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At 1 Clothi of che Alv Cassir &c., fi Gen the lal . ■iMMbUlt..U^JU^KMM0M»^ II BRENT'S, PMTECHNETHECA No. 161, JOHNS Str., without, (CORNER OF SAINT EUSTACHE STREET.) f At the above establishment can be had ready made Clothing at very low prices. (Quality being the test of cheapness. ) Always on hand a good assortment of Black Cloths, Cassimeres, Fancy Doeskins, Tweeds, Vestings, &c., &c.. from which orders will be executed with despatch. Gentlemen's, own material made up according to the latest fashions. Patronage respectfully solicited. Jt'-l ■ -? •As'?^ t- fl* -iW II illi A. QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Compiled in June and JuUjy 1854. CONTAINING A CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PERSONS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY ; WITH GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS, NEW MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, Ac, * » ROUTES, DISTANCES, AND RATES OF TRAVEL, POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS, NEW FREIGHT TARIFF OF QUEBEC AND MONTREAL STEAMERS, CULLERS FEES, (NEW TARIFF,) A COPIOUS ARRANGEMENT OF THE CANA- DIAN TARIFF, AND A VARIETY OF OTHER MATTER CALCULATED TO FACILITATE THE TRANSACTION OP BUSINESS, NOT TO BE FOUND IN ANY FORM SO CONVENIENT FOR PUBLIC USE. BY s. McLaughlin. QUEBEC: PRINTED BY BUREAU & MARCO TTE, 29, BUADE STREET, UPPER TOWN. Jf^rice to SubscriberSf 2s, 6d, Non-subscribers, 3s* ENTERED according to Act of the Provincial Legisla- tuie, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, by S. McLaughlin, in the Office of the Registrar of the Province of Canada. 'XS^OBBIf" PREFACE. The Public is now in possession of the first Exclusi- vely Business Directory yet offered for its Patronage, and the author ventures to hope, that though there may be minor errors therein, it will be found of a really useful character. No small pains have been taken in collecting and arranging the matter contained in the present volume, and the author feels satisfied that the large amount of information it embodies, not hitherto found in any work of the same nature, will be valued at its real worth. Various unexpected hinderances, and the extension of the work much beyond the original design, may be a satisfactory excuse for its appearance somewhat later than was promised ; nevertheless the undersigned believes that subscribers will be satisfied that they have value received for the delay. The author takes the opportunity to thank his nu- merous supporters for the liberal encouragement he has received (far exceeding his most sanguine expectations) and would intimate his intention of issuing early next spring a General Directory of the City, accompa- nied by a well executed map of suitable size, now in course of preparation. Very Respectfully, s. McLaughlin. NOTICE. The names of subscribers to this work appear in small capitals alphabeticivlly arranged at the head of the particular business with which they are connected. All advertisements imnitdiately follow the business to which they belong. The letters following the names of streets have reference to locality, viz : u, /. signifies Upper Town, /. /. Lower Town, s. j. St. John Suburb, s. I. St. Lewis Suburb, and s, r., St. Rochs Subuibs. ERRATA & ADDENDA. Merchant Tailors. At page 146, read H. Knight, not A. Knight. Painter omitted. George Morg,an, Sign and Ornamental Painter, St. George st., s. j. Hair Dresser omitted. J. H. C. Blanc, Tonsorial Artist, 13^, St. John st., s.j. Coal Merchants omitted. Charles Poston, corner of Arthur st., and J. B. F. Lane, /. t. Gait & Crawford, St. James st., /. t. Teacher op Music omitted. Mr. Dickenson St. John st., opposite Ursule st., w. t. County Registrar omitted. C. N. Montizambert, office, Court house. Water Works. — Engineer, Wm. George Baldwin, — Assistant Engineer, H. O'Donnall, — Engineer and Manager at Work Shop, John Lee. A number of Societies, &;c., are crowded out from want of space, although the work has extended more than 50 per cent beyond the original design. A new Carters' Tariff increasing the old one, one fourth, now three months before the Corporation, has not yet been passed. INDEX. Academies and Schools, Accountants & Collectors, ... Advocates, x\SSC ooOioy ••• ••• !•« ••• •• Assurance Companies. ... Architects & Civil Engineers, Auctioneers, Com. Merchants & Brokers,... XJci IV"l9y «tt ••• ••• • • • ••# Banks and Bank Agencies ... J / cl via t?! ••• ••• ••• ••• ••§ Bateau Men, Bell Hanger, Biscuit Bakers, Berlin Wool Stores, Billiard Kooms & Bowling Alley, Block, Mast ■*■: Quebec Board of Trade, 71 Quebec Exchange, Managing Committee, General Observations Chiefly from Exchange Books ; timber trade, arrivals, numbers of Foreigns Vessels, Vessels for L(Ht^er Provinces, Ship Building, Sec, ... Quebec Gas Company Quebec Turnpike trust. Rail Road Offices, Railway Companies Registry Office, servan ts, Restauronts, Remittance Agent: Riggers, Routes, Distances, and Rates of Passage, Saddlers & Harness Makers, Sail Makers, ... Sculptors, Ships Built at Quebec, in 1854. . . . Shipping Master, Ship Smiths, Silver Smiths, Smiths & Machinists, ... Smiths & Farriers, Stay Maker, Steam Boat Agents, Steam Mills Shirt Maker, Soap & Candle Manufacturers, Taxes &c., every description of imposed and regu- lated by the Corporation 15 to 25 Taxes payable at Revenue Inspectors Office 25 to 26 Teachers of Music, 164 Tin Smiths, Copper Smiths Sc Plumbers, 164 to 165 Tobacco & Segar Dealers 166 Trinity House, Officers of &c 54 Trinity House, Branch Pilots 54 to 61 Trinity House, Rates of Pilotage vVc. 61 to 63 Turners & Carvers, 166 XJmbreUfi Sc Parasol Repairers, 166 Veterinary Surgeons, 166 68 to 69 180 71 158 and 178 178 io 179 158 158 159 158 to 159 76 to 80 159 to 160 160 161 70 to 91 161 161 to 162 162 162 . 162 to 163 163 163 163 to 164 164 164 ■■■ r-'T"'^"' ifiiiT 1 1 Vll. Judiciary. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. The Honorable Louis Hyp. liaFontaine, Chief Justice. Jean Roch Rolland, Puisn6 Judge. Philippe Panet, do. Thomas Cashing Aylwin, do. « IN APPEAL AND ERROR. Quebec — 7th to 18th January, and 1st to 12th July. Montreal— 1st to 12th March, and 1st to 12th October. CRIMINAL JURISDICTION. TERMS. Quebec — 20th January and l-l-th July. Montreal — 14th March and l^th October. Three-Rivers — 2nd February and 11th September. Sherbrooke (District of St. Francis) — 12th February and 1st September. Kamouraska — 5(h April and f)th November. Aylmer — 10 June and 10 December. Terms to continue until the business is closed. Extraordinary Terms may be held by proclamation. Gasp6 — The Circuit Judges exercise criminal Juris- diction, in term. SUPERIOR COURT. Jurisdiciion in suits over JS50 Currency, QUEBKC. The Honorable Edward Bowen, Chief Justice. John F. Duval, Puisn6 Judge, William C. Meredith, do. R6n6 Ed. Caron, do. MONTREAL. The Honorable Charles D. Day, Puisne Judge. James Smith, do. George Vanfelson, do. C. Moudelet, do. it Vlll. , i i.i; Hi i THREE RIVERS. The Honorable Dominique Mondelet, Puisn6 Judge. ST. FRANCIS. The Honorable Edward Short, Puisn6 Judge. TERMS. Quebec — 1st to 5th of February, March, April, May, September, October and December, and from 20th to 25th of June and November. Montreal— I7th to 27th of February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November and December. Three Rivers— 12th to 25th February, 1st to June and November. Sherbrooke (District of St. Francis) —20th to 3 1st Ja- nuary and 16th to 21st July. Kamouraska — 26th March to 4th April, and 26th Oc- tober to 4th November. Aylmer — 1st Februarv and 1st July. Perc6 (District of Gasp6)— 2l3t to 30th August. New Carlisle (District of Gaspe)— 4th to t3th Sept. The sittings at Perc6 aud New Carlisle iorm only one Term. The Act 14 and 15 Vic, cap. 19, empowers the Go- vernor in Council to authorize the holding of a second Term of the Superior Court, annually, in the District of Gasp6. VICE ADMIRALTY COURT. JUDGE. The Honorable Henry Black. Registrar, Chs. Drolet. | Marshal, J. B. Parkin. i! CIRCUIT COURT. JUDGES : H. Guy, Wm. Power, J. S. McCord, J. C. Bnmeau, J. A. Taschereau, W. K. McCord, J. G. Thompson, J. T. Deblois, David Roy, Esquires. I IX. Ige. May, 11 20th April, ;r and ti June 1st Ja- ;th Oc- DlSTUlCT OF QUEBKC. Quebec — From 20th to 25th of January, February, Marcli, April, May, June, September, October, November and December. St. Thomas — 13th to 22nd February June and October. ]5eauce (held at Ste. Marie)— 1st to 10th March, July and November. Leeds— 16th to 25th February, 19th to 28th June, and 20th to 29th October. Lotbini^re— 13th to 22nd March, July and November. Portneuf (held at Cap Sante) 7th to 16th January, May and September. Saguenay (held at Les Eboulements) — 1st to 16tli March, July and October. Chicoutimi — January, 3rd and first six juridical days of February, May, June, September and No- vember. Tadoussac— I9th to 28th June and 12th to 21st October. ept. I only le Go- second )istrict irkin. J.C. J. G. ^res. DiSTCICT OF GaSPE. Perc6— 1st to 10th March and November. Easin — 15th to 24th March and November. Grand River — 1st to 10th April and December. Magdelen Islands, (held at Amherst Harbour)— 1st to 10th July. New Carlisle— 15th to 24th May and December. Carleton — 15th to 24th January and July. Ristigouche, (held at the Mission) — 27th Jan. to 5t}i Feby., and 27th July to 5th Aug. Fox-River— 1st to 10th August. District of Kamoukaska. Kamouraska — (held at St. Louis) 1st to lOtli Feb. June and October. Rimouski, (held at St. Germain) — 19th to 28th Jan. May and September. Isle-Verte.— ist to lOth March, July and December. II ! X. District of Montreal. Montreal — From 10th to 15th of Febriiary, March, April, May, June, September, October, November and December. Berthier — 21st to 30th Jan., May and September. L'Assomption, (held at St. Pierre) — 1st to 10th of March, July and November. Terrebonne, (held at St. Louis) — 12th to 21st March, July and November. Two Mountains, (held at St. Benoit)— 7th to 16th Jan., May and September. Vaudreuil, (held at St. Michel)— 1st to 16th March, July and November. Beauharnois, (held at St. Martine,)— 12th to 21st March, July and November. St. John — 10th to 19th Feb., June and October. Missisquoi, (held at Nelsonville)— 21st to 30th Feb., June and October. St. Hyacinthe — 10th to 19th Feb., June and October. Richelieu, (held at St. Ours) — 21st to 30th February. June and October, District of Ottawa. Ottawa, (held at Aylmer) — 20th to 29th January, May and September. District of Three Rivers. Three Rivers Circuit — At Three Rivers, on the last six juridical days of March, May, June, Sept., Nov., and December. Yanaaska — 7th of January, July and Octobsr. Arthabaska — 15th of January, July and October. District of St. Francis. Sherbrooke — The last six juridical days of February, March, June, September and October ; and the first six juridical days of December. Richmond — 10th to 19th January, May and September. Stanstead— 10th to 20th March, 1st to 10th July, and 15th to 24th November. Judicial Officers. Quebec — Prothonotaries and Clerks of Circuit Courts, . .,,ummm*t»'*iim^ ;'^» 21st March, to 16th Jan., XI. Edward Burroughs and Louis Fiset ; Clerks of the Crown, Green & Doucet ; Sheriff, W. S. Sewell ; Coroner, J. A. Panet ; High Constable, Wm. Downcs ; Gaoler, J. Maclaren. Montreal — Prothonotaries and Clerks of Circuit Courts, S. W. Monk, W. C. H. Coffin and L. J. A. Papi- neau ; Clerk of the Crown, A. M. Delisle ; Sheriff, John Boston ; Coroners, Joseph Jones, and Charles Coursol ; High Constable, Benjamin Delisle ; Gaoler, Thomas McGinn. Three-Rivers. — Prothonotary and Clerk of Crown, E. Barnard ; Sheriff, J. G, Ogden ; Coroner, V. Guillet ; High Constable, Philip Burns. St. Francis — Prothonotary and Clerk of Crown, Bell & Short ; Sheriff, G. F. Bowen ; Coroner, C. A. G. de Tonnancour, Kamouraska — Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown, Phil. Chalou and Chs. D6ry ; Sherifi', Ovide Martineau ; Coroners, Gauvreau fc T^tu. Gaspe — Prothonotary and Clerk of Crown, J. Wilkie and G. F. Tremblay ; Sheriff, Martin Sheppard. Aylmer — Prothy. and Clerk of Crown, A. La Fon- taine ; Sheriff, L. M. Coutlee. General or Quarter Sessions of the peace. Quebec. — 8th January, 4 Tax' on Ilawkvn^, Ss'c. Hawkers or pedler.s pay a yearly tux of. . . jCa Ta.v on exhibitions of anlmah, ^c. For exhibiting caravans of animals or menageries £^k Ta,v on (whihidon on slack rope, ^'c, Persons giving cxhiljitions on the slack or tight rojic, gymnastics or other games a tax of X*5 Tax on Theatres. Proprietors, occupiers or lessees of theatres pay over and above the assessment on the yearly value of such buildings a tax of £5, and for each peribrmance by day or by night a tax of £1 5 Tax on Circuses, ^c. Persons desiring to open a circus in this City, shall previously obtain permission from the Mayor, and a license or permission costing £10 And an additional payment for each per- formance of. 2 10 To survey grounJy drainage, b^c. Persons desiring to obtain the aligment of their pro- perty by the Road Surveyor shall previously pay to the City Treasurer the sum of 7s. 6. Persons obtaining permission to open a drain in use pay to the City Treasurer the sum of 5s Persons obtaining permission to empty privies pay to the City Treasurer, 5s. 20 QUF.nrX BUSINESS DIRECTORT. Persons desiring to open a public drain fur the pur- pose oi' introducing u private one pay to the City- Treasurer, 15s. Carters' license. Carters pay for this hcense, 10s. on each licrse. Also for the registration of their name, 5s. Porters^ license. Porters pay for their license, 2s. 6d. Hucksters'' license. Hucksters pay for their license, £5. Fish m ongers'' license. Fishmongers pay for their license, j£2 10. Butchers'' license. Butchers pay for their license, £\. License for selling gunpowder. Shops-keepers retailing gunpowder pay for their li- cense, £2 10. Cake sellers license. Cake sellers on the markets pay for their license £2 10 Do. in streets do 12 6 Other taxes. Country people selling 0}i St. Paul's Market pay for every day, l^d. Do do do lime pay for each load, 2d. Hucksters having no license pay for every day, Is. 3d. Fishmongers do do 4d. Biscuit sellers do do 3d. Country people selling on the Lower Town Market pay every day, 3d. Do do Upper Town Market, jiay every day, 3d. Market Weighing Houses. For articles not exceeding 4 cwt. pay to the Market, Clerk, Id. -^ QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ''I the piir- he City se. their li- S2 10 12 6 it pay for lime pay xy, Is. 3d. 4d. 3d. I Market I Market, ; Market, 1 For arti':lcs not exceeding \ cwt. pay to do. 2d. Do do 1 cwt. do. '3d. Do do 2 cwt. do. id. For each article above 2 cwt. 4d. And a i'lirther sum for every additional cwt. or part of a cwt. of, Id. For each load of hay or straw, Gd. For weighing and stamping any veliicle, Od. For meiisuring every pint, quart, buttle, gallon and bushel, Id. For every lineal measure not exceeding 10 yds. Id. And for eacb additional 10 yds. Id. 'J'dx on vessels li/intj at Palace IVIiarf. For vessels of less than 30 tons burthen a whar- fage for the lirst day or part of a day, Is. (id. Do do 30 do. to 100 tons, 2s. Gd. Do do 100 do. and upwards, os. And half the above rates Ibr each succeedins>' dav or juirt of a day. Tax un landi/h/ deals, boards, shi/ir/lcs, ^'c, on Palace Wharf. For every 100 boards, 2d. For every 100 deals 1.^ inch thick, 3d Do do 2 do, 4d. Do do 3 do. ()d. For every cord of fire wood, 2d. Other bulk commodities not included in the above rates for every ton of 20 lumdred weight or 40 feet cubic measure, Gd. For every 1000 shingles. Id. For each live or dead animal, 2d. (N. B ILilf the amount of above taxes are paid for following days after the lirst day.) Tax- for occupijhuj iJic Palac: Harbour, For every cage or crib!) of hre wood, Is. For every stick of square timber, 2d. For every flout, Id. For every hundred slabs, (^d. QUEBEC BLShNESS DIRECTORY. For every huiidred bunclles of hay or straw, 6d. For every hundred bundles of bark, Gd. For every thousand bricks, 6d. For every toise of stone, 6d. For every cart load of scantlings. Id. For every hundred boards, 2d. For every hundred deals, one inch and a half thick, 3d. For every hundred deals, two inches thick 4d. For every hundred deals, three inches thick, Gd. For every cord of fire wood, 2d. and for other bulky commodities brought or landed in the said I'alace Har- bour, not included in the aljove rates, six pence for every ton of twenty hundred weight, or forty feet, cubic measure, &c. For every thousand shingles. Id. currency, for every day or part of a day. Officers, non-commissioned officers, soldier, sailors and civilians in the Queen's military and naval services are excepted from the above taxes. Summer ^ Winter Tariffs of Point Levy Ferry Boats. Summer Tariff. That in the absence of any specific agreement for the crossing of passengers, «fec.,the following rates shall be charged, and no more, viz : — For each person crossing, 2d. Children under twelve years of age, half price. For each Horse, &c. 6d. For each empty Cart or other Vehicle with two wheels, without a Horse, 4'd. And if the same be loaded, 8d. For each Horse and Cart, or Calash, or other Vehicle with two wheels, with the driver, lOd. And if the same be loaded. Is. 3d. For each Horse and Carriage or Vehicle, with four wheels, with the driver. Is. For each Carriage or other Vehicle on four wheels, drawn by two Horses, w^ith the driver, but exclusive of passenger, 2s. For each Cow, &c. 4d. iw, Gd. QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 23 and a half 3k 4d. lick, Gd. other bulky Palace Ilar- X pence for r forty feet, 3y, for every Idler, sailors aval services \'rry Boats. :reement for ig rates shall price. b with two ther Vehicle I, with four four wheels, lexclusive of For each Vi^, Calf, or Goat, 2d. 'a' For each Sheep or Lamb l.