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Merritt, RoBT. Osborne, Geo. W, Burton, Wn. Craigib, HUGH C. BAKER, Secretary and Treaaurer. js^a BURTON & SADLEIR, Solieito^B. THE GORE BANK, Banker$. It may be remembered that the Western Buiwino Societt whioh was established iu May, 1850, was Jntended to be the first of » neriea of societies to be commenced at iutervals of 12 or 18 Mouths, with fiview to secure to the investor a frequent opportunity of Bubscrib- ing without the necessity of paying hea>7 arrears and a corrwponain* premium J and to the borrower the longest time ia which to wake t payments at, consequently, the least annual «o«t. f •b^SUHty VipMF^iifSl WXSTSRN rBEMANENT SVILOINO fiOCIKTY. la preparing to establieh the seeond of tbit proposed aerietflt wat determined to take the opportanity of incorporating in it« ro!«f auch iroprovementSf ft» the Mperience of earlier Boeietie* in Great Brttiin ttad abown to b« beneficial, and not uneuited to thia Province. To this may be attributed the name ** Permanent," which| in the opinion of the Directors, implies a very important and beneficial change. Power is granted to tlie Directors to open, from time to time, new classes of Members, each of which will continue for the fuU term deter- mined at its commencement ^ as the Board can thus prolong the oper- ations of the Society to an indefinite period, it may correctly be termed permanent^ in contradistinction to Societies heretofore esta' blished, which expire upon the attainment of certain ends required by their rules, ofter duratione varying from seven and a*hasblf to sine years. It must be evident that the accumulative character thus secured (all the classes forming but one Society) will prove very important as a means of economising the expenses of managemcnt-->for a large So* elety is always managed with less proportionate expense and trouble than several small ones, with their respective Boards, Officers, sets er- lay correctly be heretofore «sta' nds required by I a-bsif to sino ihos secured (all important as a •for a large So> nso and trouble Officers, sets of it to the relative milton, and the 3d.,andSs. 7d. e cost could not I Western to the i^e provided for 3 of crooIumeDt mngemeitt can* istalments shall ndofinite period ate exactly the willing to offer uire to redeem 3 accurate sura ystem hiiuerto adopted of working BuUdmgS>cieticetWs ha^becn lmpos.>M^, in con- sequetkeeof that oncorlaluty in 'regard to,diratlon, whwh has been felt espeelttlly during the earlier years of their existence. The term of ten years has been selected for the fir>»l class, altho' power b granted to the Directors to namt a shorter .*r e longer t«rm for future classes, making a correspond i.ig increase or demase .n the monthly payment. In that lime the sun. of X^iO per share may be depended upon; and more, should the con peUlion for money prote brisk .md continued. -.^.^u Tlie purchase by the Society of its own sl»arcs, after the e«piratio«» of 12 months, at a portion of tho realized profit, (a system first adopted by the Western) has been ineorporated in the rules-, iV.ih llio further provision, that upon the opening of a new class the Members of any prcceeding one m.y transfer their shares to that new class ut a valuation somewhat higher tlian the priee payable in cash towuhdraw Ing members j by this means, those shaucholders who have nearly .n- ritedall their spare means will be enaUUd to keep them acUvely em- ployed in the Society, and the cash purchases will be limited to these who require their funds for other purposes. No annual expense fee ia recjuired j the entrance fee of 2s. 6d. upon every share subscribed will most probably cover aU the expeneea of management. ^t. . Discount upon all prepayments will be allowed at preiient at the rate of six per cent. ..-«•. The transfer fee has been considerably reduced in this^Soctety j being, when many shares are concerned, limited to 10«.on anyone transfer* Among other changes introduced in the roles is one which pro- vides for the absolute retirement of one-third of the Board at each an- nual election, only sij being eligible for re-election; and the stale of votes isalso materially altered. Instead of a sliding scale which gives greater influence to a number of shareholders holding a few shares each than to a few representing the same interest; the influence w apportioned e«nctly to the number of shares, by giving eaeh share* holder a vote for ereryOiaretlwt he posise»8««« ^^ /I^^H;^^ •O ii'\ %. V.