IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // // -K^ '^ (A 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■ 4 5 ■10 iil 111 M 2.2 III— «* — mil 2.0 110 !.4 1.8 IIIIJ4 Photographic Sciences Corporation •ss i\ M \ \ % ... >:* '"^ fu ^^^ 6^ o".^ -€- ^i^ ''b 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 c bereinafte [Corps shall i ANNO VICESIMO-QUINTa VICTORIA REGIN^. CAP. I. An Act to amend the Act respecting the MiBlia. [Assented to 9th Jung, ISCSLj WHEREAS it is expedient to make the followingpTOTMiMB in amendment of chapter thirty-five of the Consolidalcsd Statutes of Canada, intituled: An Actrespvft'ivgthe MiW^: Cam.9im.o^ ^Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and cannot "' of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada^euaetsw I follows : 1. The following paragraph shall be added tctbe twcadclii Section of the said Act, and shall make part thereef : "The Commander in Chief may, whenever he ^cms it CtaRMbd Rmto necessary, order that a corrected roll of every Coi»|MHiy cfihe ««rke««itawi Sedentanr Militia be made out; and it shall be the Aaly rf "**^*''^ every Officer commanding a Company, within teih dfajs after rach order has been received, to make out such correeJpd Rdi and to cause a copy thereof to be transmitted a» pzovidk^d ly the foregoing provisions of this section." a. The twenty-second section of ihe said Art i* imc'ly smi. « epealed and the following section shall bs substitute-^ &«■ ii^wf^atA. [and bear the same pumber: — -n "22. The Active Militia of th? Province, in tfroeciriraiWjici^rtrtiiie I shall consist of Volunteer troops of Cavalry, Mitilaij Tsmmv .ili'"^ *'""■ Field Batteries of Artillery, Garrison Batteries of ^luSkSwy, T^"**^ I Companies of Engineers, and Companies of IniaBtBy, and ; iMarine and Naval Companies, to be armed ant! ei^^jpjpsia laccording to their respective services and to be foi»ir^nJwar% [places and in such manner as may, from lime %» Jm*r^l«e gtst!.vvt-.ri vfjuvicU DJ iiic i^uiiuiiaDuei iuv^tlici ; — B5>Tr3SrJS lEcMt tdnmcHi. M hereinafter provided the total strength of such YwJawfcert [Corps shall not exceed ten thousand oiticers and rnxm^mChmak Cap. 1. Mililio, — Act amended. Sect. 31 amended. 3 first section 25 Vi. T. added to the thirty- The foUowinL^ paragraph shall be added to the ,w on ol tll^ sfud Act: aU shall make part thereof Uniform or allowanue therefor. ftc. / nj f^i »3 Each Volunteer Militiaman shall, m the discretion of the Cmiunander in Chief, be supplied with uniform clotlung v-i on Si or service, or receive such sum not exceeding :ix"LlL'perln^^^^^^^ lieu thereof, as may be directed by tie Commander in Chief; such clothing or money to be deh- vLd to 7e non.eommis'sioned officers and privates, on such Tonl^^ns and u o jh -urity - ^^^^^ 'Zr^^'Z^^^. uniform, arms, ^l^y'^-Jorsnh8equeni]y to the passing of this Act, shall be Jecelverheld, preserved W recovered in al re9pft8,a8i Ilie same wer^ the property of the Crown, and shall have all the privileges incidental thereto." 4 The thirty-second section of the said Act is hereby repealed and the following substituted for it : Sjjfc kee^g 0. ^^ the Imfw^ial Government to the Province, ^ 1?^ ^aiHl all accoutrements furnished by the Prgmce and diatn- 'f.^^^ .^^ ^ed tothe officers and men of the Active and Voluntee " Mmfia sh^l be accounted for by those who have i^cemd ^m 'and in those localities where there are no public Sect. 32 lepealed. ff ^'^ 'j Vf^i^ l^'' i'Xr\es?L'"commander'iiT.hrermay"presc^^^^ pre ^. hlf^^- ^V':3"2y measures as he deemsexpedient for the safekeeping ,'^'^ Hv^ i,<** . ^" <• ---L - ""^ or.n«ntrpmRnts. and for the t^ "i ^ in good order of such arms and accoutrements, t_,vv^ 1" gwvx ^flRoor na mftv be aoDOin /JiBjdrs y > Pay. »> A-< ut.' in ffood order oi sucn uriiis a,uyx o-v.^^^" -, an or ^^^ rl ^ V SieUvery thereof to such officer as may be appointed to recem "-^.^^f^ttm^^^henever the Commander in Chief for any pnrp(«e| directs such re-delivery." 