^gj*^^- ■ " > ,»JfTipT"^ CIHM Microfiche Series ) ICMH Collectton microfiGpies (monogra^les) ■»»■ -»*^*^' \^*fS>''' ■ • '-ii..-,-- 1 ~ ^^ • t K / y^'}- Garadian Insthut* for Htotoricai Microraproductions / Institut canadimi d» microraproductions historiquat ,1' '....'-.- TiMlnttiiiittiMM AfUMlllMpiiN - - I, - J — « - - j^ ^MhAflii «f □ CotaMirad coMn/ Comcrtimdi □ CpwicpniifM/ CMMNlrlura D Covfni CWMWllMNi ferlamiMttd/ / □ CdMVfitltiiiMnf/ .7- LJ Cirtw ftofriphiquM M «ool«ir □ Coloiiratf bik (U. othM tfiMi MiM or biaek)/ Encra ilii ooi^. «•. Mitra 4m Mmm ou noira) 1 CelMUvd pkrtM wid/or ilkittrMipns/ PlandiM tt/ou iilMMraiiom wi coulMir y I Bound with otNr matwial/ □ Tl#it Wndint wiv €»»• ihirfom Of dtatortlon ■kMif brtwidr niaifin/ *U fdkirt Mrr«i pMrt cmmt d» I'ombr* ou dt !• -^ dntonion ti loot dii It marfi intiriMm . .■♦/■^ . Blank IMVM add^ durinf rMtor««on HMV ippMT VVMlintiMttXt. WhMM^pOMiMl.llMMlMVt bttn omittid from f Umbig/ llMpM^qiMOMrtainMpafnMpnciiM aio«it«M kmd'unt nttauration i ppa rri mnt dam la taxta. mate, lorsqua cala *tait poMiMa. cas Wtf 'ont paiMfilmdas.. '"'::'. □ Additional eommann:/ Commantairai MppMmantiirM: Ma 4i*pOMiMadaN ^'il laprodolta. oh ^Mi pawMiit oHifBr mm modHiaation dam la m^ oda nonwala da fWrnap lowt Indlgofc □ CokMirad patat/ fapn da coidaur ' f r~~n Pupa raitorad and/oc laminatad/ Pitiai rattaurtes at/ou paNkMHas . Pinas diaepio M ra d . minad or foxad/ PspN daoolpraai,^ tadiatlav oo pMpiaai D QShoorthrouph/ Trampartnea jryl Qualitv of print variat/ I ^i Qualit* inApala da I'imprMiion □ ContinapiMpapinatiOil/ Pagination eontimia d Includai indaxtat)/ Comprandpn (dM) indax Titia onfUaadar takan from:/ ^ ^ La titra da I'an-tlta prowiant: U^ -f TitIa papa of itMia/ da titra da la livraison □ Capt'iOn of tetua/ Titra da d«pWda If liwahon .... i/ ■: Qiniriqua (piriodiiiuas) da la4ivrai» #' 6 MMNunoN iwr oiiurv (ANSI and ISO Tf ST CHART No. 2) / V ■¥ f\ A /jPPUEPJM^GEJnc leU EmI Moin SIrMt Roetintari N«w York 14609 USA (7ie) 4«2^0M>-P(mM' (7te) 2M-9«M-F«i r T ■•. V ^ ■mi " A Bf^WKr DIVISION, 8. OV T^ SEEIES OF TRiOTS. Vo. 8. b-l ■ ■ ■■*■ 'i»' r CHOLERA CONDUCTORS. BY REV. JAMBS B. DUNN. '"',' PRIOR to the advent of the oholen in England, in the spring of 1882, %plaeard was daily carried through the streets of Lpndon, by order of the oiyil authorities, or by the provisions of the benevolent (I do not know whibh), having, in large capitals^ the words: "all bpibit DBINUnS WILL BB TBI IIBBT yiOTIMfl Of THB OBOLBBA." The result was that feir persons had the oholera io that oity. Id the oities of New York and Albany, the same year, thousand* of posters bearing this oanUon were put up, with good eiBtoot : " quit dbam-> DBIMlLIMO Iff TOU WOULD NOT BAVB THB OBOLBBA." Tbis sroSO ftom theikct that, however writers and theorists may differ about oontag^n and non-9onta{^on, on this point they all agree, that Intemperanee pte- dispoaes to^holera ; that its march in every oountiy has been written in ohiraoteraao pUitt that he who runs may rted. The iiUmperate are its firat victims, and make up nine-teoths of its subjects; and everywhere the oholera has manifested such an affiuit^ for the intemperate, that they have beenr— -not unappropriately— rdenomioated obolbbA oonduotubb ! Now that this terrific disease hss found k lodgment on our shores, and ^e muttipipal auUiorities and sanitanr oomouiBSioners are industriously and &itbfnlly cleansing our cities,4ind men are cautiotisly avoiding