CANADIAN HISTORY: ; THE lEGE AND Blockade of vuebec, 0. BT GEMALS lONTGOlERY AND ARNOLD, IN 17754 — s»^3-<-C>«3 — Jl W^^ ft^^ ^^f^^ *^' literarg anH ijistorifal Soriet5 of ijDutbtt, Mareh 6th, 1872. By Dr. WILLIAM JAMES ANDERSOX, President. 48|uebec: PRINTED BY MIDDLETON & DAWSON, AT THE "GAZETTE" GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1872. ■■!.:■ /vi V i Papkr in.— CANADr ax history : THE SIEGE AND BLOCKADE OF QUEBEC, BY GENERALS MONT- GOMERY AND ARNOLD, IN 1775-6. Bt Dr. WM. JAS. ANDERSON, President. {Rtad before the Society, March 6f*, 1872.) On the 6th July, 1775, the American Congress published the Declaration of Independence, and at once commenced active military operations in the neighbourhood of Boston ; and though they^ met a serious reverse on their first collision with the British troops at Bunker'* s Hill, their adversaries reaped no advantage ; and the CofUinentals, as they were called, still invested Boston, increasing in numbers every day. As the British commander did not think it prudent to make any further attack until the arrival of reinforcements, the Congress decided to carry the war into Canada and to try to take Quebec. The feeling of repulsion which had ever existed between the Canadinas and the *' Bostonnais*^ was by no means diminished ; but Congress was well informed that there was no very loyal feeling between the Canadians and their new masters, and that a portion of them, especially in Montreal and Quebec, were positively disaffected. The feeling of disloyalty they also knew was not confined to the French Canadians, as some of the most actively discontented were of British or Irish origin, and were already in correspondence with them. They likewise knew that the British authorities in Canada had only one weak battalion, consisting of a part of the 7th Fusiliers and 26th regiment, for the defence of the whole Province. Taking advantage of the position. Congress decided on sending, with secrecy and celerity, two corps, under able and energetic commanders, the first of which, under General Montgomery, was to make a descent on Montreal by Lake Champlain; the other, commanded by Arnold, was to move up the Kennebec river and down the Chaudi^ie upon Quebec. This latter attempt o 50 CANADIAN MISTORY. could only have been thought of and undertaken, particularly at so advanced a period of the year, by men who had been inured to the hardships and toils of the early settlers of America, and were animated by the self-reliance and enthusiasm which such a life is calculated to produce. Three thousand men, who had assembled at Crown Point under Montgomery, suddenly advanced into Canada. Isle aux Noix was evacuated at their approach, and, meeting no obstruction. Forts St. John and Chambly were at once invested. 500 British regulars, with 200 Canadian militia, defended St. John ; the detachment which occupied Chambly, which was totally indefensible, surrendered on being summoned. A large quantity of stores and ammunition, w^hich had been very unaccountably placed there, fell into Montgomery's hands. Sir Guy Carleton, the Governor, was then at Screl with a battalion of militia and some Highland settlers whom he had hastily collected ; with another corps of militia he proposed to move on St. John and raise the siege ; but the Americans having already occupied the St. Lawrence, he was unable to pass over from Montreal to La Prairie, v/hich was occupied by the enemy. On this the troops at Sorel dispersed ; and St. John, a simple earthenwork without any casemates, having no prospect of relief, capitulated on the 3rd November. Montgomery immediately advanced on Sorel, sent a detachment across the St. Lawrence, and established batteries on either side, which completely commanded the navigation and prevented all communication between Quebec and Montreal. Montreal, without a garrison, and with a partially disaffected population, capitulated on the 13th November, and with it surrendered eleven British vessels. The arrangements of Sir Gruy Carleton to this date have been severely criticised and condemned by some parties ; but perhaps Sir James Carmichael is only just when he says : " The American attack was, however, so unexpected, and so immediately followed the commencement of hostilities, that in all probability no arrangement for the defence of the Canadian frontier had been contemplated.'' CANADIAN HISTORY. 