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MaithaadA Giniriqua (pAriodiquas) da la livraison idbalow/ iqu4 ci-datMNH^. 8X 20X ^X_ 26X 24X JDX_ 2BX n 32X € Th« eopy fUmcd h«r« has bMn raproduoMi thanks to ttM e«fMroallv of : / TliiUwto : ■.,■"2 ' ' ' , ' ■ ■". ■ ■ . 4 ,: 5^''- • ^■'.■;'--^-''.-/:^- •-:--..■■. ;c,'-v.--:\'V://. '•''■'■■ \ -■■'':■ ■ - m _ »■ ■ » ; :;,..■■■: ■7 ■■■■■' ■■'■■■ ■■■■^ ■■- ■:• ■■-;: ■■•' ■:,'•■ ' : ';■' ■•' »dthankt ';0wllwfOMM ' luallty iglblUty n fllm«d 10. on I imprM- I. All pon th«^ pr«»- printtd 'CON* iND"|. lit !• to bo nod loft to I ■• itt tho Vmimw llMVMiiy AraMw Loo Imogoo oulyontoo ont At* roprodultot ovoo lo pliio grand afin, ipompto tonu do la oondltlon ot df lo nottot* do I'oxomplol^ fllm4«*ot on eonformit* avoo laa oondltlonadu oontrat do lllmao«> ■: Laa oxomplalroo origlnaun dont la oouvorturo on popior oat ImprlmAo aolif fUm4o on oommonvant par la pramlar plat at an tarminant tolt por lo dornMro paga qpl oompono uno omprointo d'improaaion ou dllluatratlon. aolt par la aaeohd plat, aalon la eaa. toua laa autraa aaamplalraa orlginaiM aont ftlmto m oomrhon^ont par la ; pramMra paga qui oomporta una amprointo dimpraaalon ou dllluatratlon at an tarminant par la damlAro paga qui aomporta una talla ampralnta.- . . : .^ ^ . ■ ■ ', Un daa aymboloo oulvants apparaltra mir la daml*ra Imaga da ehaqua mierofieho. tolon lo eaa: la aymbola -^ algnlfla 'A SUIVRg". la aymbolo ▼ algnlflo "FIN*. Loo eortot. plonehoa. tablafeun, ate., pauvant Atro f ilmto A daa taux da rAduetlon dif f Aranta. Loraqua la dooumant aat trop grand pour Atro roprodult on un ooul ellehA. 11 oat filmA A partir da I'angla aupArlaur gaueha. da gaueho A drolto. at da haut an baa. an pranant la nornbra d'imagaa nAeataalra. Laa diagramraaa aulvanta llluatrant la mAthoda. , ■;,,-. ■_■' . . : • ■ ■ \. , ■ 1 2 3 '■ . ' ' ., ■' '■' '. -.■"*.■ ^^.■■■- ■■#'-^----v-.:-. , 4 5 6 ■ ■>. .- *^ ■ ■■ .v.- - ■ ■-.. ■;■■., i ^■ ■ s - » »■ ■ ..^..-X: ;,^_ '■ "■ . ■■ ' ■ '■■'■• ; ' " * ■ "P '■v-'^p-^ , y ;f^ ^X £V' -< ni. *? fci-•<' %*;^: m.'-'^J^' I- M- M •f* ^*^. / •fr ^z L^;^.^' f "t l^k :%: '^t "W"' ',!';-M'i*^ ••»•?.■> ■^: ti: V.n , ^ '^jf ■* ■: ■,n«- ■.*■*».■.•'.< # •■^v. ^^- ^X;i;-5^: > d '- L, i/f .♦' •v>f-' 5 fij.v '• T -.*! -i> ^ ■^\^■u, "»» ''P* ■*3- ? 7 /u— i--3 £ ■K V_M -.5* ;-:,■;. ;i;'.r: -w^i^* PROPOSED BOOK OF PRAISE 8UBMITTKD TO The General Assembly or THE Presbyterian Church m Canada bv THE HYMNAL COMMITTEE Wf. vi^ra ♦1 i:'4 » . . <( ■ ^''i ■* :-l M k A ^'-^ > A j : d V l^ H £k' jfl . • '' ■/« ' ■ - '•..ffl ''^''i ' '^^ i| ■:^^ i V . • • 'r i ;v«' ^K.. . TORONTa MAIL JOB PRINTING COMPANY. UM. kl^4!^. ' . m, % - w- • ■^ '>. Hi"' "^* t7% sr^- * .f P,^i United Church . .. _ ___" "* " fc^ •■^■"# 1 in ■k^.-\^:-.,.y^v: ". -H'- 1 ' ■■..''* ,• r-m'^^ ii \-::' ,^*''"' "\ ■ ■ '■-■ ■ '. -^ ■ . ■• • TM number in bracket* foUowed by ••H." ig th« number of the Hymn in the pnwent Hymnal. The number in brackets followed by "O.- is the number of the Hymn in the present Ohildrbns Htmnal. Hymns numbered without brftckets are wbw. I s "^^^ <^A-^ •-)% i?t'^'^:f***; . v*** ' > inv '* i'?^9nw«jj^^fii W' A^ N- *S**' Silib. tJ;-; 5?^^-;-', ri>/-. ?.*'-' Jiv 5^'.^ ■^ts f4(-^» _.-.'\' 4?^i Prose Psalms # 8BLE(;rrioNs arranged won chanting. Psalm I., VIII., XIX., XXIII., XXIV.» XXV., XXVII., XXIX., XXXII., XXXIII., XXXIV., XXXVI., XLIL, XLIII., XliV., XLVI., XLVUL, LI., LVHt, ?~^LXIII., LXV, LXVL, I*XVII., LXXII., LXXXIV., Veraee 1 to (J. ltd a. i. X;- \. ltol4. > itoo.: * ItoIO, I to 14. > lt0X4, ItoH. ltol2; ItoU. 1 to 12 and 18 to 22. lto22. seoio. 1 to 5 and 11 y . 3 to 6. I *° 8 00 7 and 13 to 17 Itoll. ItoU. ltd 17. 6 to 11. lto7. Itoia Itoa lto7. ^ ItoM. 1^2- one -■>. W--v5 '^ '■>% * -.^ fcii* .--/'■■ >?*■■■ PB08S PSALMB FOB OEANTINQ, *''■ :M-^ t^^ »"V,I. m %• \ • * Psalni LXXXV.. Verses LXXXVL. LXXXIX., XC, ^ XOI., XOIIIm XOV., XCVI.. XGVIIIm 0., on., OIII OXL, cxv.. CXVIm OXVIII., GXXI., CXXII., CXXVIm oxxx , OXXXIL, CXXXVI., OXXXVIII , OXXXIX*» CXLV., CXLVIm OXL VII., CXLVIII., itoia etoi2. itoia 1 to 17. dtoia ItoS. I to 11. liolS. lto«. ito(i. ieto28. I to 22. ItolO. 1 and 2 and U to 18. 1 to 8 and 12 to 10. 14to20. itoa ItoO. Itoe. V lto7. 8 to 16. 1 to and 2S tq 26. Itoa 1 to 12 and 28 and.24. 1 to 21. Itold 12 to 20. ltol4. ltd 6. ^^K» , ^.iS- W>!*'' ~r f9.^' ,rJ5e~*"»-j*r «jW~4t*»^S»»i: t^V " ^A^-*^¥. 3src ►>*■ .-i..r/>»?»ii-;.v - St ■*•'",! :■". "-^[\, >*^.1 >. t' t ..i' i..i .1^ * (PSALM I.) 1 That man hath perfect blessedness Who walketh not astray In counsel of ungodly men. Nor stands in sinners' way, ' 2 Nor sitteitii in the scomer's chair; But jplaceth his delight Upon God's law, and meditates On his law day and night. 3 He shall be like a tree that hath Been planted by^ a river, Which in its season yields its fruit, ^ And its leaf fadeth never ; .' 4 And aflVhe doth shall prosper well. ITho^icked are not s^ ; . ^^^ ^%«l * W are unto the chaff; Wh^n wind drives to and fro. ^ ^'^ j''^"*®'** **»erefore shall not stand Such as ungodly are ; "Nor in the assembly of the just Shall wicked men appear. 6 Because the way A godly men Unto the Lord is known ; Whereasc^e way 6f wicked men Shall quite be overthrown, ' 1 , I' Hi 'if I 9 J* *■ ,/ ■'.;«- ^'■/i^. ;*-v- ...'■; s^'.-:j^' paALMS. I I (PSALM II.) r ^^ -4 l: -I Phy ruffe the heathen T and vain things ^ Whyao the people mind ? Kings of the earth do set themselves, ' And princes are combined, 2 to plot against the Lord, and Ins Anointed, saying thus. Let us asunder break th^ir bands, And cast their cordp from us. a( He that in heaven sits shall laugh ; The Lord shall scorn them all. Then shall he speak to them in wrath, In rage he vex them shall. 4 Yet I my King appointed have Upon my holy hill ; On Zion mount his throne 18 set. Established by my will -^ The sure decree I will declare;^ The Lord hath said to me, Thou art mine only Son; this day I have begotten thee. - ft Ask of me, and for heritage The heathen I'll make thine ; And, for possession, I to thee Will give earth's t^tmost line. 7 Thou with a rod of iron shalt Beat down and break them all ; Them, as a potter's vessel, thou shalt "dash in pieces small. PSALUa. 8 Now therefore, kings, be wise ; be tauffht. Ye judges of the earth ; Serve ye the Lord in holy fear ; Join trembling with your mirth. 9 Kiss ye the Son, lest in his ire Ye perish from the way. If once his wrath begin to bum ; Blest all that on him stay. ' V, : f-' *' ,t' « (PSALM IV.) 1 Give ear unto me when I call, God of my righteousness ; H^e mercy, hear my pray'r; thou hast Enlarged me in distresa 2 O ye the sons of men ! how long Will ye love vanities ? How long my gloryl^rn to shame, And will ye follow lies ? 3 But know, th^t for himself the Lord The godly man doth c|ipose ; The Lord, when I on hi^do call. To hear will not refuse. 4 Fear, and sin not; talk with your heart On bed, and silent be. OflTrings present of righteousness, And in Ihe Lord trust ye, 6 who will shew us any good ? Is that which many say ; But of thy countenance the light, Lof d, lift on us alway. ,>/■ vU • 4 •* .:m. 1. -^ H.' ml ^HMwt'iy'* * m ^Dw* pf • K" mL,' -; Rta ■*i/ KV HF'''. m; ' ' mut ' m'' ^^ m^' ' ^w^ IpV R'". * ki ■ ^^Kff^ mv ■ K'" l.-*1 ^9^' iL H HiriChY '^i^ l^.'''^fl E^' * t.-&.'4?'^l wr^'.^l u^v^!^^l Bnfc^r * ''* \.''^ \ J^H HSnr ""^ \ EK^v '■ wV,' ' ' ^H HSfe/v*x Ife^W''^! B^-^ *'^'' KV ' -J^' ||ye.i'-^B K, \3J../ ^Hfl ^'m Hk^ ^tmtk^.'^-^^M ^■ffinr "' ^HCk^ ^HCX> ^^^Kc^^ * ^^Bl^*. j« ^R!^iL^-A*<-' ^HKMr H^f^'-H Ib^*^ v ^^'V HUfi-' . i^n^^ ;> >:^l HHKlfL |gpR%*- - ^H ^^^Hb^^ mm ^^^HHw^», R^^^4l ^^^H?ia PBALM8, 6 Upon my heart, bestowed by thee, More gladness I have fouri/J , , Than they, even then, when corn and wine Did most with them abound. 7 I will both lay me down in peace,* And quiet sleep will take ; . Because thou onlv me to dw^U ^ In safety, Lord, dost make. 4 (PSALM VIII.) 1 O Lord, our Lord, how excellent In all the earth thy name ! Who hast thy glory set above The starry frame. - , - 2 From infants' and from sucklings mouths Is strength by thee ofd^ned, _ That so the avenger may be quelled. The foe restrained. 3 When I behold thy spacious heavens. The work of thine own hand, . The moon and stars in order set -^ By thy command ;. ,,. «. 4 0, what is man, that thou shouldat him In kind remembrance bear? Or what the son of man, that thou For him shouldat care ? 6 For thou a little lower hast ffim than the angels made ;^ With honour and with glory thou Hast crowned his head. ^ «^ j*f) r*r -'*•'■ M- car- ,1-, ' ^ ;. »_> P8ALU& 6 Lord of thy works thou hast hira made; All unto him must yield, AH sheep and oxen, yea, and beasts Which roam the field. 7 Fowl of the air, fish of tiie sea, ^ All that pass through the same ; , O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth How great thy name ! • (PSALM IX^ 7-1 1) 1 The Lor(| for ever doth endure ; For judgment sets his throne ; In nghteousness to judge the world, Justice to give each one. 2 So shall the Lord a refuge be For those that are oppressed ; A refuge will he be for them. What time they aredistriised. 3 And they that know thy name in thee Their confidence will place : For Thou hast not forsaken them That truly seek thy facfe. - 4 O sing ye praises to the Lord That dwells in Zion hill ; Among the people every where His deeds declaret ye still <^ V (PSALM XV.) ' 1 Within thy tabernacle^ Lord, Who shall abide with thee ? And in thy high and holy hill '- Who shall a dweUer be ? - ~ ~~1| ^— — — HTTv: ( 1 , .•I *1 i "^^i . ^ '>-i i^ Wt i ^^ -t^" '■M ' \ * 'v^ ,1>¥ ' h 'Ml ^ ^' C ■,«|»> •■> . hi"'. '.M. '^M-^' r i '-I- PSALUa, .« Pl'-- ■■:■" T Ib .^ ?> w' ■ \ ,• ^^u • t' W"^-' ^K'''* t T' ^R-v- il ',*■-'»' r. * ■t' ^*^''» ^^C{' ft> ^f '-■■ S?"^ ^K^ V W-K.'.. BK '"■*■*'' f'-' p^V''. B^' I^u **•' BCr'*'- ** Pf* . ^Rl ' ' > 1 J V R: ',;■..>■ ii'- Hm':^.V -:' 1^^ ^^@w"' WjBHtjn ^^■^r V!*iir ■Wbj ^HHIfe^' '"'.' ^^^HKk^^^' ' ^^^BvH ^^^^Ftf^^l ^^Hw^ *^t ^w 1 ^^HK^ 2 The man that walkefch uprightly, And worketh righteousness, And as he thinketh in his heart, So doth he truth express. 8 Who doth not slander with his tongue. Nor to his friend doth hurt; Nor yet against his neighbour doth Take up an ill report. , / , 4 In whose eyes vile men are despiseO ; But those that God do fear He honoureth ; and changeth not, Though to his hurt he swear. v. 6 His coin puts not to usury, Nor take reward will he Against the guiltless. Who doth th^s Shall never movfed be. (PSALM XVI. 5-1 1) 1 God is of mine inheritance And cup the portion sure ; The lot that fallen is to me Thou dost mamtain secure. 2 Unto me happily the lines In pleasant places fell ; Yea, the inheritance I have In beauty doth excel. 3 I blew the Lord, because he doth By counsel me conduct ; ^ And In the seasons of the night - My reins do me instruct. ^_ 1-1 ./■» V "■ ,* J 1. .! ■•"^jr* / P HALMS, t 4 Before me still the Lord J set: Since it is so. that he Doth ever stand at my right hand. 1 snail not mov^d be. ^^5 Because of this my heart is glad And joy shall be exprest ' ^ Even by my glory ; and my flesh In confidence shall rest. 6 Because my soul unto the ^ave Shall not be left by thee; And thou wilt-not thine Holy One Corruption give to see. • li' 7 Thou wilt me show the pa 1 I •'^1 U'^ ■f^^'i'.W-'it-'^'f' PSALMS. ^i -SI !>'■*; HBT^t'- ^;^? K"'' PV ' 1^' W^h^ Iv^'^^^ kkV^ \ HE9t'*^. lifts,. i ^^n» W'-' ^H^Bf ^ « I'-fc-j'.i'^; ^B . *«' A B¥ '■"' -^ B^"l' ^K^ ^■hf j>> ^^B)P. . i.ui Hp^ '"^'-^t/ Hr^ v*" "1 ^Kt m" BRr '.'■ WS;-'^' ^^HUt-^i ^^B^\ \ \f As the apple of the eye me l^eep , In thy wings' shade me hide From wasting deadly foes, who me Beset on every side. ^ (PSALM ^IX.) %-— i± \ The heiiv'ns God'^ glory do declare. The skies his hatnd-works preach , Day utters speech to da^ and night to nSht cloth kidowledge teach. _ ^ 2 There if no speech nor tongue to which Theit voice doth not extend y Their line is gone through all the earth, Th/ir words to the worlda end. 3 Tbew he a tabernacle hath Brected for the sun ; . . Who comes like bridegroom from his tent, /like strong man ioys to run • /rom heavenVend he goeth forth, Circling to the end agam ; ^ And there is nothing from his heat That hidden doth remain. 5 God's law is perfect, and converts The soul in sin that lies ; God's testimony is most sure. And makes ttie simply wise- ^ , 6 The statutes of the Lord are nght, , And do rejoiee the heart; .... Th e Turd 's command is i^re, and doth ]jight ^ the eyes impart. -T paliMB, 7 Unspotted is the fear of Qod, And doth endure for ever ; The judgments of the Lord are true And nghteous altogether. 8 They more than gold, yea, much fine gold. To be desired are ; Than honey, honey from the comb That droppeth, sweeter far. 9 Moreover, they thy servant warn How he his life should frame ; A great reward provided is For them that keep the same. w Who can his errors understand ? ' O cleanse thou me within From secret faults. Thy servant keep ^ From all presumptuous sin ; 11 And do not suffer them to have Dominion over me ; , Then, righteous and innocent, • I from much sin shall be. ♦ 12 The words which from my mouth proceed, The thoughts sent from my heart, Accept, O Lord, for thou my strength And my Redeemer art. * im .Ha :{} ■^% 10 (PSALM XX.) •i'drf 1 Jehovah hear thee in the day When trouble he doth send ; And let the name of Jacob's God Thee from all ill defend. J6^ \ ^* ** k^,f>,^.i. f-* ■*. «'- • » - D^ i.'S.. Lx f rf^-J-- ^n^m^M!^:- '■'ViK FiALMA * f 2 O let him help send from »l><{ve', ' Out of his sanctuary ; From Zion, his own holy hill, -Let him give sttength to thee. .3 Let him remember all thy gifts, * ' " Accept thy sacrifice *, ^ Grant thee thine heart's wish, and fulfil jJijky thoughts and counsel wise. 4 iSrthy salvation we will joy ; In" our Qod'8 name we will Display our blinners ; and the Lord Thy prayers all fulfil. 5 Now know I Ood his king doth save : He from his holy heaven Will hear him, with the savihg strength By his own right hand fi^iven. 6 Iirchariots some plbiClA^®'^^®' * /' ^A ^n horses 8om t '^' -fr m- '^\ ■ ■m-**- W- V jt" 1 ■i; ptuuta. S For he cleapis«d not nor abhorred The afflicted's misery , Nor from him hid hitt face, but heard / When he to him did cry. 8 Within the congreffstion threat My praise shall bo of thee ; ^ — My vows before them that him fear ^ Shall be perfonned bv me. i The meek ^hall eat, and shall be filled ; They also praise shall eive Unto the Lord that do hiin seek ; Your heart shall ever live. 5 All ends of the earth remwaber shall, And turn unto the Lord ; The kindreds of the nations all Thee homage shall aoeorJ. ■ U; . 19 (PSALM XXIII.) _^1 The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want. He makes me down to lie In pastures green ; he leadetk me The quiet waters by. ^ . 2 My soul he doth restore again ; And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousnosa, Even for his own name's sake. M Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, Yet will I fear none ill ; ^ «~ For thou art with me ; and thy rod And staff me comfort sJill. ^ ■" , >■ ii' ■ I. *A A 9 / H ^ s'\:<.'f'*^C-.»l«!:. ^^PP^'?P/^?\*5.^^5i •f,:.. PSALMta. ii i i Vi i l l II p'if i 5 I?!^/^;:'' Hy table thou bast faraisbM In presence of my foes ; My bead thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overflowa.,; . Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me j And in God's bouse for evermore ^ ^ My: dwelling-place shall be. If ; (PSALM }tXlV. 1-6) ,*/ t# 8 It 'fS:-> t!"* IThb eifurth belongs unto the Lord, And all that it contains ; The world that ia inhabited, And all that there remaina For the foundatiotas of the same He onthe seas did lay; And beSath it established Upon the floods to stay. ^ Who is the mttQ that shall ascend Into the hill of God? Or who within his holy place Shall have a firut abode ? Whose hands are clead, whose heart is pure, And unto vanity Who ^ath not lifted up his soul. Nor sworn deceitfully. . This is the man who shall receive • The blessing from the Lord*; The God of his salvation shall ' . Him righteousness aceordi IS !li^£ ^\4. fU. i^/: . ,^,^^^^..) ,:^%'m *'/•' yii\ , Pe(ALM8, , ' ** " — ' — ^^^- — ■ — ■ — ■ — i—f*"" — |t ->\; 6 This is the feneration who * \-y , . Do after him inquire, Tliey Jacob are, wh6 seek thy face With their whole heart's desire. M (psAyvf XXIV. 7-10) ^ 1 Te fixates, lift tip yotir heads on high ; . .C Ye doors that last for ^e, , ^ Be'lifted up, that so the King Of glory enter may. ' 2 Bat who of glory is the King? The lAighty Lord is this ; Even that same Lord that great in might And strong in battle ia, 3 Te gates, lift up your heads ; ye doors. Doors that do fait for aye. Be lifted up, that so the King Of glory enter may. 4 But who ia iie that is the King Of glory? Who is this? The I^rd of hosts, and none but he, The King of glory is. w (PSALM XXV. 4-11) 1 Shew me thy ways, Lord ; Tliy paths, teach thou me ; And do thou lead me in thy truth. Therein my teacher be : 2 For thou art Qod that dost To me salvation send, Apd I upon thee all the day ' Expecting do attend. - «3 -i it's >0 :4 m '-> ^'1 '':A I'm 'M 1 :4 ;^ ^'t M^ 1 '0 fVA''^' . . '.V ^^ .-v, J ^t;*,' V PSALMS. ■mMMwm** •,♦' 8 Thy tender mercies, Lord, I pray thee to remember. And lovingkindneases ; for they^ Have been of old for ever. ^ ,^ 4 My sine and faults of youth ^>/- -t^ Do thou, Lord, forget ; ■ / % After thy mercy think on me, ' And for thy goodness great. 5 God good and upHght is; The way \yb*W. sinners show. The meek in judgment he will guide. And make his path to know. * 6 The whole paths of the Lord Are tftith and mercy sure, To those that do his covenant keep. And testimonies pure. 7 Now, for thine own name's sake, O^Lord, 1 thee entreat To pardon mine iniquity ; Rm? it is very great. X :4V- !• S (P^l.M XXVI. 1-8) 1 JuDOB^e, O Lord, for I have walked lu/^ine integrity : I trtisted also in the Lord ; Slide therefore shall not L 2 Examine me, lyad do me prove; ^ Tinr heart and reins, O God ; For thy love is before mine eyes, Thy truth's paths I have trod. '( J^SAI^MS. 8 Wit)i persoikB vain I have not sat, ^ Nor with dissemblers fi:one : The assemblv of ill men I hate ; To sit with such I shun. • 4 Mine hands in innocence, Lord, ril wash and purify ; So to ihilte holy altar go, And compass it ^ill I: 5 That i, with voice of thanksgiving, May publish, and declare, And tel):;0f all thy mighty works That great and wondrous are. 6 The habitation of thy house. Lord; I have lov^ well ; Tea. in that place X do delight Where doth thine honour dwell. .'.'/ Mi ■it2 ir (PSALM XXVII. 1, 3-5) 1 The Lord's my light and saving health, Who shall make me dismayed ? My life's strength is the Lord ; of whom Then shall I be afraid? 2 Against me thbuch an host encamp, 'My heart yet ^rtess is : Though war against me rise, I will Be 0(mfident in thia 3 One thin^ I of the Lord desired, ^ And will seek to obtain. Thai all d^s of my life I may Within God's house remain ; «» r^ '•1 .,* v? i\2 PSALMS, 4 Thai; I the beauty of the Lord Behold may and admire, And that I in hift holy place If ay reverently inquire* 5 For he in his pavilion shall Me hide in evil days ; In secret of his tent me hide, And on a rock me raise. t It (PSALM XXVn. 7-IO, u. 14) 1 O IiORD, give ear unto my voice. When I do cfy to thee ; Upon me also mercy have, And do thou answer me. 2 When thou didst say. Seek ye my face, Then unto thee reply Thus did my heart,« Above all things Thy face, Lord, seek will I. 3 Far from me hide not thou thy face ; Put not away from thee Thy servant in thy wrath : thou hast An helper been to me. 4 O God who my Jlalvation art, Le^ve me not, nor forsake : Though father, mother, both me leave, Hie Lord me up will take. 5 I fainted had, unless that I Believkl had to see ' ' - The Lord's own goodness in the land Of them that living be. 1^ ■■ >. '" ' '. ' s'tip- .■■.> -MSi p\}] ^'U .\i; if I *_ ' "^ 1, ^K: i;'. '■'',. ■''; . i ilM ^^B ^^B ^h' ># ^^B ^ « ■* J, *> ^H >> A 1 ^4 4*v >. /*. R^iV v' t .J- ■ PSALMA H 'l » i >! 'it . i. > ii ' ' ■'■''■'-'a ^^•5 6 Wait oa the Lord, and be thoa strong, , And he shall strength afford / Unto thme heart ; yea, do thou wait, I say, upon the Lord. -•^!r t% (PSALM XXIX.) 1 Give ye to Jehovah, O sons of the mighty, Qive ye to Jehovah the glory and power; Give ye to Jehovah the honor and glory ; In beauty of holiness kneel and adore. 2 The voice of Jehovah comes down on the .-*■ ^. " waters; ' -/^^ill In thunder the God of the glory, draws . . nigh. • ■Jr":,.>-:-:'m Lo, over the Waves of th^ wide-flowing- .^ waters; - [.-'m Jehovah as King is enthronM on high^l \ 3 The voice of Jehovah is mighty, is'ihighty ; The voice of Jehovah in majesty speaks : The voice of Jehovah the cedars is breaking ; Jehovah the cedars of Lebanon breaks. 4 Like young heifers sporting, they skip when he speaketh;' Lo, licbanon leaps at the sound of his name! Like son of the unicorn Sirion is skipping ; The voice of Jehovih divideth the nama • ' -i '•.-"-.' . 6 The voice 6f Jehoviih, it shaketh the desert; The desert of Eadesh it shaketh with fear : The hind of the field into travail-pangS casteth: The voice of Jehovah the forest strips bare. ^ if' .A! ^. 9 - • ' t y jPSAtMS, ■■■''[■■:■'■[ ''' ...■"■ \^ 6 Each one, in -his temple, his glory pfo- claimeth. , . He sat on the flood; he ia king on his . throne. . '" , Jehovah all strength to his people imparteth ; Jehovah with peace ever blesseth his own. JM (PSALM XXXIl. 1.2, 5-7) 1 O BLESSfcD is the'toan to whona Is freely pardoned '^ All the transgression he hath done, Whose sin is covered. _ , ; 2 Blest is the man to whom the Lord y Imputeth not his sin, " ) And in whose spirit there is no guile, , Nor f ri^u4 is round therein, /- 3 I will confess unto the Lord My trespasses, said I ; And of my sin thou freelf didst Forgive the iniquity, r . 4 For this shall every godly one His prayer make to thee ; In such a time he shall thee seek. As found thou mayest be. N -I"- ii;>>i ^'*;« 6 Surely, when floods of waters great JDo swell up to the brim. They shall not overwhelm his soul, Nor once come near to him. 6 Thou art my hiding-place, thou shalt From trouble keep me free ; Thou with'songs of deliverance • About shalt compass me. x8 / JW 4» -ffl--^ ■'^ ' "■ v; .-(. .: > 1 V' - ■.■■(■\V"i : >'■:'.' '■, P8ALMS. «» (PSALM XXX [I I. 1-5) , 1 Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice ; It comely is and right, That upright joaen with thankful voice ' Should prafse tiie Lord of might. 2 Jehovah praise with harp, to him Sing with the psaltery ; tTpon a teU'Stringed instru ment Make ye sweet melody. 3 A new song to him sing, and play With loud noise skilfully ; For right's the Lord's #ord, all his work Is done in verity. 4 To judgment and to righteousness . A love he beareth still ; ,^ , The lovingkindness of the Lord The earth throughout doth fill. • -'hi ■A • A. »'.« k?* 99 (PSALM XXXI I L 8-12) 1 Let earth, and all that live therein, With ireverence fear the Lord ; Let all the world'49 inhabitants Dread him with one accord. 2 For he did speak the word, and done It was without delay ; Establish^ it firmly stood. Whatever he did say. IQ ■m ' '4*-^* ,-Mf s* "■■-. -'^^afeiiifei ''■J^j»iL*^4M •\>?i fi^r^k^l'sski^fcl^^^^'^ji 'J- :r . &' *^' Ri^r/- / iy P8ALM8, c V>f 8 The Lord the counsel brings to nought Which heathen folk do take ; And what the people do devise Of none effect doth make. : . ■/ 4 O but the counsel of the Lord Doth stand for ever sure; ' And of his heart the purposes From age to age endure. 6 That nation blessed is, whose God ^ JEHO YAH ist and those A blessfedpeople are, whom for His heritage he chose. / 'ii^f 5W (PSALM XXXIV. i-io) 1 God will I bless all times ; his praise My mouth shall still ftxoress. My soul shall boast in God ; the meek Shall hear witb joy fulness. 2 Extol the Lord with me, let Us - pis name together praise ; I .sought the Lord, he heard, and did Above all fears me raise. 3 They looked to him, and^ightened were ; Their faces were not shamed ; This poor man cried, God heard, and him From all distress redeemed. 4" The angel of the liOrd encamps, - 1- And round encompasseth All those about that do him fear, ' And them delivereth. ao ""•■"fcwA PSALMS. 5 taste and see that God it* good ; Who trusts in him is blessed. Fear Qod his saints : none that him fear Shall be with want oppressed. 6 The lions young, may hungry be, And they may lack their l^ood ; But they that truly seek the Lord Shall not lack any good.. •4 (PSALM XXXVi. 5-9) 1 Thy m.ercy, Lord, 'is in the heavens ; Thy truth doth reach the clouds ; Thy justice is like mountains great ; Thy judgm'ents deep as floods. 2 Lord/ thou preservest man and beast. "Tow precious is thy grace ! Therefore in shadow of thy wings Men's sons their trust shall place. ■ ' ■ - * 3 They with the fatness of thy house " Shall be well satilified ; From rivers of thy pleasures thou Wilt'drink to them provide.- 4 Because of life the fountain pure ' Remains alone with thee ; And in that purest light of thine We clearly light shall see, «» (PSALM XXXVIL 3-7) 1* Set thou thy 'trust upon the Lord, And be thou doing good ; And so thou in the land shalt dwell. And verily have food. •I * n •T- ■ •% ' '-H 'TT^- \.tSr 1 \>^- * ff 2 Delight* thyself in Qc^^ he'll give Thine heart's desire ^*b thee, Thy way to Qod commit him trust, It bring to pass shall he. 3 And, like unto the light, he shall f hy righteousness display ; ^ And he thyiidgment shall bring forth Like no^twie of the day. 4 Rest in the Lord, and patiently Wait for him : do not fret For him who. p^pospering in his way, Success in sin doth jget- " .^ i\,i Wf'-':--- r*^- ^.£m^ tin^S:?, ^■- ■: 3d (PSALM XL. 1-5)- "■'■'■•♦ ■ 1 I WAITED for the Lord my GoA And patiently did bear ; At length to me he did inclme My voice and cry to hear. 2 He took me from a fearful pit. And from the miry clay, And on a rock he set my feet. Establishing my way. 3 He put & new: song in my mouth. Our God to magnify : Many shall see it, and shall fear. And on the Lord rely. 4 O bleasfed is the man whose trust Upon the Lord, relies ; * Respecting not the proud, nor such As* turn aside to lies. ^ t A It^ wfn^' •Mf. »'><"• ''±L'3^^^.'J* PSAIMEI. 5 O Lord my Qcxl, full many are The wonders thou hast done ; Thv gracious thoughts to us-ward far Above all thopghts are gone. 6 None can them reckon unto thee ; If I would them declare, If I would speak of them, they more Than can be numbered are. V ( a* (PSALM XLII. 1-4,7,8, ii) I ;A 1 As pants the hart for water-bruoks My soul pants, Lord, for thee ; For God, the living God, I thirst ; God's courts when shall I see ? 2 My tears have unto me been meat, Both in the night and day, While unto me continually, Where is thy God ? they say. 3 My soul is pourM out in me When this I think upon ; Because that with the multitude I heretofore had gone ; 4 With them into (Joas house I went With voice of joy and praise ; Yea, with the multitude that Tcept . The solemn holy days. 6 At voice of thy great water-spouts Deep unto deep doth call ; ' Thy breaking waves pass over me. Yea, and\thy billows all. iV4 <,■ L'V. ♦. v.. br. PSALMS. ^ f '•'iife . ,*v. 6 HU lovingkindneaa yet th« Lord Command will in the day ; His song is with me in the pight, To God. my life, ril pray. 7 6 why art thou cast down, liiy «oiil? Why thus with grief opprest Art thou disquieted in me ? In Ood still hope and rest ; •^ For yet I know I shall him praise, Who graciously to mo The health is of my countenance. Yea, mine own God is he. M (I^SALM XLllI. 3-!5) 1 O SEND thy light forth and thy truth ; Let them be guides to me, ^^ And bring me to thine holy hill, Evea where thy dwellings be. 2 Then will I to God's altar go, , To God my chiefest joy : . Yea, God. my God, thy name to praise My harp I will employ. 3 Why art thou then cast dow^n. my soul ? What should discourage thee ? ^ And why with vexing thoughts art thou Disquieted in me ? ,. . • 4 Still tfust in God ; for him to praise ^ Good cause I yet shall have : . He of my countenance is the heaiin, " God that doth mo ^save. M^ ^ m -~^^ ljS^^ ■■r'«?i^WSf^^3«*. PBALMS. m (PSALM XLV. i, 3-6) 1 My heart inditing i« Good matter in a sonff: X speak the thinj^fs that I have made, Which to the King belong., 2 Thy sword gird on thy thign, Thou that art great in might : Appear in dreadful majesty, /_ And in thy glory bright 8 For meekness, truth, and right, Eide prosperously in state ; And thy ri^nt hand shall teach to thee Things terrible and great. 4 Thy shafts shall pierce their hearts That foes are to the King; Whereby into subjectibn thou The people down shalt bring. 6 Thy royal seat, O Lord, For ever shall remain : " The sceptre of thy kingdom doth All righteousness maintain. 39 (PSALM XLVLy 1 QOD is our refuge and our strength, r In straits a present aid ; Therefore, although the earth remove. We will not be afraid. 2 Tl^ough hills amidst the seas be cast ; Though waters r9aring make, And iroubled be ; yea though the hills — By sw e lling s e as do s h a k e. w *^*4. y^ V ■;!'^t^"ni ^^x * i r ," ijft _ - lA .« ((".» , ^ ' -ij ., PSALMS. »» <^' •1 (PSALM XLVIII. I, 2. 12-14) 1 Qbeat is the Lord; and greatly he Is to be praisM still, Within the city of otfr God, . Upon his holy hill. 2 Mount Zion stands most beautiful, Thft joy of all the land ; V The city of the mighty King ^ Upon the north doth stand. 3 Walk about Zion, and go round ; The high towers thereof tell : Consider ye her palaces, And mark her bulwarks well ; P 4 That ye may tell posterity. For this God doth abide Our God for evermore; he will Even unto death us guide. (PSALM LI. 1-3,7-13) 1 AFTEft thy lovingkindness. Lord, Have mercy upon me ; For thy eompiissions great, blot out All mine iniquity. 2 Me cleanse from sin, and throughly wash From mine iniquity ; For my transgressions I confess ; V My sin I ever see. 3 Do thou with hyssop sprinkle |^e. I 8h(dl be cleansed so ; Tea, wash thou me, and then I shall ^ Be whiter than the snow. ^ '■ii .'w ■to ,fS- i.r'-ijt^^^t^ ■V,,. „• . >* PSALMB, n^' 7>^ 4 Of gladness and of joyfulness Make me to hear the voice ; That so these very bones whicH thou- Hast broken may rejoice. 5 All mine iniquities blot out; Thy face hide from my sin. Create a clean heart, Lord, renew A right spirit me within. 6 Cast me not from thy sight, nor take Thy titoly Spirit away. Restore me thy salvation's joy ; With thy free Spirit me stay. 7 Then will I teach thy ways unto Those that transgressors be; And those that sinners are shall then Be tumfed unto thee. 88 (PSALM LVII. I, 2, 7-1 1) 1 Be merciful to me, O God ; ^^ Be merciful to me ; Because my soul her confidence Doth wholly plaice in thee ; 2 Yea, in the shikdow of thy wings My refuge I will place, %i^ Until these sad calamities ' Po wholly overpass. 3 My ciy I will cause to ascend To God who is most high ; To^od, who doth all things for me Perform most perfectly. ^-^— ■ — ^ -a K > l^ -.' i ^v^' .-'If* -r kV "^ ' PSALMS. 4 My heart is filed, my heart is fixed, Qod ; I'll sing and praise. My glory wake ; wake psaltery, harp ; Myself 111 early raise. § 111 praise thee 'mong the people, Lord 'Mong nations sing will I ; " For great to heaven thy mercy is, Thy truth is to the sky. 6 O Lord, exalted he thy name Above the heavens to stand ; Do thou thy glory far advance Above both sea and land. ,*»- (PSALM LXI. 1-4) 1 O God, give ear unto my cry Unto my prayer attend, ^ From the utmost comer of the land My cry to thee ril send. /2 What time my heart is overwhelmed, ^ And in perplexity. Do thou me lead unto the Bock Tha| higher is than L 3 For thou hast for my refuge been A shelter by thy power ; And for defence against my foes Thou hast been a strong tower. 4 Within thy tabernacle I For ever will abide; ^ 'And under covert of thy wings With confidence me hide. * K<\ '' , si I m .v-« i '. *»'. '\' »i ■.-«!- r. PSALM8. r ■ u (PSALM LXII. 1,6-8) Sk* ii*^ ,'tf' Sv ^4 1 My soul with expectation doth Depend oh God indeed ;^ ^ My strei^h and my salvation do From him alone proceed. « \ ^ 2 He only my salvation is, And my strong rock is he ; He onlj^ is my^isure defence : * 1 shall not movfed be. ' 3 In God my f^ory placed is. And my salvation sure ; - ^ ^ In God the rock is of my strength,.. My refuge most secure. 4 Ye people, place your conMence In him continually ; . Before him pour ye out your heart ; God is our refuge high. ^ ' . ■ ■ s ' «• (PSALM LXIII. 1-8) 1 Lord, thee, my God, I'll early seek : My soul doth thirst for thee ; .« " My flesh longs in a dry parched land, Wherein no watewi oe : 2 That I thy power may behold, . " * And bnghtness bf thy *ace. As I have seen thee heretofore • / Wittiin thy holy place. ^ ' ' 3 Since bettfer is thy love than life, ' My lips thee piraiae shi^l give. i in tl^ name will lift my hands, And bless thee while I live. 3» I! 'Uy y '.■■/•to- v,\- ^ti ■ ■■■:--^.j::'^y^ '■*'• '[] ■-'- P8ALM8. ' » t V •'41 4 Evea as with marrow and with fat My soul shall fiUM'be : Then shall my mouth with joyful lips Sing praises, unto thee : 5 When I do thee upon iny bed ^ Remember with delight, „ _L _ ' And when on thee I meditate ^ In watehes of the night. 6 In shadow of thy wings I'll joy ; For thou my help hast been. My soul thee follows hard ;, and me Thy right hand doth sustain. 37 '(PSALM LXV.) i Praise waite for thee in Zion, Lord : 'To thee vows paid shall be. thou that hearer art of prayei*, ^U flesh shall come to thee. 2 Iniquities, I must confess, Prevail against me do : But as for our transgressions all, ^Them purge away shalt thou. 3 Blest is the man whom thou dost choose. And miskk'st approach to thee. That he within thy courts, Lord, May still a dweller be : ; , 4 We surely shajl bcS satisfied . ' . . ^ -With thy abundant grace, . - And with thei goodness of thy house, *' Bv^, of 'thy holy place. — — — ■ — r 3« —^ — — .^^^: -•• 1- .-3» ^^ll "m' ^■^ ".- 'tr7.^f% v-pl? ,-»!-» ! t l" , J vvj» '^.j*r*v I ', - . '.*»*' *"r:. ' J> 1 ' 1*^ 5 O'God, who our salvation art, ^ '; —Thou, in thy righteousness, By fearful Works unto our prayers Thine answer d98t^pre8s: . • 6 Therefore the ends of m the earth. And those upon the sea^ , . Who dwell afar, their confidence, . O Lord, will l^ace in thee. 7 Who. beiuR girt with ^^*|;fr, sets fast Bv his great strength, the hills ; Who noise of seas*, noise of their waves. Arid peoples tumultv stills. 8 Those in the utmost parte that dwell Are at thv signs a^id:. The outgoings of morn and eve By thee are joyful ^Ade. - 9 Earth thoU dost visit, watering it; Thou mak'st it rich to grow • , ■ With God's full flood ; their corn pro>i*?■£- •«?; FaAtua. r 7*4' J . y 13 With flocks the pastures clothM be, j The vales with com are clad ; And now they shout and aina to thee, For thou hast made them dlad. » (PSALM LXVI. i;4, i6-2o)^ 1 All lands to God, in joyful sounds. Aloft your voices raise. • ^ Sing fdrth the honour of his nanie, . • Aiid glorious make his praise. 2 Sajc unto God, How terrible In alHhy works art thou ! ' • Through thy great power thy foes to thee Shall be constrained to bow. 3 All on the barth shall worship thee. They shaJl thy praise proclaim In songs : they shall sing cheerfully Unto thy ^oly name. 4 All that fear God, oom$, hear. Ill tell What he did for my soul. , I ^ith my mouth unto him cried, . ' My tongue ^^'lum Qxtol. 5 If in iiiy heart I sin regard. The Lord me* will not hear : Bu£ surely Gk)d ine heard, and to ^ My prayer's voice gave ear. * 6 let the Lord, our -gracibus Go^, ^ • For ever blessM to, :%: ^ , Who tumM not my prayer frbin him, Nor yet his grace frow me. _«_ ^ - . ^ —33 : '. M.i ^^ -T-W '^ Vi .^v ""-*' ^T, , , ft . > hf^ »♦-■•. I • > ^ rtf' *-'^ • *T '•rt^ &^^?^f*^ ■ (PSALM LXVll.) 1 liOBD, bless and pity us, • Shine on us with thy face :. That the earth thy way, and nations all May know thy saving gr^e. 2 Let peoples praise thee, Lord ; Let peoples all thee praise. O let the nations all be glad, In songs their voices raise : 3 Thou'lt justly peoples judge, > On earth role nations all. Let peoples praise thee, Lord ; let them Praise thee, both great and small. 4 The earth her fruit ha^h given-; Our God shall blessfng send. God shull us bless ; men shall him fear Unto earth's utmost end. ^ -•• (PSALM LXVilL i8-2o) 1 Thou hast, O Lord, jnost glorious, Ascended up on high ; ^ And in triumph victorious led Captive captivity : 2 Thou hast receive gifts for men, For such as did rebel ; _ Yea, even for them, that Gqd the Lord r"~^ In midst of them might dwell. 3 Btessed be the Lord* who is to us Of our salvation God ; Who dittly with his benefits Us plent e ooily dot h load. V^A- 1 ' _'f' '•kf . 'luf 1- ^ t -PSAhMS. , II ," ' 'tii 4 He of salvatidn is the Qqci, Who is our Cipd most strong ; . , And unto God the Lord from death The issues do "■^f^Jan'n^ W' 41 (PSALM LXXI. 15-20) 1 Thy justice and salvation, Lord, My mouth abroad shall show, Even all the day ;. fpr I thereof 'The numbers do not know. 2 And I will constantly 150 on In strength of God the Lord ; And thine„own righteousness, even thine . Alone, f will record. 3 For even from my youth, O God, By thee I have been taught; And hitherto I have declared The wonders thou hast wrought. 4 Forsake m6 not, God, when t Old and grey-headed grow ; Till to this age thy strength, thy power To all to come, I sh6w.__y' \ 6 And thy most perfect righteousness,^ - iiord, is very high, Who hast flo greaii things done ; God, Who is like unto thee ? / \ 6 Thou, Lord, who great adversiti^,. And sore, to me didst show, Shalt me reyive* and bring again ^ Fr«yn At ^thH of earth below. ' i'^L.i 8&j^WL ^ •ve'-!*'^^ atfej-i^^^^aailliL'iji'*' .' % \ '''.^»" ..W' ' T''*7'?^f P8AIMS. Iw" 1*; €% (PSALM LXXII.) 1 O LOBD. thy judgments give the king, Hfs son thy righteousness. With right he shall thy people judge. Thy poor with uprightness. - 2 The lofty mounteins shall bring forth Unto the people peace ;- . Likewise the little hills the same Shall do by righteousness. 3 The people's poor ones he shall judge, The needy s children save ; , A»d those shall he in pieces break Who them oppressed have. 4 They shall thee fear, while sun and moon Do last, through ages all. Like rain on mowii grass he shall drop. Or showers on earth that fall. 5 The just shall fiburish in tis^ days, And prosper in his reign: He shall, while doth the moon endure, Abundant peace niaintain. 6 His large and great ' dominion shall ^ From sea to sea extend ; ^ ., It from the river shall reach forth V TJnto earth's utmost end. 7 They in the wilderness that dwell \ ::■■■■- Bow down before him must ; And they that are his enemies / 1 Shall lick the very dust. 36 "f •> 't • '1 , ,->4n.- , y V MAJjiU. 8 The kings of Tarshish and the isles^ To him shall presente bring ; And unto him shall offer gifts Sheba's and Seba's king. ^ Y.ea, all the mighty kings on earth Before him down shall fill ; And aP the nations of the world Do service to him shall. 10 For he the needy shaH^preserve, ^ When he to him doth call ; The poor also, and him that hath No help of man at ull« 11 The poor man and the indigent In mercy he shall spare j / - He shall preserve alive the soujs ' Of those tha^ needy are. 12 Both from deceit and violence Their soul he shrill set/free ; - And in his sight most precious And dear their blooa shall be. 13 Yea, he shall liv6, and given to him Shall l)e of Sheba's gold ; For him still shall thfev J)ray, and he Shan daily be extolled. 14, Of com an handful in the earth On tops of mountains high, ^th pr(ffiperous fruit shall shake^ like trees y /* On LeSilpQn that be. 15; The city shall be flourishingy 4-- Her eitizeiis abouhd In number shall, like to the grass — -. — That grows upon the ground. V N ^M m ''5 :l '€v, •m J7 ^ ?v Ir* " too.' i.,.. . r ',,«^'i '»-,' 'tti; 16 His name for ever shall endure j Last like the sun it shall : i . Men shall he bless'd in him, and hless'd ■ All nations shall him call. TiTKS^ blessfed be the Lord our God, The God of Israel, ' For he alone doth wondrous works, V lu glory that excel. ^ 18 And blessfed be his glorious name To all eternity : The whole earth let his |lory fill. . ^ Amen, so let it be. £ iS i\ . (PSALM LXXIIL 24.28) 1 Thou, with thy counsel, while I live, Wilt me conduct and guide ; - And to thy glory afterward Receive me to abide. 2 Whom have I in the heavens high But thee, O Lord, idone ? v And in the earth whom I desire Beside tiiee there is none. „^ 3 My flesh and heart do fifiint and fail ; But God doth fail me never ; For of my heart God is the strength ; My portion sure for ever. ^^ 4 For, lo, they that are far from OHT For ever perish shall ; ^ Them that fors ake thee wantonly Thou hast destroy^ all. -.* H *. "^^--^rfe mi^m *j** I y*ji,-«,' ■t\ '*H '.-% '■"'J^*'^*"' '"'" ^■• MAIMA 5 But surely it is good for me That I draw near to God ; Id Qod I tru9t, that all thy works I may declare abroad. <* 1PSALM LXXVI. 1-7) ~ 1 In Judah Ood is known, his name li ffreat in Israel ; , ,^ In Sidem is his holy place. In Zion he doth dwell. 2 There arrows of the bow he brake, Y The shield, the sword, the war. v^ More glorious thou than hills of prey,* More excellent art far. 3 Those that were stout of heart are spoiled. They slept their sleep outright ; And none of those their hitnds did find, That were the mHen of might 4 When thy rebuke, O Jacob's Qod, Had forth against them passed, ' \ Their horses and their chariots were ^j. Inj^> in a dead sleep cast. ■M Thou, even thou, art to be feared. And what man then is he Thfit may stand up before thy sight, If once thou angry be ? ^ (PSALM LXXVlII.4-7) 1 Thb praiflCHB c^ tl&t Lcnxt (^ ^' And his almighty strength. The wondroos works thafc he h^th Hgn ^^ We will shew forth ai length/ -^'^2s.u-'»-^-'^^ ^ - > > ' • '' LJ'"' ,-i'-^- !;k P8ALM8. 2 His testimony and his law In Israel he did place, And charged our fathers it to show To their succe^ing race ; 3 That so the race which was to come Miffht well them learn and know, , ** -L^— . «*i»ft oliniild arise. And sons unborn, who should arise, IKffht to their sons them show : 4 That they might set their hope in God. Ajttd suffer not to faU , . , His mighty works out of their rtind But keep his precepts all. if.. IK, ' '4 •f ' «• ' (PSALM LXXX: I, 17-^9) 1 Hear, Israel's Shepherd Mite a flock Thou that dost Joseph guide ; Shine forth, thou that dost between The cherubim abide. , 2 O let thy hund be stilj- «F^, The Man of thy right hand, - The Son of man, whom f or thvself Tlioumadest strong to waj^ 3 So henceforth we wiU not go back, Nor turn from thee at all , do thou quicken us, and we Upon thy name wiU call. 4 TuTus ai^. Lord God <)f hosts, And upon us vouchsafe T<) make thy countenance to shine, And so we shall be 8«ie, s Mm' ' . f .' ■ -.1 i J^. PSALMS. 4T (PSALM L'XXXIV.) 1 How lovely is thy dwelling-place, O Lord of hosts, to me ! The tabernacles of thy gyace How pleasant, fijfxTT they be., *2 My thirsty sonl longs vehemently, Yea faints, thy courts to see ; My very heart And flesh cry out, % living God. for thee. 3 Behold, the sparrow findeth out An house wherein to rest; The swallow also for herself ErovWed hath a nest ; 4 Even tbine own altars, where she safe Her young ones forth may bring, O thou almighty Lord of hosts. Who art my God and King. 5 Blest are they in thy house that dwell. They ever give thee praise. Blest is the man whose strength thou art. In whose heart are thy ^rays : 6 Who as they pass through Baca's vale. Make it a place of springs ; Also the rain that falleth down Rich blessing to it brings. 7 So they from strength unwearied go Btill forward unto strength, Until in Zibn they appear Before the Lord nib length. 4« / r ^-.il S"- 'a -n^ W '. ) •>:; « ' 'T' &1 &# wm>' . ^ PSALMS. ' 8 Iiord God of hosts, my praiyer hear ; .- O Jacob's God, give ear, See, God our shield, look oa the face Of thine anointed dear. 9 For in thy courts one day excels A thousand ; rather in — My, God's house will I keep a door, . Than dwell in tents of sin. 10 For God the Lord's a sun and shield ; He'll ffrace and glory give ; And will withhold no ftood from them That uprightly do live. 11 O thou that art the Lord of hosts That man is truly blest, Who with assured confidence • On thee alone doth rest ''<■'■ '4'- \ K',' 4S (PSALM LXXXV. 6-13) 1 That in thee may thy people joy, Wilt thou not us revive ? Shew us thy ^ercy , Lord, to us Do thy salvation give. 2 I'll hear what God the Lord will speak : To his folk iie'll speak peace, And to his saints ; but let th«m not ^Return to foolishness. , 3 Surely to them that fear the Lord Is his salvation nearj 7, That glory in our land again -^ '\ A dweller may appear; H- ^ 4a PSALMS, 4 Truth meets with mercy, righteousness And peace kiss mutually : Truth springs from earth, and righteousness Looks down from heaven high. " 5 Yea, what is good the Lord will give, Our land shall jrield increase : Justice, to set us in his steps, ^ Shall go before his face, ^v^ ' «• (PSALM LXXXVI. 8-12) / 1 Lord, there is 'none among the gods That may compare with thee ; And to the works which thou hast done, No works can likened be. 2 All nations whom thou mad'st shall come And worship rev'rently Before thy face ; and they, O Lord, Thy name shall glorify. # 3 Because thou art exceeding great. And works by thee are done Which are to be admired y and thou Art God thyself alone. •> 4 Teach me thy way, and in thy truth, Lord, then waik will I ; ; Unite my heart, that I thy name May fear continually. " 5 O Lord my God, with all my heart To thee I will give praise ; And^the glory will ascribe Unto thy name always. 1 4t^O --'id .'f'i >- ^,t , J 'S 43 .^v .**; ~^>i ' 1 1* "li-t'Ki, [^'wtW^^T^ il.:' J»<, i'J^'l »''■*■ psalms: if '' '■'^ #• (PSALM LXXXIX.j^,5-9r li-iS)! ; 1 God's mercies I will ever«ing ; , And witl^ my mouth I shall ^ Thx faitMuli^ess make to be kndwn _; To generations all. V " ' 2 The praises,of thy wonders^ liord, * The heavens 'shall express ; v < The assentbly of the holy ones Shall praise thy faithtalness. 3 B^r who in^ heaven with the Lord' Ma/bnce himself compare ? Wiio IS like God among the sons , .Of those that mighty *re ? 4 Great fear in meeting of the siaints . Is due unto the Lord ; And he above all round, him should • With reverence be adored. 5 O Lord, the God of hosts, who can To thee comparM be ? The' mighty One, the Lord, whose trutb Doth round encompass thee. 6 Even in the swelling of the sea ' Thou over it dost reign ; And when the waves thereof do rise, ~ Thou stillest them a^iun. 7 Thou hitst.an arm that's full of power : Thy hand is great in might ; And diy rieht hand ei^ceedingly Exalted IS in height. ji'^^'S ' ' ' •' • • 44 •"■ .fV m ^ * ' II ill lilibiiiiii iff, X^.4' "* N. yv F.r^^'ySRiT^ . ■ ■ T ■ ■ ■ ■* '.■ •"/'j^-T-FJ'r '' ' ■ 1 r '•' ,1 * t PSALMS, ' -^^ ; # — _^ — - — -^;*^ -■•.,■.' 8 Justice and judgment of thy thronid, Are made the dwelling-place ; * Mercy, apcompanied with truth, ^ ShalLgQ before xhy^faee. 9 O greatly bless; •- ' ,'- , ^ ^Andin thy righteQusness'i^all they, ^ Exalted»l^ on hj^ -:' , < J' .. ■■;■„-' ' ' "- . ' •••^ ■ ■ V" ■. ■.■; ■■■■'■' * •■ ■» 11 Bedauffe theglory of th^ir strength ' ,^ Doth-oijly stand intl^ee ; i ' ' ' And ^in- thy fayour shairdtir horn And ^o#er exalte^ be. 12 For to mb Lord belongs our shield V ' T|i$kt doth us safety bring ; * ^^ "• A^ ; ' The man t^kt is our king/ " :'' • ' ** \ • 1 • i»i ^PSALM XG. i/2, 14-17) ■v:. ' " : ' ■ •^- -::.',/ ■ ': ' / . ^ "" 1 Lord, thou hast been our ||^>6lling-place In generations ^1. , Before thou I. '■ And all the woV]((|Abroacl ; ; > , *"' - Thou eyen ftem everlasting art - '• ^ « To everlasting God. > ^ ■'*'.'■' 45' ■ ".. » II— . . . . , f , _-A __. . : . . — . — .— •: ; ^ ♦ . - lit^ 3»- .'A. %> ■ .. .. ., ..^ ...^ *3 O'/witl^ thy tencler mercies, Lord, TJs early satisfy ; So we rejoice shall all our days, And still be glad in thee. 4 According as the days have been, i Wherein we grief have had. , And years wherein we ill have seen« So do thou make us glad. •■' . :■ ■• ■ ■■"■'• » ' ■■■■■■ '■ . . ' ." '.-■■■■ ■' ■ - , ■ 5 O let thy work and power appear Thy servants' face before ; And shew unto their children dear Thy glory evermore. G And let the beauty of the Lord Our God be us upon ; ' And our hands' works establish thou, Establish them each oiie. ' i^V K'' if- J' 0r (PSALM Xei. 1-4 lo. ii) He that doth in ther secret place Of the most High reside, Under the shade of him that is The Almighty shall abide. I of the Lora my God will say, He is my refuge still. He is my fortress, and my God; And in him trust I will. 3 Asstiredly he shall tn<$& save. And give deliverakice Both from the fowler's snare, and from The noisome pestilence. w^ ->* • w^ •*% J^ \ > UZJfA i' ■' 4 His feathers Hhall thee hide ; thy trust Under his wings ihall he ; v His faithfulness shall he a shield And buckler unto thee. 5 Thon ^It not need to be afraid ' , For terror? of the nightj , •- Nor for the arrow* that doth fly By day .While it is light ; 6 Nor for tlie pestilence, that walks • in darkness secretly ; Nor for destruction, that doth waste At noon-day openlyi ^ ' v . 7 No plague 3hall near thy dwelling cohio ; No ilT shall thee befall; < . For thee to keep in i^ll thy ways His angels charge he^ ^all. ^ V ..^. '■ (PSALMXCItv 1-4.1315) .■.■*■..,'.■.. ** 1 To render thanks unto t^e Lord ,,.. Itis a comely thing, "t * *^ And to th^ name, P thou ihost Hjgh. Due praise aloud to sii^g- 2 Thy iovinffkindness to shew lorfcK When shiiies the morning light ; And to defdare thy faithfulness With pleasure every night, 3 Upon a ten-stringed instrument, . --; And on the psaltery; T 7 Upon the harp with solemn sound^ • And grave sweet melody. :«V- M ^'-"""Wi ■-'.■;:'<• fSJja^S.ji W" :\ . « V :% •■'m f?.' 'ttii-' i^'^S-i '»'*>'.'■' d ^-^(m P8ALM8. ^_^ ^ 4 Forth6u, Lord, t>y thy mighty deeds Hast gladness to me brought ; And I will triumph in the works Which by thy hands ai*e wrought. .5 Those that withiii the house of God Are planted by his grace, ^ ~^^T7 They shall grow tip, and flourish all In our God's holy pla!be. 6 And in old age, when others fade, They fruit still forth shall bring ; They shall be jTat and full of sap, And aye be ;flourishing. 7 To shew that upright is the Lord : He is a^Tbck to me ; And he from all ularighteousness Is altogether free. • ; 1^ . W ' . •^ (PSALM XCIIL) V 1 The Lord doth reign, and clothed is he With majesty most bright ; The Lord li^th clothed himself, lie hath Him girt about with might. 2 The world is, also stablish^d, • That it cannot depart - ; f Thy throne is fixed of old, and thou From everiasting art. 3 The floods,' O Lord, have lifted up, Have lifted up their voice ; The floods have lifted up their wave?, And made a mighty noise. « + i 1^ .1*'* P8ALM8. 4 Put y«t the I^rd, who is on high, Is more qt might by far Than noi^e of many waters ia, Than great sea-billows are. / V 5 T^jy testimonies every, one^ r~T"ln faithfulness excel : '^^ And holiness forever, Lord, Thine li^use becometh well. (RSALM XCV. 1-6) 1 ..■.'..-.. »■ % O COME, and let us to the Lord In songs our voices raise,,' ' With joyful noise let us the rock Of our salvation praise. 2 Let ilB before Mr- pi^sence come With praise ana thi^njcful voice ; Let us Bing'psialms to him with grace. And mi&e a joyful noise. / ' < . ' .- ' . * ' 3 The Lord's a great God and gi^eat King, Above all gods he is. ' - Depths of the earth are in his hand. The strength of hills is his. 4t To him the spacious sea belongs, . For he the same did piaker; The dry land also from his hands Its form at first did take. 5 O eome, and let us worship him j - ' Let us bow down ivithal. And on our knees before the Lord Our Make^ let us fall. t ^ ? I V,, 49 <- .■"■■■ ■■:-■■- m • *, I •■%■: V, /"-W/ ' ' L\^'* 1 ' i^^t^ 'k^i tMk'::- j" ' ■ ''-•"■' -v^^ "0 P8ALM8. U y,6 ■ '. > (PSALM XCVl.) ^ fe * .VV-f-A" *2^' 1 8INO a new song to the Lord : ^ Sing all the earth to Qod.^-—~ 2 To Qod 8ing, bless his name, shew still ^ His saving health abroad. ..^ d Among the nations of the earth j His glory do declare ; * And unto all the people show" His works that wondrous are. 4' For great's the Lord, and greatly ho ;■ ?^Is to be magnified ; Yea, worthy to bo feared is he Above i^ll gods beside 5 For all the gods are idols dumb^ • * o Which blinded nations fear ; But our God is the Lord, by whom ^^ The heavens created were. 6 Great honour is before his face, • ' And majesty divine ; V ^ , Strength is within his holy place, And there doth beauty shine. 7 Do ye ascribe unto the Lord, Of people every ^libe, Glory do ye unto the Lord, • v Arid mighty power ascribe. 8 Give ye the gbry to the Lord -^r-r ^ That to his name is due ; Come ye into his courts, and bring An offering with you I*-, * ^ w- 1w- \ 50 71" # PSALM3. § 9 In beauty of hia holinest, O do the Lord adore ; * ^, Likewise let all the earth throughout Tremble hit face before. 10^'Mong heathen any, Jehovah reignil ; ^ 7 7^ The world shall steadfant be, So that it move not; he shall judge / The peoples righteously. 11 Let heavens be glad before the Lord; . And let the earth rejoice ; Let seas, and all their fulness roar, ■ And make a niigbty noise. fS Let pelds rejoice, and every thing tliat springeth of the earth : Then of the forest all the trees Shall shout aloud witll mirth 13 Before the Lord ; because he comes, ^ » To judge the earth comes he : \ He'll judge the world with righteousnesf,' I The peoples faithfully. ■^A •mi'- (PSALM XGVIII.) siNO a new song to the Lord, For wondera he hath done : His right ^and and his holy arm Him victory hath won. ^ Jehovah his salvation hath Now caus^ to be known ; His justice in the heathen's sight He openly hath shown. •¥• SI -i^4i ['Mf.^'' •(?*;|; PSALMa. mMMItii 6 He mindful of his grace and truth * To Israel's house hath been ; The time is come for favour set, The time when thou shalt blessing send. 2 Thy saints take pleasure in her stones, Her very dust to them is dear. All heathen lands and kingly thrones On «arth ihy glorious name ;ihall fear. 3 For Ood in glory shall appear, . To build up Zion and repair. He shall regard and lend his ear : Unto the needy's humble prayer : 4 Th« afflicted's praver he will not scorn. All times this shall be on record : ' * . And generations yet unborn ■>' ^ V Shall praise and magnify the Lord, ;5 He from his holy place looked down, J^^ The earth he viewed from heaven high ;^ To hear the pris'ner's mourning groan. And fr e e th e m that ar e doom e d to di e I 7- ' M >U ,v-,.' S9 yCi Li:*fff« , ^ ■* -I g I* a' ?v PSALMS. 6 That Zion, and Jerus'lem too, His name and praise may well record. When people and the kingdoms do Assemble all to praise the Lord. ■O (PSALM cm. 1-5) 1 O THOU my 'SOuT, bless God the Lord ; And all that in me is Be stirred up his holy name To magnify and bless. 2 Bless, my soul, the Lord thy God, And not forgetful be Of all his gracious benefits He hath bestowed on thee. 3 AH thine iniquitits who dotH M6st graciously forgive : Who thy diseases all and pains Dotii heal, and thee relieve. 