:': * •' ■■■/:> • ^ ■♦ •■■ !:'*:^ 1 ** \ '■ :■ ■■ . ' .\, ficha CIHM Microi Seriesf (Monograpiis) i. 1 (/ Collection de microfiches (monograpliies) /, CanadianJratitut* for Historical Mkroroprodiictions / Institut Canadian do microroproductiona liistoriquoa •A.V' '* iri: ».,<.'it1 ■! .^^^ • / / ^ i ' •/I / DIGEST OF ACTS PASSED DURINU BE8SI0N8 OV 1^00-1-9, wmon REPEAL, AMEND, V^HY OR AFFECT, CONSOLIDATED STATUTES FOU UPPER CANADA AND CONSOLIDATED STATUTES OF CANADA, " /- BY J^. HALLOWELL, Stwknt^al-Law. / TORONTO: : \^. C. CHEWETT 4 CO., FRINTERB, KlJJO STREET EAST. ■t 1- ■^Wf' > ■ • . ■ \ . ■ ... .". . - ■ ' ■ . f • ..-..■ t ■;■*•■ 1_*_. - ♦ • • . ' ' --.'' - -.-' . -'■ -■- • :- vnr otl ho ,. .' ■ .■ oni 'J •*'..- •■ , 18i the in • ^ ' *. * « . Sh asF ; bci ha^ ' .f '■ ■ ' *■" . '■ « ' ■, . * tru ' • bci ] hu -■• '." -a Ro i,"T- •■. • ♦:■■■" wa ■- -•' -.-fe— -"^'•-.' ■'•--/■ ant > ■ . ■ < 3 • ■.. ■ • ■: -■ .■• ■^ ■'■ . %' ■ ■' .1 ' "''-, .■.-■•'. * ■ p_ ' ■. , > . ;•■ ■,:;•■..■■■:•.-.;. , 'V -:--\^ . '' •■' i ^ , PREFACE. '■|- Tho compiler of this litllo work hcRa to ofTor it to tho cjindour and intulligcnco of tho logal profossion, ns woll ns to othorH who may at times require to consult tho Statute Uook, hoping that it may prove useful to all, inclu0 is affected by subsequent enactments, dispensing with the necessity which formerly obtained, of ransacking volumes in order to form a correct opinion upon any legal subject* Should tho favourable verdict of tho profewsion justify those assumptions, tho pains bestowed on these pages jiiikjiot liovo been entirely wasted. Thanking those of the il||||p8ion who have kindly assisted him in this compilation, the subscriber" trusts that tho result may prove advantageous to all for wboso benefit it has been undertaken. • > In conclusion, the compiler cannot reiVain from offering his humble tribute to tho revered memory of the late Sir J. B. Robinson, Bart, through whoso kind advice and assistance ho was encouraged to bring this work before the legal profession and the public. J. S. II. Queen Street, April 23rd, 18C3. ¥ ,■'.■. • \ ■ '^■ . # . ' V 1 « . » f* -" ['■' • 'f II ' - \ 1 •v I ' - • ■ \ v i* * 1 WII -9' • DIORST OP ACTS PASSED DIIRINO SESSIONS OF 1800-1-2, WHICH KKI'KAI^ AMUND, VAHV (HI ArFKirr, CONflOI.IDATKn HTATUTKj' KOB UI'I'RIl CANADA. K 0. 0. Con. 8la*. U. C. ^ 0. 3, p. 7, Tlile 28Vlo. o. 40, a. 2. fl. 3, Huh-i. 0, p. H, TnwQihlpa of lUjtlun, Lyndooh, Rntlcliffe ftnd Brudt'iioll, added to County of Uciilrew by 'J3 Vio. o. 89, B. 4. 3, Mb-d. 0, Nos. 10, 10, p. 9, nep. hy i!3 VIo. o. 39, ■. 2. 3, iUb'H. 0, 7, p. 9, Counties of llcnfrow and Lanark, 24 VIo. c. 51, Hcparutus'tlivin. 0. 3, Biib H. II, p. 10, TowuBhlpH of Miller and Cannonto nddod to County of Frontcnao by 23 Vio. o. 39, h. 2, fi ; and Tido B. 1 aa to union of Frontcnao with Leriiiox and Addington. .x #. \' w /\ ■ ft' .;. ■ • ■ ■. ■■ Cuii. «tttt. If f. 0. It), 8. C, p. (t2, AH to rank of Chief Justice of Upper CAnnda, repctiled bj 25 Vio c. 18, s. 1. 0,; 12,»8. CO, p. 59, B. 67, 68, p. 00, as to registered docrecR * and orderD which bind lands, &o., repealed by 24 Vio. o. 41,8.. 1. 0. 13, 8. 6, p. 68, ns to President of Court of Error and Appeal, repcaletl by 21 Vio. o. 86 ; yide^6 Vic. o. 18, 8. 1, 2, 3. 0. IB, >. 8, p. 63, Time of sittings of eald Court altered by , 25 Vic. 0. 18, 8, 4. c. 15, p. 76, vide 23 Vio. c. 42, s. 4, oases in Superior Courts - may be tried in County Courts ; 23 Vic. o. 43, extends juris- ■ diction of County Courts; 28 Vic. o. 44, regulates tho- : removal of causes from County Courts. 0. 17, p. 115, Court of Oenoral Quarter Sessions, by 24 Vic. 0. 