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asi. i. G • See Co Basin, and a loop 1.-THE FISHES OF THE KLAMATH BASIN. By CHARLES H. GILBERT, Ph. D., Profe&sor of Zoology, Leland Stanford Junior University. The Klamath River rises in the arid region east of the Cascade Mountains in sonth- central Oregon. After expanding to form the Klamath Lakes, it cuts its way tlirongh the mountainous region of northern Galiforriia and enters the sea nearly midway between the mouths of the Columbia and Sacramento rivers. It occupies, therefore, an intermediate and closely contiguous position with respect to these two great river systems, being separated from them in many places by narrow watersheds only. It is the more remarkable that its fish fauna should contain nothing in common witheitluT of them, save such anadromous forms as the salmon, trout, sturgeon, and Liinprey, which enter all the rivers of the coast. Such characteristic genera as Mylocheilus, Acrocheilus, and Columbia, of the Columbia River, and Mylnpliarodon, Poponichthys, Orthodon, Lavinia, Archoplites, and ffysterocnrpus, of the Sacramento, have no represen- tatives in the Klamath. Even the genus Ptychocheilus is unrepresented there, though present in both the Sacramento and the Columbia, wl'ore P. grandis and /'. orerfonensis 1 are but slightly diOerent and are among the most abundant and characteristic fishes of I their respective basins. A similar case is that of Cottua asper of the Columbia and Coitus guloaus of the Sacramento, two species so extremely similar that it is difficult to distinguish them, yet without any close relative in the Klamath. The relations of the Klamath fishes become at once apparent, however, when we compare them with those of the Lahontan and Bonneville basins of Nevada and Utah.* In each of these three localities the same genera occur — among them ChnsmhtcH, which is not found elsewhere— and in many cases their species are so close as to be undoubt- edly representative. That the three areas have at one time formed part of the same hydrographic basin can not be questioned. Nor cijU we doubt that tliey have been separated for a very long period — long enough to permit the comp'cte ditferentiation jof every species within each of them — for no apecios is now known to bo common to ny two of them, if we exclude the whiteflsh and perhaps the trout, two forms which iCem to bo superior to any discoverable law of distribution. The Lahontan Basin has been very imperfectly explored, but the facts now at hand [lo not warrant the assumption that it has maintained a connection with the Khimath lit any time since its final separation from the Bonneville. Future exploration may be expected to throw light on this question. Important, i!.lso, will be a thorough survey )f the lakes of southeastern Oregon which He between the Lahontan and Klamath >asi. J. Cope's investigation of these leaves much to be desired, and no facts are as ' See Cope, " ()d the I'lHbea of tlio It'ecent and Pliocene Lakes of the western part of the Oreat Basin, and ot tbe Idaho Pliooeuo Lake." Pruo. Aoud. Nat. Soi. Phila. 1883, pp. 134-167. I F C. U. 18K7— 1 2 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. yet available from which we can draw conclusions as to their interrelationships and recent history. Excluding anadromous fishes and the trout, the Klaraath is known to contain eleven species, of which eight are peculiar to this basin, two (Catostomns snyderi and Butilus bicolor) have been reported as well from Goose Lake, its neighbor on the east, and one species {Catostomua oregonus) seems to occur also in Bogne Bivcr, its neighbor on the north. The collection here reported on was made at Klamath Falls, Oregon, in the inter ests of the United States Fish Commission, June 13-16, 1894, by the writer, assisted by Frank Cramer and Keinosuke Otaki. Collecting was carried on near the outlet of the Upper Lake, in the river at and below Klamath Falls, and in Lost Kiver below Lostiue. A few specimens were also secured in Willow Creek, at Ager, California. Valuable for comparison have been a few fishes collected in Scott River. Siskiyou County, California, by Mr. R. C. McGregor, and in Trinity River, Hoopa Valley, Cali- fornia, by Capt. W. E. Dougherty. The lower part of Upper Klamath Lake is narrow, and is surrounded by a mar ginal tule belt, which is overflowed at high water. The bottom consists of mud and sand, with scattered lava bowlders. Tlie outlet is a very rapid, turbulent stream, 50 to 73 feet wide, and falling about 85 feet between the lake and the town of Klamath Falls. It swirls around huge lava bowlders and makes imposing rapids. The temperature of the water June 13, at 9 a. m., was 56°; temperature of air, 04^. At Klamath Falls the river widens out, covering at the time of our visit extensive bottom