IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 |50 ""'= if 1^ M 2.2 2.0 1.8 M III 1.6 <^ %.^ /}. A> C' c^J ^^ / / 'W Photographic Sciences orporation C 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 M ^^ ^ iV :\ ^ \ ()()LK, M. ]). . PKTKRROROlyGII: PHINTED BY IIOBERT HOMAINE, At the Office of Ihe ■' !V Icrln.rough R«vi.\v.>' r^-Q-c.c.:-:;A^o^.;^.o^::i.3^a g^ ;- n" rrw 14^ nw^ A SKETCH OF THE EAliLY SETTLEMENT AND SUBSEQUENT PTt()r}T{E;flico of iho Peterborough Review. 186T. DEDICATIOX. The foUowinrr pages arc respectfully dcdicnte.l to the Wai.len and ^ren.bors of the Cuimty (^ouiicil of Peterborough, by Tnji AcTHuK, Peterborough, Jauuary '2nd, 181)7. ' ' S /•> S '. mm •lil .:•»('■ 4' TREFACE The writer of the follnwiuj- paj-cs h?.n liad in view the collection and preHervatioii of reniiiii!^ceii(;ufi of the cailj dnyn when the t*.wn and county of Pnterboiougli were tivt*i .settled. This portion of the task seemed incom- plete, without a summary of leadinjti; events in town and county to the present time. He has endeavoured to approaeh the subject as impartially, and to record the facts u,s accurately as possible. The events ot the earlier years were gatliered from such of the first settlers as still survive, and althouiih, as m-'glit be expected, slight discrepasioies were sometimes found in the recollections of these difterent observers, these were only upon minor matters of trifling import ; so Hiat the general details n^ay be relied ou as correct. For the events of later years, and especially since 1845, printed and oftieial documents have boon to some extent available ; but it is to be regretted that in none of our public ofhcos has much attention been shewn to preserve and hand down to futurity, ( urrent arid evanescent records of the time, which will, by and by, be of rare value um\ historic interest. il 'S-.:\ ^J-t n'l hi^ Whether the facts here recorded (most of them for tlu; tirst time) were of sufficient interest and importance to justify tiieir collection in permanent form ; and whether the task has be-n accomplished in u proper and worthy manner, must be left to the public to decide; to whom it is now offered, to be judged upon its merits. Peterborough, January 2nd, 18G7. ! .. I A C KNOWL EDGE ME XT. . ,.^ Tho Author of tliis little work hi'icwith retiinis his bont thanks and grateful aoknowlcdgeuieuts to th(! nuiuerons persoii.s both in town and ( ouuty, who have kindly and gratuitously assisted liiui, by contributions of facts and incidents, oral, written, or printed, on which the followinii paocs are chiefly based, and without wiiioh he would have been unable to accomplish his task. , ,..,., i, .^ . v , .- The veryenuuierution of tlie names of the persons to whom he is thus under obligation, would be a formidable task ; and he begs of them, one and all, to accept this general acknowledgcnioit of his gratitude for thc^ services they have so cheerfully and promptly rendered. Peterborough, .January 2nd, 18G7. ,1, ;,.av^3 ':7 ^'t'.\. •I^UPWIHHPP* ■Mpmp i— CONTKNTS. im^ :***>^-- ' 'llAI'TKIt I. II. III.- IV.- V.- VI.- vn.- VIII.- IX.- X.- XI.- xir.- XIII.- XJV.- XV.- xvr.- xvir.- XVJfl.- XIX.— XX.— -A I'inutM'i- < 'haptor , .... ,i. , -Tho lmiiii;?ratioii of 182.1. . -Tho Town of r.'toiliorougli ' -A (Jovernor's Viait -Progress and Dovolopmont -The JV'torI)omiigli Militia of IH.3T-S. -Trninings and Elections -Erei'tion of (Jonrt House and .Jail -(1). A Satiiioal Production. (2). Another rrrimigrntion. (.')). The Election of 1841 -The New ( 'olbo: ne District ......... -iSchools and Tounty .Superintendents f.T'.! *. . . 1 -Miscellaneous -Tlio Town Inco.-porated — Pi-ogress The Prince of Wales in Peterborough -Miscellaneous. ^ , .. . \ ,. i! . .'!.!' The Ilailroad Era. ...:.. !'!:'!:';!! '.H^:!':. The Lumber Trade (1). Poi)ulation. (J). Manufactures. (?,). Tmde ami Morchnndi/,e (!) The Banks of Peterboiough. (2) The (^hurche.s of Peti-rborough. (3). The Schools of Petei'borough. ( 1 ) Summary of Legislative ( 'otincil Elections. (-^ Sum- mary of Legislative A,sseiribly Elections, (.i) Wi -dens for the (.'oimty. (4) Mayors. Keeves, Clerks and Treasin-ers of Peterborough. (■)) .Justices of the Peace for Peterborough, (fi) (^oroners, Assessoi-s, Collectors, «fec. (7) Reeves atid Justices of the Peace for Ashbumhani Pngo 1. 3. LI. 23. 29. 38. 42. 46. 54. m si i59. 6,'i. to. 80. 92. 97. 106. 118. sssem ill VIII. XXJ.- XXII.- XXIll.- XXIV.- XXV.- XXVI.- XXVII,- XXVIII.- XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXIl, XXXIU. ('«.)N'rEN'l'S— Co/t/tMuet/. -The Township of Smith i'i'gf 1^^- -The Township of Otonabce. . ^'^-■ -T e Township of Douio ^^G. -The Township of Asphodel l'"'^- -The Township o. Dummer ^^ '• -The Townships of Behnont and Methuen 180. -Tlie Township of Monaglian 183, -The Township of Ennisniore l^O. -The Townshi}^ of Harvey l*-'^- -'I'hf New Townships ; including (lalway, Snowden, Min- den, Stanhope, and the Lands of tiie Canadian Land and Emigration Company, l^'^- -The Burleigh Road and the Townships of Burleigh, (Jhandos, Anstruther, uc -'°' -The Indian Tribes of the County -l'^- -Our Brave Volunteer.? ; Lists of Officers and Privates of tlie several Pctrrboro' Companies who rushed to arms to repel invasion in June, I86G. (Hher Volunteer Companie.s since organized,— Peterboiough Infantry Company No. 2 : Norwood Infantry ( bmpany, Ha.stings infantry Company, and Springville Infantry Company. 216. ■■ ■, <■,'.■ i- .-. ■ - \ X r f- ^ , ^VttiiiiV^ i^-^-' *i^ tr^ iOV 123. 13± 1 40. 158. 107. 180. 183. 180. I'.tl. 193. 208. 213. A SKETCH OP THE EAfiLY SETTLEMENT h'i^'' i' AND SUBSEQUENT PROGRESS OF "'/■i* -wwi' mt iuwn ifi fHnlr«i'0U0lr; A\D EACH TOWNSHIP fN THE - COUNTY OF PETERBOROUGH. i" ' 216. CHAPTER I. ' ; ' - ^. — — A PIONEER CHAPTER. Prior to the year 1818, that portion of Canada now known ^ the flour^hmg County of Peterborough, was covered by an unbroken foreri in which the settler's axe liad never echoed, and where, save the homeless tratr ""' ''*'''"^"''°"' ^'''°^'' *^« f««t of man had scarcely pene- In that year, a small body of emigrants sailed from England, some of whom, braving the perils of the bush, found their way into the township of Smith, then but recenily surveyed. This was in the Autumn of 1G18 the pioneers finding an inlet by woy of Rice Lake and the Otonabee river' for as yet, and for long after, there was no semblance of a road through the wooded wilderness stretching away between the frontier settlements and their new home. The merit of the first settlement in the county belongs to the township tat Iw m 2 II ,11. III of Smiih, and ia connection with that township, in a future page, will be found the names of those brave men, and such acaount as we biive been able to gather, of the incidents, difficulties and privations attending their eaiij settlement in the bush. ' ^** ^ '^ -'' In May 1819, a party of gentlemen from "the front" came up the Otonabee in a skiff, for the purpose of selecting a mill site, and otherwise "prospecting" in the new townships. These were Charles Fothergill, Esq., at one time M. P. P. for Durham, Thomas Ward, Esq., of Port Hope, Clerk of the Peace for the District, John Farrelly, Surveyor, Adam Scott, Millwright, and Barnabas Bletcher. Mr. John Edmison, now of Smith, then an intending settler, who had already drawn a lot of land at hazard, accompanied them. - ■^- • ■.« They landed just above Spaulding's bay, at a spot which was afterwards a steamboat landing, and near the site in after years of the steam saw mill of Messrs. Shaw and Fortune, the chimney of which i^ione is now standing. Scott here discharged his gun, and then by means of the flint of the lock a fire was kindled, the party assisting in gathering wood for the purpose. After a lunch, which sufficed for supper, they lay down around tho fire, beneath the spreading branche-^ of the trees and slept. Next morning Edmison and Ward started for Mud Lake, following the blaze on the trees along the communication line, and sharing the meals of some of the settlers of the previous year. Ward was the owner of the land compriaing the site of the present village of Bridgenorth ; and having accomplished their object, they returned to the scene of their open air encampment. Here the other prospecting party were found ia good spirits, and discussing the project for a future mill. By damming up the creek which still traverses the site of the Town, and conveying the water along a short excavation to the steep bank of the Otonabee river, an eligible mill-site would be obtained, and at a trifling cost compared with the expense of attempting to control the rapidly descending waters of the Otonabee, at any point in the neighborhood. Well pleased with the results of this exploration visit, the party passed down the river, and across Rice Lake on the same evening. The little piece of engineeri^ g thus projected was successfully carried out, and in about two years Mr. Adam Scott had a small eiaw and grist mill in opera- tion under one roof. The same water privilege is still in use, though turned to much better account in the large frame mill in active operation on the corner of King and Water streets. 8 Further reference will be made to this first mill, which, though neces- sarily a small structure, and the machinery imperfect, was nevertheless a great boon to the early settlers. A reference to the first settlers in their several localities will be made as our task progresses. A cursory allusion to the settlement in Smith seemed necessary here, in order to preserve in the reader's mind the relative date of events which occurred prior to the survey or settlement of the Town, or the advent of the Immigration of 1825, to which we now ad- dress ourselves. '''^^'''' *''■* -'^^ '''''''"'' "^'"^ ^^-^»'^«-^ -^ '*;»>^f'^' ■'«* ^^^'^'^■^ - \*\fi ■ li'' '■'■%'•■ »'''M .•'^f>^s<.^i' vXif.v*^ "• i- THE CHAPTER II. 'I'rfv SW ■«*:, '.l"i iM'^^i \H IMMIGRATION OF 1825. -- ' ^^ Not only was the Town of Peterborough without a single inhabitant in the Spring of 1825, save Mr. Scott, the proprietor of the mill and a workman or two who assisted him, but the settlers in the adjoining town- ships were few, and their prospects far from encouraging. Two families only were settled in Douro, those of Robert Reid, Esq., and the Honble Thos. Alex. Stewart, afterwards a life member of the Legislative C ouncil of Upper Canada. Besides the little colony in Smith already referred to, a few adventurous settlers had found their way into Otonabee, Aspho- del, Monaghan and Emily, but very little land had been brought into cultivation. The country l?uguished and many even of the best settlers felt despondent as to the prospects of the future.* '*'"'"'" ■'';''• '>.■'> ^* Up till this period the entire number of settlers occupying the town- ships north of Rice Lake did not exceed five hundred.f During the autumn of that year a large accession was made to their numbers by an Emigration on an extensive scale chiefly from the south of Ireland, con- ducted by he Honble Peter Robinson, uLusr the auspices of the British government, which greatly conduced to the speedy settlement and improve- ment of the country.^ Four hundred and fifteen families availed them- selves of the advantages thus afforded them, comprising in all 2,024 souls. || *Capt. Rubidgre'8 Evidence before the Committee of the Brit. Par,— 1847. Question 2653. fCapt. Rubidj^e's evidence bafore the Imperial Emigration Committee in 1847, an quoted ui a pamphlet " Ireland and Canada," by Sir Robert Wilmot Horton, Bart , G. C. H. Page 41. tCapt, Rubidge't evidence 1847. Question 2,666, 11 Horton's ' Ireland and Canada. " Page 34. ilii i'i' i Illllfi- ]i\ II The nhips laden with the emigrants sailed from Cork in May, 1825, and after a very speedy passage, in only one case exceeding 31 days, arrived at Quebec, from whence they were immediately forwarded to Kingston, Here they remained for nearly two weeks, mostly in tents, and owing to the intense heat of the season many of them suffering from fever and ague, Mr. Robinson in the meantime had sailed from Liver- pool to New York, and proceeded from thence to Toronto by way of Niagara.* We mention this as illustrating the round about manner of reaching the capital of Canada from Great Britain in those days, compared with the direct routes and expedition of the present time. Having procured from the Surveyor General .such information as he could, in reference to the lands he was about to settle, he proceeded to Qobourg and thence to Peterborough, or " Scott's plains " as it was then called, and spent six days in exploring the townships, aided by Mr., after- wards Colonel, McDonell, whom he describes as " an intelligent and respect- able young man well acquainted with the country." In the minutes of his evidence taken before the Emigration Committee in London in 1827, f we find the following narrative of subsequent events : — " On the 11th August," said Mr. Robinson, "I embarked five hundred on board of a steam-boat, and landed them the next day at Cobourg oa Lake Ontario, a distance of one hundred miles ; the remainder of the settlers were brought up in the same manner, the boat making a trip each week. Our rou^e from Cobourg to Smith, at the head of the Otonabee River, lay through a country as yet very thinly inhabited ; the road leading from Lake Ontario to the Rice Lake (12 miles) hardly passable, and the Otonabee River in many places very rapid, and the water much lower than it had been known for many years. The first thing I did was to repair the road, so that loaded wag- gons might pass ; and in this work I received every assistance from the magistrates of the District, who gave me fifty pounds from the District funds ; and this sum, together with the labor of our people, enabled me to improve the road in ten days so much that our provisions and baggage could be sent across with ease, and three large boats were transported on wheels from Lake Ontario to the Rice Lake. The Otonabee River is navigable for twenty-five miles, although in many places it is very rapid, and at this season there was not water enough to float a boat of the ordinary construction over sone of the shoals. To remedy this difficulty, • Mr. Robinson's evidenoe before Select Committee of the Imperial Pariiament. Third Report 1831, Page 346. • --^w m««.K:v,ri -j-j- ™-7- t Third Report oi Select Committee, 1821. Page 346. li 5 Third Report I had a boat built of such dimensions as I thought might best answer to ascend the rapids, and had her completed in eight days. So much de- pended upon the success of this experiment that I felt great anxiety until the trial was made ; and I cannot express the h:,ppiness I felt at finding that nothing could more fully have answered our purposes, and this boa' , sixty feet m length and eight feet wide, carrying an immense burthen, could be more easily worked up the stream, than one of half the size carrying comparatively nothing. Now that I had opened the way to the depot a<^ the head of the river, there was no other difficulty to surmounl than that which arose from the prevailing sickness, the fever and ague, which at this time was as common among the old settlers as ourselves. The first party I ascended the river with consisted of twenty men of the country, hired as axe-men, and thirty of the healthiest of the settlers ; not one of these men escaped the ague and fever, and two died." The boat alluded to was flat bottomed, and was propelled by several oars at each side. It would carry between twenty and thirty persons with a large amount of luggage, and, with hard work, the distance from Gore s landing to " Scott's plains" could be made in a day. The landing place was that before mentioned, just above Spaulding's Bay, and at the spot afterwards used as a steamboat landing, ^...ji-i:,*"; -*-?.« / T.. ^ '<:'.- -:■ Immediately on arriving here with their slender store of worldly goods, the immigrants set about constructing rude huts or wigwams, composed of slabs, bark, or the branches of trees, and sods, to shelter them from the weather during the interval which must elapse before they could be located upon their landi3 in the neighboring Townships. As one boat load after another was discharged upon the landing, and the crowd of immigrants in- creased, the " plains" began to present a lively and animated appearance. The temporary huts were dotted here and there in groups, or singly, as the attraction of acquaintance or the facilities of shelter offered, while the bustle consequent upon landing and the details of perfecting the arrangements, and above all, the novelty of the present, and the uncertainty of the future, must have deeply impressed the minds of the more thoughtful and observ- ing as they gazed upon the scene. ,,^^, „,.,^ ,,„^, ,.._,,_ Th'" buildings erected by Mr. Robinson on his arrival, to serve las a residence for himself, his clerks and ser^'ants, as well as those used as store- houses and oflSces, will be referred to hereafter, and described, both as to their appearance and location, in the chapter treating more especially of the early settlement of the Town of Peterborough, ^^.k^n H«-r^ *"# %'*^ i Mi it! Among those who ajssisted Mr. Robinson in dispensing the Government rations was Wesley Ritchie and Captain John Armstrong, who subsequent- ly settled in Douro. These rations consisted of one pound of pork and one pound of flour for each person over 14 years of age, half a pound of these to children between five and 11 years. A pound of meat and flour was also allowed to every four children under five years of age, — a description of food to which they were unaccustomed, which more than supplied their wants, and the surplus of which was not unfrequently exchanged for whis- key or other less injurious commodities. These rations were continued for a period of 18 months,* the chief portion of the provisions having to be brought in from Cobourg and elsewhere along the frontier. : w* -m v' ^^^ < The task of locating the emigrants, Mr. Robinson speaks of as " by far the most troublesome and laborious part of the service." In this he was ably assisted by Mr. Alexander McDonell, (subsequently Colonel of Militia) Mr. John Smith, and by Capt. Rubidge, R. N., who in 1819 had settled in Otonabee, nine miles south of Peterboro'. The latter gave his services gratuitously, and rendered efficient aid in locating the immigrants in Oton- abee, and subsequently conducted two later immigrations on a smaller scale, to which reference will be made hereafter. <■ ■< sijr-;js -n^;*')* ? ^^ The plan adopted was to send out the immigrants in groups, accompanied by one or more guides, to examine the land and choose their locations. One hundred acres of land was allotted to each familj- of five persons, and a lot having been cliosen was set down in the name of tho head of the family. In some instances, even the sons, if they were grown up and of a certain age, received 100 acres of land also.f Contracts were then let by Mr. Robinson, to former settlers and others to erect a shanty upon each lot, at an average cost of $10 each J ; roads were hastily cut through the forest, and a few oxen and horse teams purchased by Mr. Robinson to transport the immigrants and their luggage to their new homes. The greater number of oxen and horse teams engaged in this v/ork, however, belonged to old settlers south of Rice Lake, hired for this purpose, and brought up through the bush in the best way they could. A great deal of expense and incon- venience might have been spared, aa Capt. Rubidgo pointed out in his evidence before the select committee of the British Parliament in 1847, had roads been previously cut, and houses of accommodation provided at *CBpt. Rubidge's evidence before the Imperial Emigimtion Committee, 1847. Questio.t 3476. flbjd. Question 2672. JCapt Bubidg«— Report of »elect conuBiiHe, 1841. Page 'MiS, > ' '' N^-t? '■ ' >S»p^'^'^''^ Vi^'^ T several points. But all these requirements had to be provided simultane- ously, and at a time when provisions were unusually dear. .. ,.^ . .. „„,,,. With the exception of a few families who remained in Peterborough, (or rather on " Scott's plains," as it was still called) during the winter, the entire number of immigrants were located on their lands during the Autumn of 1825. Each family was then supplied with a cow, an axe, an auger, a handsaw, a hammer, 100 naiis, 2 gimlets, 3 hoes, 1 kettle, 1 fVying pan, 1 iron pot, 5 bushels of seed potatoes, and 8 quarts of Indian Corn. But though these poor immigrants were thus provided for in a manner which would now be considered more than sufficient for their necessities, they had still difficulties and discouragements enough to overcome. Fif- teen ofHheir number had died during the passage to Quebec, and eighty- seven more after their arrival in Canada, up to March, 1826. That scourge of the eai'ly settler, fever and ague, assailed them almost from the moment they arrived in the country, and many strong hearts were unnerved, and vigorous forms prostrated, by it during the first few seasons. Scarcely a family escaped, and sometimes the entire household shook for months, til! they were hardly able to hand each other a drink of water. Eleven funerals from the immigrants took place in Kingston in a single day, where dysentery was combined with fever, and a number of families were detained at Co- bourg from the same cause, till nearly every family had to mourn its dead. In the remoter settlements, where medical aid could not be procured, the most loathsome draughts were used, in order, if possible, to mitigate the disease, but as clearances were made, and dampness eliminated from the soil, its effects diminished, till of late years, except in localities peculiarly favor- able for its production, it is comparatively rare. The total numhpr of these immigrants and their furnsaes is shewn a'j follows* : — Embarked at Cork in May, 1825...f.....;;.r......C.f:.!.... .2,024 Joined in Canada , 12 Bom do. up to March 15, 1826 33"^ ' ' ' '•t:i-:<'S.-©;^^^ 2,069 A surgeon of the Royal Navy was 6ti b(*ii('d of each ship, and accom- panied the immigrants to their destination. Among these were the late Dr. Connin, Dr. Reade, and others whose names we have not learned. •Appendix to Report of Select Committee of British Parliament, 1827. P. »3. 8 The following tabular Btatement oompiled from official sources, will be found interesting: — ,. ,. i;iii Mi Located in Newcastle District do Bathurst do with friends at Quebec , . do do Montreal do do Kingston Absent without leave, supposed gene to U.S Died on passage to Canada Died since arrival in Canada Men. Wom'n 621 15 2 8 2 1 2 29 680 612 15 1 2 12 548 Child'n 745 25 12 2 11 46 841 Total. 1878 55 2 26 2 4 15 ' 87 2069 The immigrantfl were, not unnaturally, r<^arded at first wi^h coldness and distrust by the previous pottlers, and it has been said of them that, while their lations lasted, they contented themselves in idleness and sloth, and only put forth the exertions necessary to persona commencing life in a new country, when compelled to do so by the cutting oflf of their supplies. But the falsity of this calumny is sufficiently shewn by the official returns of the pr( acts of tbdir first year's labor; the facts of which were collected by Mr. Robiuson, and their correctnfess vouched for by him to the Emigration Committee before referred to. These are shewn to be as follows :-^ SUMMARY OF FIRST YEAR's PRODUCE, RAISED BY THE IMmORANTS.* . wl TOWNSHIPS. Douro Smith Otonabee Emily Eniiismore. . . Asphodel. . . . o ?l 'A 8 60 34 51 142 67 36 -8 s^ =^ s O^ . o O m !^2 u i.> £3,389 19 25,G23 bushels of Turnips, at 6d. ^* ,Wi ,Aii h^atmtt G40 11 G 10,438 bushels of Indian Corn, at 28. 6d. • , 1,395 IG 3 3G3^ acres of Wheat, sown in the autumn of 1826, at , j ,,^ ^,^:^^ Z per acre, nj .t-JMiSift-iA 'If. 9,0G7 lbs. of Maple Sugar, at 4d. 40 Oxen, purchased by their labour, at £7 each 80 Cows, ditto, ditto, at £4 10s. each IGG Hogs, ditto, ditto, at 15s. each .-I, J i I 7f, 828 151 2 280 3G0 124 10 4 .;i^:«' ■■ ; . Total, Halifax Currency £12,524 19 An attack was made upon the loyalty and patriotism of the immigrants in the Colonial Advocate, of D icembcr 8th, 1826, a newspaper then published at York (Toronto) by the late William Lyon Mackenzie, which furnished the occasion not only for a triumphant vindication of their cliaractcr in this respect, but also for the most ample assurances of their general good character and amiable deportment. The following was the paragraph which appeared in the Advocate : — ■' y ' ~' - ' " Mr. Rohinson's Irish Settlers. — We have information whicH may be depended upon, stating that these people have an ardent desire to go to the United States, and that they frequently desert. No less than thirty of them decamped lately in one night. To how much more useful a purpose might £30,000 have been expended than in recruiting in Ireland for the United Stiites soldiers by Canadian Councillors! " , Prompt and satisfactory denials of the truth of this slander were at once published, and are still to be found in the printed documents relating to this emigration. Two of these were immediately forwarded to the WeeJcly Register, a London Journal, for insertion, the first by Thomas T. Orton, Esq., of the " Land Register OflSce," Port Hope, and the second by James Fitzgibboa, Esq., of York. In the communication of the latter the following paragraph occurs : — " When it is considered that some of these settlers are mechanics, and S^ i:^/^ 10 I: (1 ^ ■t! ilil :iii ''lit ■>nix all of them utter strangcrH to the IbrestH of America, that the men and women could find employment amd good wages every where between the settlement and New York City, it is only to be wondered at, timt many of them have not spread themselves over these Provinces and the neigh- boring States. This, however, they have not done, nor have I learned (during a recent visit to them) that they have done any other act since their arrival amongst us, for which I or any other countryman of their's need blush."* .* ' ' - .»-• > i^ :i ,ji u. jii,j • , : LETTER FROM HON. THOMAS A. STEWART, M. L. C, OF DOURO. The following is a copy of a published letterf to the Rev. James Crowley, a Roman Catholic Clergyman, from the Hon. Thomas Alexander Stewart, who is described as " a very respectable gentleman, and a magistrate, residing in the midst of the Irish Immigrants" : — . , To the Rev. Mr. Croiohij : DouRo, January 20th, 1826. Bear Sir : — I beg to transmit the following statement. Some days ago I perused a paragraph in the Colonial Advocate relating to Mr. Robinson's Immigrants, stating that thirty had left this in one night and gone to the United States, and that the rest were inclined to go also. This I conceive to be entirely false and without foundation. I am here living in the very midst of them ; from twenty to thirty pass my door almost every day. I visit the camp every week, and at all times I take an opportunity of conversing with them on their affairs. I have always found them satisfied and happy. Some of them have told me with tears in their eyes that they never knew what happiness was until now. In general they are making great exertions in clearing land, and the exertions have astonished many of the old settlers. I conceive that this is in gen- eral owing to the great care Mr. Robinson has shown in regard to their complaints, and studying their wants. Not one complaint has there been against them by any of the old settlers, and it is the general opinion that where so large a body of people are brought together none could conduct themselves better. When we heard of their coming among us we did not like the idea, and immediately began to think it necessary to put bolts and bars on our doors and windows ; all these fears have vanished. These fears I must acknowledge were in consequence of stories that were circu- lated before their arrival in this part, which have all turned out to be « Appendix to Report of Select Committee, BriU Par., 1826. Page 386. tibid. Page 287. r. 11 tnjually t'ulac with thoHo of the Colonial Advocate. Mr. Robinson hiiH also been purticiilurly fbrtunHte in hiH choice in the Medical Department, as the care, humanity and great attention uhewn by Dr. Kciidc could not be exceeded. I could say much more but the fact will speak for itHclf " (Signed,) THOMAS ALKX. STEWART. We cannot conclude this cursory sketch of the chief incidents connected with the location of the immigrants of 1825, without at the same time placing on record the zeal and ability with which the lion. Peter Robinson conducted the immigration with which he was entrusted, and the uniform kindness and attention to the wants and necessities oi' the i'umilies under his charge. That lie was respected and beloved by those towards wliom he had a difficult and trying duty to peribrm, is prominently shown not only by their public expressions at the time, but also by the grateful recol- lections they still cherish, and the reminiscences they still repeat, embody- ing similar sentiments. So impressed were the Emigration committee of the British Parliament with Mr. Robinson's success that they " expressed their sense of the zeal, ability and discretion " with which he effected the location of the two bodies of Emigrants in 1823 and 1825,* the former having been directed towards the Bathurst, and the latter to the Newcastle District. But wc are not without other witnesses to the truth of this statement. About the year 1830, Mr. John Richards was sent out by the British Government as a commissioner " to enquire into the circumstances of the Emigrants who went out in 1823 and 1825," and in a letter to Sir Robert Wilmot Horton, Bart,, dated London, March Ist, 1831, among other things he states : "I was two or three days at Peterborough, during which time, perhaps, thirty or forty settlers, and some with their families, came in to see Mr. Robinson, and the manner in which they met him was quite affecting ; it was more to bless him as u benefactor than to receive him as a visitor."f ...,.., . . , , ..,^.„.... ,.„»5.„ „,-^. , The statement thus made was confirmed by Captain Rubidge, R. N., in evidence offered in 1838, in reply to questions propounded by Sir R. W. Horton. Such testimony, from such a source, must have been highly gratifying to Mr. Robinson, to his brother Sir John B. Robinson, late Chief Justice of Upper Canada, as well as to his numerous friends both in England and Canada/" ' "'"'"^'" "^ ''^ ' ■' ' • Sir B. W. Horton's "Ireland and Caimdn." London. 1839. Page 36. t .Sir K. W. Ilorton's "Ireland and Caiiuda >'»axe iZ. ,3* . 'i ii>i'5;!*-}-i>'>. " t'^OWW IS The diificulticH of the iiiimip^rautn whoii onco located on thuir laiidn were common to those of other Bettlorn in the biiHh, and these will be referred to hereafter in the projxjr place. But there are doubtless many other in- cidents and rcminiscenees pptfciully relating to the immigration, which, at thia remote period of writing, and in the absence of pcr8onal knowledge on the part of the writer, or of documentary evidence set down by others at the time, cannot now be recalled. . . ,„ - , j, ,, ,,,>,.!,' < n ,v> It was remarked by Capt. Kubidgo iv 1847, in liis evidence already referred to, and the statement is fully borne out by subsefjuent observa- tion, that the immigrants improved most rapidly, and were more prosper- ous in townships in which they were intermingled with English and Scotch settlers, (as in Otonabee lor instance) than in others almost exclusively occupied by themselves. 1= Whatever opinions may now be entertained as to the relative advan- tages, ultimately, to a section of country settled by immigrants to whom free giants of lauid arc necessarily accorded, compjired with other portions where a certain amount of capital is possessed, and the lands are purchased by the intending settler, there can be no doubt but that the immigration of 1825 to the Newcastle District, gave a great impetus to the settlement of this county, and laid the foundation of that material progress and prosperity of which we are now so justly proud. In confirmation of this statement, if such be necessary, we refer again to the evidence of Capt. Kubidge before the Committee of the British Parliament. In reply to the question, ** In what way did the Emigration of 1825, under the super- intendence of the Hon. Peter Robinson, affect your township, (Otonabee) as well as others on the North side of Rice Lake?"^ — Capt. Rubidgc re- plied : — ! . . I ; ., ^. • : ^. .,:.... M.. .4 , . *' We all felt highly indebted to the British Government, who, by plant- ing these Emigrants amongst us, encouraged us to cast aside our despon- dency, rind ensured to us brighter prospects. Upwards of 2000 soujs were added to our population ; an excellent Mill was built at the expense of the Government, since bought 'by private individuals ; leading roads were cut out in all directions and a steamboat in operation. Where at that time one old house stood, the Town of Peterborough grew up as if by magic, and it now (1838) contains two churches, two meeting houses, probably 150 houses, and 900 inliabitants. Speculators flocked to the • Minutes of Evidence before the Select Commitlee, tec, 1817. Ques. 2680. 18 neighboring townships in all diroctions, millm were built — utoroa opened— and lite, bustle nud civilization went on with npirit. Had it not been for this fortuitous accession of popuUtion we must have dr»){}{«d on a lethargio exwteiice with doubtful prospect* of improvement."* "■>' "*i 1** ti fti-j f"- 1 '■■n'-H ifit^ifi:)'l\ \'lHt > * ^ ri-iiT -.m«iU,'.l I. CHAPTER III. 1 >i- ( dj^c rc- '■ r plant- 1 despon- souls 1 expense A r roads 1 here at ■ '4 up as if -# houses, to the # I THE TOWN OF PETEttliOROUQH. *' A reserve was made in the survey of the towu^ip of North Monaghan in 1818, for the site of tlic future town of PeterborougL ; but it was not until 1825 that the Town plot was laid out by actual survey, by llichard Birdsall, Esq., Surveyor, under the direction of the Hon.ZaccheuB Burn- ham, to whom this task, together with Mie survey of some of the neigh- boring townships had boen assigned. At that time, the future importance of the -place was no doubt dimly foreshadowed in the minds of a few far- seeing men ; but the prospect of a town ever being built, or indeed any- thing more than a mill, and perhaps a store, in what seemed so remote a situation, was regarded sca incredible, and was K&aroely seriously enter- tained among the settlers in the adjoining wilderness. /, 'w., 'i. ■■• In the Spring of 1825, the site of the Town was still in a state of nature. The ground west o^ the creek was 'hinsely wooded with a heavy growth of pine, interspersed with beech and maple ; while between that stream and the Otonabee river, the character of the soil was that known as " plains," and the trees were of stunted oak and scrubby pine, inter- spersed with smaller brush-wood and occasional grassy spots, some of which bore traces of the Indian's can-p or the hunter's solitary fire. As seen now, the site of the town is generally level, with occasional un- dulations. Such could hardly bo said of it at the time of which we write. There were then elevations and depressions more or less strongly marked, which the tastes or the necessities of an active and progressive settlement have filled up or laid low. The swampy margins of the creek before re- ferred to, have been filled up, and that useful stream restrained in great part within its proper channel. The lot forming the south-east corner of * .HirR. W. Horton'H "Irelniid and Canada." liOiuUm, 1839. Page 41. 14 George and Hunter streets #as low and wet, and here, at certain seasons, water collected, forming a stagnant pool. Over moot of the ground east of the creek Lackleberries flourished, and grew with especial luxuriance amid the stunted trees and sh'-ubbery which covered the beautiful hill now adorned by the county buuuings. The wud flowers peculiar to a plainy soil wer aot wanting here, and lent their gorgeous hues to decorate the scene ; but fruit and flower were speedily crushed out by the iron heel of Civilization, which, while it marred the wild richness of nature, fur- nished a now mart for the products of industry and a new emporium for the wealth and enterprise of man. . ,>> ..j^ '-2 During the four or five years preceding 1825, the little mill erected by Mr. Adam Scott on the bank of the Otonabee, (comer of King and Water streets,) had been in operation. It was a frame sti'ucture of about 18 by 24 feet, and shook under the vibration of the machinery. Within, this smajl space was fitted up a run of very common mill stones, and a single upright saw. Without wishing to disparage the enterprise which estab- lished this poor apology for a mill, in the heart of the wilderness, it must still be confej^sed, that neither in gristing nor sawing, was it adequate to supply even the limited requirements of the few early settlers of that period. In addition to this defective mill, an equally impotent distillery was carried on in a small house m the vicinity. In the absence of a metallic "worm" the vapor was passed through a long wooden tube, cooled by the application of water, and thus condensed, the ac .eous spirit oozed from the further extremity. No means of rectification were avail- able, and the whiskey thus produced contained the empyreumatic oil and other impurities, which, as well as the disagreeable flavor these occasion, the whiskey drinker of that day had to endure as best he could. But though lacking in some of the higher qualities (?) which even the " tangle- leg ' whiskey of the present day possesses, it was quite adequate for the chief purpose intended^ and would intoxicate as surely, as the most elaborate product of improved machinery and modem skill. The little mill continued to do such gristing and sawing as it could, up till the year 1834, when it was improved, and a brewery and distillery added and carried on by Messrs. Hamilton & Fortye, until the year 1835, when the whole was burnt down, and the present structure erected. The distillery above referred to went out of existence in 1827, but Mr. Scott's dwelling house still remains, — now the oldest building in Peterborough. It is a low, square, cottage-roofed; frame building, close d'^F 15 to the edge of Watci* Street, on the western side, .ind about midway be- tween the market square and "ParncU's mill." The right of way for the extension of the railway track, now in process of construction, impinges upon one corner of the old house, and it will doubtless soon be demolished to make way for this great agent of modem civilization. Scott's mill was foi many years a land-mark to the immigrant and the visitor to the new settlements; and until 1827, Peterborough had no other name than "Scott's plains." Its present designation was then Ciosen, as a nierited compliment to the Hon. Peter Robinson, to whose successful labors in promoting immigration the country felt itself so much indebted. The first houses, next to those of Mr. Scott, were erected at the time of the immigration of 1825; and a cursory reference to these, we trust, will not prove uninteresting. We will commence with those erected by Mr. Robinson for the purposes of the immigration, as being ?uuong the first in point of time as well as ,f importance. f These were all built of logs, with square gables and shingled roofs. Four of them stood in a row on the south eastern portion of the market square, fronting upon Water Street, The largest of the four, which was also the most northern, occupied very nearly the site of the front portion of the present market house. Its size was about 18 by 20 feet, while the others were somewhat smaller. This one was uacd as a residence for Dr. Reade, surgeon to the immigrants, and as a temporarj church, in which mass was celebrated by the Rev. Mr. Crowley. The two central were used £B storehouses for the provisions for the immigranta, and probably for other purposes. The one nearest the south was Mr. Robinson's general office, where accounts wore kept and business transacted by himself and his chief clerk, Mr. Richard Thornhill. The fifth and lar^-est of these buildings was long known as the "government house," and as being the residence of Mr. Robinson, Col. McDonell, and Mr. John Smith, surveyor, who assisted in locating the immigrants, and for a brief time the resting-place of Vice- Royalty itself ; and is worthy of a fuller description. Like the others, it was built of logs, was forty feet long by about twenty feet wide. It stood on the eastern side of the lot now occupied by the Bank of Montreal, (S. E. corner of Simcoe and Water Sti^ets,) about thirty feet from the former and forty from the latter, very near tlie southern end of the brick stable now belonging to those premises. It fronted towards the south, with a door nccj the centre of the building, partly concealed by a wooden mi 19 III lill porch in front. There were two windows in the front, aiul three in the rear. The interior was divided into three rooms, of nearly e(jual size, by two partitions oi* logs, erected with the walls. Into the middle of tliese the front door opened, and here was the chief reception room, from which doors opened into the other apartments on either hand. The western room was devoted to the purposes of the kitchen, while ?.ir. Robinson slept in the eastern apartment, which also contained sundry books, papers and maps. The logs, both of w&Us and partitions, were hewed to a level surface in the interior, and the interaticea, both within and without, carefuiiy secured with "chinks" and mortar. A considerable portion of ground, extending across and north of Simcoe Street, was fenced in as a garden, while some small out-houses occupied a position nearer the bank of the vivar. Such were the modest structures erected by Mr. Robinson ; which were very well adapted to the purposes intended. Should any of our ^astidious readers profess to sneer at their homeliness, as presented in the picture we have drawn, we can assure them that at the time of their erection, and fo'* at least several years later, they were regarded as first-clf'iii houses, and models of taste and perfection in the youthful town. . , , n «> > , The few immigrants, who, with their families, remained on "the plains" during the winters of 1825-6, constnicted such humble dwellings aa they could, and several of them plied such trades or other avocations as their previous habits enable i them to do. One John Boates started a rude tavern on the : )uth side of the market square, and adjoining it on tlie east side a log house was erected, in which lived Capt. Armstrong, who was engaged by Mr. Robinson, along with Wesley Ritchje, in dispensing rations to the immigrants. A John Sullivan, long dead, got a log house put up on the south-west correr of Geoi^ and Charlotte Streets, (south corner from Waddel's sadd'^ry,) and kept tavern ♦here. William Oakley, an immigrant, started a bakery. After the houses mentioned, the next was a house on the south side of King Street, where Mr. Timothy O'Connor lived. James Hurley built another east of O'Connor's in the winter of 1826. A small store was opened by a Mr. Stewart in 1825, in a little log house, immediately opposite the south side of the market sfjuare, and a little way from the corner of Charlotte and Water Streets. Mr. Stewart's ideas of a small credit business, were not such as usually prevail in mercantile life. Many of his cuK*omers were unknown to him by name, and instead of making the usual enijuiry in such a case, he not unfrequently trusted to 17 the accidents of the future to acquire that necessary information. Sucli (iutries as '-a bar of soap, to the woman with the red cloak;" and others oijually indefinite, were conaeciuently not unusual iu his day book. A business conducted on such principles could not lon<; be successful ; and his little stock was ere long mergod in a larger one brought ii^ by George Grey Bethune, Escf., of Cobourg, and sold for him under the management at first of Mr. Green McDonnell, and afterv/ards of Mr. Thomas Valentine T upper, who afterwards conducted a store for himself on Suncoe Street, just east of the creek. The third store was opeued by Mr. John Brown, of Port Hope, on the corner of Simcoe and Water Streets, subsequently occupied by Messrs. Nicholls & Hall, and now by Mr. Robert Patterson, as a boot and shoe store. The old I'rame has, however, been raised, a new foundation added, and its condition and appearance otherwise im- proved. Mr. Brown's store was opened iu 1827, and contained a stock of goods which, for the locality, was very creditable. Our informants differ us to the value of the stock, which, for a few years, prob."' j did not exceed $900 to $1000. This business was managed for Mr. Brown by John R. Benson, E8<"{., still a well-known citizen. Meanwhile other buildings were in process of erection. Cotter Lane, a shoemaker, and an inmaigrunt, built a frame house on Charlotte Street. James Bailey, a North-of-Irolaud-man, and not an immigi'ant, built a house on the south-west corner of George and Hunter Streets, afterwards the site of Fisher's hottil and nosv of Mitghell's saloon. Bailey kept tavern here in 1826. At this early period in the history of the town, property was of course cheap, and real estate comparatively v^'uelcss. During the first year or two, Mr. Robinson had the disposal of town lots foi* the Govern- ment, the upset price being $30 for a lot of half an acre. In some in- stances, these were given away, iu lieu of services rendered, and these, as well as some of those of which the fee-simple was purchased, exchanged hands for the most trifling sums. The now very valuable south-east comer lot of George and Hunter streets, (at present occupied by the store of Messrs. McKellar & Cameron) and which lias been before spoken of as low and wet, was offered to Robert Reid, Esq., of Douro, as a gift, but declined, from its being regarded as worthless. In 1826 it was purchased for a fanning mill, by Mr. Thomas Harper, who subsequently lived on it, and manufactured those useful implements in the rear of the premises. Alexander Henry, a cooper, built a frame house on Simcoe Street, near George Street, in 1827, on the site where the ^'Farmer's Inn" was after- m II! M i Mil. ifi ,1' i mi wards erected and still stands. In the same year, James T. lien thorn, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, bought from one Falvey, an immigrant, the north-east corner of Geoi-ge and Hunter Streets, where he built a small house, afterwards converted into an hotel. Henthorn's fine block is now too well known to need any further reference. Like many other improved portions of the town, it passed through successive stages, and the earlier wooden buildings were more than once swept away by destructive fires, ere the present buildings adorned the spot. In 1827, too, Mr. Qeorge Buck built a frame house on the south side of Charlotte Street, where the English poplars till recently flourished, and nearly opposite the "Globe" tavern on that street. The first school-house, a log building, with shingled roof, was erected in 1826-7, on the ground in the rear of the present Union School building. The Rev. Samuel Armour, arst Episcopal clergyman in Peterborough, conducted this school, in which the higher as well as the lower branches of education were successfully taught. This was the foundation of our excel-* lent grammar school, which ere long received an annual grant of $400 from the Government towards its support. At a period a little later, and about the year 1828, Mr. John Crawford, of Port Hope, put up a little frame house, north of Louis McGregor's "American Hotel," on George Street, which, soon after its completion, wa" drawn down by the settler's oxen, and located on the north-east comer of George and Simcoe Streets, now occupied by Mr. Robert Walton's stove and saddler's shop. This valuable comer lot was already purchased from Richard Birdsall, E^q., by John Graves, an American, and a wheel- wright, for $30, to be paid in waggon and cart-wheels. Graves failed to fulfil his share of the contract ; Crawford insisted on holding possession, and hence arose the first law-suit of the infant settlement. We might mention, in connection with this part of our subject, that several of our now leading and wealthy citizens, commenced business, of one kind or another, about this time, in very humble occupations, or as assist ants to others in business of very limited extent. That from a small beginning, they have risen to wealth and position is creditable, not only to themselves, but to the country, which furnishes examples of such substan- tial rewards for the industrious and the deserving , >:tj'.iii'i p.'.) •^- ■, . -3, . " J. ,. ,i . fi ,'■"' >-.i.>„VT^.