B AMOolatlon for Infermatien and Imag* Mana««iiMnt ' " r IIOOWayneAvenue. Suil«1100 Silver Spring. Maryland 20910 - 301/587-8202 ^ per le premier plet et en termlnant eolt par la derniare page qui comporte une^empreinte d'impression ou d'illuktretion, eoi^ par le second plat, safon le ces. Tobs lee eutree ekempleiree Oiigineux sont filmis en comme|n9arit,pa1' la ^remiire pege qui comporte una empreinte d'impression ou d'iliuetration et •n'terri^lnant par la darniire page qui comporte uno tell^^ emprelnte. t.'>\ des symboles suivente eppereltra eurle dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le ces: le symboie — •>- signifie "A 8UIVRE", le eymbole V eignifie "FIN". Lea cartes, plenchee, tablMUx, etc., peuvent Atre film6s d des teux de reduction diff^rente. Lorsque le document est trop grend pour 6tre reproduit en un.seul clich*, II est film* 6 partir de Tangle supdrieur^euche. de gauche A droUe. et de haut en has, en prenant le nombre d'imeges nAcesseire. Lee diagrammee euivents illustrent la m^thode. '//■ ':^- %. tl :*^-'% ■ .'■' ^ ;.' ■ r- - ■■'■ \ . ;:--;r ■:.■:' ■■ ^ . 2 ;. ^,„ 3 ; ■ » ■M" ■:■:■'--: .'■■■ ■■■; '5'' 6 • ' ;.,'v;.-i::.,^ 1 .'■;<' .' • ^' '■ ■ 32 X "-..'■■. ■ »/ ■ . ♦ . •' . .• '4 "•■f 1«- ■.■'■■•■ ' .'v ''■'■■ '"* " ■- ' ' I- ^ . 1 ■ . - 1: -' ' ' •■ '• ■ . ' .V xy -\ ,^ PROPOSED BASIS OF UNIQN, , BETWrES y ^//rf*^-''' THE METHODIST CHURCH OF CANAlU, THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CUVncn IN CANADA. THE PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA, AND THE RIRLE ' . CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF CANADA, AS FINALLY ADOPTED BY THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON IJNION. DECEMBFUl 6th. IS82. "t I. DOCTRINE, GENEUAL IIULEH, OlimNANCES, ETC. The Doctrinal Basis of tlio proposed Utiitoa Church shall b« the StumknlH of Doctrine and Articles of lleligion contained in the Book of Discipline ..f tlft> Methodist Church oC Ci^iiada, edition of 1870. from p. i;i to p. '21. That portion o the Book * of Discipline of the said Melhodi.st Chur^li of Canada, edition of lH/i», from p. '-1 to-p,i^3, referring to General Rules, Ordinances, Rcceptioiucf Members, and Mean^s ot Gracfe, is also adopted as part of the Basis. .'*- ■V " _ - ■ ^' ■ " : '^^s- - ' :^ II. CHURCH GOVERNMENT. "^ \ * • _ (10 THE GENERAU CONFERENCE. ^ 1. TherVshalAbe a Quadrenaial General Conference, composed of ari^xM«ftl juunbbr of MiniB*"''"^ fl' >'^ T.ay nalagatoa r1f"^tiPd Hfl hfl'-'''"''fti«"T''"^tt^e^- with powdicto ' make mle% and reguiions for the entire Church. (Se« '^ Annual Conferences," par. ^.) 2 No change slkll be made in the Basis of Union, aflfocting cot^titutional questions, or the rightUnd privileges of Ministry or Laity, except by a thi^e-fonrths. majority of the GeneVal Conference, and, if required by cither order of Ministry or . Laity, a two-thirds majoWty of each order, voting separately. ';. ', , , ' 3 There shall be on\ or more Itinerant General Superintendents- elected by tho (leneral Cotiference, to hM office for the term of eight yeajABut if it be decided at the iheeting of the GenerV Conference afte» Union to el^Mj^General Superin- tendents, one of them shall be elected for four years only.^^Wat there may ])o . a recurring election or re-election every four years. 4. A General Superintfepdent shall preside over all Sessions of the General . Conference, anA over all Standing Committees of the same. ' (11/) A>^UAL CONFEUENCES. ' . .' ^ ' ' 1. The Territory occupied by. the Church shall be divided into Cooferences as the ; General Conference may from time to time direct. " • ;'^> .