%>. ^^^ ^^ ':■ .±2^Ml: C«fil)fn«t«r V.A. y r i^f- /■ ► f^.i' CIHM Microfiche Script (Monographs) , . *♦■ Collcctldn do microflchot (monooraphlot) 51 Miiiiiipioiimltiii / ''I ^,fU7Ji-' .*L MiMiMtforfNMiNt. FtMwMafMs •l«MfeM|Min ^^ ^^^_L^^ ^MA □ CoMMrtHM raMMrto •t/M MImM* □ CotoMMi Ml « A oilMr ttan MM or MMh)/ \ ColoMMrf ptelM Mrf/or Hkniradem/ •f/ofi WiMtratiom an < □ / I IRfPOWl OC U nltara lirfte pwt MMMr * foMfera ou tft la tfMonioii It lont #i la ( rnil.«klai. ^.J wnMn WM III ff)OIN VHMMpf ' ; aariaiiiai papi Manakat •■f- f- noiiti I'lmtfttit • MaM .** ■*M LI OT print variat/ QiialM Mipla.da rimpraMion ContiiMioui pafination/ f«HlinatkNi aontiiMia liidudai indax1 pt dnnotations; • ' . nT RP^MMIOTIOT* 7""*— — — " ' ■ . -. -y ■ . TMi itam it INnad at dM radoetiaM ratic idioa r kadbalow/ '• ■'■.'•.■ « ■ -v;--^- • -.''H.- . inv i^« ittv 22X XX ■■:'■■■ ■ ' ;■' p""^ _,^_ p»^"^ _^^_ *ii^B« ■ '■ - ' -■ . ► ■ ""•'/-" ■ . ' ^"■. , vl ' ' * »r ■ ■' 12X itx «x 24X 28X 32X i' /- The Mfry MfiMd htn has bMfi'r«prodiM«d thanks tS t|M fMMfMity •»? ■ I'akiwplaka fiili4 fut raproAih |ri«a A !■ •fOniiriir TiM IniiagM appaaHnt H«ra art tha iMat quaNty paaalMa aanai da rtm tha aoiNlltioti and la^ibMty af tha artflnal aofnr and In kaapkifl wHth tha fUminf eamraat ipaaifleailana. <»■'■■■■ Original odplaa (n pfintad pa p ir eovara afa fNmad baglnning with tha fiani tha ippt pat* wHh a •Ian. ar tha back firat pa«a with a printad ar Mhiairaiad impfaa- •Ipn. and andint on tha laat paga With a printad ac Nluatrafad Inipcaaaion* ' . AraMwtof OntMM- "Las Miagaa auwantaa afiC Ma rapcadiNtaa pwa fvand aaNi* aampia tanu da la aa da la natiata da r aaamplalfa flMid* Pt^ la nft airlfinaiMi dam Ip o d uva m ita an paplaf aat hnpnniaa aont fllRiaa an adnimanpant ppf w pvamMf pwt at an taftninaiM mk pav la. av dUiiattatlon* lalt ppf la aaaaviip plat* aaian la aaa> Tana laa aiitfaa apampiairaa angfnaiM aani iwviaa an aanwn^npant pav ip pvatfiia'a paga dvi aoinpafta una ampvainta dlwiprwilan au dHuatvatidn at an tprmlnpm par la ddfnlafa paga ddl aampavta una taw Tha laat raaardad frama a thaN eantain tha iymbat • TINUIO**). or tha symhal whlchavar appHaa* aaah (nifliaflQha ^(maanin«"CON- ^(maanin« "IMOa Un d— ty m halaa aulvanta app a raltra aur la damlit a hnaga da ehatiua mlaraflaha. talon la eaa: la aynitoola -««> aignMa "A SUiyUg". IP aifniaaia ▼ atgnma nn • f Madp. p i a t aa. ehawa. ata.. may ba fttmad at dlm wah t raductten ratlaa. Thaaa too larga ta ba antiralv Inaludad in'ana axpapura pra fUmad baglnning in tha upppf laft haMfijMwnaVa laft to right and top to bottom, aa ini|pMMfhaa aa raquirad. Tha foNowkig dtagranli iluatrata tha mathod! ■ « •• fHmda A dPa tpiix da rdduatdon diffdranta* Laiamia la doaumant aat trop grand pour atva rapvaiduHah un aaui eUehd. H aat fllmd A partir daTangla lu pArtaur gauaha. da gauaha A drolta. at do haut an baa* an pranant la nonibro dTmoga t ndaaaaalra. Laa dlagrammaa sulvantP IllUPivant la mdthodo. ■■'•■1-. ■/ \ ■ .