IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) LO I.I 1.25 1^ IIM US i -- IIM 1.8 1.4 6" - Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)872-4503 \ iV ^*> . .-ST i%t: •.••/..r^;^^^^^ ■ U \ f - ti-^-i-H^s: 'I^-'^i' t.- ;^-:;'..S'^ * ■ _---iV. Sv ■-■■ •J. .VJ*-).. ,-pfe;;V^ -^ ' - " ,^r*?*i*' •- ij..a: ■'-tf;' ( ■> » 3- * ;■ ( , .'i'.iy:>. .,1 <--^/. - f 'K-^-- :U.^"- *'■ . '-■ v»', •; ■*■- ■^^ •V A:'- '. '^^y^'^ ^llllllllllli Hi I- MINI O i| ("iiitjiiiiiimii THE I HlSTOHlGilL & SgIEIITIFIG SoGlETY | OF MflNiTOBfl. Afll^Uflli f^EPOt^T FOR THE YEAR 1890. MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING HELD FEBRUARY llTH, 1891, AND OFFICERS, FOR 1891, ELECTED THEREAT; HONORARY, COR- RESPONDING AND LIFE MEMBERS ; AND LISTS OF EXCHANGES AND DONATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1890. WINNIPEG : MANITOBA FREE PRESS PRINT. = 1891. 1 SiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiHiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii^ I" TZIE I }lisTOHiGflii & Sgieiitifig Society | op MANITOBA. « ♦ * Rfl^^UAli f^EPOt^T FOR THE YEAR 1890. MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING HELD FEBRUARY llTH, 1891, AND OFFICERS, FOR 1891, ELECTED THEREAT; HONORARY, COR- RESPONDING AND LIFE MEMBERS ; AND LISTS OF EXCHANGES AND DONATIONS RECEIVED DURING 1890. WINNIPEG : «j MANITOBA FREE PRESS PRINT, S' 1891. II jiiiiiiiiiiiibiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiMiiiiiitii^l mmm mm li B K^j ggy-'gSiiiS •***": •**■ mm t^mmrnmrrr:..: Iff 1 Z-I E jllSTOHlCAIi & SCIEIITIFIG SoGlETY OF MANITOBA. AH^vIUAIi f^EPOHT — FOR THE YEAR 1890 MIXUTKS OK ANXIJAI, MKKTINC. HKI.D KKBRUARY IITH, 1891, ASM) OKKICKRS, KOR 1891, KI.KCTKn THERKAT; HONORARY, COR- RKSPOXniNG AND MFK MKMHKRS ; AND MSTS OK KXCHANGKS AND DONATIONS RKCiuvKD DrR;N<; 1800. IM WINNIPEG : MANITOBA KRKK PRESS PRINT. 1891. mn The [lirst \'ice-l jCiirropoiKl Hoi Rev Rev Rev J. M R. Dr. C.N JT. MHRA Rev Jiulj Rev. Rev V. I] Rev S. N The Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba. OFFICERS FOR IBOI. President, J. Mclk-tli. hirst \iit'-l'res., . R. I-). W. (".ootlridKc. Sicoiid N'ice-I'iesidenl, . . Dr. Iviiird. [Oirrespondiiifi vSecretary, C. N. liell. Recordiiif^ Secretary, J. T. Ilnggard Treasurer Stephen Nairn. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Consisting of the above officers and following genilenien Hon. Judge Ardagh. Rev. J.J. Roy. Rev. Prof. Ilryce, IJ,.I). J. H. Ashdowii. Rev. Prof. Hart. II, S. We.shrook. Rev. Prof. Haird. p. \V. Thonii)S()n. P. n. Turnock. STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 1891. J ^KLII/KOI.OCICAI, AND NATIKAI, HI.STOKV, J. McRelh I Chairman 1. R. K. W. Goodridge. Dr. Laird. C. N. Bell. J. T. Huggard. I'lNANCl': AND I'ROPKRTV Stephen Xairn (Chairnian) J. H. Ashdown. V. W. Thompson. R. K. W. C.oodridge. H. S. VVesbrook. MliRARV AND I'rniJCATlON. Rev. Dr. Bryce (Chairmar.). Judge Ardagh. Rev. A. B. Baird. Rev. Prof. Hart. F. H. Turnock. Rev. J. J. Roy. S. Nairn. I'rin.IC I.IIiRARV COMMlTTf^K. Rev. Dr. Bryce iChairniani Rev. Prof. Hart. .S. Nairn. Alderman Gilroy. Alderman Cockburn. Aldermaji Dawson. ■H The Historical and Seientifie Society of Manitoba. Consists of the following' classi-s of McmbtTS . Honorary Members. Corresponding Members. Life Members, $25.00. Active Members, $5.00 per annum Till- sul»s(rii)tioii to the City Mhrary, managed liy tho .Sooii'ly, is $J per aiiiiiii:. .Members of the Couiuil of M.iiiitolia I'liiversity ami riiderj^racUiates li.i', aecess to tlie Ishister Library in custody of the Society. I.ord Dnfferin. I". Tarkinan. Col. I'alliser. (".eneral i.ord Wolseley. Sir C.eorj^e Stephen. Archdeacon McDonald. HONORARY MEMBERS. r. S. Consul Taylor. Principal I>a\vson. Dr. John Kae. ("■eneral I.cfroy. .Marcjnis of Lome. Rev. John McDouj^all. Lord Stanley of Preston. Sir Daniel Wilson, Tokh;; Principal (irant. Sir Donald A. Smith Lord Lansdowne. Rev. Pere Lacomlie S.indford l-leminj/. