%. «^. w. IMAGE EVALUATrON TEST TARGET (MT-3) *^ ^ t 1.0 1.25 1^ 150 2.5 2.2 I.I I'^m 6" 1.8 i4_ iiij.6 , ^.^^^;..r". iT' m'r n • r I - "1 a^£ ) mm ffi ......„■,■ ,^ , y, r"ii- lii'iffl' I Ckntknnial Bibliography OK TIIR Massachusetts Historical Society, 1 8.9 1 . aSliti) an ^ppntnix. By SAMUP]L A. GREEN, M.D. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON AND SON. Kntbeniitg ^rcss. 1891. '<«^nRiiiani«*vP'><^>awn*^iiiilPH|PHIIipiHami 1846. VIII. fcfc bb bb 1802, bb bb 1856. IX. (b b( bb 1804, b* ;b 1857. X. a bb bb 1809, bb (b 1857. Skconu Skries. Vol. I. was printed in 1814, and reprinted in 1838 II. bb bb n 1814, % II. Bos- iiig copies. In the list hereafter given, it aftpears thitt there are two catalognes of the Dowse Library hearing the dates 1850 and 1870, respectively, though in fact they are the same, work with different titlepages. In the year 1869 a volume was published entitled " Lec- tures delivered in a Course before the Lowell Institute, in Boston, by Members of the Massachusetts Historical Society, on Subjects relating to the Early History of Massachusetts." Boston, 1869. 8vo. pp. viii, 498. This course comprised thirteen lectures, of which twelve were published in pamphlet form by their respective authors. The following is a list of those thus printed : — [Mfis.sachusetts and its Early History.] Introductory Lecture to the Course on the P^i.rly History of IMa^sacliiisetid, by Members of the Massachusetts Historical Society, at the Lowell Institute, Boston. Delivered Jan. 5, 1869. By Robert C. Winthrop, President of the Society. Bo.ston, 1869. 8vo, pp.27. I. The Aims and Purposes of the Founders of Massachusetts. Their Treatment of Intruders and Dissentients. Two Lectures delivered . . . J^.n. 8 and Jan. 12, 1869. By George E. Ellis, ton, 1869. 8vo. pp. 100. History of the Grants under the Great Council for New England : . . . delivered . . . Jan. 15, 1869. By Samuel F. Haven. Boston, 18G9. 8vo. pp. 36. The Colony of New Plymouth, and its Relations to Massachusetts : . . . delivered . . . Jan. 19, 1869. By William Brigham. Boston, 1869. 8vo. pp. 27. Slavery as it once prevailed in Massachusetts. . . . Jan. 22, 1869. By Emory Washburn. Boston, 1869. 8vo. pp. 35. Records of Massachusetts under its First Charter : . . . delivered . . . Jan. 26, 1869. By Charles W. Upham. Boston, 1869. 8vo. pp.30. The McJical Profession in Massachusetts. . . . delivered . . . Jan. 29, 1869. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston, 1869, 8vo. pp. 45. The Regicides sheltered in New England : . . . delivered . . . Feb. 5, 1869. By Chandler Robhins. Boston, 1869. 8vo. pp.36. The First Ciiarter and the Early Religious Legislation of Massachu- setts. . . . deHvered . . . Feb. 9, 1869. By Joel Parker. Boston, 1869. 8vo. pp. 85. Puritan Politics in England and New England: . . . delivered . . . Feb. 12, 1869. By Edward E. Hale. Boston, 1869. 8vo. pp. 22. P^hication in Massachusetts: Early Legislation and History. ... de- livered . . . Feb. 16, 1869, By George B. Emerson. Boston, 1869. 8vo. pp. 36. sm^^mia^m^^^^misx CENTKNl-IIAL BIDLIOGRAPHY. 9 It nifiy be pi-oper here to refer to certain memoirs which were piepared at the request of the Society, and published as independent volumes. Among such works may be mentioned President Quincy's iMemoir of John Quincy Adams (IJoston, 1858, pp. X, 429) ; Mr. Ticknor's Life of William Hickling Prescott (Boston, 1864, pp. x, 401) ; Dr. Holmes's Memoir of John Lothrop Motley (Boston, 1870, pp. vii, 278); Mr. Cliandler's Memoir of Governor Andrew (Boston, 1880, pp. 298); and Mr. Adams's Memoir of Richard Henry Dana (Bos- ton, 1800, two volumes, pp. (6), 378 and (4), 436). The last three biographies ap[)ear in some form in the Proceedings. Dr. Jacob Porter's " Topograpliical Description and Histori- cal Sketch of Plainfield, in Hampshire County, Massachu- setts " (Greenfield, 1834), is an enlargement of his account of the town, given in the eighth volume (second series) of the Collections. Nahum Mitchell's " History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater, in Plymouth County, Massachu- setts" (Boston, 1840), is based on a hi.story of the town, which appeared in the seventh volume of the same series. There are also other publications which are connected more or less remotely with the Society. Perhaps it is proper also to allude to several printed re- ports, etc., made to the Legislature of the Commonwealth, con- cerning t!ie Society's title to the Hutchinson Paper;^, so called, which were finally given up to tlie State December 23. 1873. The following is a list of the minor publications of the His- torical Society, and includes all papers, so far as is now known, that have been brought before it and afterward prrited. They have been taken for the most part from the Collrctions or the Proceedings. The editions of such publications are usually limited to a small number of ccjjies, — generally from thirty to one hundred, — and are printed for the persons most interested in them. Of reprints with the paging unchanged, no account is taken, unless a printed cover is put on, or some alteration made in the "form." From the year 1859 to 1877, an annual statement of the funds of the Society was made on a printed sheet by the Treasurer ; and since 1877 an Annual Report has been printed in pamphlet form. With the exception of that for 1875, all these statements and re- ports have appeared in the Proceedings, but they are not given in this list of minor })ublications. 2 10 ('ENTENNIAL BIBLlOGItAPHY. ; ' 1 ACTS, BY-LAWS, Etc. [The Act of Iiujorpomtion, Law.s, and Circular LctUo-of tlio MasHacIiu- setts Historical ooeiety, with an Appendix.] No titicpaye. [1794.] 8vo. pp. 14. This pngland, from the Discovery to 1680. By the Rev. William Hubbard, Minister of Ipswich, Mass. Second edi- tion, collated with the original MS. Boston, 1848, 8vo. pp. vi, (14), xvii, 768. Leift Lion Gardener his relation of the Pequot Warres. This "relation,*' with two letters preceding it, appears in the Collections (3d series. III.) for 1833, pp. 129-160, with a fac-simile of the autographs of Sir Henr^' Vane and Governor Winthrop. It was reprinted without the fac-simile in " The History of the Wars of New-England," [ip. 1-36, by Samuel n; (^KNTKNNIAI. IliniiKMJUAI'HY. I/. \ I'onlinllow (Cii)ciniiiiti, IM')!*), uftcr i)ii<,'(' 1:58, Accord iiij,' to Sul)in's " Dictioimry of Hooks rcliitiiij^ to America," it wan priiitotl »e|mriitely with tlie letters, under the followirij,' tith) : A IIlHtory of the Pecjiiot War. By Lieut. Lion Giinhiitir. fyinciiinati, iHoo. ito. p. nC). A True Uehition of tii5. Hvo. pp. 1.'). [Proc. III. (185;")-.")8), 1-31.] This contains an account of the Annual Meeting, tliough not so full as that given in the volume i,f Proceedings. Memorial of the Massachusetts Historical Society [to the Legislature]. 4to. pp.3. [Proc. III. (1855-;>8), 2(!G-270.] This was adopted at a meeting, February 11, 1858, and is signed by Robert C. Winthrop, President, aiid Chandler Rob- bins, Recording Secretary. The third page is a description of the Collections as far as 4th series. Vol. III. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 1858-1860. Selected from the Records. Boston, 1859. 8vo. pp. (2), 21. [Proc. IV. (1858-00), 1-21.] This is marked " Specimen " on the cover. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society in respect to the Memory of William Hickling Prescott, F'ehruary 1, 1859. Bo^con, , 1859. 8vo. pp.53. [Proc. IV. (1858-60), 167-196, 198-205.] CKNTENNIAL BiriMOflUAPHY. 17 Ciitalu^fue «)f the Library of tlio MmwachuHOttH Hiutoricul Society. BoBton, IH/il). Hvo. pp. '240. This irt niiirkfcd " Specimen " on the cover, unci nmkeH a purt ol Vol. I. Ciitiiloyuo of the Library of the MiisnachiiHotts Historical Society. Vol. L A-L. Hoston, 18.->!). Vol. IL M-Z. Uostou, IHGO. Hvo. pp. vi, (1), 732, and vi, (1), GoL The preface to the fust volume is signed by Chandler HohbinH and Charles Deane, and is dated at Boston, September 17, IH;")!), while that of the second vj)lume is dated March 2U, 1800. [Report of a Connnittfe, .Iiiiio 14, 1860, on '' PubliKhiiijL,' papers read and |)roc(!e(lin;{s had at its meetings," Higned by JauioH Savage, and dated at Boston, 10 May, I860.] 4to. pp. 2. Report of a Committee appointed by the MassachuHetts Historical Sooioty on Kxchange of l'risoner.s during the American Revolntitm- ary War. Presented Dec. 19, 1861. Boston, 1861. 8v(». pp.26. [Proc. V. (1860-62), 32r)-346.] Tribute of the Massachusetts Historical Society to the Memory of Josiah (^uincy, .July 14, 18()1. Boston, 1864. 8vo. pp. 32. [Proc. VII. (1863-64), 377-405.] Tribute cf the INIassachusetts Historical Society to the Memory of Ed- ward Kverett, January 30, 186.'). Boston, 1865. 