Conflnned by the Justices in Session. :o: Passed by ike District Cozmcil of the Home District, Opening Roads. ♦ :o:- AHB BIYISEB BY-LAWS Of the Municipal Council up to January, 1880. ?i3rampton : ^ PRINTED AT THE "BANNER** OFFICE, MAIN STREET: 18 80. /. n / ^// T* id i COUHTY OF PllL. -0- BY-LAW NO. 138. To appoint three Contmissioners to Revise the Standing By-law ft of the County. The Corporation of the County of Peel, by the Council thereof, enacts as follows : First, — That the Warden of the County of Peel, and Mr. Bolton, of the Village of Bolton, and the County Clerk be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners for revising the standing By-laws affecting this County, which have heretofore been passed by the Council of this Corporation, or by the Provisional Counc il of the County of Peel, or by the Council of the united Counties of York and Peel, or by the Home District Council, or by the Quarter Sesssions of the Peace. Second, — That the said Commissioners be and they are hereby empowered to secure such services aiid advice of the County Solicitor as they may think necessary for the due performance of their duties. • Third J — That when the said Commissioners have revised the said By-laws, each of them be paid the sum of $3 for each day so spent in the performance of the said duties, together with five centip per mile for each mile necessarily travelled for such purposes, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the same on the order of the Chairman. Passed this 30th day of January, 1880. ALEX. McLaren, warden. D. KIRKWOOD, Co. Clerk. 4 REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMxMITTEE* Appointed undvi' Bij-law 138 to reels f and consolidate certain By-laics of the County Council of Peel. Your Comuiittee ask leave to report : 1st. That in relation to roads tliey liave examined the recorda of the Quarter ^^essions, and amidst .soniv' confusion and incomplete- ness they find certain orders confirming the opening of roads, which thty cnunieratv} as passed in the course of time : For Toronto Tcwuship~Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. For Albion— Xos. 1, 2, 3, 4: and 5. , 2nd. Your Committee find among tthe by-laws of the Home District Council the followiMg establi^^hing roads, viz.: For Toronto Township— Nos. 16, U 8 and 177; for Chino:uacousy — Nos. 73, 192 and 210; for Albion— Nos. 32, 57, 58,94, 125, 149, 151, 196, 213; for Caledon— Nos. 115 and 142. 3rd. Your Committee have pr spared By-law No. 142, the same being a revision and consolidation of the standing By-laws of the County of Peel, and your Committee recommends that your Council enacts the same, and have it together with the above enumerated orders of the sessions and By-laws of the Home Dis- trict Council, printed in convenient form for circulation among the Magistrates and Municipal officers of the County, to the number of five hundred copies^ and that such printing be let bj tender and done under the supervision of the Clerk. All of which is respectfully submitted. ALEX. McLaren, Chairman. Committee Room, 8th June, 1880. [adopteb in council.] ' i -0 Roads Corifirmed by the Justices in Session. ■0- Toi-onto To^viissliip. KoaJ leaJIuii' from the Township of TrafalN : Commencing at a beech tree at A, 6.40 chains south-east on the coneession road from the corner post between lots number 8 and 9 ; thence south 13 degrees 30 minutes, west 5.42 chains, to B, a maple tree ; then south 51 degrees 30 minutes, east 1.2S chains to C, a basswood sapling and stump ; then souta 80 degrees 30 min- utes, east 7.65 chains, to D, a basswood tree ou the concession road — the distance D. A. on the concession 10 chains 43 links. -0- Road through a part of the east halves of lots number nine and t«n in the 6th concession. Confirmed 2rd May, 1836. Description : Commencing by a maple tree at A, 13 chains 70 links south- east on the concession road, from the corner post between lots num- ber ten and eleven ; thence south 8 degrees, west 13 chains 40 links, where a post has been planted at B ; then south 75 degrees, «a8t 5 chains 8 links, to a beech tree at C ; then 89 degrees 15 minutes east, 3 chains 16 links, to a hemlock tree at D ; then aouth 69 degrees 50 miautes, east 13 chains 40 links, to the enter- ing of the concession road at E, where a post has been planted. 