IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) k A // '<^°/^ f<^ i?^ :/- t/j f/. ■"//>'!■' 1.0 I.I ■- Ik 111112.2 !!f lis III 2.0 IkiUu ill! 1.8 1.25 1.4 J4 -• 6" - ► V] <^ c^% /a % 7] x>' O^M w /A Photographic Sciences Corpordtion 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ C/a 't / CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian lnstitif this work whom it is Author. CONTENTS. Definitions . . PAGE. ix NO. GENERAL RULES L Instruction of the Recruit. . II. Duration of Drills, &c. III. Mutual Instruction . . IV. Words of Command.. V. Giving Detail of Movements 1 1 2 2 3 RECRUIT OR SQUAD DRILL, WITH INTERVALS. Formation of Squad.. .... .. .. 4 SECTION 1. Position of the Soldier . . . . . . . . 5 2. Standing at Ease 3. Dressing a Squad with intervals . . 4. Principle of the Turnings, &c. Turnings . 5. Extension Motions . . . . . . . .. 6 .. 8 .. 8 .. 9 .. 11 6. Saluting .. 15 MARCHING. 7. Length of Pace and Step 8. Cadence .. 17 . . 17 ▼1 CONTXSCTS. SECTION 10. Position in Marching, &€ . . 11. Balance Step. . .. ; .. 32. The Slow March 13. The Halt . . 14. Stepping Out, &c. . . • • . . 15. Stepping Short, (fee. 16. Marking Time . 17. Stepping Back. .... 18. Changing Feet 39. The Quick March .. * .. .. 20. The Double March . . 21. The Side or Closing Step . . . . . 22. Turnings when on the March, &c. . SQUAD DRILL, IN SINGLE RANK. 23. Directing and Reverse Flanks 24. Formation of the Squad in Single Rank... Numbering a Squad in Single Rank . . Forming Intervals from Single Rank, &c. 25. Dressing when Halted . . . . 26. Turnings 27. Marching to the Front and Rear, &c. . . 28. Changes of Front 29. Changing Direction . . 30. The Diagonal March.. .. .. : 31. Marching as in File, &c. .. 32. Wheeling as in File. . ' . . , • . . PAGB SEC . 17 33. . 19 34. . 21 35. . 22 36. . 22 . 22 . 23 37. . 23 . 24 . 24 38. 39. . 25 . 25 . 27 40. 41. 42. . 29 . 29 , 30 43. . 30 1 . 31 1 . 33 i IK . 34 :l *0 . 35 1 - . 37 1 . 38 m Ad . 39 M 4o . 41 i PAGE 17 19 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 27 29 29 30 30 31 33 34 35 37 38 39 41 CONTKNTS SECTION 33. Men Marchinf^ as iu File Forming Squad.. 34. The Side or Closing Step . . 35. Rifle Exercises . . . . . . 36. Marching with Arms.. SQUAD DRILL IN TWO RANKS. 37. Formation of the Squad in Two Ranks Sizing a Squad in Two Ranks 38. Dressing 39. Marching to the Front and Rear Blank File while Retiring 40. Taking Open Order . . 41 . Rifle Exercises 42. Changes of Front . . Changing Direction 43. The Diagonal March.. 44. File Marching. Wheeling while in File Men Marching in File Forming Squad Numbering a Squad in Two Ranks . I 45. The Formation of Fours . . . . Formation of Fours at the Halt Formation of Fours while Marking Time Formation of Fours on the March. . 46. Fours Wheeling . . . . . . Squad Formations from Fonrs . . vii PAOB . 42 . 45 . 45 . 46 47 48 49 49 49 50 51 51 62 52 52 53 .*■■:.».. 58 m 59 61 64 67 68 VIU CONTENTS. ! ! SECTION PAGE 47. A Squad formed in Fours closing on a Flank or on the Centre and re-forming Two Deep . . 69 48. Breaking olf Files 71 EXTENDED ORDER. 49. Extended Order . . . . . . .... 72 Extending from the Halt . . . . . . 75 60. Closing .. .. .. .. .. ..75 Closing from the Halt . . . . . . . . 76 51. Advancing and Retiring .. .. .. ..76 Extending on the March . . . . . . . . 77 Closing on the March . . . . . . . . 77 Increasing Intervals between Files . . . . 78 52. Moving to a Flank . . 78 53. Changing Front or Direction .. .. .. 79 54. Dismissing a Squad . . . . . . . . . . 83 Forming Single Rank Forming Two Deep 83 84 ii PAGE Hank or eep . . 69 .. 71 72 75 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 79 83 83 84 SQUAD DEILL. DEFINITIONS. Alignment, Generajl Definitions. An imaginary straight line lying be- tween two points ; or the prolongation of that line, upon which troops are to form, or march. Diagonal March, A march, by which troops move to a flank at an angle of forty-five degrees with their front. Distance, Interval, Dre98, Drill File. The depth between men or corps from front to rear. The lateral space between men or corps. From the French, dresser, to straight- en ; the word given to men to correct their alignment. From an obsolete French word drille ; " a soldier ;" the instruction and prac- tice of military exercises. Two men, a front rank man and hii rear rank man. DEFINITIONS. £'-■ m ip Flankf Inner, Flank, Outer. Flank, Directing, Flank, Reverse. Front. That nearer to the point of appui. That opposite to the inner flank. That by which companies or squads march. That opposite to the directing flank. The front, with reference to an align- ment, is the direction of the supposed enemy. Used as a general term the word signifies the direction in which so'diers face when occupying the same relative positions as when last told- off. Front, Change of. Taking up a new alignment on a base at an angle to, and either touching, or intersecting, the former alignment.^ Line. A squad is said to be in line when the men are side by side, all turned in the same direction , in single rank or two ranks. Point of Appui. French, appui, " a support," the point of formation. Bank. Pivot. A line of men side by side. The Flank man on whom, or the point on which, a wheel is made. Ise 1 RECRUIT OR SQUAD DRILL. GENERAL RULES. L Instruction of the Recruit, — 1. The instructors must be ear, firm, and concise in giving their directions ; they ust allow for the different capacities of the recruits, d be patient where endeavour and good-will are appar- t. 2. Recruits should fully understand one part of their ill before they proceed to another. When first taught eir positions they should be properly placed by the in- ructor ; when more advanced they should not be touched, t taught to correct themselves when admonished. They ould not be kept too long at any one part of their exer- marching without arms should be intermixed with f »' ¥\.^ r^^,•«+ W^ 5 marcning witni t, the point M ^.^^ instruction. II. Duration of Drills, etc, — Short and frequent drills are •eferable to long lessons, which exhaust the attention )th of the instructor and recruit. The recruits should moved on progressively from squad to squad^ according their merit, so that the quick, intelligent soldier may )t be kept back by men of inferior capacity. To arrive the first squad should be made an object of ambition to le young soldier. SQUAD DRILL. III. Mutual Instruction, — A system of mutual instruction | will be practiced among recruits. It gives the young sol- dier additional interest in his drill, and prepares him fori the duties of a non-courmissioned officer. Recruito ishouldJ in turn, be called out to put their squad through the ex-j ercises which have been practiced, and encouraged to cor- rect any error they may have observed. Lists of those! who show talent for imparting instruction should be keptj for reference by the captains, and in the Orderly room. IV. Words of Command. — 1. Every command must be loud- ly and distinctly pronounced, so as to be heard by all con- cerned. 2. Every command that consists of one wordj must be preceded by a caution — the caution or cautionary! part of a command must be given slowly and distinctly, the last or executive part, which in general should consist! of only one word or syllable, must be given sharply audi quickly, or slowly and smoothly, as the nature of the| movement require. Those given while on the move must] be in accordance with the cadence of the movement. Thel following key of sounds and pitch of voice will be found i useful : — Key, Long, loud, distinct, bass voice. -^^^ Short, loud, distinct, tenor voice. -^ Short, high, sharp. Rud distinct treble voice. — Pause of slow time. Thus :— -A_ _A_ Company, Halt ; Right Turn, etc. GENERAL RULES. pause of slow time will invariably be made between [he caution or cautionary part of a command and the Executive word. 3. ^Jhe words in the extension motions fnd balance step (Ss. 5-11) must be given sharply or lowly, and smoothly, as the nature of the movement [equire. 4. When the last word of a caution is the bgnal for any preparatory movement, it will be given |s an executive word, and separated from the rest of the lution by a pause of slow time ; thus : Right- -Form -A- Quick March, though there were two separate commands, each with ss caution and executive word. 5. When men are in iotion, executive words must be completed as they are [ommencing the pace, which will bring them to the spot on rhich the command has to be executed. The cautionary fart of the word must, therefore, be commenced accord- igly. 6. Officers and non-commissioned officers should :equently be practised in giving words of command. It rill be found a good plan to practice several officers or ion-commissioned officers together in giving words of )mmand ; first, in succession, then similtaneously, the ►ne and pitch being first given by the instructor. N. B. — A. good word of command is most essential to )od drill, in fact soldiers cannot work properly without V. Giving Detail of Movements, — Instructors will only give a time the detail of what is to be done on the next word, id not give the detail at once for the whole command, recruits are likely to forget long details. Take the )mmand, ** Fours — deep," for instance. It consists of ^o words, and there is something to be done on each SQUAD DRILL, '.^ 1 ifH ilill f* F word ; so the instructor should proceed thus, saying '* On the w>rri 'fours' so-and-so will be done ; " that isj he will give the details of what is to be done on thai word, and then give the word *' fours," and see that the] do according to the detail given. If not corrtsofcly done, h( will give the words, "as you were," on vhich tho inei must smartly return to the position they just left , the instructor will then make them do it o^ er ag?in and again, until properly done. He will then proceed with the wore ** deep " in like manner, and so on. Squad Drill. — Squad drill is the foundation of all drill, the one that makes the soldier ; it consists of three stages| or formations (Ist, with intervals ; 2nd, in single rank 3rd, in two ranks) ; and each stage has its particular movements or formations running in regular progressive! order, a thorough knowledge of which is a key to all drill | but it must first be mastered before it is possible to achieve anything higher. A person might as well think of comj mencing in the fifth book in learning to read, as to thinl of learning Company or Battalion drill properly, withoulj first having a thorough knowledge of Squad drill. Squad Drill, with Intervals. Formation of the Squad. For recruit or squad drill, with intervals, a few meJ will be placed in line (that is, side by side), at arms' lengtl apart. While so formed, they will be termed a squad witj intervals. If necessary, the squad may consist of tA such lines of men, in which case the men in the second lii will cover the intervals between the men in the first, that each man may take up points to march on. WITH INTERVALS. 5 Recruits should, in the first instance, be placed oy the ^ istructor without any dressing. When they have learned jo dress, as directed in Section III. , they should be taught to fall in as above described, and then to dress and to cor- rect their interval. After they have been instructed as lar as Section XXII., they may fall in in single rank, and Ihen, if required to drill with intervals, be moved as des- cribed in Section Xu:iIV. Kecruits formed into a squad should be directed to ob- [erve the relative places they hold with each other. While resting between the exercises, they should be )ermitted to fall out and move about. They should be in- structed on the word '* Assemble," to fall in as they stood it first. This should Ve constantly practised. Recruits will, if possible, be instructed singly as far as Jection XXII. S. 1. Position of the Soldie7\ The exact squareness of the shoulders and body to the ront, is the first and great principle of the position of a loldier. The heels must be in line and closed ; the toes [urned out, so that the feet may form an angle of forty- Ive degrees ; the knee? straight, the hips rather drawn »ack ; the breast advanced, but without constraint ; the [rms hanging easily from the shoulders ; the hands open, Lumbs close to the forefingers and to the front ; tips of jhe fingers lightly touching the thighs ; the head erect, mt not thrown back ; the chin slightly drawn in, and the |yes looking straight to the front ; the body must be 6 SQUAD DRILL, i 'n ^\ n straight and inclining forwa^''^ so that the weight of il mty bear principally on th e part of the feet. N.B. — The order in which the position of the soldier is detailed, after describing the first and great principle of the position of a soldier, commence at the feet and run up When the soldier falls in for instruction, he will place | himself in the position just described. S. 2» Standing at Ease. Soldiers will first be taught the motions of standing a1^ Attei ease by numbers, then judging the Time. i. By Numbers, Caution, — Stand at Ease by Numbers. One . Two. f On the word One, raise the arms froi I the elbows ; the left hand in front of the| I centre of the body, as high as the waistj J palm upwards ; the right hand as higl ! as the right breast, palm to the left! I front ; both thumbs separated from the] I fingers, and the elbows close to the] L sides. On the word Two, strike the palm o\\ the right hand on that of the leftj keeping the hands together ; drop them to the full extent of the arms, passing] the palm of the right hand over the back of the left as they fall ; at the same timfj draw back the right foot six inches, ancj -^ slightly bend the left knee. WITH INTERVALS. Squad- _A_ of standing afl Attention. When the motions are completed, the arms must hang loosely and easily ; the fingers pointing downwards ; the right thumb lightly held between the thumb and palm of the left hand ; the body must incline forward, the weight being on the right leg, and the whole attitude , without constraint. On the word Attention, spring smartly up to the position of a soldier. 