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MORANG & CO., LIMITED 11 This ing all the sar find a J Etymol the cuj classics to the ) t*llINTED Af The villafield press GLASGOW PREFATORY NOTE. This edition aims at being a practical school book, provid- I ing all that is likely to be required by pupils in scnool, and at the same time free from the detail which can only usefully find a place in a book intended for more advanced students. Etymological matter has been but sparingly introduced, and the custom of quoting parallel passages from the ancient classics, so useful to the mature scholar but so bewildering to the young pupil, has been all but given up. . F. a i J CONTENTS. Introduction — Life of Milton, . . - Chronological Table, - The Subject of Paradise Lost, The Cosmology of Paradise Lost, The Metre, - - - - Paradise Lost — Book L, • Notes, Page 9 IS 18 23 25 51 Table of Deities mentioned in Lines 392-521, • 77 Definitions of Figures of Spef h, with Examples, 79 Extra Notes, mostly Etymological, Synoptical Tables, Some Parallel Passages from the Classics, Lists of Passages for Paraphrasing, &c., List of Words explained in the Notes, 81 82 83 84 86 II INTRODUCTION. I LIFE OF MILTON. After Shakespeare, Milton is usually acknowledged to be the greatest English poet ; yet he is not generally thought of as a national poet— as a representative of English char- acter, in nearly the same degree as Shakespeare. He was closely connected with a par/y—thQ Puritans ; and his eager partisanship undoubtedly had a narrowing effect upon him, and upon his later poetry. But was Milton a Puritan? He lived at a time when every man felt bound to take his stand with one of two parties : either with a king who was exer- cising despotic power in religious and civil matters ; or with those who held that the king was bound to rule lawfully for the common good, and that in religion reasonable freedom should be allowed— whose motto was 'fair play' for every- one, even from kings. These principles Milton held as firmly as any man ; to this extent he was one of the most earnest of Puritans. But it seems to be the very irony of fate, that he who took so keen a part in the struggle for freedom- freedom in religion, freedom from kingly tyranny, and free- dom to think for one's self— now the most envied and the most cherished possessions of Englishmen, should not be more generally remembered and honoured as a great patriot. That he was not even a greater poet than he was, is due to the unhappy times in which he lived, and to the fact that, much as he loved poetry, he loved his country more. The Milton family appear to have been distinguished by their strong /convictions, and by their courage in acting upon them. The poet's grandfather is said to have been a staunch Catholic in the days of Elizabeth, and to have been heavily fined as a recusant— that is, for refusing to attend the s'^rvices at the parish church. His son, the poet's father, on the other hand, became a Protestant, and was in consequence disin- 10 PARADISE LOST. hcrit^d. He settled in London as a scrivener,' and prospered, and there the poet was born in 1608. His education was carried on at home by various masters, and by his father, who taught him to sing and to play tlic organ, and implanted in him his own love of music. Although his home was a cheerful and happy j)laco, he seems to have been an unusually quiet, serious child, and prematurely studious, if we may judge from some lines placed by the engraver under a portrait of him, made when he was ten years old : "When I was yet a child, no childish play To me was pleasing: all my mind was set Serious to learn and know, and thence to do What might be i)ublic good; myself I thought Born to that end, born to promote all truth. All righteous things ". [I'anniise Regained.) At twelve he was sent to St. Paul's School, quite near his home in the city of London, and he still had tutors at home. He now worked very hard indeed'* for several years; no trouble or expense was grudged by his parents ; for they were very proud of him, and had formed the highest hopes as to his future. In 1625, when in his seventeenth year, he entered Christ's College, Cambridge, and remained there till he was twenty-three. Here came a break in his education, and with it the c|ues- tion. What was he going to do in life.'' LI is parents had destined him for the church ; but the system of government by bishops and the tyranny of Laud deterred him from enter- ing the ministry. His father seems to have left him free to choose a calling for himself,^ and so we find him, about the 1 The business of a scrivener in London consisted in the drawing up of wills, marriage settlements, and other deeds, the lending out of money for clients, and much else now done partly by attorneys, and partly by law-stationers. * "My father destined me, while yet a little boy, for the study of humane Iet.;rs, which I seized with such eagerness that from the twelfth year of my age I scarce ever went from my lessons to btd before midnight, which indeed was the first cause of injury to my eyes, to whose natural weakness there were also added frequent headaches." 8 The elder Milton was himself a very well-educated man, and showed through- out the most generous sympathy and appreciation. The poet gratefully acknow- ledges this in his Latin poem Ad Patrem, — and hopes that other fathers may imitate him. INTRODUCTION. II time of his leaving college, finally determined to fit himself, by continued labour and study, and by a strictly pure and blame- less life, to achieve some great work as a poet. Accordingly he now settled at Horton, a quiet hamlet in Buckinghamshire, within a short distance of Windsor and the Thames, in the house of his father, who had retired thither to spend his old age. Of the poems which he had already written the chief was The Nativity Hymn, begun on Christmas - day, 1629. His sonnet On Arriving at his 23rd Year is of special interest at this point: " How soon hath Time, th- subtle thief of youth, Stolen on his wing my three-and-twentieth year I My hasting days hy on with full career. But my late spring no brd or blossom shcw'th. Perhaps my semblance might deceive the truth That I to manhood am arrived so near ; And inward ripeness doth much less appear, Than some more timely-happy spirits endu'th. Yet, be it less or more, or soon or slow, It shall be still in strictest measure even To that same lot, however mean or high. Toward which Time leads me, and the will of Heaven; All is, if I have grace to use it so, As ever in my great Task-Master's eye". He seems to have devoted himself to an extensive course of 'select reading', especially to a revision of classical and Italian literature, storing his mind with all that was best worth ap- propriating, and becoming almost as familiar with Latin, Greek, and Italian as with his native tongue. He did not write more than five English poems of any great length during this }^^x\o^—n Allegro, II Penssroso, Arcades, Covius, and Lycidas — hM\. they are amongst the very best in the language : and yet, in the last and the best of them, he is still dissatisfied with his powers. In the spring of 1637 he had lost his mother ; next spring he started off to see Italy and Greece, which for him would be exceptionally interesting. But the tyranny of Charles had at last provoked his subjects in Scotland to rebellion. On hearing of this in South Italy, mi 12 PARADISE LOST. Milton at once resolved to return and take his part with his countrymen in the impending contest.^ In i6;;'^ he was back. He took a house in London, and settled there for the rest of his life.2 So far Milton's life had been one of quiet, secluded study. For the next twenty years poetry was banished, study and self- preparation were all but given up, and he was to be found in the very thick of the controversies of the day,— writing against Episcopacy, defending the Execution of Charles (in two books— ///f' First and the Second Defence)^ and exposing the notorious Eikon Basilike. He had, on settling in London, began to take a few pupils; this led him to write an essay on Education. E Jt his only great and enduring work in prose was his Areopagittca, a p^ea for freedom of opinion, and for freedom to express that opinion to all the world by means of the printing-press, without the previous sanction of the Licenser. His activity in the Parliamentary cause had led to his being appointed, in 1649, Latin Secretary to the Com- mittee of Foreign Affairs, a post for which his knowledge of foreign languages specially qualified him. It was during his tenure of this office that he deliberately hastened his blind- ness, which had been coming on for some vears, over the writing of the First Defe?ice, mentioned above.^ It is evident that this must have been, in his case, a terrible calamity, for he had not yet even begun his great poem. The truly admirable way in which he bore it is shown by the courage and patience which characterised his subsequent life, 1 " I considered it," he says, " dishonourable to be enjoying myself at my ease in foreign lands, while my countrymen were striking a blow for freedom. " I perceived that, if I ever wished to be of use, I ought at least not to be wanting to my country, to the church, and to so many of my fellow-Christians, in a crisis of so much danger ; I therefore determined to relinquish the other pursuits in which I was engaged, and to transfer the whole force of my talents and my industry to this important object." 2 Except during the plague in 1665-6, when he retired to Chalfont St. Giles» a viUage in Buckinghaaishire, about lo miles from Horton. ' " In such a case I could not listen to the physician, not if iEsculapius hi iself had spoken from his sanctuary; I could not but obey that inward monitor, I know not what; that spoke to me from Heaven. ... I corjrhided {1 employ the little remaining eyesight I was to enjoy in doing tils, the greatest service to the common weal it was in my power to render." {Second Defence.) INTRODUCTION. 13 and by the various references to it which we find in his writings.^ But there were other misfortunes in store for him: in 1660 the Parliamentary cause failed completely — for the time; ivfilton was imprisoned, some of his prose writings were burnt by the hangman, and he lost most of his savings. He had indeed "fallen on evil days", and yet he bravely took up and carried to completion the great work of his life— his epic poem, 2 Paradise Lost. Pie had begun it before the Restora- tion, probably in 1658; he finished it about 1663, spent two years or so on its revision, and published it in 1667. Mean- while he had commenced its sequel. Paradise Regained; then he wrote Samson Agonistes, a dramatic poem, and several prose works. His latter years were greatly cheered and brightened by the fame which Paradise Lost brought him, and by the frank recognition of his pre-eminence by all parties. ^ He died in London in 1674, and was buried in the church of St. Giles, Cripplegate. Three qualities stand out conspicuously in Milton's char- acter. First, his deep sense of duty. He seems never to falter in his entire devotion to that which he believes he ought to do at any particular juncture. Two striking instances of this are, the return from Italy in 1639, and the employment of 1 Cyriack, this three years' day these eyes, though clear, To outward view, of blemish or of spot. Bereft of light, their seeing have forgot ; Nor to their idle orbs doth sight appear Of sun, or moon, or star, throughout the year, Of man, or woman. Yet I argue not Against Heaven's hand or will, nor bate a jot Of heart or hope, but still bear up and steer Right onward. What supports me, dost thou ask? The conscience, friend, to have lost them overplied. In Liberty's defence, my noble task. Of which all Europe rings from side to side. This thought might lead me through the world's vain mask Content, though blind, had I no better guide. 2 It may be noted here that Paradise Lost was at first intended to be written in the form of a drama. 3 Dryden, the Royalist poet, admired Milton greatly, and with his leave adapted Paradise Lost for dramatic performance ! 14 PARADISE LOST. his failing eyesight in writing the Defence. Second, the sincerity and the earnestness of his religious and political convictions. Third, his magnanimity and patience. Twenty years spent in a cause that, for the time, failed; loss of eye- sight ; loss of savings ; loss of friends ; the restoration of a dissolute monarch: all this produced neither bitterness nor murmur. "Who best bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best." So he wrote and so he lived. Truly, as Macaulay says, he was weighed in the balance, and 7iot found wanting. LITERARY Spenser born, ... Bacon born, Shakespeare born, Galileo born, CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. GENERAL. 1552 I561 1564 Jonson born, 1574 The Faerie Qneene pub- lished, ... 1590-6 Shakespeare's earlier plays acted, 1597 Bacon's .£'waj/j published, 1598 Milton bom, ... 1608 The Bible translated, ... 161 1 Shakespeare dies, ... 1616 Milton goes to Cam- bridge, 1625 Bunyan born, 1628 Dryden born, 1631 Milton leaves Cambridge and retires to Horton, 1632 V Allegro, II Fenseroso, Lycidas, &c., ...1633-7 Milton goes abroad, ... Milton setiles in London. Newton born, ... Areopagitica, 1638 - - J7 1642 1644 The Marian Persecution, 1555 Massacre of St. Bartho- lomew, The Armada, Battle of Ivry, Edict of Nantes, Gunpowder Plot, Clarendon born, Thirty Years' War begun, 'Y\\Q Mayflower %z\\%, ... Laud, Bp. of London, The Covenant signed, * *. n- . -1,,, ». ,j .,7 .riir, Civil War begun. 1572 1588 1590 1598 1605 1608 1618 1620 1628 1638 1642 INTRODUCTION. Chronological Eikonoklastes, 1649 First Defence^ 1651 Milton becomes blind, 1652 Paradise Lost begun about 1658 Paradise Lost published, 1667 Paradise Regained, ... 1671 Samson Agonistes, ... 1671 Table — Continued. Charles I. executed, ... Cromwell Protector, ... Cromwell dies The Restoration, The Plague Clarendon's fall, P'rance and England attack Holland, Milton dies, 1674 Clarendon dies. 15 1649 1653 1658 1660 1665 1667 1672 1674 THE SUBJECT OF PARADISE LOST. The subject of the poem as given in Book I. is the temp- tation and fall of man, that is, his deterioration from the state of perfect goodness and happiness, in which he was supposed to have been created, to one made up of good and evil, of happiness and unhappiness; this ' fall' being symbolised by the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise or Eden. This IS the central fact of the story; to it all the rest (Books I.-VIII.) IS preparatory, and with it the story ends. But the preparatory events are so stupendous in their magnitude so striking in their character, and described in such impressive language-forming, as they do, the best part of the poem- that they tend to overshadow the doings in the Garden- and so we come to look upon Paradise Lost as dealin- rather with a series of connected events, of which the 'fall' is the first m importance but not in interest. We may, therefore, regard Paradise Lost as dealing with th<> whole universe, in Its widest possible aspect; with the origin of its varicus parts, and their significance for man. ANALYSIS OF THE POEM. (A) The Fall : why and how it was brought about. I.-VI 1 1 (B) Its results. IX -XII (C) Man's relation to the Universe and to God. Part of V. vThe third point, thr-ugh not prominent, is very important m the scheme of the poem.) i6 PARADISE LOST. (A) The Fall : why and how it was brought about : \ (i) Heaven; the War: {a) Its Cause, the refusal of Satan and his followers to acknowledge the Son as their head. V. {b) The War, the expulsion of the rebels. VI.' (2) The Creation of the World and of Man. VII VIII (3) Hell: {a) The rebels closed in and stunned by their fall; Satan I. II. III. rallies his followers. {b) The leaders in Council : Satan undertakes to try to ruin Man. {c) Hell and Chaos described. {i{) Satan's journey through Chaos (4) The World; Eden: {a) Satan explores the World. {b) Adamand Evein Eden; Satan's plottings; RaphaeVs :if "il^&s. IV. and V. {c) The Fall effected. IX (B) The Remits of the Fall: (i) Punishment pronounced on Tempter and Tempted by the Son. X (2) Sin and Death take possession of the World, but their overthrow by the Son {i.e. the Redemption) is for^tolG Y (3) IViichael reveals the future to Adam, reassures him of Redemption, and leads him and Eve out of Para- ^^^^- XI. and XII. (C) Man's Relations to the Universe and to God, as set forth by Raphael in Book V 469-543, may be summed up briefly thus:— ^ ^^ "One Almighty is"; all things are created by Him, from one first matter all"; all things are perfect in their various degrees, but are more refined and spiritual in proportion as they are near Him. In nature "the grosser feeds the purer" the soil ,s transformed, through the plant, into flower and fruit; the latter, used as man's nourishment, is "'^-uMimcd" into the living force which sustains the mind andthe soul- (M46) INTRODUCTION. 