EEPOKT em H. A. GRAY, Esq, CIVIL ENGINEER. ON PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY FOR Dartmouth, N. S. HALIFAX, N. S. PKIMED BY CHABLES ANNAND, 1875. Dartmouth, N. S., 26t7i April, 1875. W, S. Stmonds, Esq., Warden, Dartminith. Dear Sir, — Kelative to the water supply of the town of Dartmouth I have the honour to report : — After exploring all the Lakes in the vicinity I decide in favour of your obtaining your supply from Lamont and Topsail Lake. This Lake, having an area of 700 acres, would be capable of supplying the present population of Dartmouth at the rate of 30 gallons a day to each individual for the next 60 years, without counting upon any accession from springs or rain during that period. It would, therefore, be sufficient for a popula- tion of 60 times the present number. The elevation of the Lake over tide water is 224 feet. It would be brought by a 10 inch main pipe, 6 feet deep beneath the Preston Koad, from the Lake to the city, a distance of 3 jniles, and thence distributed by a 4 inch pipe through every street in the town, from Black Rock to the residence of J. W. Johnstone, Esq. 40 hydrants placed a distance of 1000 feet apart. These hydrants would be so constructed that water could be easily obtained tor household purposes, and, at the same time, be made available for the use of the Fire Department. The whole could be completed at a cost of $82,000. From chemical tests J have made 1 find the water from Laraont and Topsail Lake is of a fine quality, clear and pleasant to the taste, and admirably suited for the purpose of cleansing, cooking, chemistry and manufacture. The most common impurities of water are salts of lime and iron, which injure it for all purposes except drinking — these impurities are found in a large measure in the water from the wells in the town — Albro's Lake, a distance of 2 miles from the town, at an elevation of 189 feet, contains much colouring matter of peat moss, which is a compound of carbon v/ith oxygen and hydrogen, and un- fits it for maiuifacturing purposes, and, to an extent, for drinking, as it produces an unpleasant flatness to the taste. Anderson's Lake contains the most pure water, but its distance — 5 miles — from the town, and the amount of excavation, nearly all in rock, to lay the main pipe, as well as not possessing so great a head of water as Lamont and Topsail, decides against it. I deem it needless to descant upon the various investigations 1 have made, or to perplex you with calculations, and, therefore, have made my report as simple as possible so as to be easily comprehended by every citizen. I have the honor to be, Sir, Tour obedient servant, HENRY A. GRAY, Civil Enyituer. Baetmouth, N. S , 21th April, 1875, W. S. Symonds, Esq., Warden of DaHmovth. Pear Sir, — Acting upon your instructions with reference to a les!^ expensive mode of supplying water for the immediate necessities of the town, than that contained in ray previous report — I have this day examined Oat Hill Lake, and beg to submit the following : — The elevation of this Lake, over tide water, is 160 feet, and could be raised by artificial means to a higher level ; it has an area of 7 acres, and would be capable of supplying the present population of Dart- mouth, at the rate of 30 gals, a day to each individual, for 100 days, without any accession from springs or rain. Prom information I can obtain, I think it would be able to keep up a constant supply, as the Hurrounding land is high and the lake fed chiefly by springs. Its distance from the town is about 1 mile. I would propose to bring th00. Loon Lake, mth a large area of fine water, and only 1 mile to the East from the West of Lamont's Lake, and 4^ from the town, could be obtained for a much less sum. and would be an excel- lent Lake to secure; as it is not only large in itself but has an extensive feeding ground. Clifford's Lake, on the top of Break-heart Hill, on the Cole Harbour Road, and onlv a distance of 3i miles from th 2 c town, ha« «an elevation of over 300 feet above the harbour, which is Rome 80 feet above any other Lake in the vicinity of the town. This Lake strongly recommends itself from its height, purity and area, and the very small cost at which it can be obtained, viz : the whole right wdth offer of all material for dam and right of way to road has been made for the sum of S400. I would strongly recommend to the Council the great advantage of at once bringing the supply from this Lake. Its elevation would admit of a much smaller main, pipe and thus reduce the weight, and consequently, the cost — a 6 inch pipe would be ample. It would not only give a present supply, but would be suiEcient for many years to come. The cost would not exceed $58,000 complete, and without the necessity of resorting to any arti- ficial means. In comparison with the other proposed supply, the ad- vantage of this Lake, would, I am sure, warrant the Council making the additional outlay ; giving, as it would, to the town a permanent, reliable and unstinted daily necessity. I do not deem it necessary to give the cost of constructing a water system, at present, to any of the other Lakes named above. It is unnecessary