lands, partly in tules, partly meadows. From this portion a slough makes off toward Lost River, into which it carries a considerable amount of water during early summer. Tule Lake and Lower Klamath Lake are overflow reservoirs from Klamatli River, and lie lower than that stream. At the time of our visit the lake and river contained many dead and dying fish, principally Catostomoids. Ohasmistes stomias seemed to predominate, then Ddtiates luxatus, Chasmistea brevirostris, a^id Catostomus snyderi, in the order given. The breeding season for these fish is said to be in March and April, varying from year to year with the condition of the streams. We saw no specimens entirely free from injury. Many had lost a portion of their fins, some had round holes in their sides, said to be caused by lampreys; many had diseased areas covered by a fungous growth, and a large number were afflicted by some disease of the skin of the head, which turned yellow and flaked ofl", leaving the skull bare. This disease often attacked and destroyed the eyes. We were told that the same fish in Tule Lake were never diseased. A few large specimens of Rutilus bicolor were also attacked, but other fisli seemed not to be affected. LIST OF SPECIES. 1. Bntoapheu...! trldentatus (Oairdner). One yonng apecimen of this anadroniouB Bpecies, 26 cm. long, was taken in Klamath. They art said to be abiiiulant in tlie lake, and to attack iishes, which are often seen to leap out of the water to free themselves. Several of the mutilated suckers which were examined had round wounds on th>-ir bodies, which niiKht well have been produced by the lamprey. It is not improbable that this species has become resident in Upper Klamath Lake, as happens with other anadromous species elsewhere. 2. Aoipenser medlroatriB Ay res. A young specimen of the green sturgeon is in the museum of Stanford University, collected in Trinity River, Hoopa Valley, California, by Capt. W. E. Dougherty. The species was not seen at Upper Klamath Lake. ' 3. Catost .i » \ This F 1 to C. tahoi \ tubercles, \ linear slit I Type: j Valley, H I were coUe I Head \ rays 7; sc I before doi \ Head \ nearly rea * tubercles; I than in re! • nearly nii( ; Scales \ Dorsal \ short, sim \ contained ] body; lenj '■ Color ' fins dusky The to In the : and forwai and backM { 4. Catost Type, Cramer, ai Close! ^ bead, smal 1 dorsal tin, ' Head 69 to 77; a lietween a two-thirdt baxe of cit small; has very fine couspicuoi in any rela fin short. )D ships and til is known {Catostomns its neighbor iogue River, in the inter ter, assiisted the outlet of River below ', California, er. Siskiyou V^alley, Call- ed by a mar- of mud and it stream, 50 of Klamath apids. The xiv, G43. At nsive bottom li makes oft' during early om Klamath FISHES OF THE KLAMATH BASIN. 3 3. CatoBtomus rlmiooluB Gilbert & Snyder, new speclea. f Catosiomus tahoensis Cope, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1883, 152; Warner Lake. This Rpecies t'elongs to the C. catoHtomiia type, with very small scales, and is most nearly related to C. tahoensis. From the liitter it differs in the smaller eye, less deeply cleft lower lip, blnnter labial tubercles, larger scal« s, nnd the much smaller fontanelle, which is reduced in adults to a very narrow liuenr slit, or more commonly entirely obsolete. Type No. 5654, Leland Stanford Junior University collection. Type locality, Trinity River, Hoopa Valley, Humboldt County, Caliiornia. Collector, Capt. W. E. Donm snout to insertion of ventrsU. Heiwht of dorsal Bane of dorsal No. 1. IIs.2. 806 No. 3. No. 4. 23S 153 180 23 18 23 23 11 10 10 10 4 4 4 5 «i 7 7 7 10 o» 9 10 18 17 17 18 .'4 9 1«» i 9i 18 40 49 *^ 49 55 56 54 |13 1«J 14 17 17 18 16i backwaid ventrals t Color dusky. The Ii to both of Belo\^ the standi In 13 specimens the fully developed dorsal rays are 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12. All have 7 anal rays. In 11 specimens the oblique rows of scales above lateral lino are 70, 71, 73, 73, T>, 75, 75,75,76,77,77. A few specimens, none of them adult, were taken in Upper Klamath Lake and in Lost River. Tlie species is named for my assistant and coworker, Mr. John O. Snyder, who first noticed that CatoBtomHH labiatus was a synonym of C. oecidentalii, and that the present species was unnamed. S. CbaBmlates breviroatrls Cope. Two species of typical Chasmitlei inhabit Upper Klamath Lake, so similar in all their characters that it is difflcult to decide to which one the name hreviroilria properly belongs. The scale and fin formulie are the same, and the general proportions scarcely dilfer. One of them has a larger, deeper head, with larger, more obliquely placed mouth, and conspicuously protruding premaxillary spines. To the other, with smooth upper profile of snout and smaller, more nearly horizontal mouth, I here apply the name