^d. l^d. For each hundred weight of Goods, For each load of llay or Straw, lOd. For each bushel of SaU, Vegetables, Roots, Oats, Wheat, or other Grain, l^d. For each puncheon of E-uin or other I^iquor, Is. 3d. For each Hogshead of do. 9d. And smaller Casks or Barrels of do. in proportion. For each IJarrel of Flour, or any thing else, of tlio size of a flour barrel not specified, 2d. For each Barrel of Pot or Pearl Ashes, lOd. For each I^arrel of Fish, 3d. For each Barrel of Beef or Pork, 4d. For 1000 Shingles, 2d. For each double Iron Stove, Gd. For each sinole do 3d. For each Box, Bench or Tray, of the kind generally used by the Hucksters, on the Markets — say three feet long by two and a half feet broad— and not containing above one hundred weight, 2d. And for all other effects, goods, not here enumerated, in proportion to the above rates. Every Traveller to be allowed his Portmanteau, and every passenger to be also allowed a small Packet, Box,- or Basket, not exceeding thirty pounds in weight, /m\ I Winter Tariff. That in the absence, of any specific agreement, the following rates shall be charged, and no more, viz : — At and during the usual time of crossing, at high or low water, (Petal de la maree.) For each person crossing, 6d. Children under twelve years of age, half price. For every Horse, &c. 7s. 6d. For every Cariole and Harness, Is. 6d. For every Cow, &;c. 4s. For each Pig, Calf, or Goat — if alive, Is. For each Pig, Calf, or Goat — if dead, 6d. For each Sheep or Lamb — if alive, 4d. For each Sheep or Lamb — if dead, 2d. 1 i 1 1 ^ II hi 1 . I 1 il 24 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ill For every liundrcd weight of Goods, (kl. For each bushel of Salt, Vegetables, Koots, Oats, Wlicat, or other grain, 2d. For every ]nincheon of Rum, or other Liquor, 5s. For each Hogshead of do do 2s. 6d. And smaller Casks or Barrels of do. in proportion. For every XBarrel of Flour, or any thing else, of the size and dimensions of a Flour Barrel, Cd. For every Barrel of Pot or Pearl Ashes, 2s. For every Barrel of Fish, Beef or Pork, 9d. For every double Iron Stove, x?s. For every single do. Is. And for all other Effects, Goods, and Articles, not here enumerated, in proportion to the above rates. And, (it other times of the tide, or for cxtra-trij),s. cxpreas canoes, as may be agreed upon. H'ater rates payaljle by Proprietors and Tenants, when water is supplied. Proprietors or Tenants of houses pay Is. 3d. in the pound on the assessed value. Proprietors or Tenants of shops, hangars, workshoj^s. offices, tVc. pay 7^d. in the pound on the assessed value. N. B. When a Tenant occupies a house, hangar, c^c, for a less space than P2 months there is no water tax charged him. But the same is charged to the proprietor of the same. Tax upon bataiix, ^'c. — entering the Ciil-de-Sac, ^c. Steam ferry boats, or other steam boats, (the Pro- prietors of which have not obtained a license or per- mission) comming to the landing place of the Lower Town IMarket, tVc. pay for each time they come to the said landing place, 10s. For every steamboat, bataux, ship, j S'uth Shore. — Point L6vy. Made up Daily, Sun- \ days excepted, at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. Due at ii Quebec Daily, Sundays excepted, at 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. Becancour, Gentilly, Lotbinitire, New Liverpool, Point Platon, St. Antoine de Tilly, Ste. Croix, St. Jean des Chaillons, St. Nicholas, St. Pierre les Becquets. Made up Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 P. M. by Steamer, and 8-30 A. M. by land. Due at Quebec Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 A. M. by Steamer, and 3 P. M. by land. Point Platon. — Made up Daily, Sundays excepted, at 4 P. M. by Steamer. Due at Quebec Daily, Mon- days excepted, at 8 A. M. by Steamer. Beauce, County of Dorchester, — Cranbourne, East Frampton, Frampton, Sts. Marie la Beauce, St. Anselme, Ste Claire, St. Henry, St. Henedine, St. Isidore, Ste. Marguerite. Made up Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at Midday. Due at Quebec Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 A. M. Branch Route from Ste. Mary's twice a-week to St. Joseph, St. Francois, St. George, Jersey and Tring, and once a week to Lambton, Broughton and the Kennebec Road. Valcartier. — Bourg Louis, Lorette, Ste. Catherine, St. Raymond, Valcartier. Made up every Tuesday and Saturday at 10 A. M. Due at Quebec every Monday and Friday at 2 P. M. A Mail for St. Bazile, Bourg Louis, St. Raymond is also made up every Tuesday " via Portneuf," at 4 P. M. 6 'm QUF.BEC BUSINESS DIIIECTORY. I ' I • J 'land of Orleans. — Ste. Fumillc, St. Francois, St. Jean, St. Laurent, St. J*ierre. Made up every Thiirsday at 1 1*. M. Due ut (Quebec every Saturday at S A. M. '■j.cncer Cove. — Spencer Cove. Made up Daily, Sun- days excepted, at 9 A. M. and 3 V. M. Due at Quebec Dailv, Sundays exce])ted, at A. M. and 3 P. M. Jictters for :— Wolf's Cove, Burnet's Cove, St. Micliael's Cove, Sillery Cove, New London Cove, Bridge Water Cove, Victoria Cove, are mailed on Spencer Cove Oi ; ICE Hours— 8 A. M. to 7 P. M.— On Sundays from 1-30 P. M. to 3 P. M. Winter Arrangement. f//.'/ CW/am— English Mail. [Via United States.) Made up every Saturday at 4 P. M. ( Via Halifax.) Made up every Thursday for .semi-monthly Packets from Halifax to Liver jiool, at 11-30 A. M. Due twice a-month dependent on arrival of Packet from England to Halifax ^h-.iul. Mails. — Montreal, Canada West, and United States. Made up Daily, at 4 P.M. and on Sundays 9\ A. M. Due at Quebec Daily at 8 A. M. ll'ir^: Offi,ces between Quebec and Montreal. — Batiscan •>ridge, Berthier, Cap Sante, Champlain, Des- '. hambault, Grondines, La Baie, Lanoraie, Mas- I.inonge, Nicolet, Pointe-aux-Trembles, Portneuf, livi^re du Loup, St. Augustin, Ste. Anne de la Perade, Three-Rivers,William Henry ,Yamachiche, ?Tade up Daily, at 4 P. M. and on Sundays 9^ P.M. Pue at Quebec Daily, at 8 A. M. Toivnships. — Brompton, Drummondville, Dur- I'.am, Melbourne, Sherbrooke, Stanstead. Made lip Daily, at 4 P. M. and on Sundays at 9^ A. M. Jag at Quebec Daily, at 8 A. M. T ■ 1 •' QUEBKC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 31 vWw Jinntsiiuck, A''or(i Srofia cV Pt'incc I'din/rd Isltind. — Etlninndstoi], Halifax, Picton, Wooilstock. Mado lip IMondays, Thursdays and r*^atiirdays at 1 1 \ A.M. Due at Qiic])ec,Tiu\sdays/rhiirsday,s and Satiivdnys at 8 A. M. St. John's N. 11. llalilax, N. S. and other places in Nova Scolia, arc sent, via Montreal and rortland, on Mondays. Xewfimndland, IVvst Indloa, ^T.—Bernuula, Newfound- land, AVesl Indies. Made up every Thursday at \\\ A. M. Due every fortnight, dependent on ar- rival of the respective rackets at Halifax. Itis/if/oHchc, Bale Jes C/i/v.— C'butoau Richer, Los EbuuleMieiits,MurrMy Buy, St. PaMrs]Jay,St.Ir6ii6. ]Miule u|) Wt'diicsdays and Saturdays at 12 Noon. Due atciueboc Mondays and Thursdays at 12 Noun. Chicoutinii, Crandc 15aii', L(.'s Bergeronnes, Port an Pcrsil, Ilivid^^re aux Canards, Tadousac. Made up every Sjiturday at 12 Xuun Due at Quebec every Thursday at 12 Noon. Mail weekly from Lcs Bergeronnes to Sault an Cochon and Millo Vaclies. Meiieb»v, every Monday and Friday at 2 p. m. A ^lail t\>r St. Uayniond is tilso made up every Tuesday " via Purtneuf," at 1 p. m. lal'itul of Orleans. — Ste. Farnille, St. Francois, St. .Tean, St. Laurent, St. Pierre. Made up every Tluirsday at I p. M. Due at (Quebec every Saturday at 8 a. m. Spencer Core. — Sj^encer Cove. Made up Daily, Sun- days excepted, at 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. Letters for ; — Wolf's Cove, hurnet's Cove, St Michael's Cove, Sillery Cove, New London Cove, Bridge Water Cove, Victoria Cove, will bo mailed on Spencer Cove. Office Hours — 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. — On Sundays from 8 to 10 A. M. CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. IMPKRIAL CUSTOMS. John Bruce, Comptroller ; John P. OTvleara, First Clerk ; Edward Bartlett, Second Clerk ; John McKedie, Tide Surveyor. OfTice, Atkinson's Building, St. Peter Street. PROVINCIAL CUSTOM HOUSE. J. W. Dunscomb, Collector. Louis Massue, Landing Surveyor. N. Neilson Ross, . . . . 1st Clerk in Long Room. Thos. T. Gauvin, . . . . Clerk in Long Room. P. M. Partridge, . . . .Clerk to Surveyor. J. B. A. Chartier, . . . .Clerk to Surveyor. James Sealy, Head Locker Whse. Keep. J. A. Taschereau, . . . . 1st Landing Waiter. i p 34' QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORV. Clias. E. Allen, 2ii(l Luiiding M'ailer. (-■. Cazeuii, 3rd Luiuliiig Waiter. Frs. Thorn iKSoii, .. . .4th Lauding ^\'aitcr. II. IMcCaiily, House Kcej^er and iMessenger, riuoji Mcllngh, .. .. .Samjiler and Weigher. F. X. Frenctte, Ai)j)raiser. F. X. Metivier, .. ..Assistant A})praiser. OJlice, St. Peter Street, corner St. James. CHARGES FOR STORAGE cVsC, IN THE CUSTOM HOUSE STORES AND EXAMINING WA i: I- HOUSK, QUEBEC. Act 10 and 11 Victoria, Cap. 31. Section 30. — All charges incurred on Goods for land- ing, cartage, storage, un})acking, repacking, weighing or guaging, shall ])e at the expense of the Importer of such Goods. One package at least in each Invoice to be opened, or more if necessary ; and in case of suspicion or fraud, the whole to l)c opened. The dues, according to the annexed Tariff, are to be charged and collected for Goods, ^c, stoAved or taken into the Exuiiiining Wharehouse at the Port of Quebec. All unclaimed goods are to be sent to the Examining Wharehouse, and goods will be received on storage from parties who may Avish it. Parties may either insure their goods against loss by Fire, or can have the value of the same covered by duly notifying the Ofiicer of Customs of their wishes in that respect, and paying the cost thereof. TARIFF. Sugars. Muscovado and Bastard, Hhds, Tr. I'ls. First month, .. .. 2s. Is. Cd. Every succeeding month Is. 6d. 3d. Molasses. Same as above. Refined Sugar. First month, .. 2s. Is. Every succeeding month Is. 6d. Liquors and Wines. Pps. Pun. Ilhds. Q.-Csks. First month, 2s. Gd. 2s. Is. 3d. 6d. Evy. sue. month, Is. 3d. Is. T^d. 3d. I'i, QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 35 esseiiger, ■r. es. ^l MOUSE KB EC. for land- weigliing 1 porter of ) opened, or fraud, arc to be or taken fQiiebec. Lamining storage ;t loss by ered by Ivishes in IHs. 6d. 3d. L'sks. d. Teas. Chests. Ilf.-Ciiests. Boxes. Per month, .. 2^d. lUl. Id. Dry Goods. Per ton measurement of 40 cubic feet. First month, 3s. Every succeeding niontl), .. 2s. Meal and Rice in Bacrs, » • • • ()d. 4d. 2d. 4.d. to 6d, 3d. 6d. 4d. 2d. 2d. after Id. 3d. 4d. Coffee & Pepper, Cotton Wick, . . Nails in Casks, Uosin, Pitch Sc Flour, per Brl. 1st month, Tar, do. do. Glass per Box, 100 feet First month, . . Do. do. succeeding months. Soap per Box, First month. Candles, do. do. Starch, do. do. Canada and Tin Plates in Boxes, Fir months Pipes 5 Grs. lioxes, Tobacco in Ilhds. Do. Boxes 18 to 24 inches. Raisins in Boxes &;c. Hfs. do. . Spades & Shovels per doz. First month Cordage per ton. First month. Iron in Bars or Plates, First month, succeeding months. Paint in Kegs of 28 lbs. First month, Salt and Coals, per Load Examined, Packages not described above, to be charged at the rate fixed herein for the package which they most re- semble in character and size. All diics for storage to be paid before the removal of property. N. B, — Every package stored, though it may not remain twenty-four hours, will be liable to one month's storage. Examining Warehouse, Corner of St. James & Dalhousie Streets, L. T. 3d. 2d. 2s. 6d. bd. Hfs. 4d. Ud. 6d. 10s.next2s.6d 7s. 6d. 2s. 6d. 3d. Is. 3d. 36 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I I / ';!' CANADIAN TAPJFF. Arranged Alphabetically for the convenience ofrrjerence. Specific. Acids, Strong fluid, including Mu- riatic, Nitric, Oxalic, Sulphuric,. . Agricultural Societies, Seeds of all kinds. Farming utensils and Im- plements of Husbandry, when specially imported by, for the en- couragement of Agriculture,.. : . . Alabaster busts, Alum, All goods, Wares and Merchandize, not otherwise charged with duty, and not declared to be exempt from Duty, , All packages in which the goods are not usually exposed for Sale, or which do not necessarily or gene- rally accompany the goods when Sold, Ammunition, Arms and utensils of War, (except from G. B. or B. P.) Anchors, Anatomical Preparations, Animals, specially imported for the improvement of Stock, Animals of all kinds, not imported as above,. Antiquities, Collections of, Apparatus Philosophical, Apparel, Wearing, in actual use of persons coming to reside in Ca- nada, « Per cent, ad valor. 2^ p. c. Free. Free. Free. Prohibtd. Free. Free. Free. a Free. Freti. 2^p. c. 12^ p. c. Free. Free. Prohib. 2^ p. c. Free. Free. 20 p. c. Free. u Free. li' ill 1 -I QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTOllT. 37 cjerence. Per cent, ad valor. 2\ p. c. Free. Freti. 2ip.c. 12^ p. c. Free. Prohib. 2^ p. c. Free. Free. 20 p. c. ! Free. it Free. ./. Percent. ^ \aa rainr. Arms for Army or Navy and Indian Nations, provided the Duty other- wise payable thereoil, would be defrayed or borne by the Treasury of the United Kingdom, or of tliis Provi nee Arlilicial Slate and metallie Paints being the produce and manufac- ture of N. S. when iuTported direct from CI. B. or E. N. A. Provinces,. Aslies, Pot, Pearl and Soda, B Bar Iron Bark used solely in dyeing, -iiarley, exce[)t Pot and Pearl, ]?arley Meal, Barley, Pot and Pearl,. . . . „ Base or C(,)unterfeit Coin, ]jars Railroad, Bastard Sugar and other kinds, ex- cept refined, in loaves, or crushed or candied, Bear and Birra: Bear and Bigg Meal, I^eans, J3ean IMcal, ] Jerries used solely in dyeing Beams walking. Straps for,. Blue, Paste and Ultra Marine, Block INIarble, unpolished,., . , Blasting Pow.ler, Bleaching Powder, Botany, Specimens of, 7 Free, Free. t( Prohihtd, ()S.p.cwt. a.' Free. Free Free. 2,1 p. c. 2.i p. c. 20 p. c. i( 1'2\ p. c. Prohib. <*» .J p. c . 12,^ p. c. 20 p. c. a a a 2.1p.c. a (( 12.1 p. c. ^ 2 p. C . I'ree. 38 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 '11. Free. Boiler Pliite, Books Printed, not foreit^n reprints of Jjritisli Coj)yrif>;ht Works, Books of immoral or indecent chii- racter, 'iProhibtd.! Borax l*ercenl. ad valor. 2^ p.c. Free. Bottled Wine and Spirits, cases co vering, Bottles, as Packages, (sec end of Tariff.) Boots, Fisherman's, Brimstone, Bristles, ■. Brick, Fire, Bran and Shorts, Broom Corn, Brass, in Pigs or Sheets, Brass and Copper Tubes, when im- ported for the Manulacture of Lo- comotives, Brandy, British North American Provinces (see end of Tariff.) Bronze, Busts and Casts of, Brandy in wood, cases coverin Buckwheat, Buckwheat iMeal, Butter, Free. Prohib 2ip.c Free. 2^ p. c. 20 p. c. 2s. p. gal 'S,-- Free. Burr Stones, unwrought,. I^unting, Bulbs and Boots, Busts of Alabaster, Bronze or Mar- ble, Bullion, Burning Fluid, • Free. 3s. p. gal O 1 n r» 2;') p. c Free. <( 20 p. c <• u 2\ p. Free. « « 25 p. c. Il QUKBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 39 idvalor. I'vr cent, ail ml or. eip.c. Free, l^rohib. Free. 2.i p. c. (( 20 p. c. 2i p. c. 21 p. o. 2;') p. c. Free. K 20 p. c. a 2.n>-c. <( Free. 25 p. c. 1 ranacla I'latcs, Cjibinots of Coins Cables. Chain oi'all sizes Candy ."^iigar,. . . Carriaues vi' Travellers, (except* 1 Jaw kers or Circus Troupes,) . . . . , Free. Casks, h^liips Water, C-asts of Plaster of Taris, or Bronze, Free Cattle for Army or Navy or Indian Nations, Car}ien1er*s T(jo!s, ^vv()d for manu- facture of, Cases covering Casks of Wines orj JJrandy in Avood, Dry Goods, | Hardware, Cutlery, or Bottled Wine or Bottled Spirits, Casks containing Dry Goods, Hard- ware, or Cutlery, Gkissware or Earthenware, Caoutchouc, Cattle, Carriages and Dorses eni- ployeil in carrying Merchandize, only; and Dorses of;' cinal Settlers, Cement, P»birine, Chains Iron, of all sorts, Charcoal, made or refmed, Charitable Societies, donations of clothino: for gratuitous distribution I'y,---'-..-- Cheese, Ci2:nrs, Clothing for Army or Navy or In- dian Nations or for gratuitous distril)ution by any Charitable i^ociety, Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. 2,i p.c. Free. ?) 2U>.c. Free. Free. 2.1 p.c. Free. Ol i P' c, Free. 20 p. c. 12.ip.c. Free. 40 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY, li ! I li. I S pec i lie. Us. Clay, Fire, Clay, ripe, Coal, Coke, Cocoa Nut Oil, CofTee, Haw or Green, " other kinds, Cordials and Licjuciirs, sweetened or mixed with any article, so that the strength cannot be ascertained. by Syke's Hydrometer, |3s. p. p/ill. Collections of Antiquities, Free. Cojiyrii2,ht Works, foreign reprints; of British, ' Commissariat Stores, ! Free. Contractors Stores fur Army, Navy! or Indians,. | Free Corn, Indian, ; <' Coins, ])ase or counterfeit, 'l^rohiljtd. Coins, Cabinets of, { Free. Counterfeit or baise Coin, iProhibtd Coin or bullion, ' Free. Cochineal, Copperas, Connection Pvods, (sec Rods.) Cordage of all kinds, Copper in bars or sheets, Copper Tubes, (see Brass.) Cotton and Flax Waste, Cotton Warp, Cotton Wool,, Cotton Wick, Crushed Sugar,. Cranks, Wrought Iron, 6 cwt. and upwards, Percent, ad nil or. 2\ p. c. 12\ p.c. 2;") p, e. Free. 12ip.c, Free. Free- Prnhi h Free i Prohi h Free • 1 ,> ^2 V- C a I V. ■^■2 P- c 1 ,^ c 1 1 I'rec t 2ip. i-j I'- c c 1 n c i i I I it! III! QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTOUY. 41 i; Crati^s confjiininiT Glassware and Kartlu.iwarCv Specific, Free. D Donations of C'lotliing for ![^ratiiitons distribution by Cbarital)le Socie- ties, Drawings, Drawings of immoral or indecent character, Drugs u.^ed solely in dyeing, Dyeing Materials, viz, Bark, J3erries, Drugs, JNuts, Vegetables and Woods, • . . . . Per cent, ad valor Free. Free. Prohi])td. E Engravings, Etchings, . . F Farming Utensils, (see Agricultural Societies) Felts, Felt Sheeting, Fishermen's Boots, Fire Clay, Fishing Nets and seines, Fishing Hooks, Flour, Flax undressed, Frames and Pedestals rough from the Forge, when imported for the 8 Free. ;< Free. Troll ib. 2ip.c. 2.^ p. c. Free. 2.ip.c. 20 p. 0. '-a P* *^- 4 ' h I i! i\ 42 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. F Maminictiirc of Locomotives,. . . . Fruits, Fruits preserved in Sugar, Candy or Molasses, Free Trade with tlie Tnited Kins:- dorn and the J3ritish North Ame- rican Provinces, (see end of Tar ill) •^peci^lc. G Gems, , . . . Geneva, Goods linen umerated, Grease and Scraps, Green Coffee, Gunpowder, exceT)t from G. B. or B. P., ; H Hams Hemp undressed, Hemp, Yarn, Russia, r Hides, History Natural, Specimens of,. . . . Hops, Household effects, personal not Merchandize of Inhabitants of this Province, being subjects of Her ajesty, and dying abroad, Hoop Iron, Hoop or Tire for driving wheels bent' or welded, when imported for the Manufacture of Locomotive En- gines, Free. 2s. p. gal. 1. sa.p.fAvt. Prohibtd. Free. Free. Percent, ad valor. 21 p. c. 30 p. c Free. 25 p. c. Vl\ p.c. 2.^ p. c. 12.1 p.c. Prohib, 20 p. c, /«* 2 p.c a Free. 20 p.c. Free. 2.^ p.c. 2^ p.c. ■It ■\ flUEBKT BUSINESS DIRECTOUY. 43 K 10 p. c. !^ p. c. « JO p. c. ree. I2 P* ^^ S pec i tic. II Horses oi'JVrivollers, Horses currying Merclmiulize, ex- cept IJiiwkers and Circuses, Husbandry lmi)lcnients of, when imported l)y incorporated Agri- cultur.d S(jcieties, Immoral or indecent Books or Free. Free. Free. Drawinpfs n"> Prohibtd. Pvr cent , ad valor Free. Free. Free.. Implements of llusbnndry, imported by incorjiorated Agricultural So- cieties, Indigo, Inventions and improvements in tlie arts, models of, j Iron Bar, Rod and Hoop, " Hoop or Tire for driving wlieels of Locomotives, bent and welded, " Boiler Plate, *« Chains of all sorts, ** Chain Cables of all sizes, " Connection Rods in pieces for Locomotives, " Frames and Pedestals rough from the forge, " Scraps, bars, pigs or sheets, and not otherwise Manufactured... " Galvanized, " Plough Moulds or Shares, " Railroad Bars, « Rolled Plate from \ inch to 1^ inches in thickness, Fr( :'e. Free. Prohib.. Free. 2.1 p. c. Free. 2ip.c (( (( u u (c (t it « ti 44< QUFIIKC BUSINESS DinrXTOUY. I I I t( Roniul aiul S(}iiaro from 4 iiuriics and iij)\varcl,s siiiliil)l(' lorf^liaf'ts ami olliiT |) irts o( Mucliiiiory,.! ' 2.^ p. c Spccilic. I'cr cent, ad ml or. " Straps fur WallsiiiL,^ Hcams, " Wroii^lit Cranks (> cwt. aiul II pw) ird? " Canada riatrs, •••••••• " iSpikc Hods, Implenionts, Tools of'J'radc ofl.lan- icraCtsiiian, * Free. I''ree. Ink, Printer's, Indian Corn, Joiner's Tools, wood for, Junk, L Lard, Lead, rig and ^^heet,. Liqueurs, Lithographs,. ....... Lines, iishing,.. . . . . . Logs, saw, 3s. p. gal. Free. M Macaroni, Machinery, models of, Manufactured Tobacco, (other than Cigars and Snuff,) Manures of all kinds, Maps, Free. Id. p. lb. Free. it ^•2 P* ^' I'reo. '^'2 P' C" « "^^ p» c. ii 25 p. 0. Free. 2.ip.c. 30 p. c. Free. 12^ p. c. Free. "! ULir.BKC BUSINKSS DIUIXToUV. 4r> I'crcent. id ml or. 2.1 p. 0. li tt I'rce. 2.1 p. c. I'roe. 2.1 p. c. a 01 '"'2 P* C" ii 25 p. c. Free. 2.1 p. c, (( 30 p. c. Free. 12. 'ree. .. ... \l'ti'c<'nt ^pL'C'lliC. i , , '' V'ellow, ill l);ir.s or sheel.s,... " 'J^'yiio ill MoL'k.s ur pius, Metallic raiiils, mikI Artificial ."^late, being the })rocliioc a'ltl niaiiufac- tiircofNova Scotia, \v lien impor- ted direct froiii C B. or tlie U. N A. 1 rovmces, I "l- rec. ree • • • • • « • Mineralogy, J*^})eciiucii.s oi", ^Jodcls oi' Macliiiiery and other inventions and Jinproveuient.s in the Arts, Medals or Gems, Mola.sses, 2 1. p. gal. 12 Muriatic Acid, 2 Natural History, Specimens of,. Navy Arms, f lothin;'', Cattle, 1 ro- visionsand Stores of, Nitre, Nitric Acid. rce ■1 1 X c. reo I'r ee, O I '^\ \).C. u 4.6 QIILDIX' BLSINLSS DIFIKCTOUY. > ( i i N Nortli Anioricini, rrilish riovinccs, (so'.» (Mid oCTuridj) Nuts, (iM-iiit,) ** ii.sL'd soK'ly lor dyiMiig, Specific. . , O MO p. c. D ' n c Ouknrn ' ' 2.1]-). c. '^•'♦.