14, not to try treasons and felonies. . tf. 17, 8. 10, p. 117, as to Court of General Quarter Sessions apppointing Constables annually, repealed by 23 Vio. c- 8 ; and last mentioned act amended by 24 Vio. c. 48. c. 19, p. 136, Division Court Act, c. 29, p. 325, Replevin Act, and 23 Vic. c. 43, to bo read as one act so far as relates to eases within the jurisdiction of the Division Courts, vide 23 Vie. 0. 45, 8. 7. c. 19, 8. 151, p. 162, as to what may bo'seized under a Divi- sion Court execution against goods, -part repealed by 23 Vio. 0. 25, S.2. 0. 19, 8. 146, p. 161, certificate of Division Court judgment may be pbtained for registry, repealed by 24 Vic. c. 41, ^ -8. 2.. .■ c. 22, 8. 2C4, p. 228, bow records to' be endorsed^ repealed by 23 Vic. c. 42, 8. 1 ; 23 Vic. o. 42, s. 2, in lieu thereof. c. 22, 8. 205!, p- 229, how records in town causes to be entered, repealed by 23 Vic. c. 42, 8. 1, 0. 22, 8. 205, p. 229; 23 Vjc, c. 42, s. 3, in lieu thereof. c. 22, 8. 24i5, p. 238, tteputy Clerks may give certificates of judgments entered by them, which certificate may be regis- tered in the proper county, and bind lands, repealed by 24 Vic. c. 41,8. 3. c. 22, 8.- 254, p. 239, apparel, tools, &o., exempted from exe- cution, repealed by 23 Vie. c. 25, 8. 3, 4, vide s. 5, 6. 0. 22, 8. 326, p. 254, suits within jurisdiction of County Courts tnay be brought in the Superior Courts, repealed by 23 Vic. c. 42, 8. 1. 0. 22, 8. 327, .p. 254, but in County of York not without Judge's fiat of leave, repealed by 23 Vic. c. 42, s. 1. ' fl. 22, 8. 333 to 341, p. 256-7-8, as to power of Judges to iosake rules, applied to 23 Vic. 0. 46, js. 9. Co I .■ '*■ f.-:l- •r ', j-JPW-^tJi^ '*" -T" inO, p. 268, Jadgos may extend Superior Court rules nty Court, vido iJ8 Vic. o, 43, a. 5. "^ Con, Stat. U. C. 0.22,8,839. to Count 0. 24, 8. 21, p. 281, decrees in cases of SAquestration, when rcgiHtjired, to create a charge on real estate, repealed by 24 VIo. 0. 41, 8. 4. 0. 25, 8. 8, p. 287, when writ of attachment to be marked " inferior jurisdiction," repealed by 23 Vic. c. 42, s. 1 . 0. 27, p, 302, Ejectment Act, certain provisions thereaL«p- . plied to County Courts and to 28 Vic. o. 48, by 281^ o. f 43, 8. 8, vide 8. 6. ]^ 0. 28, p, 328, Dower, vide 24 Vic, c. 40, as to assignment of dower; and 24 Vio. c. 40, 8. 18, as to necessity of notice of action, -; . j^ . -i 0. 29, p, 825, Replevin Act, o. 19, p. 186, Division Court Act and 28 Vio. o. 45, to be read as one act, by 23 Vie. o. 45, »• 7. ■■ c. 83, 8, 8, p, 409, Clerks of Crown and Pleas, &o, to render half yearly accounts, repealed by 28 Vio, c. 4ti, s. 1. c. 83, 8, 8, p. 409, 23 Vio. c. 40, a. 2, in lieu thereof. ' c. 84, 8. 1, Bub-8. 2, p, 410, as to Graduates of three years' standing on books of the Law Society, amended by 23 Vic. c, 47, s, 1, and 23 Vic. o. 47, a. 2, to be read as an addi- tional section toe, 84, s, 1, p^41Q. ; c. 85, s. 2, sub-s, 2, p. 411, not to apply to persons entered after Ist March, 1860; vido 23 Vic, o. 48, a. 1. 0. 85, 8. 2, 8ub-a. 2, 23 Vio, o, 48, s, 2, to be road as an addi- tional section to o. 35, s. 2, p. 411. \ . c, 40, p. 436, Medical Board and Pi*actitioners, vide 24 Vic.~ i>^ c, 24, as to vaccination. • Q. 49, p, 465, Joint Stock Companies for Roads amended by / 23 Vic. 0. 54, 24 Vic. c. 18 ; vido 23 Vic. c, 31 and 24 Vic. ;,■■■'; c, 20. ; ■ . . c. 50, p, 492, Joint 13tock Companies for Piers, Wharves, &c., amended by 24 Vio. c. 18 ; vide 23 Vic, c. 81, 24 Vie. o, 20, c. 61, p. 498, Joint Stock Companies for Agricultural pur- poses, amended by 24 Vic. c. 18; vide 23 Vic. o, 31 and 24 Vio, 0. 