^ iK^ V^, ** IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) u V.^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 150 "^l" H^B Z US, 12.0 12.2 1.8 U IIIIII.6 V 2 -V Tr B 3 i q S -a •a f^^ Hi. X ^' 5" s - 3 1 1 m»' 1 v 9 o a c > CQ y rie H , c ^: > 1— ' ^ 1*— • W CD —% S JD r3 1 c-t O C^ fC I DE m IILOI Conij Kntrio ;J7JOO0 I DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND STATISTICS, PRIZE t LIST .:■ OK TIIK piipp PKOYiNCi^ii EXJiiBrneN ii TO UK IIKI.n AT i Portage la Prairie, MONDAY to SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, 1883, I'SI.KK THK AlSI'Iffc-* «» TIIK ]K)AK1) OK AClUICn/rrUKOl' MAXlTOliA. if^hisOOC) 111 T:^i4z.eHc Competitlan Cpsti ta tha World, Bxuapt iu .ertaln. Cla.sBS u^-hen Dtherwisa statad. Kntvic. which will not he .cceivea late, than ^^^^^^^^ '"^ ^''J^' '""" *" Acton IJunows. Winnipeg, from whom copvea of tin. List .vn-l all liurticulaiH can he ohtninoa. STKKN i r."ncE, I'UINTEUS, 10 JAMKS STKKKT, KAsT. 1883. S7JO0O-2:.-'8:i loarU urAyricMiii i ich ol Provincial Exliibition, Portage La P Ktitry Purm rcfVm'il to in Uuli* M of I'ri/.f \.\n\ I, tliii utiflcniiKiii-il, |iri)|Miw (II I'nliiliit M> iihtlMr iit thu AiimiinI Kxhiltitioii, to I itetoUr Ut, '.'ml, .Int, Uli, nth, niwi 0th, IMN.'i I uiirtify thiit ikll till' itrtii'lon «> proixxuxi to Ih> toihibiti-il ity iim' iin> of iity owu x uirn dM(i(ii or arntti(rt>rn<'rtt ; or in vwtf of ntiiitmli) thn h,mtt ttih |>ro|M'rty i»f th*> ••xhihiln of ttw axhibition. Hi|{ii«tur», Huotlon Towimhip Kftnifn pTMt Otiio. AiI'Ihkk DfttC IMM.1 OiH' flollur niunt h«> wnt with thlK fiitry j>fti«T, «>xri«nt hy |H'r«oiii nxittnirfiMJ liy ruh* No I'litry piipiT will !»' ri'ci'.vt'fl liitiT thrm Hrpfi'inlicr I'Jth. Tlu-y ihiiiiM ln' irmlli Ihat (hilo, ami um iniii'h rurlinr itH pomtililr. (.'LAMM. I MRCTIOM. DKNI'lUITIiiN iif MiriCI.K oil \NIM«I.. Wneii tilled up Uiis pupt-r sh luld lie sent ivt oiu'c, by rj-gijitored letter, to the BuKKOWB, VViniiipej,' «O-W0»-lt-6'8S. f lU'H Ul ISTTH Portage La Prairie, i883. i to ill Unit' :t ot Vr'uv \.\nt. ir «t Iho AiiittiMl KxliiltitioM, to Im |i»Ii| tii l'(>rt.i|(p Ia I'rniri^ >xhil»iti>il \ty iiM' itn> of iity own ||ri>w>h or |>riitlu<'ti>iii or of uty httntt (til* |>ro|i« rty of thr »«)iil>it<»r, hi wwinlaruf with tl»i« rttl»> ire, fVMt Otiio AiIiIm'nk iy [M'r!«oii«( oxumirfMl liy rul»' 4 of I'rlxn hint, tiff I'Jth. 'I'lii-y nli'iiiM til' iiiikili'il 'il liTiMt two wi'i-k* (iricir t^i IITIi><« tt¥ AHTICLK oH VNIMU,, I / •lu'f, by registored letter, to tlie .Seonitary-Treasurer Actox WlNNIl'W;. I'rii t«>l by Mkhhmn Hrr.ts A FiovtK, Hi .Unw Slrett Kwt. I I HoAUi) OK A(iia('in;rrnK of Manitoba SKMHTAMV THBAUfHKM. Ac'tOll HurrtiWH, Wilihi|M>|{. liloMriToiM. 'It«iti, Hlttiuhanl A Miil«Kh. Wiimip««j(. OoMl'tTlNO VKTtMlNAKlAJr.— Wiliiiun M» h:ft. Iirftii, M !>., V.8., Wiiiiii|»«'K llANKiiiH. Tilt' lt«ii!( »f MoiitrKttI, NViiini|wj{. MKMHKKS OF EXKOITTIVE COUNCIL (;. .1. IliMiK.KH, Wiiiiii|M'>^. T. A. IUrkirii, Ht. Horiifii.r. n. <}. l»ii» ANNinilioiA . Hai.' St P., 1 Hirtl.' ituriiiiii!«' Hr*- adon . • » • • • • MKMItKflS OF THE HOAUD. W. H. Kam, JIiwIiiiKly. I'!. li. Kaiiihanick Hiiiw St. Piiul. liAWUKvrB IIki ilMKH. . . IJirtln. ('iiAid.KHduKKM Portttj^i! In Fruiri*'. CiiARi-KH NViiiTKiiKAD nramloii. (>Brti«'r 'I' A. Hkunikr Ht. Moiufiico. Diiuphin M. II. Fiur.DiiotjMK Nnopowii. DulH-rin N. .tli C V. IIk.i.mwkm, Ni-Uon. Durt't'iinSoutli .FamkhStiutdh Calf Mountuiii Km«*iRoii . I). (}. HioK n minion City. ^Ikdstoiif Tiifis L. MoiiTON (JIadHtonc. Ili^Ji IJluH' .John' Wii.tov, Hvu HIk'' niiUl, Kililohiin .Iamks Haki'Kii Kildomin. 1a V»'raii(liy<' Tiikofiiii.k 1'ark Ht. Anno. .Minni'doKii J<»iiN McTavisii Minnedosii. Moimtiiiu 11. S. TiioMPHON MarriiiKhiirNt. N[orii.s .11. 1''. 1)f:hi'Ahh W»wt Lyiiiu-. \(»it'olk .loriN Mom .Ilollr.nd. I'oiUgc la Pruirif Hon. FhancimO«;lktukk. . Portage la Prairie, Hoikwood. S. li. HKDHojf Stony Mountain Sprinj^tirld Ni-.ir, If jcndkhson Cookn' Crcclv. St. .X^atlu'. , Martin .Jkuomk. St. Picin>. St. Andrews y noon. Persons entitle facilitate the removal of exhibits. At 10 a.m. an auction will be hel.t for the ,sahi of exhibits, for which entries must be made the previous day Mt the Secretary-Treasurer's office. Exhibitors will be required to remove all their property during the day. The Secretary-Treasurer's temporary branch office will be closed at noon, and the staft' removed to the head office at Wiimipeg. DejHD'tineht of AyricidlHre and Statistics. REGULATIONS. 1. Porsons denning to correspond with tlie Secrotary-Treasurer will address their conmiunications to Acton Burrows, Winnipeg. The offices of the Board are at the corner of Broadway and Kennedy streets, Winni- peg, where the Secretary -Treasurer can be seen daily on business con- nected with the exldbition, between the hours of 11 a. m. and 1 p. ni. The offices of the Board in Winnipeg will be closed from the evening of Wednesday, September 2(3, until October 8, during which time thi' Secretary-Treasurer and his statf will be found in attendanee at the teujporary offices on the exhibition'grounds at Portage la Prairie. 2. Etxtries must be in the lianils of the Secretary-Treasurer, Acton Burrows, W^innipeg, not later than September 19. They should be mailed ut least a week previous to that date, and a.i nuich earlier as possible. Considerable time is necessarily occupied in the examination of entry jtapers, and it is frecjuently necessary to correspond with the senders for the correction of errors and omissions. The above limit of date for the reception of entries will therefore be rigidly aiihered to. In nearly ever}- case it is as easy for exhibitors to make their entries two months before an exhibition, as two weeks before, and promptness in this respect will materially assist the Secretary-Treasurer in his work and enable him to mail admission and entry tickets to the exhibitors, thus preventing the necessity of their obtaining them on the opening of the show, when^ owing to tlie pre.ssure of work in the office, they may be delayed. ti. Entries must be made on tlie printed forms provided for the purpose, one of wliich is enclosed in this list. Additional copies of the prize list or entry papers will be mailed to any address on application to the Sec- retary-Treasurer, or they can be obtained from the Secretary -Treasurers of any of the electoral division agricultural societies. Copies of the prize list can be seen on application to any postmaster. 4. One dollar entry fee must accompany each entry paper sent by any person other than members of the Board, and regularly recognised crop correspondents of the Department, otherwise the entry will not be re- corded in the books. The envelope enclo.iing the entry paper and fee should in all cases be registered to ensure its safe delivery. 5. Only one entry will be allowed to an exhibitor in one section of any class other than live stock. INo animal or article will be allowed to com- l^ete in more than one section of a class, except herds of cattle and pens surer will riie offices ;a, Winni- incsH con- id 1 p. Ml. veiling of time til'-' ice at the •ie. "er, Acton be mailed i possible, of entry ?nder.s for te for the ,rly every ths before spect will >le him to nting the )w, when d. i puri)ose, prize list 3 the Sec- 'reasurers ■ the prize it by an}- lised crop lot be re- ;r and fee on of any id to coiu- and pens Prk« LUt of Ninth Provincial Exhibition. 