^ , ! I 'Z()\^.c. Dats,, Oalincal, Oil, C'oco!\imt, '' riihii, <• J^inc, Old Truii, *' jNcts and roprs, Ordiiaiu-'c Stores, Ores ol'all .Metals, (^xa I io .\ c id (( P. Pvicka<^cs to ])ay tlic same ad valorem duty as the goods coiitaiiicd in them, unless such goods be free of duly, or cliargeable with a less duty, than would ])c jiayable on the packages ii"ini})orted empty as merchandize', in which case they arc to be charged as merchandize apart from the goods they contain. Paintings,.., Palm Oil,... Paste Blue,, o IP- t( « c. 1 o 'rcc IP. • c Free. i 2.^ p. c. QUEniX nUSINKSS DiaECTORV. 47 uhalitr. L_« MO p. c 'Jip.c. 2^ p. c. t26p. c. t( 2.1 p. c. <( << <( l'r(?o. "i I'- *-'. ' ree. i p. c. ,, .,. \ ft' r cent. ' ml rat or. J'rce. n V rcrsoMiil clK'cts of British Subjt^cts dyiiiii; aln'i ud, ' Frc Fonrl Aslios, ' i " Peas, j 20 J). 0. " Meal IMiilosopliiL'iil InstrniiieJits aiul ap[>a-} tiis, Free. PllOSpllolMS I I 2^ [). c l"inr Oil, PJi!,- Troll J*iLi' lA'ad, I'il'e Clay, i'itcli, IMastur of Paris, Tliists and Casts of',. Froe. " '• fur iiKimiri^ Plato, Pjoilor, Pork, (see Meats.) l^ork, ine^^s, Polasli,.... Preparations, Anatomical, Printed Hooks, (not. foreign reprints of 15ritisli Copyright W'oiks,).. . . (t Frci Provinces, Hritisli North American, (see end of Tariff.^ Provisions for Army or Navy or Indian Nations, Prnssiate of Potash, Printing Presses Print ing- Types, Printer's Ink, Printing Implements of all kinds,.. Pumps, Chains, Free. I'rec. (k a (• u Free. — i p* c. 12^ p.c. I'ree. Free. Free. 2^ p.c. u <( it 48 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY, i ::1 :l^]uc, I\(hI IlVJll, KoiJs, ,^j)ikc, ' , Hoots and hiilb.s, Free. Free. Ivope, I , Uoll Siilpher or ikimstone, Iviini, Russia iJcmp, Yarn, Kye, ; '20 p. c Kye.Moal,, I. .'J(l. p. 'Till. '2.i p. c. p.c. Salt, Saw lo2S, Sal Ammoniac, Sails and Sail Cloth, Scrap Iron, Scraps and (ireasc, Seeds of all kinds, when specially imported in good iiiitli hy any Society incorjioratcd or established for llic encoura2:ement of A^ri- cnlture, Seeds of all kinds, cxce]it Barley, 15nckwheat, Jiear and Bigg, Oats Itye, liean.s or Feas, Settlers' Goods, Sheet Iron Free. , Freo. i "^.l p. c. Free. Free. u a u Free. Free. ii O 1 I) p "•2 I'- *- • p.c. n ree. ree. p. c. *i f ft QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 49 pec i fie. Free. Free. Sliect Lead, Ships, Water Casks in use, Shorts or Jkan, Shrubs and Trees, Shellac, Slate,] Snuff, 4d. p. lb. Societies Agriciiliural, Seeds &c. for, " Charitable donations of clo- thing to, Soda ash, Specimens of Natural History, Mi- neralogy or J3otany, Spike Rods, Spirits and Strong Waters of all sorts, for every gallon of any strength not exceedingthe strength of proof by Syke's Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, and for any greater or ?ess quantity than a gallon, viz : Whiskey, Hum, Geneva, Biandy and other Spirits or Strong Waters, ex- cept Rum and Whiskey,. . . . Spirits sweetened or mixed, Spices, Steel, Straps for Walking Beams,. ...... Stores for Army, Navy and Indian Nations, Sulphuric Acid, 3d. p. gal. Is. 3d. " 2s. p. gal. 3s. p. gall. Free. Per cent, ad valor. 2^ p.c. a 20 p. 0. Free. 2^ p. c. (( 12.^ p. c. P'ree. • u a 2^ p. C. 12^ p.c. 25 p. c. 25 p. 0. 25 p. c. 30 p. c. 2.ip.c. Free. 2^ p.c. 50 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. < t s Sugar refined in loaves, crushed or Candy, Sugar Bastard and other kinds, ex- cept the above, Sweetmeats, Specific. lOs.p.cwt 6s.p.cwt. Percent, ad valor. T Tallow, Tar, Tea, Teasles, Telegraph Insulators, Relay-mag- nets, Registers and Batteries, .... Telegraph and Bridge Wire, when bond fide imported to be used as such in Canada, Tin, Tobacco Manufactured, " Unmanufactured, •* Cigars, ^' Snuff, Tools, Wood for Carpenters' and Joiner's, Tow, Undressed, Travellers, Horses and Carriages of. Trees and Shrubs, Treenails, Types, Printing, Type, Metal in blocks or pigs, Twines, and lines, fishing 12^ p. c. 30 p. c. "1 P' c. Id. p. lb. 12^ p. c. 2^ p. c. 2^ p. c. I id. p. lb. ^d. p. lb. 'id. p. lb. U Unmanufactured Tobacco, Unpolished Marble,in blocks or slabs, Un wrought Burr Stones, Free. « ^d. p. lb. 21 p. c. 12^ p. « c. u <( 1 r» "•1 P- (< c. Free '' I (( c. u u m p. 2ip. c. c. « QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 51 t: (( p. C. 1. c. U Utensils, Farming, when imported by A gricultural Soc ieties, Varnish, bright and black, Varnish, other than bright and black, Vegetables used solely in dyeing,... Veliicles of Travellers, except Haw- kers and Pedlars, Vermicelli, Vinegar,. Vitriol, Specific. Free. Free. v; /Vr cent, ad valor. Free. O 1 n p 12^ p. c. 2.^ p. c. Free. 30 p. c. • • I ^.^ .J p. C . • • • • • Wares, Unenumcn ■ •', Warp, Cotton, Water, Lime, Wheat, ! Free . Wheat Meal not bolted, | Whiskey, 1 3d. p. gal Wines of all kinds, JGd. p. gal. for Ofiicers' Messes, ' Free. Wire, Teleo;raph and Bridge, Wood for Carpenters' and Joiners' Tools, Wood used solely lor dyeing, Wood, Wool, Cotton, Yarn, Cotton and Russian Hemp, Yellow Metal iu bars or sheets,... • •••*« • Free. 12,^ p. c. 2^1 p. c. li Free. 20 p. c. 12,^ p. c. 30 p. c. Free. 2^p.c. 2,i p.c. u li Free. 2.ip.c, 52 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTOR f Zinc,. Percent, ad valor. And for the following articles (by 12 Vict, c. 1,) when imported direc- tly from the United Kingdom, or from any British North American Provinces, and being the growth, produce or maiuifacture of the Uni- ted Kingdom, or of such Province respectively, viz : Animals, Beef, Pork, Biscuit, Bread Butter, Cocoa Paste, Corn or^ Grain of all kinds, Flour, Fish,; fresh or salted, dried or pickled, Fish Oil, Furs or Skins, the pro- duce offish or creatures living in the Sea ; Gypsum, Horns, Meat, Poultry, Plants, Shrubs and Trees; Potatoes and vejretables of all kinds, Seeds of all Jxinds ; Skins, Pelts, Furs or Tails undressed ; "Wood, viz: Boards and Planks, Staves, Timber and Firewood,.... 2^p.c, Free, i Free. RECIPROCAL FREE TRADE WITH THK BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. By Proclamation dated 15th August 18.50, under the Act 13 «fc 14* Vict. Cap. 3, the following articles of the growth, produce or manufticture of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, or Prince Edwards Island, and when I QUEBEC BUStiVESS DIRECTORY. 53 imported (a) dircclhj from any of tliesaitl Provinces, are exempt irom duty, that is to say : Animals, salted and fresh Meats, Bark, Butter, Cheese, Chocolate and other preparations of Cocoa, Copper, Earths, Fruits, Firewood, Fish, Fish Oil, Fins and Skins the produce of Fish or creatures living in the sea. Grain and Breadstufls of all kinds, Grindstones and stones of all kinds. Gypsum ground or unground, Hay and Straw, Hops, Hides, Horns, Head, Matter and Blubber of creatures living in the sea, Iron in pigs and blooms. Lard, Lead in pigs. Lime, Ores of all kinds, Ochres, Rock-salt, Seeds, Spermaceti Oil. Tallow, Timber and Lumber of all kinds, Train Oil, Undressed Skins and Furs of all kinds, Vegetables, Wool, Wood, (a) As to the importation of Fish & Oil via the United States. 10 -)i QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORT. TRINITY HOUSE. Officers of the Trinity House of Qui:bi:c. (A P O Henry LeMesurier, Esquire, Master, Uichard Israel Alleyn, Esquire, Deputy Master, II. N. .lones, Jlcnry Burstall, Fran9uis Gourdeau, Snr., Superintendent of Pilots, Hammond Gowen, Vital Tetu, Jesse Dunn Armstrong, Harbour Master, Fran9ois Buteau, Pwobert Julyan, Esquire, Assistant Harbour Master,' John Smith, Esquire, Junior Superintendent of Pilots,. Alexander Lemoine^ Esquire, Treasurer, Errol Boyd Lindsay, Esquire, Clerk, Mr. B. Simon, alias Lafieur, Bailiff, Augustin Martel, Messenger, The only dues payable to the Trinity House are 5 Pei cent on the amount due to the pilot for pilotage payable by the Capt. before he gets his clearance at the Custom Ilouse. BRANCH PILOTS FOR AND BELOW THE HARBOUR OF QUEBEC, ACCORDING TO SENIORITY, WITH RESIDENCE. With the number prefixed io cach,ivhich they are obliged r by Law, to carry on the Boiv and Quarter of their respective Boats or Crafts and on each of the sails of said Boats or Crafts, under a penalty of Ten Pounds, currency, 1 Gabriel liachance, 1st. Quebec, 2 Laurent Tremblay, 1st. do. 3 Amable Lavoie, 1st. Father Point. 4f George St. Amand, St, Antoine, River Chambly. 5 Pierre Toussaint, Orleans, () James A. Dicky do, 7 Frs. Baquet dit Lamontagne, 1st. St. Michel, 8 Louis Asselin, 1st. do. (lUEBKC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 55 (A > P CO • IXG a Cliarlcs Dion, S/. J//<'/u'/. 10 rierre Paquet, Orlcdns. 11 Jose})li (Jciiest, do. 12 Cliurlos Brown, Quebec. 13 Jc'cin Satiirnin D'Amour, Trois Pistoled, 1% Frs. Isaac Andet, (> /leans. 15 Alexis Peltier, (ireen Island. 16 Nicolas ParadiH, Quebec. 17 Ptegiile Benvile, Father Point. 18 Antoino Frozier, Quebec, 19 Edward Petitgrew, 6';'<7'/i Island. 20 Malcolm Smith, 7*o//// Lery. 21 Jean Lavoie, RitnoKski, 22 Joseph Peltier, Hirer du Lonp. 23 Firmiu Leveque, (irecn Island. 24 Pierre I>anglois, (Inebec. 25 Xavier Menard, St. ValUer. 26 Joseph Marie Plante, Quebec . 27 Fran9ois Ilioux, Try/s Pistoles. 28 Germain Peltier, ^SY. Germain de Rimouskif 29 Peter Gourdean, 1st. Quebec. 30 Charles Boissel, St. Gerrais. 31 Jean Baptiste Laroche, Quebec, 32 Francois Aubue, do 33 Michel Morin, Beaumont. 34 Jean Baptiste Asselin, S/, Michel, 36 Firmin Couillard, Vlslet. 37 Charles V^sina, Crane Island. 38 Joseph LangloiSy Orleans. 39 Hubert Gaiithier, S^ Vallier. 40 Jean Baptiste Dion, Quebec. 41 Amable Genest, S/. Michel. 43 Michel Fournier, Beaumont, 44 Alexis Delisle, Orleans, 45 Charles Choiiinard, Rimouski, 46 Joseph Pepin, Quebec, 47 Paul Blouin, 1st, 7. Vallier. 116 Geor<^e Laplante, (Quebec 117 Pascal Dick, Trois Pistoles* 118 Jean Dufresne, Quebec. 119 .Amable St. Lanrent, liimouski. 120 Jean Pouliot, Orleans. 121 Francois Vesina, Crane Island, 122 Ilelie Normand, do. 124. Michel V^sina, do. 125 Jean Baptiste Gaulin, Orlcatis. 126 Edonard Lavoie, Point Levy. 127 Alexandre Vaillancourt, St. MicheL 128 Pierre Normand, V Islet. 129 Hilari Raymond, Kanwuraska. 130 Jean Francois Lamarre, St. Vallier. 131 Guillaiime Fournier, Orleans. 132 Ililari Jovin, Father Point. 133 James Campbell, Rimouski. >35 Jean Baptiste Bernier, V Islet. 136 Pierre Peltier, A'amo^rai/tf. 137 Frederick Simpson, Point Levy. 138 Francois Thibierge, Quebec. SWWTMWV.'- ■ -■'.'O^'i^KVf^'^m^'l fiS Vil-'KBtC BUSINESS DIKECTOUV, 1$ 139 .Icun L6on Roi, St. Michel. 140 Josoph I'oiiliot, 1st. Orleans. HI IMarcel Le Bel, Kamouraska, 142 Ecloiiard DcMTiers, Point Lev};. 143 Jean Baptiste Rayiuoiid, Kamouraska. 144 Alexis Roy, jP(. 178 Francois Noel, do. 179 Jean Marcoux, do. 180 Paul Langlois, do. 181 Thomas McNeil, Q//^6^c. 182 Marcel Coiii, Green Island, 183 George Audet dit Lapointe, St. MickeL I QUEBEC BUSINESS DIKECTORY. 59 \8i> Louis N. Morcncy, Quclu'c. 185 Gabriel Lachunce, 2nd. Orleans, 186 David Ballantinc, Quebec. 187 rran9ois Xavier La[)ointc, Quebec, 1«8 Magloirc Turcot, Orleans. 189 Isaie Marticotte, Quebec. 190 llonry INlarticotte, Quebec. 191 Gre*^oire Bernier, Cap St. It/nace. 192 Paul Blouin, 2nd. (>/-/<'rt/».w*-: f """WtV'SCrt'sspr^ifi In r ! h*i i 60 QUEBEC BUSINESS HinECTORT. 228 ]Unii Simard, .S7. Andre. 230 .lean Dion, (^uchec, 231 Denis (Jlynn, St. Ignace. 270 J6r6mie Dufresne, Quebec. 271 Benjamin Pineau, FaM^r Poiw/. QUEBKC BUSINKSS DIRIXTORT. 07-3 Riibeii CAt6, arrrn Island "1T\ Josoph nioiiiii, QiN'hfc. '■Ill Antoiiie (lobcil, Orlenns\ '27.') rierrc Fontaine, do. 21it Joseph Liivoio, Sf. Luce dc HuKouski, ^111 Vital Dcniers, Point Lenj, *i7H .loscph Pliinte, Quebec. 279 Jolui lliissell, do, •JSO Louis Tliivicrgc, Orleans. 2S1 Cluirles Francis Thrown, Qitcher. 'J8*2 Joseph Jiiiynwndf 2m\. k'amitnraska. •J83 Paul Paquet, Orleans. tlSl Joseph Pouliot, 2nd. Orleans. 61 RATES OF PILOTAGE, FROM BIC TO QUEBEC, rtZ : per foot. From 1st May to tlie lOtli November, inchi- sive, £0 IS From the 1 1th November to the 18th incUi- sive,.. 13 From the 19th November to the 1st March, incUisive, 1 8 From the 2nd March to the 30th April inclu- sive,. 1 6 FROM QUKBRC TO BIC. From the 1st May to the 10th November, inckisive 15 ^ From the Uth November totlie 18th inclu- sive, 1 9 From the 19th November to the 1st March, inclusive, 1 5 P From the 2nd March to the 30th April, in- clusive, 18 3 From the Brandy Pofs to Quebec — only two-tliirds of the rates above mentioned. From the Point of St. Rock to Quebec — only one-third of the above. n J f\ ii 1^^ m {■^ 62 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. From ill e Wesl cud of Crane Island ayid hrlow St. Pa- tricks Hole fo Quebec — one fourth part oi' the above rates. Kroin ^7. Patrick's Hole to Quebec, £1 3 4 FROM QUEBEC TO PORT NEUF. Any vessel not exceeding 200 tons measure- ment, M Down af/ain £2 10 From 201 to 250 tons, uj)wards 5 Doivnicardsy 3 10 From 251 tons and more, uj)vvards, 6 Downwards,^ 4< From Quebec to Three Rivers, or any place above Fort Neuf: — For a vessel of 200 tons and under, iipwards,£() ^^'^wnwardSf 4* Of 201 and to 250 toho, upwards, 7 DowmcardSf 4 10 Above 250 tons, upwards 8 Downwards,, .., , 5 10 From Quebec to Montreal, and any place above Three Rivers : — For a vessel of 200 tons and under, upwards, .11 Doivnwards, 7 10 Oi 201 and to 250 tons, upwards, 13 Downwards 8 15 Of 250 tons and above, upwards, 16 Downwards, 10 15 No pilot is obliged to stay more than forty-eight hours on board after the arrival of the vessel at the above places, and she properly moored. And for the encouragement of julots who shall dis- tinguish themselves by their activity and readiness to aid and assist any ship or vessel in distress, and in want of apilot^ he, to be paid extra on award of the Trinity House. QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 63 SV. Pa- lie above 1 3 4 t 2 10 3 i 10 ^ t ) above ; ^ ' . 10 10 10 15 15 -eig ht It the dis- s's to [ in the Pilots carried to sea by stress of'Aveather arc allowed j66 sterling ])er month, and jjrovidcd with a jiassage back, ov^er and above ])ilot;ige due them. The wages above to be paid up to the day the passage is provided or that the pilot may eho<.)se to ae('e[)t of a sum of money in lieu of such })assage. 8UPEIIVISOR OF CULLERS OFFICE, 31 tV 32, Saull-an-Mle : Chas. iMiller. Specification Clerks Di-alscV Staves Department. Alex. Mcliill; Jeremiah Crawlev. Squark Timbkr Cullers. W'm. l)ee ; AU-xis Dorval ; Olivier Vcrrault ; Jul. Vcrrault ; Joseph Joek(|uell ; James Lambert; Josef)!* Cantillon ; .fean Laruchelle ; iMiehcl Pwobitnille; Et. Ivobitaille; C. Caboury ; F. IL Heland ; S. McNeil; S. Jenest ; John Clark ; \. Valin ; James Scott ; Lonis Dorion ; J. B. V'achon ; Jas. Lynch; J. S. Waterson ; Thos. Pvedmond ; Wni. Duggan ; Jos. I'arose ; Jacques Jobiii. Cullers of Deals, Latiiwood, kc, Sec. W. Power ; INT. Ilamel ; J. P. Jarnac ; Jerome Couture ; Edw. Aughton ; Thos. Malone ; Wm. .McKutcheon ; ml !i V l!3 I i r ! I r I 64 'it'EBEc BUSINESS BmEcronr Downes: Jean Com. re w„V t'"".' ^^ ''*'• i Janes I'"y.- ^''-'es. Cout„e"/i ,^-J-^ Michael M.,:! Cullers of Staves. 1- Wm. O'Brien. B Ph '"'• /arlhings per u^n. "" "'" ^"""""'' '«'o pence three puCdlte'Tree't: '7"'i"«'^ '^ *-• , Oars and llancisp, ^'0 j Z/lr'''''"'' )'" '""• '7J7=«1-H.nndrer,~' ""' ""'^ ^h,lln,g „„,(. hitprr^'^'--'''"W ana nvo pence per or measurlnl^i""!';;;';;^;:;^ '^ Merchantable state »ed Pine Tin.b^r^ ^nJ^T^V^^,? •"«"'"- l-r -on. HarcUvood Timber, sev ' ntr, '"""" ''" '""■ Standard Staves fi,,,,., permilie. ''''''' ^"'"'^en sh,Jl,„gs and six pence u QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 65 and per "Til to, 1 1 ere loii. Ion. in- ner Ice West India Staves, six shillings and four pence per mille. Barrel Staves, four shillings and six pence per mille. Oars, four shillings and six pence per hundred pieces. Handspikes, three shillings and three pence per hun- dred pieces. Spars, from 12 to 19 inches, three shillings and three pence each. Masts and Bowsprits, 10 to 24 inches, three shillings and three pence each. Masts and Bowsprits, 24 inches and upwards, three shillings and ten pence each Lathwood, one shilling and eight pence per cord. SCHEDULE NUMBER TWO. Fees to he paid by the Supervisor to the Cullers for theii services, LUMBER MEASURED OFF OR COUNTED CFF. White Pine, Bass or Butternut, one penny seven eighths per ton. Red Pine, two pence halfpenny per ton. Hardwood, two pence halfpenny per ton. Oars and Handspikes, counted off, eleven pence per hundred pieces. Deals counted off, eleven pence per hundred pieces. For culling and measuring in a Merchantable state, or measuring in shipping order, or counting off, where not herein otherwise provided for. Red Pine, five pence per ton. Hardwood, five pence five eights per ton. Deals, two shillings and six pence per standard hun- dred. Planks and Boards, one shilling and nine pence per hundred pieces. Standard Staves^ twelve shillings and six pence per mille. West India Staves, five shillings and seven pence per mille. 12 66 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORV. •i ! I Barrel Staves, four shillings per millc. Oars, four shillings per hundred pieces. Handspikes, two shillings and nine ix^nce per hun- dred pieces. Spars, from 12 to 19 inches, one sliilling and eight pence each. Masts and Bowsprits, 19 to 21 inches, two shillings and six pence each. Masts and Bowsprits, 24 inches and upwards, three shillings and one penny each. Lathwood, one shilling and four pence per cord. SUPERVISOR CULLERS' OFFICE. Quebec, 8th July, ISS-i. Comparative Statement of Timber, Staves. Masts, Bows- pritSj and Spars measured and Culled to date ; J852. White Pine 9,552,77 i lied Pine, 36,590 Oak 493,401 Elm 965,808 Ash 147,5()4 Rasswood 9,172 IluUernut 1,563 Tanuirac 275,01 1 liirch and Mapie 47,255 Blasts & B'sprits, pes. ... 4 8pars • . • . Standard Staves 503.4. 1 J23 West India Staves 488.2.2. 1 liarrel !:^tave3 1853. 1854. 3,350,422 1, 105,066 38,811 108,419 288,085 385,344 241,342 487,534 134,139 92,627 4,132 5,556 254 658 422, 109 872,824 68,261 34,739 8 81 36 627 290. 1. .3.5 305.4.0.24 338.7.1.12 I QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORT. 67 TIMBER TRADE. Comparative Statemknt of tiik SuriM.v, Expout. ani> Stock OF Lt MUKR, FOR ruE Years 18.>2 and 18.>:J. ^ yv '■z SBTSCA. ^sjJHs: ^r^O n ■^ ^' a c CT -T ^ p S' ^ ::r p ^ . -< 3 - g a a-g:5 ^~3 !^ t: •^ ; Tl S. -L, •X3? P - N-. "5 \ ""5 ^ 3 «=- I • « >-•• -« 3 3 -a » > \ a • B • • 1^ • ■ i !=^ s = m > ■ • 'aS _^ ti 31 >" •*! . 3 r: 3 o " M • : w ^^ r 2 • Vi • • • • • • w n <^ r X ■ • (ii •JT • • • • o a-s • tii • • • o cu i,o-^ D- o- a- c- a. a- TJ ^ p o n: o o o o o o t> 2- ' : «■ fB r* ^ lO fS «-l JO — !? w' ^ *>. ^ C^ A>. (0 .u c. TT, -1 o> o CO C5 kU CO o C'l -^-t '>* w w> — C' 'O C» Oi. O to c:? "tU ri -I o "bi "to CO 00 CO "oi "o • f5 s: 'Vj GO CO o oc 4- CO 00 00 .— ~ ^ •^ 5 '-: CO c» o o o .U 'O to O lO Ci CO 2 :C -fl ♦o . 5 2-? Jj, •-« c S r Q (0 "^l "- 1— fc as:-! OD O 4i. -^ ^ — ^J CO QC P 3 • Ol X — (-. C> — C'> O -vJ 00 J-^ 'sO — CO ^"f ''J^ >;^ CO — M ''^ Wrf b Oi — «o 05 o — Oi'bTo'It- • Ul K> ■vl — O. — CO -- »0 CO CO r* CO K3 O' >^ o c:i o a> o CO — ,^ ^ ^* J*J^'' r* J s* 7) CO C;» Oi 00 O OC' 1 7) li^ o 'O c '-C a -^ CO C-i '-« 05 Cj.JO • -^ Ki C;' — 4- Ci (U OJ ♦o ^^3 * o» — W -1 U- "qD "o "Iu CO "tu "ck 'rf*. r- P ^ CTl -CO — C75 OS >i^ t:; •U 91 >U X 00 « 3 :^ ;o :;. — W Ci i> o o o c o o o 2-8 3 2 o ^M i. 3 p3 (^S ti M J- — TO a-q «« 3) 4^ 03 CO — — "O cr r* 3 ' :;• (O — CO O 00 0» Ol c. J=! 