20,_ ct 62, p.. 603, Mutual Insurance Companies, See as to f*oreign Insurance Companies, 23 Vic. c, 83, 24 Vio. 0.47; vide 28 Vic. 0. 81 and 24 Vic, c. 20. c. 54, 8. 60, 61, 62, 68, 64, p. 636-7, certain provisions as to dissolution of union of counties applicable where an incor- porated village separates from the township in which it is situated, 24 Vic. o. 39. , c. 54, 8, 135, p, 554, as to election of Reeves and Deputy Reeves, amended by 24 Vio, c, 37. \. Con. Stat. U. C, 0. 64, 8. 228, p. 674, Mnnieipftlities may pasft^by-lawa creat- ing debts, by 28 Vlo. o. 9, s. 8, the County of Middlesex, in consolidating its debt, exempted from the formalities of ■ B. 223. V c. 64, 8. 224, p. 675, such by-lnws to be assented to by rato- piiyers, by 23 Vie. o. 9, s. 8, tho Coanty of Micl.llesex, in consolidating its debt, exempted from the formalities of 8. 224. \ , ' Oi 64, 8. 246, p./taS, Bylaws as to taTem license's amended by 23 Vic. o.t63^ irhich last statute and the sub-sections of, the 246th section of tho 54th chapter, are repealed as re- gards citieB by 26 Vic. c- 23, «. 1 ; Tide s. 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8. «. 64, B. 247, p. 684, sams to be paid for lioensoff, &c. ; yide 26 Vic. c. 0, 8. 8, and 0. 23, b. 5. c.;64j fl. 249, 260-1-2-4-6-6, p. 684-6-6, these sections applied to unorganized tracts, by 23 Vic. c. 6, s. 6 ; vide 25 Vic. c. 6, s. 6. c. 64, 8. 269, p, 586, appointment of Inspectors of Licenses, partly repealed by 26 Vic. o. 23, s. 4; vide s. 6, 6. c. 64, 8.260, 262,268, 264, p. 687-8, as to licenses, amended^ by 25 Vic, c. 23, s. 6. 0. 64, 8. 370, p. 688, power of Recorder's Court to try treason and capital felonies, by 24 Vic. o. 14, revoked. 0. 54, 8. 377, p. 689, Sessions of the Recorder's Court, re- pealed by 28 Vic. c. 60, which is itself repealed by 25 Vic. c. 19; and see section there substituted for s. 377. c. 66, p. 649, Assessment Act, amended by 23 Vic. c. 62. c. 56, 8, 9, sub-s. 10, p. 661, as to public institutions, amended by 23 Vice. p. c. 65, 8. 28, p. 656, real property to be estimated at full value amended by 24 Vic. c. 38, 8. 1, 0. 55, 8. 29, p. 656, what deemed vacaat land add bow valued amended by 24 Vic. C. 88, 8. 2. 0. 55, s. 31, p. 656, ossessaaent of lands of non-residents: vide 24 Vic. o. 38, s. 3. : c. 66, 8. 63, p. 663, appeal. from Court of Revision: vide 24 Vic. c. 38, 8. 4, 6, 6.. / , c. 61i p. 701, Game Laws, mepeaUsd by 23 Vic. c. 65, which act is substituted for c. Gl. e. 64, p, 728, Common School Act, vide 23 Vic. c. 49. e. 64, 8. 17, p. 730. challenging votes, amended by 23 Vic. c. 49, 8. 3. q. 64, B. 23, p. 731. penalty for refusing to servo as trustee, vide 23 Vic. c. 49, s. 18. V Co ^-WWSSTjpsSWflB^^ Coti, sut. u. c. c. 64, 8. 46, p. 740, union secUous of two or more townshtps, how formed and altered, amended by 23 Vie. o. 41), a. &. 0. 64, s. 40, p. 740, suc^ union to bo deemed one section, amended by 23 Vic, 0. 49, 8. 5. 0. 64, B. 84, p. 749, difference between teacher and trustees to be settled by arbitration, vide 23 Vic. e. 49, s. 8, 9. 0. 64, 8. 85, p. 760, power of arbitrators to examine, vide 23 Vie. 0. 49, B. 8, as to auditors, 0. 64, B. 86, p. 750, Vrarrant of arbitrators, vide 28 Vic. o. 49, 8. 8. c. 64, s. 95, p. 764, when more than one grammar school, amended by 28 Vio. 0. 49, 8. 24. -^ <5. 64, 8. 140, p. 767," how penalties recoverable, Tide 23 Vic. 0. 49/s. 19. , 0. 69, 8. 1, p. 780, when lands may bo vested in ti'ifstees for jchurches, amended by 24 Vic. c. 43. c. 72, s. 1, p. 787, marriages, amended 'by 24 Vic. o. 46. 0. 78, 8. 