- CHAPTER IV. # A oovkrnor's visit. In the preceding pages we have narrated events slightly in aavance of their chronological order, so as to present in one view the gradual progress of the town in its first stage. The reader's mind must go back a year or two ere several of the last named buildings were erected, in order to realise the exact condition of the town at the period of the visit of His Excellency, Sir Peregrine Maitland, which took place in the winter of 1826, and just one year and a few months after the arrival of ihe immi- grants. J . , Very few houses, (and those only of the most common description) besides those erected by Mr. Robinson, then existed here. The portion of the site of the town then cleared, was still disfigured by stumps, occasional brush-heaps, &c. ; and altogether the scene was far from attractive, pre- senting but little accomplished in the present, and leaving a very wide margin for hope or despair in the undeveloped future. His Excellency was accompanied on this occasion by Col. Talbot, founder of the Talbot settlement in Western Canada ; by the Honble John Beverly Robinson, then Attorney General, afterwards made a Baronet, and Chief Justice of Upper Canada at the time of his decease. (Sir John was a brother of the Hon. Peter Robinson.) George G. Bethune, Esq., and the Hon. Zaccheus Burnham accompanied the party. The journey from Cobourg was made in sleighs and across Rice Lake, in the early part of the winter season. Passing up through Otonabee, they stayed at the house of Captain Rubidge, R. N., for dinner, and on their arrival here they were met by Mr. Robinson, Colonel McDon- ell, and the chief settlers adjoining the place, and entertained in the best manner circumstances would permit, in the log building already referred to, where theii entertainers resided. The Governor and his friends remained a few days, during which they were waited on by Captain Rubidge, Robert Reid, Esq., the Hon. T. A. Stewart, M.L.C., and the few other gentlemen in the neighborhood. The central room of the government house ^ready described, was used as a rtM^eption room, in which a sort of rude levee was held. His Excellency was seated at the further end, and the settlers, who attended in considerable numbers, were presented ^o him, and then retired by another outlet. The occasion of 4* M •Mil! Mi ill this visit was seized to present to tHc' representative of Royalty sundry loyal and patriotic addresses. In one of these from the " Magistrates, Clergy and other inhabitants of the county of Northumberland," the high sense of the honor conferred on the Newcastle Distric !; and the interest shewr by His Excellency in the prosperity of the Province, in this visit, was acknowledged in suitable terms. Testimony was also borne to the good conduct of the immigrants during their residence at Cobourg, whioh was said to " warrant the expectation of their becoming a valuable acquisi- tion to the Province.*" This was the substance of their Address. A deputation from "the colony" in Smith, as the settlement there was called, was also appointed to wait upon the Governor, and Mr. Walton Wilson, one of the early settlers, undertook to present a verbal address, the general terms of which had been previously agreed on. The spokesman had pro- ceeded but a little way, when his utterance became confused, and he broke down ingloriously. Turning round to Mr. Jacob Bromwell, another set- tler, who was one of the deputation, he said : " Speak it you sir." ' ''' '^'''^''- "• '''-'f^w^W <*> -fmn-vvt- V- ,>*i<:»if -ornr^m Mr. Bromwell continued the address to His Excellency, in which the difficulties and occasional distress of the settlers were plainly pourtrayed, and the absence of milling facilities especially deplored. Wilson had told the Governor " We hae a mill, and we hae nee mill," but Bromwell, as a practical illustration of the necessity for better accommodation in this respect, added : " Save in your presence. Sir, I have to get up at night to chew com for the children" ; a statement, which, no doubt was literally true. His Excellency returned a gracious reply, in which he promised them assistance ; a pledge which, ere long, he fully redeemed, to the great joy of the settlement. --' '"^ ?« j;Tm wv* -sMitif ^Jt^rt twm^ A written address was presented on behau of the Irish immigrants by Patrick Barragan, a school teacher, by whom it was read. As it is the only address from the neighborhood which has been preserved, the former one being entirely verbal, and is moreover highly characteristic of the people from \vhom it emanated, we cannot refrain from presenting it entire : '^ ' TO HIS EXCELLENCY SIR PEREGRINE MAITLAND, &C., &r., •«*'♦'***■! " We, the Irish Emigrants recently brought out by Colonel Robinson to this country, feel grateful to our gracious good King, and to His Ma- • Appendix to Reporl o( Self ct CoinmiUee of 1816 Page 298. .,.,,,„,..,, jeety's wortliy, good and Immanc government, for all they have, and we hope yet intend, to do for us." ^j, ,i|," Wc also are well pleased, and entertain the best wishes for our Worthy Chief, Mr. Robinson, for all ho has done for us ; and we are fully sensible that his fine and humane feelings will not permit him to leave anything undone that may forward our welfare." " Please Your Excellency, we arc totally at a loss for words adequate to express the thanks and gratitude we owe Doctor Beade, for his active, skillful and unremitting care, &c., of us. We are likewise thankful to, and well pleased with, the officers placed over us.'V*^*^ 6;** ^,v rt«*^ t^^ij^ui,, Mu Please Your Excellency, we agree very well, and are pleased with the proceedings of the old settlers amongst us, as it is in the interest of us all to do the same. And should an enemy have the presumption ever to in- vade this portion of His Majesty's dominions, your Excellency will find that we, when called upon to face and expel the common foe, wiu to a man follow our brave commanders ; not an Irish soul shall stay behind ; and if we have no better weapons in our hands, mow them down with our Irish shillelahs." " Please your Excellency, we labor under a heavy grievance, which we confidently hope your Excellency will redress, and then we will be com- pletely happy, viz : — the want of clergymen, to administer to us the com- forts of our Holy Religion, and good school-masters to instruct our children."- ■ «*»»;w-M - •'■'■i'V -.ittt^isi* , jJ*ut ^^Us^Dt^j^u: rmi -m' ■■B':miafrwmt»v -^j " We now beg leave to retire, wishing your Excellency long life, good health, and every success."* ' ' ■''■■ ' ' ..4^^ x .^^iiuu-. ..x^^a. itt >ilf^f i*«i'\b.-ssi'i-i"-i^l" «il ijrOD Save the Kino.' iij Si .^^:fS' ' The Governor's reply does not appear among the official records, and at this remote period, it would be useless to attempt to gather up its precise terms from the memories of the survivors to whom it waS addressed. It was, no doubt, as in the other cases, gracious and encouraging. ,^jj r.^.- During the brief stay of Governor Maitland on " the plains," he and a number of the gentlemen who accompanied him, drove out to see the settlement in Ennismore. The Hon, Peter Robinson and Col. McDonell acted as their guides on this occasion. Mud Lake was crossed on the ice ; and the party put up at the shanty of Mr. Eugene McCarthy, father of • Appendix to Report ot Eelecl Committee ot Brit. Pur.— liKti., page 399. 22 ill I >v '^1 ■ ill '^11 F^ 'tti, Jeremiah McCarthy, Esq., Reeve of Enniamore, where they partook of Buch refreshmcutB as their entertainers could procure. ' During the same season, other addresses, numerously signed, from the various townships in which the immigrants were settled, and breathing a similar spirit of gratitude, loyalty and devotion, were forwarded to tiie Right Hon. Earl Bathurst, Colonial Secretary, to whom they were ad> dressed. , ,: The infant settlements around Peterborough were greatly cheered and encouraged by this visit of the Governor Genera], proving as it did, the paternal care of the government, and the interest felt in the success and well-being of these hardy settlers. Not only was the moral effect beneficial, in increased confidence and hope, but its practical and material results were of the most gratifying character, as the sequel will show. It was soon afte?, that ata meeting of a few gentlemen residing in the vicinity, the name of " Peterborough " was selected for the future town, in compliment to the Hon. Peter Robinson, to whose exertions in promo- ting the settlement of the neighboring townships they felt so much indebted. The selection was at once ratified by general consent, and " Scott's plains" ere long ceased to be associated with the prosperous town. Before the opening of the next season, (the spring of 1826) it was announced that the government had undertaken the cost of the erection of a mill within the limits of the town, and tenders were asked fi)r this work as well as for the construction of the necessary mill dam. Mr. Thomas Harper was among those who tendered on this occasion, but the contract was awarded to Mr. Horace Perry, and the work immediately commenced. The site chosen was the site of the mill recently burned, on the property of Samuel Dickson, Esq., and the building of late years known as Dickson's mill the one then erected, with additions and improvements. The dam was built in the Autumn of 1826, and the saw and grist mill in the Spring follow- ing. To erect so lai^ a frame as that of the grist mill, was at that time, a matter of much difficulty. The settlers within an area of twenty miles were called upon to lend their aid, and several of them gave a week's hard labor gratuitously, to assist in furthering so desirable a work. The saw- mill, adjoining the larger structure, was first put in operation, in order to supply the necessary lumber, and was also a great boon to the new settle- ments. The grist mill, which contained two run of stones, was completed in i^: 1827, and was immediately offered for sale by the government and pur- chased by John Hall, Esq., (now of Buckhom) and Mr. Moore Lee, who continued to run it in partnership for several years. While this great work was in progress, a bridge was built across the Otonabee chiefly by government aid, which was completed about the same time as the mill, and by the same contractor, Mr. Horace Perry, A plan of this bridge may still be seen in the Town Clerk's office. It was supported by three piers, triangular in shape, with the apex pointing up the stream, and occupied very nearly the site of the present structure. After the destruction of this bridge, the Otonabee was crossed at this point by means of a lai^ scow, sustained in the current by a long rope or cable, to one end of which it was attached, while the other was secured to a point on the bank at some distance above. By a proper application of the helm, the current was made to transport the scow from one bank to the other, a reversal of its position after each crossing, being all that was required. A second bridge was soon after built chiefly by public subscrip- tion. At this period, and before the erection of a dam at the locks below the Little Lake, the river was shallow, and easily fordable during the summer season, by persons on foot, opposite the old steamboat landing, contiguous to the old steam mill of Messrs. Shaw & Fortune before referred to. From the date of the erectiou of the mill, the prosperity of the town and the success of the adjoining settlement were fully assured. " The plains" were rapidly converted into a busy and prosperous village, while the enlarged clearings, and the rapidly increasing produce of the harvest, raised the new settlers from the struggles of a precarious existence to one of comparative affluence. CHAPTER V. iMtii During the winter of 1827-8, a surplus of wheat was grown ; about five thousand bushels of which wei:> wld to the storekeepers in Peterborough.* During the summer of 1827 as many as twenty new frame houses were erected, a tannery, a distillery, and other useful branches of business were in operation or projected, and indications of progress and prosperity appeared on every hand.f '«fV •■i*.l(<4«l»<»«-f^-' • Ctpt. RttUd^'i Loner to Capt. Hall, << Ttrnvek u N. America," 182». Fan ITT. m\ \ m i flit Ull^ Doctor Hcade luiving fuUillcd his cngageinoiit in reference to Ihe ininii- granta, withdrew after their location on their hinds. Dr. Dow.sley soon after hicatcd Inmself here, and was followed by Dr. Roddy, but ho was ere long superseded by Dr. Hutchison, who had been for sonic time prnctising in Cavan, and was iuduccd to settle in Peterborough about the year 1830. He was a man of much ability, and deservedly esteemed. Dr. Taylor came in at a later period, and was for sometime associated with Dr. Hutchison in a co-partnorsliip. By this time the little log store kept by Mr. Jauios Gray Bethune, south of the market scjuare, had been superseded by the frame building, kuown as "the red store," erected on the corner of Charlotte and Water strccts, where it still stands, and forms the end of a long row of wooden houses, the property of Edmund Chamberlin, Escj. ; but it is now no longer "red". Peterborough was then supplied by a weekly mail, and the post office was kept in this building, in connection with Mr. Bethune's store, the whole being managed, as formerly stated, by Mr. Thomas Valentine Tupper. Mr. James B. Ferguson, (I '^thcr of Frede- rick Ferguson, Esq.,) was subsequently appointed postmaster, and the office was kept by him in a small square frame building with a cottage roof, just south of the red store, to which it was attached, and may be recc^ized as forming an addition to the rear of the corner building. Its size is about 10 by 16 feet, and the door and one small window still look towards the river, as in former days. It may not be out of place lo add that this part of Water street then contained the residences of the p'-iucipal persons in Peterborough, and was for many years after, the leading thorough- fare. Dr. Hutchisop lived in the cottage built by Adam Scott, before re- ferred to, as now the oldest house in Peterborough. Another medical gen- tleman at a later date, lived in the larger frame house witli wings at either end, just north of the cottage, and the large frame house on the river bank opposite, was occupied more recently by a respected member of the legal profession, — so that although this portion of the town is now dilapidated and its glory quite departed, yet old associations and memories hallowed by time, cluster round it, which we would fain rescue from oblivion. * The post office was subsequently transferred to the old government house before refeiTed to, where it was kept for several years by Ephraim San- ford, Esq., who unhappily ended his days in 1843 by suicide, at the American hotel, where he was a lodger. Our present Postmaster, S. J. Carver, Esq., succeeded to the office. At some time later and down to the year 1856, the post office was kept in a small frame building little larger ^ff 25 5J\4. M ■m Carver. Esq., succocrlnd to the office. At, sotuo lat<^r time and down to the year 185(1 the post oflSco was kept in a small frame buiklin;;; little larj^er thnn a chanty on the east side of Queen street, wliieh still exists, unused and tenantlcHs. After two further removals, one of which was occasioned by the destructive fire of 18G1, it was removed to the building it now occupies on Water street. ^ In 1831, iinder the administration of Sir John Colborno, Captain Rubidj^e. R. N., was appointed Immigration Agent at Pet,crborough, and located a number of immigi'ants sent out from various parts of the United Kincfdom. Most of these were located in Dummer, and will be referred to in our future narrative of the settlement of that township. A good many were also employed in various capacities by the older residents, or located on vacant lots in the former settlements. In 18'J2 the cholera appeared on tiiis continent, and penetrated as fur even as Peterborough, where the prospect of its approach created a good deal of ahum. There can be no doubt but that, as in all visitations of tills kind, many died from i'ear and alarm at the approach of the disease. One prominent example of this kind is still remembered in the jKjrson of jMr. Silas Pearson, a strong robust farmer, residing on the shore of Mud Luke, about ten miles from Peterborough. At the ilrst mention of the disease he took to bed in a state of mortal fear, and when iha cholera did arrive was one of the first victims. The population of Peterborough at that time was under five hundred, and yet twenty-three deaths occurred from this disease.-'- The township of Douro happily escaped without a single death, while iu that of Dummer, lying beyond it and further in the interior, eleven persons died from this fatal epidemic. y A few deaths also occurred in Otonabee, and the other townships adjoining Peterborough. During the following year, (1833) tlic first member of the legal pro- fession found his way to l*eterborougli. This was Sllias Burnham, Escj., who has held a conspicuous place, from-tiine to time, not only at the bar, but in the management of the political, educational and municipal affairs of the town and county. His extensive block fronting on the market square, and other properties, entitle him to rank among our most wealthy, as he has long done, among our leading citizens. Ihe second legal gentleman resident in Peterhoroiigh was J. Shuter Smith, Escj., now M. P. P. for East Durham, and long a resident * Col. Siricklaml'8 'Tweiitj-scven years iu Cuiuula West." Vol. If, |)nge 201. t Ibid. Page 202. •V)'^,f. 5 fiiii IrifW'!- of Port, Hope. HiH May wjim Hcnrcoly protracted Uiyond a yonv. Stafford Kirkpatrick, Enq., became a rcHidcnt of Peterborough in 1834, and Hinco then we have had a long list of niembors of the bar, HOino of whom have held, (»r still hold, distinguished positions among the legal fraternity. About this period, the religious clement comes into prominence. Be- sides the Episcopal and Roman Catholic cinirches, the pastors of whicli had arrived at a previous date, clergymen of several other denominations appeared in Peterborough, and formed the nucleus of churches and socie- ties which have since largely increased, and now represent important interests in the community. It has been thought best to devote a special chapter tc the churches of Peterborough, and for convenience sake, this has been deferred t<) a future page. , , ., ^ > . ^ . . We gladly insert in this place, the following communication, containing reminiscences and personal experiences of the writer, well worthy of insertion in a work like this: — Peterborough, October 29th, 1866. '' " "Although to look back to the time of my settlement in Peterborough, it seems but as yesterday, yet thirty-three long years have elapsed since then. What a long period to look back upon, and to count the various events and changes which have taken place within it!" ' , " Well do I remember the evening that I first landed in Peterborough. It was late in November, in the year 1833 ; but it was indeed a lovely day, and the night was equally so : calm and still, and beautifully moon- light. I remember standing that evening on the vci^ ground where now stands the Commercial Bank building, (north-east corner of Water and Hunter streets.) It was then in a state of nature, as was all that part of the town lying east of Water street, north of Hunter street, south of Aylmer street, and south of King street, with the exception of here and there, perhaps, some small house or shanty, few .md far between. And within the limits indicated, the buildings were also few and insignificant. At that time, property waa. worth ve\y little. A park lot was not worth much over £15, unless in a ve/y lev. jxceptional instances. On the west side of George street, and between Simcoe and Hunter Streets, there were, if I recollect right, only two decent houses ; one on the south, where Mr. Sanford kept a store, and one on the north, where Mr. Bailey kept a tavern. All that ground on which Mrs. Dixon's block of three-story brick buildings now stands, with the exception of the small part occupied by the store and a small dwelling house adjoining, was then used for a garden. 27 And the saiiK! Jiiay 1)0 said of tlic loiiiuindi'r of tlic land up to duutot' Htrcct. On the cuHt side of the street the buildings were about the sumo. And tliis was, at that time, about tlic best part of the town. The hotel, pav excellence, was then kept near the brid)2je, by a man of the name of McFadden. Very few per pie who were in Peterborough when I first cettled in it arc here now. They have nearly all gone to 'that bourne from whence no traveller returns.' " "The country parts were quite in keeping with the town. Scarcely any roads, few settlers, and mostly a wilderness. Provisions were imported instead of being exported ; and a journey then from the front, with a loaded team, occupied the best part of two days. People at this time can scarcely realize the difficulties, the trials and hardships of those early settlers; and when I look back to them, aad to the many long, weariBome journeys which I have been compelled io make to and from the front, — through paths only cut out through the woods, — through mud and mire, — over long swamp roads, badly provided with logs, which were often floating in the deep water, and across which I and my horse passed with danger and difficulty, my journey oftentimes extending far into the dark night, — it seems now a wonder, how I ever performed them, and how I ever lived through them. Truly, indeed, the progress both of town and country since that day is almos credible." ' V " I often think of those early times, and yet, with all their hardships, I sometimes think they were pleasanter than the times are now. But I suppose this was a good deal owing to circumstancds. There were no politics here during those days. Every body w<^8 sociable and friendly. People were too glad to see one another to quarrel over matters of mere opinion. I often wished, as I was toiling along to and from the front, over the bad roads, that the time would come when I would have a good turn- pike road to travel upon, and I thought, if I only had that, I would be satisfied. I got that, then a good macadamized road ; and last, but not least, a railroad. Now, instead of taking from early in the morning till late at night to go to the front, weary and hungry, and often wet and cold, I can go in a comfortable railway car in a couple of hours. Truly, I have witnessed great changes in both town and country since I came to live in Peterborough." B. About the year 1832*3, a couple of small steamers, the Pemedaah and the Northumberland were placed on Rice Lake, and tiienceforward for many years these or other steamboats coutinued to ply daily betweeu Rice Lake 5* HHa iiinniitwi I 28 nil! i t-!i 'I iiiii i1i III HI {!! 11 41 if and Peterborough. About that year the great project was conceived of rendering navigable the chain of waters from tlie Bay of Quiute to Lake Siiucoe; and in November, 1833, N. IT. Baird, Esq., civil engineer, tf whom had becii entrusted the survey and estimatets for such a work, reported in reference tc that portion between the Bay of Quintc and Rice Lake. We uecd not quote these estimates, as they are to be found iu the Appendices to the journals of the House of that period, and are easy of reference. Sufl&ce it to say, that the total estimated cost of this jwrtion was, £233,4-47 6s. lid. In December, 1835, Mr. Baird reported in reference to rendering iuivigable the rivers and lakes through which the Otonabce flows, so as to afford continuous water communication between Rico Lake and Lake Simcoc. The total cost of which was estimated at £202,067 16s. 4d., and for the entire distance, of 165 miles, between the Bay of Quintc and Lake Simcoe, including lockage, £495,515. ,, ^ A committee of the Lcgixlaturc recommended the construction of the upper section to be proceeded with, and important works were undertaken and completed at several points. Below Rice Lake, £90,000 were ex- pended. The locks at Whillaw's rapids, just below Peterk rough, were completed, and considei'able sums expended in improving the navigation of the river between Rice Lake and that pl".ce. The locks at Bobcaygeon were undertaken as early as 1833-4, by Messrs. Pearse, Dumble and Hoar, contractors, for £1600 currency,^^ but owing to the unsettled state of the country, ending in the outbreak of 1837, and the union of the two Provinces which followed, the attention of the Government was withdrawn from this work, and the intermediate links of the connection have never been even commenced. The following gentlemen at the time acted as "Commissioners for superintending the improvement of the navigation of the Newcastle District," viz. : — J. G. Bethune, Robert Brown, John Hall, Thomas Need, and A. McDoncll, Esquires. As an illustration of the homely fare and simple habits of some of our people, even during the second ten years of settlement, and in contrast with the lux,ury and ample store of the present time, it may be mentioned, that during Mr. Baird's survey of our inland waters in 1833; he and his party called at a farm house near Rice Lake for dinner. A largo pot of potatoes was boiled and emptied on the table, and a handful of salt added in close proximity. At the conclusion of the meal, the chief of the party culled for the bill, and was informed by the host that the charge was * ApiieiHliz to Jounmlt of I'lie Ilou^e. 183J-4. ^ "sevenpcnce ha'penny for the officers and saxpcnce for the men. " The hill was paid and the parly retired, greatly amused at the discrimiauting value which was placed upon their humble fare. In 1834, Sir John Colbornc, Governor of Upper Canada, visited Peter- borough, and aft«r a brief stay, was accompanied through Otonabee, on his return, by a mounted escort, to Major Charles Anderson's, from whif^h place he crossed Kice Lake in one of the steamers then navigating those waters. . ,, ; sf'lM •-<■■>, ^: • • i S = ■,f>ni,^y,- ,Aty- ,..! ■['.' i.y — — ^ U: ■<^i\r:' CHAPTER VI. ,:,, . ,, THE PETERBOROUGH MILITIA IN 1837-8. , As the time approached when the refusal of the demands of the Upper Canadian Legislature for Administrative reform, were about to produce 'U'med resistance to the Government, the country was flooded, first with petitions for signature demanding ledress, and then with patriotic appeals inciting the people to assert their just rights, and force from an unwilling Government the concessions so urgently needed, and since that day so completely granted. The occasion of township meetings and other gather- ings, were very generally turned to account for the distribution and dis- cussion of these documents, and even our own inland and then comparatively remote settlements, were not forgotten by the emissaries or friends of the agitators. But in the County of Peterborough, there were few who, openly sided with the movement, and when the moment of danger arrived, the population, with rare unanimity, rushed to arms in the defence of the Government. During the winter of 1836, several of our people took part in an adven- ture which is worth narrating. Mr. 'William Lyon McKenzie had called a meeting of his friends and sympathisers, in the court h^nse, at Cobourg, or Amherst, as it was then oalled, which, on learning its objeet, the loyalists in the surrounding country, determined to frustrate. To avoid exciting suspicion of their design, a grand ball was convened at the gov- omment house, Peterborough, which wa« largely attended, and as the night began to wane, the leaders announced their wishes and intentions, and witli sleighs in readiness, they started for the front. In Monaghau ■.t.v,..-«t^-»..--..»v. ■»„A»>4..i!a 30 )(■, ' i (.,11 ) 'Ml In' fi'^i Hi'' ill! 51-1 i>M 11 liii! aud Cavau they were joined by rciuforccments, and at Bloonificld, George Elliott, Esq., a Major in the militia, and afterwards M. P. P. for the county of Purham joined them on horseback, and was recognized as their leader. On approaching the court house at Amh rst, they found that their friends in the vicinity had secured possession of the building, locked the doors, and were signalling them with handkerchiefs from the windows. A large crowd, among whom was MeKenzie, was without, threatening violence if longer refused admittance. Major Elliott, on horseback, closely followed by a long line of sleighs, in compact order, dashed up between the crowd and the court house steps, interposing a wall which, to attempt to force, was seen to be useless. An attempt was then made by the agitators to hold an open air meeting, but it was subjected to constant interruptions. Among more discordant sounds, a bugler was mounted on a wood-pile, and ordered to play "the rogue's march," and other tunes supposed to be appro- priate to the occasion. Mr, Mackenzie at one time was threatened with violence, and found it necessary not only to abandon the meeting, but to secrete himself until he could accomplish a safe retreat from the village. During the first days of December, 1837, the proclamation of Hid Excellency Sir Francis Bond Head, calling out the militia of the Province to assist in suppressing the rebellion which had just broken out, was pro- mulgated in Peterborough, and within less than 24 hours, nearly two hundred volunteers, armed and equipped as best they cc^ld, started for the frontier, under command of Colonel McDonell, accompanied by Captain Cowall. Along the route of their march to the front, they were joined by other companies under their local officers, and when they arrived at Port Hope, they found several other bands of loyalists there, which swelled the numbers of the little army to about one thousand strong. The loyalty aud devotion thus shewn by all classes, in every part of the country, was a tribute unmerited by the Government of that day, but was not the less honorable and praiseworthy on the part of those who oflFered it. Many of these noble volunteers left their homes and families at a moment's notice, and under the most trying circumstances. At that season of the year preparations for the coming winter were far from completed. Few had yet provided their winter's wood, and many left their families with but a scanty store of provisions ; so that, had their absence been protracted, as seemed in every way probable, many of their loved ones must liavc suffered severely from cold and hunger. The trials of the hour were increased by the arbitrary measures and unnecessary severity exercised by some of those who thus found themselves ' clothed with a little brief authority." Men who happened to be at a little distance fi-om their homes were refused permission to visit their families to efiFect a change of clothing, or make even the most temporary arrangement of their affairs. If they demurred, they were threatened with imprisonment Ox confiscation of their properties. Such were the circumstances under which many of our brave people turned out in 1837, abandoning their homes and their families, in the depth of winter, to fight, perhaps to die, for the country they had adopted as their home! What must have been their feelings as they trudged along the weary way to meet the foe, as they thought of their own poor equipment, the dangers which awaited them, and the trying cir- cumstances in which their families might be placed before they could return, — if ever they did return ! Men who could make such sacrifices are deserving of double honor ; and though their campaign was a bloodless one, they have, by their acts, achieved a fame of which the people of any country might be proud, and which posterity will not forget. On the organization of the militia of the county, which took place some time before the breaking out of the rebellion, about 250 stand of muskets, with flint locks, and the usual bayonets, had been sent to Peterborough. These were served out to the volunteers, but the greater portion were armed with their own guns or rifles. Prepared ammunition was not to be had, and considerable ingenuity was shewn by several of the militia in making cartridges ; while most had to supply themselves with balls or large sized shot before leaving home. One of the new muskets was carried on the march for a day or two before it was discovered to have no touch-hole and was consequently useless for present purpos js. Arrived at Port Hope, the steamer TravelU • was anxiously looked for afording the most speedy and convenient means of reaching Toronto, . V ^be passed by on her downward trip without entering the port, although ^ ti' rere fired and other p''i;nals made to attract attention. Just before e6.i..^r out from Port Hop.', on foot, for the capital, a despatch was re- ceived, intimating Miat as the rebels were dispersed, the serA'ices of the militia were unneeded, and permitting them to return to their homes. A detachment was, however, sent into the county of Victoria, to scour the townships in the neighborliood of Lindsay, under the impression that the rebel chiefs might possibly attempt to escape through the country in that direction. Some ludicrous scenes took place among these impromptu Mr i'iljlfiil i J 'in'' mil ; (fill ■, : ri: 1 111 ^ i ; i •; ; !i! 32 soldiers, and not a few persons were subjected to annoyance by proceedinp? altogether arbitrary and unwaiTanted. A.n old man proceeding through Smith with a few bundles of hay as provender for his stock, was detained on the road at the suggestion of one of the compan)', humorously offered, that his load might possibly conceal a rebel. The team and vehicle were sunoundcd by a guard, bayonets thrust here and there into the load, and only after a most careful reconnoisance, he was allowed to pass on his way, wondering much no doubt at the adventure which had befallen him. Within a fortnight after these events, and in conscqcnee of the occupa- tion of Navy Island by insurgents and American sympathizers, orders were received for the dispatch of a battalion from the Newcastle District, to proceed westward on active service.-'- The militia of the various town- ships of this county, under command of Col. Brown, at once mustered in strong force, an'' marched without delay to Toronto. This battalion was chiefly compose, **^ militia of the townships of Otonabee, Douro, Bummer and Asph' and marched into Peterborough, under the officers of their several companies, to the number of 800 strong.f After billet- ing round for a r.ight, as best they could, they were drawn up next morn- ing in front of Col. Brown's quarters in Ashburnham, and a selection made of 350J of the most active, to the greater number of whom muskets, haversacks and cartouch boxes were served out, and then, vacant offices of companies having been filled up, by persons named by Col. Brown, they commenced their march for the frontier. The remainder of the battalion was left behind as a reserve under command of Col. Crawford.] | The men under Col. Brown proceeded 17 miles the first day and halted for the night at Mr. Joseph (Jraham's tavcni in Cav;iu. The second day's march brought them to Mr. Bletchcr's tavern, tj-reo miles in the rear of Port Hope, and on the third day, notwithstanding some delay for the pur- chase of necessary articles in Port Hope, they found themselves 1(5 miles be- yond that place on the Toronto road. Here the magistrates gave in charge a prisoner — an American — charged with using seditious language, who next day jumped from the sleigh in which he rode, ran into the woods, and attempted to conceal himself beneath a log, but was re-captured, and with several other prisoners subsecjuently taken, was conveyed to Toronto. * Col. Strickland's " Twenty seven years in Caiiaila."«>Fage 264. 1 1-eiter fwin Col. Brown to ilie author, July,— 18C8. I Ibid. ' " <,-■**-;' II Itml. .... ., ' *J? 33 ; through detained y offered, liclc were load, and I his way, m. le occupa- r?, orders District, lous town- ustcrcd in talion was c, Douro, the officers ftcr billet- icxt morn- a selection II muskets, t offices of own, they battalion ind halted cond day's ;he rear of 3r the pur- () miles be- 3 in charge ^uage, who the woods, tured, and o Toronto. At Highland Creek there were strong rumors of rebels in the vicinity, in consequence of which they were kept out in scouting parties during the greater portion of the night. The roads were in a very unfavorable condition j and not till late in the evening of the fifth day did they reach Toronto. Here they were at once billeted in ccrnfortable quarters, and after a day's rest, passed a most favorable inspectioB, and were warmly complimented for their gallantry and patriotism by Sir Franoia Bond Head. ' - - Soon after, a new battalion, known as the " Queen's Own," was O^rmed from the several battalions then in Toronto, and was officered by men chosen from the officers of these battalions. Adjutant Bentley was at its head. Col. Kingsmill was next in authority, and Col. Brown became Major of the new Battalion. The supernumerary men were permitted to return to their homes, and those selected to join the Queen's Own, remained on frontier duty until the May following, when they were dis- charged, and the battalion disband(;d. Col. Brown, who took so promi- nent a part in the militia movements at this time, was a gentleman who after a period of service in the 21st Royal Scotch Fusileers came to reside in the vicinity of PeterboTOugh as an agriculturalist, in the year 1830, and was appointed by Sir John Colborne to the rank of Lieut. Colonel of the battalion known as the 4th Northumberland Fusileers, which he had assisted to organize, and which was mainly composedof men from the townships already mentioned. We had hoped to be able to insert in this brief record of that period, the names of those brave men in this county, who at the call of the authorities, abandoned their homes and their families, in the depth of winter, to assist in maintaining the authority of Government, and putting down armed bands of insurgents, but in the absence of official muster- rolls, were we to trust to the mere memories of individuals, many worthy names might possibly be overlooked, and, through fear of injustice being done by inserting a partial and incomplete list, we have been reluctantly obliged to forego the pleasure of inserting any, except those residing in Dummer, which will be mentioned in connection with that township. But if the names of more of these men do not appear, n jt the less will be remembered the proud record of the Peterborough Militia of 1837 and 1838, which will be handed down in the records of the country, as a brilliant chapter in the history of the past and a bright example worthy of imitation in the future. -vU- /»;T',- 'm,^' m' F5«i 1:1 If I !il InilM M V; ,. ;l mm "SB m la consequence of the expedition directed against Prescott in the autumn of 183S, which terminated with the battle of the Windmill, and threatened attacks upon other points of the frontier, permission was sought and obtained to organize a force in this county, which was known as the 7th Provisional Battalion of Peterborough. This force, composed of volunteers fVom the militia of the county, was brought together in Novem- ber, 1838, and continued in Peterborough undergoing drill, and the o^her duties of active service during the six months terminating in May, 1839, when they were discharged and returned to their homes. The 7th Provi- sional Battalion of Peterborough consisted of six companies of fifty men each, and was under the command of Col. Alexander McDonell, but the actual duties of command were in great part performed by Major Cowall. The following is a list of the promotions and appointments to office in this Battalion, with the date of rank of the several officers. The official announcement is- copied from the ^^Backwoodsman and Peterborough ^Senfi'nc?,'' of January 11th, 1839. It is as follows-: , .„, , .^ Adjutant General's Office, ") - ' Toronto, 28th December, 1838. j MILITIA GENEHAL ORDER. His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor is pleased to make the follow- ing appointments in the Embodied Militia Force, Seventh Provisional Battalion : To be Captains — Date of rank. Capt. fl. P. Kirkpatrick, froji the Second '■' " North imberland Regiment 12th Nov., 1838. Capt. J. C. Boswell, from do 16th do. Capt. John R. Benson, do 16th do. Lieut. Thomas Murphy, from Second Frontenac 20th do. A. S. Fraser, Esq., half-pay Lieut. 42nd Reg't 1st Dec.'ber, 1838. To be Lieutenants — Lieut. S. J. Carver, late Queen's Own 20th Nov., 1838. Ensign James Ferguson, from Fourth Northum- '';\ • berland 20th do. 1838- Samuel Strickland, Gent 25th do. ' George W. Caddy, Gent 1st Dec'ber, 183*8. Thomas Need, Gent 1st do. To be Ensigns—- Wheeler Armstrong, Gent .25th Nov., 1838. ^1 bt in the imill, and vas sought »wn as the nposed of in Novem- tho ofher lay, 1839, 7th Provi- ' fifty men jll, but the jor Cowall. fice in this *hc official terborough .1 1838 the foUow- Provisional of rank. ^ov., 1838. do. do. do. ic'ber, 1838. Nov., 1838. do. do. ic'ber, do. 1838. 1838. Nov., 1838. . 35 ; r: George B. Hall, Gent 15th Dec., 1838. ;; George Lowe, Gent 15th do Ensign Robert Brown, late of Queen's Own. ...15th do C Cbarlcs P. Rubidge, Ge I , 15th do .^^ To he Adjutant, xoith the rank of Captain — ■<^^^-- ,W'- Lieut. J. G. Armour, late of the Queen's Toronto Guards, 20th Nov., 1838. To he Pail- Master — W. H. Wrighton, Esfj., subject to his finding *i t/ sufficient security 10th Dec'ber. , To he Surgeon — Surgeon J. Hutchinson, from Second ,. . m . ,» Northumberland, 20th do To he Quarter-Master — Lieut. H. B. Holland, from 2d Northumberland, 16th Nov., 1838. Although the name of the late Richard Birdsall, Esq., does not appear in the foregoing list of officers, it is proper to state that he served, with his company, in the capacity of captain during that period j and had the additional merit of having done so without pay. v,nv>an rK>«jo m:,Am For the reasons before stated, in connection with the militia of the previous year, wo are unable to publish the r.ames of the privates, who served on duty during this brief ai^d bloodless, but honorable campaign. Among other incidents of this period, it may be mentioned that two residents of Ops were brought to Peterborough under arrest, charged with disloyalty. They were taken to the log building known as "the Govern- ment house," for trial by court martial. T7hile preparations were being made for this purpose, a seat was offered them, when Captain M — of the militia force, at once interposed in an indignant manner. " No, no," said he, "rebels are not worthy to sit among loyal men." The worthy Captain forgot that, under British law, men are not to be held as guilty, until their offence is proven. Among those holding subordinate authority, there were several whose zeal and officiousness outran their discretion. The conse- quence was that many well-meaning persons were subjected to needless annoyance. But in some instances the arrogance and presumption of these persons were not allowed to go entirely unchecked. Mr. Darcus, among others, had donned an uniform and spurs, and either for the pur- pose of usefully employing the latter, or not relishing a march to the front, sent to demand a valuable mare, the property of one of our leading citizens. The modest request was promptly refused, when the messenger was sent a |! litli ■; -i ^ 1 ^ ■ j \i': 3G socond tiuio, with u threat, that if not handed over, tlie heaHt would l)c forcibly jiresscd into the service. The owner replied that if the Colonel in coniniand sent a written order for the animal, fhe would be <;;iven up, but not otherwise. No such order was issued, nor is it probable the superior officer was aware of the means employed by his subordinate to furnish himself with a steed. ' ' j' ' ' • '■;;.;'• •■,_^ Before closing this chapter, it may not be inopportune to I'cmark, for the information of some who may read these pages, that the dcnninds of Mackenzie and his political friends, antecedent to the rebellion, were for reforms the most urgently needed, most of whirli liavc been since conceded, and the benefits of which have now for many years been enjoyed under what is known as Responsible Government. It was a cardinal point in the political creed of the Governor, Sir Francis Bond Head, that the people of this colony existed for the Government, rather than the Government for the people. =•• To the carrying out of this fallacious theory, the greater portion of the agitation of the country, result- ing in open rebellion, may be traced. The Legislative Assembly had practically no control in the government of the Province, — in the disposal of its revenues, or in the appointments to office. These latter, were in great part confined to the members of a few leading families, tlieir friends and partizans, who were paid salaries relatively much higher than those enjoyed at present.f Mr. McKenzie, by his pen and voice, did much to expose the defects of the system of government then in vogue ; and in doing so, more than once suffered severely both in person and property. He was five times expelled from the House of Assembly on paltry pretexts, and each time promptly re-elected with overwhe'-ning majorities, and in spite of all opposition, by the intelligent electors jf the County of York, who presented him with a massive gold medal in acknowledgment of the valuable services he had rendered to the country.^ The chief demands made by the Reformers of that day were, — That the Executive Council should be held responsible to Parliament, — that the control of the revenues of the Province should be placed in the hands of * " The Lieulenani-Governor mamtains iliat the responsibility to the people who are already repre- sented in the Iluuiie of Assembly, which the Council uMumes, is unconstitutional, and that it is the duty of the Council to serve him and not thxm.'- bir F. B. Head's reply to an address of the Execu- tive Council. March 6th, 1836. Appendix tu Journalt, 1839. Vol. 1. page 68. t Lindsay's Lite of Mackenzie. Page 331. j,;;^ ,- *.,. ,vv.,; ^4% I Ibid. *', ■ ■ •■ • ' " Sf the Lcgi!«lative Assoinbly, — the Becularizatioo of the olcrgy lescrvcs aud the abolition of exclusive privilcp;cs conferred upon particular religiouH denom- inations, — the exclusion of judges and ministers of the gospel from the Executive Touncil and the Legislature — an elective Legislative Comicil ; the abolition of the rights of primogeniture, aud some other minor reforms made up the list of grievances, which the Imperial Government were not unwilling to consider upon tbeir merits, but their good intentions were defeated by the blindness and obstinacy of Sir Francis Bond Head, whose conduct was at once felt, and declared to be arbitrary and vindictive. It must be conceded, however, that Responsible Government was as yet only a shadow in the future, and that the system of Colonial Government which Sir Francis Bond Head found in vogue in Canada, to some extent justified his policy, although, under the circumstances, and with the stren- uous opposition which that system had already evoked, pCTsistent adherence to it was at once difficult on his part, and dangerous to the colony. ^ &«« '"Among other unjustifiable acta of the Governor, was the dismissal of Judge Ridout from the bench, and from the militia, in which he had served witli honor under General Brock. This was done without the slightest trial or investigation, and even without informirg the victim of bis caprice of the reasons for so grave an act. The Home^Government reversed the sentence, and ordered the Governor to reinstate Judge Ridout in both his offices ; — a humiliation to which he refused to submit, and which contributed largely to his resignation and recall. It will be seen that the very demands then made have long since been conceded ; and had the Reformers of 1837 abstained from actual rebellion, their conduct in other respects would have entitled them to the plaudits of all subsequent times. Lord Durham, in his admirable report on the state of the Province in 1839, which led to the union of Upper and Lower Canada in the following year, stated that "common prudence and good manage- ment would have prevented the outbreak ;" and more than hinted that the rebellion had been purposely invited by the Government,* for the purpose of crushing the leaders of the reform movement. The people of Lower Canada were laboring under evils and abuses nearly similar ; but while in Upper Canada, an Executive Council, respon- sible to the Assembly, was regarded as the true remedy for the grievances of the times, the politicians of the Lower Province fancied an elective • Lord Durham's report, in Appendix to Jounuils of the House. Vol. I, page 3*i. j i; -;3' i 3 / i'ii ''■ 38 « Legialativo Council would leave them nothing to desire. As Lord Durham, stated, "both, in fact, desired the same object, namely, an extension of popular influence in the government,"* but pursued a different theory in their efforts to attain it. ,,,,1^ „^,.-^,,,^.,^ ,.