^" 2 Each Annual Conference shall be composed of all Ministers in Full Connexion within its bounds, and an equal number of Laymen, elected as elsewhere provided. (See " District Meetings," par. 6.) . o • 8. Laymen elected shall have the right to bo present at all ordinary Sessions of the Annual Conference, and to speak and vote on all questions, except the examin- ation of Ministerial character and qualification; the Reception, by vote, of Proba- tioners into Full "Connexion, and .their Ordination; and the granting of' the Super- annuated or Supernumerary relation, on which exceptive questions Ministers alone • shall take action. In case any Minister's character shall be arrested, it shall bo competent for the Ministerial members to meet in Special Session to examine into the case and pronounce judgment, reporting their action to the Mixed Confercnce,-such — r e port to be for infownation an d record , and n ot for discu'ssion. •__ • t^ 7-. '( 2 ) /».- 4, £iicli Animal ('otjforenoo hIiiiII Iiuvo aiitlioiity to oluot ii ProHidoiit from among its MiniHtorial inoiurHTH. " " /}. Tho (lonoral Hui)orinteud'ont, wlicii prcHciit, shall oj)on tlio Annual Conference, and preHido' during tlio ftr»t day of itn KesHionH, and iiftorwurd nJt(»rnatfecti jg. sut^h eleotion to bo by the joint votes of ministers and laymen. - ' 11. Each Annual Conference shall have authority to elect into l-'iill Connexion and ordain any Probationer within its boiiiuls whb has trnvelled [four years and fullillcd all i^^ disciplinary requirements. Also, to elect and ordain Probationers of less than four years' standing, when tho necessities of the work reciuire it. 12. All preachers who Lave received ordination in any of the uniting bodies, and are in good standing at the time of the Union, shall retain all rights and privileges conf0rred by such ordination. . "' ' (III.) lySTRICT MKKTINOH. ' ■; 1. The territory occupied by eagh Anmral Conference shall be divided into Districts. •2. Each Annual District Meeting sliall insist of all the Ministers and Probationers for the ministry within its bounds, and one Lay Delegate for each Minister or Proba- tioner in the active work, from each Circuit, Mission, or Station throughout the District; said Delegates to be elected by the (Quarterly Meetings as hereinafter provided. 3. Each District shall be under the Supervision of a piesiding ollicer, to be called the District. Superintendent, who shall 1)0 elected by the Annual Conference, as else- where provided. He shall preside in the District Meetings, oversee the temporal and spiritual interests of the Church in his District ; and, with the ISiIinister^ and proba- tioners under his charge, shall administer and enforce the Discipline of the Church, being responsible therefor to the Annual Conference. 4. The District Superintendent shall fix the J;ime and place of fha first District Meeting, after which he shall fix the time, and the District Meeting shall fix the place. - In the absence of the District Superintendent, the District Meeting shall elect from among its ministerial members, by ballot, without debate, a Chairman jno. tern. 5. The examination of ministerial character shiiU be the business of the first day of the District, Meeting, and shall be confined to the ininisteiial members alone. 6. Th€ Lay Members of the District Mc'eting siiall meet separately sometime diiring the Session, and elect by ballot, without debate. Lay Jlepresentatives to the Annual Couference, in the proportion of one for each Minister in full connexion within ■;;>■■■ , ■• - : .. . :'. I U '■:,■ 7.