hredrottris, following Cope's sssevtion that the snout " is without the hump produced by the protuberant premaxillary spines." In all other respects Cope's brief description applies equally well to both species ; bnt the one described below as new, under the name C. stomiat, is apparently the most abundant in the lake, and is known to the Indians by the name attributed by Cope to C. breviroftrii. One adult and several young specimens of C. 6remro«(r<« were preserved; others were seen, but were so nintilat(;d as to be unfit for preservation. From this adult, a female 37 cm. long, the following notes are taken : Month inclined at an angle of about 15°. Maxillary reaching a vertical from slightly behind front of nostrils, its length contained 1} times in snout. Mandible 1^ iu snout. Lips thin, the lower interrupted nt symphysis, forming moderate lobes laterall}'. Both lips with small, inconspicuous, sparse tubercles, those on upper lip in three or four series. In other specimens these can not be detected, owing, perhaps, to poor state of preservation. Snout 2| or 2^ in head. Interorbital width 2|'; (2^ in young). Vertical deptii of head at mandiliular articulation 2j^ in length of head. Mucous canals large, with very pioniineiit series of pores on head, as apparently in all the fishes of Klamath Lake. Gillrakers slender, triangular, their free ed^es densely tufted. Fontanelle narrow. Ventrals inserted under the middle of the dorsal. Front of dorsal slightly nearer tip of snout than Itase of caudal. Anal elongate, iu the adult female reaching to opposite base of median caudal rays, doubtlesN extending further in adult males. Pectorals not reaching two-thirds distance lo ventrals, 1^ ir head. Ventrals extending two-thirds distance to vent. Scales with strong concentric strine, the radiating ridges produced into narrow projecting lobes at margin. Seventy-three scales in the course of the lateral line; 13 iu an oblique series downward and Oha 6. Cilasm Type, Cramer, ai Distin latter, as mouth, un( by the pro Month reacliing v exceeding eye. Li|iH specimens lower edg niandibula cons])icuoi very irnrro frontal ere Ventn of caudal. FISHES OF THE KLAMATH BASIN. O liirds distance do not appear ni>>er varying md baclcward ins all diiHky. n tip of snont lat anal ray to ! baokwaid to lateral line from in front of dorsal ; 11 in a series upward and forward from base of 1 Tontrals to lateral line; 32 or 33 obliiiiie Meries crosHiug back iu front of dorsal fin. I Color dark on npper portions of Lead and body, silvery on belly and lower part of sides. Fins uli I dusky. Tlie Indians to whom this fisli was shown failed to distinguish it from Caioitomiis snijderi, applying to both of them the name Ten. Below is a table of proportionate measurements of three specimens, the unit being hundredths of the standard length. Measurementa. Total lenKtIi in mm L«D){th uf hvatl Length of iniiiiilible Length of iiiaxillary Depth uf head at mandibular joint Interorbital w id th Depth of caudal iieilnncle Lentith •■fcautlnl peduncle Snout to inaertiiin nl dorsal Snout to Insertion uf ventrals No.l. No. 2. Ko.3. 370 250 H»5 22 23J 22, ' 7 8 1 1 5 6 5 1 H 10 10 i lU 10 10 »i H 16 10 17 48 50 48 68 57 55 1 12,12,12. All 1,73,73,75,75, St River. The | hat CatogiomuK leir characters le scale and fin liirger, deeper xillary 8)>ine8. mouth, I here nmp produced iption applies ! C. atomiat, is attributed by were seen, but , the following lightly behind hin, the lower inconHpiciious, ise can not be irorldtal widtli ad. MnuoHS ns of Klamath ow. [) of snout than n caudal rays, ce lo ventrals, ecting lobes at downward and OhaimiMlst Homia* Gilbert, new apeciea. Drawn by A. H. Baldwin from the typo (No. 48223, U. S. N. U. ) from Cpper Klamath Lake. 6. Cbasmiatea atomias, new species. Klamath name, K-ahp-tu. Type, No. 48223, U. S. N. M. Type locality, Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Collectors: Gilbert, Cramer, and Otaki. Distinguished from all species of the genus except C. breviroitria by the small scales. From the latter, as already indicated, it ditt'ers in the dee|>cr head, larger mandibles, more steeply inclined mouth, and by the prewence of strongly marked protuberances on the upper side of the snout, caused by thi! protruding spines of the premasilliiry processeH. Month inrlined at nu angle of over 4.