^l .4v fc.,* Ii... • M The attempt at insurrection was "as foolishly contrived and ill-conducted as it was wicked and treasonable," but now that the passions of the hour have had time to subside, some allowance must be made for men goaded to desperation by long years of mis-government, in the correction of which every moral and constitutional mode of redress appeared to have been exhausted. This explanation will show why we have stated that the Government of that day ill deserved the tribute of loyalty and devotion shewn by the militia of the Province. The great majority of the people of Canada shrunk from open rebellion, and nobly rallied to support the Government, in num- bers, and with an enthusiasm worthy of a more deserving Administration. Newspapers in those days were not plentiful, and the people of the rural districts, actively engaged in warring with the forest, and pre-occupied with the stern struggle for existence amid the hardships of the bush, had but few sources of general information. A few persons, here and there in this coupi^y, thus understood and estimated the merits of the questions at issue, and when the insurrection came, either held aloof from the prepa- rations made to sustain the Government, or sullenly acquiesced in a move- ment it would be useless or fatal to resist. In the Newcastle District, twelve persons in all w jre arrested on a charge of jjympathizing with the rebels, and after a temporary detention were dismissed. Among these was Dr. John Gilchrist, afterwards member of Parliament for the county. !«. '■- ^-i. U'.' J Ji.- . ■•;;.'■.-, .ui- ... ■ .^•\i'V:,}\:i. v\>\.: ■:;/iV' , On this part of our subject we liavc been favored with the following communication from an intelligent gentleman who then passed through Peterborough, and who is now one of our respected citizens : * Peterborough, November 2d, 1866. " Tho first time I set my eyes upon the County Town of the presop' County of Peterborough, was about the middle of February, 1838. entered it from the east aide of the river, coming through the " Scotch Village," now the village of Ashburnham: and crossing the Otonabee on the old bridge. It was late in the afternoon, and my companion, the late Mr. Thomas Harper, pointed out as we drove along, the chief points of interests, and the names of the principal places." " In passing through the town, the chief business place appeared to be at the comers of Simcoo and George streets. But what struck me most was the isolated appearance of the houses. I do not remember seeing two houses any where adjoining ; and the figure I made use of at the time was that the houses appeared to be ' sown broad cast.' " .?. ,; ,j " On the market square were several log houses, on the site of the present market house and town hall. Near the site of the Bank of Montreal was a somewhat spacious log building, for several years after used as the Post oflScc. The stores were few in number, Messrs. Shaw & Fortune, Charles Perry, Robert Nicholls, John Crawford, Holland and Morrow, being the n only merchants in tliu town. Their united buHiii088 would Hcurccly e<)ual that of one of our p»escnt busincHH men." " There wore two f!;riHt mills, two saw milln, two distilleries, one brewery, one tannery, lour cliurehes and one school — the Gramnnir School — a lof? building in the rear of where the present Union School now stands." " Tlic buildings, save the I'resbyterian and Episcopal churches, were entirely of wood, mostly framed, lathed and plastered inside and out. The dwellingh were anything but conifortable, thfjre being but the thick- ness of two laths and two thicknesses of mortar composing the walls ; the least crack in the mortar would allow the air to pass freely in. I imagined in all my travels I never found such cold houses* as were then in Peter- borough." , ' . " The town appeared in be begun at the south end, as, north of Simcoe street there were fewer houses than on the south side. An impression prevailed among the settlers that the town was destined to become a great place ; that the Otonabec river would be largely utilized for all sorts of manufactures ; an opinion requiring a considerable degree of faith on the part of a stranger to endorse, being but a backwoods town with the stumps all through the streets, and its site , ou iho noi i side of Hunter street covered with pine bushes." ' - ., .. " The only passable roads were those of George street. Hunter street east and Sherbrook street west. On some of the streets the trees were growing, and the pine stumps upon others gave indications that the giants of the forest had been numerous upon the site of the town." E. It has been stated that the population of Peterborough in 1832 was five liundred. In 1838, it could not have exceeded eight or nine hundred inhabitants, all told. 1 ] The population of the townships which since composed the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria had by this time so largely increased that it was deemed desirable to set them apart as a separate district, and this was accordingly done in 1841, under the name of the Colborne District. In the meantime a Jail and Court House had to be erected at Peterborough, which was at the same time declared the District Town. Fortunately the minutes of the proceedings have been preserved, and with them the details of the erection of these important structures, which will be found in the next chapter. uWfc V , ;.*, *» i li'l'T ^i h 1 ' F,,;| 1 .;'ili ill ^ftl ii!!, mi M I ! *{{ *'■' ' Ii 43 CHAPTER VIII. liUiiCriON OF COURT HOUSE AND JAIh. On the second day of June. 1838, a meeting of the magistrates of the proposed new Colborno District was held at " the Government school house," as the minutes term it, for the purpose of naminjj a Building Committee for th° erection of the new Court House and Jail, and other matters in connection with the same, as provided in the Act passed at a previous session of the Upper Canada Legislature. The magistrates present were : Daniel Griffith, Esq., J. P. Thomas Need, " " Edward Duffy, " " C. Moe, " '• Edward S. Hickson, " Robert P. Madge, " James Wallis, " Wa)*"!r Crawford, " Roljert Denn'^^.toun, " John Langton, •* Thomas Traill, Esq., J. P. G. A. Hill, Ephraim Sanford, " George G. Bird, '' " Robert Reid, '' ¥. Conniii, " " J. Hutchinson, " " Thomas Carr, " '' John Darcus, " '* Thomas A. Stewart, " A. McDonell., Esq., J. P., M. P. P. The Hon. T. A. Stewart, M. L. C, was called to the chair, and John Darcus. Esq., appointed Secretary of the meeting. On subsequent motions, the following gentlemen were appointed officers and members of the Building Committee, of whom throe were declared a quorum : BUILDING C0M5IITTEE, Hon. Thomas A. Stewart, Chairman. William H. Wrighton, Esq., Serrclari/. Edward Duffy, '* Treasurer. Ephraim Sanford, " Robert P. Madge, " Edward S. Hickson, *' On motion of C. Moe, Esq., seconded by E. Duffy, Esq., the Committee were restricted to an expenditure of £4,000 on the new buildings, but subsequently, on finding that the tenders foi the work, offered agreeably to the plans adopted, exceeded that amount, a second meeting of the niagistratcs was held, at which, on motion of James Wallis, Esq., seconded by R. Dennistoun, Esq., the Building Committee were empowered to pro- ceed U) the extent of JL'fi.OOU. Its At the first meeting, tho magifstratcs instructed the Building Coramittce to direct the Clerk of the Peace of the Newcastle District " to add one penny in the pound to the Assessment Roll of the proposed District of Colborne, for that year, (1838,) pursuant to he Act establishing the said proiK)sed District." This rate was subsetjuently extended by resolution over the throe following years. The couimittee was .di-o authorized to advertize for plans for the proiwscd new Court House and Jail, and to pay the following premiums for the plans they may deem the best : For tht! 1st., twenty pound.«; for the 2d., fifteen ])ouuds; for the 3d., tun pounds. The Biiilding (.'ouunittee. at their .second meeting, jnranged to meet every l"'riday. Cor the di.-^pateh of business. Tht^y also entered into iiegociations with several of the provincial banks, as well as with private individuals, to procure loans of money to carry on the work, until the tjixes of the District would be available for that purpose. The following are the several .sums procured by loan or otherwise for this purpose: — Commercial }3auk, Cobourg, notes of Committee discounted, JtllTa (t (). Morrow. Esq., loan at tJ per cent, interest, payable half yearly . . . - - Hon. John Kirby, MAJOR-GENERAL SIR CEORGE ARTHUR, K. C. H., ,^rn ■ • Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, ^' sv -^ LAID THE FIRST STONE OP THESE BUILDINGS. Then follows the names of the Building Committee, already mentioned in full. The following coins were also deposited : A British shilling of the reign of George IV., 1829. do sixpence do William IV., 1834. do penny do do 1831. do half-penny do - do 1831. The lettering of the scroll was executed in elegant stylo by our towns- man, Ivan O'Beime, Esq. Tenders were afterwards received from time to time for the erection and completion of the several parts of the Court House building ai. a Jail, the entire cost of which, including alterations and extra work, amounted to £7190 15 T.f During the progress of the work, meetings of the magistrates of the proposed district were several tiuu s held, to with and a^aist the Committee. Towards the close of the work, ] 'Mini Sanford, Esq., was appointed treasurer of the Committee in place >' Duff , who had removed from the Province; and D. Griffith, Esq., wan iij- inted a mem ber of the Building Committee. The walls and roofs of the Court House and Jail were completed in 1839, and the work on the interior of the Court House fini.>^'i"d, and that building handed over to the Committee by E. Chambcrlen, ¥-<[., on the 16th day of November, 1840, but not finally accepted by them until the May following. The jail was not entirely finished until the summer of 1842, owing to a defect in the written agreement, by which the contrai *> Mr. Edward Lee, claimed that the plastering was not included in his • Minutes of Committee, August 25th. Pnge IG. t Minutes of Building Committee. Pages 149, 152 ami 163. ' r • mSm ;;i 111- t!l i :]. ill! «l-iJ lilii'li 46 contract; and the eeacon of 1841 was so far advanced when this became known, that the plastering of the Jail had to be deferred until the following spring. At length, on the 27th day of December, 1841, after upwards of three years of arduous duty, the Building Committee were finally relieved of their task. At a meeting of magistrates held that day, their accounts were examined and declared correct, and a vote of thanks was tendered " to the gentlemen composing the Building Committee, to their Treasurer and Secretary, for their indefatigable exertions in carrying the object of their appointment to completion." ♦ CHAPTER IX. (1) A SATIRICAL PRODUCTION. In the month of August, 1838, after the new Colborne District had been provisionally set apart, and during the time the Building Committee were engaged in the arrangements for the erection of the Court House and jail, a severe and cutting satire upon Peterborough, and a number of its chief citizens, appeared in print in the columns of " The Plainspeaker," a small sheet then published at Cobouvg. It purported to be an advertisement of •'a sale extraordinary of the Town of Peterborough, to pay the taxes,'' and to be held on i\icjirfit of Ajn-il following. Although the writer of the document in question announced that he would -Notliing extenuate, "Nor set down aught in malice,' some of his allusions, if reproduced, would be so pointedly offensive to many persons still living, who were probably neither better nor worse than the average of humanity, that it is better to omit them here. The docu- ment is supposed to have been written by Mr. Frederick Forest, then residing in Peterborough. The following are sanjples of this remark- able production, which, as may be supposed, attracted much attention at the time, and is still referred to with interest by many of our older residents, who were familiar with the characters pointed at, whose names or pe«;u. liarities furoishe*! a ready mark for the shafts of the satirist, Sli^ 4i then remark- itioD at 3sidents, or peon. From" The PlawspeaJ:er,"—lS'di<. " It has iHieii reported that this Town is likely to broiiie the Smt of Gomriimmt ! The report can only bo traced to the Editor of a con- temptible publication, whose total disregard for truth entitles him to no credit — " Who dares think one thing ftnd another tell, "My soul detests him as the gates of hell." ".'1 Court House and Jail will be built immediately. For the Debtor's Jail it is contemplated to erect a high wall all around the town ; — the convenience of the inhabitants has been thus consulted, as they will be able to continue in their present houses, an advantjige they could not otherwise long enjoy.'' " The Commissioners of Public Works\\mQ appointed a Secretary who thinks himself WRiaHT-oN all occasions, a point on which, judging from appearances, his Employers are not likely to l)e deceived." "About a year since a few Sentinels were established at the expense of the inhabitants. It is however to be regretted that they have only brought contempt and disgrace on those who had the control of them. As they apj)car to be guided by the motto ^Mutare ^perno,' their hitherto supporters have lost all hopes of their amendment. ^' * Let us do them justice: they were seldom seen off their post~-feyf ever having ventured beyond the limits of the town. "Another Lawyer is CuMMiNO to settle here — he has had only one case, which cannot be better described than in the words of Pope, "Thou great first cause, least understood." " ^Opposition is the life of Trade.' So think the Magistrates who have established two separate Boards of Companies among themselves. Causa latet res est notissime. "One party is led (query misled) by an individual who has adopted the motto of his lowest follower — 'Nunquam hie MoE nisi in dispari.' One of the same party advertizes Magisterial business gratis, no doubt having apportioned the value and the price. From this it will appear that no price is tixed for Justice and at no price can it be obtained. " It is a talo "Told by an Idiot, full of sound and fury, " Signifymg nothing." " lutendicg purchasers, who cant' well pay without, may borrow money on easy terms. The lender, Cant' well, wait for his Inttrett, haviag Uttle or no j3/'< wc«/>/e left. w 111- ■'.! i'l m m ill ■',1 . 111 Am i I m 48 (2) ANOTHER IMMIGRATION. ]n tlic year 1839, (Japtuiu Charles llubidj^c, 11. N., who had been absent in England during the greater portion of the two previous years, returned to Peterborough, having in ehai-ge a body of immigrants, numbering in all 183 souls, chiefly selected from the estates of Col. Wyndham, in Clare and Limerick, in the South of Ireland. The voyage was most prosperous, and as the immigrants passed th ough the country, many of them found profitable employment, and tlic remainder, within a few days after tlieir arrival in Peterborough, were absorbed among the people of the surrounding townships ; and having found temporary occupation, many of them after- wards became owners of land, on wliich they or their families still reside. (S) THE ELECTION OF 1841. The election of 1841 is memorable not only as being one of the first after the union of the Provinces, and the first held within the new District of Colborne, then only provisionally set apart from the Newcastle District ; but also for a scene of violence rarely exceeded among these exciting con- tests in the psist, and under our present judicious election law, it may be presumed, quite impossible in the future. The election for the new provisional District, which then embraced what is now the Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, was held in Peterbo- rough, and had its head quarters at White's Hotel, situated just east of (ieorge Street, in the southern part of the town*, where the poll was opened by Captain Frazer, the returning officer. The candidates were : Colonel Alexander McDonell, Frederick Ferguson, Esq. Dr. John Gilchrist. ' *- ' The former of these gentlemen appeared in the conservative and the latter in the reform interest. As the election progressed, it became evident that Dr. Gilchrist would be elected, and a plot was at once formed to break up the election, so as to prevent his legal return. The conspirators, who are now well known, and rank among their number several of our respectable citizens, met in a tavern (since burnt down) on the flat space just above the western extremity of the Otonabee bridge, and there arranged • This hotel was situated contiguous to Day's Brewery') und was then a leading public house, and a place ot' fasliiuMuble resort. Botli it and the brewery were burned to the ground, during the summer ot 1866, but ilie brevviM'y liud louguruged to be used tor any purpose, and the hotel lias been tor some years occupiect us a private residdirc, j = ■ . , _ ■.,-,, , .. >49 lirranged their plane-. A jjontlpnian. well known in )»oth town and county, but whoso nanio, I'ur obvious veaHons, wc foiboar to specify, was then noting as constable and door keeper of the room in which the jx)ll was bcinj; hold, and was aware of their designs. They wore to approach in a body ; the door keeper was to make a show of resistance, and bo knocked down, with his own conr-cnt. la the mehe which would follow, the ]x>ll-book was to be .-seized and destroyed, and thus the opposing party would be deprived of the only legal evidence of the election of their candidate. . '?■■-•<'. The room was full of jwople, among whom were the candidates and their agents, when the conspirators stealthily approached. On reaching the roonj, a tierce show oi' fight was made, amid which the guardian of the peace rolled over as if smitten by a thunderbolt. The books of the check clerks and other papers were speedily seized, but the presence of mind of the lioturuing ()fticer defeated their design. On the first alarm, he quietly slipped the poll-l)ook beneath his coat, where it remained secure. Whether from accident or otherwise, Dr. (iilchiist received a blow uj>on the head with A stick, from which, however, he speedily recovered. But though thus baulked in their design, some of the more daring and reckless purstiod the game still further. The Returning Officer then occupied a room at White's, and on his going out in the evening to dine with a friend, his apartment was entered, and a valise cut open, in hopes of finding the coveted poll-book witliin. IJut Captain Fraser, as if antici- pating their design, had taken the preciou.s document with him. and retained it in his possession, so that this second attempt failed as igno- miniously as the^ first. As not one ol" the parties implicated in this outrage would now attetnpt to justify or even palliate it, we may spare them the censures such conduct so justly deserved. Besides, their leader passed away from the excitements of earth during the present year, (1866), and the survivors have no doubt sufficiently regretted acts committed during the heat of excitement, and when carried away by the passions of the hour. The election of 1841 resulted in the selection, by a considerable majority, of Dr. John Gilchrist, as member of Parliament for the new Colborne District, which position he continued to fill during the next four years. suae, and a lie summer li fof some 8 .i.-:.\;<;,k,' i»i'i»f* J Hi. m V I m^ % : iil .,1' ■'.'« \:<.m urn ililll jifiinfi'i: ll' '■ 111: -it 60 CHAPTER X. ■ I THE NEW COLBORNE DISTHICT. On the 14tli day of October, 1841, the proclaiuiition fbrnittUy establish- ing the Colborne District, wasissuctl, by comninnd of Sir Richard Downos Jackson, K. C. B., wlio was for a tinie Administrator of the Government after the death of Lord Sydenham. The following townshi])s were embraced in the new District, the first eleven of which arc included in the County of Peterborough : Belmont, Methuen, Burleigh, Dummer, Asphodel, Otonabee, Douro, North Monaghan, Smith, Eimismore, Harvey, Verulam, Emily, Ops, Fcnelon, Mariposa, Eldon, Bexley, Somerville. Early in the following year (1842) one or more District Councillors wore elected from each township, and these met at the Court House in Peter- borough, for their first session, on Tuesday, February 8th, 1842. George Arundel Hill, Esquire, of Dunnner, was appointed by the Gov- eniment to preside as Warden over the deliberations of the new Council ; and continued to act in that capacity up till the close of the year 184G. The following are tlie names of the gentlemen composing this first council and the townships from which they were elected : George A. Hill, Esq., Warden. Councillors — Thomas Harper, Esq., Monaghan ; Stephen Nichols, Esq., Smith ; Smithin D. Gibbs, Esq., Douro ; ThosCarrand James Doris, Esq'rs, Otonabee; Richard Birdsall, Esq., Asphodel ; Josias L. Hughes, Wm. Cottingham, Escj'rs, Emily ; Francis Kelly, Esfj., Ops; John Langton, Esq., Fenelon ; Thomas Need, Esq., Verulam and Harvey ; Daniel Costello, Esq., Ennismore ; Samuel Davidson, Esq., Mariposa ; Alex. Campbell, Esq., Eldon ; j\lex. Kidd, Esq., Dummer. Officers op the Council. — John Darcus, Esq., Clhk ; Dr. John Gilchrist, Treasurer ; James Hall, and Robert Reid, Esq'rs, Auditors ; G. B. Hall, Es(i., Solicitor, Ac Road Surveyors. — John Reid, Thomas J. Dennehy, Richard Birdsall, George Hughes, Edward Caddy, , James W. Dunsford, Alex. Campbell, Charles Britton, and James Bird, Esf{uires. At the end of one year, one- third of these councillors retired by ballot, and another third at the end of the second year, their places being Svp- 51 plictl by a now election. At tho end of the third year the tliiid first elected retired, and iii each .subsequent year the third then lou,i,'Ost in office witlidrcw; so that one-third of the councillors only were elected each year. The machinery of the District Council thus ori:i;aiiized continued in fin-ce until 1850, in tlic be^innint^' of which year the basis of the present Municipal System was laid, which, with various trifling modifications, still continues in Ibrce. It was then, (iu l8uU,) that township councils were instituted, and the management of local aflairs placed entirely in the liands of the people in each township, who have since had entire control, through thoii* local councillors, of the levying of taxes, the improvement of roads, and all other necessary expenditure. Tlie County Council is composed of tlie lleevcs or presiding officers of the several township councils, and is empowered to levy certain taxes I'or county purposes. Thus the entire direct taxation of the country is levied by tho county and township coun- cils, and expentled under their auspices; stateme-its in rel'ercucc to the receipts and disbursements of which are published annually, so that what- ever taxation exists is levied directly by the people through their repre- sentatives, chosen yearly to manage their aft'airs. Iu coimection with each township will be found a list of tho gentlemen who have been successively District Councillors ibr that township, and also the names of those who by virtue of their position as Reeve or head of each Township Council, have had scats in the County Council, and collectively formed that Council during the same period. The population of the several townships composing the County of Peterborough in 1841 was as follows: — Otonabee 1931, North Monnghan, (including the town) 1620, Smith 1349, Douro 856, Dummer 868, Asphodel 551, Belmont 115, Ennismore 279, and Harvey 50. The estimate of the liabilities of the entire new District for tlie year 1 842, including interest on the jail debt, did not exceed $6000 for all purposes. These were times of comparative poverty, of impassible roads, small clearings, paltry prices, and low taxation. The gradual progress and developemcnt of the county, has to a great extent ameliorated the greater number of these conditions, and of necessity added largely to its bur ' 'ns. The liabilities of this county alone for 1806 scarcely fell short of $18,000. But with increased resources, improved roads, and an excellent market, our people are better able to meet the larger scale of taxation to-day than they v/ere the more moderate cue of former years ; and not a '■'' *rt*rf«i». »i.i&jsjafci. jfc* ^- 52 V m)< MM 'is i'! ''?'!■ iimu ill tliu comuiunity wuukl In; williiip to ivtuni to the rates of the period rct'crrcd to with all tho couuomitaut circumMtuuecs ot" the time annexed. A great deal of difficulty was found in the Hettlonicnt of accounts between the new Colborne Dintriet and the old Newcastle District ; and it was not until 1845, and after Iccjal proceedings were about to be resorted to, that balances due this District were paid and the whole matter fairly adjusted. Among the earliest By Laws passed by the District Council was one for the payment of tlic salaries of its t-fficers, among wliom are to be reckoned the clerks, assessors and collectors of the several townships. The Warden's salary was at first $80 per year; in 1844 it was increased to $160, and in 1847, during the first year John Langton, Es(i., presided over the Council as Warden, the salary attached to that office was aboli.shcd entirely. It is but proper to remark, however, that some remuneration, in addition to the ordinary fees, has each year been voted to the Warden, in lieu of a salary. In 1840 this lioiionniinnwuii $200, and it has rarely if ever since exceeded tliat sum. In February of 1847, a silk gown was first provided for the Warden, by order of the Council, and has been since worn by the gentlemen who have successively occupied that position. The District Clerk's salary in the beginning of 1842 was $1G0, but in a few months was raised to $300, and in 1849 to $400 per year. In January, 1852, the offices of Clerk and Treasurer were united, the salary then being fixed at $500, which as the duties of tlie joint office expanded was in 1860 increased to $1200 yearly, at which it still remains. The Treasurer of the District, in its early days, was allowed four per cent upon all moneys passing through his hands, and also a fee of one shilling for every inspection of his books or accounts. In 1849 an annual salary of $400 was attached to the office, in lieu of all percentages, and other fees or charges. The Auditors in 1842 were paid $20 each per annum. In 1850, tlieir remuneration was increased to $30, and in 1856 to $40 each, at which it still remains. The District Surveyor was at first paid $1.75 per day while actually employed. In 1844 a fixed salary of $100 was attached to the office, which was slightly increased in subsequent years, and in 1849 rose to SI 50. but was abolished during the following year. -' 53 The clerks ot the «evcml townsliip.s were paid $12 each, during the lirht years of our District Couueil, with the exception <»t' that olheer in Ijchuoiit, wlin oidy received $t per year. In subsequent years, and especially since tljc new municipal system was introduced in 1850, these oflicera, and also the Assessors and Collectors, are paid lor the ereutly iuercascd duties, of later years, l>y the s<;veral muuicipalities ibr which they act. The pay f the District Councillors, (or "wafjcs" us they term it in the several by-laws relalin<< to this subject.) was at first SI. 25 per day ; in 1855 it was increased to $1.50; and now, for some years, has been $1.75 per day, with allowance of 15 cents j)cr mile one way for travelling expenses. In the early years of the District Council, the onerous duties entailed by a scat in that body do not appear to have beeu sought after so eagerly as in more recent times. Among the earliest by-laws of that iKjrica, is one '• to determine the penalties on persons refusing to serve as ('ouncillors;" and in 1845. we find one entitled "A by-law to enforce the attendance of Municipal Councillors," which however was repealed in 1848. The former of these impo.sed a fine of not less than one dollar, nor more than forty, for neglecting or rcl'using to take and subscribe the oath prescribed : and the latter a ponalty of one dollar I'or absence from any of the sittings of Council, and two dollars for absence during an entire day, without per- mission of the Council. One of the first projects espoused by the District Council was the con- struction of a plank road from Cobourg, round the head of Rice Lake, to Peterborough, and thence to Chcmong Lake. But this, like many other projects since mooted, was ere long abandoned. The chief records of the Council are made up of the then important, but now uninteresting, details of the opening up or establishment of new lines of road, repairing bridges, arranging and re-modelling the boundaries of school sections, and the numerous other matters connnon to the business of all councils. During the year 1844, John Darcus, Esq., a Justice of the Peace, who till then had acted as District Clerk, was found guilty of frauds, which not only deprived him of that office, but obliged him to abandon the neighborhood, if not even to fly from the Province. His peculations were trifling, and must have beeu entered upon in an unguarded moment. They occurred in this wise. It is customary when any person kills a wolf to take the scalp to the nearest magistrate, who signs a certificate to the effect that a wolf has been killed, and the recipient, on presenting this 54 '■f. 'if. m k ir iiiii,; documont to tho County Tieasuror, is ontitltMl to a Ijohuh oI' six dollars, I'or the b "ico thus rendered to the country. Mr. Dureus forged Hcveii- tecn of these certificates, insertiiifj; tlie names of scHlers at i' distance, and drew the money in their names, which ol' course he retained. Hoon atW, one of the persons whose name had hcen unwarrantably used, was con- gratulated on his success as a hunter, when he denied having killed any wolves, and on further cnijuiry, the discovery was made, which resulted in the withdrawal from the country of the unfortunate gentlenuin who had allowed liimself to be guilty of the transaction. We mention these circumst«mcert more in sorrow than in scorn, and to ''point a moral" rather than ''adorn" this narrative. The County Treasurer was thereupon instructed to publish annually, a list of the names of jx^rsons mentioned in such certificates, with their place of residence ; a precaution at all times necessary to guard against a repe- tition of such fraud. On the removal of Mr. Dareus, James McCarroll, Ksfj., acted as County Clerk for a few weeks, when the permanent appointment was conferred upon Walter Sheridan, }*]im[. Dr. John Gilchrist continued to act as Treasurer until October, 184G, at which time Frederick Ferguson, K8((., was appointed to that oitice, which he retained till the close of 1851, when the two offices of clerk and treasurer were united ; and the duties of both have since been very faithfully and efficiently discharged by Mr. Sheridan, who still retains them. On the retirement of Nr. Ferguson, the Council expressed their entire confidence in his integrity and ability, and their regret at dispensing with his services, which was rendered expedient by the amalgamation of the two offices. Both Dr. Gilchrist and Mr. Ferguson acted in turn as (Jov- erument Land Agent, an office subsequently held by the late Col. Crawford, and abolished, in so far as the older townships of the County of Peterborough was concerned, within a few years of llie present time. mm mB CHAPTER XI. SCHOOLS AND SUPERINTENDENTS. A new Common School act, passed by the Reform Government of the day, eame into force in 1844, and Eliaa Bunihara, Esq., was appointed u of the jointed Superintendent of Schools for tlio folhorne order effectually to eiirry out its provisions, — an offico wliidi he aeceptoil ratlu'r froin a desire to further the important inlerewts of t'duL-ation, than from any emoluments lH;lonij;ing to the offiec, the salary attaehed to whieh during' the i)oriod lie held it, wa« at first £25 and then JU.'iO per year, ineludinj;; travelliuj; iwciKJiiHCH. Mr. Burnham diHcharj^ed the arduous and laborious duties of this offiee, from this time up till the year 1850, witli eonimendable 7,eal and ability, in doing so, travelling on horsebaek from six to eight hundred miles annually The following officii! rejnirt, whieh he submitted to the CouncU at the elosc of the year 1H44, will be found interesting as an lllustrn.tion of the position of the District at that date, in an cdueational jKiint of view. REPORT OF THE DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT OP SCHOOLS FOR THE YEAR 1844. To (he WardcH and ConnciUors of the CoJhorne District, riKNTr.EMEN: I beg to lay before you a report relating to the Common Schools of the Oftlbornc District for the year 1844. I liuve visited all the schools during the past year, in operation at the time of my annual examination, except one in Verulam and Harvey, and one in Fenelon and Bexley. Circum- stances have delayed my examination of these beyond the time prescribed. The character of the schools, generally, is satisfactory. It is to be regretted however that in nmny of the school districts, particularly those in the townships of Ops and North Monaghan, the school houses are so very bad, amounting in some instances to a state of actual discomfort and unhealthi- ness; but I have invariably urged upon the people the necessity of their improvement, and I have reason to believe that they fully agree with me therein, and that they will remedy the evil as soon as possible." " The attendance of children is good, averaging to each school about twenty-five, but I am sorry to see this number confined solely, or uearlv so, to children of small age. Taking one school with 'another, there i^ » fair proportion of children \^ho read and write." "/« no instances in my recollection, with one or two exceptions, have I seen the English grammar in use; very seldom geography, and no history, except occasionally in a reading bouk. The bible I found in general use." _ ^ _^^ ^ - - " There is a great deficiency of jooks in very many of the schools." ■m&s^i>mmt>masis,mr. ',: i J. !{ '. i '■'li ii'i t i m V i 11 ,i Is 56 " This, I was told, originated in the carelcssiiese or poverty of the parents. I havo, however, invariably urged upon them the necessity of supplying their children with proper books. The teachers frequently complain of this deficiency, and of their consequent inability to classify their scholars; which is prejudicial to their advancement." " I have reason to beiieve that the teacliers rely more upon reason and common sense in their instruction, than upon the rod ; and I have inva- riably urged upon them to do so. I have also had to suggest the benefit of allowing the children a short relaxation during school liours. I have also made it known that intemperance in any teacher will be regarded by me as a good cause for his immediate removal, and that cruelty towards his scholars will be promptly put down." " Upon the whole, I may say that, although there is much room for improvement in many of the schools, still there is no real cause id com- plaint, and I am satisfied that they will continue gradually to prosper, and that the teachers will be improving." ^U iJ' M; *'' *•' ».U »j^ *(» •y» r^\ *,» *f« " I may further state that I made an application some time ago to the Governor General for the free grant of a lot in the Town of Peterborough, to Trustees, M'ith the vie.. charter for which liad been obtained during the then last session of Parliament ; but the subject was new, and public moneys, which were afterwards so lavishly expended by means of the Municipal Loan Fund, were not )> t available. The project therefore de- pended entirely upon individual and local effi)rt, but though frequently and freely discussed, did not come into effiict until several years later. During March of the same year, (1847) public meetings were held and subscriptions raised to aid in mitigating the serious distress from famine then prevailing in Ireland and Scotland. Several of our leading citizens, both in town and county, lent themselves freely to this good work ; which resulted in a collection in all of £364, the proportion of which for Scot- land was duly forwarded through the Treasurer, J.ames Wallis, Esc(., for 8* . ^ - 'ii : ill mm i^ff m iiiiii ', ttie piit^osert liSteiicl^d ; But the Home Comrii1tta3 fiir tl^e relief of Ireland, from some cause, never applied for their proportion, although duly notified. It was therefore resolved, at a public meeting, held in September of that year, to apply this portion for the relief of immigrants arriving here, or then in the district, a large proportion of whom were from Ireland. The number of these was very considerable, and they brought with them a form of fever of a malignant type. A public meeting was then called and the following gentlemen appointed to act as a Health Committee for the town : — Thomas Chambers, Charles ForesL, Joseph Shaw, Robert Stenson and James Harvey, Esquir?a. In trder to provide shelter and attendance for those who arrived here in an almost destitute condition, a temporary hospital was improvised in the southern part of the town. Among the victims of this disease was Dr. Hutcheson, in reference to whose decease the Peterborough Dispatch contained the following brief obituary notice : — *' Died, — On Sunday, [July 1st, 1847,] of typhus fever, caught while in attendance at the immigrant sheds, John Hutcheson, Esq., M.D., aged 50 years, formerly of Kirkaldy, in Fife, North Britain, and a resident of America since 1815. This melancholy event cast a gloom over the entire community, to whose interests, he, both as a friend and a physician, had long been faithfully devoted. 1' he writer trusts that some one of his most intimate associates wiil pay a just and fitting tribute to the memory and merits of our departed friend, as it would be both unbecoming and ungrateful that talent and worth such as Dr. Hutclieson was largely gifted with, should pass from the busy stage of life without something beyond a passing notice." During 1846-7 the bridge across the Otonabee at Peterborough was rebuilt, under the supervision of the Board of Works, — and a larg-e sum of money expended on the boundary line between Otonabee and Douro, Asphodel and Dummer, part of which was for the construction of a bridge across the Indian river on that road. Towards tliese important improve- ments a grant of £3000 had been made in Pai'liament during the previous year, and the outlay then effected along the boundary line UiCntioned, and over seven hundred days' work, voluntarily offered by the residents along the road, rendered it barely passable for a team and vehicle. The death of B. Y. McKyes, Esq., first Judge for the Colborne District, occurred on the 2nd day of December, 1847. ■M: In coiisec(uence of the resignation of the Viger Draper Administration about that time, a new election was ordered, which took place on the 20t]i and 2l8t of the same month. George Barker Hall, Esq., barrister, at once offered himself uh a candidate for the representation of the county, but was offered the position of District Judge, which lie accepted. The other candidates in the field were James Hall, (the pi-esent Sheriff) John Langton and Richard Birdsall, Esquires. These three gentlemen went to the polls. Mr. Hall was the nominee of the Reform Convention, and was elected by 81 of a majority over his most successful opponent. The fii-st side-walk in Peterborough was built during this yeai*, (1847.) It is mentioned in the local press of the time, among the public improve- ments, but was of short extent, and merely extended from the "Albert house" of that day, to Mr. Cluxton's store, on George street. During 1847, the large stone building between St. Peter's and St. Andrew's Churches, now the residence of Robert NichoUs, Esq., was built by P. M. Grover. Iiisq., and afterwards purchased by the Odd Fellows of Peterborough for u hall, and formally dedicated by them to this purpose in February, 1848. From some cause the society in Peterborough, fell into decline, and haa now for several years ceased to exist. In the Peterborough Dispatch of May 4th, 1848, appears tbe following brief tribute to the memory of a prominent and wealthy citizen then just deceased : " Died, — At his residence, in Peterborough, on Saturday, the 29th ult., after a short but painful illness, which he bore with uncomplaining resig- nation, OuQiiTRY Morrow, Esquire, one of our oldest and most respected merchants, who grew with the growth of our thriving town, and whose interests were largely identified with it. One who by a steady career of probity, integrity and untiring industry, had realized a handsome inde- pendence ; and had besides acquired general esteem and coufidenoc among all classes of the community. The deceased was a mngistrate, and also filled the office of trustee of the Grammar School of the Colborne District." "His funeral was most numerously and respectably attended. St. John's Church was thronged in every part, and many could not gain admittance. Business was entirely suspended ; indeed, unavoidably so, — for nearly eveiy male inhabitant was present on the melancholy occasion of consigning to the tomb our respected friend and citizen, in hope of a glorious immortality.' "An honest man,— the noblest work of God." ■ a ^igjjtf< i inl!# m wm !? ' 11 ii ;!JH;i m e2 The walls of the large flour and grist mill, on the east side of the Oton- abee bridge, the property of R. D. Rogers, Esq., was built in 1848, — tlic adjoining saw mill having during that year been finished and in operation. On the completion of Mr. Roger's large mill, Peterborough had " three first-class flouring establishments, capable of manufacturing from 50,000 to G0,000 barrels of flour joeir aitnwrn.*" The other mills referred to were that of G. B. Hall, Esq., in the occupation of Mr. Martin, and that owned by J. R. Benson, Esq. A fine woollen factory was then approaching com- pletion, and an extensive rake factory, conducted by Mr. Sperry, is said to have turned out 20,000 of those useful implements during the previous season.f Three iron foundries were also at this time in successful opera- tion|, namely, that of Messrs. Harvey & Dixon, Messrs. Malcolm & Go's, and the furnace and shops of Mr. Mowry at the east end of the bridge. Sundry good buildings had also been erected ; and among others, the brick hotel owned by Thomas Chambers, Esq., on the corner of Hunter and Water Streets, subsequently destroyed by fire. In regard to hotels it may here be mentioned that the "Globe" hotel, on Charlotte street, was the first brick house erected in Peterborough, and the "Commercinl hotel" of Mr. Chambers, just mentioned, was the second building of brick within the limits of the town. It stood on the site of his present grocery, and was for a time the leading public house in Peterborough. It was built in 1847, burned down in 1858, and on its site the present two story building was erected in 1864. Mr. Chambers has long been known as one of our enterprising and wealthy citizens. It is more difficult than might at first appear, to do justice, in a work of tliis kind, to the growth of the several interests, commercial, mechanical and agricultural. The operations of the latter especially, important though they be, are unobtrusive, and require to be sought after rather than appear on the surface. We find, however, in the Peterborough Despatch of February 3rd, 1848, a report of the Committee of the Colbome District Agricultural Society for 1847, which is full of interest. After an expres- sion of regret that more zeal and eflicienfc interest were not shown in regard to tlie township agricultural societies, and also that such a society as that for the District should only number about four hundred members, the Committee go on to remark : " But on the other hand, we find much cause for congratulation in the ♦ Dfspalck Aug. 3ls .1848. i ! tlbiil. I I I Despatch StpUltii, ■j (' ;{ 'l 1846. 1, ^ ■', m le Oton- :8,— the )eration. i " three 0,000 to to were it owned ing com- B said to previous il opera- 1 & Go's, a bridge, the brick liter and lis it may , was the hotel" of jk within eery, and built in milding e of our a work echanical it though in appear patch of District a expres- in regard as that Ders, the m in the 68 rttcady and rapid advancement in both tlie fiuantity and ((uality of the agricultural products of this District since the formation of your society. This advancement is, perhaps, most observable in the articles of wheat and flour. Up to the year 1842, it is known, that not more than two thousand bushels of wh^ut vi'sre sent out of the District for sale in any one year. During the last year, (1847) upwards of twenty thousand barrels of flour, and tliirty thousand bushels of wheat, were sent off by the merchants of this District alone ; independently of the large quantity (probably not less than fifty thousand bushels) of wlieat taken out by the farmers them- selves, and sold at the ports ou Lake Ontario." " In the first year mentioned, not one mill existed in this District capa- ble of manufacturing flour for the foreign markets ; now more than eight manufacturing mills, with upwards of thirty run of stones are in operation.* In 1842, not more than one thrashing mill was owned in the District, now upwards of fifty arc in use, thirty of them manufactured at the foundry in Peterborough, during the last year. Upwards of eight hundred plows were made during the past year, (1847) by only two establishments in this District ; and now a reaping machine, almost innumerable horse rakes, drill plows, harrows, cultivators, and other improved implements of hus- bandry are in general use." " Within the same short period several woolen factories, two, at least, of which would do credit to the oldest settled parts of the Province, have been erected, and are gradually extending their operations and their benefits ; while the market they offer for an important staple of the country, is already effecting an evident improvement in the breed of sheep. Nu- merous oatmeal mills now furnish in considerable quantities an article of growing consequence among our exports. A most marked and gratify- ing improvement in the breed of cattle has taken place, through the immediate instrumentality of your society, besides that which is the result of the most praiseworthy effo; is of private enterprise. The improvement is less manifest in the breed of horses than in any other description of stock, and your Committee regret that the attempt to better our condition in this respect, made last year, has entirely failed." The foregoing report is stated to have been prepared by the late W. S. Conger, Esq., President, the late Thomas Benson and W. H. Moore, Esquires, Vice-Presidents of the Society. * The figures in this extract rcier to the Colboriie District, and not to the County- of Peterborough. PI i „l 'I' II 'i l) ,1 ' I I I 'n ^ If ii !;i .,.Ml!!;1 J! lit'", ■ w It!' -'1 ■ ('!'! i I' ■'"'((Oil ftft^T the incoipornlion of tlio town, in 1M50, nii iigitntion was coiuuienocil for the closing of the old burial ground ;— u result which wiih not fonnully accoinpliBhed until 1854. During the interim, however, and chiefly through the influence of W. S. Conger, Emj., a Joint Stock Com- pany w«a formed, which purchased the beautiful wooded proniontoiy, just below the Little Lake, formerly known as Moes point, and this was ap- propriated to the purposes of a cemetery, for which, in many respects, it is well adapted. The ground has been tastefully laid out, and to some extent ornamented ;. but notwithstanding its fine natural advantages, there is still room for improvement, which will no doubt be accomplished as rapidly as the funds of the company admit of the necessary expenditure. About the same time, the Wcsleyan Methodists secured an eligible plot of ground, north of the town, in which to bury their dead; and a few years later, the Roman Ctitholics purchased several acres, in Monaghan, just outside of the limits of the town, for the same purpose. In July, 1854, the Hincks-Morin Cabinet was defeated during the debate on the address, on a motion expressing regret that the Clergy- Reserve and Seignorial Tenure (juestions were not to be taken up by the Government. In consequence of this defeat, a general election ensued ; and Mr. Langton, returning to liis constituents, was re-elected by acclamation. The McNab-Morin Administration was the result ol' the combination which then followed, by which, as the reader will probably remember, these great qu-^stions were successfully grappled with, and finally settled. Towards the close of the year 1855, Mr. Langton accepted the office of Auditor-Geuf^ral of the Province, and thus another vacancy occurred in the representation of the county, which was filled by an election held on the 22nd and 23rd days of January, 1856. The candidates on this occa- sion were W. S. Conger, Esq., first Sheriflf of the Colborne District, who resigned that office for the purpose of entering Parliament,— Frederick Ferguson, Esq., formerly Treasurer and Land Agent of tlic county, and Augustus Sawers, Esq., who about that time came into prominence as a leading politician. After a very vigorous canvass, on the part of the gentlemen first named, in which the Hon. George Brown, M. P. P., took an active part in the interest of Mr. Ferguson, Mr, Conger was elected by a majority of 208 over Mr. Ferguson ; the third candidate — Mr. Sawers— having polled only seventeen votes. 