17 II. thus there is complete continuity from the lowest forms {i.e. mere matter) to the highest {i.e. pure spirit); and "all things ... up to Him return, if not depraved from good". Raphael concludes: " Time may come when men With Angels may participate, and find No inconvenient dice, nor too light fare; And from these corporal nutriments, perhaps, Your bodies may at last turn all to spirit, Iniproved by tract of time, and winged ascend Ethereal, as we; or may at choice Here or in heavenly Paradises dwell, If ye be found obedient ". With this compare VII. 155, where the Almighty states His purpose in creating Man, viz. to replenish Heaven, lest Satan should boast of the damage inflicted: He will, He says create ' "Of one man a race Of men innumerable, there to dwell, Not here, till, by degrees of merit raised, They open to themselves at length the way. Up hither, under long obedience tried", &c. In this analysis the topics are arranged in chronological order. The order in the poem, as the references show, is very different, and it may be helpful to indicate it. (i) Milton plunges into the very midst of the whole subject by depicting the rebels lying stunned on the lake after their fall: they are roused by Satan, a council is held, Man's ruin resolved on, and intrusted to Satan. Hell and Chaos are described. j tj (2) Satan traverses Chaos, and explores the World, finds Eden, and plots the Fall. I'l.-IV (3) Raphael now visits Adam and Eve. He describes their position in the universe, and warns them of their danger. In order to explain Satan's attitude, and to gratify Adam's curiosity, Raphael begins to narrate the course of events Trnm thp» Kio-inriincr — - •- t>""Sing — y^ viz.:— the War in Heaven and the Expulsion ; VI. and the Creation of the World. VII (M46) 3 i8 PARADISE LOST. Adam tells Raphael of his finding himself in Eden, and of the prohibition to touch the tree of knowledge. Raphael repeats the warning, and leaves him. VIII. (4) They sin and are expelled. IX.-XII. THE COSMOLOGY OF PARADISE LOST. Much of Paradise Lost is occupied with events that take place outside the universe as known to man — in Heaven, Hell, and Chaos; much, too, with matters connected with that universe ; while the relations of the various realms to one another, and the nature of man's World as described or assumed in the poem, are so peculiar and so fundamental, that clear ideas on the subject are of the highest importance. On reading the poem we find that Book I. does not begin the story, for there the War in Heaven is over and the rebels are undergoing punishment elsewhere ; it is not till Books V.-VI. that the Angel Raphael is introduced, giving Adam a "full narration" of things from the beginning— and it is chiefly by means of these later books that we construct the key to the earlier ones. I. At the earliest period referred to by Raphael, Space consists of two parts. Heaven or the Empy- rean, and Chaos : ^ "as yet this World was not", nor Man, nor Hel). Heaven alone is created, or formed: the rest of space is a blank. This stage we may sym- bolise^ by figure i. Heaven, we gather, is the region of light and life, the abode of God and the Angels— "the Sons of God". Of its size and shape nothing definite is said. It is totally cut oft" by means ^Heaven, perhaps that which is 'heaved' up: Empyrean (Gk.), 'made of fire' ^the purest of the four elements): Chaos, the chasm, cleft, or abyss. 2 The diagrams are merely symbolic: the form of Space, the relative magnitude of Heaven, Chaos, and Hell, and the exact position of the World are not indi- cated m the poem. Fig. I. INTRODUCTION. 19 nor of a crystal floor from Chaos ; various ornamental features are mentioned— as gates, battlements, and walls; and its beauty is suggested by descriptions of ideal earthly scenery, "heavenly paradises ". The Angels are of two kinds— Cherubim and Seraphim, arranged in three ranks — Archangels or Chiefs, Princes, and individual Powers or Intelligences,^ each kind having its special duties : the peculiar nature and mode of existence of these immaterial beings are described— their immortality, their might, their power of assuming any shape, and so forth. In all this Milton follows hints from the Scriptures, especially the vision of St. John (in the Book of Revelation), Jewish writings, Dante, and the traditions of the early and middle ages. He cautions us that his language is merely symbolical. The Almighty, Himself invisible, has His throne on a central mount, clouded in dazzling brightness, where He receives the adoration of His sons, and makes known His commands. Chaos, 2 "the Deep" or "the Abyss", is the name which Milton gives to that portion of space which lies outside Heaven. Its nature is inconceivable and indescribable, for it consists of that which has not yet been organised into matter,— neither earth, air, fire, nor water. The whole region is utterly devoid of life and light ; it is left by the Almighty in utter confusion and darkness—" to the sway of Anarchy and Night": "a dark Illimitable ocean, without bound, V/ithout dimension: where length, breadth, and highth. And time, and place, are lost; where eldest Night And Chaos, ancestors, of Nature, hold Eternal anarchy, amidst the noise Of endless wars, and by confusion stand. For Hot, Cold, Moist, and Dry, four champions fierce, Strive here for mastery, and to battle bring Their embryon atoms" (II. 891-900). 1 Masson. 2 The fullest description of Chaos and its presiding deity is given in Book H. 890-1033. \ 20 PARADISE LOST. II. This division of Space continues until the revoh of the Angels, which leads to their expulsion : the floor of Heaven opens, they are driven out through the gap, and fall through "the Abyss" for nine days. Then they come to the place which the Almighty has prepared for them out of a portion of Chaos. It lies open to receive them, closes above them, and im- prisons tliem. This new abode of theirs is called Hell: it is situ- ated in the part of Space remotest from Heaven, in " the bottomless pit", and is partitioned off from Chaos by walls and roof of fire. Its shape is not described, but the roof is said to be vaulted (fig. 2). Within it was indeed a place of torment, " created evil, for evil only good", ''a place of fierce extremes", "with many a frozen, many a fiery Alp", "a universe of death"; so that Satan ex- claims, on surveying it, " Here at least We shall be free; the Almighty hath not built Here for His envy, will not drive us hence ". A means of exit into Chaos is afterwards discovered, through a gateway, guarded by two beings named Sin and Death. These open the gate for Satan, but cannot close it again: so that the Infernals can henceforth pass out and in at will. III. After their fall the Angels lie stunned and bewildered on a burning lake for nine days, and it is during this period that the next change is brought about. For some time the Almighty had purposed creating a new World, and placing in it a new and favoured race. At His command the Messiah now issues forth "far into Chaos", and with "the golden compass" "circumscribes this Universe" of Earth, and Planets, and all that is cognisable by man. This new World hangs from the floor of Heaven by a golden chain attached to its topmost point, or zenith ; but whether it is suspended from the INTRODUCTION. 21 Fig- 3- centre of the Empyrean, and poised about the centre of Space (as suggested in diagram 3), and what its relative size, cannot be determined.^ Man is thus in a middle posi- tion, the Good above, the Evil be- low, and he is to be connected with both. For the use of the good angels a golden stairway is let down from Heaven, and for the use of the evil ones a broad path, or bridge, is made by Sin and Death through the Deep in the track taken by Satan on his jour- ney of exploration (II. 1024, &c.). The golden stair can be drawn up as if to secure Heaven aganist unwished-for visitants, but the lower bridge is never closed. The two roads meet at the same point, where there is an opening affording access to ^he interior of the World. IV. Let us now look at this new World. It was created primarily2 for a new race of beings, Man, and his abode, the Earth, is appropriately made its centre. It i- a complicated system of ten hollow spheres or shells fitted one within another, and around the solid Earth. Each sphere has a motion of its own, imparted, in the first place, by the outside shell, called the Primum Mobile, or First Moved— how it is moved we are not told. Of these spheres only two are material— the Primum Mobile or hard, external casing, and the next within it, the Crystalline Sphere, which consists of a clear, watery fluid. The first is designed as a protection to the whole system, the latter to moderate the extremes of heat and cold which may permeate the outer framework. The ^ Professor Masson makes the radius of the World one-third of a to d, and cc^- sequently the World stretches from a to e. This seems to agree with I. 73, 74, but not with II. 1052-3, in which the World appears to Satan in the distance "as a 6tar of smallest magnitude", nor with III. 427-8, where the World " from the wall of Heaven, though distant far, some small reflection gains". The force of the passage (I. 73-4) depends on the meaning of the term "pole", which is rather vague, and in VII. 23, seems applicable to the point a, 2Cp. VIII. 98-9. 22 PARADISE LOST. remaining eight are, or may be regarded as, mere divisions of space, in which the several planets or orbs have their respective orbits. It was in all probability to account for the different motions of the several planets that the separate revolutions of the spheres were assumed. The seven plane- tary spheres, beginning with that nearest the Earth, are: Fig. 4. the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. The eighth sphere contains those stars which occupy a fixed position with regard to one another, and it is therefore called the Fixed or the Firmament : it revolves once daily, carrying all its stars round with it. The Earth is supposed to be stationary. This theory of the World was gradually given up in favour of the simpler one of Copernicus (1473-1543), which was advocated by Galileo and others, and finally established by Kepler and Newton. According to this the Sun is the centre^ ^ More correctly, the sun is not at the centre, but at the common focus of the ellipses of the paths described by the planets. INTRODUCTION. 33 of our vmiverse, ana is almost stationary ; the Earth and the other planets revolve about it, whilst some of these planets, e.,ir. the Earth, have satellites of their own ; and finally the * fixed stars ' are outside the solar universe altogether. Milton was well acquainted with the Copernican system, and may quite possibly have accepted it; but in a poem concerned with topics so far beyond the pale of experience and knowledge, and so full of ancient and mediit^val ideas, beliefs, and fancies, the old theory, however erroneous, was not only fitting, but necessary; for it is involved in very many of the thoughts borrowed by Milton, as it is in some of our phrases at this day;i in Milton's time it was still gener- ally accepted, and it was undoubtedly more poetical than the new system.^ THE METRE. (i) The poem is written in blank verse, or unrimed iambic pentameters ; that is, the typical line consists of ten syllables, divided into five feet of two syllables each, the stress falling on the second syllable, e.^. — With gems' | and gold' | en lus' | tre rich' | embla'zed. (2) A repetition of such typical lines, even if possible, would be extremely wearisome ; and we find the lines modi- fied in various ways : (a) by an additional syllable at the end of the line ; e.e. 1.38; 1 Professor Masson instances such phrases as ' out of one's sphere*. 2 Consider e.g: the quaint fancy of the music of the spheres as expressed by Shakespeare [Merchant 0/ Venice, V. i. 60]— " There's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st But in his motion like an angel sings, Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins; Such harmony is in immortal souls; But, whilst this muddy vesture of decay Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it." 34 PARADISE LOST. {b) by additional syllables not at the end; such syllables are usually elided : e.g. — Above' I thr Aon' \ tan mount', | whiTe it' | pursues'. His lem' I pie right' j against' 1 the tern' | pl^'^f God'. The e of passive participles in -ed and -en is usually elided. {c) one or even two of the five stresses may be dropped: ^ dun' \ geon hor' ! nblf! on all' | siTles round', where the stress fails in the third foot owing to the syllable -b/e. {(f) or the stress may be inverted : e.g. — Here' for \ his en' | vy ; will' ( n^t drive' | us' hence. A mind' | nof to | be changed' | by place' | c7r time'. (The inverted fetet are trochees.) (3) The breaks in the sentences do not come at the ends of the lines only ; but the construction is carried on without re- gard to the division into lines, and we get longer or shorter groups just as the case requires. Thus, the end of a sentence may occur in any part of the line or at the end. This gives ten possible positions, but there are frequently two breaks in one line. The result is sucli variety in the groupings, and such a fitness between thought and language, that there is never even an approach to monotony. ii |i PARADISE LOST. BOOK I. The subject of the poem, Man's fail. Invocation of the Hoiy Spirit's aid. Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste Brought death into the World, and all our woe, With loss of Eden, till one greater Man Restore us, and regain the blissful seat, . Sing, Heavenly Muse, that on the secret top Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire That shepherd who first taught the chosen seed In the beginning how the Heavens and Earth Rose out of Chaos: or, if Sion hill lo Delight thee more, and Siloa's brook that flow'd Fast by the oracle of God, I thence Invoke thy aid to my adventurous song, That with no middle liight intends to soar Above the Aonian mount, while it pursues 15 Things unattemj^ted yet in prose or rhime. And chiefly thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer Before all temples the upright heart and pure, Insiruct me, for thou know'st; thou from the first Wast present, and, with mighty wings outspread, 20 Dove-like sat'st brooding on the va?t Abyss, And mad'st it pregnant : (what in me is dark Illumine, what is low raise and support; That to the highth of this great argument 26 PARADISE LOST. I may assert Eternal Providence, And justify the ways of God to men. j Man's fall caused by Satan in revenge for his expulsion from Heaven. Say first— for Heaven hides nothing from thy view, Nor the deep tract of hell— say first what cause Moved our grand parents, in that happy state, Favoured of Heaven so highly, to fall off From their Creator, and transgress his will For one restraint, lords of the World besides. Who first seduced them to that foul revolt? The infernal Serpent; he it was, whose guile. Stirred up with envy and revenge, deceived The mother of mankind, what time his pride Had cast him out from Heaven, with all his host Of rebel Angels, by whose aid, aspiring To set himself m glory above his peers. He trusted to have equalled the Most High, If he opposed; and with ambitious aim Against the throne and monarchy of God Raised impious war in Heaven and battle proud, With vain attempt. Him the Almighty Power Hurled headlong flaming from the ethereal sky, With hideous ruin and combustion, down To bottomless perdition, there to dwell In adamantine chains and penal fire. Who durst defy the Omnipotent to arms. Satan, recovering from his stupor, ''views the situation'' : described. Nine times the space that measures day and night To mortal men, he, with his horrid crew, Lay vanquished, rolling in the fiery gulf, Confounded, though immortal. But his doom Reserved him to more wrath; for now the thought 25 30 35 40 45 Hell 50 27 55 6o 65 70 PARADISE LOST. Both of lost happiness and lasting pain Torments him ; round he throws his baleful eyes, That witnessed huge affliction and dismay, Mixed with obdurate pride and steadfast hate. At once, as far as Angel's ken, he views The dismal situation, waste and wild. A dungeon horrible, on all sides round, As one great furnace damed; yet from those flames No light ; but rather darkness visible Served only to discover sights of woe. Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, w here pea ce And r est can never dwell, ho pe„ never comes "^ Thj U comes to al l, but torture without end ~^ Still urges, and a fiery deluge, fed With ever-burning sulphur unconsumed. Such place Eternal Justice had prepared For those rebellious; here their prison ordained In utter darkness, and their portion set. As far removed from God and light of Heaven, As from the centre thrice to the utmost pole. Oh how unlike the place from whence they fell ! There the companions of his fall, o'erwhelmed With floods and whirlwinds of tempestuous fire. He soon discerns; and, weltering by his side. One next himself in power, and next in crime. Long after known in Palestine, and named Beelzebub. To whom the Arch-Enemy, And thence in Heaven called Satan, with bold words Breaking the horrid silence, thus began : — Satanh speech to his comrade Bedzebiib: he avows undying hate, and urges * ' eternal war ". " If thou beest he— but Oh, how fallen ! how changed From him !— who, in the happy realms of light, 85 75 80 I 28 PARADISE LOST. 100 Clothed with transcendent brightness, didst outshine Myriads, though briglit— if he whom mutual league, United thoughts and counsels, equal hope And hazard in the glorious enterprise, Joined with me once, now misery hath joined 90 In equal ruin; into what pit thou seest From what highth fallen: so much the stronger proved He with his thunder: and till then who knew The force of those dire arms? Yet not for those, Nor what the potent Victor in his rage ' 9- Can else inflict, do I repent, or change. Though changed in outward lustre, that fixed mind, And high disdain from sense of injured merit, That with the Mightiest raised me to contend, And to the fierce contention brought along Innumerable force of Spirits armed. That durst dislike his reign, and, me preferring. His utmost power with adverse power opposed In dubious battle on the plains of Heaven, And shook his throne. What though the field be lost? All is not lost— the unconquerable will. And study of revenge, immortal hate. And courage never to submit or yield : And what is else not to be overcome. That glory never shall his wrath or might Extort from me. To bow and sue for grace With suppliant knee, and deify his power Who, from the terror of this arm, so late Doubted his empire— that were low indeed; That were an ignominy nnd shame beneath This downfall; since, by fate, the strength of gods. And this empyreal substance, cannot fail; Since, through experience of this great event, In arms not worse, in foresight much advanced, 104 no 115 )o PARADISE LOST. We may with more successful hope resolve To wage by force or guile eternal war. Irreconcilable to our grand foe, Who now triumphs, and in the excess of joy Sole reigning holds the tyranny of Heaven." So spake the apostate Angel, though in pain, Vaunting aloud, but racked with deep despair; And him thus answered soon his bold compeer :- 29 120 125 Beelzebub'' s reply, he is less hopeful:—^ What avails it if we live only to suffer?'^ " O Prince, O Chief of many throned powers That led the embattled Seraphim to war Under thy conduct, and, in dreadful deeds 130 Fearless, endangered Heaven's perpetual King, And put to proof his high supremacy. Whether upheld by strength, or chance, or fate ! Too well I see and rue the dire event That, with sad overthrow and foul defeat, 135 Hath lost us Heaven, and all this mighty host In horrible destruction laid thus low. As far as gods and Heavenly essences Can pensh : for the mind and spirit remains Invincible, and vigour soon returns, ~~^ 140 Though all our glory extinct, and happy state Here swallowed up in endless misery. But what if he our conqueror (whom I now Of force believe almighty, since no less Than such could have o'erpowered such force as ours) Have left us this our spirit and strength entire, 146 Strongly to suffer and support our pains, That we may so suffice his vengeful ire. Or do him mightier service as his thralls By right of war, whate'er his business be, 150 I 30 PARADISE LOST. Here in the heart of Hell to work in fire, Or do his errands in the gloomy Deep? What can it then nvail though yet we feel Strength undiminished, or eternal being To undergo eternal punishment?" j.^ Whereto with speedy words the Arch-Fiend replied:- Satan^s rejoinder: ' Revenge is sweet; we can live to thwart our enemy. ' " Fallen Cherub, to be weak is miserable, Doing or suffering: but of this be sure— To do aught good never will be our task, But ever to do ill our sole delight, i6o As being the contrary to his high will Whom we resist. If then his providence Out of our evil seek to bring forth good. Our labour must be to pervert that end,' And out of good still to find means of evil; 165 Which ofttimes may succeed so as perhaps Shall grieve him, if I fail not, and disturb His inmost counsels from their destined aim. ' The storm is over: let us muster our forces and consult together.' But see!^ the angry victor hath recalled His ministers of vengeance and pursuit 170 Back to the gates of Heaven : the sulphurous hail, Shot after us in storm, o'erblown hath laid The fiery surge that from the precipice Of Heaven received us falling; and the thunder, Wmged with red lightning and impetuous rage, 17c Perhaps hath spent his shafts, and ceases now To bellow through the vast and boundless Deep. Let us not slip the occasion, whether scorn Or satiate fury yield it from our foe. Seest thou yon dreary plain, forlorn and wild, 180 PARADISE LOST. The seat of desolation, void of light, Save what the glimmering of these livid flames Casts pale and dreadful? Thither let us tend From off the tossing of these fiery waves; There rest, if any rest can harbour there; And, reassembling our afflicted powers. Consult how we may henceforth most offend Our enemy, our own loss how repair. How overcome this dire calamity. What reinforcement v/e may gain from hope, If not, what resolution from despair." Satan's vastness suggested by comparisons. Thus Satan, talking to his nearest mate. With head uplift above the wave, and eyes That sparkling blazed; his other parts besides Prone on the flood, extended long and large. Lay floating many a rood, in bulk as huge As whom the fables name of monstrous size, Titanian or Earth-born, that warred on Jove, Briareos or Typhon, whom the den By ancient Tarsus held, or that sea-beast Leviathan, which God of all his works Created hugest that swim the ocean stream. Him, haply slumbering on the Norway foam. The pilot of some small night-foundered skiff, Deeming some island, oft, as seamen tell. With fixed anchor in his scaly rind. Moors by his side under the lee, while night Invests the sea, and wished morn delays. He is allowed to rise. So stretched out huge in length the Arch-Fiend lay. Chained on the burning lake, nor ever thence 31 ill ft ■85 190 195 200 205 210 4 32 PARADISE LOST. Had risen, or heaved his head, but that the will And high permission of all-ruling Heaven Left him at large to his own dark designs, That with reiterated crimes ne might Heap on himself damnation, while he sought Evil to others, and enraged might see How all his malice served but to bring forth Infinite goodness, grace, and mercy, shown On Man by him seduced, but on himself Treble confusion, wrath, and vengeance poured. 215 220 9 Safan and Bedzebub fly to land: the land described. Forthwith upright he rears from off the pool His mighty stature; on each hand the flames Driven backward slope their pointing spires, and, rolled In billows, leave in the midst a horrid vale. Then with expanded wings he steers his flight 225 Aloft, incumbent on the dusky air, That felt unusual weight ; till on dry land He lights— if it were land that ever burned With solid, as the lake with liquid fire, And such appeared in hue as when the force 230 Of subterranean wind transports a hill Torn from Pelorus, or the shattered side Of thundering ^tna, whose combustible And fueled entrails, thence conceiving fire, Sublimed with mineral fury, aid the winds, 235 And leave a singed bottom all involved With stench and smoke. Such resting found the sole Of unblest feet. Him followed his next mate; Both glorying to have scaped the Stygian flood As gods, and by their own recovered strength, 240 Not by the sufferance of supernal power. PARADISE LOST. 3Z ■15 20 d 25 30 35 ^o Satan's soliloquy on viewing their new abode. " Is this the region, this the soil, the cUme," Said then the lost Archangel, " this the seat That we must change for Heaven? this mournful gloom For that celestial light? Be it so, since he 245 Who now is sovran can dispose and bid What shall be risjht : farthest from him is best, Whom reason hath equalled, force hath made supreme Above his equals. Farewell, happy fields. Where joy for ever dwells! Hail, horrors! hail, 250 Infernal world ! and thou, profoundest Hell, Receive thy new possessor — one who brings A mind not to be changed by place or time. The mind is its own place, a nd in itself Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of He aven. 255 What matter where, if I be still the same, And what I should be, all but less than he Whom thunder hath made greater? Here at least We shall be free; the Almighty hath not built Here for his envy, will not drive us hence: 260 Here we may reign secure; and, in my choice, To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell : Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. They agree to rouse and rally their followers. But wherefore let we then our faithful friends, The associates and co-partners r f our loss. Lie thus astonished on the oblivious pool, And call them not to share with us their part In this unhappy mansion, or once more With rallied arms to try what may be yet Regained in Heaven, or what more lost in Hell?" So Satan spake; and him Beelzebub Thus answered: — "Leader of those armies bright ( M 46 ) 265 I 34 PARADISE LOST. Which, but the Omnipotent, none cculd have foiled ! If once they hear that voice, their UveUest pledge Of hope in fears and dangers— heard so oft 275 In worst extremes, and on the perilous edge Of battle, when it raged, in all assaults Their surest signal — they will soon resume New courage, and revive, though now they lie Grovelling and prostrate on yon lake of fire, 80 As we erewhile, astounded and amazed; No wonder, fallen such a pernicious higbth!" The appearance of Satan as he makes for the shore, and of his legions as they lie on the lake. He scarce had, ceased when the superior Fiend Was moving toward the shore; his ponderous shield. Ethereal temper, massy, large, and round, 285 Behind him cast. The broad circumference Hung on his shoulders like the moon, whose orb Through optic glass the Tuscan artist views At evening, from the top of Fesole, Or in Valdarno, to descry new lands, 290 Rivers, or mountains, in her spotty globe. His spear— to equal which the tallest pine Hewn on Norwegian hills, to be the mast Of some great ammiral, were but a wand — He walked with, to support uneasy steps 295 Over the burning marie, not like those steps On Heaven's azure; and the torrid clime Smote on him sore besides, vaulted with fire. Nathless he so endured, till on the beach Of that inflamed sea he stood, and called 300 His legions — Angel forms, who lay entranced. Thick as autumnal leaves that strew the brooks In Vallombrosa, where the Etrurian shades I K! PARADISE LOST. 35 275 80 i 285 290 295 300 High over-arcbed imbower; or scattered sedge Afloat, when with fierce winds Orion armed 305 Hath vexed the Red-Sea coast, whose waves o'erthrew Busiris and his Memphian chivalry, While with perfidious hatred they pursued The sojourners of Goshen, who beheld From the safe shore their floating carcases 310 And broken chariot-wheels. So thick bestrewn. Abject and lost, lay these, covering the flood. Under amazement of their hideous change. Satan taunts them for their inactivity, and calls them to arms. He called so loud, that all the hollow deep Of Hell resounded : " Princes, Potentates, 315 Warriors, the flower of Heaven — once yours; now lost. If such astonishment as this can seize Eternal Spirits ! Or have ye chosen this place After the toil of battle to repose Your wearied virtue, for the ease you find 320 To slumber here, as in the vales of Heaven? Or in this abject posture have ye sworn To adore the conqueror, who now beholds Cherub and Seraph rolling in the flood With scattered arms and ensigns, till anon 325 His swift pursuers from Heaven-gates discern The advantage, and, descending, tread us down Thus drooping, or with linked thunderbolts Transfix us to the bottom of this gulf? — Awake, arise, or be for ever fallen!" 330 Their appearance : their multitude suggested by co?nparisons. They heard, and were abashed, and up they sprung Upon the wing, as when men wont to watch. On duty sleeping found by whom they dread, 36 PARADISE LOST. ii ! Rouse and bestir themselves ere well awake. Nor did they not perceive the evil i)light 335 In which they were, or the fierce pains not feel; Yet to their General's voice they soon obeyed Innumerable. As when the potent rod Of Amram's son, in Egypt's evil day, Waved round the coast, up-called a pitchy cloud 340 Of locusts, warping on the eastern wind, That o'er the realm of impious Pharaoh hung Like night, and darkened all the land of Nile; So numberless were those bad Angels seen Hovering on wing under the cope of Hell, 345 'Twixt upper, nether, and surrounding fires; Till, as a signal given, the uplifted spear Of their great Sultan waving to direct Their course, in even balance down they light On the firm brimstone, and fill all the plain: 350 A multitude like which the populous North Poured never from her frozen loins to pass Rhene or the Danaw, when her barbarous sons Came like a deluge on the South, and spread Beneath Gibraltar to the Libyan sands. 355 The leaders come forward— for the time beings nameless. Forthwith, from every squadron and each band, The heads and leaders thither haste where stood "Heir great Commander — godlike shapes, and forms j:.xcclling human; princely dignities; And powers that erst in Heaven sat on thrones, 360 Though of their names in Heavenly records now Be no memorial, blotted out and rased By their rebellion from the Books of Life. Nor had they yet among the sons of Eve Got them new names, till, wandering o'er the Earth, 365 PARADISK LOST. 37 335 540 545 550 ;55 60 65 Through God's high sufferance for the trial of Man, By falsities and Hes the greatest part Of Mankind they corrupted to forsake God their Creator, and the invisible Glory of him that made them to transform 370 Oft to the image of a brute, adorned With gay religions full of pomp and gold, And devils to adore for deities : Then were they known to men by various names, And various idols through the heathen world. 375 The leaders enumerated and described under the names they afterwards acquired as heathen deities. Say, Muse, their names then known, who first, who last. Roused from the slumber on that fiery couch. At their great Emperor's call, as next in worth Came singly where he stood on the bare strand. While the promiscuous crowd stood yet aloof. 