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Un dee symboles suivants apparaitra sur la demiAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le caa: le symbols — *> signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Mapa, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one expoaure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, aa many frames aa required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartea, planches, tableaux, etc., pauvent dtre fiimAa A des taux da reduction diff4rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est fiimA & partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche it droite, et de haut en baa. en prenant le nombra d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammea suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^. 'J •■'* FOR THE ^TOWNSHIP * OF * MOSA»^ FOR THE YEAR 1894. Schedule of Post Offices. l-Strathburn. 2-Ward8ville. 3 -Cashmere, 4-GleDCoe. 5-Nowbury. 6-Knapdale. 7-Kilmartin. S-Alvinsron. 9- Chatham. 10-- Windsor. ll-Botl»well. 12-London. 13-Toronto. U -Ridgetown. 15--Mt.Brydge8. 16-Walkerville. 17-Winnipeg. IS-Walkers. 19- Woodstock. 20-Belle- ville. 21-St. Thomas. 22-Decroit. 23-Florence. 24- Delaware. ^-Den- ver 2»)- Fort Erie. 27-Clachan. 28-Chippewa. 29 -Fish Creek, Man. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. ONE, Comprising all that part of the Township of Mosa lying West of the line between Lots Nos. 16 and 17. PART 1 -Persons entitled to Vote at botti Municipal Elections and Elections to tlie L.egislative Assembly. NAME. Allan, David Allan, Charles Allan, I&hmael Armstrong, Alexander Arrastro ig, Hugh Armstrong, Matthew Armstroig, James Armstrong, Robert Armstron ;, Alexander, jr. Atkins, Thomas Allan, Bertin Con or Range Irs Irs 1 r n 3 con Scon Icon 3 con Scon Scon Irs 1 r n Archer. Henry R Blott, Wm. R. J. Blain, Peter Blain, Joseph LOT. lot 30 w pt 29 8 w pt s hf 29 nhfl7 nhf 17 w hf s hf 17 s hf n hf 19 n hf n hf 19 n hf n hf 19 pt28 gore 30 Other Description. p >-3 1 con Irs 2rn 2 M p and owner K F and occ M p and owner M p and owner M F and p s M F and I M p and owner M P and owner M F and P 8 M p and oco M p and p s r n s nhf 17 bf 18 w hf s hf 18 hf 19 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 M F and owner M p and owner M p and owner M F and owaori ^\ j POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. ONE- PART 1. 531 395 394 Surges, Joseph Bristow, William Bristow, David Brown, Byron 97 497 102 271 Carans, Aaron Camplin, Robert Cadogan, William Cucksey, John 79 105 171 279 312 461 89 zTi 88 280 Dykes, William Dixon, Michael Dale, Charles Duckworth, Lawrence Deming, Prosper Douglas, James Dawson, Isaac L'aviS, AiLii'-ir Duckv/orth, Peter Duckworth, George 103 263 264 311 464 Everinghani, Adoram Edwards, Cornelius Edwards, Cornelius Everett, Richard Edwards, Peter 90 93 94 98 388 389 Fleming, Alexander Fleming, GzowskiB. Fleming, Sam del Fleming, John Fennell, Amos, sr. Fennell, Charles 3 con 1 con 1 con Irs nhf 17 e hf n hf 23 w hf n hf 23 pt28 Irs 3 con Irs 2rn w hf n hf 26 w hf s hf 20 e pt 28 ahf 19 2rn Irs 1 rn 2rn 2rn 2 con Irs r> . tj i A*. 1 rs 2rn nhf 18 pt28 8hf21 8 pt 27 pt n hf 17 e hf n hf 21 ept22 1 _*. nti bf21 8pt27 Irs 2rn 2rn 2rn 2 con pt28 whf shf 17 whf shf 17 n pt n hf 17 whf nhf 21 1 rs Irs 1 rs Irs 1 con 1 con lot 23 lot 25 lot 25 nhf 27 e hf n hf 18 e hf n hf 18 M K and P 8 M p and owner M p and owner M p and tenant M p and owner M p and owner M p and tenant M p and tenant M p and M p and M P and M F and M p and M P and M Pand M V and M F and M P and owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant p 8 2 , 3 2 , 3 5 5 2 3 2' M p and tenant M p and owner M pand ten ant M p and owner M P and tenant M p and owner M p and owner M P and P 8 M p and owner M V and-owner M p and occ POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. ONE-PART 1. 