CKHAOtMA ^ goxxqitjet OF NNETS Hui* 25c. FOR -"^ Shoagpful fjlogent^. Copyrigb.ed according to Act of Parliament. PREFACE, ^ jEP^c iottowivia ^oiitict'3 ate tfic |riiit3 ot ** fiaff'- hou^t tnGblt'aMoii5> " 6i^ tPtc vuritcr ou ific vaziou^ thancA ^u)cft 'Upoit. '^rici;^ ate aff du6iccti> vuottfiw o^ an afefct fianbfliit^ tPictu V}%u poot- pciv can aluc tliCHi, a3 tPic dpate Pvottt^ oj^' '^ ^iktA^Hr^z '* ate " fift^e a^vn (■fiougPib iliii:> 6tic|^ftj exprc^^cb, mi(t tiivtc tijiff not fiaue 6c en vitoopciit. • ^on:^ ^liiccrcfu, Toronto, Ont. JOXIlSr I3ivi.. ■ FREEDOM. (j^REEDOM is obedience to righteous law I Framed for the guidance of a nation great ; Made to be kept — not broken by a flaw Known only to the rulers of the State I Justice that treats the rich and poor alike, Defending each from favor or attack ; Slow to convict — yet ready aye tj strike The fatal b!ow on all that honor lack I A nation's strength is measured by her laws ; Her safety is the welfare of her sons ; Industry and loyalty the power that draws In peace her commerce, and in war her guns ! Freedom — our birthright, sell it not for gold, ! Our fathers bought it with their blood of old 1 ; i; (a) il'i'l:-: ■■>■ ■ :^' ;:-'\V '. ^ ^:' l'^; ' '^ ;:. •':.:^.t-' ' •' ■ - j ■• '-.■• .rv'-v-- i^; *\n.' •" 'a:',n.'. ;^ V'\\-,!\.: V-; ;;■;■, J .:. '. ' t .;z . '■' ■ >»jv '! "• - i ■ .L I LIBERTY. WEET LIBERTY!— thou birthright of mankind, Yet which some autocrats would fain destroy I How like our God to give I— like man to take What God hath given so fieely in his love To make our life on earth more bearable I Though man loves liberty, yet— miser-like— Seeks to withhold it from his fellow-man, And, boasting, pride himself in larceny ! Go to! thou false vile traitor to thy race, Thy stony heart is index'd on thy face ! While loving Liberty thyself— deny To those within thy power their liberty! The soul that seeks to bind his fellow man May soon be measured by an infant's span! U) umMmtm^auuimimiMiM «Mkttbttaauws^^rfUiiiifiMateMl«£Bwittu T'Jry^T^ ' w^^^ ^ TEARS. EARS are the outflow of great joy or grief, The speechless language of a swelling heart, Whose fitful solace is a sure relief For joys excessive, or affliction's smart ; The valve-escapement of a pent-up soul, Whose fulness finds expression in a tear ; Which, like healing balm, makes the wounded whole : Or dearest friend — when darkest hour is near — Whose hands we clasp in friendship's sacred hold, And cling to them like ivy round the tree, — Weakness and strength combined in love's enfold, — Then let the floodgates open full and freel Our bitter tears but give us strength to bear Affliction sore, or joy's too sudden glare I (4 I ■f^'- •^r-y^y-.r ."-irj- ..---■.-^ H > ^ WHAT IS LOVE ? £5)0VE is the grateful offering of a heart ^In all its fulness to some counterpart ; Zeal answering zeal, both striving to excel, Zealous to share the glowing thoughts that dwell In hearts united by Love's silken bands. Each thread some joy Love only understands ! Mid stirring echoes of a fond desire Olaim kindred feelings and a sister-fire, Joining life's hopes in one ecstatic song, As sweetest music from an angel-throng ; No doubt or fear disturbs Love s peaceful rest, Nor cares corroding rankle in her breast ; E?ch thought bears fruit in others sweeter still. Till earth seems heav'n^ and heav'n seems own'd at will ! (5) MIAttiHitfWMlM MHMttMMMMMHUi r:t«^';»'.wiTrj»^^*'^ ,-^^ 'iTr"rif- -T[ I ' I-'" ■ — " '-'^ ' ■""■"-'-"-- - THE IMAGE OF THE HEAVENLY. (3 LMIGHTY GOD ! in all Thy works display'd, For man in Thine own image Thou hast made ; How should we, then, Thine every law respect, And mourn in dust and ashes if neglect Of ours should once but mar that Image bright, And, grieving Thee, turn sunshine into night I Let not our hearts from Thee be turn'd aside, But may Thy Holy Spirit with us 'bide ; Then shall our life be like