61 While there can be no doubt that, as a body, the Canadians were at this lime indifte rent, if not disaffected, it would be unjust not to mention the two hundred who were shut up in St. John, and who behaved very creditably during the siege ; but special notice is due to M. Louis M. de Salaberry^ who was seriously wounded by the explosion of a shell thrown into the fort by the Americans. We ought also to record the only success which had hitherto attended the British. On sitting down before St John, Montgomery had despatched the celebrated Ethan Allan with a reconnoitering party. Allan, arriving in the neighbourhood of Montreal, learned that the town was weakly defended, and that if he made the attempt to take it by surprise he would likely be successful, as he would be aided by the disaffected. Though his command did not exceed two hundred men, a great portion of whom, according to Lossin^^ the American writer, were Canadians whom he had enlisted, he boldly determined to make the attempt in conjunction with Major Brown, whom he accidentally met on a similar errand, and at the head of a mixed force like his own. He was to cross at Longueuil, Brown at La Prairie ; and the attack was to be made simultaneously from these opposite points at dawn of day. Allan succeeded in crossing in canoes ; Brown did not make his appearance. In the meantime, information of the proposed attempt had reached Sir Guy Carleton through a deserter ; he promptly collected two hundred and fifty of the inhabitants, chiefly English and Irish, and sent them with thirty men of the 26th regiment, under Major Carsden, to attack the invaders. In the meantime, Allan, not having been joined by Brown, and being informed of the then state of things in Montreal, had retreated to some houses, where he was attacked next day by the British, and after a short resistance compelled to surrender. All the Canadians had deserted him ; five of his men were killed and ten wounded ; and the remaining thirty-eight, with himself, became prisoners of war. On the British side, Major Carsden, the commander, Mr. Patterson, a merchant, and two privates were killed. 52 CANADIAN HISTORY. * Before the American army entered Montreal, Carle ton destroyed the public stores, and, together with Brigadier Prescott and one hundred and twenty soldiers, left it, with the intention of reaching Quebec, which he fortunately succeeded in doing, having, by the aid of a loyal Canadian, Captain Bouchette^ grandfather of the present Surveyor-General , passed through the American floating batteries, &c., at Sorel, in a boat with muffled oars, during the night.* Prescott and the soldiers were not so successful, but next day had to surrender themselves prisoners of war. Sir Guy Carleton did not reach Quebec a moment too soon. We have mentioned how the force collected at Sorel had dissolved. Fortunately, Colonel McLean, who commanded the Royal Emigrants, chiefly composed of the disbanded Fraser's Highlanders, retreated with them in a body numbering one hundred and fifty, to Quebec ; these, with about one hundred recruits which had been raised by Malcolm F'raser and Captain Campbell in Newfoundland, and which had just landed, seventy Royal Fusiliers, and twenty-two Royal Artillery, formed the nucleus of a garrison. In the meantime, Arnold, whose force consisted of 1,200 men, embarked on the Kennebec on the 22nd September in 200 batteaux ; after encountering incredible and unexpected hardships, he arrived with his force greatly diminished by desertions at Point Levis, on the 9th of November. Their approach, however, was not then unexpected, as an Indian, to whom Arnold had entrusted despatches for Montgomery, had delivered them to Lieutenant-Governor Cramahe. Fortunately, too, at this time the Lizard frigate arrived from England with £20,000. Though Cramahe, if we credit •The Quebec Gazette of 23rd November contains this notice: — *'0n Sunday last, at noon, the armed snow Fell, Captain Napier, arrived from above, having on board His Excellency Major-General Carleton, Charles Lenaudierif Esq., his A.D.C., Captain Owen and Captain Selwyn, of the 7th or Royal Fusiliers, with several men of their corps. His Excellency was saluted on bis arrival by the garrison and the frigates and armed vessels in harbour." CANADIAN HISTORY. 58 Major Henry Caldwell, was not the right man in the right place, but was thought to truckle to the disaffected, a council of war was held, at which it was decided that the town should be defended to the last. The most prominent men in this council were the captains of the Lizard and Hunter and Colonel McLean and Major Caldwell. A very important decision was arrived at, that the Lizard and Hunter should winter in Quebec, and their crews assist in the defence of the place, and that an embargo should be laid on all the merchantmen in harbour, so that their masters and crews might also be made available. Arnold arrived at Point Levis on the 9th ; but as all the boats and canoes had been removed, a surprise was out of the question. And as it took several days to collect the necessary means of transport, and as the river was commanded by the ships of war, he only succeeded in crossing during tho night of the I3th, when, landing at Wolfe's cove, he made his appearance on the morrow on the heights of Abraham, his whole force not exceeding 800 men. They at once took possession of the General Hospital and Major Caldwell's house at Suns-Bruit^ on the St. Foy road. The troops were hutted on the plains ; but Arnold, fearing an attack from the town, as his