2 J 313 3 j i O O 100 309 310 4G5 NAME- 99 Gibb, Singleton 30S 172 208 209 208 210 im 396 355 5(55 Gibb. John S. Glasgow, Thomas W. Glasffow, James Gillet, William Henderson, Walter Hennan, James Harold, Thomas Harold, James Harold, George Harris, Hecry Hewett, George Hewetf, Benjamin House, John Hicks, R. 592 Van0 T\anip,\ 594 5f)5 211 95 213 274 275 651 101 Kane, John Kane, Patrick Little, David Little, Robert S. Little, Oscai Lamb, William Lamb, Edward Lafferty, James Lilly, W. C. 467 Mitchell, James 215 Mulligan, John 216 Moyer,John 217 Moyer, Samuel 266 Mitchell, John 207 Mitchell, Matthew 268 Mitchell, William -I — . *•!««£ vtiit u allies Con. or Range Irs 1 rs 2rn 2rn 2 con rR r n r n rn r n r n con 1 con 1 con 4 con 4 4 con 3 con 1 r n 1 r n 1 rn 2rn 2rn 5 con Irs 2 con 1 r n 1 r n 1 r n 2rn 2rn 1 ru 3 coii LOT. apt 27 ept28 8 pt n hr 17 s pt n hf 17 w hf n h£ 22 b f 18 and pt 19 whf shf 22 e hf 6 hf n hf 18 ehf 20 e hf e hf n hf 18 whf 18 gore 27 gore n hf 26 shf 17 pt s hf 19 and 20 pt n hf 19 and 20 w hf n hf 20 nhf 20 e hf s hf 18 nhf 20 22 22 w pt n hf 17 ept28 gore n hf 24 nhf 21 eptn hf22 e pt n hf 22 e hf 8 hf 18 e hf s hf 18 8 pt w hf 17 whf 21 Other Description. M F and owner M p and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner (4 b M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M Fand M F and owner owner owner F 8 F 8 owner owner owner tenant tenant M F and owner M F and F 8 M F and tenant M F and tenant M F and tenant M F and F 8 M F and F s M F and owner M F and tenant M F and M p and M F and M F and M p and M Fand M p and M Fand tenant owner owner owner owner tenant occ tenant 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 11 11 5 5 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. ONE-PART 1. oil 691 626 282 96 313 174 18S 219 220 221 222 459 563 593 86 491 fV2 314 315 316 278 436 493 495 496 NAME. Mitchell, Peter A. Morin, James Murphey, Joseph Mover, Abraham Milner, Thomas Milner, William McCallum, Milton McCallujn, Duncan McCalluin, Aneus McCallum; Archibald McCallum, Hugh McCready, John McRae, James McLear, Mark McArthur, Angus McCallum, Duncan Nixon, Uhariea W. Oliver, John Oliver, George Oliver, Thomas Robins, George Ritchie, Peter Robinson, Elijah Robinson, .Tonn H. Robinson, Wm. F. 106 Shelly, Walter 177 Saylor, Isaac Con. or Range 4 con 5 con 2rn 1 rs 2rn Irs 1 rn 1 r n Irn 1 r n Irn 2 con 4 con 4 con Irs 3 con 2r n 2i-n 1 con 2r n 2rn 2 con 3 con 3 con 3 con 1 rs Irn nhf 18 w pt 8 hf 17 and 18 pt gore 28 whfnhf 27 nhf 19 wpt22 t s hf 28 w lif n w hf23 hf23 hf23 hf23 E w hf n w hf n whf h ehf nhf 20 s tifl9 t nhf 19 f20 pt s hf 18 lot 21 n pt n hf 26 shf26 n pt n hf 26 Other Description. M K and owner M F and owner M F and owner M V and tenant M F and tenant u F and tenant g 5 5 It 3 4 2 I Fand F and F and F and F and F and F and M F and M F and M Fand tenant owner F 8 F S F 8 owner owner owner owner owner M F and owner M F and owner 51 F and tenant M F and F 8 hf26 gore 25 ehf shf 19 e hf e hf 20 n pt shf 18 and 19 pt28 e pt s hf 26 M F and owner M F and tenant M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner 'm f and owner 11 11 3 11 5 5 5 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 2 5 3 3 J i i »i i »i «i ii j ) n i iH « « i d g CLi •-: • 6 \ • 6 J ■11 . 3 - 4 - 2 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 2 5 3 11 5 5 5 3 3'i POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. ONE-PART 1. o 3 d o 179 107 181 182 175 218 224 225 426 427 429 432 178 590 433 4'M 566 NAME- 91 92 102 104 187 226 173 Smith, David Sitler, Allan Saylor, Joseph H. Saylor, Isaac, jr. Sowler, John Stewart. Charier Saylor, Nicholas Swartz, Andrew Stock injf, Stephen Stocking, John Stockinff, Walter Sheriff, John Saylor, William R. Sinclair, James Sheriff, Riely Shouldise, Heury Sando, W. H 457 458 Taylor, Gilbert Taylor, Angus Tiinks, David Tun'w, Wiiliam Turks, Robert Tunks, Charles Taylor, Daniel Vail, John Vail, Albert 273 95 169 276 562 170 Webb, Harvey Woodrow, Smith v/alksr. Henry R. Woodrow, Daniel Webster, David Walker, David E. 