Ie- ^^ ^ v^ C«ntim«t«r ■■«f- 5 ^ 7 • 9 10 11 ■i- r-:-ija. 14 IM » ppip ■PHpawp t ^^p^f^wy I f '¥•■ -;>: f.- Microfiche SeriM (Monographs) "■'•.^ftf-^V^f** « iff^ i- * ICMH Colloctlon do microftchot (monographloi) 1'. -4^ .it . 1 I X ^ '?'• T' ■f kwHwitt for IHs l i rn c i mii n ipiflii ml i iw /IwctfiMl -I", i>* ^ m i^ -r ■ -V >. § p.'*" ^: ..■^H ■ •♦■* •fflMM^ait ; ^. 1» ^^^^ww^^l ^ V^HSV^^V^^^^^P ^V .,*' '?«'■ r rff 1 D i^'" til He OiN jOttN •rNI Th« •iMl TIN! rf "^ ipiliMrtiaii/' 1 vIgiN tMrnOaO/ THw Ml ksMw tilHii fram:/ □ THtopilB □ ft p i lani imN/ THm* D •fiMIN/ MMOT M NvniMfl fli lalivraiMN J./''. * .. < p i H D< H MIi)<»l« Hw illOH »x 30X !,3IX D 2ix 12X \ _* ' fC. • li NttropelltM Toronto Mforonco LIbrory oMhoo ffHiIwi oopy.iiMiln kooptoif wMi mo nNiiln§ ooAUoot tpoolflpoilont* ttw ftom oovor ond MiMni on tho ItM MfO wHh • prlniid or Muttrototf ImpfM* •Ion, or tho book oovor whon opproorloto. AN jottMr orlflool ooplot oro fNmod boglnnlmi on tbo firtt Meo wHh prlntod or Wuttrotod Improi- •Ion. ontf ondlnt on tho loot Hi* with • printotf ' or Wuatrototf improoalon. Vi» Tho bMt fooortfod fromo on oooh mierofieho •hoN oontoin tho symbol -^ (mooning "CON* TINUfD"), or tho symbol T (mooning "IND"), Mopo. ploM. ohorti. 010.. moy bo fNmod ot i #ffirom rodiMtloo rotlo^. Thooo too lorgo to bo onHfOly bioludod In ono ORpoMiro oro f llmotf bogbinlng In tho uppor>ft hond comor. loft to fight ortd tof to bottom, oo many fromot o« voqubod. Tho loNowbig «ogromo Nkwtroto tho ^^^^ — ^- . ■ ■ ^ ^ 1 2 « "'k > ^ Notrog^lltofi ToiwiM HtforwMt \)!^fWi •oitio <• hi wowoti oHporlo nmpwoilyn oo # n iMo iw ^^^bo. 1 ohMtront to mdthodo* 'X l- \ 1 t 2 d .4. 5 6 yi *- ■lOiim^msAB ifl^a-^'' - f i^f~)Q RinflNENT Exhibition ,j** ■.-^4 i« 1 I '.. .■* liil ^ 1! c Lid m ■■■■•,■■ ~ V p h " ^ r LAL Chy F. ^■■" ■ - ^^, tiijif 'v. TOTMt w,rE!» ■'-■;, TTJE^- •^rs^^v~r-.-s..:]g': ; ^.^GwaiHi / The Ac^noWl^^ed Vjaqtle jlon^e of (iBnBdB ■■.""'""'' — ■ — '" ■ ■- ^ ■'■■■ ■■■'./ We have the Largest, Cheapest and Choicest ^election of Ladies'; Misses' aM Children's Garments shown. / Cloaky to Order » Specialty Improved Syttem of Cuttlni : Perfect Fit Guaranteed ^ k^ MANTLE MANUFACTURERS & IMPORT] 2X8 YONGE STftEET, dbr. Albert St TORONTO I •It I^^jiiua! -:^, r r •fji I. «s.»| TO THE a' ' ■.. i OF TORONTO ' PRBSBNTBO BY THB Permanent Exhibition of OlanufaGtut^es ]4lC^0ItltS & HOCaikAHD TORONTO, CANADA. i A^. ."I *> ■^ > ♦ u-\ ^' f' i^.. Canadian Rubber Co y Cor: KMnt & Yonjje Sts., TOKONTO . IfANUPACTURERS OP Rubber Shoes. Felt Boots, Rubber Belting, PaCkinq Engine, Hydrant, Suction, Siteam, Brewers' AND FiR^ Hose Valves^ Gaskets, Car Springs, Wringer Rolls, Carriage Cloths, Rubber Blankets, Stoppers, &c. RUBBER HORSE CLfTHING - V Ladies' AND Gentlemen's Tweed and Gossamer Clothing Mould Goods or Every UBscitiPTiON '■■■; J. H. WALKER, Manager PIANOS THE Endorsed by the Musical Faculty PRICElS and terms to suit all PURCHASER^ OTHER INSTRUMENTS TAKEN IN exchange ^ SPECIAL UISCOUNT^OR CASH Tht Pal«Hc •!• WMiwdhl^ l«fil«d to iMpcct «ur Slack, or Mod far IttHitnited CiUluga* and l>rict Ltou J' HERR PIANO CO., Manufacturers TBMrORARY WAIBBOOMI FaCTOKT 47 QUEEN STREET EAST 90, 99 aw 94 DUKE STREET Orr. MCTKOVOUTAN CHUftCM TORONTO S I •■* o T^. ■■?J COHTEHTS The City of Toronto Pemuwent feacbib.tion of Manufactures Placet of loterett and Public Buildings Principal Churches Toronto Banks Public Parks Bdacstiotial lastitutitti V^ Foreign Consult f National Societies Libraries / Toionto Clubt Cab tariff Pottal Guide \ Officers of Toronto Board of Trade " Canadian Mi^nufActurert' Association Permanent Bxblbition Guide . List of Ekhibitors a ■ ■. ■ • . . ■■ \ -• ■ ■ -.-.- ** ; Advertisers \ Street Railway Time Table V . OfB:ers of the Industrial Exhibition Association Fire Alarm Boxes Trarellert' Guide Hotel Cude 4 - s;*f ; .'\ ' 4 %' ^ ■;•!■■■ ^^M E*_^_.._,.v.P- sv If 'f iv- COOKIE BUNKER ■> MANUFAOTURERt OF RUBBER AND METAL HAND STAMPS OUara, 8«iMak«ffs aad Pocket Stempa tUUroad and BMikinf Stanpa, Notary Public mad Soclaty Saala, Staal Stampa and StoacUa Cat to Qrdar ^ Alao Gold OUdloc aad Pietara Praodnc a Spadaltf * ''\ 3fi King Street Wett TORONTO ROSS, HILYARD ^ CO. WHOLBSALB liiPORTBRft DRY GOODS N: / UPHOLSTERERS' TRIMMINQS 3 Wellinfftoo Street Wett TORONTO ELI AS ROGERS & GO. BEST QUALITY GOAL AND WOOD LOWEST PRICES Head Office 20 King Street West ( \«> o ALEXANDER & CABLE Hm WSMk ki iMlMiwM VWtiac Cwdi. W»Mlmg, At H o .■ ,:•■' . . «, THE CITY OF TOtJOHTO ) PROM PAMPHLIT I88UBD BY TORONTO BQARO OF TRADE I** • > kHIS fair city of ourt, stretching along the blue waten of Lake Onurio, it not the largest city in oi|r young Duminion, but ey«n her more populous rival does not deny that she is the .fiurest and the most full of promise ; and by common consent she is known all Canada over as the •* Queen City of the West." Her progress has not been a slow and dreary pace ; for her veins are lull of vitality, and her heart fired with ambition. Some of the most enterprising spiriu in Canada are ranked among her ciiixenship, and she counts among her business houses some of the greatent and most important trade institutions In the country. In all those factors that no to make a community proa- peruus and worthy, she will be found well supplied.. No poisonous stums < »»< i "tbin her limiu to harbor pestilence ; her llrects no longer lie ^HH^ir old reproach, for many of them are paved and cleanly. So« ieties w|^pvery description of benevolent, moral and elevating aim, are busy among her cilisens ; her educational system is perfect as the age can give, and education has become the property of one and all. In art, too, she has much to show ; and her late festival of choruses promises that in music •he is destined to win a world-wide fame. The power of the pulpit fn Toronto is great ; and she emphatically is a church-gouiK city. In walking her thoroughfares you find no empty houses ; new buildings are beiiig reared, «nd not in pairs, but frequently in whole streets. Consolidatton and unification are going on by the incorporation, with the Queen City herself, of those thriving suburbs that girdle her Ipins with clusters of little commvnitiet— industrious, ambitious atid intelligent. RAILWAYS V *^ From tht heart of the city diverge a number of railways drawing lo their wheels the products of the fairest and mostfriiitful portion of Ontaria For all this territory she is the distributing point, sending to the former what he needs of her manufactures, and receiving frond him the product of his field and farm. Our chief mercantile houxes are known to stand upon steady founda^ons; our Banks are here sturdy and in full force; and literature finds here the centre. In short, this young Queen of the West IS the delight of all who come within her gates | and one who has* enjoyed her citizenship seldom cares to cast his lot in any other quartet. We •hall now briefly, and in regular order, touch iipon the chief attractions whirh we have to offer the tourist who is desirous of spending a brief period here. -■%., •>* m '>ff ; YlWQE r •t.TheE.^tC.Gui'neilCo.Ti 4I.TO.I Of YOMEST. — L/ STOVES - - - -. RANGES KITCHEN FURNISHINGGOODS FURNACES THE BEST IN TriE MARKET SATISFACTION GUARANTEED _:£STIMATES OF COST AT SHORT NOTICE GRATES REGISTERS •^^^ M BRASS FIRE GOODS •e- IN GREAT VARIETY THE E. & G. GURNSY GO 91 YoNGE Street > '■'■W'r'0. C) •^jk^^.^- -«i-B- 0^f_.fp^ • "^^^ ' ■ Bntlt * MonumeAt to the late Hon. George Brown, Queen's Park. ' \ Provincial Lunatic Asylum Grounds, Queen St. Normal School, Museum, etc,, Gould St Hirticuttural Gardens, Gerrard St St Michalers Cathedral (Roman Catholic), BondSt ^ St. James' Cathedral (Episcopal), Kirg St, cor. Qhurch St St. Lawrence Market itnd City Hall Buildingn, King and Front Sts. |fletrop«>Utan Chtirch (Methodist), Queen St; Cor. Cliurch St BaptistChurrh, JarvisSt,Cor.GenaidSt • ^^^ «» . . Canadian Institute, Richmond St. E. '',-.