IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k A ^ El>ART)lliNT OF MIEITIA AXD JJEFE\(JE AND TUB MILITARY FORCE OF CANADA. thofJ'r£fi:atnHTarl?.°S^^^^^^^^^^^ which then held ai, I menu of Imperial troops n S of thTSn. '■^^'^"'^'' '^^•' "»''>"tainod dotaoh- or lejs cfficiont Volunteer MiHtiu as iSxiH^rJ'Eoto ' ""^ ^''''^''^ ''"' '^ -"« * and had indeed favorT tSe aoto^^oV thl T^ P'''^°t'««Wo moa.aro of Holf.Jcfonco, thereby offered far their mut" a pro ection no^^nff "^r"'*"^ '"' '^^ ''"^'l''i«-^ loaning of Imperial officors and othTrwise^L^^I ?u:""^ '^^'"'^ a^^'^tanoo, by tho power of conlodoratll Canada andTn iHi'Q I organiiation of the military which resulted in the withWl within Lf""™"""'.^ .^^" '^""^^''^ ovacnalion. t.x)op8 from tho new Dominion T^Dfom FT^r/''"' f • ^^^^^^'^ o^' ^ho regular ernment of Canada of ail militkrv and nT.ln''-^: •*"'*;'' *.^^ *''''"«''«'• ^ the Gov- except thoHe on tho Atlantic .ndWfi^o.ifrPr''"'' ^^'^^.^^^^'^om, barraclcs, &«, retained. These have rccontiv boon .Uo , ' '^''°'■^'°'•^> '•«*°"« ''»"'l'* «^«ro Admiralty, HO that to-day the onlyroutCv.?r^^ ^^.'^ War Offi.o and tho of tho garrison and naval establirmerK n.^- ™P^^^^^ ^'"■?'' '" ^^""""^^ ^o""'**" mont at Victoria. B C «'8'«»'i»*>ment at Halifax, N.S., and tho na^^al estabJiah- Bystem.'^%V;'^e^TtUl^GTo..^£ii?^^ -^-">- ^ ^ "Hitar, 18R8," which has formed the ba^i« of '^"" ^''* ^'''"'' «'"! I^ef'o' «« Act of but on practically identfcll li^„?s and wlXh^'f '.'" ''"'"^ ^j"-y 'a'-^ely de.clopod. ^atures by the amended and crnfiSaTod^^f ^To ''^P''''^."'^°^ ^" "" '»« »*in Mmielerof Militia and I)efencerAdo?phtcaron'^®'' '"''''"'"' ^^ '""^ ^'"^^^ Tho military .ys-om of Canada consists, in brief of •_ Civil bcntCr:;'\h^'Cnron ' " ^'^-"'^'-^-'o organization, a branch of the MiliiUStnTo Ivl^^hSar fn d^vTd^d'^""^^'^' ^"^ '" ««°^ °^ ''^ ^w^'- three yoan^coTti"uour.orvi:a JSrrv' anSTh -^K^ '^T^''" ^^ ^'^'^'^ -'-^ ^«' ava lahle at a moment', no iTe for fioH 's^,l;, f"*"' ^^.le doing garrinon duty and military which Officers at 7ZT' ""'•'"•''* the samo time Scholia of service can attach themselves for ,?,^ ^'^o"-«"'"'n.8sioned officers of the volunteer out by the Grown for the~dVfe"nce of the ISll"* °^ '^•'"' **'S"'ation',, or when called of rebellion, or when ordered on? nnln "m*^ ^'■'"? i°^«8ion or for the suppression they are litewiae liaVelHll Z^^il alJof tVS'Xe/. °^*^'«^^*'«« '^ ^"^^ Tho It b..llot.whcn r"ZlZ Vt^^^^^^ '!"« '''ronp(h of Active Milir k r.r.alionof Volunteer Co^J/^^-^e. to.Z'o'n'r'" ""• ^"^'"'■-"" io ^iTcS »"ale |H)puln.ion.1iablo ,o mWiXc.'v.o'r' '''"'" ''^'^'•^■'"'•" '^'" «"tiro able i fd,c!i anncd ,. or drilled. Tho stror« j7r,f tho P.? ' "'"*"'-«'""'T, In.t neither muHTered now bo about l.Ono.OOO ,non. whom tho Iw 1 ^jf "''•'''"?' ^^ A^Mi,.„, would thc.r „,o and tho „t t..i„ dal.,!';" ''^ tnlt- HtL?^"""' "^'^•'''^''"^' ^ . rho adminiHtrativo dutieM oflhn n. . "upport brKflyHa..ihVda.dcalin/S.l ' ■f^<'"^'-t"'C"t olMimia and Dofonco may bo With ,Vo iS"^^^ '--1 ^n.muni,io,^ .nr„l other n,a„ . '"J« DKl'DTV MINISTER >ng Clerks, ^'"*" ^'I'lk, a JJet^'isior Cicrk and t K,.^« Th 1 '-'ii-j IV, iiiKj ihrco corresnond and Militm properties entrusted b 1? 