4 Who doth redeem thy life, that thbu To death may *st not go down ; ' , Who thee with lovingkindness- doth And tender mercies crown : . " 5 Who with abundance of good things Doth satisfy thy mouth ; ' So that, even as the eagle's age, * , Renewkl is thy youth. (PSALM cm. ^2) God righteous judgment exectites For Si oppressed ones. / ^ His ways to Moses he made known His acts to Israel's sons: •1 1 -54- ■ t * ''-4-J ^ **'"'£? VtV fyvv'*"; 'fe'f .' ■•> # PSALMS. 2 The Lord our God is merciful^ And. he is gracious, Long-suffering, and slow to wrath, ^ In meri^ plenteous. 5 3 He will not chide continually, ^ Nor keep his anger still. With us he dealt not' as we sinned, Nor did requite our ill. ' 4 For as the heaven in its height The earth surmcmnteth far, So^great to those that dp him fear His tender mercies are : As far as east is distant from The west, so far hath he From us removM, in his love, ; AH our iniquity. (PSALlVflii II. 13-18) SucH^pity as a father hath Unto his children dear ; Like pity shews the Lord to such As worship him in fear. For he remembers we are dust, Aqd he our frame well knows. Frail man, his days are like the grass, As flower in field he grows : 3 For over it the wind doth pass And it away is gone ; And of the place where once it was It shall no morei be known. " ': ■ • ■ 55 ' ' ■ -^-.^ — ?-»-4,_^-„ .«2 ,15, «•.- • .-'**.■ PSALMS. 4 But unto them that do him fear Gkxl's mercy never ends ; And to their children's children still His righteousness extends : 6 To such as keep his covenant, And mindful are alway Of his commandments just and good, That they may them obey. as (PS ciii. 19-22) 1 TflE Lord |)reparM hath his throne In heavens firm to stand ; And every thing that being hath His kingdom doth command. 2 O ye his angels, that excel / ' In strength, bless ye the Lord ; Ye who obey what he commands, • And hearken to his word. 3 bless and magnify the Lord, Ye glorious hosts of his ; Ye ministers, that do fulfil Whate'er his pleasure is ^ O bless the Lord, all ye his works, Wherewith the world is stored * In his dominions every where. ^ My soul, blefts thou the Lord. •t (P!^LM CIV. 1-5. 31, 33) 1 Bl«SS God, my soul. O Lord my God. Thou art exce«MiinK great ; With honbur and with majesty Thou clothM art in state. — ^ — ' — ^ — 5 6 ^ — -^- - '^ K^^'t^' ' o PSALMS. -TT 2 With Mght, & Wftth a robe, thyself • Thou coverest about^ 4^d, like unto a curtain, thou **^ The heavens stretchest out. 3 ^|io of his chambers doth the beams 'Within the waters lay ; Who^^oth the clouds his chariot make. On things of wind make way. 4 Who^flaming fire his ministers. His ftugels spirits, doth make : Who earft's foundations firm did lay. That it should never shake. ■■■■■■■■, ..■■'';» 6 The glory of Jehovah sha)^ Endure wl^^ ages run ; The Lord Alinigh% shall rejoice In iJl that he hath done. 6 1 to the Lord m^t high will sing So lon^ as I shall live ; And while I be^j^g have, i will To my pod praises give* • « 'I- •1? *.Y' t \i 6ft '(PSALM CV. i-s) 1 Give thanks to God, call on his name ; To meqi his deeds make known. • ' Sing ye' Co him, sing psalms ; proclaim . His wondrous works ^j^h one. 2 To glory in his holy name ^- . . Unite with one ac«Drd:; '^^ . And let the heart of eveiy one Rejoice that seeks the Lord. ■a ltd ■« a 57 * > • i'i iim] • ■jiii& Wid^ ^ J ^ V •^l i . .4 t -X si^H- 3 Th6 Lord Alinigiby/ and his strength, ' With steildfast hearts seek ye : His blessed and his ffiacious face . Seek ye continualTy. 4 Think on the nv^rks thai he hath tlone, Which admiration breed ; ' His wonders, and tl^e judgnients all ' ^ Whidh from his mouth proceed. (PSALM iCVL i-5) 1 QiVE praise and thanks nntO the Lord For bountiful is he ; His tender mercy doth endjare Unto eternity. 2 God's mighty works who can express ? Or shew forth all his praijse ? Blessed are they that judgment keep; . .And justly do always. ' 3 Remember me, Lord, with that love Which thou to thine dost bear ;; - With thy salvation, O my God, i To visit me draw near: 4 That I thy chosen's good n&y see, , And in their joy rejoice ; And may with thine inheritance ' Triumph with cheetful voice. ;-:t. ..>»... ■im. ■^ iS-'. •Y (PSALM GVIL 1-9) S^s^' ^ 1 Praise ye the iSrd, for he is good, ,His mercies lasting be. Let his redeemed say so, whom he From hand of foes did free '~-\-*mif. .•n t * V' PSALMS. * 4 u w 2 And gathered them oiit ol thd lands, From north, south, east, and west. They strayed in desert's pathless way No city found to r^st 3 Their soul with thirst and hunger faints 'Hk When |rouble9 aore them pre88, '"' , They cry unto the Lord, and h» Them^frses frolii their distress. -^ " t - 4 Th<^m also m a way to waXJif. - - • That tight is he did ^ide, . " "'-".■ That they might to a city go,-, , f - ; '♦ Wherein they might abide. ' * 5 O that uien to the Locd would giv,e Praipe, for his goodness '^M^, ' ' ^d for his works of . won^^dbne^ ^'^nto the sons gf men I 6, For hejbhe soul that longiiffi is "" ' ifijJly '• " ;o85nei „ Doth fill abundantLg,^ . -^^ •« (PSALM ex.) / ■ 1 Unto my Lol^d Jehovah said, ; ^^ ^ At my right hand I ihrone thee, ' Till ^t thy feet,- in triumpii laid, Thy foes their ruler own thee,^ ^ From Zion hjll the Lord shall send . Thy sceptre, till before thee bend The knees of proud rebellfl^! "" 2 Thy saints, to greet thy day of migl^t, In holy raiment muster : , As dew drops in the momijtig light *> '^ J>(M &Jly satisfy With goooness he the^ungry. 3oul V Thy youths around thee cluster. .»9 >i4 It ta K. 1 ^ae Xotti hfith »woii[|i and made decree, ^WWf' Thou. like. Mlelchif^lek, shalt be ^' ^ yhsf.; ' A^ kingly furiet^tfer evQT. 3 The Lord at thy riSt hand shall bring Oh' rulers ^esolalmp; The Lord shall ^mit^^ach heathen king, - * And judge eaeh rep, nation. Hev swiftly maw?hiiigiB his wrath,. ^ : ^ ,Sh«^ quatf i^he broo^pon his path, I \. Atki lift his head in glory: : #0 ^ * " . (PSALM CXVI. 1-8) 'I L iCovE ,thfe Lbjd, becatise my voice i " And prayers he did jhear. ; I,, while^I liv€5, will ^^11 on him, ^ n , Who bow^d to ine his ear. 2 llie cords of death on every side Encompassed 'roe around ; ^ TJift^orrows of th*^ave me a^zed, • ^ griet and troujHy|ound. , ^ 3 Then on thel^rdjWfco^ did I call . And unto flHMlf^^y' . 's Deliver thoujm^l, O Lord, I do thee h^KPray. 4 God merciful iawW|Bteous is. Tea, gracious foVLord. . Ck)d saves tl^e ]4ii^BrI.Awas brought low, „ He did m^ help afford. i thou .my soul, do thou return Unto thy attiet' rest ; For largely Jfefc^bee the Lord - y His boiuii^pHh^ exprest, " ^■wtf Jf .rt' ; V ^ ^4fa^ ( 1 > '' \*i . V ^ PSALMS. 6 For my distresi^d soul from death Delivered was by thee ; Thoti didst my mourning eyes from tears, Hy feet from falling, free. 7 I in the land of those that live Will walk the Lord before. I did believe, I theirefore spake : ' I was afflicted sore. 8 1 said, when I was in my haste, That all men liars be. What shall I render to the Lord ft, For all his gifts to me ? "^j ^>M ~r" "*»*- — — -?^ . V ■" .'.■'"■. "■ .'i' V 1 '1 Wki X 9 111 of salvation take the'cup. And on the Lord's name call ; I!ll pay my vows unto the Lord ^jPeforehis people all. Mi^^ his sight is his saints' death, ? ^Sy^ servant. Lord, am I ; Thy servMit'sur^ ^lipe hi^idmaid's son ; ny servwt^ur^ i^Wie nii^a] iy l3t{M*s tfiou didghamtie. 11 Thimii^iiff^ to thee mil give, ^*% And onj^eLcfird'a«ame call. ' ' 111 pay mf^vows^^ the Lord **"*^ \ ; :Beforefts^«|a^#, "" i **^-., "^ 12 Within the coKrtJif6f*«©<*d's'owhTiouse, Within the iMdst of thee, O city of 4 Jerusalem, "* -^ Praise to the Lord giVe ye. > 6| .?.rr '->-?■. '-^^:v^ •f 1 '■m '"15 1'? Tv; : :''is,>-r , '-mt'^ .■'j: ^ 6 w If PSALMS, 1 r# ; (PSALM CXyil.) 1 Prom all that dwell helow the skies. O let Jehovah's praise anse - . — Md let his glorious name be sunj( In every land, by every tongue I 2 Great are the mercies of the liord, And truth eternal is his word i ^ Ye nations, sound from shore to shore Jehovah's praise for evermore !_ yi (PSALM CXVIliri9-29) Jf'' f - j^k O SET ye open unto me r-^ The gates of rit^hteousness ; Then will I enter into them, And I the Lord will bless. 2 This is the gate of God, by it The just shall enter in.. . , Thee will I praise, for thdu me heard at, And hast my safety been. 3 That stone is made head coi^^r-stone. Which builders did despi^; o* ' This is the doing of the Lora^ ^ . And wondrous in our eyek^ .^ 4 This day the Lord hath maafe, in it We'll joy triumphantly. Save. Lord, I pray the«*; Lord. I pray, Send thou prosperity. 5 Blest ill the Lord's greafcf name Is he That cometh us among; , . , , ., We bless you from the house which doth ' Unto the Lord belong. '- - ;; , ' 63 %^ F^ "f T^ P8AZM$. 6 God is the Jjord, who uato u* |iath made light to arise ; Bind ye unto the altar's homa With cords the sacrifice. 7 Thou art nay God, I'll thee exalt ; — . My God, I will thefe pniise. ^ Praise ye the Lor|J, for he is j^ood His mercy lasts always.. ^« (PSAlJVI CXIX; 1.6) 1 BLESst:D are they that undefiled, And straight are in Jhe way ; Who in the Lord's most holy law, To walk, and do not stray. 2 Blessed are they who to observe His statutes are inclined ; And who do seek the living God ^ With their whole heart and mind. 3 Such in his^witys do walk, and they Do no iniquity. , Thou hast commanded us to keep Thy precepts carefully. 4 that thy statutes to observe Thou would'st my ways direct ! Then shall I not be shamed, when I' Thy precepts all respect. ^ <» rs ^ (PSAfsM CXIX. 9-i6^ 1 Br what meane^all HidwaytMpr If he acGordii^^ „ thereto fjAtefltite I. m ■J •* . •* i ,i' m r 'A f^' nC S *^ . V t tJnfeignedlj^ thee »;»ve I sought With all my soul an^ heart .^ m O let me not from the nght path M| ' Of thy copmands depart. That I offend not thee, ' ^ ' _ '. .« .i.^ l>lAaa2Ml Art. V •»' C-' *0 Lord, thou ever blessM a", 'W^ Thy statutes teach thou me. 4 The judgments of thy mouth each one liSTio^thy testimonies way m ^^^^^'^^^' - I Thy holy precepte r^iU make Shlifc)n#ntly^set: ^'i^d.iPi*i^V''T'' ^hypioly word forget. '^-'JB »' 4 1 .■■^■■.. L * » <■• n. (PSALM CXIX. 33-37) 1 Teach me. OLord >e perfect way Of ihy precfll^ts divme, And to olwerve it to^ihe end I shall my he^ mcline. ^ Give understanding unto W. - ^ So keep thy law ^^^{^l .j V^« rea. even with my whole heart I shall ■■I; Observe it caretully. 'n •A . ■■"' r]:y^'::' -ilk ,:. ■; ."-. AY'ff'^:^'. 6 •L'hI '/."'.■■''■.■'. ,' ■;■ " f'!v:^'U. : •*■.•, '•'K. ft (FSALM CXXI.) I :■'■■■■■: ■*;::.;■-" 1 1 TO the hills will lift mine eyes : fl", I /* "V." 1 __- J^aU mama vninA ./ / t!'.^' ^t- R>' ■ *-'! From whence doth com^ mine aid ? ■^ Mv safety cometh from the Lord, 'Who heaven and earth hath mad^.. 2 Thy foot he'll not let slide, nor will He slumber that thee keepa # Behold, he that keeps Israel, , H^Iumbers not, nor sleeps. - ■•I^. ...■.* ■■'";:. n, ^^»«> PSALMS. film i | ii M i i i l iii ■WMMM*M>aM> •^9rd shall keep thy soul} he tbAll Preserve thee from all iU. jPlenceforth thy going out and in God keep for ever will. » ' ' ' / ' ^» (PSALM CXX». Sfcond'yersiQH)^ X Unto the hills arouild do I lift up My longing eyes :f , » > Qh whence for me ^hall my salvation come, From whence arise ? From Qod the Lord doth come my certain aid, V, t. From Qod the Lord, who heaven and earth ^ ^ hath made. y BMliVt suffei^ that thy foot be moved : '*pWl^|Walt thoube. ^ No careless slumber shall his eyelids close, Who keepeth ^hee. Behold, he ftleepeth not, he slumbereth ne'er, ' Who keepeth Israel in his holy care^ 3 Jehovah is himself thy keeper true ; Thy changeless shade ' . , Jehovah evermore on thy right hand Himself hajbh made. And thee no sun by day shall ever smite, J{^ No moon shall harm thee in the silent night. 4 From every /evil shall he keep thy aoul. From evejry sin: ~~~ ~~ ^ '•'i*. . 'fi ^Atf f. W\ 1^, ;. "' '*; '^ ^''^^^ "'■'' ' "^^^^^ V. '■% PSilLK-Sr. •fci' w-'^. Jehovah ihall preserve thy going out, ^ : A^^^Sung,hivho»^a^-^; Shall ke^pth^^hemjelorth. yea, tot ever more. ** •> T9 (PSALM ckXII.) 1 I JOYED wbeii to the houie of God. ff Go up, they said to me\ ' ' Jerusalem, within thy gales • t Our feet shall standing be. 2 Jerusalem, as a>city is ■ V Compfffc% huilt togetMr : Unto that'place the tribes go up. The tribes of God go thither,— ^ 3 Astatuteiihi8forIsraelr4_^^ To God's name thanks t6paj. ,. . For thrones of judgment, eW the thrones Of Daviji's hojise, there fetay. 4 Pray that Jerusalem nafy hav^ .^ -^ Peace and felicity : j .t,^ „^„«e Let them that love thee and thy peace Have still proj^erity. | 5 Therefore I wi,h^|p^ tnay still Within thy -!^|^^a»n>t# And ever mayS^Palaces Peace be in thee, 1 5,s?^l ^^ .1 / .. ^ . A^ for thfe house of God tbl^^Xiord, / ^^PH I'll seek thy good alway. J a ■•» / J -4^ . ■.,»■-■ S' ',^^r « PSALU8. * .<;^ sa (S>, (PSALM CXXIV.) 1 Now Israel * May say, and that truly, If that the .Lord Had notour eause maintained, If that the Lord , Had notour right sustained, When cruel men ^Vho 10 desired to slay - Rose up in wrath, * "i-^ To make of us their prey"; 2 Then certainly: They had c^evoureH us all. And swallowed quiftk, ' For ought that we could deem ; Such was their rage, As we might well esteem. , Afiyd as fief ce floods ^ Before them all things drown, So had they brought' Our soul to death quite down. '■ 3 Th6 raging streams. With their proud swelling waves. Had then our soul O'erwjielrafed in ttie dpep, *• But blessed be God " Who d6th us safely k^p, And gajfe us*not - A living pr^ to be ; , - Unto their teeth . «' Awi bloody cruelty- 4') r .^. A A' ii-*' Wv\ ,y ' •*J' V %w ^'VT* .■■^':i: 1. »■* . »< PSALMS. 1^ '^^ V » \^ y 31^ /^ « 4 Even as a bird - ^ Out of the fowler's sftare ^ Escapes away, '," So is our souHiBt f ree : Rent is their net, ^ *-^ *--. And thus escaped we. ^ ^Therefore dur help Is in the Lord's great name, Who heaven and earth By his great power did f r^me«r ^ •f (PSALM CXXV.)" 1 They in the Lord that firmly tnisti ' , " , Shall be like Zion hill, ;. Which at no time can be removed, ' < B^t stand for ever will. ' A - 2 As rdund about Jerusalem y. The mountains stand al way, ^ •<' T^e Lord his folk doth compass so. From henceforth and for aye. 3 For ill men's rod upon the lot: Of just men shall not lie ; . , . ^ ' Xestrigbteous men stretch-forth their handfe. ; Unto inicfuity. „ . 4 Do thou to^ll those that be good . . \ ^ Thy blessing. Lord, impart ; ; , • . Afld do thou good to those that are , Upright within their heart. , "^ 5 But BB for such as turn inside i After th6ir crooked way, ^ ' With iUjnen God shall send them forth : vOn Israel peace shall stay. * ■ . ' , 7* - . ■ J V'v": , '■■■i ' t * ''. J.^' '^ Iff ■•- J >" • "r* ■ ■ V P8ALMS. - (PSALM CXXVI) ' ■ '. ' ,,■»., »■...' 1 When Zion's bondage God turned back. . As men that dreamed were we. Then filled with laughter was our mouth, *. Our ton^e with melody : 2 They 'mong the heathen said, The Lord Great things for them hath wrought. . Tlie Lord hath done great things for us, Wiience joy to i^' is brought. 8 -As streams of .water ijh the south, Our bdndage, Loi^, recall. Who 'sow in tears, il^eapij^g i^jx^e Of joy enjoy they shall' 4 Th«it man who, be^nj^jf^i^cious seedj , In going tringing back his sheaves, "^ Rejoici^&hill return. i* • (PSALM CXXVUL). 1 Blest is each one that feara the Lord, And walketh in his ways ;. For of thy labour thou shalt eat, ^ And happy be always. ■ '.t, "' 2 Thy wife shall as a |rfi^ul vine By thy house- sides be found ; Thy children like to olive-plants ' * About th/tablfi ttmnd. 3 Behbl^> <%e man that fears {he L6rd," > I Thtis blessM shall he' be. ^: , - The Lord shall out of Zipn give ' '' His blessing untp t^ee: i '- S3 / - ■^ix* * r f -*1 »ff S, ' -Ik i\ * .4. PSALHa. '^V\' l\i ' ' ' '" — T ~~ ' ' - t 4 Thou 8halt Jerus'lem'8 good ^liold ^;^ Whilst thou on earth dost dwell. . ^ Thrshalt thy children's children see,..- .- . .And peace on Ifrael. , . •4 ' • (PSALM, cxxx:) .. . 1 LORD. fA»m the depths ioth^^^^^^^^ • JIy\voic^,tord, do thou hear. . tJnti my supplications voice , . « Give an attentive ear. , , . ^ Lord, ^ho shalV^tand, if thou, Loni. . Should'st mark iniquity ? - ^t yetVith thee forgiveness is._, ^ TMfeftred thou mayest be. ;, , -^3 I Wait for God, my soul^doth wa^, '- Mv* hope is in his word. ' • More\hJ^Hey thai for m^^^^^ . Mv soul waits for the Lord;' ,, - 4 Yea e^en teoi*e than they that v^atch ' * Let Israel iii7eho:^«i^.h«?*;» ^ '■ I> ^ 1 / M Israel j*i :^^^'='''^.- r: FoT wit^'hin* mercies b^^. ,5 Sedemptioii.^lw I^^tf^ Td *vftf fottfld with^min.. •" 4 i i . * 2 let thy priedts be 4slothM; Loifd, ^ .' With truth and righteousness ; And let a]l those that are" thy saints Shout loud for joyfulness. '^ 3 For God of Zipn hath made choice . ^ There he desires to dwell. . ' ,. . ^ Thi« is my rest, here still I'll stay. ; ** *;.>- ' For I do likd it wfll. '\ \ ": . 4 Her food I'll greatly bless ; her pobr ^ . ^ . ' With bread .will satisfy. ., j Her plriests I'll with salvation cl6the, . Her saints shall shout for joy. /. > ^ .- (PSALM CXXXlUi) : J\ Behold, how good a thing it |a, ■ And how becoming well," Together such as brethren are , - ,. - "^ : fa unity to d:well ! " ' ■ / -. ' 2 1*^6 precioyk ointment on the heo^, • That down the' beard did flow," » _• " Ev'n Aatob'^ b^ai'd, and to the skirts • '^ I I , Did, of his garments go. > v. ' 3 As Sermon's dew.'the.dewthat doth ' . ~' Oh Zidn^ hills descend: , ;, *^^or there thevblessing God isommands, f Life that shall never e:ild., «r fPsA.ti^ cxxxvL 1.5,25,26) ,1 |*R4r$K Ood, for heis kinti *• j, Hj^lttenb^^-lii&td for.^e. . •^Oive thanks with h€!art and mind • Toi Oo46f ^ods aiway 1 ' , ; .. ^ . \ .k *», Lsuiikii 7^ ri-'^i^'ji ">'' , Ar-r,y^ihJ!tiktf-^\\M \\i!i f^' Kv, -^ PSALMS. af,ii. IT. tor certainly % Bfis merciea dure Mostfirn^inclsijre Eternally. 2 The Lprd of lords praise ye, * Whose mercies ever stand. Great-wonders only he ^ i)oth work with mighty hand : For certainly, etc. 3 bfve praise to his great name, . Who. by his wisdom high, The heaven above (|id frame. And built the lofty sky : For certainly, etc. 4, Who to all flesh gives food ;' o For his grace faileth never.^ '" <]6fe thanks to God most good, \ TJ^e God of heaven, for ever : = /• .' ForxsBrtoinly, etc. 9S IPSALM CXXXVIl. 1-6) -. ■'■./'■•■ ■-:.-.-";■'•■" . r'' ' 1 BtxBabel's streams we sit and wei^t» -, When Zion we thought on. ^In midst thereof we hung our harpfr The willow trees upon. 2 ^or th«re a^ song required they. Who did us captive bring, • . "Our spoilers called for mirth, and, wid, ' A song^f Zion sin^. ^^ ' PSALMS. M 3 0, how the Lord's song shall we sing Within a foreign land ? If thee, Jerusalem, I foi^et Skill part from my right hand. 4 My tongue to my mouth's roof let cleave, If I do thee forget, Jerusalenx, and thee abo^ye My chief joy do not set. . ri^ . I'M T).' s» (PSALM CXXXYIII.) 1 Thee will I praise with all my heart, . I will sing |>rai8e to thee Before the gods : and worship will Toward thy sanctuary. 2 I'll priise thy name, ev'n for thy truth, And kindness of thy love ; For thou thy word hast magnified AH thy great name above. , 3 Thou didst ^e answer in the day When I to thee did cry ; And thou my fainting soul with strength Didst strengthen inwardly. 4 All kings upon the earth that are Shall give thee praise, O Lord ; What time they from thy mouth shall hear Thy true and faithful word. . ' 5 Yea, in the righteous ways of God With gladness they shall sing : For ©meat's the ^I6ry of the Lord^ Wio* is for ttt«r king. q 75 9 ' 'i'r> 'V: Vfe.- t - • "" J It * ' 1 L^ ft . J! .^i ^t^ „u» — tl^J ^i^B^stim, J H '^ ''' f^r^'^f^^'' ■•3?i;.1' «* Sit** k k' \ l-v^' ill those Ihftt lowly be , Wher^ The proud and lofty ones Afar off knowefch he. 7 Though I in miast of trouble walk.^ Will surely perfect make , „ (PSALM CXXXIX. i->2) V TRou knowe.t my Brttog down . And rising up ; y«\»" "f *° ^ AfM to thee are known. 2Mrf"t^t«p8.«ndmylylnRdo«"- ^%.oucompa»e8t.lw»y»; Thou also most entirely art ■quaint with all my ways. 3 Iforinmy tongue, before ^P^. NoTany word ean be But altogether, lo. O lx>ra, . ItTwell known to thee^. ^ ♦ Behind, before, thou h.u,tbe*t. f . ■ And laid on me t^« J^^^e for me, Sueh knowledge is t<»J^"8* V , . Too high tp understand. _^ ,^ ^ \ h^ ^^■. ^ ; u. "i:. rt-v 5 Where from thy Spirit shall I go ? Or from thy presence fly ? Ascend I heaven, lo, thou art there ; There, if in hell I lie. 6 Take I the wings of mom, and dwell In utmost parts of sea ; £}, Even there, Lord, sKall thy hand me lead, Thy right hand hold shall nie. n 7 if I do say that darkness shall Me cover from thy sight, Then surely shall i)^e very;^ night About me be as Vifrt. 8 Yea, darkness hidelBjpot from thee, But night doth akine as day ; To thee the darkness and the light Are both alike alway. ' . 91 (PSALM CXLin. 1,2.6^8) Oh, hear my praye^ Lord, And unto my desire- To bow thine ear accord , I humbly thee requke^ And in thy faith fuineM Unto me iftiswer makti, * And in thy righteousness. Upon me pity take. ^. '" In judgmenffl|f ndt .^ With me thjiJB^t poor ; P For why, this liUpli wot, No sinner can^'^ni The sight ^f tj^ef^ If thou his dcMs'iiJ He dare make none Himself to justify. ce Lod: 'tty, )de ~^ ' ft 77 H"* it ' ""■ . I'- \ h'rr 3 Lo, I do stretch my hands To'thee, my help alone; For thou well understands All my complaint and moao : My thirsting soul desires, And longeth after thee, As thirsty ground requires • With rain refreshed to oe. 4 Lord, let mjr prayer prevail, To answer it make speed , My spirit quite doth fail ; " Hide not thy face in need. Lest I be like to those That do; in darkness sit, Or hin#that downward goes , Into the dreadful pit 5 Because I trust in thee, Lord, cause me to hear Thv lovingkindness tree. When morning doth appear : Cause me to know the way Wherein my path should be For why. my soul on hiarh . I do lift up to thee. -»■ 99 (PSALM CXLV. 1V7) 1 O Lord, thou art my Ood an?JCini| ' Thee will I magnify and praise ^ W I will thee bless, and gladly smg Unto thy holy name always. 78 ,^1^^ <■< !{'__•£ ifj ^imi'' ■'"C^/I'-S^l^'' P8ALM8. 2 Each day I riae I will thee bless, And praise thy name time without end. Much to be praised, and great God is ; His greatness none can comprehend. 3 Race shall thy works praise unto race, The mighty acts shew done by thee. I will speak of the glorious grace, And honour of thy majesty ; 4 Thy wondrous works I will record. By men the might shall be extolled Of all thy dreadful acts, Q Lord : • And I thy greatness will unfold. . 5 They utter shall abundantly The memory of thy goodness great ; And shall smg prai.ses cheerfully. Whilst they thy righteousness relate. 'ill 03 (PSALM C5^LV. 9-i6) . "' 1 (}ooD unto all men is the Lord : O'er all his works his mercy is. ' Thy works all praise to thee afford : Thy saints, Lord, thy name shall bless. 2 The glory of thy kingdom show Shall they, and of thy power tell ; That so men's son.s his deeds may know, His kingdom's grace that doth excel. 3 Thy kiugdom hath none end at all, It doth through ages all remain. The Lord upholdeth all that fall. The cast-down raiseth up again. ■ u *\ 79 a 1 ^ I ^ "73 I - a.^,J& m. ^" i" m^Ji.^ ■.K'&.aJ^ }^' F'-S^fi^ .-'■■'■}. "■ :: T- ■ 'k- . ■ ' > I; :^ .^ .--... — S : 1 " - T" * ->■ . I - '"'. ■ ' > ' S ■ r ' " .';■ ''v' /■'^?'-' * . /' 1 " ■ '■ .1 t ■' ■ . ." t 'V ' ' -,....■ ' . ' -.;; ■ '' :■ '■ , 1 ' • i -" • ' ' ' * ' ' ' 1. -. .Ms: '1-,. .'. : \,\ \.. •• " .' .fw * ','■'■*'■■,■ '■'■'■ r ■ ^ .. ■ -- • ■ ■-■ ' ■■'■■ '•■ '^:'^'/'>.- m :-:r-'St*i*- ■ ■ ■ in ■ *' "..-.' ••:.: ,.;.•■ .r- ;■: ■ :■- i •■ ' "~ ^- "'"■•♦;■ '"■^- ;; ■ ',.-■• ■■ ._■ " ■ • i. ■ ■ ' • . 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'^ "'k'^-'- " , • •( 1(1. ■ ^1 ■p'^ iv^^^^H ^^B^' ^Kx ' • ^^^^b)^ a- ■% 4 The eye. of .U thinfis, Lord attend. And on thee wait that here do l^e, And thou, in season due. dostjiend t°fficUnt f90d them to reliev*. ^ R Yea thou thine hand dost open wide, n^d-lrythingjost^-;^^ ,.,^ That lives, and doth on earin Of thy great UberaUty. M (PSALM CXLV. i7-«') 1 TBB Lord is just in his ways all. And h^fy in Ws works each one HeUear to all that on hiro call. Whr»lHn truth on hi.n alone. . 9 nnd will the just desire fulfil * ofsu^a^dihimtearanddre^d Their cry regard, and h^rhej'l'. And save them m the Ume oi n ^ 8 The Lord preserves all,.m*e and less. That hear to him a lovmg heart . To magnify his holy name For ev^ let all flesh accord. W,- (PSALM CXLVL 5-'o) 1 O HAWT is that man and blest, • ^ ^ Whom Jacob's God doth ajd; Whose hope upon the Lordltoth rest, ind on his Sod is stayed: 86 Ci*. rSALMS. .^iS ♦= '?»■ ■m Who miide the earth and heavens hi||rh, * Who made the swelling deep, And all that 18 within the same; •^ho truth doth ever keep : 3 Who righteous judgment executes For those oppressed that be, Who to the hungry giveth food. And sets the prisoners free. 4 The Lord doth give the blind their sight, The bow^d down doth raise : The liord doth dearly love all those That walk in upright ways. 5 The stranger's shield, the widow's stay, The orphan's help is he : p But yet by him the wicked's way \ Turned, upside down shall be. 6 The Lord shall reign for evermore : Thy God, O Zion, he To generations all shall reign. Praise to the Lord give ye. •« (PSALM CXLVII. 1-5) 1 Praise ye the Ijord ; for it is good Praise to our God to sing : For it is pleasant, and to praise It is a com^ thing. 2 The Lord build s up Jerusalem ; And he it is alone ¥hat the dispersed of Israel Doth gather into one. ^■^' 8i aj ^jfeat^-'iSs^^ yi ^^^" 8 Those that ate>rokefin their heart, And grievfed inr theif miiids He heafeth, and their painful wounds He tenderly up-binda. i He counts the number of the stars ; He names them every one. Great is our Lord, and of great power His' wisdom search can none. 1^P t . : ^»T . (PSALM CXLVIII.) .# '!^f' >.-. 1 From heaven the Lord confess, In heights his glory raise : Him let all angels bless, J. Him all his armies praise: / '^ Him glorify Sun, moon, and stai-s ; Ye higher spheres, And cloudy sky. 2 Jehovah gave you birth, Him therefore glorious make ; To being ye came forth, ' When he the word but spake. And from that place. Where fixed you be * By his decree. You cannot pass. \ Praise him from earth below, Ye dragons, and ye deeps ; Fire, hail, cl6uds, wind, and snow, Which in command be keeps. 8a ' ' f " .4 i ?g^J^-i^^:''v;?st r--r t, '^■^'ST'iif^' vT*^~v' ™^' ■■":(*■'■ %--. PSALMS. * Praise ye hia name, HiJls great and small, , Treeelow and tall, Beasts wild and tame. 4 Ay things that creep or fly, ' Kings, tribes of every tongue ; All princes mean or high, Both men and virgins young. Even young and old, Exalt his name; For much his fame Should be extolled. 5 Jehovah's name be praised Above both earth and sky ; For he his saints hath raised, And set their horn on high : Ev'n those that l^. Of Israel'i^ace, Near to hfliraGe. The Lord pi t "• (PSALM CL.) 1 Praise ye the Lord. God's praise withiq His' sanctuary raise; . And to him in the firmament Of his power give ye praise.' 2 Because of all his mighty acts, . With praise him magnify : O praise him, as he doth excel inglorious majesty. ■:-' «3 . ■sfv' ;^ j^-"- fl » «• ff'?:«?7^^^??ww»lWfP^^^ 'iM^^^^^w^^^T^i^^^ ^ '.'I PBAiMA 3 Pr»iBe him with trumpet's wund ; hi. ptaiw wS'S^ffl^MWai-tn.-'-- . P^«\"K-5m'ulS: himprai. On cymbals sounding hiKU. ' UteacUhing breathing praise the Ix>rd. Praise to the Lord give ye. 'J\ , jrr^vtVrA 1 1 C 'iIm^ Sisem 1 ?; *,-* 1^ y;-Wi» jyT^ i », Olg wn ■«»-* ,-** HYMNS. 1-_(90Z? ; ///S A TTRIBUTES AND WORKS. 1 (IH.) PM. "Th«y rett not dajand nighl, Uyinm, Holy, holy, holy. Lord God Al^hty." 1 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Alniightv I Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee; Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty, God in Three Persons, lil^ss^d Trinity ! 2 Holy, holy, holy ! all the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea ; Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee, Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be. 3 Holy, holy, holy ! though the darkness hide Thee, , Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see; Only Thou art holy ; there is none beside Thee Perfect in power, in love, and purity. 4 Holy, holy, holy, Lbrd God Almighty ! AH Thy works shall, praise Thy name, in earth and sky and sea I Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty, dod in Three Persons, blessM Trinity! • 85/ S f* • <> *i -m 'j.a>^sj,; ^. ^- -.$Vf- , _ ,.^. -j, • . ,. 7 ■ • . , Q6D: H18 ATTRIBUTES 7V l> • (*-**-^ .. Holy, holy. holy. Ulh. Lord of horn." 1 Holy, boly, holy Lord God of Mts 1 when heaven and earth Out of darknew, at Tl\^, word, Issued into glorious birth, ' AU Thy works before Thee stood, And Thine eye beheld them good While they sang, with sweet axjcord, / Holy, holy, holy Lord ! ^ 2 Holy, holy, holy ! Tlyje, ^ One Jehovah evermore, Father, Son, and Spirit ! we. Dust and ashes, would adore ; Lightly by the world esteemed, From that world by Thee redeemed Sing we here, with glad accord, Holy, holy, holy ! Lord! 3 Holy, holy, holy ! All , ^ . Heaven's triumphant choir 6hall sing. When the ransomed nations fall At the footstool of their King ; Then shall saints and seraphim. Hearts and voices, swell one hymn. Round the Throne with full accord, Holy, holy, boly Lord ! - J : .' .: '.■'. ' 6,8.'^'- "a (8-H.) .. Unto th. King •t.n«l.l«n«»'»^>*WW«{itL°R'y'^ God, be fioii9or and glory for fw wd wtt. 1 We give immortal praise To God the Father s love. For all our comforts here And better hopes above ; , ■•■ ■ ■ 86 ' .V il^ ♦ 7 •* .'- el I A'..- C^.^., A*'^ iLfJ 1 Till 4 AND IVOBKS. He Beni His own eternal Son To die for sins that man had done. To God the Son belongs Immortal glory too, Who bought us with his blood From everlastii^ woe ; And now he lives, and now he reigns, And sees the fruit of all His pains. To God the Spilrit's name Immortal worship give, Whose new creating power Makes the dead sinner live ; His work completes the great design, 'And fills the soul with joy divine. Almighty God, to Thee ^ Be endless honours done, The undivided Three, And the mysterii^s One t Where reason fails with all her powers, There faith prevails, and love adores. 4 (4-H.) ' L. M. . . .*' Th* grace of the Ldrd Jefus Christ, and the love of God, and tht coaiaianion of the Holy Ghost." 1 Father of heaven, whose love profound A ransom for our 8oi()8 hath found. Before Thy throne we sinners bend, - To us Thy pardoning love extend. 2 Almighty Son, Incarnate Word, Our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord ; Before Thy throne we sinners bend, To us Thy saving grace extend. •#'»>» 00/) . Ww il TTRIBUTE8 ' 3 Eternal Spiiii, by whose brenth The soul w rftised from sin and death ; Before Thy throne we sinfiers bend, To us Thy quickening power extend. 4 Thrice holy! Father, Spirit, Son-; Mysterious Godhead. Three in One ; Before Thy throne we sinners bend, / Grace, pardon, life, to us extend. '^:.. • (6H.) 8. 7. •• Thou thrnU g«id« m* with Th^; cooomI. mmI •ftti- ward i«c«iv« BM to glory ^^, 1 Lead us. heavenly Father, lead us O'er the world's tempestuous sea ; Guard us, guide, us, Jteep us, feed u», ^ For we ha^e WlTBib but Thee ; |^ Yet possessing evM-y Dles8ing. ' If our God pur ^athfer .be. V 2 Saviour, breathe fordyeness o'er us ; All our wealcness Thou dost know ; Thou tlidst tread this earth before us. Thou didst feel its keenest woe ; Lone and dreary, faint and weary, Through the desert Thou didst go. 3 Spirit of our God, descending, Fill our hearts with heavenly joy ;- Love with every passion blendinjg. Pleasure that can never cloy ; Thus provided, pardoned, guided, Nothing can our peace destroy. a.. I. ^t ,"5sr^%"f »-. iliV/) WORKS. « (6H.) .. .. , "• '• <• Blauinf , and hoacNir, Md ilory. tod poww b* Mlo Hia thai •ilMlll upoiv the ihroM. and nnio lh« Uab for vm and •v«r." 1 Glory be to Ood the Father, Glory be to God the Son, (Jlory be to God the Spirit, Great Jehovah, Three in One ; Glory, ^lory. White eternal ages run ! ' 2 Glory be to Him who loved us. Washed us from each spot and ntain ; Glory be to Him who bought us, Made us Icings with Him to reign ; Qlory, glory. To the Lamb tliat once was slain ! - 3 Glory to the King of angels, "^ Glory to the Church's King ; ' Glory to the King of nations, Heaven and earth your praises bring ; _ ^ S}^m. Rlory, To the King of glory bring I 4 Olpry, blessing, praise eternal 1 / Thus the {choir of angels sings ; Honour, riches, power, dominion ! Thus its praise creation brings ; ' _ Olory, glory, u^., ■ Glory to the King of .Wngsl ' < ^C'^H,) L.II. " Slot onto th« Lord a mw aoof . umL His praia* in Iha congragatloo of ■anu/;. 1 Thee God we prftise. Thee Lord confess. Thee, Father everlasting, bless ; The tribes of earth and air and sea With wondrous voices worship Thee. .^^. OOJ^i Mia ATTBIBUTE8 -♦ 2 To Thee all angels ceoMclcw cry» With all the princes of the sk^, The cherub an4 the seraph join, ^ And thus they hymn the praine divine: 8 Thee, holy, holy, holy Kinj(, Lord of Saliaoth, Thee we sinff ; Both heaven and earth are full of Thee, Father of boundless majesty. 4 Thee, the apostles' glorious choir. Thee, prophets with their tongues of fire, Thee, white-rol»ed hosts of ijttartvrs bright, All serve and prals*^ by day and night. 6 Thee through the earth Thy saints confess, Thee, Father infinite, they bless, Thee, true, divine, and only Son, Thee,HolySpirit,l'hreeinOne. ^^^ m /Q.JJ ) L. M. ' ■ ■ ••M»k«»J«yftilnoJi«aiipth«Lord,«ily«l«x'«-" 1 Before Jehovah's awful throne. Ye nations, bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and He destroy. , 2 His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men ; And, when like wandering sheep we strayed, He brought us to his fold again. 3 We'll crowd Thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise ; « And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fiU thy courts wiih sounding praise.. 8 1.. J. hla.'.J^lSMj^.^ ■y-li!^? -m::siwTi -J -• itATD siroAlTA 4 Wide aH the world is Thv command, Vast as eternity Thy love ; Firm Ai rock Thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. 9 (6-H.) r . L. M. " 1'h« Lord raign«th, l«t th« «»rth rajoica." 1 The Lord is King ! lift up thy voice, >^0 earth, and, all ye heavens, rejoice! From world to world the joy shall ring, The Iiord Ohinipotent is King. 2 The Lord is King ! who, then, shall claife Resist His will, distrust His care, •Or murmur at His wise decrees, Or doubt His royal promises ? 3 The Lord js King ! child of the dust. The Judge of all the earth is just ; Holy and true are all His ways. Let every creature speajc His praise. 4 He reigns ! ye saints, exa|t your strai^is ; / Your God is King, your Father reigns ; „ And He is at the Father's side. The Man of love, the Crucitied.. . - 5 Come, make your wants, your burd^s, known: He will present them at the Throne ; 4"^^ angel-bands are waiting there, His messages of love* to bear. ■>«■ ■ 6 Alike pervaded by His eye, All parts of His dominion lie, This world of ours, and worl^ unseen ; And thin th^ boundary between. -/ 9« ■•■■■' 1 ' ■*» ■ • • M t r. f !ll - %-..^ ^jdt^j£^^Ai<^Mi. '^L^ S^K'vi ^=^fr"^ -i^w^m^^^^, pi>^ - vim '♦%'*" b- 'i ':> OO/) : HW ATTRIBUTES ^'L ,*''' j^^i*"'! 7 One Lord, one empire, all secures ; He reigns, and life and death are yours : Through earth and heaven one song shall nng The Lord Omnipotent is King. ^ _ ■ '■ 8,7. 10 (11-H.) ^, p^j^ ^^ ^j^^ j^j ,^^ j,,^ h««v«n« : pr»li« Him in tK« heights." / 1 Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore Him ; Praise Him, angels, in the height ; Sun and moon, rejoice before Him, Praise Him, all ye stars of light. 2 Praise the Lord! for He hath spoken; Worlds His mighty voice obeyed ; Laws that never shall be broken, ^ For their guidance He hath made. 3 Praise the Lord ! for he is glorious-, Never shall His promise fail ; God hath made His saints victorious, Sin and death' shall not prevail. 4 Praise the God of our salvation ; ♦ Jf Hosts on high, His power ptoclaim , 'Heaven and earth, and all creation, Ijaucl and magnify His name ! 11 ^l^-xx.; .. prtOM ye the Lord :0 give thanks onto the Lord,foiHeisgood." 1 Praise ye Jehovah, praise the Lord most holy- Who cheers the contrite, girds witli strength ..the weal^; ,. Praise Him who will with glory crown the lowly, / And with salvation beautify the meek. 9» ■ itfe Afliir-', 'f iliVD WORKS. i.l ^ 2 Praise ve the Lord, for all His loving- kindness, And all the tender mercy He hath shown ; Praise Him who pardons all our sin and blindness, And calls us sons, and takes us for His own, 3 Praise ye Jehovah, source of every blessing, Before His gifts earth's richest boons are dim: Resting in |Iim, His peace and joy possess- ■ .....;: ..„iiig?-- ■;.■■-,;■;.■'"■■■■ ■:■■■'; \'-.\'- All ihings are ours, for we have all in Him. 4 Pcaise ye the Father, God the Lord who "*' gave us. With full and perfect love. His only Son ; Praise ye the Son who died Himself to save Praisye ye the Sjnrit, praise the Three in One. 1« (18-H.) " ';/ii, 10,11. " Hit name alone u «xMll«nt: His glory k above the earth and heaven. 1 O WORSHIP the King, all-glorious above, O gratefully sing His power and His love — Our shield and defender. the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendour, and girded with praise^ 2 tell of His might, sing of His grace. Whose robe is the light, whose canopy, space ! His chariots of wrath deep thunderclouds form, • --^^^ . And dark is Hii^ plaih on the wings of the 9torm. iw '•'/1 A \ *,•-'»•' '?*■' l?.-^^.' • '^M.. GOD : ma ATTBlBVTEa 3 The earth with its store of wonders untold Almighty ! Thy power hath founded of old , Ch stLblished^t fast by a changeless And round it hath c^t, like a mantle, the sea. 4 Thy bountiful care Vhattoi^ue can recite? It Lathes in the air. it shines in the light. It streams from the hills, it descends to the Anf sweetly distils in the dew and the rain. 6 Frail children of dust, and feeble as fml. In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail. Thy mercies how tender! how tirm to the Our Maker. Defender. Redeemer, and Friend. 6 O measureless Might ! meffable Love r^ While angels delight to V™'' J^?^ui TLr The humW creation, though feeble their With teue adoration shall lisp to Thy praise. / -■- . . C. M. 13 (16-H) ^^^^ ^.^^ ^„j ^y o„e that inh«bUeth •ternity . 1 My God, how wonderful Thou art, Thy majesty how bright ! ; How beautiful Thy mercy-seat. » In depths of burning light! 2 How dread are Thine eternal years, O everlasting Lord '• • ' . , . By prostrate spirits day and night Incessantly adored ! |t 'i ». --■ mw^mm' '"'VW*? " '' K4L.$^'iai4i«%#^:^^' *f(!f^^ '" sf , '"^T' ,1'" "> ,■" y- ' '"v V '/ ■ AND WOBKB. 3 How wonderful, how beautiful, The sight of Thee must be,^ Thine endless wisdom, boundless power, And awful purity ! 4 Oh how I fear The^^ living God, With deepest, tenderest fears ! And worship Thee with trembling hope, And penitential tears. o Yet I may love Thee too, O^ord, Almighty as I'hou art ; Y For Thou hast ritooped to ask of me The love of my poor heart. 14 CL7-H.) Ci 8, 8. ' The Lord it in His holy temide \ kt all the cMth keep lUence before Him." OoD reveals His presence : ^ Ijet us now adore Him, * And with awe appear before Him*^.^ Qod is in His temple. All within keep silence, Prostrate lie with deepest reverence. Him alone • God we own,— • Him our God and Saviour : Praise His name for ever. God reveals His presence : * . Hear the harps resounding ! See the crowas the throne surrounding! " Holy, holy, holy," Hear the hymn ascending. Angels, saints, their voices blending ! Bow Thine-fear To us here : 95 -il f:{"l \i.'f^.iL^^§M 0^>^mm^ ■f.i -ilf fei.tt. Mti^^iZ O OP: BIS ATTttlBUTSS Hearken, O Lord Jesus, To our meaner praises. 8 Cf thou Fount of blessing, Purify my spirit, Trusting o^y in Thy merit : Like thti holy angels, Who behold Thy glory, . May I ceaselessly adore Thee. LetThy jvill Evqr still. Rule Thy church terrestrial. As the ho4ts celestial. 4 Jesus, dwell within me ; Whilst on earth I tarry, Make me Thy blest sanctuary : Then on angel pinions, ; Waft me to those regions . Filled with bright seraphic legions , ,C^ May this hope * / Bes.rmeup, Till these eyes for ever Gaze on Thee, my Saviour. m^ 8,7,4. 1ft (18-H.) ,. \^ ^^ ^i^i^j thrt h,th bre»th inraiw the Lord. 1 PRAISE, my soul iheKin^ Of Wen; To His feet thy tribute bnng, Ransomed, healed, restored, fof8»^,«^r^^ . ^ho Uke thee His praise should smg ? Praise Him, praise am. Praise the everlasting K-ing I 9« ■ . 1 t .-^^? ^f* AUDcWORKS. 2 Praise Him fur His grace and favour To our fathers, in distress ; Praise Him, still the same for ever, Slow to chide, and swift to bless. Praise Him, praise Him, Glorious in His faithfulness. 3 Father-like He tends and spares us ; Well our feeble frame He knows ; In His hands He gently bears us. Rescues us from all our foes. Praise Him, praise Him, Widely aa His mercy flows. 4 Angels in the height, adore Him ; Ye behold Him face to face : Suii and moon, bow down before Him ; Bwellers all in time and space. Praise Him, praise Him, Praise with lis the God of grace. le (10-H.) > 8,7. " Thine U the kingdom, 6 Lord, and Thon art ' exalted as bead above all.'*., 1 SiNQ praise to God who reigns above, _,,, £pThe God of all creation, ' „ The God of power, the God of love. The God of our salvation ; With healing balm my soul He fills, And every faithless murmur stills; To God all praise and glory ! .2 The Angel-host, King of kings. Thy praise for ever telling, .' In earth and* sky all living things Beneath Thy shadow dwelling, o .':■.■■ ■* • 91 1 rr IJt^J ' ** . 'ft* *• GOD; HJ8ATTBJBUTS£ To Qod all praiM and glorfl 3 What God's almighty po'" J'* ""^•• His efMious mercy teepeth , Bv mofning glow or evening shade %TwSrul eye ne'er sleepeth^ £olaUisju3t,»ndaU.sn^Y To God all praise and glory ! 4 ye who bear Christ's holr name, . The Lord is God, and He atone ' . To God all p|»»8e «»* 8'oiy • ' 1 SONGS of praise the <^^t^' Heaven with hallelujahs rang, wSehovah'8 work begun, ^» He spake, sBd it was done. 8 Songs 0jPr« '^f/e^'wrboru: When the Pnnce of f eace w« Jongs of praise aroM. when He Captive led captivity. 3 Heaven Mid e«thm,^t^p;«--'5^ Songs of P"?««''^u'~'m and ^ ; God'wiH make Xlffiffi birth. Songs of praise shall hail row 7t. M* • ■'';P ■^'J^'^'- '^^^•^•j.'- it^Z) WORKS. And shall man alone be dumb Till tha^t glorious kingdom come ? No : the Church delights to raise Psalms, and hymns, and songs of praise. 5 Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice ; Learning here, by faith and love. Songs of praise to sing above. 6 Borne upon their latest breath. Songs of praise shall conquer death ; Then, amidst eternal joy, Songs of praise their powers employ. •M It (22.H.) 7s. ."Hit mercy eodureth for ever." 1 Let us with a gladsome mind Praise the Lord, for He is kind ; ^For^is mercies shall endure, ^Ever faithful, ever sure. 2 Let us sound His name abroad. For of gods He is the Qod ; For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 3 He, with all-commanding might, Filled the new-made world with light ; For His mercies shall endure. Ever faithful, ever sure. 4 All things living He doth feed ; His full nand supplies their need ; For His mercies shall endure. Ever faithful, ever sure. ' ' ' ' . 99 ■ J;^ JtJ> iyjk - -M « >i '4537? -, g ,^_, '-wr/Ji' •Oh fM..;' f>^ p\ >•:► K Ha His chosen race did bless For His mercies shall enaute, Ever faithful, ever sure. 6 He hath with a piteous «ye- ^ looked upon our jmsery^^^^ Vot His mercies shall enau".. Ever faithful, ever sure. l^i'^if^e'^^^lhalVendure. Ever faithful, ever sure. . «.8.i. , THE God of Abraham praise. Ancient of everl^tingd'ys. And Ot>d of love . Tehovah! Great I AM! Kv eMth and heaven confest, l^C^d bless the s«>red Name, For ever blest, o The God of Abraham praise. . ^^ From earth^f ^^T^^ \ -> At His right nana- T all on earth forsake, ^ And Him my only portion make. ^"'^ My oBrid and tower. f/" ■ ;•;. AND WORKS, 8 He by Himself hath 'sworn ; I on His oath depend ; I 8hall» on eagles' wings upborne, To heaven ascend : I shall behold His face, I shall His power adore, And sing the wonders of His grace, Jpor evermore. 4 The goodly land I see, With peace and plenty blest, A land of sacred liberty And endless rest ; There milk and honey flow, An4 oil and wine abound, ^ And fcre^s of life for ever grow, * With mercy crowned. 6 There dwells the Lord our King, The tiord our Righteousness, Triumphant o'er the world and sin : The Prince of Peace, On Zion's sacred height, His kingdom still maintains. And, glorious with His saints in light. For ever reigns. fte whole tHumphant host Give thapks to God on high : " Hail ! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! " They ever cry. ' Hail! Abraham's God and mine] I join the heavenlyjays ; All might and majesty are Thine^ And endless praise. 101 6 .t2 ■ 't .^' ft ,'- '^ 4 V. - ?.'S^- •• (MH.) GOD:BlSAnnjBUTXl O.M. ; t^ WMi», M"» Thy lootifp. M. not known. 1 GOD moves in a inyatenous wa>. His wonders to perforin ; He plants Hia footsteps m the sea. And rides upon the stomu 2 Deep in unfathomable mines { Ol never-failing skill, - ^ . He^brewures up fts bright designs, And works &s sovereign will. 3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take ; ^ "^ The clouds ye so much dread ^^^ - Are big with mercy, and shall breaK . In blessings on your head. • A Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, * ^B?it trust Him for ills grace; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. 6 His purposes will ripen fast, « Unfolding every hour ; The bud may have a bitter taste. But sweet will be the flower. 6 Blind unbelief is sure to err, ^ And scan His work in vain; God is His own interpreter, And He will make it plain. SM (26H) «Th.ycry«itothtLoirdinth.irtt«iWe. ^1 How are Thy servants blest. O Lord, ^ How sureis their defence ! , ^ . Eternal Wisdom is their guide. p , Their help. Omnipotence. . Ida CM. A ' AHfi WORKS, 2 In foreign realms, and lands remote, Supported by Thy care, Throuffh burning climes they pass unhurt, And breathe in tainted air. 3 When by the dreadful tempest borne High on the broken wave, Thev know Thou art not slow to hear. Nor impotent to save. 4 The storm is laid, the winds retire. Obedient to Thy will ; The sea. that roars at Thy command, At Thy command is still. 5 In midsi of dangers, fears and deaths, Thy goodness we adore ; We praise Thee for thy mercies past, And humbly hope for more. 6 Our life, whilst Thou preservest life, A sacrifice shall be ;i And death, when death shall be our lot, Shall join our souls to Thee. (26-H.) ■■ L.M.- " Then hatt hoMm ib« by my right huul. 1 Great God, we sing that mighty hand Bv which supported still we stand : The opening year Thy mercy shows. That mercy crowns it till it close. 2 By day, by night, at home, abroad. Still we are guarded by our God ; By His incessant bounty fed, By His unerring counsel led. »^ . /c 'f 4^ .y ^% 'S 103 >,.• ;i At^,'d'4^li. M »^.^*' r->1 i^ q^lth Rtatef ul heart* the p«t we own ; ^ The future, all to U8 unknown. w-! ♦^Thv sfuardian care commit. ^nd^efuTleave before Thx feet. . 4 In scenes c^-^f^^.^^'J*!^^^^^^ rest; ^ Thou art our joyf »" ^^^^^ ^^^^n raise, Thv ffoodness all our hopes snaii , ^ Idor^SVoiigh all our changing ways. ^ 5 When death shall interrupt the«e songs. r ^ ««.l1 in silence mortal tongues. And seal m siieni. ^^^^^ Our Helper. God. in ^^^^ , just. Shall keep our souls and guard our (27H0^. .n^. th.««.. ^ Th, ,-r. .h.U hav. «> .-- 1 OGOD. the IU>ck of Ages V Who evermore has oeen, What time the tempest rages. Oiirdwelling-pl««e««^««- - "Before Thy first creations, O Lord, the same M nof, To endless gen^^ % The everlasting inott J 2 Our year, are Mkethe s^^^ On sunny hills thariie , Or grasses in the meadows, That blossom but to die ; A sleep,1t dream, a story By strangers quickly told , An unremaining glory ^ - - • that s oon are old. _ Of things Mr- -^^A 104 ^ m^^^'i' '^r"klj^<- . \a ^\ 'iirtfiiiMinii' ^ %T^J!ff AND WO ■ft 8 'Diou who canst, not flu , _^ WhoRe lifijht grows immr pale, iTeach us anght to niinMkr Our years before th«m|||| Oh us Thy mercy lighten. JL_ ""^~ ^^ O ••^ On us Thy goodness rJ|L id let Thy Spirit brigiA The hearts Thyself hai^leiised 4 Lolr4, crown our faith s eft*«avour Vi^ beauty and with ^fmce. Till, clothed in ligh^ for ever, % We see Thee face to face : ^ A joy no language measures, * A fountain brimming o'er, An endless flow of pleasures, An ocean without shore. C^ 94 (29*ft.)' "' ' \^i ■*" •• " His kinf dom niklh 1 SovEBEioir Ruler of the skies. Ever gracious, ever wise, All my times are in Thy hand ; All events iri; Thy command. 2 He that formed me in tho womb. He shall guide me to thte tomb : ' All my times shall ever be Ordered by His wise decree. 3 Times of sickness, times of health, 3 Times of penury and wealth, Times of trial and of grief. Times of triumph and relief, * 105* ■.1*' ■ii. i*,/ * " * .'1- •T ft. ovwsll." :m' "^i^M: «. m ■■ J • 4, >' ' Tiroes to taste »=»?«* and end. All roust come, "n^il"*' "f," Frfend. ; [As «h»M Pl«^ - y heavenly » r 6 Plagues and deaths around roe fly; ZaWe*^^°nt tSi tteGi)d,of love sees fit. 6 O Thou (^i°"«- TH^^''^ Tn ThT hands my Ufe I trust . ,, Ha^CroethiiK dearer sbU? r resign it to Thy will. 7 Thee at alltimes will I hless; Sincel cannot l».Tt '^^^'^'^ ^ 9* (80-H.) 1 nnr God our help in ages past. ^O^hop^^or years to con^ uur nuH^ ^ , stormy T3J C. M. -M. u... Seen our dwelliBg-place 'Lord, Thoa bMt «>^? °" " Our hope tor y«»» "^^biast, Our shelter from the stojiny And our eternal home . <» Beforeiihe hills in order stood. ^ oTewth received her ft»me^ r«^^everl«.tingThon«*^God, To endless years the same. i-'j ■i^ . M i-A\, '^^Mkd^i-- i'^^ us.Mj!>^^ J * 1*.. 'i' 1 Jl»,.. My;' AND W0BK8. PL 4 A thousand agei in Thy sight Are like an evening gone ; Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun . 5 The busy tribes of flesh and blood. With all their lives and cares, Are carried downward by the flood, 7 And lost in following years. 6 Time, like an lever-rolling stream, ^ ^ "^ Bears all its\i^ns away ; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the openmg day. 7 Our €k)d, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, ^ Be Thou our guard w^ile troubles last, And our eternal home. M (81H,) \ % mA " *•' ^•S"*/'**. *•"..*»* •'Thy ritl««m«i«» all the day long." 1 Now thank we all our God, With heart, and hands, and voices, ' Who wondrous things hath done. In whom His world rejoices ; Who, from our mothers' arms, Hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love. And still is ours to-day. 2 Oh, may this bounteous God °j) Through all our life be near us. With ever jojrful hearts And bleissed peace to cheer us, ' 107 cJ \j >.f. '"* i ^^■Jj """f.V, >' •*"' »-'.*,v'^l''"A**''^'^'''» " I W' '-■ ' ^ C '-," ft-- *.»* '''"U's '*l r (japE mu- 7: . ^ %.^^ 4 ^T/^tJ»% ' < '^riVA'^':^^'-' ''■ ' -'''t :-'fe m-' '^1 i^ ?< ^ 1^- - &Jt. f<^^: "^ ^^TT^^^mel^a heaU^ days. 3 For P?f J«^"iiSTar^^ displays. Who giyest all. f^;--';' Thou givest all. ffid^mk'^venfoM graces shower Upon US all. Who givest all { « 7 We lose what on ourselves we «^"<'> w! ^ve as treasure without end Whaler. Lord,to Thee we lend, Who givest all. 8 Whatever. Lo-^- '^**«"l^,Ie'*' Bepud a thousand-fold will be , • S gladly wilWeS'v* to Thee. Who givest all , ' 9 To Thee, from whom we all deri^^^ ' our life; our g«ts, our powe.^^ g-e . O may we ever with Thee live, ^, Who givest all. XIO lit ^Sf'-J*i'.* /pfc*. •^ *^ ,j& < TTOH^S. SO 'PraiM re the Lord." 1 The strain upraise of joy and praise, Halle- luiah ! To the glory of their King let the ransomed people sing Hallelujah! Hallelujah! And the choirs that dwell on high - Swell the chorus in the sky, ^ Hallelujah! Hallelujah. 2 Ye, through the fields of paradise that roam. Ye blessed ones, repeat through that htight home Hallelujahj Hallelujah! Ye planets, glittering on your heavenly way, Ye shining constellajtions, join and say Hallelujah! Hallelujah! v 3 Ye clouds that onward sweep, ye winds on pinions light, Ye thunders, echoing loud and deep, ye light- nings, wildly bright, In dweet consent unite your Hallelujah ! Ye floods and ocean billows, ye storms and winter snow, Ye» days of cloudless beauty, hoar frost and summer glow, Ye groves that wave in spring, and glorious forests, sing Hallelujah ! 4 First let the birds, with painted plumage gay, Exalt their great Creator's name, and say SaUelujah ! Hallelujah ! MX " t1 M \ -i *• -M J^t-ri , .. *.'^''W''C GOD: BIS ATTRIBUTES IT ■ , -ii iit* r »1 IT ft*, "j Then let ij^e beasts of earth, with varying strain, Join in creation's hymn, and cry again, .* Rallelujah ! Hallelujah ! , ■. ^^ Here let the mountains thunder forth sonorous, Hallelujah! ^ • . There let the valleys sing in gentler chorus. Hallelujah! ' % 6 ^ou jubilant abyss of ocean, cry Hallelujah! Ye tracks of earth and cpntments reply Hallelujah! t . , To God, who all creation made, The frequent hjymn'be duly paid ! Hallelujah! • / 6 This is the strain, the eternal strain, the Lord of all things loves, diiJlelujah ! ■ \.^. i. ntu - i Tmis is the song, the heavenly song, that ^rist Himself approves, Hallelujah ! Wherefore we sing, both heart and voice awaking/. id^ Hallelujah! ' 'v And children's voices echo, answer making. Hallelujah! ^ • 7 Now from all men be outpoured, ^. Halleluiab to the Lord, ?rith Hallelujah evermore, heSonaDtdSpiritweadore. _ Praise be done to the Three in One. Hallelujah! ; Hallelujah ! ffallelujah ! .., 'iia ' Si >^\ iJ- > <■.- ■«. ' AND WORKS. r SI "AU Thy worlniiluUlpr»iM Thee, OLonL 1 ANQELShoIy, High and lowly, Sing the praises of the Lord ! Earth and sky, all living nature, Man, the stamp of thy Creator, Praise ye, praise ye God the Lord !' 2 Sun and moon briffht, Night and moonligiit, Starry temples azure-floored, Cloud and rain, and wild wind's madness, Sons of God that ahout for gladness, Praise ye, praise ye God the Lord ! 3 Ocean hoary. Tell His glory, Glifis where tumbling seas have roared, Pulse of waters blithely beating, Wave advancing, wave Retreating, Praise ye, praise ve God the Lord. .■■/.,'■■ ■■ .«• ^ 4 Rock and high land, "^ Wood and island, Craig, where eagle's pride hath soared Mighty mountains purple-breasted, PSaks cloud-cleaving, snowy-ci^ested. Praise ye, praise ye*God the Lord ! / . "^ . ■ ■■ .'<,..■■.. 5 Rolling river, Praise him ever, r 1 - From the mountain's deep vein poured, Silver fountain, clearly gushing, Troubled torrent, wildly rushing, ; Praise ye, praiawb ye Qod the Lord.! ' > / -I t j,\ "3 ~7^ ■^^M¥r'' ,*'*"'"' \AS'..:.^>,K * m' ■ > ft'.' >■'.,•■■■■■ ■ ''"i» 8 Fe«fi^t to enter Hi» courts in the slendemoas 6|«'the poor wealth thou would'st reckon fts ^thine; ' Truth ia its beauty, and love in its tender- ness,— • These are the offerings to lay on His shrine. V 4 These, though we bring them in trembling tod ^ fearfulness, ■ He will accept for the Name that is dear, Mornings of joy give for evenings of tearful- i^~^ note Trust for our trembling, and hope for our fear 5 Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness ; . Bow down bdore Him, His glory proclaim; Gold of obedience, and incense of lowliness Bring, and adore Him : the Lord is His name. B'.ffv 1^:. (1«6C.) •PralM the Lord, for the Lord is good. 1 For the beauty of the earth. For the beauty of the skies, For the love which from our birtl Over and around us lies. Father, unto Thee we raise This our sacrifice of praise 2 For the joy of human love. Brother, sister, parent, child. Friends on earth, and firiends above, For all gentle thoughts and mild. Father, unto Thee we raise Th i ^ o «i r sacrifice of praise. \ iiC i*" -^ >• \ J*. -> %4 » . ,%j»i.