■^^>.-^''^^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) '/. /. {/ r 1.0 I.I 1^ IIIIIM ■ 40 l|||M II 2.2 2£ 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" - ► fhe 19th July, 1807. and cxernted brfor. N'> an,.s betw.e,. . he abovo.„an,o.l Appellant and „no Nov^mau Uainbrid:je, Mill. "!ht it .vas:,,r<..,! th.the, the ,u.,l Xe«man Huinbridi^o, should (for the prire an ""'J'^ <''=f'""», a«dhad broL'. their covenants, to his Couir °"*'"''' '»g'-eement, between the Appsllant and Newman Bainbridge, are upon the tiles of the The following Clauses, being material, are here inserted at length :-" Tons Icsquelles dites b4tis,e» us-menfo,mees,le di, Newman l5,.iMl,ri.l,re pron.et et s'oblige livrer faites et parfaites, et de la meu! leuremaniere c sol.de, et A due dVxperts et .nn, i ce connoissaus que l«s parties' conviendmit, dans le cas qu'elles no soient pas d'aconi, .inx termes suivani, s.voir le moulin a farine al a tournantetfaisantde bonne farlne; et le moulin a scie, allant et lais^nt des bonnes Scheret' autresbo.s, d hu.au premier Nove,nl.,e prochain, pour tons delais, «t qui sont a la . ifime place "' chettes"&^ '"" '■ ■ "' "'° ' "" "' '^ ""''"■"' ''"' ''°''"-''" ^"■'-" ''^"'"^ ="» '"' "'-'" '1«» l'^^"'-- "Etle5quelsditsmouIins,tnnti farine qu'd scie, ledit Newman Bainbridge promet et s'obli..e ga- ™> .■; bon et sol.de etfa.sant ar.ne et pla.iche pe.idant nne annee en.ieiv, i compter du iour .fue ledit\V alter Davidson aura etc mis ... possession des dits .,ua.re moulins; ct s'il ar.ivoit qJelqu'.c! Vv I" '"'^"""P''''"' '"«« ^"'* -"""l-Soil i lu chaussee, le dit Newman Biinb>i.Le promet ct sV- bilge de ref.uic ou reparer ce qui aura pu manquer dans la .lite an..ee, i,nmediate.ne.,t, et sans pou- voir exiger ni reclamcr aucun payement ni indemnit.- pour raison de telles .eparations, \ „oi„e & • « pouryu que ce ne soitpas la faute ou negligence des meuniers alors an service du dit" Walter David- By the ag,eeme.,t, certain advauces were to be made by the Appellant to the said Newman Bain, bridge, and the balaace paid upon delivery of the Mills. ■"-"■"an uain. To the above Declaration the Respondents pleaded as follows :— ilii^ Premidrement— •:i PrmiJ emnnt.- '• Qne des lonfitrnn a»jn( In nis Novembre, 181R, U , ,leui mouli..», menllonnps « en 1.1 J).Hlaral,oi, ,U, ,|,t Waltn DaTi.lson, siu.ir ; Ic (lit mouli.i i fiiiine, el lo dit moulin dsri. I eto.ci.t Inns .1 |„M., midit Wiilkr Duidson. p,,, l.s ditH Defnidcni., i la satisfaction du ditDe" " niai.drur. anv ijue, S.TondimrMt Dos ><• .: ,!. ,le Novend.rr, IS17, les dits moulins 4 farlne ,■» rcndi'iirn, i la sadsfadion dii *' moulitisi scii- uloimt llnis o( livrc-s an dit DriM.mdi'iir, parlfn (Ills U('Of «« dil nemandcur, .t (jm' Irs dits moulins (l-fant nriis par U- dit Dcn.andcnr dt>s Ip niois di- Novembrp' " 181 <, •.ntp.'ndant plusd'un an aprws la di(.' livraison ct rccrplion d'iccux, moulins fails, tou.s ce « c\w Ic (lit \\ alter Davidboi, avoit droit d'cn atkiidre, en vertu do son march^, cite ei> la Declaration " hire en cette cause. Troisi(iiLuouimperiti(! (ii\silils l)ef.iul..urs, vieiui(?nt au rontraire du fait de la f.iute et do l'imp(:.ritio du n.eunier, ou des n.oM.i.rs " du dit Walter Davidson." ' Quatriemempnt.— "Parcpque, dans ot pendant raniien dc la livraison dps dits dpux moulins les (Ills «' Dclendours out toiijours et(? piets do fairo lollcs raiso.inables reparations qui auioieiit pu Itrc exietjci " df la partdu dit Walter Davidson, et que les dites riparations n'oiit point ete exigees." It is in evidence tliat, long after the time when the mills on the Beau Rivage ought to havebrcn coni- pli ated, to wit : nearly a year, they were examined in the presence of JeanDerocher, one of the U,s. pomlents, David Ross, Esquire, of Montreal, the Agent of the Appellant, the miller, and Mr. Lclievre a Notary. |lhe dam, and raceway was examined bythe same persons, at the .same time. \ raemorm' (lun. was made, in the presence of al'i these parties, by Mr. Lclif^vre, of the state of the mill, and of 'tlie dam aiKl raceway. Ihis memorandmu (No. 15, of Record) establishes the various things wherein the Respondents had fa.Ud to comply with their contract. A delay, for the compleating of ilieso things was asked by Jean Deiocher, and granted by Mr. Ross, on behalf of the Appellant. The Respcndeiils neglecting still to fulhl their engagements, the Appellant, at the termination of the delay, caused a Frotust to be served on the Respondents, and breught the present action. The Court bi-low (disscntiente His Honor the Chief Justice) dismissed the Appellant's action, with costs, and it is from this judgment that the present .A.ppcal is brought. )l M ■ i < ' i moulint, mentionnps el lo dit mouliii isric. ittisfiictioii