5 « Ld O ■«J § •« ^ •— • «> ef C9 of Active Militiu by spirit of iho poopio ^xioii lor ij,„ rv^a- projicr ^;<]uipmcnt ovkJo. ", of •' tho whole of oiUffHof Is and CO, « ontiio nblc-bodicd t neilher miislcred, formoi- cnrolrnonlfl,' ARii<.|j|(i)ip, would lawMo,-, according to :(i Dofonco may bo maitcrH crnncctcd of Ciuiado, for tho 'Ptioii in 1 id of (ho 'aoy of the Crown » "rvi,.„) -"capat.on hy tho military hrun.h of tlu^Uv on ^T. ^^^^^^^^^^ "''^ '" '''•^"•»l Htorcmon. Tho Saporin.endenl« act uprr«|| ,1„T r-^" "'"r "'"'*''''^' ''•^' <'^"M'otent m.l.tary Btor«.. when duly approved I iLm'^'w. ^''^ '''''""* '""' ^^""-n of monthly rof>ort8 of, ho HamMo\'rD;paLi^^^^ ""'' ^''"y ••«'"'o'- form (he duticH „( l„„,ri,.i I'uymiMor for S ^•'■•"'''°'' ^'''"'' Odlcors also per. Tho Store in likowiro chnU i , 'Tf"'^^'^" ^^>^iionf^. ' with their plann and !^.r.e;'::; h?"o l!,;:;,' .(^tT?, ""^^^^''^'^ "'"''•^' ^^^-'^or rrat'Lr""^^' - ''«'—- --'•"!'••" wh!rh•aTrl;ll!i^ra^;ruLrs^s the .Hs„o Of all clothing for the Mdiiilrf th 'LmiS^ '•«'■'" *»^ j-.a«f to th. i.„e« and io.i^,::'Z:::^%-:r:;i,i^:;;^j^ ^^l; ^..1, t<>ge(horwith'thoHupervi.L'n ;*?„;,, -i:;;f; to this B.-in-h. contractorn. Tho inHpection rei o tn and |« ™1 f "■■'"■'"" ^'^°" '•"^'^'^''-'d '''•«"> l'>o I) ' '" ^"''"'^^^^ '"'"""'^^ for'IlcorporatioS in ("h'^^i^tod Eoport of tho ta«t inrjiil'Al^S^lt^tt;^ T"^« ^'T' -- P- ^« '^ — war material then required f;rHcUvoMrS Tn^ t ^\ f'^'t'"^' "««'>«*^'^'-'-e. and Department to be 7qual ,o ,he omer'ren.v L^.k \?*''^ '*"" '•°''"" P'o^«J tho augmented by one temporary Clerk ^^' *''^''"«'> ^^^^ Office Sta/ waa only thij b:;:;^':;^;;! S^i^ ;!::il'"^^^i:;^i^ir - ^'"^-^^i-. ^c , bandied by Defence Act of 1868. ' ■-- coming into operation of tho Militia and al of all financial lunication of all 2r C'ommanding i.rchitect of the nesof important correspondence ( upon matters « lor compensa- he pensions of ntal i?eport to eport npon tho 18 ropponHiblo Tties entrusted Ektcbn of Clothing issued from 1867 to 30th Juno, 188S. Tunics, Olofb. TunicB, Serge. £> ^ 4-> a. tu C -< ^ a: Trousers, Clotb, Pairs. Trousers, Serge, Pairs. K- ti» >» a> a> -^ c ^ M ^ a 'n i . »no f.v. »l.„ ... . _ . : . uvw »»/ i.iiaea roako. , lire th« , ., . . „ , ,. ; — ♦■• "• ••"" uiniii:!., they are then forwardfwl U> the Acconnt Bra^.h for audit and authority before any pnymcnt can ho m,uS except far he actu J ,.|y of the Force, where ,;.«> of pay aJo dolincd by tbo rZ]!: u>T,sa.,d Orders; alM.l.iia expenditure i. .huH kcptdo.ely under the control of tho Dcpartnr.ent. Th.- I ^t>mateH for Pflrliamenl. for Militia ^erviceH, are alwdr.wn up hv the Accountant under tho Deputy Minister's direction Tho following Htatornent o! Miliiia oxpendilureH «inco Confederation showH ■■ h A Saed^thrgViri;^;::;^^^^^^^ -^ ^"" - ^•^^ -"«'>'-^'« °^ thoope;auoni by the Doputy MiniBtor and .;o.intor8iKnod by tho Accountant, are innucd io Offi-a^s from time to rme. for the p«yraenfH which it bm.meH thdr duty to , 1 he olaimn for ail M.luia nervicen are rendered by the I'aymaaerH. an.l rcoui, yeoomriondat.on of tho Senior Staff OlHcer of tf,o district ; they «r; then f, w ant ono, correa- -he Britiwh Army. 1 all oxpenditures imbine.s with that , all warrants for 36 ( fioctive. ing tho rrinkofa ffioo. Tlio dutioH e Department, of il eHtabliHhments id regulating the e, within the last ;h l^r repairs and apartment— that 'ns in the North- spaotive oervioeg Serrireg,— (H-iscKl Year up to 30lh Jur,c) ^ P«Iflripg, District RtHff ourics ' " "" "«"*?'