380 The chief were those who, from the pit of Hell Roaming to seek their prey on Earth, durst fix Their seats, long after, next the seat of God, Their altars by his altar, gods adored Among the nations round, and durst abide 385 Jehovah thundering out of Sion, throned Between the Cherubim; yea, often placed Within his sanctuary itself their shrines, Abominations; and with cursed things His holy rites and solemn feasts profaned, 390 And with their darkne^-s durst affront his light. First, IVJoloch, horrid king, besmeared with blood Of human sacrifice, and parents' tears ; Though, for the noise of drums and timbrels loud. Their children's cries unheard that passed through fire To his grim idol. Him the Ammonite 396 38 PARADISE LOST. Wor3hipi)ed in Rabba and her watery plain, In Argob and in Bashan, to the stream Of utmost Arnon. Nor content with such Audacious neighbourhood, the wisest heart 400 Of Solomon he led by fraud to build His temple right against the temple of (iod, On that opprobrious hill, and made his grove The pleasant valley of Hinnom, Tophet thence And black Gehenna called, the type of Hell. 405 Next C bemos , the obscene dread of Moab's sons, From Aroer to Nebo and the wild Of southmost Abarim; in Hesebon And Horonaim, Seon's realm, beyond The fiowery dale of Sibma clad with vines, 410 And Eleale to the Asphaltic pool : Peor his other name when he enticed Israel in Sittim, on their march from Nile, To do him wanton rites, which cost them wc j. Yet thence his lustful orgies he enlarged 415 Even to that hill of scandal, by the grove Of Moloch homicide, lust hard by hate; Till good Josiah drove them thence to Hell. With these came they who, from the bordering flood Of old Euphrates to the brook that parts 420 Egypt from Syrian ground, had general names Of Baalim and Ashtaroth — those male. These feminine. For Spirits, when they please. Can either sex assume, or both; so soft And uncompounded is their essence pure, 425 Not tied or manacled with joint or limb. Nor founded on the brittle strength of bones. Like cumbrous flesh; but in what shape they choose, Dilated or condensed, bright or obscure. Can execute their aery purposes, 430 PARADISE LOST. 39 400 ^05 ^10 [^5 .20 25 30 And works of love or enmity fulfil. For those the race of Israel oft forsook Their living Strength, and unfrequented left His righteous altar, bowing lowly down To bestial gods; for which their heads, as low Bowed down in battle, sunk before the spear Of despicable foes. With these in troop Came Asl^toreth, whom the Phoenicians called Astarte, Queen of Heaven, with crescent horns; To whose bright image nightly by the moon Sidonian virgins paid their vows and songs; In Sion also not unsung, where stood Her temple on the offensive mountain, built By that uxorious king whose heart, though large. Beguiled by fair idolatresses, fell To idols foul. Thammuz came next behind. Whose annual wound in Lebanon allured The Syrian damsels to lament his fate In amorous ditties all a summer's day, While smooth Adonis from his native rock Ran purple to the sea, supposed with blood Of Thammuz yearly wounded : the love-tale Infected Sion's daughters with like heat, Whose wanton passions in the sacred porch Ezekiel saw, when, by the vision led. His eye surveyed the dark idolatries Of alienated Judah. Next came one Who mourned in earnest, when the captive ark Maimed his brute image, head and hands lopt off. In his own temple, on the grunsel-edge, Whert he fell flat and shamed his worshippers : ■5^ !-• - ^, — <^.->o vp/->r>qtpr nnwnrd man ijagoi>iiis name, oK.a.-t.i'-^i^oi^i, _^' A^^ownward fish; yet had his temple high Reared in Azotus, dreaded through the coast 435 440 445 450 455 460 I 40 PARADISE LOST. Of Palestine, in Oath and Ascalon, And Accaron and Gaza's frontier bounds. Him followed Rimmon, whose delightful seat Was fair Damascus, on the fertile banks Of Abana and Pharphar, lucid streams. He also against the house of Ciod was bold: A leper once he lost, .-nd gained a king— Ahaz, his sotti.sh conqueror, whom he drew God's altar to disparage and displace For one of Syrian mode, whereon to burn His odious offerings, and adore the gods Whom he had vanquished. After these appeared A crew who, under names of old renown— Osiris, Isjs, Oru^ and their train— With monstrous shapes and sorceries abused Fanatic Egypt and her priests to seek Their wandering gods disguised in brutish forms Rather than human. Nor did Israel scape The infection, when their borrowed gold composed Ihe calf m Oreb; and the rebel king Doubled that sin in Bethel and in Dan, Likening his Maker to the grazed ox—' Jehovah, who, in one night, when he passed From Egypt marching, equalled with one stroke Both her first-born and all her bleating gods. Belial came last; than whom a Spirit more lewd Fell not from Heaven, or more gross to love Vice for itself. To him no temple stood Or altar smoked; yet who more oft than he In temples and at altars, when the priest Turns atheist, as did Eli's sons, who filled With lust and violence the house of God? * In courts and palaces he also reigns. And in luxurious cities, where the noise 465 470 475 480 485 490 495 c c 465 470 475 48o ^85 90 95 505 510 PARADISE LOST. Of riot ascends above their loftiest towers And injury and outrage; and, when night' Darkens the streets, then wander forth the sons Ut JieJial, flown with insolence and wine Witness the streets of Sodom, and that night In Gibeah, when the hospitable door Exposed a matron, to avoid worse rape. These were the prime in order and in might- The rest w-ere long to tell; though far renowned, Ihe Ionian gods of Javan's issue held Gods, yet confessed later than Heaven and Earth Their boasted parents ;-Titan, Heaven's first-born, VVith his enormous brood, and birthright seized By younger Saturn: he from mightier Jove His own and Rhea's son, like measure found • So Jove usurping reigned. These, first in Crete And Ida known, thence on the snowy top Of cold Olympus ruled the middle air. Their highest Heaven; or on the Delphian cliff, Or in Dodona, and through all the bounds Of Doric land; or who with Saturn old Fled over Adria to the Hesperian fields, And o'er the Celtic roamed the utmost isles. The leaders having assembled, Satan cheers them and bids Azazel raise the standard All these and more came flocking; but with looks Downcast and damp; yet such wherein appeared Obscure some glimpse of joy to have found their Chief Not in despair, to have found themselves not lost C2c In loss Itself; which on his countenance cast Like doubtful hue. But he, his wonted pride Soon recollecting, with high words, that bore Semblance of worth, not substance, gently raised 41 500 ^''S 520 I 42 PARADISE LOST. Their fainting courage, and dispelled the'r fears: 530 Then straight commands that, at the warlike sound Of trumpets loud and clarions, be upreared His mighty standard. That proud honour claimed Azazel as his right, a Cherub tall : Who forthwith from the glittering staff unfurled 535 The imperial ensign; which, full high advanced, Shone like a meteor streaming to the wind. With gems and golden lustre rich imblazed, Seraphic arms and trophies; all the while Sonorous metal blowing martial sounds: 54° At which the nniversal h®st up-sent A shout that tore Hell's concave, and beyc nd Frigl.':.d the reign of Chaos and old Night. Thereupon their followers form in battle array and inarch to Dorian rnicsic. All in a moment through the gloom were seen Ten thousand banners rise into the air, 545 With orient colours waving : with them rose A forest huge of spears; and thronging hehns Appeared, and serried shields in thick array Of depth immeasurable. Anon they move In perfect phalanx to the Dorian mood 55° Of flutes and soft recorders— such as raised To highth of noblest temper heroes old Arming to battle, and instead of rage Deliberate valour breathed, firm, and unmoved With dread of death to flight or foul retreat; 555 Nor wanting power to mitigate and swage With solemn touches troubled thoughts, and chase Anguish and doubt and fear and sorrow and pain From mortal or immortal minds. Thus they, Breathing united force with fixed thought, 5^0 PARADISE LOST. 43 545 550 555 560 570 Moved on in silence to soft pipes that charmed Their painful steps o'er the burnt soil. And now Satan views his army, compared with which the greatest forces of ancient or mediceval times are insignificant. Advanced in view they stand— a horrid front Of dreadful length and dazzling arms, in guise Of warriors old, with ordered spear and shield, 565 Awaiting what command their mighty Chief Had to impose. He through the arm^d files Darts his experienced eye, and soon traverse The whole battalion views — their order due. Their visages and stature as of gods ; Their number last he sums. And now his heart Distends with pride, and, hardening in his strength, Glories : for never, since created Man, Met such embodied force as, named with these, Could merit more than that small infantry 575 Warred on by cranes— though all the giant brood Of Phlegra with the heroic race were joined That fought at Thebes and Ilium, on each side Mixed with auxiliar gods ; and what resounds In fable or romance of Uthers son, rgo Begirt with British and Armoric knights; And all who since, baptized or infidel. Jousted in Aspramont or Montalban, Damasco, or Marocco, or Trehisond, Or whom Biserta sent from Afric shore, 585 When Charlemain with all his peerage fell By Fontarabbia. Thus far these beyond Compare of mortal prowess, yet observed The appearance nf Satan and his host suggested by various similes. Their dread Command r. He, above the rest In shape and gesture proudly eminent, 590 44 PARADISE LOST. li Stood like a tower. His form had yet not lost All her original brightness, nor appeared Less than archangel ruined, and the excess Of glory obscured: as when the sun new-risen Looks through the horizontal misty air 595 Shorn of his beams, or, from behind the moon, In dim eclipse, disastrous twilight sheds On half the nations, and with fear of change Perplexes monarchs. DiiiJiened so, yet shone Above them all the Archangel : but his face 600 Deep scars of thunder had intrenched, and care Sat on his faded cheek, but under brows Of dauntless courage, and considerate pride Waiting revenge. Cruel his eye, but cast Signs of remorse and passion, to behold 605 The fellows of his crime, the followers rather (Far other once beheld in bliss), condemned For ever now to have their lot in pain — Millions of Spirits for his fault amerced Of Heaven, and from eternal sj)lendours flung 610 For his revolt — yet faithful how they stood, Their glory withered ; as, when Heaven's fire Hath scathed the forest oaks or mountain pines, With singed top their stately growth, though bare, Stands on the blasted heath. He now prepared 615 To speak; whereat their doubled ranks they bend From wing to wing, and half enclose him round With all his peers : attention held them mute. Thrice he assayed, and thrice, in spite of scorn, Tears, such as Angelsweep, burst forth : at last 620 Words mterwove with sighs found out their way: — I PARADISE LOST. 45 595 600 605 5 10 615 620 Satan harangues his host: Uheir defeat was due to ignorance of the enemy's strength. ' " O myriads of immortal Spirits ! O Powers Matchless, but with the Almighty !— and that strife Was not inglorious, though the event was dire. As this place testifies, and this dire change 6''5 Hateful to utter. But what power of mind. Foreseeing or presaging from the depth Of knowledge past or present, could have feared, How such united force of gods, how such As stood like these, could ever know repulse? 630 For who can yet believe, though after loss, That all these puissant legions, whose exile Hath emptied Heaven, shall fail to reascend, Self-raised, and repossess their native seat? For me, be witness all the host of Heaven, 635 If counsels different, or dangers shunned By me, have lost our hopes. But he who reigns Monarch in Heaven till then as one secure Sat on his throne, upheld by old repute, Consent or custom, and hi vggal state 640 Put forth at full, but still his strength concealed— Which tempted our attempt, and wrought our fall. Henceforth they nmst oppose him hy guile; a visit to the new formed world suggested; war resolved on. Henceforth his might we know, and know our own, So as not either to provoke, or dread New war provoked : our better part remains 645 To work in close design, by fraud or guile, What force effected not; that he no less At length from us mav find who overcomes By force hath overcome but half his foe. Space may produce new worlds; whereof so rife 650 'ii i 46 PARADISE LOST. There went a fame in Heaven that he ere long Intended to create, and therein plant A generation whom his choice regard Should favour equal to the Sons of Heaven. Thither, if but to pry, shall be perhaps 655 Our first eruption — thither, or elsewhere; For this infernal pit shall never hold Celestial Spirits in bondage, nor t/s Abyss Long under darkness cover. But these thoughts Full counsel must mature. Peace is despaired; 660 For who can think submission? War, then, war Open or understood, must be resolved." He spake; and, to confirm his words, out-flew Millions of flaming swords, drawn f^om the thighs Of mighty Cherubim; the sudden blaze 665 Far round illumined Hell. Highly they raged Against the Highest, and fierce with grasped arms Clashed on their sounding shields the din of war Hurling defiance toward the vault of Heaven. Led by Mammon they quarry gold and cast it, ready for use in building their palace. There stood a hill not far, whose grisly top 670 Belched fire and rolUng smoke; the rest entire Shone with a glossy scurf — undoubted sign That in his womb was hid metallic ore. The work of sulphur. Thither, winged with speed, A numerous brigad hastened: as when bands 675 Of pioners, with spade and pickaxe armed. Forerun the royal camp, to trench a field. Or cast a rampart. M amm on led them on — Mammon, the least erected~§"pirit that fell 679 From Heaven; for even in Heaven his looks and thoughts Were always downward bent, admiring more PARADISE LOST. The riches of Heaven's pavement, trodden gold, Than aught divine or holy else enjoyed In vision beatific. , BY,him first Men also, a nd by his sugges don taught^ R ansacked the centre, gnd with impious han js Hjfledj he bowels oTth eir mother Earth Fflr jreasur^s better ji jd. S^^had his crew Opened into the hilfa spac .ju. ind, And digged out ribs of gold. Let none admire That riches grow in Hell; that soil may best Deserve the precious bane. And here let those Who boast in mortal things, and wondering tell Of Babel, and the works of Memphian kings. Learn how their greatest monuments of fame. And strength, and art, are easily outdone By Spirits reprobate, and in an hour What in an age they, with incessant toil And hands innumerable, scarce perform. Nigh on the plain, in many cells prepared. That underneath had veins of liquid fire Sluiced from the lake, a second multitude With wondrous art founded the massy ore. Severing each kind, and scummed the bullion-dross. A third as soon had formed within the ground A various mould, and from the boiling cells By strange conveyance filled each hollow nook; As in an organ, from one blast of wind, To many a row of pipes the sound-bo"rd breathes. Pandemonium described: its architect, Mulciber. Anon out of the earth a fabric huge Rose, like an exhalation, with the sound Of dulcet symphonies and voices sweet — Built like a temple, where pilasters round 47 68s 690 695 700 705 710 I 48 PARADISE LOST. Were set, and Doric pillars overlaid With golden architrave; nor did there want 715 Cornice or frieze with bossy sculptures graven : The roof was fretted gold. Not Babylon Nor great Alcairo such magnificence Equalled in all their glories, to enshrine Belus or Serapis their gods, or seat 720 Their kings, when Egypt with Assyria strove In wealth and luxury. 