troops were in want of ammunition and stores of all kinds, after laying the neighbourhood under contribution for horses, bullocks, beef, &c., at the end of the week retreated to Pointe-aux-Trembles, there to await a junction with Montgomery. The day after the withdrawal of Arnold, Carleton arrived at Quebec, and at once inspired new life and vigor into the administration of affairs. Unfortunately, there had been during the last six months a misunderstanding between Sir Guy and Major Caldwell ; but the latter, immediately on the General's arrival, called on him, and henceforth Worked cordially with him for the public good. The General's first step was to order all the suspected, and all who were unwilling to take up arms, to leave the town, " That order," says Caldwell, " strengthened the garrison considerably. We could guard 54 CANADIAN HISTORY. against open and avowed enemies, but not against those lurking about town ; cabals then ceased, and everybody seemed zealous for the public service : the Bonfielda left the town on that occasion ; Wells, Zachary McAvley, Murdoch Stewart, John McCord^ and several others, among whom were four or five of the militia officers appointed by Craraahe. It is not doubted whether your friend, Mr. Allsop, would have been of the number, had it not been for the employments he held. He continued, however, to be almost the only man in the garrison that did not do duty, pleading his business as commissary, to which employment Mr. Carleton named him." We can judge from this of the anxiety and doubt which must have existed as to the good faith of many within the city. All the Englit^h authorities agree that the Canadians were all at first very lukewarm ; but, finding the English inhabitants resolved to defend the town, a body of them ultimately came round, and some distinguished themselves by their zeal, hearty co-operation, and approved bravery ; still, it is shown that though the numbers of the Canadians capable of bearing arms largely exceeded the British, yet, out of 1,800 men organized for the defence, there were only five hundred and fifty-three Canadians under that excellent officer. Colonel Uupre ; the rest, in addition to the regulars already mentioned, were composed of 330 British militia, commanded by Caldwell ; 400 seamen, under Captains Hamilton and McKenzie ; 50 masters and mates, 35 marines, and 120 artificers. Talking of the British, Caldwell says : — " We were about 330, officers included ; everybody did duly, either as officers or privates, and, I can assure you, duty was never done with more punctuality or earnestness — inhabitants worth £3,000 or £4,000 standing sentry in their turn, during our severe winter nights, with the greatest alacrity ; and what is still more to their honor, (as it was found necessary to mix the guards, British and Canadian,) they submitted with the greatest cheerfulness to the command of the Canadian officers, whom they held cheap, and who were in reality their CANADIAN HISTORY. 65 inferiors, both as to education and fortune. Indeed, I had the greatest reason in general to be satisfied with my corps ; for Craraah^ gave up his share of the command of it, never making his appearance out of doors the whole winter." On the 1st December Montgomery joined Arnold at Pointe-auX'Trembles, and their united forces little exceeded 2000 men ; but they had the confidence of men who had already achieved great deeds, and had hope that their friends wiihin and in the neighbourhood of Quebec, with whom they managed to keep up a regoUr correspondence, would be able to aid them in many ways. Accordingly they advanced, and on the 4th arrived before Quebec, and at once established themselves in its neighbourhood, occupying many houses in the suburbs, chiefly in St. Roch's. General Montgomery established his head-quarters at HoUaruTs House, which stood in the neighbourhood of the present Holland House, from whence he sent a flag to summon the city to surrender. General Carleton refused to hold any communication ; and Montgomery, highly indignant, proceeded to erect batteries, which, from the small calibre of the guns, proved utterly inefflcient. In the meantime ihe besieged were not idle. The defences of the city were far from perfect, and there was no oflicer of engineers there but the subsequently well-known James Thompson^ who had come out to Canada w^ith Wolfe as a volunteer in the Eraser's Highlanders, and who, in consideration of his services at Louisbourg and Quebec, had been appointed, in 1761, Superintendent of Military Works at Quebec by General Murray. Mr. Thompson, in his journal, informs us : — ** I received the orders of General Carleton to put the extensive fortificiitions of Quebec in a state of defence at a time when there was not a single article of material in store with which to perform such an undertaking. 