the flowers in June; Displaying sweetness, and our hearts in tune To the rich melody of gladsome song, Which to the ransom'd hosts of Heav'n belong : Thus, here below, let glorious anthems rise And mingle with the songs of Paradise, ^li^tut^itm^smiiitmmmtlKmlM FRIENDSHIP. ¥ RIENDSHIP! thou holy bond that binds my heart Vo others that to mine seem counterpart, — Love-giving, yet love-getting all the more, Thus daily adding to our mutual store Of kindly deeds and words, each thought and look As readable and clear as printed book ; Enjoyable in life's gay, golden hour, Yet doubly so when clouds of trial lower ; Then closer draw, as lambs do in the fold, To gather heat, and 'scape the rain and cold ; Till warmth and sunshine take the place of rain. Then ofif they gambol on the hills again I Oh 1 Friendship I thou art like a golden chain, Each link a friend — each friend a golden gain I (7) = = ■."^J^- -i' f- .^.....■-^.■^.■.■„^, — .-■.^■,., — ^-.^■. — ..p....-.»^^.--,.^ ■■..^w^. ^u.^>.. fm |!| 1 ¥ "FAITH, HOPE AND CHARITY." -^AITH is the starting-point to higher ground, ^P2ach step — sure-footed — on The Rock is found ; No backward gazing at our former fears, But stronger growing as recede the years ! Hope is the telescope that scans afar, — Each heavenly thought seems Uke a new-found star I Though for a season bound by earth's employ, Hope sings on earth sweet heavenly songs of joy I Sweet Charity ! true bond of love and peace. Thy kindly counsel maketh strife to cease ; Thou rulest with a loving, gentle hand, And, smiling, points us to the better land ! Faith, Hope, and Chariit ! oh, truth sublime, "These three" shall bridge us o'er the sea of Time' " - , ■ CHRISTMAS GIFTS. ' /^H ! happy eve! that ushers in the day (^ Of all the year the best to young and oldl This night our thoughts take wings and soar away To Bethlehem's plains, where shepherds tend their fold. , Angelic strains are borne upon the wind •; Of ♦• peace on earth, good-will to all mankind ;" Seel yonder star of promise that doth bring Our eager footsteps to earth's new-born king. There pay we homage to the Holy Child Born in a manger — 'mid surroundings wild — Where " wise men from the East " pour at His feet Earth's finest gold — all spices rare and sweet 1 Oh 1 LF/r OUR CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS EVER BE - A i»OKTION 0}; OUR REST, l^ORD, "^'0 TH^E| (?) HEAVENWARD. HERE is in man a something that would soar Far from this weary world of toil and pain, Were he not fondly anchor'd to earth's shore By tender ties he dare not overstrain I Stronger they grow as years roll on apace, Till we would fain make all our Heaven here Until arrested by God's saving grace, Won by His love, or driven by conscious fear, To own the inward monitor that pleads The birthright of our soul to higher things More suited to immortal wants and needs 1 Then sing we as the rescued captive sings : Those love their freedom best who once were bound, Earth's pleasures pall when Heavenly joys are found 1 no) the: peace of god. HERE is a peace the world can not bestow Nor take away ; and they in joy do go Who but possess it, for its charm is sure, And doth through all the ills of life endure ; It makes the soul rejoice, the weak feel strong, The timid heart burst forth in joyous song ; Which may be heard above the din of strife, — An antidote for all the cares of life I Oh 1 peace of God 1 may I thy power enjoy, Then in Thy praise my life shall find employ ; Thou shalt me Yend from every evil way, Make all my darkness turn to brightest day, Till, safe within the everlasting arms. My soul shall rest secure Irom all alarms I rrmnemmmm 'J^^YlrivA.. ■ ., i> ,■- »'-..