^ !&l ^^^' w ^ llOOWtayw AMfMM. 8uN» 1100 ||t««ntf.MMV«Md 20*10 Ml/8l7«203 Centimeter V 12 3 4 .56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm liiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliniliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliinliiiiliiiiiiiiihiimiiiliiiiliiMliiiim i ^ i | ii f i| i i|i|ii | i hi y t |i h'i/ 'i' ^'' i ' i' |'i ''i' i ^ I 1 iQches 11.25 lit ^" 1.4 23 2.0 L8 f ■'S?, MflNUFfiCTURED TO RIIM STPNOflROS ^^"^""^ BY APPLIED IHQGE. INC. CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) ■>>^ ' f- ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) I CMMdiMi liwtlMte for HIvtorlesI MteroriptodMCtlens /IrathMt MMdiM» d« mJotofepfoduetloes WwoHquet N TIM ImtiMM Km ■mmptarf to oMaln ItM copy w aiU bk lot Hiwim. fMHirMoftfito ■ tt llM iNHIfM in IIm ffl^fOAMtiOII, Of WWiMI lof □ ColoMfod «B«on/ CoMwrtw d» Bo o ltof U^Coovtmira □ Co«w« rtrtofoi antf/or Umtntmif Coovwtiira rMtMWte tt/Mi iMWMiMt □ .Cowir tHto MiMlilt/ U titrt 4§ ooiMMrtiira □ CarlN • ''ih □ Coloorad Ml (i.«. oilMrliMn Mm or Maefc)/ EiMO 4b MMlMir 0.«. autrt 91M Mmm ou neira) □ Cotoorad ptotM and/or iNtntratiom/ PlanchMtt/ou iHuttratiom mi eoulMir a Bound wMi otfior moMrM/ RtIM avM d'aotrai doGumantt I I Tijpit Mndinf msy won( Mtsfiof HMffin/ La riUiira Mirrfa pout diMoction w lon( da la da t'omhra ou da la Nitanaofa r~~1 Blank laaw 1 I wMiin tna I dufini railotation nay 1 I taM* Wnanawar potaiMa, vtata navo baan omittad froni fihninf/ II ta paot qua eartainat papai bl a naha« afotrttei- ion dTima raf laoration a ppar a ii ww t dam la taxta. mait. lonqMa cala Atait pottibla. eat papt n'ont pat ata finnaat* Additional connianttt ' Coinwiaoiaiiai tuppMman' iP' L'Inttitut a mierofMna la wa iH awr anawpl a ira ^'il iMi a At* poatMa di la pfoourar. Ut d*tailt da oat aiiawiplaira qid aont paut^tio ywi^Mat do point da «ua raprodoita. om <|iii padaant a»i|ar una modiftoation Coloorad □ rlfe(N lai t ofad and/Of laninatad/ I □ Paiat lottayiiii at/o« pa d t e M H a i Pmm ditoolaiirad ttainad or foaad/ P^Mt iMsolorAM tadMlAM imi dAoiiAm 0-SlNWirthrov|li/ Trantparanaa Qualily of print variat/ Oualitii iniialt da rimprattion □ Continiiout pafination/ Nfination eontinua D Indudat indaxfat)/ Comprand iHi (dnhndax Titia on haa d a r tattan from:/ La.titra da I'an-tfta proviant: □ TitIa paga of ittua/ H§» da titra da la livraiion D D .Caption of ittua/ Titra da depart da la livraiton Matthaad/ GiniriQua (piriodiquat) da la livraiton ^ ...;■■ 1 INI IIMH li f liilMV ■■ mv raOUVIIOn rVINr CfMOT90 OTIOW/ Ct docywunt Ml f ilmi mi tMx dt rAdvction indl^yi ci-dmoui. ■•• ■- .^. • 10)C ^ 14X ItX 22X ' 26X , MX » • ^ A .. 