■ Old St Ahdrew'ji Church, Jarvis St ' \ XInitariin. Church, Jarvis St ;" : . . Po it CMfic% Adelaide St ^^ ^ PubUc lilftw, Church St, Cor. Adelaide St - .VI 1 i- '^ . J,'^/,,^,,}! D .•■V. . ■ "A ■ .'■: T ,"■■■■"■ ■ 1 ■■■.•:■' ". -V \~^ ^ :'';•-•■' '■■-.' ■:■'■■■• •'.-■ . "_ % .1 ; ■ . , '»■-■ ) « f I t ^(^/i)^ TORONTO BANKS AND WHERE THEY ARE SITUATED^ ' '• ' ■ ' < . ■^ *,i / ■ ■ o t' ' Anittoiit Receiver General's Oflke, Toronto Stteet ^ .' Bank of Britiih North America* cor. Yonge an<|i Wellington Streeta. Bank of ^Montreal, cor Yonge and Front Streeta. . " _ __ _ Banl^ of Toronto, cor. Church and Wellington Streeta. ft Cinadian Bank of Commerce,. 59 Yonge Street Central Bank of, Canada, 51 Yonge Street Dominion Bank of Canada, cor. King and Yonge Streets. Federal Bank of Canada, Wellington Street West, opp. Jordan St Imperial Bank of Canada, Wellington Street East, Cor. Leader Lane, "f Merchanu' Bank of Canada, 13 WeUington Street West Molson's Bank, cor. King and Bay Streets. /., Ontario Bank, cor. Wellington and* Scott Streets. Quebec Bank, cor. King and Toronto Streets. Standard Bank of Canada, cor. Jordan and Wellington Streets.. Traders! iSank, cor. Yonge and Wellington Streets. — u— ' •If "J'^l : ^ JAS. S. HENDERSON & CO. ,;:<:, IMPORTERS; V ^ Wall Papers, Decorations, Etc. . ; 139 YONGE STREET „ ARCADE BUILDINGS • y ^ 100 RAPHAEL TUCK'S PANELS TrkD/MWITiK AKfr A SPECIALTY lORONTQ^ ,ONT; .'rif.fFC.? S.*'' BRot«i> .>^.i:4l. %te (Slg ItMe Filteir do. - HARD BURNT Brown Stone Water Pilters $4 to $ao Mccor4if»gU> SJse = ;V-:e) Thiie Filten last • lift-tfa^! No ptt^Winm 1 meUI naed. AU common metaJs stn^tc FoiMD whea in contact with inter. NorhareoJl. ^ or orber cumponiKl med. They all atao*b/7tt«in. !S-.i**"*'^^"'''tV'* ?'"'"«**«"'•"'■• Cb*rcod.«.th«J •mmjl or v^ewbte, hw do cbemieal effect on water. Ju^J^'^'!^*^^'^^**!^^'^'*''""^ ke ifnder tbe filtering of tbe mter you drink a necesiity at aU time*. HmMiNT EXHIBItm ^f M^HUFiCTUBiS AJ^ FRONT STREBT WEST f) «) CHUt?CHES -4 l> -. ;S«IyalJon Army 6 Salvation Teiuple N^. Jamet and Albert Streeta. 'M, aittfd 1? hM. PHnciiMl Charch. ,.;.-;;•..■ LoauioK ' Bapiiit Janris Street - Cor. Jarvis and Gerrard Streets. Bible Christian 4 Agnes Street Cor. Agnes and Tcraulay Streets. 1^, Catholic Apoatolic I Catholic Apostolic Cor. Gonld and Victoria Streets. Congregational^ 6 Bond Street . Cor. Bond Street and Wilton Avenue. Chriatadelphian 9 Albert Street Albert St, north side, near Yonge St. Epiicopa} as St. James'Cathedral Cor. Church and King Streets. E|)iMopal (ReToiiiMd) i Christ Church Cor. Simooe and Caer Howell Streets. I Hebrew Synagogue 19 Richmond Street East.- > ^, Lutheran I Lutheimn' 114 Bond Strcctl "^ Methodiat aa Metropolitan ' Queen St. E., between Bond & Church Sts. ' Preabjrterian i6 Old St. Andrew's • ■,."-■ Cor. King and Simcoc Streett. Roman Cathdio 9 SLMichael'ik Cathedral Shuter St, betw'n Bond ft Church Sts. Unitarian I First Unitarian 2c6 jaivis Street. Kewjciuialan 1 Newjeru^n.^ Society of Friends Elm Street Society of Friencb t a8 Pembroke Street. - \ — 13~ . ^-. '>!' I' rv i^wt5ij:&--?''ij.i...^j»^« -»)•. ,r* '-\. >^ PUBLIC PARKS Bellwoodi Park. High Ptfk. Horticultural Gardens. Ketchum Park. Kew Gardens. Long Branch. / . * Lome Park. Queen's Park. ' RiverdatePark. Riverside Park. VictOTia Park.. ..», J. ' 0) f- * '^r* i r —14— * - I \ ^>' ■ ^ W- > C) •^ti. TORONTO CLUBS Albiny Coiwenrttive Club. 75 B«y Street Argoiuut Rowing Club. Foot of York Street. AtheMBum Club. Corner Adelaide andChurch Streets. Bayfide Rowing Club. Foot of Scott Street ^ Catedqnia Curling Club. Mutual Sireet Rink. \ Poo Rowing Club. King^Street, near Don Briilgfc Granite Curling Club. 47 « Church Street Mom Purk Curling Club. Shtttef Street j national Cub. 9S Bay Street--^ Ontario Jockey Club. Ontario Lacrosse Club. _Ontario Reform Club. 63 Wellington Street W. Queen City Driving Club. 9 B^rti. Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Club House. Island. Toronto Athletic Club. .Toronto Base Ball Club. Meets at Woodbine Hotel. Toronto Bicycle Club. 5 Wilton Avenue. Toronto Chess Club. PubUc Library Building. . Toronto Club. 79 York Street Toronto Cricket Club. ' ' Toronto Draught Club. Mutual Street Rink. Toronto Fencing Club. 40 Church Street. ^ Toronto Golf Club. ^ Toronto Gun Club. Toronto Hunt Club. Toronto Lacrosse Club. Toronto Prifiss Club. 148 Bay Street Toronto Reform Association. Room V., Yonge Street Arcade. TorontdHowingClub. Foot of York Street Toronto Sailing Skiff Club. Foot of Lome Street Toronto Snowshoe Chib. Toronto Toboggan Club. Roaeddc. Toronto YacKt Club. Foot of Simcoc Street y^andeiers' Bicycle Club. Victoria Street Young Men's FrohibiUon Chib. Cor. Victoria and Richmond JyC^ ■%' Sts. ^S€)^ — 'S— A '■'K TORONTO STREET RAILWA* ■ , A': ^' : :?|v •■a Unloa Stfttion and North Torooto (Red Light).— From Cor, Front and York to North Toronta First ear leaves Cor. Front and York Sts. 5-35 ; Korth Toronto 6k)8 a-m. Last car leaves Cor. Front and VorkSu. ii>; North Toronto 12-68 ; intervening every 10 minutes. Connects with Metropolitan St Ry! ' , Yonge Street (Rbd^ Light).— From Market to Cor. Yoiige and Scollard Su. First car leaves Market at 635 a.m. ; Scoliard 7-08 a.m. Last car leaves Market ii-as P-"^ i Scollard ia-o5a.m. ; intervening everj < minutes,' ■^■"' ' r ' ' ; , ■■ TT - '~,.:---' '^'^ '~::'- ■ ■ Queen Street Bathurst 6^ao a,m. Last car leaives Market. 11-33 p.m. ; Bathur^t 1 1-53« p.m» ; intervening ev e ry lo minut e s. — ' ' • ' • ■ —16— a o .0 ^ o i * / Cor. ^ork and If lO and a.m. wry First urket Sts. Uoor Uoor ^rf»nt and and •• ifork Sta. ^ork I. iTork dtt. sjO f -^M P^Pf^*^ T-^^LkJ^Xi^.i, ■r»-'. 8#«tM Viltag* Wi tipidfaia Avt. (Ybllow Liovr).— FMm llarkel to Cor. Bathont and Bkwr Sto. Fim car teavca Market $-3^ a.m. ; BkMMT St 6*i8 a.B. Laat car iMVca Mitfket iiru p.m. ; Bloor 8t ia-«| •.m.,! iiit«r««tiing ovviy IS ttittntaa. • / ^_^^. ^-^^''f ^^r-^,.^-..^^^^. ,.m. ; Dundas St Bridge ii-i a |Km. ; intenrening every so minutes. ^ Quo^n 8t B. iii4 Union Station (Whits LioHt).-7#fom Cor. Fhmt and York Sts.^o Cor. Queen and River Sts. First car leaves Cor. Queen and River Sts. 6-30 a.m. ; Cor. Front and York Sts. 6-54 a.m. Last car leaves Cor. Qneenand River $ts. 10-14 p-vh-i Cor. Front and York Stt. 10-38 ptm."; intervening every 15 minutek^j: .;:;;p- r^^^ij- 1 j^/ Cariton and Col^^ Stre^( White LioHT)iT-From Cor. Carlton And Parliament Sts. to Cor. College Mid Bathunit Sts. First car leaves Cor Carlton and Parliament Sts. 5-30 a.m. ; Cor, |Q>Uege and Hathurst Sta.6-00 a-m. Last car leaves Cor. Carlton and Parliament Sts. 11 -oo to.viL : Cor. College and Bathurst Sts. 1 ir^o {kql ; intervening ev«ry so mimiieai X^ueen Street and Parkdale (Grkek and Rkd Lioht, Strips in THE Cbntse).— From Cor. King and Yonge Sts. to Cor. Queen St and Somuren \yt. Parkdale First air leaves Cor. King and Yonge Sts. s-as jtm. ; Sorauren Ave. ^s am- I'Utcar leaves Cor. King and- Yonge Sts. 10-55 P'™* ; Sorauren Aye. 11-35 p.m, ; intervening every 15 minutes. Metropolitan Street Railway.^-Cars ran North on Yonge Street from Canadian Pacific Railway Crossing, North Toronto, every half hour, from 6-00 a.m. to ^i;oo p.m., for Deer ParktJiount Pleasant, Daviaville^ Eglington, etc ^ ^ / -^ j :'%^-M.klV^^^^'^- '^' w ^' . A 'i^ '' 5'/ '■>'*i |.-^'?<"^*lt''<*'»«^ .*.■ ^®/^l^ ;ti% '\: -17— p. 'M M ■ i. ?& T >i-:;. ; ■ OBO. B. QILLB9PIB A.AN8LBy V ^ illespie. Jinsley & *• ■• t , ^ k V t ■,iV'J?'"', ImfXH^ani^ Manuliacturers «nd Wholesale Dealers in -^ '■^S', ,..'■■ ■:•■ . i' ■:- :i.'