* y * < • . rodue«d thmM I FMhw Ran ■ook Ufmnff Uiilwnliy.0f T ofOMO'lJDnfy - f-'^': Vwmpiain fNm« fut rcprodult grAea 4 la fl*n4ro«i«l d«: ."'•'■.■ ThoM|p FWmt Ram Book LkraiVf IMwHitttv of Tofonto Ubrarv ih Th* InuKIM (moaning "CON> TINUED"). or tha symbol V (maaning "EIMD"), Maps, plaiaa, charts, ate., may ba fllmad at dtffarant radiiction ratkis. Thoaa too larga to ba antiraly Ihcludad in ona Mcposura ara fllmad bagifining In tha uppar laft hand comar. laft to right and top to bottom, as many frampa' as raquirad. Tha following diagrama illustrato ttia mathod: Laa imagas sulyantas ont «t« ra|iroduitas avae la ^us grand soiif. compta tanu dd la condition at lla la nattato da I'axamplairo film*, at an confprmM avac laa cpnditiona du contrat'da -. fHmaga. * _ ■■.■■■ ■. ^ ■••■.■'■■ " laa axaqiplairas orlglnaux)dont la couvartura an papiar aat Imprimte sent ffimda an commanpant par la prfmiar plat at an tarminant salt par is ' damlAra paga qui comporta unit amprainta d'imprassion ou dlMustratioh. sbit par la sacond plat, salon la cas,. Tous laa autras axamplairas originaux sent fiimdo an cofn|nan9ant par la pramMra paga qui cbmporta una fpnpralnta d'imprassioh ou dlliustrattlon at an tarminant par la darniira paga qui comporta una taiia amprainto. ■.■.;' -,*;.>■.•,:, Un das aymboias suivants apparaftra sur la . darnMra Imaga da chaqpa mieroficha. salon la cas:iasymbola-^signHia'"A8UIVRr'.la « symbols ▼ signifla"nN". * * 1 2 3 Las cartaa. planchas, taMaaiix. ate. pauvant filmte i das.tsux da rMuction diffArants. ' LorSqua la dpcumant ast trap grand pour fttra raproduit an un saulciich*. II ast film4 i partir da I'angia sup44*ur gaucha. da gaucha i droito, at da haut an bis. an pnanant la nombra d'imagas nicassaira. Las diagrammas suhranta lliustrant la mithoda. . 'L > ' . ^- A ■ ' - 1 2 3 "^ - ■ . o . K* It v A O^ £t -V^- .• ■ :,■■ ■1 >. O ■;'■■■ r- ■.. .' ■^■: (ANM (Mid MO TlSr CHMIT H*. 3) A /*=*PLeD M^JGE Inc . 1«W CM Mrin SbMt ' ' (7t«)4ai->OJ00-PtnM. tr#l0B4, and ■uoMvdingkmfl •«3« 0A#A&o«tr» I- or THK *l IBRARY ' ^ ' H ¥. or „..„ »...,.. . H.MAa^MUART, Esq., Advoc^ Extremely rich, rare and complete oolleotioii iiK C ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND CANADIAN ^ ^ -~ ^ P* T ll O K. S — - Art JiHiriial & Punch ooiiiuIHm \ Dniite hihI FIhxiii»u'» iiifwriio / 8li!ik8|H!fiir« Hinl Pojie vory old niid v«- _r liml>Ie«>t« clussiits ill 84 voln., liuiiilxoiiicly iioiinil. LiiiiKaiis itiiii Cnvior, clioicK co|iii>B. 'I'lio Sruii(l4U°4i Kiiulisli niui Ain«riciiiiNov«li9i:«,,lH'8t editions. Uuliilinns don , J^suites^ BoiifllM'tto's 'ropogrHjiliyy Viiliiable , , «olli>cti1 I'liuttsd by C D'kiiVKAi;, Qiit-W. kA*A***■- ' i . gl' ' . . ■ ''■■' .■'"**.,■' , ■ '• ". . ■ .. ■ "-; - .r _ ./.„: ' ■■ «,' ' ^. ;S .'•> •,;■' .,'"■- |.. • , •r ■^c -W. V*-.- -■/■• CATALOGUE Afartha, A n»einoriul of iin only iui)U)\;|^2ino. 34th llee'J A ■*J A T)ingr(i[ihi('12mo, cloth. Colonel Lake. Kara and our Captivity in lUissia, 1856, . 12nio. cloth. 23 EngHsh woman in Iliissia, manners of the llussians at home, with illustrutions. New York, 12mo. cloth. 24 MacLeod. Parish Pa{Hir«. Lmdon, 12mo. cloth. 25 Tom Brown's . ScIkx)! l)ay.s at Kughy. 12mo. cloth. Tom Brown's at Oxford, M quel. 12nio. cloth. Scouring of the "White Jloi-se by Thos. Huf^hes. 1 2mo. cloth. 26 Guy Livin^tone, li Novel. 12m6. doth. Sword and Gown, by the author of Livingstone, 12mo. cloth. Border and Bastille, by the author of Livingstone, 12iiio. cloth. 27 Barren Honor. A Tale, by tho aujjior of Livingstone, half calf, 12mo. 2 vols. 28 Mandevillo. Elements of Readings and Oratory. 12mo. half calf. 29 Youatt. The Horse, with a treatise on Draught. Illus- trated, 8vo. cloth, 1872. London. 30 About Edmond. Germaine. 12mo. cloth. Shelton. Up the Hi ver, with illustrations. 12rao. cloth. 31 HeiVey James, Meditations and contemplations. 12mo. V doth gilt. j 32 Croxall. Fables of (Esop and others. 2(Jo' illustrations, 12mo. cloth gilt, New York, 1860. ' C , ^%ja.^S pw»| 'b ^ "*^'"" •^yWj^^T" w X.. C 36 37 38 S9 I,. •>; .V , .,»'..,, „ ■ 33 Mitfonl MiH« Atlu'Hoii ttiid othor Tiilfl«. 12mo. doth f?!lt 34* I)m|M'r. (..'oiitUi^t lK!twf«*u Utlij^ioti and 8cioiic«. I2ii»t>. cloth gilt. N.1W Yc.rk 1875. 35 DwUlridgi). lUw niul rroKr<-n.s of tho ruligion in*tho miul. l2tno. cittth. Dodd UfoiK". 'I'll" t'^Mxl of Ix)»doii. 12rno. half c:ilf gilt (valuuhio lMH)k). Ixmdon. LoiiKiima & Uo. IH50. Ujisuri) Homa in town. With i»tiio. Kemp. Uow to luy out a gardon. IlluHtmtwd with nu- nuiiouM pliuiH and nk^tohet. 16nio. cluth gilt. Smith. Lmd8(yi|Mt flanltining, or l*ark» and Tleafturo. (Jroiinds. lOiiio. cloth, IHHH. 40 Memorials of ThonmH Hoo«l. JCmo. cloth, 2 vols. 41 Schwuglur. IliHlory of I'liihwophy. I C mo. cloth. llolUm. Evidonwj of ChriHtianity, IGmo. cloth. 42 MacDouahl. Uolmrt Jj'alc-onor. 16m«). cloth, illustratod. 4;i Amoricim Hoylo : or, (ieiitlcnum's Uand-lJook of Gamg»8. lllustmUid with nuujovous diagrams and ongruvings. IGmo. cloth. 44 Agntd-Uook of Choss, containining tho rndimonts of tho (Ittiiii'. WithiUustratinjw, lOmo. (doth, 1859. 46 Cajleb8-Jji|«r&nd I'lactii* of Whist. 12 mo, cloth, gjilt Hoyle's Games. 1 8 mw. cloth, Boston, 1?} HO. ^ 46 The Six Sisters in tho ' Valleys, an historical, romance. Illustrated. • ' Lives of the Brothers Humboldt, with portrait. Hoo , lt> vols in-6. 62 Thackeray. Lo Livre des Snobs.^ , Lefebvre. Paris en Am^rjque, , , _ Buies. Chroniques. vols 2 et 3, Larue. Voyage sentimental jsur la rue St. Jefin. f..' r /. ■ In w ' • * Wm • H ■ . / *• N y . , ' . *t t . ' 1 ''''■■.■'■'■ «• /■ >?• \ '1- ■■ if.* f. r , si p '* ^ . ■ te- '. .' ' ft , ■: ' i ■^■■': fi.). ^;>" . , - :' ■ -** p' f ■■ ■ . :- f:^i, .^- -V — n^^ K.; ■ "■.,■ iTo. 54 55 56 57 68 59 GO 61 62 63 B.'ri.li.r. Old ami Naw Uniidii. clotfcr Wjndoi' Ut«r»ry.Shmv.«. I2mo. old^ Mnntrraf/ * lin.l « »./,««y ,„, t ,.1 nimntM i..ji.n„r.. t«, wlu-ttl crc.i,.. T,.rtmto Duini. Dix iuw«lujoiiiriuliHiiM. !■• mnmio. K«vl«w of tl... lV.K...,R. Uonid««, « po«,n by Olovor. fnU .,nrf,.4.o r.„„|o„, J837 ■ 8:^rdo.h'S""'''' "' ''" ""^"- '"'"•''^"''' "^'^'"' (JutAl,^.H, de l« Hibliothiqiiedp I'ttrlemeiit Ottftirft;h«tr iHtoiru tie rAimW 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 iftrilxmlt.- Cntalogtin d'ouvriiKKn mir l^H rique. h.,8, hrooW, nin> et prt'oionx. KohlnuMch. Hi.,ti.ryofOeT„mny. 8vo. ckb. N«w York, Hart^^K Ur. The S«u^„nd itH livi ,„„,.,„ p, ■ ^^®" lorK, |H(»I, valiiut»Io m-ork Report for «xi)k,rinK tho M,i«.,e«uy, Qui'Ih^o. 1829 lioanli n letui do u ftocick.^ d., ,(f.'.o„niphi., do Q,, U,o. No 1 2 urnnrd. CauHcrieH H«ricoIo.s. CuutouH do I'lit. ' SoliuoM \ i«horU« of tho St. r.HWiviK;o by Nottlo rIoJii Lenuiy. lV,tit8 po't^,no«. Fabl.s. Lo I'Jlhiu .lo H to A.mn Fauoher do Saint- Matmce.: fKnvros non.id^tbs oom,.m ..ai.t:I)oTnbordftmiK,rd. J)o Qu^c J m" 'co" M ^? mT"!"^ ^^^'^^^^ «^ «"^^«- In-18 jZT Montn^ftl, brocb«5. ^ljjub. S"^„ ^i^yr"'*"""^"^'^"«""«ph«"'«. 12,no doth Mo vdle Ma.dUn.l^voyago Thither. l2mo. c oth 2 voU. Mdlerl u^. Tostirnony of the Kock. ; or, Gt^o oty t Gregory. ^Letters on Animal magnetism. 12mo. cloth Memoirs of the Empress C'atherino [I. 12mo. clotr 7 y-- j™-^* , ■%. -.ffU > •'. . lip. '71 l4uly TU'ltlipr. . Tlw Miititu'iini of tbo n<>iiiify. Wllh liiiipn, iIlii«tri>lion><. iL'iin*. oloth. K>iiK>«l*'y> 'll>*' llillyarii and iIm> lltirtoiDt. ' • - Lafimtiuit*. Kithlcn itt (KnvriM (Uvt'rM'n. t'inro. cloth. 72 IxjiKti Hunt. KoU'ct ion' from tli<> 'Kn({U'rtvitl««in. ToiiMynon. MvIh of Jim King.^|^^ 8vo. Qii«'In'(j, lH(»r», hi luS '7J< I^'uiay. Vmhmh |hhUIi|U««. riiro. .. Murtiu. l4>»J4auiteB — umrtyraiiu Cunadii. Moi^truuK IHTT, bfiMih^, 74 Tjuigiiiiy. Ili'portoiro do cet ouvTttge) t 4 vols eii 2. 82 Earl of Onrhaju's Iteporb on tho Affnira of B. N. A^126 'pp. Svo. Montreal, 181^9, very niro. /^ 83 LeBrnn Tobleauf des Deux-Cauadiw. 8vo.'^emi?voftif^ ' • 18.33. . ' . 84 Rule and Misrule of the English in America, l2mo! cloth. 85 Eugenie de GmJrin — Lettres et Journal. ^l<5gamihcnt rclii^. Maurice de OtnJrin. Journal et I^ttres. '•* 3 vols. 86 Terreault J. F. — ^^Lex Parliamentaria. QmSbec, 8yo. 1803 (tr^s rare et eu bon oi-dre). «?? '■.'■ii' # ' ' i- "\t ■ ./: .mm^' ' f: ■'I. :. ■*> >^ ■', ' Wo;-' 87 Bquchette — Topopraphie du Bas-Canada, avec des re^' marques sur ie Hiiut-Cttriada. Enrichie de plusieurs . _^ vue8, plans de fort, ;de butailless etc. .Royal 8vq. '^ Londres, 1816, (Richement' reW k rantique et ex- ' eiuplair^ des inieux cQnservds, rare et prt'cieiix). 88 Foyer Canadien—Recueil de litt^rature. Collection com- ^pl6te eu brochure, avec les primes ^omprenant les Chonjons djj Canada par Gagnon. 8vo. Quebec, (o^-; vrage bien connu et tr^a recherch^). 8 vols, 89 Captain Beinal Diaz del Castillo— ^History of thfe Conquest of Mexico, written in the year 1568. Translated from - X : - the Spanish by Keatinge. Full calf, 4to London 1800. 90 Livingstone— Travels in South- Africa. With numerous illustriitions. Royal 8vo, Cloth, N'ew York, 1858. 91 Twiss-^Lrfe of Lord Eldon. 8vo. cloth. 2 vols. 92 Probus — Letters from Rome. 8vo. cloth. ' ^ yolg] Hiatoire des deux Cohquetes tl'Espaf^e par les Maures, 12ra6. veau; Paris, 1708 (curieux). 93 M'Carthy Justin.— .Dictionnaire del'anciea droit du Ca- nada. Benli-veam, 12mo. Quc^bee, 1809, (precieux). ,. Cugnet. Traitd de la loi des Fiefs. Tmitd des anciennes lois de. propri^td du Canada. Traits de la police. Tmito des Registres du Conseil Suptjrieur. 8vo. demi- Veau, Qu(5bec 1775. (L'un des premiers livres iropri- mes en Canada, rarissime, en parfait ordre). Cornish. Purchase Deeds, Tabram, Landlord and Te- nant, 8 vo. half calf. T ' 2 vols, in one. Abbott. ; Law on Shipping. 8vo. fi.ll calf. Lafontaine. Bureaux d'hypotheque, 8yo.' demi veau. McMahon's Insolvent act of 1875. 