'J'he ascending pile Stood fixed her stately highth; and straight the doors, Opening their brazen folds, discover, wide Within, her ample spaces o'er the smooth 725 And level pavement: from the arched roof, Pendent by subtle magic, many a row Of starry lamps and blazing cressets, ff j. With naphtha and asphaltus, yielded light As from a sky. The hasty multitude 730 Admiring entered; and the work some praise. And some the architect. His hand was known In Heaven by many a towered structure high, Where sceptred A^ngels held their residence, And sat as princes, whom the supreme King 735 Exalted to such power, and gave to rule, Each in his Hierarchy, the Orders bright. Nor was his name unheard or unadored In ancient Greece ; and in Ausonian land Men called him Mulciber; and how he fell 740 From Heaven they fabled, thrown by angry Jove Sheer o'er the crystal battlements : from morn To noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve, A summer's day, and with the setting sun Dropped from, tl e zenith, like a falling star, 745 On Lemnos, the /Egean isle. Thus they relate, Erring; for he with this rebellious rout PARADISE LOST. 49 755 Fell long before; nor aught availed him now To have built in Heaven high towers; nor did he scape By all his engines, but was headlong sent, 750 With his industrious crew, to build in Hell. " The worthiest stimmoned to a council, they and their attend- ants sivarm in, and Jill the hall ''both on the ground and in the air^\ Meanwhile the winged heralds, by command Of sovran power, with awful ceremony And trumpet's sound, throughout the host proclaim A solemn council f thwith to be held At Pandemonium, the high capital Of Satan and his peers. Their summons called From every band and squared regiment By place or choice the worthiest : they anon With hundreds and with thousands trooping came Attended. All access was thronged; the gates And porches wide, but chief the spacious hall (Though like a covered field, where champions bold Wont ride in armed, and at the Soldan's chair Defied the best of Panim chivalry To mortal combat, or career with lance). Thick swarmed, both on the ground and in the air. Brushed with the hiss of rustling wings. As bees ' In spring-time, when the sun with Taurus rides. Pour forth their populous youth about the hive In clusters; they among fresh dews and flowers Fly to and fro, or on the smoothed plank. The suburb of their straw-built citadel, New rubbed with balm, expatiate, and confer Their state affairs: so thick the aery crowd Swarmed and were straitened ; till, the signal given, 760 765 770 775 (M46) so PARADISE LOST. T/ie followers f at a signal, all contract : the leaders hold a council. Behold a wonder ! They, but now who seemed In bigness to surpass Earth's giant sons, Now less than smallest dwarfs, in narrow room Throng numberless — like that pygmean race 780 Beyond the Indian mount; or faery elves, Whose midnight revels, by a forest side. Or fountain, some belated peasant sees. Or dreams he sees, while overhead the moon Sits arbitress, and nearer to the Earth 785 Wheels her pale course: they, on their mirth and dance Intent, with jocund music charm his ear; At once with joy and fear his heart rebounds. Thus incorporeal Spirits to smallest forms Reduced their shapes immense, and were at large, 790 Though without number still, amidst the hall Of that infernal court. But far within. And '1 their own dimensions like themselves. The Seraphic Lords and Cherubim In close recess and secret conclave sat, 795 A thousand demigods on golden seats. Frequent and full. After short silence then, And summons read, the great consult began. oiincil. 780 785 dance 790 795 NOTES. \,The letter (L. ) denotes that a word is used in its primary Latin sense • the letter ,0.) that a further note, chiejly etymological, is given 1-5. Compare the opening lines oi Paradise Regained, 1-3. For the prohibition, see vii. 323-333. 2. mortal, rendering liable to death. " The day thou eatst thereof, my sole command 1 ransgressed, inevitably thou shalt die From that day mortal." vii. 32f ' 6. Sing, &c All preceding epic poets-Homer, Virgil. Dante &c. , use a similar form of invocation : in Milton's ca^e it is a devoul fnTpTrecl^ '''' ™^"''^ ^' ^"^^ °^^^^ ^^ ^^^ich the prophets w^r^ secret. This term probably refers to the manner in which Moses received God's communications: ^^^ Exodus xxx\i7 20 • XXIV. 2 ("and Moses alone shall come near",) &c ^' ' ' 7. Oreb (Iloreb), or of Sinai. Milton refers either fo /^«. events-the appearance in the burning bush (Si/ iiM and he giving of the Law-or, more probably, to the latter event a one Sinai being a part of Horeb, a mountain group north o? the Red Sea' in ^^ tt'^iJt^. ^'°^^ ^^^^""^ ^' ^'^ --^- i^ favouJe'^Tptpr '"'•• ^'^^^"^ ^^'^^^^^^^^ ^^--'- to be God's 10. Sion hill, where the Temple stood into'tlfe^Kkfron'Tus! beneaT th '"^"^ ^T ^'^. ^^^^^ °^ ^iloam Temple ('the oracli'f.~vi!^^ ' ''''"' ""^ ""''^ "^"^ ^^^ 12. fast by, close to oracle (G ^ 52 PARADISE LOST. I Milton means, therefore, either that he intends to surpass the ancient poets. Homer and Virgil, or that he intends to write ori subjects higher than any they ever treated of. 15. pursues, treats of. A Latinism. 16. rhime (properly r/w^), verse. (G. ) 18. Cp. / Corinthians iii. 16. 19-22. Cp. Genesis i. ; and for 'dovedike', Matthew iii. 16. 21. Abyss, lit. the bottomless depth (of the sea, &c.): here, Chaos (Gk.) 22. pregnant, filled with life. Cp. vii. 234-42. 23. low, weak, feel)le. 24. * In a way befitting the subject of my poem.' highth, the correct form of the word : cp. depth, &c. 25. assert, defend in argument. 29. grand parepts, first parents, ancestors. 32. For one restraint, &c., 'because of one restraint, being, in all else, lords', &c. See 1-3 ;/. 33. seduced, led away from (allegiance, duty, &c.). Cp. ii. 368, * seduce them to our party '. 34. infernal, lit. belonging to the lower regions (or 'hell') : hence, wicked, fiendish. But the word is also used without the notion of 'wicked': cp. " '..ernal court ", 792. 35. For Satan's motives see i. 160-63,651-54, ii. 348-51. 373» &c. 36. what time, when: cp. Lyciaas, 28, "what time the gray-fly winds her sultry horn ". 38. Note the extra syllable. 39. peers, equals. Satan's 'peers' were his fellow-archangels. For the 'equality' see v. 659, &c. ^ ^ " He, of the first. If not the first Archangel, great in power, In favour and pre-eminence, yet fraught With envy against the Son of God", &c. ; and V. 812, where Abdiel addresses him — "In place so high above thy peers". His rrime, therefore, was his rivalry with God---his ambition to usurp the place of divine glory which belonged to God alone. 40. See V, 864; Satan, leading the revolt, declares — " Our puissance is our own ; our own right hand Shall teach us highest deeds, by proof to try Who is our equal". NOTES. 41. Ambitious. (G.) 43. impious, not pious, wanting in reverence to God. 53 45. flaming. Cp. Luke x. 18, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven"; and v;. 865-66. ethereal sky, the Empyrean, or Heaven. 46. ruin, in its Latin sense, downfall combustion, confusion, uproar, tumult: lit. conflagration. See VI. 871. *» "Chaos roared And felt tenfold confusion in their fall Through his wild Anarchy". And cp. vi. 836-37 and 866. 48. adamantine, lit. made of adamant; . t is, indestructible, unbreakable: cp. n. 646, "adamantine rot mpenetrable,...un- consumed ' by fire: and ii. 168, "we lay cha .ed on the burning lake . 1 he name 'adamant was api)lied to steel and the diamondT penal fire, fire used as a means of inflicting punishment. (l..pa'na, pam.) Cp. 'penal laws', 'penalty', &c. 49. who, &c. : 'because he', 'since he', &c. A Latinism. 50. nine was a sort of sacred number with the ancients, as beine a multiple of three. Cp. the use of the number seven in the Old 1 cstament. the space, &c. Why not simply 'nine days'? 51. crew, any company of men, as a ship's crew. Cp. Spenser *• A noble crew of lords and ladies". ^ openser, 53. confounded, stupefied, struck senseless. 55. pain: cp. vi. 327, "Then Satan first knew pain" (that is, in the war m heaven preceding the expulsion). For other references to tne new consciousness of pain see 125, 147, 336, &c. 56. baleful, sorrowful, [hale, fr. A. S. bale, evil. Cp. Shak., Cono/anus 1. i. 66, "The one side must have bale".) 57. witnessed, bore witness to. 58. obdurate, immovable, unchangeable: lit. hardened. For the accent, cp. 'triumphs' 1. 123, 'sojourn" iii. 15, &c. 59. ken may be taken either as a verb or as a noun: if the latter S 71 ^ '"^ ^^^ possessive case, either sing, or plural, as the mark ot the possessive was m Milton's time often omitted. (M E ^en>ien, io know.) V^^i--^^. 60. situation, region. 63. light: what is the case? Supply the verb, darkness visible, &c. Cp. 181-83— "The seat of desolation, void of light, Save what the glimmering of these livid flames Casts pale and dreadful " ; 54 PARADISE LOST. and // Penseroso, 79. 80 — "Where glowing embers through the room Teach light to counterfeit a gloom ". The language used in the text is contradictory only if taken literally — 'the dungeon flamed', i.e. the flames vere visible, but the dull 'glimmering' was only sufficient to reveal the prevailing horror and gloom. Mr. Beeching says, "The flame of a spirit-lamp in a dark room will suggest what is meant ". Cp. Asojob x. 22. 63. darkness visible, that is, gloom. Darkness is not itself visible any more than silence is audible. [What figure of speech is 'darkness visible', taken literally?] 66, 67. '(where) hope, that comes to all (mortals), never comes.' The thought is found in Euripides: and Dante {Inferno iii.) has the famous inscription over the gates of hell, "All hope abandon, ye who enter here". 68. still, ever, instantly. urges, torments, harasses. A Latinism. Cp. ii. 88-89, "pain. ..must exercise us". 68, 69. Note the order — epithet, substantive, epithet. (Give other instances of this favourite idiom of Milton's.) Burning sulphur is fluid: hence 'deluge', flood. 71. those rebellious (angels) : cp. 521. 72. utter, outer, further from Heaven, hence belonging to Hell ; the intervening being the 'middle' darkness. Cp. iii. 16, "through utter and through middle darkness ". 74. That is, three times the distance from the centre of this Universe (the Earth) to the outside sphere (the Primum Mobile), or else to its point of suspension from the Empyrean. For this use of * centre', cp. 686-87. On the position of the Universe in space, see Cosmology, p. 21. 78. weltering, rolling about. In the Bible of 1549 we read, "He that weltereth a stone"; in the version of 1610, "He that roUeth a stone ". {Proverbs xxvi. 27. ) 80. Palestine, for Philistia, the coast district to the south-west of Palestine. So also in 465. 79-81. Beelzebub, or Baalzebub, lit. 'lord of flies', was a god of the Philistines. His chief temple was at Ekron ; his wishes were probably interpreted by the humming and motions of flies. For " next in crime" (79) see note on 1. 88. 82. Satan (Hebrew) enemy: his former name was Lucifer ('light-bearer'). Cp. vii. 131. 84. beest, indicative mood (rzarl). In A. S. there were two forms of the present indicative of the verb ' be '. how fallen. Cp. Isaiah xiv. 12 ; and see p. 85. NOTES. 55 86. transcendent, surpassing. didst : note the syntax. 88. United thoughts, &c. See v. 676, &c. Beelzebub was Satan's first 'associate' in the rebellion. He seems to have been won over at once, and to have obeyed the prime mover implicitly. As his 'next subordinate' he visits the subject Powers, ' tells, as he was taught ', that they are all to assemble, " tells the suggested cause, and casts between ambiguous words... and jealousies, to sound or taint integrity " (v. 696). 93. He, the Son of God. with his thunder. Cp. vi. 835, "in his right hand. Grasping ten thousand thunders, which he sent Before him", &c. ; and iii. 392. 94. for, on account of. 84-94. Note (i) the abrupt change in 84 ('but O', &c.), 92 and 93; (2) the syntax oi didst in 86, the antecedent being 'him' = 'who' = * thou ' ; (3) object to 'hath joined', viz. 'whom' in 87 ; (4) the classical form of exj lession in 91-2, "thou seest into what pit we are fallen, and from what highth"; (5) the exact force of the phrase ' so much ' in 92 ; (6) the repeated use of the pronoun, as if to avoid mentioning God by name, e.g. in 93. So cp. all the speeches in i. and ii. (7) the want of continuity in sense and the absence of any regular principal clause in the passage. These are the first words uttered after the expulsion from Heaven, and Milton evidently intends to indicate the speaker's excitement. 97. lustre, splendour, brightness; a shining appearance. (Low L. lustnim, a window.) 98. ' Lofty pride springing from the feeling that his merit had been despised. ' injured, despised. (L.) Cp. 500 «. 99. 100. Note 'contend' and its cognate 'contention'. 102. dislike, disapprove: not to 'dislike' in our senf,e of the word: the latter does not depend upon our 'daring', the former may. 104. dubious, for a time uncertain as to the result: the battle lasted three days. See Book vi. 105. shook his throne: what figure? 107. Study of, in its L. sense, a desire for, or, perhaps, pursuit of. 109. ' And in v/hat else [i.e. besides these qualities) does not being overcome consist?' The line is, properly, parenthetical, or exnlana*^ tory: and in some editions was printed in brackets. 'That glory', then, refers directly to '.submit Oi yield'. m 56 PARADISE LOST. Some editors, however, put a semicolon after 'overcome ', so that the line means * and whatever other qualities are invincible ', or ' in what- ever besides invincibility consists '. 112. suppliant, bent. (L.) deify, exalt into an object of worship. 114. doubted his empire, felt insecure in regard to his supre- macy. (Empire; L. imperiitm, rule, sway.) 116. by fate, &c. Satan regards the angels as equal to God in all but power (hence 'gods'), and equally free; not created by the Al- mighty, but, like Him, self-formed and immortal. For Satan's view of their origin, cp. v. 853, &c. fate, necessity, the nature of things, regarded as unalterable and beyond the power of God. Cp. vii. 172 — ' ' Necessity and Chance Approach not me ; and what I will is Fate ". 117. this empyreal substance. The four elements, according to the ancients, were earth, air, fire, and water. Of these ' fire ' was considered the noblest, and of it the angels, the heavens, &c., were supposed to be formed, whereas man was formed of 'earth'. Cp. 137- 139. (Gk. /«r. fire.) 120. more successful hope, hope that is likely to prove more fortunate, to lead to better success. 123. triumphs: either an iambic (trium'phs) or a spondee (tri'um'phs). 124. tyranny. In ancient Greece a tyrant was a man who usurped the supreme authority, and governed at will. He was not necessarily a bad ruler. It is probably in a neutral sense that tyranny is used here. To what contemporary event may Milton be alluding? 125. apostate, as adj., false, traitorous: lit. one who deserts (his religion, party, &c. ). 126. vaunting, boasting: connected with z^am. racked, tortured : lit. ' put on the rack '. 127. compeer, an associate or companion of equal rank. 128. throned powers, i.e. powers of high rank: cp. 360 «, and see p. 19. 129. Parse led. embattled, arranged in order of battle. 130. conduct, leadership. 132. ' And put it to the proof whether His supremacy was upheld, &c'. Y ox fate ^ cp. 116. 133. For chance, cp. ii. 907, &c. — "Chaos umpire sits,. ..next him, high arbiter, Chance governs all " : and ii. 960-65. •'^f^m NOTES. 57 134. event, outcome, issue, result (of the 'proof'). (L.) 138. essences, beings. 139. remains : why singular? 141. glory: in what did this consist? See 11. 84-6, 97, 591-94, 610-12. Hence note the exact force and appropriateness of ' extinct '. 144. of force, either perforce, of necessity; or depending on ' almighty '. 146. have: what mood, and why? 148. suffice, satisfy. 149. mightier service — i.e. than we co^ld render if our strength were diminished. 152. the gloomy deep, Chaos. 156. fiend, lit. hater, enemy. Cp. Satan, 82 n. 162. providence, foresight. 166. so as, ' to such a degree that '. 167. if I fail not, if I am not mistaken. Lat. ni Jailor. 169, 170. The angry Victor, the Son; his ministers, the good angels. But according to Book vi. the Son alone drove out the rebels, and the good angels had taken part in the preceding war only. The difficulty is easily explained. Either Satan, as a rebel, did not know of the change, or he was unwilling to acknowledge the Son's superior might. Cp. vi. 801 and 880, and ii. 77-9 and 996-98. 172. laid, stilled, calmed. ' The storm of hail having blown over, the fiery waves become calm..' 176. his, masculine, as * Thunder ' is personified. (At this time (c. 1660) 'its' was just coming into use as the neuter of 'his'. In the Bible of 1610 ' its ' occurs only once {Leviticus xxv. 5), in Milton's poems only four or five times.) 177. vast, extensive, perhaps with the notion of waste, desolate. 