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Prof. H. V. Hind. Dr. Tache, Ottawa. Joseph I'ortescue, Isle a la Crusse, via Prince Albert. Archil)alil Mi'Donald. I'ort Qu'Appclle. S. K. Parsons, Montreal. James McDouj^^all, Athabasca. IL lielanj^er, Cumberland House. Rol)ert Campibell, Merchiston, Man. Professor Hell. Ottawa. Dr. (ieorge ]\L Dawson, Ottawa. C. Mair, Prince Albert. Roderick Ross, l-t. Chippevvyan, Atha. Alexander IVLitheson, Rat Portajje. Roderick Ri s.~McFarlane, P'ort Chi])pe- wyan. Dr. W. McKay. Peace River. II. Bell, Michipicoton, Lake Superior. Prof Macoun, Ottawa. F. H. Turnock, Calgary. Ivrnest K. Thompson, New York. Walter Dixon, Lake PVancis. Henry J. I\Iorgan, Ottawa. R.J. W. Pithei, Rat Portage. Prof. J. II. Panton, C.uelph, Out. Rev. Mr. Hurman, St. Paul's, Man. Rev. Dr. John McJ.,ean, Moose Jaw. J. W. Spencer, Churchill, Hudson's Ila; Hon. .Sam A. Green, Hoston. I'.vS.A. Jame-W. R. .Swan, I'.vS.A. Acting Coib deneral, vSt. Petersburg. 'Sir. J. 15. Tyrell, Ottawa. \ en. Archdeacon McKav, Prince Allx: I N.W.T. Rev.IMalcolm Scott, Ft. Vermillion, NAV" \'en. Archdeacon Vincent, Moose Fad"- N W.T. Rt. Rev. Ridiard Young, Hishop of .\tii;| basca, N.W.T. D. M. vStewart, St. Paul. J. C. Aikins. J. H. Ashdown. Rev. Dr. Hrvce. J. Camsell. ' Dr. Cowan. LIFE MEMBERS. Rev. A. E. Cowlev. R. E. W. Ooodrid'ge. W. H. Ilughau. Capt. L. M. Lewis. Wm. Martin. Commissioner Wriglev. A. McCharles. 1'. W. Stobart. Archbishop Tache. H. S. Wesbrook. ■i-.-n- ■*'•"* 4»4. 1 mm'*imimt^*'''ti^*jt't AHNUAli MEETIHG IVIanitoba. )0 PER ANNUM is $- l>t.T aiiiiui:, (lergriulu:iU->' lu\, iel Wilson. Toroir, il (iraiit. nh\ A. Sinilli usdowiK*. re Liu'oinhf. (1 I'leiniiiK. I) I TllK i , HistoFieal and Seientifie Society of IWanitoba. New York, •'raucis. awa. •ortaj^e. [uelph, Out. rani's, Man. Ill, .Moose Jaw. liill, Hudson's liay iHoston, r.S.A. S.A. ActiuK '-'""'■■' lersbur^. Iwa. „ , Kay, I'rince AllH-q |l.Verininioii,N.V- fent. Moose I'acli't; InK. Hisliop of \m lul. Isioner Wri^li^'y Jliarles. jtobart. |hop Tache. 'esbrook. * The annual iiieelitij^'of the vSociety took h,\:[cv on the eveuiiiKof I'ehruary illh, -i'li the rooms of the Society in the City |ll;ill, Winnipe;,'. The Rev. I'rof. A. U. lliaird, Isl Vioel'iesidcnl, occupied the jrli.iir. The following repo Is, viz: The JKfporl of the Council, the Treasurer's Istaiiiiienl, the Report of the Library ICnininillee, and the Report of the Joint jLiljr.iry Committee were presented and ilopled. ANMAI, RKPORT OK TIIK CO! NCII.. The Council has the honor to submit he following report concerning the .So- ciety's work for 1WH> and as to its present sition : MiCIKTV MKKTIXC.S AND I'APKRS RICAD. Siiue the annual meeting the So- culy has met three times. On the first CK isioii a paper was read by Rev. John Btiiitnens on the " Cree Syllabic"; on the »i 011(1, one by Dr. Rryceon "Judge Thorn, Ihe rirst Recorder of Rupert's Land"; 111(1. (Ill the third, another by Dr. liryce bii "The Geology of Red River and ^ssinihoine Valleys." Of these the last Iwo liKve been published. The other will llso he published in due course. [(.(HNCU, AND COMMlTTKIv MHKTINCS. There have been live meetings of the touncil this year, the custom of holding ko meetings during the summer months Javing been revived. The attendance of the ineinbers at Council meetings has been as follows : nfr.MM- Hart II. riiridpck >r. l!rv(T 1. ll.iiruar.l , I!. Ilair.l K. \\ . (ioodridyo |)lni Miiilictli ...... N.iirii JihIku Arilajfli C.N. Hfll W. C'lioterloii Dr. l.aird Mayor I'larsoii . . .. l'rof(.'