2. Judging the Time, Caution, — Stand at Ease, Judging the Time, _ On the word Ease, go through the r^"^ i w } motions described in standing at ease by mid at—J^ase. < numbers, distinctly but smartly, and without any pause between them. Squad- _A. As before. e the palm oil of the left,* jr ; drop theii)| arms, passing Attention. |lf the command Stand at — Ease is followed by the )rds Sta7id Easy, the men will be permitted to move leir limbs, but without quitting their ground, so that on jming to attention no one shall have materially lost his jssing in line ; if men are required to keep their dress- accurately, the> should be cautioned not to move their ft feet. lOn the word Squad being given to men standing easy, [ery soldier will at once assume the position of Stand at 8 SQUAD DRITL, -1 {1... hi 8, S. Dressing a Squad with Intervals* -A_ Eyes — Right, Dress On the word Eighty glance the eyes] to the right by a slight turn of th( head. On the word Dress, each man, except the right hand men of ranks, will ex- tend his ri^ht arm, palm of the han( upwards, and at the same time will move to the right or left, until the tipa of his fingers touch the point of th( shoulder of the man on his right, taking up his dressing in line, by moving witl short quick steps, till he is just able t( distinguish tlie lower part of the face of the second man beyond him, taking car^ to carry his body forward or backwards with his feet, and keeping his shoulders ^perfectly square in their original positiou.j N.B. — Eyes Right or Eyes Left in dressing, is onlj used in this stage of the drill. On the word Front, turn the head an( eyes to the front, at the same time droj the arm sharply to the side and resume the position of a soldier. _A_ Eyes — Front. Dressing by the Itft will be practised in the same man] ner. S. 4' Principle of the Turnings, In going through the turnings, the body must be iul clined forward, and the knees kept straight ; the left hee| must never quit the ground, but a soldier must turn on ij WITH INTERVALS. 9 he same man- [b on a pivot, the right foot being drawn back to turn the >ody to the right, and carried forward to turn it to the )ft. The movement of the leg to be from the hip, and without a jerk, so that the body may be kept perfectly [teady until it commences to turn. At Squad drill with intervals, the turnings will always )e done by numbers, except when the word Front is riven, on which each man will turn to the front, by the fhortest way (if the way is equal, that is when turned di- rect to the rear, he will, always turn by the right about), [udging the time, which must be a pause of slow time ifter each motion. And in going through the turnings by numbers, on the ' ^ord Turn, a soldier must not turn, but merely place the foot in position to perform the turn ordered ; and wait for the word Two, on which he will turn in the direction or- lered, and if the turn is greater than a quarter-circle, will then wait for the word Three, to square or bring the heels In line. _A_ Biffht — Turn. Two. Left — Turn. Turnings, On the word Turn, place the hollow of the right foot smartly against the left heel, keeping the shoulders square to the front, and body steady. On the word Two, raise the toes, and turn a quarter-circle to the right on both heels, which must be pressed to- gether in doing so. On the word Turn, place the right heel smartly against the hollow of the left foot, keeping the shoulders square to the front and body steady. 10 SQUAD DRILL, ii I; Two, Three-quarters right — about Turn. Tii'o. Three. Three-quarters left — about Turn. -A- Tivo Three, Right— about Turn. Two. On the word Two, raise the toes aii( turn a quarter-circle to the left on botl heels, which must be pressed togethej in doing so. On the word Turn, place the ball oj the right foot smartly against the lefl heel, keeping the shoulders square t(| the front and body steady. i On the word JVoo, raise the toes anJ < turn tree- eighths of a circle to the righ( ( on both heels. C On the word Three, bring the right \ foot smartly back in a line with the left.| On the word Ttirn, place the righi| heel smartly against the ball of the lefi foot, keeping the shoulders square m the front and body steady. On the word Tim, raise the toes an( turn three-eighths of a circle to the left on both heels. ^ On the word Three bring the right| \ foot smartly up in a line with the left. i On the word Turn, place the ball of ) the right toe smartly against the left \ heel, keeping the shoulders square to f the front and body steady. i On the word Two, raise the toes am < turn half a circle to the right on botl ( heels. 'i^ i ^A ^ m^'^^y-.tSfi^'^' 'f^-ki^^^ixai^r-k^ttii a>, il^'^,^janjfe^^^ fi wmm WITH INTERVALS. 11 ie the toes an( ihe left on botl -A- Three, M.\jaa\j\A. vyjQ^VM.i.KJS Left— -about .A- ace the ball o Turn. against the lef ! Iders square t( ,A. y- Two, se the toes anc -A. cle to the right Three. bring the right? ie with the left, Half Eiaht _A_ Tur7i. place the righi . ball of the left _A_ iers square to- Ttvo. y- se the toes and !ircle to the left 3ring the righi with the left. lace the ball of gainst the left ders square to y- \Q the toes and right on botli Half— Left Titr7i . Ihvo . ( On the word Three, bring the right ( foot smartly back in a line with the left. On the word Turn, place the right heel smartly against the ball of the left toe, keeping the shoulders square to the front and body steady. i On the word Two, raise the toes and < turn half a circle to the left on both ( heels. ( On the word Three, bring the right ( foot smartly up in a line with the left. On the word Turn, draw back the right foot one inch, keeping the should- ers square to the front and body steady, i On the word Two, raise the toes and 1 turn an eighth of a circle to the right on \ both heels, which must be pressed to- f gether in doing so. ( On the word Turn, advance the right < foot one inch, keeping the shoulders ( square to the front, and body steady. On the word Two, raise the toes, and turn an eighth of a circle to the left on both heels, which must be pressed to- gether in doing so. B, 5.- -Extension Motions The extension motions consist of three practices. Their ibject is to open the chest, and give freedom to the 12 SQUAD DRILL, One. i^ _A_ Two. f ■ i i /tree. ^ muscles. The motions of the first practice are to be done slowly, so that the muscles may be exerted throughout. Before commencing these practices, the squad must be formed with intervals, and the men turned half right. Caution, — Extension Motions, First Practice. On the word One, bring the points of the fingers together, close in front of the centre of the body, at the full extent of the arms, knuckles downwards ; then raise the hands gradually in a circular direc- tion over the head, points of the fingers still touching ; drop them till they touch the forage cap, thumbs to the rear, elbows Impressed back, shoulders kept down. \ On the word Two, throw the hands I smartly up at the full extent of the I arms ; palms of the hands inwards and j about eighteen inches apart ; then force I them obliquely bacR and gradually let them fall to the position of Attention, elevating the neck and chest as much ^ as possible in doing so. On the word Three, turn the palms of the hands to the front, then without bending the elbows, raise the arms out- wards from the sides, until the hands meet above the head ; palms to the front, I fingers pointing upwards, thumbs lock- I ed, left thumb in front ; pressing the L shoulders back in doing so. On the word Foiu\ keeping the arms and knees straight, bend the body ovei ^ Fc In tl squad rate, 1 withou order * tinue 1 man of will res r J Om WITH INTERVALS. 13 be done ighout. 1 must be right. points of 3nt of the entof the hen raise liar direc- he fingers hey touch ar, elbows town. ;lie hands nt of the vards and then force dually let A ttentio'iif as much e palms of n without arms out- landsmeet :he front, mbs lock- essing the J the arms body ovei .\ — — I until the hands tonch the feet ; then, Four, -^ after a pause of slow time, raise the body gradually, bringing the arms and hands to the sides, and resume the posi- tion of Attention. In the second practice, when the instructor has the squad working well together, atid at the proper time or rate, he may cause the second motion to be continued without repeating the words, '^ One — Two,^^ by giving the order *' Continue the Motion ;" on which the men will con- tinue the motion, taking the time from the right hand man of the front rank ; and on the word ** Steady," they will resume and remain at the second position. Caution, — Second Practice, f On the word One, raise the hands I smartly in front of the centre of the body, J at the full extent of the arms, palms 1 meeting without noise ; thumbs close to I the forefingers, and in line with the L mouth. f On the word Two, separate the hands I smartly ; throwing the arms well back J over the shoulders, and slanting down- j wards ; palms of the hands outwards ; at I the same time raise the heels ofi" the 1^ ground. f On the word One, bring the arms for- ward to the first position,and on the word Two, throw them back again to the se- j^ I cond position, and so on. If the order Q m J ^'Continue the Motion '^ is given, continue 'i the motion without the words One — One, Two, 14 SQUAD DRILL, Three, Two, taking the time from the right hand man of the front rank ; and on the word '* Steady '^ resume and reiiiain at i^the Second Position, ( On the word Three, smartly resume ( the position of Attention, ^ Before commencing the Third Practice, the men must be ordered to make a second half -turn to the right, so that they will be turned direct to the flank. This practice should also be performed with clubs. Caution^ — Third Practice. One. '^ Two. Three. JL Steady. JL Four. On the word One, raise the hands smartly, with the fists clenched in front of the centre of the body, at the full extent of the arms ; fingers touching, thumbs uppermost, close to the fore- fingers, and in line with the mouth. On the word Ttvo, separate the hands smartly, throwing the arms back in line with the shoulders, back of the hands downwards. On the word Three swing the arms round as quickly as possible from front to rear, without bending the elbows. And on the word Steady, resume the second position. On the word Four drop the arms smartly, and resume the position of At- tention, Kon in the in uni officers Sold the off A sc pass, ^ will ri either him ; quick Whi pass h come 1 past h Wh( fourth when i Wh< appros the fin he wil slow ti Wh( will d( A s( towarc passed A s from I glance WITH INTERVALS. 16 '^ S, 6. Saluting. Non-commissioned officers and men, when not on duty in the ranks, will salute all commissioned officers whether in uniform or not, so long as they know them to be officers. Soldiers will always salute with the hand furthest from the officer they are sajutin^. A soldier, if standing still when an officer approaches to pass, will turn towards him, come to Attention; if sitting, will risej turn towards him, come to Atterdion^ and in either case will salute when the officer is four paces ^t '>m him ; he will lower the hand after a pause of six pacc^s of quick time. When walking, soldiers will salute an officer as they pass him, commencing their salute four paces before the^ come up to him, and will lower the hand when lour paces past him. When a soldier passes an officer, he will salute on the fourth pace before reaching him, and will lower the hand when four paces past him. When a soldier addresses an officer, he will salute on approaching him, observing a pause of slow time between the first and second motions, and halt two paces from him ; he will again salute on going away, observing a pause of slow time between the motions. When a soldier appears before an officer in a room, he will do the same, and not take off his cap. A soldier without his cap is not to salute, but will turn towards the officer and stand at Attention until he has passed. A soldier who is carrying anything that prevents him from saluting properly, will (if the officer is stationary), glance his eyes towards the officer in passing, turning the 16 SQUAD DRILL. ■1 ; : II' ■" If 1 r V ] ) ! i 11 I head slightly in that direction ; if meeting the officer, he will halt, turn towards him, and stand at Attention until passed. When individual men meet a column on the march, they I will salute the commanding officer and the colours, if there | are any, in passing. A non-commissioned officer m charge of a party of men without rifles, or at the Secure^ will, on meeting or passing an officer, give the command Eyes Right if the officer is on that side, or Eyes Left^ if on the other; and himself salutes with the hand as usual, giving the command Eyes Front, when passed. Officers are always to return the salute, except when their | swords are drawn. A salute made to two or more officers should only be returned by the senior. Saluting will be taught first by numbers, then judging the time. The men will be turned to the right to practise the right hand salute, and to the left for the left hand salute, as follows : — Caution, — Right hand salute, by Numbers. ( On the word One, raise the right hand smartly, but with a circular motion, to the forehead, palm to the front, thumb close to the forefinger ; point of the fore- ^ finger one inch above the right eye ; the elbow in line, and nearly square with the^houlder ; at the same time, glancing the eyes to the left by a slight turn of L head ; shoulders kept square. ( On the word Two, cut the right hand < sharply to the side, but without noise, ( and turn the head to the front. 07ie. _A- Two, MABCHINJ. ir Caution, — Bight hand salute — Judging the time, — . — C On the word Salutis, go through the Eight hand } motions described in One and Two, ob- -^ S serving a pause of slow time between — Salute, ' them. The left hand salute will be taught in li!5:e manner. Paces. Steps. Marching. 8. 