IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 11.25 ■^ 1^ 12.2 I lU u ■Uuu -^llla iiiiim 1.4 mil 1.6 6" V ^ ^ NT ^^^ Photographic ^Sciences Corporation V A V ^ ^ \\ v^ '<^ CS'' 0^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716) 872-4503 '4^ ,i, monition "„™'? '«'"'* "^' ^8''^'"^. . ""der , p„,e„ n2ai"ft?hrr^' ^^! ""«• been given which it will benSLl Vr'^'^'^-'f'l'e Court. . the Court ha, go«e ben2 ! \ '" T''"'"' ■"="•""» if •'■«faid"'£tz:;atr" »"=''«- '•«h.n public auflion by cCIw^ ''" '^''S" «erc fold at •Auaioneer,, i„ pu fu^'^f '/ '"'',C<''"P»"yo^ '" 'he public ne,i:?pf;r:;^:";''-«*"'ent infertcd the bidder, at th" fZl^^-^'^"'"' "''' ""eamont; bidder ,„, the mt^ ^T' '"" ^""S 'h= highe.f --^"•eof the dC^./« i^r^riSo, did purchaifthe «/f o/Mf kid turth^r. ,„ ,/ ™ '"'" " '*''' '/par. -ndij,,, T^Z :'T^ »/*>'' Cfcarlelflil, Company alone can teem leJT t'^'^'*' ">" '^^ ""tinker and c Jgo 'a's tw Id "^ •" '"' "'^ «"P tlicrefore humbly nriv, ,1,.^ , '"' P''''PO"ent ""■^ '" .he ju iM:,'^^''™P?''^'"'''^ hound to fub. the fiid nmnitiu, " "" '^'"'" '" 'he matier of '■"•<« o. fale was made merely with thq Auftionecr, wd the ftlcitfelf not „„der the authority out in ,1.;. «• ' '''° '^'^^'^ "■'" ""< !":»■• them "ut m ,h,s an-umption. The advertifemcnt in ,|,e pu" ic Papers exprefsly ftated the fale to be made by "he «W/,>/«;" and it U.obe obferved thnt'^Mr^/ii M^ff r «r l"""^^"' "•"' '- ^"-'-Z-' "- Rood o not as perfons aamg under the authority of the Court Pf Admiralty but that Mcffrs. M/ and Com !,.y haj fo fluted themfelves in the bills of parcels ^ is „"p^™""'S"'=f>'1i" its fullcft extent, fill! there " """""S "P"" the face of the monid„„ itfdf tuVuH'^ " P--?'"" -I'icl. can oull the C t o it: tjjat allegation tLS;4S7rc^S-.f""T fie,:"!, J :: 't,"-^! ;^^, "-" - public auc- wlallif r'" -'S^^^^^^^^^^ "-z^:^rt^:^^:^;;^^^7?"»s the junWiaion of he Cou thicl / '?' '" '"""'* c..gni.a„c= of Pri.e, and 1' p ^ J '::/ P .if""":? all .ncdental queftions .vhich mav^t ^'' ""'' i ne Court will nafMnllv +%.«i r ' • ' in dilcuffin;. the fu^'.A •'/ ^"^' "^'S^'' of delicacy Jtthereiorea confiderable de^r., „.:'.' "1^ " f"'"'^' a- — - '«t«ia«.itun, that it ■pWttMlMtiiMip rather to refer to the decittons of other Courts nf M.ce. thofeof Weftminfter IfaU. ,„d i„"afcs:;prl The Solictor General quoted a *<7«„ of Lord Jf«„^ Steed . h '/,"•' ''S^P"P"'yi"Pri'« goads wa. th L7 k" '""e^i'^^'^mt'i'^'tion over the.n."I„ Mcl,rftplace,th,.mere oi,/,r,;ia,«of that eminent ludre an!;;i 1 'r "'"" '""■"^ >'=«'«!'"'.»■« not.d„u/t d t Wr. J ...ce ^„&r, who doubted, fuppofing the plaintiffs Wobt,„„ed thefeg.x,d,u„dera legal title? under wh ch c.rcu„ fiance would be aground for prohibition."- f:Z 7' '''''''']''" ""^ hadobti^-nedt p ff^ C nof h mm market overt, or under any legal title fl.lllth,nka prohibition ought not to be granted on h»t account, " becaufe," he adds afterwards!" that he cf ™,s.» "^ '" '^' A''"'i""y. »» welt as in other But, fecondly, to iT,ake this ^V7«m applicable to the prcicn cafe, u fl„,uld have been a monition to al i,t e H ,nd cargo themfelve,. Had a monition to . It >« been founded on the .< Jfc A t""'"' '*' '"■^^"' 'f "" P"'""'-' in which cjiarafter they are amenable to the Court of Admiral. In the cafe of the Danift fliip Nriyfamhed, > Ves. junr. 593. a prohibition was moved for upon grounds Iv hi ?h ir''"' """ "'"'*''«" argued fo warm- with,h,A :^?''™''«' "™^'!'. '•»' thecontraa^r,, with the AuSioneer.mere matter of account with him and per ha^fettled. A cargo was condemnedbythe Vice* AdmiraityCourt at Tortola,wa, fent to Chrll^u^Z TheCourt'cf r '^ '"'"' 'V ""' "'"=«' "f"-' "P -' 1 he Court of Appeals reverfed the fentence and decreed rr^redr-He''mr"jf°'' """1 's""" c*..,t;^^ fwtf '"°™<'f<"- » prohi! :,u on the ground that the property was configned to him, „.,as a Pr^ ^itm, bulm a general Merchant, and that he had rZ Court !f A^^^V '*"' " ■i"^""" P'°I«' for the Court of Admiralty to decide, as incidental to th! principal qucftion of Pri.e , and that therrfo e h= was not authorifed to grant a prohibition. ^ ^t(A^^tT^'^.'^^'''^'"l' 'S""«"'« Commiffion. ers of Appeals in Prize Caufe, Eaft. 5. ja. it „,, thus C^urrj^'j ••";'' f'"*-"^*." 'tis ciearlh t he Court of Admiralty has jurifdiflion i„ rem, and may --7-V -y-«w,«//7^ ,« if « hients adduced by the Ren- - 110 jor ^. 24,000 Plahfax currency —TFiof <-. . • iize, lu bject to all iqcumbr-^nces, for / 2^ ro-. r.r; »yinc whatevrr K^v^.