.sM)i- Coiliraiie. N. 11. Cowdrv The standing Council Committees have (let as follows : Kiii.miu'r.irv t it\ I.ihnirv (> Niilural lli>l()ry o COUNCIL CHANOK.S. At Uie Council meeting held on Octo- erinli, the resignation of Mr. C. N. Bell, I president of the Society, was accepted. lo action was taken to till the vacancy, and the duties of the president have since been Idled by the 1st vice-iircsident. .SKVIiN OAKS MICMORIAl.. Si'veral coniinunicatioiis have ])asscd, during the year, between llie Society and I.ady Selkirk cdiicerning the proposed erection of .i nionumeiU on the site of tlii' battle of .Seven Oaks referred to in the last annual report. Her Ladyship has kindly consented to contribute IflilMl for this purpose; the monument to be erected under the auspices of the .Society and the inscriijtion thereon to lie submitted to her Ladyship before being engraved. The Council, in October, appointed a committee consisting of Messrs. Hell, I5ryce, Haird, MacHeth and Nairn to com- plete arrangements for the monument's erection. The committee, having con- sulted with the contractor, advised the erection being deferred till next spring, in consequence of the difticulty exiieri- enced in quarrying stone suitable for its construction. The Council, therefore, regrets that the completion of this pro- ject must be left to its .successors. MUSHU.M. The steps taken, as recommended in the annual report of last year, towards securing better accommodation for the Society's Natural History Collection have not been successful. This Council agrees with its predecessor that this is a matter of great importance, but regrets that it sees its way to make no suggestion where- by the (lifTiculty can be overcome. .Some- thing might be done, perhans, in the way of re-catalogueing and re-arranging the specimens, but with the present inferior accommodation there is little encourage- ment for the members particularly con- cerned in this branch of the .Society's work to take the trouble that would necessitate. The Council is pleased to report the addition of several articles of inter ,t during the year, among which may be mentioned the donations of a magniliccnt specimen of the black coast wolf, and some manuscripts relating to the educa- tion of the young in the early days of the Red River .Settlement, b}- Mr. Horace Belanger, of Norway House, one of the ^^mr*^ mam I m H most arlivf ;iiul j^iiuroiis ol llu- Socitty's lorrcsjioinl'iij^ iiuiiilnis. Applicalioii lifts liilrly liitii iii;iiU' lo tlir Soiii'tv 1>> mil' (it till- I niviMsily IcrliinTs lor j)ciiiiis-,i(iii to iisi' spii iimiis Iroiii Us colli rlioiis to illiistnilc his lot- luri's, wliicii has Jh-imi loinliliniially I'oiii plicil with, 'i'his iiMUH'st is an indication of the vaUif placi'd on tlu- Socicl\ "s work in this branch Ity IcainiMJ institnlions, and shonld stitnnlati- nicinln'rs lo inijirovi' Hit- collection so that its \alnc may he still fnrthtM increased. KIUMCKI^NLI'. 1,1 IIK VK\', The present Conncil has contiiuied the policy of its predecessor in einleavorinj^ to jndicionsly eidar^e the Reference Library of the Society. .\l the last aiinnal meeting the Society anthori/.ed the whole of the ^'2'>0 j^ranl from the local j^overnnun*. lo bi' devoted to the pnrchase of reference books, the bimlinj; of its fdes of newsj)aj)ers, and jinblishinj.