^ '^^ \ v\y y r ■Bnitj '/i^''-' mm WItTlftll rBMiMANBNT BVILDINO lOCIBTT. Any abttM of ibis power is pTovided against, by requiring the pre- sence of m shar«hoia«rs who detire to Tote (thus dcnyin^^ the right of ?oto by proxy,) aiul further that they shall have h«ld thoir shares 30 days before th(» day of dection. A re.ison for this change will appear if tho altered character of a borrower is examined. In tho carfior Societies lie has been, In faot, more interested about t!»o successfui worltin;? of tho Society than the invester ; hot in thi8S« good or bad, the amount and mmhvr nf his monthly payrnentw remain unchanged. Assuming that tho plan cf this Society is carried out for a few years with oven rrtodtratc 8ueee«s, it must bo evident that tho borrowers ri|}, in nitrnfier, far cxcoed the investers; and were the principle of n sliding sea'; • ., the management might easily fall into the hands of borrow has been proved would havo no interest wiuiiever at st; r the amount of stock bo the guide, no such contingency ; »|,t from apathy on the part of investing members. Tl»e Directors desire to sug»e«t to the hoMor.i from apathy eh in the three posing of their ihc (iffit class of ftliich, from its L>ti for the cost nt'Rt of the sum nnd Gore Dis- ty employed In forward be tho >eing admitted, r money where it to wtthdraw nablcs them to WISTSKN rilMAMENT tOILDIMO fOCIETT. out and subscribe anew, than to totaln the present sfok until the olott of the Society in which it is held. A share in the" Hamilton" will now command £48 \o»., in the 'Tiore Pi^rtfct" £18 :»».» and in iho»* Western" £'5 lis. 81., which sums will Bever.illy pay up for one year in this Society 13 shares, 5 eharc*, and 2 shares (while the member can subHcribo in addition as many shares AS his present monthly payment, or any sum he can afford, will cov^r). At the end of the year a similar exchange can be benefically made in the Society itself by transfer to a new classy and with crre In «he arrangement of his transfers a member can always provide that a ccr- tain portion of his investment will be available in cash at a month- # ""•Th^Dlrectors believe tliat through the agency of this Society many tenants will bo cn.ibled to convert their lease- inl^ . .cas at a com- noratlvely small advance upon their yearly rent , m<. that the owners of real property requiring loans of money will find this Society ablo lo advance it to them, as shareholders, at a cost considerably below that f«,r money when borrowed from'other sources •, while owners of vacaat town lots will with case be enable* to erect cottages thereon fti a cost not exeeeding their present rentals. The advantages such Societies offer lo investort are so well Known that it is quite unnecessary to enlarge upon them. They can be par- ticipated in as well by the wealthy capitalist aa the citizen who B»ay only be able to spare his 3s. or 1 Os. a month. For every 3s. paid monthly, or £30 In all, the sum «f £50 at least will be received in ten years j the member cm at any time b^^rrow the value of his share on furnishing mortgage security, and be can also after 12 months convert his past payments into cash at s band. •ome profit. „ - . »%. The hooka for anbeoription In CUisa One wlfl remain open at the office of the Secretary nntU Monday, thu Wth Jannary, 18:^2. \ e proportion of three Societiea beneiieialtoteU V * i» ^^' r RULES OF Till Wtslmi H^rmmtul SSuilhing $m% i. Thi objects for which this Socioty is established ore, to raise a fund to advance to its members the valuo of one or more rharcs to enablo them to ertiOl d willing houses, to pir-'hasc or iiuprove real property, or to remove inoumbrances upf>n sucti property nlrcady !ti tbcir poMcs- aion ; and to provide for those wlio r!j not re<]«ii c vm'h advances a safs aud romunerativj method of inve8t:n):j Birtall etims ctf money, II. That all monies w). eh rfiall from iJmy to time bo Kub^icribcd, paid, or givo:i to, or for, the use or b^nefituf the Society, or which »h;iU in any wise bvloog^ to the Society, shall bo appropriated and applied as fullovsrs t • t In the payment of the ncccssnry current cxpences — In Advances to such memberi a% require to borrov«r the amount of their respective shares "upon their fyrnishing suSicicnt niortgago seeurity— la the piirehsflo under the rules hereinafter provided of the shares of th<»«e members who de»ire to withdraw from the S-jciety— In tho payment at tho expiration of the terir of each iiiu'CCBfilve c^iUBf of the full value of such shares therein as may remmii unJidvanced — And, whenever any Burplui may remain otherwise unemployed, in such temporary investmen*^ as tlio Pireewr*' in thair disurction may determine. III. That the nnmher of ehnres shall be nnlimited, and of tho value of jCoO each, or such a sum as tnay be accamulatcj by the monthly payment of 5s, for the full term of 10 years. Thit in order to afford a frequent opportunity for subscription with- out the payment of heavy arrears, and a F>"e"iiuro corresponding to tho past profits of the Ssoiety, the Direoxors shall be authorised to open, from time to time, a distinct class or list of members, ea h of v.