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'*^- .-*^ CIHM Microfiche Series (IMonographs) . -/ ICMH Collection de microfiches (ntonographies) f .'■■■ \ -- Canadian Jnstituta for Historical Microropro L'l MaM «i'il sont paot^tia U ^tH ps m in t 1 41M pawsnt axlpif wia Modlffiaation I I rimM rastorad and/or lantinnad/ □JT ra itt Mrtsf at/oM psilie i ilis i diiaolatirad italnad or foM^/ 1/ Transparanca Quality of print varias/ Oualitt 4n4tala da f'imprassion □ Continuous pafinatio}!/ fagination continua □ InduiM indaK(as)/ Comprand un (das) indax Titia on haadar takan from: / La titra dd'an-tfta proviant: D D □ TitIa iHfa of issua/ Paga da titra da la liwaison ** ■ . - . ■ Caption of issua/ Titra da depart da la iivraison Masthaad/ GiniriqiM (p^iodiquas) da la Tivraison f 1 Jt Additkmal cqmmants:/ there are some creases in the middle of pages. .This copy is a photo reproduction* This ilsm is fHmad at Ilia raduetion ratio diackad bakiw/ Ca dociMiant ast filmi au tailH di rMuetion indiqui ci- ' ■ • -^ . Aii|iMMi Cnurah of Cmmmi ^ — « * « » » ■ - "\ Tho IfiMQM ■pptonnif novo ofo tno ooot iiuolllfi .\ — ---II.I- 1-« ■— — III 1 mMmatt»lmmm ——J « - _««-«««^- \ INMMINS VIM MHIW Illy hW ^w»iwii»w»f» ■■Ml IWyiQIIIIy \ of ttio original eopy and In fcaaping wMi tho \ ^_, fUmino contract ipaolfloatlona. \ ■■/■ pNia Qrand aoint conipto tonu do w condition ot do la nottoto do 1 ORomploIro flNno« ot on . — .^^^^ ^ : ., -: -^ - \ flhnago.. ..'"""* Oftglnol coplaa In pvfcitod boglnnlng iwHh tho front oovoi> ond ondtng tho laat pago with a printod or Hhiatratod olon« or tho back covor whon appropilataa other orHilnol coploa aro fHmod bOfllnnlnfl first pogo with a printod or INuatraiad Imprpo- skNi, and andbtg fljn tha laat ifaga whh a or Wustratid rmprasslon. Tho loot rooordod framo on ooch mioroflcho Shan contain tha symbol — ^> (moanlno "CON- TINUED"}, or tho iymbol ▼ (moanbig "END"), '\ Lai saa m plakaa originouic dont lo ooovorturo on popior oat Mnprf MOO aont INntoa' an oomnion^ont por w pronNor plot ot on tarndnant ooit por la damiaro paga ^u^ oomporto uno onipfointo dlmpisiiluH ou dIEustratlon, adit por lo second plot, colon lo oaa< Touo kn atitraa ORompiairaa orlgkiom aont fMnwi an ooiinnion^onc por n promMio paga ^%H comport^ uno amprainta dinipraaaion ou dHuattation ot on «amilnant>por ki damiiro paga qui oomporto uno toio Mips» ptatos. charts, ate., may bo fimod at d i fferent reduction ratkMi. Tlioeo too iergo to bo entirely Includedin one iikpooure ere Aimed begkining ki tho|Mipor toft hofid corner, loft to right and top lammtom. as many fremee ae reciulred. The IfMolvkig diegrems liiustreto tho -'motliod:: Un dee aymbelee aukMnts apparaftra sur to damiaro Inuige do cImkiuo mtorofldio. colon to ceo: to symboto -^ signifto "A iUIVIIB". to symboto ▼ signifto "FIN". Lea cartae, pianehes, taldoouji, ate., peuvent fllmie k doe tauK da rdductlon d I fM ien t s., Lorsquo to document eet trop gran4 pour Atro reproidult en un soul cNolMk li cot fNmd A pertlr do i'engto aupMeur gaudio. do gaudia A droito, ot do liaut en be|i,j|Ni pronent to nombro 'flimogee nAoessalro. Lee diagramifiip auiwanta illustrant to mdthodd. ' l:.:;.::,:-.:-:--.