IMAG£ EVALUATION TfeST TARGET (MT-3) . \ // .^' :/. 4i^ VI' 'sT^ 4 * 41 ■• It / 1.0 I.I iAil2.8 125 US ■u lU |22 ""2.0 lU liO 11.25 1111.4 IE * 1.6 W V ■N ^^ ^ ^ w Photogra|±ic Sciences Corporalion -I. 2» WIST MAIN STREET 'WEBSTER,N.Y. 14580 (716)872-4503 # iV <^ ^ c^ *^ 'V' y \ ' \ \ CIHM Microfiche Series (l\/lonographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (jmonographies) Canadian Institute lor Historical MIcroreproductlons / Institut Canadian da microroproductions historiquas \. O^ > » / ^ TMdnic^ and MbMoraptti* NotM / NoMt Mchn^quM at bibliotrap**i«Mt The ImtituM hM attamptad to obtain tha bait of i«inal oo^ availaMa fof f ilmin«. Faaturat of this copy whkh may ba WMiofrapbicaMy uniqua. «vMcb may altar any of tha Imaiat in tba raproduetion. or wWeh may lifnifleantty chanfi tha ummI mathod of f ibMinfl. ara cbacfcad batam. . □ Colowrad covart/ Cowvartura da coidatir r-^K^vart damatad/ I ^\ Co«i|«artura andommafAa Covar* rastorad and/or laminatad/ Couvartura rastaurto at/ou palliculAa D □ Covar titia mininf/ U titra da couvartura tnanqya □ ^olourad mapa/ Cartas ftofraphiqua* an ooulaur , ■ - 1 _ ' ■ ' ~ I- " □ CokHirwd ink (i.a. othar than Mua or MacM/ Eitcra da eoutaur (i.a. autra qua Maua ou noira) P Colourad platH aitd/or illuttrations/ Planchat at/ou illuitrationi an coulaur I V^iouftd with othar matarial/ I \A RaMavacd'autratdocumantt rjyKTi#it bindinfl may causa shadows or distortion I ^\ akmf intarior Niirfm/ Uraiiuratarriapaut^attsardal'ombraoudala ^ distortion la I9n9 V. \,' I ~1 Includes index(es)/ D Comprend u'n (des) ind^x Title on header takafi/from:/ Le titre de I'en-tfte i^vient: ■ / ; Title page of issue// Page de titre de la livraison % / Additional comment!:/ Commentaires su p f H inKntairas: Some page J^ are . cut off * I I Captioii of issue/ Ginirique (Mriodiquas) da la livraison Titra de diparty^ la livraison Masthead/ / ■. ■. 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All othar original copias ara fllmad baginning on tKa flrit paga with a printad o/illuttratad Imprei- •ion. and anding on tha li^t paga with a printad or llluatratad Impraaaion./ Tha laat racord|ad franha on aach microflcha ahiill contain tHa symbol — ^ (meaning "CON- TINUeO"). or tria •ymbol' V l»paaning "END' whichavar'appilM. Imt Mnpa. plataa, ohi rta. ate. m«y ba fllmad at diffarant raductU n ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antlraly includad n ona axposura are filmed baginning In the vpper left hand Iforner, left tu right and top to npttom, as many frames as required. The 'following diagrams mothod: lustrate tl m L^;*' . 1 2 a L'exemplaira film* fut raprodult grioo i la 9«n«ros4t« da: \ Metropolitan Toronto Rofcrtnca library Baldwin Room' (.aa Imagaa aulvantta ont M rtprodultaa avao la plus grand aoln. oompta tanu da la condition at' de la nattat4 da I'examplaira film4^. at 9n oonformU* avac lee conditlona du oontrat da fllmaga. . ■ 3. •i» ^ • Lea axerjiplairae orlglnauK dont la oouvartura en pepier est ImprimAf aont filmAa •!> commencant par la premier plat at en terminant soit par la darnlArej page qui comporte ur^a emprelnte d'impressiQn ou d'illuatratlon. soit par la second plav safon la cas. Tout las autres axemplalres orlginatlx sont fllmia an commanoant par la • pramline paga qui oomporta una ampralnta d'lmprmalon ou d'illuetratlon ot an'tarmlnant par la darnlAra paga (qui oomporto uno tallo amprainta. Un det symbolas sulvanta apparattra aur la dernlilre Image de cheque microfiche, seion le oes: \d symbols -r^ signlfla "A 8UIVRE", la aymbbia V signlfia "FIN". Lea oisrtaa, planohaa. tableaux, ato., pauvantitra filmis * das taux da reduction dIffAranta. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra reprbduit en un seul clich*. ilest film! A partir de i/angle supArieur gauche, da gauche A droite. et qe haut en bas, an pranant la nombra d*innagas nicessaira. Lea dlagrammaa aulvanta illustrant la mAthoda. ', '-r" ■ 2 3 /I f 4 5 6 .:,:/ 1^-i '/-> !;» . "-T* ' ■-*.<" • t BOOKS AI^D PAMPHLETS, SECKCT. IMPORTANT. SCARCK, i . " ■ HISTORICAL, DESCRirTIONAL, Etc., : I I COLLKCTKD \i\ Mn OOOCII, HILiTINO TO RlTISll AMKUICA. THE UNITED STATRS; ETC., ; GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, F» M otiier States ail Conntries of Snrp. and M tke Oil forll, ISCI.U.-1JVIC or THKIft HKLUJIONSiS: LAWS, NOTAULK IUO(JllAIMIIKS. UTRUATIIKK. {1 • ' ■ ■ ■• (I ■*»3 SI- --'^ I ; ... TlHv rSEI'UL AXD.FINK ARTS. • o TO BK SOLD BY AUCTIIO .BY \ ; « MK. BOOKER,' AT HIS ROOM 3G1 NOTIIE DAME STREET, MONTREAL, On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 2nd and 3rd 1869. \ t \ AT TWO OCLOCK, P. M, , '•■■■■■ ^\ . • " - ■ . '"'^. ■ ' ' ■ \0n view, Tuesday and. IVednesday, 0.^111 and :^otli June.) . ^" j: < I (I ( t I (I, ■■\ Mr. BopKER will execute punctuaUu Jh^. cominim^n^ ilty GmtJemen wJto cannot attend, v — ^ '^ .1-V \ i A. -\ r}\ \ ■ y.' * '■. . \ « %. ■ ^ V * * ■ •■ 1- ' ' \ 4" ^ • . :-/ a r . t * ' \ . Ns \ . ^' . \ <- ■; \ ■.. , \ \ / r .,!»■' John Gooch came to ToroX", Canada, in 1854, as a Biblio^aphic-Fdoksolter : having proviouslj procuredyio order, of Officials of tho Parliamentary Library various scarce and much Unted Books, and been promised their support here in ^e way of Trade; but,/rom this time he could not obtain their Notice of hie Books or his Catalogue/; they had changed the airofttion of their suppoft in favour of other parties and, he is aware, ordei^ were sent to New-York for Books wanted, which he had brought on and which were left oii his hands. \ When years had past, he refreightcd a' great part of his Stock to the U States, and sold it there by auction at a loss. A remainder, with ad^tions made frofa lirao^o time, make the Mi'sceUany described, in this CatalogtBjL He ha^ extended the description of Books ind Pamphlets so much in favour of those who are interested most in Literature ; many enough he hopes they are •^ hberaUnough to buy them all, at fair prices. ^^ .r' \7 \ 'ni '4" e,^i;:,40 \' t ■s'k^J" 1 « "■ r.wc • ^ ■'^:, ■l'9 .*- .^ N ■M'l *• v-:ft-^-- .f:^«^-. :/ / . , ^.i^/^t'->'f^j,:^^ \ '.