Kingsley... K552-4 FICTION — TITLES. C653-5 13275-6 C777-8 C475-4 H451-8 H527-32 0899-25 H527-33 H527-34 S572-3 H527-35 H527-36 C899-26 W875-22 York and Lancaster Rose. Keary You play Me False. Collins...'.... Young Colonists. Ilenty Young Fur-traders. Ballantyne. . .. Young Llanero. Kingston * Young Mistley. Scott Young Nile Voyagers. Bowman .... Young Rajah. Kingston Young Singleton. Gw. ine ." , Young Trawler. Rallaiityne ., Young Voyageurs. Reid K24-1 C712-3 II527-40 n 188-32 K555-16 VS426-6 R787-2 R555-17 G995-3 B 1 88-33 R357-27 ( Young Yachtsmen. Bowman. Young Yagers. Reid Youngest Miss Green. Robin.son . . . . Zadoc Pine; and other stories. niinaer Zanoni. Lytton Zeluco: Views of Human Nature. Moore Zeph. Jack.son *, Zoraida. LeQueu.x Zoroa.stcr. Crawford 165 B787-3 R357-28 R659-2 B942-2 L998-25 M822-r J 13-3 L613-5 C8992-7 M627-1 G248-2 C713-16 S929-3 H5?7-37 H859-19 B964-22 I B365-4 M877-2 R357-26 S431-23 S746-1 O61-4 Z293-2 B 1 88-3 1 L761-2 ■,;>' H728-2 K552-4