7, Length of Pace and Step, In slow or quick time, the length of a pace is 30 inches from heel to heel, ex- cept in ** stepping out," when it is 33 inches, and in " stepping short," 21 inches. In double time, the length of a pace is 33 inches. The length of a side pace, as used to clear or cover another, as in forming four deep, which will be hereafter des- cribed, is 24 inches. The length of a side step is 12 inches. <; S. 8. Cadence. In slow time, 75 paces are taken in a minute. In quick time, 120 paces, making 100 yards a minute. In double time, 165 paces, making 151 yards, 9 inches a minute. - S, 10, Position in Marching. In marching, the soldier must maintain the position of the head and body as described in the position of a sol- 18 SQUiD DRILL. ^' » dier. He must be well balanced on his limbs ; his arm&. and hands must be kept steady by his sides, care being taken that the hands do not partake of the movement of the legs. The movement of the leg must spring from the haunch, and be free and natural. Both knees must be kept straight, except while the leg is being carried from rear to front, when the knee must necessarily be a little bent to enable the foot to clear the ground. The foot must be carried straight to the front, and with- out being drawn back, place softly on the ground, so as not to jerk or shake the body ; the toes turned out at the same angle as when halted. And in a squad with intervals, although several men may be drilled together, they must act independently, and precisely as if they were being instructed singly ; and in marching, each soldier must be most particular to take a correct pace, both as regards length and cadence, with- out reference to the other men of the squad ; and march in a straight line to his front ; and in order to do so, he must ascertain his true front, by first looking down the centre of his body between his feet, then raise his eyes and fix them upon some object on the ground straight to his front, about 100 yards away ; then observe some other object in the same straight line, such as a stone, tuft of grass, etc., etc., about fifty yards distant, and march straight on them, selecting new points in the same line as he goes on. The instructor will take care before the squad is put in motion that the men are square individually, and in cor- rect line with each other. The command March or Mark Time should always be preceded by the word indicating the cadence, thus, ^loto, MARCHING. 19 QiticJi or Double March, or Mark Time. But if the time is omitted, slow time will be understood. When a named number of paces are to be taken forward by the squad, it should always be given in slow time. Thus, ** Sgtiad, Two, Ihree, Tour (or more) Paces For- ward, Sloiv March J^ When only a single individual or part of a squad is to move to the front, the command will be given thus : So- and-So, Two, Three (or more) Faces to the Iront, iSlov) March, S. It. Balance Step. The Balance Step consists of two practices, viz., first, without advancing, second advancing. Its object is to teach the soldier the free movement of his legs, preserving at the same time perfect squareness of shoulders and steadiness of body. No labour must be spared te attain this object, which forms the very founda- tion of correct marching. The shoulders must be kept perfectly square and the body well forward during these practices. 1. Without Advancing. Csiution,- Balance Step, co, omencing with the Left Foot. . ( On the word Front, raise the left foot from the ground by a slight bend of the knee, and carry it gently to the front without a jerk, until the heel is just in advance of the line of the right toe ; <[ gradually straighten the knee as the foot is carried forward ; the sole to be just clear of and parallel to the ground ; toes turned out at the same angle as Front. I i| 20 SQUAD DRILL. I when halted ; the inside of the heel to I be on the imaginary straight line run- I ning between the heels from rear to t front. The instructor will give the detail for the rear position, and when he sees the body steady will give the command Rear ; then when the body is steady he will repeat the words Front — Rear several times, and must recollect in this practice, that he must have the foot at the rear position before giving the command Halt. Whereas, in the next practice the moving foot must be in front before gliding the command Halt. r On the word Rear, carry the left foot p J back without a jerk until the toe is in , line with the right heel and clear of the L ground ; the knee to be a little bent. !0n the word Front, carry the foot to the front as before detailed, and on the word Rear, carry it back again as it is now, and so on. On the word Halt, bring the moving foot smartly to the ground in line with the other. _A_ Squad — Halt. The Instructor will also make the soldier balance on the left foot in like manner, by the words ^*8ame practice commencing with the right foot" ; then Front, Rear &c., &c. Standing on one leg and swinging the other backwards and forward without constraint is also an excellent prac- tice. MAROHINO. 81 the moving in line with 2, Advancing, Caution, — Balance Step advancing on the word '* Forivard,^* j On the word Fronts carry the left foot Front. I to the front as in the first practice. f On the word Forward bring the left foot softly to the ground, at 30 inches distance from heel to heel ; toe turned out at the same angle as< when halted, with the inside of the heel on the imag- inary straight line upon which you are marching ; the body to accompany the foot, and then bring the right foot to the rear position, described in the first prac- tice. { On the word Front, carry the right Front, ' ( foot to the front position. On the word Halt, complete the pace with the advanced foot, and bring the rear foot to the ground in line with it. Forward. ■^ _A_ Squad. — Halt. S. 12. The Slow March. Slotv March. ( The next stage to the Balance step.) f On the word March, select points to march on, carry the left foot to the front and. bring it softly to the ground at 30 inches distance from heel to heel, as directed in the position of a sol- -\ dier in marching, Section X., and then the right foot in like man- ner, and so on, alternately at the rate of 75 paces a minute ; and be most particular to keep the proper length of step, cadence, and direction. kh I VI 22 V Squad Halt. SQUAD DRILL. >Sf. IS, The Halt On the word Halt^ complete the pace with the advancing foot, and bring the ) rear foot in line with it and remain per- ( fectly steady. s 8. 14. Stepping Out. This step is nsed when a slight increase of speed, with- out an alteration of cadence, is required. A Squad while marching in slow or quick time, on re- ceiving the word Step Out, f On the word Outy increase the pace to I 33 inches without altering the cadence, v^v^^ J by leaning a little more forward, and so Step — Out. ^, continue to step until the words Slow I Step are given, or Quick Step ii marching tin that time. Slov) or Quick j On the ^ord Siep^ resume the 30 inch ^^^ — ( pace. Step. , - S. 15. Stepping Short. This step is used when a slight check is required. A Squad while marching in slow or quick time, on re- ceiving the words Step Short. ( On the word 5/iorf, complete the 30 inch pace with the advancing foot; then, with- j^^. Short "^ ^^^^ altering the cadence, shorten the *^ ^ * I pace to 21 inches, and so continue to Lstep until the word Forward ia given. MARCHING. 23 lete the pace id bring the I remain per- speed, with- time, on re- e the pace to the cadence, ivard, and so words Sloiv if marching J the 30 inch ired. Lime, on re- 3 the 30 inch then, with- horten the continue to is given. Forward, ( On the word Forward, resume the usual pace of 30 inches. S. 16. Marking Time, Mark — Time. A Squad while marching in Slow Time on receiving the words Mark Time, f On the word Tirne complete the pace I with the advancing foot ; after which 1 continue the cadence without advancing, I by raising the feet alternately about 3 I inches from the ground, by a slight bend • l^of the knee, keeping the body steady. ^^v-- ^ On the word For^vard resume the Fornjard. \ usual pace of 30 inches. From the Halt, the word of command will be Slpw Mark — Time; as there is no time to continue, it must be named. iStep — Back Sloiv — March S^ 17. — Stepping Back. A few paces only of the step back can be necessary at a time, and is always done in slow time. On the word Ma)'ch, carry the left foot straight to the rear, and bring it softly to the ground at 30 inches dis- tance from heel to heel, then the right ■^ foot in like manner, and so on alternate- ly at the rate of 75 paces a minute, moving direct to the rear, keeping the shoulders square to the front, and body erect. On the word Halt, complete the pace with the moving foot, and bring the foot that is in front back in line with it. Squad' *'■ 1 I f li ^^ 24 SQUAD DRILL. S. 1<^. — CJianging Feet. This may be required when any ;)'irt of a battalion or a single soldier is stepping with a different foot from the rest. A Squad while marching in slow or quick time on re- ceiving the command Change Feet. On the word Feet^ complete the pace with the advancing foot, and bring the ball of the rear foot smartly up to the heel of the advanced one, which must instantly take another pace forward so that the cadence will not be lost. In fact two paces will be taken in succession with the same foot. Change — Feet i While marching in double time, on the words Change Feet, complete the pace with the advancing foot and in- stantly take a hop of thirty-three inches on the same foot without altering the cadence. While marking time on the words Change Feet, mark time twice in succession with one foot without altering the cadence. S. 19. — The Quick March. The cadence of the slow march having become perfectly familiar to the soldier he will next be taught to march in quick time, and will be practised in all the alterations of step and marking time, and changing feet in quick time as laid down for slow time. In marking time from the Halt the command will be — Quick Mark — Time. V ^ MARCHING. 25 •attalion or a oot from the ete the pace id bring the [y up to the which must 3 forward so lost. In fact 1 succession ^ords Change foot and in- le same foot 2 Feet, mark lOut altering lie perfectly to march in Iterations of quick time id will be — _/-. f On the word March, step off together with the left foot, taking a pace of thirty ni/.-/./' Mn^^h H inches, at the rate of 120 paces a min- ute, observing all the rules given m the position of a soldier in marching. _A_ time on re- ■ Squad—Halt^ On the word Halt, halt as usual. Doitble- S. 20,— The Double March. On the word March, step off together with the left foot, taking a pace of thirty- three inches, at the rate of 165 a minute, at the same time raise the hands as high as the waist, clenching the fists, carry- ■n/r . -L -{ ing the elbows back with the flat part of the arms against the sides, the hea4 to be kept erect and the shoulders square to the front, the knees more bent and the body more advanced than in the other marches. i -A> -A_ On the word Halt^ halt as usual, at arms and ., 7 IT ji •{ the same time dropping the '^ ^ * (^ extending the fingers. Soldiers will be taught to mark time in the double ca- dence in the same manner as in the slow and quick. S. 21. The Side or Closing Step. Soldiers will first be taught the side-step by numbers, iheii judging the time. Closing to the right and left will be taught in like manner. They will also be taught to take aiiy named 26 SQUAD DRILL. pi ^ I : One, number of steps to either flank, and then halt on comple- tion, without command. Closing, judging the time, is done in quick time only. 1, By Number s. Caution, — Bight Close by Numbers. [ On the word One, carry the right foot I 12 inches to the right, keeping the knees ^ straight, the body to accompany the I foot, with the face and shoulders per- Lfectly square to the front. ( On the word Two^ close the left foot ( smartly to the right, heels touching. ( On the word One being repeated carry < the right foot 12 inches to the right, as ( before, and so on. On the word Halt, complete the pace by closing the left foot to the right, as on the word Tivo, _A^ T^ wo. One. _A_ Squad— Halt. 2. Judging the Time. Caution, — Bight Close, Judging the Time. On the word March, carrj?^ the right foot 12 inches direct to the right and in- stantly close the left foot to it, thus completing the pace, then proceed to take the next pace in like manner, and Bight — Close, •{ so on, at the rate of 120 a minute, keep- ing the shoulders square to the front and knees straight, unless on broken ground, and move in a straight line to the flank. j^ Quick — March. MARCHING. 27 .v^- On the word Halt, complete the pace <^ , TT If \ with the moving foot, close the heels, iiua a . ^ ^^^ remain steady. Taking a Named Number of Steps. S Faces Right f On the word March, step off together Close, -^ as before, taking the named number of Quick — March. Insteps and halt. S. 22. Turning when on the March. The turnings on the march are always done judging the time, that is, by keeping up the cadence of the march, whether it is slow, quick, or double time. A soldier ordered to turn on the march must always turn on the opposite foot, that is, half-right, or to the right on the left foot, and half-left, or to the left on the right foot, therefore the word turn should be given ac- cordingly, that is it should be given as the opposite foot to which they are ordered to turn is coming to the ground, or in other words, to turn to the right or by the right, it should be given as the left foot is coming to the ground, and to turn to the left, or by the left as the right foot is coming to the ground. If the word Turn is not given as the proper foot is coming to the ground, the soldier must move on one pace more, which will bring him on the proper foot, and then turn. Soldiers will be practised while on the march to make a half-turn to the right or left, and then move on (without checking their pace), in a diagonal direction, and also in making a turn to the right or left on the march. Soldiers will also be taught to turn about on the march, which must be done by each man on his own ground in three paces, without losing the cadence. Having completed the 28 SQUAD DRILL, turn about in three paces on his own ground, he will at once move forward, the fourth pace being a full pace as before in the new direction. If in double time, will drop the arms on the first pace of turning and raise them on the fourth. .