1 was, consequently, authorized to purchase all that was needful, and to prosecute the work with the greatest despatch. My first object was to secure stout # 56 CANADIAN HISTORY. spar-limber for pallisading a great extent of open ground, between the gales called Palace and Hope, and again from Cape Diamond half-bastion, along the brow of the Cape towards the Castle of St. Lewis. I accordingly succeeded in secpring from J^. Lafleche^s timber-yard as much spar-timber a? i required at three farthings a foot. I made a beginning with fourteen Canadian carpenters at Palace Gate, in pallisading with loopholes for musketry, and made a projection in the form of a bastion as a defence for the line of pickets, in the gorge of which I erected a block-house, which made a good defence. While employed at this station of the works, a company of artificers arrived from Halifax, and another from Newfoundland joined me soon after. The Halifax men 1 set to work at I pallisading the open ground on Cape Diamond, and framing J and erecting a large block-house on the outside of Port Louis, ! to serve as a captain's nightly guard-house, in order to be prepared against a surprise ; also a block-house on the Cape under Cape Diamond bastion ; at the same time a party was employed in laying platforms and repairing embrasures. 1 also had a party of carpenters barricading the extremities of the Lower Town by blocking up the windows of the houses next to the river side and those facing the water, leaving loopholes for musketry in case the St. Lawrence shall freeze across. While these detached services were in progress, I was on horseback from the rising to the setting of the sun." in further illustration of this, as i: will have an important bearing, Caldwell says : " Barriers were made between the Upper and Lower Town, and at the extremities of the Lower Town at Sault-au-Matelot, and at the other side at Pres-de- Ville, which you may remember is on the further side of the King^s wharf past the King's forges ; these posts were strengthened with cannon." Mr. Thompson also writes, that " on the night of the 14th November Arnold paraded his men in front of Port St. Louis, about three hundred yards distant, and saluted the town with three cheers, in full expectation that the gates would be opened for their reception. At this juncture I was on Cape # CANADIAN HIST0R7. y 111 Diamond bastion, and myself levelled and fired a 24-poucder at them, which had the effect of making them disperse and hastily retire to Poini-atiz-Tremhlesy The blockade of Quebec continaed from the 4th to 31st December — for it was nothing but a blockade, the artillery of Montgomery being, as we have seen, powerless. But as the season would not permit them to remain longer in the open field, and as they were suffering terribly from the ravages of small-pox, there remained only the alternative either to retire at once or to get possession of the city by escalade. Montgomery decided to attempt the latter, and the night of the 31st December was fixed on. The garrison were not, however, to be taken by surprise, for it so happened that on the 23rd, Major Caldwell's clerk, Joshua Wolfe, who had been taken prisoner at Sans Bruits managed to escape, bringing with him an American, who gave information that ladders were prepared, and that the intention was to attack the town at several points simultaneously on the first favorable night. Being thus put on guard, a sharper look-out than usual was kept. On the morning of the 3 1st December Montgomery made his attack at four different points : — two from the front on the heights of Abrabam,which were feints, while a column headed by Arnold was to advance under the heights along the St. Charles, and endeavor to force an entrance by SauU^u-Matelot ; and Montgomery himself was to lead the fourth between the St. Lawrence and Cape Diamond^ Imd force the barricade at Pris-de-Vitle, The night was dark and drizzly, a light snow or sleet falling. About 5 a.m.. Captain Frazer, who had charge of the main guard, on returning from his round, gave information that there was brisk firing at Cape Diamond. Col. McLean, who was second in command in the garrison, requested Major Caldwell to take part of his corps there, and if it should prove a feint, as was supposed, to leave any reinforcement that he might think necessary and return with th« rett. W« now give Caldwell's words : — ** I accordingly uriAt ihirtf found tht infmy flrlfig at a distanoti saw there I to> ^ 58 CASXDlAXt HI8T0BT. was nothing morft serions intended, and, after oidertog a ' proper disposition to be made, proceeded to Port Lomiti There I met Captain Laws, to whom the General had gives the command of an extra picket, composed of the best mem of the detachment of the 7th and McLean's corps there ; bim 1 ordered back again to wait the General's orders, and proceeded to St. John's gate, where I first learned that the enemy had surprised the post at SauU-au-MatelU^ and had got into the Lower Town." We will have to stop Caldwell't^. , narration and accompany Arnold. Proceeding by the way already indicated, at the head of