^^f4"'-fe* &i/' ' . t"*^ '»»; f,"* /. AND WORKS.. 3 For each perfect gift of Thine, To our race so freely giveD) Cfraces human and divine, - Flowers of earth, and buds of heaven, Father, unto Thee we raise This our sacrifice of praise. ^ For Thy Church that evermore ' Lifteth holy hands above, • Offering up on every shore Its pure sacrifice of love, Father, unto Thee we raise This our sacrifice of praise. ., 'V ■^^' ■' ' '• A ,-.i ^^(y«vl \ ; 117 i^v^r -+— ^-' -« V. ^^^^ !'^M^-^'%/;:'-v..-*il V V ,^' 'TIS ^j'"'' . ' » » " 1 >' 11.-7^56^5 CHRIST, ifcii ^ 'Iki (8fi.H.) ; '* Qlorr to Ood la th« hIcbMt. and OB MTth p«ac«, good will towurd hmii . " 1 Hark ! the herald angc^ls siog > f Glory to the new-born King, Peace on earth, and mercy mild, * .^ Qod and sinners reconciled. * /-» Jovful, all ve nations, rise, Join th6 tnumph of the skies ; With the angelic host proclaim, Christ is horn in Bethlehem. Hark ! the herald angels sing ^ ' . Glory to the new-born King. 2 Christ, by highest heaven adored, ^ Christ, the Everlasting Lord, ^ Late in time behold Him come, v Offspring of a Virgin's womb. J Veiled in flesh the Godhead see ! Hail the Incarnate Deity ! Pleased as Man with men to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel. Hark I the herald angels sing Glory to the new-born King ! 8 Hail, the heaven-bom Prince df Peace ! Hail, the Sun of Righteousness! Light and life to all He brings, Bisen w ith healing in His w ings. III 6V if Jl«iaiah»a*ii/,ai«4,jb., ^*;?:^i fel , ^iSm:^j4ri' ■ > . ''' ■? **' '.J/.^ ^ J^tg|75 CHBIBT : BIS tH CARNA TWIf, "* Mild, He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die, Bom to raise the Homi of earth, Bdrn to give them second birth. Hark ! the herald angels sing J — piory to the new-born King. "^'ft!^ t^ t« (WH.) V ifc, 1 As with gladness men of old Did the Riding star behold ; As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright ; So, most gracious Lord, may we Evermore be led by Thee. ^ 2 As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger-bed. There to bend the knee before Him whom heaven and earth adore ; So may we with willing feet ^ Ever seek Thy mercy -^seat 3 As they offered gifts most rare At that cradle rude and bUre ; ^ So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin's alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to Thee, our heavenly King. 4 Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way ; And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last, Where they need no star to guide, — Where no douds Thy glory hide. — ^ ■'■'■^i '%, 'k4 P • Sf 119 -i,? :>> '{^i.Ai ^f< r^;- JBaf!8 CHRIST : 5 In the heavenly country bright Need they no created li^ht ; Thou its Light, its Joy, its Crown. Thou its Sun, which goes not down; There for ever may we sing Hallelujahs to our King. tT (37-H.) ) iP 4? 8,7. " Th«ni WM with the anf d a muWtjide of , the heaTcinly host pndstng God. 1 Hark ! what mean those holy voiced; Sweetly sounding through the skies ? Lo 1 the angelic host rejoices ; Heavenly hallelujAhs rise. Listen to the wondrous story Which they chant in hymns of joy ; " Glory in the highest, glory ! Glory be to God on high ! 2 " Peace on earth, good-will from heaven Reaching far as man is found ; Souls redeemed, and men forgiven : ^ Loud our golden harps shall sound. Christ is bom, the great Anointed ; Heaven and earth, His praises sing! Oh, receive whom God appointed For your Prophet, Priest, and King. S ** Hasten, mortals, to adore Him, Learn His name, and taste His joy, Till in heaven ye sing before Him, ' ' Glory be to God most high ! '" Let us learn the wondrous story Of our great Redeemer's birth ; Spread the brightness of His glory> - Till it cover all the earth. JSriS XNCARNATION. .'^' (88-H.) P,,M. "'^tusnowgoevwi untoBcthhlMm." 1 COME, all ye faithful, Joyfully triumphant, 4 To Bethlehem hasten now with glad accord : °' > Lot in a manger j ,3jies the King of angels; ^e. let us^Qi^e.Him,JDhri8t the Lord I 2 ^Though trtfe God ^ true God, Light of light eternal, Our lowly nature He hath hot abhorred : Sonof the Father, Not made^but begotten : come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord ! 3 Raise, raise, choirs of angels! Songs of loudest triumph. Through heaven's high arches be your praises poured: Now to oinr God be Glory in the highest ; come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord 1 4 Amen! Lord, we bless fhee. Born for our salvation, O Jesus ! for ever be Thy name adored • Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing : come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord ! 8»(40.H.) ^ ^ ^ c.M. " I bring yoa good tidiogs of gnat joy.' 1 Joy to the world ! the Lord is come ! Let earth receive her King ; t^ Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature simr. . ■ , _ ^ i.«*¥^ :.■■■•;'■-- '.-.:■ . • ' . *.*Ft' /^ if 4i >r*^T^^i,^-t^ Jgaua CHBI8T : W>-' 2 Joy to the earth I the Saviout reigns ! Let men their songs employ, , , . While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains. Repeat the sounding joy. i3 No mote let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found. He rules the world with ti-uth and gra^e, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love. r?*: / m. Unto iw * Caiild is bom, an|| us a Son is given, xl'lbE race that long in darkness pined Have seen a glorious light; The people dwell in day, who dwelt In death's surrounding night. f 2 To hail thy rise, thou better Sun ! The gaUiering nations come, Joyous, as when the reapers bear - The harvest treasures home. Z For thou our burden hast removed, And quelled the oppressor's sway, ^ Quick as the slaughtered squadrons fell . In Midian's evil day, ' i. 4 To us a Child of hope is bom ; To us a Son is ^ven ; ^ , Him shall the tribes of earth obey, Him allthe hosts of heaven. ^i'l xJiiiu ■ -v ■ .* 1 ' . ' \ , V i • V."' r t **)'/VS'#»t<*'' HIS INCARNATION. ^! 6 His name shall be the Prince of Peace, For evermore adored, The Wonderful, the Counsellor, The great and mighty Lprd. 6 His power increasing still shall spread. His reign no end shall know ; Justice shall guard his throne above, ^ And peace abound below. : ' n 1 " Unto you b born this dky in the city of David » Saviour, which IS Christ the Lord. While humble shepherds watched theirflocks In Bethlehem's plains l)y night, An angel sent from heaven appeared, And filled the plains with light. 2 Fear not, he said (for sudden dread Had seized their troubled mind ;) Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you, and all mankind. 3 To you, in David's town, this day Is born, of David's line, . The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord ; . And this shall be the sign : 4 The heavenly Bab^ you there shall find To human view dibplayed, All meanly wrapt in swaddling-bands, And in a manger laid. 5 Thus spake the sertiph ; and forthwith Appeared a shining throng Of angels, praising God ; and thus Addressed their joyful songt ^ "■"■ ■ .. .. :..■/»•»::■:- ■.■ : ■'•■' ■A. ' fh '-i 1* ,41 ■. .^t*,:''. it ■•^ ,vi" J^SUSCBBIST: 6 All eloTV be. to God Oft high, And to the earth be peace V ^ Good-will is shown by Wen to men, And never more shall cease. m- .tMir in the out and are come to , "We h»Te Men Hta ■*»'»» ^»?'"''* v. worship Him." H-Wt**" El' . 1 BriohteOT and best of the sons ofthe ■"0™: •"^ • j.,v„BsB and lend us (Shine Dhwn on. our daiKness, anu ^«'"" ^ Star^nhe B^t ; *e horteon^adorning • OuWe where^ur infant Bedeemer is laid. 9 OoW on HUcrtaieJhe dew-drops are Ainjng; tow to His head with the heasts of the Aneehiiiore Him in slumber reclining/ £jter and Monarch and Saviour of all. . mine? c , . M \T -^w ViTA offer each ample oblationi^ * ""rSS^ wOuFd ffis favour sec„«,;- Q*o* ftf fhe East, the horizon adorning, , • -^*0,ride 4«^ our infaBt Redeemer » laid. • ~ / JM- *f. i^., »* ' ' -"^-V.^.*-*- ^p ^S* ^Tmf ' ^ <'^WWw 'vy. W^»^; 1. '^l^!'^' +' *-^'; '*-",' . ' ''i'--y, "'^^ VI • \ s. m BIS INCARNATION. * • * 49 * There wu with the uigel a inultitu«ie uf Iho heftvenly hoat praising God." 1 It came upon the midnight clear, That glorious song of old, . From angels bending near the ear^h To touch their harps of gold : J: Peace on th^ earth, good-will to men, From heaven's all, gracious King : " The world in solemii stillness lay .To hear the angels sing. ^ 2 .Still through the cloven skies they come With peaceful wings unfurled ; And still their heavenly music floats O'er all the Weary world ; .^ Above its sad and lowly plains - ^ They bend on heavenly wing. And ever -#er its Babel sounds ' The blessed ijkngels sing.' 3 Oh ye, beneath life's crushing load ^ Whose forms are. bending low, Who toil along the climbing way, , With painful steps and slow, . Look now, for glad and golden hours ComQ swiftly on the wing ; O rest beside the weary road, V And hear the angels sing. *■ *'■■■■■■■ • * ■■_■■■.■■'•.■ « , ■■.'.. ,4 For lo ! the days are hastening^on. By prophets seen of old, - When with the ever-circling years . Shall come the age foret^d, "5 . . '^ f\ * is bom a Saviour. Chnst the Lord. 3 Hespak^: andBtnOghtway ti^ In h^s of joy. unknown before, conspire , The Pises 6f redeeming ove they «^g» ^ . AndLaven's wholeorb with 5>a^«J»^,^,f*^ ' God's highest glory was their anthem stiU, P^^n earth.;nd unto inen goodwdl. 4 Oh may we keep and ponder in our mind ^ * God^wUrous We m spying 1«J^^^ Tmce we the Babe, w^oha^iretijved our loss, Fwm His poor manger to the bitter cross , S in His steps, assisted by His grace V Tmman's first^^heavenly state agam takes place. ' ■ «6 i^ ^ "Mgt iJBf''' , - ." iN "^ - * * , J r * V •*'. '"* T R'T/**< 0' 'mV*"^" •'><;■'•= -^"■^:*?' 7 ''r^%v>.-.r « y , ffI8 INfAMNA TION. 5 Then may we hob4, the apgelic hosts among, To Ming, redeemed, a glad, triumphant sonc : He that] was born upon tEis joyful day Around^us all His glory shall display ; Saved by His love, incessant we shall sing Eternal praise to heaven's Almighty King. M r^ "My aoul doth magnify 1 Let our soiim of praise ascending Rise to Thee, O God most high, While before Thee humbly bending, . <31ory to Thy name we cry, ^ For the mft that Thou hast given. For the Saviour sent from Heaven. . ^ With the shepherds in the. story, Let our hearts to Bethlehem ^o. Where the Lord of life and glory ^ In the manger lieth low ; King of heaven and babe of earth ^ God and man ; we hail Thy birth. 3 With the langels filled with wonder Lei us praise Hitn in the height : With the blesded Virgin ponder » tir^M^^®*^ mystery and might; * With the sages let U.S bring Earth's best ofierings to our King. 4 Age to age Thy glory beareth -^ On tjie stre^jDd of time abroad ; Race to race Thy name decliskretb. Son of Mary, soti of God ; Hosts of saints redeemed by Thee, Bless Thee through eternity^ 1 *v t^iLottf rd. a'^ound Thee lay , Oh in what divers pains they meti %h. wtth what joy they went away ! 2 Once more 'tfs eventide, "^ J^^ _^ Oppressed with various i"b. draw near , WViAt if Thv form we cannot see f ^ ^We know «id feel that Thou art^ere. 8 O Saviour Christ, our woea dispel ; •, ' °Kme are sick. andso«^«e»^. - And some have never loved Thee well, ^And wme have lost thelove they had. 4 And some have found the ''"rW » '!?^, . Yet from the world they break not f ree , An^trlave friends -to pve th^ P«». Yet have not sought a fnend in Ihee , fi And none, Lord, have ^rtect rest, " For none are wholly f«e from sm; . And they who fain woidd serve T^f? "^ AtTcinscioue most of wrong wiihm. n» 1 ■«jf<»j{;f "iHtr* ■■^^c:;? we: iW '*ji'>'?'ii' .' r/^ts^WF: ►T'*»" v** 'Jf<^ <7 -J tVx Bis LtFE AND MtniSTRT. %^ 6 Saviour Christ, Thou too art Man ; Thou hast been troubled, tempted, 'tried : v;.\ '^*S. ^^'^^ ^"* searching glance can scan "^^ The very wounds that shame would hide. 7 Thy touch has still its ancient power • _ No word from Thee can fruitless faJl ; Hear in this solemn evening hour> And in Thy mercy heal us all. ' " Lord, if ThoowUt, Thou canst mak« m« clean, " 1 On the shore of Galilee Walked a leper silently ; Heard the ea^er people cry : " " Lo, the Healer passeth by ! " 2 Came the man of solitude, Shunned by all the multitude. And with all his heart's accord Worshipped low before the Lord. 3 "If Thou wilt ! " the leper cried ; "Be thou clean ! " the Lord replied. Faith enoilgh to come and crave ; Powerejjbugh to stand and save. 4 Jesus quick put forth His hand, Token of a sweet command, / Overjoyed the leper's soul. For the Lord hath touched him whole. 5 Oh. thou Healer, still the same! Speak to me Thy mighty name, n hile for joy I worship Thee, Like the man of Galilee. «•> ^^^^^i. .^j^Sl' . V ,-, »j 'Mm ■-^04fi\'M&i>u^ Tw.'TE^np^Rr « ■' » •''^^'f ^•i*.r'^,'^f '? J -.'•/^ 'T^'.-' -■■■ ■ ■"'■;■'• -^-.'-v jsauacHBJSTj^ 4S (48-H.V • ■■■ « Jwn« of Nwawth p«^iwh bT •' 1 What means t^« «^«/' ^^^ »,o„e,- Which moves with bus? " by diy ? - These wy ' , ■ X oassing stranger, has he sKiii ToCte^the muHitude at w U i^ain the stirring notes r^iy„ rfSus of Nawreth pa«8ethT>y. 3 Jesusl 'tis He whoon^below ^^ , Man's pathway '«;f 'XeC h« «=•""*• r- And burde.«id^^^^^,j..^d.lame ; •Brought out their sip^». , !S:^'^s^^^by7 4 Again He comes 1 From plj^pl'-f' 13P ^€ ^^'1 fciSB«^,'2I^'as4*a Mi^uf ^.Ji • , 'f ^r ^ f%s^^J^^ . ^» Hia LIFS AJfD MINIBTRX, •*-^ 5 Ho 1 all ye heavy laden, come : Here's pardon, comfort, rest, and horned Ye wanderers from a Father's face. Return, accept His proffered grace. Ye tempted ones, there's refuge nigh : •• JeiUBipf Nazareth passeth by." 6 But if vou still this call refuse, AnjJ all His wondrous love abuse, Soon will He sadly from you turn. Your bitter prayer for pardon spurn. "Too late! too late!" will be the cry : "Jesus of Nazareth has passed by." 49 (44-H.) ■C. M. ** Jmos . . . « proplMt michty ia dMd. 1 Thinr arm, O Lord, in^ia^s of old, Wa^ strong to heal and save ; It tr^mphed o'er disease and death, O'er darlcness and the grave ; To Thee th«y went,— the blind, the dumb, The palsied and the lame, Thj& leper with his tainted life, The sick with fevered frame; 2 And lo! Thy tiduch brought life and health, ' Gave speech and strength and sight ; And youth renewed and frenzy calmed Owned Thee the Lord of ligljt. And now, O Lord, be near to bless. Almighty as of yore, * In crowded street, by restless couch, V As by Qennesarets shore. ijj '■* .vh.*^^ >>V«' 8 /SAW CH«lflr : Be Thi our great Deliverer still. Give wisdon, . heavenly lore, ^^^ ^ - That whole and sick , "'^^'^^ "" '' May praiBe Thee evermor..^ ^^ i^k- f («-H.) ' ..,„,i„ w,«i>i»<«*-*^'^*'* i*"^ 1 Thou att the Way : to Tl.e« '^*<«<«, F«>m sin and death we flee ; ^n^^^who would the Father eeek, ^Mu.t:e^kHin..I-rd.byThee I Thou art the Truth :Th^ word alone True wisdom can impart^ . Thou only canBt inform the m.nd. e And purity the heart. -^ 8 Thou art the Life : the rendmg tomb .^ Vclaims Thy jonquemg am ,^^^ >1o?ntr:on.'eiraU harm. ^^ 4 Tliou art the Way, the Truth, the Life : *^''Srtu»thatkytoJn^^^^^^ That Truth to keep, th»t W" Whose joys eternal flow. ^^ 1 ^?»Sit,Mt*^' " ^ ft' I. ■'.S" g^a^^eek^urs^Thy J^^ . otr.we.1 With palms *nd scatterea g»rt" tn ' ■ ^m t- - > ^ ..,» 1^^^^ ^.^^Jt -Vfiv. .jr . »» f .,/ #' ■g/g IIFM AND MimSTBY, 2 Ride on, ride on in majeHty I In lowly pomp ride on to die : ^ O Christ, Thy triumphs now begin O'er captive death and conquered sin. 3 Ride on, ride op in majesty I The winged squadrons of the sky Look down ^ith sad and wonderinj? eVes To see the approaching sacrifice. 4 Ride 6n, ride on in majesty .' The last and fiercest strife is nigh : The Father on His sapphire throne _ Awaits His own anointed Son. ^6 Ride on, ri46 on in miyesty ! In lowly pomp ride on to die : - Bow Thy meek head to mortal pain, Then take, God, Thy power, and reign, 69 (82-C,) '■'•.■■■" '^ /■ ■:"■'* " ' 4=^- ' ** I have found My shMp that wu lost ." 1 There were ninety and nine that safely lay In the shelter of the fold ; ; But one was out on the hills away, ^ ■ Far oflT from the gates of gold, Away on the mountains wild and bare Away from the tender Shepherd^ care. 2 " I^ti. Tha^ hast here Thy ninety and nine • Are thev not enough for Thee ?" But the Shepherd made answer : " This of Kiiie Has wandered away from Me ^ And, although the road be rough and steep, I go to the desert to find My sheep." iv*/ m \ « ' '-?«'^^ /;-w'.35 , 13 /■S||H . I («7 j>«i. k''* ' jESUSCnRjST^ 1H.BK. the gW sound, thjlriourcomev. ^ The Savtout P«>™'f ■fe. T -t every heart exult iWBFW ^MdeVery voice be 8ongV 2 On him the Spirit largely -^ed, Exerts its sacred fi" ^ ^„a love,. Wisdom and might, and zeai Bis holy breastinsp"*- , He comes 'the prisoners to relieve, «.H\rSata„'sWa^^^''^--,„„, The gates of brass oeiyr The iron fetters yieia^ ± He comes 1 from aarKe^s To pour celestial light. 5 Becomes! the broken h^ to hind. !«tKuretrfHis grace ^•^oe^chthehumblepocr. 6 The sacted year has now revolved. _ And Israel is restored. ; >t ~, , Out glad hosannahs^,W»tl^^* -^ 7 -TlS welcome Shall prodai%. *v tty^WKirednaiSe ^^; ' ,' J5r75 ZIFjF and MINT8TBY. a " Him that coiueth to Me I WiUin no wise oMt outi'' 1 • Come unto me, ye wewy, ^ And I will give you rest' blessed voice of Jesus, Which comes to hearts oppressed ! It tells of benediction, Of pardon, grace and peace, 01 joyji^t hath no ending, 0|h^ which cannot cease. 2 'Come unto me, ye wanderers. And I will ^ve you light.' O loving voice of Jesus, ♦> - Which comes to cheer the night ! Our hearts were filled with sadnessj And we had lost our way ; But morMng brings us gladness, And songs the break of day. 3 /Come unto me, ye faipting, And I will give you life.* cheering voice of. Jesus, Which comes to i||d our strife! The foe is stern and eager, The fight is fierce and long; But Thou hast made us mighty, And stronger , than the strong. 4 *And whosoever cometh I wilnot ctot him out.' - O welcome voice of Jesus, Which drives away our doubt, Which calls us, very sinners, ^ XInworthy though we be ~S s Of love so free and boundless. To oome, dear Lord, to Thee I ■ ^ — '37 '■ — mi 'i ' — — " ■ ' *,»■ 1 6GH«-.whatbunle„s^J^Thyhead • Our load was Iwd on Thee . • ^ Thou stoodestin the smners »te«d. • » • ■ ■ ~i-^ ■ ■« '. *A 2 The Father lifted up. Kj^«;d. OGhriBt.>tfe _on^^«^'^ r ;V j^ - ^hy bruising ^®?^®*^ • .^v ' ■ Thedarkne^^|;;„tgriU«^^^^ . . «tatt.IrUght.n^.^_^ : : 4 Forme;>rd Je?u^.Th^Y*'''^' • Thy W **" ^"^^ ' ::^..^^. 1 'weIuC the V««»e <>t Him^h"^ * Of B&h wfiodied upoathe MOas. ,, ' i \ * i. ; « »ll ''*5 -t^?i^r^„- — ^^ -t,( Ti - , «■"» ' BIS SUyMVBIKGS AND DEATH. : -^ >»» / .A 2 Insfcribei upon the cross 'we see, In shimnjc I6ttem "God is lovb ; He benrs our sins tipcyi the tree, He brings us meircy from above. ■ % Tht cross— it' takes our guilt away ; ..^- Jihads the fainting spirit up ;, ■ It pheers with hope the gloomy day; •^^ .Aijd sweetenla every bitter cup. . 4^ It maKes the coward spirit bravjB, ' ,„ - i^fifi^vvp^ the feeble airm for fight ; • ^^■|t takes Its ierror from the grave, V ^ AxiA gilHs the bed of death with light. ^ The balm of lif^, the cure of woe, ,' '5 Tbetu«asure ai^d the pledge of love, ' ^Thi sinner's teflige here below, ' '. The angels' theme in heaven above. ^ 5if(49-ar ; . L.M. '* What thiliKi were gain to me,' thoM I counted -loss for Chrut . " 1 When: 1 survey the wondrous cross /^ On which the Prince of glbry died, ^ My richest gain I count but loss, \ And pour contempt on all my pride. . 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should: boast, j|( Save in the death of Christ my God ; /Jir the vain things that charm me most .* I sacrifice, thein to flisblood. 3 See from His hee4y ^is hands, His feet, -» ' Soar^ow andlo^e £b\y mingled down ! Did e'er such love and sorrow tneet, Qr thorns compose so rich a crown ? - . 139 V r ^i^sl 1 ■f. '1 tv; '%f,' 1 »- iX- I- "if. lit, ■?■ t,** JESUS CHBTSTi , •' t * ^ 4 Were the whole realm of nature n^ne, ' That were a present far too small ; Love so amazing, ^^^ \^\^ Demands my soul, my life, my all. 59 (60-H^ I Lamb of God, once wouifded . With grief and pain weighed down, . Thv sacred head surrounded ' With thorns. Thine onjy crown} How pale art Thou with anguish, - With sorffdittie and scorn! How does that visage languish. ^ , Which once was bright as mom . 2 Lord of life and glory. - ^ . ^hat bliss till now was Thine ! I tiii the wondrous story, I loy to call Thee mine, i Tlr/grief and Thy conipaasion . ^ Were all for sinners* gam; Mine, mine was the lyansgression, But Thine the deadly pain. 3 What language shall I l><7<>!r .^„. To praSe Thee, heavenly Friend, For this Thy dying sorrow, « Thv pity without end ? Lord, make me Thine for ever, / Nor let me faithless prove ; Oh, let me never, nev^r Abuse such dying love ! ■ 140 ■ :■ 'V i>^.^. \ / rr- 'i '!?*3P' !(' '».« i//5 8UFFEBIN08 AND DBA TH. ■■■ M ■ n — ■! I— Wi^ylpMi— i>wi» nM w ■■ I II _ i j i w -.ii. - .i |. I ■■III II I. iil n iii ■ ' ■ i Be near me, Lord, when dying ; Show Thou Thyself to me ; And, for my succour flying, Come, Lord, to set me free : These eyes, new faith receiving. From Jesus shall not move : For he who dies believing pies safely through Thy love . •0 (61.H.) L.M. '* He hath covend me with th« rob* of - «i§hleouioeM." _^ . j 1 Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness i ; My beauty are, my glorious dress ; 'Midst flaming worlds, in 'these arrafiS, '. WiUi joy shall I lift up m^' head. i 2 Bold; shall I stand in Thy great day ; ^ For who aught to my charge shall iky ? . FjiiUy absolved through these I am, ;> From sm and fear, from ^ilt aud shame. 3^ When from ^he dust of death I rise, ' ^To claim my mansiopi in the skies, lEyen then, this shall be all my plea, " Jesus hath lived, liath died for me. ' 4 Jesicds, be' endless praise to Thee, Whose boundless menrcy hath. forme' — ' FoiC me— a full atofiement,made, An , everlasting ransom paid. 1 5 O let the dead now hear .Thy voice ; - . / Now bid Thy banished ones rejoice ; * . Their beauty this, their glorious dress. Jesus, Thy blood and ri^teousness. ■MM 3>' •'F» ...■ ^iwr ' 1^^^% ;^.te;-i^. ' t '^ •/'y'T ' 1 . ' J .''(t^ ■ % JB8U8 CHBIN : ■h\- " U It finbh«d. fo't. •I (62-H.) 1- ""' 1 HarkI the voice of love and mercy < Sounds aloud from Calvary, , See, the rocks are rent asunder, DarW«B veils the mid-day sky ; . ' > It is finished !" t ^7^ Hear the dying Saviour cry. .^ ^^ 2 •• It is finished ! " Oh, what pleasure * Do these precious words afford; Heavenly hfessings without measure Flow to us from Christ the Lord. "It is finished!" Saints, thedying ^ifords record, y • 3 Finished aU the types aind ^adows - Of the ceremonial law.; - , ; Finished all that God had promised ; % Death and hell no more shall awe. *' " it is finished r Saints, from hence your comfort draw. 4 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs, Join to sing the pleasing theme, All on earth and all in heaven, v Join to praise Immanuel's namfe. HalleUijah ! ^ ^ . Glory to the bleeding Lamb I 69 (64-H^)> -^ - L ^^ feiJowiMp of Hl« MlfferinKs. I Go to dark Gethsemane, Ye that feel the tempter's power) Your B^deemer's conflict see; Watch with Him one bitter hour; Turn not from His griefs away ; Learn of Jesus Christ to pray. ^«4^ / ",:-': »-■" ■'.;;;;* :;^:?Ba: ,M ms auM'FMRiNoa and deatm: ■ 'v. ■i. 2 Follow t(P the judgment-hall View the Lord of life arraigned. Oh, the wormwood and the gall 1 Oh, the pangs His soul sustained ! 'Shun not suffering; shanie, or loss ; ' Learn of Him to bear the cross. y Calvary's mournful mountain climb ; ^"b^rilere, adoring at His feet, -~r' "Murk that miracle of time, V' God's own sacrifice compl<3te. . " It is finished K" hear Him cry ; Learn of Jesus Christ to die, 4 Early hasten to the tomb, Where they laid His breathless clay, AH is solitude and gloom ; ^ Who hath taken Him away ? Ghrist is risep. He seeks the skies : ' Saviour, teach us so to rise. %'*\ 63 (56^H.) ' ' " e.w. " H« hdmbkid HianMlf, And bacmmc obadint unto dwth." 1 Thou,; who didst stoop belo^ To 4r*tin the cup of woe, And wear ^he form of frail mortality, Thy blesskl labours done, Thycrown of victory won^ Hast passed from earth, ptesed to Thy home on .; .;vhigW*\ , ■ V /,. ..-.. . iL- 2 It'WJis nd;path of flowers Through this dark^rorld of ours, BeldVfed pf the Father, Thou didst tread : . And shall we in dismay ||^ ' Shrink from the narrow way, ^ ^ When clouds and darkness are around it spread ? • A ' • % ^ M3 ' * ■; tg ■■' t * t 1 • t * ^ ■^ .^^ ^ 1 ■"&''.'«iA; • ' - 't - — , . . i j i — ■ III' ■' J \'>' a O Thou who art our life. . ' Be with U8 throuffh the strife ! Thy own meek heaf by rudest Btormi was « , bowed; », Raise Thou our eyes above, ^Z : KV-Vth«>ugh the cloud 4 E'en through the awful gloom Which hovers o'er the tomb, ,.,... That light of love our guiding star shall be , * Otur spirits shall not dread The shadowy way to tread, v Fri^jmi, Guardiai Saviour I which <^th lead to . . Thee. ., . A -..:^, 1 (47-C.> .. jMMChhU and Him crucified 1 Jesus, keep me near the cross ; There a precious fountain, Free to all—a healing stream- Flows from Calv'ry's mountein. In the Cross, in the Urpss, Be my glory ever; ^^, Till my raptured soul shall nna V Rest beyond the river. 2 Near the cross, i trembling soul. Love and mercy found me : There the bright anJmommg Star Shed its beams arpund me. 8 Near the cross ! Lamb of God, Brine its scenes before nw; Help me walk from day to day With its shiuiow o*er me- .] •m T^r r ■- '>. *yf'* ^4:- 6ia aUFFSRINQS AND DMATB. m^mmtmmmai i i ^ i —ipifci^^w ' „ i — i^^— *■ ■ •,.■_"'*■ 4 Near j))e cross 1*11 waioh And wait, Hoping, tmstinff ever, Till I reach the ffoTden strand, Just beyond the river. * •» (710.) "then . . . luulrwlMBMlufttoUodbyThyUMd.'V "^Ir I WILL sing of my Redeemer, — : And His wondrous love to me ; ^ *- / On the cruel cross He suffered, From the curse to set me free. '^'^ Sing, oh sing of my Redeemer ] ^ With His olood He purchased me ; On the cross he sealed my pardon, Paid the debt and made mf free. % 2 I will tell the wondrous story, How my lost estate to save, In his boundless love and mercy. « A the ransom freely gave. "^ •M- 3 1 will praise my dear Redeemer, His triumpbantpower I'll tell I . How the victory He giveth Over sin, and death, and hell. 4 I will sing of my Redeemer, y And His heavenly love to me ; • He from death to life hath brought me, % Son of God, with Him to be^ '^ '. "H«WM wounded for bar InuufrMiMMU." 1 How fein# receive with cordial faith . The tidings which we bring ? How few have seen the arm^ revealed § Of heaven's ^eternal King ? ^^ f MS ■ ' '' • ■ _^B -1/1% ** M ^ ^'"m E J * kffl 1 ^ *'l 1 •^Jl •* ^ •■| ,ii f ■V '%. '/v .:€ it '^:« ':,4^ ■%-^- t^SS^rlmoTt^ outw J^rd pomp ^«n«ak8 His preeewce mgh ,. To diaw the <»t»»»l ey*- ^ • Amidrt the deaert p:ow.. , So sUchted by » rebel race ^ ^heaveiy Saviour roe..^^^^^^^ 4 Rejected and despised ofn..". ftAholdamanoIwoel OrteJ was his close companion still ^Thro^hallHUlitebel"*- SYetallthegnefeH^^Hw^.-^^^ With bitter anguish tore. e We held Him aa 00^^^ by heaven. An outcast from His Ck^. ^^^^ While for our sins He groaned, n Beneath His father's ro4.^ 7 His sacred Wood hath w««he^ Qur souls I ^From^n's poUuted sta.n ' ^^^^^ His stripes have healed us^ ana Revived our souls a^^ . . ^ 8 We att.like/heep^ In ruin's fatal road^_^^^l^d. On Him were our ^/f^^^^****"^ He We the mighty load. »^ • ..■*4'"' HtB 8VrFWntyG8 AHO DBATH. •'# ,?«■•., ^ft' ¥ U* WM inmnd«4 for onr 1 Alas and dij^my Saviour bleed, • , And didpEy Bov'reign die ? Would He devote t||^at sacred head ; ^ Buoh a woriraa I ? 4 Wag it for crimes that I have done^^ ; He groaned upon the tree ? Amazing pity! grace unknown! And love beyond degree I 5 Well might the sun in darkness hide, . And shut his glories in, When God. the Mighty Maker, died For man, the creature's sin. ^ 4 Thus might J hide my blushing face, While His dear cross appears, /• DiHSolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt my eyes to tears. 6 But drops of grief can ne'er re|m^. The debt Qf love I.owe j -v^^ Here, Lord, I give myself away, ' Tis all that I can do. n it, '^\ ' si "Now there stood by the oroiB of Jemu. His mother.* 1 Near the cross was Mary weeping, There her mournful station keQpingI . Gazing on her dying Son : ■\\ There in speechless anguish groaning, Yearning, trembling, sighing, moaning. Through Ifer soul the sword had gone ! -H7- '6, Motives from the mothers^ ^^^^ At our Saviour 8 cross WM ^^^^„ •Twas our sins brought mm These the crue najls^addnven^^^ All His gnets for us were y 3Whennoeyeit8pHy^;^^„,; Wheu there ''•»"°"", displayed: T «,«^v Thv love constrain usy 4 Jesus, may iny '"^ refrain us, Th"eourfcst affections giving, To Thy glory ev^' 1}""8. MavweinThygloryliye- ; " ' u .w H« »« •!'• ■»'» '^';"*° *" ■ M :t: 1 A.S wh«n the Hebrew pro|phet raised %i:'^pletJ^dt,die: . . 2 So from the Saviour on the cross A healing virtue flows, . Who looks to Him with nveiy ^ed from endless woes. 3ForGodgaveui.H|SS * I- est*' '-^ '■ "ivi^-li^v- r /it'^._^^i!iL;iM:.: 'iii&^fii'ht^^^^^-^^^i^ f 7 m 'T. ■^ ,t. ■. I suffered much, for thee ^ What canst ihou bear for Me < s 4«^ T iiftve brought to thee, '^ ^JL^mMlfiome above, Salvfttion full "^ *•!''•„_. «T i5 f«f*Ar» all be riveia, "^X^IS^^* suffermg W«nt. ■G^e thou thyself W Me! ,rj .^M-^ m C^ M. ^CSS^.2^ "" tl 166-H.) - -w;«« 1 whose first dawning rays 1 BL^STmomingl wnose And leave His dark awxxe. 2 Wr.pt in the siUmee of the tomb; ■ The third, th'appomted day, . . .«50,,.- ^•if^ '5 ' • '^ " •«! ' if,"&i4;rHt-Si Wi^7.^ f.^^ u m- m vj >.'-; 'k iri5 BE8URBECTI0N AND ASCENSION. 3 Hell and the grave combined their force To hold our Lord in: vain ; Sudden the Conqueror arose, And burst their feeble chain. ' 4 To Thy great name, Almighty Lord ! We sacred honoui-s pay, And loud hosannas shall proclaim The triumphs of the j^ay. '■.;■.' . ■■* . . ^t 5 Salvation and immortal praise ^o our victorious King ! Let heaVBU and earth, and rocks and seas. With glad hosannas ring. » ' " • , 6 To Father, Son, ai^ Holy Ghost, _The God whom^\^More, « B^ glory, as it was,^^^^, * And shall be evetmore. Ta (57-H.) I .♦HeUnolhm.lmtl.rlMB.' 1 ** Christ the Lord is risen to-day," 3on» of men, and angels, say : liaise your joys and triumphs high ; Sing, ye heavens ; and, earth, reply. 2 Love's redeeming work is done, ' • Foughtthefight, the battle won: . •. Lo 1 ouir Sun's eclipse ia o'et, Lo ! He sets in blood no more. 3 Vain the "Btone, the watch,- the seal ; ; *Christ hath burst the gates of hell'; «i Death in' vain forbids His rise ; ^ * _ ... * •«^ ^ • _ _ If *, ■,■<*■ , ''h ''1 :Vi . ' 4g, Chmt hath opened Faradipe. Ai IT-^. t .J '^-^ < It. I • I yw 1,1 4 Lives again our g>ori?»\P''*i „ , Where O death, is now thy stmg ? OnrHe died our «.»». f «ave ;. , wTre thy victory, gtaye ? 9 ^r we now wh^rej^^t^ Fnllowinof our exalteff UeaA , . wldTl^^e Him, like Him *«/g^- . S»i8 the cross, the grave, the Moes. fi Hail- the Lord of earth and hiaven I * ?r^ to Thee by both be given ; ^irw^greeitrWantnow. i|aiU the Resurrectiftn Thou i , li,> yS (58-H.) ■ •■ \ < •♦ Now It ChrUt bS«i f«>« »»»' I 1 OhbiOT ihe fcrd is risen again ; ' ffihaih broken^ery <^^' V ^ Hark \ the angels shout for joy, Singing evefmore^n.high,^^^^^, 2ftewhogave^'^8^J^i. ; Who for us endured th» strife, .s Is our Paschal Lamb to-day ; , We too sing for joy. ai^^g- ■ ' '■■ ' ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ . ' . '"■■ \ ' ■ ■■ ■■ 3 He i«rho bore all pain wxdloss,^ . Comf ortleM upon the crofl^ ^ T^ vea in fflory now on nigu. , , ^K^^andhearsou^-^, -ija- *.*« .// ^.4 ,fjl >i«- •^ .\ tkrL •V <■- ** s>.V 7,8. I «'. ^his sball.be my c ^^^^^^jah ! i1^ (. w i'* f v' ^. ' *, '^i* V -" ^ w f »i tn rtlm the throne ; 2 Jesus lives 1 to «"« J-"^ ^^rth is civen ; . • Hiffh o'er heaven and earin i» j, Pi i^y go where He is gone . • Tive and reign with Hwn in W»vm TOs Shall i^mj^confid^^ ^" 1 ■ ■■-■,.> - ^*' - ■ ' ■ ■■■.-.- -■ ■■ . ■. . ■ ■ ■ 1 _ . ai SpuAs the i»ord which P*^*» ^^ «* ^r"*, ,i . iju* «|»rkrd deClliTeS, > , • w T ** Harace to all that '«?™ii''V' = v^oken: '. HT Grace, thereby siP %<>«« '*"*''« '^^ Christ *eject8 not pemtenw; , • , , • This shall be nj,,confid«j^^.^, Ml. , ''%*'. :;re8U8 lives! forme He died,: ^ Hence will I, to Jesus^^-^ pure in heart and act at) Praise to Him and gloi. Freely-God doth aid dispPJ--,,,, This shall l,.niyco^fide^^,^j^^- isr « ^ ■ * ' I ^1 0^ Si " +« .,.1 ^ f i 1^ ^n HIS f'^firtmecTIOifAN DAaCSNaiON. - ' ■ , ■■■ v -^r . '--.■■.■.',■■■' ; ■,■■.■. 5 Jesus lives ! my heatt knows well. Nought t-Fom me His love shall sever ; Life, nor death, nor powers of hell, Part me now from Christ for ever. God will be a sure defence ; This shall be my confidence. :, Hallelujah! " Behold, 1 am aliiw for vfrnan." 76 (61-H.) \ 1 « I KNOW that my Redeemer lives : ' What comfort this assurance gives ! He lives, He lives, who once was dead ; He lives, my ever-living Head. ^ i He lives, triumphant from the grave, He lives eternally to save, He lives all glorious m the sky. He lives exalted there on high. 3 He lives to bless me with His love. He lives to plead for me above, , ' ♦ * JH^'lives my hungry soul to feed, •« ^"^^ lives to help in time of need. \ -4' He lives ; and while he lives, I'U smp, * . He lives, my l*roi?het. Priest, and King, I ,.^ - H^lives;.my k!na.myfaithful.Fnend. L^ A/fie IWes, andjgv|s me to the end. 1^ ^%'«He livfer'all gk)ry to His name ! He lives, my Jesus, still the same ; 0. the sweet joy the assurance gives, ' * '.* I Itnow that my Redeemer lives 1 155 t ' |-"%- : V,tStk, ".!U B? * ' k.*" ' . 1 >• jESUa CHRIST: ♦r (6a-H.) / • Thou hM» »i>c«P«»««l °" *'''«^* 1 Thou art gone up on high, To mansions in the skies. • And^ound/thy throne unceasingly The song^ praise anse, 2 But we are lingering here, — ' %rth sin%n3 care oppre-ed ^. ^^^ Lord^send .Thy promised Comforter, "^letdustoThyrest. ^hoVart gone up on high ; - ^ " sSt Thou didst first come down. . Through earth's most bitter agony To ^ nnto Thy crown. 4 And girt with g^efs and fears Oi5 onward course must be ,| But only let that path of tearsl \ Lead us at last to Thee. ( 6 Thou art gone up on high ; I But thou Shalt come agai^ ^; Ayith all the bright ones -*^*»^ «JPt V • Attendant in. Thy trail sky i(f by Thy s^ng power, ^ ^makeusliveandd^, ^^ That we may sta^d. in ^ j^«*^ **f ' At Thy right hand on Wgn^ ITS 1 Where high tl The house of ' The gua r dian 4 ^ "We hav* » B'*'* high pri««« eavenly temple ^tai^s. not made with hands, st our ngpAwears, ttMikindl ^P^yg- ts6 ^ ,JS' r ^ jj^kd* 'ttf J > i'ii fi" I- '■i>: BIS RESUnRSCtiaK AND 4BCEIfaiOK. 1 f 2 He who foT men their surety stood, ^ ^ And poured on earth his precious bipod, Pursues in heaven his mighty plan, The Saviour and the frfend of ^m&n. 3 Though how ascended up on high, He bends ^n eartli a brother's eye ; • ^Partaker o|^he human name, He knows «ie frailty of our frame. 4r Ouivfellow-su^PI yet retains A fellow feeling of our pains ; ^^ Andl;till remembers in the skies His tears, his agonies, and cries. V In every pang that rends the heari. The Man of sorrows had a part ; He sympathizes with (dr grief. And to th e s u fferer sends relief. •. 't-ii fi % 6 With bol3Blrf therefore, at the throne, Let us make all our sorrows known ; And ask the aids of heavenly power To help us in the evil J)our. ^?3 1 1 , v; T» (68.C.) "Now is ChrUt risen from the dead. 1 Jksus Christ is risen to-day, Hallelujah I Our triumphant holy day,^ / ; HalleUyalvi Who did once ttpoMjV® ^y Ik^*- l^lteer to redeem our los^, Hallel '$7 \ ^t-^- - 1 4 ' 'Vi . >■>:« , » ,- ' - (' , 4:\m jEauBcnniBT^ 'ii- * Whew the angelB ever sing. ^ W^er^ V 6 Hallelujah ! -# •• (68H.) C. M. 1 AlA hai) the power oi Let angels pro't™** ^^ ' To crown rlira uorw w^ 'a Ye seed rf l8««l'» "''T'^ ^ ' ' y1 ramwmed from tbe fa". _^; HaUHin.whosa ve»Joub ^»8, * . «5« . . -T®' ■l*^- ffe- ^- • *!*■' •i**'^:- V"i""."t '-^«^f ( M ma nWRTrR RECTION AND ASCENSION, 4 Ye Gentile sinners 1 ne'er fwrgei The wormwood and the ^1, Go, spread your trophies at Hw f«et, And crown Him Lord of all. 6 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To him all majesty ascribe. And crown Him Lord of all. 6 Oh that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall, Join in the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. §■ i *^ * i 'ace* i— — _ «1 {64H.) •• On HU head were many crown*." fHim with many crowns, HHT Lamb upon His Throne : Hark how the heavenly anthem drowns ^\{ music but its own. 2 Awake, my soul, and sing ' Of Him who died for thee ; And hail Him as thy matchless King \Through all eternity. 3 Crown Him, the Lord of Love; ^ Behold His hands and side, Rich wounds, yet visible above In beauty glorified. 4 All hail ! Red^mer, hail ! For Thou hist died for me ; Thy praise slfall never, never fail Throughout eternity. 159 ■r^^t y - s -»5 Vi., , '.^i^,'Vii»iL.s.i.*« ."V '.'Jt jKSfTa cttMTj :it 1 ' f>v' A roy»l dWem »dorn» _- J Ifce Wgljert pl«» that t«iv» •«>tds The King of kings tM L«a »» "^^ ^ And heaven'. et«n*l hght. , , t The joy of ..J»;v^jj;;rf» •*«''*: The ioy of all l?elow; . To who jHe manifest. H« love And granto hie nam* to know. 4 To them"the cross, with all U. 0,^. * With all its grace » P«° ;„^ \ TVieir name an everlasting name. i . Thev suffer with their Lord Wowv . ^ ' -Sey relsn with Him afcove ; Their profit and th^ joy io know The mystery of His love. 6 The cross He bore « «« ^"\„*'*^1J^; Though fha--^ »^j/^J,^,^Uh. Hte people's hope, Hw peopi* Their ev o rU s ting theme. ■t .1 ^jW^i^V.tituStMKS "' ; . r^?^B»^p^^* '^r ' '' '<*. 4 "fl orni ' I v'.^;':' ■t-'.-/il ■•'•ft*<'" Bia DOMimoif am Bmfotfp oomino. ••(6e*iU ** I Ihat apMk ta rlgtitMowcw, mlfhty le mm,' ri'' ■..'-■■■■ .'■■j: ■' / iii^;.:/v:v-:' ■!-■■'••>■ .:::.r ^ ■'' 1 ,\\>;..^.:/.-:>-;.--'^ ^ I Who is ihii that corned from Edora, f> All His raiment sUined with blood". To the slave proclaiming freedom^ ^ringing and bfLttowing goo 3 Sinners in ^-?:^iSr-. ^ Mocking thus M«8S»n ^j^d Hun.. •^ Saints anSan^»«^^Vs name: , • ^° ^Kto.' crown Him ! GroWp H}^/. victorrtame. > Spread^hroad *«JJ^ ^^^^on , - .5!tKeV-M'^*'^°r . i 'M- . % ***rt^' rrtTose lflu4 triuropnai"' - t^«; Hark, yK»«. '«1.„u.,t atiftion : ^ ^ Jc^-'tj'^^^^tSht affords ! . . O what joy the mgn^ , 1 *. Crown Him 1 crown I '^.^i : King of kings, and Lord ot 10B-; L n Lord, to receive tf ory 1 1^..*^ aT\n mm •• V-J^ . ^^ ,^ ^„a «^'*" '^nd power. ••% '1 BUtsiiM and tonour and g^ J ^^^^„o,e, ; Gtve:>.5 to Hr^^°^^, the crown, and the ^»S.:. ' Whose are M^e itiUo ,, *; '>* <& ?*. ti» / /\- 'A.HIS BoMimON AND aEOOND COMINQ. -«4 .ti4 2 Past are the dafkne§8, tjio storm, a|id the wdr,^ » Come is the radiancy that sparkled afar, Breaketh the gleam ot the day without end, Riseth the sun that siftll never deaeend.4 3 Ever ascendeth the song %nd the joy, '^^ Ever descendeth the love f ronifcbn higli^ Blessing and honour and glory an•> 1. • *'S *< , ^ »l«»l- ¥ HIS DOMINION JJfD SECOND COMJUO. Where, in joys unheaM of, Saints with angels sing, Never weary raising Praises to thair King., 1 -^ ^ "Affiendof publkan«»ndsinnew." 1 One there is, above all others, ^ell deserves the name of Friend ; His is love beyond a brother's, ' '' Costly, free, and kiiows no end ;, They who once His kindness prove, 1 J'ind it everlasting love.- t Which of all our friends, to save us, .^0'^ Could or would have' shed' their blo^? ^S, ■ But our' Jesus died to have us ' . Reconciled in Hiin to God; ,v This wn^ boundless love indeed^ '§'. ^ Jesi^ is a Friend in need. 3 When He lived on earth^asfed, * . Friend of sinners wa* His name ; Now above all glorv^isfed, \_ He rejiices in the samev^^ • Still H» cfeUs thcto brethr^, friends. \ And to all th^ wants att^ds. - 4 Could we^ear from brie another Whai4le daily bears from us ? ' Yet iSs glorious Friend and Brother ^ves'us though we^treat Him thus : _ lOugh for good we render ill, H6 accounts \i8 brejthren still, it » » ■■ ■' "''■■"■■■■■■■,■■ ■ ,* jBBVaCBMSri "* What a Fnend ««J^v ^^^.^^^l,t_ B„t when home ^'•J^^,„„gM, .'- . We will lo'*^*^^'* «• ^. f„il ot Christ, and longs • 1 Mv heart 18 w"°\ t„ declare r . . - ^ Its glorious n.a*ter^^^^ / Ot Him I »»''* 'Kaise forbear , ^ ^ / . 1 cannot from «f^^ heate to sing theglonesotmj ^^^^^^^_ ' « Wiret than all the "« ^^^ . . * Perfect in.com^»;\U^ith grace.- . . B^pWished f f JJ'C^tender heart : ■ ,. ,Xnd tnU oflove iny^ ^^ ^ ■'• God ever We«^J^*^„dls in Thee, , ^d own all tnlne ' 3 Gird on Thy-tl^*" f ^^^^er divine ; ^ And take to Thee i»yjbty.Lo,td. ■■st^»p'^*'y:^Ss5««'r^'"'''^- ' AllP°y«' '"S and ,:enown; , ^ Assert Thy ".P'^^^L ooroe down. . ** n 8iU-redeeimng^<»3'.*iy .. • ;,AndJet7hygm ^ ^ D&pread *t"»^et in thy ^^l \ ■ .B^4*r'StSirphantly « (78-H.) '.HU name »h»Hb« called Wonderful. 1 Joi^all the glorious kames , " V Qf wisdom, love,^nd power, ^v That ever mortals k^new, . ' That angels ever br>re ; All are too mean to speak Hi* worth, i Too mean to set m^ Saviour forth. if f2 Great Prophet' of ihy God; My tongue would bless Thy name ; |By Thee the joyful news Of our salvatiob came ; - The joyful neWs of sips^forgiven, Of hell- subdued, and peace with Heaven. 3 Jesus, my great High Priest , - Offered His blood and died ; My guilty conscience seeks ' '^f No sacrifice beside : His powerful blood did once atone, And now it pleads before the throng. 4. Thou Almighty Lord, My Conqueror and my K '" ' Thy sceptre and Thy sword, ^hy reigning grace, I sing ; Thine is the power : behold, I sit In willing bonds before Thy feet. "^ ^', «^ M -.I «► (74-H-) "He that oometh to Me shall nevA lmwf*>, »nd Kf that believeth on Me shall nevei' thirsl. 1 Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts, Thou Fpunt of life, Thou, Light of men I From thB best bliss that earth imparts We turn unfilled to Thee a^aiii. . -< ^'-^ t f rV ■■ ', 'iT- -I 'i' ,-1® I ' ■ io them, that 'e*rhee^^^,li„ all'. To them that find ine . 3WeWeTh.,Oj>^;^Thi^SS^;^ Gl^When Thy B'--'-"td The.e fast Blest when our taii.n G. M. f rhrW which P.««**'^«»°''*^«*' .'The low of Christ wi» 91 V75-H.) _.„„ 1 JESUS, the very^oug ^ ^^^^^t : ■ ^"l^iBXhy presence rest. _ ;„» nor heart can frame, 2 Nor voice can swp, nor Nor can the """""'yThy West name, A sweeter sound than X J _ ^cTsa^ourol mankind!. , * "^ oioy ^t aU the^?^\„a Tho, art. . To those w^° ™1 »r^ho seek !. . How good to thos^wn . •I '•C- " r'^' .fit Ififr 1 " ( < _ ^ E. n ■* ,^ ^' » . . ' Al-t - V^^ '■ m * 1 k - Pk ~^. m. 4 -J o • ir -A '» ^ J^^ ^^m ' ♦ If .(i BtS m>MINION AND SECOND COitlNG. 4 But what, to those who tind ? Ah ! this Nor tongue nor pen can show ; The love ot* Jesus, what it is None but His loved ones know. 5 Jesus, our only jojr be Thou, As Thou are prize wilt be ; Jesus, be Thou our glory oow, And through eternity. •9 (76.H.) 7t. •* THoa (halt call Hit nams Jerat.' 1 Jesus ! name of wondrous love, Name all other names above ! Unto which must every knee Bow in deep humilityl 2 Jesus! narti© of priceless worth To the fallen sons of earth. For the promise that it gave — •• Jesus shall His people save." 3 Jesus ! name of mercy mild, Given to the Holy Child, When the cup of human woe First He tasted here below. 4 Jesus ! only name that's given Under all the mighty heaven, Whereby man, to sin enslaved, Bursts his f etters,-and is saved. 5 Jesus ! name of wondrous love, Human name of God above t . Pleading only this, we flee, . Helpless, our God, to Thee, / '-/ -K^ s-y i ' n \ ' •y'W * > •^V-'it 5^JT <" »i' ft- , HOW sweet the N»»'« "« ^"^""^ . ^ ''°irabeUev.r^e^t^^,„,l3h-.s wounds. It soothes his ^rroWj. • And drives away ^ _.^ ^j^^j^ 2ttmakestheWounded^sp^ t. Tis manna to in ^ J q Dear ]^ft«*® • A VuUne-P^ace ; My never-taiUn J. ^{ g^ace. _^%ithhoundl^«^_^^ friend. Jes«s,«.ySheP^^^;t%dKing. ■/* / wJ'^; t\^ 5 weak is the fort t^^ thought And cold -ny :^» Thou wt, But when 1 8««^ 1 ought rUp,«BeTh«»^ ^^^ ,„. ,( Till tVien I would i ■ y ^^ • With every fle^^'-BjV „anie And m^y^rB^riia death f . ^*. , Refresh my »oul , . , . ^^m^ «. ..M» soul doth m«««^**'* M118-B.) , ^lons^itosing The g^f'^' °L7ot H is gro^ ' ■ T The triumi>M "^ — / ■".'•^ r ^ .** 4 .^ f I HIS DOMlNIOIi AND 8EG0SD COMING. / m ■, nssv 2 My gracious Master, ajid my. God. . .^ Assist me to proclaim, ^ To spread thtough all the world abroad the honours of Thy name. ^ ' S^fegus ! the name that oharms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease ; > 'Tis mosic in the sinner's ears, %8 Hfe,ind health, and peace. ^ 4 He breaks the power of cancelled sin, : He sets the prisoner free. His blood can make the foulest clean. His blood avails for me. , ^ 5 He speaks, and, listening tp His voice. \ New life the dead receive \ The mournful, broken hearts rejoice. The humble poor believe. 6 Hear Him. ye deaf ;. His praise, ye dumb, Your loosened tongues employ ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come. And leap, ye lame, for joy. «^' • ft\ >r ■•■ •i, ^t^V 8,7. »» (80-H.)^ „ Wherefore God also hath highly exalted phn. 1 Hail, Thou once despisM Jesus ! Hail, Thou Galilean Kitgl ^ Thou didst suffer to release us ; Thou didst free^alvation bring. Hail, Thou agoniziW Savipur, "Bearer of our sin and shame ; Bv Thv merits we find favour ; Life is ^iven through Thy name. ' " 17* ^ -.i*C .fcjj '■' &■ '#' f-u .■ /'■ , '" All our sins were "» •^Thou hast f uU ^^ -^en \,«nt' enthroned in glory, Seated »t ^hy »»* ^ pleading. Win glory reappear , Wo.Wp><>no--Pt";Str Thou art ^orthy^ i Meet It « "' .__pUc spints, Help, ye b^'g*"* 'S noblest lays. ; Bring your 8««|*^'j„.3 merits, , «t.preCtf^an«eV«pra»e'. 1 noBYtoGoclonWgl''- . ^L^telrth to heaven ^Ply. if Praise ye H.s naroe^ His love and grace adore, ■ Who^-Twrn-e,^-^ 17a 4. tlain. 4 .1 ;i • *„, if /tf DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. 2 Jesus, our Lord and God, Bore sin's tremendous load ; Praise ye His name : Tell what His arm -liath done, • What spoils from death He won ; Sing His great' name alone ; ^ Worthy the Lamb! ^ While they around the throne Join cheerfully in one, Praising His name, We, who have felt His bloml Sealing our peace with <^od. Sound His high praise abroad ; Worthy the Lamb! 4 Join, all the ransomed race. Our Lord and God to bless , Praise ye His name : In Him we will rejoice, Making a gladsome noise. Shouting with heart and voice. Worthy the Lamb ! , ^ 9T (82- H.) S.M. ' They »ing the song of Mf«»l'*';"J7?°'''.^ God, and the song of the L«irtb. Awake, and sing the song . Of Moses and the Lamb ; • ^ Wake every heart and every tongue, To praise the Saviours name. Sing of His dying love, . Sing of His. rising power; Sing how He intercedes above For those whose sins He bore. »73 ■'*. I V2 v'« 4-i+4- t^ikM^lt. ,tjA »'./ '. :fvt, *. .1 '». 4 ' - ' ■. ' 1 « 1 • ' • * s- . ' ' , s.. '.^^',.Jl,.,<, -'■'.■, • -. ■ ■ ■ • ' ' ■ '. - • . ..-?■,>■-;■ ,*■ . ■,' V : '" - ■ .■ ♦ t ' ^', >'.,'■ ;'"'■'■ ■'. '^ -._ .',.. -■ ' ■■•1 ■}:: ' ■■" '■■ ., >•■ ' ■ , ■■ ■ ■■'■. 'V-'%^ ■'. . ■'•:•* ■ ■■ <> ■ '■■n- ■■','.'■■ ■ • . ■■ ■> ■" ':'■. ".' ^^ N " - ■ i « ■ ♦ 7 1 ■ . >■..,..■ ■ • -' i". V/ ■ \">;- '-I .'■ '■ -' * J^'^ ;■:■■■ ■:'■*:. ■ ■ iv ..'. '' :f^ ■ ■'"' i ■■- ■:,il>- ' Ji r- •■ > > "/ :. ..,; 1 1 , ■■ ■■3-.. .; / , 4 .-' . . 5 . Inches iiui ••V' wrr ■ 12^ ■-'**tP'- 1.1 IM IM ift w « 2.0 1.8 L25 114 "i 1.6 HRNUFRCTUREO TO RUM STPNORRQS ey flPPLIEO IMPGE. INC. .V «• '^Mt V-t • ■*. ■*■'■, , ■ . ' . •■ '' ■ ' ■ ■■ ■.'■<' ■■. . ' , (.-' ■'. "* '■' . ' ^ / ■ -. / ■ -5^ -^ .-' ■ -;- --' - ;-• ' -•;■:■ .- • ^ ■,:_ -.... , J -...:■: ■ / ■ "■ - --■■■^■^--^--r- ■\ ■'■.■' • ' ■.■■ ■; -'..- • ■;. ■'-r^-^'- .z.'- 1 i^.. '- ^ f ',.'.-?: ^ ^ & \ ■. A'. ..■^- ' •s*.^ JB8l^' CHRIST : Sing on your heavenly way, Ye ransomed sinners, si ng^, Sing on, rejoicing every day In Christ the eternal King. Soon shall ye hear him say, Ye blessed children, come ; Soon will He call you hence away, And iake His wanderers home. There shall each raptured tongue His endless praise proclaim, And sing in sweeter notes the song Of Moses and the Ijamb. 08 (88H.) u. When He atcended up on high, He led captivity captive.'* ' 1 CS LORY, glory to our King! Crowns unfading wreathe His head: Jesus is the name we sing, Jesus risen from the dead, Jesus, Conqueror o'er the grave, Jesus, mighty now to save. 2 Jesus is gone up on high ; Angels come to meet their King ; ' Shouts triumphant rend the sky, While the Victor's praise they sing : " Gp6n now, ye heavenly gates ! Tis the King of Glory waits." 3 Now behold him high enthroned. Glory beaming from His face, By adoring angels owned God of holiness and grace. O for hearts and tongues to sing, " Glory, glory to our King ! " »74 .jadaj^St.. f^'-^'W^M 'n'^^'^fW" ^^^^^/m^^mM >, ,'»'">*•. fc r HI£dOMINION AND SECONli COMING. 4 Jcvsus, on Thy people slnne ; Warm our lieartn and tune our tongues, That with angels we may join, Share their bliss and swell their songs; Glory, honour, praise, and power, Lord, be Thine foi" evermore. •• (84.H,) 9,B. H« mutt r«ign. till U* hath put all cmmiM under Hb fact.'' 1 Rejoice, the Lord is Kins^ ; Your Lord and King adore ; Mortals, give thanks and sing. And triumph evermore : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; Rejoice, Kgain I say, rejoice. 2 Jesus the Saviour reigns, The God of truth and Joye, ^* When He had purged our 8tain|| % He took His seat above : * Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; . ^Rejoice, again I say, rejoice. 3 His kingdom cannot fail. He rules o'^r earth and heaven ; The keys of death and hell Are to our Jesus given : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; Rejoice, again I say, rejoice. 4 "He sits at God's right hand. Till all His foes submit, And bow to His command, And fall beneath His feet: Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; It&joice, again I say, rejoice. ... 175- V. '.'■■\ ■%0-: '4 •^ 5'3^fc4 -^ , 3,- ». &w y -3c jV- , •>-i^?f^^'mi^v^!'^^^P^^^w^], rninr-»i.WMW«B?»?HY™TSW5 b^ '^-' .t^^feJ'nj^isii ^^^^ffm^ft- JB8V8CHRIST: I' %' "2' Rejoice in glorious hope ; Jesus, the Judge, shall come, And tftke his servants up To their eternal home : We soon shall hear the archar.gel's^oice, The trump '¥»«f|f W' ^/5 DOUimON AND SECOND COMING. 2 The Ijord will come ; but not the 8atnie^ As ouce in lowly form He came ; A siknt lamb to slaughter led, The bruiset^the suffering, and the dead. 3 The Lord will come, a dreadful form. With wreath of flame, and robe of storm. On cherub wings, and winffs of wind, Anointed Judge of humankind. 4 Can this be He who wont to stray 'A pilgrim on the world's higlvway, Bv power oppressed, and mocked by pride. The Nazarene, the Crucified ? 5 (lO, tyrants I to the rocks complain, Oo, seek the mountain's cleft in vain ; But faith, victoiious o'«r the tomb, Shall sing for joy, the Lord is come ! 103 (87H.) 8.7,4. " Behold, M« comtth with clouds. Lo! He comes, with clouds descending^ Once for favoured sinners slain ; Thousand thousand saints atjbending Swell the triumph of His train ; Hallelujah! God appears on earth to reigil. Every eye shall now behold Him Robed in dreadful majesty ; ThDse who set at nought and sold Him, Pierced and nailed Him to the tree, Deeply wailing, Shall the true Messiah see. v." "^ . 9 •^ , * ^ ' - ,r#-:;s.^, ^,> ■r m" ijr « -- • • I" life " •>•■"' i.»A "»""'▼* ■f*^ ^ . • '*."yiw" JSSB8 CHRIST : ■sy « 3 £yery island, sea, and mountain, . Heaven and eaffch shall flee away ; All who hate Him must, confounded, Hear the trump proclaim the day ; Come to judgment, Come to judgment, come away ! Now redemption, long expected. See in solemn pomp appear \ All His saints, hy man rejected. Now shall meet Him in| the air : Hallelujah ! 1 See the day'of God appjear ! 5 Yea, amen, let all adore Thee, ' kifeh (m Thine eternal Throne ! Savi^u*, take the power ind glory ; Clainithe kingdom forj Thine own ,: become quickly !; . Everlas^g Go^^ I 8.T.4- \ ' * The comUg of th« Lord dim weth ninh . ' 1 Christ is coming | let creation From her groans^nd travail cease ; Let the glorious procliunWtion ; "' Hope restore and faithl increase : Christ is coming ! \ Come, Thou blessMPrinc^pf Peace. 2 Earth can now but tell tlie story Of Thy bitter cross and \pain; X She shall yet behold Thy glory, x When Thou comest back\to reign : V Christ is coming ! -*:' Let each heart repeat the^train. t:i w^^^^mm^^^^m^^^-^-f •• '"^ .•S|*^7S^''^^'V' ''-'?% c HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. 3 Long Thine exiles have been pining, Far from resi, and honie, and Thee ; But in heavenly vestureB shinini(, Soon they shall Thy glory see : "Christ is coming 1 Haste the joyous jubilee. 4 With that blessed hope before us. Let no harp remain unstrung ; Let the mighty advent-chorus Onward roll from tongue to tongue Christ is coming ! (^ome, Lord Jesus, quickly come ! ' • % 104 (89-H.) " At midnigtit th«r« was ■ icry madt, Behold. th« bridegroom cometk ; go y« out to matt Him." Wake, awake, for night is flying, The watchmen on the heights are crying ; Awake, Jerusalem, at last ! Midnight hears the wel^me voices, And at the thrilling cry rejoices. Come forth, ye virgins, night is past ; The Bridegroom comes, awake, Your lamps with gladness take ; . Hallelujah! And for His marrii^e feast prepare, For you must go to meet Him there. Zion hears the watchmen singing, . And all her heart with joy is springing, She wakes, she rises from her gloom ; For her Lord comes • Ah, comcThou blesiifed One, dod s own beloved Son ; ^ Hallelujah ! Wdi follow till the halls we see ^ WhWe Thou host bid us sup with Thee. 3 Now let all the heavens adore Thee, And men and angels sing l)efore Thee With harp and cyinbid's clearest tone ; Of on^ pearl each shining portal, . Where we are with the cnoir immortal Of angels round Thy dazzling throne ; Nor eye hath seen, nor ear Hath yet attained to hear. What there is ours ; But we rejoice, and sing to Thee Ourjiymn of joy eternally. 1«S (60G.f " W« (M Jnot crowned with gtory and honour. I Our Lord ill now rejected, And by th?,•«'»• •< / T'*^"* ^ JE808 CHHiST : 2 Thou art coming, Thou art coming ; We shall meet Thee on Th v way, We shall see Thee, we shall know Thee, We shall bless Thee, we shall show Thee All our hearts could never say ; What an anthem that will be, Ringing out our love to Thee, Pouring out our rapture sweet At Thine own all-glorious feet. 3 Thou art coming ; at Thy table We are witnesses for this ; While remembering hearts Thou meetest In communion clearest, sweetest. Earnest of our coming bliss. Showing not Thy death alone, And Thy love exceeding great. But Thjr coming, a^nd Thy throne, All for which we long and wait. 4 Thou art coming ; we are waiting With a hope that cannot fail, Asking not tne day or hour, Resting on Thy word of power, Anchored safe within the veil. Time appointed may be long, ^But the vision iQust be sure; Certainty shall make us strong. Joyful patience can endure. 