-,- ^-24,000, rati- > g wnatever bargam orag;reement the faid rclpun- dfnt fhould make, provided he obtained the faid fum ! ir:^'^'°''° '" ^*= ^•^''^^^ to the captors, without dc- , "':^'"";"^^^*' *" consequence he agreed with Edward i.n/wo/J, one nt the parcies in the claim, who was ful. ly empowered by all the other claimants, to fell the lime for the aforcfaid fum together with every cx- pcnce which had or might occur, upon condition that he Oiould engage on behalf of faid claimants to difcon- tinuc and withdraw the appeal; and the rcfpon dent MdEJ-ward Grijwohl, did, for and on behalf of their rdpedive conftituents, conclude the aforefaid Banain •/Sale. • ^ yihat when the parties were about to carry the faid agreement into effea, John Poo Beresfor J, Efquhc, on whom as fcnior officer the command of His Majeay's Sfnps devolved, claimed as Flag Officer one eighth part , otthe faid Prize, and, upon his afferted intereft, ob- jcfted to the agreement, and applied to this Court to prevent the fame from being carried into effect, where- bythefaidagrcen.ent was prevented from being com- pleted, and the captors became involved in a lesal controverfy.--.But the captors being of opinion tha^ l^iptMn Beres/crd*s claim would never be admitted in a Court of Law, and the agreement beneficial to them, cxpreffed their defirc to carry the fame into cffeft, and to put an end to the controverfy notwithftanding ; and for tluL purpofe moved the Court for an order for the lale of the (hip and cargo, and it was igreed by the i-efpondcnt and G rJ/^old ihxt the refpondent Oiould purchafe Hup and cargo at public audion for the pur- pofe as a forelaid, and that he Ihould hold the property fo purchafed to theamount of ^.34,000, and the captors expences, and that the remainder ihould be held by the claimants. ^ M That the fliip and cargo were accordingly put up , 1 hat he would not l,av« k ^-i^.ooo. apprehended that it Wou dh ^''" '^"^""•^d if he had ^'> pay into Court the kLT'^I" "^^"''^-^ ^^^^"^ ^^H to carry imo eff.Vr '^^ " That aff^r »T rf . ^ agreement. ^ condition that the fame ft„^,7f'^'^ "P?" ""^ '"P^'^'"' event that the fale hT- ** "-'fi'-d'a in the into eff„\ and that k ft« fj « ""!. ""''' "« ^e carried of^the agreement fl.o«W (^ "^tf;*^ «"'' =«C"rion Ihat a part retained, the bart ,nJ V=.rico. ^hichwas capturedTo^T" "". '''"''"""' '»°7, he fhipped the COD j;^^" '\' '^"^ "^bruary, was loft, fte f^ed „ft ffir, Th° 'k""^' "''■''' that It win be impraclicaWe ,^' *" " "'''""^'i '•••iters until he receit./ T" *™'" ''>= Under- Houfeat Halifc. d d one"""''^"' "f the Cuftom 6i«"«ofthe veffl ,h ?ffi,h T""'"' ^"yfr""' 'he •• That theparti'cs prcctn !. "" ''«'' '""^^ of. into effec-l Th, • P'^""^'=<' «» carry the agreemenf , "• 'he opisimn of Sip t ni , B'^"'""'t who declared the aforefaid LrZ ^' "' "=" "''"'' carried into effeft after „t *'?"'*"' '^'"'''' he validly tvho had not ata'«"""S''''= ■""'•« to the partii ' give indemnity againft .Captain ifcr^^^^ that ill difficulty has been removed-thit Gri/^o/d M. reaed7^m,.r^/m;ar/,E{quire, to withdraw ihe appeal whenever the agreement could be carried into efficl ind which he is ready and willing to do, and the captors and c aimants are fatisfied and content the property fliould retl and remain as it is, and Captain Bcresfor/s Agents are hkewifefatisfied. . " That the refpondent owns propert3', free front debts to a larger amount than ^24,000. andhu pro. )>my fufficient to p,y ^4, 671, but k w.-dd be highly demmental if not ruinous to him to be ,ompeiled to pay either the faid fums into Court, when he h.s re, ceivcd but a fmall part-that he has not derived the Imal left idvantaj^e from this tranfacllon ; and that it would be grievoufly opprefilve upon him to enforce rM-'^II'o'" ^ "'"""'®" '^^"^'^ "" P^*-^"" intereftedirt the laid Prize, or any part thereof, wiflies fhould be . enforced agamft him." Upon this anfw'er, as was properly ftatecl by the Counfel, two queftions arife, .ft. Whether there was any thing illegal in the agreement of falo between the captors and claimants ? And adlv. Whether the Court had any right to interfere > !n confidering the (irft queftion it is necefl^ry to alcer, tarn precfdy m what fituation the refpondent ftand. before the Com, fince that fituation has been r.prc- rented by h.s Counfel in a variety of different lightf. . timL a > '^'^" k'^'" '' ^ 'nerepurcba/er, a. was fome- rrf ^ .'" ?'^^^''§"'"^"^«' the whole of the anfwer isperfecllyirrelevant. For from the moment the pur- chafe at auction was complete, the (hip and cargo wer^ theabfolutepropertvpfthepurchafer. to difpofe of in *.hat manner he pleafed, nor is the Court in the leaft concerned manylubfeoiient tran.^^w.^.. u... .i--_ .l •rw '«« no legal defence'r' h r"^ "' ''"'""'^ifi'^s.m^ „ Bl« it 'rP^ar"^:;' ,^: t^X 'g->fl .«.. payn,.n? "fr upnn that footinr ^P"""*'"' t« no, phcehi, •«"• an Agent. au^wTfed hv r""- *'■"""'" '^ 'ave ♦he Herkimer a,-,d hi c"r '"""""" '"""'"aft, "nrf the charges"; ^"^ "" f"", of ^,„,^^ *" be a real fafc, bu a It f""' ""'^ '""'"''d it «try , he agreement 4oe^ '■.'" '" "^'"^ theq, to 't™- therefore, the „ "m-ntf^'T' "■"' ""= «'"P""- «-' becalled opon 0":^' n o'^C^^fv"'^ "»' "able ♦'•at fale. bu, was anf^erabte X ,^ P'?^"' "^ . for the li,ms which thev h,^ T^ r ^'" '"'P*"'"' and ^"nfequenee of there aJeelf'^''''''' "** *''" i" -''ere deducted, and wS / ,^ '^''^'""'^' £-9'7o* thefurplu,, serein re Sfheftm"' "«"''" '^''^ Gr-JmU had paid the canto f/'. '"■ P""' "hH cargo u,,,42:?,J^: '"^ ^-^-aoS ;''^4ofct::isn'd'r:^^f<''^^ I-ave any thing ^ do with Vl, ' r ''"" '" ">« 'Q Pt'-mfe nod.