8vo. cloth, Toronto. Lafontaine. Bureaux d'hypotheque. 8vo. demi veau. Popham. Insoltrent act of 1875, 12n^. cloth. Morgan. Dominion Register "for 1878. 8 vo. cloth. . Relations ^es j^puites. 4to, richemeht: relid k I'antique, 94 95 96 97 1858,^Quebec, tranche rouge. 98 Edits et Ordohnances 3 vols. 4to, demi-veau, Qu(^bec, 1854: 99 Maurault. Histoire des AWnfakis. 8 vo, demi veau. 99i Faillon I'abbd. Vie de la Soeur Bourgeois, broch^ et illu8tr^.8v6 Montreal. •/ 2 vols. 99 J Journal dp rinstruction publique; partie francaise et an- . f' giaise, 4to, toile, les 19 premiers volumes.' (collection extp6mement rare et importante:) .,'L i^: -> .< ^irt * ^ 7 — No. 100 Burns' Cfimtian Philosophy, London. Longman. 12md. Full Morocco gilt. ,. _., »...„ 101 Waveiley Novels. Sir Walter Scott. Li^^^Jfy ,«^>*'^"- Green Marocco back gilt. Fisher Son & Co. London ;' 1836, copiously illustrated by Crink|^h«nk and others. With steel engravings. Very «»« ^'^; 102 Sir Bulwer Lytton's Novels^ I»»;Btruted. G, ^o^ffg^ Z &t?o.,London^2vo. hulfc.Ufg.lt ^ 23 vols. 103 The Works of wlpngton Irving, New-Jork. ^G- .^. T Putnam. ISGlTlinted pai^er, half calf h^v.ly g. t. ■ ' ■ ■ ~' a ' "' vols. 1(14 Memph^'of Charleys M.>th6ws.L6naon. Richard Bentley, - ' i ' •1838. Half calf gilt. 8vo. * V"ls 105 ThefUw of NaUons. M. de Vattel Half calf. London. f ' jRoyal 8vo. 16 BurTce. The complete Works of. London. 1815.^ 8vo ' talf calf gilt, valuable edition. ID vois- 107 Robert8(in. The Works of. prefixed by an ^f^^^ ^ ^ liffe and writings of the author, by Dugald Stewart J. i R. S. London. Longman. 1851. 8 vo^ full ^^^ 108 Hume David: The Philosorjhical ^orks oi^^^o^ Edinburgh Adam and Charles Black, 1854. bteel engraving, full calf heavily gilt.' 4 vols. 109 Travels in various parts of Peru, by Edmond^ Temple. London, 1830. Full calf. 8vo, Copiously illustrated. Heavily gilt. Very rare. J ^ ^ols. 1 10 Leo X The Life and Pontificate of. by William Roscoe. 8vo cloth. London. Bohn. 1840. Illustrated. 2 vols. 111 Swift. Rev. Jonathan. D. P. The Works of, Morocc^ London, 1801. Royal. 8vo. with i^ortiait Very handsome and rare edition. ly vols. 112 Everett Edward, His Orations and Speeches oxrVaiios occasions. Sixth edition. Boston. Little Brown & > Co 1866. Half calf gilt with portrait. i vols. 113 The Greville Memoirs. 8vo. London^ I^o»g"»^"« ^^ & Co.. 1874: Full calf heavily gilt. •> vols. 114 Bacon's Essays with annotations by Richa^J^^^^^^^^ Boston. Lee and Shepard, 1803. Halt call neaviiy gik. ■ \).'- :■■-■; ■--■^'■>', y-[ --r -;-.v.- - '■^* C- Hfo. '"'■■■■^ .■'■■■ ' ■■ .. ^ \ : ■ ' \ ': 315 Bacon his Philosophy and Times by Fischer & Oxenfoi-d. London Ijongman, Brown Green Longman's and Robeitf, 1807. Cloth. lie Mncaulay's History af Kngland, with portrait cloth. 5 vols. 117 Froude Z. A. Histoiy of England from the Fall of Wolaey ■ ; to the death of Elizabeth, half calf 8yo. 4 vols. 118 James' Naval History of Great Britain cloth London (1st vol.' wanting) with engravings 8 vo.. 6 vols. 119 NapierW. F, P. History of the War in the Peninsula : with portraits and plans, New- York W, J. Widdleton 1862, half morocco gilt and gilt top, 8vo^_ 5 vols. 120 Kingliike's Crimea : cloth, 8 vo. 2 vols. 121 llusseU's Diary of the Last Great War George Routledge & Sons 1874 cloth, 8vo. 122 Gnizot's Life of Oliver Cromwell cloth, 8vo. 2 vols. 123 lives of the Queens of England bjefore the conquest cloth ■ ^vo. ^ • ■■ . I ; ' . ' ■ 124 Strickland's (Miss). Liv«s of the; Queens of Englan'd from ^ the coiKfUest cloth. 8vo. j 12 vols in-6. 125 Sjtrickland's ( Miss). Lives of th^ Queens of Scotland and Eliglishprincesses cloth, 8vc. 8 vols. ii26 Hallam's complete Works. Library edition comprising. Midle age. Coiistitutional History of England. Literature of Europe. 8vo. cjloth. 10 vols. 127 The Anecdotal History of the Brfitish Parliament from the Earliest periods ta the present time, by George W. Jennings. Cloth. 8 vo. 1881. 128 The Social Condition and Educatibn of the Peopleof En- gland, by Joseph Kay M. A. Cloth. 8 vo. 129 Burnet's History of the Reformation of the Church of Eiigland. A new edition with numerous; illus- trative notes and a copious index, and embellished -■'■.:, with forty seven portraits, j^ondon. William - Smith ,1841 royal 8vo. Cloth. 2 vols. 130 Burnet's History qf His Own Time, A new Edition with historical and biographical notes and fifty-one portraits. London. William Smith 11838, half calf -.royal 8vo. ■ ■ .2 vols. 131 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion and the Civil Wars in.Englahdalso his life wri|:ten. by himself. A new v.c.^_ edition illustrated with fifty-six portraits. Oxford printed at thp University. Sold by William Smith 1843. Cloth royal 8vo. 2 Vbls. X; No. 13-2. 133 134 135 136 137 a,3| 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 .•.!■■■•'■.-■ .'■'■■'— 9 .— • ' • • '* ' • ' ' Clarke's Commentary on the Holy Bible with portrait and maps. London. William Tegg. 4to. half calf va- luable. ; ^7^^"- The Book of Job. With illustrations and maps. Notes critical and exegetical, with six preliminary . disserta- tions and analytical paraphrase, by Rev. Carteret Priaulx Careyj.'M. A. London, 1858, clot^i royal, ^8vo. Positive Facts without a Shadow of a Doubt, by M. G. '. Duignan, cloth, royal, 8 vo.^ Burke's Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, Memoirs of Goldoni. London, 18mo half cdlf gilt. 2 vols. Kotzebue's. Autobiography of. With the Journal of his .^. Exile in Siberia. London, 18mo, half calf gilt. 2 vols. Ellis. Polynesian Researches. London. Henry O. Bohn. 12mo. half calf gilt. Illustrated with portraits, maps, ^ wood-cuts and steel engravings. 4 vols. Domestic Economy by Michael Donovan, M. R. I. A. London. Longman Browri Green & Longman. 12mo. halfciUf,'illusirated. .. ' W., ..^ ^^J^' Mayor's British Tourist. Londdn, half Calf heavily gUt. I2mo. • ^ ^ , 6v^^ Larduer's Cabinet Cyclopoedia History. Europe in the Middle Ages. London. Longman & Co. 12mo, half ...calf gilt. .., ^ 4 vols. Dibdin's Sunday Library. London. Longman & Co. 12mo. half calf gilt with portraits; 6. vols. Humboldt's works. (Views of nature equinoctial regions of America 3 vols.. Cosmos 5 vols.) 12 mo. London. Henry G. B^n. 1849. Morocco with portrait 9 vols. Laing's Ossian. Edinburgh, F. Ballarityne. 8vo. fuU calf with portrait. ■ 'o^^o*^* Gramont's Memoirs. London. William Miller 1811. 8vo. full calf gilt and stamped with tiumerous steel en- gravings.' _ ^J°l!' History of the Highlands by James Browne L. L. D, London. 1852. . 8vo. half calf iUustrated. 4 vols. Pepys Diary and Correspondence with two portraits, 8vo cloth. / . ^yoij- Mihnau's History of the Jews. Riverside Edition, doth. 3 vols. Huie's History ©f the Jews. 12mo. Morocco gilt back and 4- 1 ,» ■ i Jfr.iSrpi^^'l' 160 -^id-^ 161 162 153 154 ^155 156 157 ' 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166' Iswc Difltaeli'^Calainities and Quarrels of ftuthoro edited 1865' Sio cloth'' ""®'^«®' ^^'"'^ * Koutledge. Isaac^Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature with a View of the Life and Writing of the author by his Son. 8vo. cloth with portrait. 4 1 Isaac Disraeli's Amenities of Literature, 8vo. cloth. 2 vol^ Burtorfs Anatomy of Melancholy Library, edition. 8v6. _ cloth with engfevmg. '. 3 vols Lmnajan-^Botany. London. Longmans 1816. " Full calf Stami^d and gilt with colored plates, rare and valu- - — able. ovo. y i Cuvier's Animal Kingdom. London. G. Henderson, 1834.' vlluabfe ' •"''''°'''' g'^<^. ^"^ colored plates, rare and Lavater'8J>h;]dognomy, "eleventh edition with upwardTof four hundjted profiles and other engravings. London. WilliamTegg. I860, full calf, heavily gilt S'gilt '"''''' °^~~^^ himself. London. -half >elyn's Diarv and Correspondence. London. Henly G. Bohn 18^9 12mo. half calf gilt illustrated with numerous steel engravings. 4 vnlo Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellora. London. John ^^ Murray, 1856, 12mo. full calf. lo vo^ Napoeon in Exile by B. E. O'Meara. 8vo. 'cloth. 2 vols' Napoleon. Las Cases Memoirs of, 12mo. cloth with povtrait^ and other illustmtions. 4 voU '^1?l^Tr^J'^'^"^i^y**'^«^^""^««««- London; ,^ i-mo. full calf with numerous portraits and en- gravings. • ^ 3 1 Napoleon's Confidential Correspoiidence; half calf, gilt.''°^' NapcW^emoirs o^ his-court and family by the DucS DAbrante8 8yo. ''cloth, with numerous portraits en- • graved on steel. ' ■ o vols Napoleon. Captivity of; from letters and journals of Si^ Hudson Lowe by WiUiam Forsyth, M. A. 8vo Napol^n^ Ca^ivity^of; by General Count MonthZn! I^ndon. 8 vo. half calf with portraits and iUustrations. ' / - . ,-_■• • ■' 4 vols,' ■ /f*s .. uthor» edited & Koutledge. a View of the >n. 8vo. cloth 4 vols, cloth. 2 vols, edition, 8vo, 3 Vols. 6. ° Full calf, ire and valu. 3 vols, lerson, 1834. tea, rare and 4 vols, h upwards of ngs. London. x)ndon, ;- half 4 v6l8. ion. Henry strated with 4 vols. ondoii. John 10 vols. th. 2 vols. vith portraits 4 vols, ne. London, its and en- 3 vols, salf, gilt. 2 vols, the Duchess [)Ortraits en- • 2 vols, mals of Sir 1 A. 8vo. Y gilt with 3 vols. Montholon. [lustrations. 4 vols. JTo. 168 169 • 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Napoleon. Memoirs of, by the Puke ofRovigo. London, .^If calf gilt. • "' 4 vols.. Napoleon Bonaparte. Life of, by Sir Walter Scott. 8vo, half calf with portrait. 3 "^ow. Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire with portrait and Maps. 8vo. Morocco, back ffilt with gilt edges. Loudon, liongman, &c.. 1838. . 8 vols. Hume's History of England with portrait. : 8 vo. Morocco back gilt with gilt edges. Longman, etc,, 1841. 