14 Road through part of the west halves of lots Nos. 7 and 8, in the eighth concession. ^ Confirmed 3rd May, 1836. Description : Commencing on the summit of the north bank of the Riyer Humber, 4 chains and 76 links along the concession road, from the comer post between lots number seven and eight to A ; thence south 81 degrees, east 4 chains and 22 links, to a beech tree at B ; then south 62 degrees 30 minutes, east 1 chain and 39 links, to a hemlock tree at C ; then south 23 degrees 2 chains 85 links, to a hemlock tree at D ; then south 29 degrees 55 minutes, east 6 chains 5S links, across the River Humber to an elm tree on the concession and river side, at a distance of 19 chains 30 links from the corner post between lots number 6 and 7. Road through a part of the east halves of lots number 23 and 24, in the 8th concession. Confirmed the 3rd May, 1836. DESCRirTION : Commencing near the base of the hill, 9 chains 51 links from the corner post between lots 23 and 24, at A, where *a post has been planted ; thence south 18 degrees 15 minuteis, east 7 chains to B, where a post has been planted ; then south 58 degrees 30 minutes, east 3 chains 30 links, to C, a maple tree; then south 71 degrees 30 minutes, east 3 chains 73 links, to D, a hemlock tree ; dien south 15 degrees 50 minutes, «ast 6 chains, to E, a hemlock tree; then south 54 degrees 30 minutes, east 4 chains, to F, a hemlock tree; then north 74 degrees, east 4 chains 30 links, to G, Ott the concession road opposite lot 23, 14 chains 30 links south cast of the corner post along the concession road. 15 Road through part of the west halves of lots number 21 and 22, in tho 9th concession. Confirmed the 3rd May, 1836. Description '. Oomme..cing on rising ground in lot number 21 at a diitonce of 13 chains from the corner post between lots number 21 and Z6, at A a beech tree ; then north 14 degrees 30 minutes, east 7 chains 12 links, to B, a basswood tree ; then north 40 degrees, west 9 chains 20 links, to C, a large pine tree near the side Ime; then north 82 degrees^ 5 minutes, west 12 chains 40 Imks on the con- eessicn road, to a maple stump. \ 0- I By-Laws Passed by Home District Council BY-LAW NO. 16. A By-law Establishing a Road commencing between lots 25 and 26, in the second conaession (Old Surrey) in the Township of Toronto. Be it enacted by the Warden and Council of the Home District that the road surveyed and reported by John Embleton, Esquire, lload Surveyor, commencing between lots number twenty-five and twenty-six in the second concession (Old Survey) of the Township of Toronto, and running to the Lake Shore Road in said conces- j^iou, be and the same is hereby established and confirmed as a public road or highway. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the applicants for the laying out of said shall pay the expense of sur- veying and reporting the same. Home District, Council Hall, 17th February, 18J^. Passed 17th February, 1843. (Signed,) E. W. THOMSON, Warden. J. ELLIOT, Clerk. V DjiiSCRIPTION : Commencing at the distance of two chains from the centre of tne second concession south of Dandas street (Old Survey), betwixt lots number twenty-five and twenty-gix, on a bearing of south forty-two degrees thirty minutes west; thence (1st) north eighty-one degrees, east seven chains seventy links, to a post \ 17 thence (2ad) south eighty-one degrees, eaht sixteen chains, to a post ; thence (3rd) north seventy nine det^rees forty minutes, east thirty-three chaina twenty-five links, to the Lake Koad leading to Port Credit, in the Township of Toronto, County of York, Home District and Province of Canada, at the distance of fifteen chains seventeen links from the easterly angle of lot number twenty-three in the said second concession . -0- 3Y-LAW NO. 32. A By-law to Establish and Confirm a Road through the fourth and fifth concessions of the Township of Albion. Be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Home District, that the line of road surveyed and reported to the Council by Robert Walsh, onj of the Road Surveyors for the Home District, bearing date the twenty-sixth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, through the fourth and fifth concessions of the Township of Albion be, and the same is hereby established and confirmed as a public road or And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the petitioners shall pay to the said Purveyor his legal charges