IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // :A Ux fA i.O \\_ 1.25 I j^ IlM ? Ii£ 12.0 1.4 1.8 V] Kini\N .Mkui^ku, Of the firm of Eviiiis, Mci-cor & Co., Drui; "MciThMiits and Mamifacturing ChomistB. Montreal, 2f)tb Jan., 18*77. Dear >Ir. Lvman, I am very pleased to hear that you are a candidate for tlic vacant position of Customs Appraiser for Montreal. It is an office for wliich yon are personally well suited, in aduit'on to which your long experience as a druggist will be of great advantage. Should you receive the a]>pointment, as 1 hope you may, you will save the revenue many tliousands of dollars annu- iiUy, besides being a protection to the honest importer jigainst the many allempls that are made to enter goods irregularly. Indeed, it has long been a matter of surprise to me that the Government did not, for its own protection, insist ihat. in such an important Custom House as our own, at least one Appraiser should have a special knowledge of drugs^ chemicals and perfumery articles. Wis liin"- -vou everv success. I remain. Your> faithfully. N Merc KB. 3IR. rS. J. LVMA.N. fir.m R. IJ. Stei'iiexs. Ej^q ^f«n«.o.. or the London A.M.n.„ccCo.por«tio„. ^- .'• LvM.v.v, K>^. M...STREAL, 26f|, J„n, 1377. I.»E/n SiR._i)„i-ii,..- ill,. Im , . '""' ""•"'"'""■ "' "v'vht ,„„i „,„ ,0,. „|- .:/■'' '■";■'= ""•nl .,1 v„l,K.s „r ,, .-,• -.l v',™, ''P™'"'' '!« a,i.i„M,„..M. ,„■ H,v i:: i ■ ,; , ""■'■'■'"":''- > <•«-,».:.. i.-.n.i.,,,,y,„c.Hi, ;;; :J;:;:;;^;::■ ■''■-•^^^^ •■■"■'■.■,i.i,„it.„u.„i i„ ,,ii ii,..>f ,„so;. -'"''■''•'""'•"■.' •'"■i I •"c-nijiin. Yoiiivs inilv, l{o.MKo II. S-rr.nrE\s. f-^'nni I).t. J. a.KKK KinvAijos for some year., ainl |WAKLs. PuMi,. Analvsl &,. From ,JA.M£^s Jack (*^ CV... WlM.|r.s.,lo(;,c.c-(.r.v;,ml Tea McTcliaius inn;ir\-. 1877. »V«.' aie, dear Sir. Yours vc-y trujv, James Jack & Co. Floni U. ii A. S.UMtKRS. Importors .Ton-ollcry, Silvor :iii>l PU ted Ware, i( . MovTUKAT.. 2.')(h J:ninarv. 1R77. S. J. Lymax, Esq. Dear Sir. — Learniiijj: that yon an an applioaut tor ilie office of Appraiser in the Montreal Customs, wo beg to say that from our knowledge of yon for many year.-., weeonsidoi- you omiuently (jiialitieil for tlie post. Vonrs truly, If. & A. SvLSDSRi. From LrMAVs. Clare & Co.. Wholesale Prusj^isls and .Maiiufarturers. Montreal, 2Ttl» January, 1877. l>EAft .Sir, — AYeare pleased to learn that you have applied for the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. McKay at the Custom House, All we can say is that \v<' think j-ou admir- ably qualified, boin(i. MoxTREAi.. .Ianiarv 2^jTir. 1S77. Sir, — We arc informe;! thai it is the intention of Mv. S. J. Lyman to apply for the situatioM ot Appraiser at Her Majesty's Customs in Montreal, rcmlcied vacant by 'he death of the late Mr. ]). 3[cKay. We have much pleasure in[o\TnK,Ai.. Jan. .'{0, 1S77. S. J. Lyman. E,-y. Dbar Sir, — Wo believe y<»u to bo quite competent to 611 ilie o!!ic'e of Apprai^sel• i.ow vacant in the CiDstom Houao. From 30ur lon<; expericnco with tlio business of th»i city, and the vuried and thorougii knowledge 3-00 possess of mercan- tile matters generally, we think j'ou are just the person to till such an important office. Our conversation with you on the article of Tea convinces us that you are an excellent judge of the article, and compe- tent to give a correct opinion on the merits of anv kind of tea submitted for your judgment. We hope your applicr.tion will be received with favor bv the Government, who ought to secure your services. Yours truly, Geo. Guilds & Co. From Alderman Stephens. Montreal, I2th Jan.. 1877. DiAR Sir,— I beg to thank you on behalf of our association for the admirable lecture you delivered before it on Tea. You evinced a thorough knowledge of the cultivation and qualities of the various Teas, while your chemical experi- ments, in illustration of the lecture, were very interesting and instructive. In thanking you for having contributed so much to our entertainment and instruction on Thursday last, I express the hope that we shall l)e able to secure your services at a future time. Yours trulv, Ct. W. Stephens, President C. M. L. .UMoiathn. To Mil. .S J. Lyman. ■4^'*' Fiolu John Wood Sl Son, Wliolosnlc aiirl Retail IiiipoiMoiw of Fin? .lewollory mid Watclios. Montreal. Jan. 30. 