IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) #. mPA A t-^/ / u.. 1.0 I.I 1.25 |50 ™^ 112 2.5 us Itt u 11 ^ lllli^ i.8 U 111.6 V] ar laft hand comar. laft to right 9nd top to bottom, as many framaa aa raquirad. Tha following diagrams illustrata tha mathod: L'axamplaira filmi fut raproduit grica i la gintrositi dm: Departnoftnt ci Rare Books and Special Collections, McGiil University, Montreal. Las imagaa suivcntae ont Ati raproduitas svac la plus grand soin, compta tanu da la condition at da la nattat* dm l'axamplaira film«. at an conformitd avac las conditions du contrat da filmaga. Ua axamplaJraa originaux dont la couvartura an papiar aat imprim^ sont fllmte an commandant par la pramiar plat at an tarminant soit par la darniara paga qui comporta una smprainta d'Impraaaion ou d'illustration, soit par im sacond plat, salon la cas. Toua laa autraa axamplacras originaux sont filmis an commanpant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'Imprasslon ou d'illuatration at an turminant par la darniira paga qui comporta una talla ampraJnta. Un daa symboiaa suivants apparaftra sur la damiAro imega dm chaqua microflcha, salon la caa: la symbola — »■ signifia "A SUIVRE", la symboU^ y signifia "FIN". Laa cartaa. planchas. tablaaux, ate, pauvant dtra fllmte A das taux da rMuction diff Grants. Lorsqua la documant aat trcp grand pour itra raprociuit an un saul clich*. il aat film« i partir da I'angia supiriaur gaucha. da gaucha I droita, at da haut an baa. vn pranant la nombra d'ImagvM nteaasaira. Laa diagrammas suivants illuatrant la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^%../ . t ' N ifel*^ -mmriisK.Jsxnt'm'mmm* 't -: ^---.'^^"^rW^-^^j^- •!• 'y <;>~^ yv V T T y > y y ■» y t ■» t t ^ ir ' T ^ ^T- ttt V ttttt t--<^-t- ▼ ▼ t t y t t-t- y ■* v t W t t W ^ -r ' Father Chiniquy ^ TO ^ GR. 1 Ai'cril)is^lic)x:) of Toronto, .•^> ] 1'Kli.SS OK CRAIC, 4- HAKI.OW, l8(^^ iSi MONBOK StKfeKT, CHICAGO. ®ci ntcjtr» mvtnciy, ^vcbbtclH^'V* ••'•^ uTcifontci* St. Awk, K ANKAkKK Col n rv, / Illinois, Jiiiil' 22, 1SS4. \ 7V* //Is l.nrdslilp /^vik/i, .\n/i/>is//i)f> nf 7'i>riiiiti> : My Lokd: 'I'Ik- utli inst., I promised to answer vour letter of llie 1 ith, addressed to the Re\ . Moderator and to the Ministers of the General Asseinblv of the Presby- terian Chureh. I eome, to-tlav, to fultil mv promise, with the help of (iod. I had ae.cused vour i-hurch to lielie\e and say that she has received from (Jod the power to kill us poor heretics, f said that if yon do not slauj^hter us, to-day, in Canada and elsewhere, it is only because you are not stronj^ enou!j;h to do it. I said, also, that where the Roman Catholic- feel strong enougli, they do not tiiisik it a sin to heat, stone or kill us when ihev can do it without any 'danger to' their own precious lives. 1 said that xour best theologians teach that lieretics do not deserve to live, and that \t)iu" great Saint 'I'homas Acpiinas, whom \()ur clun'i'ii lias latelv put among "the Holy Fathe"s, " jKisitively declares that one of the most sacied rights and duties of your churcli is to deliver the heretics into the hands of the secuhu' powers to be exterminated. . . As I expected, you have hra\el_\' denied what I said on that subject. In vour reply, you complain that the cjuotations I made of St. Thomas, on that suliject, are not correct. Here is m\ answer to \ou)- denegations. I h;n e the works of St. Thomas just now on my table. I will copy word for worti what he says in Latin, and translate it into plain f^nglisli, respectfii!l\' asking \our loritship to tell the '^anadian people whether or not u^\ tran- .ion is correct: " Qiianquam ha-ritit i tolerandi non sunt ipso illorum demerito, usipie tamen iid sccundam correptionem expectandi sunt ut ad sanam redeant Kcclesiasia' tidenL Qin vero, jiost •-ecuiulam corre}itionem, in suo errore obstinati permanent, iion motlo e\- communicationis -entcntia. seii etiam siv- cularilnts princi]iibus exterininandi trailendi sunt." TR \\.>L \ rioN. " Though heretics must not be tolerati, he says: ■■ 'Jliough here- tics who repent must always be acceptetl to penance a- often as the\ liave fallen, thev • nuist not, in consetiuence of. that, always be jiermitted to enjo\ the benefits of this life. . . . • When they fall again, they are admittetl to repent Hut the ..entence of ileath must not be removed." (St. 