Eighth Annual Convention OF h fl[ptral (![0n|[eit^nt0 1 MONTREAL, Canada From JULY 6th to JULY 11th, 1897. i:i "n D'^n DDn« i::d-i2 uybi< "n n^n:: I \ I " The blessing of the Lord be upon you ; we bless you in the §^g name of the Lord." "Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell Je together in unity." , We cordially invite all m-^mbers of the Rabbinieal Con- v«»l»in> Mid their friends to inspect oar lovely sfcoek of DIAMONDS and SOUVENIRS. Ouf»PW8IA4.«IIAJI«eLU[P«OUVCNlRSar«»ju»t whfttyou want «• t«k« liom^^vttti ycrti •• • •oiiv«nir of your vl«lt to lAontroAl. Fricoo ranging from 60o> to t2.00 h ^TECWtt. OlSCOUNt HAS BEEM ARftANSEO FOS MEMBCR&Of m CONfEfiENCE COCHENTHALER, - Diamond Jeweller 149 9T. JAMES STREET. For Documents and egisters the Best Writing Pap^r 18 TXfxe Superfine Linen Record ''ASK your PRINTER and STATIONER for it L?*^ MAmjFACTUBEO, &V -zS-^ The ROLLAND Pa{)er Mills —-. .. . iiii n i ij ' i j"' . . .. — II, .1 . 1 I I ...i j ,.i I > ' , . U i ;, ' . ". . Send your PRINTINC to COMieiieiAL BOOK aiHlJOB PBIHTEK i807 Notre Dame 3t. nONTRRAt. §'l .JfUc oirL.'',C:..3c auornic •"''-■•• ►>l)i->. 9 THE HISTORY OK THE CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS. The Ct'iitial Conl'iTenco of Aini'riejvii l{;ilil)is wliicli convcnos in the city <>t" Moiiticil, (janidii, on 'I'ucsilay evi-ninj^', July (Jtli, 1S!)7, Jit c'io'lit o'clock, under tlu^ piosidcncy of tlui vcnoralijo Ual)l)i ])i-. I. M. Wise, was founded in J)etr()it, Mich., July J)th, l«8<). A piinted propo'^ition, lookin<^ to ofj^'anization of a Central Conference, ha Executive Con.niittee is composed of — Ralthi Dr. S. Sale, St. Louis, Mo Rabin Dr. K. CJ. HiHSCH, Cliicago, III. Rabbi J Stolz, Chicago, 111. Rabbi S. ScHULMAN, Kansas City, Mo. Rabbi Dr. L. Grossman, Detroit, Mich. At the New York Conference; held from July Gth to 10th, 1892, the first official action was taktn in the matter of holding a Parliament of Reliijions at the' World's Fair. The vaiious subjects discussbd at the; New York Conference were Theology, Ethics, History, State and Society, Organized Forces and gen- eral matters. The Conference is thoroughly representative and includes delegates from the principal cities of the United States. Cana la and the West Indies. At the Atlantic City Conference, the Ritual Committee, (on Union Prayer Book) presented its report. Its unanimous adoption has almost been the means of doing away with the necessity as was formerly the case, when we went from one city to another to leave our praver book at home, because every temple had a different ritual. We are now united, having put aside all differences. We, of the Central Conference of American Rabbi.s, stand .shoulder to shoulder. We look to our )(!spective congregations for support. The grand and imposing scene after tlie report of the Ritual Committee had been una/iimously adopted can never be forgotten. The Prayer Book is not a new one as some seem to think. It is, as it is called, a Union Prayer Book. The best elements from every existing ritual have been adopted, including the old and familiar plaintive prayers. It is the work of the whole conference. Hymns and anthems have been embodied in their proper places, so that now thei-e will be no necessity to turn to another part of the book, or to another volunje. Suitable music has been prepared for the .same. The traditional spirit of our entire liturgy has been preserved. In our Day of Atonement service we have prayers for