'Wit.rrl. danr Con or Range 1 rn Irs 1 r u 1 en Irn Irn Irn 1 rn 2 con 2 con 2cou 2 coo Irn 4 con 2 con 2 con 4 con 1 rs 1 rn 1 rs 1 rn 1 rn 1 rn 1 rn 2 con 2 con LOT. w hf s hf l^e pt28 ehfsLf 27 whf &hf 27 w pt 8 hf ^ nptn hf 24 shf shf nhf 27 nhfnhf 27 8 pt s hf 19 8 pt s hf 20 hf8hf22 e pt 8 hf 23 whf r if 25 n hf n uf 17 w nt 8 hi 23 whf shf 22 pt s hf Other Description. lit and 20 wpt24 e pt 8 hf 25 •^t 28 and 29 n e pt 8 h f 26 pt 8 hf 29 nhf 28 pt s hf 24 » and Fatid V and F and pand Kand p and p and F and M p and M Fand M Pand M K ar 1 M F and M Fand M Fand u Fand owner tenant owner owner tsnant owner owner owner occ owner owner tenant F s tenant tenant tenant tenant M D 2rn 1 rs Irn 2rn 4 con Irn 1 - .. •I ra nhf 19 nhf 19 M p and owner M F and occ H p and tenant M F and owner M p and owner M F and owner 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 22 ehf26 shf 20 lot 25 shf 18 shf 20 M F and owner M F and p s 11 11 11 M F and M F and M p and M Pand M F and M Fand M F&ud owner owner owner owner owner F 8 leuaut 2 3 2 3 ? POLLING SLB-DI VISION No. ONE- PART sJ. PART 2— Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. 9 J 490 111 463 283 391 NAME. Armstrong, Hu^h Atkius, Joseph Archer, John J. Blair, Alexander Burr. John i9S 4b S 80 281 82 83 308 650 185 Clements, Elizabeth Chittem, Alfred l)ykes, Adelena Fields, Elizabeth Henderson, Henry Henderson, Frank Henderson, Walter Kierstead, Elizabeth Lobu, Mutty 393 Miller, Jacob 625 Morin, David 206 Mills, Sidney 40 Mansfield, Mary Jane 307 Milner, Petex A, 392 Miller, Ge-jrge Con. or Ran^e 3 con Irs 2 con LOT. pt s hf 18 pt 28 and 29 n pt w hf 21 2rn 1 con 2 con 2 con 2rn 2rn 1 rs Irs 1 rs 5 con 1 r n 1 con 5 con 1 rs Irs Irs 1 con lot 20 w hf m sptshf 21 gore n iif 24 nhf 18 pt 27 and 28 wptl7 wptl7 18 pt lY f 19 and pt w pt n hf 17 s pt s hf 29 n hf 21 e pt 8 hf 17 bf 1 pt28 b f 19 and pt 18 nhf 21 Other Description. owner tenant owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant occ. 11 11 r 5 23 5 11 5 6 2 2 g 5 5 2 3 5 5 POLLING SUBDIVISION No. ONE-PART 2. 108 460 184 m 207 McNeil, Mary McCieady, Ellen McCallum, Mailin McLear, Charlotte O'Malley.CharU" A. 434 453 Patterson, Archibald Patterson, James 390 Roorae, Wra F. 494 Robinson, Mary 45fi Re^is, Wni E. 262 423 424 462 499 500 265 176 223 492 Sheppard, William Stalker, Duncan, sr. Stalker, Duncan, jr. Sheppard, Wm. Tyrone. Elijah Tyrone, Lewis Voce, Jesse Ward, Margaret Willick, Samuel Webster, Thomas ai8 Young. Wm.H. •^1' 'Youne. James Irs 2 con Irs 5 con pt28 w hf n hf 20 w pt 28 and 29 n e pt 17 1 r n nbf 16 2 con 3 con n pt a hf 24 ehf21 1 con 3 con 1 rn 2rn 2 con 2 con 3 con 3 con 3 con 1 rn Irn 1 r n 3 cou whf 18 w Lf s hf 19 pt n hf 18 eK:shf 17 whf 18 whf 18 gore 23 whf 21 whf 21 n pt w hf 17 w pt 8 hf ^ nhf26 8 w pt 8 hf 18 r n nhf27 'n hf 27 owner ownar owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner Owaoir 11 5 11 5 12 5 5 5 5 5 28 5 11 ii POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. ONE-PART 3. PART 3— Persons: entitled to Vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly only. o o NAME. 209 Harold, Thomas POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. TWO-PART 1. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. TWO, Comprising all that part of the Township of Mosa lyine and beini? Snnfh nt ana Mosa to the allowance for road between Lots Nos. Ifi and 17. PAP^T 1— Persons entitled Elections to to Vote at both Municipal Elections and tne Liegislative Assembly. o o 68 69 77 166 197 236 362 NAME. Archer, Thomas Archer, George H. Atkinson, William Adair. Carson F, Annett, Charles N. Annett. Hercules Annett, Mablon Annett, Levi Annett, Wilson Con or Bange LOT. Irs Irs 1 rs 1 r n 1 r n 2rn 2rn 1 rs Irs 238 291 29? 300 Bodine, John Brown, Andrew Beaty, Andrew Blaio, Charles A. 2rn 2rn 2rn 2rn n hf 12 nhf 12 nhf 13 lot 14 n pt s hf 6 ehf3 w hf n hf 6 nhf 2 nhf 2 i'i^''TSi£^r&/' 8 20 21 27 28 44 123 124 125 127 142 12(j Clanahan, Janres, sr. Currie, John T. Currie, Nathaniel Currie, George Currie, Edward .1. Coyne, James Currip, John Currie. Hugh Currie, Arthur — — , X ^■" pt lot 10 M F Ji^ M F and H POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. THREE-PART 1. 