-: ;■:: .- . ' '. ■ ■ -; .. ■■■■.■ ■ - ' ' . ■:■'■■ ■. • . ■ ■ *■ ■'. - T T I M":- T T I ■ ^ 3 ) ■ . ■■ - / of u«" 1.1 .nust hav.. I..-.. uuU^vS tlu- C^.urcl. in good Htauam^ f..r the l.v. <•..«- Miciitivc yeiirs iu'xt'im:li"h' »•>" •^f'""- * - ' I (iv.) yl .MlTKHliV.MKKTINtW. 1 Tl.oro Hhall'l.. .V (,)n,..t.Mly OHumuI Nh..(ii.K on-ari. CrnMiit Minsion or St ut ion. insisting of tiK, Minislcs unj l'n.l.ittioner. tor tl.o Mimstry. tho l...ul I n-tr M-rs^ ho Kslu.,t..rH, tlu, C.n uit S,..wa..ls. tin- l.oa.l.Ms ctf iMuss... tl,. Su,H,.mt.MulH.ts rSahLatl. Schools. .iH-ing ,.,....11.... of tin, ClM-rh.) ou. U..,.r.-H.;.,lat,v.; tro..| oa.h L!^;; ..f Tru^tooMLe 1,...,.,. ...nohorof thoC^^. .r.h) ; u-a also ..t a.. ....nal I .T^- Hentativs who ...ay l.av.- b.... a,MH.i,.t...l i.y tl... S.au,t...s o tl... ..r. .t l,.- a, for^ Mc..'t.ing of tl..>y.MU-; iM.t hm.I, a.l,l.lio.,al K..|"''^""t'^t'V"^ "»"^'l „ot ..xro..l tl.« ..mnhor of tho St.'war.ls .n» the Ci.-.iiife . ,, . i- ,i i» . ..., o .Tl... SuiK'ii,.(v...l.M.t of tl.., Ci.r.iit shall 1... tlu. Cl.a.rma.. ..f tl... Qu.irt.>jl> Mt,ct"i..«. i'X(opt Nvl...,. tl... S,.p.Mi.,I..M.l.-nt ..f tl... l>lHtri..t Hl.all b.. ijroHout. ... wl....h caso the liittrMUiiy l"c«'''t'- I" ' . ■ i . i :{ Tl.o (Juiutorly M...;ti,.- shall h.-a.' (•u..f^tlui..ts, ,ii.a .-...•.•.v.. au.l t.y a|.|'ealH . re(....,....ou.l (•.t...lub.t..s f...- tl..,M...ist.y ; .ua..a«., ^l.i.l .outrul ri,vu.l th.a,.c..s; a.ul aischargo such oti.o.- .luties as tho (U.,„.ial ('..„«o,o,icc ,„ay f.-.,, t,....- to t..,.i. doti'r.uiuo. . ■ r »i , . t 1 Tlu. Oi.iirtorly M..oti..K sl.all, at tl,.' tomth .■..Kuhi,- i„c(>t.i.f,' of fl.« yeilr. ..|.>..t by b,in..t, witl...ut .l..hat... tl.o Lay l)..|...i,'at..s to .itt..,u.l th.. cusui.,- .\,.„nal i).sl,_,..t Mfet.„g, i.i tho i.,-oi...,tion of o.u. l>oK.-ato for .-a.-h Mi.iistor or I'.obiit.o.u'r ... the lutivo woiJv 0.1 tl..' Circuit. ,> « , t-. i •.' NoTK. UcHulatioiis .•<..uc'r..i..g tl..' I^i.-ousiug of Lo<:al Prt'a.bo.s a.,a I'.xhort.-rs are lufurrt'd to the tM t'«"«''^' ^'""f'"'''"*^"- ,. , , III. CllUIU'll PJJOPKllTY. • Upoi. tho ratif.catio.. .>f tho piop..sea Uui...',, such loKislatio.. Hhall bo Dbtai.iod fio.u Losislaturi's l.aviug ."^o.iipetc.t juiisaictioi., as shall v.-st in tl.o U..itod("l.,..ich iill pn.povty J.ow held by, or i.i trust fo.-, tl.o ,cHp..ctiveCl...rches onte,...- ...t.. tbo L'l.iou. ■ , ^ i> * •> As it is piolmblo that i.. so.ue ii,Kta..cos ClmiGb a..d I'arsouago 1 roporty „ow 1.1 ..so will .lot bo re.iuiro.l. after tho Union, for Chur.l. or Ci.euit purposes, it .s reco....uc,iaed that a C'o....nitioo, .onsistin- of tl..' Distri.t Super.ntona,.nt. two ^l.n- istersa.ul two Lay...e.., bo appointo.l at ll.o Distriet Meeting' o„ each D.strut wb.'re any such p'rol)orty ...ay l.o situated, who shall act co.i.j..tntly with the 'r.-.ust.;i's .... ...... Circuit iu .letorn.inin- what pioperty shall b.' lotainod for use, and what shall bo sold. :j. Iu .dl cases who.o such Cl.ur.h or l>iirsouago l>roi.erty...iay bo so ^Id, tho pro- ceeds arising iroiu tl.o sale luay be applied,— ' ' - ,: (1) To the pay..ioirt of any debts or claims upo.i or i.i respect ol such property. r') To the payn.ont of any .lehls u|..... the p.ui>erty rotaiiicd for uso by the Cougrogation tbriuerly using tho propcty s.. sold, or hi buildiu^ a u..w church or par- sonage where necessary for the U..iteit C..ng.egatio...j . ^ m) Tl.o bahu.ck if any, to bo applie.l, with the cousont of U.o I rustces- to tho use of the Church and l'a.sonago \u\ Kun.l ..f tl.o Unite.l Church, .n U.oA.iuual Co.ifereuco in which such property is situated. . ' NoTi.