-'' "QJ Ann f rfKade M„j„;' ••••• ■»r,'." lU8tr,i,;tino ''Ji'tsry Schools....: cSoI' !*""■■'";■ ''""j";''^" •Anfiiiai Drill. ..'. ' Ammunition.. G;;cr''"^«'''"^-a^ooti;.. ^Tgets "■ Front.erSerTico ... «i(ri«rv Stores... £T,,t';'';'";'V''''^'',,,.:::...;.;:: ttuHrdat R„leau Hall Expenditure. i're"a .'i •. Purcbasp of ^torBpni'i j" I OoDMruction and d"'''^.'"^' ^^'""^a -.. Improved Rifl. Ori '^""''' *"«"««n Kiotfl.. .'.v.". 34,262 3.1 6,2t;4 80 65,U2 88 etg. "''.fZe 53J 61,983 24 «J.Jt9 63I ^".BM 39I le,007 22 «'^,t>76 57 9-',:i«0 66 6,f«l 00 25.3fi8 86,' 2J,'' '1 22 2,6)6"0B 4S0 00 14, 275 18 404, « .4 36 47,6 1 16 $ Ct8. 34,«91 1 3 1 1-9,237 SO 29,997 33 10,69i 03 32,01(J )5 62,387 77 84,P19 76 $ eta. 29,140 oil 98,289 23 1 30,631 68l 6,680 3j 28,6.^4 35 44,670 66 41,256 23I _f7.0«5 87 68;io3"74 "2.'267"81 902-73 cts. 31,146 93 132,771 32 4,002 CO 3,348 12 27.611 98 41,700 00 37,768 29 M.'isia 04 44,7?0 06 322,644 36 33,685 46 14,313 8, ■■■■i3i922 99 43,513 93 331,083 44' 10,618 36| 81,266 64 561 561 68 139,106 96 36,764 26 6,375 )5 li,9'M 61 7,810 79I 4.850 87 14,760 CO 4,914 92 281,648 04 '*'628 04 24,953-89 41,946 67 6,000 00 114,;-91 88 9,777 31 2,331 36 163,119 78 6;o,460 22 19,180 46 1,972 98 4,864 86 i,88T"27 142,663 96 8,180 61 83,269 61 3fi,683 75 86,066 23 142,065 67 ••••••• • ••■• ^34.364 66 937,613 -'(IJoii^a"^ h^-7J^;;";^::::: 1_ I ) ^'«'y.'83 08 1,646,282 76 Statement of Sums'pq^,! «« "i oums^raid on account of LJ-««L_;^| ",».»| n,,„„j — „ 11 under the various 1871. 1872, * '•'^•l ? cts. 38,289 ai lU'lu ?l 'O.OJJ 68 4,002 CO «,680 3+ 3 348 19 8,634 36 37'B?f ^| 4,670 66 ilfr^ ^ !.'.. ^^'^<''* 26 9M '73 ■;;;;; , ^^^^ I »• •1..,, «»3 ^6 139,106 86 ^2^01 24,953'89 9-(6'ti7 'i"9T2"'<^ inn nni •ji'M as )00 00( 4^884 86 if ?i ^^^'««3 96 ■^^ 2^ 8,190 61 50 22| 83,269 61 36,683 76 86,065 23 142,065 67 •••••••• M 1,646,282 76 iccount of I6,S5a 6» Lpproprintions from 1867 to 1886, inclnsivo. 1873. $ CtB. J8.839 .-iS 76,7S2 74 323 46 4,035 19 34,906 7i 4l,i'M 93 37,169 22 1874. $ Ct3. 28,046 10 3i,928 91 1875. 62,200 80 60,0,')6 43 663,342 11 74,346 12 2?,95i'86 49, 990 21 250 60 "758"7J 49,8 ^9 63 7,960 91 147,307 91 21,750 45 79,913 6» 65,991 98 6,422 20 27.199 3! 4J,6.)5 40 29,a9J 38 $ Cts 33,116 75 97,336 81 1876. 1877. 14..^7^ 62 28 938 06 40,281 42 11,475 21 66,027 21 5,311 62 60,f64 31 i 3fi6,f:97 .ih' 67,749 3i)i 9,459 "oil I. 69, .102 64 9,e6i 73 209,169 42 37,314 39 109,713 40 38,933 33 60,037 8? 56,010 0} 31.\657 2-; 60.000 00 4,G97 58 74,969 16 5i,5i8 54 133,227 10 20,000 00 114,950 66 40,000 00 33,169 49 74 938 42 8 99fi 69 27,487 V3 35- ;i:.9 79 i 9,5-;6 001 $ cte. 32, 00 26,391 33 1878. 5 cts. 34,780 37 44,477 54 1879 2,'), 609 55 24,."