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Tha following diagrama lliuttrata tha mathod: r\^^\ ;* , ji ^, 1 1 2 3 r^ if' f- Laa cartaa. planchaa< tablaaux, ate. pauvant Atra flimia A daa taux da rAductlon diff Aranta. Loraqua la document aat trap grand pour Atra raproduit an un aaul ciichA, 11 aat fllmA A partir da I'angla aupAriaur gaucha. da gaucha A droita. at da haut an baa. an pranant la nombra d'Imagaa nAcaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa auhranta iiluatrant la mAthoda. <.. 1 4 6 MOOCOPV MSOUfTION TUT CNAtT (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART Np. 2) ■ s gt; \. / PLIED HVHGE Ine leflTEait Main StrMt RocAttw. Mm Yoffc I460S USA OiWT 482- 0300 -Phpn« ytrff7>6) 28a- 5989- rhurch, not otherwise specially provided for, and to keep mintites of all their proceedings, and hand over suidi minutes and all do(Miments connected with the Church, and all church property which shall come into their hands, to their successors in oftice. Any four of sucli (.'onnnittee, including the President or one of the Vice- Presidents, who shall preside and keep order, shaM forma 'quorum, and be competent to transact all . bilsjness, th<' member in the chair having a vote along with tlit» «>tliers, and Jin additicuial i»r casting vote in case of a tie. " -..XAUTI r LK IV-.; ■■ ■■; ■'■■ There shall be a Treasurer of the Church chosen annually by, and from among, the pew-holdei-s mentioned in Article 1, at their general annual meeting, whose duty it shall be to collect and take charge of all moneys belonging to theiCh^irch, under the instructions pfiJlie Temporal Committee, and iipon their brdef only to pay out the same from time to time,— and in a book to be kept for that purpose, to keep a correct and true account of all moneys received and paid by him ; and also a cor- rect pew-list for each year, shewing the number of each .t^ % I y^ 5 t: y [WW ill tli«» Cliui^li, NVilJi tlij' iiHMH* of iIm' |nu|»ii('mr or ]e.tmM) thereot; t\w nnunmt of nMit or aHMVKHiiieiit charg «uch course of\ediication, literary, HGieiititic, and theologi- cal, an i« now or may hereafter be required by the Synjid or other «uprem<^ court of thin Church. ARTICLK VII. The reiitH of tbe pew« and other revenu«M of thii Church ahttll be upplied to the support rtf the Minister, and the pnynient of ony debts and incidental expenwH of the said (;!hurili ; and if said revenues HJiali at any tjine prove insufficient for these purposesr or if any other exigeneyjunprovided for sliall arise, it Mlmll be the duty of ['emporal Comnnittee to call a general nreeting of the roprietors ond lessees of pews of said Church, to make provision for the'snnie. AUTI CI. K V H). The Precentor and kirk^officer shall be appointed by, vand be under the control of the kirk session, and shall lie by them out of the weekly collections. ^ AJITICLK IX. . proprietor of a pew or pews in said Church may his property therein to another by sale, gift, or testament. But no such transfer shall be the person ticking the same shall have sub- scribed these articles, i ARTIOLK X. Any proprietor of a pew in the said Church, who shall refuse or neglect\to pay tlie annual assessment upon such pew for one year after the same shall become due and payable, shall forfeit his right to siiid pew, which shall • thenceforth revert Iwck to the said Church, and may be | •deaJt with as other unsold pews. ^ V. 4' '■■A' ^ AKTUJhK XI All proceodiiigH heretol'oro rogiilurly Uvkmi under any former Coniititution of this Church iihull continue valid and binding; and proprietora of pewa who have hereto- fore purchased the same, shall not at any time hereafter be chargeable with any assessment M|M)n such pewM he(# ing a higher proportion to the rent of similar leased pews than at present. i , A uViclk! XII; It shall be lawful for the Treasurer from time to time, under the direction and with the concurrence of the Tem- poral Committee, to sell to any party willing to purchase the same, any unsold' pew in the said Church, at such price or sum, and subject to the payment of such annual assessment, and such other terms and conditions as shall from time to time be fixed by the Temporal Committee. Such purchaser to get from the Property T4-ustee8, of the site of said Church, who are hereby authorized and required to execute atid grant the same, at the request of the Temporal CoQimittee, whenever they shall have the legal authority so to do, a deed of conveyance of any such pew, in such form as shall bo adopted for that pur- pose, sotting forth the terms and conditions of such sale. ARTICLE XIII. V It shall be lawful for the Treasurer on the day* of the general annual meeting of the congregation, or afterwards during the year, to lease to any person or persons desirous of renting the same, until the first day of March then following, any unoccupied pew in said Church, at such, yearjy rent and upon such terms and conditions as shall from time to time be fixed by the Temporal Committee ; and the entry of tlie name of, suoh lessee or lessees •. \ ■•ill opposite to the liumbCT of such pew in the pew list men- tioned in Aiticb4r shall be sufficient evideiiCe of such letting. ' ^ i ^ AllTICLK XIV. All moneys arising frorii the sale, assessment, and let- ' ting of -the pews in said Ghureh i^all belong to and form part of the general revenues of the said Church. . ■ ■ -A RT liJLK X\. : The Temporal Committee shall at the general annual/ meeting in each year appoint two competeijt persons to audit tile accounts of tlie Treasurer for the preceding year, and to i^repare a statement thereof, and ()f the geneial pecuniary attiiirs of 8ai<^ Church, to be printed, and a copy ihereof laid upon the book board of each Occupied pew in said Church, as soon after thy- said general meeting as may be convenient. AUTICLK XVI. All persons purchasing or leasing pews in said Church sliall be requrred to sign these articles, and all persons 8i«min2 the same do and shall thereby" agree and bind themselves to observe and abide by the same and every part thereof so long as the same shall remain in force, and all additions to and alterations in the same!, which shJl from time to time- be made by the parties, and in the manner hereinbefore provided in that behalf. . |M \ \