1, • 12X ItX •■. -} : 20X 24X "■■ ^ :■ 28X •" 32X :".:, '■■ nv. ;.. € tiM 90^ fUmctf bar* Hm bMh rapreduoMi thanlir ttt tlw tatMroifty 0f t . x_ * tlwUiMaNNiktfCaiiMliArililvM ' Ttw IfiWfiM appMrlnv h«r» ara th« bMt nualltv poMlbIa oomMaHng th* condition and laglblllty of tha original aopy and In kfaping wHh tha filming cdntraet apooHlaatlona. Original aoplaa in printad papar aovara ara fllmad baglnning wMi tha front aovor and anding on tha laat paga^wlth a printad or illuatratad Impraa* aion, or tho baah aovar whan appropriota. All othOf ariglnal eopioa ara fllmad baglnning, on tha first paga with a printad or illuttratad inipraa- •Ion, and anding on tha last paga with a printad or lliustratad imprasslon. Tha last raoordad frama on oaeh miorofleho shall eontain tha symbol — ^ Imaaning "CON* TINUID1. dr tha symbol ▼ (maanlrig "END"), whiehavar applias. I Maps, platas. charts, ate., may ba fllmad at diffarant raduetion ratios. Thosf tdo iarga to ba antiraly ineludad In ona axposura ara fllmad ^baglnning In tha uppar laft hand comar. laft to right and top to bottom, as msny.lrsmas as raqulrad. Tha following diagrams illustrsta tha mathod: -, .^*- ^ ■•■•4 ■'B' 1 2 3 •MfffipMRro fiifiii fyi fiproiiiin ••■•• m » TiM Usbii eiNMli sf eaiiit ArdrtvM Laa bnagaa aulvantaa ont M rapradultaa avaa la plus grandaoin. aompto tanu da la aandition at da la nahat* da raxamplalfa fllm«<'at an eonf ormM avaa laa aandHlons du eontrat da fllmafo. ' , Las axamplalraa origlnaipi dont la aouvortura ah papiar aat imprimte sonr^lm4s an aammanqant par la pramiar plat at an tarmlnant salt par la damlAra pagt qui eomporta una ampralnta dimpraaslon ou dllliistratlon. soit par la paeond plat, aalon lo aoa. Tous laa autrai asamplalraa originaiM aont fHrnis an aommonpant par la pramlita paga qui aompono una ampralnta dimpraaslon ou dlllustratlon at ah tarminant par la damMia paga qui aomporto una taNa ampralnta* ^ Un daa aymbolaa aulvants apparahra sur la damlAra Intaga da ehaqua mierofleha. ssion la eas: la aymbolo -^- signlfia "A tUIVRI". la symboio ▼ slgnWla "WN". Las cartas, planehos. taWaaux. ate,, pauvant itro. f llmAs * das taux da rAduction dlffirants. Lorsquo la documont oat trap grand pour Atra raprOdult an un aaul clleh*. II est flim* A psrtlr da I'angla aupArlaur gauche, da gaucha A droito. at da haut an bas. an pranant la nombra d'Imagas nAcassaira. Las diagrammas Suivsnts lllustrant la mAthoda. . 32X * ^ 4 m -W ■tf! • w TEMPte RANGE FROM THE BIBLE STAND- •M«M*»«*«- A LECTURE DELlVBREiy .BKrORK THE Ontario TemperaHce and Prohibitory Leagtte liY ttlE KEY. R. WALLACE. SyBJECTS.~The Wines Approved of in the Scripiure* not Intoxicating— The Whole Teaching of the Bible Opposed to the Use of Intoxicants— God requires more of Christians now in the matter of Total Abstinence than he did of our fathers— It does not supplant the Gospely-The Use of Intoxicants does not promote health or strength— Eniyrmous Loss of Life and Property as well as Crime and Misery caused by the Liquor Traffic— Prohibition the -only effectual reniedy. CoQtain^^Jo Pages, with recommendation by V Rev ,A. SlfraTERLANB, ' (PRESIDENT OF THE LEAGUE.) l^ay be had of nint/Morton^& Co., 40 Church St., or of James Bain, Bookseller, Price 5 cents each, or $3.00 per loo copies. / ' SECOND EDITION. V. W • TORONTO. I Flint, MoRTo*t k Co., Printers, Publishbrs, Etc., 40 Church Strut 1873 ^i^ij. ujfuAiiUtiL -^^^^g:: ^ ■V m ifci ^ I , ■V%r ':r M^' « > >**■ IKOMKItlMtH ^Vt "1^^-n. I ,■•>,- "f ■■.!' m ■**'. '#■ -^ ' ■ |.