8, p. 8.07, limitations of certain actions, &c., amended by 25 Vio. c. 20. 0. 80, p. 810, claims to lands for which no patents have issued, . v vide 28 Vice 2, 8. ;9. . 0. 80, 8. 12, p. 859, word, "judgment" struck out, vide 24 Vic. c. 41, a. 5. c. 86, 8. 27, p. 863, words "'judgment or" and "judgment" struqk out, vide 24 Vic. c. 41, 8. 5. , c. 87,^s. 1, 2, 3, p. 867-8, mortgages, amended by 24 Vie. o. 41, 8. 6. . , ' 0. 88, s. 46, p. 879, limitation of actions, &c:, amended by 26 Vic. c. 20. «. 89, 8. 8, p. 883, Registry vaults, offices, amendpd by 24 Vic. c. 42. . * ^ \ e. 89, 8. 17, sub-s. 4, 5, p. 884, judgments and decrees for payment of money, repealed by 24 Vic. c. 41, s. 7, sub-s. 2, '" c. 89, 8. 17, Bub-s. 7, p. 885, words "judgment and " struck out by 24 Vic. c. 41, s. 7, sub-s! 3. , c. 89, 8. 17, 8uVs. 8, p. 885, discbarges of decrees, Ac, re<- pealed 24 Vid. o. 41, s. 7. 0. 89, 8. 17, 8ub-8. 9, p. 886, rules and orders for payment of money to bo registered by 24 Vic. c. 41, #. 7» 0. 89, s; 18, p. 885, how judgments, &c., registered, repealed by 24 Vic. 0. 41, s. 7, sub-a. 4. c. 89, 8. 36, 37, 88, 89, p. 889, aq to judgments and certifi- CBtcs thereof, repealed by 24 Vic. o. 41, s. 7. 0. 89, 8. 41, p. 890, registration of decrees for payment of - money to bind lands, repe&led 24 Vic. e. 41, s. 7. » . :■■,;:■; 'M - (p ■ , „it, ■■*■. ■ - • ■ ■■■■ .'■: . \ : V- , • . ■ ■ -■ • ■ ■ 10 • . ■ ■ < Con. Stat 0. C. fttirf tVlAV AAff kflnA aITaa i i\f VOfViaivAitA .■ < C V, repented by 24. Vio. 0. 41, B. 7. c. 811, B. 47, p. 8n2, words "judgment," '^rulo or order," struck out, 24 Vie. 0. 41, B. 7, 8ub-8. 5. ' p. 89, 8. 48, 49, 50, 61, 62, p. 892-8', effect of Jndgmcnts, de- ■ oroes, rules and orders, &c., repealed 24 Vic. o. 41> b. 7^ 0. 80, 8. 63, p. 894, amended aa to judgments and decrees, 24 Vic. 0. 41, 8. 7, Rub-s. 6. c. 89, a. 64, p. 894, judgments no lien on lands until regia- tored, repealed 24 Vic. c^ 41, 8. 7. e. 89, 8. 65, p. 894, judgment creditor not registered need not be d party to foroblosure, repealed 24 Vic. o. 41, q. 7. 0. 89, 8. 56, p. 894, amended aa to registered judgments and certificates 24 Vic. 0. 41, 8. 7, sub-s. 7. c. 8U, a. 58, p. 895, discharge of judgments, repealed 24 Vic. 0.41, 8. 7, sub-s. 8, which is itself repealed by 25 Vic. c. 21, and see section there substituted fur repealed s. 58. 0. 89, 8. CO, p. 895, form of certificate of discharge, repealed 24 Vic. c. 41, 8. 7. 0. 89, s. 61, p„896, proof of certificate, repealed by 24 Vic 0. 41, B. 7. . o. 41, st 7. 0. 89, 8. 64, p. 896, registered judgments to bind lands for only three years, repealed 24 Vie. 0. 41, a. 7. 0.89, 8. 71, p. 897, separate register for judgments, &c., repealed by 24 Vice, 41, 8. 7. c 89, 8; 74, sub-s. 4, p. 899, Fee for certificate of judgment, repealed 24 Vic 0. 41, s. 7. With reference to registered judgments,&o. , it is enacted, " that all other statutes, parts and cladses of statutes, authorizing the registration of judgments, decrees and orders for tKo payment of money in Upper Canada, are hereby repealed." 24 Vic c 41, 8. 9. . 0. 90, 8. 11, p. 004, Xudgments to bind lands, &c., repealed 24 Vio. c 41, a. 8. ^ c 93, 8. 35J p. 023, allawancea for roads laid out by private owners amended by 24 Vic. o. 40, vide Con. Stat. C- c. 77, 8* 01, p. 882. V 0. 06, p. 029, apprehension of fugitiyes eso&pihg from foreign countries, repealed 23 Vie. c 41. ' c 105, 8. 1, p. 947, petty trespass, penalty, repealed 25 Vic* c 22, vide that act for section there substituted. c. 100, s. 1, p. 948, as to duties of County Attorney at Quiir- , t^ Sessions and llecorders' Courts, with rei'crvnGO to trea- sons and capital offcncetri, repealed 24 yic c. 14. V. 11 Con. StRl. U. C. • 0. 