./ .l\f^<\4^i'ht a»«id 30 WBULINOTON) STREET WEST sf • •ATI OITV STMEHLTIR8 •MIllMlirYil HimtmmttiMkimm fMMTtmiTiiitr O r^ O o J, .ij5^fi^L-at£i.i ■wj^ * *; :ff^ ■'j-^ 1' . -ft^lt'' !:; ; t. >.';?";• -y* ; ".>. . -/p- .,i V^ _o O o cs^ o ^#©^ ,1 :> ^ EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Toronto h«t longiitice gained the enviable repuution of being the Ut^rafjr and educational centre of the Dominion. That this ia not an nnwairanted anumption may be inferred from the following partial list :— ^ University College. School of Practical Science.'^' Trinity University. *; Knox College. St. Micbael'i College. Toronto Baptist University. Wydiffe College. Uppes Canada College. ' Bishq> Strachan School. Toronto School of Art Normal and Model Schools. Collegiate Institute. And numerouf|K|bUf, and piivatttachools. -^ I .'^ . 1' * ,- "I. ' • f 1 . h I >■! ■ i •• ■ \^'V^ ^ . •'»*» — I^UAv ^i^ POSTAL GUIDE '1^- >'f , ;. fit FQ^JAGB RATBS-LBTTBRa L'sttert addresMd from or to pUcot In C«n«da and UBitta State*. 3 cents for eadi hAU oi. or fttclloo tlwrwjC IftwfouiidUiid tod Great Britain. >■■♦/■ jPOST CARDS, for Co0fonam^ brtween Caiitd* and Am United v^> ^.. Kingdom, may be obuined-nt th« stamp agencies at scent* each, as atoo^ eards for any postal union county. C«dt with » prepaid reply form. attached are also provided. t j N.B.— One cent posul cards, with an extra cent stamp atuched, can- not be used in place of two cents postal cards, but go to Dead Letter Office, nor can anything be pasted or attached to a postal 6Mxd, 5 City or Drop Lettert for City DdiwefT, ^ > I otnltoreac|Lhalfoi.*wl^^ ■*»■■■■ ■>4 itage will be sent to than one full rate) m^ : its the «|x»re fates must in every cas^ be p«^ When posted wholly unpaid they cannot be forwar th? Dead Letter Office. If insufficiently paid (not U ib)e tbe Amount of the deficient postage will be charged on delivery. ireOt a counter m the pott office for the sale of Stamps, Postal ^"* ip vnodors are only allowed tp liSsW «nd deliver Stamps at -ionttgn their license. A breach of this rule wiU entoU forfcituiJRtic^n^ Persons selUng without a license incur iil'risfof a heavy penalty.- rr "r'>':' ■'-'■ '\ \-"-''^,:''^-:^---, ■'' , Utteta intended to be Registered, wheii address^ to places in CANADA, must be prepaid by sttmp» in addition to ^^ VofH^jitfi, jt cents each. To tlie UNITED STATES* 5C«»t« ^^ and to the UNITED KINGDOIC 5 cents each. The Registration foe on all lettoa most be prepaid by Registiation Stamp* which ai^ nol available foe paymeot of ordinary potti«c.M letters fotReghtiatlob should be ^ 15 mlmite* before the bo«ir of ctoriBgaieiiiaap. * . .^ - ^a a NoLeit«r«ltlb« iMxcplodit this offiee for R^pitratioii addressed «ithertoa Ik^hiooa iiai» or to Inltiih, **d •»! »»<* J^«l»«»«*?* ^^^ teceivedftom other ottcts. Of deposltod in tte Letter Box for Registration, vmbeatnltodMDeadLetlcirOfllcei 1 ;< i^?' •■■■ •*t.:*-: .■ ' ■ ' ■■ ■ ■.;■ k ■..,■■ '• ' ' ;'■•■ - ■■■^'^ ■ • ' * ■. ■ ■ /■;*■'■■ *,■■•"■ ■ %f ' !>■ '...>'. . ■ • . ■ ■ .''...'-'■ -■■■ ■■ . • iMibnili«tf mgOKAf at inttrvtb of not iMore thm om' qilw>dir vmK^' addreticd to regular lutMcribtn, or nir t d oltt , rcaidcBt in litvAiiiH^ Ijuid, the Unittd Sute% or Canada, «Sc«pc at tbf piftot oT pntiUf^^i. aiv transmitted free ot pottage. ' • »J.l«^ TnunlMt Ncwtpupin aad Periodicate addi in Cmda, Ncwfoua4Und «ad U. 8. j.--*^' -■■.'..•■■'■ On aW na w i p n i itn and pertodkaJa other than thoie tmn the publiration, including all newapapera and periodicals published leitf' quently than once a month, the postage mte is one cent per four ommmt which must be prepeid bjr postage stamp. / Newspapers and periodicals weig^iaig '/iti than om mimt»t may potted singly, prepaid bjr poittgf Haoip t f k^ Mf fut^ff^ to places "thediy.* ^ ....... .„_;-^;,,„ ,_„^.,^,M:^.. Newspapers posted fo^ city deliveiy wu^ be prepaid by one cent stamp each. .'■-''■:'.•''':■•,_,•',;■ ■..i.^*brfr^ al at lU ur b a D be of tea ed era .# i Newspaoers addressed to pla^ in the United Kingdom musr be pre>. paid by postage wtamp 0/M cent per s ot., or ftaction of s ot*,, . . ■■. : _ v.: ;,•■■--.;:;;■•;- -PARCEL POST.:,- ;■ V : -■■■'■:"'"■': v \ There is no parcel post between Canada and the United Stateti - A parcel post, by^he Canadian steamers «nly, between Canada and the Unified Riqgjiom has been esublished. A farl^ must not exceed s lbs. weight, nori^ more than a ft. long by i A. iride or dieepk A custom* derlaration form mutt be obtained and ftlled up at the post-oflSce; looting contents and value.. Parcels posted without this formalin are subjected to a tax of double letter rate in England. The mte from Toronto to the United "Xingdom is 35 cents pet lb. or fnMctian of a lb. By inbind Canadianr Parcel Post the weight of parcels is fimited to 5 lbs., and the to fl ft. by i^ft. The rate is 6 pents pear 4 01.^ or. fipctioii of 4 os. MONEY ORDER OPFlCfi. ^. In sending money by mail it is always best to transmit by Xtoney Order if pptsiMe. If sent by letter it should always b6 registered . Ifoney^Orders issued aAd paid fkom 9 a;m. to 4 p.m. Commifsion on Money Ordtrt. < <0n lloiiey Orders drawn by any Money Order Oflke in Canada on any other Mi 40, aoc. —SI — S Q.. 1,., ) r ■-• - ( I J /; "■'^T^fe^F^'^f' p. f , - -7^-. [ 4?' ' No single Monty Order, payable in the Dominion of Canada, can be issued for more than $100] but as many $100 each may be given as the remitted requires. The other countries and British Colonies upon which Money Orders, are granted are distinguished by an Asferisk (♦) in the subjoined table ; the rates of commission in ill cases being as follows : Over $30 not exceeding $40, 40c " 40 " '• 50. 50c. .If not exceeding $iQi 10c, ^ Over $10 " - " ad, aoc. " ao " •♦ 3«. 30C' i BOOK PACKETS not exceeding $ lbs. in weight can be sent io the United Kingdom. The limit of weight for Book . Packets passing in Canada is 5 lbs. The rate is i cent for 4 oz., also to Manitoba, North-West Territory ahd , Victoria B.]C. : ^. "■ Liegal and Commercial Papers. ^ . i«gai and Commercial papers, posted for places in Canada, generally are subject to /tf//tfr rate unless sent by parcel post ; except deeds and insunmce policies, which are allowed to go by Book Post. Postage rates on Legal and Commercial Papers, addressed to Postal Union countries, are as follows : viz., to countries where the letterrate is 5 cents per i oz., the rate of legal and commercial papers is 5 cents for the first 10 oz., and one cent for each additional two oz. or fraction ; or to countries where the letter rate is 10 cents per f oz , the rate is 5 cents for the first 4 oz. and a cento for each additional a oz. or firaction. . / PATTERN AND SAMPLE POST. ' , ' ■■ . ■■'■'■ • / CANADA— Patterns and samples of merchandise, not exceeding 94 ounces in weight, when posted in Canada for places within Canada Or Newfoundland, must be prepaid by postage stamp at the rate of ^n* cent per 4 ounces weight, and put up in such manner as to admit of inspection. Goods sent in execution of an order, however small the quantity may be, or articles sent by one private individual to another, not being actually trade patterns or samples, are not admissible as such. ? UNITED STATEJS.— Patterns and. samples of merchandise, posted for plac^ in the United States, are subject to the special rate of 10 cents each, prepaid by postage stamp, and must not exceed 6^ ounces in weight ■' ,■ .:^.'i--;. - ■ ■■■• ':^ .■•■.->■■ j--..^' v. ■.. 'y'- '-.;•• ^-'.-rv ', *■■".,-■ O A^ # — aa — o C) »*■ OFFICERS OF CANADIAN MANUFAC. TURERS* ASSOCIATION , ' ,.,, FnsUtntt :■.