*K it .:i',*0 ' .. - -.*-T-r - -^ [♦TJ-i '^:> ' >'•' m hmdnacct to the tnuinph of the GteMl n AtutJMi ttZCSS WW. ikvenr or nMldeiwe, MKf yeariy. diBM iIumi th^^^^..^SS If thejrkeep ■flenoo the ?«I7 siniMt iro«|d wont ew^ « ' " !gJ?y y!.V^^.?*»l« rt »» day for the iMght cometh." iied«i»Ml*i iapl:id[qi,|he S^ 'y't'y ?'.*'*^^* ««» cremture of God, which ttt htk ghoi to mrtetpna with gmntude. This k aa cntift mutdie m not a partkJt of it ji to be found mv« through the influence of vinotti ienaentetioa» Akohol i^nomoraagood cteature of God than miaima, which alM MTiMt •from deearwl iwgetahle natter. The good creitnica of Ood are changed heAm we get alcohol." It ia not the cuaton of the Bible to nMflt.of a natural object bcioK it exiata, and the moat common way ol ofateinmg alcohol is by distillation which ia a modem invention, ^do not la; that dronkenneaa began with distiUation, yet it haa «hit Men greatly inereaaed and aggravated by rendering more aocessible tht die means of p.X)ducing that ureat evil, and augmenting the injuriooa dfccta whieh the excessive use ofUquow entuli on society in modem We admit that intoxieating wines Were in use from the mliest timifc SSiSl?^?^"* *^' imperatively demands an ailiwer is this, doestS WOid ol God oivK KMCoumAOBMBNt to intoxia^? Wemuat take into account the droumstancea in which each t>6rttb» OT oalptue was written. Thus for instance, we find more freoMnt nfeicnce to the uae of wine and stronger prohibitions or waniinga amdaat rtm apma portiona o| ScriDiure than others. The reason of dda iatobi fMmd in t^ iact which ooniemponiy histoiy conrtbratct, that the tendency tp intpanca t w a la neater at certain periods than otheia. . Thua there is little reference to thia eril in the early aces of Tewisk Itediy. becanae like moat Nomad Eaatam tribee, the Hefccwa wSi tMupmte pTOple. As weilth and luxury inereaaed during the days of 9D]^'*\$!* F*»»W*««» "> tl» proverbs of Solomon, and ia tht writipp of jhe ^^eta, auch as "Look not upon the wine etc" It " Gonuption, '.vt;?!; r ^ ,■;■ 'f;it''-i~i^; -i^.^ y Mm .iH|i3|iiMeirery teniptatiofi toitT ', *. i^ •• *» The cbhthision to which we attinesisHbly led i^.****^ "VJ dilnimitfofehiisfCle^tBthe wines, and that those whidi ^•J52S cogBlwidsarBinndceiitandunintoxifcating, while those^t ttconjjMJJ 35#Siibettuiie totoxicatlng.^W^ ft*^^ '^'iSS*^ % irmkrgft$ Ihia to behold eiU," we cMctade thil th%^lipi 't i 'f. VJMCl" ■' "'■&■■■ •i-'-' mr- '^ .