-.i-4^-i-^^_:l.:i-i_^ Nj^ ^ >.- / .■ ■ . , •■3. 4 5 6 »: H^ L^ ' 1. " * • I '• 1 \>^>\' h- ^ f 1 i L:.-. To tkt Mtmbtrt <^th» Chwrch ^ England who tigntd lh§ Adtireu /• ' tlu Bithop ^ Mant^t of •>! offi.. I.ko mln*. in wi tKceoJiugly dillicuU (bJ irrlnt po^tUMi, hi«)n| brtn «»ll«, in lli* •|iU>lun of wliidi •«•*>• f««W"« "J public MiM !• t«»lw.l, M Well M ioiH* jif pro.lu.»J in f .ruin nior* priv.ie rtlii-mt iif wciil h*. Ai.d th* ovwIttiM whleh hav* bc«n m»il«>i nit tni rvpf«i«it«»J •• r»riym» pr.»p«cliv» «U»»ni«(M « • »••■ Mikr, whlta ii l» eonccivcU on »h« oifior hand iliat tlv»y c«nn»rt Im declined wiiUoui •eriou* deinmeni w "^ ''iflhiT ii'.ll whicl". pr.'«Ot. iuelf in4li« ditpo*.! of the quewicn, U It nMdlr« lo My ihiCll wouU ' ha • auolion verr loan and liniplir wttled. , i r ^r the Wetleyin iJire of «-or.l.i|. in ihe Upper loivn, bein| .boHtlo become v.c.nl by »l.e innrfer of ^rte Coni»M«u«» •( ending ii, lo ■ building nmv in court, of erection, bni p«l»cd U. llw .indj. by pur* X- ^^ If nUemon whi im.poM u. convr.l U i..lo • Cli.,»l of ll.e P.r..h nod l» endow the incum- formtlion. fiom difltfranl wmrcc*. of en endownieni t«iid. ,.„,#• ..u . The«»r..n»ny frien... .ml w.ll.v»i.her. of il.o Church who, upon iho «ry .lr.l -^r- n ..f ...rht nronoul conclude U to be one rr.|k>clii« »he .ccepuncoof which In* irtpoeeiblc, for. mo(iM.Mi , to licel- S^^T.,^ u"S« .4 m^nroiher. w'ho, ,.;ne.r..,n, i lit.l. below .I* .urf.ce end di-ernin, .1... .11 i. n.rt - oerfec'w .mooth .nd to unexcepiion.bly beneen.l .» would be jinlged by U... exierior pron.«, c.mceivt, KSKrtMt^lIhlni'bo .d».nl.«e....d objection. .tUchln|to U.. propo..!. Uk. fur.,*r vtry "^"l' nrlh" q;.e..i«n of prepo.^der.ncy upon ll.l. lid. or »pon tl..., which i. ha. re.tcd wiih m. .0 d^side. However e..y of docLion iV may .ppo.r to other minJa. I can only aoy with referenco to my owrUwlin the whole hiatory of my public doVc .t all t.mc. .uflici.n.ly arduou. a. well ..«>lemn, I h.vo never had irapo.e.1 upon me • more perplexing or h.r»«t«g reipon-ibiliiy than Una. „ , MTBrethren.'^h q.*.tiona k«. l.. be approached by person, in authoruy a. .afon. Goo ; .nd, wilhoutiefewncfo fear.* favor among men, without calculatn.n of cpn.eq.a.nce. from which vanou. woriJif 6on.ider.tioM might induce them inatinctively lo M.rinli, - they mu.t. in the boat e«m,« of j. p,** famW?h^.n iIIdcm.nI, but aecklng. In..ll humility .nd ..ri^tneu .ucb di«cUon .a will bo v«uch«ifcd 10 them from .hove, consult the wlid.nd permanent goo. of the Church. 8unX,lh.n in a double .lalion to you aa your Biahon admioiatermg Ihi. Dloce*.. and by an un- deairabtoconiincU.