^ its transactions. Of this the Connci) has spent ^lU.l'ii. Anions the books ordered may be mentioneil the fol- lowiiiK : ".Schoolcraft's Indians, " "The Health Ivxhibition Reports," " Lord Dnr- ham's Report on Canada," "Sir I'rani'is Head's Narrative," and the first volnme of Mnrray's New Dictionary. The Society's library has also received several additions by donations, amoiif^ which may be particularized those from the Dominion and I'liited Slates (Govern- ments and an is].") edition of the Ivncy- clopd'dia Hrittanica ])resented bv Mr. T. K. Mc(;inn. The present Council has ado])tcd the jirinciple that all books hereafter pub- lished in relation to this jiortion of the Dominion, and all works of whatever character published by local writers, shonld be obtained as issued, and recom- mends that this principle be observed by its successors. RICAUINC. ROOM AND I'l lil.lC MUK.VRV. The readinjj; room and public library have been well patronized during the year' The number of books issued as com- ])ared with the previous year is as follows : l'hi.->. I'vSi). iSk). I'litiiiii t>''*7" li^'f S.ii'iitilic I5^> i.|0 1 1 istorv ^ (5 -^? (iiDHiMpliy ;iinl \'(iv:it;i's ,511 J73 Itioyi-iipliy I 15 >>o Mii^a/iiu^ ^(-' 1,()'<.S I'dCtry 07 — Kilm';ilii)iKil iV'l .,,;il .Vi \ ticni'ral Litcraniii: 170 ,;n5 7'.?'.? 7.'f" The nuinl)ir of ni'w liooks adilnl . iuK the year has been l!l.'L', ,'in itn rca-i 1 1 o\cr the additions the \ e,ir jinvini;. The Cathojir W'orlcl is tiie oiijv |,,,| maKa/ine siibscribid Imhirin;.; tlu'vcar The Council is jiliMsed to report !' the dlMicully with the City Council , cernin>.; the payment of the annual i,;;, to tln' .Societv for the i)urcliase of Ik,, , lor the public librar\ , which was nfirr to in llu- last annual report, hasn*-'fiP"» " f.'y*.' '-"n. "f!!". 1" wii Ji nimwi.i IhidU^ mlilrcl V ••JJ, iiii im na-i K- yi'iir priviiiu- is till- oillv I,. i| iliirinn till' \ sfil to ri'iiort t; Lily Comii'il n (' llu- .-miuial i^rr ivliii'h was rffir purl, has now Im 11^ l-OlllilllHMl •„ lally anrfi ■ uts Uk- Socitt} as well as Iroi;:.: ial report from ts| L'V. CM. st)Cii;r\. )ys ami yomin r, the jiroseriitin:! lory, an; it advisable of intereslitin '.: istorical ami ^c.t: the JuniorSoct'l its rooms, ;iii; ference lihrarya] veilings duriiij; '.J il, free of chai.J his permission ': sed, and wouM nice to its suo the younger S(H> ion by draftiiii; icly when Ihiy mission. Dimlc'd who will ill to' irl in this Socic. RS. le Society's roi' IWt visitors »:| Lors' hook. A p ms without regi-i NGKS. the exchaiiKt te, been keciniiii )rk well during •.■ lose names appi ime on its excli-i: 7 |l:>tarcllie Vatican Library, the Imperial Ic'leralion l,ca),;ue, the Departnunt of ist.ili^lics of 1,11 Plata, and the Ivlliott Lsiit'iity of Science and Art of South Caro- liiiii. iMiNATln.NS. 'rile li-^t of donatioiiH rei'cived l)y the ISoiii'tv during; the year is attaclieil hs an HplK'iulix. To all of the ilonors the .So- (Uiv takes this opportunity of expressing,' |it> lliaiiks. .MK.MItKRSIIII'. ' riic followiti;,' is a cotn])arison of the liKtiiliership of the Soiiety for the year low ended and the menilicrship iluriii^j IsV.I. lSN(, INH). II r.irv il Jii .r'viiDiiiliMi.' H ,U jji l'> i'< ilncdii UMimI >l;iiuliiii{) 71 51 il.i ir\ Suli>('riliur> J.i'i .' 