- W. H. Storey, Acton. / m First Vice-President : Samuel May, Toronto. Second Vice- fresident: B. Rosamond. Almonte. Treasurer: Geo. Booth, Toronto. R. W. EtKott, Toronto. E. Gumey, Jr., Toronta James Watson, Hamilton. Wm. Bell, Guelph. ^^ Joseph Simpson, TorOiKto. A. Warnock, Gait ' -^: Millichamp, Toronto. '^ifank J. Phillips, TorontOK""^ John EllioTtt, Almonte./ Wm. Christie, Toronto. J. B. Armstrongs Guelph. C Raymond, Guelph. W, F. Cowan, Oshawa. , J. S. Larice, Oshawa. H. Heintzman, Toronto. B. Rosainond Almonte. Geo. Pattinsottj Preston. ; Daniel Lamt>, Toronto. Isuic Waterman, London. C. Shurley, Gait John Taylor, Toronto. . M. B. Penned Doon. Thomas Mctitonaid, Toronto. ' B. Greening, Hamilton. Geo. W. Sadler, Montreal George Long, Berlin^ ', . a R. WUkie, tTbronta P. Freyseng, Toronto. F. CromiMon, Toronto. r Carl Zeidler, 'tnto. H. Bickford, Dundas. T. a draig, M.P.P., Port Hope. Wm. Chaplin, St Catharine^. H. E. aark ,/ C. A. Birge, Dune All Manufactiirefs are invited to bednne members of this Association. Full pa r ticula r s w ill be fu r n i shed oh application to th e S e cret a ry . —2$— rfjsV'.^s^rir;. - I . ^ ^ f t t — us£ BROOKS SPOOL COTTON ■ :;i:- ^1 "if, - ■ ' SPECIALLY FINISHED FOR SEWING MACHINES WM. KNABE & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Upright & Square Pianos nIEW YORK— Not 112 Fifth Avbnuk. above SiKteeftth St. BALTIMORE <-Nos 92 and 34 E. Baltimore St., between Charles and St. Paul. WASHINGTON— No. 817 FtoiNSYLVAKiA Avenue. Theiie IiKtramenti, moK than Fifty Yean before the Public, have, by their excellence, attained an unpurchaaed pre-eminence, which rstablishet them the " UneqdallEP " in TONB, Touch, Wokkmanship anij Durability. A fine selected stock of Canadian Pianos and OrgROs always in stock. Ruse's Temple of Music - --- 68 King Street West JOHN MUSSEL • CARPENTER- JOBBINd OF ALL KiNDS PROMPTLY AtTENDEI) TO. OFFICE AND STORE FIXTURES A SPEGIAI/ry. ^ m il I I 1 1 T*2e Canadiali jVlanufectupep THi INDUSTRIAL JOURNAL - - OP THE DOMINION OF CANADA >• - V^ PaUUMd by tlw Canadian Manufacturer Pub. Co., 144», ^T«»ronto SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, fs A YBAR O0k»-4 WBLLINGTON ST. WEST. TORONTO —14— ■ ■■ A> € f € 4> (n ik' :,"",'„?' V' V*?.. A> € IS ll. ice, tD" ISt f © 4' iP (n $0 CAB TARIFF r •I' ,*" ^-' .1 'ff & Rates or Far« authorizbd bv jCitv Oroinamcb mtLAxivl to Public , Carriage, KTC, ETC Every Cabman, on each occasion when his cab Is hired, when demanded, shall hand his card to the person employing him. No fare is to be paid to any Cabman who refuses to hand his card to the person empioying him, or who demands a ^jnatat-taf^ than allowed by the following tariffl • , ■' 3* ^ ^ y THH GAB LIltlTS No. I Division will be composed of that portion of the city lying between Peter St. on the west, Sherbourne St. on the east, Carlton St on the north, and the bay on the south. No. a Division.— From Bathurst St. on the west, to Bloor St. on the north, and Sumach St on the east. No. 3 Division— ^ Any point not included within the limits of the first and second Divisions. TWa HORSE CABJT r- - The fare by the hour will be, for two-horse cabs, one or four persons, $t/ Over four persons, 25 cents for each adult per hour. From any one place in No. t Division to any other place in the same Division, — one person, 25 cents, and for each additional person, 25 cents. Fof conveying one person ifrom No. i Division to 'any place in No. 2 -Division, — 50 cents for one person, and 25 cents for each additional, person. ' F'or conveying one person from No. i Division to any place in No. 3 Division, 75 cents ; for each additional person, 25 cents. ■ ' >■ ■../■-;::-.;-. ONE HORSB CABS:. .- ■■..• r ■ V-"' - For conveying one perspn from any one place within the limits of Na I Division to any other place within the limits of the same Division, 20 cents I for each additioMil person, 20 cents. For conveying one/person from any place in No. i Division to any place in No. 2 Diviisoi)(, 30 cents ; for each additional person, 20 cents. . For conveying ot^ person -from Na i Division to any place in No 3 Division, 50 cents ; for each additional person 20 cents.^ ^■■.-■■M' ■:■:..:'- ■ CHILDREN ■' ;•'" "■;;/■•■■ No fare shall oe charged *or children under eight years in charge of an adult Childr^ over eight ywurs and under i« years chaiiged haljf price; over that age, full^ fare. ; -^^ - 7-- ; ■ :;■ :- NIGHT TARIFF '4 ■^t --?•■■; : From the /st May to the 31st October, inclusive, from 10 o'clock p.m. to midnight, the charge for cabs shall be one-half more than the above tariff, and afteir midnight to 6 o'clock a.m., double the ftbove tariff; and from the ist November to the 3otb April, inclusive, from 6 o'clock p.m. to mid- night, and after midnight to 6 o'clodc a.m., the sam^^udditional charges. \}\ ■.y:,.^^_.J.r-- ':'■:[ ■ ■iBAGCAGB'--'^.-: /■ ;^>;. .->;;-;,: . 6ne trunk and articles that may be placed inside tlie ^h are to be carried free. For every other article placed ■-:fe» . "Siv FLOUR "•1. T*' / ^ . niiifiBT mnmrntn cmmcu. rxju. . I^HE BQII^ER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE COMPANY CONSULTING ENC^NEERS and ^ SOLICITORS or 1E*ATENTS ' HBAD OPPICB, QMbM Brak CluuBiMn. TORONTO :■»■: a. 0. MMk Cmf r Emmii X FMm. lU^-lhttt. -. Kj':^.-H v>.-^,fc!^; «) #) > -I ?^' 0) ^.. I (S) //^ / f) I FOREIGN CONSULS United States.— V. W. Wagner,' Gonsul, io6 Bay Street W. Fratue.—^. J. Macdonnell, Consul, 34 Church Street E. Gert^ny.—^. Heimrod, ConsCil, 54 Adelaide Street W. y/a/j^.— Enrico Ben^plari, Consul, 50 Front Street E. Netherlands.--^. Horoer-Dikon, Consul ; A. Nordheimer, Acting Consul. Norway find Smd€nm,%' McMurray. Vice-Consul, 18 King Street W. JKiw«V/Vi«.— Geoige W. Shaw, Vice^onsul, 10 King Street E. ArgenHne ie*/»*/i^.— Nicol Kitigsmill, Consul, Wellington Street E. Fred- eric Nicholls, Vice-Consul, Permanent Exhibition, je] rs •■■^3^- , "^'M /^ ^\ ^i. -VI— \ *.■• MIGKLCTHVAITC'S p HereG ra p h - S a l l e ry V 40 JAIVI8 ST. TtMONTO, OPNSiu St. Uwienge Market CABINET RHOTdQRAPHS from S2,00 to S4.6b per Doz. SPacIALTIBS-Oot-Door views. Photo BngrftTinr. Photoffraphiiir M Zinc, Commcrckl PhOtoKrapby, Lilit-SiM Gdatlno-Broniide Bolargcineiit, Rhotosraphinf on Wood for Engniv«f«. „, _:i w. . OATS CITY FiltePGo. HARD BURNT BROWN STONI fATER NlTER^ '^i4T0S20 AGCORDIIIC TO SIZE These filters last a Ure-time.. No parts to fix or change. As. easily cleaned as an otdinary water iwil. No mOtal used. All eooiunon met^ (tenerate poison When in confi|Ct iHth: water. No chjitreoal, i^d or other composed tased. Q^eyall absorb, retain, and become. foul with living organisiqs. Charcoal^ cither animal or v^tahle, has ho chemical ^flbct on water. The heavy rains and meltii^ ot snow and ice render the filtering of the water you drink « necessity, at all timesi < t: f) f; P) f. MrtuKHKillEIITEXHIBmOII OFK4IMUFACTU/l£S»€3S9J^ontSt JT NICHOjLLS ft HOWUMD "j^^j _ ^^p^v^^^^ff^^r^Tf^^^^^p^^P^^ -i' k^jj ""irTitf^V o '.'V 9) P) THE feOARO OP' TRADE OF T>*>E CITY OF TORONTO LIST Ot^ OFFICERS FOR 1888. ractiDiNT: W. D. MATTHEWS, Jr. 1»T vioe-presidcnt: D. R.WILK1E. ilito VIOt-MlttlDtNT: J. 1. DAVIDSON •EORETARY: EI)GAR A. WILLS. IL timeasurer: IqEO. MACLEAN ROSE. ^ ^^ ■ oouNCit; ' " ;;- Hon. John Macponald. Hugh Blain. Wm. Christie. H. N. Baird. W. R. Brock. W. B. Hamilton. W. INCE. R. W. Elliott. Henry W, Darling. Robert Jaffray. EnAS Rogers. A. M, Smith. "■- E. GuRNEY. A. B. Lee. S. r. McKlNNON. BOARD OF ARRITRATIOM: W. D. Matihews, Jr. J- D. Laidlaw. Elias Rogers. B. .Cumberland. E Gurney. * J' H, G. HageRty. W. Galbraith. Thos. Flynn. -G. M. Rose. J- L. Spink. *. John Earls. R- S. Baird. ^ . ^ REPRESeNTATIVEa OH HARBOR oiOMMISaiOH : A. M. Smith. a A. Chapman. REPREdEHTATlVtB OH iHOUaXRIAL tXHIBlTlOH AB8OOIATIOII1 W. B. Hamilton. > J. D. Laidlaw. / H.W. Nelson. ^ OFFICE* OF THE board: LiMPKRiAL Bank Buildings, Wellington Street East. 'A' a' :* »^ 4' 'tit Pr09$iitM§mb9r»hip. 815, fiifra*c« f-, SfOO, \ / DIRECTORY OF EXHIBITORS .