N> 'eral Klectonil IMstricts ..36 ColoiiirtT Duties 36 Forts or Carborna;' and Harbor tirace . . 37 Poriof St. JolMi's 33 Exports, quantity aitl Taltie Oi' . . . . 39 Number of SJilps ow.ied and registered in liie Colony ..39 Governors of NewfwTndb'iid .. ..39 Ooveriinrs ov tlie otiier jSorili Aniirlcnu Colo'iiis .. .. 40 Ch.lei: Fov.'crs of Europe . . . . . . 40 K'llssoi" the finyi;' Ilnmaiie Society ,. 40 Novij" A'lericnn rs''«e'ic?rs* Ac*: .. 43 T>jstri|ptloi «f Si. UurtUdlomew'sClinrcii 46 D?Koripiion of Oir.Md Ba'ik^FortUi'e Day 47 Desorlpilon or u'>c ii'onii'.u Catlioiio Churrli and Uolfiy, B'.irin .. ..48 Description o'i St. Bierrc's IJglit House 48 .^T. JOTTNS\ NEWF0T:N"BL.ANT>: PRINTED AND SOLD BY PillLir TOCQUE. 1849. PRELZ1CNAB7 M0TS8. Sunday Letter Golden Number Epact Anno Mundi Septuagesima Sundaj Ash Wednesday Good Friday Easter Day G 7 6 6.852 Feb. 4 Feb. 21 April 6 April 8 Ascension Day (H.Thuri)May 17 Queen's Birthduy May 24 Whit Sunday May 27 Trinity Sunday June 3 Corpus Christi June 7 Queen's Aocession June 20 Pr: •'e Wales birthday Nov. 9 Advunt Sunday Deo. 2 EXPLANATORY NOTICES. In the Chronological Calendar, the events printed in r«d ink are to be understood as local. Owing to the Compiler living at so great a distance trom the Capital, he is precluded from, giving much interesting local infor- mation which he intended to have given, and which must of neces- sity bo deferred to next year's Almanack, For the future, a Series of Views will bo given in the Almanack from year to year, embracing historical and statistical sketches, and also a detailed account of the different religious bodies in the various localities throughout the Island. EOUPSES OF THE 8X7N AND MOON. In the year 1849, there will be two eclipses of the sun, and two of the moon, viz., An Annular eclipse of the Sun, February 22nd. A partial eclipse of the Moon, March 8th. A total eclipse of the Sun, August 17th. A partial eclipse of the Moon, September 2nd. But the only eclipse visible at St. John's is that of tIkO Moon on March 8th, and will be as follows : — h. m. Begins at ... 7 56 "^ '' Greatest Phase 9 26 > Mean time in the evening. Ends at ... 10 66 ) The beginning will occur near the bottom of the moon's disc, and the magnitude of the eclipse be equal to about three-fourths of her surface. ST. JOHN'S. Latitude 47" 33' 22" North. Longitude (Meridian of Halifax) 10» 52' 31" East. Longitude (Meridian of Greenwich) 62» 4rt' 29" West. Magnetic Variation (1828) 28* 44' 0" Weuterly. 3 MEAN TIMES or SXTN-BISE AND SUN-SET At St. John's, NowfonndUnd, on every Monday Ix. iho Year 1640. ■nnrlM gun wt. DATE. Sun riM Bun mt DATE. 1 Miin rise ilun tot. i.Arii. Hun rlw riiiii tut* Oct. 1 8 6 1 6 11 5 39 n 25 Jan. 1 h. m. 7 51 h. m. 4 17 Apr. 2 h.. m. h. m. 5 38 6 30 i b. m. h. m. July 24 9 7 59 8 7 49 4 26 9 5 24G 40 94 147 50 15 6 21 5 12 15 7 45 4 35 16 5 U 6 49 16 4 217 51 22 6 32 4 58 22 7 39 4 45 23 4 58!g 58 23 4 297 44 29 6 42 4 47 29 7 31 4 55 30 4 467 8 30 4 37 7 35 .Vov.5 6 52 4 36 Feb. 6 7 23 5 6 May 7 4 34|7 18 Aug.6 4 46 7 25 12 7 3 4 27 127 12 5 17 14 4 24;7 27 134 55 7 14 19 7 14 4 18 19 7 5 28 21 4 I6i7 36 205 47 2 26 7 23 4 12 26 6 47 5 39 284 107 43 27 5 13 6 49 Doc. 3 7 32 4 8 Mar. 5 6 34 5 49 Junc4:4 6 7 50 Sep. 3 5 236 35 10 7 40 4 G 12 6 20 G 114 4 7 55 10 5 33 6 21 17 7 45 4 7 19 6 6 6 10 18 4 37 50 I7i5 42 6 7 24 7 49 4 U 26|o 52 G 20 25l4 518 24' 5 51|5 53 1 31 7 514 15 THE QUEEN AND BOTAL FAMILT. The Queen.— Victoria, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, was born May 24111, 18!!); succeeded to tiio throne June 20, 1837, on the death of her uncle. King VVm. IV.; crowned June 28, 18:if); and married Feb. 10, 1840, to his Royal Highness Prince Albert, named below. Her Majesty is the only daughter of his late Royul Highness Edward, Duke of Kent, son of George III. Her mother, the Duchess of Kent, is named below. His Royal Highness Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emanuel Busici, Dukb ofSaxe, Phinck OF CoBouKO AND GoTiiA, K.G., Cousort of Her Majesty, boru August 26th, lUli). Her Royal Highness Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Princess Royal, bom November 21st, 1840. His Royal Highness Albert Edward, Prince op Wales, born Nov. 9th, 1841. Her Royal Highness Alice Maad, born April 25tli, 1843. His Royal Highness Alfred Ernest Albert, born August 6th, 1844. Her Royal Highness Helena Augusta Victoria, born May 2.5th, 1846. Her Royal Highness Louisa Carolina Alberta, born March 18th, 1848. The Queen Dowager. — Amelia Adelaide Louisa Theresa, sister to the Duke of Soxe-Meiningen, boru Aug. 13, 1792; married July 11, 1818; crowned Sept. 8, 1831. Princes and Princesses. Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cuhderland, in Great Britain, and Kino of Hanover, uncle to her Majesty, born June 5th, 1771; married August 29th, 1815. Issue, George Frederick, again named below. Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridue, uncle to her Ma{esty, bom Feb. 24, 1774; married May 2nd, 1818, her Serene Highness Augusta Wiluelmina Louisa, #uishter of Frederick, Landgrave of Hesse. Issue, 3 children, named below. .. Mary, Aunt to her Majesty, born April 25th, 1776; married July 22Dd, 1816, her cousin, the Duke of Gloucester, deceased. Victoria Mary Louisa, Duchess of Kent, born August 17th, 1786; married, ia 1818, the Duke of Kent (who died January 23rd, 1820); her Majesty's mother. Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa, Duchess of Camohidge, neice of the Landgrave of Hesse, born July 25. 1797; married, in 1818, the Duke of Cambridge, by whom she has issue, George William, Augusta Caroline, and Mary Adelaide, named below. George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus, K.G., only child of the King of Hanover, Prince Royal of Hanover, cousin to her Majesty, born May 27th, 1819; married Feb. 1843, Princess Mary of Saxe-Altenberg, and has a son. George William Frederick Charles, K.G.,son of the Duke of Cambridge, cousin to her Majesty, born March 26th. 1819. Augusta Caroline Charlotte Elizabeth Mary Sophia Louisa, daughter of the Duke of Cambridge, and cousin to her Majesty, born July 19th, 1822; married . June 28th, 1843. Frederick, Hereditary Grand Duke of Mccklenburgh-Strelitz. Mary Adelaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth, daughter of the Duke of Cambridge, and cousin to her Majesty, born November 27th, 1833. 2lSt^ 3 BEB MAJESTT'B MXHISTEBfl. First Lord of the Treasury Lord Chancellor , Chancellor of t ho Exchequer President of the.Council Privy Seal Secretary of State Home " •* Forelun •« " Colonies First Lord of the Admiralty President of Board of Controul President of Uoard of Trade Woods and Forests Paymaster of the Forces Postmaster General Chancellor of thu Uuchy of Lancaster . [The above form Field Marshal Com. of the Forces Master General of the Ordnance Vice-iiresident of the Board of Trade ) and Paymaster General ) Secretary at War Master of the Mint Secretary of the Admiralty Joint Secretaries of Treosui-y Home Uader Secretaries , Foreign ditto Colonial ditto Attorney General Solicito General Ju(^ge Advocate General .. Lord Advocate of Scotland Right Hon. Lord Jolin RusseU. Lord Cotteuhani. Right Hon. Sir Charles Wood, Bart. Marquis of Lansdowne. Earl of Minto. Sir George Grey, Bart. Viscount Pttlmerstoo. Earl Grey. Earl of Auckland. Sir John Cam Hobhouso, Bart. Right Hon. Henry Labouchere, Earl of Cnrlidlo. Right Hon. T. B. Macaulay. Marquis of Clanricarde. Lord CamitbcU. the Cabitiet.] Duke of Wellington. Marquis of Anglesey. Earl Granville. Right Hon. Fox Mnulo. Right Hon. R. L. Shell. H. G. Ward, Esq. Henry Tufnell, Esq. John Parker, Esq. Sir Denis Le Marchant, Bart. S. M. Phillipiis, Esq. Right Hon. £. J. Stanley. H. Unwin Addington, Esq. ( Itcnjaniin Hawos, Esq. I Herman Merivale, Esq. Sir John Jervis. Sir John Romily. Rt. Hon. W. G. Hayter. Right Hon. A. Rutherford. Law Courts. C/iancery— High Chancellor Lord Cottenham. Queen'' s Bench— Chief JuBiice Right Hon. Lord Denham. Common /*/cas— Chief Justice Right Hon. Sir Thomas Wilde. Frchet/uer—Chxef Oaron Right Hon. Sir Frederick Pollock. Admirallt/— Judge Rt. Hon. Stephen Lushington, L.L.D. The Queen's Honsehold. Mistress of the Robes Duchess of Sutherland. Lord Chamberlain Earl Spencer. Lord Steward Earl Fortcscue. Master of the Horse Duke of ^orfoIk. Ireland. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Earl of Clarendon. Lord Chancellor Right Hon. M. Brady. Secretary of Ireland Right Hon. Sir W. Somerville, Bart. Attorney General J. H. Monahan, Esq. Solicitor General J. HatcbeU. .lAM'AllY, 31 DAY55, METEOROLOOZOAL AVEBAOES. BATorieler. Nrv/uuniUitiiil. Xnyhntl. Mean height, '2i>fi0 iuches...2i>,U-.> inch. i:ighe8t, 30,35 „ ...30,77 „ Lowest 20,73 „ ...2(1,89 „ Tliormomoter. Xeit/uumUanJ. Enghml. Mean temperature, 22,7 deg...3(),U deg Highest, 44,0 „ ...62,0 „ LowoHt, 3,0 „ ...11,0 „ THE MOON'S CHANGES. First Quarter, 2n(l day 4 h. m. Morning. TuU Moon,... 8th day 7 h. 21 m. Evening. Last Quarter, IGtU day 3 h. 25 m. Morning. ' Now Moon 24th day G h. 34 m. Morning. First Quarter, Slst day 1 h. 13 ra. Afternoon. Dayit. Sundnys and tleiniirkabb Dayii. Sun's Decll'i^tliin. M 1 Tv 3 W 3 Tii 4 F 5 S 6 S 7 M 8 Tu 9 W 10 Th 11 F 12 S 13 s 14 M 15 Tu 10 W 17 Th 18 F 19 S 20 s 21 M 22 Tu 23 W 24 Th 25 F 26 S 27 S 28 M 29 Tu 30 W 31 • irCiUtiClsluIi. Kpiphany. Old Christ. D 1 S'iikI'iv .ifu'i EpipLany Lucian, r. Sa M. S.22 59 22 54 22 48 22 42 22 35 22 28 22 20 22 12 22 4 Hilary, Bishop - ;:rvin.iu,y aiicr Epiphany Prisca, V. & M. Fabian, Bishop 3 S\ui'lay ati'.r Kpiphany Vincent, M. [Agnes V M Conversion of St. Faul 1 Sunday after Epiphany King Chuiljj 1. Martyr Chrnnologlctl Calendar. 21 65 21 45 21 35 21 25 21 15 21 4 20 62 20 40 20 28 20 10 20 3 19 49 19 30 19 22 19 7 18 53 18 37 18 22 18 17 60 17 34 S.17 17 I I'irst Local Logislalurc mot, 183;?. 1 Union of Great Britain and Ireland, 1801 li Suprome Couit jnct under present Charter, 1S26. 2 Calcutta taken, 1757 8 Uoduey's victory, 1780 9 Cape of Good Hope taken, 1806 14 Convicts sent to Bota- ny Bay, 1788 10 Battle of Corunna 1809 17 First i">Vssion of (ionvral Assembly (under now Constitution) opened by cjir John Harvey, 1813. 20 American Indepen- dence, 1783 21 Louis XVI. behead. 1793 21 First meeting of Impe- rial Parliament, 1801 23 William Pitt died, 1806 28 Charlemagne died, 814 29 First Reformed Parlia- ment met, 1833 29 George IV. began to reign, 1820 I 6 FEBRUARY, 2H DAYS. METEOROLOOIOAL AVEBAGES. Bftrometer. Tbermometer. tfeui/tmndland. England. Mean height, 29,62 inches... 30,06 inch. Highest, 30,24 ,, ...30,82 „ Lowest, 28,69 „ ...29,17 „ ^ete/ountUand, England. Mean temperature, 19,75 deg...38,0 deg Highest, 42,67 „ ...53,0 „ Lowest, 4,67 ,, ...21,0 „ THE MOOirS CHANGES. Full Mood 7th day 7 h. 46 m. Morning. Last Quarter, 15th day Oh. 33 m. Morning. New Moon, 22Qd day 10 h. m. Evening. Days. Sundays and Remarkable days. Sun's Declination. Chronological Calendar. Th 1 S. 17 5 Sir R. Peel born, 1788. F 2 runlicatiou, Candlemas 16 42 9 Mariner's compass in- S 3 Blcsius, Bishop 16 25 vented, 1302. S 4 16 7 10 Queen Victoria married. M 5 Agatha, V. and M. 15 49 1840. Tc 6 15 30 11 Washington bom, 1723. W 7 15 12 12 Lady Jane Grey be- Th 8 14 53 headed, 1554. F 9 14 33 14 Melancthon born, 1497. S 10 14 14 15 G. Galileo born, 1564. S 11 iSoxagesima vSuiuky 13 54 17 Beucvoivut In.sh oociv'- M 12 13 34 'V founded. iSOd. Tu 13 W 14 Th 15 F 16 S 17 S 18 M 19 Valentine, Bishop Quinquagosima Sundav IShrove Sun(iay Shrove Tuesday 13 14 12 54 12 33 12 12 11 51 11 30 li 9 17 Michael Angelo died, 1563. 18 Martin Luther died, 1546. 19 Copernicus born, 1473. 