-■■■* . ;;2,/,; 3 ' » t - ■ il. 9 f -'—^ ^ T - ig* r- 32X I * «v. -K %-^ m' ^ ■> »' i'^. .* f •* *,\ ^ ,« .<' i ' 4J*i . ATTTHOBIZED •i » °>r / #5.* .-«. .;. ENGLISH GRAMMAR, # F<^&(|j(tM diourUur diotia 0(mtraria\erhi8. ■ij IflmiBtake In thow foondatUnui which I baild upon ThBettUreitnotbigmumghtobtar iBAXSPBARK. OVID. .A %. %. V *? 14.. i^^ ,.*^' ^KINQSTOIf: mi. SAiuajiy nuMTM. 'c;#^ i>^*.'^' TW .'«*■ t! ♦ \ \ >»^ If- •V»-=.TS.. ^T • ; "^ it- ■C ,^ THB AUTHORIZED ENGLISH ORAHMAB. ^ \ The JBdoMtloiuI lattltntioiM of Ontario, hitherto nuuiaMd bj the OoQiudl of Pablle Inetraetlon, have had a •oeee« naezampked la the aimala of any other eonntiy. We flimfy beHere that a gnat part of tlUa eiMonM hae been owing to the aelei^doa of the text bo^ and eonp pelllng all Instltatlona In reoaipt of Pabl|o Money to nae the preaerlbed worha to the alnioet entire ezdnalon w others. 'In aajlng thl% we are, bj no meaaa, to be nndentood as eriidoiiing off the wmfcs so pie. serlbea, for we are In a poattlom to state thft In manj oTonr important Otfntnis of popiUation, the stndr ofOanaflfan History has been almost abandoned, owing to the -wmf deftwtlve text hotik foieed upon the pnb- lie. Again,.the anthorlaed Geography Is a very dnll wort. In the exeentlon of the nuuis, too mnoMiM been attempted, and the rosnlt Is a mess of namia and lines mdntelllglMe for the most part. ^ Prominent teaohem hare ahio eondemned. in no measored-tenns, tlM Arithmetie and the Algebra of Hr. Sangster. Tet. with all thla. greaTpvognss has been made, and a fatore of mnoh eaooatioiial worth Itos beftne xm. To this resnlt, as has been said, the Ooonell of Pnblie Instmetim has fpntlSLj oontribiited; and it is with tiie dori^ of awaUiig them to greater watohftiIness» that a leriew of one tf their anthoi&adwSiks naa been nndertaken. The book thns sde^ted is the Grammar edited, we believe, by Dit^ Davles, Head Master in the Nofmal SduML We are not persiniauy a^ qoalnted with the gentleman, nor has his Ihme as a grammiwlan been ▼ery wldelir known. An examinatton of the work, howeiver, leads us to the Opinion |hat D^. DaTlos has not yet fimotten his old^method of teadUiigGrammar,«ndhasnotm|MrteredtheBangsterlannrstem. The resnlt appean In this bod^ where we haTo the solid snbstrattlim gretted that sneh 4 book hM been foisted upon the pabUe. The ex« pense to teaehen and pnidls >as been eonslderable, and the inevitable resnlt wUlhe a deadloss to ^L In its present shape, the work Is ■ simply nnte^iable, ML of erroi^ repetitions, oontiideaons and onfliK lions. The vrangement is the Wont posdble, a ngnlar Jnmble of \ spMUine leaTOS, no eonseentlTe treatpwnt of any slm^ snljeet, and a epnftuad mixing np of Btyipokigy ^and Syntax, whl^ would be In- dl^roos wereit nbt that the attempt to^|angh at sneh a performanee is sobmed by the Imthense interests uivol ingonrehildrenthepnipervseof theffl lOlto^aadMaflanlayr * oorrei^ system of teadi- ions tongue of .8hakspiara> \ X .1 "■\'t , dMy "^. ^ °*** - , .