5 O^ the joy to see Thee reigning. Thee, my own beloved Lord ! Every tongue Thy name confessing, Worship, honour, glory, blessing 5 Brought to Thee with one accord,— " \ \ iSa ^ \ >i-w r . n.' ^v»? i '■ 7'- , '*• ■:' f, ■'*: : ■ v.,-^;-^'; ■ . yaf^ ir/5 DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. lOT 1 Thee, my Master, and my Friend, Vindicated and enthroned, Unto earth's remotest end Glorified, adored, and owned ! " I Mil H« that IWtith, kiul mmt a«Ml ; and. tMhold. I / am alive for ttvtiniioni, Allien ; mhI Iwt« tiw k«y« , of h«ll and of drath. ' Pk\13E the Lord, liing Hallelujah I liO ! the victory is won ; Strife and conflict now are ended. And the triumph is begun. Bring the sacrifice of praises, . Our Deliverer tft greet ; Come withg||rful adoration, WelcomPllim with honour meet. We have seen His toil and ansuish, We have watched Hiui in the hour When, unpitied and forsaken, He endured the tyrant's power. Now we see Him crowned with glory, ' And we know* ourselves set free; He hath rent our bonds asunder, Captive led captivity. 1 Mighty One! we bow before Thee, Ana we own Thee Lord of all; ; Jesus ! Saviour ! we adore Thee, At Thy cross we meekly fall. Help us in this time of waitiuff In Thy strength to follow Thee, That, partakers in Thy warfare, We may share Thy victory. . — -^ i t j ^ ■ — - — ' ' •Si k.'fiitkt ^-^^y .V ^ iiS %-4!- ^ '"* #/'-'-s^^^_,^ "i4t'^ JKSUBfJH BiaT: f fallelujah I GhrUt in riiien. . And He lives to die no more: To His hiind the kejH are given, Open is the prison-door. Halleii^ah.! Hallelujah! Now our triumph is beuun ; Death and hell are spoiled for ever, And the victory is won. >H ^M IM 1 " AIMula, for Ui« I4)r4 Clod omnlimtont nl«n«th. " Alleluia; Alleluia! Alleluia! The strife is o'er, the battle done ; Now is ther Victor's triumph won ; let the praiHe of song be sung.'^ ^ Alleluial 2 Deaths mightiest poweni have done their worst, And Jesus hath His foes dispersed ; Let shouts of praise and jo^routburot. ^Alleluial * ■ ' ■ " "■•v 3 On the third mom He rose'^ag&in Qlorious in majesty to reign ; O let us swell the joyful strain. Alleluia! 4 Lord, by the stripes which wounded Thee l^va. death's dread stintf Tfaiy servants free. That we may live and sing to The# Alleluia! — — ^»<- — — ^ — \ ■ \ d^% ■'■ ~^% £_ — »_ %-. HIS DOMINION AN»8gC0ND COMING. !•• " Ukte 'Him lh«l lovml at, and wmImt S-Mi.i I blffliMMliill ililllliilllll JBli iniiMHMr*^'*'*™****"*'™***' ■x?;:tiiiK3.^^teiik^" ^ ; " ■ If'if^w^L^^^wmiW^r^^^ * '^'^'^''^W* 1 1 X.^THE f^L y SPIRIT. Ill (OOH.) 1 r H« dw«U«th with yoa, and ihall bt in Come, Holy Spirit, come, / Let Thy bright beams arise ; / Dispel the darkness from our miii^s And open all our eyes, 2 Cheer our desponding hearts, Thou heavenly Paraclete ; Give us to lie with humble htipe At our Redeemer's feet. 3 Revive our drooping faith. Our doubts and fears rpnove, And kindle in our breastia the flame Of never-dying love./ 4 Convince us of our si^; Then lead to Jesus' blood. And to our wondering view reveal. The secret love Qi uod. 6 'Tis Thine to cleanse the heart, , To sanctify thjB soul, To pour fresh life in every part, And new create the whole. 6 Dwell, therefcMre, in our hearts ; Our minds from bondage free ; Then we shiEill know and praise and love The Fat^^r, Son, and Thee. ii7 •*-wi >3 '•:% ■«' t'~ H' ••-.1 •* *' «»' L% '% ■ ft THB HOLT SPIRIT: *,» >f lit (91H.) L. M. " Th* lov« of God ia ahcd abroMl in oar liMrti by ' tha Holy Ohoat, whkh it |ivm onto a«." » 1 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, With light and comfort from above : Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide, O'er every thought and step preside. 2 The light of truth to us displa^r And make us know and love Thy way ; Plant hoi V fear in every heart, That wd from God may ne'er depart. 3 Lead us to holiness, the road Which we hiust take to dwell with God ; Lead us to Christ, the living way. Nor let us from His pastures stray. 4 Lead us to God, our final rest, To be with Him for ever blest ; Lead us to heaven, its bliss to share — Fulness of joy for ever there. 113 (92-H.) CM. " thy Spirit ia good : lead ma into th« land ofaprightnaaa.*' 1 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers, Kindle a flame of sacred love — In these cold hearts of ours. 2 In Vain wo tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise ; ^ Hosannas languish on our tongues. And our devotion dies. ^'v. ■■■■■■•' Hia WORK AND WORD.' '\ 3 And shall we then for ever live At this-poor dying rate ? Our love so faint, so cold to Thee, And Thine to us il» great ! 4 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers ; Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. 114 (98H.) ^' ■ ■ - ■^■- -rx ■»•• ' The tamMt of th« Sj^irit iA otfr liMrta. I Gracious Spirit, Love divine. Let Thy light within m# shine ; ( All my guilty fears rea^RE^e, Fill me lull of heaven ivnd love. 2 Speak Thy pardoning grace to me. Set the burdened sinner free ; Lead me to the Lamb of God, Wash me in His precious blood. 3 Life and peace to me impart, Seal salvation oil my heart ; Breathe Thyself into my breast, Earnest of °immor>tal rest. ^^1 '■M 4 Let me never from Thee stray. Keep pie in the nar^w way ; Fill my soul with joy divine, Keep me, Lord, for ever Thine. 189 ..^z&m iAi/divai — .'1 »c'1 i-i"' .*tH'ii i *"«». '-j^. i "•. R-.' rir« irozF spibit: 1^; L-V^' iff lift (94 H.) *' Yt thatl bt ba^ind with lh« Holy . not many days h«nc«." 1 Lord God, the Holy Ghost, In this accepted hour, As 00 the day of Pentecost, Descend in ail Thy power : We meet with one accord In our appointed place, T And wait tne promise of our Lord, The Spirit of all grace. 2 Like mighty rushing wind Upon the waves beneath. Move with ohe impulse every mind, Qne soul, one feeling breathe : *Thc young, the old, inspire .With wisdom from above. And give us hearts and tbngues of fire To pray, and praise, and love. 3 Spirit of light, explore And chase our gloom away, With lustre shiking more and more Unto the perfect day. - Spirit of truth, be Thou In life and death our guide: O spirit of adoption, now May we b^ sanctified ! M. Chut, c 116 (96.H.) L. M. " Ye have an nnetioa fronisthe Holy One, and ye know ail things." Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire. And lighten with celestial fire ; Thou the anointing Spirit art, Who dost Thy sevenfold gifts impart. 190 .n V , "^Y**'* "• "^*^» TBE HOLT SPIRIT : ^* ■^f 'XV W' lit (97.H.) ^^ ^^ Comlbrt«r. #hkh U »h« Holy Oh«<».' 1 Come, Thou Holy Paraclete, And from Thy celestial seat Send Thy light and brilliancy. 2 Father of the poor, draw near ; - Giver of all gitta, be here : Come, the soul'a true radiancy. 3 Come, of Comforters the best, Of the soul the sweetest ffuost. Come in toil refreshingly. 4 Thou in labour rest most sweet, Thou art shadow from the heat, Comfort in adversity. 56 Thou Light, most pure and blest, j Shine within the inmost breast Of Thy faithful company. 6 Where Thou art not, man hath nought ; Every holy cleed and thought Cftmes from Thy Divinity. 7 What is soiled, make Thou pure ; What is wounded, work its cure ; What is parchfed, fructify ; 8 What is rigid, gently bend ; What is frozen, warmly tend ; Straighten what go^erringly. 9 Fill Thy faithful, who confide X In Thy power to guani a^d guide. With Thy sevenfold Mystery. ;«f^. .T \ ?'• »• ■-*-S. HIS WORK AND WORD. 10 Here Thv grace and„virtue send ; Grant salvation in the end, And in heaven felicity. J . X^ig (9e-H.) 'Th« Spirtt or God mov«i upon th« faca oflh* waum." 1 Creator Spirit ! by whose aid The world's foundations first were laid, Come, visit every humble mind ; Come, pour Thy joys on all mankind ; From sin and sorrow set us free. And make us temples worthy Thee. * 2 O source of uncreated light, The Father's promised ^raclete ! Thrice holy fount, thrice holy fire, Our hearts with heavenly love inspire ; Come, and Thy sacred unction bring. To sanctify us while we sing. * 3 Plenteous of grace, descend from high, Rich in Thy sevenfold energy ; Give us Thyself, that we may see The Father and the Son by Thee ; Make us eternal truths receive, And practise all that we believe. 4 Immortal honour, endless fame, Attend the Almighty Father's name : The Saviour Son be glorified, -•Who for lost man's redemption died ; And equal adoration be. Eternal Paraclete, to Thee. ^.'■:J #' I i ,M !>'' ■iV* -f. ; ^M ■* '-jfiii Vf.f j.-ym^ 'P,. VIM. it.- „'■■"> i^:. THE noir SPIRIT : IM (99H.) •• I will po«f «»i «»y Splrf* "PO" •" •••''• 1 OSPlRITof thelivinffdoill In all Thy plenitude of Rrace. Where'er the foot of man hath trwl, Descend on our apostate race 1 2 Give tongues of fire and hearts of love, ,To preach the reconciling word ; • Give power and unction from above l^ Whene'er the joyful sound is heard. 8 Be darkness, at Thy coming, light ; Confusion, order in Thy path ; ' Souls without strength inspire with might Bid mercy triumph over wrath. 4 O.Spirit of the Lord ! prepare All the round earth her God to meet : Breathe Thou abroad like morning air. Till hearts of stone begin to beat, 6 Baptise the nations ; far and nigh The triumphs of the cross record ; The name of Jesus glorify. Till evety kindred call Him Lord. lii (lOOH.) 4 7. •• The kingdom of God U - pMM, and joy in the Holy . rif hteonsncas, and lly OhoM." Holy Ghost, dispel our wwlpess. Pierce the clouds of sinful night ; Come, Thou source of sweetest gladness Breathe Thy Afe, and spread Thy light: Loving Spirit, God of peace, Great distributor of grace, Eest upon this congregation ; Hear, hear our supplication. >94 '- t* ^< <*. . k^.ML.1' an WOMX AND WORD. t From thftt height which knows no measare. An a gracious shower, descend ; Bringing down the richest treasure Man can wish, or Ood can send. Thou glory, shining down From the Father^fad the Son, Grant us Thy- illumination ; Best upon this congregation. 3 Come. Thou best of all donations Ood can give, or we implore ; Having Thy sweet consolations We ne^d wish for nothing more. Come with unction and with power, On our souls Thy graces shower ; Author of the new creation, Make our hearts Thy habitation. »'■„■■■ laaaoi.H.) cm. " ThOT* an 'tivwslikt of gifts, bat the uutic Spirit. " 1 Spirit Divine ! attend our prayers. And make this house Thy home ; Descend with all Thy gracious powers ; come, great Spirit, come I '1$ 2 Come as the Light : to us reveal Our emptiness m|^ woe ; ^^ ^^ And lead us in thQ^)aths of lif^*^ Where all the righteous go. 3 Come as the Fire, and purge our hearts Like sacrificial flame; Let our whole soul an offering be \, To our Redeemer's name. »»5 '/ >V, '' ' I . ■ - ■ ■'•■■■ -■- - . ■ ;■ :.^.^'*-;^ -|r. ,-^5 - « T -r ^1 - (4 ■'if- ^4 -' f Jf * BOLf aPIMIT : tv .■■',i ■■■■ I 4 Come m the D«w, »n '^»:j^m THE MOLT SPiMiTt .>)mlQrter, ihall come. 2 That heav^y T«acher. eent from Ood, tihall your whole soul innpire ; Your mindii »hall fill with Mi^re*! truth. Your hear^ with sacred (ire. a Peace is the gift^I leave with you : My peace to you biMjucath ; Peace that nhall comfort you through life. And cheer your souls in deftth. 4 I give not # the world he With promise false and Nor cares, nor fears, shall In which My words remain. *'Th»OiMBfort«ir. wbfcsli !■ th* Holy OImnii t ^LY Ghost, the Infinite! m» upon our nature's ni^ht *ili thy blessed inward light, Comforter divine 1 2 We are sinful, cleanse us Lord I " , We are faint, Thy strength afford j liOst, until by Thee restored. Comforter divine I 3 like the dew Thy peace distil ; Guide, subdue our wayward will ; Things of Christ unfolding still, . Comforter divine ! hp, '« I .ksii,'« '^ii^iefr,%' Ts^s'sBr '"^ji.' '-t-^i, "^w , t f MI9 WOMM AND WOMA 4 In MM, for iM int«reede, *■ And with voioeifMM f(ro*ningii pleiid Our unuit6rabl«,ne«(J, * CotnforUir divin« I 5 In 01, << Abb% FAihflr/' cry, ' * Elarnent of our bliM on high, S—\ of imniorUlitj4^ Comfort«| divine I ItT (IMH.) c.k " W« luv* r«c«i»«d ih« Hpirli of MloMioii. mktnky •• cry. Altte, r«»»i«.''^ \ Why •honid the children ^f a King Go inoumingall their daya ? Great Comforter, dencond and bring Sonui toktnt of Thy grace. DoSit Tliou not dwell in all the saints, And seal them heira of heaven ? When wilt Thou baniHh tiiy complaints, And show my sins forgiven ? %. '.-■ 2 Assure mv conscience of her part In the Redeouier's blood ; And b«ar Thy witnesA with my heart That I am bom of God. Thou art the earnest of His love, The pledge of joys to come ; And Thy soft wings, celestial Dove, __ ,^ Will eafo convey me home. # IM(106.H.) CM. *' AH Kriptur* ia given by intpinitloa of Oed." i 1 The Spirit breathes upon the Word, And brings the truth to sight ; Precepts and promises afford ' A sanctifying light. "it;- ■^: ^^ M-. 4»| // * / ( S^ «i *''''^>%J' •^ I- 'hi 'ti! ■ \*t^t *'*^''^' Wl*'^''^ THE HOLT SPIRIT: 1| , '-..w — » * fW -l^- 2 A gloiy f^ilds the sacred page, . Majestic like the sun ; It gives a light to every age, It gives, but borrows noue. 3 the hand that gave it still supplies The gracious light and heat ; His truths upon the nations rise— They rise, but never set. 4 Let everlasting thanks be Thine For such a bright display As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day. 5 My soul rejoices to pursue The steps of Him I love, Till glory breaks upon my view In brighter worlds above. 19» (106-H.) 7,6. ** Holding forth the word of life . 1 Word of God incarnate, O Wisdom from on high, Truth unchanged, unchanging, ^ O Light of our dark sky ; ^f^e prais^ Thee for the radiance , That from the hallowed page, A lantern to our footsteps. Shines on from age to age. 2 The Church from her dear Master Received the gift divine. And still that light she lifteth O'er all the earth to shine; t_ ' k\^^A "•'^•' -m;: SIS WORK AND WORD. It is the golden casket ^^ Where gems of truth are stored ; It is the heaven-drawn picture . Of Christ the living Word. 1^ It floateth like a banner • Before God's host unfurled ; It shineth like a beacon Above the darkening world ; ,Xt is the chart and compass, ^ That o'^ life's Surging sea, 'Mid mists^ imd rocks, and quicksands, Still guide, O Christ, to Thee. 4 make Thy Church, dear Saviour, A lamp of burnished gold, ^ To bear before the nations ^ Thy true light as of old : O teach Thy wandering pilgrims By this their path to trace, Till, clouds and darkness ended, They see Thee face to face. K f'- 130 (107H.) CM. ' Thy sututethave been my song^ ia the house of my pilgrimage. 1 Father of mercies, in Thy Word What endlessfglory shines I ... For ever be Thy liaLme adored For these celestial lines. '2 Here springs of consolation rise To cheer the fainting mind ; And thirsty souls receive supplies, And sweet refreshment find» #»■ 'K"4t.'^ '^'4 ^1',*. <7'M k\ k^' ..if-' m p-' r/r^ fi"OLr spibjt: 3 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around ; And life, and everlasting joys. Attend the blissful sound. 4 O iiiay these heavenly pages be > My ever dear delight ; And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light . 4 ■ ' ■ '■„ " '' .?' ' > ■ 5 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord ! Be Thou for ever near ; Teach me to love Thy sacred word, And view my Saviour there. • ... -.■ ■.•*... * 18H108-H.) C. M. *' Thy word ii a lamp nnto my feet." 1 How precious is the Book Divine, By inspiration given ! . Bright as a lamp] its doctrines shine, To guide our souls to heaven. 2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts. In this dark vale of tears : Life, light, and joy it still imparts. And quells our rising fears. 3 This lamp, through all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way. Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. 1^ 'Thy woid U ... liffht onto my path.' 1 Lord, Thy Word abideth, And our footsteps guideth ; Who its truth believeth Light and joy receiveth. .^.,^.. "- . "^ V* , --' -^ Si^i^MX '"-ii. .mf:' HIS WORK ANp WORD. 2 When our foes are near us, Then Thy Wor"■*■"* •1 j 1 1 ■ ^ '■•"..■■ ■■.■•.. a03 * "''^1 ' ' '^1 "■fch^S ,>;, ■;■-•:■ ■■?^'l a.'^' f ( y - ^1^ u m . ^Sr-'-^l's^^^Sff tMkd.^^^.M^ '^m i^- 4-' '^ ■ ■ W.^CHRISTIAN LIFE. j: •> ■'rj^ ■S''^. ISS (llO-H.) 7.6. ' " Unto you thtrefore which balicire He U pracioui." II NEED Thee, precious Jesus; For I am full of ain ; . My soul is dark and guilty. My heart is dead within ; I need the deuising fountain Where I can always flee, The blood of Christ most precious The sinner's perfect plea. 2 I need Thee, precious Jesus, For I am very poor ; A stranger and a pilgrim, I have bo earthly store : I need the love of Jesus To cheer me on my way, To^uide my doubting footsteps, fo be my strength and stay. 3 I need Thee, precious Jesus, And hope to see Thee soon, Encircled with the rainbow, And seated on Thy throne ; There with Thy blood-bought children, My joy shall ever be, To sing Thy praises, Jesus, To gaze, my Lord, on Thee. ».,J-^ ^ V v J. ,^ * r,, ^^-j^ ^' m^J^i::^,;^^r■'^,.. - yj CHBISTIA^ UFE-PENITENCB AND FAITH 194 (111-H.) " I will heal their backdidinr " 1 Weary of wandering from my God, And now made wil liner to return, I hear, and bow me to the rod ; For Him, not without hope, I mourn : I have an Advocate above, ■ A Friend before the throne of love. 2 O Jesus, full of pardoning grace, More full of grace than L of sin ; Yet once again 1 seek Thy face, Open Thine arms, and take me in, And freely my backslidings heal, And love the faithless sinner still 3 Thou knowest the way to bring me back. My fallen spirit to restore ; Oh, for Thy truth and mercy's sake. Forgive, and bid me sin no more ; . The ruins of my soul repair. And make my heart a house of prayer. 4 Ah ! give me. Lord, the tender heart That trembles at the approach of sin ; A godly fear of sin impart, Implant, and root it deep within. That I may dread Thy gracious power, 'And never dare offend Thee more. 139 (112H.) Behold; I itasd at the door and koock." 1 Behold, a Stranger at the door ! He gently knocks, has knocked before ; Has waited long, is waiting still ; You treat no other friend so ill. , •05 w \ 'i^ "•/J /iP^ m-\ >■>■ ii* v^^^^^. r. S^^:L-ttfA'»i^iw:i, and sad; ^ I found in Him a resting-place, And He has made me glad*^ - ' • ao6 ;i- - , f . \ ,'' %' ^MNITBNCE JJfT) FAITH. 2 I heard the voice of Jesus say, " Behold, I freely give > The living water; thirsty one, Stoop down, and drink, and live 1 " I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-givinff stream ; ^^ My thirst was quenched, my souyreyived, ■And«ow I live in Him, 3 1 heard the voice of Jesus say, "I am this dark world's light ; Look unto Me, thy mom shall rise, And all thy day be bright." I looked to Jesus, and I found In Him my star, my sun ; And in that light of life I'll walk Till travelling days are done. y. A'-.* ■>1 ISr (114.H.) .■*r ■■■ 7*. H« beheld the city, lud wept over it." 1 Lord, in this Thy mercy's day. Ere it pass for aye away. On our knees we fall and pray 2 Holy Jesus, grant us t-ears Fill US with heart-searching fears, Ere that awful doom appears. 3 Lord, on us Thy Spirit pour, Ki^^eling lowly at the door, Ere it close for evermore. 4 By Thy night of agony, By Thy supplicating cry, By Thy willin^ess to die, " f: -& '■m i^^if' ■ i. .-#^^^' ^;;s:":^?!S:^!^fSf^^*' ■r r y^f,- vn". e*' ■fv. CHRISTIAN LIFMi 6 By Thy tears of bitter woe For Jerusalem below, Let us not Thy love forego. ' 6 Grant us 'neath Thy wings a place, Lest we lose this day of grace Ere we shall behold Thy fapD.' " ■ -■--■ ■- .--.'-■■:. "■, *■■.■■ ' ■^''■ 7 On Thy love we rest alone. And that love will then be known By the pardoned loundtlfe thrOne.^.- 7' « . -Hi.- *% ■ 13S (116H.) 1 S.M^ Ife'' " BahoM. npiiirb- the accepted ttitie.'' Now is the accepted iime, Now. is the day of grace ; Now, sinners, come without delay. And seek the Saviour's face, 2 Now is the accepted time. The Saviour calls to-day ; To-morrow you may be too late ; 'Tis madness to delay, 3 Now is the accepted time, <^The Gospel bids you com^ ; And every promise of His word Declares there yet is room. 4 Lord, draw reluctant souls To seek a Father's love ! •Then shall attendant angels bear • The joyful news above. / - -fj'-- • '■'-^■^^vtM^-'^ i\ 7 )tt W'i,- yi PENJTENCB AND FAlTH. 189 (116 H.) !„■__■ i^- " "^^VV* ^®y '" '•'• P'«««nc« of itM MifaU of Ood over OM ainnar that rapanttth," 1 Who can describe the joys that rise Through all the courts of Paradise, To see a prodigal return, '' To 8ee an heir of glory bom ! 2 With joy^ the Father doth approve Th©»frurt of His eternal love ; . The Son with joy looks down, and sees The purchase of His agonies. 3 The Spirit takes delight to view The holy soul He formed anew ; And saints and angels join to sing The growing ^pite of their King. './'■' i - ■ ■ ■ I4«(117.H.) 8,6.4. ," Return unto the Lord thy God." 1 RETtTRN, O wanderer, to thy home. Thy Father calls for thee ; No longer now an exile roam ' In i^uilt and misery : "Return, return. 2 Return, O wanderer, to thy home, 'Tis Jesus calls for thee j The Spirit and the Bride say, " Come." O now for refuge flee : Return, return. 3 Return, O wanderer, to thy home, ''Hs madnesis to delay ; There are no pardons in the tomb, And brief IS mercy's day : > Return, return. ^••^ «r em 'tJ >-jt KEStLT' -f • ■ '" ^ -1?^ r Mi'^iftii ', » ' ■ "iifs, .■ ■ <* J'N*' CHRI8TIAS LIFE: '/,<'■ m: 141 (IIBH,) *- f. " HIai (h*t oMMlH anto U% 1 «#!• ••. wiM cast out. " ->ii -•M- '-;'el\*r ^f^^^^wf^^^^. V, IC'.f' ouBisTiJUiiMp %%'*. ,X^.: ■-f. ^5^,: 2 Joy of Uie desolate, light of the atraying, Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure. Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying. Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot cure. • B Hert see the Bread of Life ; see waters tiow- , Fprth from the^ throne of Ood, pure from above; * . , Come to the feast of love ; come, ever knowing Earth has no sorrow but Heaven can remove. t., v; I 144 (m-H.) j». *. 6.4.7. " Wlihoul M« y« c»n do noihinf ." 1 I NEED Thee every hour, Most gracious Lord ; No tender voice like Tliine Can peace afford. ^ I need Thee. O. I ueed Thee ; Everv hour I need Thee; bless me now, my Savioiir ! 1 com6 to Thee. 2 I need Thee every hour, ; Stay Thou near by ; - Temptations lose their power Wlhen Thou art nigh. * ■ " 3 I need Thee every hour, In joy or pain; Come quickly and abide, Or lite is vain. . 318 ."S.. ^-.. ■■'■_, .■•;. .■:.v-^.\ .■ '/■.,,;^; ,;; ;^.: ;..■,.;-.:• ,■ ■• :».#" »;^;v' :rv:=.' tu^^-i.>^^^#^^»;; V '■ ' 1.. -%l ;-, -K "• If ■V'»'y f -V^ ,'y^.;f"^"f- fMNirmWE AlfJ> WAtTM. 4 I need Thee every hour ; Teach me Thy will, And Thy rich promises In me fulfil 'm 14^ (129 H.) 8.M. ** Not br werbt of righMoauMM whkh 7 WMhAvvdoM.** I 1/ Not what the^e hands have done Can save my g(iiUy soul ; ,; Not what this toiling flesh has borne Can make my spirit whole. 2 Not what I feel or do Can give me peace with God ; Not all my prayers, and sighs, and tears, Can bear my awful load. 3 Thy work alone, O Christ, Can ease this weight of sin ; Thy blood alone, Lamb of God, Can give me peace within. 4 Thy love to me, O God, Not mine, Q Lord, to Thee, Can rid me of this dark unrest. And set my spirit free. 5 I bless the Christ of God; , I rest on love divine ; And, with unfaltering lip ancf heart, I call this Saviour mine. 6 1 praise the God of grace ; ^^ I trust His truth and might ; He calls me His, I call Him mine, * My God, my Joy, my Light. ••3 ■:m4-M u.\> ■:k^\&.yj^CiCj* _':.:' ^'*- r&^f&i. i^VsV-.N. >. ■ CHB18TIAN LIFE: ;"-^ ^;^- ^.'■f IM (ltt)-H.) VjMtMi«dfr«eIybyHUfi«e." i NoUn anything we do, Thought that's pure, or word that s true, Saviour, would we put our trust : Frail as vapour, vile as dust ; vAll that Matters we disown : v Bighteousness is Thine alone. 2 Though we underwent for Thee Perils of the land and seia, Though we cast our lives away, Dying for Thee day by day^ Boast we never of our own, Grace and strength are Thine alone. 3 Native cumberers of the ground, All our fruit from^Thee is found ; ' Graftedin Thine olive. Lord, New-begotten by Thy word, All we have is Thine alone: ^ Life and power are not our own. 4 And, when Thy returning voice Calls Thy faithful to rejoice. When the countless throng to Thee i Cast their crowns of victory, We will sing before the Throne,^ " Thine the glory, not our own ! " ^^\ S. M • " Th« predoas blood of Christ, as of i Iamb withoat blMUih." 1 Not all the blood of beasts On Jewish ^tars slain, Gould give the guilty conscience peace. Or wash away the stain. ■ "4 ■ 14T (124-H.) ''ij ^" . t Af*^ PSNITBNCB AND FAITH, 2 But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away, ' A sacrifice of nobler name . And richer blood than they. ■# J' My faith would lay her hand ■- On that dear head of Thine, While l|ke a penitent I stand, ' And there confess niy sin. 7 4 My soul looks back to see The burdens Thou didst bear. When hanging on the cursed tree, And hopes her guilt was there. 5 l^lieving, we rejoice' i To see the curse remove ; We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice, Ajid sing His dying loVe. 148 (126-H.) CM. ** In that day th«r« ahall b« • fbttatain ... lor sin and for nnclwrnnow.'' w- 1 There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn fron^%imanuer8 veins ; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there have I, as vile as he. Washed all my sins away.;, 9 Dear dying Lamb ! Thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, y Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved, to sin no more. «5 , r~ •. ^ ■•W-'"v. ^Vfe^ ?/'.%.*'- w CHRISTIAN LIFE: %. "I A- 4 Fer since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Bedeemine love has been my theme, And sh^l be till I die. 5 Then, in a nobler, sweeter, song, ril sing Thy power to save, When this poor lisping, stammering tongue lies ^ent in the grave. IM (126-H.) *••• " Behold the Lamb of God, which uketh away the tin of the World." 1 JtJST as I am, without one plea. But that Thy blood was shed for me, I And that Thou bidd'st me come io Thee, -^ O Lamb of God, I come ! 2 Just as I am, and watting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, .^ To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each s|i^t, O liamb of God, I come ! 3 Just as I am, though tossed about , With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings and fears within, without, ^ f OXamb of God, I come! ^ 4 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind ; ^' ^ight, riches, healii^ of the mind, Tea, ^1 1 need, in Thee to flnd, h^ d Lamb of God, I come ! 5 Just as I am, Thou wiljb receive, W^t welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve ! .]|3ecauae Thy promise I believe,^ O.Lamb of God, I come ! J» ^ 1'«?> % PSNIIBNCE AND FJIITH. 6 Just as I am (Thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down), Now to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, O Lainb of God, I come ! I A > '"« 7 Just as I am, of that free love The breadth, lenp;th, depth, and height to ' prove. Here for a season, then above, .*a O Lamb of God, I come I IftO (127-H.> 7.6. ■ - /. o. ' CMt thy burden apop the Lord, 1 I LAY my sins on Jesus, ' The spotless Lamb of God ; He bears them all, and frees us .From the accursM load. )ring my guilt to Jesus, To wash my crimson stains White in His blood most precious. Till not a spot remains. 2 I lay mwWantson Jesus, / All fmness dwells in Him ; He heals all my diseases. He doth my soul, redeem. I lay my griefs on Jesus, My burdens and my cares ; He from them all releases. He all my sorrows shares. 3 I rest my soul on Jesus, This weary soul of mine; His right hand me embraces, I on his breast recline. MA *}ll ■'S-'F « ' TS^ V CHBI8TJAN LIFE: I love the name of Jesus, Ia^ Immantiel, Christ, the Lord ; Like fragrance pn the" breezes, His name abroad is poured. • .. ■ ' -■ , 4 I long to be like Jesus, Meek, lovine, lowly, mildj I long to be like Jesus, '^ 7 The Father's Holy Child ; I long to be with Jesus,* Amid the heavenly throng ; To sing with saints His praises, To learn the angels' song. IftI (128-fl. ,.;^ \_ j!^^ "That rock wi|i Chrbt. l' Rock of Ages, deft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee ; Let the water and the blood, ' From Thy riven side which flowed Be of sin the double cure, , Cleanse me from its guilt and power. 2 Not the labours of my hands ' Con fulfil Thy law's demands ;. Could my zeal- no respite know. Could my tears for ever flow; AH for sin could not atone; v Thou ini^t save, and Thou alone. 3 Nothing in my hand I bring ; ' Simply to Thy cross 1 cling ; Naked, come to Thee for dress ; ' Helpless, look to -Thee for grace ;- : Foul, i* to the fodntain fl^: • Wash me, Saviour, or 1 die. tr -»r PBNITENCB ANI> FAITH, A- 4 While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyelids close in. death, When I soar through tracts unknown. See Thee on Thy judgment-throne ; -^ Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hl l *' rtm not worthy of the Icut of dl th« iMrd(||s i „_. Thon halt thowadttnto Thy servMit." ^ ::^h ■v*. •' ,*■ 1 Not worthy, Lord ! to gather up the crumbs With trembling hand, that from Thy table ..fall,.,.;-v ;■ - :;.i:J :.-r.:. A weary, heavy-laden sinner comes To pldad Thy promise and obey Thy call. ^ 2 I am not worthy to be thought Thy child ; Nor sit the laat and low^t at Thy board : Too long a wanderer, and too oft beguiled, Iponly ask on^ reconciling word. 3 And is not mercy Thy prerogative- Free mercy, boundless, fatnoml6ss, divine ? Jide, Lord ! the chief of sinners; me-forgive And Thine the greater glory, Only Thine. 4 I hear Thy voice ; Thou bidd';E({^me come and ■ ■■' '\rest ; ... ■ - ' • 1 come, I kneel, I clasp Thy ^ierc^ feet ; Thou bidd'stme take my place, a welcome guest, Among Thy saints, and of Thy banquet eat.' My prftlse can only breathe itself in prayer, My prayer can only lose itself in Thee ; Dwell Thou forev^ in my heart, and there, Lord ! let me sup with Thee ; sup Thou wiUi me. " .9n *f ■t; /*J ■m '■ I '< ' ^-^5 -r^^.y-.'^ ^.' J^' '' ■**?:' *^.' > '-^ CHRISTIAN LIFE: W- [•f !•» " Ho I vveryoM that thlntfth, ooim y« to.th« watwrt." 1 JJo 1 ye that thirst, approach the spring Where living waters flow : Free to that sacred fountain all Without a price may go. * 2 How long to streams of false delight Will ye in ci-owds repair ? . How long your strength And substance waste v^ On trifles, light as air ? 3 My stores aflbrd those rich supplies That health and pleasure give : Incline your ear. and come to Me ; The soul th|it hears shall live. * ' i Seek ye the Lord, while yet His ear Is open to. your call I ' While offered mercy still is near, Before hici footstool fall. 5 Let sinners quit their evil ways. Their evil thoughts fore^, And God, when they to Him return, * Returning grace will show. 6 He pardons with o'erflowing love: For, hear the voice divine ! My nature is not^jke to ^ours, Nor like your ways are Mine: 7 But far as heaven's resplendent orbs Beyond earth's spot extend, As far My thoughfa, as far My vfa.y9, ~~ Tour ways aim thoughts transcend. i't"' ^' .u.:> ^r t- -■V.-*-; * Must bring us bac]^ to God. 4 sons of men I with anxi9U8 care M Your hearts and ways explore ; Return from paths of vice to God : . Return, ana sin no more ! " L«t ni return unto tha Lord." 1 Come, let us to the Lord our God With contrite hearts return ; Our God is gracious, nor will leave The desolate to mourn. 2 His voice commands the tempest forth And stills the stormy wave ; ' And though His arm lie strong to smite, *Ti8 also strong to save. / 3 Long hath the night of sorrow reigned ; The dawn shall bring us liffht : - God shall appear, and we shful rise — — With gl a dness in Hjs s ight — ^^iJ^ . ,'*^i » ^'■L i^i^M -W^ ^'i^- Ei^r VHBiaTIAN LIFX.\ 4 Our hearts, if Qod we seek to know, Shall know Him, and rejoice ; His coming like the morn shall be, Like morning songs His voice. -6 As dew upon the tender herb, • Diffusing fragrance round ; As showers that usher in the spring, And cheer the thirsty ground : 7 So shall Ris presence bless our souls, And shed a joyful light ; That hallowedlinorn shall chase away • The sorrows of the night. 1M# 1 " Aacording to Hb mercy H* laved n%." How wretched was our former state. When, slaves to Satan's sway, With hearts disordered and impure, ' 0'erwhelmed in sin we lay ! 2 But, my soul ! for ever praise, ' For ever love his name, *,, Who turned thee from the fatal paths Of folly, sin, and shame. 3 Vain and presumptous is the trust "* Which m our. works we place. Salvation from a higher source Flows to the human race. 4 -Tis from the mercy of our God ; ■ . ~ That all our hopes begin ; .'His mercy saved our souls from death/ And washed our souls from sin. .■^' \^5'^j i> ■>. . ,« -- - V' PENItSNCE AND FAITH. 5 His Spirit, through the Saviour shed, Its sacred 6re imfjarts, Refines our dross, and love divine R^indles in our hearts. , 6 Thence raised from death, we live anew; ^ And, justified by grace, We hope in glonr to appear,. j And see our Father's face. ' '^ 7 Let all who hold this faith and hope In holy deeds abound ; Thus faith approves itself sincere, By active virtue crowned. / " H»»« tieifoy upon me." 1 Depth of mercy ! can there be Mercy still reserved for me ? • Can my God His wrath forbear ?— Me, the chief of sinners, spare ? .2 I have long withstood His grace, Long provoked Him to His face ; ^ Would not hearken to His calls, Grieved Hi& by a thousand falls. 3 Whence to me this waste of l6ve ? Ask my Advocale a,bov^ ! See the -cause ji Jesus' face, Now b«for& the throne of grace. * 2J®"^^' ™® ^^^ Saviour stands, Shows His woundsand spreads hishands God IS lov e , I Jtno w , I feel ; — ~ Jesus weeps and 1ov«b me still. J Mf »■ ^ ,. .: .:.;>^ \ , Vii' ' 1/ ,4, i*.'/'-. ik :' if ' "C ' CBRiaTlAN LIFE: -11 — 6 If I rightly reatl Thy heart, ' If Thou ftil compasHion art, Bow Thine ear. in mercy bow, Pardo^i and accept jae_nowJ »#* •• My "trong rook, for % \tavm of Mttvgm."' f Oh safe to the Rock that is higher than^ ^ My soul in its conflicts and sorrowswould By ; So'Jfnrul. so weary. ™ne/mne would^^^ ; Thou blest " Rc»k of Ages. 1 m maip in TheOt 2 In the calm'of the^oon:ti(le. in sorrow's lone In^toU when temptation casts o'er me its In the^^^ts of life, on its wide, haying sea Thou W^" Rock of Ages," I'm hiding in Thee 3 How oft in the conflict, when pressed hy the foe I have fled to my Refuge and breathed out HowX^en trWilSeiea^ SLve I hidden in Thee, Thou Rock of my 90ul. #•• Whoie I wn. »«»d Whom I "WTO. thXt L jistJS, Master, Whose I am, ^ _ ^ Purchased Thine alone to be^ By Thy blood, O spotless Lamb, Shed so willingly for me, Let my heart be all Thine own, Let me live to Thee alone. '}iMi'^JiSL, ^■» -1 PENITBNOB AND WAJTB. 1^ 2 Other lords have long held sway ; Now. Thy name alone to bear, Thy dear voice alone obey, iir J* ™? *^*^^^' ^^^^^y P»»yer : 1 Whom have I in heaven but Thee ? Nothing else my joy can be. 3 l^esus, Master, I am Thine ; Keep me fai|h!ul, keep me near ; Let Thy pri^sence in me shine, All my homeward way to cheer. Jesus, at Thy feet I fall, O be Thou my all in all. PART II. I'Wgs. Master, Whom I serve, Though so feebly and so ill, ■■ r^ Strengthen hand and heart and lierVe All Thy bidding to fulfil ; Open Thou mine eyes to see All the work Thou hast for me. 2 Lord, Thou ne^idest not, I know, Service such as I can bring ; Yet I long to prove and show ^ Full allegiance to my King. Thou an honour art to me ; Lei me be a praise to Thee. 8 Jesus, Master, wilt Thou use f ^ One who owes Thee more than all ? As Thou wilt ! I would not choose ; Only let me hear Thy call. — Je s u s , let m e r always b e , In Thy service, glad and free. »> v1 * %^mr^r^^ , » «f \ li^H i^v .. .-M W" CHBiaTIAN LIFX: IM (188C.) ' Bdiold I iUnd St the door fcnd knock." if ,'-4 , t»4 * 1 Knocking ! knocking 1 who is there ? WMting, waiting, oh, how fair I 'Tis a Pilgrim strange and kingly. Never such was seen before ; ^ Ah ! my soul, for such a wonder, Wilt thou not undo the door? 2 Knocking! knocking 1 still He's tliere I Waiting, waiting, wondrous tair ! But the door is hard to open, For the weeds and ivy-vine, . With their dark and clinging tendnls. Ever round the hinges twine* 3 Knocking, knocking 1— what, still there! Waiting, waiting, grand andtair ! Yes, the pierced hand still knocketh. And beneath the crownM hair Beam the patient eyes, so tender, Of thy Saviour waiting there. ■ Ji- m 198 (189-G.) •ixhweili*^ be showers rfbleasinf." I " Thebe shall be showers of bles^^ ^ This is the promise of love j , .^ ^^here shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the ^iour above. ^ Showers of blessing, ^ Showers of blessing we need ; ' Mercy drops round us are falling, - But for the showers we plead. Mt- Ai-. ./'- - s PENITENCE AND FAITH. 2 "There shall be showers of blessing "— Precioua reviving again ; Over the hills and the valleys, Sound of abundance of rain, ^r 3 "There shall be showers of blessing ; " ^ Send them upon us, O Lord I Grant to us now a refreshing ; Come and now honour Thy word. 4 " There shall be showers of blessing ;" Oh that to-day they mi^ht fall. Now, as to God we're conning. Now, as on Jesus we call ! ^ ■ .: ' 164(142.0.) ^^ "Behold what maaner of love the Fatbtr blilli bestowed npOD UB." 1 Beqold, what love, what boundless love The Father hath bestowed On sinners lost, that we should be Now called the sons of God ! 2 No longer far from Him, but now > By " precious blood " made nigh ; Accepted in the " Well-bfeloved,'^ Near to God's heart we lie. <> 3 What we Jmglory soon shall be. It doth not yet appear; But when our precious Lord we see. We shall His image bear.^ 4 With such a blessed hope in view. We would more holy be. More like ouir risen, glorious Lord, ^ Whose face we soon shall see. <^>''. '%' '^^ y ^•r ^n '^ty*^"*"^** * »'flv^ CHSI8TIAN LIFS. !•• (1480.) •• I hmn too« Mtray Uki • »o«t ib^P- ■'^: 3<- r^-w!* ■ 1 I WAS a wandering sheep, I did not love the fold ; I did not love my Shepherd's voice, I would not be controlled : I was a wayward child, I did not love my home. I did not lov^ my Father's voice, Iloved ifttr to roam. 2 The Shepherd sought His sheep, The Father sought His child ;_ They followed me o'er vale and hill, o'er deserts, waste and wild ; They found me nigh to deAth, Famished, and faint, and lone ; They bound me with the bands of love, They -saved the wandering one. 3 jtesus my Shepherd is, 'Twas He that loved my soul ; ^^ ^ 'Twas He that washed me in His blood, 'Twas He that made me whole ; 'Twas He that sought the lost, ' That found the wandering sheep ; ^ 'Twas He that brought me to the fold, 'Tis He that still doth keep. ^ 4 I was a wandering sheep,, I would not be controlled ; 'But now I love my Saviour's voice, J love, I love the fold. 1 was a wayward child, ■ I once prefer!^ to roam T . " But now I love my Father's voice, , I love, I love His home. ^» ■as;. ^.. 'f?^: J^ENITENCE AND FAITH. •HTf IM * Lord, inoraue our faith.'* 1 FOR a faith that will not shrink, ^ Though pressed by many a foe ; T Batw ill not tremble on the brink JMpverty or woe ; »2 xWE^^iil not murmur or complain . ^ ,,r Beneath the chastening rod, %nt,in the hour of grief or pain, ^ Can lean upon its Qod ; 3 A faith that shities more bright and clear When tempests rage without ; That when in danger knows no fear, In darkness feels no doubt ; i A faith that keeps the narrow way Till lifers last spark is fled, Aij|fe|With a pure and heavenly ray 0|(ht8 up a dying bed ! 5 Lord, give me such a faith as this, And then, whate'er may come, I taste even now the hallowed bliss Of an eternal home. 167 (86-G.) ' ' " L: \'T* ' ,1'' lb '** .' « '-'J ■■•'■ I: ':■ ;;;^?^'>if?i?"' '■: W' i & <} l&'^ K V'', ' If ^ '<' Ejl-' S ■^^ ''!f^ Si» p-^ 1' V asBisTiAir Lirsi 2. It is not thy tear» of repentance or prayers, ' • But the blood, that intones for thy soul ; On BRm, then, who shed it, thou niayfest at . -^ "' once. - '■■ "■ ,.--' ;■.- .■'"',>■.!'■ ■:■ Thy weight of iniquities roll. 3'The|^doubt not thy 1^^ since God Ms^JI \ declared ^' ' . ' . - Xhere remaineth no more to he done ; ' That once in the end of the world He appeai^H And completed the Work He begun, , .- ■ »■" ■ - ■■■■■■ "i ■ . * 4 Then 1»ke with rejoicing from Jesus at once , The life everlasting He gives. , And know with assimince thou never canst, die, Since Jesus,' thy righteousness, lives. fC V ■V, ' ' '* itter shame and^rrdv, *' ' 'f'*#.» time c^iild ^ver, be/ y When- ]^ let ^he'Satic^^ a J^i^^^J^^^'^^ll^u^lljr answered, ' All of 8elf,^andnoneof Theel " K V-- / iJl. ■' 2 Yet He found n>e ! I beheld Hhn . '^ __ Bleeding on thie iac6ur6e8 tree . ^W^^Him pi^ay, "^orgiVe them Fither i " ^^d my widtful heart saicl faintly, > "Some of self j, and some of Thee I " 3 ©aybydayHis4»iidermercy- ^ Healing, helping, f^irand free. • : Sweet and strong, and, ah ! so patient^ ' . . Brought me lower, while I whispered. » ; Less of ^elf, and more Of Thee ! " -T ♦ -■ 4 Higher than the hijghest heavens. T J E?*^^^*" *^® deepest sea, , ^ Lord, Thy Ipve at >9t has conquereaT Grant me now my soul's desire '* Nofte of self , and*aU of Thee I " ' lA » '-V » ■31 if mk .^,. f' f^*' \^ <, .', ,>■'. ^^:i^Vf)^f:.^^'f*-y^:'^Jl ?-'»l." !-■•' •91!.. ChBISTIAN LIFJfr PrW:^f;'v-f IT* (186-C.) AlfKhe gift ofChrUt our Lord Oto Strength attd Bight e oum ew 1 fVt r / .y^ '■/%^ tw- PENtTEHQE Alfi) FAITH. t 0.4. -^.■^^^ " If w« ooafdM oar lina, H« it bhhAil •ad jiut to forgive." ; not despairingly Come rto Thee! No ; not distr^stingly Bend I the knee^ iSin hath gone oveir me, • ' ' Yet is this still my plea, ' Jesus hath diell. 2 Lord, i confess^to Thed ^dly my sin; ' AH I am, tell I Thee I ^, ' AH I have been ! ■ lVirg6 Thou my sitt away, Wash' Thou my 50ul .this day, _^ liord, make me clean 1 3 Faithful and just aii Thou, Forgiving all ; Loving and kind art Thou When poor ones call : . Lord, let the cleansing blood, Blood of the Lrtmb of Gqd, - Pass o'er my- soul! 4 Then all is \ f'j • '^i '-' •*-4*?(.'' ^3r \ , I .'^Mr ^■^ -t- '>m^%' IK', ■'■■/.'■ '■1 CHBISTIA0 LXWi: 4 '<■ 179 (182H.) '- Who tim hvn all mwi to bt mvwI, •od to com^noto tht^koowkidc* of th« truUi. 1 God loved the world of dnners lost AncI ruined by the fall ; Salvation full, at highe&t dost. He offers free to all. ^ Oh, 'twas love, 'twas ^urondrouB love t^ The love of God to me ; It brought my Saviour from ab«ve, To die on Calvary. • 2 Even noW by faith I claim Him mine, , The risen Son of God ; . , Kedemptioh by His death I find, Att'' T Kb.. . ^/'.,.' , ■ ■ V 4 :■ ... ■ « .• ■• .■.•:.:. -J-'L:- i ■••■■-v/ ■ . - ■ ^\ see! . • . ■> PBATBR AlfPSXPECTATtOir. f-^-'f 2 Sin 18 my blindness, Lord, siil my disease; Sjn veils my heart, ein robs my^soul of peace ; Sin keeps me back from lovinfir sight of Thee ; Have mercy, Lord, from sin, O set me free ! 3 I do not see Thee, Jesu.s I bi|t they say ^ That^Thou art passing by— jirt in the feay : ^ 'Tis true! the Sound of Thy blest footstep near„ ArTdacceivtsof Thy voice, 0^1^rd,Ihea^^ , 4 loving voice ! it calls out, " Oometo me I " " It asks, " What wouldst thou I should do to' *, .Thee?'V^ Jesu^ 'Diou Son of David, shed Thy light Vtny da * ' " sight I'V 5 What Thou hast done ior others, I believe, • Lord, Thou wilt do f or»me I I sllftl^recei ve ■ ^ My siriit !— shall see Thee, Jesus, face to face. In all Thy might of majesty and gfrace. 6 My cry is heard ! Thy mighty, loving' hand . '' Has touched my inner eye ; at Thy command ^ The darkening scales have fallen from mV heart, . ^ 7^ And now I see Thee, Jesus, as Thou arti ♦ -i . iThyligL. 0*er Jmv dark soul, and say, "Receive thy 174(184^11.) /' 8,7. " Looking uhu> Jcnis. 1 Sw£ET the moments, rich in blessing, > -^Which before the cross we spend; • ; Life, and health, and peace possessing, ' JVom the sinher's dying Frieii^^^^^ 'M N V - . >■■' ^'.? 'X v:.^-. •t« n CSBtafUN LIFE) wttim Here we rest, in wonder viewing All our sins on Jesus laid, Here we see redemptionflowing Fi^m the sacrifice He made. J Here we find the dawn of heaven, ^^ While upon the cross we gaze, ^ See our trespasses for^ven, ^nd our songs of triumph raise. Oh I that near the cross abiding, We may to the Saviour cleave, Nought with Him our hearts dividing, AU for Him content to leave. ■;■ ■■ c. M. '* Let US thmrefor* coma boldly onto the tAiy 'k ''J.S" tT« (186-0.) throne of grace 1 Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat, Where Jesus answers prayer : There humbly fall before His feet. For none can perish there. 2 Thy promise is my only plea. With this I venture nigh : Thou callest burdened souls to Thee, , And such, O Lord, am I. . 3 Bowed down beneath a load of sin, By Satan sorely prest ; By war without and fears within, I come to Thee for rest. 4 Be Thou my shield and hiding-place ; That/sheltered near Thy-side, I may my fierce accuser face, — — And tell Him Thou hast di e d. > ^4r I 1$'-"PnArMM AND BXPECTATION. r"' 5 O wondrous love ! to bleed and die, To bear the cross and shame, That guilty sinners such as I Mi|^t plead Thy gracious name I -m 17«(18«-B.) " WtwiaMvtr y« thallMk in M* lluuwUfldo." <. 4f '^' ' ■ 1 Comb, my soul, thy suit prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer ; He Himlself has bid thee pray. Therefore wUl not say thee nay. w 4 4 t Thou art coming m a Kiuff, ^ Large petitions wiih thee oritig ; For His grace andlpower are such, None can ever ask too much. ^ 3 With my burden I bemn ; ;^n Lord, remove this load of sin 1 ' Let Tljy-blood, for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from guilt. . •■ .; ^ -" ■ '"" '■ '/■* ■■'..■-:■■ '■■ f 4 Lord, I come to Thee for resty Take possession of my breast ; There Thy blood-bought right maintain. And without a rival reign. 5 While I am a pilgrim here, ^.^d Let Thy love my spirit cheer. As my Quide, my Guard, my Friend, Lead me to my journey's end. ^qr m •A '*' -^l^^^^J^M ti^" , OBRiaTIAH urwi' IMRP •fmm ITT (187-H.) " 1 i»IU oomMWM with tliM from aWt tha— i c y ■■•t." 1 From every stormy wind thai blows. From every swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat^ V Tis found beneath the mercy-seafc"" 2 There is a place where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on oiir heads, A place than all besides more sweet, The blood-besprinkled mercy-seat. 3 There is a scene, where spirits blend, Where friend holds fellowship with friend : Though sundered far, by faith they meet Around one common mercy-seat. 4 Ah ! whither could we flee for aid. When tempted, desolate, dismayed ? Or how the hosts of hell defeat, Had suffering saants uo mercy -seat ? ■ ■ ■ - J . 5 let my hand forget her skill, My tongue be silent, cold, and still, This bounding heart forget to beat, If I forget Thy mercy-seat. t ITS (189^H.) " I will not Ut ThM go, enapt Thoa bleu me. fV^rl WILL not let Thee go. Thou Help in time of ■::--. ■■ ■ need-!'- :/' ■_ mk\l- Heap ill on ilUI trust Thee still, ^^ E'en when it seems that Thou wouldstslay indeed I ^ . Si* ,' . « PMATMBANl fCTATlON: '*.'■ mmm /, ,,;,! ^tr; * Do aa lliou wi, I yet will cling «||a^,o, • Hide Thou Thy fuce^e^, Help io Ume of . need, I will not let Thee go I ^ I will uot 1# Th#e goj shoaM J Idnawmy bliss? No, Lord, Thou'rt mine, and I am Thintf Thee will I hold when all things else I miss. Though dark and sad the night, Joy Cometh with Thy light, Thou, my Sun ; should I firsak© myfeUii ? I will not let The© go ! 3 I will not let Thee go, my God, my Life, my ■# ;•■ ■ \. Lord I- •'':■.;■: ' ■ ■ ' •/ W. Not death can tear me from His care. Wht» for my sake His soul in death out- poured, ,^ Thou diedst in love to me ; I say, in love to Thee, Even when my heart shall break, my Life, my -— i Lord, -%- ♦, . -if*- J» Lord, I will not let Thee go ) Vt9 (i40-H.) J t,1. * O, that Thon wouldat biws torn indttd." 1 Lord, I hear of showers of blessing Thou art scattering, full and free Showers, the^ thirsty land refreshing; Let some' drop a de s cend on m e . •4« V\"l i> M v- -• ,1 CHRISTIAN LIFE: 1 * tf ftP:> . I j 2 Pass me not, gracious Father, . * Sinful though my heart may be ; Thou might'st leave me, but the rather Let Thy mercy light on me. 3 Pass me not, tender Saviour ; Let me live and cling to Thee ; For I'm longing for Thy favour ; - Whilst Thou'rt calling, O call me. 4 Pass me not, O mighty Spirit ! Thou canst make the blind to see : Witnesses of Jesus' merit ! Speak the word of power to me. 6 Love of God, so pure and changeless ; Blood of Christ, so rich/ so free,; Grace of God, so strong and boundless- Magnify them atll in me. ■ ■*,' ItO (141 H.) S. M. '• Revive Thy wvA in the midst ot the years." 1 Revive Thy work, O Lord ! Thy mighty arm make bare ; ^ Speak wiwi the voice which wakes the dead, And make Thy people hear. Revive Thy work, O Lord ! Disturb this sleep of death, . Quicken the smouldering embers, now, By Thine almighty breath ! 2 Revive Thy work, O Lord ! Create soul-thirst for Thiee, And hungering for the bread of life O may our spirits be. Pi ri'Jpy^'* -M<'n^l^f3^ «^^W( «»1 i^^MS' • .»*>"-i-''f^-;,^^V PBATSB AND XXPSCTATION, Revive Thy work, Lord ! Exalt the Saviour's name ; And by the Holy Ghost, our love For Thee and Thine inflame. 3 Revive Thy work, Lord ! Give j>ower unto Thy word ; Grant that Thy blessed gospel may In living faith be heard. Revive Thy work, Lord ! Give penteeostal showers : The glory shall be all Thy own* The blessing, Lord, be ours ! V ISl (142.H.) CM. "Lord, help I 1 O HELP us, ICord ! each hour of need, ^ Thy heavenly succour give ; Help us in thought, and word, an^eed, £ach hour on earth we live. ^fi 2 O help us wJien our spirits bleed With contrite anguish sore ; And when our hearts are cold and dead, O help us. Lord, the more. 3 O help us, through the prayer of faith, More firmly to believe ;; , For still, the more tlie servant-liath; The more shall He receive. 4 help us, Jesus, froin on Wgh ; We know no iielp^ut Thee j O help us so to live and dicj. As Thine in heaven to be. " ii ." -.,'ia ^^:M^^M};^h^^Md CHRISTIAN LIFE: i«v'^-''- ISS (144-H.) M 'Than U • friend that stiekith cloier lluuia brother." 'mt 9<^ What a Friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear ! Wh^t a privilege to carry Every thing to God in prayer ! O what peace we often, forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, ^ All because we do not carry . Evenr thing to God in prayttfe Have we trials and temptations I Is there trouble anywhfere ? ... We should never be discouraged ; ' Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can wier find a friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share? Jesiis knows our every weakness ; ^ Tfliieit to the Lord in prayer. . Are we weak and heavy-laden, Cumbered with a load of care ? Precious Saviour, still our refuge, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee ? Take it to(|he Lord in prayer ; In His arms He'll take and dbield thee Thou wilt; find a solace there. ^- 188 (146H.) ■ ■ CM. Remember Thou me, f '♦^ »44 PBATISB AND EXPECTATION, (T 2' When groaning on my li^^rdened heart My sins lie heavi]|r, ^ » My pardon gpeak, nfew peace impart, * In love remember me. o 3 Temptations sore obstruct my way, And ills I cannot flee; O give me strdigth, Lord, as my day ; For gbod rememjiier me. ^^ 4 Distressed with pain^ disease and grief, This feeble body; jsee ; f» e» Grant patience, rest an^ kind relief; Hear and remember Ine. .5 If on my face, for Th^ dear name, Bhame and reproaches be, -., All hail reproach, and welc^cpie shame. If Thou remember nie. * ^ 6 The hoyr is i\jear ; cSnsigned t<^.death, I own the just decree ; Saviour, with my last parting breath, ,, I'll cry, "Remember me." m--, .■-■'■,■■■ ' .. '.:■;'' :' ■■ :■ ' /■ '' 194 (147-H.) A4. "The uuaificesof God are a broken ipirit. 1 There is a holy, sacrifice, * Which God in heaven will not despise, Yea, which is precious in 3is eyes,— The^optrite hemi}. 2 That lofty One, before whose throne The countless hosts of heaven bow down, Another dwelling-place ,wiil own,-ei », ~ The contrite bemrt, v/ ■•^ . feT-al^ .'^*!l ^^ jt^yi-SPSiT^ iaL immmmwmmmm^^- i^A^^^W^^'^^ :i; ■si-'"?' ^-. -'iii . • "fj- ■ • • *3 >. K • >> ' CBBISTIAtr LtP»: V 3 # Jne. \ -•-«' 8 The Holy One, tlie Son of God, His pardoniqg love will shed abroad, Andi consecrate as His abode The contrite heart. % The Holy Spirit from on high Will listen to its faintest sigh, And cheer, and bless, and purify The contrite heart. 5 Saviour, Fieast my hopes on Thee ; . Such as Thou art, I fain would bel ' " In mercy, JjOird, bestow on me The contrite heart. ' , IM (148-H.V . *• '^^ •> Out of th« depths have I cried unto Thee. O Lord. 1 From depths of woe I raise to Thee . ' JThe voice of lamentation ; liord, turn a gracious ear to me. And hear my supplication : If Thou shouldst be extreme to mai'k » Each secret sin and misdeed dark> Oh ! who could stand before Thee V 2 To wash away the crimson stain> Grace, grace alone availe'th ; jQur works, alas ! are all in vain, * ^ In muchthe best life faileth ; No man can glory in Thy sight, * AU must alike confess Thy might - And live alone by mercy. , ^ 3 Therefore my trust is in the Lord, .And not in mine own merit ; On Him my soul shall rest. His word :^-^i^ ' Upholds my fainting spirit. ■ 346 ■ tiki . .-^ "?T- PBATEB AND EXPECTATION. ->*.=- His promised mercy is my fort, My comfort and my sweet support ; I F^it for it with patience. 4 What though I wait the livelong night, ' And till the dawn appeareth ? - My heart still trU8t«th in His might, ':\ It doiibteth not, nor f eareth. So let the. Israelite m heart. Born of the Spirit^o his part, t And wait till Qoduppeareth. " 5 Although our sin is great indeed, God's mercies far exceed it ; His hand can give the help we need, However much- we need it : ^ He is the Shephejrd of the shieep, Lj| . Who IsraeWtoth guard land keep, ' 9 And shainrbm sin, redeem him. A ■'m .j» lt6(lL49.H.) ^Mus, Master, bwe marcy on na.' 1 Savic^ITR, when in dust to Thee^ liow we bend the adoring knee ;- .* , When repentant to the, aties Scarce we lift our weeping eyes f. Oh ! by all the pains and woe _ . Su&red once for man below, * Bending from Thy throng on high Qear'our solemn litany ! C 2 By Thy helpless infant years. By Thy life of want and tears. By Thjr days of 8ore distress, In the savage wildernesi; A1> *."» I .ir' fF, ' riotis hour )iiptei;'s powQif; *^*Tii?vouring' eye/ * I .'ifpyth|s«2cr6d griefs t Rf -kD'er the g^ve wh«re Lazarus slept ^ ^ the Jb^ibg tears that flowed ' | V ► ■ Treachery luiked .^itlim Thy fold ; w ^ From THyseatabove the sky, I^L ! !:' ; . Sear our;&qlem^ litany 1 .* f I 4". By Thine hour of dire despair, ' i^j ' ' By Thine agonyof pJrayer, ^ -^ :; ^ ' ' By the croite, the nail, the thorn; » ,' ' Piei^cin^ spear, and torturing scorn, , , Bv die gloom that veiiedtlie skies . ^ O^eV the dreadful. sai^ce^ Listen to our humbfe cry, - ' Hei^ oursolemn litahy ! ' .,1 ^^ ' ' '. ,6 By Thydeep expiring groan. By thie sad sepulchral stone, By the vault, whose dark abode Held in vain the rising God.; i Oh ! from earth to heaven restored. Mighty re-ascended Lord, Listen, listen to ihe- cry Of our splemn litjijiy ! ^ IW «jt. - ^m /' r } K. iD*« ■■;^'y. y.' -f"- • I * I I ' " t L. PBAYSB AND SZPECTATION. " LMniag upon htr tMlov«4." 