20 Voltaire born, 1694. Tu 20 10 48 J J. Torbay I'lraivii L'onse- W 21 Aih WL-diif>'unday after Flastoi [Low Sund.ay Alphege, Abp. 2 Sunday aftfr E:T;t<'v St. George, M. St. Mark. Evan. Princess [Alice born, 1843 ■'< Sunday after East or N. 40 3 2G 49 12 6 35 6 57 7 7 8 N, 19 42 4 8 26 8 48 9 10 9 31 9 53 10 14 10 35 10 56 n 17 11 38 11 68 12 18 12 38 12 58 13 17 13 37 13 56 14 15 14 34 .14 62 2 Battle of Copenhagen, 1801. 2Bi,shopHeberdied, 1826. 4 Telescopes invented, 1590 'J Right Rev. Dr. Mullock, R, C. Coadjutor Bishop arrived, 1818. 9 Lord Bacon died, 1626. 12 Rodney's Victory, 1782. 13 Vaccination introduced, 1796. 10 Geological Survey of Newfoundland commenc- ed, 1?39. 16 Battle of Culloden, 1747. 17 Benjamin Franklin died, 1790. 19 Lord Byron died, 1824. 21 Bishop Heber born, 1783. 22 Duke of Sussex died, 1843. 23 Shakspere born, 1564. 24 Printing invented, 1414 26 Oliver Cromwell born, 1599. 28 Bishop Ffild Oun.se- crakd, 181 1. r. 1 d. England, leg...49,9deg. 74,0 „ „ ...29,0 „ f noon. K noon. M ng. ^ mg. !al3ndar. lopenhagen, died, 1826. ented, 1590 •r. Mullock, itor liishop ied, 162G. story, 1782. introduced, Survoy of I commenc- CuUoden, Franklin iied, 1824. iber born , issex died, »rn, 1564. nted, 1414 well born. ild r -< Uj ZJ \- o: O z 'f CO Q < MAY. :n DAYS 9 MSTZOBOLOaZOAL AVEBAQES. B»romot«r. tftmfounJtaml, Entftand. Mean height, 20,7a laoheM...20,90 inch. Highest, 30,33 »0,3a „ Lowest, 30,13 „ .,,30,10 „ Thermometer. New/oundlanJ, England. Mean'temperature,37,5 deg...54,0 dag. Highest 62,0 „ ...70,0 „ Lowest, 21,8 „ ...33,0 „ TBS MOON'S OHANGES- 1 1 St > LlI V- tr O y' z < CD < Full Moon 7(h day 3 h. 37 m. Morning. Last Quarter, Idth day 7 h. 1 m. Morning. Nevr Moon, 22nd day 4 h, 7 m. Morning. First Quarter,.... 28th day 7 h. 54 m. Evening. Dayi. Tu W Ik F S s M 'fir w 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Sunday* and Itomarknble Day«. Ik 10 F II S % M T0 12 13 14 15 W 16 Th 17 F S s M 18 19 20 21 Tc 22 W 23 lit S4 F s s M 26 27 28 Tu 29 W 30 Th 31 Invent, of Croii [8t John, Port. Lat. [Rogation Holy Thuraday. An Dunstan, Arobbp. uiii.iy iilii'l A xi')».Mon [1810. Birth of Queen Victoria Princess Helena b. 1840 Augustine, Aroltbp. \ ' ,. ,■ ,iu3 in the City of St. 5 Napoleon died, 1821. 8 Daniel O'Connell died at Genoa, 1847. 11 Fercival assas. 1812. !^ Jlaiboi iji.u'.t declart;4 .1 tree Warehousing Port, _'(! Foundation Stone 11 0. Palhedral laid, 1811. 20 Columbus died, 1506. 22 Saxons came to Eng- land, 449. .' j'otindation v^'toni.^ of uow Coloninl Building; 'a:d. !Mr. 27 Tower of London built, 1080. -^ ru',hop Scallan (R. C.) liod. \m\ 2 I • .'ill ■m 11!' t i 10 .n;NK. :;o days. METEOBOLOOIOAL AVEBAGES. Barometer. Thermometer. XtiD/MmdlMd, England. Jftyi/oumOand. England. Mean height, 29,77 inches... 30,02 inch. Mean tenperature, 49,8 deg...58,7 deg. Higheet, 30,14 ^ ...30,46 „ Highest, 74,0 „ ...90,0 „ Lowest, 29,'22 „ ...29,60 „ Lowest 29,8 ,, ...37,0 „ THE MOON'S OHANOES. Full Moon, 0th day 6 h. 57 m. Evening. Last Quarter, 13th day 6 h. 55 m. Evening. New Moon, 20th day 10 h. 50 m. Morning. First Quarter, 27th day 7 h. 14 m. Morning. Days. F S S M Tv W Th F S s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M 11 To 12 W 13 Th 14 F 15 S 16 S 17 M 18 Tv 19 W 20 Th 21 F 22 S 23 S 24 M 25 Tu 26 W 27 Th 28 F 29 S 30 Nicomede, M. Trinity .Suuihiy Boniface, Bp. King of [Hanover, b. 1771 Corpus Christi 1 .Sunday alter Trinity '^t. Barnabas. Aj'Ost. Sundays and Remarkable Days. | Sun's ! Declination. :.' ?uiKl;iy alter Trinity [St. Alban, Mart. [Queen Victoria Tr. of K. Edw. Ace. of Proclamation of Q. Vict. ;> Sunday altC'r Trinity [Midsum.d.i^'^olinliap. : ' ftttr Apott. N.22 6 22 14 22 21 22 28 22 35 22 41 22 47 22 53 22 58 23 23 3 7 23 11 23 14 23 17 23 20 23 22 23 24 23 25 23 26 23 27 23 27 23 27 23 27 23 26 23 24 23 22 23 20 23 17 23 14 IN.23 10 Chronological Calendar. 1 Lord Howe's victory, 1789 2 Peace signed, 1814. i Consecration of St. Jolin'e Church, 1^L'7. 3 Dutch fleet defeated, 1 665 V First Lord Bishop of Newfoundland arrived, IS-Ut. 7 Reform Bill passed, 1832 8 Seven bishops sent to the Tower, 1688.. ;= St. Jnhn? destroyed by third proat Firo, iy40. .12 Mechanics' Society In- 'Orporatcd. 18'M. 17 John Wesley bom, 1703 18 Battleof Waterloo, 1 815 18 Otaheite discover. 1765 22 Trial of Queen Caroline, 1820. 21 Xowfoundland discover- ed l,v Cabot, 1497. 21 Foundation Stone of Native Hall laid, 1815. 26 George IV. died, 1830. 30 Greenwich Hospital founded, 16G9. i' Days. s 1 M 2 •R 3 W 4 Th 5 F 6 S 7 S 8 M 9 .irLY. ::i J)AVS. 11 England, g..M,7 deg. ...90,0 „ ...37.0 .. METEOBOLOGZOAL ATEBAGE8. BaromeUr. Thermomoter. irtHfammlbmd. England. l/wifoundland. England. Mean height, 29,79 inches... 29,87 inch. Mean temperature, 57,4 deg...Gl,0 deg. Highest, 30,18 „ ...30,KO » Highest, 79,5 „ ...76,0 „ Lowest, 29,37 „ ...29,39 „ Lowest, 34,8 „ ...42,0 „ THE MOOirS OHANaES. Full Moon dth day 9 h. 59 m. Morning. Last Quarter....... . 13th day 3 h. 38 m. Morning. New Moon 19th day 5 h. 46 m. Afternoon. First Quarter, 26th day 9 h. 6 m. Evening. Days. s M Tn w Th F S s M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 To 10 W U Th 12 F 13 S S 14 15 M 16 Tu 17 W 18 111 19 F S s 20 21 22 M 23 Tu 24 W 25 Til 26 F 27 S 28 s 29 M 30 Tw 31 Sundays and Remarkable Days. 4 -iuiKlxy ;vr».T Triiut) Visit, of V. Mary Trans. St. Martin >* .^uutlay after Trinity fl Sunday alt-M- Trinity [St. Swithin, Bp, Margaret, V. ;vy aU [St. r Sunday aldn Triuitr Mary Magd, St, Jaiues, Apoit. St. Anne ^ .Sunday afd^r Trinity Sun's Declination N.23 7 23 3 22 58 22 53 22 47 22 41 22 35 22 28 22 21 22 13 22 5 21 57 21 49 21 40 21 30 21 20 21 10 21 20 49 20 38 20 26 20 14 20 2 19 50 19 37 19 24 19 10 18 56 18 42 18 28 N.18 13 Chronological Calendar. 1 Bat. of the Boyne, 1690. 1.' .->t. I'aul'.^ <^liurch, liar l'>r Grac<\ r-oiisooratcd, i Lord Bishop W-iU Ar- rivd. 1844. 4 American indep. 1776. 7 T-ight exhibited nn Fori Amhorst, 183 4, ? St. Paul".-^ Church, llar- hor Graco, Oponod. 18.'i7 14 Bastile destroyed, 1789. Ifi St. .Inhii'-i H Froc Tort, 1 828. i 7 Water first let into the Main Pijios of St. John's Water Works 1818. J Governor Sir Charlo-i H.iiiiiUon arrived, 1S18. )!.» Great Fire at St! Jo) in '-i I81!>. 27 First Lord Bishop of Newfoundland api lo intt-d , 18.*}!). US Foundation Scone of Harbor Grace Church laid by GoTcnior Pro>)Cot. IH^.'J 28 Robespierre execu.1794 29 French Revolution, 1830 - * 12 AI'nrsT, :;i DAVS. METEOBOLOaZOAL A7EBAOE8. Barometer. Jfttrfoundland. England, Mean height, 29,83 inches... 29,89 inch. Highest 30,21 „ -30,26 „ Lowest, 29,35 „ ...29,35 „ Thermometer. Naefoundland, England. Mean temperature, 58,3 deg...61,6 deg. Highest, 78,3 „ ...82,0 „ Lowest 88,5 „ ...41,0 m THE MOOXrS OHANOE8. Full Moon, 4th day h. 23 m. Morning. Last Quarter, 11th day 10 h. 3 m. Morning. New Moon, 18th day 2 h. 3 m. Morning. First Quarter, 2dth day lb. 26 m. Afternoon. Da}-*. Sondays and Remarkable Days. W 1 Lammas Day Th 2 F 3 S 4 « 5 i> SuntUy iit'wr Trinit>' M 6 Transfiguration Tir 7 Name of Jesus W 8 Th 9 F 10 St. Lawrence S 11 S 12 10 ^uivi.-iy nit'.'r TrinM- M 13 Birth of Dowager Queen Tv 14 [Adelaide, 1792 W 15 Th 16 F 17 Duchessof Kent br 1786. S 18 S 19 11 Suu'ia) after Trinity M 20 Tv 21 W 22 Th 23 F 24 St. Bartholomew S 25 S 26 12 Sunday after Trinity M 27 Tr 28 St. Augustin, B. \V 29 St. John Baptist behead. Th 30 F 31 Snn'g Declination. N.17 58 17 43 17 27 17 11 16 55 16 39 16 22 16 5 15 48 15 30 15 12 14 54 14 36 14 18 13 59 13 40 13 21 13 2 12 42 12 22 12 2 11 42 11 22 11 2 10 41 10 20 9 59 9 38 9 17 8 55 N. 8 33 Chronological Calendar. 1 Battle of the Nile, 1798. 2 Battle of Blenheim, 1704 4 First Book printed, 1457 4 Lord Howe died, 1799. 7 Geo. Canning died, 1827 10 Accession of Louis Philippe, 1830. 1:5 Excliar.gc BiiiWingii. .^t. John'?;, opcnoa, iH\'i. 15 Sir W.Scott bom, 1771 15 Admiral Blake born, 1599, 15 Napoleon born, 1769. 1 •> Tuo at JIarhor Grace, ': --'^2. Ohnroh burnt 19 Royal Georgesunk 1 782 2i Foundation Stone of Protestant Cathedral laid, iy>:i 21 Battle of Bo8worth,Ud5 2;) St. Thomas's Church. (St. .John's) Consecrated. 1810. 23 Wallace beheaded, 1305 25 Revolution at Brussels, 1830. 25 Prince Albert born 1819 25 Battle of Cressey, 1346. 31 J. Bunyan died, 1688. hJEriKMIiEll, :.o ])AY^ 18 England. (...61,6 deg. ...82,0 „ ...41,0 „ lOBTEOBOLOaXOAL AyXSlAOES. B«rometer. Thermometer. NetrfountUand, England. Newfoundland. England. Mean height, 29,83 inches... 29,93 inoh. Mean tempemtiire, 63,3 deg...67,8 deg Highest, 30,29 „ ...30,41 ^ Highest 75,3 „ ...76,0 „ Lowest 29,32 „ ...29,41 „ Lowest, 83,6 „ ...86,0 „ Z- ?• S- on. endar. lie, 1798. eim, 1704 ited, 1457 d, 1799. lied, 1827 of Louis Hing3, St. orn, 1771 ke born, I, 17G9. >or Grace, bui'n<. unk]782 ytone of 'dral laid, >reh,14d5 isccratcd . led, 1305 Brussels, orn 1819 By, 1346. 1, 1688. THi: MOON'S CHANGES. Full Moon, 2nd day 1 h. 48 m. Afternoon. Last Quarter 9th day 3 h. 26 m. Afternoon. New Moon 16th day Oh. 32 m. Afternoon. First Quarter, 24th day 7h. 54 m. Morning. Days. s 1 s 2 M 3 Tu 4 W 5 Th 6 F 7 S 8 s 9 M 10 Tu 11 W 12 Th 13 F 14 S 15 S 16 M 17 T» 18 AV 19 Th 20 F 21 S 22 S 23 M 24 Tu 25 W 26 Th 27 F 28 S 29 iS 30 Sundays and Remarkable Days. Snn's Declination. Chronological Calendar. Giles^ Abbot N. 1 '5 .^uiuifty attor Trinity Enurchus, Bishop Nativity of V. Mary ' I Sundiiy atter Trinity Holy Cross Ij iSunday alt.r Trinity Lambert, Bishop Ember Week St, Matthew, Apost. H) Sunday after Trinity St. Cyprian, Archbp. 8 12 7 50 7 28 7 6 6 43 6 21 N. S. [Day el Si. Michaol, Michaelmas 17 Sun. alter Triniiv, St [Jerom S. 59 36 13 51 28 5 42 19 56 33 10 46 23 59 36 12 11 34 57 1 21 1 44 2 8 2 32 2 55 1 Light House on Cap(» Spear oponod, 18.''G. 2 Oiv-ss first introduced Rt St, John's, 1845. 2 Oreat fire in London 1666 5 Malta captured, 1800. 8 Montreal surrender. 1760 9 William the Conqueror died, 1087. 1 1 Light ■ exhibited on Cape Bonavista, 1843. 15 New York taken, 1777. 16 Sir John Harvoy arriv- ed and assumed the. Gov- ornmeut, 1841. 16 Moscow burnt, 1812. 19 Violent hurricane, 1846. 21 St, Thomas'd Church op-^nMl, lH;i6. 21 Sir W.Scott died 1832 22 Charter of new Consti- tution arrived, 1842. 26 New Executive Council 8>vorn in, 1842. 20 Chief Justice ■ Bourne aworn fn, 1838. 28 vSi. John's Exchange huildinga burnt, 1810, 14 0<"n)BFJ{. il DAYS. mmiOBOLOOZOAL AySBAOEf. B«rom«t«r. yeutfouiuBamt, England. Mean height, 29,89 inches... 29,77 inch. Highest, 30,31 „ ...30,61 „ Lowest, 29,26 ^ -28,74 „ Thermometer. Mean temperature, 44,0 deg. . . 48,9 anday after Trinity 13 14 M 29 13 34 Tu 30 13 64 W 31 S.14 13 Chronological Cnlondttr. 3 Major Andre execu. 1780 6 Louis Fhilippoborn 1773 r Uovornor Sjt Tl»"iiif»^ ' .'ochrano avrivi'il, \H'iJ. 7 Peace of Aix-la-Chapello, 1748. 9 Dutch fleet defeated 1707 10 Kosciusco defeated 1794 1 1 Battle of Camperdown, 1797. 12 Bps. Latiroor &> Ridley burnt, 1635. 14 Will. Penn born, 1044. 16 Houses of Parliament burnt, 1834. 17 Marie Antoinette be- headed, 1793. 18 Bat. of Navarino, 1827 20 Sir C.Wren born, 1033 21 Bat. of Trafalgar, 1805 23 Bat. of Edge 11111,1043 24 America disoov. 14U2. 25 J. Beattie born, 1735. 27 Capt. Cook born, 1728. •J(? Bishop riomiag, (H,(J.) 28 Royal Exchange opened by her Majesty, 1H44. 28 Erasmus born, 1467. 29 Ed. Halley born. NOVi:Mbi:ii, 'M\ DAYS. 15 METEOBOLOGZOAL AVEBAOES. Barometer. < Ntw/oundland. England. Mean height, 29,67 inches... 29,77 n Highest a0,27 „ ...80,27 „ Lowest 28,90 „ ...29,08 „ Tbermometer. Nevfoundland. England. Mean temperature, 34,0 deK,..42,9 deg Highest £7,0 „ ...62,0 „ Lowest, 16,5 „ ...23,0 „ THE MOON'S OHANQES. Last Quarter, 7th day 4 h. 53 m. Morning. New Moon 14th day 6 h. 44m. Afternoon. First Quarter, 22nd day 10 h. 55in. Evening. Full Moon 29th day 11 h. 66 m. Evening. Duyg. Sundays and Remarkable Days. Th F S S M Tn w Tm F S s 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 M 12 Td 13 W 14 Th 15 F 16 S 17 S 18 M 19 Tu 20 W 21 Th 22 F 23 S 24 S 25 M 26 Tu 27 W 28 Th 29 F 30 Sun'8 Declination. All Saint Day. 12 Sunrlay after Triulty [runpowfler I'lnt, Leonard, Conf. [1841 Birth of Prince of Wales, [St. Martin, Bp 23 .Sunday uftcr Trinity Britius, Bp. Machutus, Bp. Hugh, Bp. 21 t>unday alttr Trinity Edmund, King. Princess Royal born 1840 Cecilia, V. and M. St. Clement. [Catharine V. 25 Sunday after Trinity St. AiJ'Irew, Apo!