99 On ihe nth tiny of Fp]»r»«ary, IftfiH. .TnniP3 Hall. Ewj.. an «x-M. P. P., for the rnitt'd CouiitioH, wim Kaxet ted Sheriff in placo of W. S. Cougcr, Ehi(., who had rcHigiied that office, ns already stated. The year 1850 wuh unuHUally prolific of new building» in Peterborough, and these, too, mostly ol" a superior class. The Peterborough licviein for September of that year notices them as follows : "First wo have a couple of stores erected by P. Ryau Kscj., on his property on south Coori^^c street. The buildiiit; is of brick, three stories Inuh. The front is ornamented with raised brick work in the form of pillars, sijrmounted by a brick cornice, and sujjported \x\X)n cast iron pillars. With one exception, the buildint; is the neatest yet erected in town. The shops will be very largo and lofty, and will each have a hall door leading to the ui)per stories from the front. The building immedi- ately ironts the market scjuare, and when the projected waggon bridge across the Otonubee, at the locks, is completed, and an entrance to the town from the township of Otonabee made at the south end, the stand will be a very excellent one." "Next we have the buildings erected by W. Cluxton Esfj., on George street. These buildings are very much superior to anything of the kind heretofore attempted in Peterborough, and while being an ornament to the town, reflect the greatest credit upon the public spirit of the proprietor. The buildings are ftiur stories higii, the front being of white brick, and sup- ported on chaste iron pillars and stretchers. The windows of tlie second and third stories are slightly arched at the top ; while those of the fourth are circular topped. The sashes are painted a dark brown color, and the "lights" are unusually large. Surmounting the front is a neat cornice of wood, covered with zinc, and sanded, supiwrted by neatly carved dentals, which are also sanded, thus making them fire-proof. The building is flat roofed, covered with tin. The sashes of the shop windows are of cast iron, of very light structure, and the glass is to be of the finest British plate. The shops will be very spacious, and being on the west" side of the street, will be shaded during the greater part of the day. Both these buildings and those of Mr. Ryan were built by Mr. David Carlisle," [and their general description will apply equally to the adjoining block of two stores, subsequently erected by Jas. Stevenson and T. Bradburn, Escirs.] " Mr. McFarlanc has also put up a couple of stores of brick, on Hunter street. The building is two stories in height, the front being of white brick, surmounted by a brick cornicing. Mr. Ritchie was the builder." 70 li-i.' • ,13 m ''J. T. Hen thorn. Esq,., has commenced his buildings on Hunter street. Three ofthcni w"'.l be erected this fall. The buildings will be three stories. with brick cornicing and flat roof, covered with tin. The shops facing on Hunter street will be single, those on George street double. So soon as this block is completed, it will very much improve the appearance of the town, Mr. Henthora deserves credit for liis energy and enterprise. The loss of the buildings formerly on this corner, by fire, would have been sufticient tc paralyze a less energetic mind. Mr. Spencely is the builder." ft Mr. Hall's brick buildings on Hunter street are finished. '•'- -^ In Pevcrboro' East, II. I), Rogers, Esq., haf- ^ at up a two story brick building, with th'; end facing the street, the end wall being capped with cut stone, and the figures 1856 cut out of the brick. The shop is fitted up with iron shutters, and but for the shingled roof, might, doubtless, class as u fire-proof building." '' Thus it will be seen that without any grcit amount of di.splay, the business part of Peterborough is progressing rapidly ; while the suburbs, if we may so name the outskirts, are being every where studded with dwelling houses." In addition to the foregoing excellent description of these buildings, we may remark, that Mr. Cluxtons fine block was erected on the model of one in Buflfalo, N. Y., specially selected by that gentleman for this, arid that this, together with the style of buildings since erected on the principal streets, has led visitors to Peterborough to designate this as "an American town,", wliich, indeed, it more neany lesembles than perhaps any other town in Canada. Mr. Hen thorn added to nieritloned above, two brick stores on ficorge strinsou. 71 In April of that year, tlio rctciboiouph Kifl'.- company was organized. W. A. Soott, E.s(|., was then Captain, and so coutinucd until November. 22nd, 18t)l, when, on his resignation, liieuteuant Edwin Poole was promoted to the Captaincy ; a position he has since retained, with the additional honor of having been temporarily appointed Major during the recent term oi' active service on frontier duty. The J*eterl>orough Infantry Company No. 1, Captaiji Kennedy, was organized in January, 18G;5. The Lakefield Infantry Company. Captsiin Leigh, in 18G2; Ashbuniham Infantry Corapany No. 1, K. D. Rogers, Esq., Captain, ii 1 SGa ; while during the present year, (1866,) Peterborough Infantry Company No.2, Captain the Hon. Sidney iSmith, has been organized and erjiuipped, and permission giuuted lor the Ibrmation of an Indepindent Company, under the command of Licut-C 'lonel F. W. Ilaultain, M. P. P. both of which latter companies are now rabidly progresshig in drill. An election for the Trent Division was held on the 31st of ()cto})er, and the 2nd of November, 1856, — a holiday intervening between tlie two days of polling. The candidates were P. M. G rover, Esf(., of Norwood, who retired on the day of nomination, Thomas Short, Esfj., of Keene, aiid the Hon. Edmund Murney, of Belleville. The last named gentleman was elected by a majority of 238. During the next election for tlio county, held on tlie 23rd and 24tli day.s of December, 1857, Thomas Short, Es(|., was the successful candidate, and defeated W. S. Conger, Escr place, that this gcullenien was elected to represent this eounty in Parliament in lS-14, and lillod the duties of that position with much ability until 1847, when, on the death of Judge McKycK, he was a];;^pointcd to the office of County Judge, which he retained until the period of his deatli. Soon after this event, Robert Maut Boucher, Esfj., was appointed to the scat thus rendered vacant, and still discharges the duties of that onerous position. Previous to liis appointment as Judge, this gentleman had been Warden of the Counties of Northumberland and J>urham, in the former of which he resided as a practising Barrister. In March, 1858, W. S. Conger, Esc^., brought prominently under the notice of the Government and the country, his great scheme for rendering the waters of the Trent and Otonabee rivers navigable by the construction of a ship canal, to connect the waters of the Bay of Quinte with those of the ejeorgian Bay. To this subject he devoted a considerable portion of time and a very great amount of labor, in collecting facts, and bringing them under the notice of successive Parliaments during his public career as member for the county. But the di-scussion of rival projects, and the magnitude of the undertaking itself, prevented it from passing beyond the arena of parliamentary discussion, and the formality of official en(|uiry. The same gentleman also took a prominent part in an agitation for the construction of a leading gravel road through the county. Considerable discussion was elicited on this subject, and a vote of the people taken in March, 1858, but with a result unfavorable to this project, which was consequently abandoned. In 1858, the three story block of Messrs. NichoUs & Hall was erected. As most persons in the town and county are aware, it consists of two large stores, fronting on Sinicoe street, where a very extensive business is carried on by these gentlemen, both in dry good.s and groceries. During the same year, the new townships in the rear id' the (,\)unty of l*eterborough were attached to this county for judicial and municipal purposes. In September, 1858, Peterborough East, long known under the soubriquet of the ••Scotch village," was incorporated as a separate munici- pality, under the name of the Village of Asliburnham. There is but littUi to add, in addition to what hwn already written of its progress, in connection with the town. The tiue residence of the Rev. Mark Burn- 7;} ham. ovcrlofikiiig the Otnuabcc aucl a pari rd' the town, wan crecU-d diiriiiji the years 185o4. The lino (hvclliiig house, of redbrick, in the Gothic styl(! of architecture, on the rising ground, overlooking the village, erected by the Kev. J. W. K. iJeck, Rector of Peterborough, was built in liujiiiif^ upou the bright shrubbery of Clonsilhi Hill in the rear, and giving the iniprc8t«iori of a large city across the river. " The arch opposite the Church is a Tudor arch. Along the centre, and immediately under the battlements, on the oast side, arc the words ''Wel- come to I'ctcrborough.' On the south tower is a panel surrounded by a wreath, combining the rose, thistle, shamrock and maple leaf, and within the wreath is the letter "P." On the north tower a similar paiicl has the letter "W." The west side was allotted by the Committee to the Temper- ance organizations, who decorated it according to their taste. On the cen- tre, iinder the battlements, is the word "Temperance, ' surmounting a scroll with the words "Perseverance and Inuistry." Over the north &ide arch is the motto "Union is Strength"; over the south "Knowledge is Power.' On the north tower, the emblem and motto of the Good Templars : a fountain, and the words "Faith, Hope and Charity," arc fixed in ii panel. Ov the south tower those of the Sons of Temperance : a triangle and star, with the words "Love, Purity and Fidelity." The evergreen was beauti- fully interspersed with flowers, greatly relieving the appearance and adding materially to the effect." " The third arch, that near McGregor's hotel, is decidedly the finest of the three. It is in the Gothic style. On the north side of it, that first approached by the Prince, immediately above the centre arch, are the words, "Welcome, thrice welcome to Canada," surmounted by a shield sup- ported by beavers, and having upou it the Royal Arms. On the east tower, near the top, is a cornucopia, over the words, "Peace and Plenty," and under it a panel with tlie words, "Canada, the brightest gem in the British Crown." On the west tower is a sheaf of wheat, over the word "Agriculture," and a panel with the wordsv "Albert our future King." On the south side of the arch, over the main entrance, are the words, "Victoria," "Albert," over these the Royal Arms in a shield, supported by beavers. On each tower is the Crown, Bible and Sceptre, and under them, on one, "God Save", on the other "the Queen". Lower down, the towers are panelled, one panel enclosing the words, "Our God and our Country" ; the other, " The Queen and Constitution." This arch, ap- proached by the procession from the north, had a most imposing appearance. Through it, George street with it^i hundreds of flags of every size and color, »nd its festooniugs aud mottoes of evergreens, and the lumberer's arch, manned by a score of lumbermen, appeared like a glimpse of iairy land. '^ I 75 The rnvp d'ofll was magnificpnt, exceeding, according to the statement of gentlemen in the Royal party, anything they had yet witnessed in their tour. "At the intersection of George and Sinieoe streets and George and Hunter ■street.s, large poles had been erected, ta.stefully wreathed with evergreen.s, .surmounted by a large flag, and having festoonings of flags extended from the pole to the buildings on the fonv comers. From the string of flags were wreaths cif evergreens to the jwles, the whole having a very fine appearance IVoni whatever direction approached." "On the Court House green a pavilliou had been erected, for the presen- tation of the addresses, covered with canvass awniug, and beautifully festooned. It was liandsomely carpeted, and a chair, covered with scarlet cloth, placed on it for His Royal Highness. In front of it .seats had been fixed for 1000 children ; and the rising ground of t)ie Cotirt House park .-ifforded standing room fur 30,000 people." " It is impossible to speak in terms of too high of the zeal niani- feated by the citizens generally in giving to their buildings the best possible holiday appearance-. Foremost, however, among the private decorations was the lumberer's arch. It was placed upon George .street, neai* Charlotte street. The lumber was furnished by Messrs. Snyder and Dickson, the teams by lumberers generally. Mr. Shaw had charge of the ei-ection, and under his guidance, the \. 'lole was completed within fourteen hours of the time of its commencement. It was a triple ai-ch, the lumber being so piled as to give to the curves a beautiful appearance. On the top of it, were a couple of deer, on each side of these a bark canoe, and as the pi*o- cession approached, twenty-five lumbermen, dressed in red shirts and black pants, very pictures of able bodied, well developed men, were ranged along the top. On the face of the arcli, immediately above the centre, was a Prince of Wales plume, with the words, "Welcome, Prince of Wales," and on one side the words in a scroll, "the soui-ce of our wealth," on the other "ships, colonies and commerce." We detract nothing from the other decorations when we pronounce this one to liave been the finest, as it was the most characUn-istic of the place, of them all. There was neither nail nor saw used in this erection." " StartiuL: from the station in Ashburnham, the streets were all lined with sprnee trees, and from the buildiniis h\uig flags and evenrreeft fe.s- 1P:< 76 !||^i'l. ! i irliilW ; ■ = .') tooniiigs. The bridge was prettily decorated with rows o'" flags along the diflercnt spans, and emerging from it, the Tudor arch, with its battle- ments and flags, loomed in view. The Post Ofiice building was covered with evergreen festoonings and wreaths, tastefully arranged. Over the door was the Prince of Wales plume, and on each side the letters A. E. Above this, extending the whole length of the building, were the words, in bold letters, "A thousand welcomes to the Prince." Continuing on towards George street, every building was decorated. McKcllar and Cameron's had the appropriate motto "pro Regina et Patria." Ormond *V Gilmour's was wreathed with evergreen and red maple bow>!. Facing Hunter street were the Royal Arms and the triple plume, and the mottoes "Our Queen and the land we live in," and "Thrice welcome to England's future King," Facing (icorge street were the words "Victoria, Albert," and, in the corner window, a very handsome Prince of Wales plume made with flowers. Turning up George street, Swayne's cabinet .shop was handsomely wreathed with evergreens. Over the entrance was a triple plume of spruce branches, and above it a beaver, with the motto "labor omnia vincet." Opposite this, McGregor's hotel was elaborately decorated with wreaths and festoonings of evergreens, interspersed with rosettes of red, white and blue, and having a beautiful crown, projecting from one of the galleries. Following still the line marked out for the proccst-ion. Miss Bailey's liouse on Water street displayed the words "welcome" in ever- green, and Messrs. Johnston's the words "Long live the Prince." All along Water street the same tasteful display was visible. Over Dr. Burn- ham's gate tlie word "welcome" was placed, and the fence wreathed; and along George street to the arch was planted witli spruce trees. Passing the corner of Hunter street again, and continuing down George street, Kempt's Medical Hall had a very pretty balcony of evergreens raised above the shop door, draped with flowers, and having upon it a very hand.some crown of flowers. On the balcony were the words "Welcome, Albert Prince of Wales." From the building was hung a handsome white banner with the Royal Arms paiiitcd upon it. Cluxton's, Stevenson's and Brad- burn's four story buildings were very handsomely decorated. A large flag waved above the building, and from the roof, overh.anging the street, a great number of flags and streamers were suspeii' the line of procession there was only one dark undeooratcd spot. It was a stone building near Lannin's hotel." " The day for which all this activity of preparation had been shown was as fine a one as could be desired. During the preceding night the streets had been watered, and along the route of the procession there was compara- tively little dust. About nine o'olock the children were arranged in their seats, and about ten the Riflo l-ompany marched over to tlio Railway station. An immense crowd had gathered, and about half-past ten the Tenjijerance bodies arrived on the ground, dressed in their regalia, and l-aving their flags unfurled. The train arrived about half-past eleven. ■ :> 78 ,fii':^' 1,; , , '\\i f ., ! n 1 .iiiiii, Ap it approached, thf crowd sent up n cheer Puch as has seldom reht the air in this neighborhood, and a general rush was made for the platform. With the greatest difficulty the space for the carriages was kept clear. As soon as His Royal Highness, who was dressed in plain clothes, cntci-cd his carriage, the Rifle Company presented arms. Some little delay occurred in getting the procession started, owing to the crush of people ; ))ut it was soon got over, and left in the following, order : — Marshal, on horseback, Two Deputy Marshals, on horseback, Warden and Counties Council, in carriageSj Mayor and Town Council, in carriages, Sheriff and County Judge, in carriage. Carriage with PRINCK AND GOVERNOR GENERAL, And the Rifle Company as a Guard of honour marching on each side of the carriaire. The Duke of Newcastle, Earl St. Germains, General Bruce and others of the Prince's suite in carriages. Members of the Legislature, in carriages, Executive Committee, in carriages, Band, Two INLu'shals, on horseback, Temperance Organizations, Tnliabitants. The procession moved forward in this order through Ashburnham, the road on each side being crowded with people, who cheered heartily, and crossed the bridge. As it passed through the arch on Hunter street, the people who were crowded on the high sloping ground on either side, sent forth cheer after cheer, the ladies in the windows waived their handker- chiefs, and threw bouquets to the Prince, aud the wildest enthusiasm pre- vailed until he reached the Court House grounds. Here he alighted from his carriage, and, with his suite, ascended the dais ; the County Council taking up a position at his right, the Town Council and Committee at liis left, and the Rifle Company on each side of the platform in a space reserv- ed for them. As soon as he appeared on the platform, the thousand chiltlron who occu]>ied the seats immediately in front, and who were most 79 neatly tlrcsscd, sun;,', uuikr the (iiicetion ol" Mr. (iluver aud iMi^. IleutU- tield, as follows : — "(tod save our gi-acious Queen, Long may Victoria reign, (iod save th(^ Queen. Sond her victorious, IIai)i)y and glorious, Long to reign over us, (.iotl save the Queen !"' "'niy choicest gifts in store, On her be pleased to pour. Long may she reign. May she tlefend our laws. And ever give us cause. To sing with heart and voice, God save the Queen !" "Grant, Lord, our fervent prayer, Still ibr old England's heir, Thy love evince. \Vatch o'er his early days, Guide him in wisd'jm's ways. So shall he sing Thy piaise, God save the Prince !'" '•The singins was very good indeed, and tlic appearance of the children most commendable. Tlie Prince and those with him seemed much delighted with the view from the dais. The fine sloping ground in front, gave to the 15,000 people assembled an ample opnortunity to see the Royal party, and to be seen to the best advantage by them ; and we doubt whether, since his arrival in this countiy, he '.iS stood before a happier, a more industrious, or a more loyal people.' After the singing, addresses were read by William Lang, Esq., Warden, on behalf of the county, and by Augustus Sawers, Esq., Mayor, from the town, to which the Prince replied : — " Gentlkmen : — I thank you sincerely ibr the address which you have presented to me. " In the Queen's name I acknowledge the expressions of your loyalty to her crown and person ; and for myself 1 am grateful to you lor this welcome to your oeighborliood." A deputation from Cavan also presented an address, signed by John Uk I ra 80 if ill i 1 3 1 ii' I I'll '! i Swain, Esden buildings which occupied their site had been destroyed by fire. Two prominent citizens passed away from earth during the year 186 1. One of these, Augustus Sawers, Es*}., was during • \c previous year Mayor of the town, had some years previously founded the Ejutmiucr newspaper, and was lor a time its Editor and Proprietor. For a few years previous to his death he took an active part in pt)litics, and had warm friends and strenuous opponents. "He was possessed of a good physical constitution, a vigorous and cultivated mind, a quick perception, and a happy facility in expressing his views, either by speaking or writing." His decease occurred on the Gth of August, 1861, in his 42nd year. His remains were interred in the Little l^akc '^'ometery. The other gentleman to whom reference has been made was Colonel Alexander McDonell, whose early services and long public career in this county require a more extended notice. The late Col. Alexander McDonell came to this country with his uncle, the late Bishop McDonell, of Kingston, when a mere boy, and before the year 1812. During that war, he held a commission as a cadet attached to the Cauadiau feucibles, and was present at and took part in the battle of Sacketts harbor. In 1825, he was employed by the Hon. Peter Robin- son to assist in locating on their lands the immigrants of that year, and 12 IRR ^>1^.» % ^^.A^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) M6 5^ ''"o 'V / W 1.0 I.I M 2.2 2.0 18 1.25 1 1.4 1.6 ^== 1^^ ^ 6" », Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 s. ^^^ ^^ 'S^- <\ A % v -^.v^^ <^ ^ # ,* ^. .^#^. "% r^^ i^.- fA ^ M ;\ v \ \ f:|y;--,.;- 82 lilf;! subsc<(iiciitly lillcd the position vi' liiimij:Jant A.iicut iiud Crown jjniul Agent ibr tliis county. In tlio years 1834 and I80G lie was elected to Parliament for the North Riding of the Ix^ewcastle District, and was again a candidate at the election for the Colbornc District in 1841, but was defeated by Dr. (Jilchrist, who also fniperseded liini in the office of Crown Land Agent. During ihe rebellion of 1837-8, as has been already stated, he was in command of the second battalion of Northumberl-nd militia. For several years previous to his death, lie had taken no prominent part in public affairs, but lived as a retired gentleman, chiefly at Caisse's liotcl, where he died suddenly, on the 39th of November, 1861. " He was by birth a Scotchman, a Roman Catholic in religious faitli, and' was 75 years of age. The funeral took piacc on Sunday, and was attended by a num)x;r of our oHest and most respected townsmen. The Riflo Company and band also paid the last tribute of honor to the remains, by following in the procession, the hieid playing the dead march. His remains were interred in tho Little l^ake Cemetery." A few more data and we have done with tliis portion of our task. In 1861 the present new Registry office was built, but was not occupied until 1863. It was intended to be completely firepi'oof not only without, but also from within. The improvement in the Court House park, and also the fencing of that enclosure were commenced in 1863, and completed during the fol- lowim year. On the 1st of January, 1863, the separation of the County of Victoria from tliat of Peterborough, took effect, and thenceforward that county was launched upon a separate and independent municipal existence. On the 6th of May, 1864, the Town Hall bell was erected in its present position in the Market House tower. Its weight is 902 pounds, and its total cost to the town $400. " On its being placed on its supports, Mr. Chief Engineer Helm, ascended the belfry, and amidst the cheers of the bystanders, broke upon it a bottle of wine, and in the name of the Fire Brigade called it 'Protection.' " The corner stone of the present new Jail was laid, in presence of the Sheriff" and County officers, ou the 9th of June, 1864, and that structure completed during the ensuing year. The following arc the names of the gentlemen composing the Building Committee who were entrusted by the 83 County Council with the erection of this important structure : — P.M. Grover, Eh<(., cliairmau, R. I). Kojicrs, John Walton, Peter Poarcc, Francis C'ow mid K. E. Birdsall, Esquires. The following extract from their final report, dated January, 186G, is of interest in this connection : — " The total cost of the new j.ul. as now completed, amounts to the sum of 810,103.35, of which sum the Goveniment paid $6,000. Items of cost arc as follows : — Mr. Grant, for original contract $1 2,05 4 00 Extra work 1,401) 73 Alterations as per order of Inspector 801 10 Architect's supervision and plans, furniture, stoves, water-pipes, hoating apparatu.^, and further alterations suggested by the Inspector, including all expenses of supervision 1,718 46 ?16,103 .55 On the 27th day of July, 1804, W. S. Conger, Esq., M. P. P. for this county, departed this life, at his residence in Peterborough, deeply rcgi-et- ted by a largo circle of friends, both personal and political. Tlie following brief details of his career are liere presented. About the year 1829, he commenced business in Cobourgasamcichant. He seems to have had an early ^)fi/((7(/f»< lor public life, for in the election for the Newc.istle District in 1834 he was a candidate for Parliament, but was unsuecossful. During the rebellion of 1837-8, he took a prominent part in support of the Govornmenr, and it is said organized and Cfjuipped a company of militia mainly at his own expense. On the organization of the Colbornc District in 1842, he was appointed Sherift^ and continued lor fourteen years to discharge the duties of that office to the satisfaction of all. In 1 850, lie resigned the Shrievalty, and entered upon the chequer- ed and uncertain issues of party political life, with what result has already been stated in these pages. lt» 1803, both the political parties in this county concurred in his election, which was by acclamation ; and it was while zealously prosecuting his parliamentary duties, and especially fur- thering his great idea of a ship canal through the waters of the Trent and Otonabee, that lie contracted the fatal illness, whicb, after long proi^tration, terminated in his death. ' , v,*i.i;; . •, Mr. Conger was oourt^oiis and affable in the discharge of his duties as 12-i' ■I Ilj M ll pii j. !| ;']tP m ij Pi I't nl '' ii |l lil ;•' |i| m Ii ■■-Tt 84 Sheriff. Both ns a citizen and a representative of the people, he was fore- most in assisting in carrying out projects of interest and utility to the town and county. The Little Lake Cemetery Company was formed chiefly under his auspices; the County Agricultural Society received a largo share of his attention, while the opening up and settlement of the back country was an object he especially sought to promote, and which he lived to see to a great extent accomplished. His remains were interred in the Little Lake Cemetery, and during the present autumn (1866) a neat and substantial monument was there erected to his memory, by his personal and political friends, aided by a grant from the funds of the County Council. In September, 1861, a severe election contest for the representation of the Trent Division, was held between the Hon. Sidney Smith, (formerly of Cobourg, but who soon after tlis event took up his residence in Peter- borough) and Billa Flint, Esfj., of Belleville, The Hon. S. Smith was elected by a majority of 180. In consequence of his resignation in 1864, Mr. Flint again presented his claims to the electors, and was this time returned without opposition. This election by acclamation was held in September of tliat year. The Hon. Billa Flint, M. L. C, has shewn himself not an unworthy rcpi-eseiitative of this large electoral Division. One of his recent public acts is worthy of mention here, and of transmission to posterity : — During the years 1865 and 1866, he has donated from his private means, the sum of ten dollars to each township, or union of ♦ownships in the entire Trent Division ; an area which embraces the County of Peterborough, the North Riding of the County of Hastings, and the County of Lennox. This munificent gift, which he announces it to be his intention to con* tiuue, is intended by the donor to be applied in the purchase of prize books, for the encouragement of meritorious pupils at our public schools. The only condition attached to it is, that an equal sum shall be granted by the municipality receiving it towards the same object. This praiseworthy design has been carried out in nearly every township in the Division, and thereby much good no doubt effected, as well as an example presented woi'thy of imitation. In 1863, W. S. Conger, Esfj., was elected, without opposition, to repre- sent this constituency, — Col. Haultnin having voluntarily retired from the field. On the death of Mr. Conger in July, 1864, Col. Haultain again 86 became a candidate, and defeated his opponent — Charles Perry, Esq., — by jiiif* -f: ■IV.H I... '■l*-. ''ilJ a majority of 106. Col. Haultaiu is still member of Parliament for this town and county. Wc enter not here into the merits of the political issues resulting in his election, or of his subsequent career. Suffice it to say *hat he has been assiduous, and no doubt conscientious, in the discharge of his public duties, and continues to possess the esteem and confidence of a large por- tion of the constituency which he represents. In a future page, and at the close of the portion of this work treating of the town and county as a whole, will be found a tabular statement, embodying in small space, for convenience of reference, the facts of the several elections leferred to in these pages. Since the foregoing chapters were written, and while passing through the press, another old resident of the county, and a prominent citizen, has passed away from earth. Captain Andrew Simon Fraser, J. P., died on Tuesday, the 13th day of November, 18G6, in his 71st year. His had been an eventful career. A native of Roxboroughshire, Scotland, he entered the British army at the age of fifteen, passed through the Penin- sular war, and took part in the battles of Quatre-bras and Waterloo, after which he retired from the army, with the rank of Lieutenant, and on half pay. In 1833, he settled in V3rulam, in the adjoining county, and in 1847 became a resident of the Town of Peterborough. His name appears in a previous page, as Captain in the 7tli Provisional Battalion of Peterbo- rough Militia, established during the eventful times of 1838. For many years he was a h ading Justice of the Peace in the town and county, and was universally respected and esteemed by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. His remaius were interred in the Little Lake Cemetery. ■•«;:. CHAPTER XVI. : '\mi^! -^i ■ THE RAILROAD ERA. • <•>'"■'•> ^; ; - The project for the construction of the Grand Junction Railroad, to connect the river St. Lawrence with the Georgian Bay, began tc be discus.sed in 1 851 ; and the County Council voted £450, and soon after £400 more. 1. ■. ;l 86 towards the expenses of a preliminary survey and report in reference to it. This action Avas followed in 1853 by the passing of a by-law pledging the county to take stock in that enterprize to the extent of £100,000. This by-1 iw was submitted to the several municipalities in the United Counties, for approval, and adopted by all except the township of Otonabec, in which the vote was almost unanimous against it. During the same year, this projected road was amalgamated with the Grand Trunk Railroad, iu consequence of which the municipalities were relieved from liability for the stock subscribed. ' ' "- ' High hopes were for a time entertained of the construction and success of this road, and some reckless speculation in laml resulted ; but owing to the breaking out of the Crimean war, and the stringency of the money market which attended it, together with the cmbarassment of . tlio Grand Trunk company consequent upon these events, and other causes, this great work was not undertaken, and the hopes which it had i-aised, and the fortunate investments it had promised, won.' doomed to disappointment. Railway magnates at that time showered their attentions liberally on Peterborough. During the session of 18&2-0, a charter was granted for a railroad from Kingston to Peterborough ; the Cobourg and Peterborough railway charter was obtained at the same time, and an amendment of the former charter of the Port Hope and Peterborough railway was also granted, which authorized that .company to build an extensfo)! from any point on the original line into the County of Victoria as far as the western boundary of the township of Mariposa. ■'. ,r ; , ; > ■ :- ; .-,> ,. ^^¥f^ .^ , , v^i^ Although Peterborough was the proposed terminus of both the Cobourg and Port Hope railroads, and was consequently hirgely interested in the construction of one or both, she persistently refused to contribute the small .3t aid to either, and the result was, that while tlirough the enterprise of the people of Cobourg, that road was pushed forward, in spite of all obstacles, and opened for traffic in the autumn of 1854, the Port Hope company turned their attention towards Lindsay, and after great difficul- ties, caused in chief part by the nature of the ground, they completed their road to that town in the year following.^,- ^:^j^s-::j:...^^'Ss^^.i^...^ Peterborough had thus, by means of the Cobourg road, secured the advantages of an outlet by rail, without incurring tlie slightest risk or expenditure, and its benefits were at once felt in the great impulse given to nearly every branch of trade, but especially was this true in regard to 87 siiwu Ininbcr, the c\j»uit of wbicli, IVuni three or i'ourinilUou I'cet unnually, at oiioe increased to tweuty luillioiis, and in 1858 had increased to about twenty-seven niiUions of feet,-'- and to a still larger tij^ure in later yeary. But unfortunately for Petcrhorough, this line failed to prove pcnnanent. The bridge across l\'n;o ]jakc, built upon piles and piers, and about three miles in length, was terribly shaken during the winters of 1855-0-7, by the action of the ice ; so that for weeks together, l*eterb<)rough was without railway conimunication with the front. The position was all tl.e worse, from the i'ect, that the trade of the fine townships west of Peterborough, which might easily Invc been centred here, was being diverted to the sta- tions, and passing off along the line, of the Port Hope and Lindsay road, then comp'ctcd and in active operation. Soon after that line was oi)ened to Lindsay, John Fowler, Es.», J ..-*"' f «Wl*i 1 v borough. ■^■-.j/.-J (i.-.b'p.t'^.iK,". •'. 1-1 ;.; As a practical illustration of the immense advantage to both town and county of such a road, we quote the following as a specimen of the state of things before the railroad era. The Peterborough Despnfch of July 29th, 1847, says :— ..■..;- ... ,«.„^. '' From 25s. to 30s. per ton freight is paid for goods. For nearly two weeks we have scarcely been able to get a trunk conveyed to Port Hope or ('obourg. The joiirney of thirty miles to Lake Ontario now occupies ten liours, and some articles, such as salt and plaster, are iu a great measure shut out from us by the expense of freight. The saw mills of our town and neighborhood can cut upwards of 00,000 feet per day, but are often in a great measure idle for want of a market for lumber, .iwing to the ex- pense of transit." [a •^/ji sad :^7^kJ h^^U ".■■-. =?■'f(^m4ii^lA^ ^m? -^h/f: f>.r.i ;m As a further illustration of the same truth, we remark that in the winter of 1836, with no railroad in any part of the country, wheat in Peterbo- rough was worth only 37^ cents per bushel, and fifty cents in Port Hope. In March 2nd, 1848, the Dt'spatch says : — " The town presented a pleasing .appearance to-day. The fiirmers are taking advantage of the slight fall of su' , we have had, and are hurrying their produce into the 13 90 lii'H ^ii market. The prices to-day ar«* as follows : — Fall wheat 3s. 9d., Spring do. 3s. 3d., OatB per bushol Od. to lOd., Hay, per ton, 278. r»d. to 3()8." This isolation of trade, stagnation of business, and low prices of produce, sold too at the latt«r end of the se.ison, contrast strongly with the regular communication, prompt transit, excellent prices for produce, and the speedy convertibility of all kinds of marketable produce into cash, which we of late years enjoy, and which have lon^; since repaid to the community many times the amount of stock invested in securing it. During the Slimmer of 1857, the bridge across Rice Lake on the Co- bourg and Peteiborcugh railway, was inspected by Walter Shanley, Es(j., Ci^ il Engineer, with a view to filling it up as a permanent embankmout. The cost of doing .so he estimated at £60,000, and expressed ao opinion in favor of the fe-xsibility of its being made in this way a permanent struc- ture. A considerable portion of the bridge, towards the south shore, was actually filled in ; but the embarras.sments of tlie road, and the great exjjonse of the unolertxking, put a stop to further outlay, and the road, after being in oper.ition at intervals for six years, was finally closed in the autumn of 1860 ; and the abandoned bridge, from which the iron was in great part removed,, has ceased to form a connection between the opposite shores, but still remains iu part, a, monument of the folly of misdirected enterprise. This lesult is greatly to be deplored, as the public spirit shewn by the citizen s of Cobourg in pushing forward this line of road was deserving of a better fate. /vv,.> , .; i.i ; Hopes are still em.ertaiued that the bridge will be resuscitated and the line re-opened, and trains are still run to Harwood on the south shoi'e of Rice Lake, where a connection is formed with steamers, which, during the summer months, ply between Petcrborougli and the Village of Hastings and that point ; and in this way a large quantity of sawn lumber from this county still finds an outlet by way of Cobourg. The original charter of the Cobourg road empowered that company to extend their line to Chemong or Mud Lake, but this right expired in 1854 from non-usage. A charter was then obtained for a separate company, having power to form a connection between Peterborough and Chemong Lake, either by a rail or tram road, and passing up either side of the Otonabee river. During 1857-8 this road was commenced as an cxtcmsion of the Cobourg road, and completed as far as Perry's (now A. H. Camp- bell & Go's,) mills, about three miles up the river. The stock was origf- 91 nally taken by pcrsoiis in the Cobouip; interest; but more than half wa« al'terwards purchased by wtockholdcrH of the rival line, so that of lute years, the Port Hope coinoany had virtual control of the l*et«)rborou;;h and Chcmong line, which nince 18U0 has been useless to either road. Durinj' I8(»5, an attempt was made by the Port Hope company to form a connection between the branch miming into Peterborough and tliis Chomong voad, by continuing their rails along the bank of the river, and crossing the same at Dickson's dam, and so effecting the desired junction ; but this action was opposed by t!ic Cobourg interest, chiefly on the grounds, that such an i xtension was not contemplated in the original charter of the l*ort Hope and Peterborough road, and also that the amalgamation of these two roads miglit prove prejudicial to the resuscitation of the Cobourg road, to which it had formerly been a feeder. The charter of the Peterborough and Chemong road had again expired without itscor^plction, and during the last session of Parliament (186G) an Act waa pass( d, requiring the public sale of this road to the highest bidder, and while authorizing the Port Hope railroad company to effect the connection th«!y desired, provided also, that both companies should have full powers to run over this road, if they so desired, by paying a reasona- ble remuneration lor its use to the company by which it might be acquired. Under all the circumstances this arrangement was fair to both parties, and gave general satisfiiction to them and to the public. The necessary works are now in progress to connect the I*eterborough branch of the Port Hope road with the Chemong road, in the manner already described, and it is hoped that ere long, trains will pass up the river by this new route, to the extensive mills which line its banks ; that Lakefield and Chemong Lake will also be reached, and that thus an impetus will be given to the still greater export of lumber from the back country, and also that our fine water power will be extensively utilized in various branches of manufacture for which it is so well adapted. '' '^ « ■M^.it**^ ,■•• --jf ' .<.■■ < i, •^ t u':-:L ■■: 1-'*ii^ttv .^- ■: ('!:i fi 13^ ' 92 CHAPTER XVII. i ;f. fii! r ; i • ii TUB LUMKKR TRADE. / . Square Thnher. — The lumber trade is one which, from its importance, requires at least a passing notice in u work of this kind. To it this town and county owe a large shaic of their past success and present prosperity. All our older townships have now for some years been denuded of the valuable timber, whicli, ait the period of their fii'st settlement, gi*ew to a great size and in large nuuibers upon nearly every lot ; and as the manu- facture of s[o8Bom Boyd, Ewj., was one of the earliest luauufaeturers of H<(uuie ' timber above IJucklioni fullH. He 'joiniuenced at hrnt to produce sawn lumW for local sujjply, but ere long began the manufacture of 8(iuare timber in large quantity, for the Quebec market. It was not for several years later, that the vast timber region on Pigeon Lake and its tributaries, was thus made to contribute its r manufactured in this county varies with the exigencies of the trade. As the supply becomes exhausted, the natural tendency of this as well as the sawn lumber trade, will be to dimish rather than increase in the extent of its operations. But this effect can hardly as yet be said to have been felt. The more extensive operations, however, have to be every year pushed further into the interior. In 1852, the (juantity of sf^uarc timber from the entire county was estimated at 1,600,- 000 feet. In the season of 1864-5, 3,500,000 feet were exported from this county, and about 1,500,000 from the neighboring co'«nty of Victoria. During the lumbering season of 1865-6, the quantity oassing down the Otonabee was about 2,000,000 feet, to which 500,000 more may be added for the eastern portion of the county, finding an outlet by way of Crow river. The present season (1866-7) promises a ((uantity in advance of last year, the extent of which it would be premature at present to attempt to estimate. Sawn Lumber. — The sawn lumber business is of perhaps still greater importance to the community than the manufacture of square timber. Since the early settlement of the county, saw mills have existed in numer- ous localities, but their chief scope for many years consisted in supplying the home demand in their several localities. Since 1850, attention . has m r!:il 94 11^ bccu turned to a large c:;tcnt to the luunuf acturiug of sawn lumber for ilic American market, and the magnificent water power furnislied by the rapidly descending waters of the Otonaoee, ..i the vicinity of I'etcrborough, lias been largely utilized for this purpose. Samuol Dickson, Esq., was among the earliest manufacturers of this gi^'at staple, in the ucigliborhood of Peterborough, and has built and own- ed several mills for carrying ou this buainess. He atill manufactures a large quantity at liis mill in close proximity to Dickson s dam. Mr. Wil- liam Snyder built his mill in 1852, and Mr. James Bird, the Blythe saw mill, about the same time. This wjis burned dowu in 1863, and rebuilt by Mr. George Hilliard during the following year. The Nassau Mill, the largest in the county, and one of the finest in the Province, situated at a distance of three miles from Peterborough, was built in 1854, by Charles Perry, Esq. " It has two 'Yankee Gangs', a 'Slabber', 'Stock Gang', and an 'English Gate', contaiuing in all 130 saws, besides circulars for butting, cutting laths, &c. It has also a very ingenious machine for grinding slabs. This mill has cut 90,000 feet in twelve hours."-'"* It is now carried on by Messrs. Campbell & Co. Other saw mills in the vicinity of Peterborough, are, that built by E. Perry & Co., of Cobourg, on the Douro side of the river, opposite Snyder's mill, which has now been idle nearly two years. Messr.s. Lddgate & McDougall have in active operation a large steam saw mill on the eastern shore of the Little Lake, built by Sanmel Dickson, Esq. The saw mill of R. D. Rogers, Esq., in Ashburuham, of which Messrs. Craigie & Stepheason are lessees, continues at work throughout the year, and cuts about one million of ^eet annually, about 400,000 feet of which are for the American market, and the remainder for homo consumption. Messrs. Shaw & Waite have at Lakefield a saw mill, which at pres' n't manufactures about iwo millions {"nnually, but is capable of a much larger business were proper facilities ivailable for transportation to a market. These gentlemen lease the large saw mill of John Hall, Esq., at Buckhorn, where from six to seven millions are manufactured annually. There are besides Mr. Scott's fine mill, on the Missasauga river, in Harvey, built some years ago by Mr. William Henry, the product of which this year is about fciir million feet; the mill of M. Boyd, Esq., on Squaw river, in Harvey, manufacturing one and a half million feet annually; while of -iie six or seven millions manufactured by Mr. Boyd in Bobcaygeou, Cnearthe *" * DirtCWry, 1888. (T. t R. White.) Page 66. il-i iJ.»J»U*>-s« • .»lMfc*V -*«i 95 boundary line between the two counties) probably one-half may be said to be drawn from the County of Peterborough. Then there arc the mills of S. S. Kelly and Walter Scott, Esquires, at Chtraong lake, the proceeds of which, when in operation, may be estimated at half a million, and a mil- lion and a half is to be set down ae the product of Messrs. Hale's mill, on the bank of the Otonabee river, in the township of that name. The Messrs. Fowlds, at Hastings, alho manufacture from two to three millions annu- ally, the greater portion of which is from this county. To sum up the manufacture of the mills in operation this season, we have for export : — From Messrs. Campbell & Co's, Nassau Mills Ft.10,000,000 " Mr. George Hilliard's, Blythe Mills 7,000,000 " " Samuel Dickson's, Peterborough 6,000,000 " Messrs. Ludgate & McDougall's steam mill 7,000,000 " " Shaw & Waito, Buckhorn and Lakefield 9,000,000 '• Mr. Scott's mill. Pall lake 4,000,000 " " M. Boyd's mill, Squaw river 1,600,000 *' " half Bobcaygeon mill 3,000,000 " Mr. S. S. Kelly's mill, Bridgencrth 260,000 " Messrso Hale's mill, Otonabee river 1,600,000 " " Craigie & Stephenson's, Ashburnham 400,000 " " Fowlds', Hastings, say from this county........ 1,000,000 Total for this county for 186G Feet.50,650,0''0 Showing a result, for the present season, of over fifty millions of feet ; which at Port Hope was worth ^12 per 1000 feet. The returns on the product of this business carried on in this county, the present yeur, were the whole shipped to market, may therefore be estimated at $600,000. When it is remembered how large a poition of this will have been dis- bursed to the hundreds of men and the numerous teams employed in carry- ing on this immense business, as well as the other lieavy items of expense attending its manufacture, it will be apparent, how important is this busi- ness tx) every man in the community, who is reached and benefited either directly or indirectly by some portion of this large outlay. About thirty-two millions feet of this lumber finds transit by way of Peterborough, and the greater portion of the remainder, is first transferred in boats or soows to Lindsay, and from there is passed over the railroad to Ifl :'!i ^ i M '; 1 Port Hope. So n-eat has been the manufacture this season, (notwith- standing t.vo of our largo mills have been idle) that a portion will have to remain over in the mill yards till next season. It may be added that so far as present appearances indicate, the season of 1866-7 will witness au increase in the operations of this trade of about thirty per cent. ' ' '* ' ' At present the sawn lumber manufactureil for export in the vicinity of Peterborough, is all drawn by teams to the railway station, or to the head of navigation at. *'the locks" on the Otonabee river. During the year 1865, nineteen millions of this was carried over ilw railway to Port Hope, and about twelve miilions passed down the river in scows, in tow of the steamer Otonabee to Harwood, where it was placed on the railway, and so conveyed to Coboui'g. During 1866, a still larger quantity will have passed over the railroad to Port Hope, and about one-half the quantity of last year by the river and Hurwood route. The ojicration of teaming such an immcnso quiuitity of lumber from the mills to the points mentioned, is one involving great labor and expense to the manufactui'ers ; although giving employment to a large number of teamsters and their horses. The constant passing of such heavily laden teams over our principal streets, rapidly wears out even the most substan- tial material employed in their repair, plows them into deep rnd unseemly ruts, and at certain seasons, renders them well nigh impassable to ordinary vehicles. These disadvantages, and the outlay they occasion, will be speedily obviated by the extension of the Port Hope railroad, along the river bank, so as to form a connection with the old Chemong line, which, passing up the river, will receive the product of several of the mills mentioned, in the mill yard. Thia important link of railway connection is now in active progress, and when completed, Impes are entertained that the improved facilities it will afford, may prove a stinmlus to the establish- ment of other and numerous branches of manufacture, for which the immense water-power of the Ctonabee furnishes such ample scope. ; ^ i > :'..