1 Saviour, more than life to me, I am dinging close to Thee ; Let Thy precious blood applied Keep me ever near Thy side. - Every day, every hour, Xet me feel Thy cleansing power : May thy tender love to me Bind me closer, Lord, to Th^e. ^2 Through this chan^ng world below Lead me gently, asl go ; ^ , TrusttkigiFJiee, I cannot stray, I can never lose" my way. 3* Let me love Thee more and more, Till this fleeting life is o'er ; Till my soul is £st in Ipve, \ ^' 'V- ';> • , >*« f "i ir ^' ^^1*^ .J- Jr ^v . 6^ •■•'(lIl.H.) ^ I* T*". ,.^^ ' 1 WHEN"the weary, seeking rest!" ."*^ To Thy goodness fliee ; ^ ,^ *' * . \ ^, When thd heavy-la^ cast "^ * * . '^ All t"heir load on TheW* ^ \^ ' - WhlB^he troubled, see Wj?l^e. A *-^,^ ,, ^ name shall call ; / , ;= ^^ ; *«'fe^ v ^sinner seeking Hfe^;^ ' ^_,^_/feet shall fall; *^^ Hear then; in love, Q.Ldird,t|he cry, . ^ ^ I^i|^veii» Jby dwelling-place on high. m &•'• ^:\ f -J t ' ■ r »3.J OSRISTIAy LO^g; 2 When the worldling, sick at heart, Lifts his soul above ;, When theprodigal loel^s back To his Fathers love ; ^ When the proud man from his pYide Stoops to seek Thy face ; When the burdened brings his guilt To Thy throne of grace : ^ Hear then, in lose, O Lord, the cry, ■^^— 1brheiiveii,Thy%elling-place on high. 3 When the stranger All his toils to end; When the hungry crave , And the poor a friend %hen the sailor on the y Bows the fervent knee ; When the soldier on the field Lifts his heart to Thee; lih iive '4- Hear then, in love, O Lord, the cry / In heaven,' Thy dwelling-place on hi^lil 4 When the man of toil and care In the city crowd ; When the shepherd on the moor Names the name of God ; When the learnfed and the high, Tired of earthly fame, Upon higher joys intent, ^-^ Name the blessed name : fiear then, in love, O Lord, the cry^ -^ In heaven, Thy dwelling-place on high 5 When the child, with pave fresh lip, ^ Youth, or m ai den fair ; — ^ «■ ■ aso t*'. 'me' ■^:i^i^^^m ''■^^g^fKf-V:^**^: PBATMB AND BXPBOTATION. When the aged, weak and grey/ ' Seek Thy face in prayer ; ' When the widow weeps to Thee, Sad and lone and low ; ' When the orphan brings to Thee All his orphan woe : 7v^ Hear then, in love, Lord, theory. In heaven, Thy dwellling-place on high., 6 When creation, in her pang^, ' '* Heaves her heavy groan ; \ When Thy Salem's exiled sons Breathe their bitter moan ;-♦ ' < When Thy waiting, weeping Church, Looking for a home, Sendeth up her silent sigh, Come, Lord Jesus, come ! Htear th«ii, in love, O Lord, the cry. In heaven. Thy dwelling-place on high. •4f* ,vj t. '-^ !•• (162.H.) 8,7.4. " He will b* oar foid* •vcn unto dcatfk" « 1 Gu ia^ e; O Thou great Jehovah ! ' iBjBgftii through this barren land : vl^n3weak, but Thou art mighty ; g^llold me with Thy powerful hand* .V . Bread of heaven! Swl me now and evermor^ 2 X)pen now the crj^stal fouffi^ Whence the healing streann Xet the fiery, ^lopdy pillai Lead me aJil^y journe; eliverer till my at] —^ — »si «.'ftii^.ii« '\, CHRiaflAN LIFE: •^ 3 Whcb I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; / D^Ith of death, and hell's destruction. »-i?»j:l- Land me safe on Cpuiaan's side. . ' Songs of praises ,, 7~T will ever give to ThieeT 4 •I IM' %: ' He will b« Tcry giMdoua uoto the* at the Totwof tlhrorj" -•♦■. 1 Son' of Kin, to Thee I cry, By ih\ ljQl%mystery " Of Thy (T^llii^ hwe on^ earth, H|i^3^^e auid holy birth, omP^y pi "*# Lorc^^Thy presence let me see ; vMan^^t Thyself to me. • *; * fc 2 L»mffifGod, to 'ifee t ?rfl * v^ * By Thy bitter agop;^ ^, # ^.J By Thy pangs^ d^nknown, By Thy spjEJHs parting grodn^ ^ '^ liOta^^ Thy piMnc^t me seet ; ^ •• Manifest T%nrself to me. ^ tif S PrinS of Life, to Thee I cry : By Thy glorious majesty, By Tl|y triumph o*er the grave. If: Meek to suffer, strong to save. "I Lord, Thy presence Let me see ; -" , Manifest Tnyself to me. t A 4 Lord of Glory* God most higiiv ^ m , Man exalted to the sky, ~ ' Wit^J'hy love my bosom fill ; Pr^iipt me now to do Thy will ; - Then Tpy presence let me see ! t Manifest Thyself to |ie 1 7 f^' v,rtAF%*»'-''-''. .;: '■-"•'T''.' '■ '>^\- '^'^ If. ," - - ■.^- I ■\ ^,v,>-ij:f,"--- '^^/rf^l-^i* ..••^ PHI Fi« i4 .VD mPtCTA TWN. \ 19% " Out of th« d«ptha lw«« I oriad nnto ThM, O Lord.** 1 Thou who didst on ClUvftry bleed. Thou who dost for sinners plead, Help me in my time of need : Jesus, hear my , *' The immiM teunto fba. »nd to your QhtMrvn. 1 Father, Son, and Holy Ohost, Bless the young before Thee. Thou, their wants and dangers knowest; Watch them, we implore Thee : Lord, we pray I ^ ^ That they niay All, like Thee, be holy, ;M Loving, meek, and lowly. # V 2 (Hver Thou of gifts to all, #^ • No good thing deny them; S Hear, O heai||our eapest call, Life and light supply thein. ^— t$4 -.-:-':■:'■::}:, '':.>"'■ ^'.^'. 't: , ;f PBATEB AND SXPEOTATIOIf. llll>Hll Make 6hem new, Keep them true ; Atl that stand before Thee, Blens them, we implore The^ ^ .'1 Lord of mercy ana of might, r i fM' 1i IM Of mankind the life and light, , \ Maker, Teacher, Infinite, — JeiUB, hear and save t . ^ . i'MigHiy monarch, Sariour milcl. Humbled to a mortal child, '...Captive^ beaten, bound, reviled,—* , Jesus» hear and save I 9 Thtotted above celestial things, Borne aloft on angels' wings, Lord of lords, and Ring of kings,*^ Jesus, ht»yth4 stve 1 4t Who shaliyV^^ium from high, . Bobed in might' and majesty, fiear us, help us when we cry, — t Jesus, hear and save I w ' • , "TiMhottrof pniywr.* .^f^- '"t^J 1 M^ (jk>d, is any hour so sweet. From blush of mom to evening star, As that which calls me to Thy feet*— The hour of prayer ? 2 Then is my stre^tt[th by Thee renewed ; Then are my sins 1t>y Thee forj^ven ; Then dost Thou cheer my solitude With hopes of heaven. ass '. '>-?'>J %^ ! - CBBISTIAN LIFE : 3 Kq words can tell whafc sweet relief . Here for my every want I find.^ : ^ What strength for warfare, bcilm for grief, What peace of mipd ! '■" ■ '. ' "* ■ ■ ■*'■ .^ ' . :* ■ 4 Husl^d is each doubt, gone ever^ fear ; ^' My spirit seems in heaven to stay; ^ And even the penitential tear '*• Ms wiped awayv ; ^ 5 Lord, till I reach yon blissful shore, No privilege so dear shall be As thus my inmost soul to pour. In prayer to Jhee. - (t Ota 1m >\V 'There Bhall be Bhowera of bloMing.' •-«f*f 1 HuAR us, O Saviour, while we pray. Humbly our need confessing ; Grant us the promised showers t^ d&y. Send them upon us, O Lord. ■ • . ■ :/ , -\ ■ . ■ ... 2 Knowing Thy love^ on Thee we call, Boldly Thy throne addressing f • Pleading that shatkera of grace may*^ili^ Send' them upon us, O Lord, ( * ^^' '*^ 3 Trusting Thy word that cannot Master, we ttlaim Thy promisef Oh that our faith may now prevail Send us the showEifs, O Lord. .'.C «5« mgbL ^^^ ' * .' .. '.«.' ' ' ■ ^1*1^ ^ '^:-:.; ■ t *^■ ^sV,: ^1. . ^^■ }« ^' "■^■-. ''.r-'v'. ■ 1 Bu * ■ 7 "*' ^ 4 ' " ^■'A'^- ■■ . . . ■ - .-^ B" p; . -^--x'^ '■': "•:',■■-''; R.;:^-vv^: '• ■." '■ 5 ■ ■ ■,"■'■ H> ■'■■ ■ ■'.>./ ; B : ' ' ,^:1?! V / ' WW-- ' '^ij^H PRATBR AND ■MimiM^>.%i.^r.'^..:mx^ii ^^^'"rf^'^fmm 1 EXPB6TATJ0N. - 1 » '; "^ ' ■ ■ ' " ■■"; ' ■■ ief, H^' « nng.' '.-»> < 'e prayers implore ;^ a And Thou shalt be our chosen God, ' And portion evermore. a C^ " 9"' *■**" which art in heavi 1 'Father of all ! we bow tc^theel " t Who dwell'st in heaven adored • But pre^t still through all Thy 'works, Khe univei-sAl Lord. ■'"'*■ /• > k m t- '•^i I' r f3 *,iiC'* L:, U4 t^f if't &> CHRISTIAN LIFE : )»' 2 For ever hallowed be Thy liame ^ By all beneath the skies ; r ^ And may Thy kingdom still advance, Till gri^e to gloryrise. S A ^"Mieful^homage infiy we yield,^ With Ifearfcs resigned to Thee ; r- I And as in Wven Thy will is done, On earth so let it be. ^ ^ : \ -TFrom day to day we humWrown ^^ ' *• The hand that feeds us still :. Give us our bread, and teach to rest , ■' Contented in Thy will . ^ g Our sins before Thee we confess ; U - T O may they be forgiveni ^ As we to others mericy show, J. \ A We mercy beg from Heaven. ^ 6 Still let Thy grace our life direct ; From evil guard our way ; And in temptation's fatal path Permit us not to stray. .v i. ' ■■ ■■' ■ . "■ ■. 7 For Thine the power, the kingdom Thine ; All gloigr's due to Thee : . vThine from eternity they were, And Thine shall eve!r be. ^ %■ v' ^}i, V^ " . ••TheGodofpe.ee . . iflake you perfect;" 1 Father of pfeatoe, aiid God of love ! . *e own Thy power to save, ^ That power by which our Shepherd rose ^Victorious o'er the grave* t. J. ■...:.::. hS^ **2^ ' W^I»i^;^j!^^MM tf fjtf? iHrti-fe'lfit^^ fh^fiiyii v;- r \ ^ ^ Wf^l^^'Jr^"^^ ^ brought'st again, ^ When, by His sacred blood, ' ' Confirmed and sealed for evermore ' ' , 1 he eternal 'covenant stood. / aOvqaayTh/Spirit.sealoursouls. " ^^And mould them to Thy will TImt our weak hearts no more may stray,- ^ But keep Thy precepts still ; ^ '^ qi^ That to perfection's skcred height ' ." - We nearer stiH m* r rise, • And all we thinfe; and all we do • ' ^ I fie pleasing ihThin^ iyea ' 1 . i" " A gre^t cloudy wftnwMs.* 1 Behold What witnesses unsfefen *° < _^ encompass us around-; ^f / ^ Men, pnce like us, with su«fei>fng triel^ ^ But now with gloix crowned .. V2 Le^us^ with zeal Jiketheirs-inspired Jegm the Christian race. ^ ' ^«.- 1*^.'!^'?"* ^^""^ encumbering weight, ,. jTheir hdly footsteps trace. ° a B^old a witness nobler still "^ . "* \ ^^Whb trod affliction's path, ' *" ^"^stts; at once the finisfe ^ iperfccfc' ■ :v And authbr of Wrlfith.^ ., * H|^for,the joy beforfe Him set, _ ho generous was His lov€, - .. Jindured the cross, despised the shame. \ - • ^^ And now He. reigns ab6ve; .r i^ , • - M « -f-l .-/ \ r ■^ -C)' »* "W;- !1^ I?' A r CHRISTIAN LIFE: Ml — 1-- . ' M«-n ought rfwRy* to pr»y. wd not to tolnt.' 1 What various hindrances we meet In coming to the mercy -seat ; YetX, that knows the worth of prayer. But wishes to be often there ?^, 2 Prayer makes the darkened cloud withdraw Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw, - Gives exercise to faith a^nd love. . ai Brings every blessing from above. \ \ ■ -', ■■■■ • ■ • 'I S Reatrainine prayer, we cease to fight ; ?^w makers the C^^^ bright; And Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his^nees. ^ 4i When Moses stood with arms spreftd wide, Success was found on Israel s ^side ; But when through weariness^they fiul^, ' That moment Amalek prevailed, . . '; 5 d'Lord, increa^ oiir faiib Mid ^o^e, , A^f That we may all Tt»y goodness prove, ' And gain from Thy exhaustless store . „ Th(? fruits of prayfet for evetmore. «•» ' V' Wehate not «n high priert I'bjc*' gj»?«» ^'^ *«'!"''^^" 'XT wHh the Ming Of our »nllrDiitl«i. -i ^ 1 The»E is no 8QrraW,.Ii6tfl, too ligbt To bring in prayer to Thee ;/ < Th«r© is tto an3tiou& care too slight To wake Thy syi^pathy. a6o.r • - . . < .':. '- '., J ... . .-v." . ' . >v ■.'•?,; \- PBATER AND EXPECTA TION., * .2 Thou mo hast trod the thorny road, , v^ Wilt share each small distress : ' V ^^^^^' T^^^ ^^^« *he greater load/ > \ ^ ' ' Will not refuse the less. . ' » 3 there is no secret sigh we breathe, \ But meets Thine ear divine • ^ :Afl^every cross grows light beneath : The shadoV, Lord, of Thine. # 4 Life's ills without, sin's strife within, I he heart would^verflow -S»*/or that love which died for sin Ihat love which lyept with woe. ' 1 Day by day the manna fellT "'"" ''*^ ' , ' ^h to learn this lesson well! Still by constant mercy fed, "^ Give, us. Lord, our daily bread. - : 2 '^^^yM day,'^ the promise reads, - v^ . JJaily strength for daily needs ' <^ast foreboding fears away, '' Take the manna of to-d,|iy. * * , ' 8 Thou our daily i»sk Shalt give • ' ■''• pay by day to Thee we live- ' So shall addod years fulfil," ' ' ° ' Not our own, par Father's will ! - "J««' Thou Sod Of D«yJd,hftve mercy OB W." 1 Pass me no<^ O gentle Saviour, Hear my humble cry; '^ While on otH^re Thou art calling ' I>pp9tneby. / ■«'- .h .^^? "■^M ^ .' fH .Ir'j ^^ »«? ' >l 1. „ f ~. *i tb i' ^^y^^^^v^fwrn^^lm CHRISTIAN LIFE: '® Saviour I Saviour ! ^ / . Hear my humble cry, ^ * And while others Thouj^rt calling, Do not pass me by. '\i' 1 t *2 Let me at a throne of mercy . . Find a svlieet relief ; Kneeling there in deep contrition Help my unbelief. 3 Trusting only in .thy merit, * ^ Would Iseek Thy face ; Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Save me by Thy grace. 4 Thou the spring of all my comfort. More thaij life to me j ^, . * Whom have 1 on earth beside Thee ? Whom in heaven but Thee ? (100-0,). ^ "\.4.y^„hBie,,ndl8hanb«whit«,th«n«r>o*." 1 Lord Jesu*, I fong to bUerfectly whole, I want The6 tor ever to liVe m my soul ; Break down every idol, fiasfc-out every toe, Now wasbme, and I shall be whiter than snow. . Whiter than si46w, yes ^l^i^r than snow . Now wash me,, and I shall be whiter than, snow* \ - 2 Lord Jesus, let nothing unholy remain, Apply Thine own blood, and extract every To get this West cleansing; I afl thin^ forego; ' Now wash me, and^ shall be whiter than snow. '*u..'S I h .■■■/:: '\ PBjATrSRAfrD BXPMCTA TION. » " 1 1 1 1 »i t*i^. * ^"^fi"' '°* ^°'"' '''^"' '^''y ""<"" '" the And help me to make a complete sacrifice • Now wash me. and I shaHHfe whiter than snow. 3 » ii'. Ml •> •,' 4 Loi^ Jesus, for this I tnW kiimbly enti^eat ■ flow' ^^ <^l««»«i»^i. I see Thy blood Now wa«h me, «id I »b»li j^ ^ifcer than snow. \. if" , • ^My expectation isifoiu Hiiq. ' 1. Sweet hour of prayer ! ^^eet hour ^f prayer ! That calls me from a world of care- ^^ ^»<^8 »>« »fc Bay SWier's throne * / Make all my wants ahd wishes kno^n In seasons of distress and crrfef My soul has often found relief And oft escaped the fee;npter's snare ay thy return, sweet hour of prayer ! 2. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer ^ - Thy wings shall my petition bear ^ ^ ' lo him whose truth and faithfulness ^ngage the waiting soUl to bless : And jmee fife bids me seek His face VuT^ ^' ^''''^' *'*^ *"»«<^ His grace, X 11 cMt on Him my e^^^ry care-^ ' And wait for thee, slWeet hour.$E prayer I , '.%■] N 'J ■\Ji T7 /if '■ < V' J T" X i'"'i 'tl ^' <^' CHRISTIAN LIFE 90T "Be y« holy, for I »in holy." 1 More holiness give me, More strivings within, More patience in suffering, More sorrow for sin, More faith in my Saviour, More sense of His care^^ l^_.„ More joy in His service. More purpose in prayer. • . ^, . ■ ^ 2 More gratitude give me,^ More trust in the Lord, More^ pride in His glory, More hope in His word, More tears for His sorrows, More pain at His grief. More meakness in trial. More praise for relief. 3 More purity giveme,^ Mor^ strength to o'ercome, More freedom from earth stains, More longings for home ; More fit for the kingdom. More used would I be ; More blessed and holy, ^ More, Saviour, like Thee. ^ | ■■-C ^f . • . (149-C.) - , "BlllOtftrfrorome. 1 My Saviour, be Thou near me When I lie down to sleep, , ./ An^ safe from every danger ^^ My soul and body keep. ' ^-^ ;: V i.i.'r '» ^mmm^ ^^.-lasfe' a^^H^jf^- PRATEB AND BXPBCTA TJON. V Witl^The^ there is no darkness ^ The light it shineth still ; My Saviour, be Thou near me, ' And I will fear no ill ! 2 i^y Sayioqr, be Thou near me When Satan dot!) assail; To strengthen and protect me, That He may not prevail, 'z^ When sorrows come upon me.lBp And days are dark and sad'^r My Saviour, be Thou near mc, And I shall still l?e glad. 3 My Saviour, be Thou near me* * In sickness and in pain, ^ To teach my spirit patience. To make my sorrow gain. Wheiifceart and flesh are failinjhi' Receive my parting breath ; * *y Saviour, be Thou Hear me ' To comfort me in doAtb. 4 And th«|i, for ever ne^r \^ Where angels sing Thy prais^ And saints behold Tby fa^^ % My joy shall be Thy piSseiS^^Jii,^ ^ Yes, this my heaveh will be. My Saviour will be near me -through all eternity.; ^ .-„. ■■- ■■ '■ ' ' -W-' r, . '',' -.. -, ;■":. »6s '■. ' > ' - if • ■ . < 'Hi '* 'J - 1' ,/ V *1 ''•'«* >f'' ' 4 » -,'1 f,' ,^ , ■ ■ ' ~,-^V/sH ^^dH • V---S, ^. ff-,- V' .. • ' . 't*u-' .'^' ^^JP OHRISTtAN LIFE : v.< «<■ . •• And h«»w abldcth faith, hop*. chBrhi thase three ; but th« grotatt of thMe Uchmrity." / 1 OracioOS Spirit. Holy Ghoet, ight by Thee, we covet most, ly gifts at Pentecost, iy, heavenly love. \ \. •»; 2 L^ is kind and suffers long, Love is meek and thinks no wrong, Love than death itself more strong ; Therefore give U8 love. 3 Prophecy will .fade away, \ Melting in t|!& light of day ; V ' Love wiliever with us stay ; Therefore give us love. ■" /■■ '-'■■:■-'::■ ■ ■"- ■'.'^" 4 Faith will vanish into sight ; T Hope be emptied in delight ; \^ \ ■ c tove m heaven will shine more bng^t ; Therefore give us love. ■ ■ •» ' 5 Faith and hope and love we see Joining hand in hand agree ; But |he gr^test of the three, And the best, is love. 6 From the overshadowing :»^ Of Thy gold and silver wing i Shed on us, who to thee sing, H^ly, heavenly love. ^ -- V*^ 7« V t ' C" » ,1 t. }^ a- r r - \ .o iiik% ■ "^^^rirwn CONFESSING AND FOLLOWINO CHBIBT, . "-i^ii M ^y. 910 (IW-H.) L. M. " ^'"^** •'*^* •*■••»••"•<• of M., and ?h- ^^rr*^ ... of him alM .hall 1 JESUsrl and qhall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of Thee, Ashamed of Thee, whom angels' praise, Whose glories shine through endless days I 2 Ashamed of Jesus ! just as soon Let midnight blush to think of noph ; • 'Tis midnight with my soul till He( Bright Morning Star, bids darkness flee. Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend ' Jio ! when I blush, be this my shame. That I so feebly love His name. 4 Ashamed of Jesus ! yes, I may. When Fve no sins to wash away, No tear to wipe, no joy to crave. No fears to quell, no soul to save. 5 Till then— nor is my boasiiijg vain— Till then, I boast a Saviour islain • And^ O. my this mygiory jbe, Ihat Christ is not ashamed !of me ! aiI(i54.H.) \ ^^, " Lo, we h«ve left all, and followed Thee." 1 Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow Thee ; Destitute, despised, forsaken. * _^^^ from hence my all shalt be. ^ ^-^^ . ^ r -.i ■T" v^ I 'I ~\'t ■- ■■ ■'X^^il*', if . C ,,-,),- -^ .f||^ . »ii. ib.4. ^ 0t*- r.T^r^ ^ # .1 f V'- ■» . '* .. u -> ft^ 'l i i , ^i ii >, ^ llOOWtayfwAMntw, Buna 1100 SNWK 80ri|ia. MprylwNl 20010 M1/M7-U02 I* J Centimeter '" ^ J 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm i^ i | i ^i|ii| i |ii | i ^i | i hi | i ^ i^i |i^ i|ii |i^ ^ 2\ • 3 - ■ 1.0 I 1 Inches 1.1 IK IM HI S Itt 12X) L25 lu ■1.6 ■, "V ..J- fWNUFnCTURED TO nilM STQNOflROS BY APPLIED iHPCE. INC. ■s. :^ W^' , 1* - '' 4 <>...' -^^^H ■ f - 4 ««. ■ f>-. i ' '.'^ '- ■ ' ♦ ** .;- ■ ; . ». • ■ • .*■"': > . ... . t ■; I ■ "'/' V V. :-•$* . ■ f •■ z' ^^- ■' '-' H ■ r ■ N ■^ '■ » * ■ .J* " ■' . ;. ■ -^M '.' ^■- ■. ■' , . ' ^^1 t * 4 ' <■..',. . ■ r . • r -♦ • 1 • • f 5, o . * ■H ^. ■. ' • > ■ . - ■ SI •^' *;^^^;4ij^'i'X fr^t . CHRISTIAIf LIFE ( fO, then, earthly fame and treasure ! Come disaster, scorn, and pain ! In Thy service, pain is pleasure. With Thy favour, loss is gain. 2 Man may trouble and distress me,- Twill but We are the Lord's, and all things shall inherit ; Whether we live or die, we are the Lord's. 2 We are the Lord's ; then let us gladly tender Our souls to Him, in deeds, not empty words ; Let heart, and tongue> and life, combine to render No doubtful witness that we are the Lord's. .*s- ayo «!^ ^HfjIfC^. :=:»i^:'"'. COyFBSSINO AND FOLLO WING CHRIST. 3 We are the Lord's ; |no darkness brooding o'er Can make us treiiilble, while this star affords ■ A steady light along! the patkbefore us — Faith's full assur^ce that we are the Lord's. . , ■•■ .,: ■' ^' ■ \; 4 We are the Lord's ; no evil can befall us In the dread hour ^of life's fast loosening cords ; No pangs of death sliall even then appall us; Death we shall vanquish, for we are the Lord's. aiff (168-H.) Hili 9,1. > hMh tha Lord h«|p«l ut." 1 Come, Thou Fount of every blessing! Tuno my heart to sing Thy grace ; Streams of mercy neverceasing Call for songs orioudesi praise. 2 With celestiakftrvour glowing, Let me si^Hl^ those abeve ; While my heart, with joy p'erflowing, * Dwells on God's unchanging love. 3 Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hilher by Thy help I'm borne ; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. 4 Jesus sought me when a stranger, ' Wandering from the fold of God ; He, to save my soul from danger, Interposed His precious blood. •u Lfi -"A^. s^i-r'"'' ■•'' fc Jl ij""*-^ .^^ CHBISTIAN LI^S: 6 Oh ! to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be ! Let that grace. Lord, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee. 6 Prone to wander, Lord. 'I feel it, Prone to leave the Ciod I love ; Here's my heart, O, take and seal it, Seal it from iTiy courts above. r- ."* «\" ai6 (169H.) -"frt " tbm \on of Christ which paSMth knofrl«dg«." 1 Jesus, Thy boundless love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare ; Oh ! bend my wayward heart to Thee, , And reign without a rival there ; Thine, wholly Thine, alone I'd live ; Myself to Thee entirely give. 2 O Lord, how gracious is Thy way, All fear before Thy presence flies ; Care, anguish, sorrow, pass 4way Where er Thy healing beams arise : "'Lord Jesus, nothing may I see, Nothing desire apart from Thee. 3 What in Thy love possess I not 1* My star by night, my sun by day. My spring of life when parched with drought. My wine to cheer^ my bread to stay, My strength, my shield, my safe abode, . My robe before the throne of God. a7« ^ r> ^^y<» ^ T* f - 'iH 1 J- ■»-5 Tt^ik r ' Once earthly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest, 1^0 v^ Thee alone I^eek, live what is bdist : This all my prayer shall be: More love.aO Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee. 3 Then shall mv latest breath Whisper Thy praise ; This be tne parting cry My heart shall raise, This still it^ prayer shall be : More love, Q Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee. ^r-,. >73 ;li .f&^. II >,- • »♦ '" 1". ' • 1 ■ * *• ■ '-■.'"If ** .- »■ ^' ^ i' ' ' :^ v '"^F'WTws CHRISTIAN LIFS : m^ m fXJ^ •It (lOlH.) S.7. " Oo<( comoMndath Hit love toward ua.'* 1 Love Divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come ld me Of all Thy power and grace : Thy beauty, Lord, and glory, " The wonders of Thy love. Shall be the endless story Of all Thy saittits above^, #. 990 (168H.) 7. ff. " My thaep hear My > oi:« and I know them, and they follow Me." 1 Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep, Who Thy Father's flock dost keep, Safe we wak^and safe we sleep; Guarded still by Thee. 2 In Thy promise firm we stand, None can pluck us from Thy hand, Speak — we hear — at Thy command, We will follow Thee. .^ a7S mi'^mim'' •"• ,t-:. • ^ ■■*^*^?*'*^*^'ff^s^^v|5^»^^^'^^p^?^ •:f^|t-' -.■"/!, 'r^] . t. n CHRISTIJLN UFS: 3 By Thy blood our souls were bought, By Thy life salvation wrought/ By Thy light our feet are taught, Lord, to follow Thee. 4 Father, draw us to Thy Son, We with joy will follow on. Till the work of grace is done, And, frona sin set free, 5 We, in robes of glory drest' Join the assembly of the blest. Gathered to eternal rest. In the fold with Thee. Ml (1Q4.H.) CM. " L.«t thir.miqd b« in you which wu alio in Christ }^M."_i 1 IjORD, as to Thy dear cross .A^tljdSJid to be forgiven, So let Thy life our pattern be, And form«our souls for heaven. 2 Help us, through good report and ill, Our daily cross to bear, Like Thee, to do our Father's will, Our brethren's griefs to share. * 3 Let grace our selfishness expel, Our earthliness refine, And kindness in our bosoms dwell, As free'Eml true as Thine. 4 If joy shall at Thy bidding fly, And grief 's dark day come on, We, in our turn, would meekly cry, " Father, Thy will be done ! " R..,'Jn' Ji^J COSFEfiatNO ANn FOLLOW I NO CHRIHT, 6 Should fricndh misjudge, or foes defame, Or brethren faithle8.s prove, Then, like Thine own, be all our aim To conilgrim'8 life, And follow Thee to neaven. (IttSH.) • <-'• M. " liiMAuch M yt hav« dona it unto on* of th« laut of ' lh«M My brMhran, y« hav* doM it aato Ma." 1 Fountain of good love On the ine«in altar of niy heart. 2 There let it for Thy glory burn With inextinj^ui.shable blaze, And, trembling, to itH i^ource ri'^turn In humble prayer and fervent praise. 3 JesuH, conftrm niy heart's desire To work, and speak, and think for Thee ; Still let me guard the holy iWe, .^. And still stir up Thy gift in me ; , 4 Ready for all Thy perfect will, My acts of faith and love repeat, Till death Thy endlcHs mercies seal. And make the sacrifice complete. W jit4 ()67 H.) 6» m:; " ConipuMd about with lo |rtat • ofwitncaMf." 1 GiVEmethe wings of faith to rise Within the veil, and see The saints above, how great their joys, How bright their glories be. 2 Once they were mourning here below, And poured forth cries and tears ; They wrestled hard, as we do now, ' With sins, and doubts, and fears. . .t78 .■■• If m* «v- ■ X» ":■• t -A, iT . COSFSaaiNGAND FOLlOWrSO CHRJBT. H i ask ihuiii wlicncti tlieir victory came ; They, with unitetl breath, ^4flcribe their conquest to the Fjtimb, Their triuiiipli to His death. 4 't'hev marked thc> footsteps that Ht> trod, His zeal inspired their breast ; And, following their incarnate Hod, Thoy gained the promised rest. ^^^ 5 Our glorious I>3ader claims our praise For His own pattern given, While the long cloud of witnesses Show the same path to heaven. (108H.) 8. M. ''Wh«tlMr w« li««. thcnfort, or di«, w««r« th« Lord'*." ) Jehuh, 1 live to Thee, The loveliest and best ; My life in Thee, Thy life in me, In Thy bipst love I rest. 2 Jesus, I die to^Chee, / Whenever "death shall come; To die in Thee is life to me In my eternal home. 3 Whether to live or die, , I know not which is best ; To live in Thee is bliss to me. To die is endless rest „.;.-■,, # 4 ^Living or dying. Lord, I ask but to Be Thine ; My life in Thee, Thy life in me. Makes heaven for ever mine. V • •'. 4. v^*A.H4*«!i7* ;'c«s,^.-»'t* CBRISTIAN LIFE. a69-H) 7.. '''I'o me to lira it Chritt, and to die is gain. 1 Christ, of all my hopes the ground, Christ, the spring of all my joy, Still in Thee may fbe found, Still for Thee my powers einploy. 2 Let Thy love my heart inflame ; ' Keep Thy fear before my sight ; Be Thy praise my highest aim ,' Be Thy smile my chief delight. 3 Fountain of overflowing grace, Freely from Thy fulness give ; Till I close my earthly race. Be it 'Christ for me to live !' 4 Firmly trusting in Thy blood,* Nothing shall my heart confound ; Safely I shall pass the flood, ^ . Safely reach Immanuel's ground. 5 Thus, O thus, an entrance give To the land of cloudless sky : Having known it 'Christ to live,' Let me kho\f it 'gain to die.' •«r (170H.) 8, 5, 3. "If any man serve Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there shall also My servant be . " 1 Art thou weary, art thou languid. Art thou sore distrest ? 'Come to Me,' saith One, 'and coming. Be at rest.* 2 Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If JSe be my guide ? 'In His feet and hands are wound-prints. And Hisside.' >■■ ■■."..■ 380 ' :, ■ ' ■ ■ V -T- ■.•(".Ch-^ -h '*.t".. CONFESSING AND FOLLOWING C HRIST. 3 Is there diadem, as monarch, ' That His brow adorns ? 'Yea, a crown, in very surety, But of thorns!' 4 If I find Him, if I follow. What His guerdon here ? 'Many a sorrow, many a labour. Many a tear.' 5 Is this all He hath to give me In my life below ? Joy unspei^kable and glorious ^ "^hou shalt know. 6 AlHhy sins shall be forgiven, All things work for good ; Tljou shalt bread of life from heaven Have for food, 7 If I still hold closely to Him WhathathHeatlast? 'Sorrow vanquished, labour ended, Jordan past!' 8 Festal palms and crowns of glory, Robes in blood washed white ; God in Christ- — His people's temple- There no night. ' 9 If I ask Him to receive me. Will He say me nay ? 'Not till earth, and not till heaven, Pass away !* 10 Finding, following, keeping, struggling. Is He sure to bless ? 'Angels, martyrs, prophets, virgins, . Answer, Yes!' ^ ►- . '. .»8i ■^• ' M A\'a U •:j^ IIKC ■■'■,■■ Iskfcj^- Rr^-v^/Ti/TWw W' ;£^.;£lia CHRISTIAN LIFS : ft .' '^ 9i8 6 Standing alone on JordauM Wink, In that tremendous, latest strife, ■:■. Thou will not suffer me to sink: ' Thou art my Life. -^ 7 Thou wilt my every want supply, Even to the end, whate'er befall ; \ Throdgh life, in death, eternally. Thou art my All. ' " H« is the propitiation for our lini 1 Lord, at Thv mercy seat. Humbly I fall ; Pleading thy promise sweet, Lord, hear my cxall ; Now let Thy work begin, Oh, make me pure within. Cleanse ine from every sin, Jesus, my All. 2 Tears of .repentant grief Silently fall ; Help Thou my unbelief, Hear Thou my call ; • Oh, how I pine for thee! *Tis all my hope^and plea : Jesus has died for me, Jesus my All. 3 Still at Thy mercy seat. Saviour, I fall; Trusting Thy promise sweet, Hea^d is my call ; Faith wings my soul to Thee ; This all my song, shall be, Jesus has died for me, Jesus-fay All. ^.^■.> 286 IJI>- t^ ,•■*? >w*l? ■■'^.^-■■r- ■.•■'"■•'^, iX -?.'if' , ■ / ■ ■ ^^•3? CONFESSING AND FOLLOWING CHRIST. " God forbid that I should glory lavc in ilic croM ^984 (98 G.) ••Godf( ^_ ■■ '\ ofour Lord J«>uiChriit." 1 In the Cross of Christ I glory, Towerinff o'er the wrecks of time ; All the light of sacred story f Gathers round its head sublime. When the woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy. Never shall the Cross forsake me : - Lo ! it glows with peace and joy. 2 When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, , From the Cross the raidiance streaming Adds new lustre to , the day. Bane and blessing, pajn and pleasure, By the Cross are sanctified ; Peace is there, that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. ■■■§-■ ■ ■ !■ "' "^8« (102C.) "Loitl I will follow Th«e." 1 Jesus, still lead on, Till our rest be won ; And, although the way be cheerless, We will follow calm and fearless; Guide us by Thy hand To our Patherland. *Z If the way be drear, If the foe be near^ Let not faithless fears o'ertake us, ^ Let not faitli and hope forsake ijis; For, through many a foe, To our home we go» ' 987 v thus to the Lord! 1 Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. 2 Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of Thy love. Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee. 3 Take my voice, and let me sing, Always, only, for my King. Take my lips, and let then be Filled with messages%om The^ 4 Take my silver and my gold ; Not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect, and use Every power as thou dost choose. aSB ¥r*5» i Ji '*!!^'F'^'' .*''^''**. ^"^^ ' '"''■' '^■Mz'^t^'*. ' . % -'r,'f#y^"-V'';^v *'^''-^«' *f*-^' 93r 6 Take my will, and make it Thine ; It shall be no longer mine. 1^ P V heart, it is Thine own ; Jt shall be Thy royal throne. At 1 hy feet its treasure-store. Take myself, and I will be, - Ever, only, all for Theej "Iwlll p^taeThw,. O Lord, with my whole hwrt.' / "^^^^^^^ whole-hearted, faithful and U,^^ T ^'''5' ^^ T^y^ «^«« ^« will be ; Uiwf^ the standard exalted and royal. 2 True-hearted, whole-hearted, fullest allegiance Yielding henceforth to our glorious K Valmnt endeavor and loving obSdi^nce. ^ ' Freely and joyously now would wearing. 3 True-hearted, whole-hearted. Savibur all glonous! r, ^*^® Thy great power and reign there alone O^r our wills and affections victorious «*reely surrendered and wholly Thine own. 1 Tmrsspokejihe Saviour of the world, To_Thee, O Father I Lord of all, Eternal praise be given '".5'.' " V-'' -V' A L ^89 V :.s V i .,> CBHI8TJAN LIFE f y v/ 2 Thou to the pure and lowly heart Hast heavenly truth revealed ; Which from the aelf-conceitcd mind Thy wisdom hath concealed. 3 Bv'n so ! Thou, Father, hast ordained Thy high decree to stand ; Nor men nor apgels may presume The reason to demand. 4 Thou only knowest the Son : from Thee My kingdom I receive ; And none the Father know but they Who in the Son believe. 6 Gome then to Me, all ye who groan, With guilt and fears opprest ; Resign to Me the willing heart, And I will give you rest. 6 Take up My yoke, and learn of Me The meek and lowly mind ; And thus your weary troubled 80uls Repose and peace shall find. 7 For'light and gentle is My yoke ; The burden I impose Shall ease the heart, which groaned before B/meath a load of woes. ■1.1 Jrist-.-- ^^ \ ' V ♦• Thtf night coimth wh«n no own can work roR^» for\the night is coming ! Work though the morning hours ; Work wbile^the dew is sparkling ; — Work 'midX s pringing flowerh ; — _ ago "m-'l^t^^i.: t- fur ^^^^ -m^- .- • ^J!^^aiNoj.iw_F^^^ C£rii/5r. work m the glowing sun ; Work, for the night i8%oming. When man's work is done. ^ ^•i!*^*^'"^^***** coming I Jill brightest ffours with Ikbou..' Kest comes sure and soon Oive every flying minute Something to keep in store : Work, for the night is coming When man works no more 3 Work for the night is coming ! «rC^?**®f *^® ^"'^set skies, While their bright tints are glowing Work/for dayliffht flies. ^ h S!;^«^'hJ^'l!^^*^*">^^eth. _Fadeth to shine no more ; fc^'^' *^' "'P^* ^« ^^^kening. When man's work is o'er. ^ 1 One moreday's work for Jesus One less of earth for me ! ' - But heaven is nearer, and Christ is dearer Than yesterday to me: ^ ' His love and light fill all my soul to-night. ' One more day's work for Jesus ^^ One more day's worWfbrJ^sus One less of earth for me ! U' ^r A. SI T^ r..!.. f 0BBI8TUN UFS t •t'\' t5' S-. * r^ 2 One more day's work for Jesus : How glorious is my King i ' J(l8 joy, not duty, to speak His beauty : My soul mounts on the wing • At the mere thought how (Jhrint my life has . bought. '^ V 3 One more day's work for Jesus : How sweet the work has been, To tell the story, to show the glory When Christ's flock enter in I ' How it did shine in this poor heart of mine ! 4 0)[ie more days work for Jesus; O yes, a weary day : * But heaven shines clearer, and rest comes nearer, ' ..■'.■. eaoh^tep of the way. ' , , Christ in all ! before H^g face I fall ! 5 Oh, bless 2 Toiling on! Toiling on I roiling on ! TiMkg on ! Let iiH hope, I jpwatch. V And labour tiJiW« Master come. ^ ^f^)"^^ ^ ^ *^' ^^ ' ^•^ **^« hungrj^ be To the FounUim of Life ft the wearjr be led I l9 the Cross and its ban£ our glory. hanbL 'M freri"^'"^^ '^" '^*^^' -'' S^^^'^^^ ^* ^ ,. :| For^e kingdom of darkness and error shaU ^n^'^fSitif T ""^ n^^^^**^ «^*'^«*^ «»^a» be «^J^«d-swelImg chorus, ',' Solvation is ' ''' 't:L^l^ ''^"^^^^ ' ^"^ «^« «*'^-«*»» of ^""^ ^J^^ ^^ ^ orown shall our labour re- ^'Than'i°"' ""^ **"" faithful Cbur dwelling And^hout with the rtinsomed." Salvation is fe ■',■ ■ ' • J . •■ - - » ■ ■ '.. y a^a (114 c.) " ^""S^ «'.p.''?*° '*••*•' »'•« 'MI !>• ■.^v' 4 Sowing the seed by the dawnlight fair Sowing the seed by the-uoonday glare ' Sowing the seed by the fading liglit ' Sowing the seed i n the solemn night • Oh, lirhat shall the hw-vest be ? •93 -V ar;'. CHRISTIAN LIFE iX [i) '^' Sown in the darkness or sown in the light. \. V Sown in our weakness or sown in our might; Gathered in time or eternity, Sure, ah! sure will the harvest be 1 2 Sowing the seed by the wayside high, Sowing the seed on the rocks to die, Sowing the seed wl^^re the thorns will spoil, t Sowing tl|e-J)9ed in the ferCiie soil : Oh, wra^haH, the harvest be ? 3 Sowing the seed with an aching heart, Sowing the seed while the tear-drops start, Sowing in hope, till the reapers come. Gladly to gather the harvest home Oh, what shall the harvest be ? : :^¥. . V*>" J 'r, 943 (116-C.) ' Bringing his sheaves with him." 1 Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kind - , ■;■ ness, ■ ■•/' I' l^owing in the noon-tide and the dewy eves ; "Voting for the harvest, and the time of reap- We shall come rejoicing, bringing m the sheaves ! ' Bringing in the sheaves ! Biinging, in the sheaves ! We shall con^e MQoicing, ^Bringing in the sheaves ! 994 , y::-i..t ■:u'^y CON FESSING AND FOL LOWmQ CHRIST. breeM nor winter's chillins *^W^'';hLl*''^''"''^^.*?'^ *•'<' '»»»ur ended, tl^"* *»"'■ CHRISTIAN LIFE, W: ^ 1 1 4 There are depths of love that I cannc^now Till I cross the narrow sea ; Tholip are heights of joy that I may not reach, >'S||fl rest in peace with Thee. 'C '>-?^ " Hm>py b the man that findeth wisdom." 1 6* HAPPY is the man who hears Instruction's warning voice ; And who celestial Wisdom makes His early, only choice. 2 For she has treasures greater far Than east or west unfold ; And her rewards more precious are Than all their stores of gold. 3 In her right hand she holds to view A length of happy days ; V Riches, with splendid honours joined, Are what her left displays. 4 She guides the young with infiocence, In pleasure's paths to tread, A crown of glory she bestow^ Upon the hoary head. 5 According as her labours rise. So her rewards increase ; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace. 946 " By the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified." Vain are the hopes the sons of men Upon their works have built ; Their hearts by nature are unclean. Their actions full of iguilt, ^ 796 m^fimMi^-- -i ^CONFESSING AN P^PLLOWnm^ 2 Sil^fc ]et Jew and Gentile stand, Without one vaunting word • ' And humbled low, confess iheir guilt iietore heaven's righteous Lord . / 1 he law, that shows the sinner's ouilt Condemns him to his face, 4 Jesus ! how glorious is Thy giuce ! When m Thy name we tVust, Our faith revives a righteousness inat makes the sinner just. il 4. 947 " The mind which was in Christ Jesni .' 1 YE who the name of Jesus bear. • Uis sacred steps pursue ;- And let that mind which was in Him f i5e also found in you. 2 Though in the form of God He was ^ His only Son declared, JVor to be equally adored' As robbery did regard ; 3 His greatness He for us abased, *or us His glory vailed ; Inhuman likeness dwelt on earth His majesty concealed. -i 4 Nor only as a man appears, _^liut stoops a servant low ; In all Its shame and woe. »97 't-..- ' VJ ■■■fe1 '1 m > ^*^ 'k^r^v'-g'- f^mv/i :":;i^'S I, 'I ^'^. K Pt. :r' ■fvV CHBIBTIAN LIFE: 5 Hence Ood thiB generous love to men With honours just hath crowned, And raised the name of Jesus far ^ Above all names renowned: 6 That at this name, with sacred awe. Each humble knee should bow, Of hosts immortal in the skies, And nations spread below : 7 That all the prostrate powers of hell Mijrht tremble at his word, ^ And every tnbe and every tongue. C)onfess that he is Lord » I muBt work the wofta of Him that «.nt me 949 whilelttoday. 1 Go, labour on V spend and be spent— Thy joy to do the Father s will ; It w the way the Master went : ^ Should not the servant tread it still . 2 Go, labour on ; your hands are weak, your knees are faint, your soul cast down , Yet falter not ; the prize you seeic Is near^-a Hingdoni and a crown. ^ Go labour on while it is day ; ' tSc WW's dark night is ^astemng on r Speed, speed Thy work ; cast sloth nway , It is not thus that souls are won. 4 Men die in diMfkness^at yt,WV .jfati'^ii CONFESSING. AND FOLLOWING CHRIST. 6 Toil on, laint not, keep watch and pray ; Be wise the erring soul to win ; Qo forth into the world's highway. Compel the wanderer to come in, 6 Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice ; For toil comes rest, for exile, home ; Soon Shalt thou hear the Bridegroom's voice The midnight peal, " Behold I come !" ■..■♦'J 949 'Ye we oomplete In Him. N-if 1 Lord, speak to me, that I may speak In Jiving echoes of Thy tone ; ^8 Thou has sought, so let me seek Thy erring children lost and lone. 2 O lead me, Lprd, that I may lead - The wandering and the wavering feet ; feed me. Lord, that I may feed Thy hungering ones with manna sweet. 3 strengthen me, that, while I stand Firm on the rock, and strong in Thee 1 may stretch out a loving Jiand To wrestlers with the troubled sea. * ^ }^^ "*®' ^^» *^** I ™ay *each The precious things Thou dost impart • 4^i°.?]**y ^^'*^^' that they may reach Ihe hidden depths of many a heart. ^ ^i[^® '^^*"« own sweet rest to me, ^ That I may speak with soothing power A word in season, as from Thee, . To weary ones in needful hour. »99 4-, y t ■TV. -rn- "I Wr^"™ "W / ^fP^^VriiOT^??^!^ - .'X:v4 --^.^'v >^^¥«:^'i^i^^*!^^ 7; ; r^^^^y^^^ff I ■ M ' CHRISTIAN LIFE: 6 O fill me with Thy fulness, Lord, Until my very heart o'erflow fn kindling thought and glowing word, Thy love to tell, Thy praise to show. 7 O use me, Lord, use even me Just as Thou wilt, and whep, and where, Until Thy blessed face I see, ^;V Ihy rest, Thy joy, Thy glory share. Vf '• Lord, I will follow Thee whltherweTCT TliQugoest" 1 O Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end ; Belrhou for ever near me. My Master and my Friend ! I shall not fear the battle If Thou art by my side, Nor wander from the pathway If Thou wilt be my guide. 2 Oh, let me feel Thee near me. The world is ever near : I see the sights that dazzle, The tempting sounds I hear;M My foes are ever near me, Arcwmd me and within ; But, Jesus, di:?iw Thou nearer. And shield nay s6ul from sin. 3 Oh, let me hear Thee speaking In accents clear and still, Above the storms of passion. The murmurs of self-will, -|90- mp^' ...... ■•'.■., vJ' OONFESaiNO AND FOLLOWING OnRl$T. Oh, Speak toi^-assure me, To hasten or control : Oh, speak, and make me listen. Thou Guardian of my soul ! V"' Ml ♦' If »Mm»n wW come alter Me, let Mill deny hlni«c:f. Mdtoke up his oroMKnd follow Me." 1 •' Take up thy cross," the Saviour said. If thou woulds| My disciple be ; Deny thyself, the world forsake, And humbly follow after Me. 2 Take up thy cross ; let not its weight Fill thy weak spirit with alarm ; His strength shall bear thy spirit up, , And brace thy heart, and nerve thine arm.^ 3 Take up thy cross, nor heed the shame; Nor let thy foolish pride rebel : Thy Lord for thee the Cross endured, To save thy soul from death and hell. 4 Take up thy cross, then, in His strength, ' ^ And calmly every dangei^ brave ; ^ Twill guide tli^ee to a better home, ^ And lead to victory o'er the grave. 5 Take up thy cross and follow Ghrii|t, > Nor think till death to lay it down ; For only he who beiurs the cross May hope to wear the gloriqus crown. ■■■M >l .■t .>..-*'. 79-—.-^- ■tSh-'A. ^^^ V. few ■4-. 4'- / CHRiatlAN UFE: / ri|ht Ih* good fight of faith.' -V 1 The Son of God goes forth to war, A kingly crown to gain, His bloc^-red banner streams afar ; Who follows in His train ? 2 Who best can drink the cup of woe^ , Triumphant ove^ pain-^ * Who patient bears the cross below, — * He follows in His train. ^ 3 The martyr first, whose eagle eye Could pierce beyond the grave, Who saw his Master in the sky, And called on Him to Tsrave; , 4 Like Him, with pardon on his tongue, In nlidst of mortal pain, He prayed for them that did the wrong ; Who follows in his train ? 5 A glorious band, the chosen few On whom the Spirit came, Twelve valiant saints, their hope they knew. And mocked the cross and flame. 6 They met the tyrant's brandished steel, The lion's gory mane, They bowed their necks the death to feel ; Who follows in their train. ? 7 A noble army, men and boys, The matron and the maid. Around the Saviouir's throne rejoice In robes of light arrayed. 30a ;.>V' W' — »7- ' ~ ~~~ ~ " r ^^^Kt^^mS m^ w^ ^^'f^^^^JMV^.rjw^,;^^ w-f^ *■■*.*,■■ "<, CONFESaiNO AND FOLLOWING CHBIST. v1 8 Thev climbed tho steep ascent of heaven Through peril, toil and pain ; - O Qod, to us may grace be given To follow in their train. "If w« oonfeM our a(.niL Ue U Mthfuland Juat to foriive lu our ■tab.'' 1 Weary of earth and la^ji^h with my sin, ' ^1 look at Heaven and long to enter in : But there no evil thing may find a home ; ' And yet I hear a voice that bids me come. 2 So vile I am, how dare I hope to stand ^ In the pure glory of that hojy Und— * Before the whiteness of that throne appekr ? Yet there are hands stretched out to draAme. near. 3 The while I fain w^ould tread the lieav^nly' way: -^ . Evil is ever with me day by day : i Yet on mine ears the gracious tidings fall,* " Repent, confess, thou shali be loosed from .- .'an."- ■■■ '.::^ ■■.•::■;■ 4 It is the voice of Jesus that I hear ; His are the hands stretched out to draw me near, ■■■.■.; ;: '.^ ■;^-;. And His the blood that can for all atone * ,, And set nie faultless there before the throne. '".^fi ■.,VJ , ~>>:'a 5 'Twas He who found me on the deathly wild, And made me heiV oi Heaven, the Father's ■ chUd, ;■, ■ ^:->--?..-.^-..-,_^..v'-,^^ ^_; And day by day, whereby my soul may live, Gives me His grace of pardon, and will give. ■^1 t3««- ''^a » I y^^ ..^ ', .yr- .*''.. '.*^T* 'f:^' CHRISTIAN LIFE: ti^ •, ■ , pt^(^ great Absolver, grant my bouI may wear The lowliest garb of penitence and prayer, That in the Father's courts my glorious dreas . May be the garment of Thy righteousness. ^ 7 Yea^Thou wilt answer for me, righteous Lord ; ki^ Thine all the merits, mine the great reward ; ^^■\ Thine the sharp thorns, and min I.' ^. CBRISTIAN LIFM: Home of the Rtrangcr, Strenffth to the end, Refuge from danger, Saviour and Friend. Pillow where, lying, Love resta ita heati, Peace of the dying, Life of the dead. Pith of the. lowly. Prize at the end, Breath of the holy, Saviour and Friend. •■I 3 When my feet stumble, I'll to Thee cry, Crown of the humble. Cross of the high ; When my steps wander, Over me bend, Truer and fonder, Saviour and Friend. ft ''' « ? •■ 4 Ever confessing Thee, I will raise Unto Thee blessing, Glory, and praise ; All my endeavour. World without end. Thine to be ever, JBaviour and Friend. 306 L^i'Vri'^VM.^i.,*. .v»< /,?'«?; p-7 * t ■J" CONFSSSrm and fOLLOWUfO CHRIST. MT "IdMwUMm . . . with . . , hMMftoriov*. 1 Je«U8, \ love Thee— not becauae I hope for heaven thereby, J<^or yet because, if I love not 1 I must forever di«i (t I love :Ph«e, Saviour dear, and still I ever will Jove Thee, Solelv because my God Thou art Who first has lov6d me. 3 For me to loweAt' depths of woe " Thou did'st Thyself abase ; / ^. For me did'st bear the cross anc) sF^ame, And manifold disgrace. 4 For me did'st suffer pains unknown, Blood sweat and Mfony, Yea, death itself—al^ all for me Who was Thine enemy. 5 Then why, blessed Saviour mine ■^ Should I not love Thee well ? '.^^ Not for the sake of winning vheaveJr ^ Nor of escaping hell; ^ 6 Not with the hope of gaining aught, Nor seeking a reward ; But freely, fully, as Thyself Hast lovfed me, Lord. 7 Even so I love Thee and will love, And in Thy praise will siiig, Solely because my God Thou art, And my eternal King. •ft* :e4> \A A CHRISTIAN LIFg: MS ' As eTery man hath reoeiTed the gift, «ren ho minister the Mune one to another." ','< -,w !%; m 1 We give Thee but thine oyrn, Whate'er the gift may be : All that we have is Thine alone^ A trust, Lord, from Thee. 2 May we Thy bounties thus As stewards true receive, * And gladly, as Thou blessest us. To Thee our first-fruits give. 3^To comfort and to bless. To find a balm for woe. To tend the lone and fatBerless Is angel's work below. 4 The captive to release,- To Qod the lost to bring, To teach the way of life and peace, — It is the^^ We are on the Lord's side, Saviour, we are Thine ! 3 Jesus, Thou hast bought us. Not with gold or gem, But with Thine own life-blood. For Thy diadfm. With Thy blessing filling Each who comes to Thee, Thou hast made us willing. Thou hast made us free. By Thy grand redemption. By Thy grace divine. We are on the Lord's' side. Saviour, we are Thine! w > v^ - .:4' m^^ i^LmM. -J 'tei.'^-:^^':/.. '•<>fafe?ib,:«;-> ■ & Stf-4 lVV % ''hi V CHRISTIAN LIFE'. ■■■■>■ * 4 Fierce may bje the conflict, Strong may be the foe. But the King's own army, ■ None can overthrow. Bound His standard tKaaxnst Victory IS secure I For His truth unchanging Makes the triumph sure. Jo^ully enlisting, °7 Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's sid^ Saviour, we are Thine ? 5 Chosen to be soldiers In an alien land, \ " Chosen, called and faithful," Fop: our Captain's band,^ In the bervice royal, Ijejt us not grow cold ; liet i|s be right loyal, N<^ble, true, and bold. Master, Thou wilt keep us By Thy grifce divine, ^ Alwayaon th^ Lord's side. Saviour, always Thine! (184.0.) " I have given you an example. More like Jesus would I be. Let my Saviour dwell with me ; Fill my soul with peace and love. Make me gentle as the dove ; More like Jesns, while I gD, Pilgrim in this world below. Poor ins|nrit would I be. Let my Saviour dwell in me. 3i« ^ CONFESSING AND FOLLOWINO CHRIST. 2 If He hears the raven's ciy. If His ever watchful eve Marks the sparrows when they fall. Surely He will hear my call. He will teach me how to live, All my sinful thoughts forgive; . Pure m heart I still would be, 7 Let my Saviour dwell in me. d Jllore like Jesus when I pray, . More like Jesus day by day, May I rest me by His side. Where the tranquil waters glide. By the Spirit's grace renewed. By His love *my will subdued, Rich in faith I still would be, Let my Saviour dwell in me. " Even as Christ mUo loved the Church Mkd gave Himself for iu" 1 We gather again in the name of our Lord, As humble disciples to learn from Bis word ; We look in its pages true wisdom to know, And follow our Saviour wherever we go. 2 Our Christian endeavour to honour his laws, To work for His glory, be true to His cause; To visit the lowly, the poor and oppressed. And point them to Jesus for refuge and rest " m 3 Saviour, we ask Thee to grant us in love Thy Spirit to teach us with light from above; Revive all our members, give strength to our bands, \ /^ . _ , ■^■.. And prosper, We pray Thee, the work of our hands. :-if '- V'.i,1 «e CHRISTIAN UFB: »«i #»« ■f'. T -, \y ""'•••»<*•>• HI* tloriww nam* for ew." 1 lAKE the name of Jesus With you, Child of sorrow and of woe ; It^will joy and comfort give you ; Take it tben where'er you go. * 2 'Take the name of Jesus ever, As a shield from every snare; ^ If telnptations round you gather. Breathe that holy name in prayer. • wP^'^J* ***""« o"** souls with joy, 5®^^^?-^^*°^ ^™** Receive us, >4pd'His song^ our tongues employ. ' 4 At the name of JTesus bowiqg , Falling prostrate at His feet, King of kings in heaven we'll crown Him, When ourjoumey is complete., 1 Thou my everlasting portion, . fore than friend or^ife to me, All Wong my pilgrim journey, Saviour, let me walk with.Thee. '2 Not lor easeo# worldly jJeasiire, ^ mLv^Tf ^X P'^y®' shall be; Gladly will I toil and suffer, Only let me walk with Thee. ^ ' ■ " ' . . ■ •- .3 Lead me ^Aroiigh the vail of shadows. Bear me o'er life's fitful sea ; Then the gate of Hfe eternal •> ' May I enter, Lord, with thee 'I • ' 3" . . t XCV "^iJjjia w- 'J":^y\'.xffi-y ■'■■'■1 ^_^..,.;;,;k\:-*'^*., \}K^' ■\ COMMUNION WITH GOD. i "m .'5? 964 (178.H.)\ ' CM. V " My lool follow«th haid after Th«e." ^ 1 O FOR a cld^er walk with God, A cal m ari4 heavenly frame ; A light to shiiie iipon the road That leads me to the Lamb ! ■..,-■■"*' ■ -" .1 '■ ■' •■ - ■ "^ ■ ' _ -■. ■ . ■ 1 "" " ■ ■ ■ . ' . ' ^ , 2 Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord ? Where ia the soul-refreshing view 9^ J^sus and His word ? 3 What peaceful hours I once enjoyed ! How sweet their mein^ still ! But they have left an.aching void Tht' world can never fill. 4 Return, O Holy Dove, return. Sweet messenger of rest ; • I hate' the sins that made Thee m5urn, And drove Thee from my breast. 6 The dearest idol I have known, Whate'er that idol W. - H6lp me to tear ^t from Thy throne,' ji^ -^ ^d worship only Thee. 6 So shall my walk be close with God^ Calm.and serene my frame ; So purer lighi shall mark the road * That leads me to the Lamb. ^Hh .%* •'>? .1 ^ «*.*.' " \ , V HBISTIAN LIFE: r u 6.1. •My tout thinteth Ibr^'od." \ 9«ft (174.H.). ' ■* . , "tuy tot) 1 Nearer, my God, to Thee Nearer to Thee ! , Even though it be a cross That raiseth me, c ; Still all my sonc shall be,. Nearer, my God, to Ttfee, Nearer to Thee ! 2 Though, like the wanderer. The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, * ♦ My rest a stone ; ' Yet in my dreams I'd be . Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! 3 There' let the way appear Steps unto heaven ; All that Thou send'st to me, t In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me . ' Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! 4 Then with my waking thoughts, bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Bethel I'll raise ; So by my woes to be ^ Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! ■"\ ^»^ .. .•■,-»^K%i,^,^- ^.^i,. •, .1 _. . ■ />'^*:})«*';v^,^'■v^';■.•.'■ ™»■ ^i^ COBi/MUNION WITH OOD. Ifii Or if Oil joyful winff I Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon and stars forgot, Upward I fly, Still all my son^ shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! (176.H.) V ' Rettore unto 'm« the joy of Thy MlratioD." 1- O FOR a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free, A heart that always feels Thy blood So freely shed &r me ! v 2 A heart resided, submissive, meek^ My great Redeemer*8 throne ; Where only Christ is heard to speak, Where Jesus reigns alone : 3 A humble, lowly, contrite heart, 'Believing, true, and clean; Which neither life nor death can part f'rota Him that dwells within ; . -, 4 A heart in every thought renewed, And full of Jove divine ; Perfect, and right, and pure, and good, A^copy,,Ix)rd, of Thine ! 5 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart ; " Come quickly from aboye; W>ite Thy new name upon my heart. Thy new, be s t n a me of love. ^ -• M - V' 3»5 ^^<^^ t »j.i .. -' -^ K- •V IV. / ' ■V - CSBI8TIAN UFJS: My <176H.) 1 S. M. 1 2 3 " BkiMd w« the pura In h«art, for thty ihall «•« Ood . ' * Blest are the pure in hdart, For they shall see our God, The secret of the Lord«is theirs, Their soul is Christ's abode. The Lord who left tl^e heavens, Our life and peace to bring, To dwell in lowliness with men, Their pattern and their King ; — He to the lowly soul Doth still Himself imj^art, ' Aod for His dwelling, and His throne, r Chooseth the pure in heart 4 Lord, we Thy presence seek ; \ > ^May ours this blessing be ; , Oive us a pure and lowly heart, I A temple meet for Th^p. - l3 «iS(177.H.) 8,e. " Tht low of GhrUt, which puMth knowledge." 1 O Love Dirine, how sweet Thou art ! When shall I find my willing heart All taken up by Thee ? I thirst, I faint, I die to prove The greatness of redeeming love, ^ The love of Christ to me ! 2 Stroujger His love than death or hell : His riches are unsearchable ; The first-born sons of light Desire in vain its depths to see; They cannot reach the mystery. The length and breadth and'height. *• 316 %:^ -VfrT»(ft4ir- -^;^d*^... i'--y 4'. VOMMUmQ\ WITS GOD, ■ i ' 3 God only knows the love of Qodj: . Oh that it now were shed abroad In this poor stony heart ! For love I sigh, for love I pine : - This only portion, Lord, be mine, Be mine this better part ! 4 Oh that I could forever sit With Mary at the Master's feet; Be this my happy choice : My only care, delight and bliss, My joy, my heaven on earth, be this, To hear the Bridegroom's vpice. 969 (178.H.) . C* Mi ** God it the ttrtngth of my hmit, and mf portion ibroTtr." 