IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ ^ z & ^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 If IM IIM •^ 1^ ill 2.2 - lis iio 1.4 1.6 V] o 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716)872-4S03 i ?,V„ r ^e Kalb Jc.i y /s T. ' (.XOMX Jc. [philuaclphia sCartbage Watert^wn 0l0 , Lacoiia ^Iliohland ) Lowville onV, »tt^'^^"''g wneij- TRUNKi Sciicca IaC^'' - StC.Oj)^eW^ o2Ji ''^r B«- ^''/a * .>♦•«* .c*^ C-' V^uburn / Do Iluytey k^S 'N Duytoii • iTCortland ^^~-^ \ Norwich) ^"V ICbiiiti i- Erie C*^ s^^' 3^^" Cor "Union Cy^ Bradford i; — w- Tituumie vAVurrcn N Bldgoway j Butts villa c ^MVP or THE|l^ CREDIT miLEY RAILWAY AND ITS CONME CTIONS, J. M. W. Jones Co., Chicago. HOUSEKEEPERS' EMPORIUM HAKE? A. COLLINS, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN STOVES, RANGES A. XT 33 GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, FLAIJV AJ^TD JAPAJ^MED TIjY WARE. HOTEL WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 90 Yonge St., Toronto. 65 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. Six White Sbirts for Six Six Six ti kk *i $6.00 7.50 9 00 10.00 OO^A Complete Stock of Gents' Furnishings and Underwear. Send'for Circular and Card for Self- Measurement, Free. State where yon saw thU Advert sement. Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York. FIDELITY DEPARTMENT. Official* of Banks, Railroads, and Tramtpo'talion Uumpuiied. Managers, Secretaries, and Clerks of Public Companies, Iiistituiions. and Coniniercal KImds, ni the necussirv of soliuilir. .' frlonds or rt^latlves to bee i(nd Bj idsraan, and in^urriiiit an ol)liirattoti which continues while the Bund exUts. The (act, too, of obtaiidiit; this Company's endorsement as a proof of probity and (food stnndinu will rucommend iis adoption. The bonds of this Company are acoejued by the Onurtj of the State of New York. CASUALTY DEPARTiMENT. Policies Issned atralnst accidents ciiisini; death or totully dlgablinir Injur". Form Dt application and full pariicu'ars can be ohtaiiied at thuofflue of the Compiny, 179 B'wajr. WM. M. RI0HAR08. PreMent. JOHN M.CRANE, Steretary. ROBT. J. KlL^kS, Am' tSecratary. OeorgeT. Hope. O. Q WllUama. Geo. ^. Ooe, Chas. Dennis J.S.TStranahan. Alex. Mitchell. A. B. Hull A. o. Barnes «. B. Chittenden. H. A. Hurlbut. W. G. Low. David Dows. J. D.Vermllye. Wm. M. Hlchardi. L Rossin House, Toronto, "The Leadin); Hotel." 1 h ir. (. of ; to by rot lile tud iry. m. ut. GOING WEST IN CONNECTION WITH MICHIGAN CENTRAL R. R. TO Through Passengers — — The CREDIT VALLEY RAILWAY is the natural route for all passengers com- ing out of Canada de-tined for Detroit, Chicago, orpoints beyond. It c nnects in Union Depots with the trains ol the MICHIGAN CENTR'L R. R. Through coaches are run between Toronto and Chi- cago, vi,i the C REDiT Valley AND Michigan Central Railways without change. On arriving at Chicago pa>s- engers are met by the passen- ger agents of this line, who will assist them as far as possible. Parmalee's Omni- buses meet all trains of this line, and passengers holding through tickets will be