^bt h ^el^rP,:!^"' -J"'"-"- Com? Parties may recede from^^'-t ""'' **"' "« °"*- . appeals, and may dZfe^^f « '^' ""X ^eferttheir Ptrfent.or only remote nt' .'"■ '"*"^^'' «'''«her . "r condi,i„ns t'hey chufe but" ?"',' "''"' "^ '"">' tbat tI.?K intake poffeffio, of then,, and ali.„,te ^hem without any authority fro^, ,„d ia defiance of, the Court of Admiralty. ■• Imuftwnl havemyowo private opinion upon c..n-pro.p.fes: that they are making a>* of war, not very honorable to the nati.m, and bad policy in the end for the navy themfelyes ; and many high ahi emment perfons have entertained the (hme idea But Oot difpofedto throwany impediment in the way of , compr„m,fe when conducted in a legal, juftifiable, manner, and the parties think it for their inferett lis 1 truft I have ever endeavored to promote the real good and advantage of the fervice, as far as was con. Client with an impartiaj performance of my duty. But I cannot bur refift an attempt in parties to take the wh,.le law i„,„ ,heir own hands" and to wre* Prze property out of the legaj cuftody of the Court; I th., p„wer of attorney, and the^reement founcf. ^ upon t were merely e>.cu,ory. and to operate ojy after final fen.ence, as was contended by the Kin»'^ "d^ roc ate, 1 do not fee how they could at'^all app y^^ fhe to the rcfp„ndent to ke.p p .iTeOi ,„ of, or to difpofe "7 ppr,,re or proceeds, until the .i„,e arrives wheMhe^ are to bee. me operative. They cannot, as power, from the captors, or a, a"<« underftand. ^f "^ ""'P^ile'- fhc refpondent was m pofleffi<„ ■iM *«M .r .\ ,6f the fliip and cirifo. He &„. !« >.• /.•■ . > ; amount of f 2a c^f^r. . !, P*^^°'^ '"^ cargo to thd into efiift. ,ha, £^'7^!^;^^".""* ** ""'^^ fun, of /-.q ,„^ .^ Tf r'^!^'"'"^ ""'"Id refund the aidioipletedafr r""'''^"'''''=f» ?'S''ally made oSSi:^"-;^--f»i»'^Ma.ree»e„. Wl ihe (hip and ca " rn 'K '^° P""« ""^d a right id ift IWk .u "'P^nds upon thefe points • adj JicatL An" iL^V'^f '.l^^-' «"»! »dly. If thevh:iv-„^v . '"'' adjudication ? ,^effary to coniider Wh,T^ • , ?''*'P"'>''" """^n-i- i'o^ m rightbfcutSv" X'" '''"P="od? /n^ after final fen.ence ,1 . ^ "" "'"^"f''' '''«' "'ri •^ingclearandcerui* tha, ?^ "''"'°"' " " '^" fr""" «m;tled to the ^ho o ' „ ""'"" r/'''' '"^'^'^ •• It is poffiwrthrt .^.^"''''"'"^'''^"P'^'e- ^'i./.of.hisprize fit '„ , 7""; "''8''"'ai'nthe « cnafted that UDon nr„T tf" "' ""^ ^""^ M, It Majefly-s inCc?,onsTh!if '^ ''"""' °' '"^ "^ Hi» *™ce againft the lofnaS, ""•''' "'"^'"y '^^ «of» in relation to any priL "?7'"'"r"' "^ "" "P" ' pn2e,or thepirfoni taken oa bhird the kma, the prize (hall be condemned to His Majefty's ufc and difpofal. Sec. 32. Prize Aft. By another claufe, fee ao. it is enafted, that in cafe any Clip or goods Ihall be taken and rcftoredby the commander of any veffel of war belonging to His Majefty, clandeftincly, br by tollufion, or conni. vance. or by confent, (uniefs the fame (hall afterwards be allowed and approved by the Court ot Admiralty) fuch commander fhali forfeit the fum of ^C- 1000, and the goods and (hip fo taken and reftored fliall be ad* judged is good prise to His Majetty. It is not for me to decide, in the prcfent ftage ©f the caufe, whether iuch a forfeiture has been incurred. But IS u clear that it has not ? It is capable at leaft of fomedftubt, ?nd argument: this Ihip and goods have been certainly taken and rellored by the commander, and can it be faid otherWife than clandeftinclv by col- lufion, Connivance, or confent, iince it was done by st private agreemetit, under colorofafalc, and was not flowed or approved by the Court of Admiraky. hi the former part of the claufe relating to privateers, tl,e J^^ords . Without being brought to adjudication" arc introduced ; but in the latter part, refpeciing Kin^'i ftips. 110 fuch qualification is to be found ; fo th.t the Claufe apphes to a refticution at any time before tm,i 'fTJti. ^/""^^^'^'direa morels and apparent meaning of thii Ac-t the cafe does nioji artainh come. It was ar- gued by Counfel that it could not be the intention of tiie Act to apply to comprmifa. Be it fo, if the com- promise, was of fuch a kind that it could be legally ZlltTcr^T''''T' "'" <^«n^Promire which was •ot to take effea until after final fentence. But would this equitable interpretation hold good, if the com- promife was of- fuch a nature that ?t could Zi be legally fupported ? If thr r.nfo-c *«csvt — n. i.y Jttk ^^,% and ergo before ,hey had . rigK " »'tcrve,,,io„„f,h7''"' ""^ refl.ufon, without ,hs c»fes of co,«prom.fc Z ■ ^^'^''X- '" »« other carry .hem in o toL'""'"^? ""' P™"^'''" '» gaily delivered b^XcoLrr! ""^ Pr"P'"y "« '- cordemnation.or reflitS" \"P°" ' """' '■^"«''« of ana Ruchr, the rrono v '' "S^"'""- '" ^"™' ft.r o«c reafon aSd for 2 ""' *■" v "''"'"'''''' "^ ' ble the parties to ob ,i„ V ? """P^mifc was to ena- and take ad—'lTthe r' 1"''""/" """■ "> <■=" final fen.ence \Z 1 I /'''"'' "''"=" """'•"l b/ agreement o^htto ;„:"'":; "'"r.""'""'''"^ "- An,fterdam. "^ ' "'* '"^''^' proceeded to of an order for f^e t^r.'""""'''