*^ 21 :-'.',774 96 7,7J5 72 61,840 88l 51,874 83 62,237 01 392 936 ^H 28,128 29 669 62 69,953 90 2,B47 OJ 81,916 53 19,662 72 1C9,915 CO 39,428 39 '«SU 28 11,0.V18< 19,163 19 39 915 19 8,455 14 51,874 89 S Cts 3, ',8.^0 00 55,905 i4 1880. 23,453 73 15,91 •^ 54 33,7;( 10 7 54 $ ctg. .30,137 46 47,liJ6 28 13.1. '•.4 96 16,094 27 43,515 21 3,856 77 61,8J6 131 51,977 29 46,511 7.5 44,757 29 124,-67 95 151,005 24 18,806 051 i9,1i7 50 20 4,1 >•••••••( •■••■•«•* ,, li396,031 84 12.97 4-' 6,2iJ iji 29,959 1( 243 30 109,691 tS 26, 550 63 19,^57 32 151, '.iH* 31 5i,297 18 45.86*; 23 172,9M 69 b,t)9.J 53 I 4,762 40 9,980 49 11,310 18 655 09 114,735 1-1 30,113 10 ni,7H4 97 8,. 6 J 81 1,166,645 69 1,147,170 94 <•••••••••••»•• 1,080,416 94 4,577 35 113,923 48 41,'422"26 J, 103 95 14,493 13 60 ,'!94 88 9,283 18 5*0,421 Ol 618,136 68 116,943 23 68,07o"38 2,971 33 661 94 6,000 00 4,268 47 777,698 90 690,018 93 Militia Pensions, from 1867 to 1886. inol u-sive. 16,009 80 16,311 39 16,604 46 64,610 35 63,906 76 65,386 97 48,573 26 41,876 SO State.mext of Militiii Ej w iSt^'Tsfi'i'cL'.t/r™' ^pp™i™«o„,. (FiacHl Vi-ar uii to 3')ih June) S«lAiie>g, District Huff M.hMrv Clotliinfir nnrl Stores",'..'.";" n i,*Ju A'<-'"B"i"'i«t..)n ... . onn>. ''.."'."' ^*''S«^*°'lA'r'm Kfipde ^f«j org.. .".".", I Drill fnstriiction ' Miiitftr.v JSchools. hfflci.nt CorpB, Bsnda'of Care c,( A.raa. Public Armouries'&r General Militia Service ""^^'*^ Dominii.n Uav R"vi«.w Spcoml Hurvey . (Military) '.'.■.;■, Oonipeiisatinn for ioj.ries at D'rili' vontinirencies. ...... Annual Drill .".".", Ammunition ' '" Kxpe,^ ,. Forc;'in Nov;:scoii;: B-Tpense .f Force in New Brunswic'k MskiDR the Knrolment... Tarpeta ••• Rifl' Asjoriatiocs Oamni^psto .^rms iroiiticr wServ.ce Military Stores . Red River Kxpedi:ionarv Force ind Force.s in tbe North- Weet.. lery "''''..*"^ «l'"Pm«nt of Art.'l" Batteries, PayrA'c',"of"'-'X ■'.■■■..■«„ and " O " '. ' ^ ImprDveii FirearViJs ' «oyul Military Collece "iiHri HI Hidenu Hnll *'Xpeiid,ture, Precautiona'r'y 'M(ia' Burei for Defensive FurpoLs Conv, rsion of .S B Uuns^nto «4-pr Organ.,„t,o„ of Militia in S.-W V Bom.nioa R.fie ABsociatioa . : P rehase ^0-p^ Hifled Ouns Cav 1;;:'" V:"i'"'^ Association ^avHiry .irid lufantrv 8cho.>!8 Purrbaseof.sioreBnii'dinK.'oitawa pon8iru,.|i,M, and Repairs.. Improved R,n. Ordnance...."" Militia oa .Active Service, N '-W Kebellion l^ingan Riots ........'.". ..*,'.",' 188J. $ cte :^8,724 84 53,;»77 47 9,86t 47 16,289 48 39,974 i!5 1882. $ CI9 24,7. U 55 47,8'JU 93 10,079 66 13,221 60 38,471 90 6,370 24, 1883. $ eta 2;^,4C2 3". 5«,121 22 fl.uro 29 14,912 ?5 37,4"6 .31 4,637 70 1884. J cts. 2t,S24 93 47,719 G7 9,986 65 14,362 7J 38,3Ma 63 2,264 80 j 1895. 1886. $ ctg. I $ „«." 25,399 99 26,813 06 108,254 43 74,750 96 11,739 361 9,853 42 11,050 29 U.913 79 ^7,166 7fi 35,955 00 51^53 65 6 Mia' 27 -"iisfionj -M^aaw 41,377 4i 318,801 _ 39,787 10 40,227 88 314,473 £6 24,044 (!3 37,227 63 230,191 19 52,336 87 43,731 37 240,937 87 73,610 88 28,6rj',5^ '7l','857'9S 7,96S id 9,894 68 134 883 36 129,671 40 's's 678"8i "67 yjo'is 794 Hi 81 26 3S,573"3'2 12,185 48 90,410 41 11,9^6 97 128,746 88 149,543 33 53,631 01 67,727 68 8 000 00 "8,060 'OO 1,916 67 ....! ..; 2,000 00 126,032 76 21 1 00 8,0t0 00 10,000 00 2,oon Of) 152, 19i 63, 10,000 00 20l,33i'65 [667^09 6l|77,87l 79J731,3-54 25|9i;:4-98T2 L-if-ilTTJ 42-|88 72 "■76,654T5 I '■•••■ ■••••••••• 1,697,851 3212,851,921 69 1,472 00 4,023,080 U „ ■ —!