ourselves as a congregatian, for all Israel and for all man- kind without distinction of nationality or creed. Conventions have been held in Cleveland, O. ; Baltimore, Md. ; New York ('ity, Washington, D.C. ; Chicago, 111. ; Atlantic City, N.J. ; Rochester, N.Y ; and Milwaukee, Wis. aV\ 12 Le Grand Rabbin du Consistoire Central dee Fsra^'lites de France, MONS. ZADOC KAHN. Mons. Kahn is liead of tlie entire Jewish elerj^y in France. THE GREAT SYNHEDRION. The Jew baiters of Franco during the reign of Emperor Napoleon did all in their power to impress upon liis mind that Jews were extortioners and usurers ; that they were not patriotic citizens ; in fact that they formed a distinct and ex- clusive class entirely iniiuical to the best interests of France. The Emperor proposed calling together the great Synhedrion, in Paris, to be modelled after the Jewish body that ruled Israel as a nation. It was composed of distinguished rabbis and laymen, the bi'ightest Jewish minds then extant. The 20th of Octol er, 1809, had been fixed as the date for the opening of a great Syn- hedrion inthe capitalof (me of the most powerfulChristiannations. Prominent among this ijatherinu' were the jjreat Rabbi Sinz- heim, who officiated as Nasi, such men as Segre and Abraham de Cologna, Furtado, Hildesheimer, and a host of other leaders. The Synhedrion enabled the Jewish leaders to refute the calumnies that had been hurled against their brethren and threw light upon Jewish matters which the non-Jewish world knew little or nothing about. When the (juestion was asked the Syn- hedrion whether a Jew could be a patriotic citizen of the land with whicli he affiliated, it was answered in the affirmative, with an enthusiastic shout that carried conviction to every heart. Then it was decided that the Jew was a citizen of the country in which he lived ; that his religion liad no control whatever 13 RABBI VV. ROSENAU. Baltimore, Md., 2inl Vii;< -Prt'si(l.-nt of the Central ("onference of American Rabbis. over his civic duties; that it was cornniendable for Israelites to eniram' in otrricnlture lifiiidicrat't^, and the arts, an'l to forsake tradiiijjj; and filially that it was foidtidden to Israelites to exact usury either fj'oiii Jew or Christian. In fact this Svnhedrion announced to the world that the Jew had a faith, and that his country was of his own ehoo>jinif. And so does the Jew of to day endeavor to disseminate ainoncr his fellow citizens the lesson taiiiflit by this j^reat <;atherinir. It was an (svent of much moment when tliese ni'eat Jewish minds i;athere«l to(T<^tlier to save their people from the sneers and op- probrium which their enemies wen; n^ady to throw at them at a moinent's notice. And these men were e(|ual to the emeroency. With a judicious calmness worthy of emulation, with an exhibition of broad-mindedness and intellitrence which produced its effect upon the CJentile world, they proved con- clusively liuw their people had been malii>;ned ; that they were as jiatnotic, as interested in the welfare of their country as any Christian ; that all men should act as brothers in a common cause: and that their j-eligion, thoui^h .sacred to them, had no control over them when it came to affairs of State. And thus did the wise men, part and parcel of this great gathering, benetit the Jew for all time. The lesson taught by u RABHI DR. S. HECHT. Milwaikee. Wih. Treasurer of the Central ("onference of American Kabbis. tht'Tn has not been i'oiyottcn by us who, t'oll<(ant Ladies' Wuitinjji' Room for the use of visitors to the city. Blanch Post Office in our store. Money Orders issued and paid. A VISIT RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. HAMILTON'S, St. Catherine and Peel St. and Dominion Sqr. MONTREAL. Al.l. STRRLT CARS PASS OUR STORE __^^_^^b^ KHTAl'I.ISHKl) 1S({(» TRLKPHONES, BKLL 55, 2722 puficsHc ^ Jlpngeimi^ CROCERS-.