7 of sheep orTwH. which may bo shown separately and with young, il f:>i wliich may be shown separately and with their dams, or animals competing for diplomas. Every article must be entered under some one of the headings in tlu- „rilri t wl en possible; but if any article is of a distinct character from Ln 1 in tsp iti d in the list, it may then be entered in the extra section of tha c^rwTth which it most nearly corresponds. No article, however, wi be itw^^^ be enter.1 as an extra for want of sufficient Huaiiti y or uml e I any other similar defect, when <,f the same kind or variety Ts rlhiiig'naiLl in the list; in such a case the article cannot be ex- hibited for competition. 7 0„tl,c. recoilitof ontties a car.l will be ptcparcJ for each annual or .rtll I if vin« the clas,, s..etio„ and number of entry wine, ear. mmt ' ,a ; ittaei,e,r to the anin.al or its pen or .tall or to the art.ele Junng th Thole perioa of the exhibition. Where postaliae.ht.e. 1--" - cards will be n.ailed to iutendinj; exhibitors. Those who uO not thus rtceivc then, can obtain then, at the SeereUry-Treasnrer s oftce on the exhibition grounds, on and after Thursday, September 27. 8 The «r.mn,ls and buildings will be opened on Saturday, W-JI'tonJ'" .0 All e"l,ibitsotherthanlivestock,etc.,n,ustbe in the places allotted to ^hom not later than noon on Monday, October 1. Live stock n.nst be on t e™r„„,uls not later than 11 a. m. on Tuesday, October 2. No cxh.b t» o eiU,™ articles or live stock shall be reu,o,ed from the grounds «n d a tertp. m on Friday, October 5. The grounds an,, buihhng, wd be one, ed at daylight on Saturday, October C to tac.hta e the rer|,oval of exhibits. Exhibitors acting in deHa,rcc of this rule will forfe.t all pr.zos awarded tlT|m. 0. No exhibits, or sacks or other coverings containing them, will be ad- mitted with name, mark or initials thereon. 10. Articles on exhibition shall not be handled except by the officers of the department to which they belong. 11. Each exlubitor, on being furnished with his entry tickets will be .iven four small admission tickets, each of which will admit the bolder oncl and must be given up at the turnstile on passing into the ground. t In exlubitor, having used them all, shall still desire admi.ss:o...he shall ay nthesam inann°eras the general public. The entry tickets upon alials or articles will admit once the persons taking them to the grounds for exhibition, along with the animals or articles, without the ase of an^ otlier ticket. Afterwards such persons must be provided NMth proper ■ admission tickets. ^ Ihpnrtitinit o*' At/notfhtre and Stolutin. 12. XecPHHdi'ii ntativeHof tlio press, an.l the autlmrise.i crop corresp.m.lents of the D.'partmont of A<,'ricuUure an.l Statistic^s. Any of these n.)t havinjr receiw.! th.'ir tickets prior t<. the opening' of th." exhihition, sliouhl apply at the Secretary-Treasurer's office on th.> . \hibition j,'roun.ls. 14. The price of a.lnus.si.m toothers than those enum.a-ut.'.l in rule 14 will be 2') cents each time of entering through the gates .lurin' prize, shall he in- n Pt-izx Litt qf' Ninth Provineinl E'hihiUon. 9 cxliiltitors exhibitljn, K nooi), TO ON (JATE ■acli (U'part- iicli tickets, I' issiu'fl to I'lltlltivOMof )('piirtiiiont civcd their ply at tlu* 1 in rulu 14 \ug the ex- itik's, AND ^:i) WITH •iagi's and liition pur- \\\ the rintr. nitteperly se- l It (IS been 'U he in- rm,Mr,l !.: pn'vniL Haihfiutuni j»»of of I mnnrhitioa mnsl l»' jn'o- .l,ur,l l,> onhw to rMlth the exhihltor <" '/'"'"'^ '^"^ ,nl,hl,on(d l,mn!>n,t,»ofi>r .ni.t h, Ifh'.n of Ih' In.pnrtntinn •> In all eases where Hrst prizes arc awarded to thorouj,d.hiv(l horses or rattle, it is opti..nal with the exhibitor to aeoept a silver n.edal of ecpml value with the easli prize, and in lieu thereof ; and for thoroughbred sheep and pi«4 Hrain roots, seeds, dairy pro-luee and all otlier agricultural or hor- ticultural products nu.st be the property of the exhibitor, and produced on his farm or holding in Manitoba or N. W. T. appointcl by the Council of Agriculture previous to the exhibition, ans on their first rntranc; to the groun.ls if they have not received a badge. They will then apply for badges at the Secretary-Treasurer's office. No person shall act as a judge in any class in which he may be an exhibitor. 1 he Secretary-Treasurer will supply judges with books in whieh to enter th.'ir awards, an p. m. on Thursday, October k 30. Money prizes will he paid by che(|ueH, wliieh will he sent Ity mail within tt month froui the close of the exhihition. Pers in t)i(t )ift'it their Ir.l. Iff with the r k it !)>' mail ' juldroHso.H notify the ithlioMin,^ )un(.'il may under the )ition, nn»l (• will give sjuiie ; but 11 they be •lie auction uctioneer'H . later than t ail kinds and also • nierchan- this rule ;he Board ig the De- Manitoba ailways to i^reatly re- Canadian irticles for be carried lip has not mil adver- I . 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2.3. 24, 2.T 20 13 D*pnrtnn>ut of A, AMI ini.K L'l. Class I. 'riiordiijihlircMl Iloi-ses. CtTtifii'd p»'(IiL;rffs niunt U' Hoiit with entry papors in tliis class. 15 and 'J2, 1 Stallion. \ years and upwards if^\T^ 2 Stallion, ;< ynars old 8 .'{ Stallion, 2 years old A hands and under. 1 Stallion, 1 years or upwards sRl.") ? Stallion, 3 years old 8 3 Stallion, 2 years old 4 Stallion, 1 year old ; ,"> .') Scallion, any age 6 IJrood Mare 15 7 Filly, 3 years old ,S 8 Filly, 2 years old '".'..' (\ 9 Filly, 1 year old a 10 Foal of 1883, colt or lilly 5 1 1 Carriage Horses, pair in harne.ss 25 12 Mare or Gelding, in harness 10 13 Saddle Mare or (-elding 1q 1 4 Ponies, pair in harness 15 See ruIiK 2nd. In). *8 i^\ 4 •) 3 •> 3 •J Dip lonwi •1 3 3 •) 3 •> 3 •f 2 1 a'8 ••^t 4 •) 3 2 3 •> Diploma 8 4 4 •> 3 •) 3 •> 3 ■1 15 10 5 3 10 5 S.'O rules 2nd. nril. *H ?»4 4 •> ;] «) 3 •> Dip luinu 1 ;j .*) ■> •1 •> •> 2 1 s^-s ••^t 4 •) ;} 2 ;j •> Diploma 8 4 4 •) 3 •) ;{ •■) :i « 15 10 f) ,T 10 • > P,'i',t, lA»t of' A'inih I'rwin'inl Exhibition. 1* CliiMH U. ( 'juria^,'!" HorscH. AnimalM :J y.-arn old aiul upwarcU to »* over V^\ ImiuU. u«. Slid. art. I Stallion, 4 y.'iirH and upwardn ^ ^ ,^ •J Stallion, .'I y»'aiH old ^, ,j ._, :» Stallion, 'J yt-arn old . .^ ,^ 4 Stallion, I y.ar old • ,;.^^,^^J r» stallion, any ax*' ^ . ^ ^ U Brood Man" '^ ^ ^ 7 Filly, 3 yairt oKl ^ .^ !^, H Filly, '-' y»'arH old .^ .'^ ,J "I Killy, I year oUl . .j ., 10 Foal of 1 HH.'l, colt or tilly ^^ ^j, j^ I I Pair in harnoHH . ^ 12 Mar« or (l.'ldinK', i'» l»arne88 ^^ '^^ '^ 1 :j SaddU- Mart' or ( Ji'ldin^' Class 4. Agricultural au 1 -^ Pair of Horses in harness and wagon , , " t v Bet Walking Team. 1st CJold Medal, value ^^^^ ^^^^X Cameron, publisher of the North-West Farmer. 2nd ?1 ■«. 3,d S8. Class .').— Heavy Draught Horses. Weighing over 1,400 11)8. , .ai.