1 My heart is resting, O my God, I will give thanks and sing ; ' My heart is at the secret source Of every precious thing. ,^ Now the frail vessel thou hast made jNo hand but Thine shall fill ; ^^_^r the waters of the earth have failed, And I am thirsty still. 2 1 thirst for springs of heavenly life, And here all day they rise ; I seek the treasure of Thy love, i * And close at hand it lies. ' And a new song is in my mouth [ To long-loved music set ; ' t Glory to Thee for all the grace ry t I h&ve not tasted yet M - ^,-' '^ T t t'l'i^Jlij m V' ivV 1. k. ■■ • * 4 ^'<*"<^ CHBiaTIAN LIFE: 3 Glory to Thee for itrength withheld, For wmt and weakness known ;' And the fear that sends me to Thyself For what is mosf^y own. I have a heritage of joy That yet I must not see j But the hand that bled to make it mine Is keeping it for me. 4 My heart is resting, my God, " My heart is in Thy care ; I hear the voice of joy and health Resounding everywhere. . " Thou art my portion," saith my soul, Ten thousand voices say. And the music of their glad .Amen Will never die away. ' m^' •T«(179.H.) " The nns^urcluible riches of Chriit."*' Whose depth Ujafathomed, no mail knows I see from far Thy beauteous lights Inly I sigh for Thy repose : * My heart is pained, nor can it be ^ At rest, till it finds rest in Thee. 2 Tis mercy all, that Thou hast brought My miiid to seekits peace in Thee ; Yet while I seek b«t find Thee not, • No peace my wandering soul shall see.- O when shall all my wanderings end, — And all my steps to Thee-ward tend ! 3»» s,v/'r> > I ■ -yV,-^"^^^ ,^A'*'-*^'**^'/;M-tir* "■ . ',;^'^ \ ■ •*,'"{ ''^f;**A '-.,f^.0^ ■;%• ;. I M • OOHMVMON Wlfk aOD, 4- r^ >f 3 It there a thing beneath the sun That strives with Thee my heart to Hhiiro JL Ah ! tear it thence, and reign alone, The Lord of every motion there. Then shall my heart from earth be free. When it hath found repose in Thee. Each moment draw from earth away My heart that lowly waits Thy call ; Speak to my inmost soul, and say, "I am Thy Saviour, God and All!" . To feel Thy power, to hear Thy voice, To know Thy love, be all my choice. 971 1 (180- H.> S. M. " Whm I awak*. I mi ■till with The*. 2 ft 4 Still with Tjiae, my God, I would desire to be ; By day, by night, at home, abroad, ; I would be still with Thee : "With Thee when dawn comes in, And calls me back to care. Each day returning to begin With Thee, my God, in prayer : Wiih Thee, amid the ci-owd Tnat throngs the busy mart, To hear Thy voice, 'mid clamour loud, • Speak softly to my heart : With Thee, when jiay is done^ And evening calms the mind ; The setting, as the rbing sun, — With Thee my heart wonM find : — :y^% /: ^^ 3'9 "/•'-v. -^^ /■^l- .4V- •'A CBHISTIAN LI WE: ^ With Thee, when darkness brings The signal of repose ; Calm in the shadow of Thy wings, Mine eyelids I would close r 6 <. With Thee, in Thee, by faith Abiding, I would b« ; By day, by night, in life, in death, I would be still with Thee, ■ ftTt (181-H.) 1.4. "TliywUllMdMe. 1 My Ood and^Father, while I stray Far from my home ou life's rough way, teach me from my heart to sav •Thy will be done.' . , . ' ■■ ■ . 2 Though dark my path and sad my lot, ; Let me be still, and murmur not ; But breathe the prayer divinely tauffht \ ' Thy will be done.' ^ 3 If Thou shouldst call me to resign What most I prize, it ne'er was n^fie ; 1 only yield Thee what is Thine^ jy^Thy willbedone.' " 4 What though in lonely grief I sigh For friends beloved, no longer nigh I Submissive would I still reply, ■^ ■■ * Thy will be done:' 7" 5 Should pining sickness waste away My life in premature decay : . • My Father^ still I'd strive to say. « — * Thy will bo done.' ^ 3^ kx J- »^i^«»-^^ mt ^^^V^^Pi^T^^y^^Vf rT- MoraK ■>.V" ,,*'■'; I '^f, ' ^ i' '^■' kfs:. COMMONIOir WITH QOB. ®' «r^.?*,i?^ fainiinff heart be blelsed With Thy free Spirit for its ^est ; My God, to Thee I leave the rest -1 ' Thy will be done.^ ' 7 Renew my will from day to day ^ Bend It with Thine, and take away Jill that now makes it hard to say 'Thy will be done.' ^ 8 Then, when on earth I breathe no more ' The prayer, oft mixed with tears before. A il sing upon a happier shore. ::i: • Thy will be done.' . .r •t«(182.H.) li.. " Ablda with us ; for U fa towards •wilng." 1 Abide with me 1 fast falls the eventide : The darkness deepens ; Lord, with me ibide I When other helpers fail, and comforts flee. Help of the helf>lea8, abide with me I 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day • Earth sjoys grow dim. its glories pass away ; Change and decay in all arouiid I J«e: ' U Ihou who changest not, abide with me I But M Thou dwell'st with T^ disciples; Lord. .Famihar, condescending, patient, free, Come, not to sojourn, but abide, with me, 4 Come no<; in terrors, as the Kii^^lBsk ^^ But kind and good, with healing in Thy wings: Tears for all woes, a heart for every plia • ^ Come, Friend of sinners, thus abide with'me V^ € ■ tH »««c .'•;> a-t; ^^•y, ,-■ >^ -j^j'-.. ^itW^' 'V^^^ L*t CEBiariAIf UFE: ) .' \ 5 Thou on my head in early youth didst smile ; And, though rebellious and perverse mean- while, Thou htot not left me, oft as I left Theei On to the close,' Q Lord, abide with me ! 6 I need Thy preiseince every passing hour : W^at but Thy gra^e can foil the tempter's *"'^ower? ':'■■■'' * '. Whp^kift Thyself my guide and stay can be ? Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me ! 7 I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless I Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness : Where is death's stin^ where, grave, thy victory? /, I triumph still, if Thou abide with me. ■-7 %, 8 Hold Thou Thy cross bef pre my closing eyes. Shine through the gl6om, and point me to the skies ; Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee: In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me ! . - ' ' .' ■^- ■ ■ . . . ' " • •T4 ^ " Thy faM, Lord, win I seek. " 1 Softly ^ow the light of day y\^\^ Fades ugpn my sight away ; , _ U " Free from care, from labour tree, Ix)rd, I would cpnunune with Thee. 2 Hiou, whose sU-pervading eye Naught escapes without, within, Fardon each- infirmity,. I Open fttuli «nd secret sin. 3«a' r?.- *l4'\\>ft 1 COMMUNIOlf WITH OOD. 8 Soon for me the light of day ^Shall t6T ever posB away ; inen, froin sin and sorrow free, Take me. Lord I to dwell with Thee^ * ^^ •* tofd, ll Is (ood for m to b« het»," r^IlD I it is good for us to be gigh on the mountain here with Thee • Here, in an ampler, purer air, ^ ' Of hearts opprest with doubt and grief, ^ehevingm their unbelief, Callmg Thy servants all in vain, To ease them of their bitter pain. -2 Lord! it is good for us to be Where rest th^ soiils that dwell with Thee : Where stand revealed to mortal gaze ^e grand old.saints of other days. Who once received on Horeb's height; The eternal laws of trfith and ritrbt Or caught the still, small whispe?, higher Than storm, than earthquake, or than fire. | ^ xS^^'Jt}' *s good for us to be * llere,^here the apostle's heart of rook ^ nerved against temptation's shock : ' Mere, where the son of thunder learns The thought that breathes, the wo«i bums: Here, where on eagle's wings we move. With him, whose last, best word is love. — — — ■ ^ — ■ 383- ■■ — ^ ^at ^^''^i ,.#"* I g.TfC^Ut'"! %- w ■f, .'*v^",V.«?f^*v'>'.^j >"t^^7V ' s. 7vr PHBISTIAir LIFE: •b itt' 4 Lord ! it is good for as to be ^ Entranced, enw]htpped,,aIone with Thee, Watchinfir the glistening raiment glow Whiter than Hermon% whitest snow, The human lineam eijUftr hich shine Irradiant with alioMpiine, Till we,, too, chang^rSm grace to grace^ ^ ^ Gazing on that tranafigur^ face. 5 Lord I it iB^g6od for us to be In life's \«^t anguish close to Thee, Within the overshadowing cloud. Which wraps us in ite awful shroud ; We wist not what to think or say, Our spirits sink in sore dismay. They tell us of the dread " decease : '* But yet, to linger hete in peace. '* CVwiMpjrounelves apwft into » desert place, CoM^ ye yourselves apart and rest awhile. Weary, I know it, of the press and throng ; Wipe from your brow the sweat and dust of And in My quiet strei^h again be strong. 2 Comd ye aside from ail the world holds dear, For converse which the world has never V known; Alone with Me and with my Father here. With Me and with My Bother not alone: 3 Come, tell Me alfthat ye have said and doiie, ' Ybur victories and failures, ^op^s and fears ; I know how hardly souls are wooed and won^; My choicest wreaths are always wet with ' tears. 1 _3a4_ T- „t_L ^ik^^ COMMUmON WITH (SfOD. >^1 Tf/^ """^if^V *he journey is too great; * And ye will faint beside tS^ way, and siik • The bread of life is here for youto ;at 'j • And here for you the wine of love U) drink. 5 Then, fresh from converse witli your Lord re- ^ j|^ daylight softens into even; 3 W brief hours are not lost in which ye leain. I Moreol^yourMasterandHisrestin^ei^ ^' ■ :' ' ." ■ ■■■ ■• '"■■■■■ ^ ■ r v.! ' 'i'M arr " Mjr Mai thirateth for God** 1 Aspants the hart for c(K)ling streams. When heated in the chase So long^tny soul, O God, for Thee, And Thy refreshing grace. 2 *'<*j:Thee, my bod, the living God, My thirsty ^oul doth pine: Oh^ when shall I behold Thy face Thou majesty diving ! „ ■ > ■"■-,'. ^ • ■ , ■ ■ .'^ ". ■ ■ 3 God of my strength, how long shall I, lake one forgotten, mourn? l*2?<*™»^orsAken,and exposed To my oppressor's scorn ? 4 ^y restlc^, why ca«t down, my soul ? Hope still, and thou^shalt sin/ ' TiPl^^uu.^^'^^^^^^ThyGod, Thy health's etemaljsprii^. PS St- ■,'f,J Sr.l)^^ifxr.. -^ ,ri^. I'S * ' 'i V CHRX8TI4N ZIF9 : k-' f"^ w<. W- & 9fl1l ■ Wkora iMfo I in hMven but Thee. 1 O Thou, whoR^ mer(!y fottnd jne, ^ / From bondage set me free, /fmA then forever bound me, N With threefold cords to Thee ! 2 Though all the wolrM deeeive me, I know that I am Thine, j And Thou wtU iiever leayiEi me. ' blessM Savtoiiip'mine ! ^' ^ SOfor ahearttolove Thfee • . '■ More truly as I ough^ * "^ And nothing place above Thee, In deed, dr^wbrd, or thought' [> ! 4 ,0 for thai choicest blessing. Of living in ^y love, ] • * And thus on eaAi possessing ' The peace of heaven above !<.; f: * %\ , .*■ ■■\. y>' 979 't\ y^ ' Bfy Lord andWoo^;'* 1 Mr God, the spring of all my joys. The life of my deliffhts, . ' The glory of my brightest days, .And comfort of my nights ! / 2 In darkest shades, if He appe»ar, * My dawninff is begun ; , He is my soul s bright morning stax^; 4L li^d He my rising sun. . 39< «* << • -n* ^..i ^.il.ViiJi^t^&i^kif-' i K-, ■V^fc■ :l V^ CO MMUNION WITH Qod ' "^ ^^^rSW'^^^^vens around me shine _. With beiams of sacred bliss, ^^ Whik Jesus shows His bearfc is wine, , ' And \^hwpera I am His. ■'-' ■ ■'■' ■'' ^'.■: ■: ■"■'^ ■ ■ ■ " .' ' ■ ■ " ' *; * ^^^ess of hell and ghastly death _.l d break through. eveiy foe ; Qu^*??® ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ of faith .^^ ^iiouH bear me iconqiieror through. i} «■ . ^; il^tfiTineM^ith Thee where 4W art. My Saviour, my eternal rest ; ' Then only will this longing heart rv Be fully and forever blest. ■ , ^ M?® ^ r;**; Thee where Thou art, > rnu y "^veiled glory to behold ) lhe^ only will this wandering heart Cease to.be treacherous, feithl^, c'>e r'emove There neither death nor life will part Me from thy presence and thy love. aW! ~ v^ 4^4* « ■'\€:{^ CamStlAN LIJFX: fi (ISS-H.) " It ("f^^^ot • nmdioald bath hoM and quiatly rd." ■ - J ^,-— - - ~- wld b3th he" wait IbrjtlM MiTalioo ofth* Lor 1 Whate'eA fny God ordaina is ikffht : . HolTHiswinabideth;' I will be 8till,:yhate'er He doth, And follow where he giiideth, He is my God; , Though dar|: my road, He holds methatiXabiUjiiiot Wherefore to Mm Xleave it 2 Whatev er my God ordains is right : ' *^i*bever will deceive the ; He leads me by the proper path ; 1 know He will not leave me, ' ' , And take, content, ; What He hath sent : His hand can:turn my grief away. And patiently I wait his day. •; 3 Whate'fer my t3od ordain^ is right: Though now this cup in drinking . May bitter seem to my taint heart, * I take it, all unshrinking : , Tears tMiss away . . * '% Witii dawn of day : ; ' Sweet comfort 3ret shall fill mjrheart,^ And p&in and sorrow shall depart 4 Whate'er my God ordains is right : ■ 1 Here shall my stand betaken ; Though sorrow, need, or death be mine, Yet am I not forsaken: — saS \ K'i / 4- • - •*1 w -I f SI H dquittly ^H V-i 14 ' •. SUBMISSION A ND CONFI^BNOS. ill My Father's care Is round me there ; He holds me that I shall not fall. And 80 to Hun I leave it all *• Not my wui, bof Thhw. b•doo^- ^ Thy way, not mine, Lord However dark it be I Lead me by Thine own hand, * • UhoQse out the path for me. 2 Smoothletitbeorrouffh * .It will be still the best,' ' Wmdin^r or straight, it lead* Kight onward to Thy rest. 3 I dare not choose my lot • Ch^e Thou for me, m^ God So shall I walk aright* * 4 Thekingdonithatlseek "^ 'Is Thinei ; so let the way That leads to it be Thine, . Else I must surely stray. With joy or sorrow fill, .. .As^ttoThee^fieem ; ^ ^^^^pu 1^^ and ia ^ 6 ChcKiseThbu^^fe nu^ 8Wkn68« or my health ; Oh oosg Thou my cares for me, My poverty or weaHh. 399 •^^3 .fj^ f if >/J Hit I 1 i-^J, •irf> ■ ■ -F 7 Not miiie, not inine the choice, ' In things or great or small ; Be Thou my guide, my strength. My wisdom, and my all. SttaSfi-H.) M^m^ Comndt thy w«y onto the Lord." 1 Commit thou ^ thy griefs And ways into His haifds, To His sure troth lind tender care, Who earth ancl heaven commands. ■ ■ . • ^ ^ 2 Who points the cloudstlieir'course. Whom windsvand'aeas oBe^j^ He shall direct thy.\';:,. ■.;;:V-'-:' :;'■■';. \ ■-:■■■'' r " ' "9 ■ ■r" - 1 . auBMiaaioN and confidsnoe. • M. Lord." \ vb 7 When Thou arisest, Lord, Who shall Thy wbrk withstand ? When all Thy children want Thou giv'st, Who, who shall stay Thy hand 7 9H^96-mh & ii. :J f cf ^ J 1 » •■ t *«Vaii«i llM Urd. b* of iiood opvrai*." I Give to the winds thy fears ; \ t Hope, and be undismayed : / Qod heaiiB thy sighs and counts thy tears ; God^rhallUfiupthyhead. / 5 . Through waves,and clouds, and storms, He gently clears thy way ; y- Wait thou His time ; so shall this mght . Sqon end in joyous day. , ; 8 What though Thou ruleatttot, Tet Heaveni andearth and hell ' Proclaim, Ood sitteth on the throne; Apd rtileth alVthiiigs.well I 4" Leave to iHis so Vereig^ swlay ^, >To choose and to command; So shalt thou, wondering, own His way v -' How wise, how strong His hand ! 6 . , ThOK aees^ our weakness. Lord ; ' V Our hearts are knbwB to Thee ^ lift Thou up the sinking hand, . Confirm the feeble knee. • Cf , Lei^ in life and death, Thy steadfast truth declare, ' And pubiish^ith our latest breath Thy loy o and guardian carfe — ^ /.■ , H> V r.'* m m fc\'4.' t^: •im ■■—^•..Jf- OBBIBTIAN LfFBt N*r •M .*>•' (1S7H.) • . **M]r ■ool It avm w a 1, Father, I know that all my life Is portioned out for me ; "HXA the changes that are sure to come ir I do not fear to see; . But I ask Thee for a present mmd, Intent on pleasing Thee. 2 I ask The6 to^ a thoughtful love, .Through^cdnslant watching wise. To meet tb^ gliid, with joyful imiles, ' And wipe the weeping eyetf And a heart At leisure ftmn itself ^ To soothe and sy mpathise* t.a eUU. 'ilU # 8 I would not have the restless wi] : That hurries to and fro, ' Seeking for some great thing to do, Or. secret thing to know : I would be treated as a child, AiidjgnidjBd where I go. ■ ■■■■',■'''* ' '-• ' '^^ 4 Wherever lit the world I am. In wjbatsoe'er estate, ' I have a fellowship with hearts . To'keepand cultivate; And a #ork of lowly love to do For the Eord on whom I wait So I ask Thee for the daily strength. To none that ask denied; And a mind to blend with outward life, While keeping at Thy side ; Content to fill a little space, n Thonbegtorified. — 7—7 'Id 33* C£- aUBMISHim AifD COifPIBMNOm •MM 6 And if some ^ioffs I do not ask ,U ' In mv oup of blea^ng be ; ' I would hkve my spirit filled the more With grateful loye to Thee j . , More careful not to serve Thee much, ^HM© pl«Me Thee perf ectljr. f There are brian besetting every path §' That call for patient care j; \ • There is a crosati every lot, t*» ^^^ *"* earneit need for prayer ; * • * But a lowly heart that leans on Thee Is happy anywhere, g ^ 8 In a service wliich Thy love appoint* There are no bonds for me ; For my inmost heart is taught the truth That makes Thy children free; And a life of self-renouncing love Is a life (^liberty. (188.H.- •...■• .-, -i. X My times are in Thy hand ; My God, I wish them there : _|iy fife, my s6ul, my all, I leave ' Entirely to Thy care. 2 My times are in Thy hand, '- Whatever they may be ; Pleasing or painful, dark or bright. ^ As best may seem to Thee. My timecTare in Thy hand ; ^j - Why should I doubt or fear f ^ A Father's hand will never causefft His child a needless tear. ti , / V' if'. \- CBMarUN JJfMM^ k ¥'$''."£■• 4 My times *ra in Thy hand, # I always triui in Thee ; ' Till I poeeeM the promised land, 1^^ 4^ And all Thy glory set,, ■■§, : 1 ThoO, by lonlf exjparience tried, Near whom no grief can long abide *, t My Lord 1 how fnll of »weet content I pass my years of banishment. ' ^ AU seenes alike engaging prove. To souls impressed with sacred love : Where'er they dwell, they djvell in Thee ; In heav«n, in earth, or on the sea* 8 To me remains nor place nor time ; \^ My countrv ii in every clime ; , I can be calm and free from care On any shore, since Ood is thei^ 4 While place we seek, or place we shun, The sonl finds happiness in none ; But with our Qoa to guide our way, Tis equal joy W|o or stay, (190.H.) *^'*'- •' Wh«th«r we Uv«. tlMrafon. or dk, w* an th« Lord's.' li^ • k ■* 1 liQRD, it belongs not to my care VWhether I die or live ; To love and serve Thee is my thoE^ ■ And this Thy grace must give. i If life i)p long, I will be gUd, That I may long obey; ^ If short, 3N»t why yioujd I be sod soartoendlAssday ? % '' *<^ mi' BVBMiaaiON AND CONFTOMNOm 8 Com*, Ujjp, when'prraeehtth made me meet Th^IentM f A ?* (191-H.) " It b tin Locd, Ut him do what 1 My Saviour, as Thou wilt : may Thy will be roin^ \ Into Thy baud of love ^.:': 1 would my aU^re8iM. vl^ * Through sorrow, or through joy. Conduct me as Thine own, And help me still to say, My Lord,Thy will be done I 2 My Saviour, as Thou wilt : If needy here and poor, Give me Thy people's bread, • Their portion rich and sure. -'-■^ The manna 6f Thy wowl . Let mv soul feed upon ; Aud if all else should fail. Hi» flood.' A My iiord. Tbj will be done 1 -. 'M m ^'"^^ SIS sai U. f It 1- ^^' '■f « f>' OBJaSTlAN'lirM; , 6v »w-L^« Si* ifS'^ 3 My Saviour, as Thou wilt: Though fieen through many a tear Ije.t not my star of hope (Grow dim or disappear. , Since Thou on earth hast wept And sorrowed oft alone, If I must weep with Thee, My liord, Thy liill be dobe, i 4 My SAviour^ as Thou wilt: All shall be well for me; Each changing future scene I gladly trust with Thee. Straight to luy home al^pflre I travel calmly on. And sing in life or death, My Lord, Thy will be done ! (192-H.) 1 Beqone, unbelief, > . ' — i My Saviour is^near, And for my relief Will surely appear, ^y prayer let me wrestle, j^nd He will perform ; With Christ in the vessel> I smile at the storm. 2 Though dark be my way, Since He is my guide, 'Tis mine to obey, Tis His to provide, ' ■ Though cisterns be broken. And creatures all fail, The woeihHe hath spoken, Shall surely pwvaiL 5, 6. •• He uiA onto them, Why are ye fearfnl, O yeoT little iaith?" so --iw-ii'ijSSU' .'^ r ^ , . aUBMlSaJON AND CONFIDBNCS. \ V 3* His love in ti^e past Forbids me ip think ,^ He'll leave me at last In trouble to sink ; liiaoh sweet Ebenezer ' I have in review Confirms His good pleasure l?o help me quite through. '4 Since all that I meet Shall work fchr my good, The bitter is sweet, The medidne is food ; ^ Though painfid at present, 'Twill cease before long. And then, oh ! how pleasant The conqueror^s song I 9#1 (108*H«) "SnnlyjKoodiMiiandnMrqri me ul the days of my lit*.' 1 Thouoh troubles assail, And dangers afiright, ^ ^f%:ii£ Though irieiids shomd all fail, Ana foes all unite ; * Yet one thins secures us, Whatever betide. The Scripture as8|pes us, ' The Lord wiU provide.* , 2 Thetirds, without bam - ' Or storehouse, are fed ; From them let us learn To trust for our bread ; His saints what is fitting Shdl ne'eir be denied, ' ' So long as 'tia written^ '* The Lord will provide/ '^^l ^% ^J " Sorely JoodiMii and mercy ehall fsllov *n 337 K t<'^ x f t • #- ' \CHiBiaTIAN LIFE: o 1 3 His call we obey, likeAbramof oldv Not knowing our way, * ^ But faith makes ns bolj^j '^ For, though we are strangers^ We have a good guide, And trust, in all dangerd^ # / 'The Lord will provide* \ 4 No strength of our own, Nor goodness we claim ; •^' Tet since we have known The Saviour's great, name, In thisour strong towdr For safety we liide,— The Lord is our bower ; * The Lord wilV provide.* >m ^ .'tv 9to(194-H.) ^ The napUdty A«t is in Christ" 1 Quiet, Lo»d, my froward heart, Make me teachnJble and mildi Upright, simple, free from art, Make me a4 a wea^M child : From-distoust and envy ftee, . ' Pleased with all that pleaseth Thee. 2 What Thou fliialt to-day provide^ Let Boe as &.child receive | What to-morrow may betide, Calmly to Thy wisdom leave ; ~ 'Tis euQiJ^h that Thou wilt oare. Why '^hi&d X 1^ burden bear ? \ t *. Kfe5Vfli A suBMTsaroir and oqwwidence. % J".- 3 Aa/a little oKild relies r ' ' On a care beyond his own ;! Knows he's neither strong nor wise -;, Fearii to stir a step alone r ..:.,■.. Let me thus with Thee abide, As my Father, Quard,, and Guide: 4 Thus presery^ from Sattm's wifes,, Safe from dangers, f reb from leant. May I live upon Thy smiles. Till the promised hour appears, . Whien the sons of God shsfll prove All their Father's boundless love. I / 'I 993 (196-H.) %% H^^Ma. 'InWhQni,rIioiic|i_ y«t baliBving, ye i Holy Saviour, Friend upseen, .._ The faint, the weak, on Thee may lean. Help me, throu^ont life's varying scene, By faith to cling to Thee ! % Blest with commuhion so divine, Take what thou wilt, shall I repine, When, as the branches to the vine, My soul may ding to T^ee ? 3 Far from her home, fatigued, opprest. Here she has found a place of rest. An exile still, yet not unblest While she can cling to Thee I 4 Oft when I seem to tread aloncr ^ ' ^ Some. barren waste with thori^ p'eigrQwn, A voice of love, in g^tlest tone, WhispBrs, « Still cfiiig to Me." v.. l»* VJ ^l " .'(' K-1 '*tS 38»'. •■'» ».,»,«■ •Jlftl ^.:f '% GSJ^aridir UFMt >'v 5 6 Thoughi faith imd ho^e awhile he tried, X I ask not, necid not, aught heside: How 8afe,iiow o^Vkt how satisfied, • The sool that ^clings to Thee 1 ' Blest is my lot, whate'er hef all i 4 What can disttirb n^e, who appal, While, aa my strength, ^y tocjt, m^ all, ^ Saviour 1 I cling to th^ ? (106H.) 1^' "I am poor $ad needy : yet the Lord thinketh npOD me.'* « / .1 2 3 QOD of my life, to Thee I call ; ' Afflicted at Thy feet I fell; , > When the great water-floods pre^l^ Leayenot my trembling Eeart to fail. Friend of the f riendlefS and the f aW, ^ Where should I lodge my deep complaint ? - Where, but with Thee, whois^i) open door Invitea the helpless and the poor ? Did ever mourner plead wit^ Thee, And Thou teCuse that mourner's plea ? . Does not the word still fixed remain,/ That none shall seek Thy face in vain % Poor though I^am, despised, forgot, ^ Yet Gk>d, my God, forgets me not; . . • ; And he is safe, and must succeed, , For whom ^he Lord vouchsafes to plead. *. -*•»- ..-« ■■;■•;■ ■?jV^J^ ;•:'>;>•; ilM(197.HJ auBMiaaioiT and oonfjuxnck ' : ' Ratnm n^to thy rnt, O ny •oal.'*' 1 Bk still, my soul I the Lord is on ThV side • _ Bear patiently thy cross of grief and piuni Leave to thy God to order and provide : to In every (Aange He fWthful will remaini Be still my soul ; thy best, thy heavenly Bftend Jhwmgh thorny ways leads to a joyful end. 2 BertiU, my TOuI ; thy God doth u^^ To guide the future as He has the past Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake ; , All now mysterious shall be bright at last Be shll, my s6ul ; the waves and winds shaU know \ w :is voice Who ruled them while He dwelt . ■ -..below.; ;.: •,^..-.. ^ ^ >> 8, Be stW, my soul ; when deare^ friends depart '' ^ ^ mt^^**" *"^® darkened.in the vale of tears. " _ . . Then thou shalt better know Hia^ve, bis Who co^to soc^ *hy scwrowand thy - Be still, my iloulifflfer Jesus caf^™^ " ^ .>^ ^- ¥*rom His own fulness all He ta^^^ay; 4 Be^tiU, my soul ; the hour is hastening on _When we shall be for ev^ir witlrthe Lord ; When disappomtment, grief, awi fear «^' >ne, 711. _ Soraow forgot, love's purest joys restored. m still, my sioul ; when change atid tears are past,Vsr. AU^afe Mid VtSS^yi ri«Jl mwtj>fchst. '\m are /" 34X IF if It » ? \ Wk\ 1 V^ 'vlR^' .'X.*- . ^^m .'" ''^k- ■''^^'' *■■'%* OSMISTrAIftirg: miw^ o "■" 1>. M. '* H* callcth Hb own sfaMp by nam*. Mid words with heavenly comfort fraught ! WhateWl do, where'er I be, , ." Still 'tis God's hand that leadBth me. - I He leadeth me ! He leadeth me ! "By Hisown hand Ho leadeth me ; ' Hisiaithful follower I would"^, : • IVncby His hiaid ^i%iend^th roe. i8om«time3^i4 scenes otd^pestd^^^ Sometimes where -Eden'sHbofiSrs bloom, By waters calm, o'er troubled se^. Still 'tis pis hand that leadeth me. *.. 1*1!'* '• - W^i g Jjord,! would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ©Yer murmur nor rew»e, . _^^^ » ; . ' ^^Jonteirt/whateveryiMj^ ^: Since 'tis i^ Go4 th^Uadettf^ ^A. ;;";■■' : , '.. Jk* \ '' . \ • ' 4 And, when my wek on earths done, Jf Mhen, by Thy gtace, the, victory's won,*^ Even deiSh'B eol4 wave I will not flee, ^ \ Since Thou through Jordan leadest m^ y ( \ «i aif (iM^.) >B«il Im, and blen Hit name. ' scen^, « t:'WiiBirI survey life' > Ainid the darkest ht^, Sw^afe rays of comfoyi shine befcWeen,- Ai«tfch onMFige naa^ ^i^flgwer^^ *>'■■ '■■■■'•. - *^-' 3^ • ^w. )>i •%. ^ -^,^ :^*,%&,\ ' 'it ,'.V,..' • I'^S*-" i=i^!''' im ■ . . . ".."■■ r , strsMtsaroN Airp coNFiDENCB. t\ l¥>»d, teach me to adore Thy handj \ ' i From whence my comforts flow, i> Aadleime in this detert land A glimpse of Canalm know. . 3 Att4<^whateVofeaJrthlyl)l!w/ -^ Thy sovereiffn will denies, ^ ^ v . Accepted at Th^ throne of grace, Id toijhoose and see my path j biit. no^ -^ LefUiThoumeon: I loved the garish day, an4i «pit© i0f /featf, f ride ruled rfkf miW - . Pft m gmb ^ ff itcK^y jw t ycara. 3M ( v- <,i * Sf . VI. ^ ^ ^^l 1\ yi . •> *■ ' n - ■ If .'#«»'^» ■•':-^:'^>7 ■A OBBJSTtAfr LTFk: 8 So long ThV power hftth blest me, sure it still WiU le*d me on, ' "■■,■■ O'er moor and fen, o*er crag and torrent, till '^ The night is gone, * ^ ' And with the mom those angel faces smile, Which I have loved long since, and l<^t awhila j^ '#■ *v ' .*!' * s«./ , (90t^.) ** 1 will Ums tlM Lord m dl timt." 1 Through all the oh«aging scenea 6f lif e^ In trouble and in joy, ^ / . The pr^dses of my God shall stni My heart and tongue empl 2 The hosts of Chxi entamp4round The dwellings oi thejUit ; Deliverance He affords to' all. Who on His sucpdur trUf t. *. 8 Oh, make^utinal pf His'l^^ Experience will ded^, ' How blest lire theyWfcnly they, . . WhoiiiHiatrutfardKifida 4 Fear Him, ye saints, and you will then Have nothing els4^ fear i Make you His servijiyour delight, ^' iTour wants shall be His care. % ^5 Flit Gold ttj^^^rves the soula of those Who Qireis truth depend, i'^i [ . \ :* T* them and their " — His blesdng shall J 344 '£ M. w® v.s: .:.!* ■% r ".-* . 'ii'.' i »j 't5' . SUBMISSION Asb CONFIDENCE, — ' — 300 (203-H.) ..,^„ . . / I *>>1 mention Uu)loTingklndiN«M of th« ^ I^wAke. my soul, in joyful lays, Lord. lo Sing thy great Redeemer's praise I . He justly claims a song from me; , Ifia lovingkindness. O how free I 2 I^aw me ruined in the fall, Yet lQ|M»me, notwithstanding all ; : , Sf ^^ii?« ^^m my lost estate j ^; His lovingkindness/O how great! - 3 Though numerous hosts ot* migh^wies ' Though earth and hefl my,way SKIe He sat^ly leads my soul along ; His lovingkindiiess, O how strong ! ^ S^S&fc*'^"^'®' ^^^^ a gloomy cloud, ^PPhered thick, and thundered loud* He near my- soul has always Btood : His lovmgkindness, O how good ! 5 Often I feel my^inful heart Prone from my Saviour to depart • But though I have Him oft forgot, His lovmgkindness changes not .6 Soon shall I pass the gloomt vale • Soon all my mortal pollers must fail ; V Omay mylastexpiri^^bi^ath ; His lovingkindness sii 7 Then let mf mcl&#.e,nd To the. bright world And 3irigwith rapt- His loviii|kindness tdeath ! , away, iss day ; surprise ' ie s . r • .r; '-^V. ■$-?•. '^:i:i X' >i ■i^cA '4 u ■ffe^,. P: ■/:' 'r^*;-.;'i*^i*«;i CHRISTIAN LIPe. ^.f »* ^|,'' .' •', '■ I, 7, 4. " I f^ unto them eternal Ufa, Md they , •hkll ne»er perish." V-r' ■■* 301 (206-H.>^ 1 SovEKEiGN grace ! o'er ain abounding, Ransomed 8o^lt the tidings swell ; A 'Tis a dcHglJblmt koows no sounding — ^ ^ Who iflLreadth oriength can tell 1 tt^ 'OJlj glories - Wb my 80urfc| eveiMwell I '. ifi What from CHrlstlhe sill can sever, *^ Bound by everMkng bands ? . , Once in Him, in Ml ton ever, ^ Thus the eternal covenant stands ; None shall pluck thee From the Strength'bf Israel's hands, 3 Heirs of God, joint-heirs with Jesus, JT * Long ere time its race began. To His name eternal praises ! what wonders love hath done ! One with iTfeSus, By eternal union ob% 4 On such love, my soul, still ponder, - Love HO great, so rich, so free ; Say. while lost in holy wonder. Why. O Lord, such love to me ? / Hallelujah! ' Grace shall reign eternally. 302 (206-®.) 1 Call Jehovah thy Salvation Rest beneath the Almighty's shade, . , In His secret habitatiod^ » 8,7. " The Lord Jehovah !■ my ttrengtb ani' my Dong ; he also U become my wltation.' Dwell, nor ever be dismayednJ *' '''^"^f: \^t^^* r^i*-'^/--"* t:^ SUBMISSION AJm CpffPIDBNCB. 2 There no tumali «*« aknn thee, Thoa ahalt dread no hidden snare ; Guile nor violence can harm thee, In eternal safeguard there. 3 Thee, though winds and waves are swelling, God, thy hope, shall bear through all ; Plague shall not come nigh thy dwelling, Thee no evil shall l)efall. ^ 4 He shall charge his angel legions Watch and ward o'er thee to keep ; Though thou walk through hostile regioni, Though in desert wilds thou sleep. 6 Since, with firm and pure affection, Thou on God hast set thy love. With the wings of His protection He shall shield thee from above. ■0 r I v.. 303 (207-H.) s ■%■■ 'TheM \. . . confeaaed that th«y w«re ■tranvera and pilKiiniH on the earth.' 1 Risk, my soul, thy God directs thee, f Stranger hands no more impede : Pass thou on, His strength protects thee, Strc^ngth that has the captive freed . 2 Light divine surrounds thy going, God Himself shall mark the way ; ^cret blessings, richly flowing. Lead to everlasting day. . 3 Though thy way be long ancl dreary, Eagle strength He'll still renew ; Garments fresh and feet un weary. Tell how God will bear thee through : :Va /) ^-4 r Mr* y'3r m ,C0HtSTtAK UFir. M^Milii 'il"'" iMinifclw r. '? "I 4 Tin to OaQAAn's long loved dwelling liQifeiKviiDe thy foot ahall bring, ' ' There, wiih ahouU of triumph •welling, Zion'i fwfi in twt. feo tiitg. K' ( I '.V, da^ (187^0.) " 1 •Iwl «tU kMp tiiM from tha hour of HMBMUdn." I ' 1 Safk in the arms of JTeflus-^^ ' , Safe on His gentle breaat \ / There, by His love o'ershaded, " Sweetly my noul shall rest. Hark ! 'tis> the vaice of $ngels Borne in a soikf to 1110, , Over the fields of fflory, Oreii the erystalsea 2 Safe !ii th($ atms of Jestis t Safe from eorrociiDii; caro^ Safe from the world's temp ^ Sin cannot harm me thei > Free from the bliffht of sorrow^ Free from my doubts and fears $ Only a few more trials, . Only a few caggp tears. 3 Je8U8» my heart's dear refuge 1 Jesus has died for me ; Firm on the Rock of Ages - Ever my trust shall be. Here let me wait with patience, , WMt till the night is o'er, Wait till I see the morning '»,"" Break on the golden shore. 4m mM ?^^ f.wM^^:fMli3^^ F*»w'r*T ir ^^r^w ■^i WBm sswH4 ffr> compidbncb. 30A "• "^ Thou wUt kt)«p hint InmrfMit MM* whoM 1 Pkace, perfect peace, in this |-^V; ■^ifi 'M ir 'pit- V i< * . f J CHRISTIAN LIFB. X "^; 3 Mark Uie sea-bird wildly wheeUng through the God defends him, God attends him when he criGS "*"* " "^ God attencls him when he cries, * 4 God is near thee, therefore cheer thee, sad soul ! He'll.defend the6*when around thee biHowa roll,-— „ ^ ' v , ■ "When (around thee billowS roll. "•» ■( (> ' '».-■ V Hippy i» 1»^ • • whoie hope ia In the LenJ W» Ood" «^i ^-'1;' 307 I. 1 Hope 'OMK)pet)n„0 troubled heart; ^If doubtsmd fears o'ertake thee, Remember this, the Lord hath said, Be n^er will forsake thee ; Then murmur not, still bear thy lot, . ^ Nor yield to care or §orrow ; • Be sure the* clouds that frown to-day Will break in, smiles to-morrQW. . #* 2 .Hope on, hope^ on, though datk an^ deep The 3h8tdo\^£ gather^o'feir thee ;• '• Be not dismayed ; thy Saviour holds The lamp of Life before thee ; - ^ : : And if He will that thou to-day . Shouldst tread the vale of sorrow, •Be not|afraidi but trust, and wait ; i'The 'SKkiiyibme to-morrow. »^ « . 3 Hope on, hope on, go bravely forth ^^ough ma^and temptation, ' Directed by<^the wordf of trutb, ^0 lull of co^olation ; - b ->* -^.^ ^■9W'^^'^fV'V'^:''^-^i^ ^ / J.^ a '-^'"0 SUBMISSION AND CONFIDENCE. —r ^- — T"-^ *- — There is 4i caln^ for every storm A «^«« r^^ ... * -«- ; » A joy for every sorrow, , . ^ A night froin wliich the soul 'shall 'wake 10 hau ap endless ^orrow. "^ '*1 't^i. rejoice in the Lord. 1 ^WHAtithough no powers the fig-tree clothe. Though vines thoir fruit deny The labour of the alive fail, ^ And fields no meat supply ? • ,- . 2 . Though from the fold, w^h sad suirfiiW . My flock cut off I seef ^ Thmigh famine pine in empfy stalls, ' : , Where herds were wpnt to be ? \ ^ Yet in the Lord wil! I her glad. And glory in his love ; " ' In him I'll joy, who will the-God ' Of roysjalvation pwjve. 4 He to my ta^dy f^et shall lend The swiftness ^of the rhe ; ^ f TiH, raised on iiigh, I safely dwell Beyond the re^ch of woe. . * 5 God is the treasure of my so^L ' ' '. The source of lasting joy ; » A joy.which want shall hot impair ^ Nor death itself destroy. ' ' t n *\ii -A '"ttwugh he my n.e.yet wilfl trust m him. ^09 1 Since ^y Father's arm sustains thee Peaceful be; .» ' t. When a ehasfening hand restrains the/ It IS He ! I^ * 7ft . *i X- #f ■' ,?M.-lk^ ^' CHRISTIA'N LIFE. ItM If- Know His love in full coiiipleteness Fills the measure of thy weakness.; If M& wound thy spirit sore, , Trust Him more. : :-iv' ■^- |v. p" I ^ Without murmnr, uncomplaining, A In His hand /• .Lay whatever things thou, canst not Understand ; T Though the world thy folly spurneth, From thy faith in pity turneth, , Peace thy inmost soul shaU fill, ' ". .Lying still. ^ ^ 3 Fearest sometimes that* thy. Father .■'■■' Hath forgot? When the cloujj^ around thee gather, '^, Doubt Him not f . / ASays hath tte daylight broken, ,^ ,^ Ajwkys hath He comfort spoken ; <*f'*' Better hath He been for years , ^ t* Than thy, feat*s. -.4 TaHis own thy SaviouP giveth Dailyi strength ;. * To each trcftibled soul that liveth, . Peace at lengtli ; & Weakestlambs have largest sharing Of. this tender Shepherd's caring ; Ask Hini not, then, when, or how,"; » .^ Only bow. - * ■f V ' 310 •-,» '* Fear not,4(4r I am with thee.'.' 1 LOVE Divin6l that stooped to share Our sharpest panjgjOu^^ bittere^'teaij,' '"cr ' ' * a '4^ *« ■'-^K: vv* '^fflp^ "^Ip^ i^^^roPn m SUBMISSION AND CONFIDBNCB: On Thee we cast, each ear(Jh'-born care, - . We smile iat pain, while Thou art near. 2 Though long the weaty way we tread, And sorrow crown each lingering year, No path we shun, no darkness dread, Our hearts still whispering, Thou art near. 3 Whefi drooping pli^ure turns to grief. And trembling faith is changed to fear, — 'The murmuring wind, the quivering leaf, ■ Shall softly tell us Thou ^rt near. 4 On Tliee we fling our burdening woe, « O Love -Divine, for ever dear;* Content to suffer while. we know, - Living or dyin^. Thou art near ! ^tU ■I the Lord faaye wiled thee . . : . and will hold thhie hand. 'FHoLDThou my hand! so weak I am, and. w , helpless, , . , __ I dare not take one step without Thine aid ; Hold Thou my hand ! for then, O lovinc /i^Saviour, ■ Vl " • • '^ . IJo dread of ill shaU^ake.iny soul afraid. -. 2 Hold Thou my, han4 ! and closer, clos^ draWf,' me , , ; ,. ". : ' , * To Thy dear self— my hople.'my "joy, v^y t^tl : '% Hold Thou my hand, lest haply I «b<)uld w^-' derj ^ , , / ? ° . ' ." "■ A«d, missing Tljee, my trembling feet 8ho^ld ^11 ^;v %«^ \ -» A" ^*r *.'t ' M''*'" \ ' CHRISTIAN LIFE. 3 Hold Thou my hand ! the way is dark before me / ^ '■■ "'/. - ^• WitKoFjiit the sufiligtt of Thy face divine; But wheil by faith I catch its radiant gloiy, What heights of joy, what rapturous songs are mine ! T^ ^•- ■-*^^ ---^ .. 4 \Hold Thou my hand ! that when I reach the margin \0f that lone river Thorn didst cross for m^^ A peavenly light may flash along its waters, And every wave4R;e crystal 'bright shall be. V 313 " As Borrowful, yet^alway rejoicidg^ ■kV'- HNpjC ^ \ E^w 1"'^'^ I.' * da.- X- r \ . hn~'/' ■* #?> ^' ' « • &>h" ' ^ 1 Oh, let him whose soiyow, ^ No relief can find, /T r - Trusi in God and borrow - ^ > JEase for heart and mind.' Where the mourner, weeping, >. ,.^ Shi^ the secret tear, God His watch is keeping, ' / Though none else be near. 2 God will never leave' thee *, All thy wants He kncfWsV Feels the pains that grieve thee. Sees j>hy cares and woes-: If in gtiet' thou languish ' ij^e will dry tjoe tear, - ,, * •■ '^ Who His children's anguish Soothes with succour near. , «& * ' { . > " 3 All" thy wpe and sadness, In this worl(i,h«low, 1 )i # Ite 1 \ ., '0 ■ SVBMISmON AHD CONFIDENCE. '# Balance not the gladness Thiu in heaven shalt know, Wheii thy gracious Saviour; In /the realms above, Crowns thee with His favour, Fiils theewith His love. W. ••• "/ He is my rovk.' 318 (146-C 1 My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness ; I dkre hot trustr the sweetest frame, Bui wholly l^an oji' Jesus' name. On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ; All other ground is silking sand. « ^ ' 2 When darkness hides His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace ; In every high and stormy gale, . ' * "My anchor holds withiyi the vail 3 His oath, His cove^^t, His blood, ' Support me in the^wfcc^knih^ flood ; ^ When all around my souh^ives way. He then is all my hx)pe and stay. 4 When He ^hall come with trUipet sound, Oh, may I then in Him be> found, Clothed in His righteousnessvalone. Faultless to stand before the throne ! '1 >'/ 314 (lol^C.)' ' ' ' "Itw8«'o««, ,^5_ To you, who for refuge to Jesus have fled. U^> "^'^ ':,. 2 "Fear not, I am with Thee; oh, be not disr mayed ! , For I am thy God, and will still give the,e aid ; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee *^ to stand, . — -^ . — J . . Upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand. 1/- r ■ 3 "When through the deep waters I call thee to go The rivers of sorrow shall not Overflow ; For I will be with thee, thy trials to bless, ' And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. 4 "When through fiery trials thy pathway shall l|ie. My grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply i \ The flames shall not hurt thee ; I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. ' ^- '». 5 " E'en down to old age all My people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love ; And then, when grey hairs shall their temples adorn, ' Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be . borne. i^, , 6 "The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose I will not — I will not desert to his foes ; That soul, though all hell should endeavour/ ■ "■%«^, ■■ TO 'shake, ■ ;■■:" I'll never — ^ho, never — no, never fol i»» >i '•^"^k '^''<. '• f •*^.'v W: SUBMISSION AND CONFIDENCE. 31 5i " They thnt wait upon the Lord thftl renew thtilr utrength." 1 Why pour'st thou forth thioe anxious plaint, Pespairing of relief, As if the Lord o'erlooked thy cause, And did not heed thy grief .? 2 Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard, That firm remains on high - The everlasting throne of him - Who formed the earth and sky ? 3 Art thou afroid his power shall When comes thy^evil day ? And can an all-creating arm Grow weary or djecay ? 4 Supreme in wisdom as in power The Rock of ages stands ; Though him thou canst not see, ndr trace The working of his bands. 5 He gives the conquest t^the weak. Supports the fainting ixeart And courage in the evil hismr His heavenly aids impa^. 6 Mere human power shall fa«t decay. And youthful vigour cease ; But they who wait upon the Lord, In strength shall still increase. 7 They with unwearied feet shall tread The path of life divine ; •' With growing ardour onward move, ^ With groM^ing brightness shine. \ ;' V . il i I'.' ;:;\ *'T/"'*> tktr' ^i\ '. ■ j's CHRISTIAN ZIFB, ft 8 On eagles' wings thity mount, they soar, Their wings are faith and love, Till, past the cloudy re||Son8 here, They rise to heaven above. 816 "■Let not your he«rt be troubled." 1 Let not your hearts with anxious thoughts Be troubled or dismayed; r / —But trust in Providence divine, ^ ^ ^ And trust my gracious, aid. * 2 I to my Father's house return ; There numerous mansions stand^^ And glory manifold fiboUnds , Through ajl the hap^y land. 3 I go your entrance to secure, ' * ^ : And your abode prepare ; Regions unknown are safe to you, -. When I, your friend, am there. 4 Thence shall I come, when ages close, To take you home wilh ipe ; ^ There we shall meet to part no more. And still together be. ■r 6 I am the way, the truth, the life : No son of human rai^, ■ But such as I conduct i^nd guide. Shall see my Ffttb«r'8 fa9e. \ r / **i ' We have a stronn city ; salvation "b«l« " 317' , .. walls and bviwafkB." l\How glorious Zion's courts appear, . The city of our God ! His throne he hath established here, - Here fixed his loved abode. G«d appQint tor ",i * 1^ IJsi ^ifa^y m ■V»t ^'ir '»;<.•»:;»< i •> i SUBMISSION A}fD CONFIDENCE. '2 Its walls, defended by his grace, No power shall '^*er o'erthrow, • Salvation is its bulwark sure Against the assailing foe.' 3 Lift up the everlasting gates . The doors wide open fling ; Enter, ye nations, who obey „ ^M statutes of our King, *!' ^ . 4 Her'e shall ye taste unmingled joys, And dwell in perfect peace, Ye, who have known JEHOVAH'S name, . And trusted in his grace/ 5 Trust in the Lora, for ever trust, And banish all your fears ; Strength in the Lord JEHOVAH dwells Eternal as his years. '-•fZ ■ >■ ••■ ['V. ■^ "5"^ »18 ' He tiMt Iralketb rishteoiuiljr ... hit place of defence BhaU be the mumtionB of rocks." 1 Attend, ye tribes that dwell remote, Ye tribes at hand, give ear ; The upright in heart alone have hope, » The false, in heart have fear, . ' • 2 The man who walks with God in truth. And every guile disdains ; Who hates to lift oppression's rod. And scorns its shameful gains ; 8 Whose soul abhors th6 impious bribe That tempts from truth to stray, And from the enticing snares of vice Who turns his eyes away: ^ 't 4^ E^*^^- --'jt^Sfessa^w-" ^^ — * CHRISTIAN UFB. 't'^^' P p.. r i. 4 His dwelling, midst the strength of rocks, I * Shall ever stand .secure ; His Father will prpyide his bread, His water shall be sure. 5 For him the kingdom of the just Afar doth glorious shine ; And he the Kin^ of kings shall nee ■ ' - 1^ majesty divine. ■ ''X^_ ■ ■ 7- , ' ■■ ■ '•■ ; O"! " W «oU \m for lu, who can lie •H^ihHt.uii;" 1 Let Christian faith and hope dispel /* \ ; The fears, of guilt and woe ; ^ The Lord Almighty is our friend, f And who can prove a f oe ? 2 He who His Son, most dear and loved, ^ Gave up for us to die, ' Shall He not all things freely give That goodness can supply ? ^ 3 Behold the best, the greatest gift, Of everlasting love ! Behold the pledge of peace beloWv . And perfect bliss above ! A 4 Where is the judge who can condemn, Since God hath justified ? ■ Who shall charge those with guilt or crime \ For whom the Saviour died ? 5 T hj Sa viour died, but rose again \ flppmphaqt from the grave ; * And pleads our cause at God's right hand. ' Omnipotent to save. 16ft .I^dtii^tl^ .?^v' .^ ' JIIJ ^lllp^^^ 9 ' SUBMISSrON AND CONFIDBifCM* ^^l^mmifmm^mmmf* 6 )yho then can e'er divide ub more , From Jesus and His love, Or break the nacred chain that binds The earth to heaven above i , 7 Let troubles rise, and terrors frownj And days of darkness fall ; . Through Him all dangers we'll defy^ And more than conquer all. 8 Nor death, nor- life, nor earth, nor hell, Nor time's destroying sway, m Can e'er efface us from His heart, ^ Or make His love decav. 9. Each future period that will bless As it has blessed the past ; He loved us from the first of t>me, He loves us to- the last. 3 !SO ' '''^- " "°^ anhanied, for I know whom I have 1 I'm not ashamed to own my Lord, Or to defend His cause, Maintain the glory of His cross, And honour all His laws. 2 Jesus, ray Lord ! 1 know His name, His name is all my boast, Nor will He put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost. 3 1 know that safe with Him remains, Protected by His power, What I've committed to His trust, Til Ijhe decisive hour. .■ IT*-- ■.■'• ■ : ■ ■ " beMeved." Ti 4^ ^-r? ■J f • ■ H M. I, or di«. '% •i* 13 wr MwumIImi Mtf !■•■• HaiMiMiMiil 1100Mkvm«Mmw.SuNa1100 .."v:, HMf w|^f(il||,.Mwytand 20910 ,■ ^^^'•N -o •• s Centimeter 1 2 0^"^^^^^^ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm |l|l | f|l l |l |ll| l| ^^ ^ Inches 1.0 S?>a 3 ■"'■■:. ^4w 2.2 |L25 m 1.8 1.4 A .-%-■ ■^-'■ HRNUF9CTURE0 TO MIM STPNOPROS / BY flPPLKO IHRGE. INC. ■;:,;V:- 4lS ^v \, \ v:« "i^fi^vjff,.!?^*'; %'^.'f,i:i<^-tii?K ■d^-uf» CHRIST I AS inn. ' 4 Tlun will Hi" own His servant's name Before His Father's face, And in the New Jerusalem Appoint my soul a plaee. •*'^ -■■ 1 "I uiii the gmxl Hh<>|>lu>rtl, anU kn"w My nlic«'|>. iiiul . \ Hill known of Mine." 1 SoMls of men ! why will ye scatter ^ike a crowd of frightened sheep ? Foolish hearts! why will ye wander prom s^ love so true and deep ? 2 Was there ever kindest Shepherd falf so gentle, half so sweet, — v^ As the Saviour who would have us )me and gather at His feet ? 3 Thete'ii a wideness in God's mercy Oke the wideness of the sea ; Theile's a kindness in. His justice. Which is more than 1 jjberty. 4 Therte is no place where earth's sorrows Arb more felt than up in heaven ; ; m Theri is ho place where earth's failings ^ Have such kindly judgment given. ' 5 Then I is welcome for the sinner, And more grac-es for the good ; Then! is mercy with the "Saviour; Thjre is healing in His blooc^ 6 For the love of God is broader Th m the measures of man's mind ; the heart of the Kterhal- most wonderfully kind. And Is ■-I ';.-^Tt 5^1^- ."^'''' ''.''.^. "' -^ '' "■'* "^". ". "' ' %' " ' ; ■ T ' ' SUBMISSION AND CONFIDENCE. 7 There is plentiful redemption In the blood that has beien shed, There is joy for all the nieinbers In the sorrows of the Head. 8 If our love were but more siiuple, We should take Him at His word, And our lives would be all sunshine In the sweetness of our Lord. ^J^ 9M ^w ("w v; "ThrlAtnlkuiy SlM'iihcnl. ' 1 The King of love my Shepherd is. Whose goodness faileth pever ; I nothincj lack if I am His, i^^nd He is mine, for ever. ^^^2 Wyiere streams of livin:^ waters flow iH ■ My ransomed soul He leadeth, And where the verdant, pastures grow With food celestial feedeth. $ Perverse and foolish, oft I strayed ; ' . But yet in love He sought me. And on His shoulder gently laid, And home, rejoicing, brought me. 4 In death's dark vale I fear no ill With Thee, dear Lord, beside me. Thy rod and staff my comfort still. Thy cross before to guide me. '■ . . . " ■ . 5 Thou spread'st a table in my sight ; Thy unction grace bestoweth ; And oh, what transport of delight From Thy pure chalice floweth ! ■ '" I9a ■ •. • *. '■3'^ .<-»', '>i1i ^4 t- V 'fT.^w'^sasF^^'m IfifcTl ■-Silr-''*- i^"^ ■m^^s^^w "'«■•- /:-' CHRISTIA\ LIFE., p?*- '/ '»♦"" 6 And 8o through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never ; Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy prais^ Within Thy house for ever ! 323 " My litMl nhiill HU|i|>ly ull ycHir Hi-«(l. 1 P( Mill and needy though I be, ' God Almighty cares for me ; Gives me clothing, shelter, food. Gives me all I have of good.. ^ 2 He wMl hear, me when I pray, " He is with me night and day, ' When I sleep, and when I wake, For the tiord my Saviour's sake. • » 3 He who reigns above Uiq sky Once became as poor as I ; He whose blood for me was shed Had not where to lay His head! 4 Though I labour here awhile, Father, bless me with Thy smile ; All shall then be well with me, Having all in having Thee. 5 Then to Thee I'll tune my song, Happy as the day is long ; This my joy for ever be, God Almighty cares for me. 324 'If any insn lie in ChriAt, he m a new i-rt> utiirc. ' LOVE that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee ; 1 give Thae back the life I owe, That in Thine ocean depths its flow \ May richer, fuller be. ao» w -^^ ''"f;:TC"-,'r»-'' ■■."1":' SUBMISSION A\D CONFIDENCE. 20 Light that followent all my way, I yield my flickering torch to thee : My heart restores ita Iwr rowed ray, That, in Thy sunshine blaze, its day " M&y brighter, fairer be. \ 3 Joy that seekest me through pain, \. I cannot close my heart to Thee ; V I trace the rainbow through the rain, And feel the promise is not vain That morn shall tearless be. " 4 Cross that liftest yp my hiead, * I dai-e not ask to fly from Thee ; I lay in dust life's glory dead. And from the ground there blossoms red Life that shall enijless oe. t \ :r4& J^Th The,ljonl shall Kiiido thw constniitly.' All the way my IMfeur leads me • \yhat have I to ask beside ? Can I doubt His tender mercy. Who through life has been my guide ? Heavenly peace, diVinest comfort, Here by faith in Him to dwell ! For I know, whate'er befal me, * , Jesus doeth all things well. 2 All the way my Saviour leads me. Cheers each winding path I tread,r Gives me grace for every trial, Feeds me with the living bread, Though my weary steps may falter, And my soyl athirst may be, 2U ^Bw*/ x-'S, - t 1* • ■ 1 *^1 '•• -y ^i/ai^, „ j.i:--i "' -^A' -V r- mgl :^. .■% T"iv-v.',^;.;»...ir' CHJJIISIIAS LIFE. * QuNhing from tne Rock before me," Lo, a spring/of joy I nee ! 3 All the way iiiy Saviour leadH ipe ; Oh, the hilness of His love! Perfect reni to me in promiseil In my Father's house above : When m^ spirit clothed immortal, WingA its flight to realms of day, This iny song through endless ages- "Je£is Ted me all the way!" S2ii "My iK'loTfd JH IllilK', 7.^ t-Sis^ 1 Bl^ESSED assurance — Jesus is mine ! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine ! jLeirjof salvation.purchase of Ood ; Jorn of His spirit, washed in His blood. This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Saviour all the day long ; This, is my story, this is my song, Fta^ing my Saviour all the day long. 2 Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture burst on my sight ; Angels descending, bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. 3 Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Saviour am happy and blest ; Watching and waiting, looking iibove, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love. 22» ■ ~ ■ ■ t' ^ i SUBMISSION AND CONIIDIiNCR. 3»7 (132-C) 1 Simply trusting every day, ;' Trustinff through a stormy way ; Even when iny faith is small, Trusting Jesus, that is all. Trusting as the moments fly, Trusting as the days go by ; Trusting Him, whateer befall, Trusting Jesus, that is all. .2 Brightly doth His Spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine : While He leads J cannot fall ; Trusting Jesus, Jl>hat is all. 3 Singing, if my way be clear; Praying, if the path be drear ; If in danger, for Him call ; Trusting Jesus, that is all. 4 Trusting Him while life shall last. Trusting Him till earth be past, Till within^ the jasper wall; Trusting Jesus, that is all. < . 328 "Thou wilt |{.H(|i him in iMirfcft |H'WP whose ' niliiil Ih Mtiiyoil on tht>•^" In heavenly love abiding. No change my heart shall fear, And safe is such confiding, For nothing changes here : The storm may roar without we, My heart may \($v be laid. But God is round about me, Andean I be dismayed ? 23i». ■tin.^ 'it _. --f j4jSfc*»»TS»"^ " V t^-^ .,rv'^^*l^«'^i^^''^^i t^m^.^.^-- CHKISTIAN lAl'E. 2 Wherever He may guide me, No want shall turn me b^wsk My Shepherd is beside me, And nothing can I lack : His wisdom ever waketh, His sight is never dim : He knows the way He taketh. And I will walk with Him. '\ Qreen pastures are before me, Which vet I have not seen ; Bright skies will soon be o'er me. Where darkest clouds have been ; My hope I cannot measure ; My path to life is free ;. My Saviour has my treasure. And He will walk with me. 329 ' I will git«i you rem. ' *[(?•> 1 Jesus, I am resting, resting In the joy of what Thou art, I am finding out the greatness Of Thy loving heart. ^ Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee And Thv beauty fills my soul, For by thy transforming power Thou hast made me whole. Jesus I am resting, resting. 2 Oh how great Thy lovingkindness, Vaster, broader than the sea ; Oh how marvellous Thy goodness Lavished all on me — V -- i m SUBMISSION AND CONFIDENCE, Yes, I rest ill Thee, Beloved, . Know what wealth of grace is Thine, Know Thy certainty of ppoiniMe And have made it mine. Jesus, 1 am resting, resting. 3 Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, I behold Thee as Thou art, And Thy love, so pure, so changeless Satisfies my heart. Satisfies its deepest longing, > , And supplies its every need, • '^ompasseth me round with blessings; 'hine is love indeed. Jesui?, I am resting, resting. 4 Ever lift Thy face upon me. As I work and wait for Thee ; ~ Resting 'neath Thy smile, J^rd Je."^us, Earth's dark shadows fiee. f '^ Brightness of Thy Father's gloJ-y, Sunshine of Thy Father's face, Keep me ever trusting, resting. Fill me with Thy grace. Jesus, I am resting, resting. ' ' r^ - . ■' ^ 330 " ' H**y """^ '^•"'•^ "^^o" "IwuWert Uke thorn mit of the world, »mt that Thou Hhoulctest keep them from the evil." ! 1 I DO not ask, Lord, that life may be \ A pleasant road ; I do not ask that Thou wouldst take from me Aught of its load. 2 I do not ask that flowers shall always spring Beneath mv feet ; 3te # ^Xf • ' ^J M Vii ,H , . ■». ?-,>■■•»■, ■ ,. .\^ ■ -w ■;^sm •«!> (•f-;' ' f-xr: CHRISTIAN U til. I know too woll thu poiMon and the .stin^ Of things too 8weet. * 3 For one thing only, LonI, dear Lord, I plead : I^ead me aright, Though strength should falter and though heart should bleed, / , ' Through peace to light. ' 4 I 46t"o^ ask, O Lord, that Thou shonldst tthed B'ull radiance here ; Give but atay of peace, that I may tread Without a fear. 5 I do not ask my cross to understand, j|||,-; My way to feej Ww Better in daik^iW^^st to feel Thy hand, AM follow Thee. ». , 6 Joy is like restless day ; biit peace divine Like quiet night. Lead me, O Lord, till perfect day shall shine Through peace to light." • *'«'l " Thv briKhl and iiinrninK fttur. 1 The gloomy night will soon be past The morning wtH appear, The rays of blessed light at last Each eye will cheer. > 2 Thou bright and morning Star, Thy IJght Will to our joy be seen ; Thou, Lord, wilt meet our longing sight ; No cloud t)etween. .ia&. sn^)ar--i>?75Sf*,f:r.»