- ", • -mtkm ** -ir* *r ^^r^* t'rt nH thwt twi im Mtmrt to OMJiMi 4i^m»> Hm dvM Willi tM«L Rw. IWmoi ISL. feTTS ■yiMMir •! DamMCM, ttatei that ihn it stUl conmoii in th« kJS- TilMi MM jt timet, and rciul«red new wine, or tweet wine, ie tAw$m iMc« ofrith apprpval, end it genenllT attocieted with coni or hnS •M oil^wbich Utter Dr. Eadie, .and other authoritiea, aay itnntmj mr^j^hyit, comprehending ilgt, olivet, pomegranett, cttront,&c. ' T 1^ The three thingt formed the triad of bletting, which conttituted the mplcprodnctt of Palcttioe and the common food of the people, naatlv itld fruity vineyard fruit, and orchard fruit, in whatever tute they miflht be ttted. Tiroth refert generally to the fruit in itt unmanufactured jtile, ih$X it» grapet or rjtiiint, but lometimei to the freth iuice of the gmpe* or yt tynip made from that juice— but never to the wine after it hat •^nnented or beeome intoxicating. It if appNed to grapet in thit bMttUAilpaaiage (Zech. 9, 17.) ••Com t hall make the young men cheerful and new wine or grapet the maidt." It it ipoken of ae gathered alonf With com and oil, and at eaten.— ttin Fharoah t hand. And yet tome tell ut that the j\iice of the grane T£? *"*J*"^ !* **•■ '•nnented. Ckamir, or ''red wine," tpme^M» If fllB to the juice ot the grape in the first ttage of fermentatiiMi. Wd H neither good nor i>alaUble. It it employed at an emUem of uet or 4iwi^ wai w^Ml^ lii^Klf ; . IfMBb. a;, liTrht Aipbe itiU caB>to^^S^^*^^ ^ jl*li>a - 'If. > :'«*• 7 '-'fBi mi.. ■' /* *^^. ^m^' iih- ■ II • trnJ^dMilir- 'i ' •fUrtlita«{ MldliMUMCIioawltli idolMkMHlM*. *«Yftyb." it HniMMck Iwa for viM; it todn 4ti wiM and (croMntcd— mmI it ii tpokoi of with •Mmmi or 10 in dUMdir-whUf Um grape frafh ov dM| fl W fron it and uwd with bread aa aa actidt of diet, «i4 pwf i«H pMated from the grape are ever ipokeii l common among the andenta to boil wine to a a|np» ti^oQl«il04liiidofihe qnaatitJr «f //vcm^ /unmiaikitt attd thit> tli^ a in iMMe kn, «h1 aimed srith water aa they neededtt - > |m.iwl,<5ifbW»iiaPifliijtti»irinea^rf tho nlpwit ^JjJJ ■tl. »*.; ".s^ \. '•¥f t >«« ' >i which i. not intoxkauiog. and whicS in ^^Z^^^SS^^^ prp«nring it, teenis to correspond with the rtc^i^mZi aJU^ ^ -il «^*^* "y* Ihii iweet Wine does not intoxicate ''U^Mtam. — — ^S. . teBUhop l^th^lU the fresh juice pre^ f«,m ^TjSpT^ dewmbes the boihng proceu to prevent fermenution.and that su^h in^ th. practice of the Ancient. Anihon, in hi. "dictionary of Grwk ^ l^ ^Su?h «. »K • '"** Tl °^,*'** ™^* '«•"»«<» •cholara affinn. Buchwa. the wine used by Israel at the PasMver • either the A».k ne^ed. The Kabbins tc I us that unfermented liquor or wine free A^ ticohol wu a one used in ancient time, by the Jews at iTST iSv *^*'T'i** •"? ^'^^ •^''r Christian Father. a«ni ^«^. Jf P",!! "»«*M'»«««» fS'^'V iu'cc was used at Mie iSwrn !?„T* ."»*y *>« ■"« »t "Hould be at the Ix)rds Suomt rL- ^7' S;S?di!;'l::J'"*'^'' k"^-' ^-^ •^tlit'^SSLnc^'wie^^e.S: - rmmowT, auute raisins or dried grape, n watw and »«nM». »k« •ITin llr nf^S* • .S"PP*^T»«* specially .. relonned dnmkardi t«m^r of Whog .gam by taating fermented win. at that hSf Fermoitatidn i. putrepaction, as Liebig declare., and it chanaitt {•quality and character of the wine m Siat it cSiet at L^T^ Ajgood aeatuie of God that it wa. inuT l^ai^!