for sur- veying and reporting the same. * Home district Council, 11th August, 1843. [Signed,] E. W. THOMSON, Warden H. D. Passed the eleventh day of August, 1 843. J. ELLIOT, Clkrk, H. D. M. C. Description : Commencing: on the easterly limit of the 4th concession line of road and at the southerly angle of lot number 16 ; then north 48 degrees, east 15 chains 40 links ; then north 9 degrees, east 1 chain 18 and 24 links ; then north 45 degrees, east 18 chains and 84 links ; Then south 43 degrees, east 1 chain 37 links ; then north 41 de- jrreos, east 29 chains and 32 links, to the westerly limit of the 5th concession line of road ; then north 41 J degrees, east one chain and 59 links ; then north 24J degrees ; east 7 chains and S6 links ; then north 41 degrees, east 14 chains 33 links; then north 12 de""rees, west 6 chains 37 links; then north 14 degrees, east 6 ehains and 74 links; then north 37^ degrees, east 8 chains and 77 links; then north 41 J degrees, east 19 chains 93 links, to the 6th lin3 of road. BY-LAW NO. hi, A By-law to Open a Road between lots number twenty-one and twenty-two, across the tenth concession of the Township of Albion. Be it enacted by the District Council of the Home District that the road surveyed by Robert Walsb, one of the Road Surveyors, on the fifteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and foaty-five, through lots number twenty-one and twenty-two, tenth concession of the Township of Albion, be and the same is hereby established and confirmed as a public road or highway. 2nd. And be it further enacted that the petitionAs, for survey- ing said road, shall pay to the said Surveyor his legal charges for the same. Passed 15th February, 1845. . ' , [Signed,] E. W. THOMSON, Wahden. J. JiJLLIOT, Clerk. [L. S.] Description : Commencing at the westerly angle of lot No. 21, in the lOth concession of said Township, the courses and distances are as foi- ows, viz.: 19 North 41 degrees 30 minutes, ca«t 53 chains 50 links ; then south 89 decrees 30 minutes, east 5 chains and 12 links; then north 69 degrees, east 1 chain and 77 links; then north 8J de- grees, east 6 chains and 50 links; then north 15 degrees, west 7 chains and 5 links ; then north 27 degrees, east 7 chains and 86 links ; then north 61 degrees, east 6 chains and 50 links. The length of the new road is 1 mile, 33 rods and 3 feet. N. B. — The new road to be laid off 4 rods wide to the right hand from the stakes and line trees. BY-LAW NO. 58. A By-law te Open a Road through pjirts of the sixth and seventh concessions of the Townirhip of Albitn, ' Be it enacted by the District Council of the Home District,, and it is enacted by the authority thereof, that the road surveyed by Robeit Walsh, a surveyor of roads, on the seventh day of Jan- uary, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, through parts of lots numbered twenty-four to thirty-two in the 6th concession, and through part of lots numbered twenty five to thirty in the seventh concession, of the Township of Albion be, and the same is hereby established and confirmed as a public road or highway. And be it further enacted that the petitioners, for surveying said road, do pay to the said Surveyor his legal charges for the same. Passed the 15th February, 1845. ■> [Signed,] E. W. THOMSON, Warden. J.ELLIOT, Clerk. [L. S.] Description : ^ Commencing on the centre of the said seventh concession line of road, and at a distance of 3 chains 50 links from the easterly angle of lot No. 24, in the 6th concession ; then north 73 degrees, 20 west 4 chains and 50 links; then north 11 degrees, west 4 chains 26 links ; then north 34^ deprroes, west H chains 20 links ; then north 19J degrees, west 6 chains 13 links; then north 47 degrees, west 4 chains 77 links ; then norJi 12 degrees, west 2 chains 70 links; then north 30i degrees, west 2 chains 58 links ; then north 75 j degrees, west 4 chains 82 links ; then north 53J degrees, west 7 chains and 64 links ; then north 7J degrees, west 25 chains 5 links; then north 21 J degrees, west 2 chains 46 links; then north 9J degrees, west 5 chains 90 links; then north 40 degrees, west 4 chains 7 links; t'len north 20.V degrees, west 7 chains 56 links; then north 38J degrees, west 9 chain.