1 14, p. 0G3, appeal in oases of summary conviction, vide 2d Vie. c. 29, B. 8. 0. 126, p. 088, inquests by coroners, vide 2-1 Vie. o. 83, as to fire iiiqucf ts. 0. 128, p. 007, adminiMration of justice in unorganized tracts. Title 28 Vic. e. 6. | Indictments for perjury — Subornation of perjury^GonRpi- racy — Obtaining lioney or other property by false pre- ^ ° tenoes — Keeping a gambling houses — Keeping a disorderly honse, and any indecent assanlti not to be presented or found, except under certain oircumstauces, or with certain official sanction— 24 Vic. 0. 10. As to forfeited estates in Upper Canada, Vide 24 Vie. c. 44. Certain certificates issued by County Court judges to insol- ' vents, undor 10, 20 Vic. o. 03, confirmed by 24 Vic. c. 45. 24 Vic c. 63, separation of Toronto from York and I*eel, . amended by 25 Vie. o. 24, 26 Vic. o. 27, repealed 28 Vic. 0.05. These acts, although local, are of sufficient impor- tance to be here noticed. Tlie last three lines of s. 14, p. 36, c 10, Con. Stat. U. C, although not affected bjNtny of the Legislative cnnctmcntd «f 1860-1-2, have bedome effete owing to the death of the much lamented Sir J. B. Robinson. ' / 0. 11, 8. 13, 14, p. 43, and b. 10, 17, 18, p. 44, applying only to W. A. Campbell/ have (since his death) become inope- rative. ■ .■ ■■ —..■•■•. V,. ^ *"i i. / Wl In Cc I ■ -x y . •sp... l._,~- Tl ^«F ■^•^."^TJ"^ M A / •"V DIGEST OF ACTS PASSED DURINQ SESSIONS OP 18C0-1-2. WUICU REPEAL, AMEND, VARY OR AFVEOT, OOMSOLIDATED STATUTES, rOR CANADA. \: / i •{-■-f'l ^. Imperial Act 3 & 4 Vio. o. 85, p. xir, Be-Unidn of ITpp^r Canada and Lower Canada, vide 23 Vio. c.21. . Con.Stat. C. .0. 1, B. 20, p. 4, aoceptanoe by a member of Legislativo Coanoil of oiiffioe of Speaker not to vaoote hia seat, repealed by 28 Vio. 0. 8, B. 1. ,^ ..' 0. 1, 8. 24, p. 6, Oovernor to appoint Spealcer, repealed by 23 Vio. 0. 8, 8. 1, 8. 2 in lieu tliereof. Oi 1» BOh. A, p. 0, Slectoral DiTiBion of Trent, vide 28 Vio. o. 89,8, i6. ' 0. T, BcbL. A, p. 9, Electoral pirision of CaUraqni, tide 23 Vio. 0. 89, 8* 6, 0. 2, Bt 8, p. 12,'^Eleotoral PiTiaion City of Quebec, amended by 28 Vio. c. 1, b. 1, and Tide s. 4, 7. 0. 2, B. 4, p. 18, Electoral DiviBion City of Montreal, amended by 28 Vie. 0. 1, 8. 2, and Tide 8. 4. 0. 2, 8. 8, anb-s. 18, p. 16, North Biding of Waterloo, amended by28Vi6. 0. 40, 8. 1. 0. 2, B. 9, JBub-s. 3, p. n, Electoral DiTisioh City of Toronto, amended by 23 Vic. c. 1, 8. 8, and Tide a. 4, 6. 0. 8, 8.4, Bub-B. 4, p. 20, acceptance by a member of Le»i8- latiTO Council of office of Speaker not to vacate hie seat, repealed by 28 -Vic. 0. 8, 8.1. c. 8, 8. 9, p. 21, so much of thia Bection as relates to Buch office repealed by 28 Vic. c. 8, 8. 1. c. 3, 8. 17, p. 28, BO much of this Bection as relates tp such office repealed by 28 Vic. o. 8, b. 1 ; Tide 28 Vio. o. 8, s. 2, 8; 4, 6. , 0. 8, 8. 19, p.' 24, deductions for non-attendance of member, amedded by 23 Vio. o. 10, a. 1, sch. A, p. 25, amended by 28 Vic. c. 16, 8. 4. The Imperial Act 3 & 4 Vio. c. 85, a. 9, p. xxii, so much as relates to office of Speaker, repealed by 23 Vic. o. 3, b. 1. 4^ *^4;4f^ ! i,' ■ " , ' '_ - ■— . , " . .■■ ;,..■ ■ - ■ I?""?' '-;•■' r- ■■/■'■■ - m '■ , _ » i i' . ' ':■ 1 ..,.'■•■' ■■ Con. Stot. C, Less thnn 81 daya' attendnnoe not to entitle member to boh- •lonal ajlowauoe, but to $0 00 a cliiy, 23 Vio. c. 10, b. 2. (Iaha nf n, mnmhAP n>tnnilln!! C( : : .-: ..m Vic. 0. 10, B. 8. ( c. 0, p. 84, election of members of Legislnture, vide 23 Vio. 0. 1, B. 4, 08 to Quebeo, Montreal and Toronto. 