V] '<^. ^■^' 0>m SMAGE EVALUATION T£ST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 I ^ llitt I -^ Ilia u 1-4 11.6 Phr«fr\fTr»oT^h»ir» Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 '"/ A O *:< :/. \ ,4^ ^i' s? 20 miles for ,U1. 440.000, or CoriO.OOO more than Mr. Jackson, taking his New Urunswick Contracts for a guide, will require for the Trunk Line. Rut we were told hy Mr. Johuston the other ev,'ning, thai ^Ir. Jackson, or somehody else, couhl liuild our r.ranch Lines at 114.0(10. 'I'o work a system of Railways in our country, m- in any country, lo advantage, ihe guagc. the superstructure, and the weight of rail, should he the same. The same carriaires and engines can llu'ii he run ovi'r all the Lines. To tell us that lighter rails and rolling stiK'k will answer to liring harrels of Ajiples from .\imapolis. and Coals from I'ictou. than what are i-e(piired to hring harreis of Flour and pa.^sengcrs from Canada, is to draw largely upon our credulity: and if our svsteiu is to consist of one u:lill he worse iliaii if ihe whole were puhlic properly. The 'friink Line might pav hut the Rranches n.ver could. "l>ul. assiimile' thai 1 am wrong, and thai the r>raueh's could he huilt for .U400O per mile, let us eounl the cost; -00 miles, at thai prir which are to lie ■_'iiaraiitccd In the I'rovincial '",';•"■ "' ".^,, ";ll ''fV' ''■"'' ■'" ''" ''"' '"■'"■■'"-■* "''^" 'l'^' J^''»»<-1»-'.^ •■'^' con,.„..nml. Mr J.ckso- ■v.'ll knows, il :\lr. Julnist.m itcics not. llmt wlicii li.. I.ns liix e'lKHlon ,>(l-v,f ,1,. :ii „„. i , I ^ «,.|| knows, if Mr. JulMist..n docs not. ili„t wiicn lio lias his CIHO.OOO atloiit. tlicro will not bo niucli ;i;;:'s :•;.';" •" ''•;.^^;"'';'"-^ <■?: - """t-t to i.., .. ti„. ...k. „r n,akin, ,i„. ^^..:z:lA\z^^ nu' r^rrij) Id iiiitiic ( (inlnicti)i's. "^ rtiscl.Mr, tl„.n. tl,Mt if ti,.' Trunk Lin,, is to 1... nm,|,. mI Mr. Jarksim's price.., tho Branch Lines '■■"■no h.. a,„.n,,„.., lor nmnv v, ,ns to ,.o,n,>. The Mrn.h.rs ,v,,rr.sentin.. (■o„n,i..,s Enst and Wes -^liouM iimii'islan.i ihis, u.s the coimtrv will ,si>o il at a "iancv ' •- """ ""st tlu'lwo prlji!;^;;;!!;!;';""' "'■'""'' '''■"''■ '""'«^"'^'""'^tt,.ntiouonlyon thoTrnnkLin... In us ..ontraat If .Mr. Jackson makes it. •! will cost ,C!MO.O(ll» ir Messrs. Svkos anil ('.. r.TC.DOd ,, . , , DiHi'rcncc. ,i;'j;!4.00(i U i.s apparent, tiiei, that abo.il one fonrth less capital will he r..,|iiire,l t., eonstrnct the Trunk Line ■ lone. ,1 we accept thcn-olli-r, than if the JJua,l is n.a-le l,y Mr. Jack.'on. It n,av he sai.l tluU it n,aUm iL'r. r ''T\ '"■ -n' "' ""i '-"-^-'i/'":'" '•'••"" l--.^'-"'- "'" «•'•■>- "ill the intc S .!^ A, 1 n " ;""'■ n ' "^'' ''■'"' ".'*' '''^^ ^^'""' ""'^' I'^'-V '•••• '■'• ■''•"■ '""'^ '""«' -'"•'■t the interest And who w.ll pay the tolls .' .Nova.scotians. to the end ..f tin,e. Is il not palpahle. then that w rauat pay nhout .U4.0.H, a year n,..re than we nee.l pay il'Mr. .laeksoM n,akcj,he' JJoa.l ' l a n n Za o half our ordinary Road A .