-! -:.i ■.' ' 1 Osii 'I'-',';* 97 CHAPTER XVIII. V-'M-' "'-ii (1.) PorULATlOX. : , r!^. - The population of" Petcrboiouuh ii» 18!:»2 was less than 500. In 1838, the town contiiined not more tlian loO hoiiso!?, and a population probably between eijd;ht and nine hundred. The statistics of Peterborough are inex- tricably niinf^lcd with those of North Monaghan up till the period of its incorporation, so that its actual population dui'inp; the years antecedent to that (late, cannot be stated with accuracy. As has been shewn in tlic preceding pages, it continued .steadily to improve, and at the time of its incorporation contained 1800 inhabitants. At the general census taken in 1852, two years later, it had 333 houses, 350 families, and a population of 2191. In 1855, this had increased to 3400, in 185G to 3G00, and in 1861 to 3841. During the last two years, Peterborough, as well as nearly every town and city in the Province, suffered a diminution of population. The causes of this may in chief pavt be referred to the depression occasioned by a series of scant harvests in this Province, while at the same time considera- ble numbers of the mechanical and laboring classes were attracted to *hc neighboring llepublic by th*^ atlvance of wages consefjuent upon an expan- sion of nearly every branch of business, resulting from an inflated currency with which the immense outlay of four years' war inundated that country. The roll for the town, in 18GG shewed the number of rate- payers for that year to be 103G, which would give a population of about 4500. The total valuation of i-cal and jxirsonal property in Peterborough, in 1857, was $1)87,7G8 ; while for 18«)G this item .stands at $1,480,450. The valuation of property, however, is not always made u}wn an uniform standard, and in different years is increa.sed or diminished, as the judg- ment of the Assessors or the fluctuations of the times may seem to justify. In thus estimating the present population of Poterlwrough at 4500, it should bo borne in mind that the numerous dwellings in what may be called the suburbs, situated just outside the limits of the town, are not taken into account, and that neither is the ))opulation of Ashburnhnm. immediately adjoining on the eastern side of the Otonabee river, included in this estimate. In 18G1, Ashburuham had a population of 993. Last 14 98 PS 'lii if hi] Mm'- m -iil-ijll B December it was ascertained to be 1129, which, with the residents of the '•suburbs' alluded to, would make the entire population ol' the town and its itnniediatc ajipcndaj^es ;>629. Thclast census, taken in 18G1, showed the then population of Peterbo- rough and Ashburnham taken together, to be composed of the following nationalites:— -Ireland 1068, England 451, Scotland 334, United States 173, Upper Cana;,: 9H in- ■Jf»,r'.' another one adjoiuiiv^, wliicli is at present in as :i store-room, isSOx 37 leefc, and was originally intended tor an axe factory. The motive j)o\ver is water, but steam is used for dyeing, seouring and heating ; for the latter purpose being eouveycd by means of irojj tubes to every part of the build- ing, producing a regular and genial warmth. There are 40 operatives employed in this establishment, 27 males and lo females, several of whom, particularly at the looms, work, by the piece, and earn excellent wages. There are 9 looms, and G 40 spindles kept in operation during the entire year. A couple of self operating spinning machines, (a new British inven- tion) with 440 spindles, are now being added to those formerly in use. These are among the first of the kind introduced into Canada, are beauti- ful specimens of machinery, and will greatly enliancc the products of this department with but slight additional labor. To supply msiterial for this establishment, about 80.000 pounds of wool are purchased annually, from 15 to 20,000 lbs. of which are procured from this county, and the remainder elsewhere in Canada, or by importa- tion from abroad. During the wool season of lb05, as hij^h as 40 cents and during the present year 3G cents per jwund were paid for this staple. The principal articles of manufacture are tweeds of a great vai'iety of pattei'n, about 80,000 yards of wliich wei"e prepared for market last year, and during the coming season, owing to improved looms and increased macliinery, this is expected to be increased to one-third more. Some idea of the advantages of such a factory to the town and vicinity, will appear from the fact thai nearly $1000 are expended monthly, in wages and ex- ixjnses connected with this establishment, without reference to the large additional sum invested in the purchase of wool. The Auburn mills bore off the gold medal of the Dublin Exhibition in 1864, for the best Canadian tweeds, and was also awarded a silver medal at the Moatreal Exhibition the same year, for similar cloths. iMr. Robert Brodie is the attentive and obliging superintendent. . The creek which traverses the town supplies the motive power for jMr. Brook's woolen factory, in which 20 operatives are employed, with an an- imal consumption of about 30,000 lbs. of wool, and a product of 800 yards of fulled cloth, flannel and tweed. Six looms are in operation, and steam is also used in some of the processes. Thia establishment was built about 25 year.'^ ago, and has now been five years in the possession of its present proprietor. Mr. Brooks has just purchased a small woolen mill heretofore , , .. 14* I : 100 curried on by Mr. I'. II. Clurkc, in Asliburiiliani. Trobably 20,000 lbs. of wool have bcon couvortcd iuto iluiuiols and clotbs btio. Tbvcc looms arc in ojieration. These comprise the whole of the woolen factories in Pctcrborougii and its vicinity. At other points in the county, and especially at the villaj^e of Hastings, niorc of these useful establishments exist, but (except at that village) of limited capacity, and chiefly or entirely devoted to the local carding and fidling of the neighborhood. >vv:*" > t« «• - .\ -'^ ^f"* Fouinkrlcs. — A large amount of capital is invested in founderies, three of which are in operation in Peterborough, and one in Ashburnliani. Pre- cisely this number was returned here as existing at tlic taking of the cen- sus in 1852 and in 1861. But the capital invested, and the produce of the business, have very largely increased since the former of these dates. In 1851 the capital of all collectively was stsited at $7400, and in 1861 at ^45,900, while the value of their joint produce for the formei year was set down at 113,400, and for the latter |56,075. Doubtless, the latter figures will still apply very nearly to the present time. ■» ^^i- i*!*'*'i <'= * Messrs. Why tc& Hamilton 'sfoundery and machine shop was commenced as a plow factory 25 years ago, by James Harvey, Escj. About ten years ago it was cidarged to its present proportions, and greatly improved. The working capital of the firm is stated to be ^10,000, exclusive of buildings or site. From twenty to thirty men are employed, the chief business con- sistiiig in the manufacture and repair of steum engines, grist and saw mill machinery, thrashing machines, plows, (about 300 of which are turned out annually) and other agricultural implements. The foundery on Simcoe street, owned by James Stevenson, Esq., and leased by Mr. William Helm, was destroyed by fire in 1857, but soon after rebuilt in its present style, by the energetic owner. In buildings and machinery it represents a total capital of $13,000. Steam is the motive lK)wer, in producing which 250 cords of wood are consumed annually, as are 40 tons of coal in the process of smelting and the requirements of tin; blacksmith's shop. Fifteen men are now employed ; the principal business being repairing machines and implements of various kinds, though s^jam engines and nearly all other kinds of machinery, iron pillars and other heavy castings, are made to order. In this way 25,000 feet of hardwood lumber, from 60 to 80 tons of metal, and 8 to 10 tons of wrought iron are used in ^ pinjj^e year. During last year, six threshing machiues^ and over im and »oon I and kive i, 'IS Ither ^ood ii are lover •iOO plows were uiaiiuractiucd ut this e.slabli.slinieut, bcf^ides Hawing uiu-' chincK, other machinery and iniplen»ent!<, w,i:''H..', ''^..-. ,.;.*■ Mr. Mowry's foundery and machine shop in Ashburnham also employs a number of bauds, and has the requif^ite facilities for i)crforming a large business. . , ,rf.,;ri;i ":'->'■".■« -(.^^v- t.-:k H->-r ;••;.•! vr-:^ Jireicciien. — Two breweries at present exist in Peterborough. Mr. Henry Calcutt's was commenced in 1855, near the shore of the Little Lake, but was burned down in 18t)3. His present establish^nent, near the Otonabec river, on the Ashburnham side, was built during the same year. Six men are constantly employed, and duriug last year, 5000 bushels of barley were consumed in this manufacture. 3Ir. Calcutt is the inventor of a combined liquor cooler and heater, which, by passing the heated li((uid over an expanded surface, cools 10 ban sis in an hour, or eight gallons in a minute. By varying the size, greater or less reBultu could of course be obtained. . ^ ■ ^ , -v >- >^ Mr. Walter W. Boswell's brewery was built more than twenty years ago, on the shore of "Spaulding's bay", in the southern end of the town. Of late it has not been constantly in operation, but is now again in use, and manufacturing at the rate of about one hundred barrels of beer (of 30 gallona each) per month. Two other breweries formerly existed in the town ; but though the buildings remain, they have been for some years closed, and their machinery unemployed.'i*^''«* ^'-i- li^w/ l^.taSw'ariiO.^. :,^. -^ Tanneries. — There are two tanneries in P^^terborough, and one in Ash- burnham. That belonging to James Hall, Esq., of which Mr. Walter Patterstm in lessee, employs constantly from 6 to 10 men, who manufacture into leather from 1500 to 2000 hides, and about 1200 calf-skins annually. m^ ' »•: Si i i ■ ^ 11 ■ 1 i 102 Water iun\ Aaum power are uHed for puiiipinj^ and t!;riiidiiijj,. Mr. I'utter- Hoii has recently imported 100 hides Ironi South America, wliich, froui tlie liueneHs of the liair, and consequent den8onea« of tissue, when dressed, are well adapted for use iu.this climate. This establishment is the most extensive of the three, ii, ,!.... M7\t ^.t.i ;■. ,.-. ^, -.,<.*,. . Mr. I*. Ryan iu Peterborough, and Mr. John Clarke in Ashburnham, also employ a numbci' of hands, and do a large business in the manufacture of the various kinds of leather. > >• •>!»* ■ .:■;,;.>.■■ ,, - ; v / 'r\«^ Carriage and Sfciijit Factories. — Mr. William 3Iethcral has now been 11 years engaged in this business in Peterborough. He employs on an average G men. During the present season (1866) lie completed and sold 24 buggies and carriages, and four waggons, though he usually manufac- tures from 10 to 12 of the latter in a season ; and also vJO to 40 sleighs and cutters. The outlay in conducting this establishment will amount to between three and four thousand dollars a year. Mr. T. Fitzgerald has now been four years engaged in tliis business. He employs 11 men, and during the scf.sou of 1866 manufactured 20 waggons, 25 \> ^giesand carriages, and 50 cutters and sleighs. In addition to this work, a large amount of repairing and general black-smithing is also carried on in his establishment. Mr. John Doharty (formerly Doharty &Hanlon) conducts an extensive business of this kind, iu which he has now been for several years success- cessfully engaged. From 10 to 12 men arc employed, resulting in a yearly expenditure of from 6000 to 7000 dollars. During 1865, 55 sleighs and cutters were uianufactured, and an average of 30 waggons and 20 buggies and carriages for the last few years. A very large amount of job- bing and general black-smith work is also performed. , , : , -., ,. ^ Mr. James McWillianis also manufactures largely in this useful branch of industry. 9 men are usually employed, and during the present season, 30 waggons and 20 buggies and carriages have been turned out from this establishment ; with an average of 45 sleighs for some years past. A large amount of repairing and general work is also attended to, with an annual outlay in all of between 6 and 7000 dollars. Mr. John Douglast,, (formerly J. & T. Douglass) after a connection with this business of about 12 years, has recently opened anew carriage and waggon shop on Bethune street north, where 4 hands are employed. 103 Flax MUU. — Our cnterpris; vig townsman, ^fr. Henry Cnlcutt, erected ft flax mill in Ashbuniham, in 18G5, which is not only UHcful as f'urni.shin;^ a home ninrkct for an important item of agricultural produce, but at cer- tain times (during the retting process) gives employment to about 50 women and boys, who have often diificulty in finding remunerative cujploy- mont in other branches of industry. During 1865, 75 tons of raw flax was purcha.sed here, and for the present season the .sales were increased to 200 tons. The cost, as sold by the farmers, has been about !|1JJ pt^r ton, and about an equal svm per ton is expended 1 Its preparation. The flax, when ready for market, is in chief part sold at the linen mill of iMessrs. Gooderham & Worts, Toronto. It is to be rej:,retted that sufficient enter- prise has not yet been found to establish a linen mill here, for which there are great facilities, and which would add another important branch of industry to the locality, and retain tliis • ^oduct in our midst, which has now to go cl.sewhere for the nmnufacture to whicli it is ultimately destined. 3Ir. Borland, of South Douro, is also engaged iu this business, and as a further illustration of the increasing interest taken in this useful product, it may be stated that 50 tons were offered for sale in that locality during the present season, (186G) where only five or six could be purchased iu 18G5. --■/,-. ,h --€'• ■ ■ .' ..fn,-i, y ^.^M-^.i-/ ,,-rVvy.. ;,,„; Other Mumifacturcn. — Peterborough has two pump manufactories, one of these, conducted by Mr. Henry Dennis, lias been in operation for the last 6 years. Five men are employed on an average, and about 500 pumps manufactured every year. The motive powei- is .steam. Mr. W. M. Kingdon is also engaged in this manufacture, and produces from 150 to 200 pumps every year from his establishment. There are four enterprising citizens engaged in the manufacture and importation of chairs, cabinet work and general upholstery ; besides u number of establisliments who supply these and the public witli wood- turning, sa!5hes, blinds, and other articles of luxui-y and necessity. Ashburnham boasts of two axe-factorles, that of Mr. P. J. Ayres and Mr. G. Story, which contribute largely to supply the demand for these indispensible implements. There are also several Cooper's shops, both in town and county, which represent a most important branch of industry, and in which a largo amount of capital is invested. m .—,.,,*., e..^.i,-A„«.^ 1 i ' 1-.: '1 104 A« the purpose ancl 6cop« of tlipw pn^jes are htfitorlMl rath«r thnn intend- ed to serve the purposes of a directory, it is inipoK»ibli', even urcrc it not out of place, to enter more miimtely into the partieiilnrH of these and other intercstinj;' and important sourecH of tr.'ide (.r branches of industry. Knough has been said, it is hoped, to convey to the reader an idea fif tho present development of our manufacturing cntcrprize; and although it must be confessed that of late jeai-s, progress in this direction has not been as rnpid as might be desired, or as the ample facilities aflFordcd by the town and vicinity would seem to invite, still the position at present attained, is sufficient, strongly to contrast with the enrly stages and infant steps of these branches of manufacture, when ]*eterborough was first settled, 40 years ago. Progression, either nutural, social or industrial, is not uniformly rapid ; and liaving accomplished much in the past, it will, with tlie means and resources at conunand, be attributable to our own folly or neglect, if much greater result.s be not achieved in the future. (3.) TRADE AND MERCHAXniSE. ;, The trade of a community like this, carried on by a number of individ- uals, through a variety of channels, can with difficulty be estimated, seeing that, except in the case of dutiable goods, which pass through the custom house, no general or official record is kept as to their extent or value. And in the ease of Peterborough, but a small proportion of the goods received and sold here are chargeable with custom duty. The general character of the merchants and traders of ]\'terborough for prol .ty and honor, which is known beyond the limits of the Province, md he extent of their operations, as shewn by the large and well filled .shops of our principal streets, are circumstances of which any resident of the town and county may well feel proud. 1'he first attempts at mercan- tile business in Peterborough, in the tiny stores, and with the slender stocks of goods, to which referoice has been )nade in the preceding pages, are in striking contrast to the piles of brick and mortar, several stories in height, filled with the rich fabi'ics and costly products of nearly every clime, which are witnessed to-day. Insteid of the little stocks of goods of from ^100 to ^1000 of 40 years ago, we have now single firms importing from ^10,000 to $80,000 worth of goods annually. The entire imports for 18G0 were carefully estimated at $(J00,000, and since tlicn tliese figures have not materially changed. 105 From a stflttement ftivnishcd by pormission nt the Cuatonis authorities ill IHGO, it appeared that, duriuij that year, the total entries here were of the value of $108,685, on which a duty of $17,782 was paid. These figures wore 85,374 in cxeess of the; duticH paid at Port Hope, and 66,501 ii!orc than those paid at Oobourg, for tliat year. kSince the railroad era. which eonunonced in 1854, the eniiw trade of tlio town has greatly incrcn.««»i:«tMij^^-v-ir -■.itj»«7' "j'Wiy -»-',','-ij*. .j'-jj Lvmber, Produce, ((•"., nhippp<1 hy Cohnvrg nvff Prtcrhnrnugh Rathootf from Peterliorongh, ditrhig the years 1856, 1850 and 1857. Years. Lumber, Feet, 1855 1856 1857 11142479 15946158 13365503 Flour, barrels. 6539 l'.K»95 9714 Wheat, biisbolH. Wool, lbs. Pota«li, barrels. 21717 >i ••I 38519 36047 62772 43 57 56 Utb, bundles. 4188 2i)i>4(» 16548 Statement showing the export of Produce from Peterborough, by liail- ivay during 1864 and 1865 : Years. Flour, barrels. Wheat, bushels. 8695 31775 4(M70 Barley, bushels. Pease, bushels. Gats, bushels. Butter, Firkins. 1864 1865 23300 370(JO 603(K) 6667 13907 20634 140 250 390 none, do 836 1502 Total.. none. 2338 To this is to be added the export of sawn lumber, already considered in a special chapter devoted to that trade, but which may here be repeated. In 1865, sawn lumber was shipped as follows : — Over the Port Hope and Peterborough railway 19,000,000 feet. By steamer Otonabee and rail to Cobourg .^^j^j^j^.^.,*,, 12,000,000 J* ^v^^^-^.m:~mm^-^'^^-^Wr^mn^m!m <^,m^ ^^^^^ 3]~000000 " This, however, does not include the entire export of lumber from the county, since the manufacture of the mills at Chemong lake, Buckhom, - ■ * u^. 106 Harvey aud to eoiiir extfnt th(»Ho at Bobcaygcun. an well «» that from the inilln ill Ot4'"Hbo(! and llastingH have found aii outlet by uthur uhanuelH. Neither does it include a large export of wool, shingles, potanlj, eggs and other comuioditioH, the exact figures for which it would be difticult to HHOcrtnin. .„ .,;,*i.'>'i .*hJ^. ;|*,h ,,,;^./o.;}> l, i^i^ ;;:.,KfeCj, ,(t*v/;ijU .;*(W4-:f .>P>«i There in be8ldos the large ititernitl trade carried on in the town and villagaa of the county in supplying the wantB of a tine agricultural district, the value of the produce of which, was shewn by the last ccusuh to be $1,023,197. Peterborough is most advantageously situated lor encoura- ging and developing this trade, which alone would entitle her to rank among the most prosperous commercial centres in Canada. But when to this is added the immense ojxirations of the lumber trade, and her groat f.apabili- tics for manufucturing purposes, her natural advantages place her in the foremost rank, as u tield for enterprise, which it must be admitted has as yet been but partially utilized. . ', , > o i-..^' ! '* >' ''t i V , * :"■;■!! OHAPTRR XTX. (1) THE BANKS OF PETERHOROUOH. Until 1852, the only bank in }*eterboiough was a brand' of thc7i«//A-o/ MmxtreaU which was opened here in 1843 ; and of which Robert NicholLs, K.sq., was the first agent. The business during the first few years was very meagre, — the principal ledger being a book of diminutive proportions. iSince the retirement of Mr. Nicholls from this post, the successive managers have been, Jackson Rue, John N. Travers, Robert J. Dallas, and Robert Richardson, Esquires, — the last named gentlemen being at present manager. ».. The business of the bank increased with the progress and prosperity of the town and county ; and during 1857-8, the present handsome and com- modious building, on the south-east comer of Water and Simcoe streets, was erected for its accommodation, at a cost of ^12,000. In 1846, Messrs. Nicholls & Hall opened ''The Colhorne District Savingx Bnhh,^^ which appears to have been more advantageous to the public than to its projectors and managers, and it was finally closed in M- lo; 'rict the (1 in lu 1852, u I I'liiiuli of the. (.uiiimerciaf Baiak was uitciicJ iu Putcrbu- rough. For ci,i;htyour8, Willinui Cluxton, Kihj., wuh its a^cirt, and in its ntanaguniciit, displayud his UHUal exccllunt buttiiicHA capucity ; un The Hank of Toronto opened a branch here in 185G. .Taraea Hall, Ksq., now Sheriff, was agent during the first yoar and a half, and was suc- ceeded by Alexander Munroe, }']n({. During the past six years, its busi- ness has been succcssfnlly conducted by Alexander Smith, KsL.,'.ii 108 'T'or some years'tlic cfeurcli a6comm6dation ! a town wAk little betW tliiu icl the couutry di icts, and the services of the various denominations were held in houses aiid vacant buildings as opportunity favoured. Notwithstanding numerous enquiries, the fticts we have been able to gather in reference to the progress of the several churches, are but few, and for convenience will be mentioned separately. We begin with Tht Ckkrch -yf Englat:>d. — The ^Aev. Sanmel Armour was the first clergyman of this church ia Peterborough ; and the log school hoime, more than once referred to, sufficed for many years in which to conduct its services. As early as 1831, tenders were advertised in th^ Cobourg Star for the erection of the present edifice, known as St. John s Church ; but not imtil 1834-5 was that building completed and ready for occupation. The contract was awarded to the late Joseph Scobell, Esq., who undertook its completion for £1300, but alterations, or extra work, increased this to £1600, and sundry expenses, including interest on money borrowed for its completion, made the tottd cost £2150. This was one of the 57 rectories created under the administration of Sir John Colborne. It comprised four acres cf ground, consistinp- of lots nos. 1 to 4 north of Hunter and east of Water streeto, and lots nos. 1 to 4 south of Brock and cast of Water streets, and was formally granted for this purpose on the 5th day of November, 1835.^ The eastern portion of this ground, fronting on street, and the western side along Water street, have both been used for building purposes, under lease for a term of years, to be either renewed on expiry, or the holder compensated for improvements made during his term of occupation. Under thit^ arrar«ge- ment the revenues of the Rectory have been materially increased, without marring the prospect, or overci-owding the edifice, as seen from the adjoin- ing thoroughfares. Other grants '.vere about the same time made to this churoh, the principal of which consisted of two glebe lots in the township of Smith, and Park lots nos. 16 and 17, of 10 acres each, adjoiiing the town, besides an acre of land on the western side of the square, known as the old burying ground^ which has been leased or sold in building lots. At the time of the erection of this building, a large clock was placed in the tower, at a cost of about $400, but this, for sdme years, has been neglected, chiefly owing to the trouble and expense attending its regulation and supervision. * Apptndix Journal* of th« Houic Sestiun 1937-3. Pags 4U0. 100 tion om- this ship the rn as Haced I been Liion About 13 years ago, suuJry improvements were cflfected iu the church edifice, at a eutt of about $2000. A uew root' was put ou, and importaut jdterations made iu the interior, iu accoidauoe with plans I'urnished by Kivas Tully, Esfj. An orgnn was also procured, at a cost of about $1000. In 1859 a capacious suuda^ schouji hyiuKJ waa.addqd ii; the ijc^', a*, a cost of $472. . .. ; r '■' ' --''" - - ' ■ This church occupies a line commaudiog site, overlooking the town, the river, and the adjacent village cf Ashburnham ; and although i'w many years embarrassed by debt, is now in a most excellent condition financially, on which the Hector and congregation may well be congratulated. The following are the names of the clergymen who have been successively Incumbents or Hectors rf Peterborough : — Rev. Samuel Armour, ll'^v Bichard D'Olier, Rev. Charles Wade, M. A., Rev. Robert J. C. Taylor, Rev. Mark Burnham, and the Rev. John WaltonRomain Beck, who is the present Rector. The Runian Caihollr. Church. — The first scrvicey of this church in Peterborough wen^ celebrated by the Rev. James Crowley, in one of the log buildings, erected for the purposes of t^e immigration. On the first settlement of the town, the block of ground on which the American Hotel now stands, bounded by George, Chambers, Brock and Hunter streets, was granted to this body for church purposes ; and in later years a small frame church was erected on it. About the year 1835-0, this was burned down ; and soon after, the ground in question was disposed of, and the erection of the present church connnenced. The public grants to this church consist- ed of the ground just mentioned, described as lots 1 and 2 south of Brof;k and wc, * of George streets, lot No. 14, new survey, fronting on Hunter street, (the site of the present church) and Park lot No. iu the township of North Monaglmn. These grants were dated February 18th, 1834,'* The present stone edifice was erected in 1837-8, and when completed, was dedicated to St. Peter in-chains. This was done during the pastorate of the Rev. John Butler, who after nineteen years residence in Peterbo- rough, dl'd en tfce 25th of June, 1853, in his 7l8t year. A neat tablet to his memory is erected in this church, which he founded, and which is stated to be, "a last monument to his piety and zeal." Another tablet, similarly placed, tells of the decease of the Rev. Daniel Farrelly, on the 1st day of June, 1858, in the 44th year of his age, after a pastorate in Peter- borough of 1 year and 10 months, and in Kemptville of 13 years. "' 'Appendix to Journals of the Hotuc, Setsioii 1837.8. Page 400. Iff^n-irTTV^^"^ i %m I '■' 110 Thit> church, thuugh nut tiiicly tiuishcd, aud but pki/jly dccorutcd, huH 1)ecu lor Hoiuo years tree I'itjui iiuaDciul cuibarrussiucnl. Nine years nyp, a tine toDcd and powciful organ was pui'cha»cd Kt u cost of ^1000, and has been since in use, . < »> * rar>K))n juav*} jil:K't'..!m:yik The foIlowin}5 is a list of tlie Priests who have successively ministered to the sjiiritual wants of this congregation : — Rev. James Crowley, Rev. Father O'Herne, Rev, John Butler, Rev John Farrall, (now Bishop of Hamilton, C.W.) Rev. Daniel FaiTclly, Rov. M. Mackie, and the Rev. Oliver Kelly, the present pastor, and Dean of the Diocese. The Church of Scotland.— Ow the 30th of May, 1835, a, grant was made to this church, of lot F, fronting on Brock street, and lots 12 and 13 north of Brock street. The first of these is the site of the present St. Andrew's church, erected in the year 1836. The other lots arc leased for building purposes, in the usual manner with property so held. ■'(■I '¥.i\ The Rev. J. M. Roger, was the first minister of this body; and was located here as early as 1833. He remained attached to this congregation until the separation which look place, owing to the Free Church move- ment, to which lie adhered. The church property remained with the older body, and soon after, the Rev. James S. Douglas becane its minister, and so continued until 1864. During the two years which followed, the congregation was supplied by missionaries ; and on the 20th- day of November, 1866, the Rev. D. J. Macdonnell, B. D., was formally mducted to this charge. ^ ., , , , ,,, ;^ ,,,,.,,, ^„^ ,,.., ■hii,..^.^ ^i^ A neat Sabbath School building was erected adjacent to the church, in 1864 , and, financially, the affairs of this church ai-e in an excellent condition. ,,.,, .. ,, The Free Chnrch. — On the withdrawal of the Free Church from the Church of Scotland, which took place in Canada in 1844, but in Peter- borough not until 1857, the congregation was for some years without a suitable place of worship. The town hall, and subsequently the Wesleyan Methodist Sabbath School room, were used for this purpose. But at length, in 1857, the foundation of their fine brick church, adjacent to the Court House square, was laid, aud completed in 1859. This edifice is 50 by 90 feet in siise, and was erected at a cost of $20,000 ; of which a debt of $7,200 still remains. It is at once creditable to the congrega- tion, and an ornaiueui to the town. The Rev. J. M. Rogers is still its minister. Ill the Iter- Lout [the )8C. bent mce Licli l^ga- its The WeKleyav MethodiM Church. — The first Wesley an Mcthodif-t Church in Peterborough was a Bmal! frame building, 8ubso(juently con- verted into a parsonage, and now used in that capacity. It was erected in 1834, on ground granted by the Executive Council for that purpose, and described as lots 1 and 2 north of McDonell and west of George street. The grant bears date, November 27th, 1834.=^- The first large church of this body was eretted in 1844, of a size 60 feet by 40 feet, and this, in 18r)4 was enlarged by an addition of 30 feet to the length, which completed the present structure. In 1864 a fine new organ was added. It is noticeable that the successive steps of marked progress by this body have been made at regular intervals of on years, as shewn by tlie foregoing ir>ftf"fV! r-.w :(i A'-iA-vj -i-^i t,jiw-..iii;«' "^.i'; -;..«< The writer lias been able to ascertain very little in reference to the character of the common schools, or even the names of their teachers, down to the year 1852, at the commencement of which, these were all united under a common school board of trustees, and the vacant church, built and formerly occupied by the British Methodist society, was leased and used for general common school purposes. Towards the close of the year 1853, tlie old grammar school building was found to have become so dilapidated, through time and usage, that it was untenable for winter use ; and the board of. grammar school trustees applied for amalgamation with the already united common schools; a pro- posal which was finally accepted, and entered upon, in February, 1854. John Langton, Esq., was then appointed Chairman, Dr. Hay, Secretary, and William Cluxton Esq. Treasurer of the Joint Board. , Prom this period until 1860, the united Grammar and Common School was carried on in the vacant church already mentioned. Early in 1857, in consequ3nce of that building being found insufficient to accommodate the greatly increased numbers ihen attending school, — in the instruction of which, a Head Master, two other male and three female teachers, were constantly employed, arrangements were commenced for the erection of the noble building which is now not only an ornament to the town, but is amply sufficient and well adapted to the purposes for which it was intended. .;.;..-v •««,;■ ,-,;_ .. .,■..: ^^ ..■i::i_ : ^'•- ■' ■ Some discussion and deliberation arose as to the prop<^r site for such an edifice ; and three locations were severally proposed. 1st, a portion of the old burying ground, fronting upon George street ; 2nd, the vacant ground fronting on Water street, and known as the Court House Park, and 3rd, the present site. //^awjii mi^M-^^mim^^f^m- Preference was given by the majority of the Board to the second of these ; and, strange to say, the consent of the Town and County Councils was readily procured for appropriating three acres of the beautiful Court .House green to that pui-pose ;— a design which if carried out would have 16 114 i- i p;;!. Pit'v deprived the citizens of that fine enclosure, left onr county buildings in the back ground, and destroyed much of the effect of their position on that commandiiug eminence. Fortunately neither of these bodies had the disposal of this ground ; and it was, ere long, ascertained that a special Act of Parliament would be necessary to divert the property in question from the purposes for which it was originally designed. Petitions were, however, drawn up for signature, and a deputation sent to Toronto, then the Seat of Government, to secure the accomplishment of the object sought. An influential minority of the Board, however, opposed what would now be regarded as an act of spoliation ; and the consent of the Gov- ernment was consequently withheld. The beauties and advantages of the present site appear to have then become fully appreciated ; and measures were at once taken to proceed with the erection of the building. Mr. Sheard, Architect, of Toronto, furnished the plans, &c. ; Messrs. Mitchell, Graham and McDonald were awarded ihe contracts, and the work was vigorously pushed forward, during the Autumn of 1857, and the two following years. ■^^'^ The new Union School building was completed, and possession assumed by the Board, at the opening of the school in January, 1860. The fol- lowing are the names of the gentlemen composing the Building Committee, who were then relieved from their arduous and responsible duties : — James Hall, Esq., Chairman, W. S. Conger, William Cluxton, Thomas Fortye, James Stevenson, Frederick Ferguson, Esquires, and the Rev. Mark Burnham. In order to provide funds for building purposes, two town lots, originally set apart for school purposes, were offered for sale. These were, lot no. ten, north of King street, and lot no. five, south of London and west of George streets. The former was bought by Mr. John Delaney for £201, and the latter, although nominally sold, never passed from under the con- trol of the Board. The building fund was also largoly assisted by the donation, on the part of the Town Council, of the entire Clergy Reserve money appropriated to the town for 1856, amounting to £981 8s. 3d., which was placed in the Commercial Bank Agency to the credit of the Board. The original estimate as to the cost of the new school building was $16,000, and the actual outlay for its completion and furnishing, amount- ed to $16,258. So trifling an excess over the estimated sum, was a matter •,.^:v^ .?>;?1-??' |ig was lount- Imatter 115 for cuugratulatioQ ulikc by tlic Board and the public. To enable the town to meet this large sum, debentures to the amount of $14,000, were issued, bearing interest at six per cent, per annum. These debentui'cs were pay- able in the following order: — m -j.,..,., ..,4t^l'.f. *4 In 1859 $ 400 »» • 1860 600 1861 800 1862 1000 [Q- 1863 1200 ' r 1864 1600 :m 1865 1800 ,;|:?;W 1866 2000 , i::, Im. 1867 2200 oi , ^^ai v; 1868 2400 -C J<->a-^>* v;4i:a,,fe ,;i.rt?3I , jya;!'.i>.fr! jp iAHc? ■" ■ $14000 The Roman Catholic Separate School had now been for several years in existence ; the supporters of which were exempt from taxation for Union School purposes. The other ratepayers of the town were taxed for the interest and sinking fund of the debentures during the yeais 1859 and 1860. Or the passing of the Act for the consolidation of the debt of the town, assented to in May, 1861, those debentures wore made chargeable against the property of the whcle town, including the supporters of the Separate School ; but provision was made that the proportion of interest and sinking fund levied upon the said supporters, should be refunded to them on or before the 31st day of December in each year.* The first two debentures were paid out of the revenues of the town, as they matured, but those for the subsequent years, up to the present time, have been paid out of funds realized from the sale of new debentures. These sold on an average at fifteen per cent, discount, or in other words, a $400 debenture would realize only $340 in cash. -"^ The position of the debenture account would consequently stand as Mows :— -r^^i msi.r, , . ■ri^^^.^A.^^^d^AU-.^^im^trmm^^ Total debeintures issuecT............ ....$14,000 ' i,-^ First two paid in cash in 1859 and 1860, (less) 1 ,000 -'^ Total outstanding debentures in 1861 $13,000 „, — . . , ■» * iSuttute» of Canada, Chapter 61, Section «. 16* ^ ly^k^ nil (f(i!iu»i t'':.---.----^ *"--"-■ ;';:;--' ■ '■■:-■:- '■ ^^-'■;, -- ;• ,.^, In regard to the attendance of pupils at the Peterborough Union Gram-, mar and Common School, the following statistics of two successive periods are here presented : — - : ,. Grammar School, — In 1856, the total number of pupils in the Grammar School department was 87 : of these there were studying Arithmetic 80, Algebra 8, Euclid 8, Trigonometry 2, Mensuration 2, Geography 87, History 80, Ancient Geography 40, Modern do. 87, History of Rome 87 History of Great Britain 87, Physical Science 87, Natural Philosophy 32, 11111 r be 5 of the [upon to it i^ram- [jriods luuar 80, 87, J 87 ^32, NututHl History 87, Writing 87, Book-keeping 7, Drawing 31, and Vocal Mti8ic36. ■.,....-.., .,...,^. ^,,.-.^ V- • -_<- ^^^_^ For 1864, — (the last report yet reeeivecl) wc fitid, tTie nuriitor of Jitiplts in English branches 41, Latin 41, Greek G, French 15, Algebra 35, Kuclid 35, Geography 41, History 41, Physical Science 13, Natural Philosophy 13, Writing 41, Drawing 15,^Elemcnts of Political Economy 19. Common School, — The total number of pupils returned, as attending the Common School department in 1856, was 498. Of these 281 were boys and 217 girls ; 31 arc indigent pupils. The total number in Arith- metic was 323, Grammar 298, Geography 352, History 177, Writing 376, Book-keeping 4, Mensuration 6, Algebra 2, Geometry 3, Natural Philoso- phy 12, Vocal Music 103, other studies 130. „,..<.... i.-. For 1864, we find, the total attendance oi Common School children to be 1052; of these 551 are boys and 501 girls, indigent pupils 104. Average attendance of pupil . 459. The following are the numbers en- gaged in the several branches of study : — Arithmetic 893, Grammar 702, General Geography 707, Canadian Geography 248, History 459, Writing 877, Book-keeping 28, Mensuration 2, Algebra 46, Geometry 43, Natural Philosophy 95, Linear Drawing 21, Needlework 30. To furnish the names of all the teachers employed in this school, even since the union, would require an amount of labor, disproportionate to the interest likely to be taken in the result ; but we append a list of the several Principals, since the first organization of the Peterborough Grammar School. Princtpah prior to the Union of 1854. — Rev. Samuel Armour, la- cumbent ; Rev. Moses Williamson, Presbyterian minister ; Rev. R. J. C. Taylor, Rector ; Bolton W. O'Grady, Esq., A. B., T. C. D. Principals «mcc 1854. — John Gordon, J. W. Kerr, Stewart Foster, Esquires, Rev. John McClure, James M. Dunn, Esq., and John King, Esq., B. A., T. C. D. .. .: T The following gentlemen have been severally Local Superintendents of Schools in Peterborough: — Rev. E. Roberts, James Edwards, Esq., Rev. J. S. Douglas, D. W. Dumble, Ivan 0'B.eime and James Stratton, Esquires ; the last named gentleman i ow occupying that position. 't:'- -i». .. .. ,^*;3:i:-Wt ■t ,W*-*»i»»^*»,->f*™*>#)h^«^ 118 I I: fi;- "f Bovutti Catholic Sq^irate School. — This school was first or}j;aiiizc(l ia Peterborough in the year 1851. For three years, rooms were rented in a building on the corner of Aylmcr and Simcoc streets for its aocommoda- tion. In 1854, a frame school house, in two departments, was erected on the lot directly in front of the Catholic church. In the autumn of the year 1864, this building was destroyed by fire, together with a valuable library, the property of the St. Patrick's society of Pctcrboro'. During 1865, the present fine brick building of two and a half stories was completed, and to a considerable extent, paid for, by the voluntary contri- butions of the congregation of St. Peter's church. Early in January 1866, the school was transferred to this building, from the old Union School premises, which had been in the meantime leased and ocoupied fpr Separate bchool purposes. ' . From iwo to four teachers have been employed in this sjhool. The number of pupils on the register for 1865 was 265. Religious instruction is combined with secular, — the male and female pupils being classified in separate departments. ; ,>, ■ , ^^^,,, t*i.vuvtf.,.^..LvSri: :;.,u The following is a list of the teachers who have been employed in this school : — Males — Messrs. Bernard Boyd, Daniel Sullivan, John Curtin, John Keating, Francis O'Hara, David Roche, Michael Healy, William Keating and Patrick Smyth. Females — Miss Mary C. Meany, Miss Bridget Hogan and Miss Mary Ann O'Callaghan. ■ ■'■■ T, , ;,.-■. . ; V CHAPTER XX. ,,,.;,. A^^^r^X ■ 'jiJ 4'ii^';''"4''>^'<;A^-'i^* "■'*i^ M '^^ > - i- i'l . ■'■-■•I ' !■-■»;"■;-••■'.-•■ SUMMARY OP LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTIONS. Date. Novem. 1833. ..u#|# 1856. Septera. 1861. '« 1864. Candidates. Elected. Thomas Alex. Stewart . . ( Thomas Short ) ( Edmund Murney . . ) (Hon. BiUa Flint...) ( " Sidney Smith ) " .Billa Flint Appointed byCrown Edmund Murney... Hon. Sidney Smith. " Billa Flint.... W Majority. ■- 238 ^'-^pr 180 "'^^ Acclamation Hi r a> k •*■ *- ■ .-> ♦ c ' Date. 1834. 'tj. 1836. .■">•/ ^i 1841 1844. Decern. .1847. ^^^ 'l851. July, ...1854. January 1856 . Decern. .1857. July,... 1861. June,... 1863. Septem. 1864. Candidates. Elected. Majority. r Col. Alex. McDonelh Dr. John Gilchrist, James G. Bethune, W. S. Conger, ' Henry Ruttan, Col. Alex. McDonell ' Geo. M. Boswell, ^ Dr. John Gilchrist, ^ ( Frederick Ferguson ") ] Col.Alex. McDoncU [■ ( Dr. John Gilchrist. ) ( George B. Hall, ) I Col. Baldwin, j i James Hall, ,:,* Y Richard Birdsall, v John Langton. j Col. Alex. McDonell '% .';;•;■'' * .'' ( James Hall, " > I John Langton. ) John Langton. ( Th( W. S. Conger, Frederick Ferguson Thomas Short, S. Conger, (■ W. S. Conger, I Col. F.W. Haultain W. S. Conger f Col. Haultain, ( Charles Perry. } Col.Alex, McDonell f Y. -.'. Dr. John Gilchirst. George B. Hall James Hall ,(j(»g>T'jy', T John Langton. do W. S. Conser. Thomas Short. Col. Haultain. W. S. Conger. Col. Haultain. .TcP,! 81 to ■ Acclamation 298 f.^ 315:ft;^: 30''^^ Acclamation 106 ,--Si|K 14. I i ■■■■-'■ - ■ • • ■ ■>,-.■"- ,■ •• ■ .,.'=; i 1 I fF 120 WARDENS FOR THE ftWHWT OF PETERBOROUGH. 1842 185y, W. S. Conger. to end of }-Georce Arundel Hill, .qoh Air-n- t 284f, \ 1860, William Lang. 1847, John Langtoji. \^i 1848, ; i_ do 1849, ^"■'•"'^''ift^v, '^ '''--. 1850, r^,;/^<^,, .,,,.,;,;, 1851, Thomas Short. 1852 ^ to end of V William. Cottingham. 1858, ) 1861, M. 8. Dean. 1862, do ' 1863, Peter Pcaroe. 1864, do .'iil- ji .■^.. ;,'m',% 1865, Robert P. ftogern. %< . ■• i.. 1866, Evans Ingram. > 4 MAYORS, REEVES, &C., OP PETERBOROUGH. Year Mayors. • . i ^^''^^' /.,ao Deputy Reeves. 1850 "Thomas Benson, Thomas Benson, 1851 Charles Hudson, Robert Thompson, , 1852 James Hall, William Cluxton, i/'l-*- ■■■■■ ^■' 1853 Charles Perry, Fred'k Ferguson, 1854 Jas. Stevenson, W. S. Conger, 1855 James Hall, Fred'k Ferguson, William Eastland, 1856 W. S. Conger, James Hall, James Stevenson, 1857 Jas. Stevenson, W. S. Conger, Robert NichoUs, ^ 1868 do W. A. Scott, Dauiol Hopkins, 1859 do W. S. Conger, Thomas White, Jr. 1860 A. Sawers, ( IS--" l( ) ,4 :.: i.1 «■■'"■' > 1861 Charles Perry, "^■a-W'u 'i' ' 1862 do — mmm- 1863 do . separated from 1864 1865 do W. A. Scott, the County. .,.» 1866 W. H. Scott. y , . . _ ~-;- .. - -. *■• ^P^ . .,-.,-■¥■ Town Clerks. — The following gentlemen have been successively Town Clerks :— W. H. Vizard, W. H. Wrighton, Thomas White, Jr., Ivan O'Beirne, and James Edwards, Esquires, — the last named gentleman having occupied that position for the last ten years. Town Treasurers.— Robert Nicholls, William Hall, William Cluxton, and James Edwards, Esquires,— tl.j last two gentlemen having discharged the important duties of that position for five and nine years respectively. m jrRTicER OP rnr. vr.Acr. for p?,TF,BBoRnuon. xton, irged B. Y. i^fcKyoH,* .lohii Kcm.edy, John T)arcu8, J. T. Henthorn, V 1 J()8in« Broy,* Thomas White, Sr. Dr. F. Conuin,* John Haggart, Dr. John Hulcheson,* Michael Hogan, Robert P. Madge,* Fred'k Ferguson, Jolin Langton, A. S. Fraserj'i'- G. B. Hall,* D. McFarlane,'!- Daniel Griffith, G. F. Orde, Robert Dennistoun, Thomas Harper,* Geo. G. Boswell,* Charles Rubidgo, James Harvey, James Hall, Robert Ridley, •!= Thomas Chambers, *Those thus marked are deceased. Patrick Rynn, (/harles Perry, ti^!' James Kd wards, W. A, Scott, Francis H. Armstrong,* Robert Nicholls, William Cluxton, William P^astland, Daniel Hopkins, Jas. Stevenson, William Coulter, Robert M. Boucher. Cnroncrx. — Dr. John McNabb, A. MnPhail, Thomas Bird, James Foley, William C. Nicholls, George Reid, Dr. M. Lavell, Dr. Amos McCrea, Dr. Thomas W. Poole, Dr. John McKeown, Dr. A. HaiTcy, and J. R. Benson Esf[. Asarvson. — The following gentlemen have been Assessors of the town, in some cases for sundry years : — Messrs. James Edwards, T. F. Albro, John Kennedy, D. Taylor, Robert Rowe, T.Hcnthorn, William Eastland, Thomas White, ,Tr., W. A. Scott, Thomas Hutcheson, and T. Hazlitt. Colhctom. — All of the gentlemen named as follows have been for more than one year collectors of rates for the town : — Messrs. Daniel Hopkins, William dimming, J. A. Hartley and David Carlylo, AmUtors^—1\\Q accounts of the town have been audited at one time or another by each of the following gentlemen : — Messrs, William Cluxton, William Curry, William Eastland, Robert Reid, James Ferguson, William Coulter, James Edwards, George Coupar, Charles Cameron, R. F. Kirk- patrick and E. Pearse. County Auditors. — Robert Reid, James Hall, James Foley, Goorge Hughes, James Anderson, J. .J. Hall and Dr. Thomas W. Poole JUSTICES OP THE PEACE, ASHBUENIIAM. Robert D, Rogers, H, Bennett, Robinson Moore, 17 122 REEVES OP A8HBURNHAM. 