-) «?8 M 1 Stallion, 4 years and upwards ^ ^ ^ 2 Stallion, ,3 years old |. .^ ^ :? HtalUon, 2 yi'«rHokl ;^ 3 2 tallion, I year old 14 D»}ntrttnt,a '2 iJuIl, 2 years old 40 o-, ] ^ ."1 Bull, 1 year old 35 OQ 10 4 Bull calf, 188;? '/_] 05 | r, ^ .') Bull, any ngo Diploma (5 Cow, .1 years and njiwards 30 ^0 10 7 Tfeifor, 2 years old '_ 2.1 l.l ,'> 8 Heifer, 1 year old ... 20 10 ') 9 Heifer calf, 1883.. 15 « 4 10 Herd, Bull and '» females, owned liy one exhibitor, special prize liy Land Department Hudson'K P.ay Co., .>?1()0 and So-iety's Diploma. A gold medal may be substituted for the money prize at the option of the exhibitor. L'nd prize by the Hoard, S.')0. i J 1 tiMi. :ir.l Dipluiiiii 4 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 H 4 #:. 13 tliiirougli- uiiraistak- two year Kciffip, if 2r> 1 J 20 10 ir. M Diploma 20 10 ir. 5 10 r, X 4 l)y Land lid tiu'dnl tor. L'nd P/ixt L\*i of Ninth nrnuiurial Kahibition. H* ('IttHHU. U«'n'for«l ( 'attli'. ttt. IM »r II Diploiaa •5 Hull, ttnyft«" ' 7 Cow, 3 ypftm ttiid up^^ftrd« ..t •" H H.'ifi'r, 2 y.'a»H ..Id ^ f '^^ <) H.'if«'r. I y.'ur old " •[ '- 10 ll.if.iCulf. Ihk:'. ^ •* 1 1 llfrd, Hull uis, owned l.y one ...xhibitor 20 Ji Diploma (Uass I'J. .Vtiy variety of Tliorouoliljred Cattle, not specified in classes 7, H and 0. 1 Hull, 3 years and upwards *1-^ «^ *^^ 2 Hull, 2 ye ars old r I '> 3 I'.ull, 2 vears old ... ^ " . " 16 D^/Hntmtttt !{/ Aijitt'iiltiit« ntui StttliMtiiM. \ I 4 Hull. I y..nr old A ;J -J ft Itiill Ciir, |HH.». iV .1 t «i Hnll, !uty &},'«> .. I>lploiua 7 Oow, .'I yfftfN and iipwiirdH . I.^ H 4 H H..if..r. '.' y.'mH old H 4 U y II.«if.'r, ly.'ttrold ft .'I *.» 10 ll»nfinll iiiid ■'( ^•lllnll•ll, uwiiml l>y qiu> exhibitor '.'0 A Uiplonin Classi:!. (Irmlc ( 'little. 1 0»w, i yt'ttiN and tipwiinU. #iiO 2 Cow, .'J yt-arn oUl I '• .1 Hi'tfiT, ■_' vt'ttr;* olil ... . l<> I ll.if.-r, 1 y.-iir old (I ft II.'jf.T Cult* of IHM:» H a ii<>rd ut' not t)'4H thnii Hvn fi>nial<*N 40 J; Diploma C'ijiMs 14. - Tat ami Working' Cattlo, any luvud. 1 Yok.' of woikin« O.xon *L'0 #10 *ft 111 |iid^in<; iinimalH in thf uliovo Hi'ition the judges will t«>8t tlut tructil>ility of Oxen in nio\iii^a h«>uvy loud l)oth liarkward luid forward. Htrungth alono in not to dfturiuini' tin- iiwui d. L' Kat Ox or 8tiM. — Cot.swoUl 81ieL'p. 1 Ram, ago.l . , , iJilO $:. $:\ 2 Rum, sheurling . . .,,....., H \ 2 .'{ Ram, lainl). (] ;t •_' 4 Two Kwes, aged 10 ft 2 T) Two Ewps, shearling H \ 2 G Two Kwe Land)8 G .'I 2 Clans 10.- Leicester Sheep. 1 Ram, aged §10 #.') n:\ 2 Ram, ahwnriing 8 \ j 'A Ram, laml» G .'J 2 4 Two Ew(w, ajjed 1 ft '{ fi 'Pvi'rj ViA't*K kIss ';l**lilll-' H .1 '.' 6 Two Ewe Laml..s G u 2 I 4 G 7 ft twi. IN •» ft .1 •1 I>i, »!<.Miia ift « 4 H 4 U ft ft .'1 • •i ilonin u it $10 »ft H 1 ft ;» a •-' ;« '.' DipIoiim tMl. 10 $10 *ft tractihility of Ktli alont) in ft 4 (MnnH 17.— SouthaownShoop. IT I Run, Hid a Bam, •h«ftrUng ...... 3 Hum, lamb 4 Two KwfK, aK«^ ft Two EwM, »l»«"irUii«.. (I Two Kw« l4kin*)« ( '11188 18.— Any variety of pure l»re(l Shcop not nntn.Ml ClttHHeH 15, Itior 17. *io »ft ... 8 4 .110 . 8 . 6 . 10 . 8 . 6 IS TS •A 4 a 4 3 6 10 B 6 I Hum, aKwl •J Ham, Bhuarliiig .1 Kam, lamli \ Two Kv/«'H, UK»'«l ft Two Kw«m, Hh»«arling Two two irfimbi Class lU. - Fat Slieep. Rh.'i'i) Hhown in any other cla»» cannot lompeU a« fat Hh«cp, 1 Two Fat VVt-thorn ^]^ 2 Two Kut Ew«'« 10 3 4 3 15 ft 'i •J 3 2 'i in 3 2 3 2 9.3 3 t liiivt! raised St lie stated \ :\ ft I jit.-) ft •> .) •» o •I >> *{ •> ») I PIGS. HERnULKH IP, !7, 21 AND 22. luallcascsof PigHundorono year the /)r«c»w nrje of the animal must 1)6 slateU on the. ,mlry paper. Hoars over 5 years will not ho allowed to compote. Clas.s 20.- liork.sliire lMg.s. 1 Hoar, over one year '^'^ '^' 2 Hoar, over and under 1 2 months *^ ^^ ;j Hoar under G months ■' ^ '^ 1 , ^, , 10 ft 3 4 Sow, over 1 y<'ar .""t Sow, over 6 under 12 months 1 f) Sow, under G months " '^ 7 Sow and litter of Pigs 10 .) Cla.ss 21.— Suffolk Pigs. . n 1 ...„, 910 $5 $3 1 Hoar, over 1 year ^'" * *^ •J Hoar over G and under 1 2 months ^ * ':\ Hoar under G months ^ "^ 4 Sow. over 1 year 10 5 3 .n Sow, over 6 and under 12 months 8 4 2 ,s 18 Department of Ayrienfti(re ami Stntiitf!rs. ^e<'- iMt. 3iul. (\ Sow, under H months ... (! 3 7 Sow and litter of Pign 10 T) Class '2'2. — Y'orksliiro, or other huj^c brct'd of pijjfs 1 Boar, over 1 year ^\0 S^y '2 Boar, over and under 1 2 montlis 8 4 •\ Boar, under (! niontlis .'} 4 Sow. over I year 10 r» T) Sow, over (i and under 1 2 months 8 4 6 Sow, under fi mouths .'5 7 Sow and litter of Pi;.;s 10 fi 8r(1. n POULTRY. Exhibitors of poultry must attend to feeding,', cleaning and watering, as in the ca«o of other live stock. Class -i;].— Poultry. 1 Pair Plymouth Hocks. 2 Pair French Fowls, any variety 3 Pair Game, Black I5reasted and other lieds. 4 Pair (Janie, any other variety 5 Pair Dark Brahmas <) Pail- Lijiht Brahnias 7 Pair Bull' Cochin H Pair Partridge Cochin y Pair White Cochin 10 Pair Silver (!rey Dorking 1 1 Pair White Dorking 1 2 Pair Colored I)oi-king 1 3 Pair JJlack Polands 14 Pair (tolden Pencilled Polands 1 ;i Pair Silver Spangk d Poland<; I C) Pair Spangled JTamburgs. 17 Pair Pencilled Hainliurgs 1 8 Pair any variety Ifamhurgs 19 Pair Black Spanisi) •JO Pair Leghorns 2\ Pair (laine Bantams 22 Pair any other variety Bantams. 23 Pair any (»ther variety of fowls nr)t iieutioned a'joxc 24 Pair Turkeys, any color 25 Pair Geese, white 2G Pair ( leese, any other color iir3 $2 3 ^ 3 '> 3 *1 3 •J 3 3 2 3 '1 3 .3 .3 3 3 .3 3 .3 .3 .3 •J 3 ;', 3 3 .3 _^ 3 •► 6 7 8 9 •iiid. 3 8r(l. 2 T) 3 K« sr. 1?3 4 •> 3 2 5 ;j 4 2 .'5 2 T) ;$ ig, as in tho Prize Lint of Ninth Provincial Exhibiti 2 •> 3 •> 2 3 . 3 2 . 3 2 ^ 3 •) * 3 •) . 3 •) .3 2 .3 •) . 3 3 1 . 3 . 3 3 •> 1 . 3 •> m 10 3iil. 2 2 3 3 DOGS Dogs or Bitches may l.e shown in any of the Sertions. In Section '2 exact ago Tnust be stated on the entry paper. (;laH8 24.— Do^s. il^lO 1 CoUey, in work • • ■ • " ' ^ 2 CoUey, under si.\ months ' 3 Pointer 'I 4 Gordon Setter *^ 5 Red Irish Setter 'I 6 Red and White or White Setter ' 7 Retriever. ^ 8 Watch Dog, Mastitr, Bull Dog, or Bull Terrier •' 9 Terrier, rough-haired 10 Terrier, smooth-haired, other than Bull ' the 3 3 3^ 3 3 .3 3 3 ;i MANUFACTURES Diplomas will be awarded with all first-class prizes in this class. Class •_>:).— Manufactures of ManitoVta and tlio Xortli-Wost Territories of Canada. 1 Phaeton 2 Buggy 3 Plutform Waijon 4 Buckboard .") Bol) Sleigh r. Cutter 7 Jlorse Pitchfork .S Sulky Horse Rake 9 Land Roller, Wooden . 10 Root Cutter $5 !«3 $2 ) 3 2 ) 3 2 '. 3 2 "» 3 2 ') 3 2 2 ."3 3 2 ."» 3 2 5 3 2 1 1 Pair of Oxen liari liO Department of Ayricnllure and Stntutics. Hrv. 12 \:S 11 IT) IC) 17 18 19 L'O •J I 'I'l •i\ •IT) •11 29 .10 :U ■.VI M ;{.•» ;{G •i7 .•is :}'J K) n i;{ (5 lit. Pair Wooden Harrows 5 Straw Cutter 5 Cross Plough 5 Wooden Beam Plough 5 Breaking Plou;{h 5 Straw or Barley Fork 2 Ox Yoke ami Cross 4 Fanning J\[ill 5 Reaper, self-hinder 10 Reaper, other than self-hinder 5 Mower 8 Collections for farm and etc., distinct from other entries.. . oO ii Chei-se Press 5 Cheese Vat \ Assortment factory milk cans and pails 5 Churn : 5 Collection of ])airy Utensils o Drain tiles, half dozen a Collection of pottery not less than 10 pieces 8 Artificial stone 5 Bricks, half dozen 5 liimo, 1 l)U.sliel unslacked \ Co'lection of building material 10 Farn\ Gate 5 Farm Gate, wooden, specimen to he erected on the grounds. 