^ of diffowifoir.ce. in the «me per«.n, from which I h.ve in v.in e..deavou,t-d to b. relict. M your Hector in the P«i.h, I feel it right both for my own Mke and for your, (.l.hough .11 the 'u^biUtl in the matter, i. only nty own) to put you in poueu.on bflhoM viAw. upon the «,vcril ,H>int. of ih. crte. which h.ve hroughl mo to the'^concl.wion tl».t, however .mgr.ci..«, U, M .( in no other light, mav he the anoearance of auch a r.>jection, I ought wt to clo.. wnii Tin. prrm. . , , , , V And firSTwTth «.pect to the purely V.«.r«/ q.ic.tion of the character iind dc«riplion of ihi. under- J{«.^ ih^.r^m^proprirhr,j Cha/J'.. I .h-.k I may ve,.tu»to«y. beyond .11 quf-fon. ..v.- torn '; no meln. free from objuciion. (i (totalled U a long lime •xUin.lvf ly ... the great CMgl..!. C.t.ea, n «4. en3«V«l. on accoint of ob^aele. exi.ting to Oie m..ltiplk.Uon of Churchca and a.pela of • m«r^hnh.™c«*r. to meet the .d».ncing w».iu of the popul.tioo, (in which, however, .1 left out ili« Cr.>No.hing, in (Wet, i. more noiorlou. than that In England, it haa been , me« ayaleoitof apecul.tioo Kpartof th'; propriitora-aa mucR «. aa in the caae o? . r.i|.ro.d. . range of .hop., or. iivery-rt.- b". A^d .Itho. Jh n the prcaenl inal.nce, no ihade of a iU.p.c.on of motive, ike theae, can po-ibly • uchwtho fi«/ioW-«/Fo;«rf"-»<>' «h' undertaking, the feature of the *y.}«-.t«;lf remain, the um«. pTfiL man. nan naat it haa bee* rapidly givins way at home 1.. the far more wh..leaome lyatcm of Oii- Set Ch"X wT^hlpi . o E^i, ^or which n^ew /acililio. h.ve l*en given by the Ugi.l..u«.. Thr,^ . ta -WW fSlMT (.IthooSh it may «H.nd invidiou. to .ay «.) in an argiiment *vhich hu been u«. Iin f,»« »f A!««ent trfoieoK^whif h reprwenia tlie propoaed Chapel aa . gift to the Church. M.ny gift, to tl<« ChS^h'l^wh^Clo? late T««i" Kngland in the ahape of Churchea or (rhapel. entirely free, or w«Wn But it lionlT in. n equivocal Mn* that. Cl».pel can be «> died which la pl.ced where the ClTii^hMilitdy . i«IBcli?c,0f .ecommod.^^^ .'nd ofwhlch the ,.v»B,«,U«p.i«y.ge.ndlh, '""•l^^rStraSSnXtnl^O r^^ w-'ch -in .0. .ffor^.n, ver, •«; Oie m.„,Ben^ni IrfreZTTS^m th.li which nothing mo« un«li.r.etory in i^lf or mo«Mnc.p.bo of enauring (h« TJffiTllSo; U to K*ci.llT conrtituled,cmild, in my judgment, be devlMd. And m wipportof aueh «'Li;J^*mltlpJX?lrd^l"'^^^ United SS.« of At^riM.^ ^1 1 ^Vith3ect tolhe tctw,! .ml for a iSflg time to come, the froipictivt wmil$ of ih« Pantk, the > on.ni« ofiif •Si.Tch.H^ilhln the wltaVthe Upper Town%vould p««li«Jly have the ch.»cler «rtri3fi^«i STmowthw of wViOf. The retori» whhih I h.ve ((Meured in deuil of v.cnl pew. ^nd SSThKhS ruTe Cr,hedr.l. Trinity Chapel and Ru Peter;. Chapel, (which laat i. not «. nmot. tioMrMkj^'nZ Upper and Lower Town .n found to .llend it,) fhet* ih.t there i. . I.i«. eiceN but IhM '^'^T ,"«,;" h of Eneland wofrtipperfc .bove wh.t . occupied, to be procured at very m«^'?Si AS?irv«W^ ."