178. slip, let slip (transitive). Cp. Macbeth, " I...slipt the hour", and such current phrases as ' slip a cable ', &c. 179. satiate, satiated, satisfied; so 'uplift' or uplifted in 193. yield, what mood, and why? 185. harbour, dwell, find a lodgir.j-place. (A harbour was a lodging-place for the officers of an army — Low Latin, heribergum -. Ger. heer, an army, and bergen, to shelter. Remains of old Roman villas on the great Roman roads were often used by travellers in later times as inns, and were called Cold Harbours ; the name still survives in al)out fourteen places in England. A harbinger was a person who went on in advance to prepare a harbour. ) i86. afflicted, in its Latin sense, flung or dashed down, crushed, powers, forces, armies. M 58 PARADISE LOST. ■ 187. offend, harm. (L.) dekks. ^^^^^^' '"" ^^^ "^^'"'"^^ '^"'^' '^°"'' °^ ^^^t^^" J^eroes and 198-200. (whether) Titanian or Earth-born THp r,v^«. t^e twelve sons of Uranus and Ge (/... iSn and £nh -Th" ^ar//.-^.^;;, offspring of the same parents, were the Giants Ac cordmg to the legends the Giants made war on Jove and wtre destroyed for their insolence. Briareos was one of the Titans Typhon one of the Giants. The latter was sunnosed to Hw.n ' cave in Cilic. (in Asia Minor), which MiltLX^es ^y T^^sU^it: In 510, Milton speaks of "Titan, Heaven's fir«;t hnm „Mfi, v.- enormous brood". ^There is no indiViSTaT^^tL klw^ C the legends ao not agree with one another. '^""wn. ijut the « .T\' ^^I'^'f ^?"' '^^- ^^^ description fits the whale-except the scaly rind' (206): the name (Hebrew) is found in Tob xff Vnd turi^in'r^^TiV^' 6^ ;'^ "^^°'"^= '"^ '^ other pSslgt of Scrp' lure, as in l s. civ. 26, to any sea-monster. '^ t> v 203. ocean stream : in Homeric times the ocean was regarded as r.h 'M^Vf""''^'"^/'^" ^^^'^ earth, and connected wfth'fhe Sea ' (the Mediterranean) in the East and in the West. Scan the line 203-207 Olaus Magnus, a Swede (in his History of the Northern &akln1^rTn'r^HT^^",°'^"?"'^ ^^-^' t^Il ofthf^hl ' Deing taken for an island by sailors, who anchor to his back drive t^tlT^ ?'""' ^'- •^^^'"" ^P^^^^ °^ ^'^ ^^ 'like a promomo ;> (vii. 414) ; four acres in extent, says another writer 1 ^ 204. pilot, captain. niVhf . "^P^^*-^oun?,ered, lost in the darkness, stopped bv the night coming on. (Strictly, ^mo'.r means to «>/!.) ^^ ^ skiff, ship. (Now the word denotes a small boat.) 207. under the lee, on the side (of the whale) protected from ste' ^^h^^ ^^ t^e other side called? [U.k^ leT^xik^^ gar'ment^r"*'' '^^^'■°"^^' ^^^P^ (^^^e a garment). (L. ve^Hs, a r'falIPn^'^^^o^;.^^°^- sj^^ilf omissions of prepositions in 282 ( tallen ), 660 ('despaired'), 662 ('resolved'), &c. 196-210. What figure of speech is employed here ? What feature of the Fiend is it intended to emphasise? ^ 210. Cp. 2 Peter ii. 4, and/«^7, anything used to set off a gem. {L./0/mm, a leaf.) ^ 274. pledge, surety. 274, 275. liveliest pledge Of hope, giving life to hope. 276, 277. perilous edge of battle, either the front line of battle {L.aaes), or at the critical moment. For the former sense, cp. vi. 108 : — * " Before the cloudy van On the rough edge of battle ere it joined, Satan wit!, vast and haughty strides advanced ". 281. astounded, same as astonished. See 266. amazed in a stronger sense than that in which it is now used: bewildered, dazed. (From maze.) ,282. fallen: cp. 208 «. pernicious, destructive, ruinous. (L. perniciosus.) 285. Ethereal temper, (a thing) wrought in Heaven, of heavenly workmanship. Cp. iv. 8i2: — " No falsehood can endure Touch of celestial temper " {i.e. Ithuriel's spear), &c. {Temper, to bring to the proper degree of hardness, to mix metals in due proportion. L. temperare, to regulate.) 288. artist, a professor of an art ; it also denoted a skilled worker our artisan '. The ' Tuscan artist ' is Galileo (k64-i6a2^. a tPa^h^r ot mathematics and astronomy at Pisa. His improvements in the telescope— for he did not invent it -enabled him to make discoveries NOTES. 6i which convinced him of the truth of the Copernican theory of as- tronomy. (See p. 22.) He was tried twice by the Inquisition for holding 'erroneous' opinions, and silenced. He was living near Florence, ' a prisoner to the Inquisition, for thinking in astronomy otherwise than the licensers thought ', when Milton visited him in 1638-39. He had become blind in 1636. In v. 262, he is men- tioned by name. 289, 290. Fesole, now Fiesole, is a hill near Florence. Valdarno, i.e. Val d'Arno, the valley in which Florence is situated. 291. spotty, refers to the dark patches in the moon; they are the shadows cast by the mountains. It was Galileo that discovered the unevenness of the moon's surface. In v. 420 Milton attributes the * spots ' to the presence of vapour. It is now generally agreed that there are no rivefs (nor vapour) in the moon. 292. to equal which, compared with which. 294. ammiral, the chief shin of a fleet, so called from its carry- mg the superior officer. (Arabic, amir, ruler, cp. ameer, and al, the.) 296. marie, ground ; properly a soft, rich soil. Cp. 562. 297. Heaven's azure, the crystal floor of Heaven. 299. Nathless, none the less; now displaced by nevertheless. The word is common in Chaucer. 300. inflamed, in its literal sense, burning, in flames. 301. entranced. (G.) What other terms are used to describe their conditions? 303. Vallombrosa ('shady valley'), a beautiful and thickly wooded valley and hilly slope about 18 miles from Florence. It is said that Milton spent several days at a monastery that stood here. Etruria, Tuscany. 304. imbower, form bowers. sedge, in Hebrew the Red Sea is called 'the sedgy sea', on account of the large quantity of sea-weed found in it. 305. Orion (Orion), a constellation so named from a companion of Artemis or Diana, the goddess of hunting. The time of year at which this constellation sets — November or early December — was generally associated by the poets with bad weather. "Quam mul'i Libyco volvuntur marmore fluctus Saevus ubi Orion hibernis conditur undis." Virgil, Aeneid, vii. 218-19. \^_^xve otiic" instances of poetical traditions in this Book. ) armed, some of the stars of Orion appear to be arranged in the form of a sword and belt. 62 PARADISE LOST. 307. Busiris, here identified with the Pharaoh of Exodus. Memphian, Egyptian, from the ancient capital Memphis, on the west bank of the Nile. ^ ' chivalry, army- horse and foot, though in this case mainly horse. {Axodits, xiv. 28.) Doublet 'cavalry'. See q?; « on infantry and cavalry. J/J • lea^x^f E^^f '^'°"^" ^'^'^'■''°^ ^^'^ eiven the Israelites permission to 309. sojourners, temporary dwellers in a place. (O.F. sojourner, Ir. L. diurniis, fr. ^//d'j, a day.) Goshen, a district east of the delta of the Nile, who beheld, &c. See Exodus xxiv. 30. 311. so, ..abject and lost-as what? Analyse the similes in hnes 302-13. With 309-12 cp. 323-25. abject, cast down. 318-22. Or, ..or, whether.. .or. virtua, valour, bravery: lit. manliness. (L. vir.) Van 1. 318: which word is made emphatic? 320, 321. See V. 640, &c., for the evening 'repast ' and slumbers of the angels. 322. sworn To adore the Conqueror. In both questions Satan IS taunting them: 'They had previously risked all rather than do this — were they going to give in now ?' 324. Cherub and Seraph, the two kinds of angels, ' angels of ove and angels of light ' : see p. 19. Of course the reference here is to Satan s followers— under their former names. Cp. it;?. 'Fallen Cherub'. ^ 325. ensigns, standards, distinguishing marks or signs. (L. insigma.) ^ ^ till. The construction is abrupt: supply 'and will continue to watch us before till. 326. His pursuers: what kind of genitive, objective or sub- jective ? 337. obey, in M.E. took a dative case. (Cp. Fr. obHr h.) 338, &c. Alluding to Moses and the plagues. See Exodus x. 12, cScc. 341. warping, (i) This is usually regarded as a peculiar use of the nautical term 'warp', that is, to haul a ship forward, by means of a cable fixed some distance ahead. But this would not produce the zigzag course required by the usual explanation-- 'an undulatory forward motion' of a large mass. (2) Is not the word more pro- bably used in the sense of 'floating about' at the mercy of the wind, NOTES. 53 ^^L^ tj^e Ark in the Flood? Compare the following passage from JAe Deluge, a poem of the 13th century :— (The Ark) '• luged about Where the wind and tne weder warpen hit wolde ". 345. cope, roof, vault. Cp. iv. 992, "Starry cope of heaven". (Cp. cap and cape. ) 347- the uplifted... waving. What is the construction? 348. sultan {or soldan, 764), victor, prince: in 378 'emperor'. 350. brimstone, i.e. 'burning stone': why? 351-55- The Goths, from the province of Dacia, north of the Danube (Danaw), pressed forward by the Huns, settled in ' the Empire' in 376; soon afterwards they defeated the Romans in battle. Forty years later the west Goths sacked Rome, and some passed into Gaul and Spain. German tribes too were at this time crossing the Rhine (/^/lene), and pressing on into Gaul and Spain. Hordes of Huns now attacked Romans, Goths, and Germans alike, but were defeated in 451 at Chalons -one of the world's critical battles. Some Germans called Vandals, who had at first settled in Spain, crossed into Africa {Ltdya) in 429, and founded a kingdom, with Carthage as capital. Even in Italy some east Goths settled. b rom these various settlements the /Romance nations sprung. 356. squadron, lit. 'that which is squared'. (It. sqtiadrone, L. esquadratiun.) Cp. 758, 'squared regiments and bands'. 360. erst, superb of ere\ once, at first. For thrones, cp. 128 and 737 n. 362. rased, for 'erased'. What is the difference? (L. rasum, scrape. ) ' 363. Books of Life. Revelation iii. 5. 370. Glory — what is the case? 372. religions, decorations. So, in Shakespeare's /«/i«j CcBsar, the statues of Coesar are "decked with ceremonies ". 358-375- Milton assumes the belief of the early Christian Church that the Pagan gods were fallen angels in disguise. In Par. Reg. Ke.g.W. 12 1-6) he identifies the fallen angels with the 'demons' of the four elements. 380. promiscuous, mixed, confused. 382. Cp._ / Peter v. 8, "Your adversary the devil ... walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." 383. seat of God, the Temple at Jerusalem. 385. 386. durst abide, stood their ground in spite of. Cp. 470. *^^"^^""^ °^* °^ ^^°"' ''^^^''""S perhaps to what was thundered (the ten commandments, one of which forbad idolatry). 64 PARADISE LOST. 387. Cherubim, two figures in the sanctuary of the Temple. / Kings vi. 23. 388. shrines, altars. See 2 Kings xxi. 4, "And he {i.e. King Manasseh) built altars in the house of the Lord." (G.) 389. abominations : referring to the idolatrous character of the shrines. 390. profaned, defiled, made unholy, desecrated. (L. profanus^ unholy; lit. before (or outside of) a temple, /a;/«w.) 392-521. See the Table of Heathen Deities, p. 77. 394. Timbrel, a kind of tambourine. 403. that opprobrious hill, that hill of scandal {416), the offensive mountain (443), all refer to the Mt. of Ohves, near Jerusalem opprobrious. (G.) 404, 405. Hinnom was a deep narrow ravine bounding Jerusalem on the south-west. To put an end to the idol worship carried on there — with its human sacrifices — Josiah rendered it 'ceremonially unclean' by spreading human bones, &c., in it. Henceforward the refuse of the city ^as deposited there. By reason of its evil associ- ations the later Jews used its name Ge Hinnom or Gehenna^ to denote the place of torment. I'ophet was the south-eastern part of the valley. Here, faring the city on the 'hill of scandal', Solomon erected his high places to Moloch. (Smith's Bible Diet.) 406. obscene, foul, repulsive. 414,415. wanton rites -lustful orgies. The worship of some of the heathen deities was attended with all kinds of wild excesses, drunkenness, &c. (Cp. the account of the offering to Baal in / Kings xviii. 28.) wanton, wild, unrestrained. (G.). orgies, originally ceremonies observed in the worship of Bacchus (god of wine), dis- tinguished by furious revelry. (Gk. orgd, fury.) (G.) 417. homicide. (G.) 419. bordering flood, because forming the south or south-west boundary of Canaan. Genesis xw. 18. 423. feminine for 'female'. 424. soft, pliable, able to take any shape. 424, 425. so soft And uncompounded, &c. Milton regards the Angels as 'pure intelligential substances', pure spirit— that is, as beings possessing mental powers of various kinds, but unconnected with a material body. They require nutriment (Raphael explains to Adam), just as we rational beings do, digesting, assimilating, and turning the material sulistance into immaterial. See v. 407-8, 438, 497 ; and vi. 350— " All heart they live, all head, all eye, all ear, All intellect, all sense ; and as they please They limb themselves, and colour, shape, or size Assume as likes them best, condense or rare". NOTES. 5» 424,425. essence pure, then, is the immaterial angelic substance- conceived as of the same character throughout (homogeneous), like perfectly pure water, or pure oxygen ; uncompotmded denotes the absence of composite organs or groups-like the heart, &c., in man— and hence its freedom to take any particular form. 426. manacled, lit. handcuffed : not limited in their movements, size, or shape by joints and limbs. {Manacle , a handcuflf, from L.) ^r?" /°i\M^®^' ''"'^^ "l'°" *s * foundation. What does * brittle ' qualify? What is the figure? in what shape : note instances. 429. obscure, dark, shadowy. 430. aery, in or through the air. 435. bestial, refers either to the grossness of their worship, or to 476-89 beow. In Egypt the sacred bulls "maintained, in the great temples of their respective cities were perpetually adored and prayed to by thousands during their lives, and at their deaths were entombed with the utmost care in huge sarcophagi, while all Ecvut went into mourning for them " (Rawlinson). ^^^ 436. Parse bowed and sunk. 438. Astoreth or Ashtoreth (singular form of Ashtaroth) representing the moon, which might be considered the fainter reflection or wife of the sun, and was, as the moon, addressed as queen of heaven'. Jerepiiah v\\. I'i. (Sayce). 439. crescent horns, the horns of the crescent moon. thit f" ^^^^ ^^^"^^ ^°^^ ^"^ ^°"^^ ' ^^^^^ ^S""^^ °^ ^P^^^^ ^s 444. uxorious, referring to his having many wives. ,J^^^\ See iTz^/^^V/ viii. 14, 'Then he brought me to the door of for Tar^mu " ^ house,... and behold, there sat women weeping 456. dark, wicked, horrible. 457- alienated, estranged. (L. alienus, strange, foreign.) 458. in earnest, i.e. as compared with the mourning of the Jewish women for Tammuz. ^ 460. grunsel, i.e. groundsill or threshold. 479- abused, deceived and enticed. 480. Fanatic, superstitious, raving. See 435 «. (L. fanaticus. It. fanum, a temple. ) ^j ^ j y 485- Jeroboam, King of Israel, who rebelled against Kehoboam. set up two golden calves. 486, grazed, fed on grass. (M46) j; 66 PARADISE LOST. ii i r 487-89. As the Israelites were on the point of leaving Egypt, a plague fell et|ually on the first-born of the Egyptians and on the animals which they worshipped. bleating: one of their gods was represented as a ram, an- other as a goat, but the chief (Apis) as a bull. See Exodus xii. 29. 491. gross, depraved. 495. I Samuel \\. 12 and 22. 497-502. In these lines Milton is thought to be referring to the dissolute state of London and of the court after the Restoration. (Sec Macaulay, History , i. 360.) 500. injury, wrong, wrong-doing— not 'damage'. (L. injuria i opposed \.ojus, what is right or lawful.) 502. flown, flushed. 503. Genesis xix. 504. Judges xix. 25. hospitable door: what is the figure? 508. Javan's issue, i.e. the Greeks, regarded as descended from Javan or / 552. 'Such as infused the highest courage and endurance into heroes ', &c. temper, disposition, temperament, frame of mind. Cp.285 «., and ii. 276. 554. breathed, infused, inspired, instilled. 556. mitigate, make soft, mild, less severe. (L. mitis.) swage (assuage), soothe, soften: lit. to make sweet. (L. suavis. ) 557. touches, strains. Cp. Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, \. 57 — " Here let the sounds of music Creep in our ears ; soft stillness and the night Become the touches of sweet harmony". 561 Cp. vi. 61. charmed, in its old sense, denoting the effect of some mysterious power or influence — as here, fascinaied by means of music. (L. carmen, a song.) 563. horrid, in its Latin sense, bristling (with spears). Cp. "Horrid hair', ii. 710. front, line. 568. traverse, across, athwart. 