1859, Robert D. Rogers, 1863, Kobert D. Rogers, J 860, Francis Armstrong, 1864, Robert D. Rogers, 1861, Robert D. Rogers, 1865, Robeit D. Rogers, 1862, Francis Armstrong, 1866, A. C. Dunlop. Local Superintendents of Scliooh, Ashhnrnham. — 5 he Rev. J. S. Pouglas for five years, from 1858 to the close of 1864, and the Rev. J, W. R. Beck, for 1865 and 1866. m ■ I ir V i, - . w i i ■ I Ml 1 THE TOWNSHIPS OP THE COUNTY OF PETEEBOEOUGH. CHAPTER XXI. THE TOWNSHIP OP SMITH. The survey of the to\*nship of Smith was just completed in 1818, when a number of colonists who had fe"'iled that year from Cumberland, in Eng- land, *bund their way to that township tor the purpose of forming a set- tlement. There was as yet no semblance of a road through the almost un- broken forest from Port Hope, and they accordingly chose the route by way of Rice Lake and the Otonabee river. On ai'riving at Smith, the first thing done was to erect a temporary log iiouse on the first lot west of the communication road, which is a small triangular piece of ground, just outside of the present limits of the Town of Peterborough. Here they lived in common, until by mutual assistance, small houses, or shanties, were erected on their several lots, to which they then removed. The names of those first settlers who comprised this gi'oup, were William Dixon and Ij^s family of five sons, Joseph Lee and his sons John and George; Robert Millburn, Robert Walton, John Walton, (not the late Reeve and no relative) Walton Wilson, Thomas W. Millburn, John Smith and his son Joseph Smith. These were commonly spoken of collectively, as " the colony" settlers, to distinguish them from others of an early period. The following were also among the early pioneers, having settled in the township during the same season, (1818) and but a little while later tliau those already named : — John Harvey, Ralph Bickerton, Alexander Mor- rison, Jacob Bromwell, Robert iVicholson, Jame,-: Maun and his son Jamea, MHH 124 » »■ ?" C I ^^ *5 - " Thos. Lockhart, and John Yates. Among tliosc from one to tlircc ycar« later, were Walter McKibbon, Samuel McKibbou, V/illiam Tully, Thomas Robinson, Isaac Nicholson, Silas Pearson, Joseph Walton and sons, the eldest of which was the late llceve of Smith ; Matthew and Kichard Bell, John Edniison, Ephraim Jackson and sons, and Thomas Millburn. These names constitute the roll of honor among the early settlers o" Smith, — men who by their courage in penetrating the forest, and their example in enduring and finally overcoming its difficulties and hardships, laid tlie foundation of a fine settlement, in connection with which it is but fitting that their names should be remembered, as those of practical patriots, whose deeds remain, and the fruit of whose earnestness and industry it is to be hoped their children will long enjoy. The first requisite to procure land in those days was to take the oath of allegiance, on which a certificate was issued as evidence of the fact, A location ticket for the lot sought was then granted, for which a small fee was charged. Owing to the wild and unsettled state of the township when the first of these were issued, '"the colony," or first settlors, were not re- quired to make any other payment then this mere nominal one ; but in later years, a fee of $25 was charged to others on the issuing of their deed. Before a full title to the land was procured, an affidavit, made by two per- sons, setting forth that the settlement duties were performed, and a house at least 18 by 20 feet in size erected, had to be presented at the land office, which for some years rendered a second journey to Toronto a matter of necessity. The performance of the settlement duties was not so rigidly exacted in this township as in Otonabee, in connection with which they will be more clearly described. The first settlers in Smith encountered difficulties and privations of which we, in after times, can have but a faint conception. Unaccustomed as many of them were to the new scenes in which they found tliemselves placed ; with scant provisions, and separated by long wastes of wood and water from their fellow-kind, their situation, with their wives and little ones, must have been at times appalling ; and by less indomitable spirits, would have been relincjuished in despair. Looking back upon it now, in the light of their present prosi)erity, what have they not achieved ! Such brave men avc the true patriots, whose names deserve to be handed down in the annals of our history to future generations. il« ■* 125 which led as selves and little irits, iw, in ISuch I down During the first few yours, great difficulties were often I'elt in procuring the necessary provisions with which to support life. These had to bo brought all the way from Port Hope or Cobour^,, in the most laborious manner, and in the total absence of even the most ordinary roads ; the only guide being the "blaze" upon the trees tlirough the interminable forest, in which they seemed entombed. Tinder these circumstances, it is not to be wondered at that whole families were often for weeks without tasting bread, und that the herbs and succulent roots of the rich woods were often called into requisition to lengthen out their scanty fare. Late in the autunm, during one of these critical junctures, a number of the younger men of the .settlement started in company for I'ort Hope, to bring in a supply of provisions, of which their families began to be sorely in need. The journey was made by way of the Otonabee river and Rice Lake, and on their way back to their expectant households, they encamjxid on an island in Kice Lake. The season was already advanced, and a keen frost setting in, what was their surprise and mortification to find themselves next morning henuncd in by an icy barrier which stretched away in the distance, and blocked up the mouth of the river through which their course lay. Imagine their impatience at being thus delayed, well knowing that during their absence their loved ones were living on short allowance, and their children vainly stretching out their hands for bread. On the next day the ice had become sufficiently firm to support them, and they proceeded on their way over its glassy surface, dragging their canoe, with their provisions behind them. This is but a sample of the difficulties of which those early years furnish many example; . Not even after their first small clearings wci c made, and they began to sO',v and reap their tiny harvests, was their condition greatly improved. J1m'7 they watched the wheat as it grew, and tasted of the pulpy grain as ^ hr-^dened and matured in tlic kernel ! But there was no mill, and their '» .)8t ingenuity could not ■ onvevtit into the bread for which they longed with all the force of early relish. In this dilennna, the stumps of trees, or some of the larger logs, were hollowed out into pot-shaped cavities, in which a huge mallet was made to fall, to crush the grain ; the process being aided by the spring of a sapling bent over for that purpose, or the unwieldy lever still used for raising the bucket in farm wells. Wheat was boiled, roasted, and as a food for children, was even chewed by their parents, besides being thus pounded, in order to convert it into food. 'W i-: 126 The more robust aud vigorous, indeed, uot uufreiiuently shouldered a bag of wheat, and carried it through the woods of Monaghan, Cavan and Hope to Smith's creek, as Port Hope was then called, returning with it ground, to the great joy of the household. On such journeys it was usual to take along a supply of potatoes to be eaten on the way, a suflSciency being concealed beneath some friendly root, or convenient wind-fall at about midway of the distance to be used on the way home. A little later, an apology for a mill was erected on Galloway's Creek, in Cavan, and a now leading and wealthy farmer in Smith, informs us, that after the family were two weeks without flour, he, then a young man, took the oxen and the sleigh, and wended his way through the woods to Gallo- way's. Winter was setting in, and he found the mill silent and the water wheel frozen and immf^vable. Determined to have the flour, he set to work with a will, but ' ' Ixoppiug away the ice, and spending nearly all night in clearing ol L'ons, a few rounds was the utmost the machine could be urged to go, and he had to trudge back weary and dis- appointed. About the year 1821, the little mill erected by Mr. Adam Scott, on the bank of the Otonabcc, at Peterborough, and which has been already de- scribed, was set in motion, and imperfect though it was, it must neverthe- less have been a great boon to settlers so situated. A small grist mill was erected by Jacob Bromwell, one of the early set- tlers in Smith, which came into operation just before the mill erected by the Government in 1827. Brom well's mill was a frame structure, erected at the mouth of a small creek which enters the Otonabee river just below Mr. Snyder's saw mill. In point of size and usefulness, it was about on a j)ar with Adam Scott's ; nnd was but a brief time in use, — the erection of the larger mill referred to, having superseded the necessity for both of these lesser structures. A deputation from the early settlers in Smith waited upon His Excel- lency, Sir Peregrine Maitland, to express the disadvantages under which they labored ; but as reference has already been made to the incidents of that occasion, they need not be repeated here. With the erection of the grist mill at Peterborough by the Government, a new era dawned upon the settlers in this as well as the adjacent townships, and thenceforward their prosperity and success were fully assured. 127 The present excellent roads in Smith were only brought to their present perfection after long years of succeBaive improvement and the outlay of large sums of money. In 1831, a writer in the Cobourg Star described the communication road as scarcely passable for ox teams, and filled with boulders, stumps and other obstructions. In 1832, £100 was granted by the U. C Legislature to improve this road, and further sums in later years. The following is an extract from the oflBcial returns of Smith for 1 832 : Number of persons assessed 116, acres cultivated 2181, horses 23, oxen 160, cows 232.. horned cattle 143. Total assessed value £8099. Total rates levied £38 lis. Id. Total population 753. There are two official school returns for 1832, one being that taught by William Lalley, and the other by P. Wood ; the average attendance of scholars being set down as 21 and 27 for these schools respectively. Among the school teachers of later years, are the names of Daniel Dove, James Brennan, ar^d Orran Movey. These occur about the year 1835. The first school house was that erected on Mr. Isaac Millburn's lot, about the year 1831. Among the first clergymen who visited Smith, were the Rev. Mr. Thompson, Episcopal minister from Cavan, the llev. William Case, Rev. George Tar, and Rev. Henry Ryan, of the JVIethodist Church ; the Rev. Samuel Armour, who came in soon after the immigration of 1825, and the Rev. J. M. Roger, who located in Peterborough in 1833, also officiated in this township ; — religious services having in those early days to be held in the houses of the settlers, wherever accommodation could best be found. The township of Smith was not behind in volunteering for the support of the Government in 1837, and many left their homes under a sense of duty, at great personal inconvenience and risk to their families. Reference has however been made to the chief events of that time in another chap- ter, and what has there been given on this subject mu it suffice. The township of Smith is surrounded on three sides by water. From a comparatively early period, its western boundary, along Chemong or Mud Lake, was placed in communication by means of steamers with the back townships bordering on the great chain of inland waters in the heart of the County of Victoria. These steamers have been the Stvrgrnn, the BacJcwoodsumn, the Peterborough, the Ogemah, the Fhj, the Novelty, IP ^.'WMIH^ 128 lift ■■ ml ■" j 1 \ L the Wondmnn and ntlicrs. At the principal landing place in Smith, now the village of Bridi^enortK, wharfs were built, and hotels and stores fol- lowed. S. S. Kelly and Walter Scott, Esquires, have there a steam saw mill each, and M. S. Dean, Esq., a grist mill, steam saw and shingle mill, and also a store and Post OflBce. In 1837, the site of the village of Bridgenorth was still covered by forest. The first house there .was built by one William Valley, who kept a tavern, which he transferred to William Dorey. Daniel Donahue, Ralph Edmison, and finally Asa Dunbar succeeded to the business. Mr. Dunbar and Mr. Herrington, a tailor, were the only residents of the place in 1843. Besides the store and mills mentioned, it now boasts of three hotels, numerous tradesmen, and a neat Wesleyan church erected within a few years. Smith has two other churches, one a Baptist church, on the communi- cation road, built about the year 1840, of which the Ecv. John Gihnour, the Rev. Robert McDougall, the Rev. John Edwards, and now the Rev. Edward R. Roberts, have been successively the pastors. The other is a Presbyterian church, in the northern part of the township, just completed and dedicated in September, 186G. Besides these, the churches in Peter- borough and Lakefield have supplied the religious wants of a large portion of the residents of Smith. This township has the merit of being not only the earliest settled, but also one of the most thriving and prosperous in the county. In 1852, the number of its ratepayers was 250, in 1861, 428, and in 1866 they had increased to 621, giving a population in all of about .3600 souls, having multiplied nearly three and a half times in the course of thirty years. During the fifty years which have now elapsed since the township was first settled, :.iany of the older residents have passed away to their rest ; but they lived to see the forest subdued, and broad acres of cleared and fertile land stretching away on every side. Their first rude habitations had, in many instances, given way to large and comfortable mansions of brick or stone, and they and their families enjoyed the fruits of their toils in comparative wealth and affluence. The first few years of toil and privation in a new country brought in their train, first, plenty, and then luxury. The children of the first settlers in Smith, who were young men and women during some of the early years referred to, have now at their very thresholds all the blessings and advantages of the higher walks of 129 but was I rest ; and itions bns of toils |l and then mon their Ika of civilization. Not only shops and stores teeming with ihc Bubstantial necessaries, but oven with tht 'h-h. fabrics and choice productions of the world; large and elegant cliun^ncs, within easy access, through the Mosaic windows and stained glass of which tlic sunlight enters; the printing press and the news depot, s, rich witli the modern literature of the old and new worlds; professional skill, both medical and legal, oi' the liighcst order, and the most respectable attainments ; a fine Court House and a massive Jail, with all the paraphernalia of justice and law in their robes of office. Mills and manufactories of large proportions, and capable of an indefinite extension ; the iron rail, and the panting locomotive, with the bustling railway station, within easy morning walk of the inhabitants, and witliin rifle shot of the site of that first rude dwelling where the early settlers of 1818 lived in common until their first shanties could be erected in the mighty forest; steamboat communication stretching far into the interior of a fine country, yet undeveloped, and teeming with rich forests and vast mineral deposits, which may yet supply the wants and the necessities of half the world. What a contrast does all this, — the reality of to-day, — present to the as- tonished vision of the adventurous pioneers who fifty years ago penetrated this spot, then in all the wild rudeness of nature, and passed their first nights beneath the spreading branches of the hemlock and the pine ! Surely a country capable of such astonishing development has still attrac- tions for the immigrant from other lauds, who may, now as then, in its newer districts, carve out for himself a home and an independence, witli equally gratifying results. We have still in our rear, millions of acres of arable 1 mds, well watered, and rich in all the wild treasures of nature, which need but the strong arm and the determined will, joined with pru- dence and foresight, to become the home of thousands, who in adding to the country's wealth, will be most surely enhancing their own. The picture here drawn is no fancy portrait : the facts recorded are stern realities, and what is here written of the township of Smith might with equal truthfulness, be, in great part, repeated in the case of nearly every township in the county. The establishment of a cheese factory by John Walton Esc{., in this township, in 1866, is an interesting fact, indicative of the varied resources of the Canadian fanner. During this first season, 1600 pounds of excellent cheese were manufactured by Mr. Walton, chiefly from his own cows. Aa 18 hi 180 the iiupoitancc of this brauch of trade, and its adaptation to the Canadian soil and climate become better understood, operations like this may be expected to become more frequent, and their product more extensive. Mr. Walton deserves credit for being the first to introduce the manufacturing of cheese on so extensive a scale into this county. The last census (18G1) sliows the population of the township of Smith and Harvey to be made up of the i'ollowing nationalties : — Ireland 455, England 354, Scotland, 158, United States 100, Upper Canada 2315, Lower Canada 39, other countries 5. The religious census for Smith and Harvey for 18G1, was as follows: — Church of England G5G, R. Catholic 492, W. Methodists 707, Bible Christians 178, Free Church 815, Church of Scotland 88, Baptists 37G, other Methodists 94, other churches 20. The total population in 18G1 of both townships was 342G, of which 1811 were males and 1G15 females. There were in 1860, 17 deaths, 114 births, and 752 children attending school. The Wardenship, — The township of Smith has had the honor of twice furnishing a Warden for the county, in the person of M. S. Dean, Esc|., who held that important position during the years 1861 and 1862. We cannot procure the names of the local municipal officers of this and the other townships, during many years, without an amount of labor quite disproportionate to the results intended in this little publication ; and must content ourselves and the reader with a list of the Reeves, Magistrates and other prominent officials for the township, which we here subjoin : — DISTRICl AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS. District CoitnciUoiB. 1842, Stephen Nicholls, — 1843, William Dixon, — 1844, William Dixon, — 1845, William Dixon and Thomas Bell, 184G, Thomas Bell and John Milburn, 1847, Thomas Bell and John Milburn, 1848, Thomas Bell and John Milbum, 1849, Thomas Bell and John Milbura, ^ 131 County Cnvvnilors. Hecvos. Deputy Reeves. 1850, Thomas Bell, 1851, John Milburn, , 1852, Thomas Bell, 1853, Thomas Bel', % 1854, John Walton, 1855, John Walton, — 1856, John Walton, 1857, John Walton, — 1858, Isajic Garbutt, 1859, M. S. Dean, Isaac Garbutt, 1860, M. S. Dean, Isaac Garbutt, 1861, M. S. Dean, Isaac Garbutt, 1862, 31. S. Dean, Isaac (jarb'itt, 1863, John Walton, Isaac Garbutt, 1864, John Walton, George Fitzgerald, 1865, John Walton, Isaac Garbutt, 1866, M. S. Dean, (Jeorge Fitzgerald, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN THE TOWNSIIIl' OF .SMITH. Stephen Nicholls, John Milburn, William Dixon, Thomas Tully, Thomas Bell, Jonathan Stephenson, Thomas Fitzgerald, John Walton, John Harvey, Isaac Garbutt, John Hall, Lewis Davis, William H. Moore, M. S. Dean, John Bell, Michael Sanderson, William Elliott, S. S. Kelly, Emmanuel Mann, Andrew Tully. LOCAL SUPERINTENDENTS OP SCHOOLS. William Nicholls Esq., was appointed to this office in 1844. From that time until 1852, the duties were discharged by County Superintendents, to whom reference is made elsewhere in these pages. The Rev. E. Roberts was appointed Local Superintendent in 1852, and continued to bold this office uninterruptedly until 1866, when James Stratton Esq., was 18* 132 appointed Local Superintendent of this nnd some of the adjoining townships. TuwMhip Clrt'k*, dr. — Mr. Thomas Milburn was the firKt township dork of Smith. Mr. Christopher J3urton has now held that position for many years, and has also bacn for some years Treasurer, — offices which he has filled with great credit to himself and advantage to the township. % CHAPTER XXTI. THE TOWNSHIP OP OTONABEE. The township of Otonabee was surveyed in 1819. The first actual settler was Mr. George Kent, who, with a number of immigrants, accom- panied the late Captain Spilsbury to the townsliip in that year, and was located on his land before the township was formally thrown open to set- tlement. Thr; others did not become settlers, and from some cause remain- ed but a short time. Capt. Chas. Rubidge, R. N., also visited Otonabee in 1819 ; and returned with his family for permanent settlement in May 1820. He was the first iu the township to pev.orm the settlement duties and secure a title to his land. A considerable number of settlers came in during that year, (1820). These, as nearly as can be ascertained, were, John Walstead, Major Design, Thomas Carr, John Nelson and his sons Andrew and William, John Mackintosh, Lindsay, Ambrose Mayett, James Beckett, Thomas Nelson, George Esson, with liis sons Thomas, Alexander, Daniel and Robert ; John Fife and family, among whom were six sons ; James Foley, (uncle of the late James Foley, of Norwood, who remained but a short time) John Stewart, William Sowden and Ralph Davidson. Besides these, there were the following single men without families : — Robert Redpath, James Hunter, George Banks, Nicholas Bullen, Robert Ferguson, Robert Hyatt, Lieut. Jenkins and Collier. For many long years before the survey or settlement of Otonabee was seriously contemplated, a trading post for the purchase of fur and the exchange of commodities with the Indians, was kept, at first, by an Intel- 133 Louias and oley, time) there ames yatt, |e was the lintel- Hgont TnfUnn, named Herkimer, and afterwiirdf* by Major Charlep Ander- Hon, on tlie shore of llice Lake ; but as tlioir object was not that of nettlc- ment, we have not mentioned them amonj; tlie roll of honored nameH, to whom posterity will point as the p riots, wlio first hewed down the forest, and by their labor and their example, amid many dicouragements, linve made this fine township what it now is — one of the foromost in intelligence, in wealth, and successful industry in western Canada. The location of the rude house which served for the shelter and the home of the lonely trader, was on u point of land just below the site of the present Indian village, — Hiawatha. Since the erection of the dam at Hastings, (formerly Crook's rapids) the point has become an island, on which the remains of the stone chimney and traces of the old house are still visible. What a Iqnely situation three-quarters of a century ago, yet not without its picture;-M|ue attractions ! The sparkling lake in front, redolent with life amid its grassy deeps as yet scarce conscious of the hook or spear, — the moaning waves dashing upon the silent shore, beyond which rose the giant forest, vast, interminable. And then tlic drifting snows, like a great winding sheet, which for half the year closed up the scene ! What cared he — the hardy trader — for the summer glories or the win- ter's blasts. Secure in his cosy hut, with a blazing fire, he bade defiance to the storm, as he counted his furs, and shrewdly guessed the hundreds of per-ceutage to be realized from his purchases. But how changed the prospect now ! The towering pine and the gigan- tic elm, with their less impt)sing brethren of the forest, have in great part passed away, and where they stood, the snug farm house, surrounded by broad fields of waving grain, attract the sight. Agriculture, followed by the numerous appliances of civilization, stepped in to monopolize the soil ; and adjoining the spot where once the solitary trader pursued his avo- cation, thousands now subsist, in comparative wealth and substantial plenty. A number of gentlemen occupying the position of half-pay officers, secured the greater portion of the lots along the front of the township ; thus obliging the other settlers, not without some reluctance, to take up positions further to the rear. Several of these gentlemen were not actual residents, but employed persons residing in the vicinity to perform the settlement duties for them : and many of those who actually settled on their land, remained but a few years, and tlien sought a home more conge- nial to their tastes elsewhere. 184 If t The first thinj; required of tljc Hcttlor in tho«f dayp, wns to po before the IhikI Agent, (who rewded at firHt in Toronto, hut an iigency was nfter- wiirdH opened at ('ohourg. ) nnd take the oath of allegiance!, b'or adiuinis- terinjr this oatli, a fbe of wevcn Hhillinf^s and sixpence was churf'cd ; and the aj)plicant was then furnished with a location ticket for any unttccupicd lot he might have selected. This ticket entitled him to a free grant of fifty acres (m performing certain conditions known a,^ settlement duties: and on satisfactory proof that these terms had bctni complied with, a deed was issued for tlie fifty acres, with right to jjurchase the other fifty, or any other unoccupied lands in the vicinity. The second fifty acres could be procured (thus securing 100 acres) on the payment of £4 ; but with a view of checking speculation by non-settlers, an additional 200 acres could only be got by paying £'M't. But these prices were subsequently reduced, and land could afterwards be obtained at prices more consonant with the circumstances of the time. The rule was, that the settlement duties must be performed within eighteen months, or the claim was forfeited, and might be handed over to another. These settlenaent duties consisted in chopping down and clearing out the trees and brushwood along the concession line in front of the lot, to the width of two rods, and slashing down the timber four rods wide along side of this — thus making an opening through the forest six rods wide, along the entire length of the lot of 100 acres, which, with similar work on the part of the owner of the opposite lot, oj)cncd to view the whole breadth of the concession line. In addition to this, a cleaving of two acres at least, must be made, and a house or shanty !8 x *20 feet in size erected on the land. The absentees, who Iiired men to perform this work, did so at an average expense of ^25 per 100 acres, varying, of course, according to circumstances and the terms of the bargain made. But, as a rule, these requirements were only very partially fulfilled ; tlie sterner necessities of the settler occupying his time ; while the difficulty of access to the new settlements, and no doubt a desire to deal leniently with the early pioneers, rendered official enquiries easily satisfied, or evaded, without any very serious dereliction of truth. The only means of ingress to the township of Otonabee, in those early days, was by crossing Rice Lake in small boats or skiflFs, hired for the occasion, at a tariflf of charges which would now be considered very high. For instance, a boat and a boy to convey a passenger or two from Gore's landing to Foley's point, could hardly be procured fc. less than four del- 195 [ally the [igh. jre's dol- lars. Ill cuuHCijucutc ul' the iucxperioncc of luoht of the Hcttk'iH uh to llie niauugciiicnt of u boat in rouf^h weather, thcbc biuall crafts w ;'c I'rc- qucMtly upwct by tlu; wwell.s, ami the lu{:};;af^o with which tlicy were iisually loaded, as well as tlio lives of the passengers endanj^cred, or lost. Several accidents t»f this kind are reiuembcred, and also some very re- markable escapes. In the fall of 1820, a Mr. llousten, an intending settlor in Asjihodi'l, and Ium three sous, with their efleets, arrived at the south side of liie lake, where the owner of a boat of considerable size, was de- manding what was regarded as an extravagant sum for ferrying them across. Lieut. Jenkins and a ship carpenter named Collier, who had just returned from Kingston with a trim sail boat, promptly undertook the task, and the passengers and their goods were placed on board the little ves.sel, which was heavily laden. As they approached the first island, a wjuall arose, the vessel swamped, and the five imsscngers found themselves immersed in the water, amid floating trunks and a bundle of bedding. Jenkins could not swim and speedily sank Collier was an excellent swimmer, but his pockets were loaded with ;- it. He struck out for the island, but becoming entangled in the rice, he too was drowned. Housten and his sons, with rare presence of mind, clung to their floating goods, which kept them afloat until the larger boat arrived from the ahore, and they were rescued. John Mcintosh and his daughter Margaret, perished, as was believed, by breaking through the ice, in attempting to cross. His body was found during the following spring in Foley's bay, and hers further down at a point of land since called Margaret's island. Other fatal accidents of a similar kind were not unfrequent, so that the passage of the lake came to be regarded as dangerous. This circumstance, combined with the total absence of milling facilities, and the great exer- tions and expense involved in getting supplies from without, cast a gloom of despondency over the young settlement. Many of the younger men left the township, to seek occupation elsewhere, and at the end of the third year, the new setttlement had receded rather than advanced. During these early years, hand-sleighs were frequently used during the tyinter months to transport provisions and necessaries, from the south side of the lake, across the ice, and along a devious road through the almost un tracked snow, to the hungry mouths, several miles inland in the for'^st. Eyen after Scott's little mill wa«) erected at "the Plains," it was difficult ^;-^ I 136 or impossible to icucii it in the depths of winter ; while during the sunnuer months, those residing in the south-eastern portion of Otonabee, found it to their advantage to carry their scanty store of grain several miles to Rice Lake, paddle it up to the mouth of the Otonab'^c river, and thence along the windings of that crooked stream till at ijngth the longed-for destination was reached, (Scott's mill, at "the Plains," now Peterborough,) and after an indefinite delay, they returned by the same route. Not only were passengers and goods conveyed across the lake in small boats, but also young cattle ; and in one instance, as we are credibly in- formed, a settler conveyed down the lake, a distance of 14 miles, 4 head of ca+tle two years old, in a skiff, he paddling all the way seated in the stern. For many years the skins of the hogs, annually killed, were made into moccasins, with the hairy side in, us a substitute for boots, and ir the scarcity of *ea, which was then a costly luxury, wild peppermint, sweet, balm, and other herbs were made to take its place. One of these went by the name of Foley's tea, and some others were believed to be an antidote to fever and ague, — a disease from which the early settlers suffered severely. These were the times to try men's patriotism :ind to test their patience ; but well and bravely did the men and the women too of that day endure their privations ; and though many of them have passed away to their rest, those who x'emain, and their children's children, enjoy the fruits of their labors. The heart loneliness of many of these early settlers, and the long- ing for the familiar objects of their native land, expiCssed in the following original lines, written in Otonabee and published at a later date, must then hare found an echo in the bosom of many of these early settlers at the time of which we write. We quote the lines from the Cobourg Star, of December Slst 1831, without being able to indicate their author: — MY HAME. I canna oa' this forest, hame, It is nae hame to me ; Ilk tree is suthern to my heart, And unco to my e'e. i If I cou'd see the bonny bi-ooin On ilka sandy know' j Or the whins in a' their gowden pridj, T'oat on the green hill grow ; 137 -''In If I cou'd see the primrose bloom, ;, ; ', . -v ' " . In Nora'8 hazel glen ; ., i ,,^ And hear the linties chirp and sing, , .. ^ ,.. :,.' • . .. . -1 Far fraa the haunts o' men : , ^ _^ , ' 'i ':■ ' '• If I cou'd see the rising sun '• * ; '?. ,• ■. j. , ' M ;vn..' ; ; Glint owre the dewy corn ; if 7:11 v ;y i ".■ ..,»'> x^nd the tunefu' lav'rocks in the sky ' .* ,.•;!.'' Proclaim the coming morn : • : ,^ • If I could see the daisy spread * : . ' ' ; '»■»'" . Its wee flowers owre the lee ; . • ' : Or the heather scent the mounttiin breeze, ., ' -> , ,: And the ivy climb the tree : If I could see the lane kirk yard, ■ ' . Whar' frien's lye side by side : And think that I could lay my banes Beside them when I died : . 1 ' Then might I think this forest, hame, ' ' And in it live annabee, and early in the summer of 1820, he was visited by John Covert, Esq., (father of the President of the Port Hope, Lindsay and Beavorton Railway, and William 11. Draper Esq., now (Jhief Justice of Upper Canada, but then an unfledged barrister ; both of whom intended to locate themselves on l^nd in Otonabee. The former j;;entleman, indeed, had already jjurchased fifty acres of land from Capt. Rubidge ; but the prospect of the new settlement was far from encouraging, and the black flies at that season proved so annoying, that, after spending a night in Capt. R's unfinished domicile, using the loft, parti) floored with boards, for a sleeping apartment, they were only too willing to beat a retreat, without even visiting the land on which their plans had previously been fixed. '. ;.■ ■■',;., r-.' f','..- •;.,;■ ■•; .a-'. ■-■ .j,::-iJ't - ^ ,. , i ^ . .^;. . It is not to be wondeved at, that in the condition of the country which then prevailed, others of those who had chosen locations, abandoned them, f,nd, possessed of means to some extetit, sought elsewhere these advantages and facilities which time and the increase of population, aided by the 19 w^ mmmmm ftt 4 138 paternal care of the Government, at length proTided even here, and which have since placed this township on a level with those most favored in the Province. Of the entire first settlers, whose names were previously given, four, only, now survive ; but these continue hale and vigorous, and give promise, we trust, of many future years. Their names are: — Captain Charles Rubidge, R. N., Mrs. (George) Esson, Mr. George Howson, Mrs. (John) Blizard, (senior). Among the early settlers in Otonabee, deserving, from his talents and enterprise, of more than a mere passing notice, was Thomas Carr, Es<{. This gentleman, aft^r a residence of about ten years in the West Indies, became afflicted with a white swelling of the knee, wliich caused him to return to his native land. He underwent the operation of amputatin.p; the diseased limb at Edinburgh, and on his recovery, made his way to Canada in the year 1819, and with his brother Andrew, settled in Otonabee during the following year. The two brothers acquired the land on which the village of Keenc stands, Thomas owning the 100 acres on the south, and Andrew that on the north side of the intersecting line. Andrew was killed soon after by the fall of a tree while performing settlement duties on the land of one Jenkins; but Thomas continued an active life for niaiy years, displaying much enterprise, and investing large means in both farm and store. Of a cultivated and observing mind, lie wrote frequent articles of local interest chiefly to the Cobourg Star, one of the earliest, if not the first, newspapers in the then Newcastle District. Capt, Rubidge kept the firct Post Office in Otonabee, at his residence ; but Mr. Carr was the first Post-master in Keene, and at one time con- ducted an extensive business both at Keene and Norwood. He subsequent- ly entered into a niercantile partnership with Thomas Short Esq , and the Post Office was then transterred to their joint store. After fulfilling various public trusts, among others representing that township in the Dis- trict Council, and by his example and liis pen, doing much to mitigate the disadvantages of settlement in a new country, he at length became melan- choly and depressed in spirits, and although surrounded by kind and at- tentive friends, he seemed unable to shake off the incubus which weighed upon his mind. The following linps written by him in 1831, and pub- lished in the local papers of the district, are applicable to his own sad end in November, 1860, which occurred in the house of a near relative; for he had never married. 139 ELE(iY. On the late lamented death of Esq., who fell by his own hand. Wliy didst thou stop the vital stream ? ()\i\ say, what pang, thy bosom tore? Had life's fair p. ospects ceased to heam ? Or cherished friends didst thou deplore V Did love liis golden shafts employ. And in thy bosom leave a dart, To pierce thy hopes of earthly joy, And rankle in thy bleeding heart? Or did ambition fire thy breast, To tread the thorny paths to fame ? — Alas ! ambition mars our rest. And envy blights the fairest name. Thou had'st not toil'd through life so long, To find that all its scenes are vain ; — That love belies the poet s song. And eartlily pleasures end in pain. Could not fair fame — connections liigli. Thy heart-corrodmg cares beguile "' Ah ! what can stay the heaving sigh, When mental pleasures cen ' *<> «niile ? Where art thou, now? what 'ontain Thy viewless form, from dust i ^tin ' ? Does memory still her sense retain ? What cares employ thy active mind ? Yon beauteous orb which beams on high, Know' st thou its nature and its frame? Its kindred spheres, that deck the sky. What sources feed their ceaseless Hame ? Tlie world, conceal'd from mortal sight. Thou knowest now — we soon shall know ; What scenes adorn yon realms of light. Far from tliis earth, and earthly woe. A few short years shall pass away. And life's vain tumults all Ihall cease ; I too shall luiil my latest day. And sleep, like thee, at last in peace Otonabee, November 15, 1831. T. C. 19* m w^ 140 Bclbie takinj^' leave of the early settlers, uud proceeding with a brief summary of subsequent evcutn, it may be well to mention, that the families of three of t!io first settlers who came I'rom Kincardine, parish of Tully- allen, Scotlano', numbered on thoir settling in Otonabcc twenty-six souls. Two of them, Mr. John Fife and Mr. George Essou, were among the first settlers, and Mr. David Henderson, the third of the trio, joined them within two or three years. Of these twenty-six persons, seventeen are now living, after an interval of 46 years. Only nine have died, — three from old age, having exceeded four score years, two at ages between seventy and seventy- five, and four between thirty and fifty-five ycai'S of age. One of the parents still survives in the person of Mrs. George Essou. This fact is an illustration of the healthfuluess of this climate, notwithstanding the dangers and privations incident to early settlement in a new country. In the fall of the year ] 825, fifty-one families were added to the residents in Otonabec from among the immigrants under the Hon. Peter llobinson. In the settlement and location of those, upon their lauds, it has already been stated, that Captain Rubidgc, rendered efficient aid, which was not the less prompt and obliging iu that it was gratuitously given, • Those of the immigrants who located in Otonabec, have probably, on the whole, proved more successful than those in other townships. They had the advjmtagcs of an intermixture with settlers earlier than themselves, from whose experiences they speedily learned the best method of subduing the forest, and whose example of thrift and enterprise they imita+ed to a greater extent than iu localties almost wholly peopled by themselves ; where practical lessons like these were more sparingly suppUod. During the same year, (1825) Dr. John Gilchrist erected a grist mill at Keenc, with one run of stones, and a ;aw-mill with a single upright saw. In order to do this, an excavation for a water course of half a mile in length was necessary, which he successfully accomplished at his own expense, though aided in part by the voluntary labor of the settlers. In order to increase the supply of water in the Indian river, on which this mill and that cf the Hon. Zacchcus Burnham, subsequently erected at Warsaw, depended, these gentlemen, in after years, excavated a short cut from Stoney Lake to the head waters of the Indian rivf which materially increased the supply, and thus aftbrded a second outlet to the watsrs of that lake. mi A 141 It mill wight |a mile own lu this ted at jrt cut [erially ters of In the winter of 182D-30, Dr. Gilchrist opened the first store in Kcene, and about the same time a branch of the store of Mr. Dougall Campbell, of (Jobourg, was also opened in the vicinity, under the management of Mr. James Cummings. Messrs. Foley and Grover were the third firm in mercautile business at Kecnc. Prior to this period a tavern was in exist- ence there, kept by Mr. xirchibald Nelson, and another followed, kept by Mrs. Hartley, now t)f Norwood. Thomas Short, Esij., for some time PI. P. P. lor the county, came to Otonabcc when but a boy in 1830. His subseijucnt successful and extensive business, which, during many years, rendered Kcenc and Allandale excellent markets for the produce of the county, arc well known to every one here, and need not be further referred to. Among the earliest improvements of a public kind in this township was a road from Bannister's point, on Rice Lake, to the Town of Peterborough, hiid out by Captain llubidge, and graded in a great measure by his own personal exertions, aided by a grant of money from the niiigistratcs of the Newcastle District. Sir Peregrine Maitland passed up this road on his way to Peterborough, in the winter of 1826. For many years it was known as Rubidge's road, in consequence of the great interest taken by that gentlemen in cutting out and rendering it passable. The first school house in Otonabee was of logs, and stood on the east half of lot no. 20 in the 4th concession. It was built in 1829 to accom- modate a few families then in the vicinity, but was never occupied as in- tended ; a second house for tliis purpose was erected a year or two later at a little distance, on the east half of lot no. 20 in the third concession. Aid towards procuring glass, &c., was rendered from Cobourg ; and that locality also contributed a teacher in the person of Mr. David Housten, a Scotchman, who was detained by a severe attack of fever and ague at the house of Mr. John Williams, above Sully, for nearly two montlis. Being in a precarious state. Dr. Gilchrist was sent for to visit him, which he did more than once. On his recovery, his gratitude to the doctor expressed itself in a letter of thanks, in which he lamented that he had no money, but promised to pay him as soon as he couid. In reply he received the following letter replete with the spirit of true christian charity, which we present to the reader all the more readily from the fact, that we have but few written memorials of the kind physician or the erterprising citizen from whom it emanated : — . , ,...,. ... ' , .. , , ,.; 142 i' Si: I Reply to the Monei/less Patient. m '^IR, — When you see a fellow-creature in distress relieve him as far as your abilities will allow ; and in so doing you will discharge the debt you owe to Otonaboc, 1830. John Gilchrist. In 1832, a school was opened in Kcenc by Mr. Thomas Dcunehy, and continued by him for several years. In 1833, the 'official returns place the attendance at this school at 20 children ; and in that taught by Mr. William Coulter, in the section now known as no. 5, at 21. In 1835, neither the schools nor the attendance appears to have greatly increased ; as by the returns made, Mr. Dennchy's school at Kecne liad an attendance of 24, and Mr. William Donaghy's 23. Grants were made by the Legislature from time to time for the improve- ment of the roads; and from 1830 to 1840 such items as the following occur frequently in the Appendix to thg Journals of the House : — On the road from Rice Lake to Peterborough, £80 ; on the road from Keene towards Asphodel, £25 ; on ditto towards Crook's rapids, £50 ; on bound- ary between Otonabee and Douro, £50. The sums thus granted were laid out under the superintendence of commissioners named in the Act, the most prominent among whom were Captain Rubidge, William Whit- law, Thomas Carr, James Hope, Esquires, and others. But besides these occasional grants, a very large amount of work was voluntarily performed gratis, by the residents, in order to improve their roads. The first who ministered to the spiritual wants of the people in this township was the Rev. Samuel Armour, Episcopal clergyman of Peter- borough, It was his custom to hold service once a month at the house of Mr. John Nelson, Sr. The Wesleyan Methodists came next, and among the earliest of these, was the Rev. Mr. Evans, missionary to the Rice Lake Indians, and the Rev. Daniel McMuUen, of the Cobourg circuit. These gentlemen or their co-laborers, preached once a month at the houses of Mr. John Fife, Jr., and subsequently at those of Mr. John Stewart and Mr. George Howson. The first Presbyterian minister who visited Otonabee was the Rev. Archibald Colquhoun, about the year 1834. He resided about five years among his parishioners there, and then, a difference arising between him and his hearers, he removed to Dummer. The Rev. Mr. Wallace succeeded him ; but his health was infirm, and on his retirement, the Presbyterian body was supplied for some years by misniouarie^, until 143 lese the induction of the Rev. IMr. Andrews, who still resides at Keene. The present Methodist and Presbyterian churches, at Keene, were the lirst erected in the township, many years a^o, but the precise date we have been unable to ascertain. * Since the eroction of mills at Keene and Peterborous^h, in 1825-6, and the influx of population which then took place, the subsU .itial progress of this township has been marked, and almost uninterrupted. It is not within the scope of the present work to enter largely into the details of the census, or of the general statistics of the townships, as these have been made public from time to time, and are easy of access. The following summary, compiled from official returns, will, however, be interesting, as shewing the gratifying progress and development made by this township less than a single generation : — No. of Total Total Total Taxation. Year House- Holders. Popula- tion. Assessed Value. 1832 213 862 $ 46724 $ 2241 1842 369 1643 105623 >■ Ashburnham 1852 611 3872 655770 964 included. 1857 853 5.331 766120 2187 J 1866 803 4818 558475 do. omitted. It must be borne in mind that the estimated valuation in the above table, is that adopted by assessment for the purpose of levying nates, and is much below the full actual value of the lands in question. ■ The county rate alone, for the year 1866, is $3207, — a figure in marked contrast to even the entire taxation of former years. In 1853-4, the Cobourg and Peterborough railway was completed, and passed through the heart of this fine township, which was furnished with station accommodation. By private enterprise, chiefly, a line of telegraph wire was, at the same time, erected from the station to the village of Keene, — a distance of about four miles ; and an impetus was given to the growth of that village, which, unhappily, has not been sustained ; although it is still the centre for the transaction of a large amount of local business. 144 Since 1860, the railroad, with its huge embankments, its rusting irons, and empty and deserted station ground's, remain, silent monuments of the mutability of human hopes; and from the repose of thtii* solitude, un- broken now by the roar of wheels, or the rush of the iron steed, they servo to remind us, that great natural obstructions, do, sometimes, for a time at least, bid defiance to the genius and the power of man. That this solitude may yet be broken, and this fine road resume its former usefulness, is still ardently desired, and by many believed to be among the probabilitiu.: of the future. Notwithstanding the present disadvantage from the closing of this road, — the proximity of the Town of Peterborough on one hand, and the facilities for steam communication on Rice Lake, during the summer season, on the other, place Otonabee in a position leaving little to be de- sired in the way of speedy transit, and give advantages to it, of which any township might well feel proud, and before which those of few would bo preferred. The last census (in 18G1) showed the population of Otonabee to be made up of the following nationalties : — Ireland 759, England 289, Scot- laud 412, United States 37, Upper Canada 2084, Lower Canada 30, other countries 10. By the same official returns, the adherents of the several churches were as follows: — Church of England GG9, lloman Catholic 1232, Wesleyan Methodist 922, Episcopal Methodist 6, Bible Christian 80, Free Church 1105, Church of Scotland 122, Baptists 7, other Methodists 30, other churches 48, The total population was then set down at 4221, of which 2230 were males and 1991 females. During 1860, there were 40 deaths, IIG births, and 862 children attending school. Wardens, — Otonabee has had the honor of cohi-'ibuting two Wardens to the County Council, wlio have very worthily presided over the delibera- tions of that body. These gentlemen are William Lang and Evans Ingram, Esquires, — the former of whom held that important position in 1860, and the latter in 1866, with credit to themselves and advantage to the county. §': if I 145 PISTRIOT \NT) roFNTV rnT-\riLT.nRP. District ('(lit illiiri'. 1842, Tliomas Can- and James Dorif, 1843, Roger Bates and Thomas Can-. 1844, Roger Bates and D. McFarlnne, 184r), Roger Bates and D. MoFarlane, 184G, Thomas Short and I). McFarlane. 1847, Roger Bates and Thomas Short, 1848, Roger Bates and Thomas Short, 1849, Thomas Short and Roger Bates. Conn tji Co H II c illors . Reeves. Deputy Reeves. 1850, Thomas Short, Henry Bawbell, 1851, Thomas Short, W. Armstrong, 1852, William Lang, James Anderson, 1853, William Lang, James Anderson, 1854, James Anderson, ^Villiam Lang, 1855; William Lang, Richard Reid, 185G, William Lang, Richard Reid, 1857, William Lang. Thomas Ryan. 1858, William Lang, Andrew Jackson, 1859, William Lang, Evans Ingram, 18G0, William Lang, Evans Ingram, 18G1, Evans Ingram, Alex. Campbell, 18G2, Evans Ingram. Joseph Bowie, 18G3, Evans Ingram, Andrew Nelson, 1864, Evans Ingram, John Blizard, 18G5, Evans Ingram, James Miller, 18G6, Evans Ingram, John Miller. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN OTONABEE. Thomas Carr, Charles Rubidge, Dr. John (Jilchrist, Duncan Cameron, William Stewart, Roger Bates, Thomas Chambers. Henry Bawbell. Thomas Buck, William Learmont tJeorge Reid, William Lang, 20 1. I i m 146 Jimtirrit of the Peace — roNTINFKP. Ric'bunl Reienerally the work of education is successfully progressing. CHAPTER XXIIT. THE TOWNSHIP OP DOIIRO. The iirst settlers in Douro arrived in the autumn of 1822, — a date prior to the survey of the townsliip, which was made in tlie following year. The enterprising men who, with their families, thus dared the perils of the bush, were the Hon. Thomas Alexander Stewart, M. L. C, and Robert Reid, Esq., both of whom not only triumphed over the difficulties of the situation, but in after years Ibund their toils rewarded by wealth and affluence. Roth were created Justices of the Peace, and filled many other important offices of ^rust and emolument in the settlement and amid the community they were the first to found. Indeed so higli was the estimation in which Mr. Stewart was held, both for his personal qualities and the services he had rendered )>y example and influence, in furtliering the interests oi'the country, by the promotion of actual settlement, that in the 147 I date year, rils of and Bultios ialth many amid Ins the lalities in the the year 1833, he was clftvated to a st^ut in the Legislative Council of Canada, hy appointment of the ('rown ; — a position he eontinucd worthily to fill until the period of his decease in Hcptoniher, 1847. These gen tlomon, on leaving Ii'cland, wore furnished with letters to the (tovernor of this I'rovinee, by whom land was .issigiied them in I>ouro, then a wilderness, and, as already stated, not even surveyed. Mr. Stewart received a g ant of 1200, antl Mr. Rcid of 2000 acres, on condition of actual settlement and the p(M-forniance of stHtlcnient duties, — terms, at the time, sufficiently arduous and trying even for the stoutest hearts and the bravest spirits. They also received permission to hold tlic entire town- ship for a period of five years, with a view to promoting its settlement by their friends, ac(|uaintanees or others, who might he induced to emigrate and settle in so remote a situation — a right which they cheerfully and patriotically reliu({uishcd at the request of the Hon. Peter Robinson, in 1825, on his arrival at I'cterborough with the immigrants under Ills charge. Wc cannot better portray the difficulties and privations, as well as the heroism incident to the bcttlement of the township of Douro, at the period referred to, than by quoting entire the following touching narrative of the personal experiences of the wife ol" one of the first settlers, who kindly fur- nished it in response to our appeal for information in regard to those early days ; and to whom, and to others, who have cheerfully assisted us, we are under so many obligations. The following is this most interesting narrative : — " On the first day of June, 1822, wc sailed I'rom Quebec, accompanied by my brother-in-law and his family, which consisted of his wife, six daughters and three sons. We .came up the St. Lawrence front La Chine in batteaux, which was a very tedious mode of travelling. Wc reached Toronto, (then called York) in August, and were detained there several weeks by illness. Meantime my husband and brother-in-law procured a grant of land in Douro, and started to see it." "About the first of October, wc came to Cobourg, then a very small village. From thence, my brother-in-law with some hired men proceeded direct to Douro, to make an opening in the woods ; my husband being pre- vented by illness from accompanying them. Two clearings were commenced about a mile from the boundary of the township of Otonabee. Early in November, my sister-in-law and her childrea joined her husband in the 20'f« 1 n UH ba,ckw(ii){ls. ""hey took a larpn brow, or flat Ivjtt4)uu-(1 bont, tVuni Kice Lake, whivli on tlio f-oconi] (;vonin}; reached the Little Lnkc. They laiifl- ofl on the point of land near where tho village of AHhburnhaiw '\h now sitnutt'd, und I'mni thence proceeded to their shanty, about three miles from the landing.' '' My hu«bund, niyMoiraud three little ehildrcn, with a maidservant and a boy, were to eome up on the return of the boat ; but wc were detained at Col)ourg by the ilhuMM of one of our eliildreii, and therefore were obliged to wait for sleighing, to iHU'form the journey by land, through the townshipn oi" Hope, Cavan and Monaghan.' "At that time there were but few settler.s in these townships ; and on tlie second day we travelK;d nine or ten miles witliout seeing a liouse or elearing. At last, wc reached ''Scott's mill," (on the 12th of February, 1823, at 1 o'clock p. m.) then thc/Mily house in l^eterborough. The Little Lake not being safe for teams to cross on the ito, wc were obliged to walk over, — our children and luggage being carried by our servants, and some men who kindly assisted. The snow was then about two feet deep. Our ox-team and sleigh wci*e in waiting on the other side , but by the time we had all reached the place dayliglit began to fail, wliich made our progress through the woods much more difficult ; and the sleigh being- loaded, 1 was obliged to walk, (^ur lantern, unfortunately, got filled with snow, and our candle so wet that it would not light. 8o wc proceeded fllowly, and at last perceive^' a light before us, and soon reached our log house. The light procceacd from a large wood fire, which rejoiced our hearts." " Wo found our house in a very unfinished state ; the door had not been hung, nor v;erc any partitions made. A large opening was left in the roof, where the chinmcy was to ha^f* jonc up, but the intense frost had stopped the mason-work, when abcut half completed. Finding this, rather cooled us, and wc felt puzzled wlero to i«:y our sleeping children, as the floor was covered with a thick coati.ig of ice i^nd mortar. However, we soon discovered some shavings left by the shingle makers, which we spread on the ice, and then laid on our mattrasses, and on these made a temporary "'shake-down," on which we cheerfully laid down, after a sup- per of tea, bread, butter and pork. Being very weary, we slept sound- ly ; but in the morning, on looking up, I .saw the stars through the aperture left for the chimney." 14H log our '•At i\m liitK", my l»rullu:r iu law and his faiuily lived in mi oju-u nlianfy, about hali' a mile iio*-tl) of uh, and from having their lire uutHido, they wci'u much uiuioycd hy thu smoke and ."imrks blowing iu, which ut night often hot Qro to thopulation of Asphodel for tJiat year was 265 ; the number of per- sons assessed 56 ; acres cultivated 767 ; total assessed value of property £341 Oj and total rates for all purposes £16 Is. 3d., — a population, valua- tion and taxation strikingly in contrast with the expanded figures of the present time. la November, 1833, N. H. Baird, Esq., Civil Engineer, reported to the Government on the practicability of rendering the river Trent navigable from the Bay of Quinte to Rice Lake ; — the cost of the works at Crook's rapids being estimated at £70&2. As late as 1835, the only house on the site of the present village of Hastings was a small frame building on the bank, erected several years ■ . ■'I 160 bcl'ore that dato, by Iho Hon. Mr. Crooks, ah a mill, coutaiuitig one run ol' very common stones. It is doubtlul whether it ever ground uiuch, and is believed to have been intended rather as a means to seeure the valu- able mill privilege, at that place, ihau lor practical utility. Up to 1835, the township had made but little real progress. Only six residents owned horses at that time, and the entire township only contain- ed lour Iramo dwellings. The population in that year was returned at 428. In the tbllowing year (1836) a second run of stones, (those known as the bur stone) was added to the one already in use in Keelcr's mill. A smut machine, and also an improved bolt, were provided at the same time. Peter Pearec Est}., was then in charge of the mill, and was also agent for Mr. Keelcr's property at Norwood, a portion of which was roughly measured off into village lots, — a regular and systematic survey of which was made and registered in 1853. Of this property, consisting in all of 2000 acres, lots 18 and 19 in the 9th concc«!sion, (400 acres) only were granted to I^^ Keeler, on account of services rendered during the war of 1812, in whi. ■ held the position of Major in the Canadian militia. The remainder was acquired by purchase in the early years of the settlement of the township. Since then, the property has been greatly improved. Besides the saw mill at Norwood, a second one, on lot 20 in the 9th concession, on the same stream, was built, in 1848, and within a few years, a fine stone grist mill, of four stories, and several run of stones, has been built by Thomas Buck, Esq. The first store in Norwood consisted of a slender stock of goods, on sale in ^ 837, by the late James Foley Esq., in a small house in the mill yard. During the following year, he erected a frame store and dwelling house on the hill between the mill and the main part of the village. Here for many years he carried on a large and prosperous business; which, within a recent period, was transferred to his larger premises in the centre of the village. The second store was built by Messrs. Carr & Rose, on Belmont street. The first tavern in Norwood was kept by the late Mr. Robert Hartley, and was opened in 1842. Previous to that time, the house of Peter Pearce Esq. was open to all comers, with the most generous hospitality. Travellers and others in a constant stream were kindly fed and housed by this gentleman and his amiable wife, free of expense, in a manner of which ► Jfp 'Jy few ill l.itei tiiuoH liave any coiKcptioii. or wmiM cure t() iinitatt'. Boing then ihc ouly comniorliouH dwrlling in the place, public and rolijj;ious niet'tings wore hiAd in the houao, ilie inconvenience rhcertully Ijornc, and ill] nindc wunul) welcoine, Mr. 'I IminaH Mullens was the HvHt rcHident «]ioeniakor in Norwood; Mr. Thoniiis Kirk tlir tirwt car}K?ntcr and joiner. The first church built in Norwood was that of the Wot^Kyan Methodists, erected in 18IJG. It was a small I'ranie buildinfr, and in still in use in a repaired and renovated condition, as a class and lecture room, in connection with the lart^er Wos- leyan Methodist clinrch, completed in the year 18r){?. The second church erected was that for the Independent or Congregational denomination, of which the llev. Thomas Scaright was for many years tlie pantor. This society liaving for some time ceased to exist in that locality, the build- ing has bee used by other religious bodies, .'iid particularly, of late yeai-s, by tlie Epi.scopal Methodists. 'I'he first residen* minister of any denomi- nation, in Norwood, was the Kcv. William Voung, of the Wcsleyan Meth- odist church, whose buggy was the first owned in the township. The first Post Offiec in Asphodel was kept by the late Mr. Thomas Walker, on his farm near the present village of Wcstwood. The second was that opened in Norwood by the late James Foley, EfWT|., at his store in Norwood; the weekly mail bag to and from which place, tor many year.s, was very light, and easily borne. What a contrast is presented by the daily mail of to-day, teeming with letters and liuge parcels of printed news ! In 1835, N. H. J3aird, Es. From tlie building of the locks tt Crook's rapids in 1837-8, that place gradually grew into a thriving village of much importance. T. Coughlan, Esq., was the first hotel keeper and store keeper in that plaee. Its most marked progress took place after the chief portion of the property was acquired by Henry Fowlds, Es<(., and his sons, and their removal there in 1857. A new grist and flouring mill was added to the old one, a saw mill of great power and numerous saws, capable of manufacturing large quantities of lumber yearly for the foreign market, were speedily erected. These ,verc followed in later years, by other extensive factories filled with valuable li^achinery. Adjoining the saw mill mentioned, was a large woolen factory, which had just got into active operation when it was swept away by a most desiiuitive fire in 1863, which f^lso consumed the sawmill and its contents, and also a largo planing mill and sash and door factory just erected by Mr. Henry Lye in close proximity. This great loss for a time checked the progress of the village, and paralyzed the enterprizc of several active and industrious citizens. Another large factory erected for a cotton mill, a wool carding and knitting factory, and a btill larger saw mill than the former one, had in the meantime been erected on the south side of the river, just below the bridge, and these important structures with their valup.ble machinery, continue in active operation, and not only reflect much credit upon the enterprise of the place, but contribute much towards its prosperity. Another serious fire occurred in Hastings in the spring of 1864 ; by which a fine brick store and a large stock of goods were almost entirely I 163 f dpfltroycd. TTa.stinj;;« wn^ buoynnt. rapidly prnjjro.sHivc, nnd lookinp; for- wiird to the time wlien ere long it mi<^ht become im incorporate*' villafje. when tliese severe disasters, followed by the ^^eneral dopresHion occosionotl by scant harvests, and the embarrassment of th(.' a^riciiltural community, placed a barrier au;ainst further projjress, and caused a withdrawal of a jjortion of the inhabitants to seek mure remunerative enjployment elsewhere. Jiut this dark day, it is believed, has to a threat extent passed away ; and increased hope and renewed enterprise promise ere long to restore this fin«i village to more than its former prosperity. For many years Ilastinprs was but poorly furnished with church accom- modation. This wnnt has. however, been abundantly supplied, and several fine church edifices crowrj the rising ground which commands a beaiitifw. view of the river and the bustling village. The first of these was the Free Presbyterian ehurch, a large frame structure, erected in 1858, in which tlie Rev. James Mowie ministered for several years. An Episcopal church, also frame, pleasantly situated on the south side of the river, followed In 1868, of which the Hev. M. A. Farrar is Incumbent. In 1804, the Wes- leyan Methodists, with conunendable zeal and enterprise, completed u tasteful and brick church, while in 1805, a much larger and well finished edifice of st(.ne. was erected and dedicated by the Roman Catholics, chiefly through the zeal and indelatigable exertions of their pastor, the Rev. J. Quirk. A neat and tasteful brick .'■yhool house has now been many years in use, — two or more teachers employed, and the liberal provision made for the education of the rising generation. In the year 1804, a printing press and type were introduced to the vil- lage, by Mr. A. E. Iluyter, and the Hastings Mcssoinjer was for a time published there, but the attempt premature, and during the period of depression referred to, the effort was abandoned. Hastings, besides its unlimited water ix)wer, is pleasantly and advanta- geously situated on the river Trent, which furnishes communication by steamboats with the (Jobourg railway at Harwood at Rice lake, and other points above and below the village. A new steamboat, the Forest City, was built and launched here in 1858, by the Messrs. Fowlds, and has since continued to ply up and down the river and lake in the transport of goods, passengers and lumber, 22* ' ' * ■ " •' 164 The County of XorthumbcrLind soiiie years ago conntructed gravel ro^ds which convei"ge to this point from Brighton and Colborne, with which places conimiinication is had daily by nieana of comfortable stages which convoy the mails. These advantages may be suppDr,ed to give Hastings priority in impor- tance as compared with Norwood ; but the latter village has the advantage of seniority, and is the seat of municipal legislation, and for many years was a more important centre of busines?, The sittings of the Division Court hj',e been held at Norwood from t1 ■ first organization of those Courts. James Foley, Esq., was its first clerk for many years, and until the time of his death in 1804, when Mr. J. A. Butterfield was appointed to that otHce, which he still holds. The Norwood Division comprises the townships of Asphodel, Bolmont aad part of Dumraer. A half-yearly fair was authorized to be held there in 1850 ; and for 12 years it has possessed an excellent Grammar and Coi mon School, in which a large number of the teachers in the county have been educated, and where a very considerable number of the young men of Asphodel and the adjoining townships have been titted for the halls of college, and have laid the foundation for a future entrance on professional life. An institution of this kind, in the heart of a rural community, when well conducted, cannot fail to exercise the most beneticial and elevating influences ; and such indeed, with rare intervals of exception, have been the results of the Norwood Gramuiar School, which was never so successful as at tlie present rriOmcnt. Something remains t(» be said of throgross, and passed from their early struggles to a state of competence and plenty. Many fine farms and elegant farm houses now grace the landscape, ahd harvests are grown and reaped as successfully and as surely in Asphodel, as perhaps in any part of Canada. Of late, large sums of riioncy have been expended upon the roads, which though greatly improved from their condition in former years, still leave much to be desired, particularly at certain seasons. But the same remark ivill iipply to localities mucli older, and perhaps in many respects more highly favored. The official valuation of tlie lands of the townships as estimated by the assessors, or as "equalized' by tiie Oounty (•ouucii, have fluctuated very much of late years, owing to the absence of nn uniform standard of valu- ation, not only in tlie same township, but also as between the different townships. A statement of these figures for the past few years, in the if 166 way of coniparifon of pro;;5rcsP, would avail nothing. From the causes mentioned the aggregate valuation of rateable property in Asphodel, in 1865, was a trifle lower than that of 1862. As a comparifion with the figures given previou.sly for some of the earlier years, it may not be uninteresting to remark that, in 1806, Asphodel liad 7)50 ratepayers, which would give a population of about three thousand. The total assessed value of its real and personal property was $276,286 ; the amount of its county rate alone, exclusive of township and school rates, was $1446.84. The number of militia, (for 1866) as returned, was, 1st class 138, 2iid class 224, and Ijrd class, or reserve, 78. Consulting the last census for 1861, we find the census by origin at that date, as follows :— Ireland 593, England 145, Scotland 147, United .States 51, Upper Canada 1912, Lower Canada 59, other countries 5. The census by religion for the same period sliows : — Church of England :]90, R. Catholic 1025, W. Methodist 802, E. Methodist 28, Bible Chris- tian 10. Free Church 496, Church of Scotland 92, Baptists 2, other churches 67. DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS. District ( 'uuiiriUorK. 1842, llichard Birdsall, 1845, James Foley. 1848. James Foley. 1843, llichard Birdsall, 1846, James Foley, 1849, James Fol(!y, 1844, .lames l^'oley. 1847. James Foley. i'lntntt/ ('ui(/i(illi)is. 1850, lluAvdYd Birdsall. 1858, Peter Pearce, 1863. llicli. E. Birdsall. 1851, Kicliard Birdsall, 1859, Tim'y Coughlin. 18G4, P. M. Crover, 1852, Peter Pearce. 1853, Peter Pearce. 1854, Peter Peaiw. 1855, \\)io.i I'earco. 1856, Peter Pearce. 1S57. Henry Fowld> llichard Birdsal James I'oley. I*. M. C rover. Hem-y Fowkis. Rich. E. Birdsall, 18G5, P. M. (Jrover, Rich. E. Birdsall. 1866, P. M. Grover, Edward Patterson. 1800, P. M. Grover. 1861, J*. M. CJrovcr. Francis ]?irdsall. 18(;2, p. M. (i rover, .j Rich. E. Birdsall 1863, P. M. Grover, JISTICKS OF THE PEACE IN A.SPHODEt.. Walter Scott. Thomas Buck. James Fife, Robert 1). Ewiug, Timothy Cuugliliii. Richard E. Birdsall Patrick Cannon, IMMIIill 167 LOCAL SUPERINTENDENTS OK SCHOOLS. ]844, Henry Fowld.s, 1855, Rev. John Hiltou,1861, Dr. T. W. Poole. Next 7 years County I S5(i, Dr. T. W. Poole, 1862, Dr. T. \V. Poole, Superintendent.^. 1857, Dr. T. W. Poole, 1863, Dr. T. W. Poole, 1852, Ilcv. T. Scaright, 1858, Dr. T. W. Poole, 18G4, Rev M. A. Farrar, J 853, Thos. Robcrt.soi., 1859, Dr. T. W. Poole, 18G5, Rev M. A. Farrar, 1854, Thn«. Robertson, 1860, Dr. T. W. Poole, 1866, Rev 31. A. Farrar. J*o)^t Offices.— 'YMnvii are three Po-st Offiees in A.^^phodel ; namely, at Norwood, Hastings and Wcstwood,— the two former having a daily mail, .supplied by stage I'rom Colborue, since the year 1863 ; and the latter a tri- weekly mail iVom Peterborough by way of Keenc, and connecting with Norwood. A reference has already been made to the early Post-masters. The following are the present officers : — Norwood,— J. A. Butterfield; Hastings, — James S. Fowlds; Westwood, — Rev. M. A. Farrar. CHAPTER XXV. THE TOWNSHIP OF DUJIMER. The township of Dummer was surveyed in the year 1823, but no at- tempt was made towards its settlement until '1831. In the summer of that year, a number of emigrants arrived at Quebec^ "150 of whom were persons sent out by the Marquis of Bath, 100 were commuted pensioners, and their families, and 1700 were immigrants who had come to the Pro- vince at their own charge. "-i^ They consisted of no distinct nationality, but were made up of persons from nearly every part o<' the ["nited King- dom. On landing, they were taken in charge by Immigration Agents appointed by Sir John Colborne, and forwarded from one halting place to another till they reached Peterborough, where Capt. Rubidge, R. N., who then acted as Immigration Agent, took prompt and energetic steps to locate « .Statement (.1 (^'aplam Refore the outbreak of 1837, the militia of this township was organized under instructions from the Government, through Col. Brown, whose son was named Captain of the Dunnner company, but never acted in that capacity. On the muster of the Dummer militia in Peterborough. S. J. Carver. E,s<.|.. our present Post-master, was appointed Captain of the Dummer eoujpany, and accompanied them to Toronto in that capacity. rEi i^lB IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) V W // ^ %^ 1.0 I.I SIM BM '7 IM 111112.2 ■1.° MM 1.8 125 1.4 L6 II ^-^ mil nil -• 6" ► V 'c-1 /# A#.> %.^"^ V] '>' ''F om V s Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (7^61 872-4503 «% ^ 3 ■.. l-^v ■:"-'i,: '■)€ui: ■' '"■ ""■'■'' i^fii^i^ '- . 176 ' The Dumiuor militia turned out on two separate occasions daring the excitement consequent upcn the rebellion. First at the breaking out of the Yonge Street fiasco, on which occasion six officers and 35 privates from Dummer went as far as Port Hope, then iinding their services no longer needed, they returned to their liomt.s. The officers from Dummer on this occasion were, Ensij^n Robert Wigmore, Sergeant-Majors Sampson Lukey and John Lurasden ; Sergeant James Wason, and Corpo- rals William Wigmore and William Handbige. The list cf the privates on this turn out has been mislaid or lost.^' On the second call to arms, which took place on the 8th of January, 1838, the Dummer militia again mustereJ, and a considerable number proceeded ix> Toronto. The following are tlie names of the officers and men who thus distinguished themselves : — ! ;> • -^ ';■ Ensign Robert Wigmore, Sergeant Mnjor John Lumsdeu, 2nd Sergeant Major William Wigmore, and Sergeants, James Wason, Robert Sloan, Hugh Moore, Charles Murphy, Joceph Pegg. . .,,« Privates, — Kenneth Kempt, John Robb, Thonias Robinson, William Anderson, Patrick Cassid^, Thomas Casaidy, John McMiUen, Frederick Oxford, Henry Ferguson, John Kelly, Gecrgc Samp.son, Rernard McCann, John Clydesdale, John Kidd, William Christie, Daniel Murphy, William Davis, Edward Johns, Jolm Hendron, Thomas Hendron, Jr.. Hugh Mc- intosh, Phili]) McGuire, James Bullock, Frederick Edwards, David Payne, AVilliam Thomas, William McFadden, Edward Payne. — Mulcahey, Ueorge Lumsden, Samuel Lumsden, Richard Manly, Charles Bissett, uud William Archer. On their arrival at Toronto, Sergeant Joseph Pcgc' was appointed Ser- geant-Major, and Sergeant Hugh Moore 2nd Serj'tjant-Major in Ihe "Queen's Own."' Private William Davis was appointed drum-major. ' ,...• On the return of these men to their homes, many of tlieni were disap- |>ointed at finding that from some cause their pay was not forthcoming ; and a lengthy correspondeiice was held by the late Col. Rolxjrt Wigmore with the militia authorities en the subject, but without any very satisfac- tory results. In a chapter specially devoted to the " Peterboro' Militia" J a sufficient tribute enough 1 hoped, paid •The names memiont^d and ihoie vrhich lollow were lariiishfil us by ihe laie Col, Hobrn Wij- moic, a few days before hi» decease. [ ._• _J .'_ i :l._ , ^...„__ 177 men of that period, who at great personal inconvenience and no small risk to their families, and greater risk, prospectively, to themselves, rallied in defence of the (iovernment, and in maintenance of that British connec- tion which is still dear to those of them who survive, and no less so to their children, who have proved themselves not a whit behind their sires in loyalty and devotion to the old flag, and in courage and prowess in rallying to its defence when more recently assailed. r ,. Oue circumstance is worthy of mention as an illustration of the hearti- ness and alacrity with which the call to arms was responded to in the by- gone but not forgotten crisis of 1837. An old pensioner, long past age for military service, came to Francis Crow Esq., during the muster, and thus expressed himself: — ''Gonz-a-day, Francy, I'm going too." Mr. Crow remonstrated with him on account of his age and infirmities, and urged him to remain at home, but in vain. ^'Begonnes," said the old sol- dier, "the Nankees (Yankees) wounded me at New Orleans, and I'll never die until I have a shot at them," and the veteran proceeded with the rest to Peterborough. . ."-. ... .y - . -^ ^. -„.--^-- ,..„-.,,■.„... The first resident clergyman in Dummer w?s the Rev. Archibald Col- quhoun, who removed thither from Otonabee about the year 1838or 1839- Service for some years was held ia Mr James McDonnell's house. An Episcopal church was the first erected in Warsaw, about the year 1855. A Free Presbyterian church was erected about two years later. A house was erected for a church in school section number four, in 1834, aad made use of as a school house in 1842. Methodist churches wore erected on lot number 21 in the third concession in 1850, and on lot number 26 in tlic fourth concossion in 1852. The first Methodist minister was the Rev. John Blackstock, and the first Bible Christian clergyman in Dummer was the Rev. John Tlicks Eynon, who is also remembered as a pioneer of that society in Peterborough. A Bible Christian church was among the other public buildings erected many years ago. One of the first school houses wa.i that er'^cted near Mr. John Kidd s, about the year 183G, ofwMoh Mr. Charles Murphy was teacher. Miss Jane Battou is also remembered as another early teacher. * i^*- •''»f-^ rfssijt-- The D'lmmer Town Hall was erected on its present site about the year 1855, and a Freo Presbyterian church in its vicinity about the year 1861. A Methodist church was erected at South Dummer, (as the Post Office in the neighboihood is called) at an early period, and a neat Baptist church on 24 ' f^ ^ :si< 178 the same conccBsion lino, but a little further north, both of ^•'hich have proved a great accommodation to the worshippers in the adjoining section of country. In the vicinity of the latter a neat and commodious Orange liall was erected within a few years, in which the numerous members of the Order in the vicinity hold their customary meetings. Dummer has several saw mills besides those at Warsaw, that of Mr. Payne on the Indian river, above Warsaw, and the one known as Mr. Ritchie's on the west branch of the Ouse, having been built about the year 1853, and that of Mr. Enoch Reynolds, now owned by Mr. Thomas Buck, some years earlier. It should be stated that although diligent enquiry has been made, the dates in regard to important buildings in Dummer have been ascertained with much difficulty, and in several instances it is feared they are only approximations to the years in which the several erections occuiTcd. Bummer had the honor of furnishing a Warden to the District Council in the person of (Jeorge Arundel Hill Esi]., who was appointed to that posi- tion by the Government, and for several years presided over the deliberations of that body. Mr. Hill also acted as township Clerk and Treasurer, and Local Superintendent of Schools for Dummer for several years ; the duties of which offices he performed with rare ability and with scrupulous care and precision. In several respects he was a remarkable man, and it is with regret that we find ourselves unable to do but scant justice to the memory of a private gentleman and a public officer who, during the many years he was associated with the public aiFairs of his township and county, was highly esteemed by the community in which he lived. Soon after his location in Dummer, the late Captain Hill wrote "A Guide to Emigrants from the British shores to the Woods of Canada," which was published in neat pamphlet form of 5G pages, in Dublin, in 1834. This little work contained much useful information to Emigrants in regard to preparations for their passage, and the mode of locating in the newly settled districts of Canada. It was evidently written with much care, and bears ample traces of a cultivated and intelligent mind. In the year 1835, Dummer contained a population of 693. In 1842, it liad increased to 927. In 1852, the assessed value of the entire property was $118,835 ; and the total taxation $316.63. By way of comparison, it may be stated that in 1806, the total number of ratepayers was 370 ; tho iip 17ft asisesscd value of property $128636, and the taxes levied ,ou this township for county rate alone, 61406.16. It has before been remarked that asscs- !^cd valucf, convey no adequate idea, of the real wealth of township prop- erty ; as the fluctuations under the manipulations of successive Assessors show differences in value, the result of the ideas iu regard to assessment which happen t-o be at the time paramount. At the taking of tho last census, in 1861, the entire population of Dum- iiier was 1757. Of these 914 were males and 843 females. There were iu I860, 13 deaths and 65 births. 472 children were attending school. '-:■■■■:<'>■'- i- -•.--■'■ ;.;.,,.-.;- :,:^ ...;. >.■--« .-. ~. .: . ., '-^^ ..■ .^ ,. -^ . . Looking at the census by origin for 1861, we find, from Ireland 292, ' England 140, Scotland 90, United Statec 46, Upper Canada 974, Lower Canada 21, other countries 5, As regards religion, there were iu 18G1, Church of England 392, R. Catholic 181, W. Methodist 395, E. Methodist 41, Bible Christian 191, Free Church 274, Church of Scotland 146, Baptists 87, other churches 50. DISTRICT ANn COUNTY COUNCILLORS. Uistrict Loiinctflors. 1842, Alexander Kidd, 1845, Thomas Choatc, 1848, Wm. Wigthore, 1343, Alexander Kidd, 1846, Thomas Choate, 1849, Wm. Wigmore. 1844, Thomas Choatc, 1847, Wm. Wigmore, 04 1850, Francis Crow, 1851, Francis Crow. 1852, Fnmcis Crow. 1853, Francis Crow. 1854, Francis Crow. 1855, Francis (/row. County Councillon. 1856, Francis Crow. 1857, Francis Crow. 1858, Francis Crow. 1859, Wm. Wigmore. 1860, Francis Crow. 1861, Wm. Wigmore. 1862, Francis Crow. ''' 1863, Francis Crow. 1864, Robert Morrison. 1865, George Choate. 1866, John Kidd. ^ Thomas Choatc. Sampson Lukey. Francis Crow. Hi JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN DUMMER. John Kidd. John Rose. Wm. Wigmore. Wm. Manlcy. 24* il^rti* I- Hi Ml ! 180 .\U.,lf(iy..,j4.^ LOCAL SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS; '>,^((,. i-VV/v i'Sr t:^' pi ' 18i4, E. Ilartwcll. Next 7 years County Supcrintcndcntfi. 1852, Rev. T. Searight. 1853, William Manly. 1854, William Manly. 1855, George A. Hill. 1856, George A. Hill. 1857, George A. Hill. 1858, George A. Hill. 1859, George A. Hill. 1860, George A. Hill. ■■,i:xit ■;?■ .^'' i .v;t) y} .,r ■> 1861, George A. Hill. 1862, Dr. T. W. Poole. 1863, Dr. T. W. Poole. 1864, llevM.A. Farrar. 1865, Rev M. A. Farrar. 1866, Rev M. A. Farrar. CHAPTER XXVI. ^'-^^^'^'^>^ '^^^ 1t^..^.;?' Mru' !-V, . ff>?;-fi d ." - • ' THE TOWNSHIPS OP BELMONT AND METHUEN. ' The survey of the townehip of Belmont was made in 1853, but it was not for several years afterwards that settlers found their way into it. The first actual resident was a Mr. Fiddick, who removed tliere with his family, but was so alarmed by the howling of wolves that he soon withdrew to reside in the vicinity of the settlement forming around Keeler's mill. The first settler to whom a patent for laud was issued was Mr. Robert Stewart, familiarly known among his neighbours as " the king of Belmont." For many years the roads leading into Belmont were of the most prim- itive description ; and great hardship and inconvenience were experienced by the first settlers in the transit, first of their slender store of worldly goods and afterwards in making their way to the mill and returning with the sup- plies necessary for themselves and families. ssEi'j w.w i ,«r««' ( h^.. • Since the inauguration of our municipal system, and especially since Belmont became a separate corporation, large sums of money have been expended for the improvement of roads. The abundance, of gravel has oflFered great facilities for this purpose, and the large income from taxes on non-resident lands has provided funds, which have enabled some ex- cellent lines of road to be made without greatly burdening the residents of the township. lu several respects, Belniout has made rapid progress. In 1842, the number of its householders was 33, la 1852 these had increased to 41, " \ 181 while iu 1866 ihcy nunibcrccl 185. A still more striking mark of progress is slicwu in the rapid increase of gchooi houses, mostly of a superior kind. Twelve years ago, there were but one or two iu the entire township ; now there arc nine, and six of these are frame buildings well finii^hcd, thorough- ly furnished, and numerously attended. The first saw mill in Belmont was built by Mr. Jchiel Brekcnridgc, on the site of the one now owned by P. Tcarce, Estj. This was burned down, and the present one built by Mr. Pearce, who has added to it a small grist mill, tlic first established in the municipality. Mr. Breken- ridge also built a saw mill and small grist mill, at t. splendid water-power, just where tlie strcanj which emerges from Round lake empties into Bel- mont lake. There arc two other saw mills besides these mentioned, one known as that erected by the Rev. Thomas Searight, and the other that of Mr, Holbrooke in the south portion of the township. Within a few years the "Ilavclock" Post Office was opened in B' lm.ont, of which P. Pearce, Esq., was appointed Post-master. The office is kept at his residence on the Marmora road. A second Post Office has since been established, still furtlier in the interior of the township. '. ; itMl The farmers of Belmont have no reason to complain of want of success in agriculture. Many of them have succeeded admirably. But the chief wealth of the township — especially of the northern portion — consists iu its minerals. In the eastern portion, iron ore is found in large abundance, and of excellent quality. Recently, extensive deposits of a pure white marble have been brought to light in its northern section, both of which need but capital and enterprise, joined with some means of transit to the frontier, to render them richly productive, and the "working" of them in the highest degree conducive to the prosperity of the township. '^^ We pause not to dwell upon the further incidents connected with the settlement of this township, few of which have been detailed to us, and tlie early experiences of the first pioneers arc more or less similar to those already narrated in reference to other townships. g,,, Belmont has had the honor of twice furnishing a Warden for the county, in the person of P. Pearce, Esq., for the years 1863 and 1864. Mr. Pearce is now one of the oldest councillors in the county ; and for many years has taken a prominent part in municipal business. a, •;] it if ' r .7v..X 11 II 182 •.:t METHTEN. ■^i,«i;(.-j r in Mothucn was surveyed iu 1823, but till within the last nine years re- mained without a settler. Oue of the first to push his way into tlio town- ship was Mr. John Vausickler, about the year 1857. The little settle- ment then formed has increased, till, in the year 18G6, the number of ratepayers iu Methuen was 22, and the total assessed value of property, $3291. Methuen is still united to Behnont tor municipal purposes. The populatii a of Belmont and Methuen in 1861 was 089. Of these 108 persons were from Ireland, 15 from England, 34 from Scotland, 12 from the United States, 516 from Upper Canada, and 3 from Lower Canada. "i*"" -'—••'"-■'•• -.:-^-- -f'-nw A..^ -mu ■v.^v .■ In a religious point of view there were in 1861, Church of England 132, R. Catholic 21, W. Methodist 264, E. Methodist 4, Free Church 199, Church of Scotland 48, Baptist 6, others 12. ^ 1843, N. C. Beattie. 1844, N. C. Beattie. 1845, N. C. Beattie. DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS. . , , -i DiHtrict Councillors, ..'.., .... ■ 1846, John RobertPon. 1849, Thos. McBurney. 1847, John Robertson. .;.ri.;V'% f 1848, John Robertson. . ?/ < .: ' County Conncillors, ■['■'■r:'. ,. >: ' ;v,; , . Mem. — From 1849 until the close of the year 1854, these townsliips were united to Asphodel for municipal purposes. ' ' ' ' ' ■' ' 1855, William Rae, 1859, John Matheson. 1863, Peter Pearce. '' 1856, William Rae. . 1860, John Matheson. 1864, Peter Pearce. 1857, Robert Preston. 1861, John Mathoson. 1865, Peter Pearce. . 1858, Thomas Searight. 1862, John Maineson. 1866, Peter Pearce. JUSTICES OP THE PEACE IN BELMONT. Peter Pearce. ,„ . , ^ij-vi-H r John H. Preston, Robert Preston. ,,..,,,,.. u.,. John Holcomb. %iij% LOCAL SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS. oimm ^' jt|X»-!->(W.r tW! 1844, N. C. Beattie. 1856, Dr. T. W. Poole. 1862, Rev. Jas. Bowie. County Superint«ndent8.1857, Dr. T. W. Poole. 1863, Rev. Jas. Bowie. 1852, Rev. T. Searight. 1858, Dr. T. W. Poole. 1864, W. N. Armstrong, 1853, Thos. Robertson. 1859, Rev. H. McDowell 1865, Rev M. A. Farrar. 1854, Thos. Robertson. 1860, Rev. Jas. Bowie. 1866, RevM. A. Farrar- 1855, Rev. T. Searight. 1861, Rev. Jas. Bowie. ? ^ 188 CHAPTER XXVII. ; V - : THE TOWNSHIP OP NORTH MONAOHAN. That portion of the township of Monnghan comprised within the Coun- ty of Peterborough, is the rear seven concessions, and is usually known as North Monaghan. As seen on the map, it may be said to be triangular in shape, with the apex downwards, or towards the south. It is bounded on the north by the township of Smith, on the west by Cavan, and on the east by the Otonabee river. The Millbrook and Peterborough branch of the Port Hope and Lindsay railroad traverses the triangle from its south- em angle, running parallel with the river to the north-eastern corner, in which the Town of Peterborough is situated. This town, prior to its incorporation in 1850, formed a part of the amnicipality of North Mona- ghan. Until that date, the population and general statistics of the town are blended with those of the township, so that neither can be stated in- dependently of the other. The township of Monaghan was surveyed in 1818. The earliest set- tlers found their way into its northern portion in 1818 and 1819. Among them were Messrs. William Fowler, Robert Morrison, Robert Thompson, John Tully, William Birdwhistle, Tliomas and Robert Leadbeater, Rich- ard Alexander, Robert Cross, John Foster, James Wilson, Matthew Wilson, William Wilson, Wilford Drysdale, John Birney and Thomas Spiers. "^''^ ■:'"' :'\ y./. .\.'..' ■:.., ,^. ...'... ^,■' ^ ,.. > Jv=*■■■■--^^:-- The difficulties which many of them had to encounter were similar to to those already mentioned in regard to those in the township of Smith. Provisions and utensils had to be carried from Port Hope, in the absence of a road, mostly on tlie settlers shoulder?, ov as best they could, for several years. The first of these settlers found tlieir way in singly, or in groups of two or throe, roamed through the continuous forest, till having selected a lot of land which appeared to please them, and learning the number and con- cession from the recently marked posts of the surveyors, they returned to make the needful application to tlie Land Agent, in order to secure it. During this first exploration visit, one or more nights had to be spent in the forest, where, having kindled a fire, they lay down to sleep beneath the branches of a group of trees, wearied and fatigued, and worse, perhaps, wet and torn with the mishaps of the journey. M 184 !( I* I i Gradually the blue Ainoke from the settler's shanty, and the tiny open- ing in the great forest, began to appear here and there, at intervals, often of miles between. But the number of the shanty fires gradually inereased ; the gaps in the woods grew larger, as giant trunk and tender sapling groaned and fell beneath the sturdy stroke of the settler's axe. Then the huge heaps appeared, rolled together by united effort. The flames crack- led and roared. Far away into the gloom of the dark forest shot the gleam of the evening fires, which told that a conqueror had come, and that civilization and the luxuries of comfort and refinement were on the way to cheer and enliven those rude fastnesses of nature, and bid them smile with a new growth and a more prolific harvest Gradually the cleared lands widened and increased into snug farms. The road-way was hewn out, and made suitable for travel. The first rude shanty gave way to a substantial and comfortable mansion. Flocks and herds increased ; and as time pro- gressed and the population grew, the rude wilderness became a compara- tive garden. . ',■>.■' Well may the veteran pioneer pause now in the evening of his days and look around ou the wonders wrought by time and industry. Proudly may lie point to the spot where lie first reclined beneath the spreading trees, wet with the morning dew, dur^ig that first visit to his future farm, and contrast with that scene the present, with its broad acres and cultivated fields, it? neat farm houses and thriftly barns, which he expects soon to leave a rich heritage to his children. Well will it be for the second gene- ration if they emulate the thrift and industry of their sires, and continue in the paths of honorable toil and healthful and happy labor, which have already led to such noble results, and which may load to still greater tri- umphs in the future. " Peace hath her victories, ^r.-,..iV: Not less renowned than war." And there is ample room for the employment of vast energies, consummate skill, and remunerative outlay, in still further subduing the soil, elimina- ting its forces, reclaiming its waste but luxuriant places, and making it subservient in the highest degree to the wants and the luxuries of man. . Let not this useful work be deemed degrading. It presents a field worthy of the foremost spirits, — a career among the most ennobling, and eertninly the most independent. What our fathers have so well begun. V I I 185 •hould be pushrd fr)rwBr«l io f«till higher rj'5% Tn 18r)2, the number of householders in North Monaghan was i-eturned at ICO. The total assessed value of property was §143,228, and the total rates $300.23. In 18G6, the number of ratepayer'* had increased to 2t)9; the total asse8.sed value of property was $152,929, and the county rate alone, exclu- sive of township and school rates, was $809.1 G. At the taking of the last census in 1861, the population of North Mon- aghan was set down at 1281. Of these, Cjl were males and G30 females. There were in 1860, 8 deaths, 30 births, and 247 cliildren attending The census by origin, in 18G1, stood asfollo':vs: — Ireland 313, England 125, Scotland 71. United States 15, Upper Cnnada 718. Lower Canada 24, other countries 12. 25 - . « _ [. 1 1 1 i; 1 . i 1 i ; ,. li )! ■If ■r; 111 ilt 1 m Thp fleoBUfi by roligiou phowp,^ — Church of England 382, R. ORtholic 224, W. Mcthodibt 102, K. Methoilist -i IJihle ChriHtiun It), Ij'rQe church 422,Cbur^|i i>f,fc>)QQtJknd Gl, BaptJHt 49, others 15, fi.hv r!.; LOCAL SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS. \l'l -x.l J :Mii>y'tr^^' •j>l 1844, Hartley Dunsford. County Superintendents. 1852, Thomas Fortye. 1853, Rev. E. Roberts. Until 1866 ditto. 1866, James Stratton. i<: I V-i i "j'ii.fV^ ''(if ?<><< .ii^s* \.T.{^>n^ ■fm}<.-<-'..'-n k :'-.-f«iiijri ■ ;!/: rfjsu/ 4 -H«^a:* CHAPTER XXVIII. ;fvj-i :'ij.i-l5rr*>^"'! ,->'f»U,''-; THE TOWNSHIP OP ENNISMORE. cji'a «! •.!'=j-. « ttjwii .i The township of Ennismore was surveyed in 1825. Its first settlers were a portion of the immigrants o^' that year, to the number of sixty-seven and their families, consisting in of 297 souls. During the year. 187 < I imludini,' the jouruoy up IVoiii Pi-escott, there wor* amoiiR these Enuisniorc sett'erH nine births and twenty-three deathf*. The offieifil returns show their firnt year's produre (that is, from tlic date of set«lement lu 1825 t(» N(»veuiber, 1 Sl'C), ; to Ik* 8.1MM» bushels «)t' potatoes, 3000 bushels of turnips and i04li buHhels of ludiun eurn. Of the 11)5 acres elearod up to that date, -14^ aeres wore that full (182t)) m)wn with fall wheat. They hud beaides made l,3;iU pouI^d8 of nuiple sugar, uud owned among them four oxen, niiu! eows and ten bogs, purchased by then)Helves.}f&f<'»ir».".;) yHrm ffr- So largo a result for their first year's labor was crcdifctble to these new settk'rfe, most of whom had not the most remote idea of tlie j)roper means. to pursue in elearinu; and tilling their iand. More than one of them attempted to burn the timber in the winter as he chopped it, and in the spring some of them swept the ground with a bosom lost it Might not be sutficiently clean for the seed about to be sown. For the first year or two oxen were very scarce, and instead of harrowing iu the grain, it Vfas hoed in, as best it could among the stumps. '^^ '■" ' '*■''' '••^'' -'>ia«^ /w-iu. The Chcmong or Mud lake in front, was a serious obstacle in the way of procuring supplies ; for as yet the settlers were too inexperienced to con- struct canoes of any service, and consequently the Avbeat to the mill, and the flour on their return, had to be carried on their shoulders round the head of the lake. Koads as yet were scarcely thought of; and thus heav- ily laden, they followed the ''blaze" on the trees, through brush, swanips and over fallen timber as best they could. These laborious journeys and heavy burdens were not confined tc the men, but even the w^.men too, at limes found it necessary to proceed, laden with grain, to mill or market, and in assisting tlieir husbands and providing foi their families, performed feats of labor and endurance of which in later times we have but a faint con- ception. !{.'■;• :ii«fla??sv*l:.^i tiim ;.>ji;fiji>w i.4 if^'rn-: /j';^^'-'? ««='»WKr'-';i^i '■;■»• «a ♦'' Sir Peregrine Maitlaud visited the new settlement in Ennismore duricg liis visit to Peterborough in 1826, accompanied by Col. Talbot, Mr. (after- wards Colonel) Alexander McDonell and others. They put up for a short time at the shanty of Mr. Eugene McCarthy, father of Jeremiah McCarthy, Esq., and partook of such refreshment as the settlement afi'orded. During the first tea years, the population of Ennismore rather diminish- ed than increased. This was no doubt owing to the fact tliat many of the younger men were obliged to seek iu older settlements for employment at remunerating wages. 25=i* 1 1' • i SU: ff ; :li I 188 ■ !|S*f ■fj III Eunlfiuiorc I- but a bmull tcwuiihip, — it luij^bt be said u mere coiufii of Smith, cut off ♦rom the rcmaiude r by Clicmong lake. Three school houses >4upply the educational wants of the iahabitiiuts. It ]iph near it« centre a Roman Catholic church, erected many years ago. Th'^re is also a Post Office, of which Mr. Patrick Gallivan was flrst Postmastci. Its second and present Postmaster is 3Ir. Thomas Lchancj Jf m-^ft'.'*' 190 if.; The total population of EaLitiuiorc m 18G1 was 8U2. Of these -162 were uialcB aud 400 females. There were in 18(30, 8 deaths, 32 births and 172 children attending school. *^rf .s--4^if?f*v#?-i|:^i«v: 4-tt»'«i^>tf5 4« The census by religion : — Church of England 66, 11. Catholic 744, W. Methodists 27, Free Church 24, Church of Scotland 6, and one ur two others. *;;.-, I'^'r*"^ >- '^?'^:v «r • ■..■,•_ i- .. ■ ... i„.-^ ;^_ . n-' " '■ ■'''■' ■ •■■•■!->} ti-iiM «iiV'i^ DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS. ' .J... . District Coimcillors. , jfi,,.. ,^^^,[4,. ,.-*.. ^.^^au Daniel Costello, Esq., was District Councillor for this township, con- tinuously from tlie first organization of that body in 1842, until it was merged in the County Council in 1850. -,*;-; .i^Aj -S'l^H^^'-^^Mm W^^^'^ .,^^.:; .;.... u-.