- ^"*^ ~'°"r ".ercly betweeT he pt, ies "o T' "•"' l*-"/*'"'''. "ever meant ,o be a re 6k7h """ ""^ ™'"^' "'^ <»tionhave been compttcd ,f '°"' Pf ""'''""■'<' ^efti. to a connivance and rl.i ' ' n- • ' ''°'' ""' ^""""•t «hat does. Nothint? "^f'-O". I do not fe„„,r parties t -e no oc"ffi"T" '"' f' ^""^ «" ''° ' ">« to»», andlf. accordtlTT,''™""'' '" * Pr'-'-te di^rl^ 'here are the XpX nf-"!?™? °'^<"""^'. right to interfere? C^ourtrf/H- '";'' '""'"» «-i.»..h-°SXtt'.t;r^- theCourt, and ,„y cnn;„l,,n„ !n, orintcrrjntion of. the Court, aa ,f the whole had been done at fea_ the very mifchief intended by the Aft to be guarded The Ac! docs indeed fpeak of rettorations which may be allowed and approved afterwards by the Court of Adm,ralty. but this muft refer to cafes ofneceffity, or under very peculiar circumftances ; not to cafes, where ra":rn^x:<:::ef^"'''"^''^''^^'''^'^-°fp^'- So far then from its being clear that a forfeiture ha, .ot been .ncurred, I thinlc a very flrong cafe might be made on behalf of the Crown. SollrongUat cannot but entertain very great doubts whether it is not the duty of His Majefty's Advocate to enter a" appeal on his behalf againlt the fentence of this Court or even of ,I,e Court itfelf, to direA fuch an app-al to be entered, and profecuted in theCourt of Appeals - MaieftvVoflv""""".' ''-'" •"" ""^ ^'O"" "'ilf and hi. the Crown anfe, to mtervene on behalf of the Crown and brmg them forwards, to place ,!«„, in a train for' dtfcuffion, and if well founded, to give them effecl JUS not m that view however that I „,^ refer tc, thefecla„(esin,heAft;b„t merely ,o fl.ew that it U «tre„«,ypo,ib,ethat,i„ confequcnce „ Th fe v " nnlac'V.„„3, the parties may have „„ interea whativ r m th,s capture, either prefent or future. If th,s claim of the Crown is wd, founded, it is lia. Ue o„e barred by „o time, <,r li.nltation wLc v . ll " "" ^''"'^'' ^'f'"-'-- "«= Lords, ,0th I»Iy, 1 7«9, the Admiralty intervened as in a ^db of clo'tl'" 'V '■"■"""• "" ^"™'" "f-'^-fanc: ; ll"*:'''"-,, ^" »PP""""w.v^g;venby,hec..p.«r. -..iu..p„,«ir, upon titrce leveral grounds, tft.'thac ndir":;",?''?"^ "'* court, on. IHhcfe;^ 2- Other pcrfons befides the aSuai captors, mav b, m?h r::^;^;:^ -ijt'' -^^ '>-'"- '- %'• "^-.l: / 'CI circer Claim as joiiu captors. It is ufnal fr*,. s:rtior '- -'-^ '-' ^»-« '-^' '■'^^^ «»»■ J5iSt".1""^ refpeaing the claim of Co,„m„d„rc h rC^ Tate ,7„ ?"••';: ■"' ''"S-«ighth, fince it « """'•'tol, though without any documents tha. m. opp„h„,ncs within anyliJLlr ^^P'^'^'V ^"antT ^he grant Js an intcr.ft fti„ ° ' °'" ''^ftn'^ions .'n ^';;e captors title Tel j*e TI:""^ ^^ ^'^^^--n ^nd the Prize Aa. The Pr^l ''^' ^^'^^•'^"^^^•^^ a"d their agents ^/> // ^ ^'O^ofect of by capt<,ri f ven to the cap,,,;,, eLTeU . T Z"** P"'f"'>- » >n the cafe of -he {\kU M f' t'"^ accordingly h .vc been ,aken,„,. mZ^T'^J^'I' "' «'""'' "'^« theo.nfentof.hecptors... *'^1"<*"=«'»''. without ^nore fn quen.lj. and de^brmel7fr "'^' ^"^ «ver ^^^ l..ft brought in the St *V"-~'''" "''"'"' ft-, thence it wa, removld^!"" J^. ^''""'""'n Re... , ^";s'^B^nch.»nd finally by tri^i?''"' "■< Court of O' ' O'-.. u was there refL^H.'^f'"''"'" '" "'« Houfe «l«> delivered their un!I;l '" "'* T"''™ Judge, by Lord (,,ief Mice "^---^ «'a>,or,te ^ -After rccojrnizino. ,u, J \^^ ^lackjhne. \\. n c^, 'i -'' r-per'ly ^' dV t^Tuntif ■;■"= '*" '"^ '"'-'* le Crown. l»mation, 'cIs tint y captor, ^etils Hi, ^Iheruife. "perty i, W/ havt '"icreft lot hav. 'ith nil poftJ thef.ntence« „„ lon^.r AW, on the comVl " '"blc to be revcrfod i„ part or in :,\.A,,C^ZZ ^u,ng t.,sp,„nt « length, he conduje.,, "yo r Wd fl..|»w,ll feehow perfcaiy inconfiften. with th. I„ veflmgm he captors, a, any before the inal ad .ju .cat^n ,„ the Cou.t of Appeal, will bef::nd be* In truth fo far from the intercft a.>d property vellih!-' a. an earhcr period, ,he l.egiflature byL wC^Ifce™ to have cautiouUy guarded a^ainfl \l K • c , flood." feuaraea againlt its being fo uuder. here, after fetthng that the captors had no intereft it proceeds to confider particularly the power ^Jlgl over captures and proceeds. ° ^ tha'Ini'inf '«'*''''° ■= "'a'-''^'«»n of the Prize Aft,, ifter ,' fi Z rP'"'' "'''^'"" ""Navy, until fpped ir^M adj«cl.cation by the Cmmiffioners of ^ppe.,b, ,t f„||,^, ,h,, ,he Agents pruceediu-^ to feU £"" .;f' • "-^ '^"'«"co in the Admiralty Court muft s:::'rof;h?;rtTr;t"^:'^ 1""^"'^-"- "•hichfuch Agents ,„ur do 'aa '";!;? "T" '> authority of ,he Pri J r ,. .,'^'"-" '""*'• "« «»»/ to the Prize Cou S' '' "^ ^""'"^ l^^ '" «• /•rt^, to whom it h,fn>i,tf '■^'^■•focesj, of a «^f " He goes on "< TaL' ,t . A '""« '" P"" i^P^-fe duties upoir^'nTsatuetJ^^ ^''^''' ""^ mer T;''„ r"" f''"<""="«' "rors-^he firft, that a„ •hat .he N,,vy,\gcnt» h;.J authorily uqder ,he Pr « r'XiJn^"''-, ". '""'"• ^''=* ''"' '^«»t5 have no Th?«. U,^. . \*J'>^^<^HVCt to the agreement ? h.ghau.ho„,y. Lord Chief Juftice Eyre fay' in Z lamp cafe. " ImL-^i^.^k r .: ' ' '" '"? by the cmhans ,n the cafe of Smr, ^ni Wolff. (^T ^m) .hu pe„din.? a fMit in „,e Pri„ cf , ^.h^- v-;frthepro.