6 vols; \^- with continuation by Smollct. Same binding and \ edition, '4 vols., and completion by Hughes from accession of Georges III to accession^ of Victoria same binding, printed by George Bell. London 1846. 7vol8. 17vol3. Mackintosh's miscellaneous works. London, Longman, 1851. 8vo, Full calf, gilt, with portrait. < Barnes.— Notes on the scriptures. London. Routledge Warne& Routledge, 12mo, half-calf, gilt, valuable and handsome edition ^^ "^°^^- Prescott's works. London. Routledge 1859. 12mo, half- calf gilt, rare and valuable. 12 vols. Arabian Tales, a continuation of the Arabian Nights. Edinbifrgh, 17^2. • l^ma half Morocco gilt. ■ Lady Sale's Journal. LondonSMurray, 1843, half-calf, gilt. -^ Merivale's History of the Romans a^d Conversion of the Roman Empire. 8vo, clotlv good edition. 8 vols. Timm's Border Novels and , Romances of the South. 8v6, half calf, illustrated." Gil Bias tjanslated by SmoUet and illustrated, by Smirke. 8vo, cloth, . ; 2 vols. Sheridan's Speeches with a sketch of his life. 8vo, Lon- don. Bohn, cloth with portrait. 3 vols. Turner's '^ Annual Tour. Wanderings on the Seine. Twenty handsome steel engravings from drawings by Lumer. London. Longman, 1834-35. FuU MoroecQ, hand- somely gilt, fine copy*^ 2 vols. Works of Rev. John Newton. Edinburgh 1827. 8vo halfcalt ^ i m 182 The Extraordinary Black Book, an Exposition of abuses in Church and State Court* of Law, Representation, mu* nicipal and corporate bodies with a precis of the House of Commons ; past, present and to come. Lon- don. Effingham Wilson 1832. Very scarce and va- luable. , J 1^ « T 183 Fauriel's History of Provinqal Poetry. Edited: by G. J. '" Adler. 8 vo. cloth. 184 BUJceweirs Physical Evidence of a Future Life. London. ' Longman, 1 840. 8 vo. cloth. lil: ^^ 185 The Chriaitian's Wedding Ring. 8vo. cloth. ———■ ■ .■ ■ 186 Miller, Hugh. Works of,«^ith his Life and Times. 8vo. ' cloth with portrait and illustrations. 8 vols. 187 Halyburton's Works. Glasgow. Blackie & Son, 1833. 8 vo. half calf with portrait. 188 Burnet's Sacred Theory of the Earth. London, 1759. . Fullcalt 2 vols. 189 Colman's Practical Agriculture and Rural Economy. Royal. 8vo. 54 engravings. 2 vols in one. 190 Longfellow's Poems. Ticknor & Co. 12mo: cloth. 6 vols. ' 191 Robert Browning's' Poems. Ticknor. 12mo. cloth with " portrait. y^ .- 2 vols. 192 Motherwell's Posthumous Poems. Ticknor. 18roo. cloth. 193 Barry Cornwall's English Songs. Ticknor. 12mo. cloth' with portrait. 2 vols. 194 Milnes*, Poems. Ticknor. 12mo. cloth, 195 Bayard Taylor's Poems. Ticknor. 12mo. cloth. 2 vols. 196 Alexander Smith's Poems. Ticknoi. 12mo. cloth portrait. ' r ' .' -'. 2 vols.- 197 Bailay'sPoiems, Ticknor. 12mo. cloth. 198. Matthew Arnold's Poems. Ticknor. 12mo. cloth. 199 Tennyson. Ticknor. 12md. cloth. 4 vols. 200 Arthur Hallam's Remains. Ticknor. 12mo. cloth. 201 Hosmer's Poems. Cloth with portrait. 2 vols. 202 Oliver Wendell Hohnes, Songs in many. Keys. 12mo. 203^^ Samuel Lover's, Songs and Ballads. 12mG. cloth. 204 Poetical Works of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton. London. Routledge. 12mo. cloth. . 2 vols. 205 Collection of Poems. London, 1748. Half calf, 12mo. ''X .'■.■;; .'•-,, ■.] '^ ■ -, ■ .--.■■;■ -\. 8- vols. 206 t*oe'8 Worlis^ 12mcr.^oth wfth portrait; 7 4 vols. 207 Igdrasil' or the Trte of Eiistence by James Chiailen. 12nio. ■ . doth.' •; ■'■";■ mfw. "^mm London. 2 vols, f, 12mo. 3 volsi 4 vols. , 12nio. No. 208 209 210 G. J. 211 x)ndon. "■_(■■. , 212 , 8vo. 8 vols. 213 , 1833. 1759. 214 2 vols. Royal. 215 in one. 6 vols. 216 ;h with 2 vols. 217 ». cloth. ). clothe ' 218 219 220 ^21 222 223 224 225 . '•.:^i8-. • •• • . ••. , Goethe's Poems and Ballads translated by Aytonn and Martin l2ino. cloth, Byron's Works with his letters and Journals and/ bis life by Thomas Moore Esq. London. Murray 1834. Cloth with engravings. 17 vols. Hood's. Works of. Edited by j:pes Sargent, 8vo. tinted paper half Morocco. Very line edition. 6 vols. Bloonjfield's Earmer's Boy. Handsome drawing room ^ edition 8 vo red Morocco heavily gilf ornementcd and iUustrated. Pope's Wotfcs and letters full calf. Londftn 1766, hand- somely illustrated. 19 vols. Buttei-'s Hudibras. Edinburgh James Niphol 1854. Full calf heavily gilf back and edges 8vo. handsome edi- tion. 2 vols. Percy's Reliques Edinburgh 1858 James Nicol 8vo. Half Morocco gilf back and edges handsome edition. 3 vols Coleridge, ^amuel Taylor Works of - — 8voi full calf with portrait. Percival's Elegant Extracts full calf with portrait. 6 vols, in 3. Courtnay's Commentaries on Shakapeare. London. 8vo. cloth. 2 vols. Shakspeare. The Pla,ys of— With the corrections and ilhis- tra,tions of various commentators to which are added notQj} by Samuel Johnson and Geoige Steevens. London. Longman 1793, full calf valuable edition. ... I- . 15-V|ol8. Mrs. Jameson's Characteristics of Women 8 vo. London 1858. 2 Vols. Barry Cornwall's Dramatic Scenes &c. 8vo full calf illus- tiuted. .i^ Mrs. Heman's Poetidal Works. 8 vo. cloth with portrait Rogers* Poetical W^orks 8vo. cloth illustrated. Shakspeare illustrated, royal 8vo. Boston 1850 cloth. . 8 vols. Reynard the Fox after the German version of Goethe by Thomas James Arnold with illustratiom from the designs of Wilhelm Von i^^aulback, Handsome draAn^- ing-room edition. 8vo. :.:^-:~^^-^-^-,-:^--^^-,--.-^--^^-i'~^:---^r^-^,- Chainber's Information for the People, royal 8vo. Edin- burgh 1849 Half Morocco illustrated. 2 vols. H' T' Chaml X- '■■■ ■ it's Cyclopcedia of Engli8> literature royal 8vo. ..ustrftuJi. >'^„ ,-n f^'^"-- Chai/7be«. Book of Days a miscellany of Popular Anti- / quities. Egra|ihical and critical essays, lunio. halt call. Gemsofson^. IGmo. cloth. , Beauties of Bacon, 16mo. full calf. Milton's Poetical Works. London. 1 82 U full calf. Mirabeau. Ohefs-D'ceuvre oratoires. Paris. 1823. Plemo teliure veau, 8vo, , „ y? ■^' Boccaccio. The Decameron. 16mo. half calf with portrait. * ""''^ 'P ^T A Biographical Peerage. London. 16mo. full calf. 2 vo's. Don Quixote. 16mo. illustrated, full calf. 4 vols. Three Bibles and a Testament. ^ _ Elegant Extracts in Verse. Illustrated 16rao. cloth. By K. A. Davenport. " ^ 6 vols. Vie du Chevalier de Faublas par Louves de Couvray. Paris. 1816. lOmo. veau, illustr^. 8 vols, en 4. Maxwell's Life of the Duke of Wellington, royal, 8vo, illustrated with 51 engravings on steel and 77 on wood by the best artists, sixth edition. London. Bohn 186;5. cloth; • . ^ - 3 vols. Walpole's. Anecdotes of Painting in England, royal 8vo. London. Bohn, 1862. cloth profusely illustrated with engravings on steel*^ 3 vols. Walpole's. Letters edited by Peter Cunningham, royal, 8vo. London. Aenry G. Bohn. 1861, cloth, illus- trated with engravings ort steel. ttt^^^H' WalpoloV. Memoirs of the reign of George III, royal, 8vo. 2^°^^- Fenelon's Telemachus, 8vo. cloth. , , n Memorials of Duchess Hen^e. London. 8vo. cloth lUus- Chalybaus. Speculative Philosophy translated by Tulk. 8 vo. cloth. London. Longman. Public Works Report 1867. half calt t -7""?y^^pf^ . #-• 36 *^* ITo. Tolte. 3 voU. 251 Dyul 8vo. 252 PoWtcs on Confedomtion 18(55, roynl, 8vo. cloth. 263 Old Novola, 24mo. cloth London. Kvelinu, Pamela. Tho LinwtKKla. Tho H. Family. Tho lU-gont's . duuKlitoi'. Life of Baron Trenck, Old English Haron. Talus of tho Genii. Salamander. HorHcshoe Robinson. iJecilw. The Invalids. Uonumce of tho Forest. Ups \ivi Downs. Fortune's Trolics. 15 vob. 254 Watts' Logic. JMinburg, 18o. half cjilf with portrait 255 Dryden'8 Virgil. London, 1810. 18nio. half calf. 4. vols, m 2,^^ 256 WesUs I'iudar. London, 1810. 18nio. half palf. calf, 2 vols, in ono. 257 Theocritus, Bion and Moschus London 1810. 18mo. half-- calf. 2 vols, in ono, 258 Anacreon, Sappho and Mu8a3U8 London 1810. 18mo. half calf. 2 vols, in onci 259 Mrs. Heman's roema, 18mo. cloth. 260 Bi()«,'rai)hical Dictionary, 24njo, illustrated. ■* ^^ „ 261 Ovid Metamorphoses. London 1826, illustn^ted 24ino, ftiU ' morocco, « iV 262 Frabces' Horace illustrated. London 1827. 24mo.,f»»ll morocco. i^ir 263 FraukliJi'a journey. London, Murray 1829, 18mo, half culf illustrated. 4 vols, in two. 264 Zimmerman's i^olitude. ISrao, full calf. 265 Brown's Concordance 24raoj, cloth. ^ 266 The Laurel, works of Collins Pomfret, Johnson Hammond. London, 1815. 24mo, full Morocco. 267 Pope's Homer's Iliad. 24mo, full Morocco. . 268 Shelley's Poetical works edited by Mrs Shelley. 12mo, Boston, Little Bu)wu & Co, 1857. Full calf with por- trait. 3 vols. 269 Moore's Poetical works, collected by himself. I2mo, Ne^r- York. D. Appleton & Co. 1853, half Morocco with portraits. . 10 vols, 270 Scott's Poetical Works. Ballantyne edition 1831 12vo; half Morocco j|h8trated. 12 vols. 271 Donne's Poetical 'JB^s. Boston LittJJJiJr^wn & Co, 1855. ^ : - :~ ~l^2mo, half calf with portraits. . .^ - ? ,-^^^; _ _ 272 H(5bert's Poetical Works. Boston Little Brown & Co. 186%; full calf, gilt with portrait, &,i ," I' . ' m u. t 1?1F^7 ;-.*»,^ g'v- I I No. 372 Herrick'B I'm'.ticnl Works Boston, f ittle Brown & Co. IL'mo, full MortK'Xo, gilt edgort, druwing-nHmi tniition with iMirtrnit. '^ vol». 274 Skoltou's I'tKjtiiail Works. Boston, r.ittlo Brown & Co. 1856. 12mo, half morocco. 3 vol«. 276 Works of [.ady Mury WortUsy MonUgu. London. lUclmid rhilipH, ia()3. l2mo. full morocco, with portrait iind * ftto-HiniiloHofhand writing of the most illuutrious men of the day, valuabUj and rare edition. 376 Montgoinery'a IVitical work.s. London. Longman 1856. hiimojilf gilt with portrait and illustratiens. 4 vols. 277 South I'octical^Works. Bo^iton. Little Brown & Co. imJO. full calf with portrait. 12mo. lO vob. 278 WordH\Wrth i'h I'ootical Works. /Boston.^ittle Brown & Co. 19. half morocco with fwrtrait. 