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In the year 1S72 this Company was chartered by tlie Ontario Govern- nient to build a Line of Railway from the Rond Juui, a (}overnment Harbour of Refuge on Lake Erie to the Town of Sarnia, at the foot of Lake Huron, via the Towns of Blenheim, Chatham, Dresden, and VVallaceburfr, and the Villages of Port Lambton, Fort Sombra, Cartwrighl, Mooretown, antl Corruna, on the River St. Clair, to Port Sarnia; with a Branch from the Town of Dresden through the Township of Dawn, and the Village of Oil Springs to Oil City on the Canada Southern Railway See map. A Bonus of !5ii55,ooo was voted, in aid of the sclieme, by the County of Kent, and another Bonus of .f 110,000 was also voted by the County of Lambton. Costly and prolonged Litigation to set aside these Bonuses followed on a suit brought by a ratepayer, and the Company was thus pre- vented from carrying on its scheme until the year 1878, when, having gained its case, the Directors made an agreement with a prominent contrac- tor for the bi, '.Iding of their Road through the County of Kent only, the Bonus of $110,000 from the County of Lambton having expired, through lap.;e of time lost in Litigation. In 1879 they were obliged to abandon the work temporarily for want of funds to carry on their contract. In 18S1 the Ontario Government passed an Act for their relief, by making the County of Kent Bonus payable when the Line was built to Wallaceburg and voting a subsidy of $2,000 a mile to the Company, pay- able when finished to that point. In 1882, further Bonuses having been voted to the extent of $70,000 by the Towns of Blenheim, Chatham, Dresden, and Wallaceburg, the Company entered into another contract for the completion and equipment of that portion of the Line, and on the 30th September, 1883, that section of the Road from Rond Eau to Wallaceburg, a distance of 41* miles, was built in a first class manner with steel rails and iron bridges, together with wharves and piers at Rond Eau and Wallaceburg. and all necessary 2 ^Utions, sid.n^.s. simps ,.nc| ,.(),,.,• h„.l r -;Hcien, supply of L,1Z " ' 7; -'' -l'"...-! uUI> . ,.,ocl and and.s now ,.,,ly n.nnin.. ,. !'„:'' '""' P---^«- coaches ■"Ivantageofthep,„l,licata rest of i,^' "''''""''■' «» 'tin' f,'reu -';ich together with . ' .. stock rnL^rV"""" '", ''°"''^ "^ ^'- ^ ^ _ "'-•(■ompanynournxlasdfiu th. „. ,""''-' '^^ and other Assets entirely exhausted, ad ' ^IT ^"^'^'"" "^ '^^ J^— s The Shareholders are fnlly i„„ n. ' '''""'^' ''""^• oftheirsclK.n,e.andthe,r:^,:f:^ ^; ;;;'! "'^^ ^^""^- --' "'U-rtance o the Municipalities alo,; their ol k "'^ ' '^ ■'"■"- ^'^^ only ^ hut also to the Trade Z':^^ 'T ''Tl' ''''''''' '^'''4 I .ovnce of Ontario and ,o the; W^^ n ", "' ^''^" '^°^''°'> "' the o tne and Huron, thus avoiding iCZ2^ ' Vr^'''''^ ^^'^ f-"<^« of St. Clair, and the constantly ^ha : "'o Vh" ""''" °f the Flats Rether n, An,er,can waters. " ^ °^ ^^^''""'^''- ^'''i^'' is now aito- The proposed Route runs parrallel u ffl, n ^ State of Michigan ibr a consider it^h^^:^ ^T^^^ ''''''' '" ''>'^ Clair mtervening, across which it is Inn ? < ' "' °"'>' ^''^ ^^'^er St. points, hy which considerable 1 van ITm ""''''''"'' ^^^^^'^ ^t given -ii - .a.ned through the inc^::^^^: :!