*:-,^;,:^..r-'=-p'-.- Tiie manner tr. nri irfi rA« • ^' , cucc th., tr.a i.p,..,d npon it, depends Syu;:;' »\ "mm* wel known tlut '• thefe Aasform a portion only of t^f"; * •llL'^"-. '"," ">« " Sreat part of ,he Admi. raUyjuri(iHft,„„ „ founded on the eftablifted ufaKci and, Uw ,j{ that Court." - '" "-" «":* C'xr' rf Admiralty, captors are left in p'^lfeflion o, .he capture until final fentence. unlefs it .s ta,.cn out^of their hands by the Court ; ufually i,. t«.o cafes that of rf,/;»„^ „po„bail, and of a /i//un. «" a perifhable monition, upon farther prdof, or fen- tence and appeal. Et-cu thm upon every file the pro. feed, arc^^.aken out of the captor's poffdUon and are rcmuted by the Commiffioners to the Regiflrarof cHcatior'' ^''"""'•y' '" """'in "ntil final adju- JV^A ^"""''"^ "" yidmiraU,. a different mftde U pointed out by the Acl, of Parlia.nent. At the verv commencement the pri« is taken out of the captorl h.„ds. the Marftal. to whom the Officer ofthecJl .s added by the Prize AS, takes the vefl'land Cj^ go tnto 1.S cuftody. Being once in the cuftody "t the C»nrt, neither the prize itfelf, nor the procee," fing from the fale of it, which are the reprefe Of the prize, can be taken out of, or retain«iwMa th.. cufto..)-, but by the authority of the Court h^ le.;, or the fuperior Court of Appeals. _ Ihe Prize Act i„ cafe of appeal, firft provides ri,at thec„cumm ofthcfentcnc* ,^j,P ° ' cur t, for the full value of the (Iiip or goods :-.dlv ■ZnXS 'i^r^^- ■'- "Ptor or claimant upon giving fecumy for the full value thereof. d^^ ,' ' "'^ proceeds (;f I'uch fale fhill ,,,. " '"toe hands cj the captor: or their avent, A, ^ A// be brought into the ^Ji\ry bfthlr^ ' ' remain fiibieri xr. hJ,- r , '^'^^'^y °^ ^ "« ^<>urr, and ■ii final Lite -. ^^'■"- '-"^^ <>f "« Court un- is very obfervaMe 7 h„ . ^ "'^ '''= property y ouiervable. 1 he captured itfelf is either in jli tuftody ot the law, or it „,,„ be delivered to ,1,. ties upon fuflicient C-curity • if f„i 7 H P"" thfco':,'f '""r '^^^^"*^^*" "a cU:dTol of the cJu f" tl.: ' ""^-J^^-ly ,ffil' in the proteflion e.- i, Riven t; lel e ., " 'iTe ^i *""^«T— P«- out fecurityeivc'rortirf J •'""■"' '''"'^' »"h- Which ;,f ,r' ";' P'«f "^^ '" ^"y cafe whatever. Ihelh.p and cargo were not delivered toeither„f ::t sr-rr" '"' ^-^^ ^"«-- r-4i:fc:'uM' aIt.™;i'"i:':S'' f •'■"^'' P-'« '"e other .n.«^^ecr '"'"'"''"'''" ''^^•■^'• _^ An argument wa. advanced by the King's Advocate hcPnie Ac^ «-.»""< .nade under the "authori.y !^ bed f 'and that'^h "?"'■ "" "" -S^"--"M>rc- anfwerable ^orlfp : itTf".:" ' ■"•!>'• ""'^ ''^^" had been direc-fed toLt " '"•"'"'«■"" >.f ialc » l-S-l -iUe to retain thcL' "' """"''' "" "'"" re'!.hr'".nd""''">'^' '" V'" "*"'* '''™ '-^" 1«' '-Hv men,, and ftlcs ftal7 I , ff ' '" " '" "l''"-'^"'>-- r • I -'^ ' ''^''' •^"'''' ^'iii'c lias rcceivcrl i ;„ "'"' «""«io„ in the cale I have f„ XT.l:/,: ^,^^m, ag^inft Lord CamU.n, where it is exprefsl^ heldtoreat. -toappraifements and lales after final adjudication," only. ■ ^^ It was tHen faid that the fhip and cargo were not lold under the direction and infpeaion of fuch per- ions as flial! be appointed by the cbimants and cap. tors ^ under the 526 claufe. The Ad does not direS the fale to be made by fuch nominees, i.^at by the ufual courfeandpraaice of the Admiralty is done by com- imffiontothe Marfhal. The parties have a ri^htif they chofe to exert it, that thefde fliall be conducled hey muft be taken to have wrtved their rio-ht- and r.nce the fale took place upon a joint moti^ Jf the parries that the property fcould be fold by the Marfhal. /^e may in fome meafure be confidered as their Nominee to d.recT: and infpecl" the lale. nominee the Ihip and goods were advertifed a. being to be fold thetwe ^"^'^^••'^>'"^^^- ^^'-^^ of Vice^Admir. S, theywereputuptoauaion, by Mcifrs. Mi//, and Co UlKin this leviev'of the Prize Acls, i£ appears that a, to ^h.r,girtfpc^^,„,i,, parties could o'i/a Ju le t«polidi,on ol/i,,and «.,, upon ,„,, „, m^_ Mu Iheywcrenotcmitied to it upon« as thl, ..ode wa. ound impraoticabl. ; if .fey acquired if a is exprefsl^ i after final > were not f i'uch per- » and cap.- s not direct •y the ufual le by com- ' a right if condiicled perfons asS ! appointed ight ; and oil ot the le Marfhal, r iiomince manner : e MarOiaf tf) be fold dmir-iUyi arid Co. It as the (Dourt be juftified in allowing the refpondent ty retain the proceeds, contrary to the Prize: A<5ls, for the pur- pofe of effecting an agreement which^ iti itfelf is iiib- ftantially iilegvil, and to fupport arrangements which the parties had no power whatever to make ? This brings pie to the fecond queftion, made by Counfel. It is farther pleaded in the anfwer, " that the captors, and claimants, and the agents of Captain Beres/ord, arc all fatisfied with the fecurity they now have* and arc wiH'pcv to ajlow the property to remain where it is at prefent." Not only no power or authority whatever is given to the Court to permit proceeds to be-lodged