.^. 214 $&15 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 Journals xxBwo"*"v»""^ • — Do. do. 9 vols. John Bull, 5 vols, 1830 to '37. J^ . The Western Mercury, 2 vols., 1831 to d.4. The Patriot, 4 vols. V^ iQo^f^ift^7 Thelondom Timfes, 23 vols., from 1827 to 1837. Journals and Indices, 7 vols. Percy Anecdotes, 20 vols., half c^lf, extia Pindar'SvWorks, 4 vols., ffilt.2books. ^, , mLV Works, Remains of H. K. White, 2 books STrisonWghts, Moore's ^says, Newton, 3 books, calf, gilt _ . o«7 the Minor Peots, 6 vols., calf, gUt **' - " • ■*" vols. aaa Constable's MlBoellani es , 78 . . — — _... ^ .^ 230 Scott's Essays, TannahUl's Poems, Common Place 231 HtfUttrs English Poets, 1 vol., catf ^ 232 Hebw-s Poemiand TranslaUoni, <»«; g^t r ^ 283 Poems, 4 books ■\ 245 246 247 '248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 Cowper Hemens Byron's Byron's vols.. The Wo cloth, The Aci The Re Americ Report 3coi Holme' Report Murraj The Re 258 Society 259 Moven Stat( 260 The Tl 261 LeRe] 262 Canadf Bom .'»»t m- ■' t •\ I 125 I 1.4 11^ \ y S^3 A 7 r • Photographic ces rporation » ■< ^^ i\ 21 «MST MAlA STRUT WnSTH.N.Y. 145M (7U)t7a-4S03 ;\ 245 Cowper and-Thomson, 1 vol., calf , 246 Hemens, Heber and Pollock, 1 vol, calf 347 Byron's Works, 8 vols, calf,gilt backs, a splendid edition 1 248 Byron's Sardanapalus, Hours of Idleness, *.•-«-— -- - . Statei. 2 books • « ^ t u jW4 OoIonSa Policy of the Administration of Lord John Busaell, 2 vois^ cloth • JW6 Sir F: B. Head's Narrative,* Fortnight in Ireland, by Sir F. B. 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Interest Table, 1 vol 300 Winbumec 301 Chitty onBi 302 Curiran's Sp 8^ The Constii m Bird's Pock Book, 1'^ 305 Taylor's Jc Stock Co 306 The Crown 307 The Law o 308 The Revise 809 Civil and C 810 Blackstone' ' adaBill, 311 Simpson's 312 Laws of tb 313 Tnde and _5 and '56, 314S^tut@8of 315 Wyld's Gi taining f Cotourad piMH and/of tll«Mtra% ut t t l/^^. _.. .. Part of p. ll-UJ^ missing, I I Commantairat lupplAmantairat: "^ ^.-^ ; Thii itam it filmad at tita raduetion ratio chackad balow/ Ca docwmant att film4 au taux da rMuction iiMliquA ci-dattout, 10X 14X 18X 22X 26X 30X 7f % 12X 1CX 20X 24 X 20X □ 32X •ntir b«oli right rtqul mstli i7VX^au '^" 300 Wiuburne on Wills, 2 vols., calf 301 Chitty on Bills, 1 vol., calf 802 Curnrn's Speeches^ Present Practice of Fines, 2 books 808 The Constitution of the State of New York ...._ m^ Bird's Pocket'Conveyancer, 2 vols.. 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Th* following dlagrtmt illuitratt tho mothod: lortqu* l« document %%K trop grand pour Itro raproduit %i\ un taul clich4, 11 att film* i partir da;;l'angla lupArlaur^aucha. do gaucha * drolta. at da haut %r\ baa, an pranant la nombra . d'Imagaa nAcaaaalra. Laa dlagrammoa aulvanta ttluatrant la m«thod«. 1 2 3 _ 1 2 3 - n r • ■4;\ 5 6 And Lancashire, 1 vol., containing 60 splendid views TsJltuSeslrom Nature by W. Green, 1 vol., Seven Events in the Life of Robert Bruce , i : > ^K/ V^ •V T, m, MM ^« 'AT TBI eoiiBaeiAi.SAi.EKOOis. WEDNESbAY, 22nd APRIL, 1863., AND FOLLOWINQ EVENINGS', COMMENCING AT 7 O'CLOCK. mm.mB9 BAIIILTON, April ISth. 1868. [•• QfRTrAToa" 8t»AM Fnm.] '■ «■ ^v' ^/. ^^M 1- 7 Aine ^^^1 H ir ^^H 6 Pari* r ■ ^^H • Thel ti ■»■ # ^^H lOTho «. ^B 11 FrM • ^ f ^H 12 Polit t'' ( ■ 18 The < ^^H (4 Barri « . . ' H 15 Bohn V ^^^^H 16Fagg 17 Htm ■•*' • 1 18 Will 1"' . ■ 19 The' m i 20Ntp< ()\'l C' "I i 7 Amtricwi ConitltuUon, Th« Token. 18*4, AdvtnturM in MMroh of « Ilorte, 3 \)ook» 6 Pwlor Uiloon, F»mlly Llbrtry, The U.E., e tiUe, Sbooke 9 The BeroneUge. Rellgloui Souvenir, Wllberforoe'e Preo- tioel view, 8 Iwoke 10 The Epicurean, by Moore, moroooo, gilt 11 Freeley'i Praotloel Troatlee on Buslneei 12 Political PemphleU, 4 vole., doth 18 The visit of Prince of Welee to Canada, I860 (4 Barrington'e Sketohee, Cloth, 1 vol 16 Bohn'i Library, China, Ava, Slam, die., I vol 16 Ftgffot of French Stioki, 2 vole 17 Hendbook to the Holy Bible, i roan 1 18 Wllberforoe'e PraoUoal View, Cloth, gilt 1 19 The Tour of H. R. 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Seven Events in the Life of Robert Bruce do do do do do ^' " r ■ P«,K ^: ^ 1$\ ,'rt*S '•K: % '<:■' \