•> Ml- CATALOGUE. ''.'Vf %»f i ;l. FAO SIMILE 0^ THE DBOLARATIOK OF INUKf ENDKNCB, 4lb Julj 1774, of tba U. 8. wttk ■lgB«UinM, of ib« mb* liia u tb« OriglBMl. a. FORCE rP.) AROIIIVIST OF U. 8. Dt- cUiitiioii (If Ind-'pandvDc* or Noum oa Lord Mahon'i llialory (oril). P«inpht-t. 5. CO.VSTITUTIOI»fS OP TIIK XVI. 8TATK9 wbiob oompOH tba Republic of America, Arliclaa of Guiif«d«iraiio(i, Ooiittiluliuo or tba Uoiird Hutei. Iloaton, 1707. 4. BANOROKT'S HISTORY, Vol. IH., 8to. olotb, 1847. a. THANKHOIVlN(}H FOR PEACE, *o., vii: Proclareatloaa made bjr tlia CunUacuUl CoDgraaa.~Fr«a. Waibingtoa~tha Nttlional and Stala UoTcrnmeuta for, collaoted (in the laat caaa for tba Paaca of 1815) by Fraok- Ha U. II iiigb. 4to, larxe, iiiiv, paper icarce: 6. CARVS AMERICAN POCKET ATLAS 10 mapa of Stat<>a Ac, deicriptiva text, 1791. 7. ORAYSOM, (Editor, Scliular.Moruliat) Me- moriea of i^ Life of Sixtjr jreara ;owiib rufllrka oa public occurrtacea, charactera an#^plrl(, kc. Harriiiburg)!, IH 11, (an admirable book). 8. CAMPAIGN OK THE UitlTISH ARMY, at Waibiogtou aujl New Orleaotf. London, 1827. 9. DB TOOQURVILLR. Pmocracy In Ame- .rica, (lrau«lHtion) witb Preface and Notea, bjr J. C. S|i«ncer, map. Nbw York, 1841, 'i Tola, cloth. -10. NEW YORK CONSPIRACY, or The Negro Plot. Hlatorjr, prooeedingi H^uiust (1741-42) Namea of iriiite and black iieraona arreiieU, triala &c., Ac, Vy D. Horamaiidea. New York 1810. 11. ^—Manual of the Corporation of i . for 1850 and fot 1852 by 0. T. VuKnlioc, betides excellent inforinsiiou lor men of busi- ness at the dates ; antiquarian and historical collections are made in both volumes, with special skill, many entfravings, 2 tqIs. 12. VERMONT, A sketch of tbe present state of — ^bjr Graham, (|*oitrait>. London 179T. 13. Q1DDIN03. The exil'^s of Florida: or The Crimes committed by our Government against the Maroons seeking there, protection tfnder Spanish Law, 1838. .13|. BKAINERD Missionary to the Indians 'bf New York, New Jersey and Penaylvania. Mrmoird of—, from bia own Diary, by the Rev. Jonathan Edwards. H's journal now in- eoi-porated «c., by S. E. Dwinht, 1822. 44. LEAVENWORTH TO SAN DIEGO. A Military Reconnaissance, Meteorological and Uoianioal notes. Report of New Mexico Ac, by the pfflcers of the Army of the U. 8., (IBmorj^* Abert, Johnson, Cooke). Maps, Viewa,obJeoU of ^Btural History, 1848. '48. OATLIN. 'Notea of eight years in Barope HiA kit yorth AoMriflM 3 •■*•■ fl d ■•■». 'Ajw /i^ /r, <^»«.* *r» iyi • >/ ffW-i ff^.lLV.- .■''■* St'' ■• fin.- .■■ SSr.t i?ao«...;... 3. ri.«M fro- Um. rw2^^\b, Kr.o«h 0»m«-i..» •"«>/»"*.«^ 0^*, (la ►•r.n«h »"»••)■ » ^f*''!!.*^" ?.TJ. d..H,.iu.url..,..rlIr. »>-^'" -T^''" Oo»..n..r.. in .'«•• €«•• Ih.y *VV^J W >•«•»• btTood C»o»«ric»n l>ro»luMt, 1830.J7, 14* PUBLIC BDUCATION, PuMio Ways Irt Lower C»n»d»; Karly report, ot II. of As- Hinbly of Ihe eiate and progre.. of Kdnca- tlM of the Mtabliehroeni of troe HchooU, ^ Le '.y/l.- of Joseph Lancanter. Uoport on . the.ain^i«»»j'ct>»'^«- Happort »ur le. cora- - inunicallon.iut*rleur, 18;i<>,lnJ »ol. ^ 35 OANAUA AND tiKIl IIKHOI'UOKS, by Morrii'A M. MouUxhI and ihe UHawa, by ael'SrE'RA'HV^D HISTORICAL ROC OF OUBDEO: Trnuimcliong, vol. I., lHi», ('«« ™,rfeol la ihe Mineraloglcal catalogue of ihe at C0MEN8. Acadia, or a Month with the aA";?TND'R;vS'Fr6iB.aB8 of NEW ■BflSNSWICK,18!0. Accouot of the River . Sr John and '.t. tributaries, .840. Map and Information of the province, (3 tracts). M MAOTAOOART (Roy. Olv. Kngr.) Three rears In Canada, 1820-7-8. The Resources •. Productions, Capabilities, («l««t,fican.v re- ■;-■■ ported) the atate of Society 4c, 2 vols. Lon- ^fOTRAOH AK (Jaineiv brother to the late Bt^ .• k^T « John" of Toronto), a visit loU. 0. In m», •Ppendlx on emigration, granis, prlcet, ai^STolJT.' Thi Bmlranf. Onide to V. 0. iY won, ()ut4« Loadoa. ^ ^, 41. HMITH r«MMl(«N OaMttMr Huiieiteal lofurmailoa *« , ' Canada Wt^t The Author I •«try dltirlei, towa and vr 43, TOllONTt*. riR«T DIR».<1 York commercial Dlr-etory, I . and R.«-«" for H33 34 (*'i\ A»«»"*«J and CaUadar (br »«84). by 0. Walloa. U•; J. f. Perrault v»ho dedicatee It to lh« Hon. M. p«Mt i«iMi*ak»r- Qti»b#e 1803. 45'^t;TKAilT*H ►•«<>" '••\«i'*|!«K?,jS THE HUlTUMIl IIOI'HB OF ^«"»».^'j^H^ (French and EngU.h), I'^P*^*',^'' 'J* "t „f Prov.nel.l l' «', •"^•' "* tp,,er Canada at their rise. Quebec IW, (riira blndlnir). #?.>•.. Canada. 184ft, 8vo. Indti aui ««»'"»^" n,rce dans le Ua. Canada, (Wlekst-d) 1166, 74* fisHTATlITS RRFONDUH d» Canada et indei, l««0, Interleaved In 4 vol. , » calf 4n"'(nVIL OOVKRMENT <>' CANADA, Re- ^%„,; „„ f^om select Commute, of tb. British llouie of Common* wUh the minutely of Kvid.nce and ApiK,«dix, (highly Impor; tant). Morttr.-al. 18-Jtt, I calf. • 60 REVIEW of the Proceedings of th. Le- Blelature of L. Canada hi the Srislon of 1831, - w h iporlant document., now lir.t publlsl- Td irw The documents are as v.olumlnoiis H.lmporUnt, h.ln« Wi l"ig«. •»>* Review Zlii pa;e., The «cc*Mi.h.d Author hml the closest intimacy with i.ul.lic affair. and thfif maimlers. 51. BIUKP VIENV*OF BIUKF VIKWwr THE CONSTITOTION bF CANADA, "'«' '" *^!, 'nSlt McLellan as an accessory. Montreal 18 1». 66. PttOOKEDlNQS connected with the d«^ put. between the Earl of w'*^'* "^Aw North We.t.Oo»panj,^thpAj^ Aim. VMlMwte, Hafk MtOnili, J«k« fruMr. MlaaiM^Akaa In Uomt, «|»p«B4il. MaaUMl, tatt M. NARIUTIVIofO««iirr«MMlMtlMtB4lM Ooaairm •!•«• iIm roniiMtlon of Ui« ImI «f Baikirk wtik Ik* llu4Ma't tlajr Uo«|Miaf , a«4 bia Mlampt ok tkt R«4 rtvkr; Mcottat of MlllUrjr •ip«4U<>n. Loailon, INIY. •T. MAHLor HKUKIftX-HHTATKHRNT m- K«liag lb« H«uliim«nl u|iua th« IU<1 rlvar; I dMUuotloa In IMiattt. fh« nmMacrt uf Oovartfbr M«in|iU witli uhtormOona on ib« •'Nnrrntiva Ae.," furagotng. OIHcUl map of tb* lluilion't li«v L«n Faris, De Grapelet, (rare). «T..Le RUMAN DU RENARD, d'aprds les M.S.S. Ac, par M. De Meon. IntroducUoo, . Glossary and notes, plates.- FariSi 1846. • 4 Tola, sewed, •«8. HISTOIRB ADMIRABLE DU FRANO 2ARDBRBD ET DR LA VIERGB AU- BLIA. L«genda du YII. alAcle, 1820. 1071 A OhroniaU of tha Timaa of Obarlas IX, •NMitteFc«ndkofMarriB>4a, 1830. i booka. 7AOT11IAROUIS. O^htm omplat d*— p% 9 H* i'wt» Niw itsf ki aiii Iw Hm9m ^:^ 1 »M M. 8aaf4 4« I'laaUwt m«iT /'"'^K' TO. OORRIHPONDRNOB T17RQUB tM tk I • IIAHFI ; L'bUtolra At akAtaa et raekHlaa/ ' , »>(i*-— , IIOI Tl. IL PASTOR Pin „"Si f.iTr« (P.i.«). u.»»^ *- •rlliKn b» blin««lf, HUi |i,,btft •nd 8«nd«raon. Th* L-J*'' •»' Vlck»rtni l«37. ''M '«-*■■-■■ SAW "»TrJ,D,. «.....'".