_____ ' I *i'"',«J' '< 4,023,080 1 llit!« P...,-! 1 T" ■ : Militia Pensions.. ZILZ!!' ''I ''•'^' '1 ''•'"'' 'i ''•''' ^i 23.310 47J .17.963 OO rth-VTest RebelHou Pensions (m^ii;;:;;;^^^-;^^ "~ $6,805.67 13 s Appropriations, 1885. $ cts. 25,399 99 106,254 43 1886. S eta. 26,613 06 74,750 96 11,739 36 14,('5<) 29 37,166 75 9,853 42 12.912 79 35,955 00 58,007 17 69,733 01 37,227 62 "'43,"7ir3r 230,181 19 240^967 It 52,336 87 73,610 88 36,573 32 12,185 48 80,410 41 ll,9i6 97 28,746 68 53,53roi 149,543 32 - ~ 10,000 00 io.'ooooiS 2,000 00 12,193 63 201,321 55 2,T88"72 148 84 70,654 15 7,851 32'2,851,921 69 1,472 00 r,757 77 *,O23,080 n —Concluded. i,3I6 47 * 17, 963 00 ■•~ *8,805.67 The following stiitommt is from tho Department of Public Works, undcjr which all new Woi 'Xh for Militia puriMwo.-*, niul (up to 1884) repairs and maintonanco of ixist- inp onoH, havo been earned on. Tlirso fii,'.u-tM. tiiken will, tho-io of tho proc) lini? Tabic, hhnw tho total cxptrdituro of Canada hiuco Confederation up )n its d.d.'nsivo Hypt ot Nmall Arm Ammu. JI>o bnildingH lUilizod lor urrungoinonts beinj i!iny !i(J,Iitional article J '0,8 we.o obtained from Many and oonsiderablo important moJitica- V ones added of purely H and apparati. The with a viow to tho id. inoiy rendered com- ' the Superintendent lermaneni Artillery) i«.'in A-sifliant Sapor' OH boiDg employed or t 2,400,000 rouDdHo/ largely increased by fipt'io'i of arm can bo ufaelure of common on (of 7inch calibre icsiio and roKiHtration of all Militia commisaiorH Tho Annual M.lif.* T ;.f • u .^rnpiled and periodical corrocnonn ..2 TL It t^Zl^Tit] -npo^^ Ai-mv List, It may bo incidont.'i y nicntionod thuf il>;- n.H .^ r^ '"iponai link between the ol5 Provincial Mifa^^rXlu^iJ^a^^^^ time** .'ntuilinu: much roferonceiuid le^oarcb -»'>rnmion, at tho ^M^uStnlrak^'^IlB 'i" n'^'""'''''j' ^'^'^'''^:^ 'h. work and correspondence of U.0 Ai.jaian .(TL'str ct? Q-iobcc into three,- and each of tho other Provinces forms one District rnimber ton, together with Manitoba, the North-West. Territor es and Kwatri S .n-,?r -P ^"'r'>-''"'rr" ^t present .ommunds numbars ninoand welvo W i:'^ -If ^'Tu ^''''^f^ ^''""'^- ^''" <-m.nandantH of tho Schools of Infantr^It It Rhelirt havo been particulars to those JO Dominion. nd of tho Militia, is and tho Adjutant- " hi-* behalf when- illy similar to those ede-'carapjandtho ripondenco thereof. aaicaiioD with the permanent School 'Hter and index of ing in some detail ulgatiori of Kegu- have boon issued -wo ianguagofl) of 1-3 to time, in the Military College nk forms for tho including exnjaj- )ual course up ta :ept, with a very i corre.siiondenoa ogothor'with th» poi^scHs the ic;iui«Ue certificates of military qualiticalion, or have served as'offi7«™ or Aon-CommiHsioned OfUcors of Her Majesty's RegularArmy ; buTwben thuf nr™ yionallv appointed, they aro not promoted they acqu re .uSant ive Xk uUer pasMng the ,,re>cribed examirations and obtaining ccrtiticates ' Qt T'^''®.V^?I'^'''^"'*"°"''^'^'T't of Militia form tho nucleus of an Armv Oorna «««' The ago for admif^f-iou is over 15 and under m nn fKn i < ,,p t tho ontrance examination, which is held „"n„a[|y in JurK? ^"' "' ^"'^""•^" P''^^"^'". iho Co lego course beinir a four voar^' one allow, amnio timfl r,nf «ni„ < thorough miht^ry training, t,ut al.o ^- Uu, stud^ ol Ciyi!Z':o;i:Sc:;il E^i^^ lof greatusotothi Infantry, Artillery g, Tactics, Strategy Civil E.