• V* . ^r ~ ■*■ i's^- IM I la all tho Hlgk ud 5»™» *J°?i j, oI!SSMnt ModM to the son- *^ *ii[^?mt*SL I?t2? U taXS^oopy or print from It with- - proper olBoe at Ottawa, to «iw» »» •• i"!!*' ^ J^' i» tg- keen prepared *»« r4**** ^«*^^??cwrf5 S£rt« Muld pot .iWaTreluddate "S ' t ''«p^y.r' -..^ -" "*"«^;; . ■?9"",'F A,,*;;^"' ' ;.'". •"'^.* $:■ ' .■V".'"''"W?^^^'' *■ Hit bj mm who earn tMr daUr brMd uTKotori* Sa^ ♦ Wk* • tool to vttftlUj We now prooeod, to mi «umiitttton of the wotk. '^—' v' '' " ' ■— - ;'■... DininnoKs. ^ticL !rf *!. ""^V"* • '^'^ *• "^d •^ttt them; and in Se « ^hJwS S^.USfJI**^ ,!i"" " ^'^^^^^ *« -ome youtlSSSnd?f«SSt ^'.!rf rg?""*^ iS^ /l-BflfaUw JVwKwn ; IniramitiH Vtrb: Mood • ^^ ^: ^ i\w«to^/ i¥«f«rtfc«; and al5wM^£r^ V-,. : .-.i •% i: 14, Ai^Sl^fe^ ""WW , ^ "-■'* x V • •t :^i5SSSK5Sva »!.'■ \ ■• ,: '^^ r'^..-i^..=: * '' ■ ' . 'v ^ I- %• * \- I ::'. ■ K^^&^^SSKiTi i;r^' I "^yV^ ,^T '•- - "O&ljfei.'.'t-gS^ * ' **t f \' wwtodowltli J^J^^l^mwUtmawmvk^tmihMwmk. It to dwi^yTISaSo y y MVitwttTVjiMlM, bat wlM tha taTwtfoMan btiodM>4 ludUtlii. ■■**•*«••«»• book. W« hatre « oomplos Ttmvl Mmad At B. i rV flOnilMC ■■■ It— Ill AMMiaa ^— ■■ Mm^^m . . . 1 — -*_-. om3«W ^1 fi ior«lItopradao«l lB«orid«Mor hgot im | i i I MJoiiM tfn g wVolatioa t .jtMwnvK- i.V iSr JKSiaryA: lis.** *"^' '^•'» »>»• bSrsSiSo., i tMm Mid labttvilai. nAbm ud imtU ^adBd towMiM ■iiikrttahtoBmlleaMiMorwoHs. We hat* Ami • thMoSddl. %i S SZ!^J^J!^ "^ ■*"»f*^ mlOMllfllt tiM ■tfugval put IbtlMiMeiMf "sSMtoats . ih' ifj I fBB MMnOLM. wt.1. ^U «#MM^ bM «raaU7 b»«» wg»ni«d by •« boy« And glrta ^^J^T^,Sr^S!^h!mJ^ih^7 might h*T, banal-d M Ml «»cW . i-IlV™^ thl« Bat M «im1 !■ put to iach a olhmlKrw^n. w!wriS^lhltboorSlZli.a£i»ft«r trying -k llttl* ittT ft**g *■ * dMig«roa« thing.'* Wo fM tmai- !• tli« for ^ It oth«rwto«, thli part of .pwih B«t,i«rhap.. •ft*' T«^T.jW«nthe UtkNM pfits origUMO. . It will nqi kd (n lolr. no lUtto mttanUon In fatare to ««>««Jj»J. ^^LlfS ftiSy imd & S« maritime, th. Editor da- not jeem {* Jj^J »; !liiL2it^ ITSSS^^ ..oonrirt.ofnpr««.ltlon SiLhtoS with ^fi^f^j^i£L^:sftSS^J!^lMSi ^b^drfatd una Itoilwf »««■»»•*«• . |p ' ■ i ,' \ * .■ ?. »• *t-* tiva ai*<, tha ladaftalto ««««•«;, 4to.. lha3alKSi tSaUVa ^S!" C^ woald «ippu«, that aftar .aci. an ^moani^li^^^i^'^J^^ fMaiUva waa laft. Bat than la looiaUilaff ami bahlad Ru t^Zi!!!!! . of^ aad rt**^»J» thanama invyiAif a. nptOlad to mah T«rha a»^writa, »rla«. Ae., and m^ tha only nallt lrnii^*J^hr^ aML MMl: aMM fa IvMmil*. V>« *1.^ " Ji^ .. ^*» •■■?» •••»•. ■<» / ♦ ■■•' 'I- M Itor nulT tti Ths A^Mtf^v^^^"^ *^S^\^^uSr The word oooaie joh«Bim7Mi,hij.«jdttJ^^ AnytWngmowcfudeot MfO» 44**- ■■■■■;' UJBMB . iBMi- wonld ever dolt. /.; -.. -■■■-'■:■;■-»•/:/■ •■—"-:.■ ■ ■ ' :' - ^ .'■■.. ■■'. ■" -■:■■■■.