8vo. pp. 90. Portrait. [Proc. "'III. (1864-65), 101-170.] Tribute of the Massachusetts Historical Society to the Memory of George Livermore. Boston, 1866. Svo. pp. 19. [Proc. VIII. (1864-65), 442-4.58.] Tribute to Henry H.-8". Re-issue of 1882.] A Catalogue of tiie Cabinet of the iNIassaehusetts Historical Society. [By F. E. Oliver.] No titlepage. [1883.] 8vo. pp. 24. This pamphlet contaii.s a list of the paintings belonging to the Society, whieh is also reprinted in the Catalogue of Paintings, 1885, pp. 1-24. Commemoration of the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Martin Luther, by the Massachusetts nis.'.rical Society, November 10, 1883. Boston, 1883. 8vo. pp. 39. [Proc. XX. (1882-83), 264, 26o, 3oO, 355-359, 361-383.] Officers of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Elected April 10, 1884 [and Members]. No titlepage. 8vo. pp. xvii-xxii. [Proc. 2d series, I. (1884-85) xvii-xxii.] Tributes to the Memory of Gee ge Dexter lute Recording Secretary of the Massachusetts Historical Society offered at a metjting of the Society January 10, 1884 Cambridge, 1884. 8vo. pp.11. [Proc. 2d series, L (1884-85), 6-13.] Will of John Lungdon Sibley, of Cambridge. Born in Union, Maine, 29 December, 1804. Died in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 9 Decem- ber, 1885. 8vo. pp. 6. [Proc. 2d series, U. (1885-86), 168-170.] This also appeared in the Proceedings for Januar}' 14, 1886, as above. A Catalogue of the Paintings, Engravings, Busts, and Miscellaneous Articles, belonging to the Cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society. [Hy F. E. Oli/er.] Boston, 1885. 8vo. pp. (4), 143. The catalogue published in 1883 forms pages 1-24. Officers of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Elected April 15, 1886 [and Members]. No titlepage. 8vo. pp. xvii-xxii. [Proc. 2d series, H. (1885-86), xvii-xxii.] Members of the Massachusetts Historical Society in the order of their election. No titlepage. [1886.] 8vo. pp. ix-xxxiv. [Coll. 6th series, I. ix-xxxiv] Tributes of the Massachusetts Historical Society to Francis E. Parker. Privately printed. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo. pp. 72. [Proc. 2d series, H. (1885-86), 208-216 ; 2d series, III. (1886-87), 247-252.] B ^ n^ 1 1 ( ''■t-:---- ^ ■"■'■'•'^ '■" ir ( i i • j r; f ) ■ V j, ; ■~ 20 CENTENNIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. This volume, edited by Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., contains the tributes made at the meeting February 11, 1886, besides the memoir by Edward Bangs, presented February 10, 1887, and an Appendix. [Records of the Old Colony Club. 1769-1773.] No titlepage. 8vo. pp. -381-444. [Proc. 2d series, III. (1886-87), 381-444.] This was communicated to the Society, October 13, 1887, by William W. Goodwin, and edited by Charles Deane. It is leprinted without change of paging, and wiui a cover bearing a title. A Catalogue of the Paintings belonging to the Massachusetts Historical Society. [By F. E. Oliver.] [1888.] 8vo. pp. 29. This is a new edition of the Catalogue of 1883. List of some Briefs in Appeal Causes which relate to America tried before the Lords Commissioners of Appeals of Prize Causes of His Majesty's Privy Council, 1736-1758 By Paul Leicester Ford Brooklyn, N. Y., 1889. 3vo. pp. 20. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889- 90), 85-101.] This paper was presented at a meeting of the Society, Octo- ber 10, 1889, by Justin Winsor, and two hundred and fifty copies were reprinted, with the verso of each leaf blank. A Tribute to the Memory of Charles Deane by the Massachusetts His- torical Society at a Special Meeting December 3, 1889 Boston, 1889. 8vo. pp. 31. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 116-141.] Massachusetts Historical Society: Enlargement and enrichment of its Library. Being a Report of the Committee appointed to examine the Library and Cabinet, read at the Annual Meeting of the Society on the Tenth day of April, 1890. By the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, Chairman of the Committee. Boston, 1890. 8vo. pp. 7. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 452-456.] DOWSE LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Private Library of Thomas Dowse, of Cambridge, Mass., presented to the Massachusetts Historical Society, July 30, 1856. Boston, 1856. 8vo. pp. (2), 214. The same. Boston, 1870. 8vo. pp. (2), 214. Report of the Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Address of Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, and the - Remarks of Hon. P^dward Everett, with a description of the Dowse Library. Boston, 1857. 8vo. pp.8. [Proc. 111.(1855-58), 155-177.J i 1 I '•I W"S^3SSEara3'3J.!S CENTENNIAL IlIBLIOGRAPHY. 21 , contains 6, besides 10, 1887, age. 8vo. ] , 1887, by 16. It is : bearing Historical irica tried ea of His 3ter Ford V. (1889- ty, Octo- imd fift''^ k. setts His- Boston, J-141.] mt of its examine 3 Society . Slafter, [Proc. mbridge, July 30, ichusetts and the ) Dowse )5-177.J Tliis was reprinted from tbe " Boston Daily Courier," Fri- day, April 10, 1857. The Dowse Library. Proceedings of the IMassachusetts Historical Society relating to the donations from Thomas Dowse ; with the Eulogy by j:dward Everett. Boston. 1859. 8vo. pp. 80. [Proc. III. ( 1855-58), 100-110, 114-122, 126-128, 161-165, 169-175, 177, a53-398.] This was printed for private distribution. The preface is signed " G. L." (George Liverniore), and dated at Cambridge, June 1, 1859. It contains three illustrations: the Dowse Library, Thomas Dowse, and Edward Everett. Eulogy on Thomas Dowse, of Cambridgeport, pronouaced before the Massachusetts Historical Society, 9th December, 1858. By Edward Everett. With the Introductory Address by Robert C. Winthrop, Precident of the Society; and an Appendix. Boston, 1859. 8vo. pp. 82. [Proc. IH. (1855-58), 353-398, 100-108, 114-122, 126- 128, 161-K5, 169-175, 177.] This is, in substance, the same as the previous volume, with the exception of the titlepage and the arrangement. It contains another engraving of Thomas Dowse, but the same engravings of Edward Everett and the Dowse Library. There is still another edition in paper covers without the plates, MINOR PUBLICATIONS BY MEMBERS. Adams, Chari,es Francis, Jr. Sir Christopher Gardiner, Knight ; An Historicd Monograph. With additions. Cambridge; 1883. 8vo. pp. 36. [Proc.'xX. (1882-83), 60-88.] Adams, John Quincy. The New England Confederacy of 1643. A Discourse delivered before the Massachusetts Historical Society, at Boston, on the 29th of May, 1843; in celebration of the second Centennial Anniversary of that event. Boston, 1843. 8vo. pp. 47. [Coll. 3d series, IX. 189-223.] Aldkn, Timothy, Jr. An Account of the several Religious Societies in Portsmouth, New-Hampshire, from their first establishment, and of the Ministers of each, to the first of January, 1805. lioston, 1808. 8vo. pp. 40. [Coll. X. 37-72.] Memoirs of Edward Tyng, Esquire, of Boston ; and of Hon. William Tyng, Esquire, of Gorham. Boston, 1808. 8vo. pp. 8. [Coll. X. 180-186.] Ames, Ellis, [Remarks on an Action of Trespass and Ejectment, relating to Nathaniel Thomas.] No titlepage. [1875.] 8vo. pp. 163-167. [Proc. XIV. (1875-76), 163-167.] " A few copies were printed without change of paging. 22 CENTENNIAL BIBLIOGRAT'HY. Ames, Ellis. The Porter-Poor Duel. [1882.] 8vo. pp.8. [Proc. XIX. (1881-82), 256-261.] . [Extract, from the log-book of George Little, containing an account of the IJattle between the " IJonton " and the "■ Berceau."] No titlepage. [1883.] 8vo. pp. 269-274. [Proc.^vX. (1882-83), 269-274.] A few copies tvere printed witliout change of paging. Amouy, Thomas Coffin. General John Sullivan. A Vindication of his character as a Soldier and a Patriot. Morrisania, N. Y., 1867. 8vo. pp. (4), 52. [Proc. IX. (1866-67), 380-436.] This appeared in " The Historical Magazine " (X. 161-177) for Deceml)er, 1866, and is essentially the same as that printed in the Proceedings for December 13, 1866, though with nu- merous changes. . Memoir of Hon. William Sullivan, prepared for ^arly diary of INIassachusetts Historical Proceeding Cambridge, 1879. 8vo. pp. 13. [Proc. II. (1835-55), 150-160.] . Daniel Sullivan's Visits, May anr* June, 1781, to Gen- eral John Sullivan, in Philadelphia, to explain Declarations in Sir Henry Clinton's Secret Journal. With additional Comments. Cam- bridge, 1884. 8vo. pp.23. [Proc. 2d series, I. (1884-85), 47-64.] Appleton, John. "Journal de Castorland." Boston, 1864. 8vo. pp. 15. [Proc. VII. (1863-64), 326-338.] Applkton, Nathan. Memoir of the Hon. Abbott Lav?rence, pre- pared for the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, 1856. 