■>t INSTRUCTOR. - When a squad is marching to the front, or advancing, and it becomes necessary or desirous to march to the rear, or retire, the command is— Right-about-turn, though Left-about-turn may occasionally be given to re- cruits for practice, whereas if a squad is marching to the rear or retiring, and it is desired to march to the front or advance, the command is Front-turn. When a squad is marching t^ a flank, and it is desired to march to the front, the command is Front-Turn. Whereas, when marching' to a flauk, and it is desired to march to the rear, the command is Rear- Turn. The instructor must particularly notice the difference in the words of command used in ordering men to turn to the front ; for exa mple, if a squad were standing at the Halt, with the men turned in any other direction than the front, and it were desired to turn them to the front, the com- mand would be Squad— Front ; but if their feet were mov- ing in marking time or marching, the command would be Front -Turn. A squad marching to the front on receiving the command Eighth Turn ; f On the word Turn (which should be _^ j given as the left foot is coming to the Ruihf Tiirv) J ground), turn to the right on the left ^ I toot and move on at once, taking a full I pace with the right foot in the new L direction without checking the pace. IN SINGLE RANK. 29 lerence in the le command A squad marching to the right or receiving the command Front — Turn, On the word Turn (which should be given as the right foot is coming to the ground), turn to the left (that is the Front — Turn. ^ front), on the right foot and move on at once, taking a full pace with the left foot in the new directicm without check- ing the pace. -A. Squad Drill — in Single Rank. S, 23. Directing and Reverse Flanks, as explained in the Definitions . S, 2Jf. Formation of a Sqnad in Single Rank, At this stage of the drill a few soldiers will be formed in single rank without intervals, that is nearly touching each other, in which formation each man is allowed a space of 24 inches frontage to stand on. The instructor will proceed thus, saying as follows : — Instructor places a man, whilst sayiyig thus : — "I now place this man as your right- '* (or left) hand man, and on the com- " mand Fall — In, fall in in line one after ' *'the other on his left (or right), turning *' the elbow slightly outwards close towards '* him, until a light touch is felt at the *^ elbow." The Instructor having placed a man and given the above information, then gives the commai d Fall — in, and super- intends the same. When completed, instruct them care- fully about the '* touch '' as follows: — 30 SQUAD DRILL, a I I r r, h 1-1 ! j 3 |l Now as to the ^' touch," as it is termed. * The '* touch " at the elbows is a most * particular object in this formation, as it ' is the principal guide in marching. ' When properly in line, each man must ' be able to feel the man on his right or ^ left (if a flank man) or the man on his * right and left (if not a flank man) at the * elbow or elbows, the body must be pre- ' served in the position described in the ' position of a soldie; jr." Number^ Nur Mring a Squad, Numbering is always done from the right (with the ex- ception of Guards — they sometimes number from the left j as follows : — f On the command Number, the right- I hand man will number himself off One, <[ the second man from the right Two, I and so on in succession to the left in a [loud and distinct tone of voice. The Instructor should now inform the men of the Squad that whenever they are standing or occupying the same relative positions that they have now, or in other words, whenever they are all side b}'^ side and turned in the same direction, and their numbers running in correct rotation from right to left, that the direction to which they are then turned is their front, and that the front has no refer- ence to any particular direction or cardinal point. A Squad in single rank can be formed with intervals (when required) as follows : — Having numbered, give the words, " Odd Numbers one pace forward, Even Numbers one })ace step back ; slow— IN SINGLE RANK. 31 march " It can also be reformed in single rank by the words, *' Odd Numbers one pace step bach, Even Numbers one pace forward^ Slow — March.'" S. 25. Dressing whe7i Halted. Recruits formed in single rank will first be taught to dress man by man, then together. In dressing, each soldier will glance towards the flank to which he is ordered to dress by a slight turn of the head, moving to his dressing with short, quick steps, carrying his body forward or back with his feet,as bending forward or back must be carefully avoided. He must keep his shoulders perfectly square and retain the position of a soldier throughout, except that the head is slightly turn- ed. They will first be taught to dress up man by man by the right, and then by the left in like manner, and also to dress back man by man by the right and left. Dressing together. — The men must next be taught to dress forward and backward, taking the pace together, but shutfling up or back in succession, the same points being given as in dressing man by man. The command being Squad, By the Bight (or Left) — Dress Up, or By the Bight (or Left) — Dress Back. Dressing without Points. — When soldiers are on the alignment the)^ have to occupy, and their dressing is sim- ply to be corrected, the words Right (or Left) — Dress need simply be given, and when dressed, Eyes — Front. After a wheel, when the pivot man has not moved off his ground, or after marching to the front or rear, the word Dress only need be given after the w^rd Halt or Bait — Front, on which the men will shuffle up or back to their places, successively commencing from the pivot man^ 32 SQUAD DRILL, I 11 I ..v.. / ■ i".Vf m^'- ill or the man on what was the directing flank, and when dressed, Eyes Front, When no man is placed for that purpose, the Instructor should invariably fix upon some casual object on which to dress his line. It will be found most useful to accustom men to dress on an alignment oblique to any well-defined adjacent line, such as the side of a square parade ground. 1 . Dressing man by raan. Preparatory to teaching a squad to dress man by man, by the right or left, the following points will be required : If the dressing is to be by the right, two men on the right and one on the left. If it is to be by the left, two men on the left and one on the right, will be brought out to give points. For example ; — Two men on the ^ Right and one on the Left^ a pace ^ and a half to the " Front — Slow- Mar ch. I On the words, two men on the right and one on the left, a pace and a half to the front, slow-march, the named men will take a pace and a half to the front, after which the right hand man will take four side steps to the right, then the three points will raise their right arm from the elbow at right angles to their body, and look to the right. The Instructor will then let the points know that they will be known as first, second, and third, from the flank of dressing, which in this case is the right. He will then move to the right of the right-hand man or first point, and proceed to dress the points, causing them to move for- ward or back by their number in this manner : No, 2, Up M' IN SINGLE RANK. 33 Man by man, -A- Dress — Up, (or Back, etc.), and when correctly in line will give the word Steady, then move to the front and proceed with the dressing as follows : — On the word Up, the third man from the riwht will take one pace to the front with his left foot, then glance to the right by a slight turn of the head, keep- ing his shoulders square to the front, and shuffle up into line with short, quick p ^7, T?' ^.^■ J steps, taking care to carry his body Hy me Migtit—^ ^-^j^ j^-^ ^^^^^ without bending forward or back, until he is just able to distin- guish the lower part of the face of the second man beyond him. As soon as he is steady, the next man will proceed in like manner, and so on in succession to tthe left. The Instructor having superintended the Dressing from the right, when satisfied that the line is correct will give the command Eyes — Front on which the following will be done. ( On the word Front, turn the head -^ 1 and eyes to the front ; the three points Eyes — Front, \ drop their hands and the right hand ( mar close on the squad. N. B. — In Dressing by the Left the three points raise their right arms and not their left. /Si. 26. Turnings, The soldier will next practise in single rank, judging the time, the turnings he has been taught by numbers. Men are never unnecessarily to stand turned to the rear* 34 SQUAD DRILL, k IF n^ S. 27, Marching to the Front and Rear, The Soldier will next practice in single rank the differenti marches and varieties of step which he has learned singly] or in squad, the same general rules being observed. Before a Squad is ordered to march the directing flanl must be indicated by the caution, By the Bight or By th Left, The Squad will first be taught to march straight tol the front both by the right and left in slow and quicli| time. It will then be practised in all the varieties of stej and in marking time in both cadences, after which it v/ill be exercised in the double time. The Soldier will bo pracl tised in changing the pace without halting from slow tol quick and from quick to slow time also from quick to douj ble and from double to quick before the executive wore slow, quick or double the caution break into slow (quid or double) time should be given. In breaking from double time into quick on the wore Quick, the arms will be dropped, and the fingers extended] The instructor should occasionally remain halted in reaj of the man on the directing flank, and by fixing his eye^ on some distant object ascertain if the squad is marchinj straight to its front. During the march care must be taken that neither thj head nor the eyes are ever turned towards either flank that the dressing is kept by the touch, and that th( shoulders are kept perfectly square and the body steadyj When a soldier finds himself a little behind or befoq the other men of his squad, he must be taught to recovej his place in the rank gradually, and not to jump or rusi to it, which would make him unsteady, and spoil thj marching of the rest of the squad. For example : — A squad in single rank standing in line on receiving thj IN SINGLE RANK. 35 caution and command, By the rtghty slow (quick or double) — March, will proceed aa follows : — --V-- ( On the word Biyht, the right hand By the — Bight < man must select points to march on as ( usual. On the word March^ the squad must step oft' together, the right-hand man marching straight on his points direct- ing, the remainder looking to the front must keep their dressing by the touch towards the directing flank, which in this case (as indicated by the caution) is the right, taking care to keep their bodies steady, and shoulders perfectly square to the front, without ever turn- ing their heads or eyes to either flank. If any man ever finds himself a little behind or before the other men of the Squad he must recover his place in the rank gradually, and not jump or rush to it, as it will make him unsteady, and spoil the marching of the rest of the , Squad. Slow — quick or Double i _>^- ■March, S. 28, Changes of Front. There are two methods of changing the front of a squad in single rank, viz : First by wheeling, and second by file formation. First, — Wheeling should first be taught in slow time, then practised in quick and dovible time. Nothing will sooner tend to enable recruits to acquire the length of step proportioned to their distance from the flanks than continuing the wheel without halting for several revolu- tions of a circle. 86 SQTTAD DRILL, III When men are required to wheel to the rear of the alignment they occupy, they must first be turned about and then wheeled, receiving the words Halt— Front — TJress, followed by Eyes— Front, when in position. In wheeling, the word Halt, or Bait— Front, may be ^'iven at any period of the circle, and followed by the words dress, only providing the pivot man nas not been ordered to move off his ground by the word Forward. Consequently by wheeling front can be changed to any angle. Second. — By file formation front can only be changed a quarter-circle or right angle, to the right or left of the former alignment, but never to the rear. It is taught and practised in quick and double time only. For example : — A single Rank at the Halt, changing front by wheeling. f On the word march the squad must step off together, the right hand man called the Pivot- man marking time and turning gradually round with the Squad to the new front, the whole turning their eyes towards the wheeling flank (that is in this case to the left) ; except the man on that flank who will look to the pivot flank and step the usual pace of thirty inches, the remainder must regulate their length of pace according to their -\ distance from the flanks. Each man must feel a light touch at the elbow to- wards the pivot flank but yield to any extra pressure and resist all pressure coming from the wheeling flank, keep his shoulders square in line and care- Eight — Wheel Slow — March, IN SINGLE RANK. 37 >A> Squad — Halt. Dress, -A^ fully avoid crowding ; and on the word Ilaltj halt as usual and instantly look to the front. On the word Dress^ dress by (^the flank that was the pivot flank. j On the word Front, look to the front Eyes — Front, j as usual. A single ranh in line at the Halt changing front hyjlle formation. -^ ( On the word Form the right hand man Eight — Form. < will turn to the right, the remainder ( make a half right turn. On the word March, all except the ri»ht hand man must step off" together at the usual pace, glancing to the right. -{ Each man will march by the shortest line to his place in the new front, and there halt and take up his dressing by the right. -^ ( On the word Front, look to the front Egts — Front. \ as usual. N.B. — A Squad will change front to the left in like manner. _A- Quich — March. S. 29. Changing Direction. Changes of direction can only take place while on the march. The squad will be taught to change direction to the right and to the left in like manner. After the com- mand Right ovLeft Wheel the word Forward should be given by the Instructor. When he sees that the men are com- mencing the pace that will bring the front of the squad 38 SQUAD DRILL, ¥■ i: perpendicular to the direction in which he intends to moTe and this may be done at any degree of the circle. For example : — A Single RanK in line on the march on receiving the command ynght or left whed, Hight — (or Left) i On the word Wheel the men will --v-^ < wheel as usual, the pivot man turning Wheel, ( gradually with the squad, and — v^^'-v'^"*^ i On the Ti'rrd Forward, the whole will Forward. < look to the front and step off at a full ( pace. S. 30. The Diagonal March, The Diagonal March is a march by which troops move to a flank at ji!i angle of ^5 degrees with their front. It will first bo tao^ht coiiimencing from the Halt in slow time. Before the dv^tail is given, the men should be turned half -right. If the diagonal march has been pro- perly performed, the squad, when halted and fronted, will be found on a line parallel to its original