IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 111^ I.I 1.25 141 IIM 1^ IM m .r EM 1.4 M i.8 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation \ <^ % s 1^ •^ \ \ & %''^\^<€> "^ V" 'l, and said ; " Holy Father, tell us if ihe Hcdy Mother of (iod, the blessed '\'jr;iin Mary, was iunnnenlati; in her ccmceptiou ." The Pope a^ain answered: " 1 do not know ; let us ask the lij;ht of the Holy Chost." And, af.'aiu, the " Venl Creator Siiiritus" was sung. The most solemn silence had, a second time, succeeded to the melodious sa^icd sonp:, when ajrain the eyes of the raulti- tuile were fo!lowin;; the ^ravo steps of the p\irplerobed Cardimil, ru'ivauciu;;, for the third time, to the tlirone of the successor of St. Peter, to ask again: "Holy Father, toll ns if wo can believe that the blessed Virgin ilary, the Mother of (!od, was innnaculate V The Pope, as if he had just received a direct communication rom God, answered with :i snlemn voice: "Ye-;! we must believe that the lileascd Virgin Mn.y, lliu Mollier ut QoJ, was immncnlato in her conception. « •* « Tiicru ii no snlviition to tlioso wlio do not bclicvo tlii;< do^nin 1" And, witli a loud voice, llio I'op(! intoned tin; Tc Deiiin ; tlie bells of the tlirco hundred churulieti of Home rang; tlu- cannons of the citad 1 wore tired; tlio last act of tlie must ridiculous and Racrilegious conicdv the world lias ever seen, was over ; the doors of heavcMi were, for ever, a'.nt against those who would refuse to believe the anti scriptural dtictrine that there is a daughter of Eve who has not intierited the ijinful nature of Adam, to whom tlio Lord saiil in his wrath: " Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt tliou r.turn I" and of the children of whom the Cod of Truth has sail : " There is none lighteous ; no, not one ; tlie) have all sinned !" Wo look in vain to the hrst centuries of the Church to find any traces of that human aberration. The first dark clouds wliieh Satan has brought to mar tiie gospel truth, on that subject, appeared only between the eighth and ninth centuries' Hut, in the beginning, that error made very slow progress; those v(-ho propagated it, at fii'st, were a few ignorant fanatics, whoso names arc lost in the night (.)( the dark ages. It is only in the twelfth century that it began to be opeiily preaelied by Boiiie brainless monks. Hut, then, it was opposed by the niost learned men of the time. We have a very remarkable letter (d' St. Bernard to refute some monks of Lyons who were preaehing this new doctrine. A little later, I'eter Lombard adopted the views of the monks of Lyon, and wrote a book to suppoi't that opinion ; but ho was refuted by St. Thomas Aniuinas, who is justly considered, by the Church of Home, as (he best theologian ol that lime. After that, the celebrated order of the Franciscans used all their iiiiluence to persuade the world that ' Mary was immac- ulate in her conception ;" but they were vigorously opposeil and refuted by the not less celebrated order of the Dondnicans. These two learned and powerful bodies, during more than a century, attacked each other without mercy on that subject, and filled the world with the noise of their angry disputes, both parties calling their iulvcrs.iries heretics. They suc- ceeded in driving tlie Roman Catholics of Kuropc into two camps of fierce enemies. The "Immaculalo Conception'' became the subject of burning discussion, not only between the learned universities, between the bishops and the priests and the nuns of those days ; but it divided the families into ;^ •V, tlm Motliei' ot Oo(J, * * * Tlioro ii no iitoned tlio To Di'iiin ; ics of Koiiio rang ; llii- lio lasl act of tliu must ic worlil hns evtr sei'ii, , for ever, s'.iit iigainsl uiiti sniptiuiU (hictriiic I) not iiitieiiloil llii' lOrd Mikl in his wrath : loii r.turii !" hiul of tlic < sail : " There is none simied !" ^s of tlie Church to fiiiil The first dark elomls c gospel truth, on that lith and ninth tentnries' do vert shiw progress; a few ignoranl fanatics, (d' tlie dark ages. It is in to he ope[iIy i)reaelied I it was opposed by tlie have a very reinarkabh' „• monks of Lyons wlio ipted the views of the 1 support that opinion ; Ai(|Uinas, who is justly s the best tl;eologiaii of tlie Franeiseans used all that ' Mary was inimac- ?ero vigorously opposeil )rderof the Dominieans. lies, during more than a , nierov on that siibjeet, of their angry disputes, s heretics. They sue- ic3 of Kiiropc into two imaeulalo Conception " ;slon, not only between bishops and the priests ividod the families into ;^ flwo liorccly contending ))arties. It was diHcuss>!