8vo. pp. 21. [Proc. III. (1855-58), 68-82; Coll. 4th series, IV. 494-507.] This was reprinted in Hunt's "Lives of American Mer- chants " (New York, 1859), Vol. II. pp. 331-345. Appleton, William Sumner. Description of a Selection of Coins and Medals relating to America, exhibited to the Massachusetts Historical Society, April 28, 1870. Cambridge, 1870. 8vo. pp.16. [Proc. XI. (1869-70), 293-305.] . Augustin Dupre, and his Work for America. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo. pp.6. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 348-352.] AsPiNWALL, Thomas. Remarks on the Narragansett Patent. Bos- ton, 1863. 8vo. pp. 41. [Proc. VI. (1862-63), 41-77.] . The same. Second edition. Providence, 1865. 8vo. pp. 40. Bangs, Edwakd. Memoir of the Hon. Francis Edwf J Parker. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo. pp. 9. [Proc. 2d series, III. (1886-87), 247-252.] I 'ritiyiiiiTij I ji i iH l i ij:i 'ijJBM i i W!mm!wmWiS9^!si::f'^,--sss,'m CENTENNIAL BIBLIOGKAPHY. 23 This was also reprinted in the volume of " Tril)utes," ed- ited by Rohert (\ Winthrop, Jr., pp. 26-34, 1887. BvNGS, Edward. Memoir of Henry Austin Whitney. Canibridjre, 1890. 8vo. i)p. lO. Partrait. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 424-429.] Baktf.ett, Josiaii. An Historical Sitetcii o*" Charlestown. in the County of Middlesex, and Common wealth of Massachusetts, read to an assembly of citizens at the opening of Washington Hail, Nov. IG, 1813. Boston, 1814. 8vo. pp.24. [Coll. 2d series, II. 1G3-184.] . The same. Boston, 1814. 8vo. pp. 24. This is a reprint made in the year 1880, paiic for page, hy George M. Elliott, of Lowell, bookseller, and with nearly the same font of type. Bklknap, Jkbkmy. a Discourse, intended to commemorate the Discovery of America hy Cliristopher Columbus ; delivered at the request of the Historical Society in ISIassachusetts, on the 23d day of October, 1792, being tlie completion of the third century since that memorable event. To which are added, four dissertations, con- nected with various parts of the Discourse, . . . Boston, 1792. 8vo. pp. 132. Bkooks, Chaulks. Memoir of Joseph Willard. Cambridge, 18G7. 8vo. pp. 25. [Proc. IX. (18GG-67), 276-298.] BuGiJKK, Jamks McKkllak. The Journal of Ebenezer Wild (1 776- 1781), who served as Corporal, Sergeant, Ensign, and Lieutenant in the War of the Revolution. Cambridge, 1891. 8vo. pp. 85. [Proc. r,d series, VI. (1890-91), 78-160.] Casgrain, Ab«e IIexry Raymond. The French-War Papers of the Marc'chal de Luvis described by the Abbe Casgrain. With Comments by Francis Parkman and Just'u Winsor. Cambridge, 1888. 8vo. " pp. 11. [Proc. 2d series, IV. (1887-89), 92-100.] Fifty copies printed. Caulkins, Miss Francks Manwaring. Memoir of the Rev. Wil- liam Ailams, of Dedham, Mass., and of tiic Rev. Eliphalet Adams, of New London, Conn. No titlepage. [Cambridge, 1849.] 8vo. pp. 5-49. [Coll. 4th series, I. 5-49.] Chamberlain, Mellen. The Authentication of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo. pp.28. [Proc. 2d series, I. (1884-85), 272-298.] . Samuel Maverick's Palisade House of 1630. CMmbridge, 1885. 8vo. pp. 10. [Proc. 2d series, I. (1884-85), 366-373.] . Journal of Ca[)tain Henry Dearborn in the Quebec Ex- pedition, 1775. [With notes.] Cambridge, 1886. 8vo. pp. 33. . [Proc. 2d series, II. (1885-86), 275-305.] . . _ , -^ ". 24 CENTENNIAL BrBLIOGKAPHY. CiiAMBEKi.AiN, Mellen. Jounials of Henry Dearborn, 1776-1788. [With notes.] Cambridge, 1887. 8vo. pn. 34. [I'roc. 2(1 series, III. (188G-87), 102-1.33.] . Kemarks on the New Historical School. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo. pp. 18. [Proc. 2d series, V. (188i)-90), 265-280.] . The Aspin wall -Barlow Library. No titlepao;e. 8vo. pp. 8. [1890.] [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 313-320.] CiiANDi.EU, Pelkg Whitman. Memoir of the Hon. John Albion Andrew, LL.D. Cambridge, 1880. 8vo. pp.32. [Proc. XVIII. (1880-81), 41-64.] . Memoir of Governor Andrew, with Personal Reminis- cences . . . Boston, 1880. 8vo. pp. "298. CuASE, George Bigelow. Memoir of George Tyler Bigelow, sometime Chief Justice of Massachusetts. Boston, 1890. 8vo. pp. 38. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 4o8-482.] Clakkk, James Freeman. [Remarks on presenting a French Atlas to tiie Society, Decemlier 8, 1887.] No titlepage. 8vo. pp. 3. [Proc. 2d series, IV. (1887-89), 46-48.] Davis, George Thomas. "The St. Regis Bell." No titlepage. [1870.] 8vo. pp. 311-321. [Proc. XI. (1869-70), 311-321.] This was leprinted from the Proceedings, without change of paging. Davis, John. A Discourse before the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety, Boston, December 22, 1813. At their Anniversary Commem- oration of the first landing of our Ancestors at Plymouth, in 1620. Boston, 1814. 8vo. pp. 31. [Coll. 2d sei'ies, I. i-xxxi.] Deane, Charles. The First Plymouth Patent: granted June 1, 1621. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript. Cam- bridge, privately printed, 1854. 12mo. pp. 16. [Coll. 4th series, II. 156-163.] One hundred copies were printed, and a few on large paper. . History of Plymouth Plantation. By William Bradford. Edited, with notes. Boston, privately printed, 1856. 8vo. pp. xix, (1),476, (1). [Coll. 4th series, III.] Fifty copie„ printed. . A Bibliographical Essay on Governor Hutchinson's His- Boston, privately printed, 1857. 12mo. pp. torical Publications. 39. [Proc. III. (1855-58), 134-150.] This essay was first printed in "The Historical Magazine" (I. 97-102) for April, 1857, and afterward in the Proceed- ings above-mentioned, for February 12, 1857, published in 1859. Fifty copieg printed. .„..- ^\ M mwms^^sss^sm^stsam CENTENNIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 25 Dkank, Chaklks. Letters of Phlllis Wlieatley, tlic Negro-Slave Poet of IJoston. Boston, 18G4. 8vo. pp. ID. [Proc. VII. (1863-G4), 267-279.] 'J'hese were communicated to the Society, November 12, 1803 ; iind (me hundred copies, with notes, were printed. . A Sermon preaclied at IJoston, in New Enf(larifl, upon a Fast Day, the IDtli of January, 163G-37. I$y the Kev. .John Wheelwright. Carabridgt, 18G7. 8vo. pp.22. [Proc. IX. (18G6- 67), 256-274.] This contains a " Prefatory Note," dated at Canihridge, March, 1807, and is reprinted from the Proceedings for August 9, 1860 ; before the volume of Proceedings was published it was also printed, by permission, in " The Historical Maga- zine" (2d series, I. 215-224), with Mr. Deane's notes. It was reprinted from this magazine under the following title, with a mistake in the date of the delivery: — . A Sermon preaclierl at Boston in New England vpon a Fast Day the xvj"' of .January. iG36. By Mr. John Wheehvriglit. From the Manuscripts in the possession of the Massachusetts His- torical Society, first published in The Historical INIagazine, for April, 1867. Morrisania, N. Y., 1867, 8vo. pp. viii, 28. • The History of Bacon's and Ingram's Rebellion in Vir- ginia, in 1675 and 1676. Cmbridge, 1867. 8vo. pp.50. [Proc. IX. (1866-67), 299-342.] The " Prefatory Note " to this edition is signed and dated at Boston, September 20,1807. The first edition, with the title " Bacon's Rebellion," was reprinted from the Collections, 2d series. Vol. I. . The Last Will and Testament of Captain John Smith ; with some additional JMemoranda relating to him. Cambridge, 1867. 8vo. pp. (2), 7. [Proc. IX. (1866-67), 451-15G.] Fifty copies with notes were printed from the Proceedings for January 10, 1867. . Communication respecting the Seal of the " Council for New England." No titlepage. [1867.] Svo. pp. 4. [Proc. IX. (186G-67), 469-472.] Thirty copies printed. . Memoir of George Livermore. Prepared agreeably to a Resolution of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Cambridge, 1869. Svo. pp.60. [Proc. X. (18^7-G9), 415-468.] Some copies were printed on large i)aper. 4 asai ■HSHS" f CKNTENNIAL UIHLIOOUAl'HY. \ I (1 Dkank, CitAliLKS. The Forms in isstiiiig Letters-Patent l»y tlio Crown of Knj^liUid witli some remarks on the Massachusetts Charter ol' the 4th of March, 1 G28-1) Cambridge, 1870. 8vo. pp. 24. [Proc. XI. (1869-70), 1G6-188.] Fihy copies printed. . The Life of Mr. Thomas Dudley, several times Gov- ernor of the Colony of Massaclmsetts. Written, as is supposed, by Cotton Mather. Cambridjjo, 1870. 8vo. pp. 20. [Proc. XI. (1869-70), 202, 203, 207-222.] One hundietl (jopies printed. . A Dialogue or third conrerence between some young men born in New P>ngland, and some ancient men which came out of IloUand and old England, concerning the Church and the gov- ernment thereof. By Wiliiam Bradford, Governor of Plymouth. With a Preface and Notes Boston, 1870. 