%^ s^J IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4 /. o {./ .!^' /^ y. fA 1.0 I.I 1.25 «- IIIIM j50 ^^ fii 1^ I4S M 2.0 1-4 IIIIII.6 Pjp ^' /a 'c*l # O^/ % Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAiN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4S03 ■^ iV iV «^^' ^ i\? Q> % i;^ » '<>«»«»{■ — The Original Irish Melo-Drainii. in a Prologue and 3 Acts, entitled ''More Sinned Against than Sinning/^ MClKSr or GRARAGTERS^* SQUIRK HILTON, who comes of an illustrious faniil.v, MARMADUKE, his son, cominonlv known ns the "Duke," ALI'IIONSUS HELIIAVKN, a ihiiracteristie land aneiit, I'lICK HARVEY, on unscrupulous villain, MAJOR LOOKOOl , a jolly (jood fellow "ye know," TEDDY O'NEILL, a rale tiprig of the old sod, CAPTAIN DkUALSAC, a remnant of the em|iire, ANDY,) TOM, [• Smugglers, ..... JOE, ) JOHN JA.MIESON, an aristocratic servant of the olden time, Fred Grannoa J. Toomey Wm. Mc'iinn P. J. Mc(;arigle John Taylor Kd. Ryan A. Davis Jas. Welsh John Mi'fi'ari}»le ThoB. IJoherty Jas. Welsh SYKOPSIS.-KILLARNEY!-TIME, 1876-82. «4PR0LO6aEN^ The Hilton Maniion.- -Eviction Writ* Tim ArnvHl of ili« M»jor — A Liml AgenlaTalfl — My Suffer- ing Countrymen Fiitber and ISun Dinownedl— Utf tor Aiuericik. — A Uo — '■! throw back the liu ^nio the tt-etli of the liar!'' SELECTION, - ~ * - - - ORCHESTRA Between the Prologue and lat Act, live yeara are luppmed to have elapsed. ACT I. ScENi I Klllamey lloiglita by ninoulight — A worthy friend — Averaion and diatrust. — A Frenchman and hia lulloweM The Abduction. ScKNE II The Mountain Koad Teddy O'Neill nt home again — Who ia that fellowT — Not very cheer- ful newa for you.— "Duke Dillon arrlT»:e Squire, who hail tried to eaca|Ki.- -i'he Major makea a cr.toh — Teddy in a new role. Drugged liquor takes effect.— "How will I get him out of the way."— The hiatory of a Tipperary dance. The mountain duel. — The officer beard from. — Father and son united — "My aon, you were more sinned ADMISSION ^ ALL PARTS OF THE HAU, ts, 25 and 35 Cents. Tickets on Sale at the Opera House. DoofB open at half paat seven, Curtain win rue at eight o'clock. Fredericton, April 22rd. 1887. __^__^ ■«>* IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) / d? & ^^ V c^ ^, ^o V. (/. 1.0 I.I 1.25 "- ilia 40 US 1.4 IIM IM 1.6 <^ 'S ^;. c^a ^1 .V' /y o Photographic Sciences Corporation m^ ^ '%" 73 WeST MAiN STRcET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 f^V L*- The Hilton Mansion —Eviction Writ* Tim ArrivBl of ili» Major — A hitv\ Ageni's Tale My Suffer- ing Countrymen Fiilber and Son DiHowm-UI— Off lor America — A Lie — '•! throw back the liu inio the tf-eth oftho liarl'' SELECTION, - ~ * - ' ~ - ORCHESTBIA ■ M ^ ■• Between the Proloj^ue ami Isl Act, Kve year* are luppoied to have elapsed. ACT I. ScENi I Killamey Keiglit* by mnoulight — A worthy friend — Avenion and diatruat.— A Frenchman and bin loUowera The Abduction. SoKNg II.— The Mountain Road Teildy O'Neill at home a^tiiin — Who is that fellowT— Not very chee^ ful newD for you "Duke llilion Hrrivpd here n few houra Hgo." — Another ploi The Squire'a will "My next game, to get you put where you will auy off." SoBNK III Same aa »cene i A strange o».e — The Majir jokes at the Lnnd Afient's expense — A war of trordx The bat and blood on the ground— Footsteps — The wanderer's return, — ''1 arreatyou in the name of ibe Queen, ye know." SELECTION, - - **-** ~ - ORCHESTRA » a ^ ■ ACT 2. Convict'a cell.— The Duke in Irons — An innocent man — The type of a whnle-snuled race — The visitor. A cowardly aitsck. The Irishmsn tells what he knows almut the prison — T'lie Miyor to the rescue— The pasrpoit dest royed 'Ibe will stolen from the t?qi.ire found secrett-d in your baggage — A bad shot — ''I'to tixed you at last.' — The escape. SELECTION, - - ''-'^ ~ - ORCHESTRA " m ^ * ACT 3 Scene, the Friar's Olen A smuggler's rendesvuua — Arrival of the French cutter — The game of cards. 1'he capture of >,be Squire, who had tried to escape — The Major makes a catch — Tedily in a new role. Drugged liquor takes eBect— "How will I get bim out of the way." — The history of a Tipperary dance. The mcuntain duel. — The ofiioer heard Irom. — Father and son united — ■'My son, you were wore sinned A DmIsSION^o all par ts of the HMU, ta. 25 Md 35 Cents. licketson Sale at the Opera House. Doorg open at half pa»t seven, Curtain wiu rUo at eight o'clock. t FrcderictoD, April 8?rd, 1887. „