position, and the dressing correct. It will, in like manner, next be taught and practised whilst the Squad is marching, that is, by the men being ordered to make a half-turn, on which they will turn as ordered, and move on in a diagonal direction. When it is intended to resume the original direction, the command Froytt — T}irn will be given, on which each man will turn to the frouc iind move forward without checking the pace. This march will be practised in slow, quick, and double time, and taught to the right and to the left in like manner. m SINGLE RANK. 39 intends to le circle. ceiving the 3 men will nan turning .nd — 3 whole will oif at a full troops move )p front, the Halt in jn should be as been pro- fronted, will ion, and the id practised le men being will turn as |al direction, which each lard without (ised in slow, it and to the For example :— A Single Rank in line at the Halt* Half— Right — Turn, ( On the word Turn^ the men will make (a Slow — {Quick or Double) March. half-turn to the right. ( On the word March, the Squad must step off together at the usual pace, the right-hand man directing, who must, therefore, pay particular attention to his direction and pace. Each man must -{ move in the diagonal direction, no long- er keeping the touch, will glance towards the right, and preserve his relative posi- tion by keeping his right shoulder be- hind the left shoulder of the man next on that side. S, 31, Marching as in File, Men in single rank, turned to a flank, are termed as in file, as distinguished from tile, which means two ranks turned to a flank, and must be instructed that when standing or marching in that formation they must cover each other exactly, and when covering correctly, the head of the man immediately before each soldier will conceal the heads of all the others in his front. The strictest observance of all the rules for marching is particularly necessary when marching as in file. If march- ing as in file has been properly performed, when the squad is halted and fronted their dressing will be found correct. The rules laid down in Section XXII., regarding the foot on which a soldier on the march is to turn, must be strictly observed in a squad in single rank. Id ./ .t V-i h\ h 1-' I' i ■ I • y I 10 SQUAD DRILL, Soldiers will be taught to march as in file with the right flank leading, and with the left flank leading in like man- ner, that is, marching as in file right leading, and march- ing as in file left leading. Soldiers will be taught to march as in file, first in slow time, commencing from the Halt, after which they must be taught, when marching in line, to turn when ordered to either flank (as in tile), and march on in that formation without checking the pace. Marching as in tile will be practised in slow and quick time, but never in double time. A Squad marching as in tile will resume its original front by the words Halt — Front, or Front — Turn, By the Bight (or Lefl). For example : — _A_ Uight — Tarn. Slow — March, ( On the word Turn, the men will turn I as ordered, and cover each other correct- -{ ly ; when so, the head of the man imme- I diately before each soldier will conceal i^the heads of all the others in his front. On the word March, the whole must step off" together at a full pace, and so continue to step without increasing or diminishing the distance between each other, neither looking down or leaning back. The leading man will select points and direct, by marching straight <1 forward on them. The remainder cov- ering correctly. The strictest observ- ance of all the rules for marching is par- ticularly necessary when marching as in file. If the march has been properly per- formed, a squad's dressing when halted ^ and fronted will be found correct. IN SINGLE HANK. 41 A single rank in line while marching to the front or rear on receiving the command Right or Left — Turn, Bight (or Left) Turn. Front {or Bear) -A, Turn, On the word Turn^ the men will turn as ordered and move on as in file, with- out checking the pace. On the word Turn, the men will turn to the front or rear as ordered and move on steadily in line, without checking the pace. 8. 32. — Wlieeling as in File, A Squad, while marching as in file, will be taught to wheel or more properly, change its direction to the right or left, or to the right or left-about, by the command Right or Left — Wheel, or Bight or Left About — Wheel. A right or left wheel signifies a quarter circle change. If a ch'Tige less than a quarter circle is required, the com- nianu is given as if it were for a quarter circle change, as there is no command to indicate a change less than a quarter circle, but as soon as the leading man is coni- iiiencing the pace that will bring him in the required direction the word Foricard must be given, on which he should move straight forward in that direction, followed by the rest. A right or left about wheel signifies a half- circle change. All the changes must be made by the leading man moving round on the circumference of a circle having a diamet< r of 8 feet. For example : — A squad while marching as in file on receiving the com- mand. 42 SQUAD DRILL, ■| .'. i Bight — (or left) Wheel, or Bight— (or left) about — Wheel. On the word Wlieel, the leading man must move round on the arc of a quarter, or the half of the circumference of a circle having a diameter of 8 feet, by shorteuing the pace a ttle wi^h his in- ner foot, and on the completion of the ^ wheel select new points, and march straight forward on them, the remainder following on his footsteps in sue 3Ssion vvithout increasing or diminishing the distance between each other, will wheel round the same point in like manner, and look to their covering. i Formations . S. 33. — Men Marching as in File Forming Sqitad, A Squad while marching as in file, right or left leading, can make seven formations while either flank is leading, viz : — With the right flank leading- 3 Front. 2 Rear. 1 Right. ( 1 Right— About. ) With the left flank leading — 3 Front. 2 Rear. 1 Left. 1 Left — About. In front formations, on the word Squad the leading man will either halt, mark time, or continue marching on ac- cording to the command given. The remainder will in any case make a half -turn towards their original front and Formations. IJ^ SINGLE BANK. 43 i.Q mannex% move in line with the leading man. In rear formations, on the word Squad the leading man will either mark time or continue marching on according to the command given, the remainder will in any case mako a half-turn towards their original rear, and move on in line with the leading man. The Instructor should therefore give the word Squad as the proper foot is coming to the ground to enable them to make the half- turn correctly. Squad Formations with the Right Leading. A Squad while marching as in file right leading on re- ceiving the command : f On the word Squad the leading man I will halt, the remainder make a half left J turn and move on at the usual pace. I Each man will march by the shortest I way to his place in line, halt, and take (^up his dressing by the right. ( On the word Front look to the front ) as usual. On the word Squad the leading man will mark time, the remainder make a half left turn and move op at the usual pace, each man will march by the short- est way to his place in line and mark time, looking; to the front, and take up his dressing by the touch toward the right. ( On the word Forward move on Forward. ) usual in line. 1. At the Halt. Front Form — Squad. Eyes — Front. o Front form, —Squad. < as 44 ,^ 3. 071 the March. Front Form- Squad, 4. i^ea?' — Foria — Squad. J Forward. 5. On — the— March Hear Form — Squad. ^ 6. Riaht — Form < Squad. SQUAD DRILL, On the word Squad the leading man will continue moving on, the remainder make a half left turn and break into double time. Each man will march by the shortest way to his place in line and take up the quick time looking to the front, and take up his dressing by the touch towards the right. On the word Squad, the leading man will mark time, the remainder make a half right turn and move on at the usual pace, each man will march by the short- est way to his place in line turned to the rear, mark time without turning his head, and feel the touch towards the Lleft, On the word Forward move on as usual in line retiring. On the word Squad, the leading man will continue moving on, the remainder making a half right turn, break into double time, each man will march by the shortest way to his place in line re- tring, take up the quick time without turning his head and feel the touch to- ^ wards the left. On the word Squad, the leading man will ivheel to the right, take two paces to his front and halt, the remainder march on in quick time, and each man in succession on arriving opposite his place inline, will wheel to the right and form up on the left and take up his dres- , sing by the right. IN SINGLE RANK. 45 ve on as usual Eyes — Front. Right — about Form Squad. _A„ Eyes — Front, On the word Front^ look to the front as usual. On the word Squad, the leading man will wheel to the right about, take two paces to his front and halt, the remain- der march on in quick time and wheel to the right on the spot where the lead- -? ing man wheeled, to the right about, march on, and each man in succession on arriving opposite his place in line will again wheel to the right and form upon the left and take up his dressing ^ by the right. On the word Front, look to the front as usual. N.B. — Squad formations while the left is leadinof will be made on the same principles. It will also be observed that the formations to the right and right about and to the left and left about are always made to the reverse flank, and when completed the men are at the halt. S. 34. The Side or Closing Step. The side or closing step will now be practised, the men judging the time as laid down in section 21, No. 2, tho command being Eight (or Left) Close Quick March. Gaxo must be taken that the shoulders are kept square and the steps made in a direct line to the flank. 8, 35, Rifle Exercises. Recruits having been thoroughly instructed in the pre- liminary drills, explained in the foregoing sections, will 46 P v; SQUAD DRILL, next be taught the rifle drill as detailed in the Rifle Ex- ercises, a part of each drill with arms will be devoted to the practice of marching, as directed in the following section. S. S6. Marching with Arms, Squads with arms will be practised in the different marches and variations of step described in the foregoing sections when marching in double time at the Trails the disengaged arm will not be raised during these practices, as directed in section 20. During these practices great attention must be paid to the position of the recruits. When men parade with arms they will invariably fall in at The Order , all the instructions relating to the position and movement of the rifle when marching will be found in the Rifle Exercises. Squad Drill, in Two Ranks. The ranks of a squad in two ranks are termed Front and Rear respectively ; the latter should be thirty inches from the former, measuring from the heels of the men of one to the heels of the men of the other. The rear-rank men must cover their respective front rank men correctly. Two men so placed form what is termed ** A File " (that is, according to the definition, two men, a front-rank man and his rear-rank man). The ranks should, if possible, consist of an equal number of men, but if the squad con- sists of an odd number of men, the front rank will be the stronger by one man, in such a case there will be a front- rank man without a rear-rank man, forming what is termed a blank or incomplete file which should be the third from ti\e left, so that in forming fours there v^ill always be a ccTaplete four on the left. Each man in a squad in two IN TWO RAMKS. 47 ranks is allowed a space of four square feet (2x2) to stand upon and his feet should be so placed upon his square space that the imaginary straight line running along the rear part of his heels and the one running from rear to front between his heels will intersect each other on the very centre of his square, the rear rank being 30 inches from the front rank measuring from heels to heels will leave a neutral space of six inches between the squares of the front and rear rank men, which will be further noticed in the formation of fours. Formation of the Squad in two Eanks. The Squad will now be formed for Drill in two ranks as follows : — The Instructor will in the first place take two men, for instance, Nos. 1 and 2, and place No . 1 as a front rank man and No. 2 as his rear rank man, (that is 30 inches direct in rear of No. 1, measuring from the heels of No. 1 to the heels of No. 2) and tell the squad that two men so placed form what is called a file, and — On the command Fall in, fall in in like manner on their left in succession, the odd numbers in the front rank, who are to feel a light touch at the elbow to the right, and the even numbers in the rear rank who will place themselves one -{ pace of thirty inches direct in rear of their respective front rank men, measur- ing from the heels of front rank man to the heels of rear rank man. If there is one more man in the front rank than in the rear, the third man from the left must be left uncovered. Fall- -in 48 SQUAD DBILL, 'J rJM )i Sizing a Squad in twf^ Hanks, A Squad will be sized from flanks to centre. When a Bquad is first sized, the following method will be adopted. First arrange the men in single Rank according to their height, the tallest man on the right and gradually down with the shortest on the left. Having told the men what to do on the words, in Single Bank Size, proceed thus. Btght — iu7'n — in — single — Rank — Size, then number the Squad as usual and proceed as follows : — On the word Size, Nos. 1 and 2 will step off together, No. 1 taking three paces to the front, No. 2 will place him- self three paces in front of the left flank, No. 3 will then place himself one pace hi-^iwo— Ranks \ in rear of No. 1 as his rear rank man. No. 4 one pace in rear of No. 2, No. 6 will place himself on the left of and next to No. 1, No 6 on the right of and next to No. 2, Nos. 7 and 8 will cover Nos. 5 and 6, anr' so on with the remainder, the odd numbers moving to the right ^ and the even numbers to the left. When done, the half squads will be closed inwards, halted, and dressed, the blank file, if there is one, to be placed the third from the left, as follows : — Size, Imvards- Close — Quick- March On the word March, the right half squad will close to the left and the left half to the right. IN TWO RANKS. 