8vo. pp. xii, 78. Litlio- graph. [Proc. XL (1869-70), 396-482.] . Letter of Sir Jolm Stanhope to Secretary Davison, con- cerning Elder Brewster. [1871.] 8vo. pp.8. [Proc. XII. (1871- 73), 98-103.] . Death of Matthew Cradock. No titlepage. [1871.] 8vo. pp. 3. [Proc. XIL (1871-73), 171-173.] . General Washington's Head-Quarters in Cambridge Boston, 1873. 8vo. pp.9. [Proc. XII. (1871-73), 257-263.] Fifty copies printed. . Roger Williams and the Massachusetts Cliarter Cam- bridge, 1873. 8vo. pp.19. [Proc. XII. (1871-73), 341-358.] . New J^ngland's Trials written by Captain John Smitli A reprint of the rare first edition of 1620 Witli a prefatory Note Cambridge, 1873. 12mo. pp. 10, (22). [Proc. XII. (1871-73), 20 unnumbered pages at end of volume, following page 448.] Fifty copies printed. . Judge Lowell and the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights Boston, 1874. 8vo. pp. 9. [Proc. XIII. (1873-'^5), 299-304.] This pamphlet originally contained only eight pages. Page 9, inserted hy Mr. Deane, was printed for the Proceedings, with the heading, " To be inserted on page 304, before the President's Remarks " ; it also appeared without the page number or heading, as a leaflet. . Journal of a Tour to the White JMountains in July, 1784 by Jeremy Belknap, D.D. Printed from the Original Manu- script, with a Prefatory Note by the Editor Boston, 1876. 8vo. pp.21. Map. [Coll. 5th series, IL 386-401.] i pg|i^»iiB;M-'i^'f>^?i^jaPBP'a^a^pipf-jt^.awgy-ia^ CENTENNIAL IHBLTOGUAPH Y. 27 Dkank, Chakm.s. Rules, Orders, luid StatuteH of Ilarviird College iii.stituU*d by the I'residont and Council of New England 23d duly, l(i8() Witli lit;inarks by the Secretary. Cambridge, 1870, 8vo. pp. U. [Proc. XIV. (1H75-7G), 222-228.] . Notes on a recently discovered Indenture relating to David Thomaon of Piscatacjua and Massachusetts Bay in New Eng- land With a copy of the Indenture Cambridge, 1870. 8vo. pp. 34, (1). [Proe. XIV. (1870-70), 3o8-;W"».] One hundred copies printed. . Letters and Documents relating to Slavery in Massa- chusetts. Edited, witii a Prefacte and Notes. Cambridge, 1877. 8vo. pp. (2), 37r)-442. [Coll. uth series, III. 373-442.J Twenty-five copies printed. . Paul Revere's Signal The True Story of the Signal Lanterns in Christ Church, Hoston I5y the Rev. .John Ltio Watson, D.D. With Remarks on Laying Dr. Watson's Communication be- fore the Massachusetts Historical Society, Nov. 9, 1870 Cam- bridge, 1877. 8vo. pp.16. [Proc. XV. (1876-77), 163-177.] This was also printed with that part of the title relating to Mr. Deane left out; and some copies, without a titlopage, appeared with the same paging as that of the Proceedings. Anotiier edition was published in New York by Mr. Wa^,:'^"; with the following title : — . Paul Revere's Signal : the True Story of the Signal LaTiterns in Christ Church, Boston. By the Rev. John Lee Wat- son, D.D. With Remarks on Laying Dr. Watson's Communication before the Massachusetts Historical Society, Nov. t), 1876. New York, 1880. 8vo. pp. 32. This contains, on page 21, a second title, " Paul Revere's Signal: a Second Letter to the Boston Dail}'^ Advertiser : By the Rev. John Lee Watson, D.D. March, 1879." . Memoir of John Appleton, M.D. No titlejwge. [1877.] 8vo. pp. 305-367. [Proc. XV. (1876-77), 36.5-;307.] . Tutor Henry Flynt's Journey from Cambridge to Ports- mouth in 1754 Written by David Sewall who accompanied him With Notes. Cambridge, 1878. 8vo pp. t). [Proc. XVL (1878), 5-11.] Fifty copies printed* . Records of the President and Council of New Hamp- shire from January 1, 1079-80, to December 22, 1G80 With Npt^a, !) f 28 CKNTRNNIAL UmiJOORAPHY. \ 1 I ii i I i : X] and an lutroductioti. Jiuatun, 1H7H. 8vo. pp. 2C. Litlioji^raph. [Proc. XVI. (1H7H), 2.'>()-27l».] F'ifty copies printed. Dkank, Ciiarlks. [Fuul Revere's letter to Jeremy Helknup, lioistou, January 1, 171)8, relatinfi; to tlie sif^nal Iiinterna and liis ride to Lex- ington on the ni^fht of April IHtli, 177.J.] No titlepuge. [1878. J 8vo. pp. 370-370. [I'roc. XVI, (1878), 370-370.] This was conuminiciited, with some remarks, and printed in the Proceedings for November 14, 187H. It also ap[)ear8 in the Collections, Vol. V. pp. 10(3-112. . Memoir of F^dward Augustus Crowninshield, A.M. No tiilepage. [1880.] 8vo. pp. 4. [Proc. XVII. (1879-80), SfXl- 351).] . An Account of the White Kennett Library of the So- ciety for the Propagation of tlie (iospel in Foreign Parts Cam- bridge, 1883. 8vo. pp. 8. [Proc. XX. (1882-83), 274-280.] . Memoir of the Hon. Richard Krothingham, LL.I). Cambridge, 1885. 8vo. pp. 17. Portrait. [Proc. 2d series, 1. (1884-85), 381-393.] . Memoir of Samuel F. Haven, LL.D. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo. pp. 16. Portrait. [Proc. 2d series, I. (1884-85), 394-405.] . Remarks on Hubbard's Map of New England Cam- bridge, 1888. 8vo. pp. 12. [Proc. 2d series, IV. (1887-89), 13-21.] Devkns, Chaules. Memoir of Alexander H. Bullock Cambridge, 1887. 8vo. pp. 22. Portrait. [Proc. 2d series, III. (1880-87), 322-339.] Dexteu, Franklin Bowditch. Harvard-College Monitor's Bill. Communication addressed to Mr. J. L. Sibley. No titlepage. [l808.] 8vo. pp.6. [Proc. X. (1807-09), 403-408.] . The Influence of the English Universities in the Develop- ment of New England. Cambridge, 1880. 8vo. pp. 17. Two charts. [Proc. XVII. (1879-80), 340-352.] . A Report of the Trii ' of Mrs. Anne Hutchinson before the Church in Boston, March, 1638. [1888.] 8vo. pp.35. [Proc. 2d series, IV. (1887-89), 159-191.] Dkxtek, George. Argument of Tutor Nicholas Sever, read before the Lt.-Governor and Council, 23d Augt., 1723, in Support of his Claim to a Seat in the Corporation of Harvard College ; with an In- troduction. Cambridge, 1878. 8vo. pp.23. [Proc. XVI. a878), 50-67.] Fifty copies printed. CENTENNIAL MIHLIOOIt AIMIY. 20 Dkxtkk, Ok.ouok. Letters of Andrew Eliot, D.D., to liis sr.iiM, Siiinuel and .lohn. Kvo. pp. 21). [ rro(!. XVI. (IH7«), 2M(»-;{()(;.J Fifteen copies were reprinted from the ProceeUinijs for September 12, 1878. . Letters of CliriHtopher Columbus and AniericuH Vom- piK'cius. With ill) Introduction. IJoston, 1«7M. 8vo. pp. 22. Lithojriiiph. [Proc. XVI. (1H7H), ;?1«-;}.S:>.J . Journal of Thomas Wallcut, in IT'.K). With Notes. Cam- bridge. 1879. Hvo. pp. 12. [Proc. XVII. (1«7'J-H0), 174-20r,.] . [Letter of Erasmus Uask to Henry Whoaton.J No title- page. [1880.] 8vo. pp. 18-22. [Proe. XVIIL (1880-81), 18-22.] This was reprinted froni the Proceedings for April 6, 1880. . The Fir!-*; Voyage under Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Patent of 1578. Cambri|.. la, [IV.)c. 2»l M-ricH, I. (I«M|-H;)), lA-'iM.] . [Tlie Al)o«le of •lolin Hull uiul Siiinu«l Sewull.] No tithspafre. [IHH-l.] «vo. pp. 3I2-a-JG. [Proc. 2<1 Hcrios, I. (IHHl- 85), 3l2-32().] This is a letter written Ity Estes Howe to CliiuUs Deane, hikI iippcurs ill tin; I'roeeediiigs (2(1 series, Vol. I.) for No- vember 13, 1884, when it was eoiniiiunicated by Mr. Ellis. Ki.LiH, Gi;oi{(»K EuwAKi). M»'moir of Luther V IJell, M.D., LL.D. Prcpiired hy vote of the MiiHsadiiisetts Ilistorical Society. IJoston, 1863. 8vo. pp. 7;'). Ponrait. [Proc. VII. (IHC-'J-OI), 27-91).] . Memoir of .lared Sparks, LL.D. Cambridge, IH(Il). 8vo pp. 102. Portrait. [Proc. X. (18()7-()!)), 211-;nO.] . Memoirof Charles Went worth Upham. Cainhridjjc, 1877. 8vo. pp. 43. Portrait, [i'loc. XV. (1870-77), 182-221.] . Memoir of Jacoh Higclow, M.D., LL.l). Cambrid;;e, 1880. 8vo. pp.10-). Portrait. [Proc. XVIL (1879-80), 38;}-4f)7.] . John Harvard. [188.').] 12mo. pp. (2). (Proc. XX. (1882-83), 345-348.] Extracts from remarks made at a meeting, October 11, 1883, and reprinted in connection with a snbscription paper. . Memoir of Nathaniel Thayer, A.M. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo. pp.51. Po.-trait. [Proc. 2d scries, H. (188.j-8r.), 51 -(i3.] Emkrson, William. Notes on Compton, a township in Newport county, state of Rhode IslMiid. Se|)tember, 1803. No titlepage. 8vo. pp. 8, [Coll. IX. 19;)-20r).] Fakmkr, John. An Ilibtorical Sketch of Amherst, in the County of Hillsborough, in New- Hampshire. From the first settlement to the present period. Amherst, 1820. 8vo. pp. 35, [Coll. 2d series, 11. 247-255.] This was reprinted from the Collections for 1814, with changes and additions. It appeared in the Collections of the New Hani[)sl'"i3 Historical Society, Vol. V. (Concord, 1837), ])p. 79-128 t ; nd was reprinted in the same year as the "second eUi.'an, enlarged," pp. 52. Sabin, in his "Diction- ary of Works relating to America," mentions an edition of 1816, vvliich I have been unable to see. FooTE, Hknry Wildkr. a Discourse on the Russian Victories, given in King's Chapel, March 25, 1813. By the Rev. James Freeman, D.D. and a Catalogue of the Library given by King William HI. to King's Chapel in 1698. With Introductory Remarks. Cam- CENTKNNIAL IIIIILIOOUAI'HY. 81 hii.lf,'o, l«Ht. 8vo. pp. 22. [Proc. XVIII. (1880-Rl), n70-;W7, l''(H{iiK8, Rour.KT Hknnkt. I'orHoiml Memomii»lii. No litlepago. [IH64.] 