«> Au'saint^ it i.Ull known, b.Ve ZiXSZ^ of rch?r«e7«« the Uo attend them. McnUm. th. Piol«t«nt popul;|«oo of nr^^M reLivrf M maw aeriou. check. th.l it ha. been bu^ The ttwo *^'?^^rfKTt£lT«infl.gf.tion.. ami the removal of the Scat of Government a. well aa Of m^^7n^iZ!^^iX!Z^^ hav. « coonterwoA^l the "j^riilnc".- -f . 7J «d tlM .CMMiom from that portion of the Emigration which remain, in Quebec, that, m f.r m S^ilTiSlW b?Sncorf^ fiipC., *• Ch-Xof Enrf-ml pop«I.Uon (although it i. ftjlly • SlttandCStSd It th. evidence if th. cam that the Church ha. not l««her prooer ground,) ha. ^^^Sro^^AatfieU twenty y«r.. In the ten ye«a immediate y pref«ling. tli. b.pl»m. in- ™TSm eRo 2"* Within V. wall., it i. plain ^that llv> m>p»laUon «.nm^ pud> i««*f «»«. "<» if ^^^ VufciiiL^for new Chanel, within Iho Pa^^ ^''^'QZ^M^^^f^^^y'^'-*'^^ cit^or'aoother-Ugiotobody in^a «f«^««H, of .h«« M«* 5S«n Cdlooie., although it b. a body of which the .yrt.in.tacpnny.ple and the prawdiiig : . T«.k KTdted^oeitoin lew ^ ^ ^u hSdwUat oriaeiplea to away, wh*l eaglnee to wo* with i« the Church of ChnM !y^ JlS^^ «»tle»..«aedtebe dl In good l«i. ■^ % xSr.rr' ^-iiaai V ANGLICAN CHtmCH OF CANADA GSflEiiAL SYNOD, ARCHIVES; ' "; ■w*^ -is»i? "\V" , " *• "■"^w. I •M«klNM Ml & i.iyMl).l ,MMM ik.1 Um J\li»M*r «^ hope.!, will racogniw It to bo a duly and feel il to bo a jjajtouontoraapond-bul .1 can h.,dly ho calculalod .. aTTdvanup, .n con/ec.ion with aurh^J iMoapocl. Ihal .0 a ohureh-populauon wh.ch I... boon abown to b. in poaaaatibn of ampio ch..rch roo... in S?' r^liSi!^!;!""^''^ ' ^'^ Conpiaiion ri.ould bo naodlaaalV f"™*!, ••.• "..iTlenanw of^hoii M.alaady to 1^ Ailed -a jUtoof pabllc exctemifit i. likely to follow. Intoteranee and •xcluaive.i.a and party-JriT.nd ^Xii.? SS.^rjp'*'' *^'"'' .«.chmenl to narrow iniereata, perhapa a deaire to alifli the c'orpel. perhap. to ^l^^^"^' '."""^ .« the command of eyerybody-whether juatly or unjuMi, a^Ued! marten ^K.^!^•1'".'''^■?.•^'"''.'''•^ "*'"""•"'• ••■"''» "»•««• which happei. to bo on il^^de^Sf ert.bliah«^ authooty. w.ll ning theae fira-branda about if ihey come to hand, and ihe™ U never waniin. ^buai.ble m,ttor up«n whijX the, may light. If ih. Bi.hop. fearing iho effect of an "pjahrj,^^^ •nd p.M.ona thua ea«ly m in • bla>e, Uitnk. that the miacl.iefto be prwluwd by hi* iStalaneo 3l^ wora. than any objeeUonable coi^iequanee. .UM|>inb i» kl. judgment, ip the plan prejolji to l^„ (WLu £?• f.i.'^"!i'*'.' i»««tl3iriirfof Which/Wiirepaiiiea may Mtake advanlag. a. i.^ be encomaCl n. hel«fU,.t pointo which they hare at Uarl in Choreh aOkira ..» to be cwried br.giUiioo and inS, L y"'^''JI.''""'i!?'""''°''»"!!'?* '-^•' ■" " '• '^•'' •""• And woridly uclica of an klndi n^Tu^ f?!