7 Barbed Wire Fence, specimen to b(^ erected on grounds.. .. 8 Assortment of malleable castings for argicvltural purposes.. 8 Collection of tinware, not less than 10 pieces 6 Collection of Cooper's work, not less than G pieces 8 Pump 5 Canoe f) Biscuits collection 10 Confectionery, collection 10 Paper, collection 10 2nd. 3 Srd. 2 _< 3 2 3 •) 3 •> 3 •; A 1 the 2 1 curr 3 • ) 1 ' 5 o ti unn 3 •> be a 4 • > ist Diploma 1 3 Dip •1 1 prii 3 •> Sec. 3 1 3 •) 2 3 •> 3 4 O 4 3 •') 5 3 .) 6 2 7 f) 8 3 2 9 6 4 10 () 4 11 3 •1 12 3 • ; 13 4 •_> 14 ,3 • ) 13 3 •» 16 a ;'» 17 ."i :{ ^ 5 .3 Class 2(3.— Mtunifactures, imported to Manitoba. At the request of iiuiui-rous manufacturers it has beini decidetl to oiler no pi'i/.es in this class. Eiitiies can be sent in in the ordinary way, each arti( le to be shown being sfeciHed oil the entry paper. Manufacturers and agents are cordially invited to e\liil»it, especially farm machinery. Ampl(> space will be jH'ovided ou the grouiulsf.i!' t!ie disjiliiy nf ihc cxhi1>its, as thougii they were i;om[)oting for prizes. Prixe List of Ninth Provincinl Exhihition. 21 2nd. 3 8rH. 2 3 2 3 '2 3 •) 3 •; 1 •) 1 3 •) 5 *> 3 •> 4 ■ ( ; Diploma 3 •1 1 3 •) 3 1 3 • ) 3 •> 4 •» 3 ■•) 3 .) 5 • > 3 2 6 4 () 4 3 •) 3 •> 4 •) 3 •) 3 •) a :\ a •.\ 5 3 D oiler no article to gents arc ? will lie !ioy Were- AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIG..S Class '27. --Field Clrains, Flour, Hops, Etc. All exhibits in thin class must be the growth of 1883. The Board rcsrrvrs the riKl.ttopurdl.ase all or part ofthe prize grain and other sample^, at the current market prices, to be decided by the Council of Agriculture I Twenty-fivo bushels Red Fyfe Wheat, grown in Manitoba, to b- pure ami unnuxed, and entirely free from cockle or noxious weed .ecds. The pm.es to be awarded to the actual grower of the wheat, the first pn.e quantity of x>huH is t ) bo given up to and become the property of the Board. 1st pHze, given by the Hudson Bay Con.panys Land Departn.ent, SlOO, and Diploma by the Society. A gold n.edal may be substituted for the money prize at the option of the (exhibitor. Sec. . , ,, c. • X $40 $'J0 2nd and 3rd prizes given by the Society - ^^ ^^^^ 2 Red Fyfe Wheat, 10 bushels '^^^ *|^ 3 Red Fyfe Wlieat, 5 bushels - '^ ^^ 4 Red Fife Wheat, 2 bushels - )^ .^ .') Fall Wheat, 2 bushels j.' '.^ 6 Six Rowed Barley, 2 bushels j. [^ 7 Hulless Barley, 2 bushels '^' [^ 8 Ryo, 2 bushels ;| ;^ 9 Peas, large, 2 bushels *^ ,^ 10 Peas, small, 2 bushels - J^ ".^ II Peas, black-eyed marrowfat, 2 bushels '^ '^ 12 Oats, white, 2 bushels '^ .'^ 1 3 Oats, black, 2 bushels _ '^ ;^ 14 White Beana, smt.U, 1 bushel '^ ^ 15 White Beans, large, 1 bushel -^ '^ ^^ 16 Corn, yellow, 12 ears !! j^ Jj 17 Corn, white, 12 ears ^ ' " 3 Flour, made from Red Fyfe Wheat, 1 00 lbs 1 ^ i ^ A diploma will be awarded with the first prize. ^^ ^ ^ 19 Oatmeal, lOOlbs ■• ■/_■•••„■,■ 20 Collection of grains, consisting of a bushel each ot Red ^7*^ Wheat, Oats, Peas and Barley Qljiss 28.— Small Field Seeds, Flax, Hemp, Etc. All exhibits in this class must be the growth of 1883, in accordance with rule 24, except clover and grass seed, which may be the growth o^^]^^'^' 1 Timothy seed, half bushel '-'^ '"^ ^^ 2 Red Clover seed, half bushel '^_ ' " 3 White Clover seed, half bushel '[ ' ^ 4 Buckwheat seed, half l)ushel ' • • Dtipartm-nt of A t/ricuhn re. and SlntiHtics. r» Swt'<|o Turnip socj, nibs 5' ;{ CJn>yHtont' Turnip .scod, f) 11)h 5 .j 7 Field Carrot Hwd, f) Ihs 5 •{ K Ijong Red Mangold seed, f) lbs H ;{ 1» Yellow (iiobe Muiigold set-d, f) lbs 5 .$ 1 Tare.s, half bushel r, ;{ 11 I\lillctts.M.(l, half bushel T) :$ I 2 H ungariun (Jrass seed, half i)ushel 5 ;j l.'i Pure Tobacco Leaf, home grown, 2 lbs T) 3 II Broom Corn, 5 lbs 5 •» 1 r. Sout<^lied Flax, I'O lbs. ...'.'.". 5 .'{ I () UnsoutcJied Flax, L»0 lbs • ,-, .{ I 7 Hemp, dressfd, 20 lbs 5 ;{ IK HiMMp, undressed, 20 lbs 5 .j i 'J Hops, native, 10 lbs. . . 5 ;{ L'O Sorghum or Sugar Cano, ti stalks f, ;} 2i SunHower (Heliauthus), bearing flowers, 6 stalks.. n ;? '22 Sunflower seed, half peck. f, ;{ Class 20.— Grain, Seeds and Ixoots.— Sweepstakes. Entries in this cla^s must be in the Secretary-Treasurer's hands August 15th, I Collection of grains, two l)ush('ls of each; seeds, half bushel cf each, and field roots, to be shown by an Electoral Division Agricultural Society, and to be grown within the territory under its jurisdiction. The first prize e,xhil)it to become the property of the Board of Agriculture. ,§100 $:]0 Class 30,— Field Roots, Exhibits in this class must be certified to on the entry paper, by the hibitor, as being of field culture. Roots must be cleaned and topped, and plus roots and fibres removed, before being taken to the building. 1 Potatoes, Early Rose, 1 bushel jft;} >iio 2 Potatoes, .\lplia. I bushel ;5 o •"> Potatoes, Climax, 1 bushel i\ •> 4 Potatoes, P.eauty of ire])ron, 1 bushel :] 2 r» Potatoes, Peei'less, 1 ))ushel 3 o G Potatoes, Rose Climax, 1 l)ushel ;5 o 7 Potatoes, any other variety, 1 bushel 3 o 8 Potatoes, collection, not less than six varieties of 6 each, named ^ q r 9 Turnips, Swede, 6 •> .7 1 Turnips, Greystone, (5 3 ., « ] Turnips, White Clobe, (1 3 T, 12 Turnips, Yellow A))erdeen, 6 3 o Srtl. 2 2 o •> 2 •» •) •) >) y 2 2 •> •} ») >> ') *20 eiL- sur 1 1 1 ;? 1 1 2n>l. Jnl. Sec. :{ >> i:? .{ •) 14 •> I.') .} 2 17 :< ti 18 :{ • » ID ;5 •JO 21 .'{ 3 22 .*{ >) 2 a ;{ vj 24 ;! •> .•{ • > ;{ •) .'J ') 3 >> .{ O :es. aiuls l,y e:iO *20 / the ex- and sur 82 !?1 •) •) •') •) 2 f) 2 2 2 ') Prh^ LxHt of Ninth I'muincial E^hihiUon. lit. Maii«oia Wortzfl, T-oii;.; Red, \^ Mangold VVortzfl, Long Yellow, 6 '.^ Mangold Wort/.ol, Y.'How (Hobo, ti '^ Mangold Wortzel, Red CJlolx-, •> '^ Sugar IJoetH, ., Carrots, Long Ui'd, f. .^ Carrots, White, ti .^ Carrots, (Jrangf, .^ S ,./•.„ Roots, oull.ction, named. Diplo.ua to accon.pany l.rst prue ^^ in this soution " ' ' ' 2li 2 2 •) HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS. Cla>-s 31.— Fruits, Treserves, Syrups, Honey, Etc (See Rule 24.) 1 Winter Apples, other than crabs, 12 * 2 Summer Apples, other than crabs, 12 3 Crab Apples, 12 ^. 4 Plums, native, 1 gallon ^ 5 Plums, cultivated, I gallon '^ (j Native Fruits, assortment • • • ' 7 drapes, :5 bunches '^ 8 Wild Fruit preserves, collection • ' 9 Cultivated Fruit preserves, grown in province, collection. . . ^ 10 Pickles, collection '^ 1 1 Jellies, collection '^ 12 Dried Fruits, collection '^ 13 Goosel)erries, ([uart ^ 14 Currants, red, quart '^ 15 Currants, black, quart ^^ 1 6 Currants, white, quart ^|^ 1 7 Fruits, collection • 18 Fruits and Vegetables, Canned, collection '^ 19 Mushroom, Catsup, bottle ^4 $2 4 2 ;} <* :5 •) 4 •> 4 4 <) 4 2 4 o 4 2 4 >) 4 .) 4 ■) 4 .) 4 \. 