IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) // ^ {•/ ^ ^fe li. .'.0 I.I 11.25 t lis, 2.5 M 1.8 U 1 1.6 Photographic ^Sciences Lorporation 33 WIST MAIN STRICT WIBSTIR,N./. '4S80 ( ?!4 ! !!?5=i5Q3 A <4 ■^ \ ^ ^\- 4>. <^.^ ^?<\ Vi«^c r^if^ir He'irv; nr A (Turn v fl-inl^ nnri i\%j ■M/lili'm T^'lifC Krai's «r»-x... •■Ui- Oa-n '*'"* ""■ ^♦^•*- • «■- , - -- -- "^***tj ^ ** " " * ~ ~ --.-- ..- - clear and work Three Acres at leaft in that Part thereof, as he or they ftiall judge m.oft conve- Swampy or Sunken Ground, or drain Three Acres of Marfti, if any fuch contained therein: I every Fifty Acres thereof, accounted barren. Three Neat Cattle, and continue the fame there- nproved, and if there fliall be no Part of the faid Tra6l fit for prefent Cultivation without ma- aforefaid, Ihall be obliged to ered on fome Part of tlieir faid Land, one good Dwelling-houfe, ; and to put on their faid Land the like Number of Three Neat Cattle for every Fifty Acres ; everv Fifiv Acres thereof, accounted barren, i hrcc IN eat cattle, anu AND until (hall on aw.. «^ within the Time aforefaid, jaut and keep upon every Fifty Acres there. V,.., WW.XX X hree Acres for every Fifty Acres be fully cleared and improved, and if there Hi nuring and improving the fame, he or they, within the Time aforefaid, Ihall be oblig to be at leaft Twenty Feet in Length and Sixteen Feet in Breadth ; and to put on their fai or otherwife, if any Part of the faid Trad ihall be Stoney or Rocky Ground, and not fit begin to employ thereon, and continue to work for Three Years thence next ending, in d Fifty Acres, it (hall be accounted a fufficient Cultivation, and Improvement : PROVIDI cleared and drained as aforefaid, (hall be accounted a fufficient Seating, Cultivation and J any Part of the Trad hereby granted : And the faid Grantees, their Heirs and AiTigns, be Quarry or Mine, in Proportion to fuch Cultivation and Improvements as (hall be made u contained: AND if the faid Rent hereby referved (hall happen to be in Arrear or un] andnoDiftrefs can be found on the faid Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments hereby gr; Office of our faid Province within Six Months from the Date hereof, and a Docket alfo ei and the faid Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments hereby granted, and every Part and 1 PROVIDED alfo, and upon this further Condition, that if the Land hereby given and ihall at any Time or Times hereafter, come unto the PofTeffion and Tenure of any Perfor TiA, either by Virtue of any Deed of Sale, Conveyance, Enfeoffinent, or Exchange, - Perfons, being Inhabitants as aforefaid, ihall within Twelve Months after his, her, or thei and make and fubfcribe the following Declaration, that is to fay, " I of my Power, the Authority of the King in His Parliament as the Supreme Legidature o and fuch Declaration and Certificate of the Magiftrate, fuch Oaths have been taken, bein| Perfons fo taking the Oaths aforefaid, and making and fubfcribing the faid Declaration, ( granted: AND in Cafe of Default on the Part of fuch Perfon or Perfons, in taking tli Months, as aforefaid. This prefent Grant, and every Part thereof, (hall and we do her and the Lands hereby granted, and every Part and Parcel thereof, (hall in like Manner Re herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. GIVEN under the Great Seal of Our Province of Nova-Scotia. IVITN Lieutenant Governor, and Commander in Chief in and over Our faid Provi "Thoujand Seven Hundred and Eighty-Jeven, and in the 'Twenty -Jeventh Tear By Command of the Lieutenj Signed in Council, RJCHJj Nova-Scotia, Halifax, Regiftered the i6th of July, 1787* R^CH. Nova-Scotia, Halifax, Audited i6th July, 1787, FIU, SHIPfi A "True Copy of the Original GRJNT regiflmd in fhe Regijiffs OJice, tii everyFift^Acrc^hcreofTaccounted barren, 1 hree IS' eat v^attic, ana continue rne lamc cncre- jproved, and if there (liall be no Part of the faid Trad fit for prefent Cultivation without ma- forefaid, Ihall be obliged to ered on fome Part of their faid Land, one good Dwelling-houfe, and to put on their faid Land the like Number of Three Neat Cattle for every Fifty Acres ; y Ground, and not fit for Planting or Pafture, Ihall and do within Three Years as aforcfaid, ence next enfuing, in digging any Stoney Quarry or Mine, one good and able Hand for every rovement : PROVIDED alfo, that every Three Acres that (hall be cleared and worked, or ating. Cultivation and Improvement, to fave for ever from Forfeiture, Fifty Acres of Land in ir Heirs and Afligns, be at Liberty to withdraw his or their Stock, or forbear working in any lents as fiiall be made upon the Plantable Lands, Swamps, Sunken Grounds or Marfli therein to be in Arrear or unpaid for the Space of One Year, from the Time it fhall become due, ereditaments hereby granted, or if this Grant fhall not be duely Regiftered in the Regifter's >f, and a Docket alfo entered in the Auditor's Office of the fame, then this Grant fhall be void, 1,' and every Part and Parcel thereof, fhall Revert to Us, our Heirs and SuccefTors: AND .and hereby given and granted to the faid Grantees, and their refpeftive Heirs, as aforefaid, d Tenure of any Perfon or Perfons whatever. Inhabitants of our faid Province of Nova-Sco- fment, or Exchange, or by Gift, Inheritance, Defcent, Devife, or Marriage, fuch Perfon or hs after his, her, or their Entry and PofTefHon of the fame, take the Oaths prefcribed by Law, c I do promife and declare, that I will maintain and defend to the utmofl Supreme Legiflature of this Province," before fome one of the Magiflrates of the faid Province, J have been taken, being recorded in the Secretary's Office of the faid Province, the Perfon or the faid Declaration, fhall be deemed the lawful PofTefTor or PofTefTors of the Lands hereby r Perfons, in taking the Oaths, and making and fubfcribing the Declaration, within Twelve f, fhall and we do hereby declare the fame to be Null and Void to all Intents and Purpofes, fhall in like Manner Revert to and become vefled in Us, our Heirs and SuccefTors, anything FovA-SeoTiA. WITNESS, Our Trujiy and IVell-beloved JOHN PJRR, EJquire, Our d over Our /aid Province^ this Twenty-firft Day of June, in tbe Year of Our LORD One he Twenty -feventh Tear of Our Reign. J. PARR. imand of the Lieutenant Governor, RICHARD BULKELET, in Council, RICHARD BULKELET, f July, 1787, RICHARD BULKELET. 1787, FRA. SHIPTON, Deputy Auditor. ^i_i . — - /