„c so triflin,:^ an amount that we should n„. save it if weoan .' 1{\S at compound interest, will amount in I'O y.'ars to U4 S'.i;i 17s -\,\ --it.uw, rofn' !!r''''/"il "rn"" ""'''"'^ "'' "" ^'''"^'"'■" "'" '"^ '''^^ '•' ''" •' '•"^'' "'"" i" «'"• "ther uot us ilissipate tins tallaev. I-IO miles ori!(.ad. if wc pay Mr. .Tack.son half ihe cost, will ivMuire 11 we pay Mi'ssrs. Syk.^s ;', of their estimate. To the hitter we should have less to |)!iv hv [T, „..,, In the one ca.se we should own two-thirds of ,|„. U | i„ p.,,,„,,„itv. In llie .,ther we should ovn only a n,ortj:a,^e cpial to half tho cost. In the one c-c^e we slimiM liav,. a elianee of ,, ofi c nnu n surato to the risk we run. In the other, all the proli. .ver si.x per cent. ..,cs to Mr J cks. n J 1: over heappare,nadvanm,e hehl out to us of a (irsi mon^a^.. hecan^e I do no 1^ ev hat ei h M Jackson or Messrs bykcs .^ Co. would emhark in llie cnt..rpri,se if it woiil.l not pay si v er co t A,. ,te people seldom take sc.oiul inort^ajrcs except wh,.. the property is worth the minev ' t:4^'^(HM'/'rp'''-'''''''i''r'';'' '" """""■'■/i"'l>l'' '•""inist. .Mr. John,.;on would jrive'Mr. Jackson ,U,...,UO .d I'rovincial J onds at ,,ar, to he lu-ociatcd iil,r.,ad. We prop.,se to horrow £1 i(J 00 is =it home, the interest on which w,mld either he saved, or kept in Nova-Scotia. To uitl e 'Tru Pk -me alone, thendore. we should rcpiirc to ne^ociale in Cnjand hut ,C-70.(l.iT s crlim' o vldcl if wetod a prcninin. of hut ten per cent. alWr payin, evpenses. we should effect^ IwnJ j laS^n'u^-i'oOoT' v" i"""''"' ",''' ^"^- "'" '"" "l'^""""^- ^^'- J"l"-tonasks us topavMr The f^;ovcvnmenl pr,,p„M. to pay Messrs. Sykes i Co. ,<:4.-.(l.i;i;7 Currencv. will, Cash raised in Lii'Tlamh less the i.rcmmm. e.,iial to t;-J4:!.i;il7 hearin- inlcivsl ai per cent. (MUial to With .C«0,00('l .Stjr. horrowrd hv llicSa\ ■n-s i k at 4 per c,.|U beariii;r an interest of ' (■•> in,, ^,„ ,„. ci,„„><. • With £80,000 of I'rovince I'ap,.,-. hearm,. lerest. or a.ssum- ' ' ^"^^ '"^ ' '"' ^ ing 1-8 ol the amount in sjiecii' is retained to meet il, '■"'^"'- ' Ul(i00 8tK.or .U2000Cur>. 4.")0.667 XH.ilJil SiL'. or .tl^.i>7."- Cur'v .i;]8,U20 £24,275. By aceeiitiiif^ Mr. Jacksoirs proposition, then. an,| lakiii- Mr. Jolmston's advice, wc shall saddle M^s-ir ^ r ^^ r I ;^'''''''"'^ .">■ '""'"'" ''"' "'"^ i"f..duc..d by me. and employinjr £10,000 Currency, a sum eipial to the entire annual -ppropriation for the (ireat lioads ofThe I'ro^ f liiJv ^!'hi;!' thmednH!'';' I'r • "f '" 'i^' "'"""' 7 ''" ^f^'""^''' ' ^'"' '"" ""^«' '"« """""i'^l statements I liav<' ihc honor to he. (ienllcnien. Your Obedient Servant, (.cbruarv 7^ 1«A:! J^^'^KPII HOWK. iir'ijiosci.l. iiiiii -Mr Juckso:! not bo much s iinil floating kiuwh Lines ist luid West I't us CDntrast Trunk Line, lilt it niattei-s I' int{!i-('st I'd the Hitrrost. Iiiii »(■ must I sum wjual .1:14.000, llic otiior. .C4".;'),000 4r)0,6()T should ov,n it, commen- on. I |)ass ■ thiit cither ix per coiit. Ir. .liicksou 1)0,000 si