1 2mo. 7 vols. 279 EnglisJi and Scottish Ballads. Boston. LittleMli^own & Co. . half calf gilt. 12mo. 8 vols. 280 Colorictgf. S. T. l^oetical Works of, 16mo. Little Bro\vn ft . Co. Cloth with portrait. 3 vols. 2bl Prior Matthew, Poetical Works of, Little Brolvn & Co. Cloth with |)oitrait. 16mo. . 2 vol^J 2^2 Keats John. Poetical Works of, 16mo, Little Brown Jfc Co, cloth, witli portrait. 283 Shak8i)e»r. Poems of, with a memoir by Rev. Alexan- der Dyce. 16mo. Little Brown & Co., cldth, with ' ' portrait. . '^ 284 Howard Henry. .Eail of^Surrey." The poetical Works of, ICmo. Little BrownlS; Co, cloth, with portrait. 285 Wyatt Sir Thomas. The Poetical Works of, 16mo. Little Brown & Co, cloth, with portrait. 286 Moore Thomas. Poetical works of, 12 mo. Loudon. ~ . R'butledge. full morocco stamped, gilt edges illustrated, drawing-room edition. - 287 Lower Samuel. Poetical works of, 12mo. London Routledge, full morocco stamped gilt edges and cover illustrated, drawing-room edition. -, 288 Hunt Leigh. Poetical works of. 16mo. London. Rout- ledge. Cloth gilt edges back and cover. Illustrated. 289 Hood Thomas. Poetical works of. 1 ^mo. cloth gilt edges. 290 Woftlsworth William. Pofetical works of. Edinburgh. --. 12rao. cloth gilt edges back and cover. Illustrated. 291 Ca,rey H. F. Dante. 1 2mo. cloth with portrait and illustra- tions. — — ^ ■— _- — — — ■ ". t — — - — ^ o.- -^IT— x: 293 294 295 290 297 29B 299 300 301 802 303 ; 304 305 306 307 308 309 Tttudittimn Ki.lHrt. UyU .iml U-f^^wU of Inverburn. 12mo. Loudon. Slmlmii. (Moth Ki't- , . ^ c- w Schilliir. Thn imhuuh iind ImiIIiwIh of. TraiwtattKl by Sir R Ibilwor Lvtton. 12iiio, dolb, witli poitmit gilt top. Byron'H rmaital w<.ik». 12ino. clotb, Hi oiiKmviiiK*. (JolliiiH, (Iniy iiihI M«uiUio, IVHJticil works ol. |2mo. full ciilf. witb jlluHtiation. vt v i Brvaiit WilUttui t Dillon. Poems of. l2mo. New York. Appleton. 1861. Hulf Morocco ^ilt. 2 voIh. Tmho'h .T.^ruwilBin rtelivorcd. U4mo. full Morocco, with illustmtioii. London. Poti KdKur. Poctiiail works of. 24u»o. London. Rout- ledm). Clotli K'lt *'«•«««. ill«>Nt"i«'«J- Hunt Ltiigb. Poiuns of. 24ino. cloth, gilt odgos. Browning, Mrs. KUzabctU Barrett. Poen« of 24ino. New York. Miller, 1H64. CMoth; gilt odgi'H with portmif. 5 vols. Gessner'H Death of Abol. TraiiHluted in verno by W. C. \ Oulton. l^mdon, 1811. 8vo. Full culf Mumped, Vith «toel engravings. Very scarce. Oonibf, William. Doctor Syntax in search of Picturoaqiie. Undon, 1864. lllu«tmtetl with 31 colored J.lales b)" Uowlandaon. 8 vo, cloth gilt. Handsome edition. Two centwries of Song, with notes by Thornbiirry. LondouJ Uinpson, Law.son & Son. 8vo. cloih gdt. Very' handaomly illustrated and ornamented, drawing-room edition; Scottish ministrel. Edinburgh. Nimmo. 8vo. cloth, gilt top. L E. L The complete works of, 8vo. cloth, with portrait. 2 vols. Spenser Edmimd. The Faerie Queene, with a glossary, London Routledge, 8 vo. cloth. Ingoldsby legends. London Bentley 1846, cloth, illustrated bv Cruikshank and Leech, valuable edition. , ; . 3 vols. Derby Lord. The Iliad of Homer rendered into English blank verse, 8 vo, New-York Scribnor, cloth and tinted paper. 2wl8; Norton. The Honorable Mrs. Poetical Works of. Londoo. with "x"^ •if*. Colburn. 1^ 4 1. 8vo . c l ot h , portiait. ■^ Jii>w^mi. No. ^10 : -If-: ■ ■■'- TennyBon^s V(^mit Rmton. Ticknor atul Fi«ltln. oKilh. ♦ gilt c<»vt>r uikI •«!««"», illusimuU 'with (U luiu«l« .i|»lt top. Thttunmturgiis. London. Longruun 1828,;%^ acflrce and ruro. 1 2ino. lialf cttlf. A i^. ThoniHon .lanute. Tho Seasons LuAnAgff.1825 12mo. . i.r i hiilf cHlf,f|it,h pliitu. I'Ke Itojecteil Audrcssus. I^iulon F»*» li rocco. IGiuo. Well's Uwycr. ITiaytfjrt. Full calf. IGmo. Cotnbe George. Moml pUilosophy lOmo. cloth. Falcohop's Shipwreck. IGino. Full Morocco gilt back cover u^u eclgca. Warien Saihuel. Diaiy of a Physician IGino. cloth. 3 vols. Wai^prl^iiiuel Ten Thousand a^ year. Leipzig ^ 1845. ^Cmo, half Morocco. '^ ^"^''• Warburtou Eliot. Thto (Jrescent and the Cross. Leipzig 1852; 16mo. half Morocco. 2 vols. Taylor Isaac. Self cultivation. Loudon 1817. 16mo. full calf. Adams, Cage and Singing Birds. London Routledge 1763. 16mo, hair<5alf, illustrated. Holmes Oliver Wendell. The Po^t at the Breakfast table. London, lioutledge, 1 6mo, boards. , ♦'? «t '.A^'T^^K. ^U Uoliue« OUvt-r Vy«ua.«II. Tho Antoflmt of the llrdakf^t Ublo. Lomlou, Mtmlmii, I «5iuo, cloth. Kilt UoliW)v»tr mxl wlgm ; ^ voU. 330 TluiikH-l-tn-MyM'If. :»«»"•». •«»'' ••^^•f- 337 Aiu'cddU'ii of Sociiil lir«> lioudoii, 32ino, Imlf 938 Literary Soavwilr.' London, B2mo hnlf o^ wit^toel «n- gmviiiK- 339 I'ttrry'H Voy.iKc LuikIuh, ^lurmy, 1H29. 32iuo, ^f wUf, 340 Mitfonl VVillirttti, HiHtory ofGrwco, London, CodtBlBOS. l2nio, Imllciilf witli |M»rtriiit. IB volii. 341 Kiclmnlson. IIiHtory of Sir tllmrl«« dnvntlinon, full luilf, IStno, London. -^ ? vols. 343 GoldHUiiih Olivor. T\w MiHoollnii«ou« Works of, odiBud by ; l»rior, Nuw-York. Derby Jncksyn, IHiiU. 8vo, «lnib, with iit««l idatuH. . *M- * vols, 344 Liiub, (Jh.irlcH. Lil" and Letters of. New York. T«60. 8vy, tiloth witb |M)rtniit. f* *<*l8. 345 Boswell's^Life of JohriHou, with notes, by Orok.T. Sew York, 1800. 8vo, cloth, with portrait of Dr. Johnfon. 4 #ls. 346 Hazlith, William. The works of. New York. J)L'rbjt& JackHon. ISfiO. 8vo. cloth. 5 vfi. 347 Addis(in,. Joseph. The works of. With notes, by Gree«B. New York, 18r>(i, cloth, with steel plates. QrVrtls. 3iB ^eFoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. New- York, 1829. 8vo, cloth, illuMtraled with Hfty characteristic cul^ r^ from drawings, by William Harvey and engraved bj- m ' % ■ ' Adams. ' , ■ ■ ' »' 849 •© Foe, Daniel. The History of the Plague of Lotido^ \ ind Religious 'Courtahip. New York, 1857. 8vo.5 '. .cloth. 350 Bronte, Charlotte (Carrer Bell).— Jano Eyre.— Vilette. - Shirley. Now York, 180O. 8vo. clothT ■ ~ 3 vols. ^ 351 Bronte, Charlotte. Life of, V by Mrs. Oaskell. London. Boards. 8 vo. 352 Smollett, Thomas. The Miscellaneous works oC edited by / Roscoe. New York, 1857. 8vo. clotU, witl^ por- — V. — trait — . • . — ^^ — — — 6 vo la. .i t^ ./, ■ ../■ lA ' - i T ■/■■ ( I ■^ '^■ll^^^-W' -r. ^. 1 * f*\ "WJ'^' IT. — 20 — . S^ Homer. Tmnci Memoirs and co^^aiK^dence of: J^^ «vn IVmton ct oth. AVith plates. , iS \oi8. 356 Irelanr^'^H. History of the County of Kent Lomjon 356 IielancU^^^^^^ 1828. &vo. cloth, e^y^^^^^J'^l:^^ from origiuul drawings by Geo. AKViea 01 views »'oi" wi.j,.*".- . v " i • „i ctieiciil and biographical dolinenlions. ■',™S' KiverSt. Lawrence tluough the continenl ot.^o't^ 362 B.es^ Helations de la NonVelle F.^nco par le E. P. " F J Martin, C. J. Demi-veau, illusti^. , Memoires s«r le Canada en trois parties, avec carte, et • plans lithograiihies. Quebec, lbo8. ^ • Ces deux onvragessont relies ensemble. .^ 363 Trials oJ^D.&i.>l.»rd .°nd tehibald McLeUan. Montreal t818 8vo- half calf, rare. . t ^ 364 Selkirk Lonl.Setttement, in North Amer.ea.Lopdf,n, Mnrmy. 1817. 8vo: halt calf, with map rale. 365 Henry, Dr^'lMesfron. n.y Po,.-foho. f^^ to the year. 1/91. Quebec ioio. ^ vols, in one. • Quebec 1865. ^ ,-T«P 21 — No. Lojidpn, c. 1839, , in one._^ ^ '■ • ' iscovery- alf calf. .. in one. ' ■/:-■ ,u, 8vo, dans un. ;;"J^:-^ ■ : ■ : -■> V .^: -:,: v: ; ".'•-■•■ _. l:i_v— --■--^•^ .- ^8 Boll. Andi^w. History of Canada, tmnsktca from Gar- neau. 8vo. cloth. Montreal. 18«C. -^ vols. 369 Gar«?au.F X. Histoiredu Canada., 8vo. dem.v^. Qu^ibec. 1845-6-8. ' "^^^ 370 Bed«i^..T. P. Hist^ire de Cinqtiante ans. Svo. demi- . vean. QiUilKjc, 1869., . . , 371 RnuM. W. lla«iU, ^Can..l», its «1*°" »»* rewur^a. 12mo. clolh, Boston. Buriillim.. l8bo ' London, Colburn, 1842. 8vo. h"" •»!'. »'"»2';.^^; 373 WartaSiot.. Conqnest of Canada. 8vo. New^Yo*! 376 MiW ir^Vvf^^istory of Canada, under Trench Regime. 376 Miles, H.^vv.^^^^ ^y^^^^^ i872. with map. ^77 ^tnart A Review of the I'roceedings of the. Legislature 377 Stuart. A^^^eve^^^^^^ ^^^^ 8vo. half calf. Montn^al. 378 Parkman, fmncis: Compimcy of Pontiacv Boston, Little. -^ Brown & Co., 1855. 8vo. full calf, gilt. , 379 Parkman, Francis. Pioneer, of France ia^^^^^ Boston. Little. IJrown & Co., 1867. 8vo. cloth. 380° Parkman, Fnvncis. Jesuits m ' IJotth Atnevica. Boston. Little. Brown & Co,, 18t>7. 8 vo., cloth. 281 Parkman, Francis. The Old Regime in Canada. Boston, 281 i'arR^a^l^^ ^.^^ ^ ^o.^ i877. 8vo, cloth. ^ ; : .; 405 Taylor, Bayard. Travels in Greece and; Russia with an excursion to Crete, v New York. Putimm, 1859. 8vo, half moroccc, gilt top. 406 Taylor, Bayard. At home and abroad. First and second series. New York, Putnam. 8 vo, half morocco, gilt top. . 407 Taylor, Bayard. Hannah Thurston, a story of American LiTe. ^New' York. Putnam, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 408 Taylor, Bayard. Views a-foot, or Europe seen with knap- ' sack and staft". New York. Piitnam. 8vo, half morocco; gilt top. - 409 Taylor, Bayard. Eldorado or adventures in the path of empire. New York. Putnam. 8 vb, half morocco, gilt top. 410 Taylor, Bayard. Northern Travel. Summer and Winter pictures. Swedeil, Liipland and lJetm)ark. /New . Y''ork. Putnaiit. 8 vo, half morocco, gilt top. , .■ ^ i 411 Taylor, Bayard. Journey to Central Africa. New Y''or^, -„ , Putnam. 8vo. half morocco gilt top with a map aijd ■ illustrations by the author. , j 412 Taylor, Bayard. The Lands of the Saracen Pictures Jof . Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily and Spain. Ngw-Yb][k. Putnam: 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. 413 Taylor, --Bayard. Visit to India China and Japan. Nelw- Yofk, Putnam. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. 414 Heber, Bishop. Journal of. London. Murray 1828. 8vo. half calf, illustrated. . 