17 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. THREE. Concession, to the ro?d X^Jance betwLn ^hri'^^^l" ^""^^^"i^ *»>« First sions, and from the TownlinXtw^nTkfr^^ °'^'"»5 *°^ K'^^^ Conces- for road between Lots No" 16 and 1? "^ ^°^*' *° *^« allowance PAKX -Pe.o„.^ enuug - Vote . ... Munjc.p. ..cUons an. o o 449 559 NAME. Abbot, Isaac Armstrong, Joseph 550 348 477 478 ;i50 Brown, James ^&il, Jason Burchell, Abraham, jr. Burchell, Abraham, sV Blam. Henry l]o2 mi 405 406 444 469 4ai 501 502 520 558 555 Cucksey, William Cucksey, George Currie, David Craig, John Craig, John A. Currie, Charles Currie, Nathaniel F. Childs, William Coyne, William Coyne, John B, Congrieve, John Callender, Robert A. Congrieve, David 484 Deacon, Joseph 4 con 1 con 3 con 3 con 1 con w pt 8 hf 9 shf shf 12 shf 8 ehf 8 hf 12 ehf shf 14 1 con 1 con 1 cou 2 con 2 con 2 con 3 con 3 con 3 con Scon 3 con 4 con 4 con M p and owner M F and owner M p and owner M P and tenant M p and owner w hf a hf 14 w hf s hf 14 w hf n hf 3 shf: shf 7 nhf 3 sH2 whf whf shf 14 nhf 1 nhf 1 ehf n hf 14 w hf ehf shf 14 ehf ehf shf 14 13 con ehf whf shf 14 M p and occ 5 M P and tenant 5 M p and owner 4 M p and owner 4 M p and PS 4 M p and owner 4 M p and owner 4 M p and owner 5 MP and tenant 4 M p and tenant 4 M p and owner 5 M p and owner 5 *i F and owner 5 M p and owner 18 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No THREE— PART 1. 471 660 581 683 586 326 475 378 404 481 483 329 330 342 345 346 347 348 369 380 411 504 512 513 514 535 536 543 544 552 572 573 381 521 286 382 545 Depew, Joel D. Durfey, Thomas Degraw, Samuel Degraw, Duncan Dixon, Thomas Donley, Robert Dewey, James Essery, William Forbes, John Fletcher, John Fletcher, Duncan Graham, Archibald Graham, Archibald, jr. Gould, John Gardiner, William Gardiner, William A. Gardiner, Thomas Gardiner, Andrew Gillies, Donald Gray, Alexander Gardiner, Peter Graham, Donald D. Gillies, Archibald GilHes, Dugald Gilb'eSs John Graham, Duncan C. Graham, John C. Gillies, Dugald Gillies, George Gillies, John Gillies, Duncan Gillies, Archibald Gray, Alexander, jr. Guy, John Gilbert, James Gray, Andrew Gillies. Dugald 3 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 1 cm 3 con 1 con 2 con 3 con 3 con 1 con 1 con 1 con 1 con 2 con 2 con 3 con 1 con 1 con 2 con 3 con 3 con 3 con 3( 4. con con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 1 con 3 con 1 con 1 con 4 con shf 3 w hf 8 hf 16 whf nhf 12 nhf 13 nhf 14 pt 8 hf 1 whf shf 6 ■ nhf nhf 12 ehf nhf 7 shf 10 shf 12 pt s hf ! pt s hf 1 shf 8 shf 9 s pt s hf 8 nhf 8 e hf n hf 4 nhf 8 nhf 13 n pt s hf 8 nhf 2 shf shf n hf 9 shf shf nhf 9 s hf s hf n hf 9 shf 1 shf 3 shf 5 shf 5 shf 10 nhf 5 nhf 5 nhf 13 e hf n hf 14 shf 2 n hf la shf 5 H F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M Fand tenant owner owner tenant owner tenant tenant M 1' and occ. M F and owner M Fand tenant M F and owner M F and M F and M Fand M F and M F and M p and M F and M F ani M F and M p and M p and M F and M Fand M Fand M F and M F and M F and M p and M p and M F and M F and M F and M p and M F and M V and M p and owner F S tenant owner occ occ occ owner owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant owner occ. owner P 8 owner owner F s F S occ owner 1:1 P 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 A 4 336 337 338 540 Ij 542 ] 546 \l 574 1 1 525 ;■ 526 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 /< 4 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. THREE -PART 1. 