*)". Maxillary longer than in C. breviroatrii, but scarcely reaching vertical from front of nostril, its length oontaliieil 1^ times iu snout. Length of mandible exceeding that of snout in iiduits, in one specimen equaling distance I'roni tip of snout to middle of eye. Li|m thin, the lower interrupted at symphysis, forming narrow lateral lobes. In none of our (specimens can we detect papillin on either lip. The lower lip is ridged and slightly fringed on it« litwer edge. Snout 2} to 21 in head. Interorbital width 2^ to 2|. Vertical depth of head at inuudibiilar articulation 2^ in length of head. Mucouo canals raised to form narrow ridges, the pores conspicuous. Gillrakers long, narrowly triangular, the free margins densely tufted. Fontanelle very narrow, often shoi'tened by a coalescence of posterior halves of parietals. In adults a median ft'ontal crest often developed. Ventrals inserted under middle of dorsal. Front of dorsal usnnlly nearer tip of snout than base of caudal. Anal long, the rays extending beyond baae of caudal in adult males. Pectorals nearly 6 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES PISH COMMISSION. roaching ventrals, the latter extending to vent in adnlt. Dorsal with 11 or 12 folly developed rays, au;il with 7, tbo last ray in each divided to base. Scales more crowded and irregular in adults of this npecies than in C. hreeiroslriB, the posterior very conniiicuonsly larger than the anterior. This differeure between the two species is less marked in the yonng. The ridges on the scales are less strong in C, tiomias, 76 to 82 scales are traversed by the lateral line; 14 or 15 scales in an oblique series downward and backward from in front of dorsal to lateral line ; 11 in a series vertically upward from insertion of ventrals to lateral line ; 35 to 38 oblique series before dorsal. Upper portions of head and body blackish, the lower parts whitish or silvery, the two colors separated along a definite line traversing sides midway between lateral line nnd insertion of veutrals. Mandible, preopercle, and the contiguons part of cheeks whitish. Fins dusky. Abundant in Upper Klamath Lake, where all seen were spent fish in a badly mutilated and dying condition. Following is a table of measurements, the unit being hundredths of the standard length : Measureiuenta. No. 1. N J. 2. No. 3, Total length in mm B70 LeiiKtti of head I 27t Length of mandible 11 Length of ninxillMry Depth of head at in'andibular joint Iut4Torbltal width Depth of caudal pe<1nncle Length of caudal )icdnnnle Smmt to insertion of duntal Snont to insertion of veutrula 8 la 11 18 48 M 380 13 9 m 50 67i 220 25 II 12 11 8t 17 48 67 heiid. Gill plain or nic developed i Scales the lateral to lateral 1 pores ill lat dorsal. Ventra! of cnndal. snout to pr the anterid one dividet constantly Very di fins dusky t 7. DeltiBtesluzatUB (Cope). ChMmiate8 Jiixatiit Cope, American Naturalist 1879, 784, Upper Klamath Lake and tributaries ; 1 Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1883, 149. Catostomua rex Rosa Smith Eigenmann, American Naturalist 1891, 667, Lost River, Oregon. Deltisies luxalu* Alvin Seale, Proc. Cal. Ao. Sci. 1896, 269. The "Lost River sucker" is the most important food-fish of the Klamath Lake region. It is apparently resident during most of the year in the deeper waters of Upper Klamath and Tule lakes, running up the rivers in incredible numbers in March and April, the height of the rnn varving from year to year according to the condition of the streams. The Lost River fish are the most highly prized and are said to be much fatter and of finer flavor than those asceud;ng the tributaricqof ll]>]ier Klamath Lake. Prior to 1894 an attempt had been made to preserve the meat in cans, but apparently with poor success. Oil had also been extracted from heads and entrails, said to be worth from 60 to 85 cents per gallon. The species most closely resembles in appearance Chaimistcs feciimhta, from which it dilTers principally in the simpler gillrakers, as already noted by Mr. Seale. It agrees with C. fevundus and differs from other species of Chatmistea in its very long, slender head, its small, nearly horizontal mouth, and tliicker lips. When these species shall have been thoroughly investigated, C. fevtivdus will iiritbably be separated generically from Cliasmiiitea. At the time of our visit to Upper Klamath Lake, June 13 to 16, the run of suckers was well over, and the only specimens observed were the dried heads on the banks of Lost River and some more or less diseased and mutilated individuals floating about in Upper Klamath Lake and River. One youn^' specimen only could be preserved, from which the following notes are taken: Head 4 in length; depth 4i(. D. 12. A. 7. Lat. line 78. Head very long aud slender, the snout and cheeks especially so, the mandibles inclined upward at an angle of about 35°. Snout tapering to a very slender tip, on the under side of which is the very small, nearly horizontal mouth, little overpassed by the preuiaxillaries. Premaxillary spiucN forming a decided hump on upper surface of snout near tip. Maxillary not reaching vertical from nostril, half length of snout. Snout 2^ in head; interorbital width 2>; diameter of orbit (measured just within the bony rim) 5i|. Lower lip thin, but thicker and wider than in typical Chaimistes, tin two lobes widely separated at symphysis, which is very narrowly bordered ; upper lip very narrow ; several series of minute papillie on each lip. Very conspicuous mucous canals on top and sides of Li 8. Leuoisc Tig Che Squ Abund tapering ca slender wed is usually i oblique, th< in head. E of them CO hooks obsol with strong In L. in term Scales mens exami series runni to 32 before The do spread, slij uiibrancheil with 8 rays, rays. The - veloped rays, the posterior 8 lesH marked I traversetl l>y at of (lurxul to > to 38 oblique lie two colors iusertion of y- ted and dying iDgtb : FISHES OK THE KLAMATH BASIN. 