- T» VICTORIANS JCBILEE. HAT means this shout of joy o'er all the earth ? — A nation's thankfulness ! a nation's praise I From whence the cause that gives such joy its birth, And o'er the world such great commotion raise ? For fifty years our noble Queen hath stood The trying ordeal of a nation's crown 1 Beloved by all — " Victoria, the good," On Freedom smiled — gave slavery her frown I All through her lonely years of widowhood She held with dignity a nation's rein: Was ever Queen so well-belov'd and good ?, Did ever King such lasting homage gain ? Victoria I — as Mother, Queen, or Wife, Thou hast adorn'd thy pathway all through life 1 ( 12 ) Hope Deferred i IS hope deferred — life's lamp goes out at night — One flicker more and all is darkness deep, . ■ Made all the darker as the hopes were bright ; The more of joy we miss the more we weep^ As hope departs and leaves but blank despair, Then weeping ceases for the lack of power ! The Winter of the soul has come ! — and bare Are all the branches of the tree, whose flower Gave promise of such benisons of bliss, *' - That each glad leaf was hailed with new delight By sun and shower, and dew-drop's hopeful kiss. And all seemed fair each morning, noon, and night ! But fruit came not ; and leaf by leaf decayed ; Then sank my heart and sought Death's grateful shade ! (13) 1 ■;v^/'';;.--'.-^:|vri^V-^^-y--,'V-K,J:;^.',;;W"V,':/-. .^^-■;rr.---.':^-^:.^^^--<-:y-:-^-;p-^^^ ^: ■ - REST 1 ■'■'"■■.■■■■, ISJEST is the peaceful calm succeeding toil; t- Jf\Sweet to the labouring man who tills the soil; i Likewise most precious to the weary brain, ( Tired with the dull routine of loss or gain ; Or to the authors of our learned books, Who show the tiace of study in their looks — AH value rest — all need those quiet hours As much as doth the plant those welcome show'rs Which Heaven sends to cool the fever'd earth, And cause glad Nature sing aloud with mirth. ■ ' When God at first created earth and skies, — ^-_ - He *' rested " in the shades of Paradise! Likewise shall we, earth's care and labour o'er. Find Heaven the sweeter for the toils we bore I (14) ' " . • i « • ..,...,....■:,-..,:. ...„...,.. .....-......-., A PRAYER FOR WISDOM. ^^U ! let me ever walk in Wisdom's way, ;, 1 flw 1 \^^ That I may wiser grow, and day by day ■ "'^.^'• te Prove that her paths are pleasantness and peace ; ■ '-' • ' •'■"' And, therein walking, may the years increase ; In fruitful days of labour and reward, 1 Of love, and joy, and peace, and sweet concord. ' Grant me the work which angels most enjoy, — A life well spent in Heaven's blest employ, In deeds of love, and works of holy zeal. And in that occupation daily feel The kind approval of a God of grace, Who owns His servants with a smiling face; My work accepted, and my sins forgiv'n, Bless'd while on earth, and doubly bless'd in Heaven 1 j \- (^3) ,.,; ■ ^ ■.,:- ■■-; ,,,-^. ..,,,.>..-. BiHBWWW i . .".■■. Jl THE SABBATH-DAY. =llf: WEET day of rest ! most precious of the seven, God's gracious gift to man, in mercy giv'n That he may cease from toil and worldly care, And for that brighter rest his soul prepare. Blest harbinger of that eternal day, Whose beams shall never fade or pass away. Oh, may we ever watch with jealous eye, And careful guard the hours, that swiftly fly, That nought but heavenly themes our thoughts engage, And with temptation hourly warfare wage ; Oft by "the footsteps of the flock" be found, Within the house of God, on praying ground, There may our grateful hearts due homage pay, fo Him whp rose triumphant on th^t day! 10 PAIN ! E shrink and recoil at the touch of Pain, Yet know that escape from his grasp is vain ; And our trembling hearts with emotion swell As we sigh and groan at each painful spell ; But the dreadful hour of suffering past, And our courage and health restored at last, How soon we forgt. our terror and pain, And mingle once more with the world again ; But not as before, for a tender string Hath been set to music, and thus doth sing: I have suffered, and feel for others* pain A twinge of my own past sorrow again ! Ah ! Pain, what a