to do so as the amount granted by the town would not be sufficient without greatly increasing the sum — this you wil] readily understand by referring to my report on Lamont and Topsail Lake, dated 26th April : — and also from the fact that the present requirements, and for many years to come, can be obtained with only a small additional sum. My attention was called to Albro's Lake, lying to the north of the Town. This L^ihe contains a large body of water, and is only 1| miles from the Town. It is, however, 'very shallow at the west end, and would require a dam to be constructed at this point, of not less than from 700 to 900 feet long, which of itself would be an expensive operation. Its elevation is only 189 feet above the harbor, which is not sufficient for supplying the elevated portions of the town. It is not possible to extend the system at a future date to any extent in the direction of Albro^s Lake, as the Lakes further on would be, after daming Albro's, at a lower elevation. It would be necessary to lay the pipes from the Lake to the town plot through private property, instead of along the public road, as contemplated from the other Lakes, thus increasing the cost of construction to a large extent, especially as the excavation and service road required here, near the present natural run of the stream from the Lake, would be entirely through a country of rock and boulders. There are some very valu- able rights to the water running from this Lake, and annexed to this Heport is a letter from the principal one — the owners of the Dart- mouth Rope Walk — which I woidd call your attention to. The cost of construction and purchase of property — (not including the Rope Walk, as I can get no estimate upon this) — could the Lake and pro- perty be obtained, would be not less than ^76,000,00. I deem it prudent to impress upon yourself and the council the necessity of immediate action — if this work, fraught as it is, with 8 future welfare and safety of the town — is to be carried out. A better time for the purchase of materials, especially pipes, may not occur again for many years,, as the iron market is now at a very low figure. With a judicious amount of energy it is quite possible to have the whole work completed and ready, for fire and domestic use, at every comer in the town plot, and along the whole line of main pipe, by November next. I would, therefore, strongly r?conniend the council to place themselves in such a position that they may receive tenders for the work without any delay. I cannot close my Eeport without tendering my thanks and appre- ciation to the gentlemen of the committee from the council, appointed to assist me. From Dr. Weeks I have received much valuable infor- mation which has helped me to direct my conclusions, and from the other gentlemen every attentfon and information. I have the honor to be. Sir, Tour obedient servant, HENRTA. GEAY, Civil Engineer. WitJi Report. 1. Sketch plan of Lake District. 2. Letter from Rope Walk Company. 3. Mr. Bell's Letter— CUfford's Lake. 4. Former Reports — on water supply. The following are the distances from Dartmouth ferry, elevation and area of the Lakes on the plan which accompanies the Report : Maynard's, distance 1 mile, elevation 163.70 ft.; Oat Hill, distance 1|^ mile, elevation 147.30 ft., area 9 acres — can be increased to 18 : Penhorn, distance 1^ miles, elevation 168,68 ft., area 13 acres ; Clifford's, distance 3| miles, elevation 304.78 ft,, area 30 acres; Lamont's and Topsail, distance 3^ miles, elevation 222.40 ft. , Loon, distance 4^ miles, elevation 220.32 ft., area 300 acres ; Albro's, distance If miles, elevation 189 ft 9 X Halifax, 27th May, 1875. Sir, — Respecting Albro's Lake, and the water from them, we would respectfully sa3% — That it was the water supply coming froin these Lakes through the property we use, that led us to place our works where they are. The Water supply for such works is most important, in several ways, for Steam Engine, for washing material, and for protection from fire. The water from these Lakes in the Summer season is scarcely suf- ficient for our wants, as it is we have to make a reservoir to retain during the night what may be used in the day. If the Town of Dartmouth was to draw oft' this water for its use, our works could not be kept a going. The purchase of the South- end of the Lake, and the land surrounding it was made by us at con- siderable cost for the express purpose of being able to have a control of the water. As the volume of water is not sufficiently abundant to give a sup- ply to the Town of Dartmouth and to our use also, we have therefore very respectfully to ask the Council to abandon the idea of taking the water from Albro's Lakes. Eespectfully yours, W, J. STAIRS, And others — owners of Dartmouth Rope-walk, To Feancis Mumfobd, Esq., And the Committee for Water Supply, Dartmouth. Dartm«>uth, 27<^ -Vay, 1875. To THE Town of Dartmouth. I will give all my right and title of Lake you want for watering Daiimouth, together with privilege of daming the water and all material for same, with a right of way twelve feet wide, for the sum of four liundred dollars ($400,00.) GEORGE BELL.