-i 70 links ; then north 69 j degrees, west 16 chains 40 links; then north 82 degrees, west 4 chains 74 links ; then north 59 degrees, west 6 chains 9 links ; then nort'i 71 degrees, west 3 chains 50 links ; then north 46i de- grees, west 9 chains 9 links ; then north 30 degrees, eaat 4 chains 19 links; then north 20 degrees, west 4 chains 69 links; then north 45 degrees, west 4 chains 29 links ; then north 27J degrees, west 13 chains 80 links; then north 47J degrees, west 4 chains 10 links ; then north 57i degrees, west 4 chains 54 links ; then north 85 degress, west 4 chains 47 links ; then south 71i degrees, west 11 chains 74 links ; then north 57 degrees, west 4 chains 90 links ; then north 30 degrees, west 4 chains 56 links ; then north 37 degrees, west 2 chains 22 links ; then north 58 degrees, west 3 chains 32 links ; then north 48 degrees, west 4 chains 48 links ; then north 47J degrees, west 2 chains 84 links ; then norvh 38^ degrees ; west 8 chains 3 links ; then north 47| degrees, west 2 chains 77 links ; then north 54J degrees, west 2 chains, 34 links ; then north 7 J degrees, west 2 chains 50 links ; then north 52 degrees, west 2 chains, 30 links ; then north 68 degrees, west 4 chains 25 links; then north 58 degrees, west 3 chains 51 links; the length of the new road is 3 J mihs^ lacking 38 rods ; the length of the concession or given road is 3 miles. N. J5. — The new road is staked and blazed along the centre, and the said new road is to be laid off two rods wide at each side of the stakes and line trees, that is the new road is 4 rods wide. 21 BY-LAW NO. 73. A By-law to Open a Road in the sixth concession west of the Township of Chinguacousy. Bo it enacted that the road surveyed and reported by John Embletoii, Surveyor of hiij^hways, on the twelfth day of May, one thousand eij^ht hundred and forty-five, across lots numbered twenty- seven, twenty-eight and twenty-nine, 6th concession west, Town- ship of Chinguacousy, bo and the same is hereby established and confirmed as a public road or highway of great importance to the public. And be it further enacted that the petitioners for examining and surveying the said road, shall pay to the said surveyor his legal charges for the same. Passed 15th May, 1845. j (Signed,) , E. W. THOMSON, Warden H. D. J. ELLIOT, Clerk H. D. C. [L. S.] Description : Commencing at the westerly angle of lot number 29 in the %t\\ concession west of Hurontario street, in the Township of Chingua- cousy ; thence north 87 degrees 20 minutes, east 9 chains, to a post; thence south 42 degrees 15 minutes, east 23 chains 37 links, to the easterly limit of the said lot number 29 ; thence south 61 degrees, east 8 chains 76 links; thence south 16 degrees, east 2 chains; thence south 33 degrees, east 9 chains; thence smth 65 ■. degrees 45 minutes, east 10 chains, to the allowance for road betv»'ixt lots 27 and 28 ; thence along said road 2 chains 77 links ; thence : south 60 degrees 20 minutes, east 13 chains; thence south 1 degree 45 minutes, west 6 chains 50 links ; thence south 5 degrees 30 minutes, west 6 chains 13 links; thence south 9 degrees 20 minutes, east 7 chains 88 links ; thence south 1 degree, west 4 : chains 60 links, to the town line at the southerly angle of said lot 27 ; also commencing at the distance of 9 chains from the southerly angle of lot No. 28 aforesaid, at the easterly margin of said town , line ; thence north 82 degrees 30 minutes, east 2 chains ; thence | north 88 degrees 30 minutes, east 2 chains ; thence north 80 22 cle<;rces, cast 2 chains 50 links ; thencu north 29 de<:;rccs^ last 4 chains 25 links to the said now lino of road. (The course of the above road has boon altered by the Council of the Township of Chin^^uaeousy. — I). Kirkwood, Co. Clerk. BY-LAW NO. 94. A By-law to Open a Road through part of the fifth and sixth con- cessions of Albion — lots 31 and 32 in the 5th and 32 and 33^ in the 6th concessions. Ist. Be it enacted by the District Council of the Home District that the road surveyed and laid out by Robert Walsh, one of the Road Surveyors for the District, throu,a:h parts of the 5th and 6th concessions in the Township of Albion as by his report, bearing date the thirtieth day of January, one thousand oight hundred and forty-five, doth appear, be and the same is hereby established a public road or highway. 2nd. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the petitioners, for examining and surveying said road shall pay to the said Surveyor his legal charges for the same. Passed the 14th February, 1846. (Signed,) E. W. THOMSON, Warden H. D. J. ELLIOT, Clerk H. D. C. [L. S.] Description : Commencing at the westerly limit and at a distance of G chains 68 links from the westerly angle of lot number thirty-one, ia the said fifth concession; thence north 44 J, degrees, east 14 chains 54 links; thence north 6 J degrees, west 11 chains 6 links ; thence north 18 degress, west 8 chains 80 links; thence north 37 degress, west 2 chains 98 links; thence north 16 J degrees, west 5 chains;. thence north 30J degress, east 5 chains 85 links j thence north 47 23 dcirrees, cast 13 chains 77 links; thence north 30^ degrees, cast C ('iKuns ()7 links; thence north 6 degrees, west 8 chains 25 links; thence north 48 degress, east 9 chains 6 links; thence north 82i degrees, G chains 82 links ; thence north 50^ degrees, east 3 chnins 12 links; thence north 17 degrees, west 4 chains 24 links; Thence north 56 degrees, West 7 chains 87 links; thence north 20 degrees, west 12 chains 21 links; thence north 53J degrees, west 1 chain 21 links; the said new road is a mile and a half and six rods long, and is to be laid off three rods wide to the right from the stakes and line trees. BY-LAW NO. 108. To Open a Road through six and seven in the fourth concession of Toronto. Bo it enacted by the District Council of the Home District, that the road surveyed and laid out by John Embleton, one of the Road Surveyors for the District, through part of lots numbered seven and six, in the fourth concession west of flurontario street, in the Township of Toronto, as by his report, bearing date the eleventh day of May, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, appears, be and the same is hereby established as a public road or highway one chain wide. And be it further enacted that the petitioners, for examining and surveying said road, shall pay to the said Surveyor his legal uch repeal affect any penalty, liability or forfei ture incurred before such repeal, or any proceed- ings had or taken for enforcing the same, prior to such repeal, or pending at the time thereof. 4. Such Revised By-laws shall consist of the written By-laws hereto annexed, a nd named and numbered as Chapters One to Eleven, inclusive, upon the subjects, following that is to say: Chapter 1 — To provide and adopt a Seal for the County of Peel. Chapter 2 — To appoint Officers for the County of Peel. Chapter 8 — To define the duties of Officers. Chapter 4 — To fix the salaries of Officers. Chapter 5 — To establish Fairs for the sale or exchange of Stock or other Agricultural Productions. Chapter 6 — To aid in apprehending persons guilty of horse- stealing. Chapter 7 — To confirm certain By-laws of Local Municipali- ties. Chapter 8 — To Incorporate the Village of Bolton. Chapter 9 — To provide for Licensing Auctioneers. Chapter 10 — To impose a duty on Hawkers and Pedlars. 38 Chapter 11 — To apply the tax oq Owners or Harborers of Dogs to the general funds of the sf Bolton, in the Townshio of Albion, in the Councv of Peel, w-th its immediate neighborhood, within the limits hereinafter desciibed, and taken under the direction and b"^ the authority of the County Council of the County of Peel, shows that the same contains over seven hundred and fifty inhabitants. And whereas the residences of such inhabitants are sufficiently near to form an Incorpoiated Village. And whereas over one hundred lesident freeholdeis and house - holdeis of the said Village and neighborhood have petitioned tha the same may be erected into an Incorporated Village — Therefore the Corporation of the County of Pee), by the Coun- cil thereof, enacts as follows : — 46 1 . That the said Village and neighborhood shall be, and the same are hereby erected into an Incorporated Village, apart from the said Township of Albion. 2. The name of the said Incorporated Village shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be. Bolton. 3. The boundaries of the raid Incorporated Village of Bolton shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be as follows, that is to say : The northerly sixty acres of the east half of lot No. 7, and the east halves of lots No. 8 and 9, and the southerly 17 acres of the east half of lot No. 10, in the 6th concession, and the westerly 120 acres of lot No. 8, and the west half of lot No. 9, in the 7th con- cession of the Township of Albion. 