^ ^i'" '*^''P* ^\voni a concerted command of a portlonof ihe pre., ia aecurritViho ru|^ of the Church cannot aUr a «ep, in howew right a diieclion, without being watched ami Lnmentol u«.n IMiea authority i. engender*! s the art .jtor^jw •»«»/'» •'•^^•■••-Wgiio.i. .6003 TtTnoUv • Muncomforlab^ wantef eonfidem:ei. produc«l, and the mlndaofnleVTr. gfaduX bcTght lo thai eond.i.o«. in whieii(beyue ripe for ,«rfr**'"C''««''«'h«««'en.ri.e could o^h«mi«.uCd tite for novelty whch ao largely en|e»^ into the elemenU of auccoM iTone undertohini. heiJhtenK indulgence, wil^ In^prooeaaof time. "«nt aomething new agaih-oll^ ground. ofdSES S Ta th«« any peraon at all conv«nant with the doing, of the leliiioua wortd who doM nm b..._ .k-. I make iheea obaervationa, h— • -•—■•-■- -s-i . . ___^ —"-»-, ...w...^. not abaolulely without *n eye tooecunencea actmll v twain* ■»»«. .|^«r«o.«w«W<*. •/ ««. «r,«o,««Uto*.,.,«««,o^ jonty, tk. .ditorU ekur itudi hr .bovo tkoa, Md a. Ik. inf« anlarfail u(itM>r«HniiMM m l.ilivwiag up •aa)« nobc* wni«(i •»atak«nofiiM*uli)«ci. ihough anrry ia>l««|uiMnl. I I ,mlf odarrva ihal (van iha rami ami r««l>la appraach wlitah w* tn abia la maiia la aatM aaamlj^i arani aixl oniarly |Kaclicaa, »»h«»h«r U iha ml«fiu» arranflriMnla oC ilia Chursh tiaalf of Iha mannar of Ul* •liailacli'Hia 1 aortaia oaafoa la Um CalhoJnl I hurah, a(alaa« whUh parftapa aa ai Ui fall, an a* to traar a chiniial (m Ihaaairaaaaaf aMcontanl. Ii would can* ma mwli luu far h> aniaf hr«uniiMM o^ rlai-ai(na,— avvn Ilia t«ry randliaiu ka u|Min Ilia ('uniniuniAn-'l'al>|«, (in laka ona a|M-cifia Inaunea,) which formfd part of a mavniftcaiit i>ru Jiii of Church-I lata (lo whfch Ihajr ara aloaya an appandaga in ChLrelioa of • earia;ii da**,) mada lomir Cailicdral, Uigrlbar with ooaUjr Church Kurniluro •n, ara ill-omaiurd novclilaa (rom wlilch il la now found out thai wa ought lo gH amajf, and Iha liand of iha Uiahon mt) .1 opan ihij i(w>f that wo may do lo. ftljr braihrea, I am v»all awaru lhal ihaaa pfajudii^, wharavar aniThowavaVihajr may origlnala, may ba raM«Hn^ rndcavourod to aliaw, tho wanla and the cirrufnttanref oTm Pariah do not Jiiatify tlie eatablidinWm ot the propoaed Cliapel, the propooal ought, of courie, to fall to \m ground. But aupptkoing that IM caae wuie otIiiN wiae, o givat atrvaa la laid in aoine qiiahera upon lh« aiaunption lhal th« Clergyman who ia to acrvo It mual be aUBJecTioilie *PP«oVAt or TH» Blilior. ; ^ It la projMr to explain how Ihia mailer rtanda. ■'. / • , If il la auppoacd that the formal allowanco of the Hiahop iinptiea the approbalioo. in |)ia hid(ment, of the individual aeleelion, ao that no pcraon would be ongagnd but aiich • perton aaM iVould ohooae or rouommend, himeelf, ihia ia • auppoaitiun aniirely didering from the fact. Tha Biahop doea not and can- not claim i/ny auoh power iVliatever (except In caica wliera the appointment la in hia own handa.) No clergyman can offlclato in tho Dioreao without hit /trtnrf under the Epiacopal leal— but tbia aihnunta to very littl# moro tlikp a fitting nnd necraaary lecurity agninat the employment of improper Miniatert in the Church, the rejeciion of whom would real upon the ground of nhyaical of moral unfilneaa or palpable unaoundncoa of opiiiion. Jn (uch • *?'"