19 414 4Vi 417 452 472 479 480 522 578 579 580 410 /385 343 523 I Hurdle, Edjfar I Hurdle, Edway Haggett, Edward HaKerty, William Henderson, James Hagerty, Daniel Hagyrty, William Han-is, George Hillman, George Hillman, Peter Hillman, John Harcourt, George Haskell, Henry Hennessy, Maurice Harris, Frederick Con. or Range /^^\^&fi^^!6cAy9m^ ;/d4yH^ 2 con 2 con 2 con 2 non 3 con 3 con 3 con j3 con 4 con 4 con ' 4 con 2 con 1 con 1 con 3 con ■ttescnption. . c ^07 Innes, George •n\ ilnnes, Willian,, sr. 038 Innes, William, jr. shf 10 |Hhf 11 s pt ehf 8 hf 12 w hf e hf n hf 12 n hf 4 w hf s hf 9 e hf shf 9 w hf n hf 14 ehf ehf n hf 12 ehf ehf n hf 12 whf ehf n hf 12 pt « hf 8 ehf 11 shf 8 whf n hf 14 M F and owner M *" and owner M p and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M p and owner M F and owner : M F and owner 'm f and f s |m f and owner JM P and tenant M F and owner M F and owner M F and F s f^t ^ Is^'h^^ 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 51 5 5 5 4 4! 3 con 3 con 4 con Kelly, Timothy King, Charles, jr. King, Charles, sr. King. William King, Daniel 1 con 2 con 2 con 3 con 3 con whf nhf 6 uhf 8 shf 8 M p and owner M p and owner M p and owner ^ 4|J whf nhf 10 e hf n hf 15 ehf n hf 15 Sif 11 wptn hf 16 J?l Leech, Edward •>7() Leech, Thomas J. 'C^€, oTlU M F and owner [M F and occ iM F and owner M F and owner' M p and owner ^ ^c4-i ^ J^^^j^^^ 336 337 338 540 Munroe, George Munroe, .John W. Munroe, Alexander ,^^ iMitchell, Peter »42 Mitchell, Duncan 04b Munroe, James 074 Mitchell, John 526 'Mitciivsil, John Icon ehf 11 Icon ehf 11 M F and owner M F and F s 1 con I con con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 3 con '3 con Is hf 5 8 if 5 s hf 6 e hf s hf 4 s w pt 4 ,s hf 6 n hf*> n hf 15 n hf 15 M p and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M Pand M F and owner tenant owner owner owner ownerj ownerj tenant owner ' rCl »' I !.. 90 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. THREE-PART 1. 324 yj2 339 307 399 335 420 505 515 516 517 518 524 5,39 549 551 554 575 576 577 587 519 451 467 486 McEachren, Daniel R. McEachren, John McPhf-rson, John McCalitJui, Duncan A. McCutcheon, Alexander MoCutcheon, Huuh McCully, Ervin McLarty, Alexander McConrell, John J. McRae, John A. McRae, Duncan McRae, Philip D. McLean, Donald McLarty, Malcolm McKelvey, Lachlan McConneli, George McConnell, John McVicar, Archibald McDonald, James D. McDonald, John McDonald, Arthur McKenzie, Duncan McArthur, Duncan McCallum. Neil McGuire, Charlerj Mclntyre, John L. McConnell, Robert 323 Newport, William 453 Paterson, James 322 370 371 379 456 474 508 591 572 Ross, R. W. Reycraft, Richard Reycraf t, John Reycraft, Elias Regis, William E. Reycraft, William Robertson, Daniel Robertson, William Reycraft, Richard, jr. 'Jiii 'Jtieycraft, Joseph 1 con 1 con 1 con 1 con 'icon 1 con 2 con 3 con 3 con 3 con 3 con 3 con 3 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 3 con 2 con 4 con 3 (;on 3 con 2 con 1 con 2 con pi 8 hf 1 pt 8 hf 3 ehfghf 7 nhf 7 e hf 5 whf whf shf 3 s pt 8 hf 15 nhf3 nhf 10 nhf 11 ehf nhf 12 ehfnhf 12 n hf 15 shf 2 ehf ehf shf 9 s w cor 8 hf 9 w pt s hf 12 nhf 7 w pt n hf 9 nhf 10 e hf n hf 15 ptnhf 12 w pt n hf 11 nhf 1 w hf w hf s hf 14 nhf 5 w hf n hf 7 pt 8 hf 1 nhf 13 1 con 1 con 1 con 1 con 2 con 3 con 3 con 4 con 1 con 1 con pt 8 hf 1 nhf nhf 9 nhf nhf 9 whf nhf 11 w hf n hf 15 !e hf s hf 6 iehfnhf 7 nhf 3 !n hf n hf 9 n hf n hf 9 u p and owner M F and tenant M p and owner I M p and owner u 1' and owner; M p and owner. M p and owner! M p and owner] M p and ownerl M p and ownerl M p and ownerl M P and p s M p and tenant M p and owner M P and owner M p and owner M p and owner M p and occ M p and owner M p and owner M p and owner M p and tenant M p and owner M p and tenant M p and occ. M p and tenant M p and tenant M F and owner M p and owner M p and M p and M p and p and p and F and K and p and F and p Rnd occ owner occ owner owner owner owner owner p s F S 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 i 4 4 4 4 'd POLUNO SUB-DIVISION No. THREE - 4 4 4 4 5 )wner enaot twner, iwner iwnerj iwnerj iwner| iwneri 4 wnerl 5 wnerl 5 wnerl 5 ' s inant wner wner wner wner cc wner wner wner inant wner !nant ICC. inant in ant g 5 5 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 f) 4 4 5 J 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 Si I *0 (Siddal, Francis 400 Stinson, John ink S'f"8on' Frederick 402 jStinson, Thomas J. 403 jStinaon, George R. li? Ig"^^'*' J. R 441 Stinson, James 442 jStinson. Isaac ^ ii"Jt«'"|a°'|. Alexander 510 Sutherland. Wm. K. 547 Smith, Edgar 557 jScott, George 4-^3 Stinson, William PART 1. 