V] .t times when, at present, they find little to do. Ploughing and seedtime for grain are in the months of April, May, and June, hay harvest in No- vember, and that for grain in December and January. Cotton will be cultivated in August and September, and gathered in March. Machinery will bo certain to lend its powerful aid in all the manipulations to which the cotton will have to be submitted, so that no diminution in the present rates of wages ruling in these countries will be necessary to enable 'ts cultivators to produce it at a price that will enable them to compete in the English market with that received fVom America. If you think the above remarks woriny of publication, you are perfectly at liberty to make use of them, but ns piBctice is better than precept, I avail myself of this opportunity to enrol myself as a member of the society now in course of formation in Birmingham, and send a cheque for £5. as my first year's 8u^• scriiition. I am, ray dear sir, faithfully yours, 0. H. BAGOT, fli I of South Australia- International Exhibition. International Exhibition, London, South Australian Court, Sept. 1st, 1862.