> <>'' liixrly aa ia Compa)ible with the eaaeiitiata,of tli« Pailh, and Iha grand featurea of her pjtlity and worahip, na aet forth in Iter forhiulariea, and in condeacenaion tq that iaGrmily of our nature which protlucea oo much variety in our viewa of thinga, the Church leavea, U|)on aome pointa, a certain latitude of opinion lo her Miniatera, and there are men whnae coniciencea permit them to /o*» rather more, Thiia there tnpartiti, unavoidably, within the bosom of the Church herarif, profeoainf alike lo adtiere lo her atandarda, and aomeiimea but too hotly contending for tlieir reapectivo poculiaritie«< And there ara tilrimt parliea, and within thoae extreme partiea', individuala who are, if thO expreaaion can bo uaed, ixtrtwur alill. There are men on one aide, (although ive ore in no danger if aeeing any of them here,) who would even he for bowing to the altar and lighting wax Upera, 'aa a matter of devo- tion, in the day-time ; and theni are men en the.^pihcr, whoa« heart* are far more with ihoae who hava aeparated from tho Chureh and by that arparation condemned her, than with tho Church beraelf. Id whom, under her divino Maolfr, the allegianro of thoae hearta ia due : men who«6 endeavoura ara bent to break down the feneea'of iiiilhoriiy and order, and la ai«imilate the Church, by alralned ai)d unwarrantable ex- potlienla, to certain anequivocal oharacterialica of diiseat. Itia, (and it would be very eaay^miliafly to illuatrale the fact,) a viery poa»lbl« caoe that a Bishop, acting under those limiuliona which ai9wiaely and properly imposed upon hia powen, eould not be juatified in refuaing a licence to a clergyman whoae ape- cial merit, nevertheleia,in tha eyea of the patron or patrona by whom he ia preaenled, would be hia knnwn oppoaition to the viawaof the Biahop, andhia determination to go to the extremeat verge in the manifea- lation of diaaenting predileetiona which ia possible for him while ritmaining in the Communion of tha Church at all : and who might even ha«^ been aingled out expreaaly aa a fitting inatmment to counter- work and to diaturb, within the aphere of hia Jnfluence, not intended to be confined perbapa lo Ita, regular bounda, the train of affair* in the Dioceae whera bia lot might be caat, W|iieh had been encouraged by iu governing autboritie* and carried on by ita Cleigy. , Ip the exercite of the Epiaeonal diaeration, there ia a wide and mnrki^ diflcrenee between the oasa of lieenatng a clergyman preaented by a Patron to a preferment in the ChuKh, alraady existing, and that of becomihg a party to the Cramingc^ anew proviaion for public worahip. Inthia Diocew the number of Clergy haa been, in about a dozen yeifs, nearly trebled- under ito pnaent adminialrationt and itia peHectly well known that tlie principle hiivbeen ioUowed of ateering •GuttacavatiaiiUam,a«aviaedaa|ia(adanda. thaae remarks will apply to maayotkaraointt. "• t Thia, areoaiae, ianat maaat lo convajr an objection agvnat tha adoption, in our owa Churcnea, of a slila of arthitacWrr, which in itaalf is bsaatiflil and in them psrfcetfy ammpriate. 