0e weeks previously. TO THE MOST REVEREND FATHER IN GOD, FRAN- CIS, BY DIVINE APPOINTMENT, METROPOLITAN OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND IN CANADA. May it please your Lordship : We, the undersigned, Bishops, Clerical and Lay Mem- bers of the Provincial Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland in Canada, and others, gladly avail themselves of the occasion presented by your Lordship's departure from this country on a visit to England, to convey to you, a.s our Metropolitan, the expression of our heartfelt esteem and confidence. We gratefully acknowledge that, amid all the difficultie attendant on the erection of a|^ity which wo consider to be most essential to the welfare w||lie church, your Lordship has invariably discovered a disinterested anxiety for the general good, and a noble superiority to personal considerations, which wo can- not but regard with affectionate admiration. Although it is not within our provincn to dwell on the advan tages which yonr Lordship's zeal and prudence have secured to your own Diocese, we may yet be permitted, thosc^ of us who are gucst« of the Church in this city, thankfully to acknowledge that we have jeen convoked to hold om-delibemtions under circumstances which our Church at home. We rejoice that our Provincial Synod has been per^.tted to assemble in such a house of prayer ^ th^ he hallowing influence of tho services of that church; and we oannot forget that these advantages are, under God, due in a great degree to your Lordship. . aue in a youT:Sdttt: r:;;';r™i:r ^^^r^'' - ^ the continued growth ad Lr .""^ ^'■■"'''™'"' "'' Church Catholit criuld o t^Ce u, fird'"^'™ f "■' wm be, in tho closest bond, 1^^'^ \ '^^ "^ *™'' "' chui^hofthe mother con tt ij , *"""';''""' *'*'' ^e times of doubt and disord r to 1,T „! '"'':'""'"''• ""^ ^''- » children, of God, as weU 2 t, l7 7 """^ "^ *'"= ™*'<='-'"' by his name. *''°'"' "''° ™ "°* "« yet called George J. Quebec. John Toronto. J. Travers Ontario. W.B. Lauder, Lri^A^l^i^i^i^t™-' ''"™"»- ix:rto,rAJcr'r"'^';?'^ George Slack, M. A f „e "'b ,n, f \r u ^''''°'" "'' ^"•''P''- Saltern Givins, lueumbe of S .• I ^"' ^V ""™' B™n. T.B. Fuller, D.D DCL r?ri' "I"' K"™HJon„. .ud Enndbean. ■' ^'""'"""•■"' "^ «'' «™'-Sc», Toronto, J. Gamble Gcdde.; M.!!, h" to'rf l;''"'t°""°S<'' T"™"*"- Edward H. Dewar, M. A., Rector of Tliornhill. Thomas Smith Kennedy, St. John's Evangelist, Toronto. John A. Mulock, Incumbent, St. Paul's Church, Kingston. John C. Davidson, Incumbent of Cowansville, &c. John Gilbert Armstrong, B.A., Incumbent of Hawkesbury. W. Bleasdell, M.A., Rector of Trenton, and Ex-Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Ontario. J. S. Lauder, M.A., Rector of Ottawa. W. Stewart Darling, assistant Minister Church of Holy Trinity, Toronto. E. Denroche, M.A., assistant Minister, St. George's Cathedral, Kingston. Henry Holland, B.A. Rector of Fort Erie. J. H. Thompson, M. A., Canon of Christ Church Cathedral. MontTeal. Isaac P. White, Ca,non of Christ Chui-ch Cathedral, Montreal. I. Constantino, Minister of St. James' Church, Stanbridge, East. John Alex. Morris, Clerk, Fitzroy. Edward J. Rogers, Chaplain to the Forces. Edmund Wood, M.A„ St. John's Ch.vpol, Montreal. Henry Roe, B.A., Curate of Quebec. J. G. D. McKenzie, M.A., Hamilton. W. B. Curran, B. A., assistant Minister, Trinity Church, Montreal. Jonathan Short, D.D., Rector of Port Hope. Edward J. Boswell, D.C.L., Officiating at Prescott. W. Agar Adamson, D.C.L., Cha])laiu Legislative Council. John Pentland, Incumbent of Whitby and Oshawa. William Logan, B.A., Incumbent of St. John's Cartwright. James A. Preston, M.A., Incumbent of Stirling. A. Campbell Scarth.S.T.L., Incumbentof St. George's, Lennoxville