« si'iKr^piuucr:.) ....... ,A^«wtFT rDeanl Earlier Uf«J of-.w ioaj,ii»s.-»«. »;^. iS'\""iiS'ta both . ,7i\nvKS U I). H«e. w ih« t>»»» ••« "**"^ 113 ""'•«^,t"J,";,rj'' Th. aonUMlbelwMB i£u« p'r.nUn ana,. lUu.- . . u f m.y IM .hook».l l«> ht<»r of lh« HolT i:;rrvAr:"n..'i^ ".i-- ■, owner) «"'*'• 5?'*; mv OP SCtt^NOBS AT ably) tb wceni dlicoT«t»t, pi»*«"i 1«° L'ANAROHIB "EDIOALf •nj^. dlcln. coMW*r*«co«««n^WJU*^^ 111 OnLPBPIM,n«at nUi4«illlafti^<<p«M« L nn ailraordlnary i)( Lltbatri|iajr ; ur ramoval of Ilia aiona out lnri«li.n, he , Ac, wood cuUi, 11137. 131. MKHUKUIHM. a colltcUun of tearc^ im- porlani r«|iorU,Nyd« H 8ocli>U Rojral da lUdlcina do TKianian Ac. ; 4 Latiraa da U. M«irh«r (i U. Franklin) Vicq. d'Aiiir, 1784, In, I »ol., H»o. / 139. LANd (\7.l U» Mntoty, Phrnohiana and PracUre. Omp* In Hcutland, IH43./ 130. TOWNHIIKNI) (Her. C. lf.)(FacU In Mttm«rUm Aa, HaaMona for anq lirjr, wlih report of Koitun cotnraltira 1841. 131. UOOKlta I'hiluaophr of nyitariniit ■genu, or tho Natural llUtor/ ' apiritual manlAtitoJloni, 1103. FtSK,jiyD VSF.FVr. JlRTS. 133. ARTS KT MKTIKIW. HrcrMi conm- nanti l'»— (Hiphalieiicallr and cui«iouily wt forth), IfBd. 2 Tola. 133. BALLON VOLANTE: U«thcd« de faira U maoliine icroitatique. Dricriptlon den ri- f^rlaoeea. F«r» If. Vojragei nriana da MM. •latte, D« Roller, De VilUtta, Marq. Da ArUndei et, de M. M. Gbarlei et Robert, en- grftflngs, 1784k Rare and unequalled for the T*lu« of its eftrljr hiatory of this liiTenlion. 134. 8MITH. Of the Origin and practice of Arehltoctnre, Olonaary platet, 1831. 136. OANDY. The Rural Architect ": Detigns, ground plana, entimatfi, Ac, 1805, 4to 136. FIKLD, Cilj; Architecture for dwelllngd, etorei, hotels, (platei), 1853, 4to. 13t. GIBBS Architect. Of The RadcllfTu Library Oifurd ; Plans, leollons, ornamenti, 31 plate*, finely engrared, 17.47, folio. 138. WIIITTINOTO^ Historical Surrey of the Eccleiiaatlcal antiquities of Prance, and of Oothlo Architecture in Europe. Preface by Lord Ab«-rdeen. Engrarlngs, 1811. 189. HORTICULTURE. Two rols, (so letUred) of written and printed oolleciions of pieces md extracts relating to Garden stock and manaKenient, Calenders, catalogues, Re- Mlpu Tftloable in bouse keeping, from the Ubniry of Ohicf Justice Rowen. m. PBII.I.IP8 P. H. 8. HIstorioia and lotMleol M«««a( W ArtUls kmtmm la fktmM ■rtMla eieklafs, iUI. ^ 141. TIK^MI'HON, HMp«tiatoa4e«l«IRe«U««l* T* v laral Moataiy's Uardaa (CklawUk ) Tka Om> ^ daner's AaslaUai, A« , of Um kUahan, f»«ill and ^%mmt gardaa II adaMrably aal0fe4 * # ptalaa ItVM wu Tha I'erfcaiion of Paleliaff, demunilraud. Antlaal I'alntare parallalwi with m.Ml«rn , in Preneh by Pre«rl, rea4ere4 1 KM(l«b, with I'r.fKcajl^., |«««. Hialotf* laa I'vlniures KulpiNK i«« lafagaolei^ (Imperfari), I74», J botitit. 143. MKN(iH(ltrsl painter to Iba K ofNpala), NkatchM on (lie Art of I'alallng, Of pialure* In (ha I'alae4 at Madrid. A laiur Ae., turn tl» Hpanlarby i. Talk«t DHloft, I1ti| Hao^i -- sewad, tearc*. 144. CALLOT. Caiatogua and desfrlitllon df >, lh« whole of the wurkt yf— A brlaf tkatch ^,, of his llfW from manuscript of a Prwnell ' . afll4t»ur by J. If. Orsan, 4809, lima. In* '' •erlvd are three portraits uf ibis raaaler, aad 11 engraved pagM of a work, f is ; ••Leo Fantai^ias du noble Jacques (Ullot miaes e« . Iuml«f«> from original plates by Cecil, DeUram, Drues|iont, Elstrake, Failhorne, Lnirgan,<^faM '' •<( Payne, Virtue, Vandergucht, White Ao.. -• with fao-simila copies from the rarest ana < most curious Portraits, illustratlTe of * ^ Granger, Olarendon, Burnet, Pennant, Ae.,. Ac, containing 200 portraits, and particular* /( ly the unique equcstriiin set of plates In tls» Illustrated Clarendon's History, of the Karl of Hpencrr. LoiMon, 1814, 3 toIs. folio, tnotocco, publlthed at 30 guineas. Of «om« portralu there are pluralities. 3 8. ThomM Becket; 8 Charles, Prince and King; 7 Glinrles II. ; 3 Crnwnwell ; 3 Queen Bllaa- beth ; 3 Lord Fairfax ; 3 Henrietta, Queon tif Charles I.; 3 James I. and' VI.; 3 Mary Princess and Queen uf Soots, 148. DANIBLL.R.'A-. 'The Oriental Annual ' fur 1830 an 1B30, in each 33 plates, on IndU pwper. DescriptireaccQunt by Gaunter B. D» gilt leaves, morocco. 149. EDWARDS. The History and Pmtry of JTlignat Rings, frontiiipiecn Shakespere's, oilMr choice illHstratiuns, 1805. ' ' . . . HISTORY. ' ■ r 100. BAUMOARTEN (Dr.) Supplement to'Ul* . English UnivrrsHl Ancient History (from th* % ' German), 1764-60. 3 vols, scarce. .' J«i ISl. BRADY. ^Jlavis Calendaria, Bceleeiat- tical, Historical and Classical, 1818, 3 vol*. 103. PROISSARt. Chronicles of France, Hpain Ae., (Idjl^ Traaelaled. "" " (ii f. / ■ - f V ^ v /•' r.ncb -d^"*"*-^ liucles on which U WM fbrm^jTa LaUu aitd Rncllsh. by Samnal Johnson, M. A. !'»*•. lal SARbSAANOLlOA. A history of the '•La?diono«and,B«onle. -J «>' J«"" '" eaplte Termed ^y, ncotiM engrarlngs, laS'^ckmSB Of Dignities and Titles of "flonou^^coatainlng all the ca«is of Peerage la&'^S A&LL." PrecedenU and Proceedlpgs ^*f; the House of Common, with obserTatlons 1785-86, 4 vols., 4to., calf. The and edWon with additions and ''"PPl'""*',^ L?;ile« Privilege of Parliament. Vo . II. Pr v Jge of Mem^rs, Speaker, *c. Vol. lU, Pririlege "W- ^:- ^^ ,^ nir V Abb* Berruel, 1798. 1864 TBBB3 (of Doctors' Commons), of Adultery and Divorce, and the punishment dr AduUery by Hebrew Greek and Roman 15r-Ar^Nr5S^?ffi;ks"^^-BUROPE. «d ilke ly not extended. In this case, the STuse ofVstria its branches '^^^^^'^ daUiled In the fulness of personal histofy, Is Wl^inf POLITICAL MAGAZINE and Par- llamentary, Naval, Military and Literary ioSial, fton» January 1780 to June 1790, Rnecesslvely published by J. Bew, John Mur- «; «d R eStters, London, with numerm.9 • Original maps of ^'British- Provinces an America." from Canada to Carohna, *c., »f *United BUtes Republic,-; not being yet ac- knowledgcd, In 17 vols., 8v^o. (Such a set » " nTSiNSs'sixONS AND NORMANS: "atorie. of o„r Ancestors, by J G;, Edgar. 150 /*«*fcd eneravings, of best authorities. 1 863. 