49 N.B. — The word Halty should be given as the men are commencing the step that will bring them together. S. 37, Dressing, f On the word Dress, the front rank will RioU (or Left) ' ^^®^^ ^® taught in single rank, during ^ 2a« 1 which the rear rank men will look to 7^ I the front and correct their covering and JL/? ess, I 1 • I L distance. Marching to the Front and Rear. A Squad in two ranks will be practised in the marches and variations of step which have been taught in single rank. While marching in line the rank in front will march as taught in single rank, during which the men of the rank in rear must accurately preserve their covering and dis- tance. Blank File while Retiring, When the Squad turns to the rear a blank file will, after turning about, step up and occupy the vacant space in the rear rank, and on turning to the front he will resume his original place. '^v^^ ( On the caution By the Right (or) Left By the Eight < the front rank man on the named flank ^— v^-' ( will select points to march on, as uauaL (or Left) I 50 SQUAD DRILL, On the word March, the squad must step off together, the front rank march- ing as directed in single rank, the rear oi o ' h rank men must preserve their covering |_y j^ -{ and distance accurately. In turning to D hi M ^1 the rear, if the squad contains a blank file, he will step up to occupy the va- cant space in the rear rank, resuming his place on turning to the front. Ope7i Order, March, S, 4^. Taking Open Order, On the word Order, the flank men of the rear rank will step back two paces in slow time and turn to the right. On the word March, the flank men will front and raise their disengaged arm horizontally from the elbow, and the rear rank will step back two paces. ( On the word Dress, the rear rank will RearRankDress. ) ^^f^ ^^ ^^^ "S^*' ^^^ ^""''^ '"«'* "^'*'" (^ not move. ( On the word Front, the rear rank Tj, Ti\ ± \ nien will look to the front, and the Eyes-Front. | fla„k men drop their arms. On the word March, the rear rank will take two paces to the front in slow time. .j<- -A_ Close Order — March, N. B. — The squad if drilling with arms will always be| ordered to shoulder before taking open order. If without] arms the flank men on fronting raise the right arm as di- rected. IN TWO RANKS. 51 S, 41, The Rifle Exercisea will now he 'practised. Changing Front by Wlieeling, Changing front by wheelinpj will be practised in slow, quick, and double time. f On the word March, the squad must Right — Wheel j step off together, the frimt rank will wheel as taught in single rank, the rear Sloiv (Quick, or I rank men will follow their respective front rank men, keeping their covering _/._ Double) March, [and distance correctly. Changing Front by File Formation, On the word Form, the right hand man of the front rank will turn to the Right — Form, ^ right, the remainder make a half right turn. On the word March, all except the right hand man of the front rank will step off together at the usual pace each front-rank man followed by his rear- rank man, who must preserve his diago- Quick (or | nal position, will march by the shortest -^ -<| line to his place in the new front, and Double) March. \ take up his dressing by the right, the rear-rank men looking to the front will correct their covering and distance. The right hand man of the rear rank will cover his front-rank man as soon as Lroom is made for him. -^ 5 ^"^ ^^® word Front look to the front, Eyes — Front. { as usual. N.B. — Front will be changed to the left in like manner. 52 SQUAD DRILL, .1 t:. i mr H Changing Direction. Changing direction will be practised as taught in single rank, the rear- rank men following their respective front- rank men as in any other wheel. S. 4^. The Diagonal March, The Diagonal March will be practised in two ranks, as taught in single rank. On the word March^ the squad must step off together. The front rank marching, aa taught, in single rank, the rear-rank men must preserve their relative positions with their front-rank men, so that] on halting and fronting they will have their proper cover- ing and distance. S, 44. File Marchinq. A squad in two ranks turned to a flank is turned in file*! File marching will be practised as *' as in file,'' the rearl rank men dressing correctly by their respective front-rank] men. A squad marching ^* in file " will resume its original] front on the words Halt —Front, or Front — Turn, A squad standing in file, on receiving the word of com- mand, Blow or Quick — March, will proceed as follows :— I On the word March, the squad musti step oft' together at a full pace, and sol continue to step, without increasing orl diminishing the distance between eacM other, neither looking down or leaniiigj back. The front-rank man of the leadf ing file will select points and direct, byj marching straight forward on them, tliel remainder of the front rank covering! correctly. The rear-rank men musi dress correctly, by keeping abreast of| ^ their respective front-rank men. Sloio (or Quick) ^ — March, IN TWO RANKS. 53 Wheeling while Marching in File. Wheeling in file will be done on the same principle as "as in file." If a squad i& halted, or ordered to mark time, when only some of the files have wheeled into the new direction, the remainder should be taught to cover off if required by the diagonal march on the words Bear Files Cover. If the word Front is to follow the word Halt, the rear files need not be ordered to cover, but will move to their places on the word Dress. • A Squad marching in file on receiving the command : On the word Wheel, the leading file keeping correctly abreast of each other will wheel as ordered, the inner man moving round on the arc of a quarter or half of the circumference of a circle hav- ing a diameter of 8 feet, must shorten his pace during the wheel, especially with the inner foot (that is, the one nearer the centre of the supposed circle), and on the completion of the wheel the file will march straight forward ; the front rank man selecting new points will direct as usual, the other tiles following on their footsteps in succession will wheel round the same point in like -{ manner, without altering the cadence. If the word F^orioard is given during a wheel, the leading file will march straight forward in the direction in which it is then wheeled, followed by the remainder. If the squad is halted, or ordered to mark time, when only some of the files Right— {or Left) Wheel— or Ri(jht — (or Left) About Wheel. 54 SQUAD DRILL. have moved into the new dixection, th remainder may be ordered to cover, b the words Rear Files Cover, on whic they will cover off, moving by the dia gonal march. If the words Halt— Front — Dres9 I are given, they will move to their place [ on the word Dress. A squad while marching in file can perform all th squad formations as while marching *^as in file," namely 7 while the right flank is leading, and 7 while the lefi flank is leading. A squad while marching in file right leading, on receiv ing the command : On the word Squad, the front-ran man of the leading file will halt, th remainder make a half-left turn an move on at the usual pace, each front rank man followed by his rear rank ma Frm^f Form ^ ^^^^ march by the shortest way to his _^ ' place m line, and take up his dressing bj the right, the rear-rank men looking i\ the front will correct their covering ad distance, the rear-rank man of the l^ad] ing file will cover his front-rank man a| ^soon as room is made for him. I On the word Front, look to the front] * as usual. f On the word Squad, the front-rani man of the leading file will mark time] the remainder make a half -left turn, and move on at the usual pace, each front! At — the — Halt Squad. >A^ Eyes — Frotit, dixGction, thq d to cover, )er, on whicl ig by the dia Vont — Dress- to their place rform all the file,'^ namely] while the lefl IN TWO RANKS. 55 ,^J F. ''ront — Form- Squad. Lng, on receivj he front-ranl will halt, th(| left turn and e, each front] rear rank man i^t way to hi^ bis dressing bj len looking t(| r covering and m of the l^ad] t-rank man ai him. ik to the froni ;he front -rani ill mark time] -left turn, and 3e, each frontl Forivard. rank man followed by his rear-rank man, will march by the shortest way to his place in line, and mark time, looking to the front, and take up his dressing by the touch towards the right, the rear- rank men, looking to the front, will correct their covering and distanco, the rear-rank man of the leading file will 1 cover his front-rank man as soon as l^room is made for him. f On the word Forward, move on as usual in line. • 0.) the March- Squad. f On the word Squad, the front-rank man of the leading file will continue moving on, the remainder make a half- left turn, break into double time, each front rank man, followed by his rear- rank man, will march by the shortest way to his place in line, and take up the \Front — Form — { quick time, looking to the front, and take up his dressing by the touch to- wards the right, the rear-rank men looking to the front will correct their covering and distance, the rear-rank man of the leading file will cover his front- rank man as soon as room is made for him. On the word Squad, the rear-rank man of the leading file will mark time, the remainder make a half-right turn, and move on at the usual pace, each rear-rank man, followed by his front- ^ rank man, will march by the shortest Hear — Form — Squad. i*. r 66 SQUAD DUILL, way io his place in line, turned to the rear, and mark time, without turning his head and feel the touch towards the left, the front-rank men, without tu'^n- ing their heads, will correct their cover- ing and distance, the front-rank man of the leading file will cover his rear-rank n an as soon as room is made for him. On the word Forward^ move on as Forward. } usual in line, retiring. On the word Squad, the rear-rank man of the leading file will continue moving on, the remainder make a half- right turn, break into double time, each rear-rank man, followed by his front- rank man, will march by the shortest J way to his place in line, retirini^ and Jiear — Form taiW3 eVj the right IN TWO RANKS. 59 )dd file, and the rear-rank man of which, on the word leep, should step back in line with the left files of the •ear rank, and if it was a blank file it should be termed I blank odd file, as there would be but one man in that nk will num lection. Furthermore, when the file on the left is an even id the second ^^^i^^L)er, and the squad contains a bla^ik, or incomplete, front rankJ^® (which should always be the third from the left), in ft of the fronB*^^'"^^"^S ft)urs there will be what is termed an incomplete atinct tone ol»^^^^' ^^^^ ^^' three men in one section. The men of a must pay par#^S^*' ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^> ^^^ compose a four will (always com- iber his frontj^®^ ^^^ same four, whether Deep, Right, Left, or About), e considered as comrades in the field, and will act to- ,^ether, not only in forming fours, but on other occasions ; hey should therefore take notice of each other when they re told ofi". The instructor will observe that the com- aiids in the formation of fours are, Fours — Deep ; Fours Right, etc., that is, the command consists of two words, e is the sam^ ition of f ourS; o eight or teii| t, and explai ture that od numbers lefi b files are thel !ig to do thaul be an "' odd' as a left file, even number, ;he file on thel he second file! in the forma te four on the ;hird file from tnd that there is something to be done on each word of the command. I. Formation of Fours at the Halt, A Squad standing in line, two deep (that is, in two anks), will form fours as follows : — — v^- ( On the word Fours, the rear rank will Fours — \ step back a pace of eighteen (18) inches. The Instructor will observe that this increases the neu- ral space between the imaginary squares of the front and ear-rank men to twenty -four (24) inches, which is equal o the length or breadth of one of those squares, into number, is afchich the left file, front-rank man, will step on the word ^ing become am^tJ^j), ., is termed ann 60 SQUAD DRILL, Squad -Front, Fours — Bight. Squad -Front, On the word Deep, the left files will take a pace of twenty-four (24) inches -=J to the rear with their left feet, and a I pace of twenty-four (24) inches to the L right with their right feet. On the word Front, the left files will move to the left of, and in line with, their right files, by taking a pace of j twenty-four (24) inches to the left with J their left feet, and a pace of twenty-four ' inches to the front with their right feet ; then the rear rank will close up to its proper distance from the front rank, by taking a pace together of eighteen (18) inches to the front with their left feet. On the word Fours, the rear rank will step back a pace of eighteen (18) inches. On the word Right, the Squad will turn to the right, then the left files will form (m the right of their right files by ■{ taking a pace of twenty-four inches to their right with their right feet, and a pace of twenty-four inches forward with ^ their left feet. On the word Front, the squad will turn to the left, that is, the front ; then the left files will move to the left of and in line with their right files, by -{ taking a pace of twenty-four inches to the left with their left feet, and a pace of twenty-four inches to the front with their right feet ; then the rear rank ^will close up together, as before. Fc Sq F( Al Squad- A sq lowing F( IN TWO RANKS. 61 t files will (24) inches feet, and a lies to the ft files will line with, a pace of le left with wenty-foiir right feet ; e up to its it rank, by rhteen (18) r left feet. rear rank ghteen (18) Squad will iffc tiles will ght files by ir inches to feet, and a )rward with squad will [ront ; then the left of ht files, by ir inches to and a pace front with I rear rank fore. Fours — Squad -A- — Front. Fours— About Squad — Front. < As before detailed. On the word Lefty the squad will urn to the left, then the left files will form on the left of tiieir right files, by taking a pace of twenty-four inches to their left with their left feet, and a pace of twenty-four inches to their rear with their right feet. On the word tro ^, the squad will turn to the right, that is, the front, and then re-form two deep, as before. As before derailed. On the word About ^ the squad will turn to the right about ; then the left files will form on their right files by ■^ taking a pace of twenty-four inches for- I ward with their right feet, and a pace of I tw^enty-four inches to their left with 1^ their left feet. C On the word Front, the squad will < turn to the right-about, that is, the front, ( and then reform two deep as before. Formation of Fours while Marking Time, A squad in line, two deep, will be put through the fol- lowing formation of fours while marking time : — I On the word Fours, the rear rank will ^ < step back a pace of eighteen (18) inches Jfours 1^ together without altering the cadence. ?