1 1 The Council has rej^retted to have to ciinl duriiij^ the year the loss by death )l (IMC of its honorary tneinljcrs, the late Hull. I.awrcnce Clarke, whose name will ^i' ri'ineiiihered Ijy the .Society as one of ^Ifiurous donors, and by the people of 1k' Norlliwest ),;enerally as that of a ])ub- ii sjjiriteil man, intimately associated litli llic early history of the country. It ilso with regret that the Council has lliroiiicled the death of one of the ,So- ii'ty's active members, the late Alderman Uiiirews. i lull particulars of the revenue and ex- I ;ii(iilure of the .Society will be found in k' annexed report of the Treasurer. It liien decided, Ijecause of its j^reater MivL'iiiciice, to hereafter close the ac- )uiils of the .Society with the calendar ;ar instead of with the end of the .So- :ty's year. The Treasurer's statement iilivaccs, therefore, only the 11 months 'iiiiK .'list December last. On this ac- )uiit il is not possible to accurately com- ir>.' the Society's financial position with lat which it occupied at the last annual KLtintr. x he total revenue has been for It 11 months in ([uestion $947.1:.', as ^iMparcd with §l.."]-'.4li for the year end- Slh I'ebruary, iMiJO, and the expendi- re iistis.4."), as compared with $!>;}!).i:o. Imbalance on hand on IJlst December is>>"s.()7. The balance on hand at the |iiinuncement of the .Society's year hav- lieeii •'s;-i7;5.:iJ. Apparently this is not tavorable a showinjj; as last year's, but luisi !)(.■ remembered that the balance liaiid at liie commencement of the ir included a number of membership fs for ISJO, which, strictly speaking, luld have gone into the current year's , at'connts. On the wholi- the rmaiicial positimi of the Society is satisfu tury. It IS not so satisfactory, however, that mem- bers need refrain from streiiglheiiing the .Society by k»'i'j)ing its claims bi-fore the ])ublic and securing additional sub- scribers. Respectfully submitted. .\.\iili'.\v H. HaikI), 1st Vice- President, 1'. 11. I'CRNdCK, Corres. .Sicn-tary. 'rRKA.srRi:K's rij-ort. c xMi Mi.i i-.n I'.n. Il.iliii' I' oil ii.iiul lli-liiilral SiicU'lv llr.iiuli »,17.? .,.• MniiliiTs' I'tTN, I'd'. 1) to Dec. ,11 7S '"' I'rm iiii i;il (iiiscrniMi'iil (iraiit JV '"' Minilnli.i riiiMr>il\ , for Ishistir l.iliiiirs' v i" MaiiitiiliM I 'nlvtrsltVi Inxuraiict' on Nliislrr Li 111 a IV jii 00 I'liMir l.ilirarv I-'its I'u no .Miiiirvs from Jiiu-, I'tc I'l 1,0 Total Itnt iiits for 11 iiioiitlis, i listoi Sen il tv llraiii 11 $7os a rcilal Hri ri|it-- for 1 1 iiioiillis I'ulilu l.ilir.iry 17s c|ii $o|7 li ( \^ll CAM). I'lir Hook-- for 1 1 moiillis J.|i jn l''ii'ii;lit I 'jiiiincs 1)05 I'riiiliiiy Uf|iorls, ftc 1,57 115 Sal.iric^ for 1 1 inoiitli^ .M.< ™' I'osl.iHL' ami otlicT I'Npi'Msi's .57 jj; I'olai p.iviiunis fur 11 iiionllis, lli-.toriial Soi II ly llraiM'li $2SS jo 'I'olai pavimiits, I'lililii- l.ilirarv 5S0 i^ HaiaiK (• on liaiui at i rnlit Ili^l. Sim . Ilrcli. 7s 07 $017 "-• KlU'ORT Ol' Till': l.lliRARV CU.MMITTKK. The Library Committee of the Histori- cal and .Scientific .Society l)egs leave to report that it was entrusted with the task by the .Society at its annual meeting of spending sJlioO in purchasing reference books, and in jjublishing and binding. In carrying out these objects several very valuable purchases have been made. A copy of Schoolcraft's Indians, ti volumes, (piarlo, a very rare work, and a complete thesaurus of Indian lore was bought in London for ten guineas, costing laid down in Winnipeg about $(10. The most valuable set of liritish Health Reports, 17 volumes, containing a number of very important discussions, was got for jillH. The .Society has also received the iirst volume of Murray's great Ivnglish Dic- tionary at a cost of si"). It is thought there will be about ten volumes, costing the Society $1")0 in all. This is the great- est philological work ever undertaken, and will grace the shelves of the .Society. A number of Northwest books have been . .1' I ' \ 8 receiverl, and a selection made of a }^ood many more, which will amount to up- wanls ot $oO. The vSociety has decided to make a luller