^ . C!S.i^''~~^~^"" it c,l?"g« that which God ttvcTto'bl •eU m that thy wine ar '^' ^^ •Kii -♦ 'JSk-, •^ ■^V' 'Pf .,.* m *0 ■ «i9«li ;■•'. br ilM iHblt ■ -. . ■ 4 ,r ^ ■ t*^"' BMMtd "■ li i;. ',_•>.• Itbnw 5' ■■■ Rtt. ^^— ' , i!,^. Jtam, ,' ' ;• NT two liquor 1 and >IM of ffarttw ' \^ • '/ N«i« K>k 1, • uthe V pmaii ■ ' V cUoa- ftvth when • fhMB 1 P«i». im H* iMMd to I mm that fcim auitkwi li M TiMlkvit oTUm vfaM la il0 bat •lali'WM Ml mly mIM wtoo, •Hide tKui vhrn feraMnt«d« and wm thcrrfore caXitA oood wnia f^ VlM^TCik and Utia writen lyMk ttf Um ualinaialtd jalM of fn^ M good wta*. M iMiac b««4«r for the kaalOi aad owno mi •kto to «M ihaa formenftod or drafgdl wiii«. Thto part good «w loaicCinMt MUtwi by misad orj^toxkating win* al fnala lit toarn frooa iha itatcnaot of the i|ov'>.■;.;<•>• )^ iU»Hr«K«VM, Jr !L5 K **** ^*"^ *"« MIMottO WITH MVAMf. Am jMy iUll ™g out/ -Pa 75, \ in !^t m«?S^^ ^■liii r i I , ""^"y *' "«• iw». And sre not men «>atiwuB* 2j-««d lojiMttr rum by intoxicttmf liqoori in ow^TtmS lij-, At-i • "v*™«"noi8 Dot Ui« ein of mtmnff to drink « Wn^ UJZT nndnuifc.'.' Tho Dmnheft ailil.- •f'rk--. '^^^ "^S* ? '^ ^ Ak-^WkiiT^^^^ "* *'™'* iiuoxioMit& Wili any oii«.tli4t> I ,^^'?i«f»-i^i rliif .V. ' ;^}- '.' A' rZ* •i ^r ^^■r, put! ^iU^tfod all quettioa* %t itwM the f^aefpl .pMPet ftitlOte who foared the Lord to vm »»ch win* m pfiC«|CaM>to md intoxicating wine. , » .# ^ii J W« infef that thetpiritof the 1W»1^ » oppoaed to tha^jgjg ^ ^ w j^'n^, t^ ii (avorable to total abitinaMce bcaame^Go q>i>»IW MoMlNfeMl th« uic of wine to Priesta wliBn togagisg m th< aaw w^g S^Wt^MT,, and to the Na«rite. at aM tinai. a^ y,'^*S?,gg iMleminoice in piety, a» the roothei of BamueL By tne iMWMnwn^ God tanchet 4hat whatever unfits for tiie tigW diaehai|i of dnif fMpi«a Gpd M man ia ioiWdden in hit wofd..> What if the meaning: ^ijkm oiKn^t thatabttinence is pleasing in tliSa eyas of Go^* To ■hnritttt it mm belter and safer for the human fiunily to abstain, and ta ytp« %M«k2Bd fofthe Aime when all «h«d4 be a nation of Pn<«<«»:. ^ »^.Wf ^ Md neottliar people. In the New T^atament believeia are alldaiiastn lMiSr»S&refo«e that which was acc^^ t^ Gog. »<>•;<*».? ma Priests of old, will be acceptable in the case •f^aU His pf yi»> fyy> Uiraa fiM^f John the Baptist. " He shaU be great, and efcrt # Wfc •fiiiit ,wint nor strong drink.?* In this lespeet lie aywijjjjijjij Sit Prieithood of both dispensations, and this unpben -Mt imm iMifaeeisdl p^rt of »h«h»tm foi^ aa an eM«pl«^ ^« 5?*!lfiELfS Mciallikssing been %ceo»ded to it. JoMdab f^-' '^^^' !^!^S& IMevmeiance to destroy a^people-end in ewestontbr F^JJTOSSST ■mi<«»kiine(l^lliet they ^lonld be devoled t»iioAmjpn9»'mmmm^ AnAiKJ^uA wdy lebiikodithiKdriiilmw l^rieatt «f * fti^^ liuij iuiails' hoBanid dme aacie^ totid abetsinMB^; vip ;lier 'iwwyi W^ IbBIPoP'^: '">^1»^Sf*: if*i»i-B««* t-fciMcSr. •■ 7^' >"» ff^-' ^'"''''' "!'l'*? 