useful teacher thou art, P^s^on? gf sympathy thus to impart } (If). MHiMMiaaiiaiiaiMHWM uaiHiiautfiiiiiaaaiaaiiraHiau THE NAME OF JESUS. WEET name 1 what cadence in the very sound ! What heav'nly music in the utterance found, When whisper'd in the ear of dying saint, Tho' spent with pain, and pulse and heart beat faint ; Yet, at the name of ** Jesus'* doth his eyes Seek ours in love, and peace, and glad surprise, And then forever close in sweet content To open them in Heav'n — a life well spent ! Oh, Jesus ! Thine the ever-potent power To charm, to heal, to bless, in trial's hour; Let all the world Thy name with rev'rence hear, Ard trust Thy pow'r to save ; with holy fear Approach the footstool of Thy matchless grace. And find in Thee their soul's dear resting-place ! (i8) mmaattaaamimtm :rni': i\'r ,'«»■.,-_*:'■ «"x-» 11 1- ^w^i^f-mmr iatmsaoimmim -i- t- MOtHER-LOVfi. EE yonder mother with her sickly child Press'd closely to her heaving, anxious breast, - For many days and nights forebodings wild Have fill'd her heart and banished needful rest ; Yet, at the faintest cry or wish exprest. She gladly seeks to soothe its every pain, And, if successful, thinks it purest gain Ere to her own great need comes fitful rest ! Oh ! mother-love ! great waters cannot quench Nor flames deter thee from thy patient zeal ; .; Thy love-strong hands grim prison-bars would wrench, There with thy suffering child *• at home " to feel ; The purest love on earth is mother- love. Full kin to that made manifest above ! (19) i ■ ■ _y-_^:'-.y-'->.:'r'^--i. T^- --Hij^aaiiai^^aiiMmM vaeuaaamemmuiaiiiaassmitmmmiiunui ^m^^mmm^ f 'V-v^' . K»<-'. titfi TEACHER'S kEWARt). H, teacher, faint not ! thou art not alone, He who hath called thee will thy labour own ; And though, at first, no grateful fruit appear, Think not 'tis labour lost, but persevere ; Yield not the conflict to the Master's foe. But still '* from strength to strength " unwearied go. Plant thou the seeds of heav'nly truth with care, And water oft with fervent, pleading prayer. Then i^ave the rest to God, whose Spirit's pow'r Shall cause the seed to grow, the plant to flow'r. Till in due course the ripen'd fruit appears To cheer thy heart, reward thy prayers and tears, And make thee sing for joy, — that peace bestow Which they who serve the Lord alone doth know. ( ao )- •^^.'.'y-''. -vi^i"wy"~^^T*'^'-" I'v ■y*: ; (0 SEEKING Ab'TER Knowledge. ISDOM is the true currency of Heaven, From fools withheld, but to the prudent giv'n ; In her pursuit let us in earnest be If we would prosper ; therefore, let us see That all our energies be so combin'd As best to cultivate the heart and mind. This occupation is the best that can Engage the youth, or occupy the man In leisure hours, which, be they rightly spent, Are of great moment, and by Heaven lent To sweeten toil, and relaxation give To dull and cank'ring cares, which, while we live, Must be our lot ; our time, then, let us spend As best becomes us, knowing not our end! ^ .• .■^x. * -/:u^-r V i"^-;; ;^*'';!;;^/" ■itfUAMli««lifeMHiMCMI«iillMMiM*WiMM*i«ttiM^^ -^^«^^.. ..-.^r.^ .■^-,,,- ■.--#■,. ^„ ... ^.., .,,„ iJ i .. > .l|W.HU I^Wr— »! - ' ■ — .■■■i»!»»Piiw..i © CHRISTIAN, AWAKE! URISTIAN, awake 1 thy life is not a dream, You cannot glide for ever with the stream ; *Tis like the ocean in her changing moods Of great uproar, or calm, deep solitudes ; Her varying tides a ceaseless motion keep. And danger ever haunls the mighty deep ; Yet o'er her bosom in majestic pride The noble vessel doth in safety ride, Defying all the stormy winds that blow, — Making a highway of a raging foe, Till the bright haven doth appear in view. Which speaks of rest to all the weary crew ; Where, sails all furl'd, anchor firm and fast. They rest the sweeter for the dangers past ! in) ' f'^-^/f%i^'-y-''< '■ '■ P PATIENCE. ATIENCE ! thou art « giant in thy strength, A miracle of wonder-working power; By calm endurance success crowns at length .. As certain as the fruit succeeds the flower ! Patience — brave heart ! 