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Lj^ Commentairas supplimentaires: , vr p^aMf^ntim is f ilfn'ed at tha reduction retio checked below/ ^ Ce document est film* eu taux da r*duction indiqu* ci-dessous. . ■*>■'.'' Les certes. planches, tabiaeux. atc.^ pauveiit Atre- film** A dee taux de rMuctlon diffAronts. Lorsqua to documeht eft trap grand pour Atra reproduit en un soul ciichA. II est filmA A pertir de I'angto supArieur geuche. de giliche A droite. et de heut en bee. eh prenant to nombre d'imegea nAcaaaaire. Las dtogrsmmes. suivents iilustrent to mAthode. * %^. J ' 1 1 2 ■ 1 % \ 3 ^ , ?)*■' J ' .'-"'■I ■ IS'; ^ Liberal t^eaaragemenl by his Majesty^. Government to Settlers inclined to proceed from Great Britain and Ireland, and Provision by Vessels, ■^ IXisUic SEI • . r « ^f Hw MRioslv's Government to encourage SETTLERS, to proceed from ,:,ea. B.;rra" tKX »«.■.•.«« P„«V,NC.« i,,*Orn. AMEB.CA, ...d for V Great Britain ami . ^^-'^tV o f VesseU wHl be approprnted for/the Conveyance of such Persons ronayre Conveyance of Settlers free of expense, with other aavantagc^., .v.ll be hn^jtec chir- port only me uonvt^yai ^ ;^ , , ,, „ ^ilher in Upper or in Lower Canada, ni which Lx- ^:^:^^,J^/^!^:^:^^ ^^^.^r ^^ iWh of CuUivaUon. - Tlic encouragement and advantages intended to»be afforded to mi\.r.^i\\ be, as fol owrf: .A passage and provisions during the voyage will be h.nf .ed by Government, aud on the.r „rriv.nl in U.e.Colony, a grant of one hundred acres ol La.|^l w.ll be secured to each lani.ly, of which they will be ,n.t innnediately iu possession, and all ti.e.r male clu. hen actually resuhng .n the Province will be entitled, on attaining the age of 21 y^ars, to a s.nular grant of one hundred acres each. . , / „ , . . , ,. . , For the first six or eight months, as it may be found ^ecessary aRer the.r arnyal, (m order to enable the settlers to establish themselves upon their rc^iK>ctiv^ grants and to clear and to cult,- vatp a portion of the land) they will be allowed ratiqi/s Irom the public stores, and m case from unforeseen events it should be found re.,uisite, ^urthc^^ aid in tins respecft .may be afforded ac cording to the circumstances of the case, by issuing r^tjons for a hunted peHod. at a price under prime cost. /^.,,ii_^. i r Axes .and other necessary implements will also bd furnished to them, under certain regula- ^tions, at a fixetl price, not exceeding half the prime/ cost. • , ,^ . , _ , Should any number of families proc^ling from /he same part of the United Kingdom, or pos- "sessin" any joint stock or funds.4,e desirous of tettting in the same neighBourhood in Canada, «Fe ^m be taken to allot tliem Lands as nearly sf possible contiguous to each other; and a sjif- fidfent portion of Land will be'approprlated iiilli.i midst of>«^: actVAL:*-^ t«^k fft •/■ ncient portion oi ijanci win ue m»piuj..i«i»-" ... ».y t- — --- . - the maintenance of a Clergyman and a Schoolmaster; and in W a^sufhcicnt number of settlers so united should be accompanied from the Uuit0d Kingdom -by a person of either of the above functtdns, who possess^ their confidence, and can be well recommended, and who shall be ap- proved o^by Government, a salary wUl be provided of one hundred pounds per annum to such Minister, and fifty pounds per annum to the Schoolmaster, for such period as shall afterwards bo specified. ;••.-" > Persons who may be allowed to proceed to Canada as Settlers *rom ScoxtAvn, must em., bark in the month of April, from such Port of Ports in the Clyde as shall be noticed in a future Advertisement, where vessels WiU be ready to I receive those for whom the necessary accommoda- tion will be provided. , , . • r.i lu r* r In order to prevent persons from making a^i unwarranted and improper nse of the liberality oi Government, it will Be required th^t ev^ry p([rson embarkingJj|rQiiebec, should at the time of embarkation deposit in the hands of the Gdviimmcnt ^genk^fcirdwinf suii^;— ** Every male person above sixteen years of jige.jixtcen poi^||^ing;T-eyery woman, being the wife of any person so embarking, two gi^ineas;— children under' sixteen years of age wiU be conveyed frep 6f expense;— and whatever sutns may be so paid by.th^m will be repaid JQ thttn or their repre.,v;ntativ es iij Canada jat the e^d irf.tAyo vear« from the d*te of their myf^kaaSlli upon its being te^ert^ned thai they are settled on the grant of Lartd allotted to them- John Campbell, Esq. Writer to his MajeitjI's Signet, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh, is appoint?, edby Government, Commissioner and Genejral Agent in Scotland for this Business, to whom communications may be made; T . • i As the time for embarkation of Settlers i^ limited, such as are at. a distance, and who wish to embrace the present opportunity of settling ii^ British America, will do well to send by post tlieir Proposals and Certificates without any delay. Those testimoniithrinust certify the gciferal good charactej of Applicants— their professions— former pursuit*— whether married or widowcrs^he number of their children, distinguishing male and fbmale— and the ages of all. * These must be obtained either frop» Justices of the Pea9e, Clergjmen, or Elders of the .Parish, or other respect- ablu pursoiiB. . . . It is recommended that the utmost care be taken by those who grant certificates that they are satisfied from personal knowledge of the facte conttSned in the representation of the circum- - stances. ' ; '-,~^^ ~~-r—-- :— _^.-_ -J^.^- .- -:-i\;^ : - . J:JL^. — -, . * '"^•''— "- EdmbuTi^, 22d Feb. 1815. 1 A»SftG»OMBY fiSMM. I \ Prii^€dp!f AniriK Dtmcan, ^rggU Sirtilt Qlrngm.