-The regulations co.itaino.liu Chiuse :^ and its subsoct..jns, m so f.ir as they apply to property hold by th.' Bible Christian Church, shall bo subject to the regulatio.is adopted in regard/ to Churcli Funds respecting the debt of tho Miss.onary Fund of said Church. / ' Iv. CHliilCH FUNDS. . • aVne*S'»»m<««./«n tho fund, without distinction. 6. Income arising from tho invested capital now hehl by tho Methodist Church of Canada for tliis fund, and the amount annually roceivod from the prolits of tho Toronto Book Hoom (until such time as tUo Publishing Interests- of tho other uniting Churches shall bo amalgamated, and their assets o(juaIizcd, with those yf said IJook Uoom), Hhall bo used exclusively for the betiofit of tho claimants on tho Snperaimuation Fund now Connected with tho Methodist Churcli of (Janada, and the claims of Ministers now ia the active work of that Church wlio may become superannuated after- tho Union. (y. The rule adopted abovo^ in clause 6, shall a|)ply, in tho case of the Methodist Kpiscopal, Primitive Methodist, and Bible Christia;! Churches, in regard to any Book Room or other assets available for their respective Superannuation Funds, until the amalgamation referred to in said clause is accomiJished. 7. So soon as the Met^Mst Episcopal, Primitive Methodist, or Bible Christion Churches shall furnish an nmouut of capital equal, in proportion, to that now held by the Methodist Church of Canada, the Sujjerannuated Ministers of such uniting Churcheu, and those who may become Superaniyuites after Union, shall have a claim on the pro- ceeds of the whole invested capital ju common with those who are now Ministers of the Methodist Church of Canada. 8. If the income of any year shall not be sufficient to meet tho claims in full, then all claimants shall shar MotlmtliHt Church of Cuiiatlft liiiviiiK noJtjbt.iiml thr- iiKDino mill fX|.cii(htiiru*trtMnK niuiil, |n» riTninmriKhitinn \h iMTOHsiir') 3. Tho MlsHioiiiiry Ko< Uty oflho Mi IIkuUhI H|.iH«o|ml Church hiin a .Mil of 1?10,(K)(). iii(urn«il ill tho |>ur(hiiHi' of |.r.)|u'Vty tiii«l Ihf ori'itiiMi t»f ChiirrhoK in Muiulnliu, thr prnpiTty hfiiiK lit-hl liy tlio Smii-ty us h.. iirily for Uii- lUht. TIih iU-ht in to Iw lh|UithaiH(>, liinn altout $:J,(MM>oii wliiih uimilitii'H aro jiaiil at (1 pt-r rf|it. jut aiiiiuin. wliiih aiiiiuitieH will im.'hahly «east« in a tVw years. As this ih ht was iiiciirrcil iii llio |.uri haso. ami ort'ctioii of MisHioii ('huivhos ami hirHoiiagoH, il in conHiih'roil ii h'Kitiiiiali' < iaiiti against Hiich |)ro|H'ity. It i■^ lluMcforo agrocil that thoUicxt Annual Coiil.iotin. of tho liihlo Christian (iniicli shall malM- arran^i-nionts to .listrihuto tho Missj.uuiry the (leiieral Confereiiee of the Methodist Church of Caiiadii iit the Special Sessinn to he held hrfore the lln'>»n is cbiiHUinmati'd. As the other Coiifciemes and ChuitheH huvo no such Investeil Capital, all furtjier action on the sul.ject is rofoned to the flrnt (Jeiiorul Conference of tl»e Untt^jighurch. '(ivl^. TAr Clii')/rni'.-< Fund. As tho/e are no InvoHtmentH in coniieclion with this fund in any of the Initiiig Chiiichixs, it is agieeil) l'UHLlSinN(i INTKUKSTS. "■'.■■' ,> ■*. ■ •'■ ^ 1. Tho Halifax Hook UooiiMiiid weekly paper HJialPLe continued as at prosent, on account of their geographical position. 2. Tho Toronto Hook Itooiii. with its various publications, will also bi; maintjiiiiod ; ^ and no serious dilliculty is appreliemlcd in the wa.vpfconsofidaling the other publishing ■ interests iii'the West at an early (late after the I'nion is eirecteil. 