'I'homas, v. 4, jiage yi.) Your lordshiivhas the just reputation to bt an ex)>ert man. \ o\\ then know that, in such solemn (piestions as are discussed just now, the ti-.tii'iu)ny of only one wit- ness does not suHice 1 will then, gi\e you another testimony to prove the unpalatable truths which I proclaimed in the presence of the (ieneral Assend)l\ f)f the Presbyter- ian Church of Canada, \i/: That we poor heretics are condemned to death, and are declared unworthy to live side by side with our Roman Catholic neiglibors. That tes- timony will, no il(nibt, be accepted as good and sutficient by the people of Canada, if not by you, since it is the testimon\ of \-our own infallible chiu'ch, speaking through the Council of the Lateran, held in IJ15: ■•■ We excomnumit-ate and anathematize e\eryhe«-esy that exalts itself against the holy orthodox and Catholic- faith, con- demning all iberetics, by whatever name the\ may be know n for though their faces. differ, they are tied together h\ their tails. Such as are condemned are to be delivered ()\er to the existing secidar powers, to re- i'ei\e due punishment. If la\ men, their goods must be confiscated. If priests, thev shall be degraded from their respective or- ders and tluir property applied to the use of the church in which they officiated. Seculal' powers of all ranks and degrees are to be w arned, induced, anil if necessary, ■ conij^elled by ecclesiastiial censures, to swear that the\ will exert tiiemseUes to the utmost in tlie defense of the faith, and extirpate all heretics denounced b\ the church who shall be found in their terri- tories. And whenever any person shall assume government, w hether it be spiritual or tempo.ial, he shall be bound to abide by this tlecree. " If any temjioral lord, after ha\ ing been admonislied and rec|uired b\ the ihurch, shall neglect to clear his territory' of here- tical depravity, the Metropolitan and Bis- hop of the province shall unite in excom- municating him. Shoidd he remain con- tuniiicious a whole year, the fact -hall lie signified to the Supreme Pontiff, w ho shall declare his vassals released frf)m their al- legiance from that time, and will bestow his territory on Cafholii-s, to he occupied In them, on the condition :)f exti'rminating 1 le heretii's and jireserving the saiti terri- tory in the faith. "Catholics, who shall as. -me the cross for the extermination of heretics, -hall en- joy the same indulgences and be protecteil by the same privilege..; as are granted by those who go to the help of the Holy Land. We decree further, that all who ma\ have dealings with heretics, and especially suih .( tct. that, iilways K'tits of this a^aiii, they mist not be . ixigeyi.) (.piitution to know that, re diseiissed ily one wit- en, .ij;iN e yon impalatable he presence e Preshyter- lat we poor itii, and are by side with, i. ' Tliat tes- )ted as tjjood f Canada, if i()n\ of \()ur ng throuj^h d in IJ15: natheniatize ajiainst the faith, eon- tever name h their faces ,• their tails, he delivered iwers, to re- ynien, tiieir jiriests, they ispective or- I to the use V officiated, md dejrrees if necessary, censures, to emsei\es to e faitli, and ced h\ tlie their terri- lerson shall t be spiritual to abide by ha\ intr l)eun the tliiux'li, )r\' of here- in and His- in excoin- "eniain con- icl Nhall be ff, wlio shall ni their al- witl bestow )e occupied [terminating" e saiti terri- le the cros?; c<, frcen by me there; they were not, of course, w hat is called " liberal Cath- olics. " for those "liberal Catholics," though I born in the Church of Rome, have a str- I preme contempt for the dogmas, practices, and teachings of the priests. Those -ilibe- j ral Catholics" who, thanks be to (iod, are 1 fast increasing, are only nominally Catho- ! lies thev remain there because their ' fathers aiid mothers were so: because, also, thev want to attract the people to their stores, sell their pills, or desire to be e* 'cted to such and such otHces by the iiiHueuceof the priests. They laugh lit your mitre, for they know it is nothing but the old bonnets of the priests of Hacchus, representing the head of a Hsb. Those liberal Catholics are disgusted with the bloody laws and practices of the Church of Rome; they