1«77. i<. J. Lym.w. Ksq.. Dear Siu,— Haviiii,' t;i;(l iliat,vf>u ate uj.plying for tlip office of Appraiser in the Montreal Custom House, we would say that we believe that by your knowledge of busi- ness npd the value of <;no(|s. that you are fully qualified for the position. We are. Voin- obedient servant>J. John Wood & Son. From Chari.ks .Martin. Ksy., Importer of Chemicals. Cohus, Paints, f;<.!d. Bronze* Dj-es and Colors. -Montreal, Jan. 29th, 1877. Dear Sir, — Having had an opportunity of Judging of your ability to appraise goods of various descriptions, as well as machinery and utensils, when you were appointed by the several Insurance Companies to ascertain the loss and damage I sustained, in conscqucnceof the tire originating in Elliott, Phillips & Co.'s store next to nine, I must say that I was surprised at the thorough kno^\ ledge you evinced in judging rolors, points, dyei*, ohcmlcaU, mlturoh of rnrioiiH descriptions, as well as machinery, tools, scales, etc., etc. And beg to testify at the same time to the i^ainstaking zeal and the gentlemanly manner in which you discharged youi' duties in the interest of the companies who employed you as their Appi-aiser. Yours truly. CUAULES 3Iartin. To S. J. Lyaiax, Esq., City. The Liverpool axi> Loxhon and Globe Insirance Co., CiiFEF Ar.EMs Office, MuMHEAL. Jnminry 20fh. IK77. ?. J. Lyman. Kmj \f , Montreal, Dear Sik.— I have iniK*h jdcasiirt' in siuting ilmt in iil! (Ill' J«ji|)r!iiscn>fii(s you have iiuule tor this Conijiany. in sitt lliii^ losses, you havo ;,'ivcii niiicli sati>raclioii. Your intiinalf acfiuaintaiirc with spci-ial liiio> of yfHxiw, your •jonoral intbrniatioii. and ^ood jiui-^mont, have ennlilt«l \uu to form a ileeisi iii often aiu-eptaltle to l'(tth sitle>< in i-on- ^(•(JU«'lu•o of its inanifi".t Justiee. Voin.s truly. (1. F. I'. SmiTM. /(•..« Srrnt.l,!/. Fhom IIknry II. Chav. l>isj)ensin<; (."lieniisl, I'icsiiK'i.l of the ProviiK-ial I'liartna<-iuiral Board. MoNTUKAl,, J^^nuary 3()lh, is77. I lia\c Uiiowii Mr. ."^. J. jAtnan for the last twenty year.«. • Fc i> one of f)iir n/ilist and Inst iiaii. From his knowledge of business, and of (he ijualities and prices of drugs and merchandise ueiieiaijy. I eonsid'-r iiini particularly uell adapted to the \aeriril position ot' Appraiser al the Custom Ilouhe. HenRV K. (iHAV. From ( i^ Sonjs, Fur Merchants. MoNTiiKAi,, .'U)lh January. 1877. >'. J. LvMAN, Esq.. Monlieal. Dear Sir, — We understand tiiut you are making ajjplica- (i<»n for the position of Appraisci-, to till the place of the late |)avid McKay in the Customs l)e[»artmeiit of this city, and ue cheerfully accord our testimony and knowledge of yom competency and thorough acquaintance of ^the Drug and Chemical business and those branches appertaining to that trade. Youvs truly. (iRiEM; & Sons. 10 From Thomas Cratherx, Esq, Tea and Grocorios Merohant. S. J. LvMv.v. •^^"■^•TREAi, 30th Jan , 1877. Dear Sin.— IJaviri'»■., R. C. Jamieso.n&Co., Mnnuracturcrs of VarnL^hc, Japnn.s t .I.'iii., 1S77 S. J. Lv.M.w. Ks(i., .Mi»rtti-<':il. Dkar Sih,— I |,:ivc on viiii'.us <)c(a>ioii> ernj^loyed joii to valiu" and a|.i.rai>f (I.Miia-v> to ^r,„„ls .lo.sti-oyed hy tire, and have now ple.-iMiie in l-earin-- testimony to your ai)ii.v, tact and failhfulne.-s in any matter eritriisted to voii. I am. truly, Wm. Ewi.\(;. InspyclCM-, Xortli Biitisli and .M<-rcantile Insurance Co. Italian Wareh<»l:se. 221 .St. James st. iMoNTHEAL, Jan. HI, 1877. S. Jones Lyman, Esq. Dear Sir,— We undorstanil yon arc an applicant for tho situation of appraiser in H. .M. Cu^tom.