\ The morning ffmii Are represented In the Permanent Exhibition Their manufactures have a detenredly high reputation, and are commended to the notice of intending purchasers of way of the respective hnes in the following list. Prices, terms, discbunts, etc., may be obtained from the' several firms' direct, or from Messrs. Nicholls & Ilowland, Permanent Exhibition of Manufisctures.;, " " ^ r^>^ m- r & AlRMStllLdNb, ). A, & GO., Guelph, Omt., Okrpeti. ^ AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR CO., Ottawa, Out., Hanrahan'a Pitirit Aqtomatic Refrigerators. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ r.--^ BAINES, GEO. W., Molr^REA^ National Water Purifier. ;f^ ■ : BARNUM, THE, WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Windsor, Omt', Wire Goods of alt descriptions, Railing, Crestin|^ Fencing, etc., etc ' BARBER & ELLIS CO, THE, Toronto, Okt., Manufacturing and Wholesale Stationers, Account Bool^ OfficeSundries, etc BATTEN/JOHN, Pittsburo* Pa., Automatic ^iie Escape. -J J BEATTY, WM, «c SONS* Wellahd, On^I, Centrifugal Pumps and Cdntrad»rs' Machinery. . BERTRAM, JOHN & SONiDuNDAs,ONT., Iron and Wood Workit^ . lytocfhine^i^■■ '■ \'-\. ■'■''■:•■'■"■■.'■'• ■\. :'■"■-'.■■ . •..■.'■■■', :»■■•■■ ■"'■•■ BLAKE, GEO. F., MANUFACTURING CO.,, Bdotoh, Mass,, Steam Power Pumping Machinery. BOECkii, CHAS. & SONS» Toronto^ Ont., Brooms, Brushes, Wood- enware, etc, etc. ." BOSTWICK, GEO. F., Toronto, Ambeig's Cabinet Letter Filet BRUSH, GEORGE, Eagle Fovudry, Momtrkal, P. Q.. Bhdce Stone / Crusher. ,/ ^ « , CANADA SCREW CO., . Hamilton, Out., Wood Screws, Set Screws, Bolts, etc CANADIAN HARNESS CO., Toronto, Ont., Harness and Saddlery. CHING, J. LIONEL & CO., Syonev, N. S. W.; '*Dugong''Oa fmd Ointment, and " Dugong*^ I4ly Tusks and Hi<^ CLARE BROS, ti CO., Prrstok, Ont., Stoves Md Furnaces. COTE, LOUIS & BRa, St. HTAONraE, P. Q., Boots and Shoes. ^ . '>v. \) o ■/ ;/' / h 'wpnupppiiii'"",. ■.v-;, / ion ded the the^ lent in'» fixe md ind ing am mt r- ad ^ :.■ 9; ■; f,). -4 a- r. 7/ CORTLAMD DESK CO.. Co,,»*rts K. Y, " £«««., - *«« ""^ COWAN * CO.. G*W0«T, Wow«. o«t:. Wort.i^ , ' ' Machinery. * -^ _ fcROMrrON CORSET CO.; Toronto »md B»uh, 0«t.. Co,«u.^ UALLEV,F.F.«.CO.,HAmi.TpH.O«..E..r««.E«nc«,BUclc.n, and Grocers' Sundries. ^ DOMINION BARB WIRE CO.. Mo^ttrea^ Barb Wire. r DOMINION SHOW CASE CO., TokohkJ, Ont.. Show Caie.. DOMINION STARCH WdRKS^WALKEEVii^ComSlarchandUun- 4. -.,^4ry .Starch. ..:': ■-'■■■/: ""''"-■'■■■..,:. '^ ^ DofeALD PRODUCE Ca. Norwich, Ont., Evaporated Frutt.. DOTY ENGINE CO., Torohto, Ont.. Engines Boilers, etc. • D6VERC0URT TWINE MILLS. Torohto, Twine, and Cordage. DUPEROW BROS. & CO., Toronto, 0»«t., Varnishes, J.pws, etc ELLIOT & CO., TbROKto, OKI- , Manufacturing «»dWhple.aleCh«««U y and Druggists. ^ ELLIS *n&lIGHLEY, Toronto, Coffee vA Spices ELLIS,' PW & CO., ToRONTO,'Manufiicturing Jewellers. EUREKA CHAIR CO.. WORCR^R, MASS., Physician's Operating Chair. FENWICK & SCLATfiR, MoNtrral, Que., File, and Mill SuppUef.. FINCH, W. S., Toronto, Wood Filler and Preserver. ♦ \ GARDNER, W. R., Montkral, Hammer, of every de«:r,pt»on. •gate CITY ^ONE HLTER CO, New York, U. S., Water Filter.. GiLLEtT, i. W.. TORONTO H^ Chicaoqi^ Yeast and Baking Powder. GILUES. JOHN & CO., CARLTTON PLACE, ONT., Coal Oil Engine.. GLOBE TOBACCO CO., WiHPsp^ Ont., an,> Detroit, Mich., CKX)dSIu^O., DANvi^ ^^^ ^"• GRAND & TOY, Toronto. Ont , Tucker Automatic Utter and Efocu. ment Fttes. - ^ . . « * r GRAND RIVER KNITTING MILtS CO.. Pa«.. 0«.. Smn- Rug. and Knit Good* ' : S U GAR REFINING CO., Walee r villb, Ont., Syrup< and / GRAPE Glucose. —31— • 4 -V t- GRAY, WM. at SONS,CliATilAWoib., C«riig««ii4S1ei^^ . ' " GURNEY, THE E. & C, CO., ttTD.,) HAuv.rep and Totoirro, Gravity Springleu Locks and Routing Door Knob Fui»itur«. GURNEY & WARE SCALE CO., Hamiltom, Oht., PUtfonn and ^Countet Scales. HAMILTON INDUSTRIAL WORKS CO., HAMiLTOi»:dj|T;, Wringers Mangles, etc ' ■■ ^•'i^:..- k-' HAMILTON WHIP CO., Hamilton, Whips of all kinds.^\ HART EMERY WHEEL CO., Hamilton, Ont., Emery Whe«!ls and < Emery Wheel Machinery. . J , . ' HAY, PETER, Galx; Ont., Machine Knivea.;^^-™^^— ^ "^ HEARLE, J. G. Montreal, Qui., Tpilet S^ and Perfumery, HERMAN, J. W., Toronto, Boiler Wjter PiTiifier/ HOWLAND, H. S., SONS & CO., Toronto, Ont., Hardware Specialties* HOWLAND, H. S., Kleinburg, Ont., Flour V.^^ ^ HEMMING B^OS., Toronto^ Out., Fancy Plush Goods and JeweUers' ■ Cases... ."■ ■•^■■■■. ■■■ HUDSON BROS., (Ltd.,) Sydnry. N.S. W., AibttaUao Timbw »nd Cabinet yiToods. IVES, H. R. & CO., MoNTRBA^ P. Q., Fencing; Cresting, Stoves and Hardware Novelties. JARDINE, A. & CO., Toronto, Coffee, Spices, and Pure Gold Baking Powder,- JENKINS & CO./T0RONTO, Bedding and Trunks. KEER, MAJ.^EN., Toronto, Himalayan Teas. KERR BROS., Walkbrvillk, Ont., Water, Steam and Gas VaTv^s of Improved Pattern. KING, R; W. & Co., Georgbtown, QNt., Power Knitting Machinery. LESLIE, JAMES, Montreal, Que., Woplte^ and Cotton MiU Supplies. McCASKILL, D. a. & CO.. MoNTRBA^ Que., Varnishes and Japans. MCLAREN. THE J. C, BELTING CO., Montreal, MiU Supplifes. MERIDEN BRITANNIA cd. Hamilton. Silver-Plated Ware. MILLER BROS. & MITCHELL, Montreal, Qui^, Beaudry's Steam •»-■ CD CI Po»ifrHamm«. MONTGOMERY, L. B., Toronto^ MiH Supplies, Asbestos, etc ^> > ^w- V ■r./ » fDi CD CI MORRIS, A. W. &, BRO., Mol^mEA^ Qua, Contoge «i»d Bind«f Twto«. MORRISON, JAMES, Toiomto, Stwun Fitten' and Plumbcw' Supplier NORTH, WM. & SONS, Leem, Emolamd, TeMeli. NORTHEY & CO., Torowto, Ont., St«un Pumping Machinery. NORTHUMBERLAND PAPER CO., CAMPBEixfomD, Oirr., Stmw Board and Tarred Paper. ONTARIO BOLT CO., ToaowTO, Ont., Bolts, NuU, Spiket, etc. pSHAWA STOVE CO., Oshawa, Ont., Cooking and Heating Storm PERRIAH, N., Parkdale, Eiat Indian Specialtiet. PILLOW, HERSEY & CO., Montreal, Que., (Geo. A. MacAgy, Western repre«entatifc)» Naila , Tack a, ^Iti, etc ■•■'.' POLIWKA, EMIL, Montreal, Sapollo and Bronir-foMll PUGH, FRANK, Toronto, Brass Goods. RAMSAY & SON, MoNTREA^ Que., Plate and Stained Glaas, Paints, Oils, etc. . ROBIN & SADLER. Montreal, Que., and Torom^ Out., Leathtr B«lting and Lace Leather. SHURLEY & DIETRICH, Galt, Ont., Every Description of Saws. SIMPSON & CO., Berlin, Ont., Furniture. . ^ SLIGHT, H , Toronto, Flowering Plants, Shrubs, etc. SMITH, R. H. & CO., St. Catharines, Ont., every descriptiorf of Sawa. STAHLSCHMIDT & CO., Preston, Ont., Office Desks, Chairs, School Furniture, etc. ST. THOMAS FEATHRRBONE CO., St. Thomas, Okt., Featherbone Corsets, Whips, 0tc STRICKLAND, GEO. A.j LAKEriELD, OnT., Patent Cutter. TAYLOR, J. & J., Toronto, Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. TEES & CO., MoNTREA^ Office Desks, Revolving Book Cases, etc • ^ TELLIER, roth WEU- & CO., Montreal, Stove Polish, Washing Blue? etc:--- .■" i- '■ A-...?.^ , TORONTO LEAD & COLOR CO., Toronto; Prepared Painta, Whit* Lead, etc TORONTO NOVELTY MFGi CO., TomoHTO, Ironing Boar^ TORONTO RUBBER CO., 'Toronto, Belting, Fire Hose, etc UNION PUBLISHING CO., INGERSOL^ Ont., County DiiecuiiieB. WATTS, A. & CO., BRAHTroRD, Ont., Household Soaps. ^ "iB ,t sa - >i a* A'. /^. mmit.. Jl2e Permanent Bxliibitibn o ^anufaetures AND Commercial Bxeljange ■i ♦ .w. '^- ■%' v^ Every effort will be made to furnish attractions, which will ensure the enteruinment and interest of the public —34— . ITS OBJECT - JTS FACILITIES - ITS ADVANTAGES y 'B^rt proceeding fitfther we invite your attenti' "■ -w*' ' PLAN OF MAIN FLOOR PERMANENT EXHIBITION BUILDING l<( , — I O S' :• ' ' ! V PLAN OF GALLERY FLOOR PERMANENT EXHIBITION BUILDING .