■ ^ U^ penatariott to do •■ ^.i^^JSr^iSd •• theWitor it rffl^i:rdiair'i-todoojh«mto^ Vk» /^ lAl]iligi«nif *, Si^ Si- '< *, & ■ ■ ■" ' ^ JUS''^' ■"•[•^y •" lndio«tlT«. When w« find raeh atttnute ai %hk '*WMp!eiiiiiot, Bat mj hmtt ble«d&" Onr Editor ataoimootha away dlffloaltifl«,widin«ke« a "rayalnad'* for grams^ ^^^* oooupfca thiM liiiaa in illUnff np an iUliSria StaCKS LL^^' *^ to undartaka it." wlddPany Sr^Sw £ !irr^'^'^ "P' fPP»'«»*ly iB«OT o■nKn^v^■ '■■■'.•'; ^•"■..•■' ii*A* ^' ?!!?• *^*^ *■ **5? w»flnln«r on thia aatjeot which demanda » imiepaaaing notice. Weniay ■ajthatiftheindln»tobjeiiaJn ax- JS^\'*** Syntax. But while the aul^eot la apHtrently capaUrS which It ia riiown, la In the Etymology. Whan anoh exDreaaiaDurZa "tot a prophet," "to powder,^' "BS^ iWilS;" '^SSSTtwI «o™._f*?-' ^ Indiwctoljecta. it amtaafm fittr i?^ ' **^ to know them. Thia haa ^t bUlIoMS^fori VT Editor'a reflninff about jwnMMi and dattpe^eet^iTMi^nA feathen^Toxet pi»t««aniha But a aUgliit ^ntiiSlfS^ eomee^ Wm MtfA^, «rhll«at p. 164 "They caU him hamw '* ia not ah thSi 2Jj^ldect, but all .^ to tfi p,6dioate,^e jEdSSi S£df - OBOnUt BSKASU OH'THB TMBB. ' ' h 5*ti*^'r*'**""»?PP^*?«"*^*»^'»* J»M been already aBd At p. 58, we hare a remark made about "a" in the ayllable "^* bei«i^ dwppad aometimea, and the "d" aounded aa "V^ TSSriaSLtldSf S.?.«i* P- "'^L?*^-'?***^ •" ■»**» •Wttt "to" with S« muS tfve, and repeated atp. 64. We are toldon p. 154 thai "theauUMk ?^i*^¥ ^li!?*«^"«^ caae." and amtencT L givSiTiffi haa already done aertice at n. TO, in ahowlnir that the woJd rwl^ *te^ ^^ #" •"•>*** pw««te in tSS aentenoe lia real lad^ ojfect. aooM^g to the Bditor^a ahowlng, aa todica^ at pp. 70, TO, we haT« a form of the partidple given aa : " AboStto ■^Ike. whereaa on p. 161, the worda "to atrtte ^appear aa the (Meet (rownadbytheM«»altl«n"about." If the Editor hi3«wS%rtffi **«»«*?«5»«PMfccttenaebelngpaaalveInfoim. "TheSaiTPM^ away,." and "*he houae ia built. '^ both examplea of TSa peSSS! eom^atatementonp^. Healaoaaaerta,andte«ySify,Sp?ffi& "toj^" J»« no progreadTe form, and ret in hia ^adlSw Si ^ «? w» have thakm exptaarion r " I am. beli movedF iH5^^ floonaaothorlaed. A««in.oftp.97w«l?vaaCocmtr25SMita!lda <»' 3 \4 Lh*^,-;.v ;'■ •*,'gi ■'■A'--. at the moDB. But we mnrt P~*«*, ^^jJJ^® "J vi^Jr^ .oeh Uk« Lainst enoli grtnunarlain m cla» " on *«»e cme nana. . •™*.«^ .. „ «d"J^o^SSSil"??^«P h«d point, iv compound conjunc tfcnui and ftdyerbiJil phnsM' ; /. V .t qutied. In Bute T. f^t^^fw'^^Swa it^tiiiiiff *^^ *»^* ^'^l* "-^ff!S:5_!r uiin.-«.m ' ^^^^'^^y ^ ^ *^^^ ibiag, th^ alwaya emidoy tha thiid paraon pfurai. There ia a quotation about certain'kinda of peopla ruahlng in where othen foar to tread, but we moat hare forgotten it or weahonM 5#^5Jj?!!; P«»??