8vo. pp.8. [Proc. VII. (IHC.'MM), 410-417.] FwANcis, CoNVKKS. Mciiioir of U(!v. .loliii Allyti, of Diixhury. No titleptige. [IH.'Jfi.] Kvo. pp. rt. [Coll. ;t«l Hories, V. 24r)--J.Vi.l . Memoir of (lanmlifl Hradford, M.I). No titiepiigi'. [1H4G.J Kvo. pp. 7. [Coll. ad Ht^iiei., IX. 7.")-SI.] . Memoir of IIoii. .lohn Davis, LL.D. Cambridge, 1848. 8vo. pp. 20. [Coll. 3d sc.ri.'s, X. 1«G-20;J.] Fkkkm .N, Jamks. a Description of the Eastern Coast of the County of Hariistalihs from Cape (Jod, or Haco Point, in Latitude 42° *')'. to Cape Malebarre, or the Sandy Point of CliHtham, in Latitude! 41° 33'. pointing out the Spots, on wliieh the Trustees of the Humane Society have erected Huts, and other places wliere shipwrecked Seamen may look for Shelter. October, 1H02. Hy a Mcunher of the Humane Society, lloston, 1802. 8vo. pj). l.">. [Coll. VIII. 1 10-1 ID.] This reprint is setup in different type froin that of the Collections. At a meeting ui the Trustees of the liunmne Souiety, October 4, 1802, jt was voted to [)rint two thousand copies, *' to be dispersed among the several Custom-houses and Insurance Offices in this Commonwealth." FuoTniNOHAM, Nathaniki. Lanodon. Memoir of William Parsons Lunt, D.D. No iitlepage. [1S')8.] 8vo. pp.8. [Coll. 1th series, IV. 508-514; Proc. III. (1855-58), 207-213.] This appeared in the Collections, and in the Proceedings for June 11, 1857. A few coj)ies were also reprinted for the use of the family, under the following title : — . A Memoir of William Parsons Lunt, D.D. Boston, 1858. 12mo. pp. Ifi. ■ . Memoir of Rev. Thaddeus Mason Harris, D.D. Bos- ton, 1854. 8vo. pp. 28. [Coll. 4th series, II. i;30-15o.] . The same. Cambridge, 1855. 8vo. pp. 28. Fkothinoham, RiciiAKD. A Declaration of the Affairs of the Eng- lish People that first inhabited New England. By Phinehas Pratt. With Notes. Boston, 1858. 8vo. pp.20. [Coll. 4th series, IV. 474-491.] . The Battle-Field of Bunker Hill: with a relation of the Action by William Prescott, aud Illustrative- Documents. With additions. Boston, 1876. 8vo. pp. 4G. Two views. [Proc. XIV. (1875-76), 53-91.] . Illustrations of the Siege of Boston. Privately printed. Boston, 1876. Hvo. pp.40. [Proc. XIV. ( 1875-76), 261-298.] I iiiwrBiiaiiiiMiii rm^iil I 1 1 t ! i i I L i / e f ' ? f 32 CENTENNIAL BIBLIOUUAPHY. P'rothingham, RicuAur. Memoir of th« Hon. JoRiali Bartlett, M.D. Cambridge, 1879. 8vo. pp.10. [Proc. I. (171) 1-1 835), 323-330.] GooDKLL, AiJNKii Chknky, Jii. The Trial and Execution, for Petit Treason, of Mark and Phiilis, Slaves of Capt. .lohn Codman, who murdered their Master at Charlestown, Mass., in 1755; for which the man was hanged and gibbeted, and the woman was burned to death. Including, also, some account of other punishments by bun-ing in Massachusetts. Cambridge, 1883. 8vo. pp. 39. [Proc. XX. (1882-83), 122-157.] Two hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings for March 8, 1883. . An Account of the Seals of the Judicial Courts of the Colony and Province of the Massachusetts Bay: 1680-1780. Cambridge, 1883. 8vo. pp.16. [Proc. XX. (1882-83), 157-170.] One hnndred copies were re[)rinted from tlie Proceedings for March 8, 1883, with slicrht changes. This paper was also printed in " The New-England Historical "nd Genealogical Register " (XXXVII. 349-358) for October, 1883, from which also one hundred copies were reprinted (Boston, 1883), pp. 12 : and at the same time another hundred copies, pp. 14, were struck off with a slight chajige in the titlepage, and a leaf inserted hearing an inscription. All tlie reprints con- tain two plates of seals. . Furtlier Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massa- chusetts, containing additional evidence of the passage of tiie Act of 1711, for reversing the attainders of the Witches; also, affirming the legality of the Special Court of Oyer and Terminer of 1692 : with a heliotype plate of the Act of 1711, as printed in 1713, and an Appen- dix of Documents, etc. Cambridge, 1884. 8vo. pp. 52. [Proc. XX. (1882-83), 280-326.] . Reasons for Concluding that the Act of 1711, reversing the attainders of the Persons convicted of Witchcraft in Jlassachu- setts in the year 1692, became a Law. Being a reply to Supple- oaentary Notes, etc., by George H. Moore, LL.D. Cambridge, 1884. 8vo. pp. 2L [Proc. 2d series, I. (1884-85), 65-71.] GuAT, FrtANCis Callet. Remarks on the Early Laws of Massachu- setts Bay; with the Code adopted in the year 1641, and called the Body of Liberties, now first printed. Boston, 1843. 8vo. pp. 49. [Coll. 3d series, VIII. 191-237.] Gray, Horace. The Case of Nathaniel Jennison for attempting to hold a Negro as a Slave in Massachusetts in 1781 From the Min- mTn~T ■— -■ -nir-"~ CENTENNIAL BIBMOGKAPHY. 33 utes of Chief Justice Cashing witii references to contemporaneous records. Boston, 1«74. 8vo. pp. 10. [Troc. XIII. (1873-75), 21)2-2!)9."] Gkkkn, Samuel Abbott. Biblio.] 8vo. I p. [Proc. 2(1 series, IV. (1887-89), '6M^, 337.] . Some Indian Names. No titlepage. [1889.] 8vo. pp. S. [Proc. 2d series, IV. (1887-89), 373, 374.] Journal kept by Sergeant David Holden of Groton, Mass. during the latter part of" the French and' Indian War. Feb- ruary 20-November 29, 17G0. With Notes and an Introduction. Cambridge, 1889. 8vo. pp.30. [Proc. 2d series, IV. (1887-89), 384-409.] . Remarks on Benjamin Tompson's Elef v- ^n ' \ Wood- mancy and Ezekiel Cheever. No titlepage. [1889.] 8vo. pp. 2. Lithograph. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 2, 3.] — . Remarks on a MS. Volume containing certain minutes of the Massachusetts General Court, 1749, 1750. No titlepage. [1889.] 8vo. pp. 2. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 114, lir>.] The Town of Becket. No titlepage. [1890.] 8 vo. pp.2. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 1G6, 167.] — . Blodget's Plan of the Battle on the Shores of Lake George, 8 September, 1700. Cambriilge, 1890. 8vo. pp.6. Lith- ograph. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 416-418.] — . [Remarks o'i a deed of land given by President Thom.is Danfortli to the Trustees of the Town of York, July 26, 1684, and on Robert Keayne's Note- Book.] No titlepage. [1890.] 8vo. pp T'. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 432-435.] . Papers relating to Capt. Thomas Lawrence's Com* . ^ raised in Groton, Massachusetts, during the French and Indiau Vt , 1758. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo. pp.' 15. [Proc. 2d series, VI. (1890-91), 21-33.] . Supplement. Hubbard's Map of New England. No titlepage. [1890.] 8vo. pp. 11,12. [Proc. 2d series, VL (1890- 91), 40, 41.] This was cominnnicated June 12, 1890, and is reprinted as a sn[)i)]ement to ''Hubbard's Map of New England" (188H), ■■ mmmmx CENTENNIAL BIRLIOGUAFHY, 35 with continuous paging. It contains a fiic-simile of the "White Hills" map. GuKiiN, Samukl Abbott. Remarks on an early File of the Boston News-Letter. . . . November IS, 1890. With a Letter by Tliomas Jefferson. 8vo. pp. 7. [Proc. 2d series, VI. (181)0-91), 171-17.-).] , James Otis's Argument against the Writs of Assistance, 1761. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo. pp.8. [Proc. 2d series, VI. (1890- 91), 190-196.] . A Centennial Bibliography of the Massachusetts Histori- cal Society. 1891. With an Appendix. Cambridge, 1891. 8vo. pp. 56. [Proc. 2d series, VI. (1890-91), pp. 20;5-249, 3 .'5— .] Hale, Gkokgk Silsbkk. Memoir of lion. Theron Metcalf. Boston, 1876, 8vo. pp. 10. [Proc. XIV. (1875-76), .386-393.] Hakuis, Edwakp Doubleday. Memoir of Thaddeus William Harris, M.I). Cambridge, 18tS2. 8vo. pp. 14. Two charts. [Proc. XIX. (1881-82), 313-322.] Harkis, Thaddeus Mason. Chronological and Topographical Ac- count of Dorchester. [1804.] 8vo. pp.55. [Coll. IX. 147-199.] Hart, Albert BusHNKr.i.. Harvard College and the First Church in Cambridge. No titlepage. [1890.] 8vo. pp. 21. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 396-416. Hedge, Fuederic Henuy. Memoir of Nathaniel Langdon Frothing- ham, D.D. With an Appendix. Boston, 1870. 8vo. pp. 20. [Proc. XI. (1869-70), 371-386.] Hill, Clement Hlgil Extracts from the Diary ke[)t by the Hon. Jonathan Mason of a Journey from Boston to Savannah in the Year 1804. [With notes.] Cambridge, 1885. 8vo. pp.32. [Proc. 2d series, II. (1885-86), 5-34.] HiLLAUD, George Stillman. Memoir of Joseph Story, LL.D. Boston, 1868. 