569. due, correct, proper, suitable. One of Milton's favourite words. stature: why singular? Cp. 778. since created man, since the creation of man. A Latin Cp. 797-98, " After., summons read ". embodied force, an army massed, named, compared. 570- . .573. idiom. 574. Cp. NOTES. 69 575. merit (more regard), ' be of more account '. infantry. In the middle ages, the cavalry were considered as formmg the main body of the army ; and the two terms ' cavalry ' and 'army' were convertible. Cp. chivalry, 307. The foot-men or mfantry were deemed little better than rabble (Trench); and probably the word is used in this contemptuous sense here. (Span, and It. infanta, a child, a servant, a foot-soldier. ) The reference here is to the Pygmies (cp. 780) a fabulous race whose stature was a ' pui^^m^' (about 13^ in.). They are said by Homer to have been attacked by cranes every spring, and accord- ing to the legends they fought on the backs of rams and partridges. 576-87. Milton refers to three groups of oe Greek, British, and Mediaeval. * 576-79. The Greek gods and heroes. Phlegra, the westernmost of the three small peninsulas lymg to the east of the Gulf of Salui ;a; the scene of the war be- tween the gods and the giants. See 198. Tu 1 , '^^^^^s and Ilium. ' The heroic race that fought at ihebes and Ihum ' symbolizes the great heroes of Greek literature and legendary history. * iT^u^ ^\°''y "^ ^^^ exploits of The Seven (Greeks) against Thebes is told by Aeschylus, the story of the Trojan war by Homer. Troy in N. -W. Asia Minor. Thebes in Boeotia. ., . , auxiliar gods refers to the part taken by the deities in the siege of Troy. (L. ^?/^///«w, help.) 579-581. Legendary British heroes. _ Uther's (or Uther Pendragon's) son, i.e. King Arthur, assisted by knights of Britain and of Brittany. For some time (about 1638-39) Milton had thought of taking the Arthurian legends as the subject of his great poem. 582-87. Mediaeval (historical) heroes. Jousted, tilted ; joust, literally, is the joxtling together of two knights on horseback at a tournament. (Low L. juxtare to meet.) ' baptized, Christians, infidel, one who does not ac- cept the Christian /a/M— hence, Moors, Mahomedans, &c. 583. 584- The names in these lines are said by some critics to have been taken by Milton at random ; but Mr. Verity holds that each one was carefully selected for its associations with the medieval romances of chivalry, by which Milton in his youth had been greatly attracted. '^ ^ The names are in any case symbolical, like Thebes and Ilium 70 PARADISE LOST. ■ above ; at the same time some of them may be connected with par- ticular events. Aspramont, a castle near Nice. ^ All familiar names in the old Damasco. I romances, and specially associ- Trebisond, a town of great note fated with tournaments and and splendour in the middle ages. J jousts. Damasco was also the scene of several battles in the Crusades. Montalban, a castle in Languedoc, of note in the wars of Charlemagne. Marocco, Biserta, associated with the wars between the Christians (Spaniards) and the Moors. From Biserta (the ancient Utica, near Carthage) a Moorish army started to attack the Christians under Charlemagne in Spain; the defeat, however, was inflicted not by the Moors but by the Gascons at Roncesvalles, ' by Fontarabbia ', near Biarritz. (Charlemagne was not killed in the battle in 778: he lived till 814.) 586. all his peerage, i.e. the brave Roland, the wise Oliver, and all the rest of the twelve peers or paladins of France — except perhaps one. 587. * Thus far these surpassed mortals : yet they obeyed ', &c. Explain ' thus far '. 588. observed, obeyed. Cp. ' to observe a command', 592, 593. * Nor did it appear less (noble and commanding) than that of an archangel who was now fallen and his excessive bright- ness dimmed.' 595. horizontal, level, lying towards the horizon. 597-99. disastrous, unfavourable, of bad omen. (G.) Cp. Julius Ccesar, ii. 2. 30: — ** When beggars die, there are no comets seen, The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes ". 598. Why ' half the nations ' ? 594-600. What point is this simile meant to illustrate? 600. Archangel. (G.) 601. Scars of thunder, i.e. made by the lightning. intrenched, marked, furrowed, cut into. 603. considerate, meditating (revenge), planning, scheming. 604. * His eye was cruel but showed ', inc. 605. Remorse, self-reproach: lit. 'a biting again'. (L. n- tnordco. ) Passion, suffering, sorrow : not as now, strong feeling only. NOTES. 71 and Cp. 606. Were ihey fellows ox followers} See 88 «. and v. 805, &c. 609. amerced, deprived (by way of fine or punishment). (O.F. ameniery to fine ; from L. mercedem. ) 611. * Yet he beheld how, nevertheless, they stood faithful', &c. 613. scathed, injured, damaged. 614. singed: does lightning merely singe the tops of trees? 615. blasted, withered, blighted, by the lightning. The ex- pression 'blasted heath' occurs in Macbeth i. 3. 77. It is the meeting-place of Macbeth and the witches in the thunder-storm, 618. peers, the chiefs previously mentioned in 391-521. 6ig. assayed, tried. thrice, see sow. in spite of scorn, though scorning to weep. 622-26, Cp. the beginning of his first speech, 11. 84-87. Note how much is implied in the phrase, * but with the Almighty '. 622. myriado. (G.) 624. event, outcome, result. 627. presaging, half-expecting, surmising: lit. foreseeing. 628. * knowledge (of the) past ', &c. 628, 629. could have feared How, • could have had any fear that such ', &c. , or ' could have known any reasons for fearing ', &c. 632. exile, note the accent, puissant, mighty, legion. (G.) Hath emptied: what figure? Cp. ii. 692. (Satan "drew after him the third part of Heaven's sons".) 633. reasceid, re, back (not 'again'). 634. self-raised. Cp. ii. 75-7. 636. counsels different (from those of the rest), 'divided counsels '. dangers shunned, the shunning of dangers. 637. lost, destroyed. 638. secure, free from care or misgiving (with regard to his supremacy). Cp. Ben Jonson: "Men may securely sin, but safely never"; and 1. 261 : " Here we may reign secure". 643j 645. our better part: 'henceforth our safest course is', &c. 646. close, secret. Cp. 705. 647.^ no less, ' that he may learn from us as we have learnt from him, that he who overcomes ', &c. 650* 651. so rife... fame, so general a rumour. 72 PARADISE LOST. 11: ■ 650-56. Cp. ii. 378-80. Note the importance of this sug- gestion and its results in liook ii. 656. eruption, sortie, expedition: lit. 'outbreak*. 657. infernal: see 241 n. 660-62. despaired, resolved: cp. 208 and note. 662. understood — amongst whom? 663. confirm, support, second, ratify. 668. This was the custom of Roman soldiers when applauding a general's speech. Note the expressiveness of this line through the re{)etition of the notion of sound in the words clashed, sounding, and din. Cp. 768. 670. grisly, horrible, hideous. Cp. ii. 704. 671. the rest entire, 'the rest being intact': or else, 'all the rest '. 672-4. scurf, flakes, flaky matter. the work of sulphur. According to the alchemists, sulphur (understood as a vague 'principle of fixation', not the sub- stance we call sulphur) was the chief agent in the formation of metals by its action on ' earth ', on the ' seeds of metals ', &c. The phrase work of sulphur refers to the metal either in the earth (as metallic ore) or cropping out (as a sulphide) in flakes on the sur- face (glossy scurf). 675. brigad. Cp. brigadier. (It. brigata, a troop.) 676. pioners. Pioneers clear the way for an army by making roads, &c. (From O.F. peonier, a foot-soldier; from Low L. pedonem : whence also ' pawn ' in chess. ) 677. camp, army. Cp. xi. 217, ' a camp of fire *, i.e. 'chariots and horses of fire '. 678. cast, throw up. Mammon (Syriac), riches, here used as a proper noun (like Belial, 490). 679. erected, high-minded, upright, nobh. 682. Revelation xxi. 21. 683. else goes with aught. 684. vision beatific, a phrase used by early Christian writers to denote the ' sight of God ', for which they hoped, and which was to give them perfect happiness. Cp. Matthew v. 8. 688. For treasures better hid, i.e. for gold, better left undis- turbed. 690. admire, wonder. Cp. ii. 677-78. (L. admirari.) 692. precious, probably used contempf..ously ; if not, what is the figure in ' precious bane'? bane, harm. i NOTES. 7Z sug- 694. Babel, probably Babylon, noted for its vast walls, its hang- ing gardens, and the Temple of Belus (720). Memphian, Egyptian, as in 307, from Memphis, the ancient capital. Egypt was famous for its pyramids and for its temples of SerapJs (720). In 1. 718 the new city of Memphis is mentioned under the name Alcairo, the modern Cairo. Probably in the latter passage there is a repetition of line 694 under different names. Note that in the second passage Milton uses the more modern names, perhaps to suggest different aspects of the cities. But possibly Babel denotes the tower of Babel, and Memphian may be used in a much wider sense than Alcairo. 697. reprobate, base, depraved, lit. condemned. (L. reprobare,) 698, 699. Herodotus tells us that there were 366,000 men em- ployed for twenty years in the building of the Great Pyramid. 702. Sluiced. A sluice is a sliding gate for regulating the flow of a liquid. (L. exclusa, shut-out.) 703. founded, melted. (L. fundere, to pour.) The process of purifying is now called smelting; whereas /f«//(^//;;^'- (705-7) denotes a later and final melting and moulding of the metal. massy, heavy. 704. scummed, skimmed. bullion refers to the unpurified metal ore. (L. bullio, a, mass of metal; from bu//ire, to boil.) dross, the impurities in the ore which float on the surface of the molten metal, forming a scum; so that bullion-dross is the scum that comes from the bullion. 706. various, elaborate, intricate ; e.g. the frieze and the roof (706-7) would require such mouldings. 708, 709. All the pipes in an organ are supplied with wind from a wind-chest, of which the sound-board forms the upper part; the connecting channels, and the intricate mechanism by which they are controlled, are all hidden away in the depths of the instrument, and yet every single part answers to the easy touch of the player with a sureness and a promptness that make the organ truly magical, and lend far more force to this simile than might appear at first sight. Milton was very fond of the organ, and had one in his house. 710. Anon, presently. 711. Exhalation, a vapour or mist, suggestive of silence and ease. (L. , lit. what is breathed out.) Cp. Tennyson — " Like that strange song I heard Apollo sing, While Ilion like a mist rose into towers". 712. dulcet symphonies, sweet accompanying chords or strains (on instruments). 1 1! P Nip m t ■ 74 PARADISE LOST. 713-17. like a temple. In Greece and in Asia Minor there were many temples, mostly Doric, and their rows of pillars formed a con- spicuous feature. 713. pilasters, square pillars partly sunk in a wall. 714. Doric pillars, round pillars of a massive, simple style, with plain capital. Cp. note on * Dorian mood', 551.. (The other two orders of pillars are Ionic — fluted, with voluted capitals ; and Corinthian — lighter columns, with highly ornamented capitals.) 715. Architrave. The beam or stone-work which rests immedi- ately on the top of a row of pillars ; above it is an ornament called the frieze, and above that a projecting part called the cornice. Architrave means chief beam. (Gk. arche, and L. trahs.) 716. bossy, standing out prominently. (F. bosse, a knob.) 717. fretted, ornamented — properly with interlaced bars, like gratings. {O.Y.frete. It. y^ra^a, an iron-grating.) 717-20. See 694 n. 724, 725. * Revelil, within, her wide and ample spaces', &c. 727. pendent, hung. [l^. pendeo.) magic. (G.) 728. A cresset was a lamp consisting of a small, open, iron cage or vessel, in which was placed rope or tow steeped in pitch, &c. It was usually carried hanging from the top of a pole. (Fr. cretiset, a pot; whence 'cruse' and 'cruet'.) 729- lamps. 730. 737. naphtha, a liquid distilled from petroleum; used for the asphaltus, pitch ; used for the cressets. Explain hasty. In the middle ages it was supposed that the angels were of two kinds. Cherubim and Seraphim, or angels of light and angels of love, divided into three groups or Hierarchies, each consisting of three Orders. (Gk. hierarches, a ruler in sacred matters, a chief priest: cp. monarch.) 739. Ausonian land, Italy: from Ausonia, an ancient name for central Italy. 740. Mulciber, the softener, the metal-founder. (L. viulcere, to soften.) Another name for Vulcan, the Roman god of fire. In Greece he was called Hephcestus. He was smith and armourer to the gods of Olympus, and was represented as lame. 741. Why fabled ? See 747, &c. 745. senith, the highest point in the heavens over one's head. See also p. 20. What is the opposite point called ? I I NOTES. 75 746. Hence this island was sacred to Hephaestus, and here he had his forge ! 747. rout, crowd, rabble (distinct from rout = defeat; from L. nip to). 750. engines, contrivances, 'ngeiaity. (L. ingenium^ skill, ingenuity.) Cp. Ben Jonson : "Sejanus worketh with all his ingine". 753. sovran. See 246 n. aweful, awe-inspiring. 756. Pandemonium, the palace (or temple) *of all the demons'. Cp. Pantheon, a R ^man f mple to all the gods. 758. squared regiment. Cp. 'perfect phalanx' (550), and 'squadron' (356). 761. access, no the meaning and accent. 764. wont, were accustomed. Past tense of A. S. wunian, to be accustomed. 765. Panim, belonging to a Pagan or heathen country. 766. career, the galloping of the combatants towards one another along the course. Note the two kinds of combat referred to; in the second the points of the lances were blunted. (F. carrih'e, a road, a horse race. ) 768. What is there remarkable about this line? What does it suggest? the hiss of wings, hissing w:ngs. What is the figure? 769. In April the Sun traverses that part of the sky in which the constellation Taurus is situated. 771. fresh dews and flowers, i.e. fresh dewy flowers. So in V. 212 : " Among sweet dews and flowers". What is the figure? 773. citadel, a little city— not a fort here. (Dim. of Italian cittade, or cittd., a city. ) 774. balm, balsam; used ])y Milton of any fragrant resin or gum. expatiate, spread out. (L. spatior, walk abroad.) confer, discuss. 776. straitened, crowded close together for want of space. (Straits narrow.) 779- Cp. 428 and 429. 780. pygmean race. See 575 n. i i 76 PARADISE LOST. 781. Indian mount, the Himalayas. faery elves, fairy sprites or spirits. The modern use fairy is incorrect: it is, properly, an adjective, as \\qxq— fay-like. So in Comus, "faery vision", (/'aj. Low L,. fata, a fate, a fay.) 783. belated, kept late. Cp. benighted, overtaken by the fall of night. 785. arbitress, witness, spectator. (L. arbiter, umpire, witness.) nearer to the earth. Fairies, witches, &c., were supposed to be able to draw the moon down towards the earth by their enchantments. 786. pale. What does this word qualify? What is the figure? Cp. // Penseroso, 67-69, where Milton speaks of the moon " wandering as if led astray". 788. with joy and fear : explain. 790, were at large, had plenty of room. 792. infernal : see 241 ;;. 795. close : cp. 646. recess, retirement, or, a retired place. conclave, assembly. This is the name specially applied to the secret meeting of cardinals at Rome when a pope is to be elected. (G.) 797. frequent, numerous, crowded (L. freqtiens); qualifying conclave. 798. consult, consultation. (L. consiiltum, a consul it.tion or decree, especially of the senate or chief council.) i L NOTES. 7f n use fay-like. fay.) the fall vitness.) upposed by their figure? ; moon TABLE OF DEITIES MENTIONED IN LL. 392-521. Lines, 392- 40s J 406- 418 Deities. Moloch. Chemos. plied to > to be lalifying ,tion or 419- 446 Baalim and ASHTER- OTH. 446- 457 Thammuz, By whom Worshipped. Character. (i) The Ammon- ites. (2) The Jews at Jerusalem. A fire or sun god ; supposed to be able to ward off the de- structive heat of the sun. (i)TheMoabites Like Moloch, and Seon^ their ^ invader. | The places j mentioned in 407-11 all lie east of the Dead Sea, between Mt. Nebo in the north and R, Arnon in thii south. (2) The Jews at the bill Peor (hahce the plague^) and at Jerusalem. (i) The various Phcenician and Canaanitish na- tions from north {Euphrates) to south {brook Be- sor). {2) The Jews at Jerusalem. The Jews^, tians, Syrians, Egyp- &c. These were national i Kings xi and other forms of Moloch. Scripture References. Lev. xviii. 