3 vols. 415 Wh^teley,. Bishop. Lectures on Apostles. London. 12mo. ■'■.-- filUcal^; ■'■: -^ ' ^ . ■•.:"■■■/..-■■ .. :-■ ;.■-.; 't t , '.* nr^ J / .. I ^ii —■ On ^he Sacrements. L»n4on. 12mo. London. 8vo. No. 416 Whateley, Bishop '417 Wha!e^y!'i^hop. Scripture revelations concerning a fu- tuie state. London. 12mo- *"" «'^'f- ^^ f„n calf AIR Whatelv Bishop. On angels. London. I2mo full calf. . fj wSe; BishoV Kingdom of Christ. London, 8vo, ^^ full calf. P T • 420 Whateley; Bishop,;' Elements of Logic. 421 WhaJel^y^Bishop. Elements of Bhetoric comprising an . 421 Wl^^tUey. .^ ^^ P^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^.^^^^^^ and persyation.^^ LondJn. full calf. 8vo. 422 Whateie/Bishop. Lectures ou Political eopnomy. Lon- do/ Bvo. full calf. ■ - . ,„ ^ 423 WhatZv Bishop. Sermons. London. Full calf. 8vo. IS wffi Bishop. Charged and other tracts. London. 425 Whaf^w'^.Bishop' Bampton Lectured on Use and Abuse ^2^^*^^^'^^y,'li„^j„ ^.atters of religion. London. ?ull 426 WhaS^'Sl;hop. Essays on some orthe dangers to the Christiiin faith. London, lull calf. 8 va .^ 427 Whateley. Bishop. f^^^^tX^^^^^ Religion. London. 8vo. full calf, IsJ series. Whatele^;; Bishop. The difficulties In the Writings of St. lU/ London. «vo. full «ilf. 2ridser.es. « Whateleyy Bishop. *The Errors^of RcMnamsm. London. , 8vo. full calf, 3rd. series. / ft.;p„,iiv 408 Daoley R. Death's Doings in proseandverse the friendly ^-^ "^'"l^tributions of various/ writers F-^^P^^ ^"^^ " as illustrations of 24 pla>tes designed and etched by lllaS^ London,^bMvo. full calf gUt. valuable 429 LoL::'^^ Essay c^nc^ing II"-- Thirty-first editi/jn. 8 vo. London, halt calt, wim 430 CrudS^G^ordaru^e. W 1827. ' royal. 8vo. full calf, \»^iih portrait. ^ r -iv ^if 431 Harper's Statisticjvl Gazetteer, rbyal. 8vo. full «i»- . t32 5Xs. ThLa^omplete Works edit^ 1| Sir^Wi^a^ MolesworU( LondoiwBohn 1839^ 5 ^olum^m latin audi 1 in English including index. 16 volumes in all. 8v6. cloth with portrait and plate, exceedingly • :, 'V^valiMiW««Stion^ \ T~~ ^ / - ^ V % '• \ ./.',U aVw^id 12mo. ■ ; afu- H ill calf. I 8vo: 1 sing an H jijation. • B^ Lon- 1 f. 8vo. ■ Loudon. ■ 1 Abuse ■ m. tull ■ s to the H ;hri9tian 1 s of St. 1 London. H ^1 friendly I intended 1 tched by 1 valuable 1 standing. 1 ilf, with 1 ^25—' ♦ • , No. 433 Goethe. Auto-biogmphy of, translated by Parke Godwin. ,42mo. cloth. 2 vols. 434 Bulfineh, Thomas. Ago of Chivalry Boston, Crosby Nichols Lee & Co. 12mo. cloth, handsomely illustrated. . 435 De Toctiueville, Alexis. Memoir, letters and Remains Boston. 12rao. cloth. 2 vols. 436 Beaumarchais and his times. Sketches of French Society in th(! I8ih cemtnry from unpublished do«Lumeut« by Louis Do Lomonie translated by ^Cdwards, London. 185G. 12mo. cloth. • I 4 vols. 437 Taylor, Hugh.. The magistrates Mauuftl, Montr(5al 1843. 12mo. half calf. \ 438 History of the Ea.stern Townships by Mrs Day, Montreal. ' 12 mo. cloth. 439 Lorenzo. A poem by Z. Koby. London. 1820. 12mo. half calf. . 440 Busch. D, Moritz. Bismarck et sa suite, cinqui6me ddition. Paris, 1879. 1 2mo. demi veau. 441 Marmontel. (E^ivres posthumes. Mdmoires. Paris, 1807. 12mo. demi veau. 4 vols. 442 Kemp, T. Lindley. Phasis of Matter. London. 12mo. cloth. .- . 2 vols. 443 Tathani, Edward. Bampton Lectures. 'The Clmrt and Scale of Truth. London, 1840. 8 vo. cloth. 2 vols. 444 American Poulterer's Companion by Bement. Harper, 1865. 8vo, cloth, illustrated. ° . 445 Essays and Reviews. 8 vo. cloth. Replies to Essays and Reviews. 8vo. cloUi. 446 Channing Walter. A Physician's vacation,. or a summer in Europe, Bostoii. 8vo. cloth. 447 Doubleday's true Law of Population. Lopdon, 8vo, cloth. r 448 Chambers, William. American Slavery and colour. Lon- don, 1857 . 8vo. cloth, with map. 449 Smyth, Rev. Thomas. Unity of the Human races. 8vo. cloth. , 450 Forsyth, William M. A. Q. C. Life of Marcus Tuilius Cicero. New- York. Scribner, 1865. 8vo. cloth, tinted paper, handsome edition. 451 Sinclair, Catherine. Modern society. 3vo. cloth. 452 Milmaii, Rev. R. Life of Torqnato Tasso, London, 1850. 8vo. cloth. ■ ■ ' 2 vols. — h "3^ :'.-•.■ . ^ 26 — • ' • • - ' No. ; 453 Andrews Alexander. The Eighteenth century or manners » and cnatuins of onr grnud fatlicrs. London. 3vo. » ch)th. ^-j454 Gilbert, William. The MonomaniaG, 8 vo. •cloth. •4o5 Flora McDonHld. Her life writtyn by hw grand-daiightor. 'London; 1875, Svc^cloth, 456 Ischudi. P^ruviiin antiquities. ]r2pio. cloth, copiously ' illufltruted, . ' >^ 457 Smith, iEsop. ^I^ides and llevervea. 8 vo. cloth. _^ 468 Sewell, Wui. G. The ordeal of Free Labor in the West Indies. 8 vp. cloth. 459 Aquilar Grace Home Scenes. 8vo. cloth. 460 Butler, Joseph 1). C. L. Sermon^ und remains. London. 12mo, cloth gilt. 461 Hubbuek, Mrs. The old Vicarage, 12mo. cloth. 462 Clever Boys and*How they-became famous men. London. 1 2mo.cloth, gilt and illustrated. 463 Keybaud. Le desnier des commis voyageuw. 12mo. demi veau. 464 LaFontaine, Falile. lllust^tisd by Grandville,' translated into english verse by Wright. 8vo; cl«th. • 2 vols. 465 Bautain M. Act of Kxtemporo Speaking: London. 12m6. cloth. ' B' ^^^ . :: ,^■ 466 Criswell, Robert. . Buckingham Hall an answer to " Uncle v Tpm's.pabi'n.".12mo. cloth, illustrated. 467 Pendy Walter Cooper. Pfiilosophy of mystery. 12mo. - • ^cloth,'. ' ' ' ■ 468 Use of Hot Air in Iron Works of England and Scotland. London. 8vo cloth, illuslrated. ■ 469 SherlocJf William D. D. On Death. London. 12mo. fult calf, gilt. 470 Whati'ley Bishop. Lessons on Morals and Chiistian Evidences. I2mo. cloth. 471 Scott Sir Walter. TaTes of a Grand father. 12ma cloth, ill usttated with steel engravings. 6 vols. 472 Lockhai-t John Gibson. Life of Sir Walter Scott. Boston. 12mo.'cloth, illustrated with steel engravings. 9 vols. 473 Macaulay. Thomag Babington. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 8 vo. cloth. 7 vols. . 474 London and its Vicinity with map and 205 illustrations. ^, London. 12mo. cloth. 475 FarrarF. W. Julian Home. Edinburgh, 8vo. cloth. 476 Ro^ Mrs. Violet Keith. '12mo. cloth. fei'gtAsig., '^ ^.^ ->. • T^^?\>'. . 'Tt.'y No. 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 •V, 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 Boston. 5Q z 5i 502 603 • . ^ 27 -' . • • ^■ Ross Mrs. The Wreck of the White Bear. i2mo. cloth. 2 vols. Lytton Sir E. Biilwer. CoKtoiiiai'uv. 8 vo. cloth. Whatoley Bishop. Coriu{)tiou8 of Cluistianity. 8vo. * cloth, i{i\t. Wilson Au},'U8ttt J. Evans. Infelico. 12 mo. cloth. Ayton. Lays of Scottish cavaliers. 12 mo. cloth. Confession of Faith the Liirger and Shorter Cutechims, &c. Edinburgh. 1841. 12mo. full calf. Willis N. 'P. Pencil ling? by the way. London. 12rao. clothj gilt an 1 illnstrjited. Goodrick Chauncey Northern Fruit Culturist. GrapeaiiDf Kshcol. London. 1864. 12mo. cloth. ■ The days of Knox. London. 8 voj cloth, gilt. Tillotson John D. D. Rule of Faith. London, 1676. full calf, gilt edges. Agassiz L. Method of Study in Natural History. 12mo, cloth. ^ Cooper Fini more. The Bravo. London. Kingsley, Charles. Glaticus. 12mo. cloth. Sterling, John;' The Onyx King. 12 mo. cloth. Excessive sensibility, "A Novel. 1777. 2 vols. I'rescott George B. Histojy, Theory and Pmctice of the Electrie Telegiaph, . Boston. Copiously illustrated, a valuable scientific work. . Bartlett, David W. Paris with Pen and Pencil. New*; York, Saxton, 1858. 8 vo. cloth, gilt, illustrated. Wirt. William. Letters of the British Spy. ,12mo. cloth, with portrait. ; Schoolcraft, Henry R. Hiawatha and other Legends of North Ameriaiu Indians. 12mo. cloth. Lardner. • Lectures -on science and art. Royal, 8vo. cWth, illustrated. Buckle. Civilization in England. Royal, 8vo. cloth. 2:vol8. Ewart, Rev. John. Lectures on the Psalms. London. [ 8vo. full ciilf, with portrait. Ewart, Rev. John, Biographical Sketches. Ha|Biilton , Sir William, iJiscussions oh Philosophy and ' Literature. 8vo. cloth. ' ^ Lewis ( Mon,k) M. G. Life and Correspondence. London. Colburn. 8vo. cloth with portmit. 2 vols. Arabian Nights. K London. 8vo. cloth gilt, illustrated. '^ - v^ . - J ^ .n .^.^ / •I' ^18- |i^p|in. j-wr -!i» *•-«»»'„, ,^ ■ ^ M.«ry M. F, ri,y.io»l O-n^nM^y of ll>« -«»■ '■»"''™- 600 Blair Hu'Kh. Ucf™ od Rhotoric. Won. 8vp. doth with vorfwit. i *i 607 Eusebiua KcdeBia8UcainiHto.y. 8m «^^' j^^^^„^,,i,„«. .608 Rerkeley. Hon. Umiitley K Ul« ftiw^ ^ j Loiuloii. 8vo. cloth, w.tluH)rtiiut8. * v^'" ,60, Bro«^;=;;."M:r'i=^«.o«.»ophy.r^ „ Hiuuan Mina. l^Minburgh 8vo. lK,a da,^. ^^^^^ 4 vernors of the city of. New-York. 8 yo cloth. 512 Collins. T. Wharton. Humanics. ^yo, cloth. 513Saunder8. Treatiae on mineral waters. Lomlon. «vo, ' 614 De Ji^liSa Connt. Scionco vs. Spiritsali^n. 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Tho A|itol)ioKmi.I»y of, Undon, 1833 8vo, full cdf, gilt, i ^ ' 2 yola. 583 Vlutarch'.s Lives. The translation calhMl Drydous, edited by A. U. Ch)tigh. Uoston, 1859. 8vo, full calf. I 5 vols. 684 General Viow of the World l)y Mitchell. 8vo, full coif, with upwawls of 1900 ehgnivings. 685 Fronti(!r Lauds of thel ChriHtiiin and the Tiirk. London. Map and plate. 2 vols. 686 Young, A. W. Aluertcan Statesman. 8vo, full calf. 687 Agricultural Journal. Montreal. VoL 1,2,3,4. 8vo, half calf. ^ 2 vols. 688 Fielding, Henry. Fotka of. edited by lloHCoe, dlustrated by Cruikshank. I London, 1845. 8vo, cloth gilt, valuable. 1 669 Paley, Williain D. D. Works of, 8vo, full calf, with portrait. Y | 690 Mill. John Stuart.— Sir William Hamilton's PliilosOphy, 2 vols.— P/isitive piilosophy of Auguste Comto. •691 Mill, J. S. DissertatioM and Discussions, half calf. 3 vols. 592 Sterne, tawrenco. Works of, London, 1788. 12mo, full calf, illustrated, very rare and valuable. 10 vols. 593 Johnson, Samuel. 