William C. Merrick, M.A., Incumbent of Berthier. George Clerk Irving, M.A., Vice-Provost of Trinity College. Robert Gregory Cox, late Incumbent of Brampton. r. G. Lundy, D.C.L., Rector of Grimsby. William McMurray, D.D., D.C.L.. Rector of Niagara. H. N. Phillips, Incumbent of Christ Church, Grantham. Thomas Crcen, late Rector of Nigara. C. H. Drinkwater, IVIissionary, Rockwood. John Carry, B.D., Incumbent of Tullamore. James A. McLood, M. A., Incumbent of Trinity Church, Christieville. Charles RoUit, Incumbent of Rawdon. Joseph Scott, D.D., Archdeacon t)f Montreal. James Reid, D.D., Rector of Frelisburgh and Honorary Canon. Richard Garrett, Incumbent of Osuab\ick. John Bell Worrell, B. A., Incumbent of Smith's Falls, and Rural Dean* ota7inage, Incurabent of Welland John Gunn, Olork it^ZT f fj?''™' *^'"""'''. Woodbridge G A Anr !. ' '^^ST^^ry of North Gover. E. L. Stephenson MA ° f "-ovmcial Synod. John Wi,L B A. lt'„"„C°i T^T'*'-:. ''■ ^''««'™« ^^ ^ hi„,self and the S" "J^^'^"',!^":'??^*^^^^^^ on behalf of Abraham Nellos ATi^oi^ 'o'^o'it, ou at P. du F. Eiaam Eni„t:"Si3S:™Tt : tsj^r 'b-^'^^^^ James Moekridge, L.cmbont of P^tt iH' '■J^':'*" "^ Huron. John Hilton, I.^nX; of ^t Anl'f t""- Adam Townlev D D tV , '" '' Toronto. C. E. Thompson, M.A., Incumbent of Elora and Fergus. (t. G. Magill, Inbumbent of Drumrnondville. William Belt, M.A., Highland Creek, Scarboro, W. E. Cooper, M.A., Head Maste , St. Catharines Grammar School. George Hallen, B.A., Missionary at j-'enetanguishene. Edward CuUen Parkin, Incumbent of Valcartier. James Godfrey, Incumbent of Christ Church, Hantley. T. S. Chapman, M.A., Incumbent of Dudwell. R. G. Plees, Incumbent of St. Paul's Chapel, Quebec. Henry James Petry, B.A., assistant Minister, St. Peter's, Qu6bec. T>. Bobertson, Chaplain H. M. Forces, Quebec. Johston Yicars, Incumbent of Ingersoll Diocese of Huron. A. G. Fidler, B.A., Incumbent of St. John's, Cookstowu. H. E. Plees, B.A., Incumbent of St. John's Carrying Place. Henry iirent, B A , Rector of Clarke. John Carroll, Incumbent of Gananoque. Robert Lindsay, M.A., Incumbent of Brome. Charles Ruttan, Incumbent c>f Creemore. William Leeming, Rector of Chippewa. Charles Leycester Ingles, B.A., Curate of Chippewa. John Langtry, M.A., CoUingwood. William Bettridge, B.D., Rector of Woodstock, and Rural Dean, Huron Diocese. G. J. R. Salter, M.A., Rural Dean, Sarnia, Huron Diocese. John Johnston, Minister of Aylmer and Hull. Francis Tremayne, Incumbent of Milton. F. L. Osier, M.A., Rector of Ancaster and Dundas, and Rural Dean. Ralph Leeming, Clerk, Dundas. Thomas W. Allen, Rector of Bath. Frederick D. Fanquier, Incumbent of Christ Church, Huntingford. Huron Diocese. T. P. Hodge, Incumbent of St. Peter's Church Credit. Solomon Briggs, M.A., Jarvis, Walpole Township. T. A. Parnell, Incumbent of Merrickville. H. B. Jessopp, M.A., Port Bur well, Huron Diocese. Alex. Dixon, B.A., Rector, Port Dalhousie. William Grant, Incumbent of Reach and TJxbridge. Henry Patton, D.C.L., Archdeacon of Ottawa, and Rector of Cornwall. Francis Tremayne, Senior Incumbent of Lamb's Pond and North Augusta. A. MacNab, D.D., Rector of Darlington. H. W. Davis, M.A., assistant Minister of Cornwall. H. _D. Reynolds, B. A., " " " Jfi. iioucks, Incumbent of Wiliiamsburgh. (( 6 E. Patterson, M. A., Incumbent of St. James', Stratford, Huron Diocese. C. P. Emery, Clerk, Ottawa. E. Morris, Rector, Franktown, Diocese of Ontario. James Pyke, Incumbent of St. James', Vandreiul. Stewart Houston, B.A., Missionary at Arthur. John Smithurst, Missionary at Minto. A. F. Atkinson, D.C.L., Rector of Sfc Catharines. T. B. Read. D.D., Rector of Thorold. George Nesbit, B.A., Missionary at Alma. A. J. Brougball, MA., Incumbent of