in private hands, but the words of I he Acl a;-e very poijtive againft it ; *' that the proceeds Jha/l be paid int<» Court, ■Ax\d Jtiall not remain in the hands of the captors* agent." How then can any confent, or acquiefence ainongft the parties, f^t afidc a pofitiye direction to the Court ? No fuch power is given them by the Aft itfelf, but the dired contrary may be inferred from it. Certain things are allowed to be done " in cafe captors and claimants Jhall agree" fuch as that, proceeds may bq placed in public fecurity at intcreft, inftead of the Bank : in another claufe that "property, with the con- lent of captors and claimants, may be lent to England for Tale." But if captors and claimants, by their joint conftnty could difpofe of proceeds in a different manner from what the Prize Acls dired, thefe claufcs, empow- ering them to make a particular difpofition ixi certain cafes, would be totally ^lugatory. The introda- "^ ">« Court ^■^ 'I as of til,.,,,' 'fl' "'Tne of t)., » -n ' "e in authority to thp r ^" "D this cod , "^"f Mho are thefe „ ? '"'« Pertons !> ^ ' '^ „: ,^S'' "'"eft that the cuTr .''"""'"" ''^vc „„t f "K»y are vefted in the r ^ "'"' P'-^'ecfion of tjl _ fl-..s „,uchagainft captors and ,-^ ^* "-ere e^',"t,'' ^"y ""■erperfop"'' *•"»"''. "d their """t particular/v m „ """"■ PraCiices ,„j ■f-''mi^ Mn come in anW (7^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ . ^"h ^c-ls of P .rile "t Z 7 '^"""'^ '" '^"i'"''" ^"d for what pumo t: r ""/"' ^«"'"'' ""'•'"='-«• ?f "- parties 'en.':: V i t! 5™^";""''- "'•"''=''«"- ■Hegal agreement, and tr^ir' r /"^ '"'» effect an "■jy --= no H,h-t o^tit'w,;!;::::"' ^""'^ '° *''«'• Admitting that the Cott w" 1 """""^ '* *- 'n the prefent cafe it vr,"Z , $ '""=')' « "^"'^ I ftall fidi: confider ,1,^ ^.^Petent (o to do. or proceeds called in Ji\lTToLZ"° '^ "''''"'^• *'"" 62d, In cafe of r, f ^^ "-'^ ■^'"■"'■•'- 1" !i«. -'/-W«, f, „,: 4 I'dri'""; ^^''^'-^ "-« is n^ycompeJ the A.ent tot ? ^^'^°""' "'«^ J"J?- >"r.r2/M,..^„,. Inthe6.tLr'> "l ^"^^ « «' «'g/> Court of Adliraltv^a ^ ' "'' J"<'R<= °f the -"Mbirion, or at any tYtne "nH""r"'"""S «'«' -flisn the agents or othtperfi.f^'V '•'I'P^''. «»« proceeds may have come to h '", "'''"''= '"'"■''^ the f Greenwich k^pitli T^^' 7 °/ "-^ Treafurer Jar power ,0 the Court of A„„ ''""'^- Sives a fimi- 'hatthefe provifions memion'^'^" '^ '* «"^'-="imittetI "ufc in the High S Vah "'"" °^ ""*'■"• tfOBcd, thcfc chufes cannot be extended to cafes and fo^rL7''n' ^" "^^"^">"^d, and which there- tOTf the LegiOature mult be fuppofed to have in- tcationaUy excluded from the operation of thofc daufes.-But in the claufes of the Ads under which y. proceedings touk place, and which dn relate to the cafe of claims in the Vice Admiralty Court cxprelsy, no fuch rellriclion, as - .1 t&e n^ue/i of P^jrues, |stobef,und at all. They fay categoricJly, the proceeds ihall not remain in the hands of cap. ^ors or their agents, but fliall be brought into the Reg.ftry ot the Cpurt » They do not\cquire the M'U?t to wait for the application of the parties but pofnivdy dirca the thing u, be done, and c' nfequen". iyimpofe It as a duty upon the Court. ^^^^t ''r" '"'P'"^^'^ ^^^'' ^^'^^'^"' Scoff, inS^^an ^ndmi£ that Courts of Admiralty have generally the power o proceeding to compel the paymen? of proceeds "^welI^,^..^.,^,,/C..r,^ tioli^of the parties interefted," (3. T. R. .20) He ^U.^.,^, i„,,ed, butas^ifbttledCnt^ vmible doclime, and which was neither disputed by theoppo^reCounfel, or denied by tl»e CouTt ; and a^poM'^r whici^ i. frequently, and notoriouily exer- .nn1i"f l*""^""^-'. ^^^"'''' otAxlmiralty from their very Dafr^rn-"'''^"'^''^^^^^^^ with ibcha ppwen rhofe Courts are the truilees, guardians, and protcdtor«,ofpn2e, on behalf of the public. The par- ^SrSur t ' '^' ''' r ^^^^ f,.n„ r J • i* . ^ "• How many Cifes may be f»W9fe4.wwi..(jUtitfccutity.Bf ,fce prpperty might demand the interference of the Ooiirt independrutly ofthe parties ? Imagine fraudulent connivances betwceri parties themfelves, or, in their abfcnce, amongft their agents, to the injury cftaptors and clnmants them- felves, unfTcfeen circumUances by which proceeds might be endangered wirhoui parties or their agentg having It in their power to make application, or not feehng an intereft fo to do.~ln thele and many other cafes which might be conceived a power of proceeding of Its own authority is abfolutely neceffary to enable the Court to execute the folemn truft repOied in it. for the lecumy of prize property. This cultody, and the want at property in the fubject of litigation in the parties, create a great difference between \he conftitu- tion o^ Courts of Admiralty and all other Courts, A truft and cuftody imply the poffeffion of bowers to execute them. The only queftion then is, whether this poWer has been properly exerted ? Proceedings,.;. #«,, muft neceffirily be governed by the difcretion of the Court. I agree with the King's Advocate, that this difcretion, ought not to be a mere capricious exertion of authority, but a legal tiifcretioh, proceeding upon foUd grounds. 