^£:n. Cigar and Wine Merchants SSI ST. JAMES STREET, - MONTREAL nnroffmmmmmTmfmn Fishing Party Supplies a specialty ro L E. LICHTENHEIN, Vice-IVesident Temple Enianu-El, Montreal. KXTEIUOR OF TEMPLE EMANIJ-EL, MONTREAL. Houses, Lot-s %v^ SMMS FOR SALE by lti:.\l. KSTATi;, INsrUANCK AN'I> INVKSTMKNT HKOKKHS 18 ST. ALEXIS ST., Montreal l*iil)lish(M-s of '*THE INM)irATOH;' «!. W STKIHKNS. '.Ii;. rAHl, WAKNECKK B. SCHILD Practical PAINTER and DECORATOR PaI'KU HaNJSINCJ, TiNTIN(J, (jRAINlNO, (}la/inCOOD QUALITY AND PRICES VERY CHEAP -4^—^ The American Fur Store 27 and 29 ST. LAWRENCE MAIN STREET, - MONTREAL 18 RABBI DR. M. MIELZINKR, Cincinnati. O., Corresponding Secretary of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, instituted divine service like that in Seesen. One of the preachers of Jac()l)sbn's temple, Edward Kleu, was called to Hainbur<^ as master of tlu^ Jews' free school, and he continued the propaltJWll Printing Company OFFICE. rinrinnnti Ohio printing works. 242 MAIN 5TREET V^IIICIIIIIdll, V/IIIU 242 MAIN 5TREET PUBLISHERS, IMPORTERS and DEALERS IN Hebrew Books and Jewish Publications Jewish Supplies of Every Description D^^^^ "^^^t^ n n n HEBREW primers and GRAMMAR iL'U Iw WW WWW BIBLt. HISTORY and CATECHISM BOOKS FOR HEBREW SABBATH SCHOOLS our Specialty. Publishers of HEBREW BIBLES, THE LEESER BIBLE— English, THE LEESER SCHOOL and FAMILY BIBLE, BRIDAL BIBLES, , HEBREW PRAYER BOOKS, at the Great (('atlie(h-al) Synagoj^-ue in London (En- bers thereof are 78,899. The Jews in the United States built their fir.-'t synagogue in New York in 1650, and another in Newport, R. I., in 1658. According to the Rev. James H. Ross, there are about l.OOO.dOO Jews in that country now, 75,000 of whom are in New Kngliind The last census shows that there are 57,000 Orthodox and 72,000 Reforined members of the Jewish faith in the United States, the heads of families only being counted. The total congregations runuber 588, the members 129,000 ; the value of synagogue propei'ty, 9,754,000. Counting five members in each family, this would give a total Jewish population in the United Teeth Extracted and Filled Without Pain Best, safest and surest method in the world. Just a simple little appli- cation to the gums stops the pain. The tooth comes out easily and you feel no pain S10.00 '<(J[j[XXXJ-^ Guaranteed FILLINGS in Sold, Silver, Bone, Sutta Percha, Freiicli Enamel, k r-^rm, TEETH CLEANED, Ac. — ==». ! The largest and lowest priced Hrst-elass Dental Office in the Province. \ All the latest and best methods practised. Come and See Specimens of Work Before Going Elsewh: (NEAR MCGILL STREET) ! Notre Dame Street Cars pass the Doer; Wellington and St. Denis within one Block Boston Dental Parlors 1856 NOTRE DAME ST., MONTREAL. A. NATHAN IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Havana and Domestic Cigars BRIAR PIPES and all TOBACCONISTS' GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 71 ST. Hi^-VSTI^IDn^CE STI^^EET MONTREAL. n?