-hic1i elassesihall continue lor the term of 10 yearn, that an insitalment of 5». shall be paid upon each share en the third Monday of every Month, oonmenoing with the opening of the clasa m which it may be tubsort- It< jm^ iW^K^m wxffrBKN fi»iiAiiiirr boiimimi •oa«»f. re, to raise a fund shares to enablo r real property, or r 5h tlicir powes- !i .Ktviincca a safe mont-y, >c bo (iub rr?"!;-!!^ SeC-mbtrmay pf«v?ouily withdraw aader ilia rule* l.«re»aaftw ^'iV** That any periwB du«irinR to tubwribe at any other time than thfo J.?m«7a^S" .h«n ,>ay a. n»«ny i«.tHimen.. a* may hairj uien S by th« members of tlJ clus. ..i which he may ««b«c. .be «4 ftfr^Stn a pr«mitt.n n« ih.? 1 Mv^ctora may nMiuirt. not h.>wever ca- fc^dhm he amount of profit rt ali/ed on ihe «h»r«« of the ^aui c.a.«. V II rUhe Dirvitorn «l.uU be empowered t« allow .woh a rale uf ditciun for the prcpavment .)t Jn.tnhntnls »»h nmy to thiin seem nu. i vT ThaJ a» vntraile. fee of Ss. «d. .hail bo paid upuu every .hui-^ ^^'^ri'TLu^ltS^oV the Society .ban be man«,.d l,y and ,01 thP oowlr» nol fTxciuUv reiicrvcd arc Rraiited to, a Hoard ol i) Direo- t^rfffXr 3«lmH bca .,«oru».) and who .ball choose from wnonalt I!u-nr«tlvc^ a I'r.sidlnt and Vic.- in««id.Dt Kvery Share- ** Vlil -^That vactuuMOH occurin.^ in the lionrd of Directors «hnU bo immeaiatoly filled by tlio r^miaiuiug l>itec»ora, at naetings .F^ial.y ""iX l^uu l\ Trjih.., of the S«eh.|y, or the Board, the Preri- dent, or Vicf rresidwit. or in thrir ftb.cnir...lor» in onico sball in idl casts be continned nntii the election of their succcsdws, unless in casoof dis»ittahfacatumof riwirnatjori.^^ ^^ Dircctiri* are authorized to make nuch nrran£ra- ments OH th*'y may rfceai necessary, with any chartered liauk, t.) Wvi eondoct of the financial aftaire of the Society. VUl That a ccneral meetinjf of tbt- members "hall be held at tn» ro^msoftheSoftrty^or *uch other place as tho K'»ard may appoint on the second Monday of January, ISSli, nnd yearly ihereaftev •, for the pnvpone of tleetir_|? i>irectoi-H to nerve for ihe ensuuig year, and for S «nlier general purposes velatin.? to the management of the Society, and at euoh of ihe said meetingrs shall be submitted, as required by tho Act of Itt<*orporatioa, a full and clear stfv.emciit ot the affair, ot the Society, aud the receipt, atid expcndituw of the previous twelve "'xiv'Tha'af-ach annual meet»n«,the Shareholders shall not re- ekc»; more than i.i«of the retirins; Board of j:)irectors, the Scrutmeew beinff instructed when making up their reiarn should the nine genilemen baTiDg tba gteatea; number «' votea, iftcludc ore vhan sjx of the re- 'Mf- \ 10 WEtTKlIN PERMANCNT BVILDINO fdCIBTT. / tirinjDT Board, to strike oat aM but tlie six hl^hott of the retiring Hoard And to complete th« tiiuub<;r nine by rt'turning m duly ekcted the Sliareholder or Sliiirulioldtirs next in numbtu* who liave not served tb» previous year. XV. Tliut extra peneral meetfnjf of t?«o membcrti may be cnlled by the li lard of J)i rectors, duo notice beiiijj sent to each mombtr at lejwt ten days previously, through the Po»t*utHc0 or othcrwuM}, as tho lioiu'd may determine. XV I. That all questions at the j[;eneral meetinn;9 (except the elec- tion of Directors) shall be decided by a majority of tbo njemhisrs present. XVir. Tliat tho Treasurer shall deposit weekly with the Bank to the credit of the Society, all monies which he may receive oo it« ao- Count, and in all eases his receipt shall be a sutHcient disjharn"e. XVIII. That no money shall be drawn from the Bank without tlio signature of the President (or, in case of his absence or illness, of the Vice President or two Directors), and the Treasurer. XfX. That there shall be two or more Inspeetort, whose duty it shall be to examine and determine the value of all properly oftered tti the Society as security • and to report their opinion in writing : pro- vided that in special cases the Directors may dis^! ■ i!; - i T. wKsTBftK riRttANiirr Bffitonio Booinf . It luly ek'cted the i not served tbo 1 may be cnlled ach menibiT at iicrwuM}, as tha xeept tlic elco- ' the members h the Bank to eive on it« M' sjharge. nk without tlie r iUne«s, of (he whose duty it >erty affered tt» writinsj : Pro- with such CX' 9 monthly til* gi-'oeral funds oDtU^s defiivlt. •* (( sed to the Inst if the arrt^ni furfeiterl. and provided, 'ecorded^ and tendar month lad ofbuia«w 1 the foIiow> from tire* to asses, rt'gula* I, with a vinw 2nd. — That meetings ?hatt he ht*ld at •uch times as the Director* may appoint, for the disposal of the fund* the Society may have to advaoijc, due notice being given^— the mode of disposal being deter- mined by the lioard. 3rd.— That the Fuecessful bidder at a loan m«>etin?v or a ppopoeed borrower whose ofter is accepted, shall be liable to a fine of 10s. fur eeoh share proposed (or, unless he produces, within ten days, seeuvi- ty Katisfactory to the Board, and promptly thereatter complete* tb* jjecessary papers, or has their permission to extend thy time. 4th.— That every member who may obtain advances opon his St<«eh, trhall pay on the third'Monday of each month, from the date of his nicf I- fage, utitil the end of ten years from the opening of the class in which e^ecomesa boirower, 10s. for each share so advanced, — Ss. being tlje ttstta) monthly iustalr,.ent, and 5s. being the legal interest fur ono month upon the amount of the share so advanced to him. XXI II. That property situated anywhere within the limits of Westerii Canada may be accepted as secarity for loans or advances to memlH'fs of the Society ; and that the Directors be instructed, except in virector8 being authorised to determine the right of priority bt veen members desiring to withdra\v. XXIX. That on the opening of a new n\a»% the members of former classes shall have the option of selling their existing shares to tho Society, and subscribing new shares to the full amount of money thus due to them, and that under these circumstances, the Directors may allow them a proportion not exceeding one-half of the profits realized in respect to shares of one year's standing, and a gradually iucreasing proportion according to any greater duration. XXX. That any Shareholder may transfer hii or hit tharo or sharca, by causing an entry of such transfer to be made in the books of the So- ciety, in such manner aa the Directors may appoint, and upon payment of the sum of Is. 3d. for each share so transferred, not exceeding 10s. in any oho transfer j and thereafter tU« transferee (After tigning th» fe^\ \ BTf. being mnde, duch J from the Inspee- termine, according rc'ct or roftew from fire, of alt build- mortgaged to tho ids of the Society, be charged to tlj« monthly subscrip- eiture shall accrue mid. at least every two nade of the assets idvances being cal- )portion the profita e members of the nonthly payment* Tiing vested ai the > be entered in thft rawing from th© in writing to the s the net amount ny fines or forfei- orients have been r to any such with- I of the profit rcali* an equitable ratio, of the elasSf when 8 right of priority icmbera of former ing shares to the int of money thus le Directors may lie profits realized adually iucreasing I r share or sharca, 8 books of the So« md upon payment lot exceeding 10s. (after signing th^ WmttN PBftMAlllirr BVILOING tOClKTV. 13 Kt)l««« &c.) sball be entitled to all tho privileges of tho original Shareholder, XXXI. That in ^aseof the death of any member, the legatee or legal representative of such deceased u. umber, shall, before becoming enti- tled to the privileges of an original Shareholder, procure his place of abode and the particulars of !»is title io be registered in the books of tho Society, and shall at the same time exhibit the Will or Probate thereof, or grant of letters of administi-ation (as the case may be), for the in- spection and satisfaction of tho Directors, and pay for such regietfy the sum of 5s. XXXII. That the Birectors elected at tha formation of the Society, as well as those subsequently to be elected, shall be indemnified out of the funds of the Society from all expenses in reference to the fo?» mation, conduct, and management of the Society. XXXIII. That the Directors shall have power to release ftny exist- ing mortgage, upon receiving in lieu thereof another sufficient security, or a sum of money equivalent to the then value at legal interest of the future payments of tbe mortgagor, all expenses to be paid by the mortgagor. XXXIV. That no paid officer shall be permitted to traffic In the phares of the Society, otherwise than in the legitimate subscription, or purchase of the shares for the purpose of investment and of future sale to the Society. XXXV. That provided the Directors eball at any future period de- termine during two successive years, to discontinue the opening of new classes, and thus necessarily to cause tho Society to terminate at the end of the term of the longest class. They shall be empowered to make such reasonable increase as the circumstances of the Society may seem from time to time to require, in the proportion of profit r