349 Tilfer, John Warner, John L. Walker, John S. Walker John Walker, Mark Walker, Atchison Walker, Mitchell Walker, Mitchell E. J^inship, James .Walker, Mark Winship,Rothwell .^inship, Asa R. Walker. James Wi son, Thomas Wilson, Clifton Walker, Joseph Woods, Edward sent 1 ehf nhf 3 shf 6 sbf 6 shf 6 shfb' 8 hf 14 % nhf 2 nhf 2 whf 7 whf 7 ehf shf 7 pt 8 hf 14 nhf 4 1 con s hf 13 whf shf 11 ehf n hf 2 e hf n hf 2 ehf nhf 2 nhf 4 nhf 5 nhf 5 ehf 11 shf 2 pt s hf 13 hf n hf 14 w hf n hf 4 whf nhf 15 whf nhf 15 nhf 4 ptsLfS ^ Other lojfc I>escription. .5 M F and owner M i- and owner M p and owner M F and F 8 M F and r s M P and F s M F and owner M P and owner M p and F 8 A* P and owner jM F and occ. M F and owner M Fand tenant u F andoH^er 4 j u F and owner 5 j M F and tenant M F and owner M Fand F 8 M F and F 8 M p and owner M F and owner M F and F 8 M Fand tenant M F and owner M p and owner M p and tenant M F and owner M F and owner] M p and owner IM F and F 8 I M F and tenant! 22 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. THREE-PART 2. PART 2— Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. oo 529 553 Armstrong, Alexander Armstrong, John /412 / 570 NAME. Beverage, Anne Brodie, John 4 con 4 con shf 11 pt s hf 12 ^a4^t^ c/ con w hf 8 hf 14 5 con w hf n hf 12 5 con w hf n hf 12 Other Description. d 65 M P and owner M F and owner M F and F 8 M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and occ M P and owner M F and occ M F and occ M F and F s 7|J 7' ] 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 M F and owner M F and owner M F and tenant M F and F s M F and F s M F and owner M F and owner |m f and tenant 5 con s pt w pt s hf 16 5 con w pt w pt s hf 16 5 con w pt w pt s hf 16 Jm f and owner !m f and owner M F and occ 5 con s hf 8 6 con's hf 11 7 con's hf 9 7 con's hf 8 8 con's hf 2 9 conn hf 5 10 conlw hf 5 11 con e hf s hf 3 ! 7 f.nn s hf 9 I 8 con n hf 8 M F and owneri M F and owner M F and owneri M F and F s M F and owner M F and owner M F and occ. M F and owner M F and F H M F and owneri (> 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 o q POLLING SUB-DI\1SI0N No. FOUR-PART 1. (; 7 H 8 8 641 598 652 653 659 664 692 697 701 710 711 712 773 774 775 776 782 799 8C0 80i (560 724 671 692 NAME. Con or iRange' Mitchell, Neil Munroe, William Munroe, Malcolm C. Munroe, Daniel N. Mitchell, Duncan Merritt, Joseph Mitchell, Peter Munroe, Neil Munroe. Neil L. Munroe, Hugh Munroe, Colin C. Munroe, George L. Muir^ "John Mitch. , William Mitchell, George Mitchell, Duncan Munroe, Archibald V. Munroe, Archibald Munroe, John A. Munroe. Duncan C. Mitchell, Donald D. Miller, Rev'd Alex. Munroe, Peter N. Mitchell, Petor 601 McKellar, Robert W. 600 McKellar, Archibald B. 607 McKinley, Angus 610 McDonald, James 671 McDonald, Allan 612 McNaughton, Duncan 614 Mclntyre, Colin 'Mb McDonald, Edward 619 McDonald, Duncan 620 McDonald, Robert 621 McDonald, David A. 627 McLachlan, Alexander 640 McLachlan, Donald ()28 McLachlan. John 630 Mclntyre, Neil 631 Mclntyre, Malcolm 632 McNeil, Hugh '••^5 McTavish, John l).i6 McTavish, Hugh 637 Mclntyre, Duncan 654. McAlpine, Alexander 656 McLauchlin, Hugh 661 McLean. Allan 662 McLean, Malcolm 665 McLarty, Malcolm 672 McCallum. John G. LOT. 5 con w hf n h£ 11 5 con s hf 3 6 con s hf 1 6 con s hf 1 6 con w hf s hf 8 6 con s w cor s hf 12 6 con'w hf n hf 11 7 con s hf 1 7 con's hf 3 7 cou n hf 1 7 coii'e hf n hf 2 7 con w hf n hf 2 9 conn hf 2 9 conjn hf 4 9 con n hf 4 9 con'w hf n hf 3 lOconjw hf shf 1 11 conis hf 1 11 con s hf 1 11 con s hf 1 6 con s hf 8 8 con!n pt s hf 1 6 conjn hf 2 6 conlw hf n hf U 5 con s hf 4 5 cons hf 4 5 con w hf s hf 7 5 con s hf 9 5 con hf9 Other Description. 