collection of Nortwcstern books, in so far as our fluids will ])crinit, and this will he a most attractive feature of the Society's reference library. The usual considerable additions were obtained by the <^cner<)us j^ifts to the vSociety of the V. S. Government pub- lications, as well as those of the Dominion (Government, and of many private ])er- sons and well-known Societies. The So- ciety has published, with one exception, all the papers read before it this year, and is one of the three J copies of a catalogue toa sold at a small cost to subscribers. IntrT Mayor's inaugural atldress a refertcj was made to the foundingof a freelihn; for the City. This has not been ckI sidered yet by the Joint Committee L therefore no recommendation is niadtj the subject. The Joint Library Coiiii!: tee has worked very harmoniously dnr-i, the past year, and the new Co'nimi'.'J for this year will have as representativ] from the City, Aldermen Gilroy, m] Dougall, and Cockburn. The elections for the Council andlfi officers then took place and is asfollowl John McBeth, President. R. K. W. Goodridge, 1st Vice-Presideij Dr. Laird, 2iid Vice-President. C. N. Hell, Corresponding vSecrelarv J. T. Huggard, Recording Secretary .Stephen Nai.-n, Treasurer. Council. Rev. Dr. Bryce, Rev. Prof. Hart, K:l Prof Baird, Rev. J.J. Roy, lUm.Jwi Ardagh, J. IL Ashdown, IL .S. Wesbra} F. W. Thompson, and F. H. Turnock It was agreed on motion of Mr. C. Bell, seconded by Mr. S. Nairn, thatjll of the annual grant from the Local Led lature be devoted to the purchase i books, maps, or manuscripts relatiiii.! the history of the Canadian Northwes: The following Committees were t:( struck by the new Council for the wol of the year : r.IHR.\RY COMMITl'KK. Rev. Dr. Bryce, Chairman, Hon. ': Ardagh, Rev. Prof. Hart, Stephen Na F. IL Turnock, Rev. Prof. Baird, Rev. J. J. Roy. ARCH.lCUI.OC.ICAI, .\NI) N.\TURAI, HI,srJ| John McBeth, Chairman, C. N. Dr. Laird, Rev. E. W. Goodridge, an | T. Huggard. FINANCli COMMirrKK. .Stephen Nairn, Chairman, J. II. down, F. W. Thompson, R. E. W. (. ridge, and H. S. Wesbrook. Representatives to meet City Repro tatives as liainl, Re On pi, th« On (; Kt ret tio P On en an ev 9 :OMMlTTKK. AND NATURAL HIST i JOINT LinRARY COMMITTKK. Rev. Dr. Bryce, Rev. I'rof. Hart, and Nairn. The meeting then adjourned. AI'PICNDIX A. UONATION.S, 18(1(1. Anlagh, Judge, Hon. — Ryerson Rleino- rial Volume, 1844 7(1. " I.ady Car." by Mrs. Oliphant. " Hells of I'enraven," l)y Farjeon. " Lives of the Judges," bv D. I). Read. •' Ranke's Historv of the Popes," ;> vols. Hainl, Rev. A. B. — Acts and Proceed- ings of Kith General Assembly ol the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Iltlanger, H.- Hlack Coast Wolf Bell, C, N. — Princess J.ouise Docks, IHilO. Boissevain (Uobe, from Kditor. Boulton, .Senator — Senate Debates, Mar. l.'ith, 1S!»0. .Senate Debates, ,AIar. 4th, ISStO. . Brvce, Rev. Dr. — Christinas Number Dominion Illustrated, IWtO. Carman Standard, from IvHlor. , Chehalis Nugget, from Ivditor. Davin, N. 1'. — Culture and Practical Power, au Address delivered at Lansdowne College by the Donor. Speech delivered in the vSupreme Court, N.W. T., 7th July, ISitO, by the Donor. Report of .Six Years' Kxperieuce by a Farmer in Red Deer Dis- trict, by Rev. Leo. Gaet/.. Dawson, Dr. G. M. — Notes on the Cretaceous of the Hritish Col- umbian Region, the Nanaimo Group, by the Donor. On An Expedition Down the Regh-L'la or Anderson River, by R. McFarlane. On ,Some of the Larger Unex- plored Regions of Canada, by the Donor. On The Later Physiographical (rcology of Rocky Mountain Region in Canada, with special reference to changes in eleva- tion. The History of the Glacial Period,, by the Donor. On The Glaciation of the North- ern Part of the Cordillera, with an attempt to correlate the events of the Glacial Period in the Cordillera and Great Plains, bv the Donor. 