six hundred men, he assaalted with great impetuosity the first barrier, which he forced after a slight resistance ; but here Arnold was wounded, and had to be carried to the General Hospital. The command devolved on Captain Morgan, who, driving the guard before himy ^, advanced to the second barricade, about two hundred yards further on. We now resume CaldtoelPs narrative : — *' 1 still had part of the British militia with me, and took upon me also to send some of those whom I found unnecessary on the ramparts to the party to wait for orders ; and took an officer with a small party of the Fusiliers with me by Palace G>ate, just at the time when the officer I had mentioned to yon, with about seventy men, was ordered to make a sortie, and attack the enemy at the Sault-au-Maielol in the rear. I hastened with what expedition 1 could by the back of the Hotel-Dieu in the Lower Town, and on my way passed by the picket drawn up under the field-officer of ihe day, who waa Major Cox, formerly of the 47th, and now Lient.-C}ovemor of Gasp6. I got him to allow me to take your friend Naima with a subaltern and thirty men, and then proceeded to the Lower Town, where I found things, though not in a good way, not yet desperate. The enemy had got in at the SauU-att-Matdot ; but, neglectir^ to push on, as they should . J^ave done, were stopped at the second barrier, which oar people got shut just as I arrived. It waa so placed at to shut up the street of SatUt-au-Matilot from any communication with • the re«* of the Lower Town. As I was coming up, I fonnd our OASADiAW maroRT. 59 ptople, the Canadians especially, shy of advancing towards tba barrier, and was obliged to exert myself a good deal. To do old Voyer^ their colonel, justice, though he is no great officer, he did not shew any want of spirit. However, my coming up with Nairoe and a lieutenant with fifty seamen gave our people new spirits. I posted people in he different booses that commanded the street of SauU-au-Matelot — some in the boose where Levy, the Jew, formerly lived ; others at Lycnbnrner's. The officers of the Fusiliers I posted iu the street with fixed bayonets, ready to receive the enemy in case they ||ot on our side of the barrier ; they had on their side of it fixed some ladders, and then another to our side, as if to come down by, that was useful to us. I ordered it to be polled away, aad fixed it to a window in the gable-end of a bonse towards us, the front of which commanded the street of Sauii^«4k- 1- We now must turn oar attention to what had been going on at tfJC same time at the other extremity of the Lower^iwn at Pris-iie-Villey which, from its disastrous termination to the gallant Montgomery, has generally attracted more attention than the attack by Arnold, though it has not generally been so well ttnderstood. t/.;t#. At th« spot indicfttedy and which is now poUitad oat to the tooritt by a boatd, with inMriptioDy attached to the loek, the •brapt pieoipice oi Cape Diamond projects forwaid to the river, ioiming now, as then, a narrow defile. Here, under the direction oi Mr. Thompson, a barrier bad been erected, and a battery of ibar S-poanders and one 4-ponnder placed in a ktmf^ or outhouse on the south side, which completely oomcxianded the pass. Hawkins says : *' The exact spot where tbf barrier was erected, before which Montgomery fell, may be described as crossing the narrow road under the mountain, immediately opposite to the west end of a bnildiiig which stands on the sooth, and was formerly occupied by Mr. Racey as a brewery. It is now numbered 58. At the time of the siege this was called the Piftaslu The battery extended to the south end, nearly to the ri?er." There is little change in the natural features of the spot, though there is in the houses ; but there would be no difficulty in recognizing it, even if it were not pointed out in the manner mentioned. The defence of this post was entrusted to a Canadian militia officer, Captain Chaboi, with thirty Canadian and eight British militiamen. There were also associated with him, as artillerymen, a master of one of the transports, Captain Boms/ore, with nine seamen. Mr. LeMoine says, ^' this is an error : tioo Canadian militia officers were in charge of this post ;*' and he quotes Sanguinet^ who says : ^^ Then MM, Chaboi and Alexandre Picard^ who commanded that day the guard, gave the order to fire the cannon charged with grape." Mr. Chauveau also has written : ^* Below us, at the foot of that tower on which floats the British fiag, Monigomery and hUsoldiert allfdl^ ewept by the grape-' $M of a single gun pointed hy a Canadian artilleryman.