1^ ado|rtioa of Gothic arehiteftoi* ao mora cMMda oa withRomaaimtkaatkaadsiiliaaaf a Gtaciaa oidK, caoaacta aawitk the worship canisd an ip tha ttmpts* of hsatkaa Oiaac*. ^' :, N., ■,. ■•1 • 4 ) \ •■■ I<] f i' I.. I- ]■ i ■ !■-• I • I tUN«•>•• af aftiilM —■•iirmil. M •iHMM fi««>«, «• HUtr mlt, k««« kM* «««alM«a««d. TIm ftiitk t( QmW* i •a •••m|>ia «f«*i — I . Whcl omirM «rla« waa (Mapaiwi It lA* *MM« Um »Mwa ot aa ulmu farly M nrhaai Ihay awiU (hamwliraa Im aaraaailir ap|watil I f. CK mku aamplaiiaa, wiik laiaiaaca In liaraMay aaal tubanliiaiia* willna lh« Charal) »mt UlS pMHfvatto* af Lhvrah-|Mia«iplaa aa law, in earia^a laauaeaa. In thaavaalof aif ilaatinin|| ikaaa uvariurta, fafniah, la mif vWw af Ika Mtli)tal, •o ariumanl in favor of aoflapiini ikam . Hiich a r*|it|r a jiMliAriiiun itt ilia cowm whiak I ha«a fall conalcainaj la laka, inatniiKli aa it wutilJ u f»T ut lAtH «a«/aar«< UumlJ t4 co»rtT»tJ, (haw what !• iha aa|wMal I* tapouwd. I'm iC any |wi%wi* euuM wiihilraw ihamaalvaa frum Iha A|MaM<>lic Ohuruh of Kn(|>n ourmupla in Ilia /Ib/y /ai'Muf Iha f}o4|ial, U> win iinncra lo t< laiiipluoua jud|manl uf olhar raligioua hodiaa who, from Iha furca of circuanalancca, hava not nialhail ika aama mlnlMry, of raminding tha manibara of tha Church of Kn^anJ, whal. In the ju-'gmani ef Iha Cliurrh hanalf and hat graal divinea, (laklag an eiampla from iho moat illualriuua of liar ohampiona,) tlie Minialry of Iha Church of England ia anil ihU I ahall real hara upon four limpla reforrnera. 1. Thai in iha dodrinnl urticUi of Iha Church of Eni(land where tha Clrrgy ara apoken of aa a body indiemltd in Ikt Word of God, thay ara ipoken of, aa Buhapi, Prittli and lk)tcon$. (Art. 3'i.) 2. That tha Prafaca Ui tha Ordinal of our Prayer-book, a|)ena with ihaaa worda I II ia avidant lo all man diligently reading holf/ Hripluni and ancient author*, thai from M« Jlfotlhi' limt ihare have bran fAara Oritir* of MIniatan in Chriata' Ctlurch, Biahopa, ^Vieiti and Ucaeona | and in Ibo Ordinal llaelf, il la aaid, In aolamn prayar IgflMbl'*** "' ^** h ^" ^*^ Spirit mfpoinltd diurt Otd*r$ of Minlaiaia In Iha Church. ^P^ 3. That, tee«rilinglf|nv'<0)^ aelUail |>rlneipla anil pnclica of Iha different branchaa of our Chnrch, lir Englan^^ and har Coloniea, in 8eoiland or ' In foreign Amariea, Ibe admiation wiihin their pale, of any ' minlairallpaa but Ihoae of a Clergyman ordained by t^iahop deriving hit auihoriiv in • conlinuoua lin« from Ibe ^gligAil fountain bead, ia under no eircumatancea and upon no prcicnca allowed. 