St, Stephen's, Toronto. William Ritchie, Incumbent of Georgina. J. Vanlinge, B.D., Streetsville. LAITY. John B. Robinson, President Court of Ai)peal. W. H. Draper, Chief Justice Common Pleas. U. C. Philip Vankoughnet, Chancellor. J. C. P. Esten, Vice-Chancellor. J. G. Spragge, Vice-Chancellor. Robert Burns, Judge of the Queens' Bench. Charles Rubridge, Commander R. IST. Frederick Far Carruthers, St. Paul's Yorkville. R. S. Spratt, Churchwarden, Holy Trinity Cluirch. H. W. McMurray, Churchwarden, St. George's, Toronto. S. Oliver, Churchwarden, St. John's, '« JohnBoulton, " St. George's, D. B. Read, Delegate to Diocesean Synod, Thomas Haworth, Churchwarden, St, Paul's. J. F Brown, from Georgina. John Carter, Organist, St. James', F. R. Thorpe, Churchwarden, St. John's, G. MofFatt, Delegate to Provincial Synod. Geo. Boulton, " J. H. Cameron " C.J.Campbell, " S. B. Harman, " W. B. Simpson, James Bovell, " R. N. Steele, « E. Carter, " B. Y. Morris, " Thomas G. Wood, E, J. Hemming, James Thomi)son, H. Wolton Campbell, Peter Roe, tt if (( (( K (( (( (( (( .( (( (( (( (( (C f( (( (( (( i( (( <( tt tt tt {( tt tt ,t tt tt tt tt C. R. Dickson, Churchwarden, St. Paul's, Toronto. A. M. Clarke, Delegate, St. Paul's, Toronto, G. W. Allan, Member Legislative Council. W. M. Westmacott, Delegate, Toronto. James 0. Clarke, " " Samuel Mills, Member Legislative Council. H. B. Bull, Lay-Delegate to Toronto Synod. H. S. Ridley, Churchwarden, Christ Church, Hamilton. F.G.Ritchie, George Irvine, Lay-Delegate from Quebec. William Ellis, " " Prescott. Charles Brent, Lay-Delegate to the Synod of Toronto. T. M. Benson, H. M. Meredith, " *' " " Justice Merwin, Churchwarden, Prescott. Edward Willan, Lay-Delegate, on behalf of the congregation of St. John's, Cartwright. G. S. Ball, Lay-Delegate for Stirling. William Baker, Lay-Delegate. James Armstrong, " James S. Dixon, " E. Follingswood, " Grimsby. W. F. Biggar, John Powell, Churchwarden, Niagara. James Baxter, " R. M. Wilson, M.D., Mayor of John Simpson. M.P.P., Frederick Morson, M. D., M.R.C.S.L, Niagara. John Backus, G.P., District and Delegate P. S. Thomas Augustus Corbett, Sheriff, Midland. William Scroggy, Lay-Delegate. Rawdon. Thomas Pigott, William H. Baker, Churchwarden, Osnabruck. R. H. Bullock, late Captain R. A., Superintendent of Customs. Michael Ross, Churchwarden of St. Peter's. G. G. Gallinger, Churchwarden of St. John's. William Sacklon, " " " " c j James Shaw, M.L.C., Delegate to Provmcial Synod. William H. Jarvis. Lay-Delegate. W. H. Burrit, M.D., " ., . , , t. n Wiluam Corrie, Churchwarden of St. John's, Smith sl^ alls. Rufus S. Collins, " " " " " ^ /' , Joseph McCormack, Churchwarden of St. James, Port Ji^imsley. John Elliot, " " " " " " J. Chamberlain, M.D , of Freligburgh. George Crawford, M.L.C., of Brockville. ^ John W. Gamble, Degeiaie to rrovincial Synod. a George p. Kerby, " " '* " Diocese of Huroii. A. L. Eoberts, Delegate to Diocesean Synod. John Port, " " " " Thomas Claws, " " " " L. Lawson, Delegate to Provincial Synod, Huron. J. G. Whitcomb, M.D., Delegate to Diocesean Synod, Montreal. W. L. West, " " " " " Oliver Warren, Wai'den of St, George's, Granby. Franklin Wood, " " " " " John Lawson, Warden of St. Peter's. Sylvester Savage, " " " *• E. Mattherson, M.L.C., of Perth. Henery D. Shaw, Churchwarden, and Lay-Delegate. John McKenzie, Delegate, Terrebone. John Moody, Churchwarden " Hon. A. B. Foster, M.L.C., Waterloo. L. S. Huntingdon, Lay-Delegate to Provincial Synod. Thomas Allchin, Lay-Delegate, Russeltown. Peter Pollica, *' " Robert Rodgers, Lay-Delegate to Provincial Synod. William Barrett, •* " " " John Patteraon, Delegate. Patrick O'Connor, Churchwarden. William Robinson, " Charles Robinson, Delegate, Diocese of