every artiole of foiod which ma;^ produce the fatal mabdy; now tihust mnlti- tudes of people are furnishing their houses and lUUng their pockets with medicinis, and thus preparing themselves for the approach of the com- mon enonv, whatever tends, in uiy degMe, to throw light npbn the causes ofloholefa And its preventaUves is of the deepest interest. We have gathered together, with much labolr aad'care, startling fiwts, that have never Jt>een controverted, and which evince, unmistekeably, Uie eorrebtuess^ of the opinion as above statedl Monsieur Hnber said of 2,ltf0 persons Whom he saw die in twenty-one days in one town in Rusain : " It is a most remarkable circumstanoe that persons given to drinking have been swept away like flies. In Tiflis, containing 20,QU0 inhabitants, every drunkard ha$/aUm—nlt are dead ■^-not OM remains." Neibrly all of Uie 80,00Q«er8on8 who died of cholera in Paris during its last visit were in the habifof uiing strong drink, and nine-teathB of those who pcoished by the mahuiy in Poland were of the same class. Throughout Kngland, Ireland and Scotland, it was not koown that a single member of a Temperance society died of this disiMse dnilBg its ravages in 1882, whileat is compu W d th at five-sixths of aU OHOLBRA 00NDU0T0R8. who periihed were takeo firom the nnk% of the intemperate ; and in one or two ▼illages in Scotland every drunkard had fallen. When it Tisited thoae ooaotries in i848'-49, one of the moat oitensive and respectable liquor^ealen in Glugow remarked that cholera had cut off at ieant one- lM{f^f hit hMt cuttomern. Similar testimony is borne by the Glasgow presa of that period as that reooVded daring the cholera ravages in 1882, that the lists of mortality were always swelUd after ppme oaronsal season. On ihe 2Alh of Septeuiber in that year, for eiample, when the jubilee consequent on tho passing of the Reform Bill was held in Glasgow, there were only through .ut the wliole oify and suburbs fifteen ne^ opMs of oholera apd ten deaths : but on the very following day, nrom the in" temperance attendant upon that occasion, there were tweiuy-five new oases acd twenty deaths ; and in a day or two more they bad increased . ib fiftyyiou8 and striking was the oonneetioii, that oven some of the sellers — seared as were their oonscienoes-rsaid, ' This will never do; the way from the grog shop to hM is coo short!' and abandoned the business. Others shut up 'their shops and fled." " In my neighbourhood," says another gentleman^ " there was not a retailer leu ; they were actually afraid to encounter the dangers of their own business." It made the arrows of death fly so thioklv around them that th^y dare not risk it. Had they been sure that those arrows would strike only their neighbors they might h%ve been willing to stay and drive their business ; but when: there was danger that the shafts frOm their engines of death would strike themselveS) they olosed their doors and fled How niany lives had been spared, how many families saved from ruin, and how many evils averted from the comiu unity had they rer returned^ and their cholera manufaoitoriefl remained olosed for everT The tiN|h' deduced from this array of facts— which could be greatly enlarged --laapparent. Rum is the predisposing cause of iiine-tenths of all cholera ctiiu, and dramdrinkors may well be denominated OHOLtRA OOHJ>V(ytOViB. %^OTd M to rJiolera preventatives. I am awaro th#^noh has alr e ady been publi s h e d by w a