( S. 14 33 14 52 15 10 15 29 15 48 16 6 16 24 16 41 16 58 17 15 17 32 17 48 18 4 18 20 18 35 18 50 19 5 19 19 19 33 19 47 20 20 13 20 26 20 38 20 50 21 1 21 12 21 23 21 33 S.21 43 Chronological Calendar. '•') ^iovtmor I'rcscott bworn in. niifl Sir Thornas Cochrane embarked for England, 1834. 4 Chief Justice Norton '^r- rivc'l. IS'li, 4 Kg. WiUiam landed 1688 7 Fire at St. John'-, lbl7. Court House burnt. 8 ColUngwood died, 1810. 15 Presburg taken, 1805. i;0 Harbor Grace Light House opened. 1837. 20 Treaty of Peace 1815. 21 Second groat fire at St. John's, 1817. 21 Chief Justice Boulton sworn in, 183.3. 22 Chief Justice Brady ar- rived, 1847. 22 Writs issued for a Gen- t'ral Election under the new Constitution, 1842. 22 Independence of St. Domingo, 1798. 24 Peace with Amer. 1804 :? frreat i 81?, lull C'f Snow. 16 DKCEMJJKH. M DAYS. 1 1 cl III % TMB llOOiri OBAMOIUI. Laat Quarter, 6th day 3 h. 23 m. Afternoon. New Moon, 14th day Oh. 8 m. Afternoon. First Quarter, 22ad day 4 h. 11m. Afternoon. Full Moon, 20th day 10 h. 31 m. Morning. Dtyt. S s M Tv \V Tif F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SuniUyt Mil Renurkable days. Sun's Declination. M 10 Tv 11 W 12 Th 13 F 14 S 15 S 16 M 17 To 18 W 19 Th 20 F 21 S 22 S 23 M 24 Tu 25 W26 Th 27 F 28 S 29 S 30 M 31 1 bunclay in Advent Nicholas, Bishop Concept, of Virain Mary 1; iSunday in Advent Lucy, v. and M. [Sapientia Sunday in Aavent Ember WeeK ir-'t. Thomas, Apo^t. 1 t^unday in Advent. Christmas Day St. Stpphon, M. >t. John, Evan. Fnnocent^' Daj i Sunday after Chrisinia: Silrester, Bp. S.21 52 22 1 22 10 22 18 22 2G 22 33 22 40 22 46 22 52 22 58 23 23 23 11 23 15 23 18 23 21 23 23 23 25 23 26 23 27 23 27 23 27 23 27 23 26 23 24 23 22 23 20 23 17 23 13 23 9 S.23 5 CbronologlGal Calendar. 1 Battle of Austerlitz 1805 1 Pope Leo X. died, 1521. 2 Bonaparte crowned, 1804 * L-t An. iSof'tcli f'hiiicn "poii<'d, IHiX 4 Council of Trent termi- nated, 1563. 6 Sidney beheaded, 1683. 7 Marshal Ney shot, 1815. 8 Mary Q. of Scots born, 1642. 11 Charles XIL killed 1718 12 Cromwell declared pro« tector. 1653. 12 Lord Hood bom, 1724. 13 Dr. Johnson died, 1784 It General Election, 1842. 1 Branoh'Bank of British North Araori<.'a'.s first draft on London. 18,^(1, 14 Washington died, 1799. 17 SirH. Davy bom, 1778. 19 Tycho Brahe bom 1546 23 Arkwright bom, 1732. 23 James II. fled from Rochester, 1688. 24 Peace with U. States, 1814 c 29 Wycliffe died, 1384. trnoon. moon, rnoon. aing. Calendar. sterlitz 1805 , died, 1521. owned, 1804 'tch ^h II roll 'rent termi- ided, 1683. shot, 1815. Scots born, killed 1718 iclared pro> bom, 1724. died, 1784 tion, 1842. :ol' British ica's firsf >n. 18.S<;. lied, 1799. )om, 1778. born 1546 orn, 1732. fled from 8. J. States, , 1384. lij I { 1 :' i .A > < Ijj z :3 t- a. u 2 O h CO CC CO a < I 1 c B u, 5 C I t- tr < h • »V'%. ':M'm > < tM 2 e- a u z o h cc CO c CO < I 1 c 17 OFFICERS OF THE CIVIL GOVERNMENT, JUDGES, OLEBGT, «co. Governor, Vico-Admiral, and Ooiuman(lut<«lii>0hloft Sir John Gaspard Le Mauciiant. Private Secretary : Edward E. Rushwortk. Colonial Secretary and Clerk of Connell i Hon. James Crowdv. Colonial Secretary's Oftlooi Clerks — CimisToniEu Ayrb, Joseph W. CuowDV. Offlco-Kooper— Valentine Horx. Messenger — J. Howmon. Colonial Troasuror — ■ Hon. l^ATRiCK Morris, Survey or-Gcuoral — Hon, J. Noad, Her Majesty's Executive Cnniiotli The Hon. James Crowdy, Colonial Secirlnri/. Hon. William Thomas. Hon. I'atrick Morris, {Culonial Ti'M^nvrv). Hon. Wm. Bickford How, ((^.C.) Hon. J. Noad, {Sitn'ri/at' (Ivxn'nL) Hon. B. Kobinson, ((J.C) Hon. Tliomas Bennett, ilon. 11, Job. Hon. T. Ridley, Hon. L. O'Brien. Hon. AV. (jiriovo. Hon. tho Attorney General. Lcfcislativo Connoil. (To be filled up witli tlio \w\\,) V. 5 C I \- cr < m h House of Assr^nibly, The General Election of Members to servo in tlin AdHninhly not having yet transpired, the CJompiler is piecliided from nllbrdinif uny iidormfttion on that head. Blanlcs have, however, been left for tlio niiMU'N, tu bo flllud iit (with the pen) when the returns arc made. St. John's Conception Bay > Trinity Bay Bonavista Fogo Fcrryland riaccntia and ) St. Mary's ... j Burin Fortune Bay V'ttH : i i ■18 Officers of the House of Assembly. Clerk Usher of the Black Rod ... Sergeant at Arms Elias Rendell. Doorkeepers Messengers, «fec CUSTOMS' DEPARTMENT, 1848. Collector, — Hon. James M. Spearman. Landing and Tide Surveyor, — Geo. J. Uayward. Waiters and Searchers, — 1st vacant (James Bayly acting). 2nd, Uawen Mellersh. Isl Clerk and Warehouse-keeper, — James Bayly (P. Hindmarsh acting). 2nd Clerk,~Vevc\\a\ Uiiidniarsh (G. Bennett acting). 3n/ Clerk, — George Bennett (J. R. Mullins acting). 4/A Clerk, — J. R, MuUins. Lockers, — R. Furneaux, P. M'Kie. D. P. Alarett, Authorized Broker. Sub-Collectors at the Out-ports. Twillingate, — Samuel Prowse. Trinity, — Robert Bayly. Carbonear, — Donald Bothtine. Harbor Grace, (sub-collector and warehouse-keeper J — E. E. Brown. //;7V;»4-,— Joshua Green. Ferri/land, — Robert Carter. Placenlia, — W. G. Brad- sliaw. Jiurin,—T. Birkett. Little Bay,—'Y. E. Gadcn. Officers of the Colonial Revenue. St. Johri's, — Landing Waiter, John Canning; Tide Surveyor, E. L. Moore; Clerk lo Collector, James J. llayward. Foc/o, — Sub-collector, James M. Winter. Green- spond, — JJilto, Lorenzo Moore. La Poile, — Ditto, Thomas Read. Lamaline,—' Ditto, Jnnies Winter. Oaltois, — Ditto, Tliomas Winter. Day Bulls, — Preventive Offitcr,Jo\m L. JI'Kie. St. Mary's, — Ditto, H. Murch. Bonavista and Catalina, — Dillo, Wni. Sweetlaud. LAW DEPARTMENT. Supreme Court. Chief Justice,-— lion. Francis Brady ; Assistant J«j«ar,— Donald K £. Brown. -W. G. Brad- Moore; Clerk inter. Green- Lamaline,-^ '»', — Preventive \nd Catalina,— ■ables A. W. -Hon. H. A. Chief Clerk Diito, ditto, iMr/,— George W. B. Row, Ills Stewart, R. W. Lilly, , G. Uogsett, atts. d C. Gaden; 19 Vice Admiralty Court. Judge,— The Chief Justice for the time being; Registrar,— P. W. Carter; iJ/awAa/,— Christopher Ayre. Notaries Public. St. John's,— C. Simms, M. C, Hon. W. B. Row, Q. C, John Boyd, Hon. Bryan Robinson, Q. C, G. H. Emerson, Hugh W. Hoyles, Theophilus Stewart, R. Prowse, G. F. Bown, H. Devereux, F. B. Carter, P. Rogerson, W. J. Ward, James Simms, Jr., R. R. W. Lilly, S. J. Daniel, K. McLea, Jr., £. Morris, H. C. Watts, G. J. Hogsett, Wm. Henry Mare, John Little. OutportH. — Harbor Grace, — A. Drysdale, J. Hayward. Carbonear, — T. Newell. Ferryland, — Robert Carter. Tivillingate, — Thomas M. Lyte, John Peyton. Burin, — William Hooper. Placentia, — W. G. Bradshaw. Forluno Bag, — P. Tocquo. Southern District and Labrador,— Ehenezer Wiutou, W, H. Ellis. OLEBGT.-OHnilCH OF ENGLAND. 1848. Lord Bishop of Newfoundland (including the Bermudas) — The Right Rev. Edward Feild, D.D., late Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford; Bishop's Commis- sary and Vicar General — Rev. T. F. II. Bridge, M.A.; Bishop's Jiegistrar—llov. C. Blackman, M.A.; Bishop's Chaplains— Rqv. T. F. H. Bridge, Rev. C. Blackman. Deanery of Avalon. Town of St. John,— Rev. T. F. H. Bridge, M.A. (Hector and Rural Dean,)— Rev. C. Blackman, M.A., {St. Thomas's Church.)— Rev. H. Tuckwell, (.South- side.) . Out-harbours of St. John.—RQV. T. T. Jones, M. A., {Petty Harbor and Torbay,) —Rev. T. W. Tremlett, {Portugal Cove, ^c.)— Rev. S. Aldington, (Pouch Cove.) Ferryland, ^c.,— Rev. H. H. Hamilton, B,^\. South Shore of Conception Bay, — Rev. B. Fleet. -Rev. G. Carter, J. Kingwell , W. Johnston, {Stations unknown.) Deanery of Conception Bay. Harbor Grace, — Rev. J. Chapman, (Rural Dean.) Carbonear, — Rev. J. C. Harvey. Hearts Content, ^c, — Rev. H. Lind. Bay de Vcrd, — Rev. O. Rowse. Bishop's and Island Cove, — Rev. J. Kingwell. Spaniard's Bay, ^c, — Rev. W. Taylor. Port de Grave, ^c, — Rev. J. Vicars. Bay Roberts,— Re\. J. Rozier. Brigus, ^c. Rev. J. Cunningham. Deanery of Trinity Bay. r»ini7y,— Rev. B. Jones. Bona\nsta,—Rev. T. M. Wood. Catalina, — Rev. W. Netten. King's Cove, Sic, — Rev. B. Smith. Greenspond, i5|t'.,— Rev. J. Gilchrist, M.A. English Harbor and Salmon Cove, — (vacant.) Deanery of Notre Dame Bay. Twillingate, ^a,— Rev. T. Boone, {Rural Dean.) Fogo, ^c, — Rev. N. Iloyles. Moreton's Harbor, ^c, — Rev. E. A. Sail. Deanery of Placentia Bay. Burin, ^c, — Rev. J. C. A. Gathercole. Harbor Beaiiffit,—Rev. W. K. White. Placentia, ^c, — (vacant.) Deanery of Fortune Bay. Harbor Britain, 4fc.,— Rev. J. G. Mountain, M. A., (Rural Dean.) Belloram, — Rev, J. Marshall. The Burgeos,—Rev. M. Blackmore. La Poile,—Rev. T. Appleby. St. George's Bay,— Rev. W. Meek. Hermitage, (vacant.) Theological Institution. Principal,— Rev. T. S. Jones, M. A. Lecturer in Divini/y,—Rev. II. Tuckwell. Students and Lay Readers,— Mr, Kingwell, Mr. Bayly, Mr. Blackman, Mr. John- ston, Mr. Brown. 1 ' ill Collegiate School. Head Maslerf— Rev. H. Tiickwell. Assistant ditto.— Mr. Brown. Newfoundland Church Society. Patron,— His Excellency the Governor. President,— The Lord Bishop of the Diocese. Vice-Presidents, — Tlie Rural T>eaiis. Treasurer, — Hon. Willianx Thomas. Hon. Secretary, — Rev. T. F. II. Bridge, M.A. Librarian, — Mr. John- ston. Keeper of the Depot, — Mr. McCoubrey. Church of England School Society for Ncvtrfoundland and the Colonies. Visitor^ — The Lord Jiifi\xo\>,— Superintendent,— Re\. T. F. H. Bridge, M.A. Roman Catholic. District of St. John's, extending from Petty Ilarlor to Ferryland, — Right Rev. M. A. Fleming, Vicar Apostolic, )it.«tiftti*,. Colonel Commanding, Robert Law, K. H. Captains,— R. Sainidei'M, II. II. (!lnvmbciH, one vacant. Lientenants, — J. Nichols, \V. Jenkins, J. CiilUm|ii«*, W. .S. Hold, II. V. Marriot, Alan Menzies. Ensigns,— W. C. Coen, Al, I'ctnc, (!. II. Martin. Actinjt Paymaster, — Lientenant VV. S. Bold. Adjn- tant, und Acting t^uiU'ter-Mnster, Lientenant Gillespie. Snrgeon, — C. C. H. Grant, AwiMtunt ditto, J. C. Martin. Agent, Sir J. Kirklaud, Kut., 80, Pall Mall, London. Civil Departments of tlie Army. GarriHOU lUin plain,— Utsv. C. Blackmim, A. M. Deputy Ordnance Storekeeper and liarnutk MuHtcir,— T. 11. Tunbridge. Ordnance Clerk,— Noel Ilanmer. Clerk of tiu> VVorkw,— .1. Baker. Respective Officers of the Ordnance,— Com- manding Uoyul Engineer; Comniajiding Officer of Royal Artillery; Deputy OrdnuncH! Hloiokeoper. Commissariat Issuer, — J. Stickley, Ditto Conductor, — J. Thonipttuii. CommnndciMn-Chief of Her Majerty's Fleet, On tli<« WcHt India anil North American Station, Vice Admiral of tho Red, Right Hull. Thuiiius Eurl of Dundonald, G. C. B. MISCELLANEOUS. Post Office Department. Doputy Pout Miwlcr General,— William L. Solomon. Clerk, E. Winton. New Mail Contract. A now coiitrnct was entered into or. the 1st July, 18l7, between the Lords CoinmlHMioncrH ol the Admiralty and Mossis. Cunard, Burns, and Mclver, for the conveyttlieu of llcr MnjeHty's Mails between England and North America. Tlie fontra(!torH are to provide a vessel to proceed every Saturday during April and the Hnven fultowlii;^ nnnitliH, and every fourth Saturday during the months of December, .laniinry, I'ebruaiy and March, from Liverpool to Halifax and Boston, I'ii'ii vrr\- St. John's immediately after the arrival of the home- waril bound Miiil (from Boston), nnd after remaining there seventy-two hours from tlie time of arrival, proceeds back to Halifax with the return Mails, calling ut Sydney, CM. ( »n the average the passage is performed in about '^h days. Traroatlantic Steam Navigation. Tlio followiiiff dilciilalioiiB (copied from the Liverpool Standard, and believed to iv ? 