PKOSPECTUS THE BANK OF AGRICULTURE. It is a fact sufficiently olivii)Uf, liiat. wliiic the Ic^'itiniatc tiiiancial rc(|uircinciits of the nu'reaiitile eiiinmiiiiity arc, for the iivist part, amiily jii'Dviiled for, there is an ahnost total want of proper Dankinir acconiiiiotlation for tliat lavjre and respectable i)ortion of the jiopnlation wlio are entraj^eil in a|,'rii'ultiire, and in other pursuits not strictly coniinercial. A number of i;entienien. wlio aie interested in proiriotinjr the general prosperity (.f the country, are of opinion that that want may be best supplied to tlie farmers and others of Ontario, by the establishment of a I'ank de?ijrncd for tlieir especial benefit. The object of this institution will be, not to grant larj^e or perni.ancnt loans, but to make advances of moderate amounts, and at limited dates, to respectable iiarties, on satisfactory ]>cr>onal security, for the purpose of tacilitatiiig tlieir ordinary operations. Money also will be received upon interest in open account, or otherwise. In the former case, a fair rate will be allowed on the balance, so that jiarties availing themselves of this privilege will not only have their funds in safe keeiiing, but need not leave tiiem un])rodnctive even for a single day. While ati'ording sucii important advantages to those who may have transactions with the I'ank, the promoters of the undertaking are fully persuaded that it will yield a good return to the Shareholders, and thus supply to agriculturists and others an excellent opportunity i'or the safe and remunerative invc>tment of their surplus I'tinds. An institution intended to be peculiarly their own, and which will be subject to far less than the usual risks attending i^rdiiuiry Banking operations, (jnght to secure, in an eminent degree, the contidence and su])port of the agricultural community. Great .i"Mi shares of $50 each, power of course being obtained to increase the amount as future requirements may render necessary. In or^der to atfoid as many persons as possible the opportunity of becominij Shareholders, it is thought I in any in according should anj(j;6main still"Trnappropriatec] The business of the Bank will commence as soon as the needful authority is obtained, which, it is lioi)ed, will be early in the month of June. Bet'ore commencing. ^lou.oOu of the suliscribed cajiital, being at the rat(^ of s2rt per ^hare. mu-t be paid. T 4i u rutt - of tho mnoiint will not bt ' u » lU i d I 'l r ti ll ' tl i f D.ihU hail been luhuc t iuu in opu ' atinu . The following repo/t of a juiblic meeting held in the City of Hamilton, for the purpose of taking measures to establi-li tho Bank, is copied trim the WiA'/i/ Spt, tutor of lV»th Feb. last :— OR O A.2Srl Z.A.TI O rj OF A. :N" E W B A. 3S5" IC - The meeting held on Saturday .afternoon in the County Buildings, to take into consideration the nu\ins to be adopted for the organization of a Bank, for the more particular use and accommodation of Farmers, was very fairly attended. On motion of .lohn White. Es(|. M. P., the chair was taken by Thomas Stock, Esi|., aiid Wm. Johnson, Es(|., was nomimited as secretary. The chairman called on Geo. Tayhu-, Ksip, late of the Bank ofBritisii North America, to explain the objects of the meeting. Mr. T.wi.oK briefly explained that the object was the establishment of a Bank where farmers Would, upon ]ii'rsonal Security, obtain loans at current rates, to enable them to carry on their operations, and wln're they could deposit tlieir surplus funds upon interest. He had consulted le allotment of shares is made, very inaiiv jrciitl.iHcii ..| (.x|.,.rioi rc, uiwl lii. frit siitisficl tl,:it a vcrv L'n'ut a.-<'(,iiiino.lation mi'. lit ..•attorres,.rit. *-.'.Mi,iiii.i. an I to seeiire the ri.'lit to extend it, as liusiness niii^dit recjiiire. J..nN AVnrrK, Em|, M. 1'., also l.rietly addr.->ed the nieetitii;. II,. had verv ureal eonlidenee that the schciii,- now prop..sed would snjiplv a want much felt l.v th.- tannern. ' lie was safi^Hed the stock Would he (piickly taken up. and that, with canfid tnanairenient. the in\•e:^tnle^t would prove a good mie to the sto(d!, Esq., of the Gore Hank also uia.le a tew remarks. The latter <;entleinan mentioned that he had had the itiana.'ement of a bank lu the old country that did a husjness alinost enti' elv aniouir farmers, and that it had been suceessful. and inid jjaid good dividends. Tlie following resolutions were then jiassed : .Mo\ed i.y .loHN WnriK. Hsq.. AI. P,.,,f llaltnn. Seconded h}- iUx>. J .vkdi.nk. Esip, of Salttleet, and Kts.iM Ei.,-That til,- I'ariii.-rs of i )nta.ic> liavin- nitlir-rto \m-u prw ti, allv e^rlii,!,.,! from tlif rnioyment of on .nary Hankn.g fac,lit„.s it is i« ,1. ,inil.l.- tl,a( a lia.,k sl.oul.l 1.,- f„n„..,l fur thi- spe. iai ar,.oramo,latioi. ot that lari;,- and r.-spr, tal.l.- portion oi tli. . onmiiiuity, tlic hiait.iiia.t.-rs of sii.'li Hank Wia- .■stablishc.l in the City o) Itainilloii. Movid 1,\ .los., Emj., ot v iiio'iud the sul.srnhfil capital c.l tli(^ liank hv limited, in tin- first iiistanci', to Jlir,i),ii(iii jn joiju shares of tM) i-ach ' but that pow.T 111- ,>l.tain.'d to tin; amount, as the hgitimate fxtension of the business may reijuire. Moved IpV (iv.i>. JaKIiI.NK, IvsiJ., Secouded In W. (iAoi;, Esij.. of IJarton, uiid llKsoi.\ KD,— That the operations of the Bank be comm.need as soon as the aiuuiint of SlOo Ouii beim; two. fifths ot the -iiilisiribeil capital, is paid up, ' * Moved hy AV. Hendkii:, l^Mp, Seconded l>y .losKpii .1 auiunk, Esip, and Ki-;.soLVEi.,— That stock lists be opened forthwith at the oHiees of George S. Papps, Esii and Kobert K (!,ige, Rsq., in this city, and at such other plai es as may hereafter be appointed. Kksolvkd,— That this meelini.' do now adjomn nntil Satnrdav, the 2Jnd insf , at eleven oelock a ni for the election ot Provisional Directors, &e. — Cariied. X. T?.— The followincr i,'entlcmen have consented to act as memhors of tho Provisional Board,") /i^^^.,.-^ viz :- AIe.srs. John AVhite. M. P., and G. ('. McKindsay, of Milton : Thos. Stock, of East Flam- \ /%r^^y lioru' : liiehard t^uaneo, of Biubrook ; and Win. Ilendrie and George Taylor, of Hamilton. ) '^ " ' Suhscriptiuns for Stock asunder have been received, viz: John AVhite, M. P. for Ilaltou Sn Shares $4,00('t. G. C. McKindsay, Sheriff of llalton 20 " I.Oimi. John (iage, I'artonville 2 " 1 ,0i i( i. Kichard (Nuance, Binbrook 20 '• l,00o. Thos. Miller, M. D., AVest Flamboro' 4 " 2(»0. Margaret Koberts, Arthur A'illage 2."i " 1,250. Hamilton, 2sth March, 1S('«8.