8vo. pp.32. [Proc. X. (1867-69), 176-205.] . Memoir of the Hon. James Savajje, LL.l)., late Presi- dent of the Massachusetts Historical Society ; prepared agreeably to a Resolution of the Society. Boston, 1878. 8vo. pp. 39. [Proc. XVI. (1878), 117-153.] Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood. Memoir of George Bemis, Esq., prepared agreeably to a Resolution of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, 1878. 8vo. pp.7. [Proc. XVI. ( 1878), 112-1 16.] Holmes, Ariel. The History of Cambridge. Boston, 1801. 8vo. pp. (2), 67. [Coll. VII. 1-67.] . A Memoir of Stephen Parmenius of Buda ; with a Latin Poem, composed by him in 15«3, and now first translated into Eng- lish, 1804. No titlepage. 8vo. pp.19. [CjU. JX. 49-75.] . A Memoir of tiie Moheagan Indians. Written in the year 1804. 8vo. pp. 27. [Coll. IX. 75-99.] ■■■ 86 CENTENNIAL BIBLIOGKAPHY. ' ! HoLVES, Abiel. Sketch of the Life and Character of Caleb Gannett, Esq. No titlepage. 8vo. pp. i). [Coll. 2d series, VII F. 277-2«o.] . A Memoir of tiie French Prot'j'daiits, who settled at Ox- ford, in Massachusetts, A. D, 16«G; vith a Sketch of the entire history of the Protestatits of France. Cambiidgc, 182G. 8vo. pp. iv, H4. [Coll. 3d series, II. 1-83.J Much of this paper wiis reprinted in '• The Worcester Mag- azine and Historical Journal," Vol. II. No. G (October, 1826), pp. 84o-37u. Hoi.MES, Oliver Wendell. Medical Directions written for Gov- ernor Winthrop, by Ed : Stafford, of London, in 1()43. With Notes, liostoa, 1862. 8vo. pp.23. [Proc. V. (1860-02), 37!)-399.] HoMEU, Jonathan. Description and History of Newton, in the County of Middlesex. No titlepage. [1798.] 8vo. pp. 28. [Coll. V. 253-280,] Hudson, Charles. [Life and Character of Major Pitcaini.] No titlepage. [1880.] 8vo. pp. 315-326. [Proc. XVII. (1879- 80), 315-326.] . Memoir of Lemuel Shattuck. No titlepage. [1880.] 8vo. pp. 155-165. [Proc. XVIIL (1880-81), 155-165.] Jenks, Henry Fitch. Diary of Captain Samuel Jenks, diiring the French and Indian War, 1760. [With notes.] Cambridge, 1890. 8vo. pp.47. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 352-391.] KiRKLAND, John Thornton. Notices of the Life of Major General Benjamin Lincoln. No titlepage. [1815.] 8vo. pp. 23. [Coll. 2d series, III. 233-255.] In the -'Index of Authors," 2d series, Vol. X. p. 201, this is accredited to Mr. Kirkland, but it is signed "P. C." [Peleg Coffin?] LivERMORE, George. An Historical Research resj)ecting the Opin- ions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citi- zens, and as Soldiers. Boston, 1862. 8vo. pp. xiv, (2), 215. [Proc. VI. (1862-63), 82-248.] . Supplementary Note [and Index, to be ad. [Proc. 2d series, 1.(1884-85), 77- 118.] ■ . Final Notes on Witchcraft in Massachusetts : A Sum- mary Vindication of the Laws and Liberties concerning Attainders with corruption of blood, esciieats, forfeitures for crime, and pardon of offenders in reply to the " Reasons," etc., of Hon. Abner C. Good- ell, Jr. New York, 1885. 8vo. pp. 120. This paper was read at a meeting of the Society, March 12, 1885, and in part before the New York Historical Society, November 4, 1884. NKWiiLL, William. Memoir of the Rev. Convers Francis, D.D. Cambridge, • 1866. 8vo. pp.23. [Proc. Vlil. (1864-05), 233- 253.] Oliver, Fitch Edward. Memoir of the Rev. Nicholas Iloppin, D.D. Cambridge, 1887. Svo. pp. '4. Portrait [Proc. 2d series, in. (1886-87), 291)-308.] Pali-'uey, Francis Wintiirop. Memoir of the lion. George S. Hillard, LL.D. [With memorial verses by ^^'illialn W. Story.] No titlepage. [Boston, 1882.] 8vo. pp. 339-348. [Proc. XIX. (1881-82), 339-348.] Parker, Joel. The Origin, Organization, and Influence of the Towns of New Knglund. Cambridge, 1867. Svo. pp.54. [Proc. IX. (1866-67), 14-65.] CENTENNIAL IJIBLIOGUAI'HY. 89 Pausons, TiiKOPiiiLUS. Memoir of Charles Greely Loriug; prc- psired ajfreeably to u Resolution of the Rliissaohusett.s Historical So- ciety. Cambridge, 1870. 8vo. pp. 31. [I'roc. XI. (18G9-70), 203-21)1.] Pkabody, Andiikw Prkston, Memoir of Rev. Charles Mason, D.D. Prepared agie ibly to a Resolution of the Mass,tchus<'tt8 Historical Society. With an Appendix. Boston, 18(53. 8vo. pp. 39. Portrait. [Proc. VII. ( 18(;,']-(;4), l(»4-lil.| . Memoir of the Hon. Emory Washburn, LL.l). Cam- bridge, 1879. 8vo. pp. 14. Portrait. [Proc. XVII. (1879-80), 23-32.] . Memoir of John Langdon Sibley. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo. pp. 23. Portrait. [Proc. 2d series, II. (1885-80), 487- 507.] . Memoir of Rev. Samuel Kirkland Lothrop, D.D., LL.D. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo. pp.22. [Proc. 2d series, HI. (1880-87), 101-177.] . Memoir of James Freeman Clarke. Cambridge, 1889. 8vo. pp. 21. [Proc. 2d series, IV. (1887-89), 320-335.] Pemherton, Thomas. Au Historical Journal of the American War. Extracted from the Publications of the JNIassachusetts Historical Society. Boston, 1795. 8vo. pp. (2), 206. [Coll. II. 41-246.] This title also appears in substance in Library catalogues witli the date 1793, but it is generally taken from manuscript titlepages [by Mr. Pemberton ?] to volumes made up bodily from the Collections, thougli tlie copy at the Boston Public Library has a titlepage evidently printed many years later. According to Sabin's " Dictiona; of Books relating to Amer- ica," there are two other editions, 1810 and 1813, which I have not as yet seen. Perkins, Augustus Thornpikk. A Sketch of the Life and some of the Works of John Singleton Copley, R.A. Cambridge, 1873. 8vo. pp. 13. [Proc. XII. (1871-73), 319-329.] This Sketch ap[)ears with some changes and many additions in a volume with the following title : — . A Sketch of the Life and a List of some of the Works of John Singleton Copley. Privately printed, 1873. 8vo. pp. 144. . Memoir of Thomas Cotlin A mory. No titlepage. [1890.] 8vo. pp. 6. [Proc. 2d series, V. (1889-90), 341-346.] Perkins, Charles Callahan. Reminiscences of the Insurrectioi in St. Domingo. By Samuel G. Perkins. Cambridge, 1880. 8vo. pp. m. [Proc. 2d series, 11. (1885-80), 305-390.] 1 1 40 CENTENNIAL niBLlOGKAPHY. This appears in tlie Proceedings, April 16, 1880, aiid was reprinted with an Introduction and Notes. PiCKKRiNO, .loHN. Ohserviitloiis on tlie Language of the Rluhlie- kaiieew Indians. Hy Jonathan Pidwards, DA), A New Edition : with Notes. Koston, 1823. 8vo. pp. H2. [Coll. 2d series, X. 81-160.] . Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (or Natick) Indian Lan- guage. Hy Josiah Cotton. Cambridge, 182'J. 8vo. pp. 112. [Coll. 3d series, II. 147-257.] The " Advertisement " is signed, the first part by J. D. [Jonn Davis?], and the second by J. P[ickering]. PoiiTKR, Edwahd Griffin. Concerning President Garfield's An- cestry. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo. pp. 15. [Proc. XIX. (1881-82), 83-94.] . Memoir of the lion. Charles Hudson. No titlepage. [1887.] 8vo. pp. 28-32. [Proc. 2d series, IV. (1887-89), 28-32.] . Memoir of John C. Phillips. With the remarks of Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, and other tributes. Privately print i. Cam- bridge, 1888. 8vo. pp.12. Portrait. [Proc. 2d series, IV. ( 1887- 89), 33-36.] Presoott, William Hickling. Memoir of Hon. John Pickering, LL.D. Cambridge, 1848. 8vo. pp. 27. [Coll. 3d series, X. 204- 224.] Putnam, Fkedkuick Ward. On Jadeite Ornaments from Central America. [1886.] 8vo. 1 p. [Proc. 2d series, II. (1885-86), 170, 171.] QuiNCY, Edmund. Memoir of Charles Sprague, prepared for the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, 1875. 8vo. pp.17. Portrait. [Proc. XIV. (1875-76), 39-51.] QuiNOY, Josiaii. Memoir of James Grahame, LL.D., author of the History of the United States of North America. Boston, 1845. 8vo. pp. 51. [Coll. 3d series, IX. 1-41.] . Speech of the Hon. .Josiah Quincy, delivered in February, 1858, before the Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature, . . . No titlepage. 8vo. pp. 8. [Proc. III. (1855-58), 344-351.] Quint, Alonzo Hall. Journal of the Rev. John Pike, of Dover, N. H. With an Introduction and Notes. Cambridge, 1876. 8vo. pp. 40. [Proc. XIV. (1875-76), 117-152.] This is in part printed in the Collections of the New Hamp- shire Historical Society, Vol. III. (1832), pp. 40-67. Rii'LEY, Samuf.l. Memoir of the late Hon. Christopher Gore, of Wal- tham, Mass. [1827.] 8vo. pp. 17 [21]. [Coll. 3d series, III. 191-209.] CENTENNIAL niHLlOGHAPHY. 41 RoBiUNS, CiiANDi-EK, Memoir of Hon. William Applotoii. Pre- ptiHid a, uciety. Cambridge, 1869. 8vo. pp.39. Portrait. [Proc. XI. (:869-7()), 47-83.] . Memoir of the Hon. Joel Parker, LL.D. Cambridge, 1876. 