'iu 'V* ^o^^ ^- ^O IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) c*: r c'lf Vl ^^^% .^-^ ^ .>^ '^ o / 1.0 I.I 1.25 2.5 !i: 1^ ^ 1^ lll^ 1-4 11.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation s. A ,\ <> i\^ » «^ ^9) ... 'o- a? -b *^%:<> ^ntences The the Its 1. A dreadful lever which was raging. Tf) receive their dying hiessing. ivory handles of pistol knives and razors. They manage to deceive overseer. The feathers are sent to America and Kurope to he dyed, fancied resemhlance to the camel. A fail- compensatiofi he'll surely receive. Both shouted vehemently. But Will generously lesigns himself. Too grwat freedom hreeds contempt. In the hoson; of a daisy. Lost in a struggling, shouting, whirling maze. I slid over a smootli, hroad stone. I travelled leisurely. The resistless power of the rolling ocean waves. I fell into a rocky crevice and groj)ed my way. 2. "Modest and shy as a nun is she ; One weak chirp is her only note. Braggart and prince, if hraggart is he ; Pouring hoasts from his little thr.mt : Boh-o-link ! Boh-o-link : Spink, spank, spink : Never was I afraid of man ; Catch me, cowardly knaves, if you can !" SPELLING-3pd to 4th Class. Value, 100 marks ; for every error in spelling deduct .j marks: in ca})itals and apostrophes, li; in punctuation 2. Dictate the punctuation marks. Dictate the following : — 1. "[ rather conclude, sir,' said the coxswain, rolling over his tohacco in his mouth, very composedly. He suffered his solemn visage to relax. Long Tom arose from his crouching attitude in tlie stern sheets and transferred his huge frame to the hows of the hoat. Assuming this ff)rmidahle attitude. This wanton exhihition. Me poised his harpoon with much pre- cision. Tlieir formidahle antagonist meditated resistance. Using the hay- onet you have rigged for a lance. The strangers aspect was good humored and kindly if not heneficent. Merely for curiosity. Reflected in the hurnished ciicumfei'ence. The figure hecame exceedingly hright. He involuntarily closed his eyes. The glistenirig of the precious nietal. 2. His voice grew faint and hoarser; his grasp was childish weak ; His eyes put on a dying look : he sighed and ceased to sjjcak • His comraile hent to lift him, hut the spark of life had fled, — The soldier of the Legion, in a foreign land -was dead. i. Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, Hygiene, Physiology, Adjective,Quot Divisor, Factor, Period, Colon, Comma. lent.