4. That iheekallenge addrraedio lliedcfenderaof a non-epiacopal Comiiiuniun, by the great Hooker, ; wbbaa work on Eeolealaaticat Polity kaa been called by a dialinguialied Scholar of the laal renlury, llw •verlaating poaaeaaion and the imprtgnakle bulwark of all that lhia>, nation holda moat dear, can never be •nawarad : — Wt rt^uin yo«, he aaya, to tU» M an* CAufeA on tktfact of (At wAolt larM lAal uai ordtrid i« your diiciplint or not oriutd 6]f ourt, Mai ii |e aay, ig llfi$eopal ngiwuni, tint* lA§ lim» tAal conleat, nor my conical that I /om. I pan from lt,>^ where I am raallv known I think it will ba h«|ieved and perhapa no where elae,— 4n no atate of ill-liBeling whatever, towarda penona with whom my dilbrenee of opinion haa been made hare to appear. I would not put forward thia addreoH at the prMant holy and tolemn leaaon did I nol hope thai It may tend upon the whole rather to allay than I9 aufmant wibaievar diaturbance of public feeling may have been eselicd by the aubjeet lo whim it retSari. I am, my dear Brethren, Your afleotionaU lemnt in til* Oaapeir O, J. MONTREAL. .:- ThundaybefoivEuler, 1849. P. 8.— Tha Chunh of England population of Quebeo by the lateal cnnaua in my poaaeaaion, a liiila aseaeda 4*000 aoula. Tha aittinfi in tha Calhadral and diflerent Chapela are about 3,900 ; and in plaeaa where aenriea ia affocded twioa on tha Sunday, being four out of the whole, nearly 8,000. The number of BOMiiiailtingp in the Cathedral, Trinity Chapel and St Paler'a, (exoiuaiva of fnt iiuinga in tha 6rat and laat named,) ia 389. Tha lenta of the unlet pawn in the Cathedral vary from ^ ISa. to iBl fa. 6d. Il la unnecaaaary to fioint out that nothing at all approaching to tha whole popidatlob can ba at ■Chun^h at ona and tha aama ti me, and that thaie ia al waya a large portion who ara not yet of an age to ' attend public wonhip. Thara ara (ajcdwive of Iha Military aarvicea) four full aervieea in the Fkriih every Sunday morning— two avary aftarnoon— and four (aa aoon aa St Matthew'a Chapel ia completed) in the evening. Them am cirenmataneaa of a very peculiar nature pieaentinc an obetruction to tlie conaeeraiion of Trinil; Chapai. It will ba tiaa eao^ili to provide for tha eaaa of Toeing the benefit of thia Chapel, wbaa thm ahall ba Uf appaanaaa (of which than ia at pntant acne) af tha oceumaoaof aucbleaa. t 1 V" w> Wi* \ kf ^ <• . , i. < J ■ : - 1 ' * T:^:- »• ■ ■■ - •■ ■ W,: ■ 'V . < 1 ■ •■■ ■ '- .W'' ;. ■ ^.- ■.; \- ' S; v.. ^ * 1 %. ■ . ' -^ - ■ \ • ■ ■ ■ J 1 ,' ■ . ^ - ■' ■ . ■■-; . .; ' ' ■■- - .. *t. ■ ■.-V;^ ■ ■■ .'.' \.--'' ■ •• ■■ '''S ■ . ' . ' . ■ ■■ -. ■'.• _ r , .'■■•■ ■: ' '■■ * - '-'^ ■ . ^ ■ 1 • ' ^ ' ■ ■ ■ ■ •- ■ ; . I ; ''. : ■■ ■ ■<' ■=as«fe2rf:^j»t:^-*j^aier:S)tSf -flt^ s^ ;.«• >■ .^^ •* .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ * ti • '^^^'® ^-"- "