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Nelson. 12mo, cloth. - • half 625 626 #* * ■t^'- ::'■;■.%} No. 629 630 631 v 632 633 A_634 635 636 637 638 639 • 640 641 642 643 644 645 — 35— . Striitt Joseph. Sports and Pastimes of thq, People of Ei)glanil, 8 VQ, cloth, numerous enf,Mavin*,'s. Closing Scene. 8v4 cloth,. with plato. — Holy Bible. 12tno, full calf.— Enitnons S. B. The Spirit Land, with plate. Voltaire. Siecle dje Louis XIV. La Haye 1752, veau. , 2 vols. Bolingbroke.' Lorcl. Works ot. 8 vo, cloth, London, 1813. \ \ .4 vols. Sully's Memoirs tijanslatod from the French by Charlotte^ Lennox. 8vo, fuU calf. 5 vols. Tooke Juhn Hoijie. Diver-sions of Ptffley. 8vp, cloth, with plate. The Lopdon lieView, 1809. Some account of London. 8 vo, calf 18 13,. London. Illustrated, very rare. White Kev. Thomas. Sermons. 8vo, cloth. Smith Adam, Wbalth of nations. .LoudoU, 1802. 8vo, fuli.f calf^ J 3 vols. Cumberland Richaid. Memoirs. London, 8vo, full calf, with portrait Chamber a Journal of Literature, Science and Arts. 4to, "half calf, Ldndon, 1869-71-72. \3 vols. Alison's Europel French revolution vto Restoration. 8vo, full calf, New- York, 1844. 4 \vols.— continuation ' from the fall of Napoleon to th^ accession of Louis Napoleon, bl6th, 8vo. London, \ 4 vols. Schlo'sser. History of the Eighteenth century, translated _ by Davison. ^\o, cloth, Londdm -X. ^ vols.* Josephus Flavins. Works- comprising the antiquities of the Jews, a History of the Jews and life of Flavins Josephus, translated by Wiston, embellished with ele- gant engravings, half morocco. 8 vo, Philadelphia 1860. '■■r*' ■ _/ ,■ " . .2 "voh. Dugald Stewart< The collected works of, edited by Sir W. 'Hamilton; Cloth, 8 vo, Edinburgh, 1854, with por- trait, 10 volumes and a sliipplementary volume. Orlando FUrloso : translated from the italian of Ludovico Ariosto with notes by John Hoole. Full Morocco red, gilt edg^s. illustrated on steel, London. 1783,* drawing roomiredition. 5 vols. Clark. History oMCnighthood, containing the Religious - and Military Orders. Half calf, 8v6, 1784. (embel- lished with 82 copper plates,) valuable book. . 2 vols. Iwii .^...i... .^^%i-af'i«>J£^'££Mi!J^£k.if^''4 ^ v«*"r''»»«■ Uymond. Principles of Momhty. limo, doth-^ ^S4.V ?^«0K«r*eKe|<.,n,ai™^^^^^^ 1 650^ 651 Thomas by i.ora ou»u x»«...... — - ' ^ ^^^ 652 PasoS^oS^s. T>4vincial Letters and Thoughts X2r^ cloth, New-York. ^ ^ ,f' if 653Angell. French litemture 12 mo. half calf. Moore/ Body and Mind, 16mo cloth _ ^schylns. Translated by the K*v K Potter. Little Women weddbd by Louisa AlGott. . 4 vols 654 Jouy. L'Herraite en province, lUustr^ * v" Jouy, L'Hermite de la Chauss^e d'Antin. Vob. 2. 4 5. , Jouy. L'Hermite de la Gniane. . t^ls' Jouy. - Les Hermitea en libeite. • ^ ^"la. 655-Bayle St, Jphn. Paris, character and manners. . Ill ChJlmer; Thomas D. D. Hi^Coirespondence^ ^Jl'^and 657 Chalipers. Thomas P. J>-^ ^.^H''^,^ t 1 vols Writings of. 8vo, cloth, with portmjt. ;^ 658 Law and Lawyers, cloth, 8vo. London. ^ . ^ v<>^- el i^^Ln-ist^ry of ^heKomaa Republic, 8v<^ calf. 660 Fouqn^, Thiodoll Th? Tcelaader, from the geiman. 661 The Convalescent by Willis; . r - 66^ Tolla. A tale of modern Rome, hy ^d^ond Al«ut^ ■ 663 Surenne's French Dictionary. 16'"0' ^^^■J?''t' ,''^■^1 . 664 Buchanan's I^'ctionary of sciaptific terms^^^ .' expressions. 12mp, half caM, London. 1869. htto 665 At^lSndard Dictionary.. If?^«^f'^f T^ndoD 166- Wrighfs Provincial Di^ionary^ 12|6o. half calf; ^o"^; 667 Hool^^urch Dictionary.. 12mo, Ixxndoo, 1844, 1^ • morocco, heavily gilt. , • .668 Walker's Rhyming Di ctio n a ry . 12mQ,clotb, l»b*. „ ^i^n^ — 37-^ No u, hiOf' t 4. -• . :'■':' •■'»• ' ■ 669 Rich's Dictionary of Roman and Givek antifinitifis ; with nearly 2000 etigravin«8,oni wood, xi^preseutcd objects from the Antifiue. London. Longman & Qo. 1860, 8vo, clath.i , - Q 670 Noel. Dictionnaire po^tique Lrftib-Franqais, ;vean, 8vo, ^ Paris. ' ' .' • ' . , 671 Johnson. Farmer's Encyclopedia and Dictiotmry ot rural atfairs. Illustrated, clotli, 8 vo, London. ;' '.^ " 672 Walker's pronouncing Dictionary. -calf, 8 vo. 673 Haydn's Dictionary of dates, relating to all ages and -^.^^ nations. Thirtecjith edition. By Benjamin Vincent. full calf, 8 vo, heavUy gilt, Londdn, Edward Mpxon & C(f., 1871 (valuable book). " f v i' ' 674 Lerai.riere's Classical Dictionary. 8vo, full cal^ New .York. 675 Dictionnaire fmncais-latin. i, • 676 Crabb George. English Synonyms With copious illustrationsr . and expla«ations. calf, 8to, New-York, 1 859. • - 677 Bartlett's Dicllonary of Americanisms. A Glossary of words and V)hnises ijsu^tUy regarded as peciiliar to the United States, royal" 8 vo, Boston, 18^0.. ' 678 Haydn's Universallndex ofBiographys, relating to all ages and nations, for the use of the Stateslnan, the Historian, and die Journalist. Edited by Payne. 8vo, cloth,' London, 1870. - . . . 679 Haydn's Dictionary ' of ^tience, including the latest discoveries. Edited by liodwelL cloth, 8vo, London, ■■^^. ?■"■ .1^71.- : ■ - ,' ■• ' ■'-■■:' V:.-. ;■■ ^^ ■" 680 Haydn's Dictionary of the Bible for universal reference. ., Edited' by the Rev. Charles Boutell. cloth, 8vOi London, 18^1. ' • ,., ^' ., V .l- 681 Dictionary of^the toe. Edited by William Smith, cloth, ' royal, 8v6, Boston, 1865. 682 Beleze G. Dictionnaire universel de la vie pratique k la ; ville et a Ia' carapagne. Hadiette, royal, 8vt), Pans, / 1859, toile, 1872 pages. t^^.. . u " 683 Appletoft's Pictorial Cyclor)sedia of Biography. Edited by ••''"* " Ha^^rks:- with numdrous illustrations, cloth, VQ^al 8vo, .' New York, 1856. / ' \, ,^. ' 684 tJi:e'3 Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, lllustmted with nearly 1600 engravings on wood. - \ ' full calf, royal, 8vo,, New York, 1863, w-ith » ;' supplement. ' < - 3 voU. ,V 1 J^^fio^l # \ 687 WorS^I>ietio;mry cS E.^UBlr^"g»age. IllustraM. . 4to. full calf. B.4on,n 1864, 178G piges. fifiS -Bavle Pierre. Dictioiimvire historique et ^ critique, ©e-. 688 Jiayie 1 e ^ ^ ^^ auginent(5e. Avec \^ vie de ^"^^--^ SSeur^ar^/l^s Mai^^^^ a Sarnie des libmires 1734. folio, plenje r«hure ,;V, . {^aul^Su^ge rare «M. prd^^^^^ ^^ fiftqCornSnSme. Jiily-toecemiber. 1863. Half ca^^ V 690 SdS Oliver., History of the Eartli ^id ammated 690 ^«?l^^^^^^ Illustrated with engravtoga. tf luorocco, ' 8vo, London, 1824. , ,,, v, .v^-u 691 Hamiltoisir WiUian^ininoBophy. ^vcvch^KNewYo^. 692 Letters of Cicero to his friends. ^^O' }'f .'^}^-J ''^^ * 693 Ticknor Geofge. History of the Spanish Lite«tture 8vo, , cloth, Boston 1864. ' - ' _ ,.r Jv' ' ,694 Stirling. The Cloister life of the Emperor Chailes V. ^^ ^ ' 8.V0, cloth, Boston., '^ „, " i . j k« .695 Lamartine's History of the Girondists. Translat^d^ by Ryde. 8vo, «oth. With portraits, iCew York, 3 vo s. 696 Smith Kev. Sidney. Worics. 8vo cloth ^ ^ . 3 vol^ 697 Gui^ot's -History of Oivilization fro«j the ^^ ^^f^j^rj^- Empire t« .the french- revolution. TmnWed by ' Hazlett Half- morocco, Svo, V Nqw - York, ^1861 • (Handsome edition). ; , i .^ '' o wJ' 698 Siamondi. Literature of the South of Europe. 8vo,^cloth, ;; • with portrait, 1860. • v. ^^ > ^, ^°?; 699 PenciUer. Eural Life, or. Prose ^d ^er^l^^^ Ae^ t * andfields:— Thackeray. Confessions of Fitz.— Boodle. 16mo, oloth. > > „ i 1 A^« t' • ai 700 Tales of the .Borders, and of Scotki^ ^Hl^cil, Traditionary; .and Imdgfnative. ^^^^ Wi^n. : V Betised by Leighton. 16mo.ck)th, Edinburgh. 1865.- -. . ■•". \ ?»,10,vols. ^'^Ol'tyainis SwnaSTGaiftdeVs Britannia, being a state of the counties of i:ngland,.16mo, London, cloth. .7 vols. 702 The Qabiuet Gazetteer, 16mo, London, 1853." m^Mmimim" CT. ,.„v,;^TX?;,r»its«^ » 10 vols. state of I. 7 vols. No. 7Q3 7a4 705 706 A1>UA«WD : 707 limated loibcco, 708 3 vela: t'^- vYork. 3 vols. ' ■ 709 B. 8vo, "« 3 vols. ,: > -:^^:'Mo ties V. ',: ♦■■ itpd by ■■■■-■'■ •':■' 3 vols. 3 vols. 711 iKoinaV ited by 712 :, 1861 ' 713 4vpls. 714 roj cloth, : : "^i^ 2 vols. , '""."' ' (h le wood^ •^If -Boodle. 71^ Sstoricttl, .716 Wilson. ," 719 rV, IRfiS-' 7^0 '* L' .-, ^ ^.39- i5odd's Mohual of Dignities, Privilege and . Precedence. IGuio, cloth, London, 1848. . >\ D'Axeglio Massimo. The ChulU'nge of Barlettn, or, the struggles of an Italian ngwinst foreign invaders. 1860, cloth. / Hopes and Feai's, or, the life of a spinster. -Violet Eivers ; or. Loyal to Duty by Taylor. .Illustrated, :.""■- 16ino. <•. .■ • "■■''^■ Trollope AjrthQny; The Small House at Allington. Thackeray, William Makepeace. Complete WorJks. With portrait, half riiorciccb gilt. 8vo,r London, S.iuith, Klder & Co.. 1871. Handsome edition, l'^ vols. Griflfn Gerald. ' Complete Works. - Tinted paper, illus- trated with steel engravings, half nlorocco gilt. 8vo, New- York. Handsome and, valuable edition. 10 vols. Gumming KeV. "Lectures on the Pentateuch. Cunmiiiig Bev. Apoc«lyi)tic sketches, with portrait Molyneux Bev. • Israel's Future. * * Brewster. MoreWorlds than onrft" 16mo, cloth. Samu«;l Bogers. BecoUections by, l6mo, cloth. Gerald Massey, Craigcrook Castle. 18mo, clbth. i'leming Bev. The Bise and Full of papacy. Toronto, 1853. Bichai-'dson. The Hive and Honey Bee. >% Mead, ' Our Farm atid our acres. ^ Johnston. The Half-Crown Atlas of British History. Journal of Eugenie de Guerin, 12mo, cloth, edited by . Trebutien. ' Letters of Madame de S^vignd, 12mo, cloth, New- York.. Eeed. ■ LecStures on the British poets. 12mo, cloth. 2 vols. Wilson's Evidence of Christianity. 12mo, cloth, 2 vols. The Pasha Papers ; Epistles' of Mohammed Pasha. " 12mo, cloth, 1859. A. io Stewart Dugald. Active and Moi-al powers of man. IJmo, * cloth-* ' „. :, • J t> J Beate. Lavs of Health, in relating to Mind and Body.. EHot George. Adam -fiede. , half calf gilt, 12 mo, New- York. Luigi J^onti. Beatrice Cetici. 