5 The Commander in Chief may appoint Brigade Majojsl nof 'exceoding one for each Military District, and may, from time to time, regulate and prescribe their duties. i Vnoh of the «y/«Pf^^^f;, and the following section shall be substituted for it and bear| Pay of Active the saiTic number Sect. 40. repealed. Pay Ifilii ilitia on drill. " 40. The non-commissioned officers and men of he AcU Militia (Class A^ shall be paid for each day of actual and bonil Me dril not exceeding twelve in number, the sum ol nity <^ Cr die n, and a furthe?sum of one dollar per dier. for e^cK^^^^^^^ actually and necessarily present bdongmg to and used for such drill by such non-commissioned officers and men , i jeaar u Militia — Act amended. Cap. 1. 5 •%. Niotvvithstanding anything conUiined in the thirty-eighth Time for driu. section of this Act, such days of drill need not be consecu- tive, unless so ordered by the Commandeer in Chief, who may also determine the manner in whicli eueh number of days of drill shall be computed." 7. The forty-third section of the said Act is hereby repealed Sect. 43 and the following section shall bo substituted for it and bear ""^t^'aled. the same number : " 43. Each Sergeant Major of a Volunteer Field-Battery of Pay of certain Artillery shall, on account of the great responsibility attached o'^'"'"*- to the Office, be paid by the Province, at the rate of two hundred dollars per annum; and the Commander in Chief instructors of may, from time to time, appoint musketry instructors, non- ^fntmem.' commissioned officers or other competent persons to be em- ployed in drilling and instructing the officers, non-commissioned officers and men in the several Corps of Active and Sedentary Militia; " Each of such musketry instructors, non-commissioned Pay. officers and other competent persons so employed, shall be paid by the Province at a rate not exceeding one dollar and fifty cents per diem, when so employed." 8. The Active Militia shall be paid on such proof of the Proof of per- performance of drill required by the said Act, at such times fo™anceof and in such manner as the Commander in Chief may from time to time direct. 9. In time of Active Service in the field, and whenever the Pay of Militia Militia or any part thereof shall be called out by reason of Xiwe°Se!vice. invasion, insurrection or imminent danger thereof, the officers, '"' non-commissioned officers and mer of the Militia, so called out for Active Service, shall be paid at such rates of daily pay, and shall receive such allowances in every respect, as are paid and allowed to officers and men of the relative and corres- ponding rank or grade in Her Majesty's Army. CORPS FOR GENERAL SERVICE. 10. The Commander in Chief may, in the event of war, Raising regi- raise, in addition to the Active and Sedentary Militia of the "["^v^r'" "'"® Province, regiments of Militia by voluntary enlistment for General Service, during such war, and for a reasonable time after its termination ; such regiments to be subject to all the provisions of the said Act respecting the Militia as hereby amended. DRILL ASSOCIATIONS. II. The Commander in Chief may sanction the organiza- CertainConv^ tion of associations for purposes of Drill and of independent "^""'^^ Gap. 1. Milititih-Act amended. 85 Vior. «««l«d.&c CorapanieB of Infantry composed of professors, masters or SnofSii. dudUs of Universities, Schools or other public Institutions, or of persons engaged in or about ihe same, or of reserve men; but such Associations or Compnies shall not be provided with any clothing or allowance therefor, nor shall they receive pay. 19. This Act shall be construed as forming one Act with the said Act respecting the Militia, and all words and expres- sions in this Act shall have the same meaning as they have m the said Act. OoMtraotion of llMAct. QCKBW3 :— Printed by S. DuRBWHiRii & G. DsiBAiUTf, Law Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. I 86 VioT. asters or itions, (Mr rve men; ded with live pay. Act with id expre»> y have in M.