12. Green, l')r. S. A. — An Account of Phy- sicians and Dentists of Groton, by the Donor. 13. Hawley, Major Jos. — Historical Sketch of Northampton, i\lass., 17li.">- 17;>.S. Re])rint frotn " Hawley Record." 14. Hodgins, Dr. — Canons, Py-Laws and Resolutions adopted by .Synod of Toronto, lS.')l-72. Special Report of Bureau o( Ivlu- cation. Report of Minister of Plducation, 1SS». Report of .Schools of Technical .Science in the I'liited States. School System of Ontario, Col- leges, Tniversities. School Architecture and Hygiene 1"). Ilolroyde, John Lamjirey Ivel. It). Lawson, A. C. — Notes on the Occur- rence of Native Coj)])er in the Animikee Rocks of Tluiuder Bay, by the Donor. 17. Lewis, T.H. — Mounds of Missi.ssippi Basin, Stone Mounments in N. W. Iowa and 8. W Minnesota, l)y the Donor. 15. McCharies, A. -Copy Miniugjournal. lit. McGinn, T. K. - 19 volume Ivncyclo- l);i(lia Brittannica, 18b3 I\di- tion. 20. Merritt, J. P. -Biographv of Hon. N. H. Merritt, by tlie Donor, St. Catherine's, Out. 21. Minnesota Historical .Society — Min- nesota in the Civil War and Indian War, 18(il-(io. 22. Neill, I>;. I).— Mac!. 'ister College Con- tributions, by the Donor. 23. Nursey, W. R. — F'scanaba, the Iron Port of the W^orld, by Donor. 24. Ohlen, Mr. — 2.'{ Blue Books and Cana- dian Hansard, 18!)(». 2-'). Panton, J. H. — I'lora of the Oueen Victoria, Niagara Falls Park, by the Donor. 2(i. Rand, Rev. S. T. — Dictionary of Mic- mac Indians, by 27. Rock. G. IL— Two Daily Graphics. 28. Ryan, R.— ('reek and Latin Testa- ment ll-^Ui). 29. Scarth, W. B.— The Canadian Patent Ofiice Record. 80. Shipley, Mrs. J. B.— The Full Signifi- cance of 1492, by J. B. vShipley 81. Star (Winnipeg), from Publishers. 31. Technological Museum— Wattles and Wattle-barks, byj. H. Maiden, Sydney, N.S.W. 32. Terry, James — Scultured Anthropoid Ape Heads, found in or ue^j I i 10 34. o.'). the John Day River, a tributary I of the Columbia River, Oregon, by the Donor. Town Talk, from Pu1)lishers. Turnock, F. H. — "Imperial Federa- tion," a lecture delivered in Victoria Hall, by Rev. G. M. Grant, D.D. Tyrell, J. B. — I'ost-tertiarv Deposits of Manitoba and adjoining ter- ritories of N. W. Canada, by theLDonor. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Western World, from Publishers. Western Law Times, from Etiitors Western Missionary, from Ivlitor. Western CongreKationalist— 1st co:| from Publishers. Whitcher. A. H.— Asbestos from The.| ford, yue. Whiteaves, N. J. —Budget vSpcech . | Hon. J. !•;. Foster. 11 API'KNDIX B. SOCIKTIKS KXCHANGKI) WITH. 1890. Uerican Institute Mining Engineers. American Mail and Rxport Journal and Rookniaker. American Museum Natural History, [mericau Philosophical Society. Iniericana. [iinales del Museo Nacional, Costa Rica. [ssociation P^ngineering Societies. oston Public Library. Iritish .\sso. for Advancement of .Science. [uenos .\yres Annuaire Statistique de la I'rovincc de Hiutienie An nee. luffalo Historical .Society. Biiadian Institute, aiiadiaua. Incinnati Society Natural History. olorado Scientific .Society. Drdoba, Academia Nacional de Hiencias. oriiell University Library. e[)t. .Vgriculture, Ottawa. ept. .'