^^5^^^i5gSK5i:3!i?iT. iH^'' ^t'^j^^ftwrW SUBMISSION AM) COA'/ //)A\X7-. a Thy love HuntainH uh on our way . Whilo pilfrriniH here beluw ; Thou (lost, O Saviour, day by day, Thy grace beHtow. 4 But oh ! the more we learn of Thee And Thy rich mercy prove, The more we long Thy lace to Me«5, And know Thy love. 5 Then shine, Thou bright ami morning Star, Dispel the dreary gloom ; Oh, take from sin and grief afar Thy people home 332 ., ' .. U it wbII with lho« r 1 When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll ; Whatever my lot, thou hast taught mo to say, It is well, it is well with my soul. 2 Though Satan should bliftet,tho' trials should com9, Let this blest assurance control. That Christ hath regarded my '4^1pless estate, And hath shed His ownp blood lor- my soul. 3 My sin— oh, the bliss of this glorious thought— My sin, not in part bjit the whole, > Is nailed to His cross and I bear it jio more ; Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh my soul ! 4 And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight. The clouds be ro lled b ack iw a acroll, ^ ^/IM»t~l "^*^.f'z* 5^%J cHKisriAS r.ti'ii. The iruni|) Hhall reNound. ahtl the Lord tihall (leHcehd, " Even 8o " — it in welk with my soul. li 333 (208- H) T. «. ' And, liMvliiK ilon<< »ll, to MMtvT ^P> 1 Stamd up ! stftnd up for Jmius 1 ' Ye soldiers of the cross ; Lift hif■ .r "-''i-,'. >f4^.. :.' .■:-J'?jK=iUM^^M^'^f^^^--^-.^y< - • C^i'i ' "'^ ^^ij?5f 5^'^' ^^?!?^^yTf^',3^.r>*V*? ■«.. y i-ql CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. 3 His grace will to the end Stronger and brighter shine j Nor present things, nor things to conie, Shall quench the spark divine. 4 When we in darkness walk, Nor feel the heavenly flame, Then is the time to trust our God, And feat upon His name. 5 Soon shajl our doubts and fears - Subside f|t His control ; His lovingkindness shall break through Th4 midnight of the soul . 6 Blest is the man, O God, That stays himself" on Thee ! Who wait for Thy salvation, Lord, Shall Thy salvation sea , <■ i* i'^-J p-^i 337 (212-H) ' 8 7 " I will hear whiit Owl the Lonl will speak.' 1 Hear what God the Lord hath spoken : * O my people, faint and few, Comfortless, afflicted, broken. Fair abodes I build for you. 2 * Thorns of heartfelt tribulation Shall no more perplex your ways ; You shall name your walls Salvation, And your gates shall all be Praise. . 3 , There, in undisturbed possession, Peace and righteousness shall reign : Never shall you feel oppression, Hear no voice of war again, 31a ►.■■■; V^l ^ ' ak .tit ^a!s iesi.a:^.!'^^^: CHRISTIAN LIFE. * God shall rise, and shining o'er, you, Ohange to day the gloom of night ; He, the Lord, shall be your Glory, God, your everlasting Light.' 338 (213-H) "4% '4- m 6, 5. " In the name of our Go«I wo will wt up our bannera." 1 Brightly gleams our banner Pointing to the sky, Waving wanderers onward To their home on high. Journeying o'er the desert, Gladly thus we pray. And with hearts united Take our heavenward way. Brightly gleiims our banner Pointing to the sky, Waving wanderers onward To their home on high. 2 Jesus, Lord and Master, At Thy sacred feet. Here with hearts rejoicing See Thy children meet ; Often have we left Thee, Often gone astray, Keep us, mighty Saviour, In the narrow way. Brightly gleams, etc. 3JA11 our days direct us . In the way we go. Lead us on victorious Over every fote : ^ # 38a ;%?■ "m-^'^w^ '.>• CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. Bid Thine angels shield us When the storm clouds lower, Pardon, Lord, and save us In the last dread hour. Brightly gleams, etc. •Si 7«. li<>v««Kt"th()ii M«' If' 339 (214 H) 1 Hark, my soul, it is the Cord ; 'Tis thy Saviou?, hear His word ; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee : • Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou Me ? 2*1 delivered thee when bound, And, when bleeding, healed thy wound ; Sought thee wandering, set thee right, Turned thy darkness into light. 3 * Can a woman's tender care Cease toward the child she bare ? Yes, she may forgetful be, . Jf "^ Yet will I remember thee. \ 4 * Mine is an unchanging love. Higher than the heights above ; Deeper than the depths beneath, Free and faithful, strong as death, i 5 ' Thou shalt see My glory soon, ' . When the work of grace is done : Partner of My throne shalt be : Say, poor Sinner, lov'st thou Me ? ' 6 Lord, it is my chief complaint That my love is cold and fai^t y^ Yet I love Thee and adote, O for grace to love Thee more ! . 2 33» > -/iJ ''♦.. '' ?" CHRISTIAN LIFE. 340 (216-H) ^^^< K ^i". lis. " Thiit is the name whereby He Bhai) be uallcil, TheLordoui RighteouBnem." 1 I^ONCK was a stranger to grace and to God, I knfew not my danger, and felt not my load ; Though friends spoke in rapture of Christ on the tree, ♦ Jehovah Tsidkenu ; • 'twas nothing to me. 2 Like tears from the daughters of Zion that roll, I wept when the waters went over His soul ; Yet thought not that my sins had nailed to the tree • Jehovah Tsidkenu ; ' 'twas nothing to me. ^ '. ■ 3 When free grace awoke me, by light from on high, Then legal fears shook me, I trembled to die ; No refuge, no safety in self could I see— * Jehovah Tsidkenu * my Saviour must be. 4 My terrors all vanished before the sweet name ; My guilty fears banished, with boldness I came To drink at the fountain, life giving and free, * Jehovah Tsidkenu ' is all things to ma 5 Eve^ treading the valley, the shadow of death, ThisVatchword shall rally my faltering breath ; For if from life's fever my God set me free, ' Jehovah Tsidkenu ' my death song shall be. 6 Jehovah Tsidkenu ! my treasure and boast, ^ Jehovah Tsidkenu ! I ne'er can be lost ; 'In Thee I shall conquer by flood and by field,. ■ My cable, my anchor, my breastplate and shield ! 341. (216-H) "Beofgoodcheer; it irI.' 1 O Thou that on the billow •^ Couldest sleep While tempests round Thy pillow Fierce did sweep, 34a 1^ Ik' ^(^ CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. Grant us TKy holy peace, While the tumults rage around us, And the perils still increase, Our hearts to keep. f O Thou that in the night storm Drewest nigh, Appearing as i^ bright form * From on high, — --- Still 'mid our gloom appear ; i^ Guide us gently to oiu- haven ; Give our fainting spirits cheer, ^ay,«Lo, 'tisir O Thou that stbod'st at morning On the shore. To bless the bark returning And the store, Bid us such Mrelcome blest. When, beyond those troubled waters, From our night-lorig toil we rest For evermore. a*«l V He 'saWe to smxjour them that are tempted!^ 1 When gathering clouds around I view And days are dark, and friends are few, Un Him I lean, who not in vain Experienced every human pain ; ^ He sees my wants, allays my fears. And counts and treasures up my tears. 2 If aught sliould tempt my soul to stray 1 l-om heavenly wisdom's narrow way, To fly the good I would pursue. Or do the sin I would not do, - '35a '- r-v- 1 ■ ■ *^ %. tt •^^ - ■■ , ;-■■' ^i . ■> 'HM ■ i V ^ , *< '••'a .'■^a ' "♦"ffll - .*^ !* -,V>yJW •ll^l 'iL^M.W^ii»>^ ^^M ■ \ CHRIST I AN LIFE. |v*.i y.v. ■}»fj iX> . Htill He, who felt teinptatibn's power, ' Hhall guard me in thajb dangerous hour. /' , ■ " ■ 3 If vexing thoughts within ine rise, Andjore dismayed, my spirit dies ; Still He, who once vouchsafed to bear The sickening anguish of despair, Shall sweetly soothe, shall gently dry, The throbbing heart, the streaming ey6. 4 Wh|Bn sorrowing o'er some stone I bend, ^Which covers what was once a friend_. And from his voice, his hand, his smile, Divides me for a little while ; 1 hou. Saviour, mark'st the tears I shed. For Thou didst weep o'er Lazarus dead. 5 And oh ! when I have safely passed Through every centlict but the last, , Still, atill unclianging, watch beside My painful bed, for Thou hast died ; Then point to realms of cloudless day. And wipe the latest tear away. 343 (218H) ' , ■ CM. " We . . . hivvp fled for refuge to lay hnlil U|xn> the hope net iHjfore U8." 1 Dear refuge of my weary soul. On Thee, when sorrows rise. On Thee, when waves of trouble roll. My fainting hope relies. 2 To Th^e I tell each rising grief, For Thou alone canst heal ; Thy word can bring a sweet relief For every uijn I feel. 3* But oh ! when gloomy doubts prevail, I fear tot;all Thee mine : 36a 2'k ;rri! ' CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. 5 Hew. •bove .11, he.r Tbj Lord, ^ Uim thoa lovest to obey ; Hide within thy heart Hii word. • * Watoh and pray.' 6 Watch, as if on that alone Hung the isaue of the day • Fray, that help may be sent down ; 'Watch and pray.' ' 347 (222-H) ' ..^ , „ . The lonX i. my light »nd my i Ooto^is my Strong salvation,, ' What foe have I to fear ? In Jarkness and temptation * My light, my help, is near. 2 Though hosts encamp around me. Firm to the fight I stand : What terror can confound me, With God at my right hand ? 3 Place on the Lord reliance : _ My soul, with courage wait • Hw truth be thine affiance, ' When faint and desolate. -^i^piight tly heart shall strengthen. His lore thy joy increase; ' Mercy thy days shall lengthen : The Lord will give the? peace. 348 (22.3-H) an uiau ngnt for you." ——"""■»»« on. "•««StvT5i??'«* ^o.th bef J.l%o„, U 7. 6. MlvkUon.' ■•J 'M '<3^ ^ '^ ate •' "s 1 » /'«,'^'..''^ .■ ^RISTIAN LIFE. fi' ','■* -1. Christ, the Royal Magtor, lewU against the fwi, Forward into battle hco Hih Unni^ni go. Onward, OhriHtian aoldiorH, inarching iih to war, With the oro88 <>i Jrtsus going on before. 2 At the name of JeSuH, Satan's host doth Hee ; On, then. Christian soldiers, on to victory ! Itell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise : Brothers, lift your voices ; loud your anthems raise. Onward, Christian soldiers, etc. .» Like a mighty army, moves the Church of God. Brathers, we are treading where the saints havr trod . We are not divided, all one body we— ^ One in hope "and doctrine, one in charity, v Onward, Christian soldiers, etc. 4 Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane ; a But the Church of Jesus constant will remain : Gates of hell can never 'gainst tliat,. Church pre vadl : / We have Christ's own promise, that can nev^rfail. Onward, Christian soldiers, etc. '\^ I Onward, then, ye people, join our happy throng ; Blend with ours your voices in the triumph-song ; Glory, praise and honour unto Christ the K^pg, This through countless ages men and angels sing. Onward, Christian soldiers, etc 349(224-H)) 1 CHiLDBEif ^of the heavenly King, 7«. , The ranBomed of the Ix>rd shall tvlwn, and come to Zion with BongH. As ye journey sweetly slog 40a g^^LSivV^^r, if, •:-■ ^f^V^X/Cr AND TRIUMPH. SiiiK your 8avu>ur'« worthy praUe, Gloriou. in Ifu work* and wayt. 2 Wo are travelling homo to Opd. In the way the father* trod : They are happy now, and we _ Soon their happiness shall nee. 3 Shout, ye little flock and blest • You on Jeaua' throne shall re»t • There your seat is now prepared, There your kingdom and reward. 4 Lift your eyes, ye sons of light. Zion'8 city ig in sight ; There our endless home shall be, There our Lord we soon shall see. ft Fear not/brethren; joyful stand / Un the borders of your land • Jesus Christ, your Father's Son, Bids you undismayed go on. 6 Lord, obediently we go, Gladly leaving all below ; Only Thou our leader be And we still will follow Thee. 1 bOME, ye that love the Lord, And let your joys bo known . Join m a song with sweet accord, , And thus surround the throne # ■'■■■,■■ M. 2 Let those refuse to sing That never knew our Go^;' Bat children of the heavenly Kinc o May speak their joys ^bridT V< V. • :^ tin. ^* .'»■' tW^M^. ./■ • 4 ■'■.;'■ J- ". t CHRISTIAN LIFE. Tk K' ! ■3 If*' 3 The men of grace have found Olory began below ; * Ceh«ti»I fruitH on eartlily ground ^ From faith and hope may grow. 4 The hill of Zion yh\i» A thouaa^id aacred Hweeta, iiefore wo reach the heavenly Helds, ^ Or Walk the golden itreeta. b Then let our songs abound,' And ervery tear b« dry ; We're marching through Immanuel's fffound, To fairer worlds on high. r • 7.8. '* WiNtpiMK ni»y «iiint my prayers, and «old my love, lijtl^i^tuifast hope shall not remove, -'i§ft^' Jesus intercedes above. ^ 'W^ 8 Aj^inst me earth and hell combine ; But on my side is power divine ; (Tesus is all, and He is mir 365 (230-H) H. M. 'By grace ye arc savod." Grace! 'tis a charming sound, Harmonious to" my ear ; Heaven with the echo shall resound. And all the earth shall hear. 2 Gmce first contrived a way To save rebellious man ; And all the steps that grace display Which drew the wondrous plan. 3 Grace taught my wandering feet To tread the heavenly r6ad ; And new supplies each hour I meet, While pressing on to' God. 4 Grace all thie Work shall crown, Through everlasting days ; It lays in heaven the topmost stone. And veil deserves the praise. 356 " Be thouiaithfiil unto death and I will give thvu a crown of life." 1 My soul, be on thy guard. Ten thojusand foes i^rise. And hosts (^ sins are pressing hard To draw thee from the skies. 46a ,*&?- • 4 ■^f-J-r^-' "• CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. .•/■■■ i 2 Oh, watch and fight and pray ; The battle ne'er give o'er ; Renew it boldly every day,' And help divine implore. 3 Ne'er think the victory won, Nor lay thine armour down ; Thine arduous work will not be done Till thou obtain thy crown. . 357 ' I h»ve flnished my course'" 1 My race is run ; my warfare's o'er ; The solemn hour is nigh, When, offered up to God, my soul Shall wing its flight on high. 2 With heavenly weapons I have fought The battles of the Lord ; * /Finished my cour.se, aAd kept the faith, Depending on His word, 3 Henceforth there is laid up for me A crown which cannot fade ; The righteous Judge at that great day ^^ Shall place it on my head. 4 Nor hath the Sovereign Lord decreed This prize for me alone ; But for all such as love like me -» The appearance of His Son. f' 5 From every snare and evil work His grace shall me defend. And to His heavenly kingdom safe Shall bring me in the eiid. • 47a :' ' -'4 wi ■^#i iIft^j¥'ifof^.''''^>-'^rf't'Tirii'f;-i>i"¥'f'' -i' ■'-' ».'^- »..•>■■■ ■* CHRISTIAN LIFE. day ^ '■">. CWi -i;.^ ' •v* "■&; IK- 358 ' Ooinuaswid about with 80 great a oloud of witnesseB.'' 1 For all the saints who from their labours rest, Who Thee by faith before the world con- fess'd, Thy Name, O Jesus, l^e forever blest, . k., ' Alleluia ! ■■.- \. ■ ^-X ■■''■■ 2 Thoa wast their Rock, their Fortress, and theit Might ; Thou, Lord, their Captain in the well-fought fight; Thou in the darkness drear their one true Light Alleluia! 3 O may Thy soldiers, faithful, true and bold. Fight as the Saints who nobly fought of old. • And win, with them, the victors crown of gold. Alleluia! 4 O blest communion ! fellowship Divine ! , * We feebly struggle, they in glory shine. Yet all are one in Thee, for all are Thine. Alleluia! 5 And, when the strife ts fierce, the warfare long. Steals on the ear the distant triumph -song. And hearts are brave again, and airms are strong. Alleluia! 6 The golden evening brightens in the west ; Soon, soon, to faithful warriors comes their ■ . rest; •' ^^#/ ' Sweet is the calm of Paradise the blest. Alleluia! ' \-C^ ^\^'''*^W^^' CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. 7 Butio! there breaks a. yet more glorious day The Saints triumphant rise in bright array ; The King of glory passes on His way; */ ,4^11eluia. 8 From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's farthest coast, Through gates of pearl streams in tfie count- less host, Singing to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Allelujal '369. ■ : ■ ^ • ■ ■ ' " One hope of your calling." 1 Through the night of doubt and sorrow Onward goes the pilgrim band, Singing songs of expectation. Marching to the promised land. 2 Clear before us through the darkness Gleams and burns the guiding Light ; Brother clasps the hand of brother, * . Stepping fearless through the night. S One the Light of God's own presence jl O'er His ransom'd people shed. Chasing far the gloom and terror, . . Brightening all the path we tread : 4 One the object of our journey, ( ne the faith which never tires, One the earnest looking forward, ' ^ One the hope our God inspires ; 5 One the strain that lips of thousands Lift as from the heart of one ■ 49a • ' • f^i^'i v^v-ti^^mi f:f£^:^f »'' *-(' V . * ' »s ,•«' ;<' CHRISTIAN LIFE. One the' conflict, one the peril, V, One the march in God begun : 6 One the gladness of rejoicing On the far eternal shore. Where the One Almighty Father 1 Reigns in love for evermore. ^O * Watch ye, atond fut in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. " J. V 1 Courage, brother ! do not stumble, .Though thy path be dark as night ;- • There's a^star to guide the humble ;^ Tnist i^ GgI(], and do the right. 2 . Let the road be rough and dreary, And its end far out of sight. Foot it bravely ! strong or weary. Trust in God, and do the right. 3 Perish policy and cunning. Perish all that fears the light I , Whether losing, whether winning, Trust in God, and do the right. I 4 Trust no party, sect, or faction ; Trust no leaders in the fight ; But in every word and action Trust in God, and do the right. 5 Trust, no lovely forms of passion, Fiends may look like angels bright ; Trust no custom, school, or fashion, Trust in God,2and do the right. ^ - ^ 50a ' ^ ^1- t< * vVtt>. ,>..,: ^<'^--'yk\^^i:^4g^^ »*••.;■ CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. r 6 Simple rule, and safest guiding, Inward peace, and inward might; Star upon our path abiding,— Trust in God, and do the right. 7 Some will hate thee, some will love thee, Some will flatter, some will slight; Cease from man, and look above thee, Trust in God, and do the right. 361 "PiKhttheKood flght." 1 Fight the good fight with all thy might, Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right ; - Lay hold on life, and it shall be Thy joy and crown eternally. frKun^the straight race through God's good grace, Lift up thine eyes, and seek His face ; Life with its way before- us lies, Christ is the pa|jh^ and Christ the prize. 3 Cast care aside, lean on thy Guidd ; His boundless mercy will provide ; Trust, and thy trussing soul shall prove Christ is its life, and Christ its.lpve. 4 Faint not nor fear). His arms are near. He changeth not, and thou art dear ; Only believe, and thou shalt see That Christ is all in alj to thee; ^ '^\m "The vteCory that overoometh the world, eyenour iftlUI* 36!S5 1' Encamped along the hills of light, V e Christian soldiers^ise. ''7 -5i»- m^ ^''.'i .a.vAji.,.j»i^ ■4--- CHRISTIAN LIFE. "'I And press the battle ere the night Shall veil the glowing skies ; Against the foe in vales below, Let all our strength be hurled ; Faith is the victory, we know, That overcomes the world. His banner over us is love. Our sword the word of God ; We tread the road the saints above With shouts of triumph trod; By faith they, like a whirlwind's breath, Swept on o'er every field ; The faith by which they conquered f)ea^ Is still our shining shield. '■■< y) ft- ♦ On every hand the foe we find Drawn up in dread array ; Let tents of ease be left behind, And onward to the fray ; Salvation's helmet on each head, With truth all girt about, The earth shall tremble 'neath our tread, And echo with our shout. 4 To him that overcomes the foe, White raiment shall be given; Before the angels he shall know His name confessed in Heaven ; • Then onward from the hills of light. Our hearts with love aflame ; We'll vanquish all the hosts of night, In Jesus' conquering name. s^- '^e^^h •jH^i iJ^i^ j»j«*^t(J * !»' Stand up for Jesus^ nobly stand ! ^ Firm as a rock on ocean's strand ! \ 54» 5, ». -,vrf ^J. iW#y^>« r'^r ^ **'l J ft j Lr.'"" ±""*^ ' 'ti'.'^ A ^ '*'*^ "' ' ' 'T.* gr^ "Vjgy^^.' V *" -' • CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. Stand up, HiH righteous cause defend ; Stand up for Jesus, your best Friend. 2 Stand up for Jesus, Christian, stand ! Sound forth His Name o'er sea and land ! Spread ye His glorious Word abroad, Till all the world shall own Him Lord ! 3 Stand ut» for Jesus, Christian, stand ! Lift high the Cross with steadfast hand ! Till heathen lands with wondering eye « Its rising glory shall descry. 4 Stand^p for Jesufc, Christian, stand 1 Soon with the liijest immortal band We'll dwell for aye, life's journey o'er, In realms of light on heaven's bright shore. " ^ ' ' '■ " H«»*'*lUi»o HinttngBlmihargo over thee." 1 Hark ! hark, my soul ; angelic songs are . swelling \ O'er earth's green fields, and ocean's wave- beat shore; ^ ' How sweet the truth those blesied strains are telling, . Of that hew life when sin shall be no more. Angels of Jesus, angels of light, Singing to welcome the pilgrims of the night. . [ ) ' ■ • ■ ■■•■■■■■ '■ ■ >^ --"^ 2 Onward we go, for still we hear them singing; " Come weary souls, for Jesus bids you come? S6a , '"^ \ AK "^ i :0' ■^f*i ■•.<••<« ■ i'*. • ■••■•1 V ••"■■' '^^M ■/»i| ■y. ■■:i • '^jj ^^- /<. ;^ ,^ j_/.5ilr;:j,;.,' 'io .*■♦ '•-•^v;:*^e'«-^-5.r%>^;*^%T*»-«.t?. CHRfSTlAN UPB. * 1 And, through the dark itH echoes Hwuetly ' ringing, The niUHic of the Oo8poI leads uh home. 8 Far, far away, like bollH at evening pealing. The voice of Jesus sounds o'er land and sea. And laden souls by thousands meekly stealing, > Kind Shepherd, turn their weary steps to Thee. • (■? 4 Rest comes at length, though life be long and dreary, The day must dawn, and darksome night be passed; Faith's journey ends in welcome to the weary. And heaven, the heart's true home, will come at last. .f; >« & Angels, sing on! your faithful watches keeping; Sing us sweet fragments of the songs aoov^; > Till morning's joy shall end the night of weep- ' ing, ^ And life's long shadows break in cloudless love .7 Who are these 1 " 367 4 1 Who are these like stars appearing, These, before God's throne who stand ? Each a golden crown is wearing ; Who are all this glorious band ? Alleluia! hark they sing. » Praising loud their Heavenly King. 2 These are they who have contended Fo r their Saviour's honour long, i¥W 6te I -^*rr,|P^^^f^fj|^i-i- ;^^, _^CONtfUCT^AND THIUMPH. Wro«tlinflr on Mil |it« wan ondtMl, FoUowinjf n'^'/A^' ij-^vr \ Y- I 'f '*•' CHHISflAN LIFE. Whose toilsome years are spent in brave endea- vours ' [:. To bear Thy saving name from coast to coast. 3 Those whose bright faith makes feeble hearts grow stronger, And sends fresh warriors to the great oam- -paign, ;*-;2: ;-;: v;^-.; ■';■■•.-■:. ;/;■;■ __ : ; Bids the lone convert feel estranged ho longer, And wins the sundered to be one again ; 4 And all true helpers, patient, kind and skilful Who shed Thy light across our darkened earth, Counsel the doubting and restrain the wilful . Soothe the sick bed and share the children's' mirth. 5 Thus, Lord, Thy servants in 0i|(s^ memory keep- ing. ^ . Still be Thy Church's watchword, " Com- fort ye"; Till in our Father's House shall end our weep- And all our want's be satisfied in Thee. A*; ■^^■■■¥ t3„-->^ fiSa ,-. T-- iJf- \ * ^ 'J* .' , IP 3» «-iaas-'^- V.—THE CHURCH. Y ' " Olorioua thingB are spoken of thee, O city of Ood 1 UtoRious things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God ; [e,^ whose word cannot be broken, ITormed thee for His own abode. On the Rock of Ages founded, What can shake thy sure repose ? With salvation's walls surrounded, Thou mayest smile at all thy foes. . 3 See, the streams of living waters, Springing from eternal love, Well supply thy sons and daughters, And all fear of want remove. 4 Who can faint while such a river Ever flows their thirst to assuage — Gra«e which, like the Lord the giver, Never fails from age to age ? 5 Saviour, if of Zion's city , ^ ,^ I through grace a member am ; Let the world deride or pity, > ^ f »^f gioiT in Thy name :[ 6 Fading is the worldling's pleasure, AH his boasted pomp and show, . Solid joys and lasting treasure, \, None but Zion's children know. '■-''■'■'■'■. .-.■'■ SOa ■'■■■•■.: ^'-•>^s '"•'^ '^3 » "^^p >(JUHi ^^^>^l ' ' ''^^^1 f^k '\S '"^i^B '•1:1 IV ^ F?- .; r>: THE CHURCH K. M. " If I foi-gii'ttjuut, _0 JoniNuhtni, let iiiy riijht 370(2.S2-H) _ Iiitiul forKet her cninninK 1 I LOVE Thy kingdom, Lord, The house of Thine abode, The Church, our blest Redeemer saved With His own precious blood 2 1 love Thy Church, O God ! Her walls before Thee stand, -* Dear as the apple of Thine eye, "' And graven on ThHhand, ' 3 For her my tears shil( fall, For her my 'prayers lascend ; To her my cares an<| tioils be g^iven, Till toils and car^ jshaU end/* •^ 4 Beyond my highest joy ^ I prize her heavenly ways. Her sweet communion, solemn voWs, Her hymns of love and praise. , 5 Jesus, Thou Friend divine. Our Saviour, and our King ! Thy haiid from every snare and foe, Shall great deliverance bring. 6 Sure as Thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield. And brighter bliss of heaven.' -J jy 371 • ' > * ^ " . " Yet will f not forget thee.' 1 Ye heavens, send forth your song of praise ! Earth, raise your voice below f** 60a. ■ ' > ) .§ ' ■■■.■■■- 'V ' ''''•f^^f?C^'H^ iS\ ITS WORSHIP. Let IiiUs and mountains, join the hymn And joy through nature flow. ' ■ ' ■ * 2 Behold how graciotis" is our God ' Wear the consoling strains, In^which he cheers our drooping hearts And mitigates our pains. 3 Cease ye,^heh daysof darkness come in sad dismay to mourn, As_ilthe Lord could leave'his saints forsaken or forlorn, 4 Can the fond mother e'er forget The infrfnt whom she bore*? And can its plaintive cries be heard JNor move compassion more ? 5 She may forget : nature may fail A parent's heart to move ; But Zion on my heart shall dwell In everlasting love- ■,'■"■■■. : ' • ■',■•■"-■■-■*■■" 6 Full in my sight, upon my hands 1 have engraved her name : My hands shall Wild her ruined walls And raise her broken frame y 7.6. 3'78(233-H) ,^ 1 TiTB. nu L. '■ other foiindationtran no nm'n lay.' 1 The Church's one foundation ^ . Is Jesus Christ, her Lord ; *• ohe is His new creation By water and the Word: ' * . > *> ,/Hfi CHURCH From heaven he came and sought her, To be His holy bride ; With His own blood He bought her. And for her life He died. , sS i: ; .*. -V • , V 2 Elect from every nation, Yet one o'er all the earth, H«r charter of salvation • One Lord, one faith, one birth. One holy name she blesses^ ' Partakes" one holy food, And to^ne hope she presses With ever^ grace .endued. 3 Though with a scornful wonder ^ Men see her ore opprest, ; By schisms rent asunder, By heresies distrest, * ' Yet saints their watch are keeping. Their cry goes up, * How long ? And soon the night of weeping > , Shall be the morn of song. " 4 'Mid toil, and tribulation, . . ' And tumult of her war, ' She lii^aits the consummation • Of peace for eiirermpre ; » Till with the vision glorious Her longing €»^es are blest. And the great Cnurch Tictorioiis , Shalll^ the Church at rest. .'••-■ ■*•-■, "-^ .■-''■- '\ . ' 5 Yet she on earth hath union With God the Three in One, . m •Ala lyf.'j'^iayt. - - -^?feii^^ itiv, V **/ ^i 1 • ' JI '.*. 'J 1j A n/1 •v*«*<«X^. i . u * '*; t ■, ■- _ With thdse whose rest is wdn : U happy ones and holy ! ' ^ lK)rd give Us ^a THE CHURCH: S "' V/ O • 4 (Z30-xlj ° '• jugiu, chrlHt HhiiHolf r>c!ng the great obrner«tone.' 1 Christ is our corner-stone, On Him alone we build ; With His true saints alone • The courts of heaven are filled : On His great love ' Our hopes we pla(^ Of present grace And joys above. 2 0, then with hymns of praise . These hallowed courts shall ring , Our voices we will raise* The Three in One to sing ; And thus proclaim In joyful song, Both loud and long, That glorious Aame. ^/ 3 Here, gracious God, dOkThou For evermore draw liigh ; Accept each &ithful vow, And mark each suppliant sigh : ' In copious shower On all who pray, \ Each .holy day. Thy blessing pour. . 4 Here may we-giain froq^, heaven The grac^i which we implore. ; And may that grace, once given, ^ ' Be with us evermore, ' Unlbil that day ' When all the blest '- 6to '-1 ¥»; :^'' hvjb\j «£«2>'^ J^ Hi jCL A' .«J» !■ •-V ^ J "i ~ y. fTS WORSHIP. To endless rgsfc Are called away ! •f '" 375(237-Hy . / / " ''•' WitS:^'"-^»» '"•i^'S^nc, 1 Safely Jihrough another week. txod hath brought U8 on 6ur Way :, tet us now a blessing seek • Waiting in His courts to-day : / ^ Day x)£ all the week the brist/ Jimblem of eternal rest. . 2 While we seek supplies pf grace, . " -^rhrough the dear RedeeiSer's iame Show Thy^reconciling iW _ 1 ake away our sin and^hame : From our worldly cares set free, ^ May we rest this day in Thee. ^ a Hefe we Qontffe^Thy name to prMse ;« Let us feel Thy presence nei^r J %I^^ «*^^ "^^^^ our eyes, \' Here afford us, Lord, a taste Of our everlasting rest. -4 May the gospel's joyful sound ' , Wake.^ur minds, to raptiires ndw \ Let Thy victories abound, Thus let alUur Sabbaths prove, ^ . liJl we rest m Thee above - -/i \^ s ' ' ': 65ft k^./ A' t ».ti .♦ .;>'^ •.'^■,'.":^^1>'* iv^t'^WfM.% THE CHURCH: 376 (2.38.H) 6. 8. ' Thia la the day wMch the Ixinl hath niMle ; we will ri>J)>icu anci Ih) kIuiI iri it." 1 Awake, ye samts, awake, And hail the sacred day ; In loftiest songs of praise' ♦ Your joyful homage pay : Come, bless the day that Qod hath blest. The type of heaven's eternal rest. 2^^ this auspicious mom ThejLord of life arose ; He burst the bars of death, And vanquished all our foes ; And now He pleads our cause above, . And reap* the fruit of all His love. 11 ■■ ■ ■ • , ' ■ 3 All hail ! triumphant Lord, Heaven with hosannas rings ; And earth, in humbler strains, Thv praise responsive sings : Worthy the Lamb that once was slain, ' Through endless years to live and reign. 4 Great Kinj^ gird on Thy sword. Ascend Thy conquering car, While justice, power, and love Maintain the glorious war : This day let sinners own Thy sway, And rebels cast their arms away. 377 (239-H) S.M. " I Wiui in the spirit on the liord'H day. This is the day of light : Let there be light to-day ; O Day spring, rise upon our night. And chase its gloom away. ' -e»t- aiittiBilr^ ''tiim)^ pw f^ ITS WORSHIP. 8 4 This 18 the day of rest : Our failing atrenarth renew; SheT^h^'^'TKT 'T^^'^ breast bhed Thou Thy freshening dew. Thisisthedayof peaee; _ Ifty peace our spirits fill .- Bid Thou the blasts of discord cease The waves of strife be stili. This is the day of prayer: Let earth to heaven draw near • Lift up our hearts to seek Thee there Come down to meet us here ' ' This is the first of days : Send forth Thy quickening breath And wake dead souls, to love^an^^ O Vanquisher of death, r^'^^^' Hail thou bright and sacred morn r :^^» Z'^^ ^^^«e«« in thy Sams ' ^^^f"^^^ of earth is ^orn/ * Ai^ Tk*^^ '^^^'^ '''^^'^ streams ; Airs of heaven are breathed around ^, ^'^^ «a«J^ place is holy grpund' ^ Great Crea^r.! who this day J^'IT ^^7 P®^^®«* work didst rest • %the souls that own Thjrs^ J^ ' .Hallowed be its hours a^S • ' Cares of earth aside be thrown ' * ihis day given to heaven alone ! ^'*^'*"-^ ' ■•''«s5gsft--.-«. >!; i!'; "**■ \m-^t THE CHURCH U > . . ^1. r. . '•* •.IL S Saviour, who this day didst break The dark prison of. the tomb, Bid my slumbering soul awake, Shine through all i^ sin and gloom ; Let me, from my boiMs set free, Rise from sin and live to Thee. 4 Blessfed Spirit, Comforter, Sent this day from Christ on high ; Lord, on me Thy gifts confer, - Cleanse, illumine, sanctify ! All Thine influence shed abroad ; Lead me to the truth of Qod. 379 (241-H) 7.6. " This iB the rent wherewitlfye may Cttuw) th« we»ry tore8t.', - ,1 DAY of rest and gladness,. O day of joy and light, O balm of care and sadneas, Most beautiful, most bright I On thee the high and lowly. Before the eternal Throne, Sing Holy, Holy, Holy, - ' To the great Three in One.'^ 2 On thee, at the creation. The light first had its birth ; ^^4 On thee, for our salvation-^ /^ Christ rose from depths of eatth ; On thee, our J^rd victorious, The Spirit «e'nt from heaven ;, ' And thus on thee most glorious A triple light was given. i^ ". 68*' V m- ■ » " . %' t: Vk i '' -^ i: ~ ^"r- ; ■; . ■■■ ''".:'-■ ' * ^ ' SJ '..,r.i '■ ■.^:T^:±fif r^ -i ITS WORSHIP. / ■ J 3 Tlu)u art a cooling fountain ^^ In life 8 dry dreary sand ; Wew::;^'^'^'''«*^''*'»«""t*in. VVe view our promised land • i^ A day of sweet refection A day of holy love, ' A day of resurrection From earth to things above, * ^^'^^..^"'^^^'•y nations ^.1 he heavenly manna falls; ^<>ho^y convocations The silver trumpet calls, Wh^,^Oo8pel li.ht is globing AnVlv,r''Ti;*^'*"* beams, And iivjng water flowing With ^oul-re^shing streams. 6 New graces ever gaining • r^From this our day of rest, We reach the rest remaining ^ To spirits of the blest. Vr^'il^.P^^^* *^ praises, The Church lier voice upraises To;Phee, blest Three in One y^ 380(243-H) , T^Sse Th^'^' ™y. ®^^' "^y King, ^ ±" praise Ihy name. tnve. fi>-»,i, ?' . And talk of aM Thy tV«th"t Ighf* ' •■'..*i S>'7 :,.-2- •-^iis^ rr ■( ■^. '*/• *ii^. * THE CHURCH: W " 5 f ...I ■ 2 ftweet is the Hay of sacred rest, No mortal cares shall soize ray breast ; ' O may my heart in tune be foil mi, Like David's harp of solemn .sound. 3 My heart shall triumph in my Lord, And bless His works, and bless His word : Thy works of grace, how bright they ^hine ! How deep Thy counsels! how (livme! 4 Then shall I share a glorious pari, When grace hath well refined my heart, And fresh supplies of joy are shed. Like holy oil to chieer my head. 6 Then shall I see anctliear and know AH I desired or wished below ; And every power find sweet employ In that eternal world of joy. i> „..*f* »_ ^ .,■ . 381 (244-H) L. M. lA>rd, I have IothI the hat)it«tion of Thy houHr, uid the place where Thine honour dwoUeth. ,*■ 1 Sweet is the solemn voice that caM^ The Christian to the house of prayer ; I love to stand within its walls, # For Thou, O Lord, art present there. 2 I love to tread the hallowed courts, Where two or three for worship meet ; For thither Christ Himself resorts, ^ J^ nd inakes thejittle band^copoplete£ Jl Tis sweet to raise the common soi To join in holy praise and Ipve, 70a 'T-jrjiF 'jjV , ■*t JTS WOftSHip. And imiito tho blesHeNcI throng That mnigle hoart« and Hon^^ above 382 (245-H) ^ In the land ofligfit a„d K,*oT*' , Pleasant are Thy courts b,W _ In this land ofsin and woe. ' ' • p'^y "P'""""!?' a-Kl faints , For th« T" kT" ''^ "^''y »i'"'. 1- the brightness of Thv fmv *orThyfuFness,Oodofji;J^' '^ * ^*PPy birds that sing and flr Round Thy altars, O Most fiLht Happier soul, that find a rest *^^' in a heavenly Father's breast ! Ijike^the wandering dove, that found No repose on earth around, And enjoy it ever there. ~ ' ■-ay 3 HappysouJfll their praises floiv" Even in this vale of woe; Waters m the desert rise M^ from the skies • ^ ^ . AiThw . J .^***^®'*ea*lenffth " ^ ^?y ^<^ adoring fall f *^ ' Who hast led them safe through all. T" 71a *". ^sr-"? ^ THEiCHURCH : 4 Lord, l>8 mine this prize iq wiii ; Gui(^ me through a world of -sin ; Ke^ me by Thy saving grace ; Give me at Th/ side a. place : Sun and shiel(^ alike ^hou art ; Guide and gui^rd my erring heart. Grace and glOry flow from Thipe ; Shower, OjJiio^erthpm, Lord, on me! mi' if rf7a Oo3 (246-Hy / " How amiable are Thy Ulwrmitaw, / a ^ O I^jjcd pf hosts I " 1 Lord of i^he worlds: wbv6, ^>. How pleasant and how fair ^ ^'^. The dwellings of Thy love, V ^ Thy earthly temples, are ! To/Thine abode [y heart aspires, /With warm desires, » ToseemyGod. ^ if'- t 1 1 \' ' 2 happy souls that pray ap W/here God appoints ta hear ! O h^ppy men that pay Their constant service there ! , k .^hey praise Thee still ; '• And happy they That love the way iF . ToZion'shill. . 3 They go from strength to strength / Through this dark vale of tears, /Till each arrives at length, ■j Till -each in heaven appears : *., %tMm^ T *! ■>"; ■/< ITS WORSHIP, O glorious seat. When God our Kine Shall thither brinff Our willing feet I ^ * X 384 (248-H) TJesus whereVrTT'""^'",'^^'"^ The,^'tW K^S^^^^«P^« ™eet. Where two or three ftr«£r»«i.«_ J. I^. M. nume. the„ «Mn »a'^/'&' |n My Andbnngallhe^enbefoJ:™;— ren5 *!,. K ^"""'' "»"• ''eaf Thine ear • ? ^^^'e-^S^^^i^- The morn oflight is here ' 73s ^ ^1 * *. '■v.. ■h # ,•>'• y %< r.^. P'* ''. r//Z; CHURCH: -^ i. And earth itself looks fairer, And heaven^ itself more near't - The bells. Hk''':>4 t^Tf* *TS THE CHURXIH: . 387 (250-H) "They' watch for your bouIvm they that must give accM)unt." > J Lord, pour Thy, Spirit from on high, ■" . ' ' And Thine ordained servants bless ; QraCes and gifts to each supply, And clothe Thy priests with righteousness. ' « .■'■'•■■■ '■ : .-"m'^ .» 1l' ' ■■'' r^ a Within Thy tempe; W^en they stand ^ . ' ^ To teacir the truth, ai^ taught by Thee, l Saviaur, like stars in Thy rigKt hand, ; Let all Thy Church's pastors be. .^ \w ^ 3 Wisdom> and zeaV and love -impart,. - I Firmness with meekness i^i^om abb v^ \ '^'- . . To bear Thy people in their heart, .'•» And l"p ve the souls whom , Thou dosit love ;■ , 4 To love, and pray, kh d never faint, y^ , By day and night their guard to keep,' To warn the siuneri*$orm the saint, • T6 f eied Thy lambs, ind tend Thy sheep., 'H^f 5 So when their 'Wf^rk is finished here, „ ' Th^ may in hope their charge re&ig^;, y When the chief Shepherd shall appear, ' . f They ma;^ with ,crowns of glory shine. ^ , ;; V' 388 (261-H) 1 - ^ri.>u ■ . ■ s. M/.; " How tieantiful upon the mountainrure the feet of him that hringeth good Mdingg." How beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zirtn's hill, . Who bring salvation on their tqiigU^s, -An(|. words of peace rerviBal I. ^ IIow charming is t hei r voic<^r How sweet the tidings are t .■< * m *^« t . , -ri; . 'I I' . .. Its WORSHIP. '"""" — ■'"' — ^, — 1— jp»— -,— „_ Zion/behoy thy Saviour King; •He reigns and triumphs here. ^ ^ How happy are our ears >'^xJ^^}^ ^^^^ j^ftil sound. Which' kings and prbphets waited for I • ^i^^ sought, but never found ! • -^ :■> . How bkssM are our eJyes ; That see this heavenly light ' ' >-'^^|^^d kings desired it long, * ,>fi0t died without the sight, * "^ : ^^® yaMitoen join their voice, ' ^ i' And tuneful not6s employ • Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, . } 'A^d deserts ieam the joy. ' ^ §' *The Lord makes bare His arm /.V^.' Through all the earth abroad •' ^et every natioh now behold ' ■ ; Their Saviour and their i3od, ^0 (252-H) ..« *.' . ^ " sn* . 1 Plest be the tie that binds . mr^^J^^*^^ ^'^ Ghristikn love : • The^Howshipoflkindred minds •i ^8,like to ihiat above. _^^^„^^—— 2,:Be|ore^t5urfather's throne . We pour our ardent prayers • Our fears, our hopes, our aims ire one Uur co m forts and our cares. ' — '.f .tiV iSJ " '/.tSi '"^.■sn. N 'I- 77« - TfiB CHURCH, i ~^ — L_ u^ 3 We share ourimutual woes, , \^ Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for eacl\ oth«r flows \ The syropathising tear. ^ \ S\ 1 4 But glorious hope revives Our courage by the juray ; , * ' While each in- expectatioo-liveft, ^nd longs to see the day. '/ \ .' - :' • From sorrow, toil, aUtt pain, I And sjn^ ishall be free ; And perfiSnove and friendship reign ' Thi-ough all eternity. . i \- \ 390 (^63-H) *v; 4 ''.x' m/ %%' i\'-jf- " Jettuj fiat orer against the treasury, and t^eheld'how tne pbople cast money into the tretui|iTy. 1 Jesus, Lord, we humbly pray, Take our gifts on this Thy day : Gladly, gratefully we give. Of Thy grace do*Thoo receive,- With our store we Worship Thei, As we seek Thy favour frfee. 2 In the hollow of Thy hand Is the weialthofsea and land ; All Thou grantest us to own Appertains to Thee alone ; \ Claim, then, claim our earthly store ^nd ourselves for evermore ! ,3 In our wealth and poverty - With glad hearts we bow to Thee ; — M» . -^ \ *im^*WP^_ ^ ■■y:,'^l^i :■:. trs WORSHIP, ». _. ♦ I Thine we are m life, in death ; • Thme from-birUi.to latest breath j RanflomedehiIdreti,we shall be Tbine to all eternity. - iV'Z -J*®* ?elcome one and all : ' H idows niite or water-ciip. lo our Lord when offered up ■ is a^ previous in TMne eyes - • • -As the Costliest sacrifice. * 5 ^e8U8» we our vqws will pay ♦ ' V' 1^? ^"""^^ ^n this. Thy day • ^ ^»^ Thy service be otir joy, '^- And Thy work our hands iltiploy, . Till we hear the sweet ^ Well doni ' ^rom Thy glorious judgniunt throne. B.T^P .^ X^ 301 r ATHEu ol: all, trom land and sea ., ThQ nations siiig. "Thine, Lord, are we Countless m dumber, but in Thee , . , / May we be one." i O Son of God, Whose love so free Jor men did niake Thee Man to be United to our God in Tbee ^ °®' A ' May we be one. 3 Thou art th^ Fountain of all ffood ' ^leansing with Thy most precious blood And feeding us with angels' food. Making us one. -ra»r^ Wm [""UW* S •. -_-!.- r_ ^ASKti^V^ . f yA' »^i rHJ3 CHURCH: '. -i^:. 4 Join high and low. join younff And old,. In lote that never waxes cold; Under one Shepherd, in one folS, , Make us all one. ■ ■ ■■ i ;..-■■■ 5 O Sjjirit blest, Who from above ♦ ^ Cam'st gently gliding like a dove. Calm all our strife,^.ve faith and love ;/ • O make us one. 6 So, when the world shall pass away, May we awake with joy ftnd say " Now in the Hiss of e9dless day . ^ We all are one." ^ 392 l. > ■ gyM . ■!• m^\» f^v < .. W" ""t ■ WA W\' . i* m '^> !K.r -„ . *'I>i»HyBhaUHebepnrfse(l. 1 When morning gilds the skies, * My heart awaking cries, " May Jesus dhrist be ptaised !" Alike at work and prayer To Jesus r repair; , " May Jesus Christ be praised ! "' 2 When sleep her balm denies, / My silent sflirit sighs, « May Jesiis (fhrist be praised !" ' W^en evil ^ou^hts molest, With this I shield my breast, " May Jesus Christ be praised ! " 3 Does sadness fill my mind ? . V ] A solace here I find, / "May. Jesus Christ be praised !" Or fades my earthly bliss ? V a ■ i>-> ' ( My comfort atit} is this, May Jesus Christ be. praised!" •^ * Jfe^^*^?f»'» eternal bliss ■ ^ " TIT • 'r^''«^. ^^'•ai'i is this, ^ May Jesus Christ be praisid I- ~ Wif ^^'.u?'^ ''^ dafkness fear, When this sweet chant they hear ^ "May Jesus Christ be praised r '^Ji:^V*^ Word, on high,- . „ The,ho8t of Angels cry, ** May Jesus Christ be ^ised!'' .' .^*.'"«'^1^I«> too, upraise ^ . rheiryoiceinhymnsofprai^ May Jesus Christ be^pra&ed ! " : , ^ Let earth's wide circle round In joyful notes resound, ;MayJe^usChristbeprkisedJ . • Let air ani^ sea and skv Zrom depth to height reply • "May Jesus Christ 4 praiW.i" 7 Be this, wbile life is mine . ^ My canticle diyine, ' ' ^ R^^u^'-^Tu ^'*"^* be praised!" Be this the eternal sorig Through all the ages on, ' ' May Jpsus Christ be praised ? » »> "HS" (.« >.- . ,; ■39a "■■/\'^'- ':'■■^"^■"'■':- . vvuom yet unse^frfwe love[ ; '■ 1 :r^ : nrz : '■ '■" ' — : — •* '' / I, J * 'l^- i^^^^§§^mm THE. CHURCH: O uaine of uii^ht and favour, AU other nameH above ! We worship Thee, we bless Thee, -Se-Thee alone we sing; We praise Thee and confess Thee Our holy Lord and King, Hit ,t ,' ] 2 O bringer of salvation, Who wondrously htuit wrought/ Thyself the revelation V Of love beyond our thought ; We worship T^jee, we bless Thee, To Thee alone we sing ; We praise Thee, and confess Thee Our gracious Lord and King. 3 In Thee all fulness dwelleth, All grace and power divine ; % ' The glory that excelleth, ^ Son of God, is Thine ; « We worship Thee, we W^ Thee, To Thee alone we sing ; * We praise Thee, and confese^Thee ^ Ourglorious Lord and KingT 4 O grant the consiAajnation Of this our song above, ' tn endless adoration, , And everlasting love : T^en shall we praise and bless Thee Where perfect praises ring, ^ And evermore confess Thee .Our Saviour and our King. r ■♦ tan; !>*■ ' J^ *- t'. ' m _ (•>■ ■■^■%-t- ^^ 'TS WOkSHtP, >» ■% k # % ^ if ^«' ^'*h Thy Church abide, We her si^vjour, Lord, and Guide - Whde on earth her fiifch is tried! -^-7- -^ We beseech Thee, hear us. ^^^ ~ ^ ^^^^ "^*"<^ doctrine puie • Grant her patience to endure ' TiMstin^nThy promise 8 JS: We beseech Thee,hir us, SJ^ her voice be ever clear, Warning of a judgment near, ^ Telhngofa Saviour dear: We beseech Thee, hear us. ,.■-.. ■.-.>•_,-. » Grant the heavenlygift of peace : W^ beseech liee, hear ua. 6 May she one in doctrine be. One in truth and charity, ' - ^ Winning aiJ to faith in fhee . • We beseech Thee, hear us. * & !^ f^''^ ">« poor and blind ' Seek the lost until she find, ' And thebroken-hearted bind: ,^i^ - We boseech Thee, hear us." W ♦ S.J«, Saveherjovejrom Make her growi n g cold. e Her watchmen strong and bold. 8S» ' . >■£« ■A ~J,<^ ^ -li4<>'.---iJ ■1 ,• ,■♦. 7\ THE CHURCH: >,'. ^ I'once her round — Thy peaceful fold r Ay« beseech Thee, hear ut. 8 Judge her not for work undone, •Tudge her not for fields unwon, Bless her works in Thee begun :~ ' >. We beseech Thee, hear us. ^ May her lamp of truth be bright, Bid her bear aloft its light Through the realms of heathen night : We beseech Thee, hear us. I 10 May her scattered children be From reproach of evil free. Blameless witnesses for thee : ^ We beseech Thee, hear uiP 11 Arm her soldiers with the cross, Brave to suffer toil or loss, Counting earthly gain but dross : We beseech Thee, hear us. 12 May she holy triumphs wih, Overthrow the hosts of sin, Gather all Thy chosen in : 1 We beseech Thee, hear us..' 13 May she soon all glorious be, Spotless and from wrinkle free, - • Pure and bright and worthy Thee: We breech Thee, hear us. &t'. r- • »ni «'< '#•,' "K. >.*^^^'^ ^- fr f-^fr^^'^^^ J' ;. _g|n [ns ORDINANCBS. or.uch b th« ki„fc,,,„„ „f'hJJ'„p.M ••^, 395 (254- H) ^ ^,"".t?«''"^'»><' Saviour c... . i''« ""ghty Oo'■'■> 4.'.. '■ i'^' ^^n \-<- V'" ' 1 i THE CHURCH. ^^^ s% = X^ For 'twas to bless such souls as these " The. Lord of angels came. 3 We bring them, Lord, in, thankful hands And yield them up to Thee ; Joyful that we ourselyes are Tfiine, Thine let our offsj^ring be. 397 " I *^Ue«|»bH8h My covenant between Me and thee and thy aeed after thee." " 1 Our children. Lord, in faith and prayer We now devote to Thee ; Let them Thy covenant mercies share, ^ And Thy salvation see. -2 Such helpless babes Th6u didst embrace, While dwelling herp bjelow ; v To us and ours, Gocl of grace, \ , , The same compassion show. ( 3 In early days their hearts secure ♦ Froi6 worldly snares, we pray ; And let them to the end endure In every righteous, way. '■■■ V : • ' '■■■&,- 398 ^«' j"*\"^ "^*" **? K*'^"^ 7"" = 8«eH. and ye shall And: knock, and it shall be opened unto you.' 1 O Father, Thou who hast created all In wisest love, we pray, T Look -on this baba, who at Thy gracious call Is entering on ^Uj^'s way : Bend o'er him in Thy tenderness. Thine image on his soul injpress ; i O Father, hear ! aea .4- . ■*'..,^ » % -.j^^_: .^^: :. r ' ^'^^f'^^*f€^ ^* ' ^m A* '^ -^ 1 • i i •— ■ 1 ITS ORDINANCES. , ■■ ■■■■ — r — —_.„,.. . v.i \^ W " 1? • ^""^^ ."^^^ Jiedsfc for us, behold, mu bring this child to Thee ; Thou tender Shepherd, take him to Thy fold Thine own for aye to be ; ^ ' Defend him through this earthly strife . And lead him on the path of KtV OjSon of God ! / ;' ^ 3 O Holy Gfhost, M.ho broodedst o>r the wave ) Descend upon this child : - * wi''" ""^^y'^m life; his spirit lave ^ . With waters undefiled; Grant him while yet a babe, to be A child of God, a home for Thee .0 Holy Ghost! * ^ ^"' ^^ what Thou commaud'st is done • We speak, but Thine the might ; ' This child hath scarce yet seen our earthly sun In faith and hope, in joy and love. Thou Sun of all below, above O Triune iGod! ' ■' ■-.■.. , ' . ■- ' ■ '■ \ * *" "-^nd they tmrnttht young r^Jf ? "^ ^® dedicate to Thee, A '5 , .JL?*'^"' '^'^ and threatening wrona Ana leil^Thy love ite life prolong.^ ^ 2 Oh, may Thy Spirit gently draw • Its willing soul to keep Thy law • May virtue, piety, and truth, ' Pawn 9yen with its dawning youth. > '•&>" •J^'i. '^i^^^il* '( THE .CHURCH o >■ » . »* 3 We, too^ before Thy gracious sicyJit ^■■ Once shared the bi^st baptismarrite, / Ahd would i-enewits solemn vftWj ' j_ With love, and thanks, aiid praises, now. 4 Grant rtiat. with true and faithful teart. We still may act the Christian's part « Cheered by each promise Thou hast ffiven. And kbounng for the prize in heavMi^^;/ 40O ■ -i^r •'I^illeHU'iMiBhMy eovcnunt . . . . to l.e .i ""toth.H.«„atothym,attft«rthee'' 1 How large the promise, how divine,. • To Abraham jind his, seed ! " ni be a God to thee knd thine, ■ Supplying all your need." ' 2 His words of comprehensive love From age to age endure f The Angel of the covenant proves ^ And seals the blessing sure. 5 Jesus the ancient faith confirms To our great fathers given ; ' He takes young children to His arms * And calls them heirs of heaven. . - ' 4 Our God, how faithfuiare His ways f — His love endures the same ' * Nwfrom the promise of His' grace ±Jlots out the children's name.- 401 (256-H) . CM 1 Acr^nRmwri *« TU ,™""*o'n remembrance of Me, 1 ACCORDING to Thy gracious word. Id meek humility, t' l.fV » * ' . T^' ,' i'-4A' _ IT$ ORDINANCES. This will I do, my dying Lord, ^ I wil) remember Thee. ^ ^^Z ^^^' ^^^^^^ for my sake ' .My bread from heaven shall'be: 1 hy testamental ^up I take^ A'^a thus remember Thee. ^ 3 Gethsemane can I forget • ^. 9'* *^ere Thy coriflicfc see, ' ^ ihine^agony and bloody sweat. And notreoiember Thee ? -^4 When to the^^ turn mine ey And gaze oh Calvary, O Lamb of God, my sacrifice ? 1 must remember Thee*^ ,/5 Remember Thee anH nil Tk„ , ,^ And ^11 Thy'i^el^^^^^^ - Yea, while a breath, a pulse remains, ^ Will I remember Thee. • WL ^J?*^"^ and memory flee ' ' ' WhehThou«haIei„Th/kb^dom.o,„e. i hen, Lord, remember me. " He brought me to the banqueting hJuse." f>l m i"? 4l>2(257-fl/ ^IM^God^anaisThytabl^^^^^ Ti;^ u^^ I^l ^"P ^i*h love o'erflow 2 T;?i ^?^^ «^"^ren led, ^ ' - A';d let th^rfall its sweetness know. • I :j,Av ?-f. S4i,lV-' ■ 1 f- THE CHURCH yf i> ' V ll. 2 Hail, sacred feast, which Jesus makes, '. \ Rich banquet of His flesh" and blood ! Thrice happy he wfeo here pWtakes That sacred stream,, that heavenly f ood ! 3 O let Thy table honoured be, ^ - § • And furnished-^ell ^ith joyful guests; And may each soul salvation^see * * That here its sacred pledg^k tastes. • - 4 Let crowds approach with hearts prepared/^ With hearts inflamed let all attend ; Nor when we leave our Father's board The pleasure or the profit end. / , . 4:03 (258-H) ..™. '7, \ / The cup of blcsaing which we blew, in it not the con, 1 Jesus, to Thy table led, Now let every heart be fed > ^' With the true and living bread. ^ 2 While upon Thy cross we gaze Mourning o'er jpur sinful waj^l;^ Turn our sadness into praise. ^ When we taste the myotic wine, Of Thine outpoured blood the sign, ' Fill our hearts with love divine. ' ^ 4 Draw us to Thy wounded side, Whence there flowe"d the healing tide ; There our sins and sorrows hide. 5 From the bonds of sin release; ' ' Cold and wavering faith increase ; Lamb of J3od, grant us Thy peace I V V m '•■^•s' m I . I ^ V ITS ORDINANCES. 6 Leaau8byThypieix;ed.hand, - In the bright and better land. > .^ .. ' . ^u' ■"' I" 404(259-m * ' '^hI^W^,^''^/ ^^ Thee face to face ; .H^e|rasp wit^ firmer hand the eternal grace And all my weariness upon Thee leii.^ ' '^e would I feed upon the bread bf God ' ■ r»^«nk with Thee the royi'it'e* Here would I lay aside each earthly load- - ^-;.Here taetrf afresh thecalm of s?n^f4|jLn.' •• w. Ti^'^^^'I^Wl'lespre^Jo^ie- Hereletmefeist, aiifea,fi„i jalg f*' , <• ■ - - The^ ^ bngKWfcur of f^jB^p Jj^ * "^ TheT»T J?** '• *esymb-,ls disappear ; " .^^^m^^«,ou,hnottheMve^asta^. Thread and •"ine remove, -but ThoTart hem Nearer than ever ; still niy Shi,K ^: Another arm sa^inine to lean sS^. ..- «■: V- t-^ ^•■'W^"^ '•^^j ^'j!*;*iiite": vv^'-vr % '-«-'-«{W5^ THE'CHVkCIf: "•i"'^t)ii !■.. ^) ij;,. -^ It is 6oougb, my Lojr4 enough indeed i e Mi^e w the sin, but ThIno'W righteouBne^; blood. ^ ' ^"* Thine the cleanRiig G^ ^ "ghteouaneaa, O I^rd my 7 Feast after feast thus comes, and passes hy • Yet pmmg. points to the glad feast above Giving sweet foretastes of the festal iov : The Lamb's g^t. bridAMdfet pf Ijtias and lOve. . -. ^ ' ""%rmk in,te*f '"^^' ""l"**'^* ^ 40^ (2eO-HJ 1 Jbsus Christ, the »pvia»©i '?^. > n long t^ he witb.^e : T . ^ Y^ O'Jesus Chr,sM% lowly (W' ' \. gome and abid# with me. • > . '2 % - s ^ • * -2NowwBilMhesymb^^.ofThylove "^^• .^fore Thy skints are set, *^ ' ' And^Thou. deseeding from above, Iheir J^earniag ii^wtai^gt ra6t;; •< 3 Come, and overshadow This lonely heart ^f miipf;* And feed me in Miis'solemn ^out . WithJThine own brgtf^^d wine. powe^ \\ ",ii _/,v''' ''S- ;■.. JTS O RDfNA^CES. \ .' I-.*' |\»;x ' .)> S Jeet memorial8,-^tiIl the Lord* Call U8 round His heavenly board • , Some from earth, from glory Line! Severed only "Till He come." — * T^^^Jf *^^* "^?^*' ^^«" *'^"^e^ to know Xhe ed^er rage of every foe. ' Thatnight fn which he was betrayed, The %viour of the world took bread : *^^ And, after thanks anci glory^ven To him that rules inearth and heaven. That symbol of his fl^sh he broke ^ And thus to all his followers spoke : 3 My broken body thus I give . For you, for all; take, eat, and live ; 'Pu ' * u ^^^"^^^ "»^* ""enew, Ihat brings my wondrous love to view. * T^?>^^^« '^^"^^the cup he raised. t Whl.^S^ T"^ ^^ tb*«J|i#cl praised; \ While kindness in his bdHRrlowed .^ ^d from hi^ipp sal vatioiTffiwed. ' »?My bJood I thus pour forih. he cries, lo cleanse the soul in sin&at li^s • In this the covenant ig sel^d ' And heaven's eternal grace repealed * < 6 With love tani^thig cup is fraught Let all partake (ftg sacred draught : Ihrough latest ages let it pc ^ In memory of my dying hi '■':!; v'.-i' '•V -^ s t \ ^.cli^' .:;:*f*^?f;^^|^P«^^. 2]^S OftDINANtBS.y 40$ We Wn f K '^'""^'^' ^T^hn^fc restored, We keep the memory idored • Ai^ahow the death ofour^lear Lord m * Until He come. ^* V . ■ 1 , . . . •, ^ ?'l ^'^iS^*^^" in our^i;;^ ". -Is here.W%hi8 memorial bread : -^» And so our feeble love is fed, ' Until He come. .■■■,■■■'■■ . . •■' H,« hfe-Xlood shed for^ ^ The wine shall tell the mysteiy, ^^^^ Until He come. By one blest chain of loringlfe; -Until He come.' ^ tJ^h! !^^ *'"™»' ^*'^«^b« heard, A nH ^1 T'^""^ ^''*^^^ b« stirred, And with the great commanding word ' ' • ; The Lord shall come. Ck O blessed hqpe .'with th^ Let^not our hearts be deflate ?ut, stropfe in- fai^ pJS^ ^^j^' Heiidbme. "All . 1 H i 1 ?4^ '^, M ^ " ^S shall reign whei^PIK i^oes his, successive journeys- run : 95a L. M. [11 call Him bleued. -^ \ s. •fe'l TUB CHURCH '-•V Hi 4 -i His kingdoW stretch from shorelo shore, lill moons shall wax and wane no more. .,0. ■ ■ « ■■ 42 Forttiinshallendlessprayer be made, Arid piaisij^ throng to orawn His head ;' His narire m^ sweet perfume shall rise ' ' everyHlnrning sacrifice. ^ very, tongue I 3 People and \.m 'r , „ ofev( #I)weli on His love mt sweetesl song; And infant voices shA proclaim , * Their early blessings on His name. 4 Blessings abound whoe'er He reigns ' The prisoner leaps to lose his chains :' " 4 ^n® w*^ary find eternal rest, #» f And all the sons of want Are blest. It '■■ ' * 5 Let every creature i;^§^and bring recuhar honours to our King ; ' Angels descend with o&ngR again And earth repeat tlie loud Amen. , " BjewiwI U- HiH Klorioiw nanifi for evpr :\ml ]vt 410(2G3-H) Amen, nil j ttuien." * 1 ZiON*s King shall reign victorious, . _ AH the earth shall own His sway ; HewiU maJce His kingdom glorious. He shall reign in endless day ^*|^s now from God estranged * ' hLt.