nm %^ ^^^'^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I iii IIIM IIIIIM ■■= IM ||iZ2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► V] <^ /^ ^ e^ oy. %v ^v /. y /^ Photographic Sciences Corporation V d ,v /-A'^ (^ o ^ ^^■^ <^ % ^ Till-: I'ROVl.NCKS, SCRMOl'NTI.NC. TllK MOM .MKNT. ''• '>t-.Utlli iist.iiiifd I^' t'Diidi. i'k litest 'lie i)ro- I'l'llllls 'y ; i)iit Ii-m eye It* air of <"•"• his act. ail is to frainiiij^r ty witli on form H-t with le (itids and a iiil\'cliTati;Us to hiiild U]) an l-jiijiire for Urilain on this conti- nent, eoiistitiiti-d the eonlrolling motive of his lile and the siiiii and siihstaiiei- of his aniliitioii. When a siipjiosed flanj^er Ihreateiieil the i-oiintry, his jiatriotie instiiu'l i-iial)lc-d him to sound a note of warnintr, i;i\ in;; rist- to the exjiression, now historic. "A IJritish subject 1 was horn — a liritish suhjei-t I will die." I lis (Jui-eii, loiiy ere this, hail recojfiii/.eil the valuable services renderef the title of (i.C.15. , llu- robes of which Order driijii- his l"i,t;ui'e to-d.iy. Sir John showed his jxiwer and ability, as a st.iles- inaii, b\ the manner in which lu controlled the heU-ro- s^eiieous masses which ever surroundeil him. " He knew every cord of tlu- human heart, he understood every passion that swayi-cl men's characters. " lie had a won- dirfiil ])i)wer of sympatlis and a i-harmin.!^ ])ersoiialily. l'i-rha]>s this i-oiistituti-d one of tlu- stroni^i-st a^i-nts in liroducini; that success which inv.iriably accoiiij)anied his labors in the politii-al .ireiia. I'ossessiiifi a warm heait, lu- cr(.-ated many iVieiids ,ind sildom niadi- an eiH-m\-. I lis mode of lite, Ihou^hls, feelinns, con- versation and home-life, wt-re oiitwanl indic.itions ol" the warm, genial disposition which swayed his ])ersonality. Sir lohn .Macdonald will evi-r be known as "the patriot statesman of Canada." His life is a hisloi\ of Canada. O.M. OF rilK llUtO/K I.IO.NS. ^'ii)* % ■HlWITnmnBHnHllHMl l B I IH I X THK LAT1-; KT. HON. SIR JOHN MACUONAI.IJ, I'.C, C.C.Il. soNNirrs UN I III I Wlll.IM, (i)- rill MAlDiiNAlJi ^I'All l'. Jl NIv I I II. i»..,S. I. In this, tin- iiKnith i>|' llowi r.-., tlu' iiiniiili In- lovtil, l'iri>i iiKMilli <>| ..iiimni'r, in ilu- \\liii-|i lu- ilifii, Wi- iiiffi to ill) liiiii liniiot. All llic |iiiik- < •!' ]i,lll\ , :\\\ the M'niii wliicll (li>M]i]iI(i\ fij. All acriil siiiokc nt liatllc, is ifiiinvfil. His urcMtiii'ss i-. his I'luiiilrv 's, mikI tlu- wiiU' I )(>iiiiiii()ii >;i\i's liitii jiraisc, that will ahiiic, Willi niK-il so Imii; ami wisih, \ cK ft-i^luxfil 'i'hi-' i> ihr iiioiilh c if cli-alh, ami iiioiith <>{ tldwi-rs, < )!' IliiwiMs thai, ilyiiij.;, to fair fniil j^ivi- liirth, Mi'il II mill h for di-aili ol' oir' whnst- wondrous ]iowf is With villi's of" I'oiimiii IT oviTs]iii> i ii-(niii\-(l of fVuitlul iIcimIs, I'or tlii-sf are i-M-r-pre^i'iil, 's])ilf their ai^^e. I']ioii soiiu- lives turns hislor\ no ]iaj.;e .\iiil death easts no olili\ion. lie that iieiilN .\ ihronieler is hall" loryol. The seeds, Coiisij^'iied to earth, slill win their heritage ( If jireseiit siinliyllt, and the stalesnian saye ,Soweil r.iiiie that li\es, ilefyiiiL,^ lime's rank wi'eils. Maedonald lU'i-ds no rei'ord, s.ivi- the olU' Carved on the loinh of the iniiiiortal Wren, " I.ook roniid yon." in Si. Paul's, his ijreat erealioii. They hoth wire architei'ts, yet there is nune I'lllt knows w liiell was the greater of these llieii. W'rcii liiiilt a ehnri'h, Manlonald Imilt a nation. III. While still a ehiiniiey lowers towards the skv ; While larins still smile where once a desert was ; While slill an en,!L;iiie its rii-h hnrdeii draws, h'.astward or westvv.ird, or swift steamers ply ; Wliile still the llau; Caii.iili.in waves on hij,di ; While still the country ho.ists its u])rij;lil laws, .\vi\ wealth nor ])overty affeets a cause, The ineiiiorx ol' Macilouald cannot die. ()f jealous, narrow, disunited, small .\nd stru,i,'i;lin,t; colonies his j.,'enius made One compact, ])owerfnl nation, the chief f^em In Britain's crown, and ihoui^li swill years shall fall, Like snow on .\l])ine liei.L,dils, still over Ihem Shall lower his fame, uiie(|ualled, undecayed. ARTHUR WKIR. MdN TKI'; \i,. MACDONAI.D MKMORIAI, IIAS-KHMKHS.