wovdd not, for anything, molest, insult, or maltreat a heretic." Those liberal Catholics are in favor of liberty and conscience. Hut the clergy hate and" fear them. Had this class of liberal Catholics been numerous in Quebec, I would not have had any trouble. Hut Quebec is, with a very few exceptions, composed of true, real, sincere, de\oted Catholics. They believe sincerely, with your grand St. "Thomas, and with your "Roman Catholic Church, that heretics like Chiniquy have no right to live; that it is a good work to kill them. This riot of Quebec, seen with the light of the teachings of St. Thomi-., the Coun- cils of Lateran, Constance and the \'atican, show that your letter to the (leneral As- sembly of our Presbyterian Church is one of thegreatest blunders that your lordship has ever made. The dust you wanted to throw int(^ the eyes of my Presbyterian brethren i^ all on your face, to-dav, as dark. I liidcou> sp()t>. \'<)ur fi'irul-< >iiut.M'.!\ f.i'l ffir voiir iiiisfortiiiu'. For, mv lent, Ihori.' i> ii xoici.' in tlu' stoiifs thrown ill iiK'; tlifiv is n \ oico in ilu' liriiisfs whith COM.'!- in\ «.lioulilcr> mikI inv lieail, tlieiv is ;i \ oici,' ,i!-,() in iju' hiood -lied 1\V tllf friLMul who .-.IWli lll\ li£r ;|| llir ptM-i! of hi> own, which sivais".-, IoiuI't iiiui iiion- i.'!o(|in.iill\ tliaii _\ oil, to ^j\ tliiit son iiavi' faiit'd in voiir aticni]aid at tlii- (iriu'ra! As.stM)ll)l\ . Tliat \oii nia\ iK-tlcr und(.'i--land this, aiul that _\<)ii niav he a little wm^vv iiiode<1 liereafler on that >-iihjei-l, I seiutvoii h\ the hands of the N'euerahle Secivtai\ ot" our <;eneral .\>seinhl_v. tlie Keve'rend Mr. .Riid, I). 1)., one of" the huiuhed- ol slf>ne> Avliich wounded iik\ with a jiarl of liie JiandkeiTJiief reddeiU'tl with 'he hiood of Mr. Zolit|iie Lefeln ri', IS. C ., who re- eeiveii si:; wounds on Ids faee, when heroie- aily standing- In nie in tiiat hour of sii- jireiiie danger for inv life. I'lease look at that stone, look at that i)looil also; thev will te.ich \ou a lesson Avhieh ills (juite time for _\oii"aiul all the priests" to learn. 'rhe_\ will tell vou that „-*ir>iir C'hureh of Rome is the same U)-da\ as she was when she slauylitered the hiiii- dreds of thousands of I'iednionlese with the sword of Frame : that stone and that hiood will tell vou what e\erv one knows, JU^ioiiii the diseiples of the' (Jospel. that vour eluiiTh .)f to-dav is the \ erv same tluin;li which planned the massaeres of .St. Itartholomew, the i;iinpow(ler jdot, the re- \ ocation of the Fdiet of Nantes, aiul the «leaths of more than half a millioi. of Freneh Hui^iionols on tneir wav to exile. That stone and that hiood will tell von that voiir tluirch to-da\, is the same as"she was when she lighted the ti\e thou.saiui auto-' ain at- tempt to refute me. When that father of lies w ill try again to make use of your pen to deny the blootiv laws and bloody dct'df^ of your church, sou will tell him, " (iet thee lience, Satan, for it is written in our most appro\ ed hook of theology, St. Thomas, that ' we must ex- terminate all the heretics.' (iet thee iience, Satan ; for \ou\vill not an\ more induce me to call old Chinitpn in.sane for saying that our church is as blood v as ever; for it is written in the Council of Lateran that those who arm themselves for the ex- terndnation of heretics are as blessed bv God as those who went formalh to the rescue of the Holy I^and.'" Yes, my lord; keep that stone and that blood before \our eves, and when I or sonuboily else will .igain w.irnthe disciples of the (iospel against the dangers ahead from Rome, \ ou wjll not compromise yourself an\ more In w riting things which are not only against "all the records of his. tor\, hut against the public teachings of all \o,ir po) I's, \oiu- councils, and your theo- lo!4ians. \\'it!i that blood, before \our i\i's, the de\il will lose iiuiih of his power o\er \ou and lie fort'eil to gi\c up his old tac-tic"- of making xoii iK'ny, ileiiy, dein , the most e\ iiient fads, and tl'u' niosi" u:iim- peachable records (,f historv. My dear i'.ishop I.\ncli, before taking iea\eofyou this ila\, allow me to ask a fiivor from \our lordshi)). if \(ni grant it, I will retrait what I ha\esaii!()f tlie anti- social and aiiti-C'hristi;ni law s and ]»ractii'es of \ our church. Let \