3i W Ol "— ■■" OiJCJO^ JOJOJ3D CO o — CO 00 c. "^ "4i. "oi "^ 1 "Vo "oi "co "^ -1 O O) Ot M Ol 00 O 91 O O to Oi 3) CO o o o o o o o »0 »0 — — S« *• \4 ^« ^ ^1 P- ^1 O "v| »-' O* >£k. Cf» t— O ?. cs E w K) >- to to »0 ite C> S« » ^ ^ \» to " p c/j ■vl ( o o O) 00 CO J^ 4^ CO CO to — • ^1 = CO - 00 00 CO ^1 *» 00 ^» O) O CO (0 1 ;^ ^ w — o Cn M CO CO CO 91 to ?i «"5• •-i© fao» 03 00 M lU 00 lrf^2- - K) oc Oi. CO *- CO CO o O' 2 o c 1-^ ■vl «0 "•m J3C 0> CO 95 91 O jO CO ^ c £t o ts o» 00 O Oio'co COOil. CO 00 CO *^ *^ 0« 91 • t^ 3 Oi CO to y-'^ 50 U> 00 to o» ^ CO 00 CO 91 ^1 at 00 ■»■'*■• ■ ..2641 ,. 337 .. 529 .. 251 Ton.3. u (4 1853- New Brunswick 101- Vessels, 5617 Ton.=*. Nova Scotia 46 Newfonndland 34 Cape Breton 5 Labrador 7 Prince Edward Island 4 Ragged Island 2 a a a 2778 a 3575 ii 301- a 244 it 176 a 112 <.' It will be seen by the above, that there is a very considerable increase in the junount of tonnage eni- ploved in the trade to Newfoundland this year. This is of course to be attributed to the re})eul of the duty here of 12.^ per cent., on the fish coming from that Island. SHIP BUILDING. The great demand for .ships, and the high prices they have lately comn anded in England, have been th** means of increa.sing ship building here to nearly double what it w'as lust year ; and judging from the prepara- tions now lieing made for building, and the number of shijis already laid down, there is rea.son to believe that there will be a .still further increase next year : already are there 29 ships building whose tonnuge will amount to 35,030 tons. 1 .1 70 (iUEBHC BLSINLSS DIRECTORY. linill and U('hn Lcniclin .Tnnr. Echo, 1188 ... W'm. George linssell. Na})oleon tlie Tliird,!!!)! ... T. If. Oliver. Nazarene, 93:") ... .lohn .lames Nesbit. Antartic, 757 ... T. C. Lee. Silistria, 102.^ ... .loliciier tV Lachance. •Tane, 7.i5 ... P. Valin c^ Co. Caribon, 1207 ... Pierre P>runellc tV Son. Ultonia, 1398 ... Ldouard Trahan. Comparative Statement of Arrivals and Tonnage at thi.s jKjrt, from sea, in 1853 and 1851s up to the 30t]i .Inne in each year 1853 519 vessels 208.290 tons lS5i 520 do. 230,391 do. 1 28,0^5 More til is year. Foreign Ves.sels arrived in 1854-, up to the commence- ment of .July. United States., 34 Norway, 36 Hamburgh, , 1 P.r( llu Fr; Po Ti 1'^ ihf * iicha- nan ; Tj. 'I\ MclMiersrn ; .losepli K. ]>el)lois; Dr. Rowley; W. II. Lemoine, Dftnicl McCalhun; llamon Gowen ; Ktienne Dallaire ; ,r. \\. Carrier : Simeon Octean ; Z. Nanlt, ]\1. D ; .Tt)hn Porter Se- cretary : Wm. JI. Ivankin, lOngineer : liouis Pre- vost, Notary. Offices, Atkinson's Dnildings, St. Peter Street, L. 'J\ QuKBiiC Board of 'I'rade. Council. — H. J. Noad, Ksqr. President; Pi- \\'ain~ wright, Esqr ; vice-president ; David D. Young Esqr. Treasurer; James Gillespie ; W. Hunt; 11. LeMesurier ; .T. W. Leaycralt ; (.-. Wurtele ; W. Walker ; Jas. Dean ; J. Thompson : A. Joseph. Montreal &: Quebec Mail line of Steamers. ^''ew Freight Tariff ISS*. £ s. d. Ashes, per barrel 2 6 Almonds, Nuts, Pepper, Pimento, in bags per ton measurement 11 3 Apples, per barrel (large) 1\ Do " " (small) 6 Do " bag;of2 minots 6 Biscuit, per quintal 9 Boat Oars, dressed, each 1\ '\ i \i\ ';2 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. '-a II' t . I buttles, ciii[)ty, ill crates or mats of one gross '2 HIiU'king, }M>r barrel 10 iJricks, |ter thoiisaiid 1 iiullalo R('})es, per pafkage, cojiiiuoii size. . 3 G Hiiir Stones;, eacli '2\ JJiitter and Lard, per keg not exceeding 00 1})^\ gross 6 Hran, per l)agc)l' two minots 4^ l~)o. '» saek of lour " 9 Clieese, in Inniipeis, each I ( 'hainpagne, per l)asket of one dozen 1 < 'rates Iv.utlieiiwarc ( large) 10 Do. (second size) 6 Cofiee, {>er barrel I '' bag J ** " under 110 lbs 9 '•ARPJAGES, lour wheel 1 10 " lour wlieel, when with hor- ses (exclusive of horses) . 1 « two wheel 12 G Common Waggon 12 (I Cart 7 6 Doid)lc Sleigh 10 " Single 7 6 CATTLE, &c., Oxen or Cows (large ) 7 G « " (small) 6 3 Shecj) and I iambs eacli 10 ^' in carcase 7\ Hogs 2 6 Calves 2 Horses, full distance lo " 5 « 15 « I « 12 6 <* I " 10 Chairs, Windsor, per dozen 3 9 " Mahogany, each 10 Candles, per box, 64< lbs 6 Cheese in boxes, each 5 " loose. " 4 Corn Brooms, per dozen 7| ( T G (; 6 6 G 3 10 71 6 6 9 6 5 4. 71 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. FLOUR, per barrel " *• bag FISH, pickled, per tierce «* " barrel « « half barrel dried in bundles, per cwt ** and green, in bulk, per cwt.. . dry, in casks, per ton measurement. Herrings, per box •* « firkin Oysters, per barrel.. . Flaxseed, " " per bag, two minots. GIN, per case, small size « " large *' Grain, per minot Glass, per box, 100 feet « '< half box Goods not specified, weight or measurement at the option of the Carrier, per ton., . Glass or Earthenware, in casks, per ton measurement Hogsheads of liquor, each HARNESS, per set, with collars Do do without collars Do Collars each Hemp, in bundles, per ton measurement. . . Hides, raw, each Do dry. do Hops, per ton measurement Hams, loose, each IRON, Bar, Bolt and Sheet, per ton weight. LEATHER, bundles, American, common size <' *' Canadian, common size xMILL STONES, each NAILS, Casks of 1 cwt. and under Do ^* over 1 cwt OIL, Pipes " Puncheons above 90 gallons ** Hogsheads « 60 13 73 9 5 o 1 "7^ 9 1 8 3 5 1 6 1 6 6 9 3 n 4 11 3 it 9 4 6 5 2 10 4 3 8 9 3 11 3 2 1 3 1 5 9 1 3 8 7 6 4 6 ti H.I ( :! !! 74 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OIL Hogsheads under 60 gallons 3 6 " Harrels 1 6 '< Tierces 2 ** Jars of three gallons, or box one doz. each 7i Oranges and Lemons, per box I Oats and Indian Meal, per barrel 9 Oakum, per bundle, of 1 cwt 13 PUNCHEONS of Liquor 6 3 ** ol Molasses, Oil or Yeast... 7 6 Pipes of Liquor 7 Pipes, per box 6 « per half box 4. Provisions, barrel Pork and Beef. 1 3 *' half " " 9 Peas and Barley, per barrel. 1 " ♦< " bag (2 minotcj) 6 PAINT, in kegs 28 lbs. each 3 « <* 56 « " 4* " "112 " " 8 Porter or Ale, per barrel (bottled) 1 Potash Kettles, per ton weight 15 '< Coolers, each 7^ Piaster of Paris, per barrel 1 Potatoes, in bags of 1^ minots 5 Pails, per dozen « 9 Pianos 10 Parcels, small 13 PAPER, large brown, per ream 4» « small <' « 3 u grey ** ** li QUARTER Casks of Liquor 2 EAISINS, per box 56 lbs 6 ** '' 28 <* 4 *• << 14 « • 2i •« <* 7 " 2 Rosin and Pitch, per barrel I 3 Rags, per ton measurement or weight 8 SALT,persack 1 SUGAR, hogsheads, per ton measurement. 10 ** barrels, each ••••»••• I 3 i 6 6 7i 9 3 3 r 6 3 4. 3 1, 6 4> ■y QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 75 Stone, cut, per running foot Stoves, double, packed 3s. 9d. ; loose « «inplo <* 3s. " other small Stoves Shovels and Pans, per dozen Sickles, per dozen Scythes, per " ^Specie, Is. Sd. per cent Sejj^ars, per box - SnufI, per keg, not exceeding 100 lbs SUircli, j)er box 32 ll>s SOAP, per box 112 U)s " half boxes 61 " Soda Biscuit, per box TEA, Chests " % do « i do " Catty boxes, under 30 lbs « " " 15 lbs « " " 7 lbs TOBACCO, in boxes or kegs not excee- ding 200 lbs <* in boxes or kegs not exceeding HO lbs tt tt it, tt 120 lbs « « « « (JOlbs " " " small " in hhds., per ton measurement. ... Tin or Sheet Iron, per box 112 lbs Turpentine, per barrel Tar, barrels, each, large -' " " small TALLOW, in hhds or tierces, per ton mea- surement 10 " in barrels, each 1 3 VINEGAR, per hogshead « " tierce " *• per quarter cask, WHISKEY, i)er barrel 40 gallons Wool, in sack, per ton measurement Empty Packagks One-Third Tariff Rates. 7.i 1. () 3 9 2 9 9 3 () 3 7^ 5 74 4 t> 1 10 8 5 4 a 1 9 7' 6 3 9 8 2 o 1 6 3 o 1 6 2 6 8 6 I' I I I hi is: 1- 4- 76 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. No single article to be carried for less than Is. 3d. All Cooperage to be paid for by Shippers or Consignees. The proprietors do not hold themselves resi)onsible for deficiency in Oysters or Green Codfish ; or for Leak- age of Oil, Molasses, «fcc. When Steamboats receive or deliver cargo at any other than their own wharves, to suit the convenience of Shippers or Consignees, the boat to be held free of charge for wharfage, &:c. One Steerage Passage to be allowed to a person in charge of not less Three Horses, Six Head of Cattle, Fil'ty Sheep, or Twenty Pigs ; and the Proprietors will not hold themselves resj)oi»siblc for any loss by getting aboard, or injuring one another while on board. Parties Shipping will insert in the Bill of Lading, whether the Goods are Canadian or American pro- duce or manufacture, os required by law. Shippers are requested to send a Memorandum to the Boat of quantity and destination by the first load. FREIGHT PAYABLE ON DELIVERY. The Agents will not hold themselrfis liable for Propert'j unless accompanied by a bill of lading. ROUTES, DISTANCES AND RATES OF PASSAGE, I8i4. FROM QUMBKC TO MONTRKAI,. 180 Miles, bij St earners y every day, at Jive o\lock, through in li hours. By the Royal Mail Packets,. " Tait's Line Steerage. Cabin. 33 9d 2s 6d 15s Od 12s bd i .i T ■I QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 77 FROM MONTRKAL TO WKSTKRN CANADA. Daihj by thr Roi/al Ma if Line Sframer, af 9 o'clock A. M or hj/ Rail Road to Lachiac, at 12 o\'lock\ Distances, MILKS. Deck fare. Cabin fiire. From Moiitioiil to Cornwall 78 6s 3(1 13s 9d Trescott 127 > ^ ,. , -.^ ^i Brockville 139 5 Kingston 189 10s Od 25s Od Cobonr"" 29^ ) Port Hope ;298[ ^^"^ ^'^ ^''^ ^^^ Jiond lle:ul 313 3 ^-^ r t. m n Darlinnlon 317$ ^'^ ^'^ ^-^ ^'^ Whitby 337 ) Toronto 367 [ 20s Od 45s Od H'.imilton 410 ) Detroit 596 30s Od $11. Cliicago 874 40s Od $20 Passengers by this lino transliip at Kingston to tlic Lake tSteaniers, and at Toronto for Bulialc'. Dailij 1)11 the American Line Sfeamer,at 1 oV/oc/, .f. .1/. MILKS. Deck fare. Cabin fare From Montreal to Ogdensburg 138 7s 6d 17s 6d Cnpe Vincent 190 lOs Od 25s Od Jacket's Harbour.. 242 15s Od 30s Od Oswego 286 17s 6d 32s 6d Rochester 349 20s Od 37s 6d Lewiston -..436 20s Od 42s 6d Buffalo 467 25s Od 47s 6d Cleveland 66 1 32s 6d — Sanduskey 721 35s Od Toledo iV Monroe.. 975 35s Od — Passengers by this line transliip at Ogdensburg to the Lake Steamers for Oswego and Lewiston. The Passengers for both Lines embark at the Canal liasin, Montreal. 14 ■ I w 78 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTOR I'. i .'I ■ Steerage Passage from Quebec to Hamilton. . . .23s 9(1 " " Buliulo 28s 9d FROM HAMILTON TO THE WESTURN STATKS, by the Great IVestern Rail-Hoad. The new short route to tlie West. Trains leave Hamilton daily f()r Detkciit, connect- ing at the City with the Micliigan Central llail-Iload for Chicago. Diafaiice. Emigrant First Class MILES. Train. Train. To Dundas 6 Os T^d Is ;kt Flamboro 9 " « Taris 20 2s 6d 4s fid Woodstock 48 :Js 9d Os 3d Ingersoll 47 4s 8s 9d London 76 (is Od 4s 3d Eckford 96 7s 6d I7s 6d Chatham 140 8s 9d " Windsor........ Kgg jQ^(,^ 25s Od Detroit, iMiciugan ) Chicago, Illinois.... 465 20s Od 55s Od Steamers leave Chicago daily for Milwaakie and all other Ports on Lake Michigan. Passengers for the Western i)arts of the United States. of New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana^ must take the route via Builalo. 'i OTTAWA RIVEJl AND IlIDEAt^ CANAL. TUOM MONTREAL TO IJVTOWN AND PLACES ON TFIE KIDEAU CANAL, BY STEAM EVKUY EVENING. By Robe/'tson Jones ^ Co., Line, From Montreal to miles. Passengers. Carillon ,. 54 2s 6d Crenville 66 3s 9d LOiignal 73 3s 9d Bytown 129 5s Od QUEBKC BUSINESS DIRECTORS. 79 HE Igers. [I I 1 gl75 S 190 73 6(1 Komptville Merrickville Smith\s Falls Oliver^s Ferry { ^173 jv Isthmiiy ^ ■ Jones' Falls , Kingston Passcngc^rs proceeding to Perth, Lanark, or any of the adjoining Settlements, sliould land at Oliver's Ferry, 7 miles Irom Perth. ROUTJ; TO T!Ii: EASTKRN PARTS OF TiiK UNITI.D STATKS. Emigrants proceeding to any of the following Stater* of the American Union, viz: — Malnv^ Si'ir Uampshire, MassnrJiHscUs, t'cnnucdcut, Vermont, New Yurk and P«'nnsi//r(inia. UY Tin: CHAMPF.AIN isc ST. J.AWRKNCr RAIL-ROAD COMPANY, — Mr. W. A. Merry, Secy. Office oppoxiie the Steamboat Lamlinij, Moiitreal. Emigrant First Class. From Montreal t(> Ikirlington. . . . Whitehall .... Troy New York .... Boston ....... Irain. 10s Od ir)s 0.1 22s Gd 23s 9d 28s M Train. 32.S 6a 4.0s Trains of the above comi)any leave Montreal daily. From Toronto Steamers leave daily lot Port Credit, 15 miles ; Oakville, 2r) miles ; Wellington Scpiare, 37 miles; Hamilton 43; also Port Dalhonsie on the en- trance of the Welland Canal, Niagara, Qucenston and Lewistoa. — passage, 3s. 9d. Steamers leave Kingston daily for the Bay of Qnintc and the River Trerit, calling at, Picton, Adolphustown, Belleville, and other landing jilaces in the Bay. ^ IM 80 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TO Ni:\v imrNswicK, 'Ihe best and most expeditious route is by the St. La\vrencc and Atlantic Uail-road, from Montreal to Portland — thence by rSteanier, which leaves for St. Johns N. B. every Alonday and Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. route: From Que])ec to Montreal, by Steamer, 3s Od Montreal to Tort laud, ])y llail-nxul, 30s Od Tortland to St. .lohu's, l)y Steamer, 20s Od 53s 9d Throughout tliese Passages, Children under 12 years of age are charged half jjriee, and those nnder 1) years are free. Passengers by Steamers from Quebec to Hamilton — Luggage free ; if by Rail-roads, lOOlbs. is alh)\ved to each ])assenger, all over that quantity will be charged. BANKS AND BANK AGENCIES. lUNK OF liurnsii north a^ierica. office Sf. Peter Street L. T. LOCAL BOAllD. * Henry l>urstall ; James (lillespie; James Dean; John Tliomson ; Honorable J. .M. Eraser ; Robt. Cassels, Manager. C. E. Smith, Accountant; S. II. Ayers, 1st. Teller ; T. 1'. French, 2nd Teller; Thos. Mackie, Henry C. MacNab, 1». Pirrie, W, Robinson, Clerks ; W. O'Neil, Porter. BANK OF MONTREAL. ','Ji:bec branch. Corner of St, Peter and Arthur Streets. William Gunn, Manager ; .Tames Meiklejohn, Payi>ig Teller; M. Stevenson, Receiving Teller ; Charles W. Jones, Accountant ; G. S. Wilson, Asst.-Accountant ; P. Lesueur, Discount Clerk; W. Martin, Clerk and Messenger. \ QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 81 I DISCOUNT 1.VEUY DAY. Hon. F. Primrose, Solicitor ; L. T. McPherson, Notary. Agents. London, Glynn Mills &: Co.; Liverpool, Hank of" Liverpool; Scotland, British Line Company; New York, Jiank of Commerce; Boston, Sami. llensliaw and Son. QURBEC HANK. Quebec Fire Office BfiUduH/s, St. Peter Street. DIUKCTORS. James Gibb, President. \V. H. Anderson, Vice-President. Honorable N. F. Belleau ; W. Petry ; W. Hunt ; John Jameson ; H. J. Noad ; Chs. Gethings, Cashier ; T. Mason, Accountant; R. O'Connor, Assistant do; R. P. Barrett, Discount Clerk ; Thos. Cyrris Duplessis. Clerk; James T. Wilson, I'aying Teller ; H. 8. Mur- rell. Receiving Teller ; Archibakl Campbell, Notary ; Hon. Henry Black, Counsel. AGENTS. At Bytown, H. V. Noel ; At Three Rivers, John McDougnll ; At Toronto, W. Ranson ; At St. .lohn N. B., Commercial Bank; At Fredericton N. B., Central Bank; At Montreal, La Banqae dn Pcii]/!e ; At New York, Maitla'id, Phelps k, Co ; At London, Glynn, Mills «JcCo. JJays of Discount, Tuesdays and I'ridavs. (H^EBEC PROVIDENT AND SAVIN(rS BANK. [Open dailij.'] ^'Jf^^) iVw'. 4, St. Louis Street. TRUSTEES. C. Wurtrle, President. Hon. L. M issncr.. D. Dussau.'i;, Ecr., Ls. liilodeau, Ecr., J. T, Brousseau, Ecr. Offrikus lIoNOicAiRKs.-— R6v. Jos Auclair, cure de Qu6bec, Pr6sident ; Abraham Hamcl, Ecr., Isidore Thibaudeau, Ecr., Vice-Pr6sidents. F. V^zina, Sec, Tr^s. \ . Morrill \ ?try ; A. r. (J. .1. essiMiger. , V. T. I, Toller ,- •adsliaw, bar Ilossr ?ssenger. /• Street. Ander- urnbull, BEC, Sirois, rs ; A . il,Ecr., i(>(^eaii, lire de Isidore liUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTOIIV. 83 CAISSE D^ECOxNO.MlE DE ST. UOCII. St. Joseph Street, St. lioeh. Louis Pre vost, Prt'sidciit ; A. (iauthier, Secretaire; rhil. Hniiiet, Tresorier. ASSURANCE COMPANIES. -Etua, (Kire i^ life,) of llarlford, Conn., Daniel McGie, Agent, St. Andrew's wharf, /. /. American Temperance Life Assurance, Benj. Cole, Junr., Agent, St. Stanislaus Street, //. /. Mritannia, (Life,) oi London, R. l*enistoi), Agent, J. B, F. Lane, /. t. — See ac'vertisemcnt. British American, (Marine and Tire), .1. W. Leaycraft, Agent, West India Wharf, /. /. Canada, (Life,) II. W. Welsh, Agent, opposite Ex- change Building, /. t. — See advertisement. Colonial, (Life,) A. .1. INIaxham, Agent, St. James Str. — See advertisement i'^agle, (Life,) of London, W. Sc W. C. Henderson, Agents, llunt's wharf, /. t. — See advertisement. liquiUible, (Fire,) W. Hunt, Hunt's wharf, /. t. & J. Ross, Clouett's building, u. t. Agents, — See adver- tisement. Globe, (Fire and Life,) of London, Ryan, Brothers k, Co., Agents, 33 St. Peter Street, /. t Globe, (Utica, insurance,) John C. T. Cochrane, Agent, opposite the Exchange, /. /.— Sec advertisement. Home, Insurance Company, Daniel McGie, Agentj St, Andrew's wharf, /. t, Liverpool and London, (F'ire und Life,) Pemberton Brothers, Agent, St. Peter Street, /. /, Monarch, (Fire k. Life,) of London, A. J. Maxham, Agent, St. .Tames Street, /. /. — See advertisement. National Loan Fund, (Life and Annuity,) W. Hunt, Hunt's wharf, /. /. & John Ross, Clouett's building Mountain Street, u. t. Agents. — Sec advertisement. Ontario, (Marine and Fire,) H. W. Welch, Agent, op- posite Exchange buildings, /. /.-See advertisement. Phojnix, (Fire,) of London, Gillespies At Co., Agents, Gillespies wharf, L t. 84 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Protection, (Fire,) of Hartford, Conn. Daniel McGie, Agent, St. Andrew's wharf, /. t. Provincial, Mutual and General, (Fire and Life,) Insu- rance, J. C. T. Cochrane, Agent, oj)[)osite l:]xchange /. /. — See advertisement. Quebec, (Fire,) Peter !She])iTard, Secretary, Fire Office Building, St. Peter Street, /. /. — See advertisement. Royal Insurance, London, (Fire & Life,) Forsyth fc Eell, Agents, Commercial Chambers, St. Peter Street, /. t. United Kingdom, (Fire,) Peter Sheppard, Agent, Que- bec Fire Office buildings, St. Peter Street, /. t. Western, (Marine and Fire.) John Laird, Agent, St. Lawrence Chambers, St. Peter Street, /. /. — See advertisement. "I ft- EAGLE LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y. ESTABLISHED 1807, Empowered by Act of Parliament, 68 Geo. 3. And regulated by Deed enrolled in the High Court o/ Chancery, 3, Crescent, New Bridge-st., Blaokfiriars, London. DIRECTORS: Walter Anderson Peacock, Esq., Chairman, Robert Alexander Gray, Esq., Deputy Chairman, Charles BischofF, Esq. Richard Harman Lloyd Esq. Thomas Boddington, Esq. Joshua Lockwood, Esq. Thomas Devas> Esq. Ralph Charles Price, Esq. Nathaniel Gould, Esq. T. Godfrey Sambrooke, Esq. Chas. T. Holcombe, Esq. William Wybrow, Esq. William Henderson, \ . . Walter C. Henderson, \ ^g®"^^. Hunt^s Whnrf, Q\'Lni;(; BUSINKSS DIRKCTORY. 83 rie, 'man. Esq. Esq. V' CO CO iC 00 »0 11- *0 10 )0 >C JO »0 JO 2 CO j;; — - ixi (TJ ^i -. :ji 4- CO JO -- a > aq 10 to to JO JO JO JO JO JO JO JO JO JO ^ ^^A ^^ ^^^ ■^■4 h^ ^h4 c O'' CO JO — o Oi «-} c: ;j' 4* CO CO '^' ^ocooo: cooc-o'^co'^ — or- •sO 00 -J c; cj wi u« ^ CO CO jo jo jo '^ O O T. O ^O -7 O -Ot — -v ni CI O ?- Annual i Hnlf Yt-arly Premium. ' Premium. OOOOOOOOOOOOwJ+) 4* •**• 4- CO -C CO JO JO JO I-- !-» 1— H- ."^ 4»-OQ04*-OQOrjiJo!^COUiJO> Quarterly Pnuiium. 4-4-4*4*4-4-4-'CCC0COOCC0CO ^ OS O' 4* CO JO 1— o •>£> CZJ ^l c: yi 4* 5 4^'"»i^'4*~CO CO Oi'CC'^CO CO' 00 '>^ CO JO J^ V t-ii •-* 1— t ***' >i CD CO O --} 4- <0 O -^ y» CO t— O CO • 4^j0WC5OU'OOcr>cr'O-'4="r^ > aq 9 |1 JOJ0JOh---r-H-.— ►- — ^^^^ CO CC JC r/D 4- — O '^ X -1 00 CO O ?" h- — h-.— OOOOOOOOOJ^ to h- O O CO 00 CO ^1 ^ O^ Oi c! CJ*' •" aiGO>— J0C:)OC0Q0^-*•^^-»Q0J0^- a E » S "1 • '^ 3 — > uq Q • COOO^aiO»4»-OOJOi-iOCOQO-J ^ -q Oi o a: Ci ui u< :^i w< tji 4* ** 4- ^ w> w CO C/: CO QC- CO CO 4* O C: CO x> • O QCi o CO o o 4^ ro c: a> CO o "^1 • W CO CO CO CO CO JO to to to to JO JO ^ in .— X ^. 00 O CO V CO — CO -1 c^ • ' to — ►-* O CO X CO O X -1 -1 X — ?" • ;, .^ .