«ij„eH„g, .hy,,c., 0„,„,/.,;^iL^X;)..5"S^^^^ jJmo,t oveiy do.e,iplio„, „„d u pfod Koleoti™ „ ■ imwri'n'd Sher ST'"' 4°, ol as an iMlilulioD of which Canada misM wdl fcc^S InS ', ''*' u" ^re.'ts;^^^Srnr,L\i?A';f/i,'aV,'it^ THE PERMANENT CORPS AND SCHOOr.S OF MILITAKY INSXauCTION tany be more fully particularized as follows :— in 18^ " ^'""P «^ Cavalry, forming aho a School of Cavalry, established at Quebec In 1883 tho Inspector of Artillarv Cfni-infli-i,T n^j.,„,„_j_... .^ _ e ■, -r- ioH) was gazetted to the command of UV Ee"^ rnent^ CanndLn A^iill''^'^^ ?"^u'' I.0W composed of tho following Battorio-, Ko^al Schools SAru'Lrt:-'^' ''^''^ ' Alt thoy wil they are over bee The ■if the p( Djinnda f -iotive F liio instil 1 13 'J-^ 20 5b* ol toonmmiH.sionsin tl Schools of Infantfvi ifiS'a total of about ti: 'HOW AsBistant Supoii iM an employ^ of U,-. ino Instructor and tW' Ciidets who have no\ 10 Civil Engineord, an. ind very highly vaiuodj al Survey of tho Lake- lont Departments, iiion in tho North- Webt Jcted to bo increase" of January procodin time, not only lor ; aying, Civil Engineer y hoof groat use to th( th Infantry, Artilleryi ing. Tactics, StrategjI Kngineering, Militarjf ical and "Freehand Practical AfilronomyJ 7 and Electricity. f ibleasKortment of surJ apparatus of ' other modolH. Alii oat expense ; but the! •ocently a paragrap]^ which it was spoke rl In fact its success ha^ Fill shortly be startet y out every year thd ogy, Tactics, Milltarvf lilitia Officers have fo' ant tury It "A" HiUtory, Kingston. " B " Butterj', Quebec. ..•in;';;ij''s:''^iunrKu;f Su^'i^n^' v- ''''''' ^-^^ ^^^ ^-—''^ |l>i«t,iot, No. 11). ^ ^ ^ Adjutant (ionoral in command of that Militu ! p..„ie?:- "''^"''^ ^^•'^^' ^'-P^- ^••^'""■•'^-i i" 1884. consists of the following Com- ',' u ■'. ^°"P""y. I'Vodericton, N. B. ■ H _ Company. St. Johns, (^ne. \ t "" Vk ^^™P»"y. 'r"'onto, Out. A^3cho„l„fMo„„t„dI„f,„,j,i,„,,,„„„„„y ,„„^ ^,.^^^_.^^_j ^^ iMsTiitoba. POg, .«»traMfon l».,ti„g from Ihroo to twelve month, T »'"«l>l'-hmon,, iho ,,„„r», of Schools. Cavalry School Ourna— School of Oavalrj, Qaebec ■ '."Knuent of Canadian Arfillery— ;' A '■ Battery, Royal School of Artille " do ,ln "0" do do pchool of Mounterl Fnfantry, Wii;nii«K, .nfsmry School Oorps— "i^K-- '! B .V Oo'npNuyi School of Infantry. "0" do **" Total Date of EatAliliglinjent ry C). Dec. Oct. Auk. Sept. 21, 1883.. 20, 1871.., do 10, 1883... 18, 1885... S 6* a 160 Vumber of Oertificaliea Issued. Officers. 26 1,675 106 1,325 314 41 10 63 6 N.-C. 0. and .\feu. 4S .393 623 22 S Total Certificates. "-. iPiS^^r wt^n^lesr"'^^'''^ "«"'^*'^ raucTioN ley '• over Special authority was g.vea to hold two courses, .tabliahed », (i„eb„| The growth of the Militia ,jr,tom, DalnralW „o„ ■ 'T the noonle are sn nv^^iiTT ,i^„lt.j J. • ., v "'"w )f Otio of the Uutter- Q Artillery, which is lory : — \Cn...r.y^L'll'''J^^^'^y'^'^^^^ to civil pursuits, ha. n....;„ m countries where the on orgies inpiuiy I a .i<.ti™ Force, .»aowTrg*.„"4''^i™7„"'';J^j/;'i;^^^^^^^^^ To, Ute „,t,.«.o„. of the I,?.,o,o^ ., .„, e'vlae'^rarl'l'^;.?:?™ ^IS'^t^'t 18 military oducalion whi.ih hoH bot.n planted will in the ooarso of time produoo hi.'hlv 8at.«factory rcHuhH. Tho North West cumpaiicn of 1885 iHVprcK^f Zrth."?ra nin^ The nominal ntrenKth of tho Active Mililin is upwards of 43,000; but for econo- mical roaHon. .t ha. hoon roducod, for purposoH of Annnal Drill to about H 000 of whor. the City CorpH, about 10,000, a,-o drilled during twelve dy8H^nay;;d ihe Rural CorpH about 27^00, during tho name ,,eriod biennially, in^Camns f Rwcile me »a< ilitieM tor tranr*port, and in providing subHiMtonce and Hholter. mi. rruT"'^ MHtcnieia shows tbe approximate number of Officers. Non-Com- Sorpn'in Ihe ye^; rluT.'- '' """"' " '' ''^ Hoadquartm. of tbeir Jc.poctivc Vearg. 1869 . Number who Performed Drill. ;?7L...;::-::::::::;.::::;:::::::;:::::::: ^z 1H72 . . .?!'?ff 1873 ^''1*^ 1H74 19.96S ^rl ;^0,00o ^'^ •' "J I IT 1H84 :z-'l.::. 1885. 7,2(13 18,070 Cavalry— 1 < Jfivalry School Corps 6 KogimentB composed of, !.!!!.*... .. .'. -^i jj''' 1 Proviaional Eegiment compobod of.'.'.'..,..',... " '".'.y.!."." "-j ,j . 2 Stju'idrons 4 Independent Troops Total.... do do 4 4 do do 4;^ do Field Artillery— 1 Provisional Brigade ., d„,,„.: 16 Icdepeudeut Batteries .....■......■.'.".:■.:::::".:"■.■;■.■.. il ^'''f^''''' Total. i« do \n time produoo highly X)f that tho training jotod crefiit,u|)on tho irago ot tho citinori ,000; but for econo- , to about 37,000, of ys in.naally, utnl the Camps of r^xorcirto, oxporionco in using tor. f Offloors, Non-Com inion who )H;rformoc' of thoir rospootivc Number who Performed Drill. .. 30,000 .. 30,000 .. 22,644 ,. S>,1U 19.963 ,. 30,000 .. 28,846 23,0 (» 20.000 21,000 19,7H0 21,250 . 16,i73 lU.lOl 22.3t.7 17,203 18,070 lowiug tho strcntjth n all Artim (oxcopt id OfficofM and mon, is 42 NonCommis 1 31 3 4 4 Troop, do do do 43 do ■J Battoiif.'H. I(> do 18 do Garrison Artillery — I Regiment, Royal Sohoois of Artillery . . q 4 BrigfidcM •; ,_ 1 ProviHJonal Brigade ...',....'..'. "5 16 Indipondent Batteries 15 do do do do Total. 46 Mountain Artiller}-— 1 Ua!f Battery < Engineers— 3 Cornpnnifs Infantry and Rifle— Infai try Schrinj CorpH . Hoy al Militaiy College CadetH ....*. 1 94 BaiialionM tia^ 1 Provisional Bat'alion ' 4 7i Independent Companies ....'.*.'.*.'.,.... ..'..''.'.,.*.*.* 71 Total do Battery. 3 Oonij>jinio« Total Tr(;ops, Batteries asal (\)mpaIllu^. 7^1 do do do do do do The subject of Fortifications and armament.-, and of tho Canadian eauinmeut frr„ ,^' '" "°^/')^'" the objects of the present .ketch. In J. a J try has the great advantage of procuring at cost pnco, from Flor Maieaty'fl s ores Srvir;^;ir:I^^"-^n;:t'tlf ^-■^''"^-' ^-''- -- i4hi%tcrnc;; vo^^:uS^^xl:=^^?&^.^i.--j- oral organization; summaries of the strength of he ForcrbrMil tarv Distril^ bv Ji:;sr o?t^i?™^;i^:;:z;ii. -^^^^^ «^ - ^^-- ^^^-^^ HnLl rpk •^^^"'•t =5taff, upon all matters within tho scope of their resneciiv. won theaa^n.irationoftheTrh!rm^;iLy^^^^ '' ^^F-aign. have Ihat campaign especially has very emphatically proved the adaptability of the 2n preRont Militift HyHtom to tho military Hpirit of our pooplo, a^ well oh tho offlcioncv ot tho l)o|,anrncntul iidrmniHtrution for dovoloping thin flVHtem as rapidly oh tho finaiK'iftl roHourooH of tho Dorainiori will warrant. ° ' ^ AoTivx MrLlTU called out in Dof.mco of tho Country or ,n Aid of tho Civil Power Hioce Iwt July, 18h'7. On what Oocmioq. When. Antioiputod Feniar, Raiil, exter.dinK nil alonij th.; frontier .. April — , 1871.. May 1, 1870... ManitobaCoatin(?ent, under Ool.WoIaeley (Red River Kxpe. dition) _ ; Fenian Raid— Bcclea Hill, Ac | St. John, iV B.. anticipated riot „ Grand Tninlt Railway disturbance, employfis at BeireyVlle and alonjf the line Quebec riots, between ship laborers .........."....! Montreal, to maintain peace on Uth July, 1878..'.."!'!!!!!! Number Called Out 6,000 and 3 I guns 750, increai edto 1,000 do riota on Ottawa and Occidental Railway Anticipated riots, St. Andrews, SB., exocnt'on of'"T. Down Quebec riots, ship laborers « Anticipatfd riots, Long Point, County of Norfolk! Ont.! prize tight Port Dorer, County of Norfolk, Ont , to prevent'prVzi; fight Riot at Lingan Mines, Uapo Breton, N.3 , miners Anticipated election riot at Rat Portage. Pontiac and Pacific Rnilway at or near Aylmer, disturb- ance between farraerj and laborers To quell disturbance at Tamworth, Out., railway laborers Anticipated riot at Winnipeg, Man. North-west Rebellion, on actual service ...."! ..!.','!!!! 'lo force held in readiness !!! do in barracka at Toronto, Kingston, ) Prescoit and Quebec, relieved by others from time to I time, to make good ilKficiences Ciiujed by permanent ( Oorpa goiug oi uervice J May Juno inly Dec /uue luly Aug. Jan. A-ug. Jan. May 34, 1870 ) — , 1870/ 13, 1870... 31, 1876 .. 13, 1878... 6, 1878 .. 31, 1878 .. IV, 1879... 18, 1879... 18, 1880,. 12, 1880... March 24, 1883., Sept. 36, 1883.. July *28, 1884.. Oct. 6, 1884.. Nov. 11, 1384.. March — , 1886.. Different dates.. 13,489, will 18 guns..., 45 340 1,300 3,000 239 46 800 71 t:)troug de- tachment of 39th Batt and Co of 44th Batt.. 100 42 45 45 247 5,400 1,140 942 Period they remained under Arms. • Portion of permanent Artillery remaining till September, 1886. About 10 dayi. 1 year, and continued at reduced strength. About 10 ds. 1 day. 2 or 3 days. do Until after 12lhJuly. 4 days. 2 or .'4 days, do 1 day. io 2J roonthi. 1 day. do do do About 3 ms.' 12 dys under canvas. Different periodi. Ottawa, tst .January, 1887. an tho offlfion'jy w rapidly an thio f tho Civil Powor imber Period tliey ed Out renmined under Arini. ) and ] U3 About 10 1 d»ye. iticrea^ to 1,000 1 year, and continiied at reduced strength. 9, Willi g'ins.... About 10 dH, 4S I day. uo i or 3 days. 300 do ooo Ontil After lath July. 239 4 days. 46 2 or A d&yg. 800 do 71 I day. »K de- ment of Ban, Co of Bait... io 100 ii months. 42 Iday. 4S do 4S do 247 do 400 About 3 ms.* 140 12 dys under canraa. 942 Different periods. I