2 vols, in one. The Habits of good society : Haod Book for ladies alid- gentlemen ' \ oi-e toj^ • Copcutt. Leaves from a Batchelor's Book of Me. Uino, -■'"', doth. ■:■.?■• ■ ' '■■■■■.■. • < No! 722 723 724 Warren, Now and Then, l?'^ «^°''V/P^f j^^^lf Urquh.trt'8 Recent evens in thtr P^st. 12mo half calf. , Waikie Rev. Better Days for workiog people. Juniu8'3 Letters. \'^^^ on the formation of opinions. nisrueli'B The Young duke. Ahoy. Venetm,vTancred, ■Svbil' Ixion In Heaven. Contaiini Fleming, 8vo, ' cloth.' London, Routledge. 1859-1862. 7 vols. The Letter Bag of the Great Westoin, Jvo. cloth London Sam Slick in En-fland, London, boards, ^858., Thq 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 7^2 733 734 765 736 ■ I 737 738 739 740 Clock maker by Sam Slick. London, boards 18o8. Alcohol by Miller and Tobacco by Lizars, 12mo, cloth.' Wilson The Foresters. 12ino,clpth, Boston. The Poctor. Cloth, 12mo, 2 vols in oi^e. _ Doesticks. What he says. 12mo, luClf calf. 18o5. Hunt. Worlc and \Vealth. 12nio, doth. Tappan.' Inquiry into the freedom of the will. • Landels.— True Manhood, a bo«k for a young man. . Duffey^ Mrs. Relations of the sexes, « 12mo, cloth, New- York, 1876. ;^ ■ ■ I. T» . Guesses at Truth by two brothers. 12mo, clpth, Boston. Bailey's Essays on Opinion^ aud Truth. 12mo, cloth, Thackewy. Punch's Prize Novelistand Trarefs in London. Mill, J. S:. On Lil>erty. IBmo, cloth, Boston, 1855. Shelton, Crystalline, « romance. ^ . . , ,^^„ . Whitaker Rev.; Sermons, lOmo, cloth, Montreal, 1867. Taylor Fanaticism./ 16mo, cloth, London, 1853. British'rural sports. ^ 16mo, illustrated, . *_■... Flowitt. Visits to remarkable places in English History. 2 vols. ^ Erskihe.- On the Internal EAideijce. ;^; , >' Erskine. The Unconditional Freenes^. ^ Bourdillon. Bedside Readings, of Holy Scripture. TheEarlofChe3terfield.Letteis written by, to his son. 8vo, cloth, witk pprtrait. Philadelphia, 1864. i^ .' • Well Things not generally kilown. ^8vo, cloth. Grimes. PhrenO-Geology : the progressive pjeation of man. 8 vo, cloth, Boston, 1851. ' V ,«-^ Golenso Rev, » St Paul's Epistles t» the Eomaasr r8%_ halfcalf;. ' . . ' f» , " Golenso Rev. l^e Pentateuch and Book of Joshua. 2 vols^. , Silvtjr Jtev. The Holy Word in its own detense, adressed "" — to Bishop Coleuso. 8vo, half calf, New- York, ' '""' >■ •■ V ^MSv ^■^ ^TFT*^ * ■ ' T" of 2Vol8.V~ idressed ■ ^ . 18C3. . '" . - 41 - No. ^ ^ . ■ :• ■ -^ - 741. Eug6i(ie.Siie. The Myateiiea df Pftris. ' 7^2 Story. Mi8collji|j^J8 writings. Koyal 8vo, oloth, Bostoii, ^ J • 1852. pT-''- ■ ■ . \ ■ 74;^' Bunsen. Signs of *the times. Royal 8 vo, cloth, London, . 1856. 744 Blair's S^iinons, widj the life of the author. Iloyal 8vo, cloth, New- York, 1844. / ; ' 746 Stillitigfleet, llev. Sermons. Royal 8 vo, cloth, London. "*' 746 Grant. History of Physical Astronomy. Royal, 8 vo. cloth. ,, 747 Lascopn, transhited from the text of liossing with a preface by the Right H|n. Sir Phillimore. .Handsomely illustrated. Royal 8 vo, cloth, Loudon, valuable book, ■1874. ■■ v, . ■. ■■;, ■ :■ ,. : ;. :: : ■ . 748 M. Fabii Quinctillani de Tustitutione Oratoria libri duodo- oim. Oxoitiai. 1693, 4to. 749 Dickens Charles.- Complete Work^i. Household edition, cloth, gilt side and back, 4to with illustrations. Lon- don, Chapman & HfilU ' \ . Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. 750^ Life of Charles Dickiins by John Forster. . f75l Our Mutual Friend. Black House. 2 vols. 752 Great Expectations. Christmas Books. Sketc)ies by Boz. .■; -V ^/K,v^ vols. 75^-^ Little Borrit. Barnaby Rndge; 754 Martin Chuzzlewit, The Old Curioiity Shop. 755 Oliver Twist. Hartl Times. Tale of the Two Cities. • 7-56 David Copperfield. •Dombey and Son. v 757 The Uncommercial Traveller. Edwin Drood and other stories. < 758 American notes and .pictuns from Jtaly. A Child's History of England. 759 Franklin square Library. M87.9 80, half calf. 760 Rolling's. Ancient History. Ninth edition. With copper plates, FuU caff, 8vo, Loiidon, 1800, '■<'.■'■■, V ' ^ ■ ",^, ' ■.■'". 8'vols. • 761 -Broijeham Lord. Statesmen of the time of Geoi-go IIL Svo,half(»lf;Eondon, 1839,, ' '; 2vd^^ 762 Hooke N. The Romstn History from the building of Rpme ~ ■ to'the ruins of the Commonwealth. lUustmted with ': > map and plates. Fourth edition. Full' calf, 8Vo, V Londofi. ' gk - llcvola. 2\ol8. 2* vols. 2 vols. 3 Vols. 2 vols. New York. Illustrated 763 Life and R c vgn of T l ^illiam IV. .^.^pf.- V. if - — 42— No.. 764 765 Blakey 1 History of tho ThiloHophy of mind. Gloth, 8vo, London. ..Lon}u tho (.robable jix- N ^wtenco of a North West passage ; and some accouni of tho tnido between th« North West, Coiist of Ame- --— -- rica ami Ci.ina. With handsome cngTavmg* and maps. * 4to, full (UiU: London 1700 (very rare and valuable). 766 Description of Gern.uny. Holland, Netherlands. Swit- Jrland. Prfsma. Italy. Sicily. Corsvca and Mrclu ua Tnuwlated from the Gern»an of Konigsberg. inustmtea with 24 plates aiid 3 maps. -410. hall calf. Lon.. dqn 1800. . , >^ . ■ ■ , * 767 Arthur de Cai«3ll Brooke. A Winter ^J ^^f "^^^ Sweden, with observations on- linmark and ts mha- biiants. With numerous steel engravings. 4to^, tuU calf, London 1827. valuable and.rare book. ^ _ ^ 768 Vincent William. The Voyage of Nearchus f^^om the Indus , - to the Euphrates, with an account of the first naVi- cation attempted by Europeans in ^the M'ah Ocedu. Portrait and maps, full calf, 4to. London 1797. very rare. 769 Campbell. Journey overland to Indi>^ partly t>y » ^"^^^ never g.me over before by any European, iull calL London. Longmiv" I'^y^- /. ^ o ^w.w« 770 Narrative of the Expedition of an Amencan Sqiiadron^o 77U ^^"'^^^^ ^j^.,,^ gj aud Japan, perforn.ed m the years l«52-»-4, under the command of Commpdote M. t.. - Perry, U. -S. Navy, by order of the government oTthe UniUidStates. compiled by Fraiicis I^ Hav>^»^s^^ With numerous steel engmvings, colored ph^tes ^y the best artists. 4to, half morocco gilt. NeV-Y-^rk, Appletoa 771 Oliplti^ W^nce. Narrative of the EarToftogii^^if j«» ^ ^ ' to China ai,d Jai.au in the y^8^^7-8:9. ^thc(^««r^^ 'plateand several engravings, cloth.8vo,^ew.York,1860 772 Hue. The Chinese Empire. Cloth, London, 8vo.. 1855 773 Matt^*MSinery.' China iPohtibal, CommerciaJ, and ''^ Social. ClotlC London, 8vo, 1847. with maps. ?v^ 774 Grcffis W. K the Mikado'. Einpire : History M^gtjxdres t in Japan. Euibidlisli with numerous illustrations. Cloth, avo. Ne\» York, 1876. n: ..■^iS^I^'w •^^ ■**ftr'*"**-^ W^*?|*y'l ' 1: ^76 .#■ X ■ ■'■. ' -■ :'. ';•■■%'■ ■/,'■■ .'' ■■•■ '■ ■/ '^ .. •■■ Staunton Sir Of'orjj;(». Historical account of thft cmhaflfiy to th« KniiKTor of Chiiwi, undortu'ktjn l)y onlor of the !■• -'f • -. /-■' V. . * :■ . ' t>' ( b , •■.**. VViilv Wi 776 .■ . '' 777 778 779^ 780 .781 782 783 785 786 Avings Hali" calt; 8vi>. l.ontionvj7U7Jl. . SiKjke. ".loiirudi of tlio DiscoVvry of tho Source of the ■ .Kile. With umps,' |KMrnit»,iMMl n\ini('Vous Ulustrii- tion!?;. chiefly from (hu>vinf»8\*y caittaiu 8cott. Half ■ inoro(ju>Kilt. '8vo. NcnV Y»rt^', 180-1-. Park. Tnivi'lr* in Africi. (^lotli, 8Vf,». I^ou'l<»u. '^._-^ Livinystono D, Narrative of au Kx|HM\tion tf) tho ZambeBi dud Its trihutarins. With, map -and illustrationa. • • 0loth/8yo, N«w York, 1800. 'V.^ LlviiigstoMo 1». Missionary Travels and Itesfarchos in South Africa./ WilU i.>ortrait, niap and numcrgua lUustratious. Cloth, 8vo, ; Now York, 1859, Uarjwr and Brother. ' ■ St. John. -Egyi)t and Nubia, their scenery and their J, IMJitple. Hlustfated >yilh 1:25 wood eiigravinga. Lon- don. Chapman and llall. UlotlcSvo. Laing. Observatiaijrf oii the social and political state of Denmark, and tUo DudiiesSleswicic and Holstein iu 1851> Loluildit, Longman & Co. 8vo, cloth, 1852. Kelly. Syria and the Holy Land, their scenery and^ their people. Illustrated >^%b 180 v^rood engravings. Lon-. ^on. Chapman ahd Hall, Cloth, 8 vo. Earth, Henry. Travels aurti|M*iiti ri>o|>|t) iu 1H4H iukI 1H40, Uirtd on, l.(iiigiiiiui. Hv (I. (Ml) th. 823 Hiatory of I'uIuikI, i.oii«lori, 1796. tivo, full culf with iimp 624 DartUtt, \V. II. I'ictimm from Hicdly, t.c)it^ilh ina|m> 2 vola. Burnaity, ('uptaiu Frud. Uidu tu Khiv^a. 12nto, cloth with ■■" , maps. '; ■; ;■' » ■. ' _ { .-■■ ^ ■ Dolinno, A. TJfe In tho Wains and ur^ong the dfggingf. California, 8v.o, cloth, illu&triit4jd. , Voyages autour du'tuuiMkit tSmu, voaii, illustrc^ 2 vols. ILtnrick, John M. A. Aueifnit Egypt ui^tdur the IMiaraoha. Hvo), cloth. 2 voh. Oohat Hinhup. Journal of Ihree years residence in Abys- •iniii. 8vo, cloth, portrait and niaps. Ballantyne, llolKjrt Michael. Hudsoii's l^y. 8vo, cloth. BuUuntyne U. M, Uaacoyiio tho Sand-Wood trader, 8vO|| cloth dlustrated. ■' ^ >.j^ » O Dunne J. H. (Japt 99th Rfg. FroW Cnlciitta to Pekin, London, Law 12 mo, boards niap and plate. Parry's Disctiveries in the Polar Seas, IGtno, half calf, inAp and illustrationis. . > ;', Treaties and Negociations between OreAt Britain iivA United States, 8 vo, half culf. 1 Brace Charles L The Races of the Old World. Kew- York, Scribner. Hvo, cloth. Chronicles of the Bastile. 8vo, cloth, illustrated. Ricardo, Dav^. Principles of Political Ecwnc^niy, London^ Mnrriiy, 1821. 8 vo, half calf. Broeckh, Augustus. Economy of the Ath'eniana. 8vo, cloth, with portrait. 843 4544 .Newman, John Henry D. D. Apolo^a pro vita sua. 8vi^ cloth.' _ : \..!_^ -#"• 862 , 803 wsmr'^w^'iwmT^e 845 Bri.lgi'4. R.W. ChftTl««i. Kxi.mithn/of Pwlm CXIX. 8vo, rl..tli. . 840 Chrintophir Norlh, (WiUon.) Tti'o Rocmaionii of 8vo, clulli, wilh |i«>rtMiit. 8^7 OKtig, Umv. (J. U. M.'iiioirt of llui Mfu nr.KiHnt Hon. WUrn.ii lluMliiw, Uiitloii, lloiiily. 8vo, cloth, with ]tluU(H. ' I 848 Plem-, Uolwrt Ilotiiimi. MutiuMrii and Com'«i)oudcn«i «»r Uichiinl Miir.!"'