22 be accurately worked) of the comparative distances between New York and Bristol, and New York and Liverpool; and also between Boston and Liverpool, via Halifax, may be valuable to such persons as may be desirous of comparing the length of the passages respectively out and home, of the transatlantic steam- ships running between those ports. From Boston to Halifax. '^"<>"- i From Boston Wharf to Cape Ann 3fi « Cape Ann to Cape Sable (course N. 78 deg. E.) ... 222 " Cape Sable to Sambro Light (N. 55 deg. E.) Ill " Sambro to Halifax <. IB Hon( R. Car From Halifax to ZaiverpeoK From Halifax Wharf to Sambro 18 » Sambro to Cape Clear (N. 79 dog. E.) 2207 « Cape Clear to Tuskar 135 " Tuskar to Holyhead 99 " Holyhead to Liverpool 74 Total from Boston to Liverpool, via Halifax From Now Tork to Bristol. From New York to Cape Clear (N. 79.deg. 30 min. E.) ...2754 " Cape Clear to Lundy Island (S. 85 deg. E.) 1«2 " Lundy Island to Anchorage, King's-road 74 From New York to Iiiverpool. - From New York to Cape Clear 2754 " Cape Clear to Liverpool, as above 299 387 -2524 2911 -3010 From Halifax to Liverpool, via St. John's, Newfoundland. -3053 513 ... 55 ...1860 ... 200 From Halifax to Cape Race (N. 75 E.) ... " Cape Race to St. John's " St. John's to St. David's Head (N. 82 E.) " St. David's Head to Liverpool Total from Halifax to Liverpool, via St. John's ... 2C28 St. John's to Sydnci', C, B 354 Sydney to Halifax 235 Taking, therefore, the direct course in each case, as by the calculations given, we have ♦he following results: — The voyage from New York to Liverpool is 43 miles longer than from New York to Bristol. From New York to Liverpool is longer than from Halifax to the same port by 529 miles. From New York to King's-road, near Bristol, where the (rrcat Western anchors, is 99 miles further than from Boston, via Halifax, to Liverpool; and that the voyage from Liverpool to Halifax, via St. John's, is only 104 miles lon;;cr than the direct passage. COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC BOARDS. Colonial Building. Hon. J. Crowdy, Chnirman.— Honorables T. Bennett, W. Thomas, W. B. Row, P. Morris,— T. B. Job, L. O'Brien; T. Glen, P. McBride; Clerk, J. W. Crowdy. Architect, James Purcell. Inspector, P. Kongh. St. John's Academy -(CASTLE nESNir..) Visitf/r, His Excellency the Governor. Directors: — Hon. the Chief Justice, Honorables J. Crowdy, W. Thomas, P. Morris, T. Bennett, T. Job, d. Kent, J. Stunrt; and J. llochford, M. D. Senior Master, C. D. Newman. Junior ditto, J. V. Nugent. Secretary, Ilarcourt Mooncy. Hon Row, '. R( Hon N. Sta Capi Oke. Thn excepi oney< Fori entrai Cap, 27r, fei one nn distan Hat Islanc Comp Bon flash i St.. "Gab elevai 25 via St. 10 5 10 10 10 For SnperlntendiBg Repairs of Oovenunent House, &o. Honorables J. Crowdy, M.E.C., W. Thomas, M.E.C., L. O'Brien, M.E.C., and R. Carter, Esq. PUots. J. B. Bulley, Hon. P. Morris, Hon. L. O'Brien, T. Williams, N. Stnbb. Tables of Rates of Pilotage in and ent of the Fort of St. Jolin's. On Merchant Shipping. Vessels under 80 tons new, to 100 tons old £2 Ditto from 80 to 130 new, or 100 to 150 old 2 Ditto from 130 to 180 new, or 150 to 200 old 3 Ditto from 180 to 230 new, or 200 to 250 old 3 Ditto from 230 to 300 new, or 250 to 300 old 3 Ditto from 300 new, to 300 old, or upwards 4 Coasting vessels half the above in proportion to touuage. Her Majesty's Ships of War. Under 6th Rate £2 4th, 5th, and 6'th Rates 3 Ships of the Line, 1st, 2nd, . .'^I 3rd Rates 5 Board of Control— of boads, &c. Hon. T. Bennett, Chairman; J. B. Bulley, Secretary; II. P. Thomas, Thomas Row, Richard Howley. Surveyor and Inspector, W. Magill. Relief of the Poor. Rev. Messrs. T. F. H. Bridge, D. D. Evans, R. Williams, John Forristal. Conuuissloners of Light Houses. Hon. T. Bennett, Chairman; H. P. Thomas, Hon. T. Ridley, Hon. P.Morris, M. Stabb, A. Shea, Secretary. Keepers : Cape Spear, T. Cantwell. Fort Amherst, P. Roche. Harbor Grace Island, R. Oke. Cape Bonavista, J. White. Table of Itight Dnes. Three pence per Ton on all vessels entering any Port or Harbor of the Colony, except Coasting and Sealing vessels; but not to be levied more than twice in any one year. Coasting and Scaling Vessels. Of 90 Tons and upwards £1 per annum. Of 60, and under 90 Tons 15 " " Under 60 Tons 10 •• « Description of the Ziights. Fort Amherst. — This is a Stationary Light, on the Southern head of the entrance of St. John's Harbour. Cape Spear. — This is a powerful Revolving Light, burning at an elevation of 275 fpet above tlie level of the sea, and showing a brilliant flash at intervals of one minute. In clear weather it may be seen from sea, in any direction, at the distance of thirty-five miles. Harbor Grace. — This is a powerful Fixed Light, situate on " Harbor Grace Island," in Conception Bay, extending Eastwardly or seaward, in a direction by Compass from North to South West. Bonavista. — This Light revolves every two minutes, showing a red and white flash alternately; and it is elevated 150 feet above the level of the sea. St. Peter's.- -A Light House has been erected by the French Government on " Galantry Head," near Cape Noir. The Light is a fixed one. It burns at an elevation of about 210 feet above the level of the sea. It may be been (in pass* i i if ■ II 1 : I n 24 ing by the S.) from W.N.W, to N.N.E. at the distance of 18 or 20 miles in clear weather. In passing by the H., it is shut iu by high laud from N.N.E. to W.N.W. It is in contemplation to erect a Light House on Cape Race, with a Fog Bell. OFFICERS OF THE SEVERAL ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Stipendiary MaRlstratcs. St. John's— P. W. Carter, P. Doylc, Tlionias Ucnnett. Day Bulls,— J. L. McKie. JusticoB of the Peace.* Hon. T. Bennett, Hon, R. Job, N. Gill, R. Carter, (R.N..) Peter McBride, Hon. Walter Grieve, T. B. Job, Hon. L. O'Brien. Clerk of the Peace and Coroner, A. Hogseft. Coroner (Bay Bulls), M. AVillianis. High Constable, J. Piulay. Ciaoler, Janios Fergus. Medical Atten- dant on Gaol, E. Kielley. Inspectors of Pickled Fish.— T. Williams, W. Rlagill, J. Pitts, Jas. Murphy, D. Dvvyro, W. MePherson, J. Curtis, Jr., (Portugal Cove.) Assaycr of Weights and Measures, J. Finlay. District Surgeon, Dr. Carson. General Supervisor of Streets, Lieut. R. Carter, R.N. Board of Road Couiniissioncra. James Douglas, Chairman; Honorables Patrick Morris, Josej)!! Noad, C. F. Bennett, John Kent, Bryan Robinson, Robert Job, Lawrence O'Brien, Walter Grieve; Messrs. Nicholas Gill, Tliomas Glen, Charles Sinuns, John Harding, Patrick Kough, Simon Morris, Patrick MuUowney, John O'Mara, Patrick L. Power, David Reid. Surveyor, T. Byrne. Inspector, Edward Tubin. Boards of Education. Protestant.— The Rev. T. F. H. Bridge, Rev. Richard Williams, Rev. D. D. Evans; Hon. W. B. Row, H. . Thomas. Roman Catholic.— The Rev. ^ohn Forristal; Honorables P. Morris, John Kent, L. O'Brien; J. Dillon, Patrick Kough, R. Ilowley. Dii'cctoiB of St. John's Hospital. 1848. Chairman, Vice-President. Honorables T. Bennett, W. Grieve, John Stuart, L. O'Brien; Messrs. N. St.abb, B. Scott, J. Barron, P. McBride, R. Howley, W. Warren, Jr. Thomas Row, Thomas Allen. Surgeon, E. Kielley. Secretary, A. Shea. Lunatic Asyliuu. Physician, H. II. Stabb. Manager, J. Stairs. Matron, Mrs. Stairs. Trustees of Botanic Gardens. Hon. W. Thomas, Hon. John Stuart. Board of Appraisers. B. Scott, J. Clift, F. R. Ronnie, R. I'erchard, T. Glen. Secretary, John M. Brine. DISTRICT OF CONCEPTION BAT. Stipondiai'y M.agistratcs. Harbor Gr.icc,—T.Danson,R. Pinsent. Carboncar,— Joseph Ryan. Brigus,— C Cozens. * Tlie MemlxTsof Ik'i' Maji'styVCiiniuil, iiiul tlio .Iiulirfs of tlio Supreme Coiu-t, are all hi tlio Commission of the I'ciiee for tlie Veiitntl, Xort/iarii, ami ,'St. Alary's. Justices of tho Peace. G. Simins, J. Murphy, 11. F. S«veetnian, \V. U. llrmlKhaw, A. Chninbcrs, W. Jiiisli, rutiick Uo^aii. t'krk of tiie I'oacc, li. Collins. Coroner, (vocant.) Gaoler, L. Collins. Suh- coUector of Customs, W. G. Bradblmw. l'j«'vcnlive Olllccr of Ciistonis, 11. Murch, St. Mary's. Inspectors of Pickled Fish.— T. Walsh, I'lnccntia, G. LeMeFsnrier, Islo of A'ailen, M. Shea, Little Placentia, E. Hennessey, Meriislicen, James Murphy, Placcntia. Doards of Road Conimissionora. Barren Island, Alexander Chambers, f'., Nicholas Coady, Richard Mackny. Mcrasheen, — A. Chambers, C, John Movelle, E. lleinicssey. Pres(iueto Oliver's Cove,- A. Chambers, ('., J. Musters, T. Lennard. Isle of Vallen,— A. Cliambers, C, G. LeMessurier, P. Lennard. Great to Little Paradise,— John Power, Joseph Goldsuorthy. Woody Island,— A. Chambers, C, Levi Andrews, R. Walsh. Oderin,— Thomas Collins, Nelson Bailey. Great Placentia to Distress Cove,— Luke Collins, C, W. G. Bradshaw, Patrick lloirnn, J. Uielley, (HerriiiK Bay.) Great to Little Placentia and Pond Ilend,-Jcmc8 Murphy, John Riclleyi Alexander Burke. St. Mary's llarbonr (llolyrood and Point La Ilaye),— William Lush, Robert Kent, William Fewer. Harlior Beuuffltt,— James Butler, Thomas E. Collett. Hurry Cove I'olnt, anil J'ttlh from Limber (>ni.is to Hurry Cove, — G. Curtis, Michael Denn, Edward (iuigley, and James Whealen. To open a road from /{ranch to distress Cove,—Iirauch, — T. Nash, N. Power, J. English. J)istress Cove,— J. Duffy, W. Walsh, J. Conway. Boards of Education. P/aeen/ia,— Protestant, Rev. W. K. White, F. L. Bradshaw, W. G. Bradsliaw, James Butler, Thomas E. Collett, Alex. Chambers, G. LeMessurier. Roman Catholic, Rev. Pelajjius Nowlan, Rev. W. Forristal, John Rielley, Jaraca Furlong, Patrick Hogan, Anthony Whelan, John Rielley, (Herring Bay.) St. il/«rj''s,— Roman Catholic, Rev. K. \\ alsh, John Walsh, Thomas Phelan, James Fagan, William Burke, Michael Fagan, Michael Murray. Trustees of Comnicrcial School at Great Placentia. Rev. P. Nowlan, F. L. Bradshaw, Patrick llogan. Master, M. Kelly. Average number of Scholars, 50. DISTRICT or BURIN. Stipendiary Magistrates. W. Hooper, Burin, J. Blackburn, Grand Bank, S. 0. Pack, Lamalioc. S9 Qubin, E. Cojuly, W. inibcrs, W. Ilins. Sill)- IIBtUlllH, II. ior, Islo of '8 MiirpJiy, tackay. w, Patrick in Ridley, sh, Robert -G. Curtis, Power, J. Bradslinw, r. Roman ey, Jaraea ly.) as Phelan, . Average iline. • Joatlcos of the Tuaco. C. Deuiiliig, J. Thorn, JanteH Moran. Clerk of the Peaco, Edword Morris. Coroner, (vacant.) Gaoler, E. Glynn. Bub-collector of Cuntonis, T. Uirkett. Sub collector of Coloniul Revcnuu at Lamaline, J. Winter, Deimty Surveyor of Crown Lands, W. Hooper. Inspector* of Pickled Fish.— T. Daiby, Burin, I. K. Moore, St. Lawrence, G, H. Evans, Grand Dank. Board of Road OommlBsioners. iiiifin,- -Edward Morris, 6'., Clement Dennin i;, Thomas Darby, John Marshall, Juhii Power, Joshua Fullo. Grand Hank and neighbourhood, — Ed. Evau^i. C, George Luke, John Patten, James Hickman. St. Lawrence to Lamaline, and from Great to Little St, Lawrence,— John Thorn, Henry Slaney. Lamaline,— J. Pitman, R. Cake. Commiaalonera for the Erection of a Breakwater. ^/For/Tcnce. Grand Jlank,—Jiihu Patten, John Hickman, son., James Hickmaa, GeiTgo Forsey, sen., \Vm. Evans, (planter), Henry Nicolle. Boards of Education. /*rotei.an<,— Rev. John C. A. Gathercole, Thomas Darby, Philip HoUett, William Hooper, Rev. John Brewster, Richard Falle, James Moran. Hainan Catholic,— llov. Michael Berney, Clement Beniiiiig, Edward Morrisj John Power, Patrick Morris, Henry Slaney, Matthew Marshall. DISTRICT OF FORTUNE BAT. Stipendiary Magistrate. Thomas E. Gaden. Justices of tlio Peace. J. Nicholle, T. Read, (La Poile,) R. Anthoine, F. Anthoine, J. a. Cox, Jr., (Hurgeo Islands,) Thojnas Renouf, (La Poile.) Clerk of the Peace, P. Tocquo. Coroner, T. E. Gaden. Sub-collector of Cus- toms, T. E. Gaden. Sub-collector of Colonial Revenue, (La Poile,) T. Reud; (Caultois.) T. Winter. Inspectors of Pickled Fish.