^-5 ALEX. SOOTT / ■■■ Mm ( Late of Hall & Scott) First-class CONFECTIONER and Pastry Cook 2471 ST. CATHERINE STREET, MONTREAL a — 'I^ICE CREAM PARLOR-:— » Wtdding Breakfasts, Ice Cream Socialp, Banquets, or Piivate Suppets will have the personal attention of ALEX. SCOTT, 2471 St. Catherine Street, Montreal 30 States 645,000. Dr. Robert Baird, in 1848, estimated that the were about 50,000 Jews in America. In the Dominion of Canai we have from 20 to 25 thou.sand Jews, 9,000 of whom live Montreal aud comprising 8 congregations. In Toronto are synagogues ; Victoria, B. C, Vancouver, B.C., Winnipeg, Mm Halifax and Ottawa also have congregations. There are variot societies which meet for divine service in halls suitably fit^ up. OFFICERS AND COUNCIL OF THE fl?orotefiope ©lab. Hon. Presidents: M. GoLD.sTEix J. Michaels t B. Goldstein — o— J. Goldstein Pi-esident. M. HiRSCH, Vice-Pres. M. Levi, Treasurer. S. L. Herman, Hon. Sec. J. Samenhof J. C. Silver — o— Council : ■- ■ S. Saxe D. Friedman A. E. Myers Hotel Cadillac MONTREAL, CANADA 9 'HIS ELEGANT HOTEL is situated on (Up Notre Dame Street, one block west of McGill Street, and five minutes from all the steamboat and railway stations. It has accommodation for 200 guests, with passenger elevator ; every room heated by steam, and has all modern improvements. The CUISINE is under the control of an experienced Chef, the table will be found first-class. The sanitary condition is of the best. Electric cars over every line pass the door. Rates: American plan from $2.00 to $2.50 per day, according to location of rooms. lSi8lKasiii-i>r. A. M. VlNKIlKncJ, Hon. Sec. S. FiStllKL. HoKACK .loSKl'll. W. H. Hakkh, Superintendent. Mrs. Uakki{, I'rincipal. Hon. TMiysic'ian, Hon. Solicitor Hon. Notary The New York Private Boarding House C. GOLDBERG, Proprietor 522 CRAIG STREET, - - MONTREAL FIRST-CLASS IflEftLS SERVED BY THE DAY OR WEEK. The Cuts and Etchings — I'di; THIS — Souvenir Programme AUi: Tin; wokk i^v Photo Engraver WITNESS BUILDING, CBAIG STREET. MONTREAL Houses, Lots, and Farms <::^r;— ^for Sale or Exchange — I!Y — C. C. SNOWDON Real Estate, Insurance, and Investment Broker. TEMPLE BUILDING 185 ST. cr^nycEs sti^eet. Montreal Stencil Works S. A. FEKXEYHOrcJH & CO. 219-223 McCILL STREET, - - MONTREAL MANUFACTURERS OF l{nl>li('i' Stfvinps, Sti'rl and Bniss Stiiiiip"*, Self-Iukiiin', Dutliii;- and Ufiiilc Staiiiiis, and evcrythin_. Sir \Vm. C. Van Hobne. Mr. C. J. Fi-EicT. President Vice President Treasiirei- Councillors. For One Year, Rev. J. Edoar Hill. Mh. E. B. (thkrnhhields. " W. J. Leahmont. " William McLennan. " David Morkice. " James Ross. RoiJERT Lindsay, Seoretarv. For Two Years. Mr. R. B. Angus. " E. S. ('Lon/roN. Dr. Wm, Gardner. '* F. .J. SlIKI'IIERD. Mr. A. T.Taylor. '• D. A. Watt. MissPanoman. Asst. Secretary. fte Moatreaf oK. qJ\. ©K. E. SHEPPARD W. O. H. DODDS E. HERBERT-BROWN HENRY BROPHY. J. A. FINDLAY. G. L PETTLIREW. .7. W. FULTON. W. C. FINLEY. G. S. LOW, Directors. President. Vice Pres. Sec. - Treas. E, W. TAMES. LOUIS RIJBEV^TEIN. ART. HARIUES. DAVID J. WATSON. WALTER WILLIAMS. V. i:. BUCHANAN. .T. F. SAVAGE. :J7 She ppogpamme. Tuesday, July Cth, - - - 3 p.m. MEETING OF T\\\l liXbXUTIVE (Private) Tuesday Evenino, July (Jtl>. y His Honor the HononibleSiR Joseph Adoli'HE Chai'LEAu K.C.iM.Gi. Gover- nor of Quebec. In the name of the l^oMiinion of Canada by the Honorable JosEI'H lsi{AEL Tarte, Dominion Minister of Public Works. '' In the name of the Quebec Cabinet by the Honorable Dr. James Gcerlv, Member of the Quebec Covernment. Solo Miss Silverman Address of welcome in the name of