8vo. pp.8. Portrait. [Proc. XIV. (IH7r)-76), 172-179.] Watkus, Hknky FiTZ-GiMiKKT. A Hriet'e l)e8cri|)tion of New Eng- land and the Several Townes therein together with the present gov- ernment thereof. [From a Manuscript written in IGGO by Samuel Maverick, and recently discovered in the British Museum by Henry F. Waters, A.IJ.] [188o.] 8vo. pp. 28. [Proc. 2d seriea, I. (1884-85), 231-249.] I'liis was communiciited by John T. Ilassam, ai irinted in the Proceedintjs for October 9, 1884. It also ai)peared in "The Ne\v-En|..;J. [I'roo. XVII. (187;»-SO), 12-1 t.] . Memoir of Uooijjo Siimiier. I'lepared at the UequcHt of tho MiissiichusettH Ili-toriciil Society. Cambridj^o, IHHO. Hvo. pp. .'{7. [IVoo. XVIII. (IHMO-Hl), l«l»-U-2;l.] . Munioir of (Jeoi-iie Harnfll P^niorHoii, LL.I). With a Siipplotncnt. Ciimbridjjii, 1884. Hvo. pp. 124, (2). rortruit. [Proc. XX. (1HM2-H;5), •2.'J-2--2o9.] WiHTMOitK, William IIknuv. Notes ooii«'riiiii<{ Ptiier I'olluim, the cariiost Artist roHi), 405-424.] One hundred and lifty copies were re[)rinted with some additions, for the Prince Society, for distrihntion amont? tlie nierahers ; {ind these ontained the additional title: "■The Publications of the I iiiice Society. Establislnjd May 2.5th, 1858. The Genealogy of the Payne and Gore Families." Willard, JosEi'ii. Memoir of William Lincoln. Cambridge, 1848, 8vo. pp. 13. [Coll. 3d series, X. 225-235.] . Naturalization in the Aineri'mn Ctdonies, with more par- ticular reference to Massachusetts. IJoston, 185'J. Hvo. pj). 30. [Proc. IV. (1858-60), 337-3(;4.] . Plan for the General ArranjL^ement of the Militia of the United States, by General Knox. With remarks. Boston, 1803. 8vo. pp. 42. [Proc. VI. (lH02-(i3), 304-403.] WiNSOU, Justin. Governor Bradford's Maimscript History of Ply- mouth Plantation, and its Transmission to our Times. Cambridge, 1881. Hvo. pp. 18. [Proc. XIX. (1881-82), 100-122.] Seventy-five copies printed. . Two 'Brief Papers : being the Abandoned Boston ; the extent of the Continental Line of the Revolutionary Ar iy Miscon- ceived. Cambridge, 1880. Hvo. pp. 10. [Proc. 2d series, II. (1885-86), 200-207.] Seventy-five copies printed. li m 46 CENTENNIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. ip I ' I WiNsou, Justin. Arnold's P^xpedition against Quebec. 1775-1776. Tlie Diary of Ebenezer Wild, with a List of such Diaries. Cambrid|L^e, 1886, 8vo. pp. 12. [Proc. 2d series, II. (1885-8G), 265-275.] Seventy-five eo[)ies printed. . 1779. Sullivan'H Expedition against the Indianii! of New York. A Letter from Andrew AlcP\iiland Davis to Justin Winsor. With the Journal of William McKendry. Cambridge, 1886. 8^0. pp. 45. [PriMJ. 2d serfbG, IL (1885-86), 436-478.] One liundred copies printed. Note on the Spurious Letters of Montcalm, 1759. Cam- bridge, 1887. 8vo. pp.6. [Proc. 2d series, III. (1886-87), 202-205.] . Elder William Brewster, of the " Mayflower : " iiis Books and Autographs, with other Notes. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo. pp. 17. [Proc. 2d series, III. (1886-87), 261-274.] Seventy-five copies printed. , [Papers on the Wyoming Massacre, October 13, 1887.] No titlepage. 8vo, pp. 340-347. [Proc. ^d sericu, III. (1886-87), 340-347.] ■ . The Cartographical History of the North-Eastern Boun- dary Controversy between the United State? and G'-eat Britain. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo. pp.24. [Proc. 2d series, IIL (1886-87), 349-369.] Seventy-five copies printed. "WiNTHROP, Ben.iamin Robkrt. The Washington Chair, presented to the Massachusetts Historical Society by Benjamin R. Wiuthrop, P^sq., of New York. No titlepage. [1856.] 8vo. pp. 7. [Proc. HI. (1855-58), 123-125.] Tliis is also piinted in "Tlie Historical Magazine" (^\ c\. I. pp. 42, 43) for February, 1857. WiNxnitoP, Robkrt Charlks. Memoir of the Hon. Nathan Apple- ton, LL.D. Prepared agreeably to a Resolution of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society. With an Introduction and Appendix. Boston, 1861. 8vo. pp. (4), 79. Portrait. [Proc. V. (1860-62), 249-308.] . [Tribute to Benjamin Silliman and Charles Christian Rafn.] No titlepage. [1864.] 8vo. pp. 4. [Proc VIII. (1864- 65), 80-83.] . [Tributes to Gulian C. Verplanck and Nathaniel Langdon Frotliiugham, April 14, 1870.] No titlepage. .8vo. pp. 233-239. [Proc. XI. (1869-70), 233-239.] WBasssmmiw^v^ssxii CENTENNIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 47 These pjiges were printed as tliey stand in the Proceed- ings, sind a cover was made for tlie pamphlet, with tlie title : " Proceedings of the Massacliusetts Historical Society, at the Annual Meeting, April 14, 1870." WiNTHuoi, RoBKUT Chaui.ks. Letters of Mrs. Lucy Downing, 1626-1 G74. "With a preface containing some account of her distin- guished son. Sir George Downing, Bart. Boston, 1871. 8vo. pp. (2), xxxi-xliv, (2), 63. [Coll. oth series, I. xxxi-xliv, (2), 1-63.] The unsigned preface, pp. xxxi-xliv, was written by the Hon. Robert C. Wintlnop. . The Buiklin James. Subjects for Master's Degree in Harvard College. 1655-1791. Translated and arranged, with an Introduc- tion and Notes. Cambridge, 1880. 8vo. pp. 38. [Proc. XVIII. (1880-81), 119-151.] . Professor .J. Lewis Diman, D.D. A Memorial Tribute, Cambridge, 1881. 8vo. pp.16. [Proc. XVIII. (1880-81), 331-340.] . Remarks [on the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Martin Luther.] No titlepage. 8vo. pp. 4. [Proc. XX. (1882-83), 355-358.] . Remarks concerning a Letter of Lafayette to Washington, made . . . November 13, 1890. Hvo. pp. 1. [Proc. 2d series. VI. (1890-91), 169-171.] Thirty copies printed. •il I' 60 CENTENNIAL TIBUOGKAPUY. fl Many of Mr. Winthrop's papers and remarks before the So- ciety appear also in his " Addresses and Speeches on varions Occasions" (Boston, 1852-1886), Vols. II.-IV., but such are not specified in the foregoing list. His remarks on the death of Mr. Everett (Proc. VIII. lOl-lOG) are found in his " Tributes to the Memory of Edward Everett" (Boston, 1865), which was privately printed. The remarks made before the Society by Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson, on Thomas Carlyle (Proc. XVIII. 324-328), at the February Meeting, 1881, were reprinted in " Scribner's Monthly" (XXII. 89-91) for May of that year, in advance of the publication of the Proceedings, at the request of the late Dr. Josiah Gilbert Holland, one of our Corresponding Members and the editor of that magazine. Mr. Charles Francis Adams's paper on Sir Christopher Gar- direr (Proc. XX. 60-88), mentioned on page 21, was printed also in " Harper's New Monthly Magazine " (LXVI. 586-597) for March, 1883, where it appeared in advance of the publica- tion of die Procee-iings, but without the notes. MA. The following title should be inserted on page 36, in its proper place : — Jenks, William. The Jenks Family. Copy of a Letter to Alonzo Lewis, Esq., of Lynn, Mass., intended for use in preparing the sec- ond ed. of his history of that town. No titlepage. [1844.] 8vo. pp.6. This was communicated at a meeting, September 26, 1844, and later printed in " The New-England Historical and Genea- logical Register" (IX. 201-206) for July, 1855, from which it is reprinted, though it does not appear to have been used by Mr. Lewis, as implied in the title given above. (See Proceedings, II. 293 note.} 'P BWS®gRSiSs«SS3^»fcsr.« APPENDIX. The following is a list of works, for the most part pxiblished at an early date, which have appeared in the Collections of the Society and been reprinted afterward in various places from original editions, or which have a close connection with the publications. It was presented at a stated meeting held on February 12, 1891, as a Supplement to the Centennial Bibliography. New-Eiiglands Plantation. Or, a short and true Description of the Commodities and Disconunodities of that cotintrey. Written in the year 1G29, by Mr. Higgoson, . . . Reprinted from the third edition, London, 1030. [Coll. I. 117-124.] New England's First Fruits [London, 1G43.] [Coll. L 242-250.] The pamphlet, of which this is the second part, was reprinted as No. VIL of Sabin's Reprints (New York, 1805), Quarto Series. This also appears in Young's " Chronicles of the First Plan- ters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay" (Boston, 1846), pp. 242-259 ; and a reprint of the first edition is found in Force's "Tracts and other Papers" (Washington, 183(3), Vol. L No. 12. An Historical Account of the Settlement of Brookfield, in the county of Worcester, and its distresses during the Indian wars. P^xtracted from a discourse delivered on the last day of the year 177;), by the Rev. Nathan Fiske, D.D. Pastor of the third church in that town ; and corrected by the author. [Coll. L 257-271.] This was taken largely from " A Sermon preached at Brook- field on the Last Day of the Year 1775. Together with some Marginal Notes, etc." ( Boston, 1776), pp. 81, v. The sermon was reprinted .at West