'H^i>nM4*'ii^riM> *». "«miwo with God iL E»™Zr- ™'"'««»« *»« unan w br Let this |t^ the motto of all ClmjtMni with hfennct to intoxicants / ' -r'T *" "»• ««fBi*km to their b^u^.^l'r^ which otheis «ay be led toS •edKh by the ApcUe Paul He «mL. ' fJ' ***" P^"*">'« ^ *% ^^ tor bur inSTence on ^mh ZC'^^'"^ "ust give accoSt fvHitliimbliiig block or an t-iif, ft." .S'. %■ Cs^' ■''\ . 1 » ' ^i r As ' ^i t ^ 18 e \ a 'J j> -»..■■ , s. %■ K 1 ■•■i. ■'.'^ V s. -:':'^/** TUB tlM^ fTAS» »-Hf - ^i^S^or the lowing natter to leek iiot ^ g^ ^''■^gjjjjf Uwfol shoidd b6 abMiman Ml*|f ;:.>*)?' -ff ■*' iMibi >tl»t aeftiaot io thefluehret "^'bSei^thi. principle formt * wfFianrr "g^";;^. «ie ToUl Abttinence Socfctiet, and for enjoinmg tot^ "J^JJ^^ ^ S hiShSiiit « fewftil emowt of guilt, j:nme f^^^r'^^'^fm ScTom^Wlowmenby ttie liquor taffic «nd drinking yt<«;^^ SSoVd^ Wh»t heart qui coniemplete, ^"^l-'^^^^^f^^ , 5SS to iJveaand children by. dnmkenjwri^^ S^Te to endnie life Imig m,^, poverpF and pm SSL «fid ihame tfwt tend the heart and Inceimte *bedfcctioMfc !t^^'S' Sow^atmany other case* are oaeftdly concealed^ ftmn.tf g lrtl^ SSce. Hoir iLiy paienta are odkd to inomn ^ hctottW^J^ , SSW of aome tog wn of to talents todan^ ' S^ ltd to conform to 4he cuitoint of jpwd •*»«'y» Jj^Jj* J^ S«SS^U, remain at the PO«t _^ich AgJW^ff^-^J*^ SXlL--Utanyfc&erpa»t^2i^^^ : & will hetotted. diigraced and rumed, and at l«»gth laid m tae uiii^Myy ™i^Sn«k^2kS?irin tti>hoW theri^t ol wjnMfcto«i^ J5?UM?e Aanfhich ha. ciua^d tj^'Sn of to U^*^^ teSffideiSly denounce the whole traftc ai the moatic»idy hj«ijMi> M ttSlh.-'We niay point to the 6oo,««k) haWtual *™"™»y2SS5L ta^tothe^dainy^ly^ Sftandby wi^fided anja and ccM mdrfteence fP O^^gJ ^T*; STSe tile of e«l whichli thua iweqggawiy ylJ S ! fl t£l * 5SSu«difca«Wiloom? If ioo,pood^ iSit^ )^^by W P^» p»**5i^^ S^itbe «a. Yetprofctaedly ohmtian iww CMJJ^^^ SSk^ »iW inffi«*ed«ajOcietyj^Jh^ SLfc^and iribnut to no itoifice to Jgrrent thii «wl, Mi< iggwgjw , ^^ >tetfiotmd»^eiidiia lay, t« Wer ^ y ^ •.H ^ "H ii ^ 4 i :J: >.-#<., I ! ■T: ■ »ff^f.'T-#r, iaidi *iiMk» #f ii II ^^B"" ■■*' Infill trith tiaifi I —T^v? 7**P9SM thit i »*»«-MM^!S* ussnt**" ti»«s??^^w» *t imiffy.- t-vif ?■ .>>^:-5W.'¥JjJ5^ ''<'t>oMhthoia»tot>drone^tc^ Uy to hiin ti PiMl to th« Mtr,^" Do *CS!«5^ iifi^a2tto!&^ iWcSS/orXolK^noetoOod^to^^ 'fl^^iT^i?*?.*^' SSlMKi Wiil^U; thnt we nie the U)rd'f and bound to.^^ ^|& t09\ , .-^ i » tim^itmm ■rt^om'rm ! vr.ia^tji ;»:»*f^t^^ <^''-'»'^*. ■^•^'■^ ■•':'*^* ,1 •ipfi ^rtili^f^tHO :f ,v>^it»i r4»:*T .«;«il'* :*'ti-rlfi.''i^^^^^i ■ "' '' e.. ■ ■ t.^ . C tbe dmstuiii expediency of total aUaococc itppttft AlfO fion (MM* " ntipfk GpddcaJt^thcomiiuinUieaaiul ^vi4>iaUaooQsf«|||» i2!rS(WSAMt>ot«o»TUMitiBsr(n(»K>i|riiio lutwiUr Tliiti ' fM^Sij fwXM pitiwhing to the P/op^ •'^ Athew, & l^mnpe tot>^^«l«^«n^p^ "Tk« lif^rini^ef of progcep^ In the ,moi»l pnwJtM rf,»M»WI|* i>B^mnt|«efit)crMie— wM alflo appHod l^ c IW«>W¥5? 