the City, b}'- his Worship the Mayoi- of Mcjntreal (R. WiLSON Sm(TH Ks([.) Response to addPvEsses of welcome hy Rabbi I. L. Leucht of New Orleans, L-., 1st Vice-President of the Conference. Soprano Solo — "With Verdure Clad" — with violin obli^ato, Miss RUHENSTEIN Presentation to Dr. I. M. Wise, President of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, of an illuminated addres.s, by B. A. Boas ]*ls(]. President of the Temple Enianu- El, Montreal. (The address is the woi-k of Mr. W. H. BakePv, Superin- t(Mident of the "Hirsdi Institute.") Annual Address by Rabbi Dr. I. M. Wise, Presi.lent of the (-entral Conference of American Rabbis. 88 PlKUJ R A M M E — Con ti hikhI . Alto Solo - - -'Adonai Mo Odom" ("Lord what is man?") Miss Ada Moylan. Eulogy on the late Rabbi Israel Joseph by Rabbi S. Hirsch- BERfJ of Boston. Eulogy on the late Rabbi I). Feuerlicht by Rabbi Charles S. Levi of Cincinnati. Violin Solo "Romance in F" - - - Beethoven Prof. R. Gruenwald. ANNOUNCEMENTS Closing Anthem — "The Heavens are Tellinji^" — with trio by Miss Alice Jenkino-, Mr. F. C. Capon and Mr. W. Lister ^ Choir Benediction. Wednesday Morning 9.30. Prayer — '"Business. Roll Call. Reports of Officers — President, Secretary, and From 9.30 , <( Treasurer. 10 SO I Appointment of Standing Conmiittees. I Report of Publication Committee. (Report of Book-Agent of the Conference. 10 30 — 12.30 Paper — 'The Rabbi as Teacher" by Rabbi Schulman of Kansas City, Mo. Discussion by Rabbi Dr. Berkowitz of Philadelphia, and Rabbi Dr. Hecht of Milwaukee. General Discussion. Wednesday Afternoon 2.30. 2.30 — 3. — Business — Offering of Resolutions. 3 — 4. Paper — "The Origin and Aim of Reform Judaism" by Rabl»i A Moses of Louisville, Ky. Discussion by Rabbi Dr. K Kohler of New York and „ „ M. H. Harris „ General Discussion. 4 — 5.30 Paper — "The Theology of the Union Prayer Book" by Rabbi M. Heli.ER of New Orleans, La. Paper — "The Theology of tlie Old Prayer Book" by Prof. Dr. M MAiKioiJs" of Cincinnati. 1 MARIMI' (Mariani Wine) THE IDEAL TONIC for BODY AND BRAIN in all cases of overwork or ex- haustion from any cause. ^ Recommended by the medical profession throughout the world. ?k:-s*5 Testimonial from Sir Morell Mackenzie, M.D,, Court Physician to the Queen -Z>r LAWEENOE A. WILSON & CO., Montreal, Sole Agents for Canada ^ 40 Proguamme — Continued. Discussion by itabbi I. S. Moses of ('hicngo, General Discussion. In the evening the Cohference will be tlic jruosts of the "Montefiore Club" at a Moonlij-ht Excursion. The Steamer "Cultivatcur" of the R. and O. N. Co. will leave Island Wharf at 8 o'clock. Thursday Morning dM. Prayer — From Business. 9.80 Reai)in(; of Minutes to Reports of Committees. 11.00 Xe\v Business. 11 — 12.80 Greeting and Invitation from the Baron de Hirsch School Comni'ttee. Paper — "The Rabbi as a Public Man" by Rabbi T. L.. Leucht of New Orleans, La. Discussion by Rabbi W. Friedman of Denver, Col. and Rabbi Charles Fleischer of Boston. General Discussion. Thursday Afternoon. 2.80—4.80 Pai'ER — "The Messianic Idea in Judiasin" by Raltbi Dr. S. Sale of St. Louis, Mo. Discussion by Rabbi Dr. E. G. Hiiiscii of Chicairo and Rabbi Di-. M. Landsrerg of Rochester, N. Y. and Rabbi L. Mayer of Pittsbuto', Pa. General Di.scussion. 