^«W^<«'wi'd»nditfflguidadl7thedimdafkne» of the Bditart erort. wrallnd hik^^ latlva la omitted, mt depandaiponi pwpoaitlon eonneeUkl wS^ the prapoaltion muH )e mabui, aiid to aubatantiata hia dietum ha *^^*%. Vi^^"^ ^^"""^ ^« immortal Bard of Arm, and Intarpolataa a TOepo«Uion to^make good hia rule. We Tery muoh doubt if" gentla Will" ia much improred by tha darleal Uuadar. Then on p. 179 wa hava two Tarbatim oopiea of what haa bean aa waU iaid at p. 117. Wa cottdude the rwnarka on the Rule* by aa rich a place of S^yntax M arar feU to the lot of mih to inveatigata. Wa can azooae the Bdltor, for it is on hia laat paoe. and he mnat hare been In a huny to get dona. ^/- ^ -,v; Probably AdamMIIler'a"deyU " wm hurrying him up for "c^." «»* he wrote the laat page without reading itafterwarda. Heraitia: "Soma- timea the nomUiative of the firat iterson It found after interieetiona ; as. Behold! I and the chi^|en,tiiat thou hast given me, "and then hapa^ thetlcaUy enslaims ftom Oowley: "Ah! wretohad we. poets of t&- earth. And then aa "balm for sore wounds" ha tellauB quite un. necessarily " In neither of those does the case d«pend upon the ihta^ lection. Now let ua examine our grammarian. The first quoUHon Is from Isaiah via. 18: Behold. I and the children whom thou haM given me, are for signs and for wonders in larael ftom the Lord of oets. Compare thia with the Bditor's reading, and you l&id him - wrong in tlM punctnaMon, wrong in the reading, and tmnig in the F^T^- ^? r ^® S*® ^"^ «'«»'• *»»* "<** •■ «LTen by the Editar. fa Heb. ii. 18, but St. Paul, Or whosfver wrote tfaialMitleVis only oon- fecnedly quoting parte ofdetaehedsentenoea, and not whole v«^ I wUI just doae the remsrks on this head by asking the Bditor to whoi^r what does "those "refer in his reBuAa abo^ and how wiU he redtthdle the ir 18.0«a. 88.Mkt. 6B.lfitt. TO. Pi. 14a Prov 178. El ITI. Ptov. IM. Mitfk. IM. 1& «Ol.Piwr. 919. Bnm. 1$.88. J8.87. !(».». 20.18. 18. 4. 88. 16v 0. 8. 8.18. 98.88. 11.88. MM 88.18. 88. Mat. 81.81.* 88.Jolmll. 18. 148. P». M-IS- 148. Oen. 8. 17. 186. Dan. 8.18.^ 18S. Johii. 9.86. 198. I>«it.88. 86. 194.H«lK 8.18. 904. Acta. 88. 19. iftl. waaoBaWatowcpaettbatprofcnewriteia woaia do »tw»*~ MVaniM ptoaa, OB p. 80, lUao «-i22*^** *' iS iivef with " food," ioftflad. - ■ ■ ''"^'t_ Pafloll8. M.df VeiB. Acitf. ^116: " ;- *• 1«. •' ". " > " 188. '* , ^^ : >^^ l47.Haiiiletj ^ *• •« 171. K. Honij vUi. " m. ^ ^; ^ " 148.T«nipMt " tr. TWala.twe«imrtiaiowtppa«wltfc^ »«^- ■.\:;^' v. ■"■■■;;; .';■;- ViftB $fe aaoih aioir A*-4i«aii» ai»tt«i^i«-^^ 1 4 9. 1. c b *«i»«i*»"SS '*Mi23'ffi?I2S«ft«iiH««7 Till. OB p. m •CoRoatedin iMiUid editlan. :^v ''**'^* ■^ * ,.<^ r. -^ ■ I: AlnuMl tlM obIt qwlallni tnm OmpMl !■ (!