0. 6, s. 11, p. 41, rotors' list L. C. as to Quebeo, amended by 28 Vio. 0. 1, B. 8. 0. 0, s. 14, p. 44, appeal from RoTlsing Board to the Superior or Circuit Court, 24 Vio. c. 26, added. e. 0, B. 21, p. 48, RotnrninfC Officers in L. C., vide 28 Vio. o. 1. 8. 0, aB to Electoral DiTision of Cities of Quebeo and Montreal. 0. 0, B. 22, p. 40, Returning Officers in U. C, vide 23 Vio. o. 1, B. 6i as to Eleotoraji Division of City of Toronto. 0. 0, B. 26, p. '60, qualifioation of Returning Officer, vide 23 'Vie. 0. 1, 8. C, 8ub-8. 2. c< 0, B. 40, p. 50, as to polling places in Wards of Quebeo and Montreal, vide 23 Vio. o. 0, b. 6. 0. G, 8. 82, 83, p. 7G, provisions against bribery and corrup- tion, and penalty, &c., repealed by 23 Vio. c. 17, s. l.sub-s. 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, substituted therefor. 0. 9,' 8. 8, p. 169, BpirituooB liquors not to be furnished to , Indiaps in U. C, rep. 28 Vio. o. 88, b. 1, a. 2 in lien thereof % e. 14, s. 6, p. 187, certain provisions as to sinking fund, rep. 28 Vio. 0. 4, B. 1. 0. 17, p. 211, Customs Act, 23 Vio. o. 18 and o. 19, 24 Vio/ 0, 2, 8, and 23 Vio. o. 4, construed aa^^ one act, vide 23 Vic. 6. 18, B. 1, 23 Vic. 0. 19, s, 2, and 24 Vio. o. 2, s. 3, 24 Vic. c. 8, 25 Vio. 0. 4, b. 7. \ c. 17, sch. A, p. 256, Periodicals and pamphlets, &c., paying 10 per cent, duty, repealed by 23 Vio. c. 18, s. 1. c. 17, sch. A, p. 266, goods paying 10 per cent., keroseno and ■ coal oil, &o., added by 26 Vic. o. 4, s. 4. 0. 17, sch. A, p. 256, table of freo goodB, vide 28 Vio, c. 18, 8-2.-: ';' If, Boh. A, p. 250, coffee, green, additional duty of 3 cents f p^r lb. imposed by 25 Vic. c. 4, 6. L if, sch. A, p. 258, brandy, by i^Tio. c. 19, 8. 1, Governor may reduce duty to 30 per eolith ' -*'.■■* ■ ' ■ ■ . . . , 17, 8oh. A, p. 254, vinos, dried fruits, currant J<, figs, nlmonds, walnuts and filberts, by 23 Vic c. 19, s. 1, Qovernor may reduce duty to 20 per ceil t.^ . / ft u> Con. Stat. C. 0. 17, Boh. A, p. 254, coff*©, pfrounJ or rousted, additional duty of 3 cents, per lb. linpoHcd by 26 Vie. c. 4, h. 1. 0. 17, doh. A, p. 250, packngos exempt from duty, repealed by 24 Vie. 0. 2, B. 1. vide b. 2. 0. 17, Bch. A, p. 254, molnsBefl, addltlonfti duty of 5 cento, per wine gallon, imp48od by 25 Vio. o. 4, a. 1. 0. 17, Bch. A, p. 264, suffar, raw, additional duty of 2 cents, per lb. imposed by 26 Vio. o. 4, b. 1. 0. 17, flch. A, p, 254, Bugar, refined, additional duty of 8 cents, per lb. imposed by 25 Vio. o. 4, s. 1. " '~^ 0.17, Boh. A, p. 25G, (roods paying spcoifio duty, cottfeotlonery, 8 cents, per lb. added by 26 Vic. 0. 4. 0. 17, sell. A, p. 260, tea, now duty imposad by 26 Via o. 4^ B. 2. " ■- . 0. 17, seh A, p.^260, whiskey, now duty impogod by 25 Vie. ' ' 0. 4, B. 8. " . 0. 17, Hoh. A, p. 250, freo goods, scrap brass, &o., added by 25 Vic. 0. 4, B. 5. 0. 17, sch. A, p. 201, all importations for the use of U. M. army and navy serving in Canada, or for the public uses of the province, free in certain cases, vide 25 Vic. o. 4, 8. 0. 0. 19, p. 207, Duties of Excise Act and 26 Vie. c. 6, to bo i construed as one act, 26 Vic. ct 5, b. 18. c. 19, 8. 2, Bub-a. 2, p. 208, what oonstitutes a distillery, amended 26 Vic. c. 6, 8. 2. c. 19, 8. 4, Bub-B. 2, p. 208, duty for a distiller's lioenBe, rep. 25 Vic. c. 5, B. 3, eub-s. 2. which is BuWituted for the repealed section. 0. 19, 8. 4, Bub-8. 3, p. 209, duty for a brewer's license, rep. 26 Vio. c. 5, 8. 8, 8ub-8. 3, which is substituted for tho repealed section. c. 19, fl. 8, p. 270, duty per gallon on all spirits made in this province, amended 26 Vio. 0v,5i a. 6, 0. ic. 19, 8. 