8. As th(? assets of the Hook and I'ublishing llousii of the Methodist Church of (,'anada for the three Westent ('oiifeieiiC(!S, jire hirger in proportion to th»; iiiiiiiber of Ministers in those Conferences than the similar assets of any one of the other contriict- ing parties, it is agreed that each M^iister of the Methodist I'lpiscopal, Hriniitivo Methodist, an'l Hihle Christian Churches, entering into the Ciiiiui, shall pay into the general Publishing I'uml such a sum as will make liis interest ciplal to the ./»;;• capita interest of the Ministers of the three Western Conferonove, paytnonts inay be niado in caBh, or by notes, payable inono or two years from the dato' of I'nion ; such notes to bear interest at 8ix per cent per annum. • yi. HUUCA.TIONA|i mTEKESTS. ^ . J. The Metliodist Church of. Canada and tho Methodist Episcopal Churcli have a number of Educational Institutions ift successful oi>eration. The' I'rimitive Methodist and Bible Christian Churches have no such institutions in this country. ♦ 2. The Educational Institutions in the Maritime Conferences present no difficulty in the way of Union, and no change is recommended in their present relations. •-■•■ ■ '• ■■ ■ /■■ ■ ■/ ' ■■ ■ 'S^ ' '' ■ ■ *■■'■ • ■■■ i ■ . < » > 3. In Tef(%ri to tho W'oHlorn (^onhtrnnc^ii, it Ik Iwiittvuil tlint thonn Tn»ttitutioi)i wliicli |M)HMUMH lUiivcrHJty (loifcrH cuii Ih> coiiMulidutvti, to the liuiiur uf tlirir gradmitea, Hiid thy iulvniitu|{«i of tlioir Kduciitioniil work. 4, It IH rvcoiiiiiH'iMlcd tliiit tliti iinit» to tlic triiditioniii polirv of MflthodiRiii ill rrKiini to ctliinitioii, lM-li«'viiig tliUt the liOHt iiilertmtN of llio Cliiiroh iiiul of pdiiciitioti iihporutivcly dt>iiiiiiid tiiiit our ( 'dIIokum mid UiiivuVNiticN Hhuiiid bo undur the foflt«)riiig rare of tilt) Church. ' ■ ,' ' " VII.- MISCKM^ANMorS ItHCOMMKNDA'riONH. 1. C(imix)ti(i()n of tlii Fimt (Ifiunil Cini/fieiin'. T)h' Oeiicrid ('on'f«»n'ii('o of tlio MutiiodiHt ('hui'( h of Ctiiiiidik hiivitig iiiitliori/.»d thn culling of u S|ioihall-hir*o closed the Npecial HOHsion above alluded to, shall (u)iii|)OHe tho l-'iist Uenoral Co\iforenco of tho sai(l United Churcii, with power to perforin such Acta as liiay ho necoHHary to the final ratilication of the I'liion, and all other A<'tH which come within the province of a (leneral Conforeiico. (h) The Annual Confiy^fjees.aiid District Meetings of the Methodist Church of Canada shall have authority to (ill vaiNincioH thattiviy have occurred in tly|ifedgU>ga"- tions, either lay or clurinal, by tho usual mode of election. V^ 2. I'lxpcnHfs of GttucrnI Confereiicr.-li'ihe Basis of Union be apprwod, it is > recommonded that the various .\niAial •('onferences make pmvijjion for taking up' a collection in every congregation for the expenses o/ the Uirst (lorteiaK'onferonco. 3. Transfer of y[iniiileni.--'V\\o .loint Committoo recommends to tho First Oeneral Conforonce tho matter of making provision for tho transfer of Hir^istofs from one Conforouco to anuthor, so as to give all reasonable facilities for meotijig the wants of the work. • 4. Time of fint General CovA'rfwcf.— In Iho event of tho Basis of Ihiion being approved, it is leconiiiionded that tlio tirst (lonoral Conference of tlio United (Ihurcdi bo held in the Methodist Kjiiscopal Tabernacle, in the City of Hellovillo, on the first Wednesday in Septembor, 188;}, commencing at nine o'clock iiitho forenoon. .'). Name.