*^ Hawkinses account is undoubtedly the best given by an English authority. He tells us that Montgomery, at the head of seven hundred men, advanced to the attack. **At break of day, some of the guard, being on the look-out, discovered, through the imperfect li^^ht, a body of troops in full march from Wolfe^s cove, upon the post. The men had been vnder arms, awaiting with the utmost steadinesa for the attack, 4 wMeh thty htd jwmton to exptet from (ho reports of dcMrten ; •ad in partvanot of jndicioiu^mDgemoiitt which had bcea pnyiomAf ooaetrtady the enomy wm alio xred to approach vomolettad within a small distance. They halted ahont fifty yards from the barrier; and as the gnard remained perfeetly still, it was probably oonclnded that ihcy were not on the aottom of the rock on which the garrison 9tan(29, and called Pris-de'ViUe^ was then quite narrow, so that the front of the line of march could present only a few ftira of men. Tlie sergeant who bad charge of the barrier-guard, Hugh McQuariere^ (where there was a gun kept loaded with grape and musket-balls, and levelled every evening in the direction of the said path,) had orders to be vigilant, and w hen assured of the approach by any body of men, to firs the gttn» It was Geueral Montgomery's fate to be •v. 64^ CANATOAV HISTOBT^ U» among the leading files of tl)€ storming parfy ; attd the >^ precMion with which McQuarterg acquitted himeelf of th6««^ ordeirs ha bad received, resulted in the death of the General,^ two aides-de-camp, and a sergeant — at least these were atf that ^ could be found aftei the search made at dawn of day, % next morning. 3*Aere vxu but one discharge of the gun, from ^ which the General hau received a grape-shot wonnd in his f« i chin,-one in the groin, and one through the thigh, wbich a shattered the bone." >i^i «3rf hiTTt/r*^ '^4 ,f»wf to i»trti H Mr. LeMoine has attached this note to Thompson's relation : *^ There were other Canadian worthies who can legitimately share the credit of thi3/a27 (Tartnea — Chabol, Coffin, and the captain of an English transport, Bamsfare.^^ * jy -v a Here is CaldweWs account of it : — " In the meantime, t Montgomery made his attack at Pris-de-Ville ; rockets were *t thrown up as a signal to Arnold that both attacks might be "^ made at the same time. He got past some pickets, where '^ we at first established our advanced posts. The guard was ^^ alarmed in time, and prepared for his reception ; but the t post was much stronger than 1 believe he imagined, and ^ defended by four cannons there, and a four-pounder : they were served by some seamen, under the orders of the master ^ of the transport ; his name was Barns fare. The guard was "^ under the command of a Canadian officer of militia— the ^^ men, Canadians and British, being mixed. Barnsfare ^ declared he would not fire till he was sure of doing execution, and, with the utmost coolness, waited till the enemy cam9.^^ within his yiew, at about thirty yards' distance, where they ^ received a general discharge from the cannon and muskstry. Nothing but groans were heard, and the rebels immediately ,) retired, their General, his Secretary, two or three other officers, and about five privates, being killed on the spot; ^« their wounded got ofi." # It is proper to give here what Hawkins has said on a point of some interest :—«^' Soon after the repalse of the ' envmy before the post at Frk'd9'ViH9^ iufottM^m WMlltfli ^ CANADIAN HISTORY* 65 - f*., to the officer in command there, that Arnold's party from the Greneral Hospital, advaacing along the St. Charles, had captured the barrier at the Sault-aurMatelolj and that he intended an at.rc'- on that of Pres-de- i^ille by taking it in the rear. Immediate ;-repuTalions were made for the defence of the post against such pn attack, by turning some of the guns of an inner barrier, not far from the old Custom-Houte, towards the town ; and though the intelligence proved false — Arnold having been wounded, and his division captured — yet, the incident deserves to be commemorated, as affording a satisfactory contradiction to rome accounts which have appeared in print representing the guard at Pres- de-Ville as having been paralysed by fear, the post and barrier ' deserted,' and the fire which killed Montgomery merely 'accidental.' On the contrary, the circumstances which we have related, being authentic^ proved that the conduct of the Pris-de-Ville guard was firm and collected in the hour of danger, and that, by their coolness and steadiness, they mainly contributed to the safety of the city." It was not ascertained till next day that General Montgomery had been killed, when General Garleton sent to the Seminary to enquire if any of the American officers, prisoners, could identify the body, A field-officer of Arnold's division, who had been captured that morning, proceeded with a party to Pres-de-Villey and at once identified the body. Thompson says : — " The snow had fallen on the previous night about knee^eep ; the only part of a body that appeared ^ above the level of the snow was that of the General himself, ** whose hand and part of the left arm were in an erect position ; ^ but the body itself was much distorted, the knees being drawn up towards the head. The other bodies that were found at the moment were those of his aides-de-camp ^ Cheesman and McPherson, and