%•« IneoRfelljr «ii »». ^.aad IhTNo, OUld* Bwold, OUrto It, alMw IM, tofiTt* wiSlM«ft p. 40, wUto nta Oiwm HaDaek, to raH«mt«d^ p. tit, m mtmi -^'Th* Qombftt tlilek«iM : <», 7* krmm -fm W«n thagr Bimn mWiiSm piMt >h, Mr. Vdltorf Ib ibel, •vwythlur tke Idltor toMkw to b^vfid. Tb* Hm ftoM Muntoii, Onto fia, 'fCaMis«,CliMl«r,«li«ii«t 0B,S««al7.aiil'*to fflTMi OB p. tOLpiuwtwtod laorte to UIiMtiBto oad oT kto ralMBboBi tiM Boto of «aMiBBiBttoB, wh«i« ho latorpolBtot iiMh b Boto tfttr «Im flnt M»/// wpd thoB flTti Um mhom oumpto oa P- 106, poBetnilid oormHj M we hBT« rtt«B it Naj mora, he •etoBUy oootaiAotoit, 19. oa p. tOA Btoo, BBd iBtofpfilBtee a ttaBlIar aoto lltl «mI oiamplM ' ' flftttV* IIA^'^ DiMtt BQHPB^ Brea "MUtoa'a heeiMBlyilMaie'.' nibn from tbe toaeh of tbe deitiojer, sad we flad Mm oa p. 100. toaHag oat a Uae ftfom B. ix. tt^ 199-181 ; aad qaotlag from Book U. wlthoat divUli^ hto woida lato the proper Ubm, the ooRwt raadteff beiag: ." ^ _j I . " Aad oa their hiagee giato Banh thaader." p. 100. . Bat IfiUoa to aot the oaly aathor go treated, ead therelbra we aefd Bot eomptola. Agela, oa pege 198. he qaotee frma B. il. rr. 48^, ead Miuaal,Uaadei»b7glTlag''^^''ia«teadof*'Alp-" , We lenuutfced above ia regard to the three Uaee from Cowper that the proper readlag woald he glToa la ttie right ptoea We wlU meruj etoto, theiv that the worde *' eaaeto hto sweat " whtoh, ao long aa we aoeapted the Editor'a roaaika la good toith, aaad to pamle aa maeh to attaeh aay defiaito meaalng to them, became dear anoajrii when we tamed ap The Taiik, B. IL ▼. 98, aad Ibaad aot ** eaaeto fib atieet," bat " exaeto hto jHrtaX." 80 that eraa ia ao well kaowa a poet aa Oowper the Editor to foaad "wallowtof ia the ublra." Bat we hara a graTe charge atill to make. Not oalj doea he bIaBder,bath« atoo apj^prtotea other mea% laboora, aad ptogiariaea with great gaato. Tlie miae from which he haadnlTed madi iaforma- Idoa to Woi^oriRBB'i DktUmarM aad ao word of adbiiowtodgment to giT«n. We fflve apeetotieaa. Compafe what he saTa on "iiAal " p. 40r «A«M«r, p. 48; id, p. 67, itouU aad IM, pr 05, titoa, p. 190, Mif, p. Itl,. aad JSromfk^^i toltora aii(d fit, on p. 199, with what Wineaatar aaya, aad we at onioe ie^ whoae tonlM did the woih. Two oaotatiioBa aia giTCB oa p. 110, oM fr«m WorAnvorth, and theoth«i^ from Gowper,^ wUeh an tokea from Woniiter, the Ibimer on p. ISOB, aad th« totler oap.1871. OonimenttoaaeleMHba|,"TeUitnotinQath.'* WehaTe Alraady nMRmed to hto a)p|^io|»totiiig Latham'a worda raaevend oe- 'oaflona, aad ao]ow haa ha aaaAt * i ezam- iMlk^ Iha baak baa fww forth ftklhAed bj tbam. and If tb«r«ra now lnottd of tbalr oAprinf , why lei lli«n bo ao. Maaa^prl^ wa would aiiigiiat thai thwj jHiirblii a una fliiminar q5awaadcla«|iiaiatlnii Tho wvilar waa aeeoaad a* Iha lala bmoI- Ji^oflhaOniaftoTaaahawfMaiwiatlnw of attacking a man bahlndhia ho attaakad a book In nae In onr awoola ; and ha IkrthartoMlhatlfhahadanTtiaagtoaafagalnat Ihaliook, why did ha not eoma ont boldly Inprinl and aaj It ttantlaman, the thing % BAMUVL WOOO9. KlBfrioii, Ang. Itod, 1871. ^ :J i-s* / }<■ J / K K' ' >•>. ^•> Bbbfj. K^ - ,^ ' ' tidutnif.^ •MWiil •P. 8, liM 9 Itom bottom, Ibr "arttela, " road ''aet ' 4 v.- I, , I •C| '^1 ' >• ■ :,fi^ - ^ ■% « '■r^H ■^ •-'^4 y. 'a ^ 'U: i^sH // i ' 4^ m *• 't■'^.^;;/ ^'' )#',-'':; //