\gric. and Itnmigration, Winnipeg, tj-tribution Office, Ottawa. |i>ha Mitchell .Scientific .Society. dinburgh University Library. Bgiueering Club of Philadelphia. bloniologist. ntomological Society of Ontario. sex Institute. eld Naturalist's Club, Ottawa. ^ological and Natural History Survey, Canada. fccilogisfs Association, Kngland. Kiuaii Colonial .Society. pus Inclaiuied Money Index, Itrvard University. Iperial Federation. Visas Academy of Science. Doratory of Natural History, Washburn College. Ills Philosophical Society, prary, House of Commons. erary and Historical Society, Quebec. jrerpool Microscopical Society. lnito1)a UTOverument. Jnitoba University. Iteorological .Service. miesola Historical .Society. |xic'o, Holetin del Observatorio A^'.ron. Xai'ional. [inesota Academy Natural Sciences, tlieilungen des Vereins I'ur I-Crd- kunds, Leipzig. liiral History .Society, Glasgow. |ural Science Assoc, Staten Island. Kngland Hi.-.torical and (jcnealogi- I cal Society. p York .\cademy of Sciences. Vork Microscopical .Society. Vork State Library. tb Dakota University. Nova .Scotia Historical Society. Nova Scotia Institute of Natural Science. Oneida Historical .Society. Ottawa Mining Review. Philosophical .Society^ Glasgow. Public Library, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Quekett Microscopical Society. Rochester Academy of .Science. Royal Colonial Institute. Royal Geographical Society. Royal Physical Society. Royal Society of Canada. Royal .Society of New South Wales. Sanitary Institute, Great Britain. Santiago, Verhandlungen des Deutschcu Wissenchaftlichen Veriens zu. .Saskatchewan Institute. Smithsonian Institute. Societe D'PUhnographie. Society of Arts. Society of Chemical Industry. .Societe de Crcographe Commerciale du Havre. .St. Louis Academy of Science. Toronto Public Library. Tyueside Geographical .Society. U. .S. Department of Agriculture. " " Interior. " Navy. State. " " Geological Survey. Treasurv. War. U. ,S. Hureau of Education. Kthnology. " National Museum. Victoria Institute. Wien Annalen des K. K. Natur Histori schen Hof-Museums. Wisconsin .State Historical Societ}-. Worcester .Society of Antiquity. Winnipeg Board of Trade. .\1'1'KNUIX c. NEWSPAPERS RECEIVED AS EXCHANGES, 18!»0. Hattleford, N.W.T.— Saskatch. Herald. Bois.sevain, Man. — Globe. Brandon, Man. — .Sun. " " Times. Calgary, N.W.T.— Herald. Canuai:, Man. — .Standard. Centralia, Wash., U.S.A.— News. Chehallis, Wash., U.S.A.— Nugget. Chicago, U.S.A. — U'nion Signal. Edmonton, N.W.T.— Bulletin. Emerson, Man. — .Southern Man. Times. Gladstone, Man. — Age. Lethbridge, N.W.T.— News. London, Out. — Free Press. MacLeod, N.W.T.— Gazette. Manitou, INIan. — Mercury. Medicine, Hat, N.W.T.— Times. m 1: 12 Milton, Dakota — Crlobe. Miles City, Dakota— Stock Grower's Journal. Minnc'dosa, Man. — -Tribune. Moosejaw, N.W.T.— Times. Moosoinin, N.W.T. ^—Courier. Morden, Man. — Monitor. New Westminster, H.C.— British Colum- bian. Neepawa, Man. — Rej^ister. Ottawa, Out.— Canadian Mining Review, " " Kveninj.( Journal. Prince Albert, N.W.T.— Saskatchewan. " " Times. Pilot Mound, Man. — vSentinel. Portage la Prairie, Man. — Liberal. " " Review. Port Arthur, Ont. — Sentinel. Qu'Appelle, N.W.T.— Progress. Fort, N.W.T.— Vidette. Rapid City, Man. — Spectator. " " Vindicator. Rat Portage, Out.— News. Regina, N.W.T, — ^Journal. " " Leader. Selkirk, Man.— Record. Stonewall, Man. — News. St. Roniface, Man. — I,e ISIanitoba. St. Paul, Min.— North West Magazine. Victoria, B.C.— Weekly Colonist. Virden, Man.— Advance. Winnipeg, Man. — Colonist. Conmiercial. " Free (Daily and Weekly.) Heimskringla. " " Lancet. " " Logberg. Manitoba College Journal. Manitoba Ga/.ettc. North- West Review. Nor' -West Farmer. P. O. Guide. " Scandinavian Cana- dien. School Times. " Siftings. St. John's C?l. journal Town Talk. " Tribune. " " Waghorn's Guide. " Western Law Times. Western Missionary. Western World. Montreal, Can It