^, vacant hv the death of the late David MacKay, Esq. From your general intbrmation and i hear that you have been ai> pointed. Yours very trulj', W. D. McLaren. From Henry Dobell & Co., General Merchants, Montreal, 31st January, 1877. S. Jones Lyman, Esq., Montreal Dear Sir,— We approve of the application you pro- pose making lor the vacant office at tlie Custom House. Your intimate knowledge of General Merchandise t.nd Values ought to enable you to render valuable service. Y'ours truly, Henry Dobell & Co. 13 From W. A. Campbeli , Esq., Cottoe and Spice Merchant. MONTREAL, Jan,, 1877. S. J. Lyman, Esq. Dear Sir, — In so far as the goods which I import are con- cerned, 1 believe no persou better titled for the important office of Aijpraiser than you are, while yoni well-known character for independence and impartiality vvill give con- fidence to the public that in difficult cases which may siriso you will excrcisp sound judgment and justice. 1 am. Dear Sir, Yours truly, W. A. Campbell. From Dr. T. Sterry Hint, LL.D., F.RS., Of Boston, Mass. Montreal, Feb. 1st, 1877. S. J. Ly'Man, Esq. My Dear Sir, — I am glad to lear.i that you are a candi- date for the post of Appraiser to H. M. Customs in Montreal, and I take pleasure in saying that I have known you for more than twenty-five years as one intimately acquainted with chemistry !n its relations to pharmacy and to various manufacturing industries, and I feel sure that the services which you would be able to render to the Revenue depart- ment and to the commercial public would be of great value. I trust that the Government will not lose the opportunity of securing you for the public service. I remain, my Dear Sir, Very faithfully yours, T. Sterry Hunt. Montreal, Feb. i, 1877. S. J. Lyman, Esq. Dear Sir, — 1 beg to inform you that at a meeting of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Association of the Province 14 of Quebec, held in this city yeslenitiy, the enclosed resolu- tion was passed unanimously, and you are nt lilterty to make what use of it you may wee fit. Yours respectfully, E. MuiR, Reyisfnir and Se'-irfdry. Resolution referred to in the foi'ei;(/in_i^ note : Moved by Mr. James Goulden, seconded by Mv. John Kerry, That in the oj)iniou of this Council it is desirable that a person qualified to judge of the value ol 'irugs and chemicals should be appointed as apj)raisei- of such articles in the examining warehouse of this city, and it is also their opinion that Mr. S. J. Lyman is thoroughly qualified for the otfice. — Carried. From J. G. Hearle, Toilet Soap and Perfumery Works. MoNTREAi,, Feb. 2nd, 1877. Dear Sir, — In reference to your application for the situa- tion in th3 Customs, I think tha<^, from your special know- ledge and business experience, you would be a valuable ac- quisition to the departmcTit, where practical abil'ty is much required. Yours truly, .1. (t. Hearle. 8. Jones Lyman, Esy. From Savage, Lvman & Co., Importers of Fine Watches, Rich Jev/ellery, Silver and Electro-Plated Ware. Montreal, Fob. 1, 1877. We consider Mr. S. J. Lyman, from his thorough know- ledge of special lines and his general knowledge of trade, well fitted for the position of Appraiser, now vacant by the death of Mr. McKay. His well-known capabilities and ac quirements will enable him to give general satisfaction to the j)ublic in discharging the ditticult duties of Appraiser Wo U'ust he may receive the appointment. SAVAiiE. Lyman & Co, 15 From E. Atwater & Co., Oil, Lead and Glass Merchants and Varnish Manufacturers, St. Nichohis Street. Montreal, iJrd Feb., 1877. Dear Sir,— We are pleased to learn that you are an ap- plicant for the situation made vacant by the death of the late Mr. D. Mackay, one of the appraisers at this poi-t. ?roni your knowledge of chemistry, theoretical and prac- tical, as well as long experience in trade generally, we are convinced that both the community and the government will be the gainers by your receiving this appointment. Youvs very truly, E. Atwater & Co. To Mr. S.J. J.YMAN. Montreal, 5 Fevrier, 1877. S. J. Lyman, Ecr. Monsieur, — Nous apprenons avec beaucoup de satisfaction que vous ete.s candidal au posted'Examination des marchan. discs dans les douanes de S. M. a Montreal. Par votre eonnaissance generaio des marchaudises nous considerons que vous etes eminemment quali fie pour cette ))08ition et nous appreudrions votre nomination avec le plus grand plaisir, assuree que nous .sommes que tous ceux cui ont atlaire a ce departement y trouveront toute la satisfaction desirable. Nous sommes, Vos obligeant serviteurs, J. HuDON & Cie.