<0 o O ,vl,''^- -37- f ^ "« go • L>^ MKMRS. NICHOLLS tH HOWLAMD, ^^ Toronta Gkntlkmbm : IN reply to your request a« to what I Aink of the advantages of a Permanent ExhibiUon. I have plea- sure in stating that I think it wiU supply a great Med in the aty, and Witt resuh in nuOdng it more a centre of trad^ than it is to^y. We want Toronto to be a place where, so to as it is possible, every- body win be induced to come, be^ cause of a reasonable ctttainty or finding everything he may want that is worth having. Wishing you every success,. . ■y--,ir''' Sincerely yours, X Mayor of toe City of Toronto. : Federal Bank; Toronta Messrs. NiCHOLLS & Howland, ^ Toronta Dear Silts : I AM much pleased to learn that 1 you vit erecting a suiuble build- ing in Toronto, widi machinery at- tachment, for the permanent exhi- bition of Canadian mam^foctures. ^ I think Canadian iiwbtjies of nearly aU kittdi are passing from the iaaplent «Bd uncertain stage to dur- abte aiid#yftfiible vowtb, and a wen maiiaged '^ sales ana ^isplAy" centre, tuch as yoii cont^nplnte, would be a ooosi^tendi^ aild an intere^ing fiKtor in oeatiiig bosinMS. I trnmnfifmrn* t^ y<»» wogd exdttde ai&les of uno^ti^ wtUit^ and the rooms wouki be fitted with inch new and staplb goods, as would make tbem a centre of attraction to buyers and others- interested in the sQOcess of t^anadian iqumufactures. ^ ^ — - — Yours tnily, Messrs. Nicholls & Howlaho, Toronto. Dear Sirs: I HAVE much pleasure in con-- gmtulating you upon the enernr and enterprise exhibited in the «tab- . lishmentofa Permanent Exhibition ofManulactuie$. The venture is one deserving of every encouragement, and wUl, I have no doubt, prove of thegitatestservice to the manufactur- ing interests of the Dominion. I would be glad to see the best of feeUng exist between yourselves and the iSustrial Exhibition Association r there should be no rivalry except such as conduces to th^advancement of both, and your mutual welfare. Wishing you every success,- J Yours truly, ; " • D. R. WiLKoi, Casliier, Imperial Bank, Toronto. Messrs. Nicholls & HowLAWD, • To'^o****** ■ ' " . ■ ■ ■ i'^'' ■ ■ : Cemtlbmbn :- ; "^ . J; WE are in receipt S yours of the 12th inst, which, owing to a pressure of business, ha$ not been answered sooner. We consMetlpur Permanent Exhir bitinn of lifaaufiHCtures witt be of grwt betfefit to many peopl«v ««»» JJ 2™?^ ,^„neraifare toydtirfeWe*. Thwe is, no doubt, a fine op«iiiig for an Bdu- bition of ttat description m the nty, and, ihould you,secui!C the necessary Wry gieat 'kI^*^* '«'*»? *^i|S!S! and iepttbUc in general Wishmg you success. 0.. W. Yarkou Yours truly, H. A. Massev, 1 Manufacturing Co- 0) 0) Toronto. '-3«-. .i3: o MntlRS. NiCHOLLS & HOWLAMD, Toronto. Dear Sirs : 1T«INK the PermanenrExhibition will result in extending the busi- ness connections of thoce who may secure space in the building. It should be a benefit to the city, because of its centraliang influence ; to the exhibitor, because of th(%oppoF tunity it affords him of placing hi goods before the general public ; an to the general public because of the facilities offered for ii»pe<:tinga varifed range of mahufiM:tures under oiSt and the same roof. Your? truly, (Alderman) E. Gallb^ Vtcc-Pr^dent,J(And Secur u/cannotliHlltbbea giwt btf<9t (espteially to those in outside loca^ , itioi) to have aocentral and accessible a wt as the one you have secured, where actual' goods may be seen, and II information given. Yours truly, > R. W. Elliott. Ex'PresidenttCanadianManufiurturera^ ' Ass'n. ,'^<. MBSSK3. NiCHOLLS & HowLAMD, /Toronto. Gentlbmen : 4;pEFERRINGto youj IV establishing a Pei bition and Sales>rooi factures, would v^y entire approval. project for nent Exhi- for Manu- t it has my (D / Messrs. Nicholls & Howlamd, Toronto. Dear Sirs t IN>reply to yours of nth inst., I dHnk the idea of a Permanent Exhibition of ManuftcturesinTorteto a good one, both for the city and for the manufacturers and merchants. ^ Profits are so small now-a-days that anything which tends to lessen the cost of handling goods must be a benefit to all concerned.. Yours truly, ^. Wm. GRINDLAy, Manag^, Bank of British North America, Toronta n f .-V !' _1 K —39*- ii'i£^S^^^^'3^4ii*V' s^t Jis f ■*■=-*«» 11'**,*- ^a t.-'f' OFFICERS OF INDUSTRIALetS^H^ ASSOCIATION, xW PAtROfM IIIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORGENERA^^^^^ HON. JOHN CARLING, MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE - OFFICERS FOR 1887 ! ' . . JOHN J. WITHROW, Esq. Pa«siD»NT ^^fj yf Y. MdH ASTER FlMTVicE.P»E?iD«NT - " ■• WILLIAM RENNIE, EsQ. StooND Vice-Presidbnt - . - • ANDREW SMITH, E«Q.. VtttHNAW SOROEOM ' ' . * * ^ j^ES McGEE, ESQ. . Trbasurer . G. W. *McWILLIAMS, E>Q. Solicitor m. H L HILL. Toronto MANAGER AND S«:retarv ' ' ' * . Si! A. E. MACKAY ASSISTANT SECRRTARY ^^ MARK HALLv Toronto t Architect. - •, • * * Mr. J. L. SKIRROW, Toronto " General Soperimtendemt mr. WM ANDERSON AUDITOR. ' ^' ■ - ■ • • 1 MR. W. F. DAVISON BOARD OF DIRECTORS ^ ' M. ^.r^ T mlie Ir. Mr. OtO. BOOTH'. MR. J. J. WiJfl»ow MR. G«o. LMLm. JR. . u w. F. jrfcMAsrRR . !;Slvr" ^} 'MR.liw.:ELL«.rT « A. SMITH tS crL. * " N. CLOVE >" ^. Christie ^ ^' Cw>s* , , _ . . W. S. LE» ^t n r' RinAllT' , « J. ». PeARCE •• J^. CeOCKW •* D. C. RIDOOT . ^ W HONORARY DlREOTiMtS , -. «i^;'mo n Clark* Wallace, Esq., M.P» jPPBCIAL t50MMITTEE8 G««^DS.iAW.W:E. B«ton(Ch«itaa.), Ald.Jonp..A^ CoLGr*^ Ald..Wu*«tt.«.MlMr.J.O«*eir;^ . _ ^ iciudrt«).His Wit- RECmiON AND T»AH»WRTA«OrL^M««; ?:^^J^iia*SrH^^ Aid. 0*^X5, ,. J. «««.*«. A RMIuidl, AM. B«-'.-C-S---«-.. ,f , :* ■ ... • .- , (''■> ,1. ,, TORONTO FIRE ALARM SIGNAL BOXES Q- R ' > nto oto 4 Cat. Front wnd Chikicli A '* Frunt and YmiKe , t " Bay and ISspUuwde 7 «♦ ■ Front and York 8 Pwrliament Baildinp 9 Cor. Simooe tod EtpLutade 10 •* King and Bay King and York King *nd John King and Hrock King and Batlntnt Front and Bathunt Front and Brock Front and tobn Kiiig luul Yonge -X , King and Ctourch \ ^^^S^i^'fltA Market an •• Ftont and Frederick . in Chrirtie; IhowniCo's Factory 98 Cor. King and Sherbpuma I 19 IS U M 1« 17 IS !• 9S 9S 9B u «< •* •4 4* TT BAD. 9» 31 *» S6 S7 SS 41 u •< stary. igtaan„ Wov !, Aid. J. H. D..C. & -,:■■-,-> - — ^ • i^ K?ng and Berkdejr Yonge and Adelaide Yonge and Queen YongC nnd Snuter >;>.(., Boaa and Wilton Ave. Yonge and Got^d ^ Yonge and McGill Yonge and Wood QaeenandEliMibeth Queeb and Simooe Qoeen and Beverley Queen and Brock . Queen and Portland Qneen and Bathunt ~ leen «M Qaremont and Church „„. and Jarvis vdcen and Sherbonrne jarvteand Wilton Ave. Gcrrard and Church <;«naidaidSberbonme Jarvia and Carlton JatviiandWenealey Bherboufne and Well«jl«y Sherbownamd laabeUa Ctiarlea and Jarvia Charlea and Church , Biiy lund Ridwiand lAoiiML and TeranlaT Agnes and Eiitabeth -„ ** . Teranlay and Hayter 75 Hoapital tat Sidt Chiklren ■78 Gor.XhrlrtopKetMid Chestnut. ss 88 84 4i 4S 4a 47 48 41 03 AS M " M S! «1 «S 88 U 6S «7 71 72 73 W « »• •• i« n «1 Siowoe and Cacr Howell B««l«yf*dD'A«f Brvci^ tod College v niurtwrd and Huron - : moor and Wkldyr R<>»d_\^ « ^ Grosvcaaor and St. Vincent •< *« Cor. St Albans and St. Vincent 98 •' Yonge and Wcllesley 94 ** Csar and North 95 •* Yonge and Isabel!* '^ 123 •• Vonge and Moor 124 Yonge, opp- St. Pwi'» H^» 125 Btoor.opiKSt. P««»'«Chu'« 19d Cor. Cumberland and Belate lOr " Scollard and liaietton Ave. Avenue Road and bloor Avenue Road and ^(gn Ave. Davenport Road and Belmont Yonge and Belmont Yonge and Cottingham Roaedal'e and WoodUnd Ave. St. Pntrick and S|iadina College and Spadina Brunswick and Harbocd Bathurst and Collrge CoUqse jMjKflintyn 1S8 18S 184 185 1S6 1S7 148 148 145 146 147 158 158 154 156 157 ; 102 168 164 165 167 172 4« « l< , «l • 4 44 M 44 44 44' 44 41 44^ 4f ll. uad H'igli HadlMhurst i^«BdCamb« 44 44 44 44 Deote»aA»^«ad Cambridge B0aitlkH.m Arthur D5*anddssingt€»Av«. Qneen and Dundas $McntodI|s0t Pulfcrin and Florence Dundas and Bioek Ave. Dovercourt ft S». Ann s Road ,1. King iad Staiwd 178 Central. Prison ^ _ 174 BrM«e M aMfecturing Co. 175 Mercer Asjtam 176 EahiWltap-BuildmBS - 2l3Cor.B5ftl««d}ipUMjJe 213 Gooderhamft Worts>»t»»««7 214 Cor. FroiitandTrimty 215 " Front and Beachull 216" •• King and Sumsfih 217 " Queen and River 231 House of Providence 234 Cor. Parliament and Q«»e« • «K •• Sydenham Mid Ontario ^alooanjfwatonAve. Paflkunent and Oak ParliaB»ent and Carlton , . ParliM»en» tod A»f »• . ««o - Winchester and Sackyilk 246 Lamb's Factory and Amelia 247 Coc. Gerraid ««d »»*».