y^ of pree a u - ■ ,'^,* v" OlOtnUL OOtTDUOTOtl^ lioo, Aod Mp«oi«ll7 00 the importuM of • owoAil rogftrd to r«gbD«o, di«t, tnd oImoIIdam. Bat I ttnd that, •• « preTeatatifo of oholers, the nodenfte nee of braodir end water, aod of good ioaod wine b reoom- mended ; alio, oordida, bitten, etc., all of whioh are ■tronglj tiootaied with alcohol. Thii ia one of the moat peroioiona doetriDea that oould be tdTaooed. The reaaoo ia obTiuas. Pojaiolociata tell ua that, in eaaee of death from chi^a aod from drunketmeu the blood eihibita the aame oharaoterktioa. In each instaoee there ia a deileieooj of oxj/geny aod, oooaeoaeotly, a auperaboodaooe of carbon^ or oharooal. lo h< t weather there la a deerease .of ozTgeo ia the air, and, aa a oooaeqaeooe, people who will eat aod drink what is oTeroharged with oarboo beoome biilioos, •flHet thenuMJyea with lirer oomplaiota, or perhapa with oholera. Now it is a well-koowD fact that, while WATia, io its oataral state, 4:ootaio8 io it a largo pcreeotage uf pure atmoapherio air (the ^•ri agent 'that oatore employs io oxygenating the blood aod giviog it ▼italftj), AX«OOBOL oootaios io it upwards ox fifty ptr cent, of carAoii,— the vei^ thiog that oatore is iooessaotly eodeavoripg to throw oat of the body. Dr. Paraooa says: "A persoo who drioks iralflr, scods iiiU> his blood- tencls the only liqaid oatore reqnirea, ao4 the purest aod moat pvrify- ing stream that oao be obtained. But the individual who drinka aloo- holio drioks, whether beer, cider, wine or spiritn, makes axe of a beTcrage that ii otcroharved with carbon, aod u thus doing his utmost to thwart •11 the benoToleot iotentions of his bodily fViootions, and pi«dispases kimself for ao^ epidemio that may afflict the couotry." Total abstineooe, then, from all intozioaota is the best preventative. On this poiot there is ■buodaot testimony. By the yearly official retorns, the nnmber of deaths, taken as a whole, during thie prevalence of the epidemio at Mos* oow, was abaolutnly less than at ordinary times. TkU i$attrifmied to thepeoph refraining firffn drinWng^ and other habit» o/ di$npation. The stfttistida of all Temperaoee aocietiea bear out ihis poiot Io Al- baOT, while, of the members ot Tumpemoee soeieticis, only ooe in 2,500 died, of the rest of the popolatioo ooe io 60 died. Io New York oity^ duriog 1882, of the 6.000 members of Temperance aocieti w,auly 2 diea ; of the fiibemiao Temperaoee Society, oumberiog 128 membera, oot one died with the cholera. This pro ea that the laboring classes aro not more subject to the eholera than the people of any 9ther, provided they will abatuo from iotozioating drinks. 7 The African Temperance Society numbered- 192 members ; not one of them died with cholera. This shows that colored people are not more liable to oholera tlgm the whites, if they do oot iovite the disease by iO' temperance. Theliptoioo of tho Boston Board of Health, Aliguat 10, 1882, is, " That aU kind* of ardent ipiritt and othir ^rong etimukmtidrt not tue/ul in preventing cholera^ but that thty digjdote to it$ attitek. ** ^ Eveiy mao's duty who would be safe is plain :j*' Touch not,ta$te nof, handU not the intoxicating cup." \ \ =^ PKUITKJ) BV UUmBR, BOSS AGO.. OTTAWA. i^^^^^.,. :r 4 -■^ PIP ^^p ■'■ *>t --f f.',- * . V \ / ^ i „ *>/^- i. • V .■■■- L ■ ^ • -^ 3^, 1 k, r r ^jjig 1 ■ ■ ■ %t * • * 1 1 ::;;r ♦ ■ ■> ^--^ 1 y ^''':.:- ^":.:'i. !' J" ■ -;*■-."■' - • ■; > ■ ' .' ' i.,._ r •'■4' ^ • • 1 %■ ' '. -^ v*^ ffc''