^®'^ ^^*^* ^®®«' glorious lij^t •' - Ni^t to daj shall then be cMngH* . Heaven shall triumph in the sight. ■ —- 9 fa '• . • ■mf Tf'y Miim/oNs 2 Then shall I«^I, i^n^ diBtmr^A Own and ki« »h" T** ""'^ P'«n:H 411 ('264H> To lead the outcasts home I * "°j'°"j? the holv city Kebmld her walls*^^i„ were come out ofyinl" V*otefarr'- Release the fettered heak * I*t Israel, home retumW Their lost Messiah see • G.veoilofioyformou™W V And bmd Thy Church to*The^. 418(265-H) ,.^^ 1 Abm of the L^ r°"""°'*'° Put on Tl!;^l„r?fce, awake. """"""""••"".wiKrt.. Put o n TlTT ?' *'^°*e. awalr» i " TI,^ -rength. ihe ;:;«ons shake. 'A- I- — ^ -- ^ " •?' ^ " ^s** ^//' ' -.' »v I 1 • MWHTStll"^'; T//B CHURCH: '■■■■ I' •a. And let the world, ftdwfnj?, iee Triumphi* of uiorcy wrought by Thoo. I . ;,' ' ' ' ; , 2 Say to the heathen from Thy throne, • I am Jelrovah, Ood alone : ' tlHy voice their idols ahall cortfound, And cast their altars to the ground: S iet Zion's ttifne of lavbur eome i * bring the tiilieM of Israel hom* I ^ And let our wondering cyea behold , Gentiles and Jews in JeHUB' fold. ■).\" < " • ■■ 1 ■', ', . , ' '* 4 Almighty God, Thy grace proclaim In every clime of every name ; " Let adverse powers before Thewl from itorth. bwI ' sh^l hide a multitud* vt Mns. 1 Rkscue the perishing, care for the. Snatch them ih pity from ain »n(^WpjBl#vej Weep o'er the erring one, lift up the falreiH,- Tell them of Je3U8, the Mighty to save. Rescue the perishing, care for the dyikigi Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. '1 I., 2 Though they are slighting HJm, stitl He i» waiting, ?• .'» Waiting the penitent child to receive : , Plead with them earnestly, plead with them gently ; He will forgive if they only believe* Rescue the perishing, &a • i*. *i iJi^f'} 1 . ■• i,"^ i^f "^ t • «<^ Ili mm^ , f^t^^T" "^ > i I . . . » 3 Down In the human heart, cruHhoU by the Feelings lie buried that grace ioau reHtore ; Touched by a loving, heitrt. wakened by kind- newj, ChordB that were broken will yibr»t» oqc« Reacue tlje perishing, &c. i i ' H» til iMcoine my MWatian. # Rescue thrperfuhing, duiy demands it ; Strength for thy labour the Lord will provider Back to the narrow way patiently win them ; ^ Tell the poor wanderer a Saviour has died. Rescue the perishing, &;c. ^' ■ .. ■ -.-■ ■ '•.,.-"■■"■ ■ ■ " * 414 (26r-H) 4 Salvation; the jdyful sound I 'Tis pleasure to our ears, A sovereign balm for every wound. A cordial for our fears.' » •■ ' ... -■.'-■■■'- ■:■ '•'■ . : ' ■ , ''''• v. .:. ■ ■ "'■'■■■.. Glory, honodr, praise, and power Be unto the Lamb for evet*! f^ Jesus Christ is oyr Redeemer z '* ' Hallelujah ! praise the L6rd. j 2 Buried in sorrow and in sin, At hell's dark door we lay,^ But we arise, by grace divine. To i|^e a heavenly day. — ^» hpnour, &c. 3 Salvation! lei the echo fly The spacious earth around, A- .¥.-> ^-:i^ THE CffVRCH: ' " While alUhe armies^ of the .«ky.; ' V Conspire to raise the siwnd. „' Glory, honour,* l&c. 415 (268-H); " In Hta«liy« •»»•?» k»*ri«*)«»o««*< 1 Hail lo the Lord's Anointed J " f Gjeat David's greater Son ; * Haii; in the time- appointed^ •^ .. ' ji» /. o ■^'^-^,r' His reign on earth begun. , He comes to break oppression, . . To-set the captive free i' ' ^ To take away triansgression, And rule in ecjuity.' 2 He mjgi come down like ahowars I>p| the fruitful earth; - And lpv«, joy, hope, like flowers. Spring, in His path, to birth. Before Him, on the mountains, . Shall peace, the herald, go;, And righteousness, in fountains, • , From hill *jQ valley flow.. ; 8 Ariabia^ dteseft-ranger * * To Him shalKbOw thes knee ; . The Ethiopian stranger ^ His glory come to see : With offei-ings of devotion Ships from the isles shall meet jtpur the wealth of ocean te at His feet. ^* ■^, ^^. 4 :^ing|^all fall d6wn before Him, , \ - Ario^^ gold and j?icense bring; -B) K-J' I J « % 'i r« \ • / S^ > -*+. ITS' Mtssioks.. •„ k ' - ^ii AlUiati^hs shaB adpre Hmj, ^^ : - r^ Ha ^aiae all people mg ; ' For He shall have dominion .. ,. 0'eviiiv^»r, sea, aiidshoi^; y » Fa? as the eaglfe's pmjon, ^^ .Or (lovelr light wing, can 36ar. .^ " 3 For Him jahall praytr nh^eflsingo, . And daily vows ascend ; pis kingdomvetill increasing, A kingdonl without eA^ ^j *rhe mountain dews shall houHsh A seed in weakness sown, J'^> Whose fruit shall spread and ttourl^, -And shake like Lebiinon.^ > .' , t, I ^ t 4 O'er ^very foe yi6torious; He on His throne shall rest ; . From a^e to age njore glorious, All blessing and all .blest. The tide of tiin« shall never * . - • His cdvenent remove ; ^ • His name sliaU stand i^ ever ; ^ . . That name to us is-Love. : : 1 From GiHSenl^^d's ^cy motfntaifis, • From IndiAs^or'al strand, * ' ' Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golderi sand, From many an anbient rivej-^ \ From many a palmy plain, Th^ call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. • lOla "7.6. and help U8.", i »* .«f Mt.. u^kLawiUi -£,«lii«j8^i ^jSfeKteK^STJff^^SiiSlSa .*. \ 1 ' If-. iTHB CHURCH: , 2 What though the spicy hyeeze^^ Blow soft o'er Gey Ion's" isle ; Though every prospect pleases, ^nd only man is vile ; ' In vain with lavish kindness ' ,, The gif tis of God are strown ; ^ The heathen in his bliniiness Bows down to wood and stone; • ..,■■-■ .■< '.,■.■ ' " --^ ■ 3 Can we; whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Can we to men benighted ^ , the lamp of life deny ?- ^^ ' Salvation, O salvation I " . , The joyful sound proclaim, Till eaci remotest nation • . Has learnt Messiah's name. .■•« " 4 lUft. waft, ye- winds, Hisstory^, Wa ' " " -i. * ■ »■ .# ..'And you, ye waters roll, . till, like a isea of glory, .^ '^ It spreads from pole to pole ; Till o'er our ransomed nature The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, ^ing, Creator, In blissr returns f p reign. 'it *•: .T- ' ■ ' ■ 417 (27O7H) .'. God sftui/liCt there hoTight ; and there WM jfgh» 1 Tftou, whose Almighty wor4 "' Chaos and darkness hfeard, And took their flight, '"^'"'"^ f ' ' Hear us, we hijmbly' oray, : ! And where feheg/jspei-day * » / ^ ' /- «^ Ife- »*'^3 ITS MISSIONS. Sf '' Sheds not its glorious, ray, Let there be light ! ? Thou, who didat come to bring On Thy redeemiBg wing Healing and aight, Health to the sick in mind, Sight to the jnly blind, p now to all inankind ' « Let there be light ! * , -^ J Spirit of truth and loye, - Life-giving, holy Dove, Speed forth Thy flight ; Move on the waters' face, • ^ Bearing the lamp of grace, * And in eartfi's darkest place Let there be light ! 4;iA Holy and blessed Three, Glorious Trinity, Wisdom, Love, Might : Boundless as ocean's tide, - Rollipg in fuMfest pride, . Through the earth far and wide, * Let there be Wit ! . "• 8, 7, 4. V^ / X ix; .. in,g people ^hio}i sat in darknepa saw a gr^t'l?Kht,' 1 (Xkh the gloomy hills of darkness, . __^ M^, my soul, l^ still and gaze ; . ^11 the promises do travail / JfTitli A glorious day of grace : ' Blessed Jubilee, ... • . Let the glorious morning dawn. - "",-1- II ^'MA ^'^''^'^'■f'^f^^-'^^^^^^^^mfw^'^'^wm^fww^^ * "^ y* III ' 11* te'f- , k'y THE CHURCH \2 Kingdoms wide that sit in darkness Grant them, Lord, the glorious Ught, \ And from eastern coast to western May the morning chase the night. And red eruption, \. Freely jmrchased, win the day. 3 Fly abroad, thou migfityObspetj ^ Win and conquer, never cease ;. May thy lasting, wide dominions Multiply, and still increase ;', -Sway Thy 8cg|)tlre,^^ -\v Saviour, all the wotld around. ^ . - . C. M. ■ , "Let all the people pratee Thee,^ 41)9 (272H) ,: 1 Light of the lonely pilgrim's heaift, ^ -Sta^of the comijDg day, Atlse, and with Thy morning beams Chi^se all our griefs aw^y. \ ! \ 2 Come, blessed LoM ! bid eve«^y shote And answering island sing ^ ' The praises of Thy royal name, \ - And own Thee as their fCing. -, ,. 3 Bid the whole earth responsive no^ y . To the bright world above, Braidc forth in rapturous strains ot.joyj In memory of Thy love. 4 Lord, Lord, TWfair creation groans, " The air, the jfearth, the sea, , In >|nison.wit^b all our hearts, And" calls aloud for Thee. . ;» 104a ' «& .. > /'M T' "" "* 1 I'^^^rmx n' .L ITS MISSIONS. 5 Come, then, with all Thy quickening power^ With one awakening smile, And bid jfehe serpent's trail no' more Thy beauteous realms defile. 6 Thine was the cross, with all its fruits Of grace and p^ace divine : * Be Thine the crowHof glory now *- The palm of victory thine. ~i tx ,''" ""^"«'""*:'0'-th« Lord God «n«lpoU.ntr«itb. a Hark-! the son^ of Jubilee, ' Loud as mighly thunder's roar. Or the fulness of the sea, - .* ' When it breaks upon the shore • Hallelujah ! for the Lord '^' . - God omnipotent shall reign : . ^ Hallelujah ! let the word . , , . Echo round the earth and main. ' \' ^ 2 Hallelujah ! hark ! thai^und, \- > From the depths ufi^jbhe skfes, ' >v^3 ' Wakes above, beneatOSStind, r' All creation's hannc/nies j - * 3ee Jehovah's banner furled, ' "» ' . A ^}^^^^^ ^}^ s^ord : He spefls, 'tis dSom ; , And the kingdoms of this worlct . ' Are the kingdom of His Son- Ci ' ;- i ; L, 3 H^ shall reign from pole "to pole. With illimitable swOfj^ ' . • • H^shall reign, wheii like a scroll Yonder heavens have passed away : -. '" „ ■ " ■ ■" -106* • , - " " V - , r J. •■»-.":- '*. f, t \^f THE CHURCH ' .-.Then the end ; beneath His rod l^trMan's last enemy shfOl fftU : H 'ilallelujah ! Christ iij/God. ■ r • . God in Christ, is all in alU 48.1 (274^H) • "ii...«-'af^^^^^^ 1 Sph^d, O spread, thou mighty word,. Spread the kingdom- of the Lord, Whercsoe'er His breath has given 1- Xit'e id beijags meant for heaven. V % Tell them how the Father s will Made the world and keeps it still,, . How IHe sent His ^on tp save . AU who hejp and comfort cravq. 3 Tell of our Redeemer's love. Who for ever doth remove, By His holy sacrifice,. .All the goilt that on us li«a. 4 Tell them of the Spirit given ' Now^ to guide! us up to heaven, Sti'ong and holy, just and true, - Working both to will and do. 6 Word of Life ! most pure and strong, . Lo ' for thee the nations long ; Spread, till from its dreary night < All the world awakes to. light. e TJp, the ripening fields ye see, ijjj^ty shall the harvest be ; \ \ i-^- t. ■ ■■■ « i" .. j 'V \ k :i!i^li.^^^vvkw^^f::^',te'g-tfmir?^^ ■,r. ,^f • '» \ fTS^MISSIOf^S. b-wAt* But the reapei^ still are few, V Great the work they hav^'to do. 7 Lord of harvest, let there\be ' Joy and strength to work for Thee ; Let the nations far and near . 3ee Thy light and learn 'Biy lear. \ A J, V ^A^. 422 f^T"^ U\ . 1 BlX^w ye the trumpet, blow iP'he gladly solemn sound : * ■ : Let aH the nations know,^~ To earth's remotest bound, - Th^ ye^r of Jubilee is borne j Eeturn, ye ransomed sinners, home. .f ^ - ' -^ 2 Jesus, our great High Priest, Hath full atonement made ; Ye weary spirits, rest ; ' . Ye mournful souls, be glad : The year of Jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransomed siimers, home. 3 Extol the Lamb of God,- The all-atoning Lamb ; . '» Redemption through His blood Throughout the world proclaim : ' The- year of Jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 4. 'Ye who have sold for nought Your heritage above. Receive it. back unbought, The gift of Jesus' love ; -' "-m. ' •'. --V'T^^^ww^^m A3»^^!^> L &'■> ■-^'xl tl ^^ ,';r^v^,Vyf;j,^yi:i^;, THE CHURCH The year of Jubilee /is come ; Return, ye ransoined Binners, home. * • 5. The Gospel trumpet hear, The news of heavenly grace ; And, saved from earth, appear Before your Saviour'* fuce : ' The year of Jubilee^s come ; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. / 423 " The inniiiitain of the I^rcV* \\pnwi nbitll bo ttitnJiIishwl In the top of th»- iiiiiuntttinB." 1 Behold I the mountain of the Lord In latter days shall rise . . On mountain tops above the hills. And draw the wondering eyes. 2 To this the joyful nations round, • All tribes and tons^ues shall flow ; ITp to the hill of God, they'll say. And to His house we'll gp- 3 The beam that shines from Zion hill Shall lighten every land i The King who reigns in Halem's towers Shall all the world connuftnd. « ^^ h 4 AnHtog the nations H*^ nhull judge ; ■ Eis judgments truth shall gdide i 1 His sceptre shall protect the just And quell the sinner's pride^^ 5 No strife shall rage, nor.hostile feuds Disturb those peaceful years ; ' 106ft ; ■ ii ^ —r — — - 1; ft . I' *-^ % slfi£i- \ . ■ ."»f"»*.r. •» T> ^i'^i^p^^^^o /TA Missions, . :,..i-'' 424 loiijifhsKalfefl men shall -beat their swor^ls pruniog-hoo.ks their apearu. onger hosts enpoiintering hosts " • . crow(h3 of slain deplore ; ang the- trumpet in the* hall, ^ study war no more. ' then, O house of Jacob ! come orship at His shrine ; Iking in the light of God, .ly spirit shall descend ; My truths an^ judgments he shall show To earth's r^otest end. 3 Gentle and stillWhall Le his voice, No threats from him proceed ; Jhe smoking flax he shall not quench^ Nor bredk the Wuisfed reed. 4 The feeble spark to flames he'll raise ; / The weak will nbt despise ; / Judgment he shall Ibring forth to trutli, And make tiJK fallen rise. 6 The progresn of his zeal -and power Shall never know decline, 109a M >* "^J ^ '^^W^ pfl^* •(?■=. THB CHURCH t4i fT. r it Till foreign lands And dintant islee &ectii|fi the law/divine. 6 He who erected hoaven'.s brig ht arch, And bade the phinets roll, Who peopled all the climes of -earth, And formed the human houI. 7 ThuH saith the Lord, Thee have I rained, My Prophet Thee install ; -^ In ripfht 1 ve rais'd Thee, and in strength^ rU nuccour whom I call. ' ' ■ 'c . . . ■ . ' Ihl ■■■'■'■■■■■ '"-to ■: . 8 I will establish with the lands . A covenant in Thee, To give the Gentile nations light. And set tbe pris'ners free. 9 Asunder burst the gates of brass; The iron fetters fall ; And gladsome light and liberty Are straight Restored to all. 10 I am the Lord, and by the name Of great JEHOVAH known ; No idol shall usurp My praise, . Nor mount into My throne. 11 Lol former scenes, predicted once, N Conspicuous rise to view; And future scenes, predicted how. Shall be accomplished, too. 12 Sing to the Lord in joyful strains ! Let earth His praise resound, UOa y ■ ^ ITS hiisaigNS. Ye who upon the ocean dwell And fill the isles around. 13 O city of the Lord I begin The univei'Hal song ; And let thn scattered vi/ll^ge8 The ^heerful noten prolong. 14 Let Kedar's wilderness afar " Lift up its lonely voice ; And lot the tenants of the rock ^ With accents rude rejoice ; 15 Till 'midst the streams of distant lands The islands sound his praise ; And all combined, with one accord, JEHOVAH'S glories raise. P'^ A' 4 "U ■r4i - \C ^-^^ ' ** " I.e(rall the people uraiM Thee.' 1 God of mepCY, God of grace. / , Show the brightness of Thy face ;. Shine upon us, Saviour shine. Fill Thy Church with light divine, ; ■ Unto earth's remotest end, And Thy saving health extend.' 2 Let the people praise Thee, Lord ; Be by all that live adored ; , Let the nations shout and sing Glory to their Saviour King, At Thy feet their tribute pay, And Thy holy will obey. ft ■M 1T>5 * <' ^ I* *tm^>i ''• ♦ "Tii^tii* > »,' 7 » , '«« '"♦« •»• Mf- \ •.V I 'IS „■■' " . ■ -;s- -V— -^•"' *.\, v.: -v^'4*"''. I r . ■- i-' .iSi ^, V V v^ N& .y^ a I IhM«* llMMVMnMll tlOO Mlhyn* AfwHMw. ttUlt ttOO ;-•■ > Centimeter 1 2 3 4 5 ' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm liiiiliiiiliiiiliiimniliiiiliiiiliiiiliililiiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiilmiliiiiliiillihilHiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiliiiiliiin i!)'|| < 'l TH ' l ''i f |i!|i|i ^t ^'t''i' t '|'>'i'^'i f i'<'i " i' f ^ ' >'i'> l '^'i'^^ WW Inches i. J 1.0 1^ |i25 m ^ MB IM Itt 12.2 itt Itt 12.0 1.4 11.6 1 ■^-r^i^ MRNUFnCTUREO TO Ollfl STRNOnROS BY APPLIED IMAGE. INC. ^ ^^ S> Q> 4IqS^ ^ *^ - T ■■•.. f.. ,. * « • • f \ *• 1* • !^ • • ':..-? - I"»* " ** ' 7 ■W'. »• 77//i CHURCH: Let the peuplu praiMe Thou, Lord ; Eftrth Hhall then her fruitH afford, Qod to man His ^OHsing give, Man to Ood devoted live,— All below and all above, One in joy and light and love. 'AriM, O i>(m1, JuiI|(i- tlio t'nrlh : fur Tliuii *liuli Inherit »ll ihiIIoimi." 426 1 Loup our Ood, arige, The cauue of truth maintain, i^ And, wide o'er all Jthe peopled world, Extend Thy blessed reign. 2 Thou Prince pf Life, arise. Nor let Thy glory ceane ; Far spread the .comjuests of Thy grace, And bless the earth with peace. 3 Thou Holy Ghost arise. Expand Thy quickening wing ; And, o'er a dark and rained woild. Let light and order spring. All on the earth, arise, To Ood our Saviour sing ; From shore to shore, from ea Let echoing anthems ring. to Heaven, 421 " Bleued are yv that row Ixwidv all wat<-rH. 1 Sow the seed beside all waters. North and south and east and West, That our toiling sons and daughters In the harvest may be blest. Ute if' -'■»■•*■- r '« '■^T*". ITS Ml an IONS. M^ Tell tho iidipgN of Halvation 'Mid the Htormfi of Labrador ; Speak the word of conHolation By the lone Partific shore. 2 Where the forests old are^ falling, Yielding place to lawn and lea ; Where the fisher plies his calling, 'Mid thiet^perilspf the sea ; Where the tide oi Commerce rushes Through the city's crowded street ; And unpitying inaininun crushcH Poor and weak beneath his feet. Sphere our brothers, sowing, reaping. Delving for the hidden ore, Now with joy and now with weeping. Labour to increase thet||>Btore j Where the stranger wipoers lonbly ■> In the homeless wildilrnesH, Tell of Jesus, Jesus only, Who alone can save and bless. 4 Tell how tenderly He careth^ For the weary and oppressed, How their burdens all He beareth, As He leads them t6 His rest ; Tell that He, the Lord from heaven, Died for all and lives again, All through Him may be forgiven, All with Him in glory reign. 5 Tell His love beyond all telling, Seeking, following those who flee, ■■ , . ■' .-■■'.-• 113» •/ m 1./ "W ■y. -i»?^ • i ^^vttjfa "s"^.^-. "-'kjhi&j ■ ■*r,T»i ?. / :*•■ fv^- /7//i ciiutrcHl \jove rebolliouM heartM compelling To Hw Her vice glai %£T^TWP'^^*^Ti* "■ ITS MISSIONS. For the Saviour has piirchanM their ranHoni from Hin, And the iNinqurt is ready, () githcr them in ; To the rescue make hnHte, there's no time iot delay, Speed away, Hpeei^b^^^ .1^. <♦ »'" - """ «i - T- ■*' rs'> run CHURCH : . „^ •"«,•• MWl «» m.-*! wnMr«l not. wUh.r .11.1 .1. ^l Ift thy cruiwj of comfort wRHtinK ? Riho aiiU ^ Hhare it with another, ., i ,, And through all the years of fainino it Hhall , serve thee and tliy brother : 2 Lord divine ^^ill AH' thy storehouse, or thy handful still renew : Scanty fare for one will often wake a royal feast for two. 3 For the heart grows rich in giving; all its wealth is livinj? grain ; Seeds, which mihlew in the garner, scattered. fill with goM the plain. 4 Is thy burden hard anfe''^' '" } ^' M^' c ITS AN SS IONS, Tell it out among the nationN, t)iiii Hbotit and Hing ! Tell it out, tell it out I Tell it among the heathen that the Lord is King I . ^ Toll it out, tell it out! ,/ Tell it out among the natiouH, hid tnem Hhout and Hing, Tell it qut, tell it out! Tell it out with adoration, that He nhall increase, lliat the King of Qlory in the King of peace. Tell it out with jubilation, tho' the waves may roar, That He sitteth ,Qn the -water Hoods, our King for everm9jro ! 2 Tell it o^t among the heathen that the Saviour jigns ! T^ll it out, tell it out! Tell It out among the nations, bid them burst / their chains ! Tell it out; tell it out ! Tell it out among the weeping ones that flesus lives ! Tell it out among tha weary ones what rest He gives I Tell it out amoiig the sinners, that He came to save ; Tell it out among the dying that ho tiiumphed o'er thi grave. U7tt bJ^•;•'i ,^ :v^' ^A?^^ ■J' m \ run cnLKCfi 3 Toll it uut aihonpj the hoathon JenuH reij^iH rIk)Vo 1 . Tell it out, tell it out : Tell it out aiiioiiif the nations that Hin joij(u is love ! , Tell it out, tellit out ! Toll it «»ut anion;? the highwayn an«l the lan.s at honif ; liOt it rin« a^roMH tho niountainn an«l the (mm-jui foam ; Tiike the Mound oF n'uiny wateiH lot our ^'la.| fthout ho. ' . ,4 , c 1 Till itechoansoKVERhoarcth,"Hhout, shout the houihI. Sentl the hlessea tidin«8 all the world around : Spread the joyful news wherever man is found, " Whosoever will may come I" •' Whos(M«ver will ! whosoever will 1" Send the proclamation over vale and hill ; 'Tis a loving leather calls the wantleroi homo : " Whosoever will may cuum I 2 Whosoever cometh need not delay : Now the door is open, enter while you may ; JcHUs is the true, the only living Way : " Whosoever will may conie !" 3 "Whosoever will,"— the promise is secure ; ''* Whosoever will," forever shall endure; U8tt kJ*. "u'l- "» its MISS I ON ;f. " WhoMO«ver will " — 'tin life Ifur evuniioro; " WhoHoever will nifty coin© 1 IJI3 (174-0) •"rhow«,..n.,rvr»w • I (), wilKKK are tho. roapurs that garner in The HhcavoH of the >;o<)d from the HcIcIm of Hin ? With Mickle of truth must the work Im? done, And no one may roHt till the " harvoHt home." Where are the reapern / O, who will com© An.H of good from the Hehln of Min ^ , ^ 2. do out in the hyways and Hoanbh them all ; The wheat may he there, tho' tho wecdH are tell; Then HCarch in tho liigh way, and pans none l»y, But gather from all for the home on high. n The fields are all ripening, and far and wi4<(ii»/ Tho world now is waiting tho harvest tide^ " But reapers are few, and the harvest is great, And much will be lost should the harvest wait. 4 So come with your sickles, yo sons of men, And jjathol' together the golden grain ; Toil on till the Lord of the harvest come. Then share in the joy of the " harvest home." /^34' " Here am I, Mnd m«i." 1 Hari^ ! the voice of Jesus calling— " Who will go and work to-day ?> n ^ ?l^. ^.:» fS^'i.', T//li CHUHCH - - , ■-■-'- -f- FitUlH aru white ami harvtjut waiting ; Who will boar the »heavc« away ?" Loud and long the Master calleth. Rich reward He offew free : Who will answer, gla«lly Maying — '• Here am I,; nend me, Hond me 1 Here am I ; send me, iiend me " ! If you cannot croiiH the ocean, And the heathen landH explore, You can find the hoathon nearer, You can help them at your door. If yoii cannot give your thouHandH, You can give the widow's niito, And the leaHt you ^ive for JesuM Will be precious in Hin sight. ^ ' 3 If you cannot si^ak like anffcla, / If you cannot preach like Paul, '/u 3 You can tell the love of Jesus, You can say, He welcomes all. If you cannot rouse the wicked With the Judgment's dread alarms, You can lead the little children To the Saviour's waiting. Let none hear you idly saying, '• There is nothing 1 can do," While the souls of men are dying. And the Master calls for you. Take the task He gives you gladly. Let His work your pleasure be ; AnsMeer quickly when He- calleth : " Here am I ; send m«, send mo 1" f,V5|.*, d^^ 'I' V ! # ■'4 /TxS MtSMONS. 4:i/l(l77C) 1 Thm morniiif^' light in hrt^king,; The dark newi (liiiAp{N>«ra! Th« Honii of enrth are waking To peniteniiftl tearvi ; Eaoh brcftEe that nwoepn the ocean Brinj?« ti«linj(H from afar, Of nationn in commotion, /prepared for Kion's war. 2 Seo heathen nationn bending . Before the (Jod we love, , > ' And thou>«an T^l M mm ■■% "^M J^i ft !^|^f.-^;iV'Wv3^'/' *I^^^'^^" '" *" . '^^^j^P'W'tl.'^Wil'' ' l|t*l!r^ f\' ( 'p >4 VI. DFATH, RRSURHKCrroN A/^D HEA VHN. 4aO(i71u(nI, And take my xinN away. 2 A few more nunn nhall Hct O'er thene DK^rit, ktisuHkiarioN anh iikavhn. 4 A f«w mora iitru)(gi«N livr«, A few iiit>r« iKirtinxM o tr A riU, A f«w iiiorif tMini, And wn Nimll wtt«p no iiiorv. |^ Then, O my l4Mr(l, |iiu|»«r« My Noul fur that \it\^h% cUy 2 whmH me ill Thv prvcioim hlood, Ami M^ku my mnM away. 5 A ft'W more HftltlMiiliN liore*^ Shall c\\mv m i)n our way ; Ati -^ f t 4 -V' N" DEATH, RESUR RECTION AND HUA YEN. 2 The race appointed I have run ; The combat's o'er, the prize is won ; And now my witness is on high, And now my recofd'ti in the sky. 3 Not in mine innocence I trust ; I bow before Thee iti Ihe dust ; And through my Saviour's blood alone Hook for mercy at Thy throne. 4 I leave the world without a tear, Save for the friends I hold so dear ; To heal their sorrows, Lord, descend. And to the friendless prove a friend. 5 I come, I come, at Thy command, I give my spirit to Thy hand ; Stretch forth Thine everlasting arms, And shield me in the last alarms. 6 The hour of my departure's come ; I hear th. voice that c^Us me home : ' Now, O my God ! let trouble cease ; J^ Now let Thy servant die in peace. L. M. " Them also which sleep in Jesus will CJotl bring ^ith Him." 438 (279-H) 1 Asleep in Jesus ! blesskl sleep, From which none ever wakes to weep, A calm and undisturbed repose. Unbroken by the last of foes. 2 Asleep in Jesus ! O how sweet To be for such a slumber meet, With holy confidence to sing That death hath lost its venomed sting ! ■ . ■ ,■ ■ 124» ' 4 > "^ZV / ■'.v.!i'» t:^i.^a-j!h:id0£' -^■'•'^^JH^:'^' VT"^ ^- ;■>'> ■:i^ f^,l DEATH, RliSURKECTION AND HEAVEN. *\ Asleep in Jesus ! peaceful rest,, Whose waking is supremely Idlest ; No fear, no woe shall dim that hour That manifests the Saviour's power. 4 Asleep^ Jesus ! O for me May such k blissful refuge be ! Securely shall my ashes lie, ; , Waiting the suumions from on high. 5 Asleep in Jesus V time nor space Debars this precious hiding-place; On Indian f)lains oi* Lapland snows, Believers find the same repose. •• 6 Asleep in Jesus ! far from thee - Thy kindred and their graves may be- But thine is still a blessed sleep, From which. none ever wakes to weep, 439 (280-H) 7«. " When they hotl nolhiiiK to pay, he frankly forKave them lioth. " 1 When this passing world is done, When has sunk yon glaring sun, When we stand with Christ in glory, Looking o'er life's finished story, Then, Lord, shall 1 fully know — Not till then — how much I owe., 2 When I stand before the throne. Dressed in beauty not my own. When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart, Then, Lord, shall I fully know — Not till then — how much I owe. 125a ■i^,-M • A"! f\ bf V ,-V3l:«i^t*l' i: i«.«>- ,K'ii * ' ' i- . .! ■ ■■'■-.■■ . ' #* ,«S*. «r! tHiATH, HESURHECTION AND HHAVIiN. 5^ When tho praine of heaven I hear, Loud an' thunders to- the car, Loud as umny waters' noise, Sweet as harp's melodious voice, ' Then, Lord, Shall I full}' know — Not till then — how much I owe. f* ' N.^W ■'' 'i, 4 Chosen not for good in me, Wakened up from Wrath to flee. Hidden in the Saviour's side, By the Spirit sanctified, Teach me. Lord, on earth to show. By my love how much I owe. 440 (281-H) 7,«. "Thy land, O Iniitianurl The sands of time are sinking, The dawn of heaven breaks, The summer morn I've sighed for, The fair sweet mom awakes : Dark, dark hath jbeen the midnight, But day-apring is at hand, And glory, glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land. t'*'} Christ, He is the fountain. The deep sweet well of love ; The streams of earth I've tasted, More deep I'll drink above. There to an ocean fulness His mercy doth expand, And glory, glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land. '? ia6a .^..i^^ DEATH, RESURRECTION AND HEAVEN. 3 With mercy and with judgment, My web of time He wove, And aye the dews of sorrow Were lustred with his love. I'll bless the hand that guided, I'll bless the heart that planned, When throned where pflory dwelleth, In Immanuel's land. ' ii 4 1 am my Beloved's, And my BelovM 's mine, He brings a poor vile sinner Into His 'house of wine.' I stand upon Hisf merit ; I know no other stand, Not e'en where glory dwelleth, In Immanuel's land. 5 The bride eyes not her garment, But her dear bridegroom's face ; I will not gaze on glory, ^ But on the King of grace ; Not at the crown He giveth, But on His piercM hAnd : The Lamb is all the glory ^^ Of Immanuel's land. .L ■■u 'm 6 I've wrestled on towards heaven, 'Gainst storm, and wind, and tide ; Now, like a weary traveller That leaneth on His guide, Amid the shades of evening, While gnks life's lingering sand, i hail the glory dawBing In Immanuel's land. 127» 1 , ' ' ^Kii -m ftfl * iff ^^^hi&s^^^^^ ', ; * -. '. ..' ■ ■,' '.■ fi-, ■ '. v* w> 4' k'^T ' DEATH, RESURRECTION A^D HE AY EN. 441 (282-H) 1 H. M. ' Whoaoever lW«th and liellovoth in.M« sh»U iMJVtir diu. " It is not death to die, To leave this weary road, And, 'midst the brotherhood" on hi^h. To ])e at home with God.- 2 It is not death to close The eye long dimmed by tears. And wake in glorious repose. To spend eternal years. ti It is not death to fling Aside this sinful dust, And rise on strong exulting wingi To live among the just. I ■-^ . 1 ■ . 4 Jesus, Thou Prince of life ! Thy chosen cannot die ; Like Thee, they conquer in the strife. To reign with Thee on high. C 44!3 (283-H) S. M. " There rcmaincth, therefore, a re«t to the people of (iod." 1 O WHERE shall rest be found. Rest for the weary soul ? *Tv^ere vain the ocean's de^hsta^ound, Or pierce to^ej ther pole.'^"^'""^*^ The world can never give The bliss for which we sigh ; 'Tis not the whole of life to live, Nor all of d^aih to die. t- } 198» ■''^,^k>Jh^'^li^dM^t^&s4kk-^ -^^-'^.u^ >-%in^' 'J^M^^' w r » DRATH, KESURRECriON AND HRAVEN. Beyond this vale of tears There is a life above, Unmeasured by the flight of years And all that life is love. There is a death whose pang Outlasts the fleeting breath ; O what eternal horrors hang Aroiind the second death ! 3 Lord God of truth and grace, Teach us that death to shun ; Lest we be banished from thy face, And evermore undone. Here would we end our quest • Alone are found in Thee, The life of perfect love— the rest Of immortality. 443 (284-H) "^. s. m. " And the dead wtTQ judged. 1 Thou judge of quick and dead. Before whose bjar severe, With holy joy orjguiltyliread, We all shall sd^ appe&i^ 2 Our cautioned souls prepare For that tremendous day, And fill us now with watchful care, And stir us up to pray • 3 To pray, and wait the hour, ifiv J' That awful hour unknown) ^■ When robed in majesty and power, \ Thou shalt from heaven come down A ■ ii»» .■'..;■ t '1 p. 1±[ 'V' .-ifi! r ■"js- r i E,*'' » » * # DEATH, RESVRRECTIOH AND HEAVEN. 4 The immortal Son of Man, To judge the human race, With all Thy Father's dazzling train, Witfi all Thy glorious grace ! 5 may we thus be found Obedient to His word, Attentive to the trumpet's sound, And looking for our Lord ! 8 7 444: (285-H) » I mw the dead, small and Kroat, BUntl b«for«' Uocl 1 Great God, what do I see and hear 1 The end of things created ! The Judge of mankind doth appear On clouds of glory seated ! The trumpet sounds ; the graves restore The dead which they contained before ; Prepare, my soul, to meiftt Him ! 2 The dea4 in Christ shall first arise. At the last trumpet's sounding, Caught up to meet Him in the skies, With joy their Lord surrounding : No gloomy fears their souls dismay ; His presence sheds eternal day On those prepared to meet Him. 3 But sinners, filled with guilty fears, ^ Behold His wrath prevailing ; ^ - For they arise, and find their tears And sighs are unavailing. The day of grace is past and gone ; Trembiing they stand before the throne, All unprepared to meet Him.'* ^ ' 130ft ft -/ If, >,? V^Sj i-'ij^' 1 J I - it ^^■Qj^?«TfwWr9*fy?? DEATH, RESURRECTION AND HEAVEN. h Great God, what do I see aiwi liear ! The end of thingH created ! ^ The Judge of ipankind dotl) appear On cIoudH o{ glory Heated ! Beneath His cross I view the day Whep heaven and eartfi shall bass away. And thus prepare to meet Him, 4;4- li " '''*'" "'■''"•^ ""'• t<'Til>l<' "lay of tile liiml.' 1 Day of wrath ! O day of mourning See fulfilled the prophet's warning ! Heaven and earth in ashes burninff. 2 O what fear man's bosom rendeth, When from heaven the Judge descendeth, On whose sentence all dependeth ! 3 Wondrous sound the trumpet tiingeth, .Through earth's sepulchres it ringeth, All before the throne it briMgethf 4 Death is struck, and nature quaking, All creation is awaking. To its Judge an answer making. 5 Lo, the Book, exactly worded, Wherein all hath been recorded ! Thence shall judgmeftt be awarded. 6 When the Judge his sea£ attaineth, / . And each hidden deed arraigneth, Nothing unavenged remaineth. 7 What shall I, frail man, be pleading, -' Who for me be interceding ; W'hen the just are mercy needing ? I31a ■■'■■{■ . ■- «?ri '^m ' "MC .•-a^^fsgiifei^^c^l^yii^'ti^ii ''r ■ It: '• 1 1 ■^ ', £4 DEATH, RHSURHHCriOJ)/ AND HEAVEN. ■* ■ ■ , •■ '-■ ■ . ■ 8 Kin|^ of majeNty trernendouHi Who (lost free Halvation Hend us, Fount of pity, then liefriend us ! 9 Think, good Jesus, my salvation Caused Thy wondrous incarnation ; Leave me not to reprobation. 10 Faint and weary Thou hast sought me, On the cross of suffering bougnt me ; Shall such grace be vainly brought me ? 11 Righteous Judge! for sin's pollution Grant Thy gift of absolution, Ere that diay of retributi(m. 12 Guilty, now I pour my moaning, All my shame with anguish owning ; Spare, O God, Thy suppliant groaning ! ISThou the sinful woman savedst ; Thou the dying thief forgavest ; And to mo a hope vouchsafest. 14 Worthless are my prayers and sighing, Yet, good Lord, in grace complying. Rescue me from fires undying. 15 With Thy favored sheep O place me. Nor among the goats abase me ; But to Thy right hand upraise me. 16 While the wicked are confounded, D.oomed to flames of woe unbounded, Call me with Thy saints surrounded. 132a * . J, I'K, i*H, 'r>;?^' . ^ ■' ./i.'--'^. J^^/^"^"* ^f'-'iVRRECTION AND It RAVEN. 17 Low I kneul.with heart-Hulmjission ; See, like ashes, my contrition ; . Help me in my last condition. 18 Ah, that day of tearH and mourning ! From the dust of earth returning, Maryfor judgment must prepare him ; 10 Spare, O God, in mercy Hparo him ! Lord all-pitying, JesuH blest, Qrant them Thine eternal rest ! 446 (286.H) '"JoXn"""""" ■*"*' '"'*' ^''" """'^ '**"lV?,"^ \»\%om\ 1 There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign/ Infinite day §jccludes the nig?it,* And pleasures banish pain. 2 There everlasting spring abides, And never-withering flowers ; Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. 3 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green "^ So to t^|ews old Canaan stood. Whil^Rrdan roIledlSiween. 4 But timorous mortals start and shrink To cross this narrow sen, And linger shivering on the brink, And fear to lau n ch away. 133» .,■»••■ •■J . ,r.; 'H • -/ - ■ ;'^ii t'. > > t 'e !- .'" *>'^ ♦ -J DBATII, RESURHliCTION AMI lir.AVns. , .5 () could we make our doubti removo, ^/ These gloomy doubU^hat rine, And nee the Canaan that we love, With uiibeclouded eyeM ; C Could wc but climb where MoseH stood, And view the landHcape o'er, Not Jordan H stream, nor deatlv'B cold tUxxl, Should fright uMjro'n the shore. , 1*. M 447 (287-H) "Th«»lnh»iriUiiccofthniM»l»tii]nirMlii 1 Wk Hpeak of the realms of the bleat, ^ Of that country so bright anrl so fair, And oft are its glories confessed ; But what must it be to be there ? 2 We speak of its pathways of gold, Of its walls decked with jewels so raro Its wonders and pleasures untold ; *- But what must it be to be there ? 3 We speak of its freedom from sin, From sonrow, temptation, and cai^ From trials/ without and within ; ^ But what must it be to be thef^e i 4 We speak of its service of iove, The robes which the glorified wear, The Church of the first-born above; But what must it be to be there I 5 Do Thou, X >^^m^s^r^;^^w-^^ \.»U 4" ■^ _ t'^^^ v^ DEATH, HBSVRRBCTION AND HEAVEN. 44« (288-H) 1 (' M "<)f whuni lh« whoto Unilly In h««*an mi.I «Mrth hi nkinml. " tJoME, lot UH join our friends above, That have obtained the prize, And on the eagle wingH of love To ioyii celestial rise. Let all the Haints terrestrial sing With those to glory gone, For all the servants of our King, In earth and heaven, are one. I One family, we dwell in Him, One Church, above, beneath. Though now divided by the stream, The narrow stream of death. One army of the living Qod, . To His command we bow ; Part of His host hath crossed the flood, And part is crossing now. Our old companions in distress We haste again to see, And eager long for our release And full felicity : Even now by faith we join our hands With those that went before, And greet the blood besprinkled bands On the eternal shore. 449 (290-H') fa J " God BhAll wipe away all tears from iheir eyes." 1 There is a blessed home Beyond this land of woe, Where trials never come, ^ Nor tears of sorrow flow; 136a" ■M ■0 '■'■0 -VA- ^;--,iSifei'ti:!.;t ''i^^'\iZK'''-.:^t '. -.zit '■ aakMirt*^!; - :I^Jj^i^hui^^''^--'^'^ n^m- WwP '■■''' , w- DHATH, RBSURHBCTIOS Where faith lHloHt1ii/il And pationi h<>j>« Im crowniMl, And ovoriaMtinjL; li^ht lU glory thrown around. 2 There m a land of |)eaco, ^ Good an{(olH know it well ; 0er Glad Mon^jjM that never cease ,^ Within itH portatn swell ; Around its gloriouN throne Ten thousand saints adore Christ, with the ("ather one, And Spirit, evermore. :/.V' f > tv O joy all joY^beyoiid, To see ^j^Wwhy^^Q d ied,* And count|||tid|Hped^o|iPI In h&mW^^nWi tarn side ; To give to Him the prape *; Of every triumph wota, And sing through endless days The great things He hath done. Look up, ye saints of God, Nor fear to tread below The path your Saviour trod Of daily toil and woe ; Wait but a little while In uncomplaining love, His own most gracious smile Shall welcome you above. 138» i -^^ . -■** If /. ^^fc "t f * DBATH, RliSURRBCTlnff AND H^MVUN. 'f ■■ ■ " / ' " U|r niMMMi .»» III.' Kliiry tiMM vitwHtMli, ' \ Oh, fair the gloamn of pflory, Ami blight the nceneH ol iiiir^, That lighten human Htory ^ Anc) cheer thin weary eartli ; I But richer far our treaNure With whom the Spirit dwells, ^ OurM, oun* in heavenly inoaHure 1 The glory thai excelM. 2 Tht^ laniplifl^it faintly gloamoth Where nhineH the nounduy ray ; From Jchuh' face there beanieth Light of a Ncvonfold day ; Kui\ earth'H pale litfhtn^ all faded, Th^ Light from heaven diHpelH ; But shines for aye unshaded The glorj that excels. ~ 3 No broken cisterns need thev ^ Who drink from living rilla ; No other music heed thev Whom God's own music thrills. Earth's precious things are tasteless, Its boisterous mirth repels, Where flows ip measure wasteless ^ The glory that excels. Since 1' 3 There happier bowers than Eden's bloom. Nor sin nor sorrow know : Blest seats ! through rude and stormy scenes I onward press to you. -# 4 Why should I shrink from pain and woe, Or feel at death dismay ? I've Canaan's goodly land in view, And realms of endless day. 5 Apostles, martyrs, prophets, there y Around my Saviour stand ; And soon my friends in Christ below Will join the glorious band. ^.r^^ 6 Jerusalem, my happy home ! My soul still pants for thee ; Then shall my labours have an end, When I Thy joys shall ^^e, . -■■'■:■ 13^.. ■ V ui%L:<. i <•. w^ V a ,- DEATH, RESURRECTION AND HE A VBN. 7 b " I'lit now they desire a better uuiintry, that Ih an hcttvcnly " 453 (294-H) 1 The world is very evil, The times are waxing late ; Be sober and keep vigil, The Judge is.at the gate,^ — The Judge that comes in merjg^i The Judge that comes witS To terminate the evil, fsTo diadem the right. 2 Then glory yet un|ieard of Shall shed abroad its ray, Resolving all enigmas. An endless Sabbath-day. Then, then from his oppressors The B[e})rew shall go free, , And celebrate in triumph The year of Jubilee. . 3 Then, nothing can be feeble. There none can ever mourn, There |iothing is divided, There nothing can be torn. Strive, man, to win that glory ; Toil, m^n, tagain that light ; Send hope before to grasp it. Till hope be lost in sight. 4 O swet and blessed country, The home of God's elect ! sweet and blessfed country. That eager hearts expec|; ! Jesus, in mercy bring us To that dear land of rest ; ^ Who art with God the Father, ^nd Spirit, ever blest. >•» '.^ ^i. '■"l"",?! '-^'ri'Zl'i^ * .,.-<.. I^Jfpw ?T DEATH RESURRECTION AND HEAVEN. .._^ 7,6. u""^ - There shMl ))e no mora ounie." 454 (295-H) 1 Brief life is here our portion; A«rief sorrow, short-lived care; The life that knows no endin». The tearless life, is there. . O happy retribution ! ^ Short toil, eternal rest ; For mortals and for sinners A mansion with the blest ' 2 There grief is turned to pleasure, Such pleasure as below No human voice can utter, No human heart can know. And now we fight the battle. But then shall wear the crown Of full and everlasting And passionless renown. 3 And now we watch and struggle, And now we live in hbpe, , ^ And Sion in he» anguish With Babylon must cope ; But He whom now we trust in Shall then be seen and known, And they that kbow and see Him Shall have Him for their own. 4 ml 4 The morning shall awaken, The shadows shall decay. And each true-hearted servant Shall shine as doth the day : Mlft '^. ■*fiLj-i> J 7^:1 '\ »'A ;> ' , 1 t' •'S*jt£ DEATH, RBSURRECTIOff-AND HEAVEN. Yes : God, our King and Portion, In. fulness of His grace. We then shall see for ever. And worship face to face. 465 (296-H) 7.6. " For he lookiHl for a city which hath foundatioiiR. 'r^' f/' '>' i L For thee, () dear, dear country I Mine eyes their vigils keep ; For very love, beholding Thy happy name, they weep ; The mention of thy glory Is unction to the breast, And medicine in sickness, And love, and life, and rest. O one, O only mansion ! O Paradise of joy ! Where tears are ever banished, And smiles have no* alloy : "With jaspers glow thy bulwarks ; Thy streets with emeralds blaze ; The sardius and the topaz Unite in thee their rays : » ■ ■ , Thine agele.ss- walls are bonded ** With amethyst unpriced ; The saints build up its fabric, And the corner-stone is Christ. The cross is all thy splendour,^ The Crucified thy praise : |Iis laud and benediction Thy ransomed people i^ise. i«» i 7 _, 3_ , L(*-'.- DkATH, RESURkiSCTION ANt) HEAVE^^. 5 Thou hast no shore, fair ocean ! Thou hast no time, bright day ! Dear fountain of refreshment, To pilgrims far away: Upon the Rock of Ages They raise thy holy tower : Thine is the victor*s laurel, And thine the golden dower. G sweet and blessM country, The homiB of God's elect f G sweet and blessM country. That eager hearts expect ! Jesus, in mercy bring us To that dear land of rest ; Who art, with God the Father, And Spirit, ever blest. '4 ft j.TB'f 4^. ■K. •■'f.' 'V 456 (297-H) 7,6. ' The city was pure gold, like unto clear gUMi.' Jerusalem the golden. With milk and honey blest. Beneath thy contemplation Sink heart and voice opprest : I know not, G, I know not, What joys await us there ; What mdiancy of glory. What light beyond compare ! They stand, those halls of Sion, All jubilant with song, And bright with many an angel. Arid all the martyr throng ; , The Prince is ever in them ; The daylight is serene ; The pastures of the blessed Are decked in glorious sheen. 14Sa '■: ... ■Uf '"-is ^ A -. i '.( \ \ \ ■■ '^li^^f-^f N-^^;>--' . ';-■'; .;-'f ''"^ • ■ '', '■r.!.,-^^^;^*. -^^:'^^^^y -^4^''^'^ ^'_j';f. *' 'X^yj|-^^fi^jiigy Math, resurkection and heaven. ios^'iirci 3 There is the throne of David ; And there, irom ciire released, / The shout of tKera that triumph, The song ^f them that feast ; , And they who, with their Leaaer Have cctfiquered in the fight. For ever and for ever Are clad in robes of white. 4 sweet and bles^^ country, The home ot God's elect ! sweet and blessed country, That eager hearts expect ! Jesus, in mercy bring us To that dear land of rest : Who art, with' God the Father^ V And Spirit, ever blest. l",>- V"., m-\ ^ ' ^ "■^, • *' ' ' ( n> • \ ' " ^ ^^CvTt ^uV^ '^'?^' ^^^'^ from the clouds Aim the last trumpet's awful voice i he heavens and earth shall rend. ^' ^^Ti^.l^ wlio live shalPchanged be And they who sleep ^11 4ke ' ^1!^^^ ^T.^''''' ---* charge, i . f ® foundations shake. 6 The saints o^^^^ ^^^^ ^ With joy shall mount on high ; ' The heavenly hoste with praists loud bhall meet them in the sky. 7 TogeWjer to their Faier's house With joyful hearts they go • And dwell for ever with the Lord fi A r^^"^^ *lie reach pf woe. 8 A few short years of ivil past We reach the happjr shore, ' Where death-divided1rriends at last tshall meet, to part iio more " A llrely hope by the resunrpction of Jesus Chrigt." 458 1 Bless'd be the everla^tiU God. . The father of our. Lord; .JieHis abounding mercy\ praised, # His majesty adored. 2 Wheirfrom the dead He rkised His Son And called Him to the sky Tf Hi?"' T^' * 'i^^^y *^ope iJiat they should never die. ut J. V • 'U ^.■' ■<^ ■ .>* • rrl tt v1 4 i^)i' }:A±7:.t^:j^^kms'^'i.-*^:M.j..c^ \xk. 'M^'M- -^ :.''4 K^ «" " ..-1»* '■*!:]■ ,.i,fc DBATH, RESURRECnON AND HEAVEll^ 3 To an inheritance divine He taught our hearts to rise ; 'Tis uncorrupted, undefiled, Unfading in the skies. :^ -•',•!;;. 4 Saints by the power of God aifeMfl Till the salvation coine ; ? . We walk by faith as strangers here ; But Christ shall call us home. J / -Vi" * •£! " "Behold what manner of love tj»e Father httth TtOif * bestowed upon UR." 1 Behold tfie amazing gift of love The Father hath bestowed * On us, the sinful sons of men, To call us SOUS' of God ! / ■ ,. ■ ■ • 2 Goncealed as yet this honour lies, ' " By this dark^ world unknown, ' A world that knew not when He came, Even God's eternal Son. 3 High is the rank we now possess ; But higher we shall rise ; Though what we shall hereafter be Is hid from mortal eyes : 4 Our souls, we know, when he appears. Shall bear His image bright ; For all His glory, full dij^closed, Shall open to our sight. ** 5 A hope so great, and so divine, . May trials well endure ; And purge the sciul from sense and sin, As Christ Himself is pure. 2* & h ' '^" i'' f*V-n' "i; r-%)^i^MiM W^' ' ^Hh^«' ^v. : , I4. t'- 1 DEATB, i HB8V • RRBOTl / -*- t# 460 ' <««Hl «hitn wi|K> away uU team from thair eyefc- 1 How bright these gloHous spirits shine i Whence all their wliite array ? How came they to the bli$.sful seats Of everlasting day ? 2 Lot these are they from sufferings great Who came to realms of light " ' Ami in the blood of Christ have washed Those robes which shine, so bright. 3 Now with triumphal palms, they stand Before the throne on high, Ami serve the God they love, amidst The glories of the sky. 4 His^presence fills each heart with joy, Tunes every mouth to sing : By da:^, by night, the sacred courts With glad hosfinnas rinff. 5 Hunger and thirst are felt no more. Nor suns with scorching ray ; God is their sun, whose cheering beams Diffuse eternal day. 6 The Lamb which dwells amidst the throne Shall o'er them still preside ; Feed them with nourishment divine, And all their footsteps guide. 7 *Mong pastures green he'Ulead his flock,_ , Where living streams appear J And God the Lord, from every eve Shall wipe off every tear. 147» i V, f ■ f ' ' < '■<*■: rH.' r«u- - T * ',1 ♦ DEATH, RESUBR^CTTON ANIkHEAFEN. " A, ntnir hmf«n Kmt RtMw Mrth.' * 461 1 Lo ! what a glorious Might UJ^carH To our admiring eyes 1 ifit% v The former seas have pafisc^lJJtway, The former earth and skies; > (■ ■ o * 2 From heaven tlie New Jerusalem corties, All worthy of its Lord ; - 'See all things noWjjft last renewed, * And paradise r««<» ••••••*•# Sovereign grace f o>r sja abounding , i , Sovereign Ruler of the Bkkw.... .", Sow the seed besid* all waters .*.'!.*.;.*. "S Sowing m the monjing . . . . *.»i^ Sow the seed beside ell waters ...'*.** *•'**' Sowing the seed by the dawn-light fair. . . Speed away, speed away on your mission Spirit Divine I attend our prayers Spirit of God, that moved of old ] '. [ * , Spread, O spread, thou mighty word :. . Standing at the portal ..V .,..,..'. ^Standing bg.a purpose true '.',, .,!J \. \ \ '^^ Stand up m Jesus, Christain stand . . . . T, , \ Stand up! stand up for Jesus , , .-. ^ " ' Still with thee, O my God --.;»;. .* .* \ Sttmmer siins are glowing ^ OUn Ot niv ortiil thmi CairinKv A^^^ *• m]^ soul, thou Saviour dear WMM w» us j^svui, luuu oaviour aear \,*y, Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer r. . . Sweet is the solemn voice that calls. . Sweet is^the work, my God. my King. ... .... . . . . . . Sweet the moments, rich in blessing ., . . Take comfort, Christians, when your friends . . Take my life and let it be < Take the name of Jesus with you .- ! ! ! . Take up thy dross, the Saviour said S. ...'. . . . . \ Tell it out among the heathen Tell me the old, old story ' ' .* .' . ! [ [ i ] -'"T^Ten thousand times ten thousand .......!!.!! The Chutvch's one foundayon ./.I'.', ^The darkness now is over i . ! ' !* J * The day is past and over !!.>!!""•!* The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended ». '.'./.'.'. \ The gloomy night will soon be past ,..,', .., The" God of Abraham, praise^ ...... .*....'. t-The great Physician now is hear !...!!.!? The He^ that once wa» crowned wUb thorns. J_>The hour of my departure's come ...*.... . , JThe King of love my Shepherd is. . The LqiM is Kiqg ! lift UD thy voio«^. . . The Lord is risen indeed:. ^,. .: \\. The Lord keep wa^ch' between us.-.', \.. p^he Lord. wiV'oome I the earth shall quake. JThe mon^pg br|gj»t with rosy light . The morning light is breaking. . .< ... . . .-. ... ; The race that long in darkness pined . ; .. ^'... 2»t, -«B- ' ^ '. ■•••::■" ..,:„• w^ V" . - -• '> .^^ ^ -. ^-r«- r*--*-- f , r-* ■' , > '■" * — T ' ' ' ■ ■ / t ThfirttdUuitmornhM paaiad toy. •••*•. ^ - ^r Tha^pirit^e*thwu^n the word "J ThoSonofGodgoeifbrth t0 war /••• »»■ The spacioua fitmamftot on 0*8" ^^ ' Thesun is sinking fast.,.......*. ^ The voice that breathed o'er Eden w fc?. TW world is very evil...... ....•••' '^^ ^" Thee God we praise. Thee Lord confess 7 IThere came a little child to earth. .,...,.. -^ -g; irhere is a better world, they say. m Jg '-X^ There is a blessed honae. • \. . . • . -• '* : ' " ' JS There is a foontain filled with blood ^ . Thereisagreen hill far away.. % *•• *^ jThere isa hapMT land. . ....>... %■>■ . There is a holy sacrifice. »....• ^"" , .;v.v There is a land of pore delight . . ... . . . . • • * • -^ ^^: TWe is life for a iSok at the crucified One ^ :L There U no name so sweet on earth ; 53^ m tTbere i^ no night m heaven. ^, % thSwno»on«w. Lord, too light..., • ^ * T>^shatt be showers Of blewing J^ rtSre's a Friend for little children .. - SJ7 ., iSe ^«* n««*y "^ "*"* that safely lay ^ sT-- Thine arm. O Lord, in days of old: «J ry>* "TWa child we dedicate to Thee »* th^ia the day of light......... ; JJi i^4Ki art coming. O my Saviour. •- «^ ERy It ■^Thou.artgoneiipon hign ## fM Sou wtthewi^: by Thee alone g I' '^ jiikfin didst iMive Thy throne.. •■ ^ •. ^ V^S hidden l«?ve of God. whose height ^-.. J! '■ Thoa Indae of quick and dead /•v****j**'"**" it. tK ^t^. art our life tod the length of our days. . . ^ "t^Thott my ev^lMting portion. »3 te'Tho» Who didst ptoopbelow.j.^ 3 % Thou Who didst on Calvary bleed.. .- ^ fc Thoti Whoiie Almighty word , ^7 € -Kdngh troiibles assaU ^md dangers aflfright ^ m, TSroDgh all the phanging scenes of life ^99 feV4Gongh*he day Thy love has spared us 49a 1 ThtoSh the night df 4oubt and sorrow. ^ - 359 I" ^SSokethe>viOPr<>f theworld ^ t^yW. not min«. O Lord.. *J* P' I Tffl He com«N— O let the words r^ . . . • * ^»*' "ji> ■ L . ^ ^- . : ^- 1 ^ . 1— . ';<^ .^e •/^|' V •t f i ■'^^' ' -t '-->f*^ '*... ^ r' • ' » vV \ m ,. -.s -"¥pi lli^ ^^>s.. £^l^«-V'-!;y&^¥^kv^^ie«l^l£i&^:^l:ik^^^ '^m fW:' w 1 WH '»l i i l i III "Ht^ tto Him tlkat Jk>vfld tht aonbolf men. .^i «. ^i.^y.Jf .. «. > ibg to Thee, oar God, w« fly . . . , . . . : . . . ; . . ..,..., $i^ I ••>••«• , To th« work 1 To the worlU We arei«rvant8 Triie-hearted, whole-hearted, faithful and loyal. . .; i 'Twae on that night, when doomed to know • • • • > « • I Vain are the hopes the aonpof miii . *:'•<»• •/! »«'_*• !!'•»•;• ^ •37 467 • • > •''« • • • )•#•«•*••, -L &_: » Wake, awake, for night iii flying .. ....*,.,,.. *^>. $We are but little children, weak ...... . . . ... ^ We are th^ Lord's : His all-sufficient merit. . We gather again in tlie name of our Lord We give immortal praise . .... . . . , . We give Thee but Thine own .,>..» We plough the fields and scatter. .,-. , We praise Thee, O God .,....., . . . . IWepnraise Thee, O God, fqr the Son ....*»..»•..♦.,. Weeing the praise of Him who died. ...,»,. .v,V.i*.» "• We spcMik of the realms. .« . . ,", . . . $ ■**• Weary of earth.and laden with my sin .> , . . . , y , * . .,, Weary of wandering from my C|ocU^ . .> . .V ; . . »'....»» {What a friend we bayei^ia-^J^us . ......♦>., />**,».*, '\ What means tlujtbisager, anxious throng. . . . . . ... . . . V« What thoisgii nb flowers the fig tree clothe. , . .>.,,'... What various hindrances we meet . . ... . . ....', ,...,> Whate'er my God ordains is right . . .>;»,.♦>• ^ .v. , , . . ^ When all Thy mercies, O, my God ... ... .>. . • . .»♦ . . «H> When, gathering clouds around I view . .,.....,....,, 34a jWhen He cometh, when He cometh .*. . . . , ...... .'.V, 536 : |When His salvation bringing ..... , . .v.;^ .>;.;. .... 546 When I survey life's varied scene ... . .1';. .*.* ...... ^97 •» When I survey the wondrous cross . . . . , . . . . ; . .;..... 38 When morning gilds the skies . . , . , . . , , . , . . . . v. * . . . . 39a JWhen mothers of Salem :., ... . 58a When peace like a river attendeth my way ...» 332 Whenthe day of toil is done...... \ 471 When this passing world is done. .....<....,?. ...... 43^ When the Weary seeking rest y x88 — ^ When through thjb torn sail the tempest $ti < '"^ Where high the teavenly temple 7$ While humble sbipherds watched 41. ' Who are these lilie stars appearing 3Q7 Who can de9cril:»ie the joys that rise.... 139 ^ Who hath believed- 558 ' ^ t^ho is He in yonderwtall .* «, 545 ' JWbQ.iaon the Lord's side «S9 . ^ 404 590 ^ 'I 'J|8 504 6x4 547 57 447 a53 134 i8« 43 308 3QX a8 'n.. ^ia H Mk^WWWf 'fi4^ >i> l i " ^*r^ :*•> *.j<4«»i»i'*^wr' ■hottC ' ?. ■'*•?/ .#,«»««4,#^» > k * •••«*• < t)M«Ott < . • • ^ •t: » 9 • « • • ^ ^* • * • •■ <^«f «1M iMd I «•,»•»,«•••••••• • •V!" r mniiiBM ■■ Ci>oifB|l' • • • '• ••>• •* ■ ♦ • ♦*♦ »» 'fJ9 > ^ Lo^ te tU bMaty oi boliMw«v. ; r*^;^^^ 33 !irili#«ip».i«Aferthyb0rKmgof p^^ 37> "" ' hW» o' the Xotd . , . ^ ^ . . • ... .?♦'••• ••?••• '] -^^ m^Hm ;UUM oIJ«m» beer ... .. ......,♦*,... w I isM to tetepWtloft .V. . . 4 . * . . . . . . •• ♦ r. t'-^ •*»•>* ™? «*M psifr Q»Mk hMT my vok» ao more. . . . . > .> . . • • >»5 ,«|j^nf lyayijpi, yif' tMttiMinft «aint« ;..,........ 33" DOXOLOGieS. :*^ v^.: 3 svicsuw* h& ta tike FAflMr , etc ..... ......... -'i***** ^SSBlSirfpSr tlSr^^ Ood o«nip6tent reigneth.. ; « f^STbSy* Wy, t-prd God of Horts.. ,..}.. -f»f*o 'bladt its'^till ■.....,■• , .:Y-*'-'-^J^''r*f'(*-4 II '^lairtd be tbo Lord o»ir Ood....-.i;/*-^*>v*^*" \JS J to Him who loved us. gave o» .^>..••• ^» •••*•*< 1^5 ip the iOng pf Heavea ...i...^ife»,......«»*». .!J3 ^PkS«7 ever gl^ifim. . , • - • • • ^ •• • i' • - • '• * • * * . ' • * ' * J _J|f« God tai i^jSJ'^mfi ^^ T • : ,5 Fikito the LoK^ Bta ^or4» •Bb'sr^* . . .. ^^. . , .. .. '5 J^G^;*pme^^ ^^ * l!r God the Fathor, XJodtEson' . . loved the aools of men I ■^-:: -r 4^. I .' •« ''.Wit " '- '.'-- "'-'if. It > / r Y" ' ^m • « C /' ■/,'! ■ t /■ ■s ■r* ^p T^ r>| p*fc j|^ I " •? •%:': ^ Vf «k^ ^ .;