1 conceive then, I ft. That the/.///V, dire^iohs ofthe Prize Aa are of themfelves a fufficient legal foundation for the pro- teedmgs ofthe Court. „ 6d. When the refpondeht fay^ " that be ftands r^dy and willing to do any thing which any of the parties mterefted have a legal right to require him to per- »orm, he does not place the bufinefs upon a richt footing. He is debtor not to the^.^i,,; but to L C.ur/; ftnce the piroperty ^as in the legal culiody <>f the Court, a«d the. fale made by its officers. The -^our. niu.i .uoc to the fecurity of the property. I can t2 '"W no doubt oft!.,. , r- , ""•ok fu,„." B,7 ^ P'»P"ty fuflicient to pay , ^ Court mull p, J,'/';" " »"' t/,c quettion i-Jh, whether the Court ZLl "?""'"''« ■""., but- '^"rity.canjuflifi b,y"^ ™'^"""'-y -d without '"«<» = =hey ftn,n"iy ;;:;: VT7 ^-^'f "Pon .'hi: ^ d-ty- The propL;t"'rt "nv- 7"" varbncewith ■f «"«aged i„ ,4, and toft 'f ' ."" ''"*"''•"' "••roadare merchant/: hev"i, ■"" P"==« »S«ts "Pon u ■ and we find that L/f T^"'" '" 'f''™'»'« Wica, which is raid ,rr^ k'^'^'"'^ ""'"= '" >- .».h. o( the capture "c^L r ?"-"•="". nine f «t,ft,r^r„am„,;„,L'' ""f '""' "'"'«»"d ^urinrf flerUnjr J,,. . ^ '"»'« to about /, ,,, '' ""S,, nas been very laielv .>„,i ««'>' 43.000 U'ljlfr fu.-h an amhpritv can ,1, ^ «'ven ,0 the Court to C" i„ J"""'"' whatever i, pnrchafer.s or a-ents • ;„ /™f "'** '" "le hands of ' P-'ch^fer/or a."n"s a 'f "^ ""= ^^""^^ of 'h»f- ftW'Uf-eCourt andt l^^'',^ ^""^ "''^' " •» =aing as a trullec for the public l.ft "^ '""'''• tainties. (t would Iv J. .-"^ ' '""^ S" upon Mr. it did not rcdZ t^, : ,t"|, ;" ".^ duty ,o itfelf if and to tl,c Cwn i„ w "ml '^' ""'" P""'^"'°". vcfts. and which Cc^n'l' ■"f""' '^S^' ""^'■'^ft the pvcection of '"''-"""'abound to interfere for p4-^iMr":fhitrri„''r""^'^"'^-^' ;■ ftiil il,o„g.r in,pulfe uTo„ ,; c:rt"'"r™"''', "" tweenGieat-BritainandtheUnLH^" ~ " '''^■ prehcnded-this Proving '"'* ^^•'sdaily an. -diat« attack \!;;r;z;trt"i,"r ^'' ™- fenders of the Connrr., •. ^ ^° *'^''" ^^'^^e de- dent that nearly 'h^ whT'of the ' ""-" " "^^ '=^'- tte hands of individuals would t-^TP'^P""^'"" loft. *°"''' he 111 danger of total In confcquenceof a rfnnifltr, / M.rflul mldearepo ;:ri^7,,^7/'-.Co«rt, the peered that upwards of r .7 . •'"'="• 't ap. in the hands^fpteh5,:r;TV''>'''P™^^«'^-«^« h'd expired. ItTas re at! h 1""^ "^ P'^^™^ anyfecurity. **' "^^^^'ned by them too without imltfe'^'unSl^ nLlY/'" ■"•"P'^'^ « ">" serous fuuation. but tt""^ co:,'^''"'^'' '" "»^ ''- «f Parliament it ftou Id b caZdT" "J-" ""'^^ the BritiOi Funds !„/■ j • '"' ^"d invefled in fing a found dif^«io„f„t'Z f '"""«'"." "^^ -■-'" entrufted to it, and th.t V V^ "^ ""= P^P^rty "■< King, to the Brhifl, NaH ""' ''f """'"« "' ""'^ '" ' Men of^the r^uad^on^h- ' nl^ "'^ ""^^ "" . that thefe Toc^dW ™ """■' '"'""^'' '" 'hink bounded u;„TrSar „7:,.rpf^: :;j^ *- the^paec:td?^f,„:/^:t ^:'r>- apphcat on of borH th^ « .• ^"® ^xprefs wuh the „g„i' '„';,L"wze irr'' "r '""• obligation upon the Conn- . f" " '"'P^H an tfce proceeds -rle „„„!,'„ """■"' "" P")'""'"' "f of the co,„„,ir;^ o" f^e and t T'^ T ^''"""•■■"" ' MaKnT.::it:rtJ:ir«-^^^^^^ for not returnmo. '"" ""P"" ^" attachment ""•ght have prav^H ! 1 " ' "*''''''' "^ ^^^ ^arftai Itatcd to the Court that he had applied 35 in vain for payment, the Court judged it expedient, and the moft expeditious mode of proceeding, to iflbc a monition diredly againft the party who was in pof- leflion of the proceeds. Lirtle ftrefs was laid upon one argument juft ftated by the Counfel, that the whole caufe was now out of this Court on account of the appeal. On this no farther obfervation need be made, than that thefe proceedings are what are direded by the Aft to take place after the appeal entered, and in confequence of the appeal. In confidcring the proreft, and the anfwer, and in fol- lowing t!ie arguments of Counfel in their full extent, and in every point of view, which for the fatisfaftion of the parties, and the juftification of the Court, I thought It incumbent up(,n me to do, I have been obli- ged to take a wide range. To bring the wh«le to a fingle po,nt.-It is evident then that the refpondent's plea, that though in/^v^„,/, of law he may be a purcha- fcr und..r thcMa.lhal's f^le, and refponfible for the pur- chafe mor.ey, yet tn jujlice and equity he ought not to be called upon to pay x^.h^c^^,{^ the truth of the tranfamon tvas that It was a prefent falc of the fhip and cargo by the captors to the claimants, is not maintainable, be- caufe the captors had no legal intereft, or property m the fhip or cargo to difpofe of. adly. That though after the fale by the Marflial, the purchafers had a right: to difpofe of the fhip and cargo in what manner they thought proper, the Courtis only concerned with the contract of fale, and has nothing to do with the fubfe- quent tranfaclions ; which can therefore afford no plea for the retention of proceeds. 