-;- f ^'^^ --'-: U.ere to the North Wes'^:;! ^ Z"-- ^^'^ ^^--"ip Lines fron, Boat fron. the Government Harbo: If ifuge T""-, 'r '''' °" ' ^^^"'-• thus shortening the Route from Cleveland Pin" ''"'' ^° ^^^^^-^^a"^- Sarn.a and the North-West bv over xoo nlf r"^' ""^' ^incinnatti, to able American travel and traffic thro;,:rt;fw::^^^^^^^ These advantages are now, for want of f 7 ^^"'"^"la. nent danger of being lost to >He Province ' '" '' ^" "•^'^' '■^' '--- It will cost over $400,000 to complete -..I - • , Wallaceburg to Sarnia and build the netssarl >'''"'^ '^'' ^° "^''^^ f'-om and a draw bridge over the Sydenh^rRH^r "^ "' ^^'P^' ^"^^ ^-^es, Ihe Company have not a d II or Municipal, but probably could raise sloo' °' ^°";"' ^''^'^^^ Government •^nn,. if the Government and M..n pa^u !; ?" ''' ""^"^^ ^^ ^'^^ ""cler- «• -•: 4?2o ..,.,00 more. ^"•"' interested, would assist with I'''"' ^^ '^'' .' H^KHl and '' P'l^sfiigcr coaches, '" 'V'liK froit,r),t, an.l aniKT, to 'tlii; f^ieat I)orKls of the. IJoad, ne cost of Road, 41 i ' $700,000. ^■^ition of its Bonuses P'"Hy l)iiilt. '"f and inij),,rtf.ncc ■'^ainia. .\ot onJ)- ^■ly without Iv'aiiway ''•■'t portion of the ""^•ctin^^ the Lakes ctiltics of the Flats which is now alto- ^an JJordcr in the "ly the River St. Ji Ferries at given 1 of tlie Province 'fie. the Peninsula of "affording a short Port. iship Lines from put on a regular 111, to Cleveland, fl Cincinnatti, to 3 l)ring consider- linsula. 1 with, in inimi- e 30 miles from ips, and ferries, er Government Js of the under- uld assist with 8 \foml,ersoftho Council of the Corporation of the Town ,.f Sarnia .dVrr ;f^r""''"'-^ "'^^ '^ "'^- '^'^"'^''^^ '-^^^ '-" «^'-r sourc or tlie Koad to that place. The Townships of Sond.ra and Moore it is conHdently expected -'..I'i ^.ve ^r5,ooo each, and the Con,pany have had someen^ouragen In ,,f M ^r ^'"'^ "'' '''"^" ''''^ ^''' '""^ ^'^ ^^'^'■'^ f^'iven i,y then, o .he Napanee and Tan)worth Road, as well as son.e oti,er.^ the expecta- t. ons of the pron.oters conld be fuifdled to the great adv ntage of the western part of the Province of Ontario, and to the advantag o I rade and Navigation of the Dominion of By the operation of an Act of the ParlianKnt of the last Session, 46 Vic.. Chapter 34, this Company came nnder thec< , ro of 1 rand Trunk Railway as well as .that of the Canada Sour hern Railway nd a short Act ,s now before this House for an extension oi time in i',' , to complete its Line which become necessary. DonWni'"^p'"r''' '"'''."''' °'"' °^ ''"^ ^'"'"^'^^"y •'"^'^'- *•'« c ntrol of tile ^n In L . n S""'"''"'"""'' ''^'' Company appear to have los" the right to look to the Ontario Government for a continuance of their sub ifh which It had been led to expect, for the completion of the work, an 1 ale been plainly told by the latter Government that it must now k to he Dommion Government for a continuance of the aid heretofore vot^d and Ont Xc " '" ""'""'"' "°^'^ ^^^^" °ff ^'-'^ hands, whic tl ^ Ontario Government were morally bound to see through, and .at the uiKc u witn all its equities. Withont discussing the logic or justice of this proposition the Co ,nanv humbly beg to set forth that unless the Dominion Parliament ado, ' thil view this ( ompany seem likely to fall between two stools, and is, . e and undertaking be completely ruined. the rl!;^^'''''?"' '"'' °'''''°''' °^*'^" ^"" '""^ ^^•"■«" I^'-^ilvvay beg that he Dominion Government and the members of the Senate and HoSse of Comm.-ns of the Parliament of Canada will fairly consider the c'c ..n stances and do what in their judgment may appeal to be just. A. MCKELLAR, President. I