Brookfield in 1860. A Key into the Language of America : Or an Help to the Language of the Natives, iu that part of America, called New England. Together i; 32 CENTENNIAL lUHLIOGUAPHY. with brief Observations of the Customs, Maimers, and Worships, &c. of the aforesaid Jsddves, in Peace and War, in Life and Death. Hy Roger Williams of Providenee in New England. [London, 1G43.] [Coll. IIL 203-240; V. H0-l()6.] This also appears in the Collections of the Rhode Island His- torical Society (Providence, 1827), Vol. I. pp. 17-163, (1), printed from a manuscript co[)y of the original work in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, England. The mannscript was " caref idly compared " with the printed volume in the Library of the Massachusetts Histori<;al Society. A reprint is found in the " Publications of the Narragansett Club" (Piovidence, 1866), Vol. I. pp. 77-281. Au Abstract of the Laws of New-England, as they are now established. London, 164L [Coll. V. 173-187.] This also appears in Force's " Tracts and other Papers" (Washington, 1844), Vol. III. No. 9. A Relation or Jtiurnal of the beginning and proceedings of the English Plantation settled at Pliraoth in New p]ngland. . . . London, 1622. [Coll. VIII. 203-239.] This abridgment, with notes by James Freeman, was printed in the Collections for 1802, from that portion of the original edition which appears in " Pvrchas his Pilgrimes" (London, 1625), fourth part. pp. 1842-1853. The portion omitted by Purchas was printed in the Collections, second series. Vol. IX. pp. 26-73, from a manuscript copy, of the edition of 1622 in the City Library of Philadelphia, furnished to th*^ Historical Society by Peter S. Du Ponceau in the year 1819. The " Re- lation " appears as an abstract in " the sixth booke " of Smith's " General Historic," but it is given entire in Young's " Chroni- cles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth " (Bos- ton, 1841), pp. 109-249, and also in the several editions with historical notes, by the Rev. George B. Cheever, D.D. An edition was published (Boston, 1865), with copious Notes and an Introduction by the Rev. Henry M. Dexter, D.D. Good Newes from New England : A True Relation of Things very re- markable at the Plantation of Plimotli in New England. . . . [Lou- don, 1624.] [Coll. VIIL 239-276.] This followed the same course as the '* Relation," and appears in Purchas, fourth part, pp. 1853-1867 ; also in the Collec- tions, second series. Vol. IX. pp. 74-104, where it was printed )■ ii 'mmiw APPENUIX. 53 ". from a copy of the oiinriiuil edition in the Harviiid Collejje Lihmry. A complete reprint appears in Yonii4) with nn Introduction and Notes by Charles I. Bushnell, as No. li of his " Crumbs for Antiqua- rians," Vol. I. New-Eiiglands Jonas cast up at London : or, a Relation of the Pro- ceedinjrs of the Court at Boston in New-England By Major John Child. London, 1047. [Coll. 2d series, IV. 107-120.] This appears in the Collections for 1810. It was afterward reprinted in Force's " Tracts and other i'apers" (Washington, 184G), Vol. IV. No. 3 ; and again (Boston, 1869), with an Introduction and Notes by William T. R. Marvin. A brief History of the Pequot War : S^specially of the memorable Tak- ing of their Fort at Mistick in Connecticut in 1637. Written by Major John Mason . . . Boston, 1736. [Coll. 2d series, VIII. 120-153.] This appears also as e*u ^pnendix to the Case of the Gover- nor and Company of Connecticut and Mohegan Indians" (Lon- don, 1769), and was reprinted by J. Sabin and Sons (New York, 1869). The New Life of Virginea : . . . London, 1612. [Coll. 2d series, VIIL 199-227.] This appears also in Force's " Tracts and other Papers " (Washington, 1836), Vol. I. No. 7. A perfect Description of Virginia: . . . London, 1649. [Coll. 2d series, IX. 105-122.] This appears also in Force's " Tracts and other Papers " (Washington, 1838), \ol. II. No. 8. Advertisements for the •. nexperienced Planters of New-England, or any where ... By C ptaine lolm Smith. London, 1031. [Coll. 3d series, III. 1-53.J This appears in the Collections for 1833, and was reprinted in Boston ^^1865); and also by Edward Arber, in the Works of John Smith (Birmingham, Eng., 1884), pp. 917-966.. Plain Dealing: or, Nevves from New-P^ngland . . . By Thomas Lech- ford. London, 16' 2. [Coll. 3d series, IIL 55-128.] In 1644 this was reprinted with a new titlepage as follows : " New-Englands Advice to Old-England, oi, Some Observa- tions upon New-Englands Government . . " It was printed in the Collections for 1833, as given above, and also appeared APPENDIX. 55 as No. IV. of the " Library of New-England History," with an Introduction and Notes by J. llaramoiid Trumbull (Bos- ton, 1867). An Account of two Voyages to New-England ... By John Joaselyn Gent. . . . The Second Addition. London, 1G75. [Coll. 3d series, in. 211-396.] This appears in the Collections for 18'53, as given above, and is a reprint of the second edition, which is like the first, except- ing the titlepage. It was also republished (Boston, 1865), by William \'eazie, with an Intioduction and Notes. The Day-Breaking, if not the Sun-Rising of the Gospell with the Indians in New-England. London, l'o47. [Coll. 3d series, IV. 1-23.] This appears in the Collections for 1834, as given above, and it also forms No. IX. of Sabin's Reprints (New York, 1865), Quarto Series. There are good reasons, however, to believe that the pamphlet was not written by Eliot, as generally supposed. The Clear Sun-shine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New-England. By Thomas Shepard. London, 1648. [Coll. 3d series, IV. 25-67.] This appears in the Collections for 1834, as given above, and also forms No. X. of Sabin's Reprints (New York, 1865), Quarto Series. The Light appearing more and more towards the perfect Day. Or, a farther Discovery of the present state of the Indians in New-England, concerning the Trogresse of the Gospel amongst them. Published by Henry Whitfield. London, 1651. [Coll. 3d series, IV. 100-147.] This appears in the Collections for 1834, as given above, and also forms No. III. of Sabin's Reprints (New York, 1865), Quarto Series. Strength out of Weaknesse ; or a glorious Manifestation of the further Progresse of the Gosjiel among the Indians in New- England. Pub- lished by Henry Whitfield. London, 1652. [Coll. 3d series, IV. 140-196.] This appears in the Collections for 1834, as given above, and also forms No. V. of Sabin's Reprints (New York, 1866), Quarto Series. A Brief Narration of the Origiuall Undertakings of the Advancen t of Plantations into the parts of America. . . . Written by the rig... 66 t;KNTKNNrAI- mHI-l<»GKAIMIY. . Worshipfull Sir FonliiijUMlo (4()rj;es. London, IG^.S. [Coll. 3d series, VI. 'i.o-y;}.] Thia appears in the Collections for 18i57, as <,Mveii almve, and also in the Collections of the Maine Historical Society (Portland, 1847), Vol. II. pp. v-6o, following pajre HO. A Description of New Engliiud : or tlin Obsorviitions, iind niscouerios, of Ciiptaiiie lohii Smith . . . London, KilG. [Coll. 3d serieH, VL 9.->-M().] This a])pears in the (collections for 1887, as jjiven above, and was also repuhlislied (Boston, 18t)5), by William Veazie, with an Introduction and Notes. An Account of the IMasHuehuRctts Historical Society. [By William Joi.ks.] [Coll. adsericH, VIL 0-20.] This also appeared in "The American Quarterly Register" (Vol. X.) for November, 1837, pp. 1G6-177. A Voyage into New Etigland, begun in 1()23, and ended in 1624. Per- formed by Christopher Levett. London, 1028. [Coll. 3d series, VIIL 159-15)0.] This was reprinted in the Collections for 1843, from a tran- script procured in Eni'land by Jared Sparks. It again ap- peared in the Collections of the Maine Historical Society (Portland, 1847), Vol. II. pp. 75-101), following page 80, printed from a copy of the first edition in the Library of the New York Historical Society. Collections concerning the Early F'istory of the Founders of New Plymouth. By Jo.seph Hunter. [Coll. 4ll> Tories, I. o2-S5.] This appears in the Collections for 1852, and is a modifica- tion of Mr. Hunter's " Ciitical and Historical Tracts" (Lon- don, 184!)), No. II. printed under a similar title. Another edition much enlarged was published in 1854, and in the " Preliminary Notice " to the volume, Mr. Hunter says, " I have been requested by the Massachusetts Histoiical Society to prepare a kind of New Edition for insertion in their Trans- actions." Memoir of Rev. John Robinson. By the Rev. Robert Ashton. [Coll. 4th series, I. 111-104.] This appears in the Collections for 1852, and is a reprint from " The Works of John Robinson " (lioston, 1851), Vol. I. pp. xi-lxxiv. ( nn 'mmmm m^mm^m^iim^ •up m <' ( I't €■