169 flSNSHALL, M. A. Specimens ofSa History of Keht, Ac. On the Laws from.Edward the confessortoEdwardl, map 1798, 4to. _ l«rpALGRAVB (Sir P.), On the ancient aithority of the King's Council, the nature of ancient parliamenury petitions, (of close circulation), 1834^ 161 JANI ANGLORtiM 'FACIA NOVA, or Moiuments touching thf Greai Council of the ieJ%fciMOUS PARLIAMENT 49, Henry UI A true historical account of—A Glo3- n^. Animadversions upon Janl^nglorum letpPOBLlO RECORDS OP TiSb KING- DOM Parliamentary Reports? Ist. Report, 0£ the State of Records ; 2nd On the Places ■OC SpoBlt. FV 8*mile9^a«, f^xemplar OharSnm Regum Anglia, Domes d^y Book ArU?JuM. Carte, M. Carta R. Jof""?*'' Julias .. K, pro Tltulo Defeosiorls Fldei Decla- ' ' JSrParHamintl, 1371, Ac, Ac Plate 11th , H Alphabets used, ^he ^atin J,"^' "« < »lS iWeTin type. The whole Body of tbe -^ SKdtta eystematUally classed; again In I^betloia order, with explanatory notes. iSS Tbe prlnteii, 4 July, 1800, folio ^i,fl«FA CHABTA. Hi«to«y •i»4defcrte? ofMemoers, Dpew'i-"- ' ,: V Vni IV of the Lords, order for supplies. Vo, IV. Order for Conference and Impeachment. Itfr F0RTE8CUE. Lord Chief Justice to Henry VI. DeLaudibus Legum AngH» ; tranrf- fatSf with the notes of Mr. Se ^^^ /f/': marks upon the Antiquities, History Ac. of To Laws of England. Also the S«mm. of SiJ Ralphs Hengham, Lord chief Justice Ao King Edward 1. (Laiic texts), flontisplece, lel' HARGRAVE, (F.) ^^ Collection of Facts relative to the Laws of England, (vol. 1 no more published,) relating to the Laws of the . Sea the State and the Church, the Jurisdic- S,n of Courts and the Reform of 1^^.Law let^PRYNNE. Keeper of the Re^ordW lif the Tower of London.*^ History of Kings John, ienry III. and Edward *-. J»;?«»°k^;« "j cient Sovereign Dominion of the K ngs of Rnffland over all persons In all causes is asserted a°d vindicated. Tbe mistakes m "me pSnted Statutes. Canonists, Law books, Ac. are rectified. The running 'Title of, is • uiVcient History of the Pope's intolerable usurpation upon the Liberties of the Kings S'ts of England and Ireland." Collected out of the ancient Records. London, 1670, verv thick folio, rare. " 171 VAUGH AN. History of England under the House of Stuart and of the Common- nrELEicHuVtLEXCHI. Animadver- _ ffrp.lieS:;trr'p»*v 173 BURRIDGB (Dioces-Conner. Vicar Gen.) - Historia nupera et Rerum mutationes m AngUa in q-laRes a Jacobo R- centra Leges ^ Angliae et Europae Libertatem, &c., 16»i 174. PARKERI (Episc Oxon). ^f* RfJ«""' Teinporis, CommenUriOfum aM^., lTit>. 175. MASBRES (Francis'). Select Tracts relat- tinir to the civil wara in the reiga of Charles Tby writers who lived in^ihe Time Preface • «tends to 33 pages. The first *^d the last tracts are, "Tbe causes, progress, *c., of tM Civil war " and " The mystery of hU Miyesty-s ?Ch 11) happy restoration." The writers of he tracts a« Thomas May, Wm. Lilly, Clem. Walker, Thps. Jlobbes, Joseph Price and m "wrS^IlL tetter. ttl.«t.i^e of the Reign of- from 169« »» "O^J ■**"5«iJ; The Dnke of Shtewsbpry, by Jarne* Vernon lec. ofSUte, edited by O. P.*..J««. P«*, trtita, l**|.#lfe57?: ' ' IMI tn BimroBT or un iMt mUm of PMikaMft Is tiM raiiTB of W. IIL, Itoa, ITT. OOLI, ntlitat of Vauie*, If emoiri of the •Akin of Stete ; vii : Laitora > put oa Foraign ntgoeUUons 160T-1 708 with treatlea, immoriali, 4o., 1733, rolio. 178. ORIGINAL PAPERS. The Secret Hlg- torr of Or««t BriUia, from llie Restoraiion, to tlie Acceuion of the Hoiis* of HKuoTer. ExtraoU from the Life of Janiei II., wrilteo bj himself. Both Stuart and Hannover pa- pers contained. EdiUd hy Mucpherson. 1775^ 2 rots, 4to. i7». THE MEDITERRANEAN jPiEET. Let- ters thi^t passed between Adn||^^Mutthew» and Lestock, 1741,44. Also, alTthe Tracts collected of the Hislory, 1745, 8vo. - 179|. NORTH BRITON revised and corrected ,by the Author, explanatory Note^, Names " and OharaoteiB, 1764, 2 vols, in 1, scarce. The issue of these papers led to a greater' crisis in the political History of the Empire than that of theifamous " Letters of Junius." 180^ JOHN WILKES, M. P., lor Middlesex. A complete collec|lion'of pieces in his case, No. 45, Ac, of the North Briton. His speeches at his Trial, add at his Election. Acts and offlciQl correspondence of Ministers, (1768) ; with "Fragments and Anecdotes," proper to be re«i by every Englishman, 1769, 12mo, 181. NIOHOLLS, M. P. Recollections and Reflectiou's, personal And political from 1760 to 1822, 12mo. 182. PICTORIAL HISTOR^V OF ENGLAND . during the reign of George III., by Craik, Mc Farlane, &c., with hundreds of Well-chosen illustrations, 1760-1791, vol. 1-2. London. 1841-42, 8vo. 183. WElLESLEV, Ambassador to Spain in 1809. Despatches and Correspondence 1828, 8vo. 184. MORGAN, F. R.S. Review of Dr. Price's Works on the Finances of Great Britain. Plans for reducing the National Debt. Ac- count of the Sinking Fund, 1793, Ovo. 185. COURT MARTIAL. Proceedings of; 6ih January, 1801, on Major General Burton of the 3rd foot Guards, for having fought a duel with Capt. King. Mrs. F. A. LEE versus Gordon (brothers) for forcible abduc- tion, &c. Introduction by one of the accused and narrative by his sister, in one vol. 187. STATE TRIALS for High Treason. 1. Of Thos. Hardy : 2. Of Juhn Home Tooke : 3. Of John Thelwall, reported by a student in the Temple, portraits ofJhe 3 detend.inis, 1794. The trial of Messrs O C»)iiner, O'Coigley Uinns, Allen and Leurv, f6r high tcfasou, 2 1st and 22nd May, 1793, aT Maidstone assizes, 1 vol. / 187. TRIALS of Col. Despar^and the other State prisoners before a Conlmission Feb. 7 and 9, 1808. Charge of Lord Ellenborough, Memoirs of Despaid, tlio trial of Thomas Paine before L«rd Kenyon &c , for publi^ut. . tion of part 2nd of the HighU of Man and of the Age of Reason, only a suutmary. The King versus John Lambert ^ud another for Libel on H. M. PeMon in the Morning Chro- nicle, IgiO, las. BATTfiLT «:T.P., AatlqniUtes Ra- Jttmt lite of Tiiui«t, et B. Bdmnndi-borgi l0^tUt«ii,ihotac$. OiOB, 17«5, 4to. I vv v.; - y> * .'■ ^ ,' "■'■'■ -.^'''» lit. OZrORD. tb««aetoatW^NMit«lftli ' ' ofth* City, WaUs. Caada, Abbajs, Ohorahag, , >«eord of Mayors, MemDars of ParlUmanC ie., by Ant. A. Wood, addiUons, by Sir JohQ Peahall, plates, 1773, 48o. 190. DBSBOROCGH Hundred and Daanary of — High Wycombe : History and intiqaiUat of, mfips and other plates, 1797, 4to. 191. READING. History of the Borough; da- tailed account of changes, plaies ofaatiqaltlaa and many portraits, 1815, 4(o. 192. DOVER CASTLE. History by W. Darall chaplain to Queen Elizabeth, plan and 10 other plates, 1797, 4to. 193. ISLE OP WIGHT. History, whatavar la curious in Natural historv, its present state, (King Charles' time there Is carefully col- lected). Newport 1797. 