21. Ps. cvi. 37. 38- Jcr. vii. 31. 2 Ki. iii.27; andxxiii.13 ^Num.xxi. 26. ^ Num. XXV. 2. 3, 9- A legendary Phoenic- ian prince killed by a boar near the river Adonis in Lebanon. The colouring of the stream in the spring floods gave rise to the legend of his 'annual wound'. Judg. ii. 13 Gen. XV. 18. ' Ezek. viii. 14. 78 I, t li 111 PARADISE LOST. TABLE OF DEITIES— Con/ifiued. Lines. 457- 466 ■ ■ 1 1 1 467- 476 476- 489 490- 505 Deiti les. Dagon. RiMMON. Osiris, Isis, and Orus. [Belial (Hebrew, wickedness, worthless- ness), not a god, but a personi- ncation of evil.] By ., o . Worshipped. The Philis- tines (Azot- us=Ashdod; Accaron = Ekron). The Syrians (at Damas- cus). The Egyp- tians. Character. Fish (?) and corn god. Had the face and hands of a man, and the tail of a fish. Scripture Refeiences. Os/ns ('the Good"), Js/s, his consort, and Orus, their son. Osiris has another son , Typhon (' evil' ), with whom he is ever in conflict, but, through the help of Isis and Orus, is never overcome. Osiris was wor- shipped under the form of a bull (Apis) ; Isis, of a woman with cow's horns. Whereas the deities are identified with open, acknowledged wickedness, ' Belial ' is used by Milton to symbolise the evil that is secret, or dis- guised under the cloak of religion, wealth, or rank. For the allusion see I Sam. v. 4: ' ' Dagon was fallen to the ground . . . and the head and the palms were cut off upon the threshold". Naaman, a Syrian leper, when cured by Elisha, forsook Rimrnon (2 Ki. v.). Later, Ahaz, king of Judah. set up a Syrian altar (2 Kings xvi.). fo cr thi NOTES. 79 TABLE OF DEITIES-Cofifinued. Lines 506- 521 Deities. By whom Worshipped. The Ionian (or Grecian) deities, sprung from Uranus and Ge (198 «.), Heaven and Earth Kronos or"j and ten Saturn > otiier and Rheaj Titans Jove. The Giants. The Greeks ('Javan's is- sue') — in Crete, on Olympus, at Delphi and D o - dona, &c. — Romans, Gauls, and Celts. DEFINITIONS, WITH EXAMPLES, OF THE CHIEF FIGURES OF SPEECH OCCURRING IN BOOK I. 1. Alliteration : the rhythmical repetition of a sound in poetry. *• Deep in a dungeon was the captive cast, c , ^o ^^P"ved of day and held in fetters fast." Dryden. bee 1. 700. "' 2. Anakolu'thon, or non-sequence : a sudden change in the form of a passage. See lines 84, 623, &c. 3. Antithesis: the contrasting of opposite notions. (Cp. No. 12.) " From toil he wins his spirit's light, From busy day the peaceful night." Gray. 4. Chia'smus : arranging corresponding terms symmetrically, or cross-wise, like the letter X. (Gk. ' chi '.) ^ abba ** Shallow brooks and rivers wide." shallow.. ..brooks rivers ••■■ '-wide ♦u"; .^y.^"E^"SW : the use of a pleasant or mild term instead of one that IS disagreeable or strong. See lines 623 and 624. Ironjy is one form of this. See 318. ^6. Hendi^\dys : the use of two nouns instead of a noun and an aajcctive. ^oK. • one thing through two'.) "Among sweet dews and flowers." Milton. {i.e. sweet dewy flowers.) So PARADISE LOST. 7. IIypa'i.lagf/ : transferring an adjective to a word to which it does not properly refer. (Gk. ' an interchange '. ) E.g.^ ' The wisest heart of Solomon' (1. 400). A special case of llypallage is Prolepsts^ the use of a word by anticipation. 8. liYrKRBOLE: exaggeration. (Gk. 'a throwing beyond the mark'.) See 11. 633, and 655-56. 9. Metaphor : a transference of qualities or actions from one thing to another. „ _, , "He he the fire, I'll be the yielding water." Shakespeare. See 1. 294. (Milton is very sparing in the use of metaphor, but he excels in his use of simile. ) 10. Meton'ymy : naming a thing by some accompaniment or connection. (Gk. 'a change of name '.) (Cp. No. 17.) <' The pen is mightier than the sword." " I am reading Milton." 11. Onomatopce'ia : imitating the sense by the sound of the words used. " The deep-domed Empyrean Rings to the roar of an angel-onset." Tennyson. And " The brooks of Eden mazily murmuring". Tennyson. Cp. 11. 668 and 768. 12. Oxymo'ron : placing together words of opposed meanings. (Co No ^ ) (Gk. 'an apparent contradir .)n'.) '«' With wanton heed and gidd^ cunning." Milton. See 11. 63 and 692. ^ . ., j 13. Paronoma'sia : placing togethe. words of similar sound. See 11. 606 and 642. 14. Personification: attributing to inanimate objects qualities or actions peculiar to livii.j beings. See 11. 49° (' Belial ), 601-2, 574-75, &c. J 15. Pleonasm : the use of v:viperfluous words. (Gk. 'flilness .) " Encompassed round with foes." Milton. See 11. 2-3, I3-H» 281, &c. 16. Simile : a comparison, usually limited to one point, bee 11. 302, 591, 745. &c. 17. Synec'doche': putting the name of a part for that of the whole, of the material for the complete thing, &c. (Cp. INo. 10.) «' To bless the doors from nightly harm." Milton. Seell. 519, 563* 739, &c. 18 Zeugma : the construction in which two (or more) words depend on another word which suits only one of them, but suggests an appropriate wc-d for the other. (Gk. ' a yoking together , ) " To the silvan lodge they came, With flowerets decked and fragrant smells." Milton. ... Km^"' which it le wisest okpsis — ^ond the rom one ;are. r, but he iment or id of the 1. [lyson. i:ieanings. Iton. ar sound. 5 qualities '), 601-2, ' flilness '. ) oint. See hat of the STo. 10.) Milton. ore) words at suggests her',) Milton. NOTES. 81 Of the above, Nos. i, 2, 4, u, and 13 are mere mechanical strange ; paralysis an.. , . Jsy. «t"cuus, ana ahWin^Jf''^^''-^^' V "'''' )yhich are spelt alike, but differ consider- ul^^TT1^\ u e- '^'"' ^" incantation, a thin slip of wood, a turn of work, to tell the names of letters. So beetle, lay, &c. 21. Synonyms : words having nearly the same meaninrr. Ez iiegm and commence; idle and lazy; slothful and indolent. 22 Hybrid : a word that is made up from two (or more) different languages: as bankrupt-bank being a Teutonic word, whilst -nitt IS from the Latin. Cp. interwove, architrave, &c. ^ EXTRA NOTES, MOSTLY ETYMOLOGICAL. ^f!i^^r*j°."^ 1"*^^' ^^P^""g- originally, ambitio was \ht going abotit l^bi:^'^^::::.:^^ ^' ^^"^^ -^^^-^ -^-^ ---£ (l. ar^^^^^?^);,!;:;,^^;:^-^^^ -messenger. ^^^'^ ^P' conclave (795). originally a locked-up place. (L. .AzwV. a key.) drtastrous (597), unfavourable. In the language of Astrology. JI'^a'T'' ^""^ ^° '^" •^^'^'''- ^^^- '^^^''^'^ a stir. )^ So ' influence' denoted the power which stars exerted on human affairs ^that whichyfW upon US'. A >V^/ person was 'bornuS'Tove and was therefore of a cheerful disposition. ^ ' ensign {536), a standard. (L. insignis, remarkable; from in and signum, a mark: hence 'having a mark on it'. Skeat.) entrance {301), to put into a trance or swoon, to cause to become unconscious. (L. transitus, a passing away or across ) cp.'^SSn^t &c.?' '"''^' ""^'"°"^- (^- '^^'^' ^"'^ -^^^' l^i"' legion (632), a large body of soldiers. A Roman legion consisted offrom 4200 to 6000 men. ^ . ,*"®^? J7f7), lit. the science of the magi, wise men who interpreted dreams among the Persians. meteor (537), a conspicuous fiery body in the skv (CV 'something raised aloft'.) ^ ^' ^^^' mood (in Dorian Mood, 550), denotes the character of the music-grave, soothing, stirring, &c., and this depended mainly on ( M 46 ) -171 X'\ / 'Kv 82 PARADISE LOST. the arrangement of the intervals. We now use the term mode (as ' minor mode'). myriad (622), 'ten thousand'. (Gk.) opprobrious (403), full of reproach. (L. op;probrium^ disgrace.) oracle (12), a divine utterance; here the place where such utterances are delivered. orgies {415), wild revehy and excesses. (L. orgia^ a festival in honour of Bacchus : Gk. org^, wild emotion or passion.) rhime (16), verse or poetry; from the numerical regularity of the lines. A. S. r/w, number. Hence the correct form is rinw. the intrusion of the letter h is due to confusion with rhythm. shrine (388), altar: also a costly elaborate tcmb; or a place where relics are deposited. (L. scrinium^ a chest.) wanton (414), unrestrained, wild. (O. E. wan^ lacking, and teStt^ draw, educate.) SYNOPTICAL TABLES. L Scriptural Names. 307 339 396 342 401 444 406 409 418 455 472 495 7. 484 10. II. 307. 309- i-'i 397-9- 404-S' (a) Persons, Busiris. Amram's son. Ammonite. Pharaoh. Solomon. Moab. Seon. Josiah. Ezekiel. Ahaz. Eli's sons. {b) Fbres Eden. Oreb. Sinai. Sion hill. Siloa's brook. Memphian (chivalry). Goshen. Rabba, Argob, Basan, Arnon. \ Hinnom, Tophet, I Gehenna. 407. 408-9. 410. 411. 4^3. 420. 421. 448. 438. 441. 443- 447- 450- 45'/- 464-6. 468-9. 485. 503- 504- 694. 717. Aroer, Nebo. Abarim, Hesebon, Horonaim. Sibma. Eleale. Asphaltic pool. Sittim. Euphrates. Syria. Phoenicians. Sidonian (virgins). Mount of Olives ('that offensive mtn.', &c.), Lebanon. Adonis. Judah. \ Azotus, Gath, Ascalon, \ Accaron, and Gaza. Damascus, Abana, and Pharphar. Bethel and Dan. Sodom. Gibeah. Babel. Babylon. NOTES. 83 II. Classical Names. (a) Deifies, &'c. 198. Titanian. Earth-born. 198. 512. Jove. 199. Briareos. (3) P/aces. 15. Aonian mt. 200. Tarsus. 232. Pelorus. 233- ^tna. 288. Tuscan artist. 289. Fesole. 290. Valdarno. 303. Vallombrosa. Etruria, 353. Rhene, Danaw. 355. Libyan sands. 580. Uther's son. 581. Armoric knigiits. 508. Ionian (gods). 514-5. Crete and Ida 516. Olympus. 517. Delphi. 518. Dodona. 519 1 Doric land. 550. ' Dorian mood. 714. 1 Doric pillar^ 520. Adria, and Hesoerian fields. 577. Phlegra. 578. Thebes and Ilium. 694. Babel and Memphian. 717. Babylon and Alcairo. 721. Assyria. 739. Ausonian land. 746. Lemnos. )us Names. 583. Aspramont. Montalban. 584. Damasco. Marocco. Trebisond. 585. Biserta. 586. Charlemain. 587. Fontarabbia. SOME PARALLEL PASSAGES PROM THE CLASSICS. 84. " O how fallen! how changed", &c. Cp. Virgil, Aeneid, ii. 2/4 — " Hen mihi, qualis crat! quantum mutatus ab illo!" 94. "Yet not for those do I repent", &c. Cp. ^schylus, Prometheus, 991 — 'Let his gleaming flame be hurled for none of these things shall bend me." (( ■ 84 98. 171. 253- 6i9. 623. 742. PARADISE LOST. ** High disdain from sense of injured merit." Cp. Virgil, Aeneidy i. 27 — " Manet alta mente repostum Judicium Paridis spretaeque injuriae formae." " The sulphurous hail Shot \:l>.x us in storm, o'erblown, hath laid The fiery surge." Storr compares Sophocles, Ajax, 674 — ** The blowing of fierce winds leaves the moaning sea asleep." *• A mind not to be changed by place or time." Cp. Horace, Epistles, i. xi. 27 — (( (< Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt." Thrice he essayed, and thrice", &c. Cp. Ovid, Metamorphoses, xi. 419 — ** Ter conata ioqui, ter fletibus ora rigavit." " And that strife Was not inglorious", &c. Cp. Ovid, Metamorphoses, ix. 6 — " Nee tarn Turpe fuit vinci quam contendesse decorum est." " From morn To noon he fell, from noon lo dewy eve", &c. Beechinp; compares Iliad, i. 591, where Hephaestus says — " He caught me by my foot, and hurled me from the heavenly threshold; all day I flew, and at the set of sun I fell in Lemnos." LIST OF PASSAGES FOR PARAPHRASING. LINES 1. If thou beest he those dire arms; 84-94. 2. Yet not for those and shook his throne; 94-105. 3. What though the field extort from me; 105-111. 4. To bow and sue this downfall; III-116. 5. But see from our loe; 169-179. 6. The mind is made greater; 254-258, 7. But he his mighty standard; 527-533. 8. Anon they move the burnt soil; 549-558. i NOTES. H LIST OF PASSAGIi:S FOR COMMITTING TO MEMORY. j> I. 2. 3. 4. 5- 6. 7- 8. 9. lo. II. 12. 13- 14. 15- I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13- 14. 15- 16. i;. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 24. 25. 26 27. 28. 2Q. Nine times the space sulphur unconsumed; If thou beest he shook his throne; What though the of heaven; Fallen Cherub from our foe; Thus Satan the burning lake; Forthwith upright supernal power; He scarce had overarched imbower; That proud honour. immortal minds; Thus far these waiting revenge; Cruel his eye their way; O myriads wrought our fall; Henceforth his vault or heaven; Anon, out of as from a sky; The hasty multitude build in hell; As bees heart rebounds; LIST OF PASSAGES FOR ANALYSIS. Of nian's first out of Chaos; Or, if Sion hill prose or rhime; He it was if he opposed; Yet not for those and shook his throne; O Prince! O chief .. in endless misery; But what if he the gloomy deep; To be weak whom we resist; If then h is providence their destined aim ; Thither let us tend from despair; His other parts morn delays; So stretched out and vengeance poured Then with expanded stench and smoke; -"S it so above his equals; If once > hey hear astounded and amazed Nathlessheso chariot wheels; They heard .-^nd were ; . . well awake; As when the all the plain; The chief v. -e those affront his light; Netoameonp ,, his worshippers; For never, since by Fontarabbia; Aswhonthesun the Archangel; Yetfru: '^^1 how the blasted heath; That su lie their native seat, But uc who reigns wrought our fall ; Our bettrr part halfhisfoe; And here ht scarce perform; His hand wa^ ordtic bright; ^s ^cfis behold a wonder; -•'•-> •■^•■"^ 'JUTT licr paic course; LINES 50-69. 84-105. 105-124. 157-179- 192-210. 221-241. 283-304. 533-559. 587-604. 604-621. 622-642. 643-669. 710-730. 730-751- 768-788. I 10 34 94 128 -10. 16. 41. -105. -142. 152. 1 57- 162. 168. 143-1 102 183 194 ;209 225 245 5274- 299- 33^- 338- '81- 457- 573- 594- 611- 623- 636- 645- 6q u>- 7; -191. -208. -220. -237- -249. -281. 3! I ■334' 35«>. 391. •46 . 587. 600. 615. 634. 642. 649. '■^9. 737- 777- 786. 86 PARADISE LOST. LIST OF WORDS EXPLAINED IN THE NOTES. (For words marked G. see p. 8i.) i! II III abyss, 21 adamantine, 48 admire, 690 aery, 430 afflicted, 186 alienated, 457 ambitious, 41. G. amended, 609 ammiral, 294 apostatv^, 125 arbitress, 785 archangel, 600. G. architec 732. G. architrave, 715 artist, 288 asphaltus, 729 assayed, 619 astonished, 200 aweful, 753 baleful, 56 balm, 774 bane, 692 baptised, 5S2 beatific, 684 belated, 783 blasted, 615 bossy, 716 brigad, 675 brimstone, 350 bullion-dross, 704 camp, 677 career, 766 charmed, 561 chivalry, 765 citadel, 773 comljustion, 46 compeer, 127 concave, 542 conclave, 795. G. considerate, 603 consult, 798 cope, 345 cornice, 716 cressets, 728 disastrous, 597. G. dulcet, 712 elves, 781 emblazed, 538 empire, 114 empyreal, 47 engines, 750 ensign, 536 entranced, 301. G. erected, 679 erst, 360 eruption, 656 essences, 138 ethereal, 45 event, 134 exhalation, 71 1 expatiate, 774 faery, 781 fanatic, 480 foiled, 273 founded, 427 foundered, 204 frequent, 797 fretted, 717 frieze, 716 glorying, 239 grirly, 670 grunsel, 460 harbour, 185 helms, 547 hierarchy, 737 homicide, 417. G. horrid, 563 infantry, 575 infernal, 657 infidel, 582 inflamed, 300 injured, 98 invest, 208 jousted, 593 legions, 632. G. Leviathan, 201 lustre, 97 magic, 727. G. manacled, 426 marie, 296 martial, 540 meteor, 537. G. middle, 14 mitigate, 556 mood, 550 mortal, 2 myriad, 622. G- naphtha, 729 nathless, 299 oblivious, 266 obscene, 406 observed, 588 ocean, 203 opprobrious, 403. G. oracle, 12. G. orgies, 415. G. orient, 546 passion, 605 paynim, 765 peers, 39 pernicious, 282 phalanx, 550 pilasters, 713 pilot, 204 pioners, 676 presaging, 627 profaned, 390. G. puissant, 632 pygmean, 780 <=W FES. rased, 362 recorders, 551 reign, 543 religious, 372 remorse, 605 reprobate, 697 rhime, 12. G. rife, 650 rites, 414 rout, 747 satiate, 179 scathed, 613 scummed, 704 secure, 261 serried, 548 NOTES. shrine, 388. G. skiff, 204 skiiced, 702 sovran, 753 straitened, 776 study, 107 Stygian, 239 subhrned, 235 suhan, 348 sui:)ernal, 241 sui)pliant, 112 swage, 556 temper, 285. G. thralls, 149 timbrels, 394 87 touches, 557 trophies, 539 tyranny, 124 urge, 68 utter, 72 various, 706 vaunting, 126 wanton, 414. G. warping, 341 weltering, 78 witnessed, 57 wont, 764 zenith, 745 3. G. G. I 1. INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION SERIES. 12mo, cloth, uniform binding, •^nE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION SERIES was projected for (he n,.r. pose otbripffingrtogrcther in orderly arraiigcn.ciU the best writings, new and old, upon educational subjects, and preseniinjr a .omplete course ot readintr inJ tram.Mir for teachers generally. Itisedittd by Wii.mam T. 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