4 2 G 4 G 4 24 , jpnrlmtnt of At/riaiUurt and Statuttcn. s«c. j^ 20 Tomnto, Catsup, hottlr' jlfl 21 IlaHplK'rry Viiu'gur, hottl*- 5 22 Honin iniuic Witif, hottlc 5 23 Mablo Hu>,'ar, 10 II.h '..*!.'.."..'!.'.'.!! 8 24 Maplo Hyriip, 10 ll.s .".''...'.*.'.*.'.'! S 25 Syrup, tiiade from Sor^,'huiii, 1 4 3 2 3 <> r ^. GARDEN VEGETABLES. ('lass;32.— Oar'lon Ve*,'etal)los. 1 Egg Plant, 2 ^.^ 2 Carrots, md short horn, 6 3 3 Carrots, French short horn, (i ;} 4 Carrots, intermediate, ;} T) Onions, red 1 2 -j 6 Onions, yellow, 12 .j 7 Onions, English i)otato, 12 ;} 8 Onions, silver or pickling, 12 3 9 Beets, long blood, G 3 10 Beets, intermediate, 6 3 1 1 Beets, turnip, .. 12 Parsnips, fi ,, 1 3 Turnips, for table use, G 3 1 4 Sweet or Sugar Corn, 6 ears 3 15 Tomatoes, red, 12 o 16 Tomatoes, large yellow, 12 3 17 Tomatoes, yellow plum, 12 3 18 Tomatoes, collection c 19 Pepper, Cayenne, 12 3 20 Pepper, green, 12 21 Pepper, collection r 22 Cucumbers, lartrc, 2 ' .> ' ft' J 23 Cucumbers, small for pickling, 1 gallon 3 24 Water Melons, 2 o 25 Melons Mush,'green^tlesh, 2 3 •f2 8 1 40 . 2 ' 47 2 1 48 2 1 49 2 I 50 2 1 51 I 52 2 1 53 2 •1 2 2 ad 2 2 2 2 1 3 : > 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 - 4 2 ] ■■:: 5 2 1 & G 2 1 1 7 Snil. Snl. 13 «'J ;j •J 3 n 4 2 4 2 4 •> 4 3 2 3 2 .40 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 o w 2 2 2 o w 2 2 w 3 o 2 3 2 2 2 ') /V«M£it< of Ninth Provinoial Exhibition. ^ ~ lit. Sm. 'I 20 Mttlons Mush, yollow HohH, 2 '^ 27 Mt'loiiH Citron, 2 • .^ 28 Hiiimsh, »umin.r, for tabic us« \^ 29 Celery, nd, (J hnulB "^ ;iO Ci'lery, whit«, heads \^ 31 CaMxvj,'*', Vv'inniuKRtadt, 2 licudH \^ \V1 Cal>»ia^M', winter, named, 2 heads '^ Ik. Calibaf,'o, nnl, named, 2 heads j^ :<4 (Cabbage, Havoy, 2 heads '^ 35 CaV.V.ago, Early York, 2 heads '^ r*^ Caulitlowei', 3 heads 37 Karly Potatoes, othor than Rose, half bushel ^ ;{H Salsify, u „ ;J9 Kadishes, winter, 3 '^ 40 Radishes, summer, 3 41 Kail, 2 heads \^ 42 Hroccoli, SI heads ' 43 Brussells Sprouts, 2 heads ■ ^ 44 Mushrooms, ^ 45- Artichoke^, (5 ^ 4G Asparagus, 2 bunches '^ 47 Heans, dwarf, quart ^ 48 Lettuce, 2 bunches ■ "^ 49 Rhubarb, G stalks '^ 50 Vegetable Marrows, 2 ' 51 Parsley, 2 bunches - - ; " " " ' 52 Savory h.rbs, collection, not less than 4 varieties, named . .. 53 Vegetables, collection, named. Diploma to accon.pany first ^^ prize in this section 25 3nd. 2 o ml •> 2 2 •) 2 o 2 ») mi 2 2 2 ') mt 2 2 2 2 2 o ad 2 2 o ^ 2 2 2 •rd. DAIRY PRODUCTS. Class 33.— Dairy Products. 1 Butter, firkin, not less than 56 lbs. for shipment S15 2 Butter, crock, not less than 25 lbs ^ 3 liutter, table, not less than 10 lbs. in rolls, prints, or pats. . b 4 Butter, table, not less than 5 lbs. in rolls, prints, or pats ... <> 5 Cheese, factory, not less than 10 lbs •^' r. Cheese, home made, not less than G lbs •] 7 Cheese, cream, soft $8 U 4 2 4 2 3 2 3 o 3 2 3 mi ae De/>artm^nl ofAyricUnie and Stati$lxc$ '* 1 R«o. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Mtul.. in ^r.^Mit.)^u or tin- N. W. T. .lurini,' iSH.'J. Class 34.~I)()mc'sti(' MainifjictiU'eH. 1 FuIIkI Clotli, Iioiiif iimdo, 10 yards. 2 Fullod Cloth, fuctoiy, 10 yards. ...".' " " •\ FlaniH.!, elu-ok.-d or striped, rottou'and wool," 10 yards 4 Hannel, plain white, cotton and wool, 10 yards . T) Flannol, plain whit.-, all wool, 10 yards ' G FIann..l Sh,....tinK', twill,-,!, ...otto,, and wool,' io yards " 7 Carp,-t, woolk-n, homo mad,-, 10 yards 8 Carpet, rag, c-otton warp, 10 yanls. ...... \, Carpet, rag, woolh^n warp, 10 yards. 10 IJlankets, wooll.-n, hom.- n.ado, I pair.'. U niankets, wooll.-n, factory mad.-, 1 pair 1 - Blankets, horse, 1 pair 13 Coverlet, heavy It Coverlet, light 1 T) Shoph.'rd's plaid 1(5 Straw Hat, hom.> made 17 Stockings, woollen, pair 18 Socks, w.xjllen, pair 19 Mitts, woollt;n, pair 20 Yarn, wooll.-n, plain 21 Yari\ cross-liand.-d, plain 22 Yarn, douhlf^-twisted, plain . 23 Thread, linen, product of Aranitol.a grown fkx 24 Rug, rag, plain 2.5 Rug, wooll.-n, plain 2G Jkoad, home mad.-, 2 Ihs. loaf 27 Bread, home made, 2 lbs, loaf. 28 Cakes, fancy, half dozen 29 Buns, plain, home made 30 Wedding Cake, not less than 3 stories ' ".."'." 31 Soap, home made, T) Ihs 32 Soap, factory, 10 ll)s ut. L'lid, :ir .3 >i ••s .3 •1 ."» .3 •( -) ;; •) .") ;; 2 ."> .3 •} ."» :{ 'J .") .-{ •> ."> 3 •» .'» 3 •) r» .3 •( ."» 3 .> .") 3 •) •) 1 m 2 1 .50 •) 1 r.o •> 1 .50 2 1 .50 •1 1 50 ."» .3 • ) o i 50 ■ ) i 50 .3 •) 1 3 •} 1 3 ') I 3 1 3 •> 1 •> ') 1 rrh« Li»l qf yinth Proviwinf Erhihition. 27 '.'lid. .inl. m $2 :i o :i .{ >» :t ■1 .{ >2 .•I •) .'{ 2 li 2 ;{ 2 ;{ 2 ;} •{ 2 .-{ •> ;{ •) 3 •) I no 1 50 1 r.o 1 r.o 1 r>o 1 :>() .{ • ) i no 1 no 2 1 1 '2 1 1 •) 1 ') i •) 1 FINE ABTS Etc. l.M.il,ils in this cluHH muHt l.o i\u> work o! th« exhibitor, au.l hav U'vn ox- ..uUMl iu Munitolia or th- North Wont TA-ritorioH, not hiivin^ Feviously taken i„. Spaco will iK^urniMhctl for diKplay of workn of art not coinpottuK for a pri/ pri/.»'H. Class :}.').- Fino Aits, FAc. 1 Oil Paintin;,' '2 \Vat«!r Color ."l PenL'il Drawing I Crayon Drawing' ."» Crayon, ».olov»)il Sepia Drawing 7 Pfiu and Ink Drawing S Mappinj,' 9 Photographs, coUt'ction.. . 10 Printing. 11 nook Binding an ' Ruling. int. .■*10 10 s s 8 8 8 . 8 8 8 8 «Ull. Srd. 4 3 •> •J '2 ■> •) •I o NATURAL HISTORY, Class 30. -Natural History, Miiieralooy, Etc. Diploma will aceonipauy prizes in st!utions 1, '2;\ •"> and 0. I l>,irds,i.Kligenous to Manitoba or N. W. T, stutVod, ^'""''^-^^^ ^^, ^^ tion ." ■ ' ■ ■2 Animals and Animals head.s, indigenous to Manitoba or Is. ^ W. T, stuHed, collection ^^ ^ :\ Minerals, specimens, illustrating the mineralogy of Manitoba andN. W. T ^^ ^ '., l Htone, for building from quarry in Manitoba ^ - -, Stone, for building, fr-m Manitoba -luarrics. ............ b -^ r, Woods, grown in ISIanitoba, dressed and named, collection . . ;0 b o S0 skpar^tHt (^ Aijrii'uUurt riz,.s will !.,. awanlr.l ,i„t to iiulivi.l.ml .•xhil.itorK, hut to tho citi.'«, towns, or rural hcHooIh from which tho ..xhihitn arc Kent, th« anx.unt of prizn rnon.y toho ,.xp..n«h.cl in th.- punhaso of any «.-hool apparatus n-iuirod and which i8 not furnished l.y the lloanl of Kduaition. Hections I to I, for citi.H and towns. Each city or town to compote lu one school, i.e., no two sohoolH in one city or town to c„n.p«,t« against each other, KntrjcH to bo nmdo by and in tho nani.i of tlic Inspector. Be Writing, set of copy books, each book to be at least half wntten through, consisting of six specimens from each standard taught " 5 3 2 G Book-keeping, set of specimens of book-keeping, books'and commercial forms, to consist of «i.v sets each from each standard tauyht > Map drawing, set of maps, consisting of six maps, from eacli standard tuuLdit , ^ T) 3 2 i»W;« IA»1»J' S'i>>th I'rorinri.tt K'hihiH.m, 20 LEATHER WORK (>H in Maui- r> URUul $1 to iht> citU'n, it of prizft tvjuirod and oto 08 onu ^aoh other. 2n, side ",' \^ \) lioathrr, row liid<', suU' .* '^ 10 l,.'atli<'r, i-alf Hkin, sid.