^ ^ ; X Ci CI CO JO O CO X -1 Ci w« 4=>' CO • •f>>Xi— XCC>-»Xm4»'C0COWi4*'?" Quarterly Premium. ■3 W w ^ l-H m4 H rr' r-* :s *'^'' ^ R ^0 C 1— ( ^ G > n to -T] ^ to M S) r O O c >1 t-H PI ■y. K H ^ /J < *r^ NH o r F1 o -rj ■^ o O 15 i 1 t ,i ,1 V 86 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ONTARIO MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, £100,000. HEAD OFFICE. HAMILTON, CANADA WEST. PRESIDENT. E. CARTUIGllT THOMAS, Esqu. VICK PRESIDKNT. D. C. GUNN, EsaR. HOARD OF DIRECTORS. N. Mcrrit, Esq., John v. Moore, " James Osborne, " C. A Sadlier, " E. C. Thomas, " Jolin Wilson, *< II. C. Baker, Esq. M. W. lirowne, " Peter Carroll, " D. C. Gunn, " James Mclntyrc, " JarjiCsMathieson, *' BANKERS. THE GORE BANK. SOLICITORS. MESSRS. BURTON & SADLIER. SECRETARY. C. HORATIO GATES. ACCOUNTANT. WILLIAM POWIS, MARINE SURVEYOR. CAPTAIN McARTHUR. OFFICE of the (Quebec Agency, McPherson's Buil- dings opposite to the Exchange. Marine, Ocean, and Inland Insurances effected on the most favourable terms. H. W. WELCH, Quebec, July, ISS^. Agent. QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORV. 87 PANY. s. Buil- ed on mt. THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. CLASS A El BopK — nmrisii Noiirii Ami:ui( a— Ndh iiirRN r\ui ok Lniiki) Siaiks — Cai'i; Colonv — .Mai mi us — Aisinxin. Rafrs/or an Assurance ('/*£100, with ^' without Profits. Age. Aiimial I'rcmiiuii w itliout Prulits. Aiimi:il rroinimii witli Profits. Age. Aiiniiiil PrtMuiiun witliDiit Profits. Amiiuil Pri'iiiimn witjj Prolits. £ s. (1. £ s. a. ; 15 1 11 .) 1 14 4 40 20 1 15 1 1 18 41 21 1 1() 1 19 4 42 22 1 IG 10 3 43 23 i 17 9 1 44 24. I 18 9 3 45 25 I 19 8 O 3 3 : 4G 20 2 9 4 47 27 o 1 10 7 48 28 •> o 11 (J 10 49 29 4. 2 8 50 30 2 5 o 9 4 51 31 o () 5 .4W 10 7 52 32 o 7 8 12 53 33 9 13 G 54 34 10 5 o 15 ^ i 55 35 2 11 10 IG ^ 5G 3() o 13 5 IS 3 ! , 57 37 2 14 11 19 11 ! : 58 38 IG 7 3 1 8 : 59 39 18 4. •> 3 7 : : eo £ s. d. 3 3 3 4. 3 () 1 3 8 5 3 10 9 1 ^ 13 .3 3 IG 3 IS 10 4. 4 5 3 4 8 10 4 12 8 4 IG 10 5 1 5 i 5 G 4 5 11 (> :> IG 10 G () G 8 (i 1 ^' 14 11 £ 3 3 :■? 3 3 3 J. 4 4 4. 4 5 5 5 5 (i (i G 7 7 s. 5 7 9 i2 II 17 19 3 G i) 13 Ki 1 5 10 IG 1 7 13 7 d. G S 10 1 7 3 II I) 5 11 1 7 7 s 5 7 o 1 Under certain conditions, these Premiums can Lo paid Half-yearly or (Quarterly. Persons Assured in this Class can proceed to any other Class, under certain conditions A. J. MAXIIAM, Agent, St. James Street, Quebec. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) % A O A % \i^ I l^ A W 1.25 K IS 12.8 §2A lis ^ ■u Hi lii 2.2 6" U 11.6 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation ri>- ^ 1^ ^ <> C^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716)872-4503 ,^ ^ £?. W / ^ t. iv 83 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY, CANADA JFE ASHIIEANCE COMPANY. HEAD BOARD, HAMILTON. President. JirGII C. HAKCR, Esq., Frllow of the Institute of Aotiiuricv Vice-President. J O H N Y O U N G , EsQuiuE. Board of Directors. Hugh C. Baker, Esq., M. S. Kennedy, Esq., W. 1\ MacLarcn, Esq., Hon. ,1. 11. Cameron, D. C. Gunn, Esq. Miles OTveilly, Esq., 11. P. Street, Esq., Mr. Sheriff Thomas, James l-Jamilton, Esq., John Young, Esq., Arcliibald Kerr, Esq., James Cshorno, Esq., R. Juson, X:]sq., J. J). Pringle, Esq., lion. A. Fergusson, Daniel MacNab, Esq., George S. Tiffany, Esq., George W. Burton, Esq., Nehemiah Merrilt, Esq. Bankers. Tin: BANK OF 3I0i\rREAL. Medical Referees, G. O'REILLY, Esq. and W. G. DICKINSON, Esq, Legal Advisers. MEssr.P. liliRTON & SADLEIR. General Agent. Mu. GEORGE ii, SCOTT. Secretary. Mr- THOS. M. SLMONS. BRANCH AT QUEBEC. Me ileal Referee. JOSEPH 3I0RRIN, Esq. M. D. Agent. IT, W. WELCH. OFFICE, OPPOSITE THE EXCHANGE, McPhcrson s Building. QUEBEC BLfSINESS DIRECTORY. 89 NY, ictnurio*. w. p. 11, Esq. Slicrifl , Esq., Jnson, Daniel 'ge W. '> i NATIONAL LOAN FUND LIFE A8SUJIAN0E 80GffiTY. 20 CoRNHiLL, London. Capital, £500,000~st erling, JAMES B. M. CHIPMAN, Esq., General Agent for the British North American Colonies. Weston Hunt, and John Ross, Agents for Quebec. Huiil's Wharf, jiiid Union Building Societj^'s Buildings. SPITABLH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 450 West Strand, London. IT Great St. James Street^ Montreal, Capital, £500,000 Sterling. A. C. BARCLAY, Esq., Chairman. BANKERS. * Messrs. GJynn, Mills & Co. LOCAL DIRECTORS, MONTREAL, William Lunn, Esq., John Torrance, Esq., J. Frothin^rham, Esq., vMfied LaRocquc, Esq.. Benj. Holmes, Esq., Hon. Wm. Morris, J. G. Mackenzie, Esq , E. R. Fabrc, Esq., A. T. Gait, Esq., Theo- dore Hart, Esq. MANAGER BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN COLONIES. Chas. F. Tilstone, Esq. ACCOUNTANT AND CASHIER. D. D. Mackenzie, Esq. Losses are made good without deduction or discount, and are adjusted and paid in Montreal, without reference to London. By a Resolution of the Court in London, the Premiums are Retained in Mont-Fual to pay Losses and Accumu- late a rend of £\0, 000. Weston Hunt, i'a Scotia. Cape Breton, ami Prince Eduard Island. Communications Strictly Confidential. Prc-Pay — Give Full Address of yourseif and Correspon- dent — Write Plain — TTse no Figures — Answer promptly by this Line to avoid confusion and delay. Communications fur Europe and Newfonndland Mailed from Halifax per Steamer. Association iint Hesj)Oiisil)le lor the Inaccunicic;} of the Operators. PRESIDENT. CHRISTIAN WURTia.E, Esq. BOAllI) OF DIRECTORS. James Gtillkspii:, Esa. Weston Hunt, Esa. IIenuy Li:Mesurii:r, Esa. Charles Langevin, Esa. CtiARLES E. Levey, Esa. Henry S. Scott, Esa. secretary & treasurer. Mr. Henry W. Welch. superintendent. Mk. Isaac D. Purkis. m OFFICE — Quebec, — Arthur Street, opposite Bank of Montreal. ** Three-Rivers, — Steam Boat Wharf. " Montreal, — St. Francis Xavier St, No. 32. Hours of Business, 8 A M to 8 P M. QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MONTMF.Afj 93 T E L E G K A P II COMPANY. HEAD orFicE ?.iEuciiAiSTs EXciiAN^iL;.— :.;()N'rni:AL QUEBEC OFFICE, Opposite Commercial Chambers, St. pet Ell STREET, Coiiiiectinuf witli all the principal (.'itios & T(Avn.s in CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. This Company has olliccs in all Cities and Towns hctwccji Quebec and J>(;troit Midi, under its innnediate control. Printed tarilF of rates to be had at the oliice. All Communications Strictly Confidential. Write plain — Give /nil Address of yourself and corres- pondent — Answer promptly by this Line to avoid delay and confusion. Company not responsible for the inaccuracies of Operators. HUGH ALLAN, President. DIRECTORS. JOHN REDPATH, IL IL WHITNEY, JAMES LOGAN, BENJAMIN HALL, O. S. AYOOD, Superintendent, JAMES DAKERS, Secretary, WM. CASSIL^, Manager Quebec Station. OFFICE HOUES. From 8 A. ?vl., to 8 P. M. except Sundays when the office is closed. ll,'.' 94 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. rilOFESSIONS, TRADES, ike. -111. :t r II in M' U.: If i'l 5 ' t ■J i ill % Academies and Schools. Brown's Classical Academy, St. .Tohn st. u. t. )>ritishand Canadian Schools, St. Margaret st., s. r. Christian Rrulliers Schools, Cote a Coton, s. j. and Desfosus St., s. r. rJibb Miss, Seminary for yonng ladies, Esplinade, u. t. lladdaii Miss, St. John st., //, /. <^i lith Dei High School, Hector, J. Stewai St., rape. Infant Scliool, (Lower Town.) St. Charles st., f. f. Infant School, St. .loachim st., s. j. Juneau, F. E. Commercial Academy, 4 Church, st. s. r. Kendall, Mrs., Ladies School, 22 Dalhousie Place, it. t. Laird, Misses, St. Stanislas, st., w. /. National School, D'Auteuil, st., u. t. Nettle's Commercial Academy, 29 St. Ursula st.,?/. t. Percy, Revd C. St. Ursule st , u. t. Protestant Commissioners School, R. C. Geggie Tea- cher, Artillery st., s. I. Roman Catholic Seminary, Fabrique st., w. t. Stanley, Mrs. St. Stanislas st., u. t. St. Andrew's School, Cornwall Teacher, Dauphin St., II. t. Thom's Commercial Academy, St Angel st., ii. t. Accountants rLive, Cyrille, Mont Ciirinel st., I'ournier, T. 7 Haldiniand st., ii. f. viones, Edward, Commercial Chambers St. Peter st. /. f Langcvin, C. l'\ Des Carrier st , cape. O'Farrell, J. Donnacona st., ?/. /. Pendergust, James, Llaldimand st., h. t. Plamondon, Louis, Court House. Rheaume iV Gingras, Haldmiand st., u. f. Willian, John, Mountain st , /. /. Young, John, 53 St. Lewis st , ii. t. Architects & Civil Engineers. Brown, G. R. Buade St., v. t. (opposite Post Office.) Lecourt, J. r. M. Architect, 29 Buade St. Rankin, W^ H. Office Turnpike Trust, Atkinsons buildings, St. Peter Street, /. /. Stavkley k. Dunlevil, Architects, Surveyors & Civil Engineers, Office, St. Lawrence Chambers, /. /. '§ Baillarge, Architect «fc Surveyor, Fwoad Surveyor's Office, City Hall, St. Lewis St., «. t. Gauvreau, P. Architect, D'Aiguillon St., s, j. Auctioneers, Commission Merchants & Brokers. BiCKKLL. Thos. Auctioneer, 25 St. John St., u. t. Cole, Jun., B. Auctioneer & Commission Merchant, St. Stanislas St. u, t. 1 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 97 f St. /. / ICC. ) in son's k Civil /. /. veyor's ^chant, iliBSoNK, G. & II. corner jf St. James fc St. Peter Gt. Mall, V. H. opposite Ex'change, Arthur street, and 49 St. Peter Street, /. /. Laroche, Jun , F, Sault au Matelot St., /. /. Maxham, a. J. Auctioneer & Commission Merchant, corner of St. James St. & Bell's Lane, I. t» Tarquhar, Alex. Auctioneer cc Furniture Broker, St. John Street, without. Porter, II. II. Auctioneer, Inclined Plane Wharf and 3 St. Vallier St., s. r. A. J. MAXHAM, AUCTIONEER, »£ommissi0it llertl]imt, fy\m\ fife Insurance ^gent AND IMPORTER OP GROCERIES, SPIRITS, &c. Bakers. Hkthrington, John, St. John st., without. Magee, J. 26 St. Vallier st., /. t. McCoRKiLL, Jas. 56 St. Paul's St., /. i. see card. Parke, T. 1 St. Charles st., ^ St. Paul's Market, /. t TouRANGEAu, Jun. J, G. 53 St. Joseph St., 5. r. AUard, P. 6 King St. s. r. Boivin J. B. 35 St. Francis st., 5. r. Dion, D. 3 Church st,, s. r. Dostie, Ed. St. Joseph st., s. r, Giguidre, Frs. Church st., s, r. Johnston, Geo., 40 St. John st., u. t, Kilgour, J., St. I;ewis St., u. t. McConkey, C, 60 St. Vallier st., L i. Primond, Noel, 77 St. Vallier st., s. r. Racine, C., St. Joseph St., s. r. St. Hilaire, Augustin, Church St., y r, 17 ■f A n QUEDFX' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. MTORKILL, B ^ K^ fe 1^ D 56, St. Paul's St., Near St. Paul's Market, N. B. — Orders fur Steamboats, Ships, Hotels, Arc, Supplied Punctually and with Dispatcli. Baths. St. Taul St. Baths, 82 St. Paul st. /. /. Bateau Men. Donnelly, P. 23 St. Paul st. /. /. Bell Hanger. Porter, J. 29 St. Stanislas st. w. t. Biscuit Bakers. AUard, Peter, Lower Town Market Place. Glass, John, 42 St. Peter st. /. t. Berlin wool stores. Fuller, Miss, Chequered Buildings, Couillard st. u i, Paul, Miss, Wolfe's Buildings, St. John st. w. t. Billiard Rooms & Bowling Alley. Lill, Thomas, Bowling Saloon &; Racket Court, Palace st. u, t. Billiard Room, Garden st. u ,t. Block, Mast & Pump Makers. DuMLiN, L. B. Ship Wright, Mast Pump & Block Maker, Champlain st. Pres de Ville. Greig, Robt. Block Maker, &c., Champlain st. /. f. Brown, Thos. St. Paul st. /. /. Duval, Champlain st. Cul-de-Sac. Lawson, Andrew, Pres de Ville. Labadie and Derouin, St. Roch's st. $, r. irket. QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 00 J>0ARniN(; Houses, (Private.) Jkffrkys, Mrs. widow Thos. No. 5, St. Ann st. u. ^ Dastoiis, Ls.\s wharf, /. /. DotUl, Mrs. Place d'Arines, //. f. (Toodo, Miss ^?. CheqiiL-rcd iJiiildini^s, Couillard st. n. f. Poncy Miss, fil St. Peter st. /. /. Saxe, Mrs. St. Stanislas st. u. f. Steele, Mrs. Esplanade, h. t. Boat ^ Spar Makrr.s. Fulton & Alexandkr, Boat Builders, cV.c. Presde \'illo. Ferguson, James, Prcs dc Ville. Booksellers, Stationhrs & Bookbindkrs. Broussi:au, J. T. Publislier and Stationer, 9 iJiiadc St. //. /. Cary, Thos. Bookseller and Stationer, Prescott (J ate Steps, Bnadc st., u. t. Cosguovj:, Bookseller and Stationer, 21- Jolin st. u, t. Cote r. L'Heureux, J B., 33 Desfosses st., s. r. Lhortie, J., 35 St. Joseph st., s. r. I'>E I' ' 5 I its., s. r QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 105 1 Lortie, Jean, 19 Desfosses st , .v. r. Macamand, Joseph, comer Anne and Ste. Marguerite Montminy, F., Flenrie St., s. r. Morritt, T.^ Cape Blanc. McGinnis, A,, 18 Esplinade. McMahon, B., Champlain st., /. /. McMuUin, J., Comer Desfosses and St. Dominique sts., s. t\ O'Brien, J., 312 Champlain st., /. t. O'Neill, Pres de Ville. Perrault, Ls., 35^ Desfosses st. s. r. Plante, A., 9^ Commissioners st., s. r, Portua, Jos., 24^ Desfosses st., s. r. Racine, Ed., St. Paul st., /. t. RheaumCy C., 66 Fleurie st., s. r. Rheaume, A., 34? Desfosses St., s. r, Ross, David, 256 Champlain st., /. /. Roy, Joseph, 7 Notre- Dame st., /. t. Roy, v., 47^ Desfosses st., s, r. Savard, F. 8.^ Desfosses st., s, r. Stephens, G., 28^ St. John st., without, Taylor, W. 11^ Fleurie st., s, i\ Taylor, C, 16 Artillery st. s. l. Thibeau, B., 3, St. Paul st., /. t. Trihey, D., 246 Champlain St., /. /. Turcotte, E,, 10 Commissioners st., s. r''»>> Vezina, Jacques, 76 D'aiguillon st. s j, V6zina, T., 84 D'aiguillon st. sj\ Carriage & Coach Builders. Gingras, E., 36 St. Ursule st., w. t. Saurin, J J., 15 St. Anne st., u. i. Voter, Ls., 95^ St. John St., s, j. Alain, Jean, St. Gabriel St., s,j. Bureau, J B., 11 St, Olivier st., s, 7, •:J.«siW.rtSift«»*?P^Sf^^»S«*«W^. 108 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I:ir I!.:'. ^i ilii (Jasaiilt, Ed., foot of Cote a Coton, St. Vallier st. .^ r. (I'iiigras, G., D'Aiguillon st., .v. J. riagn6, A., foot of St. Augustin st., s,j. Ilal6e, Michel, St. John st., s,j» li^garc, E., 171 St. Vallier st., s, r. ii'Heurcux, J., 88.^ St. John st., s, j\ Marceaii, E. V., 90 St. Vallier St., s. r. Mouuier, 11., 18 St. George st., s. j^ Pag^, Joiin, 51 St. John st., $. j. Tare, Joseph, 51 St. Gabriel st, s, j\ l^roteau, Ed., 17 St. Gabriel st., *, ;, richette, F X. 77 St. John st., s,j, Samson, P 11., St. Vallier st., 5. r. Seguin, A., Cote d' Abraham and St. Vallier St., .s. r, Thomas dit Bigaonette, J O., 50 St. Vallier st., f. r, 'Irudel, F. 79 St. John st., s,j\ Verret, A., 37 St. George st., s.j. Carvers, Gilders, &c. FouRNiEii, Thos., 10 St Nicholas st. NouMAND, Frs., Desfoss^s st. s. r. KouLEAU, Thos., 38 St. Marguerite st s r. Smith, .Tohn, 25 St. John st. without, (see card.) J. SMITH^ ~ CARVER & GILDER, f ooliing §Iass t^ '^xtim Jji-ame ST. JOHN STREET (without.) Prints and Needlework Framed and Glazed. Window Cornices and Gilt Bordering for Rooms. Paintings and Prints Cleaned and Restored. Prints and Maps mounted and Varnished. Pain- tings and Prints for sale. Chemists & Druggists. &c. Ardouin, G. G., Quebec Dispensary, Fabrique st., u. i, Bowles, Jos., Fabrique St., w. t, Giroiix, O., Fabrique st*, w. t, and Bridge St., s. r. Musson, & Co., John corner Buade and Fort st., u. i. Wright, Junr., S, " St. John and Palace St., k. U iU ■J I f. r. & Co,, A. 70 St. John st. v. t, (see card) MoNTMiNY, O. Notre Dame »t. L t,, and Champlain St. steps /. t. Morgan, J. & E., Importers, II St. John st. u, i. Moss, P, Dry Goods and Clothing,^51 St. John st. u, t. and Champlain st., steps, /, t, O'Neill, P, Importer, Scott's 13uiiding3, Buade st u. /, Read, S., Dry Goods, 11 Mountain st. /. t. Rivet s st , s. r. Chabot, P., 9, No!re Dame st., /. t. Colomb, Widow, 40, Desfossds St., s. r, Cot6, 32^ Craig st., s. r. Cot6 A., 28, Crown st., s. r. Couture, M., 15, Crown st., s. r. Crete, M., St. Vallier st., s. r. Dechaine, Magloire, Notre Dame St., /. /, Delamare, T., 28, Craig st., s. r. Dicn, Jos., 8, Mountain st., /. t, Dionne, F., 7, Mountain st., /. t. Donohue, Miss., 14^ St. John st., s.j. Dumas, J., St. Vallier st., s. r. Falardeau, P., 41, Crown st., s. r, Finnigan, Jas., 6, Notre Dame st. L t^ Fortin, Mrs., 34, St. John st., w. t. Frechette, J. B., 8, Sous le Fort st., /. (, Gagnon,P., 20, St. Nicholas st., /. /, Gadoue, A. S4|, St. John st., s.j. Gallagher, F., 40, Crown st., s. r. Gilloran, 1),, 11, St. Paulst., /. t. Gingras, P., 3^, St. John st., without, Gingue, Mrs., 19, Hope st., u. t. Guay, F., 4, Notre Dame st., /, t. Hardy, Jos., 7, Sous le Fort st., /. t, Horan, E., 19, Fabrique st.,M. t, Huot, J ,21, Crown st., s. r. Jones, P., 36, St. John st., w. /. Julien, M., 18, St. John st., $.j, Kelly, P., 9, Craig st., s. r. Langlois, Louis, 4^ Desfosses st., Laroche, Wm., St, John st., s.j. Latulippe & Hudon, 79, Crown st., s, r, Lavoie, P., 30^, Craig st. s. r. Lavoie, F.. Craig st., s. r. 'fmmmmimm^i 1! k;. 116 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ■•n ;U!; I, V' 11 i -^4 m El" • ■ . v. ; i. ■ Lawrence, Geo. 15, St. George St., s.^'. Leiifesty, M. «fe R., 4, St. John st., s.j, Le Sueur, Philip, corner Craig & Desfosses St., s. r. Marchildon & Jervaia, corner Notre Dame st., & sous- lefort st , /. /. Marois & Lepage, 23, Crown st. s. r. Mectcau, P., 38. Craig st., 5. r. Mecteau, J. B., St. Vallier St., . i 'I ' 4 '^ I ^ y* 1 i ■ill I liil ::^ .( i > I n i 1': I I'll 118 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. A. MERRIIL & C GENKRAL IMPOETEES OF 0, DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, N« 70, ST. JOHN STREET, I 1 tj TT I hf k r viUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. GLOVER & FEY, 119 Qys::@ia IMPORTERS OF Q DRY GOODS, FROM Cnglaniy, Stotlan^, Ireland, Jfraiice, GERMANY & UNITED STATES, Or any other Country tchere Goods caji he bought on the most advantageous terms. G. & F, beg to call the attention of the people of C'anada to the undermentioned goods all of which are of the best and most durable description and Lower than any other house in Canada. LIST OF DEPARTMENTS. Woollen Goods. — Broad Cloths, Kerseymeres, Doeskins, Vene tians, Beavers, Pilots Blankets, Flannels, Serges, Mcrinoes, Co- bourgs, Orleans, Laskings. Cotton Goods. — Prints, Shirtings, Mnlls, Counterpanes, Mus- lins, Sheetings, Moleskins, Dcmins, Twilled, Regattas, Ticks, Oinings, Demities. Linen Goods. — Irish Linens, Lanons, Sheetings, Diapers, Towelling, Table Cloths, Napkins, Ticks, Browu Hollands, Canada Baggings, Drills, Danlas. Silk Goods. — Black and Coloured Silks, Satins, Sarsnets, Silk Handkerchiefs, Crapes, Velvets, Ribbons and Fancy Goods of all kinds. Glover & Fry are the only recognised agents in this country for Messrs. H. G. & D. Nicoll's, London ' celebrated and gentle- manly clothing, in style and workmanship superior to anything made in Canada. Persons at a distance from Quebec buying a suit of Clothes at their house can save their expenses over the prices usually charged by the Tailors in this country besides seeing one of the most beautifvil and delightful Cities on this continent. »C-.«Jf«i»f,1Wr,. !l l:i;i;^i!:l. ir-^i: -*i: '.a ' ,1) t ■■,' ;f! t 1 i; u X r : *' f I I ' ; 120 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Chs. N. THIBODEAU, IMPORTER OP J^ritisl- Jfwn% German m)s %mxum GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 72, St. JOHN STREET, QXTEBEC. Dyers. Farley, J,, 8 St. Gabriel st. s, L Heron, Mrs. 7 St. Julie st. s, I, Lawrence, Geo., St. George st. s.j. Engravers and Copper Plate Printers. Leggo, W. A., Senr., Copper Plate Printer, corner of Dauphin and St, Ursule st. w. /. Leggo, W. A, Junr., Engraver and Copper Plate Prin- ter, Buade st. u, t, Wyse, F H,, 21^ St. John st. w. L Express Companies. British and North American Express Co,, F. J. Logie, Agent, St. Peter st. /. t. National Express Co., Daiil. McGie, Agent, St. An- drew's wharf L U Fishing tackle Mnupacturer and Bird Stuffer. Kendall, Owen G„ 23| St. John st, withouU (see card) QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 121 OWEN G. KENDALL, AND FISHING TACKLE MANUPACTUREB, m St, M^ Sto^t (toitfeout) Has always on hand fishing tackle and flies of eveiy description. Birds stuffed to order. Fancy Stores. Fuller, Miss, Chequered Buildings Couillard st. u, $, Hamel, C. F. St. John st. u. t, Hickman, Wm., St, Joseph st opposite Fabrique st. u, I. Murphy, Miss, i St. Ann st. w, t. Paul, Miss, Wolfe's Building's, St. John st. w. t. Reid, Mrs. Palace st. u, L Wise, F. 21^ St. John st. w. U Clapham, J., 40 St. George st. s,j, Giroux, Miss, 48 Crown st. s. r. Piton, 19 Craig st. st. s. r. Fire Loan Office. Prevost, Louis, Manager, St. Peter st. /. t. Flour & Provision Stores. Benoit & Hawley, Arnold's Stores, Sous le Fort st., /. I. Brown, Wm., 74, St. Vallier St., s, r, Charlebois & Freres, Gillespie's Wharf, I, t, Connelly, & Co., Hunt's Wharf, L U Dion, F. X., St. John st., without. Hanley, Michael 50, St. Peter st., L t. Hearn, John 293, Champlain st., /. /. Kenaud fc Frere, Napoleon Wharf, /. t, Roy, W. H., Union Lane, Lower Town Market. WiLKiNS, Thos., 28, St. Peter st., I, L Bellemire, Ls., 24, St. Nicholas St., 7. t. Brown, Robt., corner St. Vallier & St. Rochs St., s. r, 21 ,, III |^ |Hp^p l|^i|||^^p^!