194. CARY. New Itinerary of the great roads throughout England and Wales (telling) what Noblemen and Gentlemen's seats are near Ac, Indexes (map) with Gary's Travel- ler's Companion ; or a new set of Oountj maps. London, 1806, 2 vols. 195.,OHAMBERLAYNE. Preaenii sUt« of Great Britain, remarks OQf the ^ancient state thereof, lists of Slate offiOes and Officers, reign of Anne, 1710. - , 196'. WENDEBORN L.L.D. A viewof EngUnd towards Ate close of the XVIII. century, . -%m the German, I7»l'i 2 vols. 19T*THE FAME AND GLORY OF BNQ- 1 LAND. Answer tu " the Glory and Sham^of *■ England," 1842. , / '^ , - — - ■ / , ■ ** '< 198. FERGUSON History of Civil, ^oclaty. ^ 1767, 8 vo, " 199. EVERETT (A. H.) New Ideas of popu- lation,' in answer t.o Malihur and Godwin, 1826. YOUNG (Midigter of Hawick), on Go- vernment, revolution, the British constitution, liberty, equality, &c , 1 794, 2 books. 200. CORN LAWS. ParliamenUry report with minutes of evidence, 1814. PUOR LAWS,on the administration and practical operation of the— ,1829, 2 books. 201. CRIME AND POLICE OF THB MB- TROPOLIS :— The Courta of Justice and the Prisons in London, with suggestions (kC, (previous to the {iresent Order of Police) 1831. 202. GOODMAN, Social History of Great Britain during the Reigns of the Stuarts Etchings from ancient remains. A well read author of rural, antiquarian tastes. New York, 2 vols. Early Books of Citriods Facts. 203. PETTY, (Sir Wm.), Politick arithmetie, five essays, on the growth of London, Dublin -^bills of mortality. Comparison of trSndon with Paris and Rome, &c., &c. London. 1698-99. - . ■ 204. CASE OF THE BANKERS and their Creditors stated and examined. The Property «f the Subject asserted by common and Statute Laws, by the Civil Law; Historr Policy, Morality, Ac, 1675. 205- MINE ADVENTURE (as first propowid on the basis of a Joint stock,) a Diseootaa or dhtlogoe on— with statement. London, IfM. 206. GUILD, (Sir James). A newt •everal weighty pdiAt^.i JlerelMuui, tM ' " ^ '»'. if 'V "i l13^ .-VrrV' ft'.. 1. TUi oollMtion of work. «M ""i» ■™'r; r. b" .h. Ao.h,r. A. »P""e y VjJWiff ulemrW eipUined. The myBtery and In^qn^y ofTtock jobbing is laid before the Pubhc. S,o the method of tranBfernngslock, of bny^^^ 5nl and BelUnK. &c. An biatoncal account ?f^"orS ''.rogreSB and P-B-t s.aje of the Public credit, Banking and the Sinking SSdbv J. Mortimer, Esq., 8th edition. Lon- don, 1775, 12 mo. £« p..t.d on them c""'"*^ 't°" » .? X paper being "A tery e»r^uidet.i^ f»f|h. Execution of the Queen" from *f "-'Ti., eJitUh muMum, the copy wai the lat* eWef ,/7t"orAm;,Thenatujofthat^^^^^^^ Constitution in Church nn^ State, y l»n tne airS^Ox'SsW^OODE'cK.) bi.t/y of the S;nlSs:b;Tp.pSandAdvoc 108 ISLBi OF mANN. a t^ur of the --in ^^ItSs; i\l history, coiistitution laws c^ merce ic!! maps and \views, by FeltWm aof GUERNSEY. JERSEt AND MAN,.W9- !;rvof uVtecent acts of Parliament rvgulat- S^adT Elucidation o^Jthe Norman Ihws_ ifso'S trial of M-'i" '"'/'^^.r/o'" "' "5i. UQuUne. Curl^of tje Boya.^ourt^^^J politicaW commercial and lUerarr t^l ^u%'^lmGOF LHANQ ARYAN. History "If Slf^^n'ilished by P-^ Po^^'^/Krir SedigJee^ of 'familieB, Ancient records ot Hety V I.>"family descent, subordmauon of fhe Welsh episcopate to Canterbury, *c., edited and published by J. Evans. London, .,5' WILLIAMS PREBENDARY OF ,S "i-AVIDS. The English work^of_.wuh tsTsTo^ul'lSra'ph? of the Authors Ifather The works given are: ,\- "° . Tteanc'i«"t Celtic Bards: 2. The Welsh lan- Zge and its oriental congruuies ; 3. The early history of the Briions. ail" rATB RKBEILLION a/instKing George ''byVhffSsof;tVePoa^^^^^^ /ll.) and of the «i Wo ^^^"^f/, ':S oa 5!LrQua^e;s"^;ras to Prince Charles, re- 22?"EbirB6M" Eloge. de »a VilW.^, - i« m^nr »brbe3. Ed nburgh, 175^. ^i Edinburghi 1729. •V 91 ^ PRINCE ROBERT snrnamed The BRUCE, Ki^g of Scoll-md. The fa™""., history of and of Sundry other valient kuights, Scots rplSsh.' AnaddiUon ofS^^^^ SatUTro uble*''set^oJ^an'ddone F Sarnie Verte bv Patriclc Gordon, (Im- '^Kr 7.5&d U IS. edit^^^^^^^ ;rtWS(thiVamll^^^^^^^ ***: Imtrkable Providence of God towards 2"o.rSS';e!eSsof Scotland. London. >ii1*DR03m0ND, of Hawthomden. The ' * of Jamea Tj. MO Biatance of Claries O'Connor." "ft appenuu^ gits M^gna Carte Hibernica Sir John Dav^ fpeech on his choice as fP^.'^'^S,'. f fjfi ^ ,Lse of Co-mons of re and Jhe^^'^^^^^^ miUiary AriicUs of LimencK aut 225. THE COMMERC AL RmBAlNlo IreUnd considered, in I^^"*" „V%ffair8 aJ j^v^hJ;ricts"^bi^'Kt n97 8ioUneat. Altogether a state«3»n. ^ru=tpS=::::a5:i::S^^ ^^rvlNSrC ATU)f of the Irish nation ajd ^St^J Km8W^ I'P*"*Ctj S ■n.akimr W ith thg V>i>ia» of M^ iiJ ;SP^<^P^ n. ' »i Ml 00t90ir(BMler»fKIlKrau). Hbtery «rtbt ItolMlli«B In \19», of Um Iriih Rarolu- tloniitt from 1783. PrtfM* In raplj to Sir Bobcrt MiMgravF, 1803. 8ro. SS8. Oampbell (Dr.) A philosopfaioml Snrrej of th« Soulh of Ireland in a uriei of Lettera. Dablln 1778, sixplMtei, 4 0f arohiteotural re- mains and 3 of ancient orown and arms, Sro, acarce. 339. ON TQB RB ARE. CHARLES I. had with the.transMotion ef the Earl of Glamorgan for to bVinff over a body of Irish Rebels in 1646, ApMniHx of original letters, by Dr. Birch (of British museum), 1756. 330 QUAKERS IN IRELAND. History of their rise and progress, 1653-1700, by T. Wight , continued to 1751 by J. Rutty, 1811 8to., calf qeat. 331. BANISTER, Attorney General of New Soulh Wales. Humane policy, or Justice townrds Aboriginps of New settlements : How to civilize the Natives, 1R39. 