one sergeant. The whole were frozen harcf. Montgomery's sword (and he was the only officer of the army who wore a sword, that I ever perceived,) was close by his side ; and as soon as it was discovered, which was t^ a dmrnmer-boyi who ifieide a snatch it it on the sf^r of the M CANADIAN HISTORY. moment, and no doubl cciisidered it as his lawful prize ; bat I immediately made him deliver it up to me, and some time after I made him a present of seven shillings and six-pence by way of prize-money." I have searched to see if I could find anything from Carleton himself, and have found in the Quebec G^ette the following : (Copy of Letter from General CarUton to General Howe, dated QuebeCf Jany. 12, 1776.) *• Sir, — The 5th of December, Mr. Montgomery took post at St. For, witbio less* than two miles of Quebec, with some field-artillery ; his heavy oaDDon were landed at Cap Rouge; at the same time Arnold's party took possession of the other avenues leading to the town, and prevented all communication with the country. The 7th, a woman stole into town with letters addressed to the principal merchants, advising them to an immediate submission, and protnisiug great indulgeuce in case of their compliance. Inclosed was a letter to ine in very extraordinary language, and a summoot to deliver up the town. The raesse'ajer was seat to prison for a few days, and drummed out. '* To give more efficacy to these 1' tters, five small mortars were brought to St. Koch's, and a battery of five cannon and one howitzer raised upon the heights, within about seven hundred yards of the walls. Soon after, Arnold appeared with a white flag, and said he had a letter for me ; but be was refased admittance, and ordered to carry back his letter. f* After every preparatory stratagem had been used to intimidate our wretched garrison, as Mr. Montgomery was pleased to call it, an assault was given the 31st December, between four and five in the morning, during a snow-storm from the north-east. The alarm was general ) from the sid» of the River St. Lawrence, along the fortified front round to the bastion, every part seemed equally threatened. Two real attacks took place upon the Lower Town — one under Cape Diamond, led by Mr. Montgomery j the other by Mr. Arnold, upon the part called the Sault-au-Matelot. This at first met with some success, out in the end was stopped. A sally from the Upper Town, under Captain Lawst attacked their rear, and sent in many prisoners. Captain McDougal afterwards reinforced this party, and followed the rebels into the post they had taken. Thus, Mr. Arnold's corps (himself and a few others excepted, who were wounded and carried off early,) were completely ruined. They were caught, as it were, in a trap ; we brought in their five mortars and one cannon. The other attack wqm 9Q9n rqsuUtd mih tkiughtcr, Mr« 24oDtgomery wcia left amoDg the dead* ■, » CANADIAN HISTORY. 67 " The rebels ha? e, in this assault, between six and seven hundred men and between forty and fifty officers killed, wounded, and taken prisoners. We had only one lieutenant in the navy, doing duty as captain in the garrison, and four rank and file killed, and thirteen rank and file wounded ; two of the latter are since dead. '< You will be pleased to transmit a copy of my letter to the Secretary of State, by the first opportunity, for liis Majesty's information. * i Montgomery and Arnold had failed in the attempt to subdue or annex Canada ; but their merits were truly estimated by Congress. Montgomery had fallen, but his fall was glorious, and his adopted country raised a monument to CANADIAN HISTORY. 71 his memory ; and even the representatives of the country that he had opposed — his own native country — did homage in parliament to his virtues. Montgomery was an Irishman by birth, and first served with his regiment, the 17tli, at the captureof Louisboarg. Whether he was with Wolfe at Quebec is now doubtful, though it has been so stated by some of our best historians and biographers. He served also with his regiment at the captur<3 of Marti nico aiid Havannah, and did not leave the service of his native country till he sold his commission in 1772, when he went to the State of New York. He married Miss Livingston, daughter of Judge Livingston, of Livingston Manor, on the North River, and was living happily with his wife when the Revolution, in which he, from the first, took a prominent part, commenced. He was a man of excellent parts and disposition, esteemed in private life for his amiable qualities, and secured the confidence of bis adopted country by his public conduct. Of his comrade in arms. General Arnold, we shall only say that it would have been well for him had he also fallen at Quebec — that he had never survrived the wound he received there : he would then have been only known as a brave, energetic, and honorable soldier and commander ; nd Jared Sparks would have been saved the painful task of writing *' Th£ Lifjb and Treason of Benedict Arnold."