4. The first election for the said Incorporated Village shall be held at John C. Switzer's carpenter shop, in said village, and that John Bell shall be, and he is hereby appointed the Returning Officer who is to hold the said first Election. Passed June 3rd, 1872. THOMAS BOWLES, Warden. WM. LINDSEY, Clerk. CHAPTER NO. 9. To impose a duty on Hawkers and Pedlars trading within the County of Peel. Whereas by the Municipal Institutions Act for Upper Canada, power is given to County Councils to pass by-laws to license hawkers and pedlars. 1st. Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Peel, that it shall not be lawful for any hawker, pedlar, petty chapman, or other person trading from house to house, either on foot or with a horse or horses, to carry, to sell or -4t 47 expose to sale within this County, any goods, wares and merchan- dise not being of the growth, produce or manufacture of this Province, without first having obtained a license therefor from the Treasurer of this County, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and required, upon the application of any such hawker, or pedlar, or other trading person as aforosaid, and upon receipt of the sum hereby imposed as a duty therefor, to issue a license to such appli- cant, and such license shall be sufficient authority for the grantee thereof to pursue his calling of hawker, pedlar, or other trading person within this County, and such license shall continue good for one year from the date thereof and no longer. 2nd. The sums to be charged and paid for such license shall be as follows, that is to say : For every man travelling on foot, the sum of four dollars; for every horse or mule bearing or drawing burthen, the additional sum of six dollars. 3rd. And be it enacted that it shall be lawful for any ratepayer within this County to require any hawker or pedlar to exhibit his license, and upon the refusal of such person so to do, he shall be liable to a fine of not more than twelve dollars with lawful costs upon conviction before any Justice of the Peace for the County where the offence was committed, and such fine shall be recovera- ble by distress and sale of the offenders' goods and chattels, and for want of sufficient distress the offender may be committed to the Common Gaol of the County for a term not exceeding one month. 4th. Be it enacted that the terms, goods, wares and merchan- dise shall not be held to include printed books, printed papers, pamphlet%jnaps, ^charts and educational works. 5th. Iwit enaded that the duties and fines collected under this By-law sfeU be paid to the Treasurer of this County for the general use of the said County. And By-law No. 50 of the United Counties is hereby repealed so far as relates to the County oP Peel. Passed 8th February, 1867. J. BARNHART, Warden. WM. LINJ^SEY, County Clerk. 48 ■ ^ CHAPTER NO. 10. Respecting the Licensing of Auctioneers. Be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County cf Peel :— 1st. That after the passing of this By-law it shall not bo lawful for any person to exercise the calling of an Auctioneer or put up goods, wares and merchandize or other cflfocts to public outcry within the County of Peel, without first having obtained fv license therefor, and according to the By-laws of this Council. Provided always that this By-law shall not apply to or aifecl Sheriff's Officers, Division Court or Landlord's Bailiffs, or Bailiff^s or Officers of any other Court or legal authority who may sell goods by auction while in the discharge of their duties as such Bailiffs or Officers. 2nd. That the Treasurer shall procure blank licenses under the Seal of the Corporation, for use under this By-law, und shall fill up and sell the same to persons who may apply for the same. 3rd. That for every license issued for the exercise of the calling of an Auctioneer, the party obtaining the same shall first pay to the issuer thereof for the btnefit of the funds of this County the sum of twenty dollars, and every license issued under this By-law shall be in force one year from the date of issue and no longer. 4th. Every Auctioneer or person exercising the calling of an Auctioneer shall, whenever engaged in the exercise of his calling as an Auctioneer, if thereunto required by any ratepayer of the County, exhibit his license, and in default of so doin,?; shall upon conviction thereof before any Justice ", } • ! »*"^ (J