Huron. H. M. Yerington, Churchwarden, Christ Church, Port Stanley. J. R. Bostwick, •' « u • u R. Macannany, Senior Churchwarden, Bellville. Luke Mullock, Churchwarden. H. R. O'Reilly, Delegate to Synod of Toronto. John A. Penton, Lay-Delegate to Huron Synod. George Stanton, " " " " George Wheatley, " to Montreal Synod. G. C. Robinson, " " " " Charles King, " " Quebec Synod. R. C. Newman, Churchwarden, Flora. H H. Thompson, Churchwarden, Penetanguishene. D. Mitchell, " Edgar Hallen, Lay-Delegate, Toronto Synod. Preston Hallen, " " " W. Simpson, " " '* Peter Carroll, Delegate, Christ Church, Hamilton. H. G. Bishop, Churchwardens, St. Paul's, Marbletown. George Woston, " ♦* " " Edward H. Taylor, Chapel- Warden, St. Paul's, Quebec. James Lloyd, *' *' ' Samuel Bell. Churchwarden. (( (( 9 John Mitchell, Churchwarden. Harrison Dodd, • < Thomas Lee, Delegate to Synod. Thomas Watkins, " '' " Minchin Jackson, Lay-Delegate and Churchwarden of West- minister, Huron Diocese. James Mountford of London, Huron Diocese. J. Hipned, Delegate to Synod. J. Armstrong, Churchwarden. Thomas Tamblyn, Churchwarden, St. George's, Clarke. A. Wilmot, " " " •< R. T. Wilkison, Delegate to Diocesan Synod. Samuel Wilmot, " " " " D.Ford Jones, " " « " Sylvester Skinner, " ' " " " James Birmingham, Churchwarden, South Lake. William Adair, " « u Robert Roberts, Churchwarden, Lansdowne. John Shepherd, " «* William Robinson, Lay-Delegate, '' Edward Browne, Delegate to Toronto Synod. Thomas C. Street, Delegate to Provincial Synod. Charles DeBlaquiere, Churchwarden, Woodstock, Huron Diocese. John Beard, " " " « A. Driscoll, Churchwarden, Christ Church, Aylmer. John A. Snow, " " " '« G. J. Martson, Churchwarden, St. Jame's Church, Hull. C. B. Wrig'ht, «' " *« " " John Holdgate, Delegate to Toronto Synod. R. A. Young, Delegate to Provincial Synod. Thomas Hammill, Churchwarden, St. John's Ancaster. T. Postans, " " " " W. Kerns, Churchwarden, Dundas. J. Wright, " " John Sumner, Churchwarden and Lay-Delegate, Carleton Place. James Leach, " " " « " Abraham Code, Lay-Delegate, ^* ** George Boswell, Lay-Delegate, Cobourg. Henry Ellis Skinner, Churchwarden, Stirling. E. J. Francis, " " Henry Racey, Churchwarden, Grace Church, Huron Diocese. William Farmer, Delegate from Barton. John Gage, Delegate from Glanford. John Tydd, Churchwarden, St. Paul's, Glanford. Thomas French, " " " " Frederick Almas, Churchwarden, St. Peter's, Barton. Alexander Voung, <* " ♦' " 10 Mathew Sharpe, Churchwarden, Bath. Henry Boyle, C. E. Anderson, Churchwarden, St. Peter's, Credit. J. Magrath, ' " W. King, Lay-Delegate to Quebec Synod. M. H. King, M.D,, Churchwarden, St. Sylvester. John Lasher, " " " James Lefebore, J.P., Churchwarden, St. Giles. G. Haslet, « " " John A. Lamprey, Churchwarden, St. George's, Guelph. John Hortman, " « .« . <• William Westney, Churchwarden, Christ Church, Scarboro. William Galloway, « " " « Isiiac Blain, Lay-Delegate, Scarboro. William Empingham, Churchwarden, St. Jude's, Scarboro. Adam Wetherston, " " *• '< Paul Sheppard, Lay-Delegate, Scarboro. Henry Mason, Churchwarden, St. Paul's, Scarboro. William Christie, " " « Benjamin Martin, Churchwarden and Lay-Delegate. David Almas, •' '• " Joseph Seymour, " *• " William Howard, *' " " John Barwick, Woodstock, Huron Diocese. Joseph Pens, " " " Joseph Turner, Churchwarden and Delegate, Christ Church, Huntingdon, Huron Diocese. Kichard Moysey, Churchwarden, Christ Church, Huntingdon, Huron Diocese. Arthur Armstrong, Churchwarden, Trinity Church, Huron Diocese. Alfred Harwood, Delegate, Huron Diocese. J. W. O. Clark, Delegate, Toronto Synod. W. M. Westmacott, " " " " Anthony Dixon, Churchwarden, St. John's, Bowmanvillo. C. G. Harming, Lay-Delegate, ♦ '* " W. J. Iinlach, Lay-Delegate to Provincial and Diocesan Synod, Huron Diocese. J. Sydney Smith, Warden and Lay-Delegate, Huron Diocese. James Powell, Warden, St. Jame's, Stratford, Huron Diocese. Andrew Mouteith, Warden of County of Perth, " ♦• 1 The originalf of the foregoing signatures are in possession of the Rev. G. G. Geddcs, with the exception of forty two of the Clergy Wiiose siguaturcS to this uocuixicut arc ongiual, v^d four- 11 teen of the Lay-Delegates to the Provincial Synod. J. GAMBLE GEDDES. M.A. Hector of Hamilton, Hamilton, 13th Nov., 1862. 