— J. Trood, (Harbor Britain.) D. Hardy, (Jersey Harbor.) H. Bagg, (La Poile.) J. Cluitt, (Belloram.) J. B. Cox, senr., (Burgeo Islands,) Matthew Row, (ditto.) Board of Road Commissioners. Harbor Britain to Connaigre Bay and Hermitage Cove. — Andiew Ellis, C; John Chopman, William Gallop, Thomas E. Gaden, John Trood. Belloram to St. Jactjues.—ilev. Thomas B. Polden, John Clewitt, John G randy, Jr., Robert Lee. Burgeo.— Rev. M. Blackmore, J. B. Cox, Ji. W. Henderson, Sen., W. Matthews. Board of Education. Protestant,— Rev. G. J. Mountain, Thomas E. r." Jen. John Chapman, William Gallop, Andrew Ellis, Rev. John Marshal, Thomas Stevens. Boman Catholic— Rev. M. Bemey, Rev. M. Cullen, P. Burke, W. Burke, P. Burke, Jr., T, Kinshela, P. Hearu., III 30 .1' mt i I i; ' = CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. Benevolent Irish Society. -Fotindcd in 1806. ratron, liis Excellency Sir John Gaspard Le Marclmnt. President, Hon. L. O'Brien. Vice President, J. V. Nugent. First Assistant, Edward Morris. Second Assistant, P. F. Little. Treasurer, P. Kougli. Secretary, G. J. Hogsett. Chairman of Review, K. Kent. Cliairnmn of Charity, W. Walsh. Chairman O. A. School, W. Dillon. Secretary O. A. School, liaudall Greeii.—iL'lecled 1B411.) Dorcaa Society. Treasurer, Mra. T. Job. Secretary, Mrs. llogerson. Dispenser, Mrs. C. Winton. Mechanics' Society. President, V. Merchant. Vice President, E. Kennedy. First Assistant, John White. Second Assistant, John Power. First Treasurer, John Coady. Second Treasurer, Andrew Quirk. Third Treasurer, John Mahar. Secretary, John Kenney. British Society, 1848. President, Edwai'd Warren. Vice-President, G. R. McGoubrey. Treasurer, C. Rankin. Secretary, Henry Emnictt. Medical Attendant, Dr. Carson. Natives' Society. President, H. W. Hoyles, Vice-Presidents, James S. Clift and John Barron. Treasurer, J. B. Barnes. Chairman of Charity, P. Duggan. Chairman of Review and Correspondence, H. B. Thomas. Secretary, N. Gill, Jr. Assistant Secretary, W. Vilta.— {Elected June 1 848.) Carbonear Natives' Society. 1848. President, W. H. Taylor. Treasurer, Edward Pike. Secretary, Moses Wilt- shear. St. George's Society. President, R. Prowse. Vice-Presidents, Hon. J. Noad, J. Bayly. Treasurer, Hon. W. Thomas. Secretary, G. Clapp. Chairman of Committee of Charity, J. B. Bulley. Secretary and Treasurer, J. C. Withers. St. Andrew's Society. President, Hon. John Stuart. Vice-President, John McWilllarn. Trenpuror, David Steel. Secretary, John Crawford. Medical Attendant, Dr. Carson. Chairman of Committee of Charit", Allan Frazer. . Agricultural Society. Patron, his Excellency Sir J. Gaspard Le Marchant. President, Charles Sinims. Vice-Presidents, Hon. B. Robinson, J. Douglas, Hon. Judge des Banes, P. Kough. Treasurer, Thomas B. Job. Secretary, F. Templeman. Curator of Museum, E. L. Moore. Farmers' Mill Company. Patron, his Excellency Sir John Gaspard l,e Marclmnt. Directors, Hon. James Crowdy, E. L. Moore, James Douglas, Michl. Allen, Samuel Carson, M. D. Treasurer, Charles Simms. President, P. Kongh. St. John's and Nev^rfoundland Auxiliary Bible Society. Patron, his Excellency Sir John Giispard Le Maichant. President, Hon. W. Thomas. Vice Presidents, Hon. Judge des Barres, Hon James Crowdy, Hon. W. B. Row, Q. C, T. B. Job, Hon. W. Grieve, A. Miliay, Esq. Treasurer, N. Stabb. Secretaries, Rev. D. D. Evans, J. B. Bulley. Trinity Benefit Club. (Instituted 1838.) President, F. K. Hepburn.^ Treasurer, W. Kelson. Secretary, R. Bayley. Stewards, S. A. Gent, P. M'lvphy. Total number of Members, 100. m ;nt, Hon. L. aid Morris. . J. Hogsett. L'hainnuu O. 'ected 184».) it, Mrs. C. istont, John dy. Second etary, John Treasurer, irson. ohn Barron, n of Review t Secretary, Moses Wilt- Treasurer, Charity, J. Tron^nror, )r. Carson. if, Cliarlcs dcs Barres, Curator of ctors, Hon. u'bun, M. D. t, Hon. W. ly, Hon. W. r.N.Stabb. R. Bayley. 31 Law Booloty, 1848. Hon. Attorney General, Hon. SoHuitor Uonurid, Hon. W. B. Row, Q. C, C. Simms, Hon. B. Robinson, Q,.C., O. H. KmoiHOU, H. VV. Hoylos, F. B. T. Carter, J. Hayward, J. S. Stevens, J. Simms, Jr., H. U. W. Lilly, W. Oreen, (of Halifax, N. S.,) P. F. Little, H. Mooney, Allan Frazor. Chamber of Oommoroo.' St. John's. (Elected Aiiyiisf, I 111".) President, Hon. W. Grieve. Viue-l'rt'HlduntH, Hon. W. B. Row, N. Stabb. Treasurer and Secretary, R. Prowso. HononibloN, T. Bennett, J. Stuart, W, Thomas, W. B. Row, W. Grievo, L. O'Urloii; McMsrH. P. McBride, T. B. Job, G. T. Brooking, N. Stabb, K. McLea, R, Proww, T. How. Foreign Conaula rosldont In tho Colony. Spain,— A. Hogsett, (V. C.) Primia^^H. St'Ott. Uniled Stales, S. G Archibald, (Consular Agent.) Conooption Day. Spain,— Hhoa. Harrison Ridley, (V. C.) /Oii/t'c/ ^/rt/M, -William C. St. John, (Consular Agent.) Association of Undorwrltori.- St. John's. Chairman and Treasurer, Hon. W. Uriovt*. ('(inunlttue, Hon. L. O'Brien, R. Prowse, W. Warren, Jr., Hon. W. Thuimw, N.HtaUb, P. McBride, R. Howley, T. Job, G. H. Brooking, J. B. Hutton. AKont, J. !«. Bulley. Commissioners, R. Howley, R. Prowse. Surveyor, J. i'ittN. AssosHors, Hon. L. O'Brien, W. Warren, Jr., P. McBride. Branch Bank of Brltlfih North America. [Opened for business Ft«bruiu'y 1IW7.] Local Directors,— Hon. R. Job, 1', MuDrldcs G. T. Brooking. Manager, A. Milroy. Accountant, VV. Lash. Toiler, VV. U. Dryer. Clerk and Messenger, Samuel Cowan. SavingN' finnk. [Established lOlU, by Act 4, VV. 4. c. 10.] Goveniors,— The Members of Her Miijosty'g li,\eciitlvp Council, and an equal number of the Members of tho Gonunil Assonibly, including the Speaker. Cashier, Hon. P. Morris. Clerk, E. Morris. St. John's Qm XitKht Company. [Incorporated by Act of L)'«l8lattne, 1044.] Directors,— President, the Attorney Uonoml. Vice President, C. Ayre. Hon. W. Grieve, Hon. L. O'Brien, R. O'Dwyor, Hon. Jiimus Crowdy, John O'Mara. Treasurer and Secretary, John M. Brino. Miviiagor, Andrew Thomson. St. John's Water Company. [Incorporated by Act of tho I.OKtsiature, lfl46.] Directors,— President, Hon. W. Thomas. VIj'o Prosidents, Hon. W. Grievo, Edward Bowring, Peter McBride, T. I». .lob, 0. T. Brooking. Treasurer, Eugenius Havey. Secretary, VV. J. Ward, litigiuecr and Superintendant, Robert Minto. St. John's Library and Roadtnif nooni. President, the Hon. the Attorney Gtmeral. Vice Presidonts, W. Lash, Peter Tessier. Treasurer, T. McConnan. Sccrotury, AllauiFrazor, St. John's Phamix Volunteor Flro Company, 1848, First Director, Samuel Lovcys. Second Director, William Coyle. Secretary, R. Hamlin. „ . ..... MoCoubrey Brothors' Roadinft Room. Secretary, R, E. MtsCoubroy. I i 32 NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED IN THE COLONT. WITH DAYS OP PUBLICATION. St. John's. lioyal Gaxetle, Tuesday. Public Ledger, Tuesday and Friday. Times and General Commercial Gazelle, Wednesday and Saturday. Newfoundland Patriot, Wednesday. Newfoundlander, Thursday. Morning Post, Tuesday, Thursday, and' Saturday. Morning Courier, Wednesday and Saturday. Conception Bay. Weekly Herald and Conception Bay Advertiser, Wednesday. CONCEPTION-BAT PACKETS. Harbor Grace and Portugal Cove,— The "Express" and the "Vjctouia" sail alternately on the mornings of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The " Lotus" and " Native Lass" ply alternately, on'the same mornings, between Carbonear and Portugal Cove. The *' Rapid" leaves Portugal Cove for Brigus on the mornings of Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. NEWFOUNDLAND SAVINGS' BANK. Assets, 31st December, 1847. Amount of Bills and Notes on hand £42,4«4 13 7 Government Securities ... 7.A63 3 R Cashonhaud 6,916 19 10 1 Liabilities 31st December, 1847. Amount due to Deposi- tors £5l,6«9 Accumulated Profits...... 5,275 17 1 Feb. £56,904 17 Examined and approved. — Wm. Thomas. B. RoniNsoN. 26^/j, 1848. T. Gi.EN. } £56,964 17 1 Auditors. LENGTH OF SESSIONS Of the General Assembly of Newfoundland. DAYS IN YEAR. FROM TO SESSION. i 240 REMARKS, 1833^ January July 1 12 July August 9 1 Includes an adjourn- ment of 38 days, 1834^ January August 29 26 June Sept. 12 20 ;• 161 from May 30th to July 9. 1835 January 8 May 12 115 1836 January 7 May 6 111 1837 July 3 Nov. 18 139 1838;^ June August 20 20 August October 13 25 :; n. 1839 May 17 October 12 149 1810 January 3 April 29 118 1841 January 2 April :2« 116 1812 Nil. 1813 .lanuary 17 May •22 126 1844 January 10 April 29 111 1845 Janu.iry 1.5 April 23 99 1846 January 15 April 28 104 Ditto. ^pecial June 10 August 4 50 :j3 O > > --4 -J- o r o L n u 03 ^1 _-< 03 c :x) z XI > O n z J > > < CTORu" sail he " Lotus" 1 Carbonear igiis oil tlie t>er, 1847. 51, fins 5,275 17 1 56,964 17 1 Luditors. iirn- lys, to O > n > 6 r o o I o u IP -'I < z > n > < 33 FOBT or ST. JOHN'S. A Ootiaolldatad Aooonnt of the Oooda Imported in the Tear ending the fifth day of January, 1847, Showing the aggregate Quantities and Value of the various Articles, with the Amount of Duty collected thereon. Artioli'M Imported. ^Wot'vWirvitT in bottles ~. Do. not In bottles SpMt», videMt! Do. bmiidy, Ooneva, and cordials Do. rum and whiskey Do. undeflned Ale, porter, beer, cider, and perry Apples Bread or biscuit Butter Coals Flour rurnlture household Goods, wareN, and merchandise not otherwise enumerated or described Lumber Meat (suited or cured) MolriNSus Oatmeal TUnber, (Ton and Balk of all kinds inuludln(( Hmntling) Tobacco (manufactured and leaf) ... Du. stems Clears ... Shingles ... ... Sugar, vldetieilt reflned and bastard Tea Totals ... Custom House, 7th January, 1847. Quantity Imported. 316:^ gals. 23,200 „ 19,936i „ 43,750 „ 44i „ "2,49.53 barrels 94,394 cwts. 17,8C0:3:9 „ l().223i tons. 101,055 b'arrels 8.736,061 feet. 59,446:2:27 cwts. 549.331 gal,«. 1,451 i barrels 3,584 tons. 290,266i lbs. 9,124 „ 312,616 „ 8,313,475 „ 1,473: 3:12 cwts. 300,652^ lbs. Value. £. B. d. 158 8 4,081 10 4 4,547 4,617 6 3,1.02 1,168 66,662 46,053 12,280 109,649 1,767 16 11 10 19 14 1 10 19 10 3 11 15 13 2 301,844 9 18,575 7 62,307 28,006 9 1,249 13 3,693 3 3,398 18 17 15 539 14 4,231 17 2,787 4 18,511 I 699,349 18 5 Duty. £ 8. d. 39 II 3 1,740 2,492 I 1,488 17 5 11 319 6 187 3 1,.79 18 1,786 2 811 3 7,579 2 176 15 15,092 4 6 1,092 3 6 4,458,10 3,433 6 11 36 5 9 268 16 1 2,418 17 9 8 3 156 6 2 415 12 6 368 8 9 3,758 3 3 49,312 II 6 J, M. SPEARMAN, Collector. OONSOLEDATED STATEMENT 0/ Sunu Rteeived and Paid by the Colonial Treasurer, Year ending Dec. 31, Dr. Sums Received. To Balance from last Audit Colonial llevctme.leHs £3,658:6:7 credited last year £20,330 12 Ditto, Received Account Qr. ending Mar. 31, 1847, 51 19 Imperial Revenue Light Dues Bonds paid up Balance of Bonds from No. I to 280 £12,144 I £. 3,805 Amount of Bonds from No. 281 to 373 Sherlffc' Fees Clerks' Peace Foe* Licence Fund and Fines Hospital Duos Gaolers' Fees Crown Rents and Land Fees Received from AsNiHtant Commissary General Weir Loans under Act 9th Vic. Chap, 7 ... 5,129 3—20,382 ... 1,083 1,458 ... 7,441 0—17,273 694 ... 72 60 ... 58 8 ... 971 838 ...16,615 1846. s. d. 8 9i 11 4 6 8 9 7 G n 18 3 17 4 13 3 70,764 £. 