** NVflltj»lt»y. UmUm IJuutluy. flyo»^ clotb, with \A,\W». ■■■' •** ^'""'; 849 11 u ml Uuiii\.Uv* by ii Wly. Vroso aw\ iVj^try iUu»tmttHl 850 SomcrvilluH Dili^i'iit Life 8vo, cloth. , „ 851 ThomHrftf Al.'xmicU'r. Liv.s of th« Kiist Twolve CcBwiw^ Lnli.ldli. 8l|B, fwU nilf. ^ 852 (Juoii, .lohii Mnmm. Book of Xuturu Loudon, b.iigman, 8vo. full naif. 3 vol*». 853 M(mU!Huntiv, Lomiou. UioftB. 8vy. cloth ill uHtnited wilh coloivd pliitea. , « 850 l-oiuloM Z, C. Tlu! Villa Oanlener. T-ondoti. Orr., 8y^. ch.th, illiwtrated by numcruUH cii«iuviiigs/ 857 Uruiilmit. Will. Pollaiil. London, UMwckmI. Life and Tinicaof Kmi)e<;sco Sforza. 8vo, cluth, with cok)i-ud '¥, • iilutc, ,./■'■ . , ^ ' . 858 Ctthouv Le 1', • Arsaiie. Chefa-d'ujuvre d'Klotiueuco 1 ran- _ . ;• ^ftiH0..8vo,, veaiu *. ' ^859 The*N«wTo8taiut!«t. 8 vo, cloth. r 4il ■ ' ' ''^^ 860 FraiikUti Benjamin. Hih antobioK'raphy, by W. WTrstings Wold. 8vo,v'ti|oth, with muutjious designs by J. U. 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History of Che United NetherKh^s, " Royal 8vo, cloth, with portrait. ; - , 4 vols. Notes and Queries," 8 vo, cloth. 4 vols. Nicholson Dictionary of Chemistry. 8vo, full calf, with plates and tables. j Bell, Sir Charles, Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression. London, Murray, 1847. 8 vo, morocco, handsomely gilt, with ni|merou8 steel engravings, a handsome drawing-room book. • Bridgewater Treatises. London. WiUiam Pickering, 8 vo, half calf, illustrated. The Hand by Sir Charles Bell. Animal and Vegetable Physiology, by Peter Mark Roget. 2 vols. Geology and Mineralogy by Rev, William Buckland. f\ ■, ■ 2 vols. Coloric by Samiiel L. Metcalf. 2 vols. Natural Theology by Rev. George Crabbe, Bridgewater Treatises. London, Bohii, 8vo, cloth, ^ Astronomy and General Physics by William Whewell D. D, with portrait. 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'2 vols. > » \ • 3 vols. s ■ j-evds. ^ • * 8 vols. *" "v'. ^ A-i 'sJf k" 1 1 ' 4 f. ■•-■ ; : . 1 ,■ ■ ■ •■•; ■'■■■, t . ■ ■ > h ■•■■.'■"'". f:_^ .-•* .. ■ \ . 1 i S -' '; ' ' 1 ■ '■*■' • 1 % / — 64 — V ■ ' No. ■?■■,:•■'■ 1 036 JSM»we Mrs. Harriet Beeoher, Sunny* Mefnories. 1 2m0, boards. 1037 I^e Home. Ben Milner's Wooing.- 12mo, cloth. ^ 103^ Mahon Lord. I^fe of Louis Prinoe of Confix, London Murray, i^ino, half calf. ^ 1039 Grandperret. TraittJ de Literature. 12mo, Veau. . • 1040 Familiar Quotations. 8 vo, cloth. 1041 Johnston James F. Chemistry of Common Xife. 8vo, 2 vols' VaUiable works/ 8vo,.half calf. -- l-,A ^ halfcalt 1^ 1 0i2 Interlinear classics. Horace. J 043 Virgil. V ; l .• 1044.Sanust.' .; : ; .• " ■, :',,'i ,,./■ ^: v ' ' : ,r' :--'^y' 1045* Cicero. .;"■.• •■'.■-'•' 'z ' ■; -'»' ^'■'' ' - ' V-, ■ 1046 CiBsan ':-■/:.■■:■■■■■■'■■'-::■■:'';./ '■;• V '" 1047 " Ouida " Novels. 8 vo, cloth. ^ Grindville de Yigne 1048 Chandos. " • ^ ■ : 1049 Idalia. I ; ' ^ ' 1050 Tricotrin. * ' " V ' > . ;; ' 1051 Puck. .. . ■■. ' ■■-■-■[/:c: .■■:,.■..■■•■■.-,■■••«■■■■■-:■;,;: 1062 Beatrice Boville. ' , « ' 1063 Kandolph Gordon. ' : ^*.> ' ' 1054 Under Two Flags. ■ ; % 1055 Blessington Countess Conversations with' Lord Byron. 8vo, cloth, with portrait. 1056 Ten Thousand Wonderful Things. 8 vo, cloth] 1067 Roe Kev. E. P. Trom Jest to Earnest. 8 vo, cloth. . 1058 Homer's Odyssey in the OriginaL W „ V 1059 Plato in the ori^nal. T - ' . •1060 Bari-ow, John. Life of Sir Francis Drake. London, Murray, l2mo, half calf. lOftl Kennedy drace. Father Clement. Londap. Warne, ' 12mo, cloth gilt. ' \, / * 1062 Gobbett's Sermons. 16m6, cloth. 1063 Martineau, Harriet. Eastern Life. Past and Present. London. Moxon. 8vo, cloth. 1064 English Country Life by Martingale. 'London, Bentley. 8vo, cloth. , . u. 1065 Orjaia. JDes Poisons. Paris, 1826. 8vo, demi veau. 2 vols. ' 1066 Smiles, Samuel. Life of Ghjorge Stephenson. 8vo, half calf, with portrait. ' , . o J mmm \ Na -».»t^ 1067 cWk, Edward L. Daleth, or the Homestead of Xationg. . Egypt.' Illustrated. Boston, Ticknor, 1864. Koyal 8vo, cloth, very Jiv>vith historical topogra- phical and critical notices. London Jones 1829. 4to, - half calf, very rare and precious. 2 vols. 1091 Hogarth's Works. 4t0, cloth. 2 yoU. 1092 Kelly's Geography. Loudon, 4t6, full calf. j. \ %. / V,-* J*^3fV ■ Ko ■:,• 1093 Dfyden's Juvenal. Ut edition. London, 1693. Folio, Rai^e and valuable. , .;. I 1094 Denon. Planches du'Vpyigc da!i»» Itt B^se erla Hautfl . , Kgypte. Folio. Und*s. 109 planches. 1096 Dord Gustave, Illustrations of Danto's Inferno, folio cloth. , ; 1096 Flaxman's Illustrations of Dante. FoKo, half morocco. 1097 Black's Gertqral Atlas. Folio, hairniorocco. 1098 Lucan's Pharsalia translated by Rowe. London, 1718, illustrated, folio, first edition very valuable, fiUl calf. ' 1099 Works of Ben Jonaon. London, 1692. Folio, full calf, with portrait, valuable. 1100 The Poets of Britain. Johnsbn*s edition with lives affixed London. Longman &. Co. 1«07. 16mo half cnlf, illustrated. . , * 61 vols 1101 Punch complete from 1841 to date, with Almanaghs. 1102 Beattie Life and. Letters of Thomas Uropbell. London, Moxon.f 3 vols. y03 Jermyn James. Book of English epitheW Lon^ — - Smith Elden.4to, cloth. 1104 Swiss pictures 4»'awn vrith Pen and Pencil, illustrations . -^ by E. Whymper F. R. Q. S. London. Very handsome drawing-room l?ook. 4to, cloth heavily -gilt. 4405 Plans of Lakes and. Rivers. frowk^ Geological Reports. 4to ha^fcftlj^ > ^ . *^ - , • 1106 Mai>s of Canada appendis^ to Report of Commissiono of ' Crown Lands in 1857, half sheep. 1107 Consolidated* Statutes. Canada! Lower Canada. Upper , ^ ' Canada, interleaved royal, 8vo, half calf. - 6 vols 1108 Statutes of Quebec. 1869-70-71-72-80. 1109 'Magistrates Laws L. d. 1863. , 1110 Atlas of Counties of Province of Quebec, folio, half calf. 111.1'. Documents deia session (Chambre des Communes). 1874 /vols. 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6. T 1876 vols. 1,^^3,4/5, 6,7, 8;' IreWs. 1876 Vol8.1,2, 3,4, 5,6,7,8.) " 1112 Journaux de la Chambre des Communes 1874-5-6-7 et Suppldment pour 1877. . ', 5 vpls. 1113 Jour«au)idu Sii^nat'pdur 1874-5-6 et 1877. 4 Vols. 1,114 Journaux derAssembl^e Legislative de Qudbebi ^,,, r . ' ' ^°'«- 1' 2, 3: 4, 6, 6, 7, 8. 1115 Journaux du Conseil Ugialatifde Quebec, ^ ' / • Vols . 1,2,3. 4 ,5,6,7,8. , r i /. ko. 111^ Ill's iiit llH 112( > J lit 112: 11^2; ^ IVi' 112 112 " 112 ,112 113 113 -*■' s» » ^K l'> t Ko. m^ ♦ -s 1119 Jt»^rMl8oftheL('gi«latlve AsiemWy oftho Frovince of ,: QuelHja- Polio, half calf 1860-51. 2 vol«. Appendix to the name* JQtirDaLs. Folro, naif calf, 1850. .^ V ;.^t Vol*. 1, 2, and 1851 voh.l, 2; 8, 4. ; 1117 Le Foyor domestiqne. Journal public k Ottawa, deiAi veau, 4to, le» 5 premiers volumes. " ,, 1118 Diplomatic OorreHpoiiilence. ' ^ ^^Is., 1119 Generallndex to the .lournals bfthe t*j- 11^ The Reyised Acts and OrdoniiJinces bf L. C. €loth, 1845. 1122 .Beawes. I^x Morcntoria. Full calf, 4to, London, 2 vols. 1123 Pigeavii ProcMu re civile du Chatelet de Paris. 4to.' . veau, Paris, 1788. r^' 2 vols, im J)anod. Tiftit^de la Mainmorte et des Retraits. 4to, veau, Besancon, 1733. ,. :._ . 1J25 ; D^nisart, Actes de Notori^t^- .4td, veaju, Paris, 1759. 1126^ Be la Combe. Recueil de Jurisprudence civile. , 4to. "". veaiu, Paris,*^ 1753. ¥ ' 1127 I^teudhomme. Trait«5 des Dtoitis des Seigneurs, ^to,; ■ veau. Paris, 1781. ': ^ ' * 1128 Guyot. Traits des Fiefs. 4to, veaB^aris, 1766. 7 vols. ^1129 Tanguay. ^ Dictionnaire g^n^alog^ue des families, cana- • diennes. 8vo, demi veau-, Montreal, 1871. 1130 M^moire du S. do C. sur le Canada- Bvo, percaMne, Quebec. '. * ' • 1131 Historical Doeuments of the Literary and Historical ', Society Queljec, comprising : , ^ Histoire du Monlc^al, 1640-1672, par DolUer de Owjson. Recueil dece qui s'est pasS^ en Canada fiu sujet ' de la guerre; tant ^ Anglais que des Iroquois depuis ."■':: 1682.., ', " ■• '' :-. Vpyage d'Iberville. Journal da voyage feit par deu x ^L ^1 ' fWgates du Roi, " La Badine '' 6t le " Marin "• en " V; Tannic 1698. ' , Murmy. Journal of the Si^ge of Quebec 1760; ^ ^ Journal des operations de i'arm^e am6ri ■ \ \ '•■/ I 1 ■■;■ ■ "■'•■■' ''"■■' ■. ^, s „ F -■:■.■ ■■■ : ■ ' \ ^ • ■ ' te-/- \'l-_\ "..■■■ ■ '-' . .\. — ' W'''- ' ■ 'n.' V . ~ ^ .- 1. - •■" . ' .•■■ \ » if • • ^ N o - - / - •> ^. ' K • / w - . ,,^^^ f •» I'l „ ^;..>. ,--i j» "K • * ♦ t I m^0^0^0t^k^Ktmm^t^0m^*^m^ CONDITIONS OF SALE . r:; A. ■ — ■— :- . ... 1. Tlie liigluwt bitldttr to he tlm Imyor, mid if liiiy Hgaiu Hiul re-8<>l>i«-y to U(t iilm.t-, liitely |)Hiil. of otherwise .settled for to the HatiHtiacLtiou of llic Atictioneeii*, on or liefore delivery ; in defiiilt «»f which, Messrs.- Oct. 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Iliiir condition is Avithout prejuiliceto the right of the Aiictioier> to enforce tlin' contract made at tbis'sale, without such re-skle if they tliinU fit. , The undersigned, wlui have many years experience, .will umh-rtake the Catalogueing and sale of Libraries ami l*i\rcefs of Books.* ' CTuiversities and public institutions unable to be pn'sent at llio >*ale, may liave their purchases iinuiofsrr them by the Auctioiieeis. -.1 .( (, OCT, LEMIEUX & Ca, QUEBEC I r -7 r, ft' ■:.;§■: B"', ,, 1 .. • ' ■ ■,..:"■-.■>'■ .. ' ■ ■ ■ ....'v :■,';■ ■■. ■ Br '*'^ ,. i , ' ";'^"'' "■ i^ ■-': 'i' ■"' - ■ R.^ . ■'"* . ■ -if ., . ■'*:; ' y ■S / -' * . H ^^, ' "^ '^ ■' ■ " ■. - ^ - '' *■;* -■*!! '' ■. '■ ■ ; ■WJ* 1 ' ■ ■ ^ ■ . ' '*v-* ^,- ■ ' ■ ' . '.'.7;' BSnIr' 1 / ' ■ 1" " ' ' 4 * 1 ' - ■ ■" *"'■■' ■'"' ■ \ w . 4* :- ■ ■ ,_ 7. '''^ *. ' ■ V ' '..''■ J ■ '■•''' '. '.■ ^> «" • -■. ** / . ;'■ ■ >.' ■ ' ■■"'.■■, «■ ■ :■ 1 ■ .-" 1 '." 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