9^ ewl *9p.nPt conf^rmwl t^ tbti 'co|itiBae In miv way to cSfntananot tha dru*^ f cause most Qt tna fice and oima wnd «i»ciT of ^mi ^STe^cl a holy God to bold C9nverse with us, to make us hia,j Mkiu for Hw^ whilf we MfM^ sjL^ Oft m^^^ ^aul whQ Im^n^ tbap pbioa^tfiDp^iion^ in i 1y iorsgd the use of that which he conaM#M# " fra| iwiEl' iw in;»w>? A« ak^ipjilpii^i rmentad. mqcMl, or in^ff l cjt t ing yiya waa? ^ *^.l' iV- ,*^,i ?%?^^ ^H^ * ,8-^..^, \C'V ^tf%-' ■( %'!*■ W: k\i ^^ — iiiiSlff SI tw MiM ta tbfir iMMt I IktibtbtaidMofUtUi r!±?*t*'J??^ timet in thi. marttr. TW<2SSliJSlt -i.. •jrtiMi of htt love white thttteng Uieir ey«to the Mt^n^^ llnr T4il« Mot Tfft'AcxnrtMtt tbimo ^ . s**» ^ft"> "u, i|pt, L^!2r\E^i***'*» •»«*» *he feet of 7e,a,,'^3iil3r!2| JfoM flit mitofy ih« ^itli of hii My A£?y EjHSftf**^.^^ ««»t ortHb-iwjr of tbel* j£3bMl '■^•°*»*:*T-'^*>*!i' rf-»^^\y. :'|^.€ '^^^ ^fM .*« flj^' # y n 'r^-**- r '/■.:.• k^. ""^^^iS^SSiSi^ifeMl Me of altlMlic liq«Mi imot bcntiiiill^^ XIlfiBSiiirMd MetiopDlitui S«BfMm«, lucfa m Sir JfuMt Clirtilt ife l^SikiMdkw Or, Oonquett, who up coavwiiuit vkli IteiNMfliiB S^iSffStittofMdAtrk to tbe hulBbh coaatty pnctUoMT !^ Ac falZrvUi tiM itqaittmtnli oT iha aititaa » hiiWotfy^MA^ iSmiw bhUfielidctlMw«rf|»M(^t^ ^^M!«BiylM|e0roiori;oa of h«m«a miitry, indiidiBg parnutjf,S^i ~3li«;ilM mott perftct hedth it compAtablft #hh Total AbttUMpcti^ «i«Q^Mviiii«rwhethtf m the form ofaidflBt •pfarits,or «s wtoo, t|OH^ ■Lt rtjiMf ~idrf lltr ^«m lOtal or qnheiMl i^iaenoe fiom «kohoUc beveram of all «#%' ^artiljintly oo«ttributa to tha ksalth thi fa^wtstrr, the ttOaaMni^ I^SmTSTm^^ »< b^iiaaCjr^iiaofXa ii fi l l il w ii»i V t |MfUMI«rtlitcll]r.i fM^I»«ha fi^ bf wdittttimony. ionie writan trflaiiliai *« - - ~;ilMA#«B|i|Maaii^l«ohibittbO«it.of«-- mw,.-. Mt-r^U gloMoos of ttMOMeh^ Tboia; " .ilittiifp. WhacmhOMAof the '^•^Jli^^ da-tta^S^hy a few caaet of ghMtoay. imdi aa^mn ^^^ttlife? la addition tSlhetMt^^ $ktmt of Britaio Utalr feat teth a WMniaf r ■fBN as iMmoM^ aad dadaie.thaij DitB at» atN^ 4h«|fApplMt haa^ Jl^0io»Tt^wili^Jhaifcman J |ic4 ik ii feo # i. ^^;^.^.._. ^^^^ i„uij[ia.mliiiiih1»-**• 'k«t9i9|Nr2l •%?»*>;v |lir"'iPir^ ,vj vwn ^''«. ■&.; rtKSiSBi*^ 1*50 .« the r*^ J?'iSS2r .V* l#3^T«ip«»o VWvH ***•? ■iTftiv .*J ^'Yh**'t^ ',§■'" ¥■' •• nilioti 'i^S . i ,^1. ■ -*- .i*f*> m , rto- Tin ti** m«»fm*' ^ 2j2isjrtNPf««i««^ taw*"**!- teR?J hSSi hSIddoWo tarn ^ •»^SS^«JSw ' ► I*. Ul , (• .', ;: '^■:>j im:4d%n^MM'f^) «9^|lM.Tii^o< iiainriti^ the ^te#0tt It An ag^€tin8tiin«6td rh^ l^<«e^in xmmtMSUiik taoikmki v^^ffBi^W^ ^fMpMt^^Aada bv fth^ io^diti#iit6 thelttdiaM iM«or theiif dhadreii go to dtefenKetlbn; ^'^tMi^l ^W Bdi^ de8troved>bf this^mffii^ mjhd^Mim Hfc| , Jtmhs gi&daj «rt^iujifctsi ' «' 'J'«V '•^""*^'^* ^4irw«6lf iM^lo%iit'Gad I^M»«^ ^ijt. ^ To tho«J>WKo in«itln*i4«y*^ «H*#jj mA ritV%liJt^ i^ « 3,' f>ib^'tdli0#« ^^^ iiidtti%e^iM _ . Si«(b%(toiy«»L« .