trans- feired to the de ot of the road over which their ticket reads Free of Charge. -i So 618 497 549 547 630 525 622 51.i 503 480 400 450 443 430 421 397 397 3.i3 340 318 302 280 285 285 290 297 302 34.i !?85 345 309 3:4 ' 28.T 2.0 248 209 177 104 141 04 '17 57 STATIONS. TO CHICAGO. TORONTO De STKKKTSVILLE 4.50pni. 6.40 " 1.40 " 2.00 " 3.30 " 3.41 " 3.58 " 4.2S " 11.30i..m. 12.21a m. 1.40p.m. 2.00 " 3.30 " 3.41 " 3.58 " i 9M " 1.00p.m. 1.44 " 7.10a.m. 7.59 ' ELOKA 7.2,5a.m. -..32 " 8.10 " 8.21 " 8.30 " 8.5ii " o.rJ " KEROUS OKANGEVILLE ALTON CHURCH'S l-ALLS... KIVEKPALE BRAMITON 5.02 " '< " MiLTON GALT fi.08 '• 7.07 " J.X3 " 7 46 " 8.20 " 8.40 " 9.35 " 12 49a. m 1.45 " :>.08 " 2.25 " 2..5C " 3.17 '• 4.15 " 2.' 5p.m. 2.55 " 3 15 " 3.30 " 3.5.0 " 4.13 " 5.00 " 8 2b " 9 16 " 9.39 " 9. .52 " liP.2.: " 10.40 " 11.30 " 11.45 " 12.52p.m. 1.11 '• 3.00 " AVR KHUMBO WOODSTOCK INiJEH.>>OLL ST. THOMAS ST. THOMAS 4.20 •' .5.37 " (3.05 •' .5.10 " (1.30 " 6.65 •' RIOGETOWN CHARING CROSS. .. AMHEKSTBURGH.... 9.15 " 9.45 " ESSEX CENTRE WINL»S"K 7.15 " 7 ^.5 •• 8.25 " 8.05 " 8.45 " 9.15 " 2.10 '■ 2.45 " 3 15 " 3.45 " DEI'ROIT DETROIT WOODMERE 9.00 " REMEMBER Tie Credit Valley R. R. Is the only Canadian Line running in direct con- nection with the old reliable "Michigan Central R,R." And is the only line running Chair and Parlor Cars between TORONTO and ST. THOMAS. WYaNOOITE 9.33 " 9.42 " 11.00 " 4.10 " 4 28 ■' 6.45 " 5.20 " 7.46 " 9.45 '• 9.35 " 4.2i " 5,25 " 5.42 " 7 15 " 8.27 " 8.55 " 9.56 " SM)CITMJUN TOLEDO DETROIT 9.10 " 11.2' " l.iOp.m 1.10 " 0.55a.m 10.' 8 '• ll.'.'O " 1 2. 35p.m. 1.50 " 2.15 " 'l.M) " 4.'.'0 " 6.07 " 5 30 " 11.20 •' 3.30a.m. 7.20 " ti.50 " 10.10p.m. 11.28 " 11..52 " 1.05a.m. 2.03 •' 2::7 " 3.07 " 4.35 " LAl'EER SAGINAW CITY BAY 1 ITV DRTROIT YPSILANTI AN.N ARlJOR ■lACKSuN MARSHALL BAITLE CREEK KALA.MAZOO NILES NEW HUFEALO MICHIGAN CITY .5.48 " (i.38 " 8.L0 " 30 LAKE 0.15 " 8.00 " 00 CUIUAGO ....Ah Daily. Exneyt Sundays. THE CREDIT VALLEY R'Y IS THE BEST LINE TO DETROIT, TOLEDO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL POINTS WEST, POUTH AND NORTH. R0S8IN HOUSE, TORONTO, CANADA. HBNRY J. NOLAN, Chief Olerk. HARK B. IRISH. Proprietor. The Rossin is the largest hotel in Ontario, only two blocks from Union Station, comer King and York Streets, finest situation in Toronto. Its thoroughly first-class appointments, large corridors, lofty ceilings, spacious, clean and well ventilated room& (the whole house having been painted, frescoed and decorated this spring), detached and en suite, polite and attentive employees in every department, together with unexcelled cuisine, make it specially attractive to the travelling public. Elevator running day and night. Hot and cold baths on each floor. Electric bells in rooms. Fire escape in each bed-room. Prices graduated. TICKETS ISSUED to and ft-om ALL PARTS ot .andtliiGoitii -BY- SAM OSBORNE & CO., Correspondence Solicited. 