7 heiid. Oillrakers short, triangnlar, Bomewbat wider than in species of ChatmisteB, their free margins iplnin or moderately fringed, not bearing the dense mass of short, divided processes so conspicuously developed in C.fecundut and to a less degree in other species of ChasmiaUa. Scales with concentric lines and radiating ridges ver/ strongly marked. Seventy-eight pores in the lateral line; 14 scales in an oblique series from niediun line before dorsal downward and backward to lateral line; 9 scales between lateral line and base of veutrals. In 9 specimens not preserved the pores iu lateral line were as follows : Hi, 78, 78, 79, 79, 79, 79, 80, 81. Thirty-four series of scales before dorsal. Ventrals inserted about under middle of dorsal. Front of dorsal slightly nearer anont than base of caudal. Last dorsal ray more than half the length of the first, which is equal to distance from snout to preopercle. Pectorals not neorly reaching ventrals, 1 he latter not reaching vent. Anal high, the anterior rays reaching rudimentary caudal raya when deflexed. Dorsal with 12 rays, the last one divided to base. In six other specimens counted the dorsi ' rays were 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12. Anal constantly with 7 rays (in eight speciniens), the last divided to base. Very dark above, silvery on belly and lower part of sides. Dorsal and caudal dusky, the lower fins dusky on terminal half, light at base. id tribnturies ; >r, Oregon, region. It is lid Tule lakes, varying from ) most highly uriettof ll|)i>er int ai)parently irth from 60 to lich it differs tb C. fevuiiditu irly horizontal d, C. fecundus was well over, . some more or T. One younjj ?lined upward F which is tin' ixillary spines vertical from 'bit (measureil Cliaiimi*te», the ) very narrow : p and sides of Leuciseut bUolor (Qirard).— Drawn by Anna L. Brown from a specimen from Upper Klamath Lake. 8. LeuoiacuB bioolor (Girard). Tigoma bicolor Girard, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1856, 206. Cheonda cwrulea Girard, 1. c, 207. Lost River, Oregon. Squaliui caruleui Cope, Proo. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1883, 146. Klamath Lake. Abundant iu Upper Klamath Lake and Lost River. A large species with compressed body, a tapering caudal peduncle, a small compressed head tapering to an acute snout. The snout is usually slender wedge-shaped, with straight outlines ; in exceptional cases blunter and heavier. The mandible is usually included, but projects slightly at tip in some of our specimens. The month is gently oblique, the maxillary reaching vertical from front of orbit or slightly beyond it, its length 3^ to 3^ in head. Eye 5 to 5^ in head in adults, 1^} to It in iuterorbitul width. Teeth 2, 4-5, 2 or 2, 5-5, 2, all of them comparatively small, with deeply grooved grinding surface, in adnlt specimens with the hooks obsolete. The teeth differ strikingly front those in L. 1ineatu8, iu which they are much larger, with strong hooks and with grinding surface oonvexly rounded, or iu older specimens beveled by use. In L. iiitenncdiua they are hooked and channeled. Scales marked with strong concentric lineH and radiating ridges, as in L. lineatus. In seven speci- mens examined, the scales range from 65 to 67 iu the course uf the lateral line, 14 or 15 iu an oblique series running downward and backward from the median line before dorsal to the lateral line, and 30 to 32 before dorsal (enumerating the oblique series whicli cross the median line). \ The dorsal fin is inserted distinctly behind the ventralii and has the upper margin straight when spread, slightly concave when closed. There are usually 9 developeil rays, of which the first is uiibranched, the last forked to base. In 20 specimens examined, but one had 8 dorsal rays. Anal with 8 rays, the first unbrauohed, the last forked to base; 2 out of 20 specimens examined have 9 anal rays. The pectorals do not nearly reach the ventrals, the veutrals usually not to veut. 8 BULLETIN OP THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. Color (Insky above, silvery below, tlie middle and lower part of (idea darkened by nnmerout coarso, black npecks, wliicU are alao unmiTons on oporcles and upper po.'tion of clieeki. DorHal and caudal dusky. Basal portion of anterior anal rays nii3, 1878. Warner Lake. This species is very similar in appearance to II. ohetut from the Truckee and Humboldt rivers mid their connecting lakes, ditfering only in the larger scales and the additional ray iu the dorsal fin. 