-'VXw adoption of a uaino for the United Church is referred to tho first «>tieneral ('ouforenco; but the Committco recommend that it be called " The Methodist Church." / y. j^^.;-: *■■ ♦ 'l*BP XnROULAR LETTER) ' ^it/ivdisf . ( /line A t'f (, nnaditf and tUf -''hi/f ( Arislmn 0'kttrv/t of (,',it Hilda . l>gANI.( llltl.Utt.ll IInKTIIMKN AXIi KlIIKMIMt: Alt yniir fi'lliiw litlniiii'iTH Ml llo* iiiiiiiolCy of llii' KliirinMM ( iIm- IIin'Ii nf CliriHt, w« Krfrt yiiii iiHi'i'lliMinlrly, in tlir iiniin' >\{ v\w KiiIIht, iIh- Sun, iiikI lln- i-vit ,I>I>'|iii'iliijil li|i'uiiii({» in Chriii*, liilffl ii|> in lliiii. iinil raluliliHln-il in lli<- fiiitli ii( llii' (Mm|H'l hIimIi liita Im'i'Ii ilci'liirc I iinln ymi. Ami mi< iirr the iiikii' iiiitiniiit eoiici-niinv yoiii' wi'lfiirr ittitiil iIm' iik*I<>I ■"■''' "' <>iir •'lii'rii>lii'il Mrilimliitinn in «Iii-hi' ikinx. Ii'hI ye Ii«< ltd Mliltf (riim njliulfni'HN i>f |inr|HiHi', Imniilily nf niintl. iiiiil nU'iln'iift' to tin- inilli, iifliT llu' ii|>iiil iiliiiiH iilf iiifii, itml mil iifliT llif tiilml iiml u ill nf (jihI. Viiii nil kmiw lliitt llirn' liii>tl|nHliHl I'iiiii'ili, in nnliT ilntl tlif ifN't'itHiiiiiN for xlrifi' •■lnnilil U' riiniitfiMl, tliiii lo>i> iiiiulit till' niorr uIhhiiiiI, tliiil iIm'I' ixlil Ih' It'xt wjut'li' itnil U'llir ilirt'i'liun of llii' rfwiiii'ffH of till- <'litiri,'li. .mil lliiit tin' tm'ii (IikI kivi-h iih to uiiiiiHli'r in wunl ilml iliNlrliif iniulil \rtiiwtml IIoIiIm of lulxiur, tliti >it'itnt.y itu|>|u>rt of tlm Aliiii>try liy »iiutll uixl ilivuliil ^inmlu'it, tliii iTt'i'tioii iif niiiiiy lioqj^t'H of wiinili(|i tliiit n iinitt'il ]h>o|iIi' wniiM lii'xir lintr ri'i|uiri'it, tin' ritiilry of iltiiinniiniktioiiN riirryiiix jirt'ciwly lliJ' mtiin' rtt*Trtni'B, itnil for Hit- iiiokI |iiiri tlif miiih' iiitttft'.i. inlo iifw iniHNiiiii lii'lilH, Itml llin envy ami ill will Iimi ofti-ii i-nKi'iiilfit'il l>y tlii' |it'r|M'(iiittii>n oi tlii'Mf iIixisioiik. Kiir till' rt>iiii»iil of tlii'itf iH'fitHiDiu of tilt- rt'iinmi'li of llif lulvi'ntnrirN, for tin- unity of ttif X|iiril in llit- liomU of |H (imri'li in litT iihmi, htT iniititKtiiiiis, nnil lii-r iiiom'y, iiml for llii' roiiHi'i|iii>iit n'viv.tl of tin' work of i of all our ('luirclii'M unto tlif lit'iii)^ IIihI, our Kiitlii'r in lli'iiti'ii. You uIno know tliitt tliri-f iiri' Ki-i'itt ilillii'ullii-it in tlio wiiy nf tin' m't'oniiilinliiin'iit of Hiii'h it I'liion of till.' ilivi'rHf liriiiii'lii'H of .MitliiKlisni into oni Mi'tliotlint I'liiirrli : ilillifultifi., imtt'iil, t»l)ii'li mi imTi'ly huinaii lliiiu^lit, H|iirit', or (ilnii I'oulil otfri'imit'. All tin* ('liurflii"« linvi' tlii'ir ilu'ritlii'll |iiilliy uml prihi'i|>lfH of );o\i'niiiii tliH'trini's of Holy S<'ri|itiirf tlii'iiiHi'lvi-H. I'rrjuiliii'H Imti' itriHfn iiml utiiinx fi'flliiiKit liavi! Ih'i'Ii Htirri'il : whrri'I'ori', it ih nflcn ililliiiilt for tin* iiiohI liom-Ht |iiir|io-.i' to uliliiin n niliii. impartial vitiw: Wiirlilly nintivi'H inti>rvi'm'..aml lu'lliHli ninm. Hoiiii'titiifii iloulit, Hiispirinn, umf |iiii'(t« fuirit liiitM the jiiilKiuinl' llif n'mi'inlirunt'i' of iii(ury, ri'ul or fiimii'il, iliHi'oliiiirN llir rity iiiiil U'trloiiiU tlit> viHiiin. l|o« Wi' m-i'il to pniy to In- ilr'liMri'il ftoiii ourHclM's ami tin' nn'ri- inlliii'iil^i' of cirtiini iitam'i's, ami (o I nttlili'il to mt tlif (rntli in its own clear li|;lit, ami ffil it in its own lonifort iiiitl l^iiw ! In vii'w of llifM- foriiiiilulilf olmtHi'lfs, Wf art' lonliilfnt tlial you will rfjoiif with uk ami ;;itt' ' i;li liavt> lilaui ilrawii to;{ftlHj« iif ' Unitni, ami HKi'iirtaiti wliftln^r iIii'M' Ih' a t'oiumon ^'rollml oii which nil tlic (Miiirclu'H intcrc-iic I iimiIiI jiiiii