40 TONOE ST., Toronto. MALTHOPTONIQUE. THE ENCUSH EXTDACT OE MALT AND HOPS. NATURE'S GREAT RESTORATIVE in ALL CASES or NERVOUS DEBILITT Builds up anew the enfeebled physique, overcomes the effects or Exliauatlon and Nervons Bsoltement, and enables those who use it to perfoim an i>icreased amount of physical and mental labor. It improves the nppetite, coiio -' .vDytpepfia, andprmnotes ara>- E a ■■■■ 3 cr CO QC •< o 1. ^ C O ? ft CO O <: -J Ql. da « n Id Jl Vk Hi ^ fi •O O S •o III n u S u ** o CD LELAND HOTEL, NEW YORK. European Plaiii Clarendon Hotel, FOURTH AVENUE and 18tll ST., On the American and European Flans. Located near all the Theatres and Places of Amusement. BROADWAY, 27th & 28tll StS. c. H. KERNER, - - Proprietor. American House BOSTOISr. Central Location. Perfect Ventilation- Unexceptionable Table. Everett Houses FOURTH AVENUE and 17tll ST., CENTRALLY LOCATED. Particularly Desirable for Families and Tourists. LEWIS RICe"& son, I Overlooking Union Square. Hanover, near Washington St. ON EUROPEAN PLAN. Eastern Railroad, Sea-Shore Line. E^Cl)^ TO THE White Mountains, Mount Desert, Oampobello, Winnipiseogee, Kangeley and Moosehead Lakes, PORTLALD, BANGOR. ST. JOHN, HALIFAX, — AND ALL PARTS OF — j>/lj^xi>t:ei -A.isriD E.A.sTERnsr E'Pto'ViisroEJS. For sixty miles from Boston the line follows the Atlantic shore, touching en rnvte the «tlI-known summer resorts, Lynn, Nahant, Mwampscutt, Salem, Marhlehead, Ucverly, Maiiohe«tor-hv-the->ea, Mairnolin, Gloucester, Houkpori. Plt;eoii Cove, Newburyijort, 14umpton Uearh, R>e Beach, Portsmouth, York, Isles uf Shoals, and the Wentworth. PULLMAN PAELOR OR SLEEPING CAR ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS- SEATS OR BKRTHS RESERVED BY MAIL OR TKLEORAPH. Through Tickets are sold at all principal ticket offices in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washingto , etc, Boston City Ticket Office, 306 Washington St. (next door to Old South Church). DEPOT ON CAUUEWAY STREET. Books giving Excursion Routes, Maps, Hotel Lists, et3., will be mailed free on application to O. B. B. Jaokson. President. LUCXUB TUTTLB. PAYSON TUCKE:%. OAneral Manager. Oen'l Pass. Agt., Boston, Mats. ESTABLISHED 18^. ESTABLISHED 1841. -« THE GLOBE D The Leading Paper of Canada. «4THE DRILY GLOBE>» One Year, $7.00 Half Year, 3.50 Quarter Year, 1.75 <^THE WEEKLY GLOBE>^ FBOH HOW TO SKD OF 1881, Only ONE $1.00 DOLLAR The Circulation of " THE GLOBE " exceeds that of any other paper published in Ontario. THE GLOBE PRINTING CO'Y, TOROISTTO- ! 1 Travellers Visiting Toronto SHOULD ALL SHOULD ALL VISIT V'^'"^ illllllllllfiifflll llllllllil'iiPliP THE "GOLDEIT LION/' ONTARIO'S GREATEST EMPOHIUM FOR CLOTBIl^DRI GOODS Our stock of GENERAL DRY GOODS this Fall is the finest and most comprehensive ever shown in this country. ELEGANT MILLINERY, SUPERB MANTLES, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, VELVETS, LA CES, GL VES, HOSIER Y, FURS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, ETC WE ARE THE GENTS' FURNISHERS, Don't Forget It I OUR OWN MAKE OF SHIRTS "*^" ''k'^Zr&SS^i^s^'"'^'' CLOTHINa READY UADE OE TO OUDER, SUPERIOR MAKE AND FINISH GUARANTEED. CARPETS ( ALL MAKcS AND QUALITIES. ) OILCLOTHS R. WALKER A, SONS, 33, 35 and 3T KING STREET EAt