- ,' "^ I I Lcatlur, harnt'HH, sid*' 1 '^ V2 MatH, shft'i. skin, 2 [^ [^ \:\ (dollars, working, for horm-w, pair •' '^ 1 1 WhipH, driviiii;, team and riding, '\ '^ '^ 1.') Moct-aHiiiH, nu'ii's. . . ' ^ 1 fi MocoaHins, ladies • ' ", 1 7 Moccasins, fancy " ,, IS Mitts, IciithtT, pair " ' li) IWitlulo Kol.c '^ '^ •H) Furs, nianufactun' •I •I •) •) •I •> •) •I •( •» 3 3 LADIES WORK (Mass :}'.». Ladies' Work. 1 Appli'iiu- Work 2 Bead Work '., 3 Braidiii'j. with Silk 4 Braiding with Cotton i\ .10 Nw. I>.;,artmrnl of AyfV'HHurt mul Si.iti»hr^. .•> l{rnir«t. lliiir Floivir ..,,... I » I • » • C ' •-'• » • • • ' 27 Lniiil> Mat 2S Mtxitiin Ni'fdlf Work. 29 Oriental Ni'»' m i> •» 't • I • » •I 2 •> •» •» •» • > •» • > ■ t •I •> •» •» •) •_» ■ > •» •> ■> n<«Ht Pri.0 lAii »/Sinlh Pnn'U'i'*' Krh%hUi>m. SI PLANTS AND FLOWERS. ClUHH 40. - riuiltH JUmI KloWl'IS. I •» m M { 't (I m I s U 10 KIOWITH, ill |M)t», lolll'.tioll Kl«»w«'r»i, v'lit, c«»ll«'oti<>ii ... Iliiiid niHM|mt • <}..nuiiuiii, Wui'v, ut\m'i\ ... (Jn-uniuin, .ui.«l<' •l'>«>'''. »'"•""'' (J„raiiiui«>. «lou».U' llowi-r, i.mi..«l (1,-rHnlHm, fivn> o M •» ■J •» 2 2 Snl. BANDS. n ♦ P .,.1 .,f Mu^i.- nun.lH o(.iui..tinK will I"" *'H^'^i^<} t" \»' ill attfiidaiu't' AGRICULTURAL ESSAYS. • . mV >5')0 and ^-J.-) rosnoctiv..ly, or m.-dals lual saluo. ■'''"• '"'•"■*'''''" ^"Tctlur; for tl s......nd h.'st assays on '^t •! I'ti-;:^ --;; ; ' r "- MunitoUu, ..iti,...- ..y .•otati,..i ot crop, tl,« most judioious ni.-tho. ot » " " ^ ^^ ^,,,^„,„ f,,,,,, tin- sod. .., ,,u.,wiso. ,.o UH to produn. th- 1- ;,u,/ ..xidi.itn.sH. is .■x,..t..d. Kssays must U. wntton on \J^12Z. th- l.ft hand np,....' -.n.-r of th. ::trXt;;:;^^:;^:— ^^ on satn..day, ...... •J9th, IH83. 32 Department of Agriculture and Statistics, k ACmCULTURAI. KXimUTIONS In casss wliRra dates are iiDt given thay had not NAME OF ORGANIZATION. PLACK. Portage La Prairie, , DATE. October Uo 6 , Provincial Exhibition, Electoral Division Socities,- BirtloNo. 1,' Birtlc No. 2, Brandon No. 1, i I Jrandon No. 2, I ' ^artier, jst. Norhert Village, October 9, '*'^"P'"»' September2r) Dufierin, North , Nelson, September 26 and 27 Dufferin, 8outli, Emerson, La Verandrye, Minnedosa, .Mountain, 'Pilot Mound, jSepteniber 27 and 28 Morris No. 1 | West Lynne 'october 11 and 12, , Morris No. 2 ; Morris, loctober 11 and 12,. Norfolk, Louise School House, September 26 ^°^'^^°«''' jStonewall, September 27 and 2S ^P""gfi^^^^ • ■ jSunnyside P. O., 'October 10 St. Andrew's, Selkirk, September26, '^*- ^'-^^^''' ! ^October 16 Turtle Mountain No. 1, . . . . jWaubeesh, townsh. 3, r. 2 w.:September26, Turtl.> Mountain No. 2, .... !Cartwright, ^September 25 and 26, Westbourne, Gladstone, September 27, Marquette School House,! ^l«adow Leo October 10 Woodlands, J'rize Lint of Ninth Provincur Exhibition. '.\:\ riONS IN MANITOBA, Ihh:{. had not TE. :o6 25 26 and 27 ) 27 and 28 and 12, . and 12,. 26 27 and 2S !«, :6, J.") and 2G, '", baau BBiit tri at tha time af t^olng tn press, KNTIUKH CI.OHK. SECRKTAUV TIIKAKUKKK. V. (). AIjDHKSM, S«-i.t('iiil)er 19, Acton iJurrows Winnipeg,'. A. B. M(;Kinuoii,. . iHirtl.-, I S»'i>teiiili«T2'.l, John BroHii, :''hcll Rivfr. I , Thomas Ijockhart, Brandon. . A. C. McCoU, iCarberry. Cr. P. Clouticr, iSt. Norbcrt. . . . M. H. Fieldhoiise Neepawa. . ... J. 11. Bonnv, Nelson. I '' j .James Ilawson, Alexandria. Duncan McKerchcr, Dominion City. iTheophile Pare, jHt. Anne. !h. C. Clay, Rapid City. Hudi McKellar Clearwater. October f< J. B. Ireland jWest Lynn. . October 11, noon, . . James Hooper, JMorris. , September 2"), A. C. Holland, Holland. S(>ptember 27, noon . Thomas Frankland, iStonewall. William (loodridtje, iOak Bank. ! , J. (Jennnell, ;Helkirk. Xavier Joubfrt, i^t. Agathc John Flemiiii: 'Deloraine. I .Scptember25, lOa.m.lJ. Turnbull Cartwnght. Heptcmbcr 26, 'john Mason Gladstone. .September 26, 10 a,m, .September 2.") October D, . . . jF. J. Lundy, Poplar Heights •M Drpartment of At/ri<'>iUure and ,Stntistir><. CO CO CO CO c/; I — I C_? a a a ^ v; >» ^-^ w> - 3 5 "H 2 '~s ^ £-, J S! a.' if u '/J CO Ci) ,41 • • ; ya 3 ^ rt 5 = -z tc ss i a 5 ^ S •S ^ f i ;! ^ ^ X ?; &H S h= Pho , uj I • 1 ^ -S ^ 3 ■/! r ^a P^ c '.^ 5 ^ -V i -; '/- _^ ^ ^_ J c 5 § 'z> t "S 'r 5hJ-= a S g I -^ ^ ft fc . • if S g "3 ^ ^ i -T .^ V'h s J cj ■$ '^ ^< i^ l-J ^ ^ K HH 71 JV • • • o o ^ .rj .-' — -f Ji +j +j -. a^>i +j -1- x^O^x" rt i 2 o 2 '; -S 5 o r- 71 ■ 'jc v: — P o '^ o o o ■^ ~7 ~1 — CO •^ _ +^ -H o o I- -^ x >- O I- -^ X !_;; CO 4^ -M tf. -^ -i i^ "t; -^ 1^, be > ^ t: a O . ,• Oo'^a^. (-. ** a 3 ' H O hJ !=; 72 4^' -5 • < -- 5 r = -^ .r^-'d 1 I >1 ■ ^ , r3 « t: ^' --: f^ ^ ^ >-f r: w ^ ^ c ^ w -^ o .,- -^ — _-j-o!i>-(S3^a'730^i->a •- ' a -t-' iT " — 5 -=4-^0 rfis 5 s^::: a^Ji^ a'c - X w "S ''J -x.S 7! cj a H 2|oi - O ;. -i-> 'S 1? -n i- :a .=■ 5 ci -4-' U3 a P. fa -C ci d a =3 ci a 3 cS s d « a T c -.a—' < S-TSTS-i "J a * -^> :t; ^ti : g •=! ^ X a ■* -^*r: .2 •- "^'i^ ■ i ^15 - u 3 ii .a 3 .!£ J< -ts « •a*^' 2 a s - r- , ^ -^ .n T^ .a-^^ra ? o"^ ci '" •r' •■" ■r: — '"^ ^ *'i ." :^ r^ d'Zi o; H << a;- ^ z'. X V7-. jOHznsrs'X'OJsr M AM KXCTIIvKII IIV iva:^ciDoasr-A.L,iD, i^^c:pi3:EK,soisr & CO., "" BEST THRESHING MACHINE IN THE DOMINION, n-w, THE TRIUMPH PORTABLE ENGINE. SIMl'LK, DrHMU.r. KVKK'TIVK, I.KillT DUAIT, NONE »KTTK!!. . , , . J. W. M.nn U C... .•n-nbincl b,„a,i ,ast SKKLKl! a,K. SPUING T.M.TIIKI. MAKlSoU, . ,1,.. Ik.I SKKUKK and (:LI.TI\ ATUU in tliu Worlil. J FIKIKYS .MCWKKS, HAKKS, KKAl'KliS. I-AN1» KOUI.KKS, i.. MOLINK 1>1.0\V COMl'A.NVS I'LOWS, Al.S.. lUCUKS, HICK liOAUUS, SI.KI.aiS. ^u SV,i,? for Jlh:.t>v*i;l Cvtalnjncs and /'//<•' l.l't.-. Address, W. JOHNSTON. Brandon, Man. .A-O-BlSrCIE© : P.O. Box 145. FK MK * MII.I.KH, Vii-'I'-ii, Mai JtiiN II1N1>, Mdiiiniiiiii, .V. 11.7'. fAS. MAKSilAi.i.sAV i C (1. K. .1. HAIAVKI.I.. V" '1/'/ (I /, ,7,- ;,-.>"/, .v.ir.v. i,,k'/^ \.ir.7'. ii. The Cochrane Manufacturing Co. I.IMITKU. CAPITAL, $250,000. Something Worth Seeing. KainitTS and othnrn visiting the Kuir t.. 1.L- l.el.l at Portage La I'.airie this fall hI.o.iI.1 not fail to visit our ixhibitioii on tlie tiroun.ls. All the machinery will i)e in motion an. I kept running during the Fair. The Cochrane Manufacturing Co., St. Thomas, Ont., MAM KACTL-RKItS OK THK CKI.KHltATKI" Minneapolis Harvester and Twine Binder. The only Kin.l. r iisiny the ,eUlivate!«. FLANNELS, BLANKETS, DRESS-GOODS -A.JMD Heady-Made Clothing Art- Hpecinlties with w. As «<• only sell Dry (ioods, we ,an show a larger assortment an.l give lower prices than geni-ral stores. Call aiitl «oe us. No trouble to show goo.-\.>.\v\.wv.\-vv^'^'>-'>-'>>'^'^'^'^'*- C. Gh. "VsrOOlDSIIDIB, House, Sign and Carriage Painter, SIGH IHRITING, GRAINING A«D FRESCOING FOR THE TRADE, PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE. MAN. ■£>. O. B02C 777. ftniers left wiih H. J. W00D3IDK, J«w«l«r, or at roots BaOS., Ixpreis Office, attended to. Resideuoe luid Siiop.— SoaUi-East of HslLVAi'jR'S f.-pF Si!l vl. LORNE HOUSE, Main St., cor. King, Portage la Prairie. 'I'liiH popular IIouMo Iiuh lieun E13SrTII?,EXi^2" KEHFITTEX). And now otTi-rs the host aocomino'latioim to tlit! Travelling" Public. Thuie in a FIRST-CLASS LIVERY In conneution, and ®(FiEE^(MS®(MEE!(SDIPJS: TBCIE] B^^Ii Is stocked witli the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. GOOD BILLIARD TABLES. ni\ Gl THIOS. G-. JTEimiS, I'ROFRIEXOR. vU ASSIITIBOIITE MILLS — A!»l»— ELEVATOR "A," Kin.'st Rolln- Wnvvm Hour in tli." inark.