232. BOTANY BAY. Histoire de— , Etat present des colonies de TAngleterre, ou Ez- amen des effects de la Deportation par M, De la Pelorgeria Paris, 1836, 8 vo. 233. DIOTIONNAIRB de la Fiance Monar- chiqiie ; ou la France telle qii'elte 6tait en en 1789, par P. A Gueroult ( Professeur). Paris, 8vo., rarely iillustrative of the history of Franco, 234. AVIS UTILE etSALUTAIREan Roi pour blen regner, prepared for Louis XIII, pro- bably, title wanting, of lofiy simplicity and energy, the good #ork of one, who had few equals as moralist and statesman, 236. WARS OF PARIS and Private intrigues of the Rebels for obtaining the Kegency &c., an account of the parliamentary proceedings (from the French, often of original papers,) 1686, 8vo. 236. LOUIS XIV. Le siecle de — , par Mr. Francheville (Voltaire) Gonseiller du Roi de Prusse. Edinburgh, 1752, 2 vols., 12 mo., calf 237. THE IRON MASK. The trtie history of , %be prisoner called — , from documents in the French archives, by the Hon. G. A. Ellis. London, 1827, 8to. 337i. L'BTAT DE PROTESTANTS en Frano? ^epuis la Revolution de I'Bdit^ de Nantes. jusqu a nos jours, tir* des Archives, 1788. 238. CALONNE (JH. D|||^\ Ministre dEtat, L'Etat de -la France^TFresent at Avenir, Octobre 1790, 8vo. " VyT *^ 239. LOUIS XYL Political and confidential correS{)ondencp, French and English, obser- Tations on each letter by Helen M. Wiiiiams. New York, 1805, 3 vols.„8vo., boards. 240. DBRNIERE ANNEB dn regne et de la vie de.-, par M. Hue de la Chambre du Roi, portrait. London, 1800, 8vo., ( hOnnd. 241. REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, History of — to the death of the Queen, compiled from tiie Annual register, enlarged and better Cast, 1794, 2 vols, in 1, 8 vo., bound. 243. LALLY TOLADAL (M. De). Defence of the French emigrants addressed to the people ofBngland. London, 1797, 8vo., half calf. , 343. STABL (Baroness de). Oonsiderations :;^ .08 thttprincliml events pf the French rero* ?^ taliMi Wtiid by the Dae de Broglie, I|18, S 34^ MBinir (If.) or the Oofottatlon of the Klogi aad Qoeeu of Frence *c^ f^oa the rreach. Worth/ of • plaee In the Library thaBiigliab Antiquarian. London, 1776, 8«o.. half bound. 345. DAUPHINS FRANCAIS. Histoire dee-, et del Princesses Daupbinet, 4o. Parla. 13mo, 346. TABLEAU DE PARIS. (" Je parleral de tout ce qui me frappe dans cet amas bisarre de coutumes fulles ou raisonable.") Hamburg 3 vols., in 1, calf 246i. RETIF DE LA BRETON. Le Pajsan per> verli, ou Les Dangers de la Ville, par—, A la Haye, 1776, 3 vols, in 3, small 8vo. A ro- mance professing to give the realitiee of Country and Parisian Life in moral contrast. Admirable and alternately deplorable woeful in the end. 247. BONAPARTB(Jacobe), T^moin oculaire, Des evenemens pendant la Sao de Rome en 1624, avec une Note historique sur la Famille des Bonaparte, do I'ltalien. Paris 1809, sewed. In manuscript until 1766, when it was prij^ted in Italian at Cologne. The Editor of this trans- action, says : La partie la plus interessante de I'ouvrage, est le supplement. The 1st Em- peror of the family promoted the publication rare. 248. qENERAL BONAPARTE. Oampalgtk of—, in Italy in 1796-97, by a General Officer, with a narrative of Operations of the French Armies on the Rhine, Ac, portrait, early and seldom seen, map, 1799, boarda, 249. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE und das Franzosische Volk unter sein ein Consulate 1804, 8vo., autograph of Bp. Herbert Marsh. 260. OONSTlTUflONS de I'Empire Francals ; Precis historique de toutes les formes po- litique du Gouvernement Francais. De la vie militaire de Na^Mleon Bonaparte, et lei causes qui i>endant le Consulat ont amen^ retnblisaement de I'Empire. 2^me edition, augmentee du Code des Assembiees canton- nales, Ac. par- Dubroeke, Napoleon I. Tery fine engraving. Paris a»XII., 1804, 12mo. 261. CODE CIVILE FRANCAIS, edition originale et seule officielle. Paris, 1804 under a second title, Tables de Mati^ret, kc, &o., very copious, pr.ecede des Lois tran- sitoires ; same date, 18mo., calf, gilt learei. 262. BONAPARTE tf^ouis), Histoire du Parle, ment Anglais depff|<^ son origine A.D. 1274, jusqu'a I'an VII., 1799, avec Notes lutographe de Napoleon. Paris 1821, 8vo% half calf. 262). -c Lucian, Memoirs of— », written by him- self, 1792 to the 8th of the Republic, with I otes, part ffrst all published. New York 8vo. 263. MACLEAN M.D. France in 1801 and 1803, with a narrative of the detention of English travellere as prisoners of War, 1804, 264. GEimiS and dispositicns of the French Government: On the taxation of the Empire, a letter by Mr. Walsh of the United States,. 1810,8vo.-7FRANCE, its King, Court and Governn^ent, call at St. Cloud, 1810, 12mo. SEPT ANS DE REGNB, statistiquei g^n^. rale de la Chambre des Deputes, par 9. Chapeloux. Paris, 1837, 8vo., sewed. 8 booka, 365. SHERIDAN (Sec to the British BmbM«y).' Hiitory of the late Revoluttoo !• r~ and AbetoMst of SwediMh I ' "'^ •■^ •^ % 12 J « k\. •,#1, 8to. fe.! ^^' , "--Ik « IuS.d,"°"il ..d pl.K., 118'. 2 "I"-. ffi°oS?AWBBoS ot^';p«...o. I. M5'lTALvVh"B.''.SrS-. -"1. . V":' ^;» .hi rStlM their foVtifications. Ac, m - Si*iV£l'Eng&8h -d French texts. 1774. 8to., eair. ravtO DI ROMA. ■ «r°loAEiA DEOU ARCADIA, po,l. ^KN^WNokKoS, 168,, .nd.r P-pl. V vrlter was a Hellenist, 182J, sy^. «.M known in public nfe, as weii mr uu SSitindJS of the complications of the " «?'^JEPHANL''personalnRrrttive including *'d;ringlui«5 with Russia. Jf ».nnerj.nd MMOM *e., from the French, 1786, i Tols., fSoS BmbMsy, telling «.m. of »• mowU, 1790.3 Toli. '«»/»*'[»• ,„,»,.». " TraTeU in j,5. OLIVIER, -y of h. I"J"^l„a P:5ih by ^o';i.?rh'eXr™m;"'?f'Vrance notos. Hs^syi)'^H8"K^^'l;So^^w^^ ''L'cSJtWf tb^f th 00^^^^^ A.U«bor 27rRUSSI A 'Cpresent state of. the Czar's 279. KU»a^A. i"» F .-Transactions with forces, f"!»"«»'*^'," relative to thO " /Eastern P"".';"'^*^'^ being the Journal Iftie Czarowitz, I'^ »-"'".'. ^Jj^itu a iour- ofa Foreign minisrer '«»'^«2 ;;'^/i,irge. r 'J."" iaTpeTs^SK- *^ • *'•• rJ^^;; Du'ch')";St?e project for uniting iJe Shurches of Rome and Russia, map, 1721- 28^' ASd.erof the Russian Emnire In letters iH;fKJi:s^^*s%oiiticai "Jower of Russia in 1817. by R. Wilson, map. 28^' D^^']SSo?N ^t DB LAO. R^ ''iou«lle et curie»se,.'W.istoire et lag^ogra- ?k89 account of it, of a revolut on in Golj JondCoTTrracan Ac. observations on silk worms, plates, 1696, 8vo. _ 384. DO PERRON (Anguste). ^'^J'^.f /"X 'port avec fBurope, sur les .nt^rets e^ s. r le commerce de cette C<>ntr4e , un laoje u vols. 8vo.. bound, ('.ate 01 rving i^" oprrl^ADWlN^of th^transaetions in Bengal; ''during 6^S^bah11rees. .nding 1T56. fromth. pSn. with the original tej\ C»lc.,t •. .India from (Mr- P'"s Bill ,^784. his ire 7 with Persia. London. 1811. iwR" v r- the character of »^«,?