^ff^ p^^nl) ) ^llllW l W^wy .■•1^£j4M^[^|Httj|ttfiE||^^^^ m' 122 QUEBEC BUSII4ESS DIRECTORY. m Bureau, Jean, Deligny, st., corner ofd'Aiguillon si., s.j\ Bureau, Joseph, 4^ Jupiter st., s, L Drolet, O., 27, St. John st., without, Gagnon, L., corner Crown & Desfosses st., s. r. Gauthier, L., 58, St. Vallier st., s» r, Gingras, N., 64, St. John St., without. Levall6e, Chs. Sous le Fort st., /. L Matt6 & Patoine, Lower Town Market Place. Parant, J., St. Paul st., /. f, Patry, Joseph, 79, St. Paul st., /. /. Pigeon, & Co. Jos., Lower Town Market, Place. Tessier, Frs., corner Church & Desfosses st., s, r. Forwarders. Anderson, & Co., John, St. Peter st., /. t. Farrow, Walker, & Co., Napoleon Wharf, /. t, Henderson & Holcomb, Arthur st., /. t. Laird, John, Forwarder & Commission Agent, St. Law- rence Chambers, /. t. Mcintosh, & Co., D., St. Lawrence Chambers, /, t. McCuaig, & Co., J. S. East India Wharf, Arthur st., /. i, McPherson, Crane & Co., opposite Quebec Bank, St. Peter St., /. t, Robertson, Thompson, & Co., opposite Quebec Bank, St. Peter st., /. t. FOUNDERIES AND ENGINEERING ESTABLISH- MENTS. Calvert & McMaugh, Champlain st. /. t, Henrt, J. W. Champlain st. /. i, Lee & Son, R., Engineers, corner St. Paul and Ram- say St. I, i, Strang, A., Iron and Brass Founder, Bath St., /. t. Re- sidence 25 Palace St., u U TwEDDBLL, Brothers, Founders and Engineers, 40 Champlain st. /. U fiisset, Geo., 12 St. Vallier st. /• t. Galbraith, John, St. Paul's market /• U Pardy, Ed. Brassfouuder &c., D'aiguillon St. u. U \ L ' fl ' . '.yi- Jt.Ll i . iW ^ ' n St., S.J, e. t. Law- /. t. St., /. t, nk, St. ank, St. ^ISH- Ram- ^Re- jrs, 40 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Fruit Stores. 123 Blakeley, Mathew, 11 Palace st. w. ^ Hewlett, Mrs., Mountain st. /. t. Furniture Brokers. Cole B. jnnr., St. Stanislas st. ?/. ^ Madden, Jeremiah, successor to late John Miller, Garden st. u, t, Cot^, P„ 37 St. Vallier st. s, r, Farquhar, A., 3 St. John st. without. Gas Company. Quebec Gas Co., P. Peebles, Manager, St. PauFs Mar- ket Wharf/. ^ General Merchants, Importers and Exporters. Atkinson, H., General Merchant, St. James st. /. /. Atkinson, E. W. General Merchant, St, James st. I, t, Boisseau, p. St. Joseph st. w. t, BuTEAU, F., General Merchant, 25 St. Paul st. /. t. Campbell, J., General Merchant, 15 St. Peter st. /. t, Chouinard, Poir & Co., General Merchants, corner of St. Peter and Sous le Fort st. L t. Clint, J. H., General and Commission Merchant, Lowndes and Dinning's Wharves, St. Paul st. 1. 1. Connolly & Co., Genl. Merchants, Hunt's Wharf,/, t. Dean, Jas. Merchant, Dean's Buildings 15 St. Peter St. /. (. Residence, corner St. Olivier and Glacies St. s,j\ Eraser, J. M. General Merchants, Wellington Wharf, J. B. F. Lane I. t Eraser, Thos. General Merchant, East India Wharf, Arthur st, L t, Funch Meincke & Co., General Merchants, Ryan's buildings, St. Peter st I. t. GiBB & Ross, General Merchants Commercial Chambers St. Peter st. L t, Gillespies & Co., Genl, Merchants, Gillespies Wharf /.^ ,.t , « , 124 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORV, m ill'*' i % GiLMOun, Sc Co., Allan, Merchants, Ship Builders, Sec. Office, St. Peter st., /. f, Henderson, W. S. General Merchant, Paul st. corner of Sault au Matelot st. /. t, Henderson, Walter C. General Merchant, Hunt's Wharf /. t. Hunt &: Co., Weston, Hunt's Wharf/, f, Kelly, T., St. Lawrence Chambers, /. /. Lane, Gibb & Co., Wholesale Merchants, St. Antoine st. /. t, Langlois iV Co., P., St. Andrew's Wharf, /. /. Leaycraft, J. W., West India Merchant, West India Wharf, /. /. Lenfestey, H., General Merchant, 17 St. Peter st. /. t, Masson, Iluot Sc Co., Genl Merchants, St. James st. /. t. Masson, Thibodeau Sc Co., General Merchants, corner of St. Peter and Sous le Fcrt st, /. t. Mitchell, Robt. General and Commission Merchant, opposite Exchange, Residence, Balieue, St. Foy Road. Morel, & Co. A., 12, Buade st,, u. t, McBlain, H., General & Commission Merchant, Hunt's Wharf, /. t, McGiE, Danl., Merchant, St. Andrew's Wharf, /. t, NoAD & Co.,H. J., General Merchant, St. Paulst.,/.^ Oliver, Jas. E., Arthur st,, opposite Excl.ange, /. t. Peniston, R., General Merchant J. B. F. Lane, /. t. Price, Wm., General Merchant, corner of St. Peter y ' • t • \L ter «k It, St. ain t\c er St., »y (• {> QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 125 Beswick & Co., Geo. corner Bell's lane & Arthi. st., /. t. Brodie, C, corner St. Peter & St. James St., /. ^ Caldwell, Sir, H. J., Arthur st., K t. Gale & Hoflman, Dalhousie st., /. t, Gordon & Co., St, James st,, /. ^ Hamilton & Co., Arthur st.. /. t, Lemesurier, Tilstone k. Co., Commercial Chambers, St. Peter st., /. ^ Lowndes, J. J., St. Peter st., corner Bell's Lane. L f. Parke, G. H. East India Wharf, /. t, Parke & Co., A. East India Wharf, t. t. Pemberton, Bros., St Peter st., /. t, Samson, C, 7, Desfosses st., s. r. Wurtele, C. & W., St, Paul st., /. t. Grocers and Ship Chandlers. Babineau & Gaudry, Ship Chandler, 64 St. Peter st. l.t* Battle, Martin, Ship Chandler, 74 Champlain st. I. i. BiCKELL, W. J., Groceries and Earthenware, Foot of Mountain st. /. t. Bois, Freres, Grocers, Wholesale and retail, 25 St. Peter st. /. t, Browne, W. Grocer, 136 St. Vallier st. s, r. Chouinard, Poir & Co., Wholesale Grocers, corner of St. Peter and Sous le Fort sts. /. t, CoDviLLE, Hy. 12 St. Joseph st. w. /. DoLEEC, Ed. St. John st. opposite Jupiter st. s,j, DuNif , J., Grocer and Ship Chandler Diamond Harbour. Fraser, Alex. Grocer and Wine Merchant, corner of St. Nicholas and St. Vallier st. L t, Gilmore,A.&; J., Grocers & Ship Chandlers, 103, Cham- plain St., Halee, Frs., Grocer, St. Peter st. /. t. Hall, Geo., 71 St. John st. w. L Haslett, Jas., 51 St. John st. u, (, Hethrington, E., Grocer, 39 St. John st. u. f, Hossack, G. C., Grocer, 325 Champlain st. /. (, HossACK, Wm., Grocer, corner of St. Ann and Garden st. u. t. HossACK, Jas., Grocer, 5 Notre Dame st. I, (. 22 .1 . i I ■it ■H II ]2(i QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTOKV. fiENFESTFY, Jolin, ir)4<, St. Vullicr St., s. r. LeCiikminant, VV„ 19 Ksibriciue st. u. t. Macpherson Diincun, WliolcHule, St. Potcr st. /. / Maguire, D. Jiinr., Sliij) Chundlor, (Jrocer unci Pro- vision Merchant, corner of St. Peter and St. Ant- oine, sts., /. /. Marcoux, Jos., Grocery and Tavern, St. Paul's Mar- ket, /. /. McAdams, II., 42 Sault au Matelot st. /. /. McCabe, lloss, Grocer and Ship Cliandlcr, Spencer Cove. Morris ette, J. B., Grocer, Wholesale and Retail, 58 St. Peter st. I. I, Mountain, M. (i. 69 St. John st. u. t. O'Connor, II. dealer in Wine, Spirits A:c., 15 St Paul St. /. /. O'Flahf.rty, M. Grocer and Ship Chandler, 15 St. Peter st. /. /. O'Rourke, F., Grocer and Wino Merchant, 16 St. Paul st. /. t. Paterson, John, Wholesale Grocer &c., Arthur st. /. /. PoLLEQuiN, L., Grocery and Grain Store, St. Paul's Market. PosTON, E. & W , Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Lower Town Market. PosTON, Thos., 25 Buade st. u, t. Hay, O ^ D. M., Grocers, Tobacconists and Ship Chan- dlers, 242 Champlain st. /. t. (see card.) RouRKE, M. & F., corner of St, Paul and St. Nicholas Stokes, J. C, Grocer, 8 St. John st. without. Tate, Wm. Grocer and Ship Chandler, Champlain St., near Globe Hotel /. t» Teaffe, John, 60 St. John st. w. t. Thompson, Geo., 26^ St .John st. without. TuRCOTTE & Martel, Wholesale Grocers, St. Paul st./. f, (see card.) Wallace, H. F. Craig st. corner of Queen st. s, r. Whitehead, Jos. Grocer, 29 St. John st. w. t. Wilson, & Co., C. W., Grocers and Ship Chandlers, 26 St. Peter st. I. t. QUEBKC BUSINESS DIRECTORr. 127 ikI l*ro- St. Ant- 's Mar- Spenccr jtuil, 58 St Paul 15 St. 16 St. ; St. /. t, Paul's Lower Chan- icholas mplain St./. t, r, Qcllers, Ahcrii, P., I St. Croix st. .v. /. Alluir, I'^t., U) Prince lulward 8t. s. r. Augers, A., corner St. .lohn and La Fontaine st. a.j. Asselin ^ Fortin, corner Crown &l Prince Kdward st. .V. r. Auger, F., St. Vallierst. .s. ;•. Panlield, Wm., Pres do Ville. liimuet, J., corner Sutherland & D'aiguillon st. s»j. Payne, Jas., Ca^) Plane. Beer,.rosc{'^ , St. Vallier st. a, r,, foot of cote d'Abraham. Pedard, Jean, 28 St. Anne st. s, r. Belauger, O., corner St. Aiuie and King st. s. r. Bellcau, P. 99 St. Vallier st. .s. r. Belouin, V. Dorchester st. corner King st. .?. r. Belouiu, Frs. corner Dorchester &. Pwichardson st, s. r. Bertiiiaume, Thos. 39 Desprairies st. s, r. Bilodeau, A., St. Joscj))! st., s. r. Blais, K. Crown st., .v. r. Blais, .J. B., 195, St. Vallier st., s. r. Blondeau & Dery, corner Richelieu & Ste. Claire st., s.j. Boilie, Miss, 75, d'Aiguillon st., s.j. Bouchard, Naz., 18, Desprairies st., s. r. Bourget, E. (jJ., 36, Fleune st., .v. r. Brown, S. & J., 48, St. Peter st., /. f, Butler, S. 90, Pres de Ville. Burns, Thos., 93, Pres de Ville. Campbell, Mrs., 70, St. Olivier st., s.j. Cantin, A., corner Richelieu & Ste. Genevieve St., s. j, Carroll, Ed., corner Grant ScKingsts., s. r. Carrier, Louis, 55^, King st., s, r. Chatigny, L., 197, St. Vallier st., s, r. Coghlan, R., 99, Pres de Ville. Coveny, Ed., 52, Artillery st., s, r. Cullen, M., 3, Craig st., s, r. Dalaire, J. B., corner King & Crown sts., s. r. Darveau, Jos., Richelieu st., s. j. Deblois, G.,46, St. Francois st., s. r. Deblois, F., corner Dorchester & Richardson st., s. r, Delisle, S.,44, St. Vallier st., s. r, Delisle, Jos., St. Vallier, st., s, r, Devlin, L., 71, Pres de Ville. «ini^i i iiir-i ii w" i iiir ii iin Hope st. u. /.,and 3^ St. George st. s.j. Tinkler, Mrs., corner Grant and Desprairies sts. s. r. Turcotte, H., 38, Crown st., s. r. Turcotte, L., 141^, St. Vallier st., 5. r, Urquhart, Robt., 1, St. George st., s.j, Vachon, Mrs., 70, St. John st., s. j. Vezina, O, M., St. Vallier St., s, r, Vocelle, O., 29, Grant st., s, r* Wadman, W. 26, Artillery st., s. y Walsh, P., 329, Champlain st., s, r. Watters, Frs., 59, St. Paul st., /. t, Waterson, H., Cape Blanc. White, David, corner St. John & St. Peter St., s. j. O. & D. M. RAY, GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS, ke. THE 8ION OF THB HIGHLANDER. 342 CHAMPLAIN STREET, BOTTOM OF THE STEPS, LOWER TOWN, i!***l ili > l l i»U ! I I JI ii l l i ipi *' I Ml'» « iiB i >W|l' ! » i W ai's, will also be found coon, cheap and well assorted, and his sujiply of Sl'IBIi^ir (Siil'M]i(ai5El'2IEs' is such, that strangers visiting the City, can always he sure to find at his Store, ii specimen of every deseri])tion of article which the Indian women manufacture, all of which he will Sell on the low- est possible terms. ^j§" Please to call and examine. N. B. — Cash paid for all descriptions of Fur Skins. MVD) MERCIEll, PaRRIER & CAP MAKER, Dealer in Shipping Furs, &e. CORNER OE ST. JOHN & PALACE STRllETS, QUEBEC. of strangers visiting Quebec is reopectiully called. The highest cash price paid for all kinds of Shipping Furs in good season. i ill l!! ' }' I 136 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORV. Hotel Keepers. Begin, C, Steamboat Jlotol, 8 St. Peter st., /, t. IjLanciiaui), J., Blanehai'd's ]lotel, Lower Town Market. Boyce, Ceo. Hotel, St. Peter st., /. /. FuLLARTON, J. P., C St' Jollll st. S. j. Gagne, Tlios., Neptune Hotel, 59 St. Peter st. /. (. GiLLARD, Mrs., Exchange Coffee Pvoom, Exchange /. (. GuAY, L., American Hotel, Napoleon VVharl\^ Lower Town Market. Hayj;s, Mrs. Hannah, Clouetl's Bailding, Buadc st. u. t. Hi:nciii;y, P., St. Ann st. v, t, La3ii}, Thos., Lamb's Hotel, St. .Fohn st. ?/. t. Lindsay, John, City Hotel, Garden st., v. t. Melrose's Bytown Hotel, Lower Town Market and '1 St. Peter st., /. t. O'Neill, H., Ottawa Hotel, Sanlt an Matelot st. /. /. Russell's Hotel, Palace st., n. /, Sword's Hotel, P. Sword, St. Lewis st., n, t. BLANCHAED'S HOTEL. rpilE undcrsh^nod avails lilniself of the occasion to thank his X iVicnds and the pul)lic in general, as well as the travelling coin- nmnitY, who have had tlie kindness heretofore to h»)nor him with tlieir patronage. The ENLARGEMENT and improvements which he just made in liis Estahlishmcnt will permit him to ])roniise con- lidently to the Travelling Public all comforts and Enjoyments which can be obtained in the best Hotels in Canada. Tlie close proximity of the Markets in the LOWEIl TOWN enables liim at the same time to cover his Table with the most recherche Fare. MELEOSE'S BYTOWN HOTEL. AND I'LANTAGENET AVAl'ER DEPOT, LOWER TOWN MARKET PLACE, No. 2, ST. PETER STREET. Every accommodation for Boarders and Travellers, and every information to Strangers. 11 Market. aiig'e /. t. &c Lower Ic St. V. t. rket and X. I, t. h. tliank his lliiiu;- cctin- hiui Avitli nts which niise con- ijoyments TcnvN Itlie most CEI ^) lCE; [d every QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 137 OTTAWA HOTEL, 8AULT-AU-AIATELOT STREET. H. O'NEILL, PROPRIETOR. rpHlS Or-D Estahlishment and favorite Hotel has been fitted 1. up anew, and a larjije number of additional bed-rooms, dining room enhirged to contain one hundred guests. The well known central and convenient situation of this House, and the many years' experince of the Proprietor as an HOTEL KEEPER, leads him to hope, with some confidence, for a conti- nuance of that patronage and support which he has always done his best to deserve. Table d'llotc served from ONE to TWO o'clock every day. Prlcc I S. 1 O^d. Hudson Bay Company. Watt, Jas. Stewart., Agent, Office, 87 St. Paul st. /. /. India Rubbers Repairers. Ratte, Joseph, 29, St. Ursula st., u, t. White, Mrs., corner of Hope & St. Joseph st., 71. (. Inns &. Taverns. Beaulieu, Peter, 48 St, John st., u, t, Heazle, Thos. 24? Buade st., u, t, Skillen, Saml., 3 St. Paul st., /. t. Andrews, John, Diamond Harbour. Bacon, C, St. Julie st., corner of St. Eustache st., s. L Bacon, Catherine, St. Eustache st., s, h Bacquet, M., St. Peter st., I, t, Barrett, M., 2 Sault an Matelot st., 1. 1. Barrey, Wm., Champlain st. Harden, Mrs., Diamond Harbour. Berry, Hy., 75 Champlain st. Bickell, Mrs., Ciil de Sac st. /. t, Blanc, Louis, Mount Pleasant. Bouchard Ed., 49 St. John st., s,j. Bourgette, Ls., 55 St. Peter st., /. i. Bourgette, Louis, Lower Town Market Place. Bradley, A., Cul-de-Sac st., /. t, Brisebois, Frs., Lower Town Market Place. 24 WH^^^SSi 1 ■llli if M? ' i, 4 I 4'\ li 138 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIUECTORr. I5ro\\:n, Wm., 73 Champlain st. /. t. IJutler, 1*., corner (irant and King st. ;t. r. Carhigher, Mrs. 309, Chani})lain st. /. ^ Carroll, Thos., 3 Artillery' st., s. I, Cliarnbers, W., 323 Champlain st. Collins, M., St. Louis st. w. /. Collins, John, 12 llampart st., u. t. C'onnolly, IVlrs., St. Antoine st. /. /. Coolican, J., St. Paul st., /. /. Cocrigan, Mrs. Cul-dc-Sac st., L t. Daly, P., St. Antoine st., /. /. .Daniel, Wm., 10 St. Paul st., /. t. Deegan, Wm , 41 Sault au Matclot st., /. t, Demers, Bazile, Lower Town Market Place. Descarreaux, Lower Town Market Place. Dion, T., 69 St. Eustache st,, s. I. Donnelly, J., 2 St. Ann st., m. /. Donohue, Mrs., 109 Champlain st. /. t, Doyle, M., 8 St. Amable st., .s. /. Drolet, P., 5 St. Roch's st., s. r, Dunham, Geo. H. IL, 14 Garden St., m. t. Dwyer, P., 94 Champlain st. Earle, B. 8 St. Michael st., s. L Edgert, J.., 14^ St. Gabriel st. s. L Fagu6, A., 55 D'Aiguillon st., s. j. Fawcett, P.. 12 St. Amable st., s, L Fitzgerald, Robt., Carleton st., u, t, Fleming, Mrs., 36 Champlain st. Foley, Mrs., 214 Champlain st. Forster, John, 247 Champlain st, /. /. Gagn6, Thos., Lower Town Market Place. Gallagher, 13 Champlain st , /. t. Gardner, .Jas., 24 St. Paul st,, /. t. Gervais, P. J. D., Lower Town Market Place. Gervais, Prudent, Lower Town Market Place. Giguiere, A., Cape Blai:,c. Guilfoyle, M., Cape Blanc. Gilloran, D., 11, St Paul st., /. t, Grenier, H., 22, Buade st., u, ^ Hamman, Mrs., 60, St. Peter St., /, U Hatch, J ., 324, Champlain st. aUEBKC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hayes, Jolin, 2r)3, Clmrnpluin st. IJuydcn, Jiimes, 24G, Ch;uii[)luia st. IIo«^un, J., IG, Crown st., .v. /•. Jackson, John, 2, St. (Jeorge st., s, j. Jones, .John, Pres-de-villc. Jordan, Clis., 24, Chaniplain st. Kelly, G., 8i Artillery st., .v. /. Kirwan, Ed., 4, Desfosses st., s, r. Lachancc, Jos., Lower Town Market Place. Lane, Thos., 280, Champlain st. /. /. Lapoiiite, M., 54«, St. Peter St., I. ^ Lawler, P., corner St. Joseph & Craig St., s. r. Lawlor, D., 299, Champlain st., /. t. Lawson, Z., Diamond Harbour. Lecourt, D., Lower Town .Market Place. Lemieux, L., 41 St. John st., s.J. Lemieux, L., Lower Town Market Place. Leveque, F., Orlean's Wharf, /. t. Lewis, Thos., 314, Champlain st., /. /. Lynch, P., 48, Champlain st., /. /. Maguire, John, 4, Nouvelle St., s.j. Masse, H., 49, St. John st., s. j. Megatty, 13., 21, St. Julie st., s. I. Moor\ Mrs., 116 Champlain st., /. /. Morrisette, V., Notre Dame St., /. t, Morris, R., 38 Champlain st., I. t. Moss, Ed., 28 Champlain st., /. t. Murphy, Mrs., St. Paul st., /. t, McCaffrey, Hugh, Garden st., w. t, McGlinn, G., St. Louis st., u, t, McGlory, D., Garden st., u, t. McHugh, B., 259 Champlain st., /. t, Mclntyre, W., Cul de Sac st., /. t, Mcliaughlin, F., 252 Champlain st., /. t, McMeal, W., 1 St. Ann st., u, t, Nolan, J., 79 Champlain st., /. L O'Brien, J., 117 Champlain St., /. t. O'Callaghan, M., 330 Champlain st., /. (, O'Connell, Thos. 313 Champlain st., /. t, O'Connor, D., 27 Champlain st., /. t, O'Neill, Cul de Sac st., /. /. 139 I l i, i i |i j,l| l< i D ll f l' ■I 1 1'. 9 I f '*;! 1 11 ; : lii: 1 i 1 It , 1 HO (iUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. O'Neill W., Diamond ITnrbonr. IVrray, Mrs., Diaiiioiid llarbuur. ri(.Ii,^coii, ]\, Capo HIaiic. I*owor, 11., ('liamj)lain st., /. /. Pritcliartl, llirain, 20 St. Augustine st., 5. j. Vrovan, John, 3 St. Ann st., //. t. (^ninn, Mrs., 280 Champlain st., /. t, (^ninn, Cul de Sac St., /. /. Itanisay, Mrs., ('hami)lain st., /. /. Rancour, Jo.'}. E., 52 St. John fit.fS.j, lleegan, James, 24- D'Aiguillon St., s.j, Reynolds, E., Sous Ic Fort st., /. t. Rol)ertson, D., 63 St. Eustache St., s. I. Roche, James, 238 Champlain st., I. ^ Saurin, M., 17;[ St. Julie st., s, I. St. Amand, J. B., 16 Richelieu st., s.j. St. Amand, A., St. Augustin st., .v. ^'. Scott, S., 313, Champlain st., L t. Sheeman, Denis, Cul de Sac st., /. t. Shorten, D., 1 Craig st., s. ?-. Soucy, Louis M., St. Paul's Market /. /. Stepleton, M., Cape Blanc. Sullivan, C, Cul de Sac st., /. /. Thomas, John, 2 Garden St., ?/. t. Tiernay, M., 45 Pres de Ville. Timmons, J., 12 St. Ann St., ?/. f. Toole, Mrs., Pres de Ville. Turgeon, J., 3 Union st., I. t, Walsh, J., 3 Nouvelle st., s. L Walsh, M., 20 Artillery st., 5. /. Walton, A., 9 Cul de Sac, st., I. t, Ward,J., Pres de Ville. Walters, Frs., 30 Champlain st., I, t. Wangh, Jas., St. Antoine st., I. t. White, R., 33 Nouvelle st., l. U Wilson, Benj., Diamond Harbour. Yates, Mrs., Champlain st., /. t. Inspector of the Queen's Domain. Primrose, Hon. F. W., Haldimand St., w. t. QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORV Ml Inspectors. Ashes, — .Ijiinos, TlMyrs, Arthur st.,/. t. Flour,— C. S., IMiilips, (lillrspios Wliarf /. /. Pork, — Jno., Nohm, Arthur st., /. /. \Vei<,^hls iV Metisure.'