27 •-0 M F and owner 1m f and owner !m f and owner Im p and f s 'm f and owner M F and owner u F and owner !m f and occ Im p and owner Im p and owner u F and owner JM F and owner !m f and owner M F and owner M F and F 8 M P and F 8 M F and owner M P and owner !m p and occ M P and occ M P and F 8 m f and occ M F and tenant M p and occ 6 4 4 4 6 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 81 8 8' 8 H 8 J 5 cons hf 11 5 con ehf shf 13 5 con e pt w hf s hf 13 5 con e hf w hf s hf 15 5 con n e pt s hf 16 5con|w hf w hf shf 15 5 con n hf 1 5 con n hf 10 5 con n hf 1 5 con 'lot 2 5 conjlot 2 5connhf3 5 con'e hf n hf n_ 5 con w hf n hf 5 5 con n hf 6 6 con s hf 2 6 con s hf 4 6 con's hf 9 6 con s hf 10 6 con'pt s hf 12 6 conn hf 2 M P and PS 4 , M F and owner 4 ] M F and owner 6 M F and owner 6 M p and PS 6 M P and owner 6 ; M p and owner 6 M F and owner 6 :M P and owner 5 M P and owner 5 M P ani occ. 5 I M F and owner 4 'MPandPS 4 'm p and P s 4 M P and owner 4 'm p and owner 4 |m p and owner 4 'm f and owner j 4 'mp and owner 4 'm f and owner 4 'm p and owner 4 'M P and owner 4 m p and owner 6 M p and PS 6 M P and owner 5 M P and owner' 7 28 POLLING SUB-DIVLSION No. FOUR-PART 1. Other 'd De£ .iption. I • 608 629 674 676 676 677 678 684 686 687 688 690 700 702 703 708 714 715 716 718 717 723 730 736 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 750 752 753 756 759 760 765 766 767 807 808 809 673 685 689 732 737 768 McKinley, Donald McLachlin. Duncan McCallum, Duncan G. McTavish, Furlane McTavish, JohnA. Mclntyre, George G. Mclntyre, George, sr. McDonald, John McDonald, Norman McVicar, Donald McVicar, John McCallum, Archibald Mclntyre. Donald H. McLachlan, Malcolm Mclntyre, Colin McVicar, Neil McTavish. Alexander McPhail. Dugald McTavish, John F. McAlpine, Hugh McAlpine, Donald A. McArthur, John McAlpine, Donald R. McColl, Archibald McDonald, James McDonald, Donald McVicar, Alexander McLachlan, Hugh McLachlan, Dugald McLachlan. Archibald McLachlan, Duncan McLachlan, Donald McLean, Malcolm McKellar, John L. McLachlan, Hugh H. McLachlan, Alexander McKellar, Duncan McKcUar, Malcolm McKellar, Dugald C. McKellar, Peter McAlpine, Hugh Mclntyre, Malcolm Mclntyre, Donald Mclntyre, Duncan McCallum, Alexander McDonald, Edward, Malcolm McMaster, John McColl, John McAlpiJie, Robert L. 5 conjw hf s hf 7 5 con n hf 1 6 conm hf 3 6 con n hf 4 7 con e pt 8 hf 6 6 con n hf 5 6 con n hf 6 6 con pt n hf 9 6 con pt n hf 9 6 con n hf 10 7 con s hf 10 6 con e hf n hf 11 7 con s hf 2 shf4 shf 5 shf 12 nhf4 w hf n hf 5 nhf6 w hf n hf 7 e hf n hf 7 gore n hf 12 shf 7 gore 10 gore 11 gore 11 pt n hf 1 nhf 1 pt s hf 1 pt s hf 1 7 con 7 con 7 con 7 con 7 con 7 con 7 con 7 con 7 con 8 con 8 con Scon 8 con 8 con 8 con 8 con 8 con 8 con 8 con 8 con 8 con 8 con 9 con 9 con 9 con 9 con 9 con 9 con 11 con 11 con 11 con 6 con 6 con 6 con 8 con 8 con pt s hf pt s hf 1 nhf3 nhf 5 nhf 7 shfl shf 5 shf 5 shf 7 shf 7 lot 8 nhf 2 nhf 2 nhf 2 nhf 3 pt n hf 9 nhf 10 shf 8 gore 10 9 con lot 8 M V and owner M F and F s M F and owner 7 M F and owner 7 J M F and owner 7 M F and owner 4 J M F and owner 4 M F ani occ. 6 M F and F s 6 M F and owner 6 . M F and owner 6 j M F and owner 7 M F and occ. 7 . M p and owner 7 J M F and occ 4 M F and owner 6 . M F and owner, 4 \ M P and owner 7 \ M F and owner' 7 } M F and owner , 7 j M F and owner, 7 M F and owner B M F and owner 7 M F and owner 8| M F and owner 8 M F and occ ! 8 M p and owner 7 . M F and owner 7 j M F and F s 7 M F and PS 7 M F and PS 7 M F and PS 7 M F and owner 7 . M p and owner '' \ M F and owner 7 J M F and owner 7 . M p and owner H j M p and tenant 8 _ M F and occ 8 j M F and occ 8 M F and owner 8 _ M F and owner 8 j M p and PS 8 M F and occ 8 M F and tenant 7 M F and PS 6 M F and PS G M p and tenant 8 M p and occ M F and P s POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. POUR-PART 1. 