3dly, That the refpon- dent has no right whatever to hold the proceeds as agent for the parties, becaufe the Prize Aas give no fuch po>.Tr, but exprefslydired them to be paid into the -egiury. 4iniy, That the rclpondent, therefore, fland^ 8" in p^fl*^^:":;';- 1 P"-^*-— " . mere ft.„. <;-"m cafe of no ;:;:^:,r'r^'''!'™"''' "''''' =" »ny other purchafer bv ,^ """•" "'" "-^t "f payment, whicl. bfttl •l-'"'"'-''' f'<"" ">« 'in.e " fi-^ months. ' ^ ^° '^""''.t.cs of f,|,, ^^^ 5^.^^^ '""- 'ealqueflion b^;;:;;',,""'' i" con,p.4„ merely whctlier th^ ^ '•°""' "•'"■<:'i is not ''■-/^' into t : 'txx °?"! "^■^'''"■'^^ «■»" ^ of captures before finJll'^Z^' '"""^^ »"'i difpofal •ho regulations of theLL^b '"^ ^^P'-'Toded, and ;nfwer, with the flate.,fen, 'of Co /:'"""" "'""= ford a moft e«raordi„a v kjn l T^''' ''" ""^'^«' a'" P-rchafer is called np„n7o '^' V'""' ^hen the «e are told, that by fomi ^^ "" P"'^'"''' money. P^W.c fale made under Itll?' • *', ^'"'"' » '"'™9 and under the cxprefs dit V "?' ''>'«» ""'no/Kcers; 7ent,isan,creSttwi^'Tr'"" ^^ "^ P"'«- ' != purchafe monerreturn d • ?"'^'"'""^ '''=»'. and "'^i'csa non-ent/ty. w,^- r„^'" 'J-.^arftal',, account =>"" ""'.mdercoouTofthat fi?"'"?""''^^'^^"^ M>- authority from the To , ^ """"' '^''^' "'"'"'Ut ,"-,' captures fllif ^be fcd ? '"""' '''''"' '^" 37 ed he rue Act, and Savcg„t Hloffion of the capture „ ^. ^""^'^'^"s , and It cannot but occur ro th.. acqmrcH the p„Ordn.,„ without fecurity, in open timed pofTcflion, the parties have divided the fliip and cargo amongU themfeives, without aftadow of right prpower Such a cafe loudly calls upon the Court tt^ vmd. ate Its own authority, and that of the laws. It has been alledgcd, by way of a nntiffUory „!„ by the rdpondent, "That h/would „ot\,ve £' « uld httrb"' P-c!- ffff'^'^g"^ >n h's protett againtt a compro- le ri'tri'' '' ''"«''•• «"'<"hc '- relating Ta. 1,1 ?,"!..'"'' P"""^ '" P"ti«. and their a Jnts -.•.' -P.urcs anq proceeds. U ftated them ptedfely »i". .his inCTC and 'r 'f '""^""^ '"• « P">ie3 wiU .ate up^Ve J-e / feot %""°; «'-" l»w, to contravene th^ nr„ v ^ ^ "'''^■" '!"•> the -"« attribute the c:'^^^ ''""'''''' °"'^ '"^^ «d mercy „f the Court H Ti; """ ^"•Paflion " he has property fXient for t^^" ""« ">»"g'' be %% detrimental TnTl- "'""*""^' ■> *ouId .compelled to pay the faid fl •'"°"' '" '''"'' «<> ^ in attending to .hat nl . ^ ' '""' '^'"■"•" I hone I -. to etrr £Vu h r„r" "^ ^^"-^ - bvtl am unwilling toex.rT ^ fT Public duty ; oftheCourt,to,heVtrimeI T" !''= J-l authority ever unjuflifiably thel^ L '">' """^'<'»al. How: , OW to enable th'eZies"" f =<*■ '"« Court I «"h its duty, to difcntanlwh" 7, " '' «""">«« f'om the difficulties in ^hrcfth!""^""' '^ J^'^We. oo doubt but .he ref„L!i • '' "^ '"solved. J have ^nthe power of the cr,;,!?,""'^ "'■■''^ '■'''''» ^y as to the time of payment " "■" "^ '^'- f ^^^t":X'::ro;'■4""»" --- another •decreed any further nrLr u" '"""^aion before it a« follow,/ ■ P""'^''"'e™aterialpartofitwa, adoptS'were"'t^ok^t"hefib'.^'"'^' "'""'■"'«' '" be "■eftipand cargo be fold under the authority oHTcZtT^dSlgt^lKS pofeofcompromife— thebafisofwhich was that Gr//- w^/c/and myfelf fliould be accountable to the claimants for the fum of ^.43,875 (from which would be de- duded ^.23,600, their part of the fum compromifed) It became ncceffary that we fliould not fuffl-r the pro- perty tobcfbldforalefsfum, it was agreed that I ftould become the oftenfible bidder, and as neicher Ih.p or cargo brought the fum we agreed upon .to be the true value-they wereofcourfc knotked down to "'''• ^^"fJ *^^ ^^^^ it "'^s agreed that as the fliip could not fad from Halifax in any orher capacity than a Britim veflTel-that I fliould take her wholly to myfelffor ^.2,500, which I accordingly did, and flie was regifter- ed m my name by that of the George. The cargo was to be equally divided between Mr. GrjA«;./^, and my. u r< vn ''^'■^ ^"^ ^^PP^'* ^vere better adapted fof the Enghfli, than the Americah marketj^, we deter- imned that thofe articles, which compafed part of the Herkimer's cargo, Aould be fent co London on our joint account. The cocoa, being the other part of the cargo moft fuitable for the market of the United States, It was decided fliould be laden on the George for New York Upwards of three hundred tons wefe accordingly fluppcd on that vefl-el. Previous, however, to her fading, I agreed to buy from Mr. Gri/wold ln\} the copper, (being his intercft in it) at i6cl per lb' amounting to ^.4 668, and feventy-five tons of hi; half the cocoa, at Cyt per ton, amountip<. to £.5,^2:: Thus I held an interefl in the George's cfrgo. Vk'ew- York, oftwo hundred and twenty tons of cocoa. I alfo agreed with him for a certain commiflion of four and a half per cent, to confign my faid part of that vefl-el's cargo to him for fale at New. York, he X rantccmg to mc the fales ar;d remittances. In confe- P"cesd» to be under my col, Tt","^™'' ""d ">« ;'=e proceeds of « "pi- Court of Appeai. F r ti,e J:!e '^ ^""T'"^* '" 'I ".efetranfaa,-,,,,,, and .he ft "e nf M '^"'''''""'' "^ count tt^uh „, , f "^ «»•«