in organic Unity. Thii iilcntity of ,oiir iloctriiifM iiml ruli'H ol' Society, iiml the tiiiiiliirity of mir ii-ioki'IV in many ro8|H'cts, >{av« UH a favmiralilf Htnrlin}; piliji^. Wf could caKJly iiKri'f on the iliHiriiics nf tho Holy HoriptiirfH its undfrKtotHl liy the |M'opli' cilli'dMctffntii'.lM, on the >'ulfH of oiir .Sociclifi as yivcii liy Mr. NVfKlcy, tho vi'iieraliK' foiimlcr of kiui*coniiiion Ali'thiMlitmi, on our uhiikwh of worship uml iiifins of ftrac(>, and on tiiu fxi'flli<1lcy of tliiv spirit of love. Itut the divfrKJtifH of polity ami primiplfs of ■• govorniiiflit, oivd thf chfriKhfd iwcnlinritifs of the several <'hi|lchfH,na\t' to vour coiiiiiiiltfc ll cusion of iTiui'li Htuily nnd prayer. One of the ('huri'lies han mitilc pnuriiiient in iIh iiilininistratioii the main , tpiiaiife of tlif riKhtH tiil coiifessiiin, iire iii'iiMist cases h.mliil on to lili'.arraii.UffP»uiMh*il that in them is no ins^ieralilf luirricr to Union, wflfai'f OT ilinistfrs and Sooiftics was fli our tlinu);lit to all'onl thfiiiMill ixissilili'sat'fKmn'ils 8upfraiiuuatfd MinistorH art* prntfctcd in thfii' rights, and orilai'i'il men have I'he secured to ihi'tll the 1 iiriiverfill '»' p r i v ilf ^ I' H bikI fni i etio i ig po s Hos s od i » ithin tli fi r resp t' ctiv^ Chu ii 'he s . — I thasliceii ih i nnrelul uml [ effort of your Cuitcil CoiniiHtttfs tfi dischar>;f tlm snortsi trust coidided tn lliein -liv their several Confcri^nccg and Churchoa ; and guanliiiK ri^lits, principles, iMtd inipprtant intc n'sls, to Iiml if prncticilile aecordinf; to their instructions, a luiais on which the .Methodist jieople of this Dominioa initjht, under ( »• ) (toil, udlla in u(M> MuthiMlM Okuruh U>r tha aiiraail ttl rti'rt|i(iiral hiAutrtm Tivar lh«a« iMtd* WUk llagrD* uf rl«Aiv Ihitl M 4«air«l>l« Ml Kiul liw Iwxii rmu'liml, with many iirayon (»r ilirina piitim tlm inUilli|«ii4( our r«'ii|MH!ti«i> m«ntlMir*hi|>«, •llh •ti •■pwlJilton thai iimlu* yn^uill<-'« wtll b« laiii mIH*. «iiiI lh<< Kr»«t iHur* of Iha hour ralmty aiui eanillilljr miii«l«|>«i'ljki* |i#irau<-« that for oufialvM wa ^n, in tht- f<*ar of Ooit, haart Mi wiul with our |wiiti|a wilhiii uiMMlitutioiial action an|itan<-a of 'it, or a<|uallf Milainii raji'i'tion of It, a« rato u* tha imltoatlon of rruvltlanca'anil llic voira of (Iml III ihn wivaral Oharakaa thx Inmi* of Union will lie nrcwnli'il Tor ai'liim In Iha Oanaral and Annual ( 'oiifarriH'ra, tha QMirtarly IIkkIiii^ ( 'onf<*n>iiPi>^ niiil t))IU-lnl MiM'tiiiK* ainI Honnla, niiil In iha M«M'i»iiai> anil Mninlwn) thwMaalvm, uiulvr tha ronntltulioiial urov l«loiii in thn raoiivrtiva Chiiri'li'-a, and a<'forili|ig io tha ilirmitioh ol thair «a|iarala niimtituti'il •uOiorM ii-n, »o that thara may lia lh)> iitincal fairm-Mi aiiil fraai|om of tli*'>ii«liHi, lliat no iiniiroiiar aloy roio* ami iiilluaiii'a for or aiiainit lu ailo|>iuiii, ai'iiinling to tha Mflrinn and ■■oiiwiantlon* oonviclion v4 iutj, hafom XikI and Ilia ('hiiri'li, in Ihii imiMtrtant criai* of tha hiatory of oitr MatluMliania. What grMtvr diHiiity, what inora^WfiKhty and awful i'harK<' and trual than thilll lli>ri' la a vola paMinK far tha ImiMirtanuv of onlinary I'ivil and |Mi|iti)'nl alTaira aniooK iik'h. ii in\olva* luui'li of th« |Miwar, ailuiiaw, and daatiny of tha (Jhurch of (IimI ' NVhiit an iinmanaa n'N|Kiiiailiility U |ilai-iH| hari'liy U|M)n avary OMmliar and friand of our /.ion Hhnll hi' not Im< iiunh in itraytT' laifora (iod, toiirhiiiH our praanntilutiatt Hhall wa not aaak oouiim'I of tliv Miml llluh I l*ari< wi> allow |Hr worHI^ faaliiiKi or iaauaa, or inipulavH of