14,829 29,451 Or. Sums Paid. * By Amount Oeneral Warrants from No 118 to 190 inclusive Amount Ck'noral Warrants from No. 1 to 116 inclusive Amount Roads and Bridges Warrants, from No. 673 to 853 inclusive 12,726 Amount Special Warrants 215 Amount Loans paid off 2,000 Amount Interest on Loans 1,352 Balance due to next year 10,188 PATRICK MORRIS, Colonial Treasurer. £70,764 E 18 8 2 3i 8. d. 12 3 3 14 8 19 2 132J 2 H ,^^'\r^^'-^^' nrr *i in imAm^sei, if ■ 34 ABSTBACT OF THE TRADE OF THE ISLAND. Showing the Tonuago &c. employed, and the Relative Value of the Imports, distinguishing Foreign Goods from Ooods of British Produce and Manufacture. ( Year ended 5th January, 1845.) INWARDS. Countries from and for wliioli' the VcsMt'ls entered. {^ British orcign United Kingdom Jersey and Vg^j^j^j^ (jruernsey J Gibraltar „ Malta „ Zante „ France Foreign e • ( British ^ \ Foreign Portugal British I^gypt » Naples , Sardinia „ Roman States „ Tuscany |p^;;. Denmark ...British Belgium ,, Ilarabursr < t^ ". •= (^ r oreign Portuguese C British colonies \^ Foreign Eritish N. /British America \ Foreign British W Indies U. States ditto gn • British } j Foreign r British \ Foreign A . ( British American > y Colonies. ) ° Spani.shW.'|Brit: h Indies J Foreign Danish W, 'i „ -l- > T J. > British Indies } Brazils French N. Vessei.8. Imports. Value in Pounds sterllnff. .Vo. 179 2 5 92 2G 56 • • • 2 1 "i '21 I 4G 1 ' i 487 10 lot 19 1 39 1 1.5 19 1 Tiiniini/e. 25134 518 G33 Jlrilis/i. I J'orfit/n. 338728 19872 14G;U 31G2 7220 "'2}iG 147 ' 13G '"3286 214 70G5 107 "149 43094 1079 11944 28G9 173 sn 20 2052 2286 116 7877 350 8374 '8818 "235 113 "'i028 28440 34 66973 G5G 218 752G3 I 200G4 851 14 137426 27344 4 32 1G302 10034 966 Totiil. 358G00 ■ • • • • 8227 8374 "ssi's • • • • • • 235 113 '^028 28440 34 6C973 G56 • ■ • • • • 218 95327 865 13742G 27344 4 • • • • • • 32 • • • • •■ 1G302 10034 9GG Totals 11130 1127129 1422719 347297 770010 35 ABSTRACT OF THE THADE OF THE ISLAND, Showliiff the Tonnage Sec, emplcyed, and tho relative Value of the Exports, distinguishing Foreign Goods from Goods of British Produce and Manufacture. C Year ended 5th January, 1045.) OUTWARDS. Countries ior which tho Ves- Vessels. EXPOBTS. 8cl8 entered. Value in Pounds sterling. No. I'oniuu/e. liiitis/i. ForeU/H. Total. United ) British Kingdom J Foreign 119 15787 375144 692 375836 ... Jersey and ) g^-^j^j^ Guernsey J 3 428 3034 3034 Gibraltar „ 8 1113 11694 11694 Malta „ 2 200 2498 2498 Zante „ „ 1 142 1795 1795 France Foreign 3 313 4164 4164 e • 1 British SP^^^ i Foreign 51 6616 54217 54217* 38 4690 5^243 52243 Portugal British 76 10270 129071 129071 Egypt „ 1 68 660 660 Naples „ 10 1285 17831 17831 Sardinia „ ... • • • • • • • « • • • • • • • • ■ ■ Roman States „ 10 1222 14823 14823 Tuscany | ^^;\^^ 6 5 950 566 9952 6158 9952 6158 Denmark ...British ... • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • Belgium „ ... • • • • > • • • • • • • • • • • • Hamburg jp^-j^^ • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • a • • • • • • Portuguese /"British colonies. \ Foreign 1 71 550 550 - • • • • • • • • • • • • I • British N. i British America \ Foreign 513 53478 54228 7429" 61657 16 2233 • • • ■ • • • • • • • • U. States „ 62 8357 69511 772 70283 26 2917 7974 • • « • * • 7974 ditto Foreign 3 583 542 22 564 ■DM f British ^'^'''^' \ Foreign 30 5859 47610 47610 1 232 1500 1500 French N.|j3^.^.^j^ American > ^ Colonies. J ^^'^^'S" 5& 1 1244 20 2070 47 2070 47 SpanishW.y British Indies \ Foreign 2 306 5674 5674 1 148 1000 1000 "ZL^-{ British • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■• • • • • • • Totals 1045 119099 873990 8915 882905 ( 6 n 9d Cattle. Horse ti. liny and Foddur. Ontn nnd other (iriiin. PotatoPi. Acres of Land In Cultivation. No. of FlBhing Boats. !>. «> t- >o o r>. o t>. «C> O l->. o « »0 O >0 (M O 00 ci o 1-1 00 iD O CO M ^ 00 — < C^l O O l^ -^ iM »0 l>. t-^ g; -^ t— I CCi CO GO o C>1 -»1H^ ^ CO t>. o »o o M O -^ C^l Ci :r> o 00 0 rs 00 CO -H c>< o •^ 00 (>> t- O cs »0 «0 O Ci CO '.-i 50 !M CJ i.-Ti CO 00 ■^ »o (M 0 C5 M C^ CO Ci O t>- ^H —^ O O CO O O -5t< o O -^ I— I i-H >0 (M O f5 -^ ■* l^ 00 QO CO i-H O t-- O CO -^ O 00 No. of Scaling VcskIs. No. of Schools. No. of Dwelling-houses. Chapels. Roman Catholics. CO *iO -^ o o «o t>. CO CO C<1 (N -HJM (M -t< (M t^ O T1 i-o > fs jri ■ — ' ■— I iM O O CO C5 00 O I— I CS O CO 00 fiO --H -H CO O Ci l^- ^— I I— I I-H I— I TJI Meeting-houses. Dissenters. Churches, Episcopalians. 21? Ineroaso |)cr cent. Females. Males. «0 O 00 >— • IM »Ci »f^ 'C "ti Cl r-t 00 "^^ O CO cs C5 CC I- l^ C5 ^ t- IM >0 CSlO^fM'"— I t>."'-H «0 — CO -^ I--. 00 (M O '-O rx) — O oi <;o t^ o o .-^ T* 00 M7>J Tji^Ob CO O CO O 00 CO O-l >— I TO CO C5 I- M -f CO 00 I— 1 (M rH OO !>. O -H I— I p-c iM C5 CJ T'l CO rt< CO C^t i-H l^ Ci O CO -— I CO l- O 00 -t b- (M — < 00 O C5 t^ CD CO -* ■«* CO CO :M Females. c; CO 0-1 >(0 ao I— I GO !>-. »fti GO ■* 00 ^ CO O (M — I l^ CO o CO . ; fl O IN CO a >0 I— I (M I rt »0 >0 C5 -H ■^ C J CO \^ lO CO 0) 1--.CD 00 lo ■^ 00 CD r^ — '"' 1.2 ■^ I— I •^ i'-^ a 9 I— I I— I o t^Ol "^ O IM CD —I -^ CD I- CO t^ 00 o CO CO CD >0 CO -— 1 Ci t-. C5 00 00 o l>1 I-H I— I o ^ ^ 00 »o o t^ 00 o 1(0 -rt* rH CO (M CO t^ »0 IM IQ CD l^ O CO C^l C^l I— I I— I C5 (M r-H 00 OO O -f >o l>- CO -H >0 Oi CO CO -+< i^ >o IM 00 b- 30 l^ CO O l^ 00 O ^ rfi CZ Ct C^ '^pqpqpq ..3 O b O ::3 OjqHPQPm* Ph : ^ : c3 :M cqpH [Cm V O *" £ .2 \B e 03 w 3 1 Salt, Implements and Materinlsfor the Fish- eries, Coin and Bul- lion, Horses and Cat- tle, Sheep and Pigs, Corn and Seeds, Vegetables, Manures, Books, Unrefined Su- gar, Coffee. 1 I-* 0) 0) 0) a> 0) 1) u. a'-Oc^OlCIOOOO "^ 2— OOCMOO© o © a S ° S " *^ eS « .s Q ■3 0) I ■d o ! > i « A P I O 41 a ■8 o o I a s H ;- 0) •- O O © © O 'O . u • "3 I- ti •O 01 -^3 5 «* * — .2 "s* ■= ^ b ki L. OJ ^ V 0.0.0. ©©OtD;0— bn ' s 3 • IS "^ 1- V 01 C «l " 1- Q, 5 4) •«1 sJ rt t/0-. IK b. O. «IN — b.O. © © © © o o © .5^ ■rlS ' -ra s <; w » «Vco p5 n •--■^^■S?^ 37 - 0.1 5 = « ■a «s _» o 4 *J ♦rf a n * u U 1- b u a> OJ O.fi.0. ?• o o o © C (N © © O O © © O lO ca • a sa •^ T» t - u . 2 • 4-' >^ 3 ! "5 -3 a s « a J= 9 O , ; «i CO PQ m • cj vi : (M o t>. ■ • • "* 1 H If »o : CO »f5 • • • l^ ^ < 9! 1— 1 M s ?0 CO O IM (M PH 3 2 (M • l>» C5 OS • at Ci ^ o ^ Tt< : o I--. • • ■ .,-( • • • C5 s r-* -^ CO iM 1-H eo K « C^ . 1-H • ■ • CO is 'Tt* eo ■* CO CO iM •n fi > 1 -t C^ (M 1^ 1-H 05 Ol (N I- (M O I-H «o • O M OS : »o ci t— U) F o : GO i-- . r-H Oi I-H I-H ■< Ed R CO 1-H •o CO ^O CO 1 't^ CO rs o 1 o : — 1 -* 'ti • (M (M iO O ? H iM . CO 1- >-i :(M r-H C5 i CO >!0 O iM — < O ^ ^ a "'*' ■ • * « a •rf lO r-H CO CI CO C^J (T) LO f-i to t'. 1 "*< : uo o .-• : 5-1 ^ CO C^) 1-H 1-H I-H I-H 1 so .'^Oi t^ ji o s: B « • ,-1 O "* • • • LO »0 >C O CO no o ^ s iTi : ■* (M 1— 1 • • I o h n -^ CI O; CO CO CO s i-H . O Ci -rt^ o cs 1 o : CO "* iM r-H « • • • • ■ • ■ • o CO 4* 00 C5 O 1-H C5 CS CO 1-H CO (M ■* I-H _ . . 1 »0 O CO o o -^ •A S » C5 O Ci O (M • • X i o o o o o t>. b£ , p X) ci ci I— 1 I-H : ; r-H & «0 I-H 00 Cl O 00 a " iM >« O CO IC CO I- (M O ■^ i-t C^ (M o cs • s ?5 n •^ "M !>. <:0 CO . -H • • 00 % C5 S5 »0 I-H cs u O H <;o ,-1 ^ i^ (>i (>4 : . "+< t> ■^ (M "* CO »0 !>» 2 < ■^ 1-H 1— 1 00 > tS : oj : (J, jo u "3 IM T-H «5 f-* IM r-( • • Ol feo |o So _ 1^ CO i-H r-H • • l» bi CO «»o : \ • \ 1-H »f5 mill 1 . 1 M CO -rj< ei < — ' . :. CO eo CO •^ V. 1-H . 1-H , • • • CO CO 00 O) s > r-i •-' ^ , s i ifl 00 -^ Ci C5 * • • ^ >^: K3 *^: Ui • a CO »o oo • • • C5 is ti !3 ( iO O »0 • • • g e8 c3 ee o CO 1-H 00 O rH • • • H5 h, t-5 ct a P5 o c^ 05 M- rC - -si |S < 1 CS 1-H 00 I-H I— 1 • • • lo "S ts Ti lO »o »o *) CO (M • • * !>. bo bo bo t» a a a • s * : ; • • • • • ' c - D - a - i o 2 cl -f ':^ s o * • • • • • • • • • • • • 0) V ID etl c4 cj I j 'i -S -S .£p1 • • • 0) . tH s • « TO a» ■u • r3 'JS « -iJ N t-> J±i •s .H .-S £ -s «« -^^ a h im o s Ui •« .s? PPQ^Pl^PP^O^ O a 1^ t33 o .2 rO -^ " S -« •-3 E fe O >^3i^i£i£^ 38 ;i 1 A BETUBN, Sbowing the number of RoKlstored Veuela that anterod lind eUarad at tha Port of St. John'a, DistinRiiishiiip: the Countriefl from or fur which thoy Kiitcrod or Cloiirod, ia euch year during the six years utidiiiK IIU4, uiid fur Ihu yvu: IU47. COUNTRIES. 1839 1840 1841 1842|lH43 1H44 1847 Ari'lviil 1847 Ul'IMft. United Kingdom 186 238 225 20}) 230 203 238 115 British Colonies 603 665 649 790 795 873 4()3 702 Foreign Europe 252 263 2(58- 282 294 301 2()8 300 " West Indies 75 56 71 61 70 62 t * • • « • United States 65 140 102 119 135 125 186 64 Coast- ways 1482 2663 1515 1571 1521 2982 1546 1583 1155 t • • Totals 2877 2886 3070l3l47 1181 OUTFIT FOB THE S£AL FISHEBT IN 1847 AND 1848. 1848. 1847. Veurla. TOIK. Moil. St. John's Harbor Grace Mosquitto Spaniard's Bay Carbonear Brigus, Cubits, and Port de Grave Trinity and Catalina New Perlican and Hants Harbor... 95 49 1 4 37 66 42 27 9353 4957 72 354 3054 5950 3901 2159 3215 1407 28 131 906 1963 1361 740 Greenspond, «&e. (no return.) Harbor Briton XiapOlI6 ••• ••• ••• a*a ••• ••• • a • 2 1 201 47 a • • 73 10 Totals 324 30()48'9834| V'i'wi'l*, a 1 ilijr Tnim, 1(K)46 5507 543 301 47 Mi'n. 3541 1663 a a a 191 89 13 16444 5497 COMFABATIVE STATEMENT. Of tbe Total Colonial Rovenue and Expenditure In tha yeara 16i4*S*7. 1847 • 1845. 1844. Imperial Customs Duties £6211 12 £5540 13 8 £5375 19 3 Colonial Duties 52127 15 5 49522 8 2 49931 7 Light Dues 1728 2 4 1715 13 11 1666 1 8 From other sourcfcj ... 1749 7 9 2949 11 2702 14 Totals £61816 17 6 £59728 8 9 £59676 1 9 Expenditure... £62703 18 7 £66379 5 6 (3 . s a 9> SHIPS BUILT IN THE 00L0N7. 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 No 31 33 32 24 25 32 Tons 1659 1683 1553 1192 1281 1607 1847 Ucpitrt, 115 702 300 64 UUl Men. 3541 1663 • • ■ 191 • • • • at 89 13 44 5497 4.8.7. 447" ' 19 3 7 1 8 14 1 9 5 6 39 OOMPAHATIVE STATEMENT Of tho Quantity and Value of the Staple Articloa of produce exported in the years 1038, '39, '40, '41, '42, '43, '44, '45, and '47. Dilcil FUh. oils. Scul Skins. Sii1it;o>i. UerritiR."!. liulutiili. Oiilldns. No. 'I'ltTCCS. Uarreln. ri838 724,515 2,173,674 375,361 4,408 15,276 1839 865,370 2,224,262 437,501 2,922 20,806 , 1840 915,795 3,206,583 631,385 3,396 14,686 i2> 1841 1,009,725 2,673,574 417,115 3,642 9,965 IH 1842 1,007,980 2,262,031 344,683 4,715 13,839 3 1843 936,202 3,111,312 651,370 4,058 9,649 1844 852,162 3,605,868 685,530 3,753 13,410 1845 1,000,333 2,219,301 352,202 3,545 20,903 11847 837,973 8,624,233 436,831 4,917 9,907 i €. £ £ £ £ ^^1838 484,649 249,428 30,474 13,310 10,723 1839 508,157 245,209 46,330 11,692 13,840 1840 576,245 305,197 39,408 12,939 9,036 • 1841 605,014 266,832 29,901 12,302 6,361 3 J 1842 561,950 233,313 23,200 13,678 7,119 > 1843 532,194 335,975 40,497 12,216 4,570 1844 482,480 315,690 39,648 11,945 6,665 1845 596,990 243,646 40,123 12,794 11,234 L1847 489.910 229,172 46,280 9,782 5,111 SHIPS OWNED AND REGISTERED IN THE COLONY. On 31st December, 1844 844 On 31st December, 1845 907 On 31st December, 1847 950 GOVERNORS OP ] JlEWrOUNDLAND, From tho earliest period of which there are any authentic records in the Secretary's Office. 1749 ... . Rodney. 1792-93.. . King. 1750-52 Drake. 1794-96.. . Sir J Wallace. 1753-54 Bonfoy. 1797-99.. . Hon. W. Waldegrave. 1755-56 Dorrill. 1800-1 .. . Sir C. M. Pole. 1757-59 Edwards. 1802-3 .. . Gam bier. 1760 .. . Webb. 1804-6 .. . Sir E. Gower. 1761-63 Graves. 1807-9 .. . Holloway, 1764-68 ., ... Palliser. 1810-12.. . Sir J. Duckworth. 1769-71 Hon. J. Byron, 1813-15.. . Sir R. G. Keats. 1772-74 Shuldham. 1816-17.. . Pickmore. 1775 ... Duff. 1818-25. . Sir C. Hamilton. 1776-78 Montagu. 1825-34. . Sir T. Cochraue. 1779-84 Edwards. 1834-41. . Prescott. 1782-85 Campbell. 1841-46. . Sir John Harvey. 1786-88 Elliott. 1847 . Sir J, G. LeMarchaut. 1789 91 Milbanke. ■ u' I I fMW fW UCT I tW 40 VALUE OF IMPORTS AKD EXPORTS IN 1847. Imports ..£843,409 Exports £800,505 ' f' -1 PRESENT GOVERNORS OF THE OTHL^: NORTH AMERICAN COLONIES. Canada. Govom-Gen , the lU. Hon. the Eurl of Elgin and KiNCARniNE. Nova Scotia. Lieut.-Covernor— Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Harvey, K.C.13., & K.C.H. Now Brunswick. Lieut.-Governor— Sir Edmunu Walker Head, Bm-t. Prince Edward's Island. Liet.-Goveruor— Sir Donald Campbell, Bart. CHIEF POWERS OF EUROPE. Date of Dirth and Accession of the present Rulers. State. Title of Ruler. Birth. Austria Emperor Furdiuand 19 Apr. 1793 Baden Gr. Duke Ciias. Leop. Fred ... 