0. W. Total Signatures. 3 Bishops. 159 Other Clergy. 97 Delegates to Provincial and Diocesan Synods. 93 Churchwardens. 6 Judges. 11 Members Legislative Council. 296 Non-Officials. Grand Total 665 ) xh, ion, ron )d. lof the RioHT Rev. and Rev. Brethren, and Brethren of the Society, Laity. I most sincerely thank you for the very kind and aflfectionate address which I have just received. It is certainly very grateful to ray feeliugs to bo assured by so many of those holding high and influential positions in the church, and representing, as you do, so largely the sentiments of our com- munion, that, in the discharge of tno duties of the important office I have been called to till, I have gained their confidence, and may rely on their co-operation. But a much higher value attaches to this document, as testify- ing to the progress of the Church of England in Canada, and especially in the successful commencement which has been made, in carrying into openition the united action of our several dioceses in the general Synod of the Province. Without some recognised system of united action, wo could not expect to maintain either tho character or the influence which belong to the Catholic Church of Christ. As individual members of that Church we may hope that, through the use of the apiwiuted means of grace, we shall bo made partakera of the Spirit of God : but it is as a corporate body that we must look for the fulfilment of that promise made by Christ to His Church, that " the gates of hell shall not ^irevail n.ffaiuat it='* 12 I fully share in your anxiety that " the portion of the Church Catholic committed to my charge may continue in the closest bonds of faith and discipline with the Church of the mother country ;" but I am sure we must all be aware how much impor- tant work we have to do, both as regards the internal organiza- tion of the Church in Canada, which is yet in its infancy ; and in adjusting and strengthening our relations with all the other por- tions of the Eeformed Catholic Church, now spreading so rapidly throughout every quarter of the world. To accomplish what may be necessary for these objects, I pray that the great Head of the Church may give us wisdom and know- ledge, discretion and firmness, humility and charity, to guide our counsels : and, if it be His will, peace within, and freedom from external troubles, But, above all things, may He enable us, in these days, to bear a true and clear witness for His truth — to do or to suffer patiently, according to His will — to promote His glory, and be prepared for His coming. Accept my warm acknowledgments for the kiiid mention made by you ref?pecting Mrs. Fulford, and for your wishes for our health and happiness. I most earnestly return the same on behalf of you ; and if God be pleased to spare our lives, I hope that our intercourse, during future years, whether in private or official duties, may be such, that it may serve to strengthen our mutual esteem and affection. I remain, My dear Brethren, Very sincerely your brother in Christ, F. MONTREAL. University Club, Suffolk Street, London, Dec. 2nd, 18G2. To the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Quebec, and othen. fl