^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) '■O ^ M. ^ ^ '^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 114 fifiS £ 1^ IIIIIIO M llll|y 2.2 1.8 1-4 llllli.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 V njk V -$^ A \ ^9> .V 6^ <> ^ etod con veniently placed at ihe City of Victoria, it btiiog sitaated on the high road of travel to both Ainericaa and British possessions, tho centre ot commerce aod resort, aod the pivot ol postal and eteaoiboat communication, both domestic and foreign, possessed of saperior aod established advaiitages, as well fur tbe internal govemmeot of the country as for holdlD;; easy and rapid conimanication with England, Her iMnjesty's fleet aod foreigo poDs, including the recently formed America Territory ot Alaska, we cordiaMy eodoree their prayer, and also tbe poliiio course the memorialiHis have pursued. Resolved — That denirous of expressing our gratituue, and our app.eciatior. of tbe valu- able service reorierfd, we tender our heartfelt thanks to Donald Fraser Esq., A. G. Dallas Esq., Gilbert M. dproat Esq., and others ; tbe Banks, Mercantile Firms, and gentlemen who huvo io tbe hour of need interested themselves in favor of this sadly neglected Colony, fur their kind, laborious and meritorious services io its behalf, and whilst begi^ing that tbey will continue their active exertions, wo also pledge ourselves to aid their endeavors as far as our now restricted freedom will permit. Resolved — That our special thanks are due ar.d given to our esteemed tellow- colonist, Donald Fraser, E.^q., in the intexrity ot wbuse intentions we have the fullest oonfi- dence, for tbe offer of his services in England, shoufd occasion require. Whilst accept- \ds this generous olTer, we nevertheless earn- estly and confidently hope that Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Oolooies will, according to Constitutional usage, ac- cede to the well-understood wishes ut the people, as expressed by peiitions, and to the dei)ire of the Legislative Council as shown by their Refolutiuns, and by so doing in some measure remove the now existing and cuo' tiouully increasioK discontent and assist in restoriog that cuotideuce which is 63 much needed, and thus materially aid in reviving the progress aod promoting tbe future welfare of the entire Colony. Resotvcd— Thai a copy of these resolutions be sent to His Excellency tbe Governor with the tespcctlul request tbb* le will foiwaid them at the first opportunity to Her Maj- esty's priooipal Secretary of State for the Colonies , and that a copy also be cent to Donald Fraser, Etc., io order that the earn may be made kuo'wo to tbe Irieods of tbe Colony in England.