29 Aub. 1790 Bavaria Kiiifi; Louis Ciiarles 25 Aug. 178(> Belgium King Leopold Geo. Fred. ... 16 Dec. 1790 Britain, Great ... Queen Victoria 24 May 1«I9 Denmark King Christian VIII IBSept. 178C France (A Republic). Greece Otho Hanover King F^rnest Naples King Ferdinand Charles Netherlands King William II Poland (New Kingdom is a Vice- Regality of Russia. Popedom Pius IX 13 May 17.02 Queen Donna Maria 4 Apr. 1819 King Frederick William IV... 15 Oct. 1795 Date of 1 June 1815 5 June 1771 12 Jan. 1810 () Dec. 1792 Portugal Prussia Russia Sardinia Saxony Spain Sweden Sl Norway Switzerland Turkey Tuscany Wurtemburgh ... Accession. 2 Mar. 1835 30 Mar. 1830 13 Oct. 1825 20 July 1831 20 June 1837 3 Dec. 1839 Jan. 1833 20 June 18.'i7 8 Nov. 1830 7 Oct. 1U40 16 June 1846 2 May 1826 7 June 1840 Emperor Nicholas King Charles i^lbert Frederick Augustus Queen Isabella II King Oscar (A. iv.?public). Abdul Medjid, Sultan ... Grand Duke Leopold 1 1 King William Fredk. Chas. 6 July 1796 0.S....1 Dec. 1825 O.S. . 2 Oct. 1798 18 May 1797 10 Oct. 18.30 4 July 1799 20 Apr. 1823 3 Oct. 1797 27 Sept. 1781 27 Apr. 1831 6 June 1836 29 Sept. 1833 8 Mar. 1844 1 July 1839 18 June 1824 30 Oct. 1816 RULES OF THE ROTAL HUMANE SOCIETY, Tor the Recovery of Persons apparently Drowned or Dead. To restore the apparently Drowned. Send quickly for Medical Assistance. CAUTIONS.— 1. Lose no time.— 2. Avoid all rough usage.— 3. Never hold the body up l).y the feet.- 4. Nor roll the body on casks.— 5. Nor rub the body with 8ult or sjtirits. — Nor inject tobacco-smoke or infusiou of tobacco 41 Mothodii of Traatmont rocommondod by tho Socioty. I. Convey tlie body cim-riillv, with the hiud uml shouldors BUpportcd in a raised tioHitioii, to the ni>ure8l Iiuumo. II. btrip tho body, uiid lub it dry; then wrup it in hot blankets, uiid piuco it ill a wtirni bed in u wurni chuniber tieu from Hinoko. III. Wipe and cleuiine the mouth and nos^tiils. IV. In oid«r to restore the naturul wurnith of the body, move a heated covered warming-pan over tiie bac-k and spine. Put biadderH or bottU's ot iiot water, or Jiuatoil bricks to tho pit of tho stoinuuh, the arm-pits, between the tiii^lis, and to the soles of tliu I'uet. Foment the body with hot tluniiels. Hub the body briskly witli the liund; do not, however, suBpcnd the wse of the otiier means at the same time; but if possible, imnierbe tlie body in a warnj bath at blood heat, or itti" of tlie tliermonieter, as tins is preferable to the otlier means for restorini; warmth. V. Volatile salts or hartsiiorn to be passed occasionally to and fro under the nostrils. Vi. No more persons to be admitted into the room than arc absolutely necessary. To restore tho apparently Dead from Intonso Cold. Rub the body with snow, ice, or cold water.— Uostore warmth by slow degrees; and after somt time, if necessary, employ tiie means reconnnended for the Apparently Drowned. In tliese accidents it is higlily dangerous to apply heat too early. To restore the apparently Dead from Hauffinx. In addition to the means recommended for the apparently Drowned, Bleeding should early be employed by a Medical Assistant. To restore the apparently Dead trorxi noxious Vapours, &c. Remove the body into a cool fresii air. — Dash cold water on the neck, face, and breast, frecpiently.— If the body bo cold, apply warmth, us recommended for the apparently Drowned. To restore tho apparently Dead ft-om Intoxication. Lay the body on u bed, with the head raised; remove the neckcloth, and loosen the clotnes. Obtain instantly Medical Assistance, as the treatment must be regnlated by the state of the patient, and the stomach-pump will almost invariably be required to he used: but in the mean time, apply cloths soaked iii cold water to the head, and bottles of hut water, or hot bricks, to the call's of the legs and to the feet. To restore the apparently Dead ft-om Apoplexy. The patient shouUl be placed in a cool air, with the head well raised, and the clothes loosened, ^->rticulariy about the neck and breast. Bleeding-; must be early employed by a Medical Assistant. Cloths soaked in cold water, spirits, or vine/^ar and water, should be kept applied to the head, which should be instantly shaved. All stimulants should be avoided. In cases of Coup-de-soleil (or strokes of the sun,) the same means to be used as in Apoplexy. Apparent Death by Lightning. Employ the means recommended for the recovery of persons suffocated by noxious vapours, and pass Rentlo shocks of electricity through the chest. rilKCAlJTION.— In a thunder-storm it is dangerous to take shelter under a tree, to approach any kind of metal, or to remain in a draft or near the lire-place. The safest way is to remain in the middle of the room, or if in the open air, to lie down on the ground. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS- On the restoration of life, a tea-spoonful of warm water should be given; and then, if the power of swallowing be returned, small quantities of warm wine, or weak brandy and water, warm: the patient should be kept in bed, and a dis- position to sleep encouraged, except in cases of apoplexy, intoxication, and coup-de-soleil. Great care is requisite to maintain the restored vital actions, and at the same time to prevent undue excitement. The treatment recommended by the Society is to be persevered in for three .■»;. four hours. It is an erroneous opinion, that persons are irrecoverable because life does not soon make its appearance; and it is absurd to suppose that a body must not be meddled with or removed without the permission of a Coroner. 42 ! '■ * '1 ; I )| THE NOBTH AMERICAN FASSENGEBS' ACT. An Act to make farther Provision for One Year, and to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, for the carriage of Passengers by Sea to North America. [28th March, 1848.] l._\Vhoreas it is expedient to make furtlier provision respecting the Carriage of Passengers by Sea to certain Parts of North America and tlie Islands adjacent thereto, and for that purpose to alter certain provisions of an act passed in the Session of Parliament held in the fifth and sixth years of the reis" of her present Majesty, intituled An Act for regulaliuy the Carriage of Passengers in Merchant Vessels, and of an act passed in tlie Session of Parliament held in tlie tenth and eleventh years of the reijjn of her present Majesty, intituled An Act to amend the Passengers' Act, and to make further Provision for the Carriage of Passengers by Sea; be it therefore enacted l)y the Queen's most excellent Majesti', by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, aiul eoinuions, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, that no ship carrying passengers on any voyage from any port or place in the united king- dom, or in the islands of Guernaeg, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, or Man, to any port or place on the eastern coast of North America, or in the islands adjacent thereto, or in the (InlJ of Mexico, shall proceed on sueh voyage with or shall carry more passengers on board than in the pi oportion of one passenger to every two tons of the registered tonnage of sueh ship; and that no such ship shall, whatever be the tonnage thereof, proceed on such voyage with or carry more |)assengers on board than in the following proportion to the space occui)ied by them and appropriated to their use, and unoccupied by stores not being the personal luggage of the passengers; (that is to say,) on the deck upon which tiio passengers live, one passenger for every twelve clear sHi)eiiicial feet, or on the orlop deck, if any, one passenger for every thirty such superficial feet; and that if any ship carrying passengers upon any such voyage as aforesaid siiall carry any person or passenger beyond such proportions, or any of them, the master of the ship shall, for and in respect of every person or passenger constituting such excess, be liable to the payment of a peniilty not exceeding five pounds sterling. II. — And be it enacted, that in computing the aforesaid proportions two chil- dren, each being under the age of fourteen years, shall be computed as one person or passenger, and that children mider the age of cue year shall not be in- cluded in such computation. III. — And be it enacted, that no ship carrying one Innulred or more passengers shall clear out or proceed on her voyage imless there shall be on board a ship's cook approved by the emigration etflcer at the port of clearance, and engaged for the purpose of cooking the food of the i)assengers, nor imless a convenient place shall have been set apart, ami a sufHcient ajiparatns provided for that pin-jiose, to tlie satisfaction of the said emigration otHcer; and if any ship shall proceed on her voyage, not having on board such ship's cook and cooking apparatus as liere- in is required, tiie master of the said ship shall be liable to a penalty not exceed- ing fifty pounds. I y. — .\nd be it enacted, that whenever any ship shall carry one hundred or more passengers on ;iiiy sucli v oyage as aforesaid, t here shall I)e on board a surgeon duly qnalitled as herein-after mentioned, or in default thereof it shall not be lawful for any such ship to ciirry more passengers on the deck upon which the passengers live than in the proportion of one passenger to every fourteen superficial feet so occuipied ami appropriated as aforesaid, V. — And be it enacted, tliat in tiie calculation of such proportion every child above tiie age of one year shall be computed as one passenger. VI. — And be it enactcnl, tliat eveiy sueh stu';.'e()n as aforesaid shall bo a person duly qualified by law to practise in the united kingdouj as i)hyNician, surgeon, or apothecary, and who shall not be objected to by the said emigration oflicer. 43 VII.— Aud be it enacted, that, oxoo|it oh Iioreln-after provided, no ship shall clear out or proceed on any such voyngo un afort'suld, until tiie said surgeon, or, in case of ships not carrying surgeouM, until Nome medical practitioner, to be ap- pointed by the said emigration offloer, Nhiill have Inspected as well the medicine chest of the said ship as the paHsongiMM uit board, and shall certify to the said emigration officer that tiie said sliip uuntuins a sufficient supply of medicines, instruments and other things roiiuiHito for the nuulical treatment of the passen- gers during the intended voyago, and that noui' of tlio passengers appear to him likely, by reason of being atfoctod by any Infectious or other disea- e, to endanger the health of the persons on hoard: provided always, that tlie master, owner, or charterer of every ship inspected by any nu'dlcal practitioner so appointed as aforesaid shall pay to such modieal practitioner a sum, to be fixed by the suid emigration officer, not exceeding twenty NhtlllngN for every hundred passengers: provided also, that in case on any partioulur uc'casion it shall be deemed by the emigration officer impossible to obtain tlio altendance of such medical practi- tioner, it shall be lawful for the nnister of any Hueh ship to clear out and proceed on her voyage, on receiving from tho Nuld emigration officer written permission for the purpose. VIII.— And be it enacted, that In ease any mich surgeon or medical practi- tioner shall notify to the emigration ofllcer at the original port of clearance, or at any other port or place in the united liliiudcnn Into which tlie vessel may subse- quently put, or in case the said emigration officer siiall bo otherwise satislied, that any person about to proceed on Niteli voyage as aforesaid is likely, by reason of being affected by any infectious or other diseaHi', to endanger the healtli of tiie other persons on board, it shall bo Jawliil for hucIi oilleer to re-land, or cause to be re-landed, any sucli person, and Hiieli ineinbers of liis family, if any, as may be dependant on him, or as nuxy bo unwilling to bo separated from him; and no ship sliall be cleared out or proectetl on any Huch voyage so long as any such person or persons shall be on board, mul tho muster of any such ship who shall wilfully proceed on the said voyage with any NUeh person or persons on board shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding llfly poinids sterling. IX.