.',— J. Wilkins, 28, St. Peter St., /. t. Jewellers A: "Watch Makers. AuDOuiN, C. J., St. .lohii St. 2/. t. (sec card.) BouuE, Nfireisse, Watch Maker, 39 C^raig, st., .v. r. Caiiisatt, James, Jeweller and Fancy Goods, G I'abri- que St., //. (. (lAUTifiKit, Aiitoine, 7 Notre Dame st. /. /. (Ji:M)uon, .1. v., 1 St. John st., k. t. IlAitnr, Anselnic, Watch Maker and Looking Glass iMannfacturcr, St. Nicholas st. /. /., and :^ Fabri- qnest., //. /. (see card.) Hull, M. E., Dealer in Watches, Jewellery and Fancy Goods, 13 Hnado st. h. I. Lamontagxe, M., 73 St. .John St., u. i, iMcMasteu, Wni., 40 St. John St., h. /. O'Doisoiioi:, T., C'hrononietor and Watch Maker, 49 St. Peter st., /. /. Plamondon,P., Clock Maker, 45 Craig st., s. ;\ PouLLN, Peter, 13 and 35 St. John st., u. f. Sasslville and Lesperance, Silver and Gold Smiths, 18 Palace st. n. f. Smith, R., Watch Maker, 13 Hnade St., u. t, TuRCOTTE, N., 14 :\lonntain st., /. t. Burnstein, N., 37 Desfo.sses st., s. r. Churtrain, Jacques, St. Ann st., s, r. Harwood, L., Working Jeweller, 13 Garden st., u, t. Harris, E. 13,, Notre Dame st., /. /., and 18 Fabrique St., u. t. Innes, Wm., 20 St. John st. without. Neiil, Robt, 11 Notre Dame st. /. t. Salter, C, AVorkinjj Jeweller, 5 St, Ann st., u. t. ! ^1 ^_w^ ' X'mi ' ^mm~~~T:-^Fm;;gun:^.^ir^^ 14.2 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. m S 1 C. J. ARDOUIN, IMPOIITER. GOLDSMITH & JEWELLER, DKALi;n iN Papier Mnchf Guoh PLATED WAttE. Wo. 60, St. Jolin Street, A. HARDY, MaJt!}'gl;ihci;f oakiug 61ass llimufatturtr & ^Mltx 1, ST. NICHOLAS ST. PAUL'S MARKET ^^nd 3 Fahrique Street, A. II. — Has coiistaiitlv on hand a great assurtment of Gold and Silver Watclics, of all sorts, Watches and Clocks carefully icpaired. A lot Looking Glasses silvered equally to new. Land Agents. Bowcn, N. II., opposite Bank of Montreal 7\rthur st. /. /. Bignell, Wni., opposite Bank of Montreal Arthur st. /. t. Belleau, R. G., 11 St. Ann st., u. /. Claphan'i,J. G.,St. Lawrence Chambers, St. Peterst. l.t. Cochrane, J. C. T., Land and Insurance Agent, opposite Exchange, Bell's Lane, /. /. Land Survryors. Austin, G. F. St. Peter st. /. /. Austin, W. A., St. Peter St., /. /. Baillarge and Fortin, Bignell, .lohn, Arthur st. /. /. Carroll, Thos., Valcartier. Duhe, Octave, St. Vallier st., s. r. Dunl6vie, (i. G., St. Lawrence Chambers, /. /. Graddon, W. U., St. Lawrence Chambers, /. t, Ilamel, .loseph, Dcsfosses st., .s. r, Hamel, Alfred, Desfosses st., .v. r. Larue, Adolphe, St. Angele st. 5, r« QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 14.3 LER, et, Ittotiler KET Gold and iCpaired. St. /. ^ r St. /. t. erst, l.t, opposite Lcmoine, L. D., QQ\\ Ain^uillon st., f,j. Morris, P. L., opposite French Church, s.j. Neilson, John, St. Josepli ai.^u. t. raiiichLiikl, Et. A., Arsenal st., w. /. Wallace, Alexander. Ware, ^Vm., Little liiver Road. Leather Merchants &, Tanners. AuDETTK k. Son, J. B., Leather Dealers, 7, St. Peter St., /. t. Ukaupre, Celestin, f>, St. Vallierst., .v. /•. Dion, C, Leather k. Cigar Store, 8, St. Peter st. /. /. FoRTiN, ]\L L., corner of Crown & St. Vallier st., v. r. Germain Norbert, 95, St. Valiier st., ,•:. r. 11a Lee, Ft., 2, St. Vallier St., s. r. Halkk, JL, 104, St. Vallier st., s. r. IjALIberte, P., 103, St. \allierst., y. r. Lemieux, Ed., S9, St. Vallier st., s. r. KiciiAUDSON k, Son, O. L., licather Dealers, 10 St. Peter st., /. t. PticiiARi), Jacques, St. Dominiqae st., &. r. Kobinette, Frs., (Ji), St. Vallierst., .v. /•. Sasnfa^on, Ant., 9, St. Valiier st., s. r. Sansfa^on, Ant., i-6, St. Vallier st., .v. /■. Selby, John, Tanner k Cnrrier, 83, St. Vallier St., Turgeon, Elie, Tanner k Currier, 91, St. \'al]icr st , Armand, Jacques, 167, St. Vallier st., s, r. Bidegarc, P., MO, St. \'allier st., s. r, Cloutier, Jos., 150, St. Vallier st., .s. r. Cloutier, Prisque, 107, St. Vallier st., s. r. Drolet, Narcisse, 121, St. Vallier st., .«.•. r. Dugal, E., 119, St. Vallier st., s. r. Dumas, Jos., 150, St. Vallier st., s. r. Ginchereau, Ed., 131, St. Vallier st., .<•. /•. Guay, J., 103, St. Vallier st., s. r. Labrecque, A., Ill, St. Vallier st., s. r. liantier. A., 112, St. Vallier st, ,9. r. Legar6,E., 119, St. Vallier st., .?. r. L6gare, Jr. E., 120, St. Vallier St., s. r. ■?. r. s. r. m 'li \u QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. rertiiis, Pr., 132, St. Vallier st., s. r. riamonclon,IT., 133, St. Vallier st., s. r. IMamojulon, Jr. IL, 193, St. Vallier st., s, r. Polliqiiiii, 11. , 110, St. Vallier st., .v. r. Tiirgeon, Narcisse, 1.5, Church st., s. r. J. B. AUDETTE & SON, Wholesale & Retail gn. 7, ^i jlctcr Btmt, "gmn ZoM, ft^ucbcr. Have constantly on Imnd a ,ir;cncnil assortment of Leu' her, eonsistinp; ol' Sole Leather, C"o\v hides, Freneh, l-)n<.vlish, American and Canadian Calfskins, Kij), Harness and patent Leather of all kinds, Lininsrs, liindings, Mon)ecoes, Thread and Trimmings for Shoemakers, &.e. mm ;■ -1 c . D 1 o :> Wholesale & Retail. LEATHER & CIGAR DEALER, No. 8, St. Peter Street, Quebec. llae constantly on liand an assortment of all kinds of Leather, ronsistiim of Sole ficather, Wax ^^ Grain Lpper, French Calf Skki, English Caif Skin, Canada 5s. American, C. S., Seirling i^ Harness Leather, Patent Leather of all kinds, Lining .S; !Jinding, Morocco, Tread >Sc Tools of all kinds for Shoe Makers. Cigars 5c Tobacco from late firm of Messrs. C, F. Pratt Sc Brothers. Livery Stables. Hough's, Ciis., Livery Stables, 8, Ann st., u. t. Colvin's St. Louis st., it, t. DriscoU's, St. Loitis st., w. /. Dunham, G. IL IL, Donacona st., u, t. Gauvin, M., Coiiillard st., v, f. 50N, 9 Quebec. of Lea'ht'r, 1, American ulher ot" all minings Tor LER, of rjcather, 'rench Calf S,, Sciriing ^^ JJindinu;, 5c Brothers. t. QUEBKC BUSINKSS DIRECTORY, Uf> Lloyd's Agent. Cochrane, J. C. T., opposite Exchange, Hells Lane, /. ^ Lloyd's Survkyors. Croker, Chs. II., office, Dean's Buildings, 15, St. Peter St., /. t* Menzies, Thos., office, Dean's Buildings, 15, St. Peter St., /. /. Residence 4*, Stadacona Terrace 5. /. Lumber Brokers. McGillis, li., old Trinity House, St. Peter st , /. /. Scott, W. W., Commercial Chambers .5, St. Peter st.,^ /. Young iV Co., J. E.,St. Lawrence Chambers,/, f. Lumber Merchants. Anderson and Paradis, Commercial Chambers, /. t. Benson & Co., City Bank Buildings, St. Peter St., (. t, Clint, J. II., Lowndes A: Dinnings, Wharves, St. Paul St. /. t. Dalkin, H. Sh'^^''^i^m^dW^^^^^ II" i V> 152 (iUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Quebec Mercury, Thos. Gary, 1 Biiadost., //. /. Quebec Observer, Chus. Rogers, opposite City Bank Buildings, St. Peter St., /. /. Notaries Public. Austin, II. C, Ryan's Buildings, St. Peter st, /. f. Belleau, R. G., 11, Ann st., w, ^ BiGNt;LL, Wm., opposite Bank of Montreal, Arthur St., /. t. BoLDUc, n., 80 .J, St. John st., s. j, BowEN, N. H., opposite Bank of Montreal, Arthur St., /. /. Campbell, A., Her Majesty's Notary & Notary Public, opposite Custom House, St. Peter st., /. /. Campbell, W. D., opposite Custom House, St. Peter St., /. f. Clapham, Jr., J. G., St. Lawrence Chambers, St. Peter Glackmeyer, Ed., St. Peter st., L t. IIossACK, J. S., Commercial Chambers, St. Peter st, /. /. HuoT, P. L., 3, St. Louis st., w. /. LeMoine, a., 46, Commercial Chambers, St. Peter st., / U Lindsay, E. B., Commercial Chambers, St. Peter Macpherson, L. T., corner of St. Peter & Arthur Macpherson, Danl., comer of St. Peter & Arthur sts., I. t. Panet, Hon., L. S., 3, St. Louis st., u, t, Pelchat, Jos., 48^, Craig St., s. r. Petitclerc, Joseph, St. Joseph st., u, t, Prevost, L., St. Peter st., /. L Tessier, M., 6^, d'Aiguillon St., s.j, Belanger, A., St. Vallier st., s, r. Birch, John, Napoleon Wharf, /. t, Blumhart, L. A. T., Brunei, J. O., 47 Artillery st., s. J. QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 153 iT Bank Arthur Arthur Notary St., /. t. t. Peter t. Peter ?ter St. 3ter St., Peter Arthur Arthur \ Campcau, O. F., Hope st., u. f. Cannon, K. G., Garden st., u. t. Childs, John, Cinq Mars, Clis , St. Joseph st., //. t, Crcmazie, J. C, Fabriquo st., //. t. Defby, C. M., St. Josc})h st., w. /. Fages, N., St. (ieorge st., .s. /. Falardeau, Louis, St. Lawrence Chambers, t, t. Garneau, F. X., City Hall, w. /. ( Janvreau, F. L., 20, Desfbssos st., .v. r. Glackemcycr, E. G., St. Peter st., /. /. Guay, Gcrinain, 90 .\, Craig st., s. r. lliiot, Phibp, 3 St. Louis st., w. /. riuot, Frs., 12, Craig st., s. r, iluot, P. G., Laurin, Jos., Palace st., ?/. /. Lacroix, TiOuis, Legare, Et,, Lemoine, Ed., JNIartineau, F., Onellette, F., 28.^, Desfosses St., .?. r. Parant, A. A., St. Joseph st., w. /. Parant, Chas., Pruncan, J. 13., .37, Desfosses st., .«. r. Shaw, P., St. Peter st., /. /. Sirois J. B., Couillard st.. u, t, Tessicr, Ed., St. George st., s.j. Opticians and Mathematical In.strument Makers. Ilinton, Birt, 11 Buade St., ?/. /. Vohl, E. Optician, 55 St. John st., u. t. Painters, Glaziers ,. t. Carrier, Dr., 26, St. Peter St., /. t., House St. George St., ti. f. Fremont, C, St. Ursule t:*.., w. /. Hall, J. L., 12^ Cul do Sac st., & 11 Palace st., u. t, Jackson, A., St. Annst., u. f. Marsden, W., 6 St. Ann st., u. t. Martin, James, Surgeon, 44^, St. Ann st„ «. /. MM* i 56 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I X iil'tl MoRiN, Joseph, 4 St, George st., w. <. Nault, J. Z., 8, St. Francis St. «. /. IloBiTAiiLE, Dr., 11, St. John st., withont. RowAND, Dr., id, St. Peter st., /. /., Ilesidence St. Louis st,, Russell, II. & J., Mountain st., /. /. Sewell, Jas., M. D., 16, St. Ursule st., «. /. Bardy, Dr., 59 Desfosscs st., s. r. Bardy, Dr., 88 St. Vallier st*, .v. r. Blanchet,.!., Palace st , u. f. Cole, J. II. , St. Stanislas st., u. t. DeGuise, Dr., 67 St. Joseph st.,. «. /. i)wiwwinii.iTOiiiiiii|imig)u,jua,,g,i)B,iiip^^ ' 11 I ,i >Ai - 81 ' ■ ] i V i w m ill I It ^. V - .k A . Iding, n.(. in, Secy., e St., u. /. e, corner 30 St., u.t. May brook, (too,, Richardson St., 5. r. Sponze, Paul, Queen st., s. r. VVillianis, .lohn, Qneeri st., s. r. Woods, Wm. Cap Blanc, Rkmittan'ce Agknt. II. W. \Yclch, Bell's Lane, opposite Exchange, /. i, REMITTANCES to England, Ireland and Scotland. Short Siglit Bills from Onk Poino itwards, and iieufotiablt ill tujy part of the United Kinii^doui, are drawn on the UNION liANK OF LONDON Lonoon. liANK OF IRELAND Drni.iN. NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. .. .Edlnuiuch. Vy Henry Chai'Man &, Co., Montrciil. OpiKKsite tlie Fxcljimgo, H. W. Wi^lch, Agent, Quebec. Quebec, July, 1.S.J1. Saddlers 6c Harness Makers. AuLn, .Joseph, 23, Fahrique st., ?/. /. Boyd, John, corner of St. Paul & Ramsay sts.^ /. /. CoRNEiL, Chas., 59, St. John st., u. f. (iiRARD, MiCHF.r,, sign of the large collar, St. Paul's Market, /. '. (see card.) Magii.l, J., 2\, St. .John st., without. Mlrphy, T., Saddler, 4, St. Ann st., k. (. Wright, Jno., Siq-n of Collar, St. Louis St., u. i. Beaulieu, J. B. 27, Craig st., 5. r. Bureau, Chs., 27, St. George st., s. j, Cadotte, Jos., de la Place st.. /. /. Dery, P., 2+|, St. George st., s.j. Fournier, B., Cote d'Abraham, a. j. Gravel, Joseph, 128.^, St. Vallierst., s. r. llamel, A., 118, St. Vallicr st., .v. t\ Matte, A. S., Lower Town Mad^et Place. Tanguay, Chs., D'Aiguillon st., s.j. Thomas, D., 2o, St. George St., s.j. 160 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY MICHEL GIRARD, SION OF THE LAHGE COT. LA U, OPPOSITE St PAUL'S MABKET HALL, Has constantly on hand a Inrge and superior assortment of Harness, Collars, &c., mamifactiired under his own supe- rintendance, with the best of mate- rials, the most recent Improvements, and made by the best of workmen, which he will sell at a very small >^J*^^*?f- i&ti^ advance for cash. Sail Makers. Jii.AKisTON, Raymond, Kast end of Notre Dame st., /. f. Hunt, Wm., 53, St. Peter st., and Union Lane, /. /. (see card.) Alleyn, Wm., St. Peter st., /. f, Hudson and Kepling, St. James St., /. /. WILLIAM HUNT, No. 53, ST. PETER STREET, QUEBEC. Has fox* sail*, iJleat-liod and half Bleaehcil Canvass, Russia Duck, Bolt-rope, Twines, Wheat and Biscuit Baj^s, &.C., at the most rea- sonable prices. N. B. — b^ntranee to the sail loft in rear of the Kouse. frontinsj the Landinij Place. 1 IK£T HALL, of S, &C., : own snpe- ist of mate - )rovcnients, 'workmen, very small me St., /. f. I I^ane, /. /. T EET, Russia Duck, he most rea- >use. frontiuij i ■■ i l' iJ'i " The Baptismal Font, cut from Picton Stone, in llie style of the Early Gothic, is the chaste production of Felix Morgan, of Quebec." Sec No. D .^ 10, Industry of all Nations Illustrated. PUTNAM, New York, 1854. A first class prize, was awarded for the above, at the Provincial Exhibition, hehl in Quebec, May, 18.53. QUEBEC BUiJlNCSS DIRECTOUT. 161 bCULPTORS. Berlinguet, F. X., 9, St. John st., without. Morgan, Felix, 19.^, St. John st , without, (.see card.) " MAmE manufactoryT ' 19|, St. John Street, (without.) WHERE CAN BK SELECTED FUOM A GKNKRAI. STOCK OF ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLES, (without risk of breakage,) MARBLE MANTELS, MURAL TABLETS, CENTRE TABLES, SIDE TABLES, MONUMENTS* HEADSTONES IN MARBLE. AND SUPERIOR SAND STONE, BAPTISMAL FONTS, &c., &c. Plain and Elaborately Sculptured. All orders securely packed for distant delivery* Inscriptions receive personal attention. Felix Morgan. Shipping Master. Office, opposite Old Custom House, Champlain st., /. U Ship Smiths. Armstrong, J., Bell's Lane, /. t, Armstrong, W. M., 307 Champlain st., /. ^ Brothers, Luke, Pres de Ville. Webb, Wm., Cape Cove, (see card.) Brindel, R., Cape Cove. Cooke P., Cape Cove. Dawson, S., Pres de Ville. Doyle, Thos., Diamond Harbour. Gregg, John, Pres de Ville. Henry, J. W., Champlain st., /. t. Lefrancois, E., Cul de Sac St., /• t, 28 m k !■ !Kii ^'^1 !' :S f 1 ii 162 QUKBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Lefran^ois, A., C'ul do Sue st., /. /. McCarron, C, 10 Ciil dc Sac st., /. /. Swindell, 11. 298 Champlaiii St., /. /. WILLIAM WEBB, SHIP SMITH, .S A F li €(Si)'WM, Q W 1 3B ]E © » Winches, Chains, Jack Screws and all Requisite Loading Gear for Hire. Also, Ship work done with neatness and despatcli ON REASONABLE T ERMS. Silver Smiths. Sasseville & Lesperance, 18 Palace st., «. /. Smiths & Machenists. Murray, Marshall, St. Nicholas st., /. t. Whitty, P., 80 St. Paul St., /. t. Smiths & Farriers. McLean, T., Blacksmith and Farrier, St, Paul st., /. /, Alary, Sifroy, St. John s^, s.j, Audy, «fe Racine, 58 Craig St., s, r, Audy, C, Blacksmith, 24 St. Dominique St., s, r, Aug6, Z^phirin, 56, D'Aiguillon St., s.j. Baily, J., Eustache st., s.j, B6dard, P., Blacksmith, Crown at., s. r. L561anger, F., 72 St. John st., s.j, Chateauvert, Chs., 4 St. George st., .v. ;. Chevallier, Xavier, 4.3 Craig st., s, r. Cot6, Ls., 26 St. Genevieve st., s.j, Gagnon, P., Smith and Farrier, St. Vallier sL, s. r. Garneau, J., 30 St. George st., s, j, Giguire, M., 55 St. Francois st., s. r. Giroux, P., Smith and Farrier, 1 St. Vallier St., s, r, Haraelin, Ls., 12 St. Olivier St., s.j, Houghton, J., 28 St. Joachim st., s.j. Howard, W., D'aigiiillon st., u. t. Iluot, Michel, 15 St. Olivier st., s. j. QUEBtC BUSINF.Sb DIUECTOUV. mii lequisile ileyitatch I St., /. /, , r. s. r. $, r. Jobin, Clis., 10 St. (Jahrit'l St., v. 7*. Jubin, M., 3 .liipilcr si., s. J. Ji)l)iii, T., 173 r^t. Vallier bt , .v. r, Jordiiii, ^., 7 D'aimiilloii St., .s.^". Lai'uiul, F., TjS St. Ciubriel st., .v. 7. O'Coiiiiur, J., IJliiuk.^iiuilb aiul Farrirr 3 .St.\'allier .bt.,.v.r, i^iraiit, F., Blacksmith, 28 Crown st., .s. r. I'jirant, W, .Iui)iter St.. n. r. Fapiii, E., 15hi(;ksniitli, 32 St. ]\lar;;iu'rite st. s. r, IMamoiulun, Jus., llichclioii jjt., s.j, I'ichct, Frs., 100 D'aiguillou st., s. j. Richard, JI.,.'') Jupiter st.,y.^'. Kochin, A., D'aigiiilloii st., .s.^". Uoutier, M., 7G r?t. John si., s.j. Turgcon, Frs., 21 St. ValHor .st., .v. r. Vezina, Chs., .^1 Cruig st., s. r. N'e/ina, Chs., 8.\ Desl'osses 8t., s. r. V6zina, J. B., 5 St. Joseph st.; s. r. Vezina, P., 19 St. Francis st., i. r. Williams, Wm., 4-1 St. George st.,*-. /. Stay Makkr. Bean, Mrs., 5 Palace st., w. /. Sticam Boat Agents. BvTEAU, F., Agent for Steamers Admiral & Doris, office, St. Paul St., /. I, Laird, John, Agent for Steamer Saguenay, oilice, St, Lawrence Chambers, /. t. LouGHRAN, T., Agent, Tate's Line Steamers, oflice Cillespie Wharf, /. /. McKenzie, Jas., Tow Boat Office, St. Peter st., /. /. Shaw, Robt., Agent Montreal & Quebec Royal Mail Line, Office, Napoleon Wharf, /. /. Shaw, Robt., Quebec Canadien Steam Navigation Company, Office, Notre Dame st,, /. /. Wilson, John, Tow Boat Office, St. Andrew's Wharf, /. ^ Steam Mills. CniMC, SiMARD ifc Methot, Quebec Plaster Mill St. Paul St., /. I. y\ I Hi Ut'F.BEC BUSINESS DIllECTOUV, fe '•( Jones. II. N., Stoam Saw Mills, New Wutcrford Cove. TiKNFKSTY, John, QhcImm; Stnim Flour Mill, St. Charles St., /. /. lloivin, Joseph, I'afking Ca.^c Factory, i' < ;iri«'St., .s. r. IIouk»\s, & M(;I.)(Mi,i,'Mll/plaiiiinc; Mill, c....ei St. l)o- iniiii(|m' and St. l''runcis sts , .«. r. lA'Uiesurier \ Jtnvoli, Oakiini Mill St. Joseph st., s. r. SlllKT MaKKU. Mahiiy, E., 2, St. John si., without. Soap & Candm-: Manufacturers. Maxmam, A. J., corner St. Jumcsst,, «V: Bells Lane, /. /. Dunn, Jno., St. .Toseph st., .v. r. Gamble, Kobt., 31, St. Francis st , 5. r, Whithall & Hood, St. Paul st., /. t. Teachers of Music. Bisset, Mrs., Widow D., 12, St. Vallier st., /. /. Barrage, J. R., st., ?/, ^ Carter, John & Henry, 14.^, Esplanade. Dessane,, P., Parker, Miss, Music & Drawing, St. Vallier st., 5. r. near cote d' Abraham steps. Tin Smiths, Copper Smiths & Plumbers. ^NDREWS, Thos., Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Copper Smith, 3 St. Johnst., m. t. (see card.) Chartr£, Z., Tinsmith, 15 St. John at., s.j, (see card.) Thibault, a. Ph., 37 St. John st. without. Vandry, Z., Tinsmith, 15 St. John st. without. B^dard, Ed., 30 Desfoss^s St., s, r. B6dard, S., 22 St. Nicholas St., /. /. B6langer, J., Tinsmith, 15 St. Nicholas St., /. t. Dery, T. H., Tinsmith, Notre Dame st., I. t. Drolet, G., Tinsmith, 16 Craig St., s, r, Fecteau, M. S., Joseph St., s, r. I QUEBEC DUSINESS DIUECTURY. ir>5 >r(l Cove. . Charles • ' St., s. i\ St. I)o- i St., v. r. (inrlh, Clis., 3'2 St. .folui st., «. /. (iimiieri?, A., comer ^Vaij^ arul Queen st.,5. r. (lii^uere, .T,, \'\ Crai<^r st., .\. /•. 'Jiuiitre, Maiiloire, .'U) I")esf(tsses st., .crri-!h-r (i<>m'i'i>i and Sui/r, — His I'iXCclloiicy the Ui. C. : LiiHir. Col. .1. (i. Irvine, and [iieid.Coi, Duschenay, extra. I'.xEcuTivi: < oi Ncn.. hjspector Cleneral — Hon. Francis Hincks. Ueceiver Ceneral — Hon. 10. W Taeiie. Speaker (jf the fiCgislativi^ C<»uncil — Ilcn. Jos. Morris. Commissioner cf Crov.n I>an(!s — lion. A. N, Morriii. Post Master (Jeneial — IIo)i. Male. Cameron. I'resident of the Conncil--llon. JoJm Polph. Attorney (."eneral East — lion L. T. Drummond. (^'onn; issioner of Pulilie Works —lion ^. Chahot. Attorney Ceneral West — Hon. .lolm Pvoss. Provincial Secretary — Hon. P. J. O. Chaiiveau. Officers. Clcil E.vecNiiiir Couuril. William H. JjCe. Clcrls — W. A. llimswortl), Al. A. Higgins, V. Va!leran<', O. Cote, cxlra clerk^ Thos. IJyrne, F. Himsworth, in?f.- ^eyijrr, Michael Naiigten, do()r-h"cpcr, James llyar'. Legislative Council. lion. .lames Morris, Prockville, Speaker. Hon. V. B. DeBlaquiere - - Toronto. <' Peter xMcGill - *' William Morri.< ** .lames Crooks •* Adam Fergns.son - - Montreal. - Montreal. - Flamboro', AV^est. - Fla til bare', Ea.s*. ' ■ f ^1 1 1 ! 