(], attacked and defended, not only in the chairs of the universities, in the pulpits of the eathcdriils, but also in the fields, in the very streets of the cities. And when the two parties had c'lliaustnd t!ic reasons :vhich th"ir ingenuity, thoir loarning, or their ignorant fanaticism could suL'gcst to prove or deny the " Irn- maculate Conception," they often had roootirso to the stick .md to the l)loody sword to sustain their arguments. It will afipear almost incredible to-(l:iy, but it is a lact, the greatest part of the large cities of Kuropo. particularly in Spain, were then reddened with the blood of the supporters ami opponents of that doctiine. In order to put an end to the.iio contests which were trouldiii'; the peaceof their subjects the Kind's of Kuropp sent deputation n'''er deputation to the Topes to know IVoni their infallible ; ithority what to beliive on the subject. Philip III and I'hilip IV made \Ui,i.t we may call supreme etVorls to force the Popes Paul V, (iiegory XV, and Alexander Vn, to stop the shedding of blood and disarm the combatants bv raising the opinion in I'.ivur of tiie Immaculate Conception to the dignity of a Catholic dogma. But they failed. The only answer they could get from the infallible head of the church of Rome Vas, that "that dogma was not revealed in the Holv Scripturcd, had nsver been taught by the Apostles, nor by the F.ithei.», and had never been believed or preached by the Ctiurch of Homo as an article of faith!" The oiily thing the Pojics could do to please the supplicant kingH ami bishops and nations of Europe in those days, was lo forbid both parties to call tlie other heretics: and to for/Ad to eay that it was an article ol' faith which ought ,to be believed to be saved. At the Council of Trent, the Pranciicans and all the parti- sans of the " Immaculate Conception," gathered their strength to have a decree in favil I'iiH IX «aM iiiiinii|j; lUoit' who liflicvod it. Wlioii he WHS an cNiln in (incin, !ii' Imd liiniscif ii dri'iiin, which lie toolj lor ii vision, on the stanic suhji'ri,. )[r' saw tlic Virfiin, wlio told him Hint he would coriic liack to Uonic, uinl ■^01 an eternal pcaii' tor th<' cln'.rch, only alter he would have promised to deelaro llml the " Innnai niali' Conception " w as a dopnia, which every one had to In licve to be ^aved. He awoke from his dream much impressed hy it ; and the lirst thing he did when n|>, was to nnke a vow to promnl;; thi' new dognui as soon as lie would he lunk to Rome, and the HOrld has seen how he has rullilled that vow. Hut, by the prnnuilgation of this new douiiia, Tins IX, I'ar Iron- ..iecuiing an eternal pence lo hi* (dinreh, I'ai from destrov- ing what he is pleased to call the heresies wliich are attaekin.' Rome on every side, has done more to ediake Hie faith of ilie Koman (.'atliolies than nil their enemies. liy tr\ iii^ to foic(^ this nen article of faith on tlie consciences "f his people, in a time tliul so many can judge tor them.=elve,s, snd rend t .«, records of past (generation.';, he has taken away and pulled down the ttronsresi column which was supporting tlio whole fabric of his church; he has forever destroyed the best arguments which the prie-fs had lo od'er to the ignorant, fleludcd mullilndes wliich tlicv keep so abjectlv lied to their Icet. No Wild call siillicicutly ti 11 the dignilied and supicme con- tempt with which, bidbi'e that epoch, the priests of Rome were speaking of tlie ''new articles id' faith, the novidties of llie ai'clidieretics Luther, Calvin, Knox, &e., &c !" How elo- quent were tlu^ priests of Rome, before the Stli of December, 1S.")4, wlii'ii saving to their poor ignorant dupes, " In oui' li(dy Church of Rome there i8 no change, no innovations, no novel- ties, no new dogmas. We believe today iust wlint om' fatlicrs believed, and what they have taught us; .ve belong to the apostolical church, which means that we b(dievo only what •Apostles have believed and preached." And the ignorant multitudes were saying, amen ! lint, alas, for the poor priests of Rome to-day ; those dig- nilied nonsenses, tlmse precious and dear illusions, arc impossible I They have to confess that those liii;h-sounding denunciations against what they call the new doctrines of the heretics, were nothing but big guns loaded to the mouth to cMi'li.