>Iirt eveify^^o^ e ' " tbr lo>i0e lltftfSadMi) l^^l^JKa^i bf* -^ oMK^i '# w^ ^ ■*'<;j^ w^ ^^^ j^ v-^^-^'i s»W ,^ nr-r r^. ^iMf: .5- ■'*' V couviHllii^>< btoi^lda^llie fidr ftce of Chriitiin foeie^ t Wf ibMld Mipoidi. No law can be eniorced which ue nMnl rSiMIr W^lha kiMlMo <»rt dmuiiia^ Mid #hitli tlMi .M&i BeMcrri8tiw?wbtiil»entiadit' tt^ mg/mf tMdcantt r We reply, Gov jilMi t ii Wi oidiaaacs^ '''¥^^ ' ''J*'!*"^ '7| hi If A V 'j*!*fi*f;' MeSrSw therefore the rf^tto protect itielf>V!' *^v^ mM^i^^.^mr'^-m ■%"'' *»*^- t^^ ^■ ^v■l^(3^^?)fjt|^8fe■*■,(N•«riS««!i^■^-»''■'--■■*« "» ■-•'■■ -■'' E-'-i ?^i.'n., jkm^^tii^i^^i^^M,^. 'li^ *; ''V '-' IW-* ■■■"■/- .««••& ■-!',■ e!S»^«Mtf>i» mob mmcf iuJiMo^»^l»mknMm^ ■-^,,^ wlMie Ibc people indolge in the iite;^(i«|oaMita(i^ini^«MtT {|ew iMi^em^i^ jiB|Mf««lnMI«B4 f^Hi'T^ ¥^a^ irt-*Ait5-,:. ""' fe.>«j*- HR mm ulAtlHfflllflVtiVBO ■MOIu'lHIlXlfllHBBlH ^^DB^^BQ^^^^^KlBHP lii^^jSMcMMIiiiPi fU Ktfll ' HWfr: 4 I «v. .4 ""rvv J, .^*-, ■•'■■111' , / f - .^ .)^"f>.i'i« Ihtlrfi .•sWrf. -•».>;- y>i ,fl(»((lM" 'n ■■■>» ttfcitiw^r piiM| i «i ) i ig '| > ffi#i M■«. ' A 4ite.«,i.-..t j,l oQr'«itil«lM^ ■^lr «>^ Mo/ MCft^q^AT ■■»■ 3; ,^3nt>! Mimii moiiimif0lt0idmk.Aii^i aft Jiodi «irii< iiuffiofi ^IB»*- ipPBBMiy^' lit 14^X4 iiBi»iif#i!l%( ihDpi^lllit^i ft> )tthi]iU>i it ' IB >l '0^0k ifi I? jigwota i(«j| sn wi^if-y i^db Of ot e9«i» I'tiUiiiwinliii itiumi w. X. I ^' >- 14 ^''«. ■Y. •cW' V * / ' is i.:^iA^wr.i :-fV1^' 1% l>'l^^^t WOT* »wwi^wr» V. < ■ lAeniiig on ,^fH i4^ iMMiifiiiiiia^-t^ril ' %^d« it'^or^iiofrj* "' {Vrof. II,- tS, ^itr^:^^&^^jz^jsss^:sis& Mt moft ibat lo'per^cwAfri ecDt* whiskey ovgr^y»f f yiw y «^«g>g»j^^^3j^;^r;*r SAVUSflcw Wine. ofSyriii ^"^rL'**^**^^!?^ f ^f^^ SSi^uTw^es which are in uieainoj us and which ««ejwf»^ . And if drunkenness and everything whidi ^pded „» |t •^J^'^?^ whSifi* lessee toon than now and 'jhentte wiwin jjmw^lwMJJ^ JSSS, how much moresevetdy «>ndemne4 iW and the «^^ iS^Sher Kqu<*« whidi are ftur more ni|o«e»hn^ *« ^^^ ?^Aatolhe praetice ^ hoiHng <^i#*"1*e ir^^tirevent fermentation, jheanthontiei I tov^ *>?°*S*I*!^ ^ SSidiSi doubt, nokwiih.tan<£g Ae aneers of Aose jrho hav^. ao* » uS^the aiertions of all such men "rehke thosej.f ^J^ Hume^hodenW »W|H«IMUty o^«Pi«cleibeea«s^^ Jg the imfermented wine bofled down to Invent fcrmeritatioii^^ ' i53 vi^wT I have set forth on the wines of Scripture aceord imh m *«hKAin«^rA"S»ned^^D^^ PrefTdent, Union CoUege «^ ».?x "> •> r- fo^ 1' ,\' -j< *^ £.-t>': 1^ 5." '$.>■ ,♦/ V*/^' 'V» V Al ' t7»> ^^y V V'4 r^r'''^: ^49$^^^^^ ^^^ #• , ^ 8tMibcllMM«idilkMt»tl «Mp6r'tbe iteinii^rtlw iM tkat you kui s^>. it,T^^ * VTH* m •>^1A -M "'"^ ^^L>iiJ w '■'■.<) ^. ^•''M m 332 (i^, Gei^tft' Fonili^ings |lb|rthm Stcci^. • r ■i #iyst**Clmti Yit CbM««ttM», N - V -i! v.* *. t ^ .QsdM ,9m0^^^m9llHtm> :p||i^liMr.tiir 'ittttrttfii'' ^ *l» 4*. ^v. * ^^ ■f I rjt^t%r*4V^yK*V)t L'^SSb^r ^iTJ^O '' ' jl?ii.*." " *"'yi*'*9 iSTi' 'p^^ bi,**.""^ rt' '"'■<= *«>4,C'-%i •Iff- % .^k^ ?.|-'i'' ^',*. Kl. ^^