'i'bc body is robust, the mouth oirK|ao, the snuut not obtuse. The maxillary readies the vertical fr^ mi front of eye in adults and is shorter in the young. Snout 3} to 4 in bead; eye 5} iit adults; intci of Lak4. roose lukes. Not Alganiiea 100th Met., li'S, joUlt rivers niid lursitl flu. 1 bo le vertical fi mi luliiltti; intcxir adge broad uud meusexatniiii'd, roni median line FISHES OF THE KLAMATH BASIN. 9 before dorf* Anal 19 2 1 24 2 2" ■i i(i 7 8 8 10 Ventral The pectorals fall fur short of the ventrals, and the ventral reuc^ii to or nearly to the vent. As in other related species, the color is dark 8teel-<:r;iy above with greenish luster, growing li};hter on lower half of sides. Belly white. Lower half of sides coarsely specked with '«''uk. Fins all dusky. No dark Btri))e along aides of bead, or body, and no orange on head or in axil of tins. The following table gives proportionate nieasnrenu'nts of parts in four specimens from Upper Klamath Lake, the unit of measurement being hundredths of the standard length from tip of snout to base of caudal : Measnrementa. No. 1. Total length in milUmetera Liiiiiith of liniid Li-nglli of xnont Uiniiitttttr iif «,ve liihirorliilal wtilth L(Mi;:thof maxillary L'lupt li of boiUo averages farther forward in the Klamath species, being usually located midway betweou base of median caudal rays and m' Idle of snout. 10 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. The bend is 3.9 to 4.2 in length. The barbels are conspicuous and constantly present. The max- illary reaches Te'.'tical from middle of nostril. The mouth is Mttle or not at nil overlapped by the snout. lu adult males the paired flus are very long, the pectorals strongly overluppin;; the ventruls, the. ventrals reaching to or beyond front of anal. In females of the sanio size, these fins fail to meet. In fourteen specimens examined the scales along lateral line are 70, 71, 71, 72, 72, 72, 73, 73, 74, 74, 74, 76, 77, 77. The Hpecies seems to differ from A, nubila carringtoni only in the smaller scales. Numerous specimens were Hccurcd in Willow Creek, at Ager, California, and in Lost River. One specimen was taken in Upper Klamath Lake. 11. Salmo gairdneri Richardson. Very abundant in Upper Klamath Lake and River; but few specimens obtained by us. These I am unable to distinguish from typical S. gairdneri, the larger specimens with the charaoteristic appear- ance of sea-run or landlocked fish, i. e., with few small spots and a truncate tail. Young specimens are also more silvery and with fewer spots than are found in S. gairdneri from coastwise streams. There is no patch of fine teeth at the base of the hyoid, nor any red dashes under the mandible. In five specimens examined, the scales are 134, 13.5, 136, 143, 146. As the California Fish Commission has operated on the Klamath River, it is not improbable that one or more species of trout have been planted there. 12. SalvelinuB malma (Walbaum). Reported by Cope from Williamson Kiver; not seen by us. OoUu* klamathtnti* Gilbert, new si)«cies. Drawn by Anna L, Brown from the typo (No. 48228, IT. S. W. H.) from Upper Klamath Lake. 13 (C CottUB klamathensis, new species. Cranideaminiila Cope, I'roc. Ac. Nat. Scl. Philiv. 1883, 152 (Klamath Lake); not of Pallas. Type, No. 48220, U. S. Nat. Mus. ; Upper Klamath Lake near Klamath Falls, Oregon, Juno 12, 18HI. H. Gilbert, Frank Cramer, and K. Otuki, collectors.) A large, strongly marked species, very abundant in Upper Klamath Lake. It is characterized by its short, spinous dorsal, broadly Joined to the long, soft dorsal, the uiibranched pectoral rays, tlic very incomplete lateral lino, the weak development of prickles, the lack of palatine teeth, and tliu distinctive coloration. It is mo-st nearly related to C. perplexui. Head 2,'„ to 3,'„ in length ; depth 3,",, to 4i. D. vii, lit; A. 14 ; P, 15; V. i, 4. Body heavy and deep, the head narrowed and wedge-shaped anteriorly, the snout rather acute, and the nu)uth with much lateral cleft. Maxillary broadly exposed, its tip reaching vertical Inin behind front of pupil, its length 2ior2J in head. Broad bauds of teeth on Jaws au'' vomer; palatines toothless. Anterior nostril with a distinct ti'be. Eye of moderate size, Ij in snout, 4} to 5 in he.nl. luterorbitiw space and occiput gently concave in adults, the total iuterorbital width li to U in orlit. the bony Heptnm narrower. Upper i)rooperi uhir spine robust, straight, directed backward, or backward and slightly upwniil. Below this tliu marglu of tiie bone is without evident spines, but bears one or two slight promiiiem ih, which may be rounded or ai ute. Anterior angle of subopercle with a short spine directed forwiiiit; operde ending in a shori, fiat spine. Head with largo pores; two pairs above front of orbit, thi)B(< of the p( iuterorb Th« ray. TL slightly] I'ectorah Hometimt rays; raj Skin under the or quite n i)f soft doi I'ullows thi falls, and tributary < fifth of sot Color bolow into biotchee. Ii:,'ht ones. checkered, Cott 14. CottUB lype, rank Criiu Charuc liirsiil very '111' very lar priopercula Head 3 I'. 