■ ,1 'f Deep, \ Form — Two Deep. Fours — Bight. 62 SQUAD DRILL. On the work Deep, the left files will move as at the halt, but without alter- ing the cadence. f On the word Deep^ the left files will I move to the left of, and in line with, -{ their right files, as at the halt, and then the rear rank will close up as at the halt, but without altering the cadence. Rear rank step back as before. { On the word Eight, as at the halt, ) without altering the cadence. f On the word Turn, the squad will I turn to the left, that is, the front, then -j the left files move up, and the rear rank close up, as at the halt, without altering ,the cadence. Rear rank step back as before. — ^^ ( On the word Left, as at the halt, with- Left. \ out altering the cadence. f On the word Turn, the squad will I turn to the right, that is, the front, then -{ the left files move up, and the rear rank I close up as at the halt, without altering l^the cadence. The squad should now be turned about, and, without re-numbering, put through the following formations while turned to the rear : — r On the word Fours, the rank in rear I — . — ) (that is, the real front rank), will step Fours — ) back apace of eighteen inches, without Front — Turn. Fours — -A. Front — Turn ( altering the cadence. n? TWO RANKS. 63 ft files will hout ulter- ft files will line with, It, and then ) as at the le cadence. ifore. it the halt, squad will front, then tie rear rank lout altering jfore. le halt, with- ! squad will .0 front, then the rear rank hout altering and, without nations while ) rank in rear Ilk), will step ches, without Deep, Two Deep, Fours- Bight, -A_ Bear — Turn. Fours- ( On the word Deep, the left files will I take a pace of twenty-four inches for- -{ ward with their right feet, and a pace of I twenty-four inches to their left with their t left feet without altering the cadence. On the word Deep, the left files will take a pace of twenty-four inches to their right with their right feet, and step back -{ a pace of twenty-four inches with their left feet without altering the cadence, and then the rank in rear will close up together a pace of eighteen inches. Rank in rear step back as before. On the word Right, the .squad will turn to the right, then the left files will take a pace of twenty-four inches to their left with their left feet, and step back a pace of twenty-four inches with ^ their right feet. On the word Turn, the squad will turn to the left, that, is the rear, then the left files will take a pace of twentw-four inches to their right with their right feet, and step back a pace of twenty -four inches with their left feet, and then the rank in rear close up to- gether a pace of eighteen inches. Hank in rear step back as before. f On the word i>e/^,the squad will turn to I the left, then the left files will take a pace -{ of twentw-four inches to their right with I their right feet, and a pace of twenty-four (finches forward with their left feet. -! ■I 64 squab drill, ',(: '* .J^ Bear— Turn, ( On the word Tar/if the aquad will I turn to the ri^ht, that is, the rear, then I the left files will take a pace of twenty- J four inches to their right with their } right feet, and step back a pace of twen- I ty-four inches with their left feet, and i then the rank in rear close up together l^a pace of eighteen inches. ^K^ Front — Turn, Turn as usual to the front. N.B. — The same men always compose the same section of fours, whether deep, right, or left. n. Formation of Fours on the March. A squad while marching to the front or rear in line, two-deep, on receiving the command Fours, Deep, Right or Left, will proceed as follows : On the word Fours, the rank in rear Fours, will step short two paces. If the word deep follows, the right tiles will mark time two paces while the left files move Deep (or Eight, -{ into their places in fours ; if the word right (or left) follows the word fours, the squad will first turn in the direction ordered, after which the right files will mark time two paces while the left files move into their places. A squad while marching to the front or rear in fours, on receiving the command Form — 2^ wo Deep, will proceed as folio «rs : or Left), I Two A sq the cor F Two A sc turn hi right (< and rer marchi Half-L and m( and w mand fours, Front to tue IN TWO RANl^S. 65 ame section the left files 'arm f Form Two Deep. On the word Beep^ the right files will mark time two paces, while the left files move up (or back) into their places in line, two-deep, then the rank in rear Two Deep, j will regain its proper distance by stap- le ^ing out six paces. A squad while marching to a flank in fours on receiving the command Jform — Tioo Deep, will proceed as follows : f On the word Deep, the right files will I mark time two paces, while the left files J move into their places in file, then the rear rank will regain its proper distance from the front rank by taking a length- ened diagonal pace towards it. A squad while marching in fours may be ordered to turn half-right (or left), or to the right (or left), or to the right (or left) about, on which they will turn as ordered, and remain in fours ; thus, for instance, suppose a squad is marching in fours, right leading, on receiving the command Half -Left Turn, it will turn as ordered, remain in fours, and move on to the right front, as in the diagonal march, and while so marching, if it again receives the com- mand Half -Left Turn, it will turn as ordered, remain in fours, and move on to the front ; but if the command Front Turn is given, instead of half -left turn, it will turn to tne front, after which the right tiles will mark time two paces, while the left files move up to their places in line, and then the rear rank regains its proper distance by step- ping out six paces, that is to say, if a squad is marching in fours in any other direction than to the fron^ or rear, on receiving the commandi^roti^ (orBea^r) Turn, : will turn aa ordered, and then form two-deep, by the right files marking time two paces while the left files move up or 66 SQUAD DRILL, II 4 'M W i back to their places in line, two deep, then the [rank in rear regains its proper distance by stepping out six paces. Thus, for example : , A sq^T^id while marching to a flank in fours, on receiving the command : — Turn. By the Bight (or Left). Front (or Hear) ^ On the word Turn, the men will turn as ordered, then the right files will mark time two paces, while the left files ^move up or back into their places in line two-deep, then the rank in rear will regain its proper distance by step- ping out six paces. A squad while marching to a flank in fours, on receiving the command : i On the word Turn, the men will turn Right (or Lett), as ordered, remain in fours, and move! ->- y on to the front or rear, as the case may| — Turn. ( be. A squad while marching to a flank in file, on receiving] the command Hours — L>eep, will proceed as follows : >^v^ ( On the word Fours, the rear-rank willl Fours. < incline from the front rank by taking a| ( lengthened diagonal pace outwards, On the word Veep, the right files willl Deep. mark tiiiie two paces, while the left tilesl \ inoiLta. uiiiiv:; uwij p£ii;ca, wiiiic iixikj icil uicoi ( move Up or back to their places in fours.| A squad while moving to a flank by the diagonal marcl may be ordered to form fours to that tiauk, on which it| will ])i«>cetid as f< T' ^^-- i Un the word Fours nothing will be| Fours. ( done. IN TWO RANKS. er on receiving , on receiving the case may On the word Eight (or Left), the men will make a half-turn in the direction ordered (that will bring them into file), the rear-rank will then incline from the Eight (or Left), ^ front rank by taking a lengthened dia- gonal pace outwards, the right files will then mark time two paces, while the left files move up or back to their places ^in fours. Same men always compose the same section of fours whether deep, right, or left. In marching to a flank in fours, each four will dress by the front-rank man of its right tile, that is, when right is leading, dress by the left, and when left is leading, by the right. i| , • ' *• >Si. 4^. Fours Wheeling. A squad while marching to a flank in fours on receiving the command : On the word Wheel it will wheel in the same manner as it wheels in file, each four wheeling successively around the same point, the inner man moving on the arc of the usual circle, the outer J man moving at the usual pace, the re- ^ mainder regulating their pace by him. If the word Forward is given during a wheel, the leading four will march straight forward in the direction in which it is then wheeled, followed by the ivmaiiider. ' Right (or Left) Wheel; or, Uight — about(or Left — about) Wheel, N.B. — If the ISquad is halted or ordered to mark time when only some of the fours have wheeled, the remainder 68 SQUAD DRILL, |i;3 1 Sf may be ordered to cover by the words, ^^ Rear-Fours — Cover,''* on which they will move to their places by the diagonal march. Squad Formations from Fours, A Squad while marching to a flank in fours can perform all the Squad formations as while marching in tile, viz. ; Seven, While either flank is leading, when ordered to form any one of the seven, it will at once form two deep and then proceed (without further word of command) as if it had been marching in file the whole time. Thus, for example : On the command — On the word Squad, form two deep as described in forming two deep from Fours, then the front-rank man of the leading file will halt, the remainder make a half -turn in the required direc- tion (that is, towards the original front), and move on at the usual pace, each front-rank man followed by his rear- rank man, will march by the shortest way to his place in line, and take up his dressing by the flank of formation, the rear-rank men, looking to the front, will correct their covering and distance ; the rear-rank man of the leading file will cover his front-rank man as soon as l^room is made for him. On the word Front look to the front At the Bait, Front — Form — ■< _A_ Squad. Eyes-^Front, \ ^^^l^^ s.p For quired The as usu theSq of voii right £ the ri^ his an that tl the foi is Stan foUowj Onl IN TWO RANKS. 69 lar-Fours — aces by the ;an perform a tile, viz. : ordered to m two deep ^mmand) as Thus, for two deep as deep from man of the remainder [uired direc- ginal front), I pace, each )y his rear- the shortest L take up his rmation, the le front, will istance; the iing file will as soon as to the front 8, Jfl — A Squad formed in Fours closing on a flank or on the centre aiid reforming Two deep. For the following practices ten or twelve files are re- quired, and the Instructor will proceed as follows : — The Squad standing in line two deep will be numbered as usual, and told off into half squads, thus : Suppose the Squad consists of twelve files, call out in a loud tone of voice, "six," on which number six should raise his right arm horizontally from the elbow, then say '* left of the right half squad," on which number six should drop his arm ; then give the command Fours — Deep, and see that they form fours correctly ; then inform the men that the four in which the centre file (in this case number six) is standing is considered the centre four, then proceed as follows :— On the command — On the Right, (Left or Centre) Close — L Quick — March. J On the word March, the named four will stand fast, the remainder will move towards it by the side or closing step, each four halting on feeling a light tonch. Be- forming Two deep from closed Fours, On the command — On the word March, the right file of the named four will stand fast, the re- mainder will step off together and open out from it by the side or closing step : the left files will move up to their places From the Right (Left or Centre) Re-form Two Deep — I in line in succession as room is made for 70 SQUAD DRILL, _A_ Quick — March, v . it c' the remainder of the Squad, ai d lock up Right Wheel. ^^^^* The front of the Squad may be further reduvdd by any number of files (suppose two), as follows : On the command — On the word Turn, the named files will turn to the left, and on the word Wheel they will wheel to the right, and follow the two files on the right of the remainder of the Squad ; the three files Left — Tur7i — ^ already in rear will maritime, then in- Tv'o Files on the Eight- -A. ■y^M 72 Bight Wheel. 8QUAD DRILL, cline to the left by the diagonal march and follow close in rear of the two tiles ]ast broken off, the whole locking up so as not to interfere with others who may be following. Bringing broken off Files to the Front. Any number of files (suppose three) that have been broken off, may be again brought to the front, as follows : On the command — On the word Front, the named num- ber of files next the line will make a half-right turn and double up to their places in line, the remaining files in the rear will incline to the right by the di- agonal march, and step out till they cover the two files on the fiank. Three Files to the Front . Tivo Files to the On the word Front, the two remain- ing files will make a half-right turn, and jp , ^ \ double up to their places in line. N.B.— All the files may be brought to the front at once by the r/ords : Files— to the Front. S. 4^, Extended Order. The r*^ on its having been thoroughly instructed in the forego'ug sc-jtions, will next be taught to move in extend- ed order, for which purpose the Squad should be told off into a ri ifht and left half -squad, and when the recruits have made sufficient progress, one Squad should be opposed to another in order that the men may more readily see and IN TWO RANKS. 