9, p. 270, duty^of one cent, per gallon on mal* / liquor, &o., altered to 3 centa. per gallon, 26 Vic. o. 6, s. 7. ; 0. 19, 8. 17, p. 273, Revonno Inspectors to bo called CoUeo- / tors of Inland llevenue, 26 Vic. c. 6, 8. 1. ^ 0. 19, 8. 18, p. 273, powers of Inspcotors as to premises, books and accounts of distillers, vide 25 ViOn^fi. 6, s. 17, 25 Vic. c. 5, a. 4, 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 18, 14, 15,- c. 20, p. 277, provincial duty on tavern licenses, c. 0, 8. 4, and 25 Vic. c. 0,8. 1. " c. 22,.p. 281, Vablio Lands Act, rep. 23 Vic. c. 2, and vide o. 161, as to luditiu Lands. \ ^'^^'i ^g. >:-*f'^f/ T9^^ ^y^Y'T ' T"pif^ »^»"j-T "^T^- ^VAuoo of tbia act, p. 6Cii, vide 2.) Vio. o. 2H, a. 2. "0, 46, ■.,84, penalty for oontrarontloo, p. 600, vide 23 Vio, 0. 28,i. 2. - 0. 46, B. 86, reooTery and appUoation of penaUi«ft\p. ^M, " tWe28 Vio.io. 28, a. 2. ' ' ~ 0. 47, a. 10, p/ 600, Inapeotora of flour and moat at Quebeo ' and Montriial to haTAaaelatanta, amended 23 Vio. o. 20, a. 1. 0. 47, a. 17jJ[>. 604, branding qualitiea of flour, rop. 23 Vio. 0, 20, B. 2, and aeo grades Uiere BubBtituted. s^ 0. 47, a. 18, p. 606, renewing sampleB, amended 23 Vio. o. 26^ ». 8. 28 Vio. o/ 20, 8. 4, interpretation olaaae. 0. 61, B./2, p. 080, appointment of inapeotora of Bole leather, 4 . I rop; 24 Vio. o. 22, wbioh iit subatituted for repealed Bootion 0. 64, L4, 6, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 18, p. 044-6-0; 24 Vio. o. 23, ^. SfyonactB that these aootiona have applied and nhali apply to all Hanka chartered before, during or after the aeaaLroa ojf 1869. ^ 0. 64, a. 8, p. 046, Banks may take by indorsement bills of ; lading, &o., as oollatoral Boourity for biita, &c., diBOOunted by them, amendcd«24 Vio. c. 28, s. 1. 0. 64, 1. 11, p. 040. Act to apply to Danks chartered in 1869, r^ealed by 24 Vio. 0. 28, s. 8. AdTancesDn bills of lading to give a flrst lion on goods, by 24 Vlo. c. 28, 8. 2. 0. 60, 8. 70, p. 070 ; so muoh of this eeotion as limits th'O duration of 4 & 6 Vio. o. 82, rep. 24 Vio. c. 0, a. 6, which eontinnes 4 & 6 Vio. o. 82, as regards Savings Banlcs, for five years f^om 18th May, 1801, and from thence until the ^nd of the next ensuing sesaion of the Provincial Parliament 0. 68, p. 682, Insurance Companies, 'by 28 Vio. c. 84, may take 8 oer cent. \ c. take 8 per cent. 03, 8. 1, p. 719, formation of Joint nmendod 23 Vio. o. 80, s. 1, and 24 Vic, Vie. 0. 8 1, and 24 Vic. c. 20. 03, 8. 2, p. 720, how statement to amended 24 Vio. o. 19, a. 2. 03, p. 730, new section added by 23 Vic vide 23 Vic. c. 31, and 24 Vic. c. 20. Stock Companies, 0. 19, 8.1, vide 23 b^ aoknowlodged, 30, B. 2, and ■■: % "^' . \ - ,-r ■ /-. , / ^ ^."^ ' -\i - ^-H f -- — '-• — - -"^-— --^ — ir • s. ***^ .^ ' * — -'- vr '— - ^T ^ 1§ Con. 8Ut. G. «. 04, p. 7nO, MIbIiik ConpnnlM, vUla 2a Vlo. o. 81, and 24 Vto. 0. 20. 0. OA, p. 792. Joint flto«k CompKniM, (]a« nnd Wntar ; '.'It Via. 82, tiUnd* 0. 05 to pnrUh kud towniblp lauoloipalitita, vldt 28 Vio. 0- 81, and 24 Vlo. o. 20. 0. 60, p. 748, RkIIwrt Aot am«fid«d 28 Vlo. o. 20, vldb 28 Via.o. 81, and 24 Vio. o. 17. 20. 0. 66^)1. 11, tub-i. 1, p. 760, expUlned by 24 Vio. o. 17, ■. 1, 2. 0. 00, R. 131, p. 781, on« railway aoinpnny may agree witli .-. - aaother r«ip«otlug traffic, amended 24 Via. o. 17, a. 4. i^ '■ When County Court Judge i^tereated In litnda required for railroad, 28 Vio. e. 20, a. 10, 24 Via. o. 17, a. U. Penalty on railway employeea refmin g ii kiprward Iraffio, 24 Vlo. 0. 17, a. 6. r ,!ffr.- Interpretation of oertain worda, i4 VJe. o. V^ a. 0. 24 Vio. 0. 