10; V. I, Head s e'lnctulattti. FISHES OF THE KLAMATH BASIN. 11 The max- led by the e ventrals, il to meet. , 74, 74, 74, tlver. One 19. These I stio appear- r specimens ise streams, imlible. In imission has t have been of the posterior pair nearest together; distant from these a single median pore on posterior portion of iuterorbital space, from which diverge two lines of pores around the buck of the orbits. The spinous dorsal is short and low, the longest spine usually less than two- thirds the longest soft ray. The two fins are very broadly joined. Distance from base of last dorsal ray to base of caudal slightly less than depth of caudal peduncle. Caudal short and broadly rounded, its length li| in head. Peutonds very short, usually not reaching vertical from front of, anal, 1| in head. Ventrals large, sometimes reaching vent, but nsually shorter, 1} in head. Caudal with 9 (sometimes 8 or lU) forked rays; rays of other fins, including all pectoral rays, simple, unbranched. S.N.M.) of Pallas. Junol2,l«in. aracterized l>.v toral rays, tin" teeth, and the b rather acuU', 5 vertii-al Ikmi incr; pulatiiun 11 to 5 in hcinl. to Ui" «>'''*• i«htlynpwiiiii. it prominent I'Ci ected forw^ivil; of orbit, those Locality. No. of apec- iiuens. Spinous dursal. Soft dorsal. Anal. Pectoral. VII. vin. 18. 10. 211. 2 ... . 13. .... 2 14. la 3 4 15. 5 14. 15. Klamath Lake 21 4 7 1 IB 3 7 1 2 1 1 "'si' X8 4 3 1 3 1R 4 Litat River 1 3 5 Hcott River Skin mostly naked, the yonng with a narrowly oblong patch of prickles below the lateral line and under the posterior half of pectorals. These become gradually absorbed with age, adults being nearly or quite naked. Lateral line very incomplete, the last pore under some portion of the anterior half of soft dorsal in nil our specimens from the lake. From the last pore a shallow open groove or trace follows the course of obsolete portion of the canal. In four specimens from Klamath River below the fulls, and in one collected by Mr. R. C. McGregor in Scott River, Si.skiyou County, California (a tribtitary of Klamai^u .^iver), the lateral line is much more nearly complete, ending under the last tit'th of soft dorsal. Color brownish-olive, with four or five indistinct dark bars down'.'nrd from back, breaking np below into narrow bars which may unite to form V-shaped markings, or often into mere irregulai blotchee. A narrow bar at base of tail. Caudal with broad dark bars alternating with much narrowei liijht ones. Dorsal and anal with somewhat narrower oblique bars. Pectorals very conspicuously checkered, the dark and light spots on the rays arranged in vertical series. Voltua evrrmanni Gill)ert, iiuiv s|>ec'ii!H. Drawn by Cliloii Lesley from the type (No. 48228. U. S. N. il.) fruiii L(Mt Klver, Oregon. 14. CottuB evermanui, iv^w species. Type, No. 48i'.'8, U. 8. Nat. Mns. Typo locality, Lost River near Lostine, Oregon. (C. H. Gilbert, funk Cramer, K. Otaki, collectors.) ChuractiTi/cd by the long sleinler body entirely covered with coarse prickles, the short spinous linrsul very broadly ULitod to the very long soft dorsal, the hnig anal fin, the incomplete lateral line, ' very largo pores on head, the branched pectoral rays, and the absence of any distinctly proji'cting lircopercular spine. Head 3| in length; depth 5; depth of caudal peduncle 2} in greatest depth. D. vii, 21; A, 18; 16; V. I, 4. Head small, depressed, narrowing rapidly for" ard, the snout more acutely rounded than in C. punctulatuB, Mouth with distinct lateral deft, the maxillary reaching a vertical immediately in 12 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. advance of pnpil, 2i in head. Mandible slightly protruding. Teeth in narrow bands on jaws, vomer iind palatines, the latter very weak, apparently concealed in part beneath the skin. Total interorbit.il width about twu-thirds diameter of eye, shulluwly concave. Occipital area flat or gently convex. E.vu small, t^ iu snout, 5 iu bead. Pores on head unusually large, the most conspicuous occurring on suborbital ring, along mandible and preopercle, utad in a horizontal line above opurele. 