'tis step by step we go And reach at last the haven of our hopes ! 'Tis drop by drop — then hidden springs overflow And rush in torrents down the mountain slopes ! 'Tis one by one our moments swiftly fly To form the deathless history of the past ! Then patiently pursue thy purpose high While genius, hope, and emulation last. Patience is true greatness! — -e'eQ though defeat^ ,, Seem imminent, yet patience still is sweet ! -, - (23) ..V. msmmmmmmmm JESUS, MY REFUGE. H, grateful shelter from the storms of life, From cares corroding or vain worMly strife ; Fain would my panting soul Thy shadow seek, And, shielded safe, in grateful accents speak Of all Thy love to man, whose strength Thou art, Whose refuge sure, the uplifter of the heart Of him who strives to seek Thy safe retreat. And loves with Thee to dwell — there at Thy fpct Lay sorrow's burden down ; Thy gracious gift Accepts with thankful heart, nor seeks to lift With sinful hands once more the heavy load That bars the soul's communion with his God ; Ah ! there would I in calm repose abide, g^^fe a§ Thb Rock near which I seek \o I>id9^ I TRUTH. RUTH is that spotless purity of soul Which seeks the light, and loves to bask therein ! Not truth in part— then silence, but the whole Unvarnished facts, without one taint of sin ! . Such is the standard of the living God, Before whom all thai dares to lie niust fall, Feeling their conscience, like a heated rod, Forever searing and consuming all ! Truth stands the test of torture, fire, or sword, And from them all comes forth the more refin'd ; When fixed upon God*s everlasting Word, — Truth to all subtlety and art is blind ; * Though tempted sore, yet utter not a lie, c ^ ' For God and truth brave men have dar'd to die I ismmm \\ d THE PIASTER'S CALL. I I work to-day! the fields are white to view, The harvest truly great, the labour'rs few; To you the call is giv'n, reapers, obey ! Work mightily, while yet *tis called to-day ! » For night approacheth when no man can work, And sin and vice do in the darkness lurk. The fields are many and the world is wide. O'er trackless forests, deserts, stormy tide, Proclaim that love which makes all mankind kin, And saves the soul though steep'd in direst ein ; Which frees the captive, gladdens the opprest, And leads the erring to the Saviour's breast, Where pard'ning mercy, love, and joy are giv'n To make this earth a sweet foretaste of Heaven I v: (a61 y^.-.f • '-^ »./',,, -•-' I \\mmi uMimmmmm^^ SLEEP. As- leep, blessed Sleep ! of comforters the best, Thou "sweet restorer" of a wearied frame; In thy embrace we gladly sink to rest, And thus forget earth's fickle praise or blame! Or, in our dreams, revisit other lands Where first our happy childhood's year-j were spent, Apd join in playful glee our toil-worn hands In youthful happiness and sweet content ; Or kneel beside a godly mother's knee And lisp again our evening prayer sublime, And feel, from all our care and trouble free, The flowery freshness of life's glad spring-time ! Sleep's but the emblem of our long last rest, If pillowM safely on our Saviour's breast I T'X'E3SrTS : PA«K A Prayer for Wisdom 15 Christian, Awake ! .... 22 Christmas Gilts 9 Conscience 30 Faith, Hope and Charity. ...... 8 Freedom 2 Friendship 7 Heavenward 10 Hope Deferred 13 Image of the Heavenly (The) .... 6 Jesus, my Refuge 24 Last Enemy (The) 28 Liberty . 3 Light.... 31 Master's Call (The). 26 Mother- Love 19 Name of Jesus (The). . . . Pain Patience Peace of God (The) Perseverance Pleading Rest Sabbath Day (The) Seeking after Knowledge Sleep Tears Teacher's Reward (The). . Truth Victoria's Jubilee What is Joy? What is Love ?. PAOK ..18 .17 .23 .11 .29 ■32 .14 ,16 21 27 4 20 25 12 I 5 IMRIE & GRAHAM, PRINTERS. 28 COLBORNE ST., TORONTO.