17, to form part of Kiilroad Aot, 24 Vio. o. 17, a. 7. Intereit 'of puroliaae money to be deemed part of raliroad'a working expensea, 24 Via. o. 17, a. 8. 0. 07, p. 707, Electric Telegraph Conpanlea, vida 28 Vio. e. , 31, and 24 Vio. 0. 20, % 08, p. 801, Joint Stock Companlea, to fkcilitate the trana- 'vfjtfUaion of timber down rircra and atreama, vide 23 Vic. o. \m 24 Vio. 0. 20. 0. 70, p. 800, praotioo of phyalo and 8ur/!(ery, and tho study f of auatomy, Vtde 24 Vio. o. 24, aa to vacoination. 0. 77, 8. 01, p. 882, plans of towns, &ili to be registered Tide 24 Vio. o. 49. ^^ Q, 80, p..892, foreign judgments and decrees, vido 23 Vio. 0.24 Ov 88, p. 040, fire inquests, by 28 Vic. o. 86, extended to pArts, and % 24 Vio. c. 83, amouded an to Upper 6, prooednro in extradition matters, » . ■ ■ 0. 8| ret 0. 89,'']j|^^^ p L>^i pfr ic. 0. j6,' s. 2, substituted therefor. 0. 80, Wj^^mm^Mi Vio. 5, feloniously administering drugs, vide 24 Vio. 0. 7. 0. 02,° p. 901, offences against the person and property, tido 24 Vice. 8. (;on •^y i> . / , 1** ^ fe-! — ® "; "^ i^; »*> 'JR. Con. HtftWrt 4 ^^ 1^ '»^<4|p p.'U0tt'7O, UMtrujriug traci. Ao.. Ti«J« 28 . 24, 2lL p. 98fi, dtitroylng trc«i, Ac, tI«U 2.1 Vlo. 0.37. ^ 1^ UHO, vU« 25 Vlo 0. 22. a. 2. «. 05, p. wm, loUariM, bjr 23 Vio. e. 30, o. 05, nol to apply t» bainara furoliarltabla purpoiea. 0. OO, a. 30, p. 1010, perjurjr, Indlotmontfl lo o*Ma «f, •niond- v jd 24 Vlo. 0. JO. '«. 00, a. 40, p. 1010, Huhnrnation of porjury, indlotmonta la flABM of, amonded 2-1 Vio. o. 10. 0. 00. a OO, p. 1022, obUlolng money, Ao., andar flilao pr«-~ Usucea, tido 24 Vio. o. 10. 0. 00, a. 01, ol, p.^10'40, reoordlDg aantono* of do»Ui, effoot of, rep. 24 Vlo. o. 0. Aa to Indiotmenta for the foUowIn^ offencea— oonapIrMji korpitiR n Rnmbling houne, kooninii; n dinordorly hooae, nnd any indooent navault — vido 24 Vlo. o. 10. 0. 102, n. 54, p. 1065, In V.C. Coanty Court Judpfo mnj onUt pamon conunilted fur trinl to be ballod, rup. 24 Vie. o. 10, M. 1, a. 2 Hubatituted for a. 54. 0. 103, p. 1083, JoRtioea of tbo Penoe out of Soaalona Id r* Humuiary oonvloliouH, vido 23 Vio. o. 14, a. 3. 0. 107, p. ri55, priBoiia for young oSendera, vido 23 Vio. o. 22, a. 2, aa to rcnetivnguloicno. tt, 108, B.JB, p. 1150, provision as to Criminal Lanatie ^^^HylmftOop- 24 Vio. 0. 13, a. 1, and vide a. 3 aubstitatod ^^nor a. 0. 0. 100, p. 1159, oonfloemeot Qf dangerous Lunatioa, vide 24 Vic. 0. 13, a. 2. i 0. UO, a. 4, p. 1104, alwenoe of Chairman of Jail and IMaen Board, Ac, rep. 24 Vic. c U, a- 1, a. 2 aubatikutod for o; 110, 8. n, anb-B, l,f^fWs7, Inspectors to vialt prison »k leaat four times a year, n^. 24 Vio. o. 1 1 , a. 1, a. 8 aabati- tuted fbr a. 11, aub-e. 1. 0. 110, a. 11. Bub-8. 3, p. 1168, to keep mlnutoa of their vialta* rep. 24 Vic. o. 11, a. 1, a. 4 aubatltuted for a. 11, aab-l. 8- 0. 110, a. 11. Bub-a 10, p. 1100, Inspectors to report annu- ally, amended 24 Vic. o. 11, 8.0. 0. 110, fl. 25. p. 1176, Inspectors to keep a record of pro- . ooedings and transmit to the Governor, rep. 24 Vio. o. 11» a. 1, a. 6 substituted for a. 25. ^ 0. 110. 8. 82^ p. 1170, Inspectors to report annually, amended 24 Vlo. 0. Hi 8.0. ''-^ ^ ^ i "' " •" ^ '\SJ»' .# ' # >^ *:'^ r ;f' . i-. Words '< BoArd" *' Inapootors*' to moan a qnorum of the same, 24 Vic. 0. 11, s. 7.* 0. Ill, B. 4n, sub-a. 1, p. 1191, wlarios of Inspectors, rep. 24 Vic. o. 12. 0. Ill, B. 73, p. 1199, treatment of military oonvijotB, rep. 2> Vice. 12. r c. Ill, 8. 74, p. 1199, treatment bf insane conTiota, rep. 24 Vic. 0.12. ; ' 7 Vio. c. 10, 9 Vie. o. 80, J2 Vic. o. 18, 13 & 14 Vic. i-"-^**.-ii^i!c: w^A • ^/ 'if 4^.. ■ / I Ov V ^ ■