„. 261 " GerfWd aild Sa«kville 258 ". Sumach tod Waton Ave S " QdeenandG.T,R.Cro«lng 261 Gooderham's Cattle Sheds _^ 263 Cor. Broadview Ave. and Gerrara in •• De Gfasd »nd Grover 265 " Queen and we Av«, . 971 '** Queen to d LesHr . : — Ji£ 235 237 " 241 " 243 " 445 -41— 4 fj^i^y4*-'»-^-!*»HM- '*^*''- 'if^^^Ty^^' rMf. I '^. TRAVELLER'S GUIDE ■A A- POPULATION, DISTAMCP AND FARE '^'t ^ PROM TORONTO TO • 4 • • • •.« Anpriolr. .. Aurora . .'. . Barrie....'. Beaverton,. Belle«iUe.. Berlin. BowtnanviOe . . . Bradford.. ..... . Brampton. . . . . . BrantK>rd..r..'< BroekviUe .... ChatKam ...iv Clinton .,..>> t Cobonrg . . . . . . Collii^ood . . Cornmdl ..... Ciiora ......... Exeter ..... .^ .y. Fergus .... Gait ..... ... Gananoque. ... , Georgetown... * Goderich . . . . . GravenbuTst . . . Guelph . .;. . . . ■ Hamilton..''... Harristdn.. .. Halifax . . < . . ^ Ingersoll. .. Kincardine. .'. Kingston .... Lindsay . ..i. lastowel ....,' LondiHi.,. . . . . . Meaford ....'. Mitchell ... Montreal . . . . Mount Forest Napaneev.. > . • Newmarket .-. •' Orangeville,.. Orillia ^hawa ... . Ottawi(\ . . Owen 'Sound Paisley ..... Paris... ... . * Pembroke... Perth Pop. Mile*. 8000 8000 5000 1000 10076 fiOOO 3650 1500 3500 laooo lOOOO 8500 S900 6000 S900 7000 1800 193T 1900 6006 3000 1700 4072 2100 llOOO 41280 2000- 36054 4500 8000 17000 5540 3000 28000 2300 2500 160000 2500 4000 2400 3500 4000 4180 277 80. 64 78 113 43 41 '21 70 208 176 118 69 m Pe t wbo r o..... ...I WKK) 1 4R S500 1100 8400 4000 4000 08 146 101 76 178 29 138 113 48 40 ^ 1191 107 180 161 .76 116 116 116 96 333 Ito 34 49 87 34 281 Fare. • e. 9 26 90 1 95 2 16 8 76 195 1 46 1 25 65 1^95 6 95 6 30 3 70 2 35 285 8 85 1 90 3 96 1 90 1 76 6 20 90 4 05 3 60 1 50 120 285 26 00 2 90 465 5 40 205 295 340 3 50 3 10 11 10 Petrolea Port Hope.....'. Preseott ........ Quebec ....... St. Catharine^. . St. John, N.B.. St. Marys St. Thomas ... . Samia Seafort ....... Stmcoe . ........ Stratford....... Strathroy ...... Thorold ...... Trenton .. . Uxbridge ...... Walkerton .. ... . Welland ....... Whitby . . . V . . . Windsor Woodstock... Winnipeg .-. .• Albany .... Baltimore . Boston ... Brooklyn . Bufhlo ... Chicago .. Cincinnati Cleveland. Denver . . Detroit . . . 160 248 4 1 00 1,50 260 1 16 7 95 865 3 96 3 00 10 86 606 Jersey City... . Kiansas City... Louisville. ...i Milwaukee^. . . . Minneapolis... New Orleans. . Newark ..... New York . . . Philadelphia . nPitUburg .... Providence... Rochester...^ San Frandaco St. Lpnis . . . . St. Pant 629 107 618 496 '290 1644 8 40 I Washington. 90.768 332,813 — 362,839 610 666,663 fi'to 165.134 503.186 255,<89 160,146 35,629 116,340 120,722 66.785 128,768 U6,6S7 46,^7 216,080 .136.608 1,806,290 847.170 166,380 104,867 89^366 283,960 360,618 41,473 1147.203 623 504 -9S8. 1424 621 688 612. 280 600 150 3310 008 918 555 8 76 12 60 13 26 11 86 '3 16 14 OO 14 60 8 16 46 00 6 76 11 86 26 50> 17 50 16 66 25 60 81WL, 11 S& n 8fr 11 86 9 16> .13 86 4 16 76 66 80 76 26 60 13 80 ' ® © o € O fi Tcftw^to. .130^000 —42— «'*^"l i.i ''"'n^^S © €) © O 'i HOTEL GUIDE FOR DpMINIONOFXANA^ nV/&C'^VW« _ _____ U^,^, a.- BUI, ETC. PLACE. Banie .......... • v^llevflle, Ont.... /B«l>etrilk.Ont.. . ' Berlin ....'<^^^^^ BowmMtviliqfpnt. Bnunpton . , J • » • • • Braqtwfd ....'• f .Brulferd •.•.•«•' Qneen't Hotel (new) D«foeHo(iM... gueen> Hotel. .. ,.. ommefcial Hotel . . Alma Hotel Queen'i Hotel. . Kerby Hoyse...'*'*' AmericAn Hotel . . . . PROPKIKTOE. Brighton ..•"•' "^ Brighton, Ont . . . BrockviUe. Brockville, Ont.. Caledonia. Ont. . . Centreville, Ont.. Chatham, Ont. . . . Clinton, Ont. .... Coboiarg • CobourgtOnt — Coboufg, Ont.... Collingwood..... Collingwood Colbome, Ont.. Dunnville, Ont. i ' Dannyille, Ont. Dufham, Ont.v. ... Eloia, Ont. ». .^. . ■ Farmersvitle, Cpt.. Faroham .../•/.• • .^ Gait, Ont../...... Qalt. .J . .. .-..••• Gananoque. — •• Halifax, N.S...... Halifax, N.S...... Harriston, Ont . . . Harriston, Ont.... Hespeler..^^-^*^.. Kingstoh.(. s .... • Kingston ■•• Kingston, Ont.. . . . ' Lennoxville,P.Q.. London . ........ ' {x>ndon. ....-.,.. Lucknow, Ont, . . Marienlle. P.Q.. Meaford.. ...'.... N.B... Moncton, Montreal .. . . Montreal.... Montreal.... Montreal. . . . Montreal, P. Montreal, P. Snider Home Clarke Hoiue ••••••,• Grand Central Hotel. St. Lawrence Hall . . . Union Hotel Centreville Houte Gamer House Commercial Hotel . . , The Arlington • Horton Honse Dnnham Hotel Central Hotel Globe Hotel Globe Hotel Mansion House Jloyal Hotel Middaugh House . . . Commercial Hotel . . Gamble House American HoBse... Imperial Hotel Queen's Hotel..... International Hotel Halifax Hotel Queen's Hotel Collison House.... Bingham'sRoyal Hotel Commercial Hotel , . British American ... Windsor Hotel City Hotel.,:. College House GriyS House.. .>. ... Tecumseli House . . . Whitely House., r.^ Marieville Hotel Paul'? Hotel The Brunswick.... . Richelieu kotel Windsor. ; j,^. ••• St. Lawrence Hall. Albion Hotel. Low's Hotel - Kingftton House A. W. Brown Huflhian & Balkwell Sibbilt & Co J. S. Weaver W. B. McGaw M. Deady..^ r. C. Palmer 7 A. T. Cutler, Prop.. \J. Cutler, Man Peter Snider R. G. Clarke R. Williams... ...... Amos Robinson . ." E. T. Hind Thoa. Lavaque S. Perrin Jaf . Moore yi. B. Chamblis S. E. McCartney.... M. B. Williams Thos. Collins .' R. Rowland I. Hicks ". .«• Mrs Pigeon Jas. Moss H. J. Middaugh .... T. Biggar Rt H. Gamble Louis Labonte ..... A. F. Cutler... «..". C. Lowell D. Brophy H. Hessldtt & Co. . M. J. Sheraton ohnColUsO^.,. R. Biiuh«n 0. T. Baker Arch. McFaul Martin O'Brien .... Jas. Jackson . . A. Colby & Son . . Sam'l Grigg McGaw k Winnett R. J. Whitely G. Poulin Mrs. Pacel ••••• (G.McSweeney*Co. \ Geo. D. Fuch8,Man. 1. B. Purocher . ■ . ^ • |1 00 Free. 136 to ISO 1 00 Sanpi* r' 00> 00 00 00 1 00 iSanpl* room 1 60 1 00 Free. Unicn. Free. 16 Cents. • -v.;; I • ««•••« 60 60 00 60 -60 00 Free. Free. to 160 to 1 60 1 00! Free. . UmoD. Free. Free. 160tp200 tel J Free. Union. Union. 200 10 300 1 00 1 OO 1 60 to>60 [2 OO to 300 lOOtolSO; '"J Ftce. Fw*' Union. Union. 00 00 60 Free. Free. 1 60 ta2 00 Free Montr«U, P.Q. ■ . ■ . Montreal, P.Q- • • • • MontreatrPrQ...v Montreal • • ■ Montxeal.. y|. S t . Charl es Morrisbarg, Qnt. . . Mount Forest . . .% . Niagara..... Hewcaatle,Ont.... IWaverley House. Sydenham Hotel . . . Roya Orffee House. Toronto Hptel . . . . • Sportsnwn's Retreat. We s tern Hou s e . 160to260 3 to 3 50 (a), (1) 1 80 1 00 25 Cents. H. Hogan Steams & M«nay . . N. Chafiee T.H.WwWell ..KAi^aOO t>.,A. Melvin. 160to2OT iLDesiordyACo...^........ O'Reilly. I » W* M. Mrs. Bpyd R. Brown I • • • • • * • 1 00 6 (kk. 1 00 t 00 Wm. J. Carney F>CMLpgi*n J. J. McGannon & Bro. W. Roberts McGaw (^Winnett.. R. BenneCt ft Son St. Lawrence. Hall. Queen's Hotel Qaeett's Royal... . Windsor Hotel .... -43- The QUEEN'S Hotel TORONTO I , Strictly First-Class in all its Appointments 7 /• GdebnUed for its home .iomforts, perfect quiet, excdlcnt a"'"*^ 4il4^peculiar excellence of its cuisine. It has been I^t~n«f^^by their R?y«lif^ses Prince lipoid andj^^^ Princess lf«jJ|»j!**J?»£^^^ liorne. Lord and Lady Diifferin, the Marquis and Marchioness of Lims- &% aSd the best (L^. Is most delightfully -^^J^" ^1^*^^^ on Front Street, and isj6neofihe largest and most comfortable hotels m (he Dominion of < McGAW & WI N NETT, Proprietors OPPOSITE /Permanent KXHlBiTioN of MAHOPAcrORES N / In cbnnectiohNvitK our Permanent Exhibft^^^ we hai4 a Special Department for the Sale and Display of Paitented inventions. A NIGHOLLS &H0WLAND PERMAHeirr EXHIBITION OF fAA^lUFACTURES ^^ 65> 67. 