'Ihreo pores form a straight transverse line behind the orbits. A short nasal tube. The upper preopercular spine is represented by a short triangular process, the margin of the bone below it being smoothly roniideil- Spinous dorsal short aud comparatively very high, the longest spine slightly more than three- fourths the longest soft ray. The last spine is higher than the first and about four-fifths the longest, the least height of the membrane joining last sp.ne to first soft my exceeding length of snout. Longest ray of soft dorsal slightly more than half head. All the rays of dorsal and anal fins simple, nnbrancheil. Caudal long and narrow, nr-,arly truncate when spread, six-sevenths length of head. Nine caudal rn.vs lire branched at tip for about one-fifth length of rays. The pectoral reaches the vertical from fourth ray of soft dorsal. The upper ray is simple, the next six or seven forked, the remaining rays being simple, thickened, with incised membranes. Ventrals with 1 spine and 4 rays, not reaching vent, 1} iu head. Lateral line conspicuous anteriorly, running high, interrupted under eleventh or twelfth ray of soft dorsal, a mere trace visible thence to base of caudal. Sides of body thickly covered with coarse prickles, the head, breast, bully, and a narrow strip along base of anal fin naked. Color light brownish, faintly vermiculated with darker, with traces of five irregular cross-bars from back, and a narrow distinct bar at base of caudal. Pectorals, dorsal, and caudal cross- barred. One specimen, 59 mm. long, from Lost-River, near Klamath Falls, Oregon. Named for Dr. Barton W. Evermann, the energetic investigator of American fresh-water fishes. Cotlui princept Gilbert, new species. Drawn by Anna L. Brown from the type (No, 48227, U. S. K. M.) from Upper Klamath Lake. 15. CottuB princepa, new species. Type, No. 48227, U. 8. Nat. Mus. Type locality. Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. (Gilbert, Cramer, and Otaki, collectors.) Head ^ to 3^ iu length ; depth 5 to 5*. D. vi or vn, 21 to 23. A. 16 to 18. V. i, 4. P. 15. Aslendcr form with small narrow head, which is nearly quadrate iu cross-section, the opercies and cheeks being subvertical, the greatest width of head but one fifth or one-sixth more than its depth ai occiput. Mouth small, obli(|uo, the gape slightly eurved, the maxillary reaching n vertical crossing eye in front of pupil, 2^ to 3 in head. Eye 0(|ualing snout, 4^ iu heail. Teeth small, uniform, in narrow bunds in the jaws. Vomer with a narrow patch; palatine smooth. Eye small, separated by a narrow, flat iuterspace, as wide ns pupil. Margin of preopercle evenly rounded, without developed spine, a minute spinous point sometimes occupying the positmii of the upper preopercular spine. Opcrelo without spine. Tubes aud pores of head extraordinai il.v developed, A series of six very largo pores across cheeks and on lower edge of preorbital. A lar^c median pore at symphysis, and a series of seven occupying each ramus and extending onto edge ol preopercle. Similar, somewhat smaller, pores form the supraorbital series. Branohiustegals (i. (.liH membranes broadly united to the isthmus, without free fold. No pore behind lust gill. Dorsal and aniil fins very long and low, the dorsal spines very slender, the iiottbly roniideit- 'e than three- is the longest, lout. Longest B, nnbrancheil. ue candal rnys al from fourth ng rays being kcbing vent, 1} twelfth ray of ed with course iilar cross-bars 'TOSS- barred, water fishes. FISHES OF THE KLAMATH BASIN. ,) from Upper ilbert, Cramtr, P. 16. iie opercles nnd nn its depth ai 3rtical crosHin;: latch; pnlntino n of preopercle ig the position extraordinaiil.v 'bitnL A lar^r ig ont<» edge ol stogalsO. liill iiillow betwnn to vent, id with minute 1. The caiKlal i) Ihe body is 13 imooth except for a postaxial band of prickles, and in one specimen these are absent, leaving the body entirely naked. Lateral line variously incomplete, interrupted at some point under posterior half of second dorsal. Color light olive with darker markings, which may on the head take the form of vermiculating lines. Seven quadrate dark blotches along base of dorsal Sii, i,ue first and third usually narrower tbiin the others, an eighth on back of caudal peduncle. Very distinctly marked individuals show a series of blotches along middle of sides, which may be connected with tlie dorsal series by broad, dusky bars. Dorsal, caudal, and pectoral with faint bars. Veutrals and anal unmarked. I subjoin table of fin rays in 12 specimens. Fins. Dorsal spines. Dorsal rays... No. of specimens. Anal rays Pectoral rays . 3 VI g VII 7 21 4 22 1 23 a 16 7 17 3 18 1 14 11 15 Spines or rays. Numerons specimens were obtained in shallow water along the shore of Klamath Lake, on a bottom of tine sediiiu-nt and vegetable di^bris. This differs widely from any other spei ies of Cotliis in the very narrow, slender form, the long fins, and especially In the extreme development of the mucous tubes and pores.