*I^*V"i8ie.afota. ofJattlee,theIi«»4tenw», «o.. ""»-• ,, '■T-rr; uf ^8Ljim«m ^^m^'hk^ ■fp IM. LAWOf liAirDBDTHfUBBS. lUnnw, JadUUry to., by • leani«d offleikl, 1130, 8vo, bonad. S90- ^ART (Major of BoffinMrt), Mlic«llan«on» pftpera, of soienM and aretaslology, 1837, 8to. 191. OBRARD (0«pt.) Of Koooawur in the HimalajTH, A Surfer and a Journer, map, 1841 8to. 292. BURNBS(S!r A.) CABOOL: A personal Narratjre; of ajournej to, and residence in in 1817-18, 12 fine engraringt. London, 1841. 293. GROVE R (Capt.) The Boltbara Victims, Measures necessarj for to save ttiem 1845, 8TO. 294.;BARTALAOCr. Of the aKricullural in- terests of Oeylon. Laws and Customs of the Oandians, mitp, 1817, 8vo.' '^ 291^. ANDERSON. Acheen and ports N. and R. of Sumatra. Of the aggressions of the Dutcli, < map, 1840. {>HIPPS, of the China and Eastern trAdo ; with directions and tables, 183G, 8vo , large paper, 2 boolts. 296. DEGUIGNE3 (French minister at P'eking), Pel(ing, ManillsrAc, Voyage to and Itesi- dence, 1794-1801, with chrunological tables — of the Chinese history, Chinese and French. Paris, 1808, 2 vols 8to. bound 297. .VAN BRA AM (2nd of the Embassy). Ac- count of the Embassy of tlie Dutch, to the Emperor of China, 1794-95. A Description of parts of the Empire unknown, map. Lon- doa^98, 2vol3. 8vo. bound. Dedicated to G. Washington, as the autlior had settled b;^ ~ this time, as a citizen in the United SlaU>8. 298. ANDERSON (k siibuliem Officer), Nar- . rative of ihe British Einbiissy to China in 1792 and 179G, 8vo., poor co|iy. i 399. STAUNTON (Sir G.) Miscellaneous notices relating to Cliina, a few Trauslations, enlarged edition, 1822. 300. SACKED EDICT of tie Emitcmr Kntiif hi amplified by his ^u 1841, 2 vols, in 1, 8 70. 303. OSORIO, (Bp of Sylvia). History of Ihe Poriague.- *°- '^'"' his life, 1162, a Vll'S'and writings of-, ^^.^P.1)%° M^ilux' 't^t:. llA 8V0. a^'^'HANWAY. (Founder oJJ.« "agdaUn and Foundling »?"»; '*V' io^ J : Letters on tions, ««%«rfrndHSora Collection of .ubjectsof LifUnd H«hg.^^^^^ ^^^ ,, ,^„ prorerbs, «c., "°V '!.„ 1161 3 »ol- Spr«,nK'v^»S»ri rp.Tri(';;;sr,.»...*«- Latin), n'JO.8'0. chrisli'in researches 349. f.^H/,NA^ D.D Chnsti^n^.^^^^ Se^alnVli^AaV'^^T'irs"" iOO.OOO Christian* d.BC0ve-d ^8 8^^^^^^^^^ bound; _^ , ^-y,, redactikf 362 —, Synagoga Judaic* de novo 35^^Wi^&DA^£J0j.r.E;- L^ons and A. DeSola Mon rea^ JS*- 354- JOSEPHUS Works. 0- jO the ^.^^ ^^ Antiquities, tbe Jew sh wars^ i^ _^,^^ Josephus from the Greek jy Wm^ i„i (sevisedbyJ. ^m ^J); J"^ ^ htg'and me^ Mi^^wf^' ^'' r :iJ:i!! ^J£a 33*. G ^ ,. GIO.N,from tne """"?" V«»rnlog aud WBf^]SBmM'".Ji^ -i.' IM. WIIL (Ttlloir of tht AakHe Bodtty.) 01 lb* Blbla, tb» Koran Md tb« Talaad, BiUicAl L*gtnd« from Arkbio •onroct, from tb« QtraAn. lauo., bound. IB7. RBLANDI OB RBLIOIONI MOHAM- M BDIOA. Arabic trastiM* wUb traoiUllon, SrafeM, Dotci, l«rg« Ti«w of the ttmpU At [•oca, portrait, 1717, 8fo. calf. 338. HOTTINOBRO, HUlorU OrUnUlii, liAtia (In 6 pnrta.) On the causea and pro- greu of Mobammedaniim, of the ancient religion of the Arabiana, the geneologjr of IfohMmmad, Ac, Ao., 1651, ito, vellun. 359. HINDOO LAW, or the Ordinance of Menu : Inatitutea rfligiouaand civil r>om the Sanaorit with a prerace by Sir Wni. Jonea. Calcutta, 1796, 8ro., bound. LAWBOOKS. 360. OIBSON, (Bp.) Codex Juria Bccleaiaaticl Angticani. and edition, corrected with large Additiona by the Author. Oxford, 1761, folio ZroU. Legitation coeval with the Hiatory of the Bngliah people from their converiion to the Author'a Own time, 361. COLLBCTICN of Statiitea relative to 8hi|>B of War from the time uf Edward I. 1768, 4to. 3fi2. MAXWELL. Abrid(rment of the Acta^e- latidg 10 Navigation, 1800. 363. MOLLOV. De Jure Haritirao et Navalis, leaving out the Admiralty juriadiction, 1769, a vola. CJSES. REPORTS F, 364. ROBINSON, cages in the High Court of Admiralty, commencing with the Judgments of Sir Wm. Scott, 1800-1808, 6 vols. 365. AMBLER. Reports, (Chancery and other Courts), 1690, folio, black Utters 366. ATKYNS, Reportsi in the time of Xbrd Hardwicke, (Sdedrtion), references to former and later decisions by Sanders, 1794, 3 vols. 867. VESEY JUNIOR, Reports, 1789-1795, folio, 2 vols. 368. -— , Reports in the time of Lord Eldon, 33nd to 45th George III., vol. VII.-XIV., 8 vols. ^ \, am MOORE (Sir Francis), cases collect et feport par— , public par I'original remainent en lea maineadeSir Jeffrey Palmer, Attorney General A Charles II. portrait, black letter. 1663, folio. ' 37Q. NOY. (Reader of Lincoln's'lnn). Reports, in the lime of Queen Eliz, King James, and ""^jCing Charles, containing most excellent inatter of exceptions, Ac, newly translated into Eii|[Ush, black letter. 1656, folio. 371. LILLY. Pleadings in the King's Bench C/ommon Pleas and Echequer as also As- signments of Errors," Ac, writs,, names of Cases. (Precedents transltited^in this 6th edition), 1791. "^-^ 372. RAYMOND (L. Chief Justice). Of Cases in the King's Bench and Common Pleas, (W. IH. to G. n.), corrected by Bayley, the Entries, vol. 3, by Wilson, 1790, 3 vols. 373. EXCHEQUER Cases, at Law an^ Equi- ^ determined High Oourjupf Jmlciiuj, %,^:,.^?" ,;: ■^i^'c'''^':- <4«., ia SeotUad. Coll««t«4 1^ Mr. ■•». lanrlo, 1774, 4lo. 8T4. CNPBX TU THB TBRM RBP0RT8, oon-' talniagr«ll the pornta of Law argued and da- termined fq the King's Bench, 1785-1819, la tha Commob PleM, 1788-1819, in the Bx> chequer, 1792-H818, noiea. Improved •dition, leai, a voia. \ 874|. LETTERS TO\ORD MANSFIELD firom Androw Stuart. Titl* engravfd, I77!i, neat. The Letter writer cliargao the Judge not to have " applied the ahm« rules of Juatice to almilar caae»," also lie chargoa "your modes of RcHaoning, varied at pliHsur^" 375. KjlAZRU. Proceedings in Caaea of ooq- troverte«> electiona. Istaessiun orXVII. Par- liament, alao Caaea of auzient date, 178i> MISCELLANY. 376. CALVINI, Gothofrcdi, etc.. Lexicon Jo^ redicum Juria CnesHro et Canonici ; Feuda- lia, Civilia, Criminalis ; tlieoretici et praotici, good edition, 1775, folio, vellum. 3761. CUSTGMS: Eight Acts, (Jul. Vf. half bound. 377. D'ANVERS.~ General abridgment of the. Common Law kc. Of titles n:imea of caaea and of the matter under general heads, The only edition of this Inborious useful work, 1706,-n,-37, 3 vols., folio. 