prida, jaalouay, or ill will Io int)-r\<'iH' in a liiiain<-aa of this I'hanM-tiirl Ara wa not in duty laiuiid to Walk in ilia lifdit a« OimI hini'alf ia In Ijii' llxht, hnd aaak to (HMuiaHfi all tlii> mind of inaakiMNI, oliailii-iii-a, and lovn that waa in t'liHat, our Saviour and l,ord I 4low • Ua ahull wii diachariia thn lolainn olili^ntiona of Ihaaa «\i>ntful tiiiioa I Th*' |>aat ia liMikiiiK li|Min ua with ita iiiany liraacliaa Io \m rafwirad, iniatakca t'orravtad, and ilia raiiiailiiil, notwitliHtandiiiK ita many aiirraaara, for which w« Joyfully giva gl<»ry to Ood. Tlia preMUit ia IrMikInK "I"'!! ua in tha runlial ili'aira and iiilan-al of all KvMt^t'liiial (ihriitandoin in thia niovaniant, and aaiH-i'liklly iif tha prayarlul »nd hrolliarly avNipHthy and KifWii of all tlia MullKMliami of lioth hatiriapln^n'a, Tha futura ia Imikinn In iia with ita alilarKiiiK diMiianda, opanini(dooi», and inuraaijiD^ factlitian in tha work of OimI ; wilh ita call for Iha niaintaiiuncn and apr««d of tlix'iiJSti^iar-ikM'trini'N of our Mathixliani, a fri'a, full, pmaant, iiiatan^ jH'rfart, and rtarnal^aalvAtion to fuiln aniK^iliiiidiani'a ; and with ita ((rnnd priniilaa and pma|)a('ta of tha iniiltiplyiiig vii-toriaa of tho omaa, for tha aiHinniiiy of our raiourraa at lioiiia, anil tlia pro|Mlint( Ihiminion, niiil Io ilia lamoti-Ht |iarta of tha I'urth. 'I'lia mimionaiiaa and martyra of all nf(aa, tha lloly Aii)(i'Ih, ('lirial, tlia llaail of tha (7hurrh, and tha Adoralila Kathar and linly Spirit am liNikiii)( u|h)ii ua, tlint what wi> do wa do it not aa Mnln ' nuraalva-i, Imt-aa unto thn I«rd ; tlwt wa do MUr liaat to uiiita ounu'lvi-a, our idii-riahad iirinciplaa and |MiiwiTN, our rannurrai au<> efltcrfirlani in tha Inva of lind, ami in tha faith and hnpt nt Ui>i Hloaioua )(oH|N'l, Hi><>hi){ wa ara ant'ompaaaad alMiut liy ho j^n-nt a riouil of witnaNaaa, ha it oura Io lay onido I'vary w«ii(ht, and tha ai^l that mi aaaily iNwt ua ; and, whalliar niTi Iiord, and in viaw of that day whan avary oiia of ua alioll giva aci-ouiit of hinini'lf to IIihI. ('(iiiatrniiiril of Ilia lova nf'u'lirial and xaal for till- aiiiilnof man, wa muat caaiia iiiiiuM'mly atrifa, niiil on a IiomIh of lirotharly and mutual ri'itnni, and ('liriHtittii honour and right which wa think tha lutaiH liariwitli auliniitlad to Im< wa niuat lia drawn loK' tliar luid aalaliliHliiMT not only in tha unity of the Spirit and Imndit of |H>nra, hut in all nr((ania and viailili' unity to tha confoundiiiK of tha odvarHiirii'N of (!|iriat, tha di'inoiiNl ration of Iha work of tha Spirit and tha k''"^ "' ^'*x' ^'>" I'utliar. And ii'm your (uuitnrH niiil Harviiiita, for (Uiriat'H aaka, wa ahnll aurm'Htly and'l-oiitiniially pray that tha lloly (ihoat ilaKranil upoji uh all, mid till ux with thi' |(>va of lliid, anK)(htau ivary mind, and purify a\ary haart: niid that Ma uuiila^our ('hurchaa to tha wiai'iit uiid'anfaat ri'»ultu.V«<>lllK iiraiaa of Hi* (rlury. And to (iml, tha Knlliar, Son, and Holy Spirit Im> praiw fnrtiver. i I ■ I II ■i \. :-^ « SiKnad hy ordar'of, and in tialialf of, tha doiiil Comniittan on tha ITnion of tha MalhndiH Churohei of thia Country. . .S. II. RI(?K. Prttilfiil oflhf llniftnl >'imffitiu» o/ Ihf .VrlhnlintCh'hjihnfCnaitii. .1. (iOODMAN, . I'miilriil nf Ihr Primilii'f .tfcMm/M ahiirch in tnihula. \y I'Ast'OK, I'rrnhlnit nf tht ^ihlt Chrulian I'hhrrh >/ Ciinaila. , A. (^AKMAN. Ilmlhi/i hfllir M'lhmtiil KiiiKnpnl I'hurfk ill i'nimiia— ChuirniiiH nf dmrntUm, I ■' - " ,■ T-i- AI-K.X. smiKK-LANn, Si-rrrlarit of CommiUf*. Toronto, Dtti-emllfr ^th, JHItS. V • , , t* -V * ' V ..