-ivri y cildiliitcil I'pil il, was a ji'^iiiiiiic iitcly, tlic ^0(1(1 ii,'iIiii-(mI th(i-»i' who lidicvrd it. Imd liiiiiscif II (Ifciiiii, ■ Slllljci'l,, l[i' SllW tnc riic liiiik Id KiiiiiP, mill y iilliT ]\(: woiiM Kiivi- ilali' ('oiici'plinii " WHS ii'VP to Ijl' --llVtMl. Ifl' il liy it ; iiml lliP lii.~l iiw to proitiiiI;; thr lack to Rome, ini'l tlir t vow. w (liiuiii:!, Tins IX, I'ar iiiicli, I'm fioiii (lestrov- (>s wliii'li iiro iittucki !_' tiliakr tlic t'ailli of the aitli oil tlip f(in>cir'ni('S 1 juilgc 1(11' thi'ni.oelvi',-', i.«, lis has taken awny which was siippcirliiig for('\ei' (lostroyod tho ) (id'or to th(> irriioiBiit, ) alijoctly lii'il to thrir ilii'il and >u[iruiii(' I'ou. I, tlic prii'sts (if Kiinic failll, thi' iioveltii'S of K, &c., &(' !" How (do- tlie Sth of DecoHibLM', it diipo.'*, " In our ludy iiHiuvatioiis, no novcd- ly iu-t what oiu' fat'iicis us ; .vc beloiiL? to thii we bidit'vo only what ." And the ignorant HI.' I'j-ihiy ; tho.50 dii.;- il doai- illusions, arc it those hiiih-soiindin,!:; le nrw doctrines of the jadod to the mouth to dtsli'oy the l'idicslaiil-i,wiruli are now di."hai';;lun theii' dfadly missiles npainst the ennnldin^ walls of their ehureh of Rome. They have to eonfess that tlwir pieteiiiions to an uii('hanf;ealilis creed i" all mere humhu'.'. sliamuful lies; they have to oonless llinl the ehurrh of Itoine is " ko:i,im: m,w ooouas, nkw aivw (i.ts ok K.\rrii ;" ihev do not ii:i\ lon;.;er d.ire to lay tc) the iliscipli's of the (iospel, " WloTi' wa'J \our ridi.iiotl lieforc the diivs of Luther iiud Cihiir.'" I.h- the -ern.|, voire of their coiiseience 'i'l vs t'ldax lo IIim Umihhi (';\lh die-, " Where wa-' vonr ridiv.ioii licdoic ihr sili I)., .-iiliri , 1 -i:! I •" ,nid Ihi'y laiinoi answer. There is au inMNOiahle and ii i .■-i•^lil)le \r^\r in the mind* even of the most unli'urned men, wliieh d.lies, lo day, all the sophisms of the pi-ie-ts of lionie if the- dare to spsak HKaiu on tludr pi't siilijeeti, "tho uovelti<:« and new dogmas of the I'rotestants." There is a silent, hut i'iu-.hiiifi voice, f,'oin>,', lo-dav, from the eiowds to the priest, lelliiifr him : " Now, he fiuiet and >ilent on what you are used to call the novidtiesand new doctrines of the I'rotestants! for, are you not prcaehinj; to us rui awful novelty V Are you not damnin;,' us to-day foi' disbelieving a thing which the churcli, durin|l eighteen hun- ilred vcais has. a bundled tinu-^, --olcmiily declarfld, by the niontli of the Popes, had " n"ver been revealed in the IIolv Scriptures, had never bei'ii lau;;ht b\ the l.uh'M «, had nevei lieeu heard of by the chii'.cli liersell '.•" 1 will never forget the sidiiess which cueicame mo when I received the ordi'r fiom the I'ope to proclaim that new do;j;ma to my iiooplc, (then all Ifomau (Jatliolies.) It was as if an carliiquake had sliakeii iiiid dcstiiiyed the ground on whicli my feet were re>tiiiu'. My n.i.-t cli"ii>hi'd illusions about the iiiimutaliilil V iiiid the int'allibilily .d' my nu\i: ipiestion, ho answered: "Yes! 1 know it; the Holy Viij^iii Mary was iiiiinaeiilate in her Coiieeption," he proved to his most ereihilnus dupes tliat he was iiothini; hut R iiiiserahle ^aerileeioiis comedian. Ilow would a .jury of liouot men deal with a witness who, beiiif; iiiterr.if;:\t.'d ahoiil he Unovvs of a certain fact, would .ili,*\ver, " I liiiow nothing ahout it ;'' and a moment at'tor would aeknowled^e " he kiiow.s eveiythin;.' about it." Wouhl not fiuh a wilne.:.-, be jujtiy piinislied BS a perjurer '.• Sueh is the sad and unenviable po-ition wliieh the I'ope lins made to liiin«e!f and to his elinreh, the 8tli of Deeeinber, IR!i4. Inlerropated by the nations of Kiiro|ie about what wa« to be believed on the " eoneeption o( the Vii;;in Mary," the ehurch id' Koine, diiriii;;' ten lentiiriea, had answered: "I do not know." And let iMery one nnieiiiber that iihe want.s to bo bidieved " i.NKAi.i.iiii.i; " when ^he li ol ncccmbcr, I Sft'l. bout wliiit wa" to bp ;iii Mary," tlio cIiuitIi iiswiTcil : " I do not tinit (ilic wants to be sIk' " knows nothiii;^ II'-, throu;.;li tlic int'al- (3, and she lias alu-nijn s Iininaculatc ! I of H'df r('s|i('i't, Mich iilil '/ivc a;.'ainst that lent will tliL'