— And be it enacted, tluit any person or persons wlio shall be so relanded DS aforesaid, or the emigration officer on his or their behalf, shall be entitled to recover by summary process, before two or more jiislices of the peace, in like manner as in the said first-recited act \h provided in the cases of monies thereby made recoverable, the whole of tho monieH w'licli shall have been paid by him or them, or on his or their account, fur IiIn or their passage in such ship as aforesaid, from the party to whom the same mivy luivo been paid, or from the owner, charterer, or master of such ship, X. — And be it enacted, that it Hhall bo lawful for her majesty, by any order or orders in council to be by her nuivle, with the advice of her privy council, to pre- Bciibe any such rules and regulatiouH oh to her mnjiesty may seem fit for preser- ving order, and for securuig tileanlineNN and ventilation, on hoard of British ships proceeding on such voyage as aforcNnid, ami the said rules and regulations from time to time in like manner to alter, amend, and revoke as occasion may require; and that any copy of such order in coimeil etuitalned in the London Gazette, or purporting to be printed by tho (iueen'n |)riiiler, shall, throughout her majesty's dominions, be received in all legal )M'oeeeilingN UN good and sufficient evidence of the making and contents of any sueh order iu coutieil. XI.— And be it enacted, that in every /h'iti>k ship it shall be lawful for the surgeon, or, in ships not having a surgeon on board, for tho master of any such fillip, to exact obedience to all such ruleH and regulations as aforesaid, under the penalties next herein-afier provided. XII. — And be it enacted, tlnxt any porNiui on board such ship who shall neg- lect or refuse to obey any such rule in- reguliition, or who shall obstruct the master or surgeon of such ship in tliu exuoulioii of any duty imposed upon liim 44 by such rule or reg^ulation, shall he liahle to the payment of a penalty not exceed- ing two pounds sterling; and it shall be lawful for the justices of the peace in any part of her majesty's dominions, before whom any person shall be convicted of such obstruction or resistance as aforesaid, to order such person, in addition to the penalty herein-bcfore mentioned, to be confined in the common gaol for any period not exceeding one mouth. XIII.— And be it enacted, that the said colonial land and emigration com- missioners siiall from time to time prepare such abstract as they may think proper of tlie whole or part of this and of the said recited acts, and of any order- in council to be made as aforesaid; and that six copies of tlic said abstract, together with two copies of this and of the said recited acts, shall, on demand, be delivered by the collector or comptroller of the customs of the port of clear- ance to the master of every ship carrying passengers on siicii voyage as afore- said; and that such master shall, so long as any passenger be entitled to remain in the ship, keep posted, in at least two conspicuous places between the declcs of the said ship, copies of such abstract, and shall be liable to a i)enalty not exceed- ing forty shillings sterling for every day during any part of which by his act or default such abstract shall fail to be so posted; and that any person disx>lacing or defacing such abstract so posted, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings sterling. XIV. — And be it enacted, that all penalties imposed by this act shall be sued for and recovered by such persons only, and in such manner, as in the said first- recited act is provided in the case of the penalties thereby imposed. XV.— And be it enacted, that the bond required by the said hcrein-before firstly-recited act to be given in certain cases to her majesty in respect of ships carrying more than fifty passengers shall include and be a security, not only for the matters and payments in the said act mentioned, but also for the faithful observance of the provisions as well of the said herein before secondly-recited act as of this act, and of any rules and regulations to be prescribed by any such order in council as aforesaid, and finther for the due ))ayment by the master of any such vessel of all penalties which he may be adjudged to pay mider or by virtue of the said herein before secondly-recited act or of this act, XVI. — And be it enacted, that all powers and duties given to or imposed upon the emigration officer herein before-mentioned may be exercised and performed respectively by his assistant in his absence, or, at ports where there shall be no such emigration officer, by the officer of t)ie customs whose duty it may be to grant a clearance to such ship. XVII. — And be it enacted, that in the interpretation of this act the term •' Passenger" shall be held not to include the class of passengers commonly known by the name of cabin passengers; and the term "Ship" shall include every description of seagoing vessel; and the term " Master" shall include any person being in command of such vessel for the time being, and that, unless there be something in the subject matter or context repugnant to such construc- tion, every word importing the singular number or the masculine gender only shall be construed to include several persons, matters, or things, as well as one person, matter, or thing, and females as well as males respectively. XVIII.— Provided always, and be it enacted, that nothing in this act con- tained sliall apply to any ship in which the number of passengers shall not bear to the registered tonnage a greater proportion than that of one passenger to every twenty-five tons; provided also, tluit if in any action, prosecution, or other legal proceeding under this act any question shall arise whether any ship carry- ing passengers on any such voyage us aforesaid did or did not carry a greater number of passengers than aforesaid in proi>ortion to the tonnage thereof, the burden of proving that the number of passengers so carried in proi)ortion to the tonnage of the ship was not greater than that of one person to every twenty-five tous ahull lie upon the person against whom any such action, prosecution, or 45 other legal proceeding may be brought; and, failing such proof, it shall, for any stich purpose as aforesaid, be taken and adjudged that the number of passengers 80 carried did exceed that proportion. XIX. — And be it enacted, that in all proceedings it shall be sufficient to cite this act by the title of " the North American Passengers' Act." XX. — And be ic enacted, that this act shall remain in force for tlie period of one year from the parsing thereof, and from thence to the end of the then next sesuiun of parliament. XXL— And be it enacted, that this act may bt amended or repealed by any act to be passed during the present session of parliament. RULES For the preserving Order, and for securing Cleanliness and Ventilation on board of Passenger Ships. Whereas by an Act passed in the Uth year of the reign of Her Majesty, inti- tuled, " An Act to make further provision for one year, and to the end of the then next Session of Parliament, for the carriage of Passengers by sea to North America," it is enacted that it shall be lawful for Her Majesty by an Order or Orders in Council to be by her made, with liie advice of her Privy Council, to pies(Tibe any such rules or regulations as to Her Majesty may seem fit for pre- serving order, and for securing cleanliness and ventilation on board of British ships proceeding from any port or place in the United Kingdom, or in the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, or Man, to any port or place on the Jiiasteru Coast of North America, or in tiie islands adjacent thereto, or in the Gulf of Mexico — Now, therefore, Her Majesty doth, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, and in pursuance and exercise of the authority vested in Her by the said Act, order, and it is hereby ordered, that the following shall be the rules for preserving order nnw, short, and ^tablishment. rbor Master, about tliirty tioned at the •oners which icr frequent- a fortnight (which was as blown up ital, nnd by tunate man rock, large u'ed more or cted farther f, which are se grass, and ber vessels strewn with OOVEBNOBS OF THE BBITZSB COLONIES. Antiqita, Montsebrat, Barbuda, St. Christopher, Nevis, Anocilla, Virgin Islands, and Dominica, Governor and Vico-Admiral, — J. Macaulaj Higginson. Ascension, Officer in charge of, — Capt. F. Hatton. Australia (South), Lieut Governor — Sir H. E. Fox Young, Kt. " (West) Governor and Commander-in-chief, — Com- mander Charles Fitzgerald, B.N. Bahama Islands, Governor and Commander-in-chief, — George Benvenuto Mathew. Barbadoes, St. Vincent, Grenada, Tobago, and St. Lucia, Governor and Commander-in-chief, — Col. Sir William M. G. Colehrooke, C.B, Bermuda, Governor, — Capt. Charlcb Elliot, R.N. Bombay, Governor, — Viscount Falkland. British Guiana, ^(jonsisting of the united Colonies of Deme- rara, Essequibo, and Berbice,) Governor, — Canada, Governor General— Rt. Hon. the Earl of Elgin, K.T. Cape of Good Hope, Governor and Commander-in-chief, — Lieut.-General Sir Harry Smith, Bart., Q.C.B. Ceylon, Gov. and Commander-in-chief -Vise. Torrington. Dominica, Lieut.-Governor, — Lieut.-Coi. George Macdonald. East Indies, Governor General, — Rt. Hon. Earl of Dalhousig. Falkland Islands, Gov. & Commander-in-chief, — G. Rennie. Gambia, Gover, and Commander-in-chief, — R. G. Mac Donnell. Gibraltar, Gov. and Commander-in-chief, — Sir R. T. Wilson. Gold Coast, Lieut-Governor, — Com. W. Winniett, R.N. Grenada, Lieut. Governor, — Ker B. Hamilton. Guernsey and Alderney, Lieut.-Governor, — Major-General John Bell, C.B. Heligoland, Lieut.-Governor, — Capt. J. Hindmarsb, R.N. Honduras, Superintendant, — Col. C. St. John Fancourt, K.H. Hong Kong, Governor & Commander-in-chief, — S. G. Bonham. Ionian Islands, (Comprising Corfu, Vido, Paxo, Sta Maura, Cephalonia, Zante, Ithaca and Calamos, and Cerigo,) Lord High Commissioner, and Lieutenant-General on the Staflf,— Lt..Gen. Lord Seaton, G.C.B., G.C.H.. G.O.M.G. Jamaica, Capt-General and Governor-in chief, — Right Hon. Sir C. E. Grey. Jersey, Governor, — Viscount Beresford, G.C.B, G.C.H. Labuan, Governor & Commander-in-chief, — Sir James Brooke. Madras, Governor, — Major General Right Hon. Sir H. Pot- tinger. Bart., K.C.B. Malta, Governor and Commander-in-chief, — Right Hon. Richard More O'Ferrall. Mauritius, Governor and Commander-in-chief, — Lieut.-Gen. Sir William M. Gomm, K.C.B. =:-_:=-_^':::Tr. rt . ft ' •- m MoNTSERRAT, Prosidont administeriag the Oi>vonimcnt, — EJvrard Dacros Baynog. Nevh, Administrator,— WillouQjhby Shortland. New Brun'savick, Liont. Gov. — Sir J'^ilmuiKl Walker Ilca'l, Bt. New South Walrs, (fovernor and Coinniandor-in-chiof, — Sir C. A. Fitzroy, K.II. Newfouxdl.wd, Lt.-Govcruor, — Sir J, Gaspard LcMarcliaut. New Zi; ALAND, Gov. «fc Comm.-iii-cliiof, — Sir Cr. Grey, K.C.Ii. Noui'Or.ic IsLAxn, SiipcrintondiMit, — Major Joseph Child, U.M. Nova Scotia, Lieut. -Gov. — Lieut. -General Sir John llarvcv, K.C.B., K.c.ri. PaiNCR Ei)ward'.s Island, Lt.-Gov. — ^Sir Donald Campbell, Bt. Sierra Lkoxh an.l2i 24,040 59,230 31,0G7 G8,156 32,108 21,031 83.318 22,828 17.07.5 06,608 square