-t. 'I'lif fiiithcst w.-st Mill and Klt'viitor of tluM «c.iiijil.'t<- (liwiiptioii in the Doiuiiiioii. StoruKf for l'>0,000 '.UHlifl.s grain in Klcvutor at low ratcn. Large Supplies Chop Feed, Bran, and Shorts always on hand. TKV OrU l\A)['\l AM) TKST ITS SIPKIMOKITV. u H. S. PATERSON, P INERAL MEECHANI W'HOLESAI.K AND KETAIl,. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Chrocerios and Orocliery. \1AVAYH ON llANJ) A LAIKIE glJANTlTY OF FARM PROUIICE FOR SHIPMENT TO ANY PART OF THE PROVINCE. Saskatchewan AYenue, near Market Square, VIII. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY k\\>VVV\\NV\»X \%\\%\%v%v\vw*>v\ FARMING, GRAZING, COAL AND MINERAL LANDS FOR SALE, IN nil I'K..VIMK OK MAMTOliA, ANh TIIK NuUTll WKST TKKUHOUIl.> (»l' CANAlrX. lUK (OMI'ANV <»\VN 7,(HMMKK) AC.'KKS IN TMIl OrREAT FERTILE BELT! li»il.; " l«...t.l) iv|.,rt,.J up.... ll'l««l» l'»" «l"" l'~" ■■"■••'""' "1"'" >li« ('""Pi'i'y " CO.A.L L-^3iTIDS IN THK SOURIS RIVER DISTRICT, \nd tho ln.s,»vti.Mi (.1 til.' MTtiun.s in thr va.t C.M.l Aua. ..f tlir Sa.kat.l.ewuii. How uiM lU:llv KivciM will In- |>n.i>'iMlf.l uith in tin; .•..niHo \\S\\»N*^0 CHiCKEKING. HARRIS BROS, ERMEST GABLER, UEKiTZMAN. O^O- JOISTS. MASON A HAMLIK, W. BELL A CO., ESTEY. General Wholesale and Retail Agents for NEW YORK DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS Writs f:p CircuUrc. HEAD OFFICE, 484 MAIN ST., i.fU)K oi'T rnitorH inavr.AY.vvuisii KXiJtntTtoM ukkk. :foe WKKKFA- The Largest Circulation in the North-West. SJ>KCI\1 VITKNTION PAID Tt» MATTKRS AKKKCTIN<; MANITOBA ANI> >i r,^i.M. .-I ,|,j^|. NORTH WKST. NEWSY. LIVELY GOSSIPY. DAILY. $8.00 PER ANXf'Af. WEEKLY, -^J-'O PER ANNI'M. THE MINNEDOSA TRIBUNE HAS A LARUK CIRCULATION IX NORTH-WKSTKRN MANITOIU. One of the Best Advertising Mediums In the Province. :r:r SUBSCRIPTION only $150 a year.^^ W. GIBBENS, Proprietor. THE MANITOBA IFIRElil IPIRIEISS, DAILY AND WEEKLY. THE LEADING PAPER OF THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. THE OIDKST KSTVIU.lSHKl) THK I.AIUiKST CIKcn.ATlON-TUK FIKST ADVKKTISINCi MKDU'M THE "'''•''^».J,j;^;r,J5|;!.'',|,,[|TTIITG- -A. SI'EOI.^LT-y- MATHERS & ATKINSON, Printers, Portage la Prairie. THE STONEWALL NEWS, A Forty Column Weekly newspaper, is publiahe.l every Friday nu.rning. at the office MASONIC BUILDING. STONEWALL :pHcaiion. 11 i. tl.n rninmprcial Center of the richest and most extensive agricultural district Stonewall '« / ^.^^'^"^ "'^^r' * iJi^^^^N^^^^ hy the fact that the Rockwood Agricultural « '■'* \ i^ ?,nS. o S^^^ .^^ ,„„l Me.nhership, is n.ore Sn IddeZt of ly'oli:^ ^ciety in Ihe Province. The "News- has an extensne eirculati.. throughout the Province. pjiEDERICK J. YORK, I'abllsJtef. Newspaper and Job Office, I'lLOT 3V^O"^J3SI 13, 3y/L^3SriTOB-A.. i;;r:ettSoMi.n!:;;;:l Molu^t:^. ^ock Lak.. PeUca-f Lake, and Turtle Moun- '"" '''*"*' ^ADVERTISING RATES REASONABLE. tS' All kinds of .lOB PRINTIN(i cxccute.l in h style c.pml to any of the city offices. ^ jj SFEDDING, Proprietor. xiv. THE DAILY SENTINEL *ii I'KR ANNUNf. /Br ONLY DAILY I'Al'KK HKTWEKX TORONTO AND WfNNII'KO. I'lHI.ISWKD AT I'RINCK \»i AUTIIfllS LAHDINU. THK WKKKLY SENTINEL- -i^i^ per A.imini. THE OLDEST PAPER IN ALGOMA. ri lU.ISllKli AT I'KINCK AliTIllliS I.ANDINi;. iiost Advi i ti-iii- Midiiim in AlKonin. THE SENTIXEL JOB" AND BOOK PRrNTlN(4 WORKS. Tlic \i\r\ie»t I'riiitlnjf KxtiililinlmHiit bftwiit'ti Toroiitu uml \Viriiii|i«c. THE REGINA LEADER. THK LEADINCJ VAVVAi IX THE N. W. TKRKITORIES. There Is no part of the Territorii's where it has net a lar^e iiiiniber of ^nbwribors, anil aH the fmeiiiost pajir r ill AsHiiiilioip, it is thebeHt Medium ot reiwhiiij; the .i.iinumerH of the I'roviiieeof AHhinihola. THK I.KAHKl; has also a lai^e clicvilatloii in Ontarli), in Winniiieif, and In Nova Seotia and New lliunswlek. A FAMILY PAPER. The hariiier wlio waiita a (food WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, "'"icli «il! (five Mm nil the new- of Wn World, should leail THK I.KAKKR. Subscription, Only $2 per Year in Advance. ADDRESS NICHOLAS FLOOD DAVIN, Editor ami Proinietor, RE(;INA. THE LONDON ADVERTISER. DAILY, $5 PER YEAR; WEEKLY, $L00. CIRCULATION OVER 60, 000 COPIE S EVERY WEEK. Tlie ADVEK TLSER is edited by the Hon. DAVID MILLS, and is a biiglit and leadal.Io Mornnig NewHpaper, containing all the Midnight Reports, and Parliamentary and other Despatches from our own Staff of Reporters. i:^' Tlie Weekly Advertiser is one of the Largest and Clieapest Newspajiers on the Continent. MAKE MONEY ORDEIiS PAYABLE TO WILLIAM CAMERON, MANAGER. AmUlKSS (JN COMMINICATIONM— ADVEUTISEK I'RlNTINd f'd., l.dNllON, O.ST. The Progrress and Mining Journal. THE LEADIN(i WEEKLY PAPER IN THE PROVINCE. $2 per Annum. THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE DISTRICT OF KEEWATIN. All the Latest Miniii({ News up to Kohijc to Press. THE PROGRESS JOURNAL CONTAINS ALL ORIGINAL MATTER. NO I'ATKXT INSU)E. SPICY EDITORIALS. Interesting LUMBERING and MANUFACTURIN(J NOTES FEARLESS AND INDEPENDENT. ALEXANDER and CLANS, Piblishehs, RAT PORTAGE, KEEWATIN JOHN ELLIOTT & SON, MAM KAI TrUKIlS i; I III 1)1-1 ll- .*. C'KI » *"t)ii 8 SPENCER BLOCK, MANACiKHS. If. — THE QUIET RUNNING WANZER! Irt tlic Stiiidanl of KxeTlieiuf. We lonlidi'iitly iissert T h: E "w .A. nsr z El :r lias more liiiiiiovciiuiits than any otluT SuMinin MachiiU'. Agmitu wanttil in all parts ot tliij NuitliWt'Ht. Noti' the \'i Irc'ss as aliovf. Look out for our Display at the Exhibition. CONKLIN & MACKENZIE Fire and Life Insurance Agency. Royal of England, - Assets $34,000,000 City of London, - - " 10,250,000 North-West Fire Insurance Co , Nominal Capital, - - - 500,000 Horie Office, Winnipeg, ((.'oiiliniiif,' its Imsint'ss to Province of Manitolia. ) Life Association of Canada, - - - 200,000 Every Description of Property Insured at Moderate Rates. Losses Promptly Adjusted and Paid Without Reference Elsewhere. FAKM lini.DINCS \\l) COXTKN'T.S WltlTTKN OS ;! VKAIiLY TKUM. I.(i\V KATES. A<,'ents waiitfd in all Towii.s in Maiiitolta and tlw iuljoinini; Pro\incf's. Apply to G. W. GIRDLESTONE, Gen. Agent, Box 317, Winnipeg, Man. XV. OLD AND RELIABLE -^ H!eT-A.B31,ISI3:E3ID, 184' Massey Manukturing Co TORONTO t*^ WIMNIPEG. '5 Sole Manufiiuturcra of tlie woilii hmi Massey ail Toroiilo hm^ Masliiiies TORONTO MOWERS. TORONTO CORD BINDERS MASSEY MOWERS, MASSEY HARVESTERS, MASSEY LOW-DOWN BINDERS, " SHARP'S •' HORSE RAKES. Our Factory is thelagest^ bestsquippedinCanada 1