378. FONBLANQUE, ou Equity, notea, 1807, a vols. 379. HARRISON. The Practice of Chancery, enlarged by Williams, 8th edition further enlHrged by Parker, 179G, 2 vols. 380. JUSTINIANI INSTiTUTIONUM, Lib. IV., (Latin ti-xt and) irunslated with notes by Q. - Harris, L.L.D., Table |f lineal sucoeaaion, 1811, 4to. 381. — , Prtelectionum secmdum Instituiionum elDigestaeperUlr. Huberi, Add'lsuaSoholiae Ch. 'ibomasii, 1749, S vols., 4to. 382. — — . Insiitionea, nouvelle Induction aTeo~ Observationes pour I'application du Droit Francois, par M. de Ferriere, 1787, 6 vols., llim«>. _ — _«»—-_,>...— ,,.,-. 383. Jamaica, Laws of, 1770-1783, Table of the Acts of tlie Aaaembly, (notiile) 4to. 384. MAGISTRATES MANUAL, compiled from tlic beit aiitliDritiis, wiih preueUents, by Wm. Toone. 1813, 385. MON-TAGU. Digest of the Law of Part- nership with cases \n Law and Equity, 1815, 2 vols, in 8vo. 386. MONTEFIORE, Commercial and Notorial Precedents, Forms, &c., Principles of Law as to Bills, Insurance and Shippiug, 1802. 387. MI TFORD, on tiie Pleadings in the Baits in Chancery, 1787. 388. MOORE. Piecedents in Bankraptcy, Forms, Practice, &c., 1789. 389. PLOWDEN, on the Law of Usury and Annuities, ("On the baneful effects of") 1797. ^90. REEVES. History of the Law of Shipping t and^NaviKation, 1792. 391. RUNNlNG^QxV. On the History Prin- ciples and Practlce^^jectment (a large and learned appendix), 17^5;-^ .^ 392. STATUTES AT LAR(5Br ftdif^byl Danby Pickering of Q ray's Inn, 17roH89T and to the'ltttter date printed at the bridge University Preia. Coot' h/tbaK|pg'> • •^'" I** r ■ : > '• ■■•■? y ' ■ *'-',■■ .i ■4 ■■••'*-.■' " ■A -. -^^i— t. >' <■.; -tl M •-A atfttlMBOLOORAPHY, which mnj »>• MriMd Um Art of D«t«rlptIon of lM»ni««nU J.7p«1S.«U oolUoud V W«. W..I of the laUt T.mpl. and n«wly .ogn.«iiUit (fof p»rt l.>P«t II. •Ml rnj much •»'"«•«• 1 Of riMi. a. Of Comraon Reco»erl«* 8. Of offencM and In.lictment. A. of Com- oromtaM and Arblirementt, •Ho. ft Treatue ou th« high Court of CImnccrl., «oroe nec»i- irl " ex.mpUr. In the Court of E.ehrquer Sd Burr. Ch*mb«r, D«dic«lio... lo Chief J^llce Ander.onAdI}dw«rd OokeAUorney Oenerm, bUck Uttff, 1«22, 18, .maU 4to. It lD«r hn iitid to be unique. MA SHEPFABD. Tbe Touch«tone of Common "iMuranc..orOonVeyyc..oftheKln^ ,h.. flihedltiop with notes, by »"""«'. ».^f*; folio By Justice Do.l.lf ridge i-so he Bdlt«r pronounces as "almost a certainty O^Iy the title excepted " n^t^nf 896. SHERIDAN. The Practice of the Coart of King's Bench, Common Pleas, I'^he.iwifar* PMllament, (writs Ac, extraordinary ) 1703. 396 SHIPMASTKa-S ASSISTANT aBft Owner's Manual relative to Uws and Cus- toms, by D. Stfel (a full Ireatlse), 1803. 897 SBLLON. The pradic* of the Kings Bench ud Common Pleas, 1792 2 jols. -^898. SBSaiONS PAPERS f»^ l^f'-^iln The whole proceedings at the* Justice Hall ' Old Bailey on the Goal-delivery, taken in Shorthand by Prof. Hodgson, ("»f"»^<^'"?f f early and perfect collection of these serials), 399.'TIDD.^°Practice of the Kind's Bench in pe^nal Actions, 2 part. Appendix in the forms of Replevin and Ejectment, 1790-94 »nd 1804, 3 vols. „ . 40a WENTWORTH. Tb^ system of Pleading , • Precedents A Forms, Index to the prineipa works, (Townthond's and Cornwall^ Tables incorporated) with continuation. 1.97-99, lo tqIb. .- • , FRENCH LMV. .«• de M.-, ATOcat ea Psrlemtat eta.. Bloquent, learned and upright at th« »•'• Surwards learned and pious in retirement ."J 401. L-ADMINiSTRATIOX DE LA JUSTICE^ Riglementspour, avec lesTarifi aux Offlcier* ei laTaxe des pespens, 1737, 12mo. Id » Religious house. 403 DOSOULIN. Det Flefl analys* el eon- fir* aveo lee autres F.udlstes. BiQge de M. D^mSuulin par De P.n.y, 1778, line copy 404"*FRBMANVILLB. W»l»°""»'"»,,l". f '•;?: de leur Noblesse. Franchises, P'«*»*f:?. «>" Obligations domloeai et eervans, 1769, 3 iOr'oUYOT. Des Fiefs, tant pour tes fays Coutumiers que pour lesPaysde Droits (to . vf posthulu.';) sur le. UrolU de. Patron,, fto, de Paroisse aux llonnet* de I Bgllse, 1"751-17C8. 7 vols. 4to. „ „ , 4ol?Om)ONNANCES, Ac. Ac. n«c«nW c>ro. ■ ^ologiquede-. R'K>:»">'' '>"?"i!' "e?"?? *;/■ commentaires Ac. Tone I. l<^3-'«80. II. ^^ 1687-1714. in. 1715-1756. Paris 1753, 3 40?° — de Louis XIV. Conference des, avec l« anciennesordonnancesdu Royatime, et de d6cl»ion!< importantes, etc., par Bi. r. ,,T^ tSlspVi^'des-.'" Drelaration. e. ''L^. SZl criminilles et b6n*ficlales par M Salle, 1771, 4to. j,„„„.i,,. ,„, 409- PAIIIS. . Coutume <'^ ,f 7"X„,^V,' chaque article de, notes par M. C De Ferriere, 1704. l«mo. , 410 POLICE Code de la, ou Analyse par M. D LieSenant G6ndral de Police, 1757, 41uTrOCEDURB (Civile), Code d'. T^^e raisonnie des matiercs par M. Hugot, 12 412'%RUDHOMME. Droits aux Seignenrs, sur ics biens po^sod^s d« Roturer, avec d6- ciJions du Coiseil et des arrets de la Cour, 4ir^vbYERIE, Code de ia— , Droit de la, par des Coi'.tumea, etc. M«mo ire sur le Laminge du Plnmb. Tarif du prix de Ma- crnert, cUrpenterie, &c , R^Rlments des 1 Offices de Ift voyerie, etc., 1785, 4io- t d' n-: j'j' ES — TTSfT ItMBt, CtO.i , 16tl,4U). at tb« Bar ; r«Ur«m«nt Tt4 •! «0B> ElOKO de M. I, tiaa eop7 r« d«i FUfli, IvlUfici, del II, 1766, 3 lur lei fayi Droit!. (Tol. del Patroni, de rRgliie, [teccuH chro- I lei DOUTean > i3-i68i. rr. f •aril 176J, 3 ' ifcrenco dei, du Uoyaume, c, par M.P. larationi ttk , Mo^ficialei nnmairea luf ).DeFerrWre, Analyie par Police, 1757, de de, Table M. Hugot, 12 lit SelRnenrg, Hirer, avec d6- !t8 de la Gour^ , Droit de la, limoire Bur le lu prix d* M*" l6(?lementB del 15, 4to. --^^l-v-^fc-^-.: f' 4*, ■ \- ■■•■ B> :€'' #■ ;.Z|/- O^ / T5P- mvi. i^m\^yw;mm^ ;.t. *•.■■ ^ •i •■' ■rmr^-( •"*r"a;,- •■ « .. * ■ ; ■ ■>/ ' ,. r MANUAI-OUV:X1'OS1TOUY1)>1VKI,01|KNT or Tin AiCT rOB TUB ««0M Of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. i ' ■* r> IN ONK DOMINION UNDKll THE NAMK OF CANADA. ; SYNTHETICAL AND AT^AJATIOAL, . ■ ■. > ■ . \ '■ ■ ■ . • ■ ■»".,■■■,.■ WITH TUB TRXT OF TIIR A<'T, Arc, , ^ ' ' ' ■ - ■ # . '"■■'■' " J " " " ^ V ■'■'*:■ ./ AND ; _ .. " ' " , ^ '• '■-.•*■"■'■■ iS^de:£ to TUE ACTvANn tiif, tkeatises, (, -■•■■■■. ■ ■ ■■ ,^ \-- _j. ' BY JOHN OOOCII. . . ■.'■'• ' ' • ' , " - ,'■■'• R •• ; Ollmra, prhlc<1 h,, G. ^ A«?,-rm/<., 18C7. ■f. «fW V i ). ' ,.,' )'■'•(, ■■ Mil I it r '■1 f ^ »i^v^.! V ,*• .,'%.'■' V*' 0' «»^> •n ™ fp