29 o q 603 604 758 NAME. Parish, Solomon, sr. Parish. Solomon, jr. Parish, James 680 681 682 683 Quick, William Quick, Edgar Quick, Thomas Quick, Alfred 657 658 667 668 761 762 764 779 780 779 779 709 763 Secord, John Secord, George A. Sheppard, John Sheppard, Joseph W, Shields, Roland H. Shields, Andrew R. Shields, George W. Shields, James Shields, John J. Shields, George Shields. Andrew J. Story, Richard Shields, Duncan C. 645 Vosburg, James 717 704 Wilson, Thomas Walker, Hugh L. Con. or Range 5 con 5 con 9 con shf5 shf5 shf4 6 con 6 con 6 con 6 con pt n hf 8 nhf 7 ehfshfS ehf 8hf8 6 con 6 con 6 con 6 con 9 con 9 con 9 coii 9 con 9 con 9 con 9 con 7 con 9 con e hf 8 hf 6 w hf s hf 6 ehf shf 14 whfshf 14 shf 6 shf 6 shf 6 nhf 7 nhf 6 nhf 6 nhf 7 gore 13 shf 6 5 con e hf n hf 13 5 con 7 con W pt s hf 13 shf 7 M F and occ H F and occ M F and owner M F and owner &( F and occ. M F and occ M F and occ M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner H F and owner M r and owner M F and occ M F and F s M p and owner M F and owner M F and F s M F and F S M F and tenant M F and F s 4 4 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 M F and tenant M p and owner M F and owner 80 POLLING SUB-DIVISIQN No. FOUR-PART 2. PART 2-Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. o q 813 814 655 543 572 698 796 797 795 646 NAME. Campbell, Neil Campbell, John N. Crawford, Isabella Gillies, Dugald Gillies, Duncan Munroe, Malcolm Munroe, Hugh Munroe, Neil Munroe, Archibald Marguson, Margaret 597 781 787 638 699 669 810 811 812 815 788 789 790 791 792 696 639 McVi^ r, Margaret McLachlan, Duncan McKellar, Mary McDonald, Arthur Mclntyre, Jane Mclntyre, Miss Janet McAlpine, Mrs. Betsy McPhail, Dugald McPhail, Archibald McPhail, John McKellar, Dugald E. McKellar, Donald McKellar, Colin McKellar, Jennie McKellar, Tena McKellar, Catharine Skinner, James A. Sutherland, Alex. 11 con 11 con 6 con gore n hf 3 gore n hf 3 shf 3 Other Description. 5 conjn hf 7 6 con, 8 hf 7 7 con 10 con 10 con 10 con 5 con shf 1 nhf 1 nhf 1 nhf 1 e hf n hf 13 5 con 10 con 10 con Scon 5 con 7 con 7 con 12 con 12 con 12 con 12 con 10 con 10 con 10 con 10 con 10 con 588 iWilson, Thomas 589 I Wilson, Clifton shf 1 e hf s hf 1 shf 4 e hf s hf 15 nhf 9 shf 2 nhf 8 e pt 1 e pt 1 e pt 1 gore 1 shf 4 yhf4 shf 4 shf 4 shf 4 and 2 6 con n hf 14 5 con n hf 10 5 con 8 hf s hf 14 5 con e hf s hf 14 owner occ. owner owner owner owner 000 occ owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner occ occ owner owner owner owner owner owner owp«r tenu ' owner owner 4 18 18 18 5 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 5 5 PA] oo 5Z5« 748 751 679 735 602 59t \ mm- P 5 5 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. FOUR-PART 3. 31 PART 3— Persons entitled to Vote at Elections to tlie Legislative Assembly only. ^ o 2: NAME. 748 751 Campbell, Donald Campbell, Peter D. 679 735 Downie, Malcolm Downie, William 602 Oosden, Edward Gosden, John Graham, Archibald G. Miller, John 599 \ Walker, Neil Con. or Range 9 con 8 con LOT. e pt s hf 3 nhf3 6 con Scon Dhf5 shf9 5 con 5 con 5 con e hf s hf 13 shf U shf4 8 con n e cor s hf 1 5 con shf 3 f . Other d Description. • If F M F M F M F M F M F M F H F M F 4i# ■^ Clet^k's Cetttificajce. I. John S. Walker, Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of Mosa, in the County of Middlesex, do hereby certify that Parts One and Three of the f o^SliBt constituta a correct list for the year 1894 o all Persons appearing by tlie last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly, and that Parts Une and Two constitute a correct list for the said year of all persons appearing by the said Roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal Elections in said Municipality, and I hereby call upon all Electors to examine the said List, and if any omis- sions or other errors are perceived therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. A copy of such List was first posted up in my office, at my residence, in the Township of Mosa, on the 2l8t day of July, 1894. Dated this 21st day of July, A.D. 1894. ^^^^ ^ WALKER, Clerk of said Municipality. \ -:^.