69 Front Street AVert i •; !t^ • . : , CoRMpoodBiice Iwrited. W: ■-^■; ' y- -'-. ^ p?r^ /> . ; , ... , . 1 *• ;■■■'. ■" .« ■*'•■■ ;;•;,; " . *■.. r-v.-^ ^) 0) € y^cpTf^-".^**!;! ,^Jl_«liitf^i»/K. M ••) D 0) s h*' HOTEL GUIDE-CotttlBUtd rLACB. ■""p FKOfRlktOB. jiUMpW«UT ■U*,BTC. i-JlJii llM oSSiiroSi W«*wr Ho-i.. Ott.w. ......... -R^^y^ Qtuwa •...••'. Ottawa i Ottawla >• Ottawa .,.....« Oahawa» Ont. . . Owen Simnd ... Owen So^nd . . ' Perth . .' Pt. Levi, P. Q. Port Hope ^ . . • Pembroke. .... Pieicott, Ont.. Pickcott, Oat.. Prescott, Ont. . lebec ' • ' • • • . lebec . . • «. .. let^ec 4«..."..». lebeCt P.Q lebec, P.Q ■ Kiviere du Loup . . SMkviUe. N.B. .. Scafonh ..... • • • Sherbrooke, P.Q.. • Simeoe^ Ont.' Sotel, P-a-.-.-^- St. Catharinci, Ont. St. Catharines, Ont. St. Hwinthe, P.Q St. Tohn't, P.Q. . V St. john«N.B..... do. Dominiwii HnU ■ WellingtM Hotel. . Argyle Hotel....- OcSdeatid Hotel . Centrftl Hotel . • Coatooo Hottif. . . Queen'i Hotel v I Allan Houke ...,v • Montrekl Hotel. t^^A. • • [Queen't Hotel.... \.- Copeland Home. . . • • PaoieU' Hqtel |Br*4lcf HoiiM..... iKyaiirHoaM St. LouU Hotel .... JMounilain Hill Houie H»nchey*t Hotel . . . Blanchard'i Hotel . . Albion Hotel . . Larochelle Hotel T. EoiMeyft Sooi....|8»vW r'm», Geo. DeLack...i.^. 1 W 5S .s. dmOcu *....- aw . 1. A. Gouin ....... /'«fl0to8 (jin>on. . . >Coin.$l AlckAnder . , Ig«o. Sinnu ..JMaitin McDonald.... Geo. Acre*. .......»•• M. Bea«i«».......' jaa. Cochrane . • , H. Crori«r .... ..... IWm. MatlhetUrt ..... L C. Grant... ...... |G. McKibbin....*.' A. Adanii. Ihoa. A. Mulligan .. L. H. Danicia ...... Mra. J. Unutlcy A. Ryan Willii RiiNell. Pres- E. Dion ft Co. . • . . • Henchey R.K.atiu ...*•• F'l-dasB. UniaO. P ,, Capt. N. Pdletier. L. M. Blouin.. 'Edmond Talbot . B^iwwick Houie..:'.lG.B.E.tabrookk&9ona Commercial Hotel '. . boh« JwyP^"* • Sherbrooke Houw . . . [Cote & Meaghe . Batteraby House. .... Uo»»»S;*^ • " * ' ' The Brunswick \^ f^^T^vi^' Welland House . . . tC*'"" * J^»"8 Iniemational Hotel . I?- W.J^y«if ' ' Hot4i YanMska. . . iSt. John's Hotel.... Hotel Duffefin..... Royal Hotel ..a...j,. • IBangor House. . .< lottawa Hotel ..... Brunswi<:h Hotel . . ^een's Hotel..... Central Hottl . . . . • Park Hotd ...... . CliftMi House . . . . . iHutchinson House. (1) 2 00 1 60 1 to 1 60 I»0to2fi0 lto2 80 •••••••• , 1 50 180 to 2 80 •»••••• Free. 1, 1 60 & 2 l-iee. SI. 1 nomas, wut. . . *.»«-.».--■- -—-ri Stiatfotd. ...... . . .ICommeraal Hotel Toronto. , . Toronto . • . . ^ . . < Toronto. ...... Toronto. ...... Toronto....... Toronto. . Viaoria, B.C.. Vjctoria, B.C,... • VlctMia, B.C M. VktMia, B.C.:T^. VktorM^ B.C...... Victoriat B.C ..... Waterftiid, Ofit...« Waterloo, Ont. . . WtirkiftOiit . iQucen s ^ - .JKoasin House...... Walker House ..... WindsOT Hotel ..... RtfvercHopse...... Shakespear Hotel . . Clarence Hotel,... Ocddoaul Hbtel . . . Driiurd House . E. Perrault... .^. \ Monctte .... i .... • , JFred. A. Jonrs. . . , . . ,lTheo. T. Raymond. . 1r. Clark ..... [E. Cot>man ......... |N. A. Parlee....... Dcekie ......:•>» W. Roop .. . . i . • . • '. Conway . . . . • A. N.Peters ... Akx. McBride. . . . . . T» Hatairty ..:.'• McGiiw & Winnett. MadtF. Irish .... PwidiWUkcr . . . . . Miale > . ^ * ... * . . . . J. Janieson .... , A. O'Grady.... ;. G. Rkhards, jr. oaephBayley .... liedon ft Hattnafel . 100 Union. . . . ... ... •'• . •• . •• 3 to 8 80 2 80 to3 Ito 1 80 125tol76 160to2 160to2 , 100 to 180 1 80 to 2 001 • • • • • 1 80 Ito 2 00 •'*■•• • * «.«•••«• Unkn. Free. Union. Union. lOCcnt^ Wdliiid7ontT7X: Wkitbi^i Otit» • • Wiadaov, Oat...... Woodatoek.OBt. YwiMatli, N.S. W. E.ftO«efhout.. H.F. Teeter. H. Zimmemian. .... laeob Seyler. WindMK Hotel . Itoittwick Hot« . Cbbaerdd Hotel BflpntfAa'a Hotel. GotamtfcW Hotr Pater HouM. ;..... rv-i-^jr S60to« 2 00 Ito 1 00 Ito 1 80 1 80 2to8 60, 1 to 1 80 PK%. 1 to 1 80 , 1 to 1 80 Free. Ito 1 80 Terma. 1 60 iTems. ItP ******* 'jaO iFrw. \^ luaioo. Itdl Itol 80 r-'%^- ^ IIAKUFACTORBRS OP J Newton 8 Patent Steam Trap FOR HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE It NEWTON, Sup t & Trei^. P BQVIPSHCg^ Wilted for bfie Year. 30 Days' Trij^ Given Perfectly Automatic, and requires no Atteilt^ the .iSt .We. effective .nd «!«'•"• 7"?^; SjSo^^of iXtion. *No dandfor faaW free from the varioui troobtei '^^'^'^y^f^F^^" copper rodi ere med. The 2u(&ataxe« ere required, end no compoui^ ^^n u!. t^ntJvSk The corer cen be TSTipSTittelf. need. ^^^^'^'^^J^.i^x^^^nl ^ men .te«n U turned off .,mS»«nt any time and thft r'«»%P"VJL^re» iTready for the pamge of water Si^^tSlVlJrJK'^'^ hsLirJytr'i^^'^^^^^^^ -»>• -^ ^^ -" '"""'* work JnySheTe from one pound »« o«.h«"£l*"^ ^Jjj i„ Ae eylinder. will find thU '^ MaJ«fact«r^«« t ^^TthS iSn SSK-P^pe^"*^ *«^*" '*'* *'*"^- trap yalnabiewhea attached to their main weam ph»c \. - — ^ -^^^^^^ .^^ J .K- K«- filled with water to the outlet N, the copper Wh«> the Trap U firit ^t and he J«* «J^™ '?JS U cloeed. The waterjn the erlinder C remain* up. and the mlet A ftom the "^SiJ Sto d»op to petition E, thereby Sxnow enter, the cylinder through the hole F, c«»"g" J° « jH Jf^ The .team S^o":g the Vd.e ^ and letU««^w*^^^^^ M o^gntwour.««. .-V -,---- J- - . Price, fasoo in. Trap will drain eooleetof^i^^PJPtng. / * // . . •• 35-«» in. "■ •• ».»^ « • . > 7,^^^^^^^^^. ^^^ 45.«0 ? • Boiler Inipeetion Co.,jII>« • . » • • •' ^* BMton, Edward J .•• ./•..»••• Bingham & Webber ...•••>•• • Brook*: Spool Cottoin . . , * •*" " Canadian Maulacturer," The. .... Canadian Rubber Co'y . . . . . •'•••• • • • Cook k Bunker • • • ' Cunningham, R. & Co. . . ... • • • • • • • Gate City Stone Filter Co la. ". Qurney Co , E. * Q. • •*'-*.••• , Gillespie, Aowley * Martin ......... Herr Piano Co. . • • . • • • > • • • Howland, H. S., Sons & Co. HoyUod, n. S., now , ,■. ..... .». • «•■• • 4 a6 $ 8 *4 I '•4 ' a 4 la a8 6 18 . * io a6 1.. ....... »'.' It •♦ 4l HenderMa, )m. *• * Co. Knabe. Wm. * Co. .... ...»m •"• Macdonald, John & Co •• ••• Micklethwaiie't Photogiaph Celery . « Miller Broe. * Mitchell ...... *• •• • • ^ MUlen & Manufi'lnturmwje Co. .Back ««r^ Nicholb ft Howland. • *♦ Pittman, J. ft Co... ..,..:...?»••» «»^ Qaeen't Hotel .»•••••• • » • • • "^ > • • ' ♦ ' ^ Rniael, John . . • • • • • • ♦ • • • * ^ Roes, Hilyard ft Ca . . . . . t ... . «• •*• ^;j * Rogen, Elie^ft Co;; — "^^^ * Robinwn. Chafc ft Co. ......?•« •?»•» Schlkht ft Field Co., Ltd.. ...•...■• »« Sandham, Chaa. A...... ---■■•*••• *• t ». ..... . »• -^2 \ \ ^(i#^ -f ' • /- / -4 -47r- JOHN MACDON ALD8: CO. . WHOLESALE mFORTERS or ^ , U ^ r^*»i»i?TQ Woollens, Uents Furnishings, rANCYviw' •^^■J'' OOliMtii. V''^ •' fr tN-WA t jf ^ 'iSU*- ?»»»£2SSS& «*«*» • v^'-r; ;.'r" TS rweed OCtOBf Scotdk «• KWTO K-^^'r-' v» ^'*^1Pf''T''^°T*f^^'^ ' -*S'X°"'^f*''^' Mi/len 4 Hanufactunn Insurance CoJ- HcTo OFFICe. 24 CHUHCH ST.. TOROMTO ; .;. DtmKcroMS A. Watw, Br«ntford S. NULON, St. Caihaflnw W. HELL, Gutlph HUOM iCOTT. Managing Ittraetor THOi 1 H, McCoUXKJH, G»lt (tto. Pattinhon, Pratton ORUON, Me rilton H. N. Bauu. Townio W. Wilson, T<»«0nt« J. U Spink, ToHmto HMSLtr. Tnawr^r OiO. MmOU. .ln$p9etor r OOUOLMS SUTTOM, Sacrtt OBJ«<^'**< , To prevent by aU r^^^^TZZi'li^^''^"^^'^''^^ "^ "°"^ '°"' J To obviate heavy louM from htet thai "re u Li .^ tta«buaineu. »e find *>- 'V'^^'^^.l^ii^^^^ «^^ "^^ \ ^S'^^TJa r«M//. iAwJ ivhai tktlful un dtnvntlngwtumo ^ — ^ ^JAJmROSS E COHOmC FOLDING BED lannntT TO HomHOLOtn « *»*.»w««M«»'. Out o' Sight ':> ' ■ ' for MERCH/aiTS for MTO^'Ke^BIS for rAMILH8\[^ Oitt of tJie Way Alway«l Weed/ TatcGH up JVo Room ^, HigM for <*• 0*c» i)io«6/M Siaaping tetommodation Saff ntaking a iomitary ol .m*taup§ lib - y^'' C/y> l & ROBIMSOli A CO. \ ta emueii tnur. mogf9 % ■ ' ".A - -f- '■^ - >..?.V.,5 * , V''^"'i — iE-- ^ / .. <