4.80 — 5.80 — BusiNE.ss. — Appointnient of Committees of Nonunation of Officers , and Resolutions of Thanks. Thl'rsday Evening. H o'clock— Banquet at the "Windsor Hotel" tendered by B. A. J^oAs E.s(|. President of Temple Enian.:-El to the Conference, and representative Canjidians. I M F V P D Q Mechanical Engineer -n *-'• ^^^Lr I LrlV*^^ Bicvcle Manufacture 2515 ST. CATHERINE STREET TRAOF riARK Practical Toolmaker, Die-Sinking, Fancy Brass and Iron-worker. Bicycle Sundries And Sporting Goods. Cicycles Repaired At Shortest Notice. To Any Person Who Wants Good Work Done. Th- h -itreal BICYCLE Works are now equipped with a complete outfit of the Latest Machinery for the mam 'acture and repairing of Bicycles. We also do Enameliing and Braizing in all its branches. All work done by a master-mechanic who holds recommendations from the largest firms in Canada. If you are needing repairs of any sort come and see us. Prices moderate and ail work guaranteed. Yours truly, L. MEYERS. The National... Pharmacy EDHOND GIROUX, Jr. Proprietor 21G St. Lawrence Street National Uonument Building <:^^nontreal .^^ ®F'vS^^ Druggist to Victoria Lodge, I.O.S.B. 42 pRO(;RAMMK~Continucd. Friday Mouxixci. Prayer — From Business. 9..S0 Reading of Mfnutes. to I Unfinished Business. 11.00 I Election OF Officers. 11 — 12. Pai'ER. — "The Rabbi in liis .study" by Rabbi ])r. David Piiimpson of Cincinnati. General Discussion. 12 — 12.80 Pai'ER — "Catcchisni Literature" by Rabbi Dr. E. HciiUEii'.ER of Toledo, Oliio. Friday Afternoon. 2.80 — 8. Business. 8 — 4.80. Paper. — "Funeral Ao-enda." l)y Rabbi Joseph Stolz of ('hicao'o. Discussion On Necessary Funeral Reforms, by Rabbi E. X. Calisch of Riclnnond, Va., Rabbi Leo M.Franklin of Omalia, Neb. and Rabbi A. (Juttmachkh of Balti- more, Md. General Discussion. Friday Eyenino. (S o'clock — Pui'.Lic Divine Service, conducted Ijy Rev. W. Si'AR(!ER, Cantor of tbe Temple Emanu-El, New York. Solo - . . _ Mi.ss Alice Jenkino. CoNFERiNCE Lecture by Rabbi Di-. M. Samfield of Memphis, Tenn. Anthem --.... Choir. Benediction. Saturday Morning. 10 o'clock — Public Divine Service. Solo ..... mjss Ada Movlan. Conference Sermon — "Confri-onjational Resources" by Rabbi Dr. G. (ioiTliEiL of Temi)le Emanu-El, New Yoi-k. Solo ..... Miss Helene Lewis Benediction. 43 PROfJllAMME— rcjiitinucd. Sunday Morning; — Piivnto. 10 o'clock — Meetl\(J of the newly elected Executive Board. 2.80 P. M. The Conference will be taken for a drive around and up Mount Royal. The Montefioue Clfi!, Art Asociation, ami M. A A. A. have exteiuU'd tlii! privileges of their institutions to the Confei'ence. E'« mm muMmn mmi MRH. E. LlCHTENUEIX, Miss Ruukxstein, - Mrs. S. Davis, - Miss Ray Ri'iib:xstkix, President. Vic;e Pves, Treasurer. Hon. Sec, Mrs. S. FisoiiKL, TRUSTEES. Mrs. D Lazarus. Mrs. M. Workmax. Mrs. G. Fi.schel. Mrs. A. D. Schwersexski. Mrs, J. Berxsteix. Mus. N, Lewis. S. FiSCHEL. ADVISORY J. RUUEXSTEIX. E. LiCHTEXHEIN. J. SfHERMAX. ■• • • «, • t fc t. ' • . . , . > • • • • • . . • • • • ■ • >» . • • • • • f • • » INTERIOR OF TEMPLE EMANUEL. MONTREAL. Coinpil Rabbi H. \;^LJ),,(^f.tli«.Toiople 'li^xtinnu-iiii^'^ont] iler of the Sofivetcip P'rn^pnrfirj^ fori tli'e^ ^on^mil Cc itreal. f'V&^Vfif'i^ fori th& -Montrifal Convocation of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. This Souvenir Programme of the Eighth Annual Convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis was printed by .... 1897 Notre Dame Street Montreal ^b > The only Hebrew Pprnter in the Dominion of MR. KAPLANSK Y has done satis- 1; factory work ^ or all the Jewish Con- ' gregations a n d Societies in Montreal, as well as for the Halifax and Winnipeg Synagogues . . / . > « w^<» ^ »^^i^ /