78 ront at once judge for themselves the eri'ors committed. No dressing or correction of intervals is allowed while halted, but the instructor will then simply point out the fault any man may have committed, without allowing him to rectify it until the Squad is in motion. Extended — Stretched out, spread in breadth. Order — State, mode, formed. Therefore the words, Extended Order, used as a military term, signifies an incompact form, or order of drill, in which the soldiers are at intervals, or apart from each other, and is applicable to two formations, viz : The attack and skirmishing, each of which is intended for a differ- ent purpose. The object of so moving is to enable soldiers to take advantage of cover, and thus to inflict the great- est loss upon the enemy with the least amount of danger to themselves. They should therefore avail themselves, for their protection, of the slightest inequality of ground, and the smallest patch of cover. In advancing or retiring they should run or creep from one point of cover to an- other (which they should select in ad'^ • ice) without un- necessary exposure. But while advanji. jg in the attack men are not to lose their intervals nor fail to move direct to the front, for the sake of seeking cover, and when ex- posed to artillery fire alone they are not to take advantage of cover except by word of command, but in skirmishing as such cohesion of the portions of the battalion is not necessary, greater latitude in its formation and manoeuvres are to be allowed. - * In extended formations each file, and when in rank entire each man, will be allowed or considered to occupy a space of thirty inches frontage (the meaning of rank-entire is when the rear-rank man is on the left of his front-rank T4 SQUAD DRILL, man, as he should be in firing, to which place'he should move on the word or sound, Fire, and in skirmishing he will not, as in the attack, occupy the space next on the left of his front-rank man, but will divide the interval be- tween his front-rank man and the front-rank man next on the left). In extending for attack four paces will be allowed for each file, that is, an interval of three paces in addition to the one occupied by the file, or, in other words, four paces from the centre of the front-rank man of one file to the centre of the front-rank man of the next file. When extending for skirmishing, the interval will be in- creased according to circumstances. The number of paces will in either case be specified in the caution of the in- structor. Men in extended order, at the halt, if not ordered to kneel or lie down, they will stand-at-ease, turned to their proper front, and on the last executive word they will spring to attention and proceed with the movement or- C€red. No dressing or correction of intervals is allowed while halted ; all corrections muso be made while in motion. When the halt is ordered where men extended are in motion, they will halt, or halt and front, take advantage of any cover ; if none they will stand-at-ease, if not or- dered to kneel or lie down. As a general rule, in extending, the front-rank men are i responsible for the direction, and the rear-rank men for] the intervals. The extension may be ordered from the right, left, centre, or any named file; in extending fromj the halt, if the caution is not preceded by the word " kneel- ing" or '* lying-down," each file, on arriving at its place, will halt, front, get under cover, if none it will stand-at-j TN TWO RANKS. 76 ease, or kneel, or lie down, as may have been ordered for the file of extension. Thus, for example, from the right. Extending from the Halt. On the caution and command- From the Eight — Four paces — Extend. or {For Skirmish- ing), From the Right paces — (For the A ttack). ( On the word Extend, the right file will stand -at-ease (or kneel or lie down as ordered), the remainder will turn to the left and step off together in quick time, shouldering arms and covering correctly without opening out, the front- rank men directing, and each rear- rank man looking back over his inner shoul- der to the file nexi in rear ; as soon as it halts he will commence to count his paces, ana on commencing the fourth or the last pace of the interval ordered, he will tap his front-rank man, and both will halt, front, order arms, and stand- at-ease, or kneel or lie down as may have Extend. L been ordered for the file of extension. < S. 50 — Closing. The close may be ordered on the right, left, centre, or any named file, and in closing from the halt ; the file on which the Squad is to close may be turned in any direc- tion- the remainder will then form up in the same direc- tion. Thus, for example, on the right : 76 SQUAD DBILL, I !• I > i ■.■'■ -'!'.? r. ;, t I. Closing from the Malt. t On the caution and command — On the word Close, the named file will stand fast (or if kneeling or lying down, will rise and stand-at-ease), the remain- der will spring to Attention, turn to the right, and close in quick time with trailed arms, each file in succession, on arriving at its place, will halt, front, and stand- at-ease. On the Right — Close. ^ 8, 51 — Advancing and Betiring, In advancing or retiring (whether extended or closed) the centre file will direct. From the Halt, On the caution and command — f On the word Advance, the Squad will spring to Attention and step off together in quick time, with trailed arms, the centre file directing. On the word Retire, the Squad will spring to Attention, turn \,o the right- about, and then step off together in quick time with trailed arms, the centre tile directing. On the word Halt, the Squad will halt (or halt and front), and stand-at-ease. Sguad — Advance, or Retire, < luad, — Halt, \ Squad, 77 For the Attack^ From the Rights {Lefty Centre, or No, — jile), Four Paces — Extend, or (for Skirmish- ing) From the Right, (Left, Centre, or No. —file). — Paces — — Extend, IN TWO RANKS. 11. Extending on the March. On the word Extend, the named file will continue to move straight forward in quick -time, the remainder will make a half-turn in the required direction, and break into double time ( if the Squad is moving in double time the ex- tending files will quicken the pace), and as usual the front-rank men will be responsible for the direction or dressing, and the rear-rank men for the intervals ; { each file in succession on gaining its proper interval in the alignment, will turn to the front and take up the time of the named file, to which it will look for its dressing and interval while ex- tending ; but as soon as the extension is completed, the dressing and intervals must be kept by the centre. If the halt is given before the extension is com- pleted, the extended files will at once halt, and stand at- ease, or kneel, or lie down, as ordered, the extending files will break into quick time, shoulder arms, and make another half-turn in the required direction (into file), and (^proceed as at the halt. 11. Closing on the March, ( On the word Close, the named file i will continue to move on, the remainder \ (i 4^ Vi^ ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A ^A4^ A C/. -^ & ^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 b£|28 ■ 50 "^ lii u 1^ 2.5 2.0 1.8 U IIIIII.6 V] <^ /2 ^# 'C^ A.^'l^ >>' '-;' s vV-^ Photographic Sdences Corporation S ^< s. ^^ V \\ -r^ 'q> \ #% V V ^1> ^> 6^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 41 78 SQUAB DRILL, On the Eighty {Lefty Centre, or No. — file), — Clone, will make a half-turn towards it, and close in double time, each file in suc- cession on arriving at its place will take up the quick-time, turn to the front, and move on. If the Squad is closed while retiring it will move as above, ^ except that the files on closing will turn to the rear and continue to retire, rear- rank leading. If the halt is given be- fore the closing is completed, the closed files will halt, or halt and front, and stand-at-ease ; the closing files will break into quick time and make another half-turn in the required direction (into i^file), and proceed as at the halt. hhcreasing Intervals between Files. f If men in extended order are directed To paces, \ to increase the intervals between files, Jtrom the -{ they will open out from the named file -— ^ — I to the ordered interval, as described in Extend. [I. and II., ordinary extensioni. Section 52, Moving to a Flank. 1 i •( "^ Eighty (or f On the word Incline, each man will make a half-turn and move diagonally to the flank indicated. If the incline is repeated, they will make another half- turn and move direct to that flank, and on the word Advance or Retire, they will resume the original direction to ^the front or rear. -! IN TWO BANKS. 79 [s it, and e in suc- will take lie front, . is closed a,B above, will turn lire, rear- given be- ;he closed 'ont, and files will :e another tion (into .t. e directed /een files, tamed file scribed in i. man will iiagonally lie incline another hat flank, etirey they ection to Section 53, Changing Front or Direction. In extended order, there are, as in close order, two methods of changing front, viz., by wheeling and by file formation, though strictly speaking the former, as it is only done while on the march, is a change of direction, the latter can be done from the halt, and while on the march, but when completed the Squad will then be at the halt. Thus, for example : By Wheeliny, A Squad in extended order on the march on receiving the command. C On the word Wheel, the front rank man of the pivot- file, looking to the wheeling flank, will mark time and turn gradually round with the Squad, until the word Forward, or Halt, is given, covered by his rear-rank man, the remaining front-rank men, followed by their rear-rank men, will wheel T?- h* ( 1 u\ gradually round in the named direction, JXignt— {or Cejt)^ glancing first to one flank and then to (Vheel the other, and so on, keeping the inter- val from the pivot, and the dressing from the flanks ; the file on the wheel- ing flank will take the usual place, and the front-rank man looking towards the pivot flank, for the interval, the central files will regulate their length of pace according to their distance from the flanks. so SQUAD DRILL, Forward. Squad — Halt. On the word Forward^ the Squad will move on at a full pace, as usual, the centre file directing. On the word Halty the whole will halt, or halt and front, and stand-at- ease. N.B. — If it is intended to throw back the line, it will first be turned about by the word Reti/re, then wheeled as above. II. By File Formation. Changes of front by file formation can be made (on any two named files standing next to each other) to any angle up to a right angle, and either forward or backward, or part forward and part back, except the named files, they are always moved forward, never to the rear of the old alignment. It will also be observed that in this part of the drill there is no command to indicate an angle less than a right angle, but no mistake can be made, as the Instructor will first place the named files at the required angle, and turned in the proper direction ?o as to form a base for the remainder to form on. Changes of front by file formation can be done from the halt and on the march, but when the change is completed they are then at the halt. Thus, as an example from the halt : Suppose the extended line to be standing facing the wrest, and that it is desired to have it face the iiorth by bringing the left of the line forward a quarter-circle without moving the right; On the caution and con|n^nd — IN TWO RANKS. ai e Squad 9a usual, liole will stand-at- le, it will heeled as B (on any my angle i:ward, or Lies, they f the old is part of mgle less e, as the required to form a front by 1 on the are then Suppose f and that g the left ving the Change Front to the Bight on the two Kiqht Files. ( On the word Files^ the two files on the right will spring to attention, and the front-rank man of the ricjht file will turn to the right, and his rear-rank man -J will cover him : the second file from the right will wheel to the right a quarter- circle and be placed by the Instructor at the required angle, when both files ^ will stand-at-ease. f On the word Double, the remainder will spring to attention, make a half- right turn and double across by the shortest lines to their places in the new alignment ; the front-rank men as usual are responsible for the dressing, and the rear-rank men for the intervals, ^ and the whole will stand-at-ease. Second exan^ple from the halt : Suppose the line to be facing the north, and that is it desired to have it face the north-west by throwing the left flank backward and bringing the right forward, the movement will be done as follows : On the caution and command — Double. ^ f Change Front to the Left on the two Centre Files. ^ I On the word Files, the two centre files will spring to attention, the front-rank man of the left-centre file will turn half-left, and his rear-rank man cover him, the rieht-centre file will wheel to the left and be placed by the Instructor at the required angle, and both files will stand-at-ease. 92 Vonl 'e. -! SQUAD DRILL, On the word Double, the remainder will spring to attention ; thb files on the right will double across by the shortest lines to their places in the new align- ment ; the files on the left will turn three- quarters right about, and also double across by the shortest lines to their places in the new alignment ; halt and front, and as usual the front-rank men are responsible for the dressing, and the rear-rank men for the intervals, the whole stand-at-ease. Oi% the March. An example when on the march. An extended line while advancing on receiving the caution and command. si Change Front to the Left — on the tivo Left Files. Double. On the word Files ^ the whole will con- tinu<^ to move steadily forward. On the word Double, the two named files will be quickly placed iii the re- quired direction by the Instructor, and stand^atease ; the remainder will turn in the required direction and double -^ across by the shortest lines to their places in the new alignment ; the front- rank men as usual are responsible for the dressing, and the rear-rank men for the intervals ; the whole will stand-at- l^ease. remainder files on the le shortest new align - turn three- dso double to their halt and ;-rank men ig, and the irvals, the ?s ended line command. le will con- rd. two named in the re- puctor, and r will turn md double BS to their ; the front- onsible for Ilk men for 11 stand-at- Right — Turn. Dismiss. IN TWO RANKS. 83 S, 54* Dismissing a Squad. I. Without ArmAi, < On the word Twn^ the men will turn ( as ordered. f On the word Dismiss^ the front rank I will take a side pace to the left, and the •