1 'I • i , ' i m ^1 ii m 11 i )(;8 QUEBEC Bl SINESS DIRErH)KY. Hon. John Macaiilay - .lolin Ihimilton Adiiin Ferric - - Paul II. Knoulton - Thomas MoKay Joseph Dionne - Geo. Cr. Goodhue ~ William Walker riiilip II. Moore - C. Widmer ,1. -rl'Jiiiiiii.s Irvinii' - [\ B. de nouchervjile J. lines Ciordon - llaiiinett Pinhey James Ferrier - Ivoderick i\Tatheyon George S. Boulton - Denis Benjamin \'is2;er K. P. Tache - James Lcsli • - - Fred, A. C^uesnel - Joseph !)Oiirret (ieo. S. de lieaujeii - John Boss Louis Josejih O. Turgeon - !::^amiiel Crane Samuel Mills a << n a a << a i( *i -Kingston. ~ Kingston. - Montreal. - lirome. - New Edinhurgh. -- St. Pierre les Becquet: - London. - Qnehec. -St Armand. - Toronto. - Toronto. - Boucher vi lie. - Toronto. - March. - Montreal. - Perth. - Cohonrg. - Montreal. - (Quebec. - Montreal - Aiontreal. ~ Montreal. - Coteaii-du-Lac. - Belleville. - Saiiite Croix. - Terrebonne. -- Prescott. - Hamilton. OFtiCKi;s: John F. Taylor, clerk and master in chancery j Ho- bert Lemoine, assistant clerk, French translator, and master in chancery ; J. Fennings Taylor, additional assistant clerk, and J'' oflicc clerk ; F. L. Moniizam- bert, law clerk, clerk oi" select committies, and luiglish translator; Rev. VV. A. Adamson, chai)laiii and liora- rip.a; \V. A. Maingy, E. Uoucet, James Adamson, J. G. Couillard, writing clerks ; Olivier V'allerand, sergent- at-Arms ; Michael Keating, chief messenger ; P»oltereli, door-keeper. )iirgh. s Becqiicts. 1. Ic. Luc. I I jery J Ho- later, and ladditional lloniizain- \d ]uiglisli land liora- imson, J. , sergent- QLEBEC BUSINKSS DIRKCTOKY. i6H Mi'MBEiis OF Legislative Assemblv. Electoral Dir. ^f embers, \vi]fcnteuil S, liollingliam, )?a^ot T. Brodeur. Boauce '^ol. ( icn., Ross. Boaubarnoi.s. . , C D'Aoust. nellechasse lion. J. Cliabot. Ik'tliier P. E. Dostaler. Bonaventure J . Meagher. Brant, ]Oast Riding D. McKerlie. Brant, West Riding IL Biggar. iJrockville, (Town) Geo. Crawiord. Bytown, (Town). . . , . . . . A. Yoilding. C'arleton \Vm. F. Powell. Chanibly N. Darclie. Cham])lain T. Marchildon. (^liateaugai J, De Witt. (.'hicoutinii and Tadonsac Compton John S. Sanborn. Cornwall, (Town) R, McDonald. Dorchester B. Pouliot. Drumniond ^ Artliabaska .1. B. E. Dorion. Dnmlas J . P. Crysler. Dnrhani, East Riding.. . . F. H Bnrton. Durham, West Jiiding. . . IL Munroe. Elgin, East Riding Geo. Southwick, Elgin, West Riding George Macbeth. Essex A. Rankin. Frontenac U. Srnitli. Gasp6 Glengarry. . ^ . ^ . lion. .). S. Macdonald. Genville, South Riding. . . W. Patrick. fTrey G. Jackson. Ilaldimand W. L. Mackenzie. llalton G. C'hishohn. Hamilton, (City) Sir A. McNab. Hastings, North Riding.. E. IL Murncy. Hastings, South Riding.. . B. Flint. Huntingdon. R. B. Somerville. I luron and Bruce Hon. Wm. Caylev. 29 m f ■ fw I 170 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Iberville Chs. Joseph Laberge. Juliette ^ II. Jobin. Kamouraska J. C. Chapais. Kent E. Larwill. Kingston (City) Hon. J. A. McDonalil. Jjambton Georfj^e Brown. Lanark, North Riding.. . . R. JjoU. lianark, South Hiding. . . J. Shaw. Laprairic T. J. J. Loranger. L'Assomption Joseph Papin. Laval V. \ iabolle. Leeds &Grenville,N.Udg. B. R. Church J^eeds, South Riding DeLong. Lennox and Addington... 1). P. Roblin. Jjevis F. Lernieux. J^incoln Hon. W. H. Merritt. L'Islet C. F. Fournier. London, (Town) J. Wilson. Ijotbiniere John O'Farrel). Maskinonge J. E. Turcotte. Mcgantic W. Rhodes. Middlesex, East Hiding.. W. iViles. Middlesex, West Riding.. J. Scatcherd. Missisquoi, East Riding.. J. M. Fcrrie. Missisquoi, West Riding.. IL N. Whitney. Montcalm J. Dufresne. Montmagny N. Casault. Montmorency Jos. Cauchon. Montreal, Hochelaga o; East Riding fos. liaporte. Montreal, Jacques Cartier or West Riding M. F. Valois. C Hon. J. Young. Montreal, (City) ] ^^- ^*- JIf>lt«»' I A. A. Horion. Napicrville J. O. Bureau. Niagara, (Town) Sol. (ien. J. C. Morrison. Nicolet Dr. Fortier. Norfolk Dr. Rolph. Northumberland, E. Rdg. L. Ross. Do. West Riding. S. Smith. .berge. Donald. QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTOUV. 171 5cr. ^eriitt. r. 1 ^y- ig- J. Morrison. Ontario, Nortli Riding,... J. Gould, Ontario, South Riding.. .. J. M. Lunisden. Ottawa. Asa Cook. Oxford, North Hiding.... ]). Matheson. Oxford, South Riding. . . . Hon. F. Ilincks. reel J. C. Aikins. Perth T. M. Daly. Peterboro' John Langton. Pontiac T. Egan. Portneuf J. I']. Thibeaudeau. Prescott H. W. McCann. Prince Edward D. B. Stevenson. Quebec, (County) Hon P. .f . O. Chauvcau. ( Hon. .). Chabot. Quebec, (City) } Dr. J. Hlanchct. ^C.AUeyn. Ren frew Hon. F. 1 1 incks. Richelieu Jean Bte. ( Juevermotit. Ptimouski Dr. J. C. Tache. Rouville Jos. N. Poulin. Russell G. R. Lyon, Saguenay P. H not. St. Hyacintlie L. V. Sicottc. St. Johns Frs. St. Maurice !>. L. L. Desaulniers. Sheilbrd J Ion. L, T. Druniinond. Sherl)rooke and Wolfe. .. \V. H. Felton. Shcrbrooke, (Town) A. T. Gait. Sinicoe, North Riding.... A. Morrisson. Sinicoe,. South Pviding. , . . Hon. W. R, Robinson. Soulanger^ L. ]{. i\Ta.s.son. Stjuidstead T. L. IVrrill. Storinont Wni. Mattice, Temiscouata 15. Dionne. Terrebonne Ci. M. Prevost. 'i'lirce Rivers, (Town) . . . Antoine l*ollette. rp^,.,. .., /f.'. . { J. G. Bowes. J oronlo, (City) { ^j j ,, ^, ^ -^ ^ I Hon. J. l\. Cameron. Two Mountains. J. 15. D'Aoust. \ Mulreuil. . , J. 1?. ISIongenais. \ ercheres G. E. Cortier. H ^ I ITZ QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTOR f. ii- '^i.' m ■■ m Victoria Waterloo, North Hiding.. V\^aterloo, South liiding.. Wclhmd WeUington, North Riding. Wellington South Hiding, Wentworth, North liiding Woutwortli, South Riding Yauiaska York, East Hiding. , . . . . York, North Hiding York, \\'est Hidini? J. Smith. M. Foley. H. Ferrie. .1. Frazer. Dr. Clarke. A. J. Fergusson. R. Spence. S. B. Freeman, 1. Gill. A, Wright, Jos Ilartman. J. W. Gamble. Peumanent Off I c MRS. AV. B. Lindsay, chief clerk; G, B. Faribault, as.sis{:int tlerk ; D.W. McDonald, sergeant-at-arms ; G.W. Wicks- teed, law clerk and English translator ; W. V. Patrick, '^hicf'oliice clerk, William Ross, cliici" clerk of commit- tees ; P. E. Gagnon, French journal clerk ; (t. M. Muir, English journal clerk ; Alfred Patrick, clerk of com- miUecs ; Thos. Vaux, second, ofhcc clerk and ac- •-oi'Utant; Alfred Tod '>^, clerk of committees, W. B. Lindsay, jr., assistant law clerk and English translator ] <'. Levesque, French translator; D. P. Myrand, .1. liiiston, W. I'aiining, a.ssistant ditto; \V. Winder, lilirarinn ; Alpheus Todd, assistant librarian ; IL llart- ney, third oillec and engrossing clerk ; W. S]'ink, olerkof routine and records ; Thaddeus Patrick, clerk of committees; King Barton, clerk of petitions ; W. IL J icmoim, junior clerk ; J. P. Leprohon, clerk of com- mittetb ; IL Ji. Stuart, engrossingclerk ; E. Denuchaud, junu.r clerk ; W. C J3urrage, jr. clerk; A. Leroux <7"fdinal, chief messenger; H. Defries, Postmaster,; ,;. Cameron, assistant messenger ; J. O'Connor, doo.V" keeper. GovKUNou Genkral's .^rcRKTAUY's Offick. — Lau- rance Olipiiant, Esq. governor general's secretary ; Henry Cotton, chief clerk ; W. U. i^artlett, 2nd clerk ; Philip St. Hill, ofUco-keepcr ; George Boxall, messenger. i n uU, assistant. I.W.VVicks- V. ratrick, i of coiriinit- (;. M. Muir, erk of com- v\-k and ac- •s, W. B, h traiiskilor ; Myraiul, .). ^S'. Winder, 1 ; II. llart- W. S]>ink, 1 trick, clerk ions ; \V. n« rk of com- Dcnuchaiid, A. Leroiix Postmaster, ; ounor, doo\" TICK. — hau- l's secretary ; [5artlett, 2nd ^orge Boxall. QUEBnC BUSINESS DIRKCTORY. 1>ro to Pkovincial Sechf.tarys Offici:. — lion. P. J. O. Chanveaii, })rovin(Mal secretary ; Kdninnd A. Meredith, assistant secretary, west ; J'ltieiiH'' Parent, assistant secretary, east ; T. 1). IFarini^ton, chief clerk ; CJrant Powell, H. "JO. Steele, iV, Charles .John Birch, clerks, western section ; Thonr s Ross, Henry .larniy, NV. 11. Jones, A. K. Koche, S. Tetn,(J. S. Bertrand clerks, eastern section ; John Ciow, uliice keeper ; J. Dorr iS: J. N. Fradet mes- sengers. OlHce, Union Buildings. Receiver Gkneral's Officr. — lion. E. P. Tacho, receiver general; C*. E. Aderson, Deputy Receiver oeneral ; T. Dnfort, 1st clerk ; J. B. Sjnnton. 2n(l clerk; G. C. Reillenstein, 3rd clerk ; William Hedge, Jos. F. Pellant, J. F. Dni'resne, C. Selby, C. W. Shay, extra clerks; F. Casault, messenger. Inspector (iENFRAL's Officf. — Hon. Fiancis Ilincks, ins})cctor general ; Josei)h Cary, deputy inspector general ; Matthew Ryan, confidential clerk ; David A, Boss, chief clerk; William Dickinson, Ist book~kce})er ; N. Goddard, 2nd book-keeper; .1. Drysdale, A. Cary, J. M. Muckle, clerks ; David Ryan, oiiice keeper. Customs Branch. — R. S. M. Bouchette, commissioner of customs ; A. S. Mcnzies, 1st clerk ; H. 11. Duflill 2nd clerk; J. R. Andy, J. A. Green extra clerks : Thos. Lanan, messenger. Crown Law Di:part..;';nt.— Hon. h. T. Drummond.. attorney general, east ; Hon. John Ross, attorney general, west; Dunbar Ross solicitor general, east ; J. C. Morrison Esq. solicitor general, west ; George Futvoyc, clerk of Law Department. Office of Registration of Statistics. — Board of Registration and Statistics, Hon. John llolpli, Hon. A. N. Morin, Hon. E. P. Tache ; Secretary, William Hutton ; 1st clerk, Evelyn Campbell ; 2nd clerk, DeGuise. 30 M«Bfcti » «*.if»il«fc WW Iiai M «*« ** *' 171 UUCBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bureau OF A(;iiicuLTURE c^ Offici: of liiTTEus Pa- tent OF Invention. — lluu. Juhu lluljih, minister of agriculture ; N. F. Liiureut, &c DunuUl McLeud, clerks ; Michel Fiiict, messenger. 'Public Woiiks Departmmnt. — Hun. .lean C'iiabut, clii'ef commissioner ; lion. II. H. Killaly, assistant commissioner ; E. 1*. Uu])i(lgc, [)rincipal dral'ls- man ; 'I'liomas A. ]>egley, secretary ; C D. Slian- Jey, cliiefclerk ; Joseph (aiy, J. W. Harper, clerks : S. Strang, book-keeper; Michael Welch, mes- senger ; Patrick Ownes, assistant messenger ami oflice- keeper. CuowN Lands Department. — lion. A. N. Murin. Commissioner. Accountants. — W. Ford, cashier & accountant : A\'. F. Collins, J. Alley, .1. Cherrier, assistant accoun- tants ; 13. Pcnvel, clerk. Corresponding Branch West.— J. C. 'J'arljult, 1st clerk ; W. 11. llight, 2nd clerk ; A. Kirkwood, 3rd clerk. Corresponding Branch East.— J. Langevin, 1st clerk ; T. Hammond, 2nd clerk ; V. VI. Tessier, .'^rd clerk. F. Uez. Dugal, tempy. clerk. Late Survkyor Gknkrai.'s Office. — "VV. Spraggc, 1st clerk ; T, Hector, 2nd clerk ; H. J. Jones, 3rd clerk; F. T. Roche, clerk ; F. A. Hall, 5th clerk. Surveyors West. — A. Pvu.s.?ell, surveyor, and drafts- man ; T. Devine, assistant draftsman ; J. Pren- dergast, tempy. clerk. SuHVEYOp.s East. — J. Bouchctte, surveyor and drafts- man, E. T. Fletcher, Sc P. L. Morin, assistant ditto, J. B. Raymond, clerk ; G. G. Dunlcvie, J. F. Bouchette, & S. P. Bau.set, tempy. draftsmen. Jesuits Estates and Queen's Domain. — F. Fortier, superintendent ; F. T. Judah, assistant. '7 nils Pa- I, ministor IMcL'jud, u C"li;il)ut, ■, assistant jnil tlral'ls- 1). Sliaii- H>r, clerks : ^Ich, iiies- soiigor and N. Morin,, nitant. ; ^V. ;it accoiui- 'arbult, 1st kwood, 3rd iiLievin, 1st K. Tessier, . Sprag.i^c, Junes, 3rd I. Hall, 5lh and drafts- |n ; J. Tren- and drafts- distant ditto, ?vio, J. F. draftsmen. -F. Fortier, (iUHBl-C BUSINESS DiRECTORY. \i:y VVouns AND FouKSTs — \V. iATcD. Dawson, 1st clerk; K. A. (Icnerenx, 'ind clerk ; J. Tolniie, 3rd clerk ; T. Mori.liy, Uegi'^^nir, C. K. cV C. W. MiiSSENGKUs.— J. ih'adsliaw, (i. Fisher, J. Innes, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. — Felix Furtier. Militia Department. — T^ieut. Col. D. CJ, MacDonell, de[Hity adjntlant general militia, (west): Joshua Thompson, cleik, Licnt. Colonel A. de Salaberry, deputy adjudant ge- neral militia, (east) ; (/harles I'etitclaire, Feter L. INIacdonall, clerks ; Henry Smeaton, messenger. PiioviNCiAr. Registrar's Office. — Thomas Amiot, de[)iity provinci;,l registrar; William Kent,(Jeorgc Henry Lane, iSc A. Helanger, clerks ; 15. Vali. Meilleur, chief super- intendent, C. ]*j. ; J. (iiaid, secretary; (This olHc^j is in Montreal.) Indian Dkpartment at Q':i.nEC. — L. Oliphant, supe- rintendant general ; S. Y. Chesley, accountant ; Michael Tumor, chief clerk. General Post Office. — Hun. I\T. Cameron, Post master general; William H. (iridin, secretary; Gilbert K. Grillin, chief clerk ; T. S. Stayner, '2nd clerk; J'^dwin F. King, 3rd clerk; Cliarles K. Griffin, ith clerk; Smith Allan, oflice-keejjer. Account Branch. — K. .1. King, accountant; .Tohii Ashworth, 1st clerk; Pcobert .lulyan, 2nd (^lerk ; I'ldward C. Hayden, 3rd clerk; .folin Davidson, 4th clerk; Josepli T. McCuaig, 5th clerk. Survkyors ]5RANrn. — Edward S. Freer, surveyor, C. E. ; John Dewe, surveyor, C. W. ; H. A. Wick- steed, surveyor, Central Canada. Geological Survey. — W. E. Logan, provincial geolo- gist; Alex. Murray, assistant do.; T. S. Hunt, chemist. (This office is at Montre il ) liry QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORV. I M INIILITAUV DEPAirr.MKNTS. Staff of the Govj;rnou (iKNEUAL.— Cipt. Ihiniiltun, Military Socretiiry ; Liciitciiaiit Torroiis, OOtli Regt, ; !Cii,siL(ii liiuiibtuM, 71st. llc'gt. Commandant. — Coluncl Jlemphill, 26th Vvo'^t. Commissariat Dei'autmext. — D^^piitv Assisiaiit. Comiiiissury (Iciioral, (Joldie ; Deputy .Assistant Com- missary (icuerul NN'cst j 'J'roasiiry Clerk, IJowors. IIOYAL IOnGINEER DEPARTMENT. LicutOliailt Colo- iiol VViilff, District Coniiiunuliiig lloyal JMii^inorrs ; Lieuts. Crease; If. (J. Savaij^e and ]laiikeii, Civil Branch — Clerk of Works, Ilnnlon ; Clerk, Charles .Taine3 Clarke ; Foremen of Works, William Chessell and J. Grist. Ordinance Department. — W. A. llowell, store- keeper; 11. \V. Trig*^ and Harvey, clerks; Harry Cornwall, Barrack master. Tow.v INIa-jor. — Capt. Knight. AcTiNc Deputy (^)uarti;r Mastiir Gkneuat.- Cuj.L Knight. Chaplain to tiik Fokces. — Fvcvd. D. rvo])ertson. QUEBEC LTIUIAUY ASSOC [ATioN. Frksidknt. THOMAS POPE, Esq. ViCE FrESIDKNTS. A. Joseph, Esq., Hon. F. J. O. C'hauveau, M. F. F. Hon. M. Cameron, M. F. F., Robert Chistie, M. F. F. Board of Directors. J. H. Clint, Chairman; S. Newton; H, S. Scott; R. Fope ; Geo. Musson ; Jolm Young; B. Daikers ; QUEUnC BUSINESS DIRECTORY I 4 I llaiiultun, oth Regt. ; legt. Assisiaiit. 4iuit Com- wors. )i;vut (.'olo- ikcn, C'ivil U, Charles m CUesscll well, storo- ks ; Uurry tKNKU.VT,. — lobertson. ION. M. r. r. ie, M. p. p. , S. Scott; 5. Daikcrs; (i. C. Scott ; \V. llo.ssack ; .Uis. Diiiihiir ; J. J. I^ ; R.Nettie; (I. S. Pierce, Secretary; ^Vm. P)eniii!ig, Treasurer. Room Committee. J. TI. Clint, Cliairman ; U.S. Scott ; D. Oaikers; Secretary; (ieo. Mussoii, Treasurer. TilliRAUY CoMMITTEf'. R. Ross, Chainnan ; S. \(>\\ ton, Win. Ik\ssaek ; J:i>.. Dunbar, Secretary and Treasurer. Lkctuiik Committki:. R. Nettle, Chainnan ; (i. C. Scotf, J. Vouj;g, J.J Dundas, Secretary and Treasurer. Qul:iii:c's Institutk. \V. Paterson. President; ('. J.-. Anderson and J. S, llossack, Vice-Presidents ; \Vu\. J. I'ickell, Treasurer ; John Boomer, Secretary; \l. C. CicLjgie and A S. JMcnzies, Librariens; \V. 11. Tioomer, Asst. secretary and Sub. Librarian. Coimmittkk of Managlmknt. /. Williams, J no. Haily, Alexander Sineaton, T. J), llarington, James llossack, (ieorge Risset, Jame-< iirent, Robert Xeill, Thomas Holt. InsTITUT CaNADIEN DE QuKIiEC. Officers for tbe Year 18:34. Jose])h Cauchon, M. V. P., Honorary President; Napoleon Casault, Acting President ; .lean Langltji.-., \'ice-President ; !•'. Vezina, Treasurer ; 'IMicnias Etienne Roy, Assistant Treasurer ; L.J. C. ]''iset, Corresjion- ding Secretary ; Tliomas Dujilessi, ^'in('ent Casault, Assistant Secretaries ; Philip Jolicoeur, Librariuu. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ■^■21 12.5 Ui 1^ |2.2 ii 1-25 III 1.4 1.6 * 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSSO (716) 872-4503 o 4^ ^^^ lo h rx O'^ ■'J ■■•J 1 ITS QUEBEC BtSINESS DIIIECTORV. Institut St. Jean. Olivier Pvobitaille, M. D., President ; Joseph Savard, Vice-President ; J. B. Bnreuu, Es(j[. Treasurer; Fran- <;ois Dussaidt, M. D., Recording Secretary; George Verret, Corresponding Secretary ; L. M. Darveau, Librarian. Mf-gantic Junction Railwav and Navic4ation Company. Office, Simard's Buildings, Upper Town. Directors. Jolin G. Clapliam, P'.T. P. P., President; William Price, Que])ec ; James Moir T'erres, Montreal; John Smith, Inverness; John U. liamhly, Leeds; E. P. ?viackie, JManaging Director ; J. T. Brousseau, Secre- tary ; John R. Ilealey Assistant Secretary and Acting Treasurer ; Andrew Stuart, Solicitor ; John G. Claji- ham, Notary ; James N. Gildea, consulting Engineer. Agents in England. — Messrs Miller & Horn, Soli- citors, 78, King William Street, City. The Nortpi Shore Railway Company. (From Quebec to Montreal.) Jos. Cauchon, Esqr., M. P. P., President; Angus McDonald, Esqr., Vice-1'resident : Directors. W . H. Anderson, Esqr; Honble. N. F. Belleau ; F. Evanturel, Esqr ; Gustave Joly, Esq ; John McDougall, Esq ; G. II. Simard, Esq; G. O. Stuart, Esq; Hector L. Langevin, Secretary & Treasurer ; James N. Gildea. Chief Engineer ; Ed. W. Grubb, Assistant Engineer. Office, Buade Street, opposite the French Cathedral, Fpper Town. Quebec Northern Railway. Honble. P. J. O. Chauveau, M. P. P., President. >pli Savard , irer; Fran- ry ; George L. Darveau, AVIC4ATI0N own. Qt ; William itreal; John eeds ; E. P. sseaii, Secre- r and Acting )hii (t. Clap- lo- Engineer. k Horn, Soli- 3MPANY. dent: Angus Belleau ; F. n McDoiigall, Esq; Hector esN. Gildea. nt Engineer, h Cathedral, AY. 'resident. QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DlRKCTURS. HP Chs. Alleyn, Esq. M P. P ; J. A. Sewcll, Esq. M. D; J. iNjorrin, Esq. M. U; E. C'hinic, Esq ; Stewart Dcr- bishire, Esq; E.J. DeBloisEsq; Henry IJenjaniinJ-'sq; Louis Biludeau, Esq; A. C. Buchanan, Esq ; C. Teti:, Esq; F. R. Angers, Esq; H. J. Noad, Esq; F.N. Boxer, Secretary. Quebec Building Society. Jncurporated h>/ .'let of Parliament. Shares £100. Josejth ?Jorrin, ^I. D., President; Olivier Robitaille, M. D., Vice-President . DlRKCTOIlS. E. Chinic, A. Lemoine, Joseph Hamel, J. W. Leaycraft, Charles Alleyn, F. Vezina, Secretary and Treasurer ; C. Alleyn and U. J. Tessier, Advocates ; E. B. Lindsay and J. B. Prnnean, Notaries ; D. J3ussault and S. Fahey, Inspectors; J3ankers, U. C. Bank ; Office, St. (jeorge Street, Grand Battery. Shares sold 1st jNIonday in each month. Union Building Society. Incorporated by Act of Parlinment, Shares, £100 each. Weston Hunt, President ; F. X. Paradis, Vice-Pre- sident. Directors. J. H. Clint, G. Hall, J. A. Se\vell,M. D., H.jS. An- derson, A. Joseph ; Bankers, the Quebec Bank. Shares sold 2nd Monday in each month. H. S. An- derson and Messrs. Lelievre and Angers, SoUicitors ; Wm. Bignell, and J. G. Clapham, Notaries ; Wm. Wilson and Joseph Archer, Inspectors ; John Ross, Secretary and Treasurer. 180 QUEBEC BUSINESS DIRECTORY. tm 'I Ui i| Peoplk's Building Socikty. Incorporated hij .ict of Parliament. Shares, £i)0 cuch. \Vm. Eadon, President ; Ferd. AVeippert, Vice-rrest. Directors. I'ierre Dorion, W. B. Valleaii, W. Wadinan, Thos. Andrews, Frs. X. Laiigevin ; W. Miller, Secretary i^ Treasurer. Monthly Sale, 3rd Monday each Month. Banker, (Quebec Bank. Advocates, Messrs. Holt c\: Ir- vine ; and Casaiilt and Langlois ; Notary, Noel II. l»owen, office 1, Fabriquc Street. Quebec Gas Company. Honble. Wm. Walker, Chairman. Board of Directors. William Petry, James Mackenzie, Wm. Poston, Archibald Laurie, Donald Eraser, Weston Hunt. William Petry, Treasurer ; Philip Peebles Engineer and Manager ; Wm. Alexander Curry, Secretary ; Hon. Henry Black, Counsel; Holt and Irvnne, SoUicitors : d. Greaves Clapham, Notary. Grand Provincial Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition 1854. James Gibb, President ; Charles Gethings, Treasurer ; Isaac K. Eckart, secretary ; Office in St. Ursule Street, near the City Hall, I^F- ^ ■I ^ h Bureau Sc Marcotte, Printers, 29, Buade Street, Quebec, Y. iicnt. , Vice-rrest. dmaii, Thos. Secretary & each jNloiith. s. Holt cK: Ir- iry, Noel 11. lan. Wm. Poston, iTestoii Hunt, s Engineer and ■cretary ; Hon. le, Sollicitors : URAL AND 1854. [ngs, Treasurer; . Ursula Street. >JTERS, street, Quebtc,