c|inrtmi'iit of Agiii iiltiiri*, (.iiiclicf. Ml [tiii^t'H i|iiartii, fully illtirtti'iiti'•/ a ykar is AhVASCK. A I" I' I, V TO riroVINCMAL MODKI, KAUM, Wll ITKIKM) S. Kt H(iKM( )N T. (,). THE LEADING AGRICULTURAL PAPER OF THE "WEST IS The Prairie Farmer, I'liljlinlinl Wi.'ekl} It l.'iO MoiiMf Strc'il, Cliiia^o, III. 'Itii' I'ltAlltlK l-'AltMi;!! ciiiiiliiVB th.' kir^ji'st ami lii'»l Kdltoriul Stiltf i/l iiii.v AKri' iiltiiriil .!■ uiiiiil in llii' WtA, ;i farmer oaii expend oiio Iiolhir to lietter advantage to liinisclf Hiid (andly. Otdij SI por A I > II H III. Siiinplc Copies Fill- III i iih'iiil i in/ Sii!isi('il>r Ai.hiu>s, I'AHMKHS' AT>V()(L\TK, LoNiios, Ontauiu, Canai.a. THE COMMERCIAL tilK oMA JOURNAL IN THK XOHTMWEST DKVOTKD TO THE INTKKKSTS OF FINAXCK, COMMKHCK, AND MANUFACTURKS. Published every Tuesday, By STEEN & BOYCE, 16 James Street East. SUhSCimTIOX i'RICE. ^'2 A YEAH TX A1)VAN( K. ' \\ II BEHOLD THE PROOF! Simplicity v$. Complication SIX PIECES IN THIS USED ON The Deering ARE DOINQ THE WORK OF Thirty Pieces IN THIS KNOTTER USED ON Other Binders. NOW WATCH the other Machine-men squirm and claim IMAGINARY IMPROVEMENTS. Gome and See the Deering Binder, and gratify YOUR CURIOSITY, if nothing else COWAN, ROBINS & GO. J Sole Agents for Manitoba and the north-West, OPERR HO USE BLOCK , WINNIPEG. BRANCH AUENCIES THUOUdHOl r THE OOrNTRY. xvtii. Canadian PaciMailway Co'y. OFFICE IN NEW STATION BUILDING. nMENDED LnND REGULATIONS! WHEAT, MEADOW AND GRAZING LANDS! ^y The Ci)iii))aiiy now oH'cr tluir lrul ti;,'ur('.s, Imscd on dose jicrsoiml inspection liy tho (.'onipuny's Lund Kxainiiurs. ^A. REBATE. When the Sale is made suhjcct to Cultivation, of one half of tho purchase prico will lie allowed on the <|uanf ity cnltixated and will he applied on the n<'\t payment falling d\u-. RESERVED SECTIONS. lleserved Sections, that is, Sections within one mile of the line uud in th* vicinity of towns and Sections, are now ollercd to tho public at nioderaU; figuresi, with heavy rebates for cultivation, particulars of which can lie ohtained from the undersigned, as well as the terms on which Meadow and < .'r.w.inj,' liunds wil. he disposed of. a?ER]vis CF I'.A.-sri.iEisrT. If paid for in full at time of purchase, a Dned of Conveyance of the land will 1.C given; hut tlie purchaser may pay one-sixth in cash, and the lialance in tiv<' annual instalments, with interest at per cent, per annum, jiayahle in advance. Payments may l.e mad-; in Land Grant Bonds which will he accept(^d at 10 per cent, premium on their par value, and accrued interest. These Bonds can )-»• obtained on a})plicatiou at the Hank of .Montreal, Montreal, or at any of its agencies. «*" TOWN LOTS '""• Sale ill the followiht; <•. I' OARBERRY, MCGREGOR MARQUETTE. SIDNEY, ROSSER SEWELL It. Siii\(>s : 'xft GRETNA CHATER, MELBOURNE. Maps showing the Tow iishijjs open for free entry under tlie (Jovernment Regulations, and the homesteads already taken tiiemn, can be seen at the office of the Company at Winnipeg. For further particulars and also for Folders, Maps and Pamphlets, apply in personorl)y letter to CHARLES DRINKWATEH, Secretary C. P. R. Co., Montreal; to ALEXANDER BEGG, Land Agent of the Company, 101 Cannon Street, London, England ; and to the undersigned, to whom all applica tions as to Prices, Rebates, and the Purchase of land generally, sliould be addressed. J. H. McTAVISH, Land Commissioner. i X i' •f i 1 1 M .1 X ■: ? 3 ^m 1 ^ ^^^H ^^^^H H ^^H ^1 wM ^H ^^^^^H ^H ^^^H 3 ^^H ^^^H ^^^H t s- ^H^H H ^^^^^H ^^^^1 ^^H ^^H ^^^^^^H ^^^^^H ^H ^B ^^^^1 3 ^^H . oe ^^H 3 ^H a s ^^^B ^^^^^^H •' ^^^1 ^^^H ^H ^^^^H r ^^1 ^^^1 ^^H ^^^^1 n ^ ^1 ElJ LiCl. ^H ^/)yt. ^1 1. ^H Citi ^^B In, Keepawa, ^^^H im ^^^1 ^^^^^H g' Aian- i^H TEN RFASONS WHY EVERYB THE "CHATHAM KIKS'I'. It i-. niitcio (if tlw ln'Mt«!liii'tuil 'riinltiT giuvtn in llm ( cuiiitii'H of K>ti<)NK|», U »lia|it'«lliy tin lnh HKsr WAtlKS MKi HANK'S IN IIIK Wdlil.K, 'I'll I Kit. 'I'lii' 'I'liinililo Ski'inx an' \('>y niin:li Hii|M'i'iiii in hIuiiii' tii tinmt,' iltt'ii liy un ^'lann, mill iiic ininlr nl tlic IkhI Sioti'h I'iMi ntl'i'Inily xulttttil, anil VM'igli I'ltil tin Tiliiir ilii nut liicak. KOl'li'l'll. It in tin' liuHt Iniinil anil I'aintcil Wagim in the Muiki't. KIKTM. 'I'ln' Skiiinx nro wt liy u I'litcnt Skfin Si:ttiT, iiml uio hralcil, xlinink, am l'i)\ing Mai'liims lei'nive u I'Out iif ui'inrnf, unit 1110 |iii'm«('iI nitu the llnli liy 11 11 iii'vci' get IniiHt', aH ItoxuM y icliahli' .unl loMpunHilili! niun, ami ovry Wugnii giuirantov NINTH. It i'* tlir l''.VSll'',S T KL'NNINtl ami »tiiingf«t farm wagon imulu. TKNTH. t'nniliining all the ahovu irasuiiM in oni;, it in thr liuit \Va;,'on wliuii nuw CHATHAM M (iiinral /[(jf.iilH for Monitohii and tltr Cniui CHATHAM WAGON D£ COR. KING AND FONSEOA BHASlA agents, as per List Messrs. Harrb & Chapman, Kiiierson; Messrs. Irwin * MoKay, I'ortsvgr. hi !'ra 1; Miisars. Frame k Miller, Virden; Messrs. Carroll, MaulHon .MesHrji (Jrawforil i*- "xjbertson, Inilian Head;.!. \V. Mol. — Swift Current; Messrs. Tweed Noxon k ('o,, Brandon R. Nimnions, Wolseley Kegiua; Me.tars. Hunter Hroa., Moiwe-Iaw, Swift Current; Stonewall; NV. <1. Living.iton, K<4., (J.irnien (.'ity; David Waldie, Ksij., Manitoba C Ksn , Stevens; .1. H. Woods, Khij., Uirtle, near IJirtlo Landing, North of Moosomiu Hraudon; .NJe.ssrs. Hall, (teorg. & Vak, Souris I'hiin Creek; T. .1. MuQueen, Kiij., Gl man & NIoLean, Kiq., Morris. Our Agents at above points. VHY EVERYBODY SHOULD BUY A.THAM" WAaON: ' tfl'ouii ill till' (niiiitii'H o( Kmux, Kunt Hli'l Iwtliilitoii. Dntaiiu. tliun wlilili im Ixttcf \h >>| thiiHii I'imiitii'M wuru awurilril 'lie lllilllKsr I'UI/K ^it tln' WmM » h'iiii, IhM hI SKASON K|), iH HliK|it>il liy till' lali ' iiii|iiii\rii iiiik lii;i<'i.> , itml put tiiK<'tli<'i liy tln' ,<»|{|.l>. ii|ii'iitii ill nIiiiih' til tliimc iificci liy uiiy iiCKLKItKAI'KIM'MM.W VMSH Kt>|t aiiplinl to tlif AxIlt,. irally ami truly lOHt otlii'i' 'I ruHscii ui'i' Niiiiply a diliisii ii ami a miair, ami all uiiprcjiuliifil |irui'ticiil iiu^i MANl'KACTURIM; ('(».MI'ANN , wliii'li liav()!Si'-''>O,O0«»iiivf«tcil in tin- WoikH that iU!i,'('.i« III' failure ili'pi'UiU iipnii tint i|H:ility nf their \Va>i. :i, it must In) HilfiiviiliMit that a;.,'iiu to Iuum; tliuir pruiiiiHeH; uinl to Heciiru thi'Mmulvuit uguilidt that thiy have iicriiiaii I M ii.Ni-.K UH Su| fiiiiti'iiiUiit (if tlieir \VBt;i u >Viirk«, who in reuowiiril in tliti «aj,'iju dim. lu mull, anil ovry VVugou ^uurantueil to k'*»' Hatinfiutioii. Mti'iiiigcat farm wagon iiiaile. OIH!, it In the lilMt Wa.^'oii wliuii iie«, ami ^imiiI whin (iM. CHATHAM MANUKACTrUIN(i (M),, Ciiatiivm, Ont. Montre, Cannon tions as address* -n Full WE C . s MtnntiK WoUcly, I 'Factor Bran A. HARRIS. SON&CO, i 1 i>tir>.ii,i I !!••(• r> imaII Him>I*<>( Agricultural Iniplenients ■ip„n T iriAQ of Repairs always on nana. Full Jjines ox **^^if";" ,^^orted stock in canada. WE CARRY '^''''^t"' 'rtv^^^^ Special Switch. 8toc\ Warehouse on C. r. *^"7*y; J^^" ,.„berrv. Bru..do nidcitv. 5S; "tfcJii- Ac....i, B. c. ^ HAREIS. SON & CO., Lim. . Blrtlf, S'ecp»w», ■Factory at Brantford, Ont ■n„: ^.. G4-«>Aaf WinmnfiiT. Man- \ WESBROOK mmmmmmmm FAIROHILD Wholesale # P^etml DsftLB^s Iij ABRICULTUBAL IMPLEM ENTS, PIJD TILL ^lllm OB limm n^i^CJ^IflEI^Y. -Hfc £vcr^ 3mplcmcnt tbe f aymey 'Keautres. Dur Stock cumpriEi/.s the mast CDmplEtB andgliEst assnrtriEnt nf ImplEniBnts that ara mannfacturBd, which. arsUNAPPRDflCHABLE for thEirganBralEx- CBUBncB andarB EspBcially adaptad to apralria CDuntry, ' OFFICES A«D SHOW ROOMS Cor. Princess and William Streets. i i ^!st'^ Sji^ m Braflch Warehouses ^*„1' S^StC!^i?^^i?o^.'«^*°'"^ SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALJGUE