J-* A .■ W CIHM MioroflcM Series "■^■■-'■--;^ (Monographs) ■>.(.; CMAdtan Imthuto tov l lit tt l oi l y, m^ir^f'^ idMH Collection do microfiches (mohoj^phioo) ..#-■ ; \ '■■■ ■ n i l a wi i wi i mt l a wi t'{1 ■ r V .. ■ "f- ' ' -^ - me •f*to •lAtiMipiiii □: I I Cwiwt LJ Cm«««W« fWiMN** ct/Mi piMMMa ' f . ■ ■' ■■ ■.■■ ■ '■■•■ ^t> f—^ CstavMi M ft A •*» tkm 1/ (lAMMMllilKii a 02: CtfOM WlHCratiOIN Ml •HiHli It iMf * It MW IIMMmIM I I Bwik tow Hi 1I'«IM i«imiiimiiiiii»iiwii> Wa4ll □ □2: •Urn \' Tri *,■'■ QMlHIiRiilliirftl D InchHlM indtii fHtooN Utito«4tr«i-tltB TM« pat* of InmA M< il> w i l ■i w wii n i!/ llMrt ar* ^om crcaa** In tli« 9144U of pa«««. C aw m i Mb ii w ppl Ku w l i l iii ' Ct iMMMMtaH filM* ■« 10X 14X • ■ *. itx ax 2SX 30X t2X I I.I 1 1 1 M 1 1 im Itx )iix itx ax ax ^t^'^i^fm^:-'- -k .-^iStki-. • 1„ »,rti£d ^^ . > iL feJSK-Ki-'' -* JV^ - •\.-J. It > Tib Mpv fUmcd h&n hm bmtn rt^rodiMM thanlis ,.^ a_ /,■, / Th«J«iM9W apvMHng hw* w« th« bMC qual^ poMlbto eofisid«rifi« Hi* Mfi«lilen and legibility of tiw original ao^y and In Itaaflng wMi tto* fflmlnf oonciaot i'Mamiilalrailm* fi«t raprodiilc frioa * li pPIVrOTRV MI. ' piMt grand aoln. aompw tanu da !■ aandMon at da la naciata da rasaniplaifa fllnid* m 99t aanformltd avaa laa oondMana du a i i uat da Original eaplaa In printad eovara ara Mmad tha taai paga with a printad or HliiatrMad Impfaa* •ion. ar tho baaic eavar vwhan appropriata. AN othor original ooploo aro fttmad begin n i n g on tha firat paga wMi a printad or IHuatratad Impraa- •ion. and ending on the laat paga with a printed or Nluetrated impreeaion* ■■-" ,::''■■■■■■■' ::;^..:yv:;-:>' .■'■r:' --^ briglnoMK dom li oouvoriMro on pap(ar eat I m prji w do aont fRmda an aommanpam par la promlar plat at on to^m i na n t tail ppr la d^nipraoalon put d jduetrotMnt aait paf ia plat, ealonlo OBO. Tpuo lea autraa emmpl arlginaiM iont fwnaa an aamnvangant par w promMra paga gid ao w iparta una empvoMta dlmpreealon ov dlNiMtratlan at an tarm l n o nt ppr la dam i iri paga qui e om po r tp one toMa The loet focorded frame on eech mierofioho ehaN eontain the eymbol «-i» (mooning "CON- TINUIO"). or the eymbol ▼ (mooning "WHOI. vvhiehovor ofipiiea. ■ » Mapa. 'platae. eharta. ate., may be filmed at d l ffarp m reduction ratioe. Thoee too largo to be entlMy Inoiuded in one oRpoeuro aro filmed bo g ii OT ing in the upper left bond eomor. loft to rtglKond top to bottom, aa many framee aa rflllied. The foHowring diagrame IHuatrate the ifwthod: ^* • Un doe aymboiee mlvonta apppraltra eur Ip demMre inwgo do ehoquo mioroflehe. tolon Id OOK la tymbolo — *• aignlflo "A SUlVlir*. io aymboloV eignlflo "nN". „ fUmde i dee taux do rdduedon di ffdro n ta. Uraquo la dooumem eot tvop grand pour raprodult en un eoul eNehd. 11 eat fMmd d partir da rangia aupMaur gauehe. do gaueha k droltp. at da haut en boa. on prenem io nombro dHmagaa ndeaeaaira. Leo diagrammartulvanta niuatrent la mdthodo. ^^ •m 1 2 3 T--'B 2 >■ : : i;' : 4 • -*'•■ ■ ■ 6'- .,■ :»,■ « KSTBUOTIONft »A \ • ' ' *f «• tP! imnTOUP - '^ig«f i\ »fa:' *< ^ ** f Et %t i. mmmmmmUmmti^ rAiittHieois «r«i > TO #'cv. \ nH MiM, 1IMMI 01 unnni '>< t»A^ OFFIGS, V4' 'iv. ^i»« W CBW IDIWaWPW <» FAWHH flptt ■ Mi ll ! > ISB&IKIOTOlli li«l* 1- . •"tT^FiT^^I? . } • »/lJ.' ( ' , ..I' • '^ ; f W-^ .>:",!i1f!'' U\V\ -(-''ifilM/ '• ii/' 'n, •^'^' •^M|'>' f». w' M'ji' r>U' '- ^. :• t-! ' ^HJ^i'l .' f' .■I I C' ^ — 1^ jS^Ai^^.HSi^i'^, , kmitijaKihiLtffi. iSL.-itAp.kiJu.^.i.l !.ti. f t Jff ilJlffrifeftf^iJtoyiH % 4«^- « '^J.^i ^^''m^mm ■C: 4 ♦ > .^ I ♦' % ?.<. INStBUCTIONS, to. \ Undib aitthoiity of a nctont Act of Aaieiiibly* iiititiiled **An Act for the better wnWithnKiit and maintenincoofthe Paikh Scliooli,'' the following laitinictioiii are add i ei i ed to an penoni already Teachen in the ProTindal Pariih School lernce, or Gandidatei for the important and honors aUe portion of a Paiidi School Teacher. As early u practicable, eyerjr Pariih School Teacher win receive a copy of the School Act ; and, in the mean time^ Teachen and Candidates are referred, for an opportonity of seeukg the Act, t& Trustees of Parish Schools, all of whom are in possession of a copy, or may eatly be so on application, personally or by letter, at thisoffice. To the following provisions of the Act 1 proceed to call . yonr attention; — ^ i. Sec. 9 provides that after the passing of the Act no Teacher, not already licenced, shall be entitled to receive a first or second class licence, withoot having first attended the Training Sch(K>l for a period of not less than three months, and passed his exammation before thtf Board of Education, or before sach perM>n or peisons as they may for that purpose appoint, and obtained a certificate of qualification according to the teqoirements spei^ied in the ^^ %■ ::■•-■; -■■h.:- /;-;.vv';.- //v t^L ■■ ■--:• r ■ . The Training School estsbfished by the Honorable the Board of Edncadon, under authority of the Ac^ is situated in Saint John, and is under the charge of Mr. E. BL DuvaL The Ezaminen appointed by the Board are, W. P. Dole, i / «Mi ISMP ■ ' .f" Eiquiw, (Impostor of Pacbh Schoob for the County of Saint John.) Jamei Fatenon, Eaqoire, L.L.D., and Robert Jardine, £tqaire. . v - The regular Termi at the Training School begin lit Angoat, 18th October, 10th January, and 4th April Aad itiiprorided «8#o.31, that -itahafl and way be kwfiil lor the Board of Sdncataon, in their diicietien, in all caaee where k ihall be made to i^ppear to the sadafiM- lioo ¥ the Mid Boaid that anjr popil or .p^pila ao hereafter attending such Nowaal achool» hu o» !»▼• attended fiwr ^ehanajide pwfoee of beconing instructed therein as Teachers of Schools in this Prt)mce, after they ahall have _ , ^^^^^^^ passed their examination, tod received a ^ , 1 licence to teach. «n4 t^ have commenced teaching as a Teacket brTeaoheiB under the frovisions of this Act. to aBow the said pupfls respectively, towards the payment of their expenses, a sum not exceeding ten shillings per week each during the time they may have attended such Koimal School, not exceeding in any caise lw««ve weeks.*' 2 Sec 10, with a view to the granting of third clas^ Ucences to teachers Who shall not attend the Training SchooVjiuthorit4i!^« Board of Education to grtrt to such persbii h petionsas Ae Iwjal Inspector shaU "^ certify to tiie Supeirintendent as possessed of the necessary "^ knowledge and other qualificatioKis, and to be of good inondvide the beet lA hie power. The nsitoi^s book will be, of couree^ Mrtipelottily anended to. Bat the ktter pirt of this aectioB is of primary imj^rtanco. Ji re^aires each Teacher " to esert his best endeayoars, both by example and precept, to impress npon the mindsof his scholars the prindples of Christian religion, moridity, and loyalty ; pro- Tided ^tt no child shaU be required to read or stndy in or from any refig^oiis book, or to join in any exercise of devotion or religion wluc^shaQ be objected to by his or her parents or goirdians/* 6. Sec 18, which relates troTide«that l^eepafalw all for each that Bee. 33 shall not be bis Province onorodier- br teaching, I sanctioned :TER, rinttnimt. *¥*■;./;#■ V, ' O / ^ <¥ #<