-o :..K.:.,j; Count;/ Conncillors. *.,'fivm««i*,^'iy:i»ii^|.^ 1850, United to Smith 1855, Daniel Costello. 1861, S. McCarthy. ■ for municipal 1856, Daniel Costello. 1862, S. McCarthy. 1851, purposes. 1857, Daniel Costello. 1863, Cor. Sullivan. *~ ' 1852, Daniel Costello. 1858, Patrick Gallivan. 1864, Martin Corkcry.;^ 1853, Daniel Costello. 1850, John Houron. 1865, Cor. Sullivan. 1854, Daniel Costello. 1860, P. Cunningham. 1866, Jer. McCarthy. ^ «t:. JUSTICES OP THE PEACE IN ENNISMORE. Daniel Costello. Patrick Sullivan. -Uvjti. John Sullivan, fjifmi. Patrick Brick. ||.,yr^t, Martm Corkcry. f ^-jj^ftg/lo^^Mm, m»^. *r ^.i^^D^^y' LOCAL SUPERINTENDENTS OP SCII00L8.^''M *""" '^^ilW' 1844, Patrick Sullivan 1856, Daniel Donahue. 1862, Daniel Donahue^^ County Superintendents. 1857, Daniel Donahue. 1863, Daniel Donahue/, < 1852, Patrick Sullivan. 1858, James Brennan. 1864, Daniel Donahue. 1853, Dr. John Irons. 1859, James Brennan. 1865, Dr. T. W. Poole. 1854, Daniel Donahue, i860, James Brennan. 1866, James Stratton. *» ; 1855, Daniel Donahue. 1861, James Brennan. '**^ M^-^^%^^M-^-^ • m J.;:i;s4^kVvV-- ^«. ;..;..;■ THE TOWNSHIP OP HARVEY. Aboiit the year 1832, a number of {^ntlemeii, sua after their emigra- tion to Canada, located in the township of Harvey, and commenced a set- tlement chiefly in the south-western corner, near the shore of Pigeon lake, and in the vicinity of Sandy lake. Col. Strickland in his interesting work on Canada, says, "The spot chosen by them was one of great natuial beauty ; but it possessed no other advantages except an abundance of game, which was no small inducement to them. They spent several thou- sand pounds in building fancy log houses, and making large clearings which tliey had neither the ability nor industry to cultivate. But, even if they had possessed sufficient perseverance, their great distance from a nmr- ket, bad roads, want of knowledge in croppitig after they had cleared the land, lack of bridges, and poor soil, would have been a great drawback to the chance of effecting a prosperous settlement. In a few years not a settler remained of this little colony. Some stayed till their means were exhausted ; others more wise purchased ready-cleared farms in the settle- ments, or followed some profession more congenial tc their tastes or more suited to their abilities."* \^- . :-..:,M^,.a„:i...^^H.i;.,.,-^.-,^^ . Among those whose first experience of life in Canada commenced in Harvey, were Robert Dennistoun, Esq., iind Captain Wallis, who for many years have been regarded as among our most worthy citizens. ; , ■ Since this attempt at settlement in Harvey, no large influx of popula- tion has taken place, and the great bulk ol' the township still remains either in the hands of the Crown, or is owned by non-residents, who are chiefly lumber merchants, for whose operations the township offered peculiar far cilities in former days, but is now nearly denuded of its valuable timber, though still in great part covered by the forest. Among the first settlers in Harvey, was Mr. Matthew AV^arora, now of Smith, but who resided for 11 years in Harvey, and notwithstanding many disadvantages succeeded well in the pursuit of agriculture. A valuable mill site on the Missasauga river, in this townslnp^ was turned to account some years ago by Mr. Wm. Henry, who erected a fine sawmill on the spot, now for some years conducted by W. A. Soott, Esq. ■I '■ 'I i 'I • "Twemv-^e>'«n year* in Cantda West" Vol. I, page 133. ]•>' 192 - . The mill is adjacent to tlie Bald lakes, which are navigable for steamerH, and by this meauf*, the large quantity of sawn lunibci- manufac- tured there every year is shipped to market. The front of the township borders on Buckhorn lake, at the narrows of which, known as Buckhorn falls, a fine saw mill, and other machinery were erected some years ago by John Hall, Esq., who is also Postmaster of the place. *■ • A bridge was thrown across the stream at this point, which is the east- ern terminus of the navigation of the back lakes ; and to which steamboats ply constantly during the summer season for the transport of lumber. '•Hall'H bridge" or Buckhorn, as the place is called, is within the granite or Laurentian formation, and the approach to the spot is over boulders of immense size, whose huge oval backs have become partly bare, but in the interstices of which, trees and shrubbery still flourish. From Kali's bridge, a road was projected through the wild lands of this and the adjacent townships, intended to tap the Canada Land and Emi- gration Company's lands in the rear. The Town and County agreed to construct the portion through Harvey, and the Glovernment undertook the expense and supervision of the remainder. Towards this end, the Town and County of Peterborough appropriated ^1500 each ; but, at their solicitation, the Government accepted their aid to this c.vtent, and undertook the work of the entire road. Operations were commenced in 1865, under the superintendence of Mr. T. F. Nicoll, and three miles were construcied at a cost to the Government of about $3000, including the expenses of the location of the road During the present season, (180(5) J. R. Benson, Esq.. with a number of men, has been proscuting the same work, of which about six miles are now completed, and ia fair condition for travel. Until the present year, (1866), Harvey was associated with the town- ship of Smith for municipal purposes. Having attained the necessary number of ratepayers, it has now become a separate corporation, of which W. A. Scott, Esq., was the first and present Reeve. The number of its ratepayers for 1865 was set down at 69, and its asseswd value for that year at $42,520. ^,,^^..m._.^,-^^^ .„m, ,^.,^, During 1864-5, the township of Harvey was resurveyed by Theodore (^lemecti. Esq., P. L. S., the expenses coonected with which were to be paid partly by the Government, and partly by the owners or iesKees of fl> 193 land patented in that township. The County Council authorized the work- believing it to l>c urgently required, and for the beneut of the municipality, ])ut hitherto it has failed to recover the money advanced in good faith tor the pro5eciition of the work, amounting in all to $2759. rk::x:. i CHAPTER XXX. f :■ ^ THE NEW TOWNSIIirS. TIjc new townsliipg of the County of Peterborough arc somewhat isola- ted from the rest of tlie County, not only a« regards the remoteness of their situation, but also on account of their more recent survey and .settlement. Besides, though now numbering several distinct municipalities, they were, but a few years ago, comprised in one, and have therefore a unity of interest, and a somewhat similar history. For these reasons, we shall present such facts in reference to them, collectively and in detail, as we have been able to gather. It is no part of our duty, in these pages, to enter into th'i consideration or discussion of the merits or otherwise of the new townships of the back country, as a field for the pursuit of agriculture or other enterprise. Suf- fice it to say, that careful and practical observers have given it as their opinion that much good land exists in these townships ; and with the opening up of excellent colonization roads, stretching far into the interior, intending settlers there are jnovided with facilities of access and transpor- tation which en-'iues them advantages from the outset, unknown in the early .settlement of the older townships of this county. , ^ The courageous spirits who have secured houses ana larms in these new townships within a few years, have had few of the difficulties to encounter .such as are pourtrayed in the of the first .settlers of Smith ; and every year, such disadvantages as did at first exist, are disitpiieariug, 'as stores, mills, school houses and churches are being erected : thus bringing the blessings of civilization within reach of almost the furthest pioneers into this new region. 26 194 I IS- The progfesB of these new townships, which nino years ngo were not only entirely unsettled, but even unsurveyed, has been very remarkable. At first, in the year 1859,' they were united with the township of Smith for municipal purposes. A year later, a whole block of townships, com- prising a large area, was united in a single municipality ; and the increase of population has been such, that these one after another, were enabled to be set off as a separate corporation ; till, on the 1st of January, 1867, no less than five distinct municipal bodies exist, each regulating its own local affairs, and sending a Reeve to sit in our County Council. Such a rate of progress, if persisted in, would ere many years, require the formation of a new county. As in older communities, progress is not uniformly rapid ; but while townships first settled assume a more station- ary position, in the newer and more remote localities, fresh advances are being constantly made into the interior, and a wider area every year re- claimed for the dominion of man, and made subservient to the pursuits of industry. ,■■: i,;/- -i-^ r--;'.','v ■-...«'•;:"; f. ^A-i-)'.,.C't':"^-^^:> We begin with the first of these new townships: — ?;t t >rviiVj; >!?: \;»^;^ THE TOWNSHIP OP GALVVAY : ^fe The township of Galway lies next to Harvey, in the rear, and has the B'>bcaygeon road along its western boundary. It was surveyed in part by M. Dean, Esc|., P. L. S., in 1857, and contains 09)920 acres. He states of that portion surveyed by him : — "It is well watered, and although un- dulating and stony in places, is generally well suited for settlement. — However, in the 17th and 18th concessions, there is a succession of rocky ridges which may, lor the present, retard the settlement of that section, but the many intervening valleys in which the soil is deep and fertile, will afford such inducements as will ultimately lead to its settlement." The remainder, being the sputh eastern corner, was surveyed by W. Drennau, Esq., P. L. S., in 1800. Of rhis the report is less favorable. The surveyor says : — . , _ , ,., , , ., ,, <' I regret that 1 cannot give a very favorable report of the quality of the land in the greater portion of that part of the township surveyed by me, much of it being little better than bare rock.' " Thci'e are. however, patches of several hundred acres each of very fuir laud in many places ; and land appears to improve very much in the north east corner."' rlv ^'■^4«5 / " The lino of junction of the Hmcstonc ^ith •jMoltc or gnc^^s funs across the south west course of the township of Galway, as shewn on the phiii ; the Ibrnicr l3'ing tothc south west and the latter to the north cast: ! The first clergymen who visited Galway, were the Rev. John A. Dewier and the Rev. George H. Kenney, of the Methodist, the Rev. Mr. Clark of the Presbyterian, and the Rev. John Vicars, of the Episcopal church; Lindsay. At Silver lake, religious services are held every Sunday. 26* u I The tavcni-kccpcis ot Galway arc Mr. Thoiuau K. White, ou lot 1 cou- l.•CB^ion A, auil Mr. John KH^^ar, ol" i>ilvcr lak«. ■ ■'■ During the first ycar.s nl' sottlciucnt, bears wore tro<(nc«tly met with, aiul tlie howliii.-i of wolves was not uuuf^fil, 'i'f^Pf^;f!r^-'''^^:>mT. The improvement cf the Boheayjj;con roail, and alfo the ojicninjj; up ol' roads in the interior of the town.ship, have materially improved the proi<- pccts of the .settlers, while the l*aet.s already mentioned bear witness to the material whieh has been made in a few brief years, A refercnee to the census for 1801 shows tliat (talway had then a popu- lation ofaSti. Of 171 were males and 181 females. During 18G0 there was one death and IG births in tMs township. 20 children were re- turned as attending school. The census by religion, as taken in 1861, shows : — Church of England -■ 105, 11. Catholie 149, W. Methodists 12, Free Church 16, Church of Scotland 6, IJaptists 0, other Methodists 24, and other churches 31. ' The names of the llcevcs and Township Clerks of this and the other new townships Avill be found in tabular form in a future page. The number of ratepayers in Galway in 1866, was 19/J ; the total assessed value of proi)erty $20110, and the sum levied for county rate $76.85. The assessment roll .'-iiows 12 of the first and 58 of the second class militia for that year. ^. . , -, \-\ T:-. t ^ THE TOWNSHIP OP SNOWDEN. ,Uj.^;, ,,w ,f^^^^ Proceeding further along the Bobcaygeon road, the next township to Galway is Snowden, This township was surveyvod in 1859 by M. Dean, Esq , P. L. 8. To convey a general idea of its topography, we quote the following from his official report : — " For the purpose of more fully describing the land and timber, I have made a tracing from the plan to accompany the returns, ou which I have divided the townsliip into five sections — number one embracing the north and north-westcru portion of the township, is a tract of hardwood land composed of a sandy loam soil, generally stony and rocky in places ; the prevailing timber is maple, beech, elm, birch, hemlock, ironwood, basswood -and balsam. Section number two is a email tract of inferior land", v*ry rocky, and timbered with pine, hemlock and baliam. Section number 11^ L Uiixc is uu txtcii.^ive liucl criji;^h lolliiij^ laud, being ii su«x:c»aioii ul' hilU, ridges aud knolls, the summits of which arc nil more or less rocky, while the intervening valleys, owinj; to depcsits wasiicd from the surrounding heights, possess a deop, rich and fertile Boil ; the principal timber is pine, hoiulock, cedar, balsam and tamarack, eacli ranking consecutively according , to its abuuduiKie, and with respt^ct to the pine, of which there urc white aud red, the former is not of a good quality, aud the latter is generally too small for nierclumti, jje timber. Heetiou number four is a tract of land which w'as burned about twenty years ago, and is now overrun with a gecond growth of poplar, birch, hemlock and pine, Scetion n'unber five is a small tract of undulating land of good quality, timbereu with maple, beech, basswood, hemlock, elm and ironwood ; the soil is sandy loam, and stony in places." "• • £»"*■*-•-»'' i'^t ^^''T'I. :.irt!.< *tPfl)f-»ji0^tSf-5'r?»«|-:T;{;i . • . I V ,., TUB TOWNSHIP OP MINDEN. .^ .;• The township of Minden was surveyed by J. W. Fitzgerald, Escj., P. L. S., in 1859, and contains 46,000 acres. In his official report to the Commissioner of Crown Lands, he thus speaks of it ; — ,j , ,. , ,; " I am pleased, Sir, to be able to report very favorably of this township, which is now being fast settled with an industrious and intelligent class of people, composed chiefly of emigrants of a few years' experience in the country, who have acquired a good knowledge of Cti'uadian life. There are already several large clearings varying from two to fifteen acres, the greater portion of which is under crop ; the soil is generally composed of saudy loam, in some cases resting upon a substratum of clay and gravel, it is of good depth, and capable of affording a profitable yield to the industri- ous husbandman." / ;. *' The timber in the township is principally beech, maple and pine of average size, and well balanced to supply all the wants of the inhabitants ; there are occasional cedar and spruce swamps, which, by a little drainage, could be rendered exceedingly fertile. The Gull and Burnt rivers have 19^ f > tlicir «ourcp« in Miiulcn ; upon then, nro Bovornl mill privilrgrf*. which will soon bo rcrjuircd to bo put into oreration to satiBfy the dcmaniiff of the settlors. There is one mill site on Gull river, on lot no. 3, in the 3rd con- cession, hnving an unbroken fall of 14 feet, and capable of being easily applied." "A large portion of the township is occupied with lakes, in which Salmon Trout are very abundant, and from three to five pounds weiglit. Beaver, Mink, Otter and Martin are very abundant all through this part of the country, and Deer are very plentiful. I have counted as many as seventeen ill a drove." *! 'HivX^tr '^; " Tho geological and mineral features of the country are also deserving of some notice. The formation is entirely granito, and orops out in u north-westerly direction, at right angles to the ridges which define the valleys and water-courses, in a north-easterly direction. I have found good specimens of galena, which would probably yield from 30 to 50 per cent, of lead, and 20 to 30 of sulphur ; evidences of copper ore also exist, though not abundant." The first settler in Minden was Mr. Francis Kent, who located himself there in 1858, before the township was surveyed. In 1859, the following settlers found their way into that township : — Messrs. Malachi Campbell, William Murray, James Murray, Harry Dawkins, James and Henry Bums. The first saw mill in the township of Minden was built in 18G0, by Mr/ Wni. Oainor, on Beaver creek, on lot 9, con. A. Mr. Richard Smith also built a saw mill in 18G3. Tlie ViUage of Minden. — The village of Minden has the distinction of being, in a sense, the pivot around which the more remote of the new townships may be said to revolve. It is there that clergymen of the dif- ferent religious denominations reside, who, by their ministrations, supply the spiritual wants of all the adjacent townships. Thither the settlers from a large area around flock to mill, market, store, Post OflSce and Di- vision Court. So important a place is worthy of all the details which we may be able to give. In the editorial columns of the Peterborough Review of October, 1860, we find the following memorandum of a visit to this place, a little more than sii years ago : — i i 200 '• (tuII rivpr, or whnt to the trnvrllor on th*" Bob<'iiyjirnn road i» recofj* iiiwid IIS «uch, in n busy f»pot. It in the centre for the tine «liHtriet Hur- rounding it, and Mr. Daniel Buok, who IceopH a tiivcrn there, has his hands ' full, usually, to entertain his gue?4is. He is making preparations to erect .•I large frame building to be used as an hotel ; and liopes to have it up . this foil. The lot opposite his place, lot three in Minden, forming the (iorner, bounded on two sides by the (lull river and the Bobcaygeon road, lias been reserved by the Government, and the settlement of the pln(!e is somewliat retarded in consequence of this. A petition is now in course of signature prating the Government to cause it to be surveyed as a towu plot, and plated on sale with settlement conditions." Mr. Daniel Buck, it will be seen, was the first hotel keeper in Minden. lie was also the first Postmaster, and the office, first opened in I860, hav- . ing then only a weekly, is now supplied with ti tri-weckly mail. Mr. Thomas Young opened the first general store in IMindcn in 1860, which was followed by that of Messrs. George and II. Andrews in the fall of 1802. To these have since been added the stores of Messrs. Wm. Dumble, Atidrew Bell, Francis Mason and James Langton. A saw mill, at a falls about a mile above the village, was built in 1861, and a frame grist mill at the same place followed in 18G2. The mill had one run of stones, was commenced and partially completed by Mr. J. W. Cummings, and then passed into the hands of Mr. Francis Moore. The minister who first visited Minden, and the neighboring townships, was the Rev. John A. Dowlor, who was stJitioned at Bobcay- geon. His sueces.sor3 in the work were the Bev. James W. Sloan, Rev. Wm. Sheridan, Rev. Wm. Shortt, and the Rev. W. H. Sehofield. ' '" ?*' The Free Presbyterian church also sent miysinnaries into Minden and the neighboring townsliips at an early period. Among was the Rev. William Clarke, who ofliciated for two years, (1800 and 1801.) The Rev. Walter ^I. Roger in 1862. The Rev. James .AIoNaughton in 186.S. The Rev. Mr. Reeve in 1864, who resided in Minden. Rev. J. W. Ferris in 1865, and the Rev. J. W. Bell in 18G6. The Rev. John Vicars of the Episcopal church, Lindsay, also minister- I. ed to the spiritual wants of the new settlers in Minden and the neighbor- "»^ ing townships, at intervals, for several ycuvn. In 186'), the Rer. Mr. » « 201 Burt, a clergyman of that church, wa:< looatcH at Huliburton, in the town- ship of Dyiwrt, but rcniovnd flurl'jg th« aaiuc year to Mindcu, where he hu» Bince icuidod. ,.„,,,;. The Kpiscopal MolhodihtH w«rc among the ottrHout In oconpyinR this new field. The Kev. Mr. Egan wan the pioneer of this church in 3Iin- dcu in IHOl. He has beeu followed by the Rev. .1. U. Sparrow. Kev. Tobiaa Myrc8, Kev. Abraham Mayboe, and the Kev. I*. L. Hparrow. Those gentlemen's attentions have not been confined to Jlindcn, but as well as the clcrgynjcn of other denominations, have freely visited all the back townships. In 1862 a Methodist Episcopal church, a log building, was erected at Austin's narrows, on Kahshagawigamog lake. A Weslcyan Methodist church, alno log, was erected in the tovrnship in 1863, while the village of Minden possesses two churches; the first, a Free Presbyterian church, a frame building, erected in 1864, and the second, a Wcsloyan Methodist church, erected in 1865, also u frame building. This last is used by the resident clergyman of the Church of England, in the absence of any church edifice of his own. The Bible Christiau church was rcinc scntcd at Minden as early as 1862, of which the Rev. Mr. Browning was the first minister. ., From what has been said of the number of christian churches repre- sented at Minden, and the variety of Rev. teachers who during a few brief years have ministered to the spiritual wauts of that people, it is evident that Minden has been highly favored in this respect. Founded in 1860, it has had during the six years which have elapsed, no less than nineteen religious teachers representing five christia: churches; — a number and a variety considerably in advance of much older loca'ities. Were the term not incongruous, as applied to such a subject, we should certainly have written Minden down as a decidedly /os^ place religiously. The first school house in Minden was erected at the village in 1860, of which the trustees were Messrs. Daniel Buck, senior, William Beavis and T. L. Moore, The second school was organized at Peterson's comers in 1864. Four others have since been added throughout the town- ship, making six school houbcs in all, a circumstance which alone speaks volumes for the enterprise and intelligence of so young a community. y.f The hotel already mentioned b kept by Mr. Daniel Buck, senior, was on the Victoria side of the of the Bohcaygeon road, and has since passed 202 into the hands of his hud John, and more recently it* kept by hi? younger son, Daniel BucV, junior. The first hotel, actually in Mindcn, was thut opcndcd by Mr. Benjamin Sawyers in 1863. A second at «omo distance from the village, iti kept by Mr. Wi" im Gwvais, ,.,,.,.„ ,.,;kv, <..,. .^, - A Division Court was established ai Mindcn in 1865, at which His Honor H. M. Boueher, Eb 2nd cla&j 68, third class 27. ( i h: . -.r ->r • t. 'p" THE TOWNSHIP OF STANHOPE. This township was surv*yed by C. R. Stewart, Esq., P. L. S.,ia I860. He says of it in his official report : — ' i,- «;t4?i %^^'i ,1931 r;, ''The land in this township is more hilly and uudulaiiug than in Min- den and the soil is generally lighter ; north of a chain of lakes previously referred to, flowing into Big Bushkouk, arc a series of hardwood ridges, of moderate height; the soil in the valleys between them. is very rich, but ou them is light and stony ; the above water chain flows through several large / ' 203 lit cranberry marslieji. About 45 per cent, of this township is suitable for farming purposes.' The first settler in Stanhope was Mr. Isaac Hunter, who found his way into that wildwness in 1855, long before the land was surveyed. He was ;bllowed in '1859 by Mr. George A. Mason, and in 1860 by Messrs. James Mellville and Ruel Clarke, in I'SCl the following persons became actual settlers : — Mepsrs. Robert Sturgeon, James A. Ferguson, Thomas Mason, Caleb Davis, Samuel Sims, William Welsh aud Benjamin Clark. ..if,..,. Stanhope cnu bdast of two saw-mills, the first of which was erected in 1862, by Mr. William Cameron, on the north branch river flowing into lake Bushkonk. The second was built by Daniel Buck, senior, on the west branch flowing into that lake. A third saw mill on the east br&nch, was commenced in 1863, by Mr, James A. Ferguson, but is not yet fully completed. Stanhope, as yet, lias neither store nor grist mill, church or school. A Post Office is expected to be opened shortly. Clergymen, from Miaden and elsewhere, visit the township and officiate in private houses. It be- came a separate municipality in 186C, and in that year had the names of 51 ratepayers on its asscAsment roll. Its total assessed propjiity for that year was $8098, and its county rate $51.82. Its militia was enrolled as followed, 1st class 17, 2nd class 17, 3rd class 9. f Vii jtt , •! jx^.,: i'JStf, CANADIAN LAND AND EMIGRATION COMPANY'S LANDS. The townships of Dysart, Dudley, Harcourt, Guilford, Harbum, Bruton, Havelock, Eyre and Clyde, nine townships "<"» hloc," arc the pDperty of the Canadian Land and Emigration Company, (limited) of London^ Eng- liiud,— capital £250,00'" sterling. In 1861, the company agreed to purchase these townships, and otic other in the County of Victoria, from the Crown Lands department, on which they paid down over $95,000. By the terras of the purchase, it was agreed that the company were not to pay for land covered by lakes, rivers or swamps, an'! that certain allowances were to made for roads, &c. • An exploratory survey was made by Ifr. Go.ssage, P. L. S., who was subsequently entrusted with the survey and subdivision of the townships into farm lots of 100 .icres rach. The original tenns of the agreement were, in the opinion of the company, not adhered to by the Gotamuieat, I?: '^■'^''rt!^,YT^llT^^'T^'^rW.''[ :-~''yt. ■:•:', ■•'"r ■?■'• ■j'f/i-'V vf^7' (ili lii t!i 204 and a great deal of negotiation took place on the subject, — the terme not being finally settled until August, 1864. ,^^' «^Pi i By the agreement cntend into, (published in the report of the Commis- sioner of 'Crown Lands for the half year ending 30th June, 18P5,) it appears that the area of the ten townships is 403,125 acres, from which the Commissioner deducted 41,000 acres for area covered by swamps, &c., leaving 362,12ft acres to be paid for at the rate of 50 cents per acre. The ordinary settlement duties are to be performed on an area of 261,544 acres, within a period of 16 years from 1st January, 1865. Ten per cent, of the purchiise money is to be refunded to the company for the construction of leading lines of road through their lands, subject to the inspection of the Superintendent of Colonization roads. *^'*»* '*^ ■'^ *" The purchase of the ten townships was completed in May, 1865, when a patent was issued to the company, and a Provincial Act of incorporation was subsequently obtained. ' The difficulty of arriving at any definite anaugemcnt with the Crown Lauds department, and various other matters for some time retarded the operations of the company. Among thew may be noted the case of "Grosst^e vs. the Company," which excited considerable interest at the time ; the question being the fair interpretation of the following words in a contract "average for the year 1861 of the acreage costrof the Govern- ment surveys," — the various officials of the Crown Lands department giv- ing thiee diffijrent average rates. Under these circumstances, the company can in fact be only said to have been in active operation for a little over two years. " ■ ■'■■-' ^ .■.'■:•:■■ ',: b--' • [n September, 1863, the present Secretary, then unconnected with the company, made a trip with the Surveyor to the township of Dysart. There was at that time no access at all to the township from the (Bobcay- geon road, except through the township of Minden by a portage road or rather track of three miles to the foot of lake Kahshagawigamog, (now gen- erally called Kushog by the settlers) and thence by water. The inhabi- tants numbered about half a dozen settlers, two of whom wore old trappers who liad 'squatted" there before the company was heard of. In the fall and spring, be fort the ice had thoroughly formed and before it broke up, these families were prisoners ir the township, c ependent for sustenance on the company's store, — at that time by no means furnished with the luxu- ries and comfortfii of civilized life. It is due, however, to^the company to ■ / i 205 state that they assisted gome of the early settlers who were unable to earn a livelihood, in a most liberal manner and for a considerable time. The now rising village of Haliburton, at the head of lake Kushog, existed then only to the eye of faith and prophecy, there being but one small shanty, minus a roof, in which the gf ntjeman above mentioned bivouacked for a tew days. ,, • . . The first commencement of a road through Dysart was made at that date, September, 1863, and was completed in the sujnmer of 1865 as far as Haliburton. It is now open to the Peterson road, from which the company are clearing off the brush which has grown up since its construction by GoverLiuent. Through the joint exertions of the company and the ad- joining municipalities of Snowdon and Minden, a connecting road has also been opened to Ihe IBobcaygeon road, at a point about two miles south of the village of Minden or Gull river. The Burleigh and Buckhorn roads, when completed, will give more direct access to the company's block. The character of the country is undulating, studded with beautiful lakes of from one to fifteen miles in length, fed by streams containing many excellent mill sites. The scenery is everywhere picturesque, and the air extremely healthy. The soil is a ricn sandy loam, and of its fitness for agricultural purposes, a sufficient proof is afforded by a reference to the report of the Provincial Exhibition in 1865, held at London, C.W., where it will be seen that an assortment of farm produce from the settlers in DjTsart obtained a special prize, and the grain was particularly commend- ed by the Judges. The country is also admirably adapted for stock raising, and for sheep farming as the clearings increase. The timber is principally good hardwood, with sufficient pine for local purposes. An excellent grist mill at Haliburton supplies the wants of the commu- nity, and there are also a saw mill,, store and boarding house. Post Office, &c. Lots have been granted by the company to the various religious denominations for the erection thereon of places of worship. Three school sections have been formed, and an Agricultural Society has been properly organized. tM*" iK-/JS JStUVp ,c-,ai-|T-; 4>-l; ^r iv; 7,,;,:,j,.-jUi.;... .« i ■ •■ '■ The first .settlers in Dysart were, Messrs. David Sawyers and William and James Murray, who located there in 18G3. During the following year, they were joined by Me.ssrti. John and James R. Erskine, — Leeper, Richard Thompson, Stephen Thompson, George Thompson, James Hoi- li ii I land, William Holland, Willett Austin, John Lucas, William Gainor, William EIlBtone, and subsequently by others. The saw mill, already mentioned, was erected in 1864, as was also the school house and church at Haliburton. The grist luill was completed in 1865, and has one run of stones. The first trustees of the Haliburton school were Messrs. John Lucas, J. R. Erskint- and John Stoddard. One other school now exists in Dysart, erected in 1866, and taught by Miss A. Giggins, whose sister was teacher of the school Jlt Haliburton. ^ Mr. A. H. Garratf s general store was opened at Haliburton in 1865, and Mr. Samuel Pocket's tavern during the same year. A blacksmith, carpenter and other tradesmen also ply their avocations. An enterprising settler has recently built a small steamboat, which is intended to run from Haliburton to the foot of Lake Kushog, 3 miles from Minden, a distance of about 13 miles. Dysart has been set off this year in conjunction with three other town- ships of the company as a separate municipality, John Lucas, f!sq., being the first Reeve. On the whole, the progress made in this township, so far in the rear of our beautifVil county, cannot be looked upon as otherwise than encourag- ing ; and the large capital which the company have invested in the land, is a sufficient guarantee that they will do ail in their power to develope settlement, from which alone they can hope to realize any considerable profit. ■*'.-:.- »ii .- :-^ REEVES AND CLERKS. -- ^ ■-''-•'"■"-"" ',' '''"'' For conciseness of detail, as well a.s ease of reference, the following statement ha^ beon prepared, showing the date of tlie formation of new municipalities in the back country, and the names of the Reeves avd township Clerks who have succeasively or severally performed the important trusts committed to them on their election or appointment to these offices. The municipality first formed, in the back country, — as we suppose it must still be called, — was composed of the towD"hip3 of Galway, Snowden and Miuden, in the County of Peterborough, and those of Auson and Lut- terworth in the County of Victoria, for ssyet the two counties had not been separated. The municipality us thus formed came into official existence on the first of January, 1860, and continued to comprise the same town- ^ shipji for two years. At the close of 1861, Ansou and Lutterworth, being on the Victoria side of the boundary line, withdrew on the separation of "■> M-fe^jt', ■ 'fi•^:|f,'''.!thf!• -rl? i'. ■:^%il l:-.-;.»),fi' 207 ,• /Jsjj''- ' that couuty Irom Pctcrboiougb, leaving the luuoicipality formed as men- tioned below. Other withdraw^ila have gradually been made as new towufihipH became possct^sed of a sufficient number of ratepayers to entitle them to a separate muuicipal existence of their own ; so that in 1867 wc liud five (iiiitinct municipal councils, with their officers and legal powers, where sis ycar» ago, little save a wild wilderncs», but portially surveyed, existed. Such hau been the growth aad prosperity of these new town- ships! , « TABULAll 8TATEMBNT . ,. 0/ Reeves, Clerks, and Municipalities, composed of the new Townships, from Ja^iuary, 1860, to January, 1867^, 51 Year 1860 ^861 1862 1862 1863 1863 1863 1864 1864 1864 1865 1865 1865 1866 1866 1866 1866 1867 1867 18ft7 1867 1867 Townships comprising Municipalities. Galway, Snowden, Minden, Anson and Lutterworth . The same Snowden, Minden and Stanhope Galway Snowden Minden and Stanhope Galway , Snowden Minden, Stanhope aivZ Dy- sart Galway Snowden Minden, Stanhope and Dy- sart Grfway Snowden Minden and Dysart Galway Stanhope (Ist year) Snowden x^*xn(xcix« •...•..*• ..*......•«. \7 aiway ............. ......... Stanhope. Byisart, &q. (1st year)....<. BiCeve. Towndiip Clerk. Charles Austin. Thomas Probert. S.SvPwki'^' Thomas Probert. Bobe^t Ritohiet. William Gainor. Thomaa Probert. S. S. Peck. Wm. Gainor. Thos. McGaughey S. S. Peck. r. „ Charley Austin. Thomas Probert. S. S. Peek. John Lucas, Thomas Probert. James Mellvillc. Wm, Hartle. Wm. McKelvey. Wm. McKelvey. Wm. Leeson. Wm. McKelvey. Wm. McKelvey. Wm. Leeson, Benj. Both well. - Wm.. McKelvey. Wm. Leeson. Francis Peck.^ Wm. McKelvey, Wm. Leeson. ' ' * Francis Peck. Wm. McKelvey. Christopher Irwi". George J. Rowe. » f (A .«»w , jjftj^^'i?;. .CKtJ "j-aw ."17 ""Nff"**! ^"^ "**"". II 208 LOCAL SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS. ' ,;>* -^^^^^^l'^ ;, The progrcBh of edu«atioa in the new townships has kept puce with the advancement in material progress. In 1866, the schools numbered 14 in all, and were distributed as follows : — Galway 3, Snowden 4, Mindcn 5, The following Rev. gentlemen have successively filled the office of Local Superintendent for the several municipalities named : — ''"'' f ■« •- - Rev. John A. Dowler, Boboaygeoii. : Rev. John Vicars, Lindsay. " ' ' Rev. William Sheridan Bobcaygeon. ' ' , Rev. William Shortt Bobcaygeon. Rev. F. Burt Mindeu. The last named gentlemen at present fills the office. • i !j< • ' -JVJ'. '■■■":»< ' t;»iiJf mi .■■.U-: HI- ■:Vr -- - CHAPTER XXXI. ■'■■■■ ^ W'^ . ' ''" : THE BURLEIGH ROAD SETTLEMENT, ' '^*J:f;J i i!" ' The construction of the Burleigh Colonization road was commenced in 1860, under the superintendence of the late Mr. Gibson, who had then the supervision of these roads throughout the Province. The plan adopted was to let the work of constructing the road in sec- tions, of considerable length, to contractors, who were paid on completion of the work according to agreement. Mr. James Walsh entered into con- tract for the first 23 miles, and Mr. William Lackey for the next section of 20 miles. These were the gentlemen with whom the Government had to deal, but they sub-let portions of the distance to others, whose names are not material to this narrative, ";_;;•■ " . '. ,„,; The roads constructed in this manner were fai' from satisfactory or per* manr and owing to various causes, the contract system was abolished on V he Colonization roads, after a trial of a year or two. The plan then ^ ted was to place some competent person in charge of the work, who should employ men by the day. superintend their operations, and be 209 -' J- I 'V ■ ; ! ;" in sec- jpletion. to con- section nt had names responsible to the department for the result. This system was commenced on the Burleigh road during the season of 1865, under John Carrpll, Esq., who from the beginning of 1864 had been acting as Crown Land Agent for this settlement. During the year 1804, the road became utterly im. passable^ partly from the wearing out of the temporary material used in constructing it, but chiefly owing to the destructive fires whicli swept the woods, and burned several of the bridges ; thus rendering the position of the settlerH, who chiefly resided at its further extremity, at once precarious and disheartening. .. .... ^ ., In the spring of 1865, the work of repairing the road, — it might indeed be said of re-constructing it, — was commenced at Burleigh bridge, and was prosecuted with vigor. The "Burleigh rocks," which fill up the south- western portion of the township, are immense boulders of granite, whose oval surfaces occupy an area often of half an acre. Over these the roud had to be carried. This was successfully accomplished by filling the little valleys and interstices between them with solid stone, broken on the surface, thus forming an even and permanent road-way. The burned bridges were replaced by excellent timbers, necessarily brought from a distance, and in this way, 24 miles were not only rendered passable, but converted into an excellent road during 1865. Up to November, 1866, eleven miles more were finished, of which eight had been cut out and partially made under the old system, while three were entirely new. It is under- stood that this road will be continued as far as Peterson's line, and if it is to be as really useful as it is expected to be, this should be the case ; for its first twenty miles have to be passed over before land of average quality is reached, or the prospects of a settlement fairly appear; so that the lands best fitted for settlement will be found towards its further extremity. The entire back country is of the Laurentian or granite formation, which passes under Stoney lake, and forms its numerous islets. Occasion- al ridges of limestone, however, are found ; and the land, so far as tested by practical experience, has proved itself capable of yielding abundant - fA^v,. ' u -'"^, -.w^if »'#. -: i ' ;..-->..p ■■ <-i.f -ir*! -^K'rl crops. We pass now to a brief notice of tbe several townships along the road, commencing with ... V , ,,. . , - ,.?■■■ - - .1 ■ rs- m .■E;^»'c'-- il ill t liiPit THE TOWNSHIP OF BURLBKiU. This township was surveyed as early as 1834, and was re-surveyed in 1864-5 by J. W. Fitzgerald, Esq., P. L. S. The "Burleigh rocks" before referred to, were long a barrier to settlement, and would doubtless remain so still, were it not for the road which now enables them to be passed over with comparative ease. -;-'*' '-^ '»' '-''^ '■•' w^^'^ ■ '^^^ ^-^'^ •» ;4^i^.J^'J^i^>='<. The first settler who ventured beyond these rocky impediments, and located himself in the eastern side of Burleigh, was Mr. Giles Stone. This was in the year 1861 ; and now, in 1866, the Aasessment roll for Bur- leigh shows, ratepayers to the number of forty-six in that township alone. A number of settlers found their way there in 1862-3, and we proceed to give the names of these pioneers, as in the older townships. They were Messrs. James Goulbourn, Peter Phelan, Alexander Brown, Atwood Brooks, William Cliiford, E Iward Sanderson, William Spencer, — Myers, Isaac Meers, Christopher White, Ephraim Burt, John McConnell, Charles Burt and John Coon. ^ * ' '^' '' ^'' ' - -■ ' '^"^ '■ There is one tavern in Burleigh — that kept by Mr. Peter Phelau. The first Post Office was opened in 1864, under the name of " Burleigh," of which James Goulbourn, Esq., is Postmaster. The second in 1866, called after the member for the county, "Haultain," of which Mr. Giles Stone, the first settler, is Postmaster. Two school houses were erected in Bur- leigh during 1866, one near Mr. Giles Stone's, the other near Mr. Burt's. Both of them are hewef^ !ogs, and well adapted for the purposes intended. The first saw mill was erected in Burleigh by James Goulbourn, Esff., on Eel's creek, in 1863, and a second during the following year on the same stream, by Charles J. Vizard, Esq., a gentleman who has contributed much to the success of the settlement by furnishing employment to the settlers, for which they were promptly paid in cash, at a time when they had few other resources upon which to depend. During 1866, a small grist mill was erected by Mr. Goulbourn, and is now in operation. Until the present time, Burleigh has been the senior municipality, hav- ing the greater number of ratepayers, and it and the adjoining townships have been associated together as one municipality. The rapid increase of settlers, however, will speedily give rise to two or more corporations, amid which Chandos promises to take the lead, as having now the largest population. / ■■if. ^^hi The chief difficulties with which the early Hcttlcrs had to contend, were owing to the distance wliich their Hupplics had to be transported, and the absence of proper faciliticH for doing so. The summer of 18G4 proved especially trying. The unusual drought affected their harvests, while the destruction of the bridges on the road by fire, and the practical closing up of their thoroughfare, bad as it was, greatly disheartened the settlers. The destructive fires swept away the fruits of the industry of some, while the non-payment of wages by a sub-contractor disappointed the hopes of others ; and all these causes together, pressed severely upon the infant settlement. The difficulties of the position were greater thau even during the first year, for there were more mouths to fill, with diminished facilities for pro- curing the necessary supplies. Three days were usually required for the transport of these from Peterborough. The first stage was by a hired team to Young's. Here a canoe or boat was engaged, which when laden was paddled up Clear and Stony lakes to Julien's landing, and from this point, partly by ox teams, but oftener on their shoulders, the hard earned necessaries were carried some miles furt? cr, through a bush with barely the semblamc of a road. '' ' : ' -■ '■' -'-"•' '• • •' ■•— ' • • Fortunately, this state of things was not of long continuance. The expenditure of money on the road in 1865 ; the re-opening of their thoroughfare ; and the excellent crops of that season, restored confidence and hope, and with these the settlement has continued to progress. Burleigh was for several years attached to Dummer for municipal pur- poses. The separation took place on the 1st day of January, 1865 ; and James Goulbourn, Esq., was returned as first Reeve, and took his seat in the County Council for that year. In 1866, John Carroll, Esq., Crown Land Agent, was chosen Reeve, and ably fulfilletl the duties of that position. A difficulty exists between this township and the county i ; reference to the rc-payment of moneys expended by the County Council in the recent re-survey of the township, to which further reference need not be made here ; and which, it is hoped, will ere long admit of a solution at once just to the county and satisfactory to the ratepayers of Burleigh. ^ *jt' 'vfWP'\:-^M^> -i^mW *!it>Wm^^v m IS I m I i^.^. I i * THE TOWNSHIP OF ANSTRrTHIE.'^ :'- i. ^' . ~.."l The townHhip of Anatruther lien immediately in the rear of Burleigh ; the Colouization road passing through its eouth-caBt comer before entering the township of Chandoa, which bounds it on the east. Anstruther was surveyed in 1859-60 by Geo. A. Stewart, Esq., P. L. S. - i-v.. -w^i-j - Among the earliest settlers of this township were Messrs. Thomas Stewart, Patrick Breen, William Wilson and sons, Edward S. Hall, D. R. Castidy, Charles J. Vizard, Captain Lynch Bloss, Dr. Clegg, Caleb Lousley, John Stecn, Philip Lousloy, and John Young, most of whom found their way there in 1862. Mr. D. R. Castidy and Mr. Philip Lousley now keep store in Anstru- ther. Mr. Edward S Hall has charge of the "Apsley" Post Office- openod in 1865, of which Mr. Charles J. Vizard was first Postmaster. Two Union School sections have been iormed between Anstruther and Chandos, in one of which a substantial log school house was erected in 1866, at a cost of about $150. In the other, which is situated north of the Chandos Post Office, an unoccupied dwelling house erected by a settler, is temporarily used for this purpose ; a school having been opened there by Miss Sheehan in August, 1806. A small Wesleyan church was erected in Ai^struflier during the same year, (1866) which is intended for use by the entire settlement. As ^et the Rev. Mr. Sheridan and the Rev. Mr. Gander, of the Methodist church, are the only ministers of any denomination who have conducted religious services in this settlement. Anstruther has two taverns, kept respectively by Mr. Thomas Stewart, and Mr. E.S.Hall. ; , . The remarks made in reference to the difficulties and trials of settle- ment, in connection with Burleigh, apply equally to Anstruther, and also the next township, viz : — _ , '' >.-i'h: . i ilii' ' - i.^;h; THE TOWNSHIP OP CHANDOS. •'' ^' — ^'^"^ This torT.3ship has made the most rapid progress of any in the settle- ment. Fivi settled in 1862, the names of fifty-seven ratepayers appear on the resident roll for 1866. i - . _- .-^-- — Among the first settlers were Messrs. Henry J. Maxwell, Samuel Edgar, Cornelius Maher, James Young, Billings Kilbum, Michael O'Brien, 11" f ' . 213 Patrick, James, Maurice, John and Daniel O'Brien; Patrick Horan, John, Robert and William Horan, William Morrison, John Finarty and Patrick Finarty. ,, ,^, , Most of the scttlcrH named in this and the other townships were men of families. The first child born in Chandos was a son of Mr. Billings Kilburn, in 1863. Mr. Maxwell, besides his farm, has a general store, and is also Postmaster of the "Chandos" office. As already stated, this and the neighboring townships arc all united for municipal purposes, but cro long, Chandos will bo erected into a separate municipality, -^-'''z '^^', i-'n^i ^.^D-'-v .vr.! ih ■ ^^^^ ^w.» ■ j.h. f? '"■■•^■i-\ vi r Both this and the adjoining townships are rich in iron, marble and other valuable deposits, which only await labor and enterprise to turn to profitable account, and greatly to conduca not only to the wealth and population of these new settlements, but to the general resources and pros- perity of the Provin.ce. '•:iO'! THE TOWNSHIP OP CARDIFF. '.:i t ! During 1862, the following settlers found their way into Cardiflf, — a partly surveyed township in the rear of Chandos : — Messrs. Wheeler Arm- strong, George Patterson and Joseph Dunlop. CHAPTER XXXII. •'v" THE INDIAN TRIBES. There are in the County of Peterborough the remnant of two bands of Indians, both being of the Massasaugua tribe ; the one residing on the northern shore of Rice lake, and the other on a projection of the township of Smith, which is prominently visible in the upper part of Chemong or Mud lake. ^^7;-. ■ '■ ''^^f .-" :■,:.»-.. ■•:■ ,_;.:/■>.,: ....,^.^..,.;...i'{» ' /^ In the year 1818, the Indians of these two bands, surrendered to the Government 1,951 ,000 acres of land in the then Newcastb District ; in return for which they receive an annuity of 82960, being from 69 to 010 per head of their whole population. o« jk i«^?Ht> «& Anmthwvri yr*«^!« 4 r; 214 tn V IK- to. Tho New Euglantl Company, at an early period, iiitcreHtcd ilHolf in tlie temporal and spiritual welfare of the Indians ; and have done much towards the amelioration of their eoudition, irrespcetive of ereed or locality. Their agent is invariably a clergyman of some christian denomination. The llcv. Mr. Scott at first acted in this capacity to the Indians of this county, and on his death, in 1837, the llev. John Gilmour was appointed by the company to this charge. Although both of these bands have adopted the Methodist form of belief, and are usually supplied by ministers of thai church, tho Rev. Mr. Gilmour continues to visit each village jdtcrnately, preaching at Rice lake once in four weeks, and at Chemong lake onco in two weeks, This is done by means of an intcrpretOT — Mr. James McCuo, — who resides at Rice lake. , .,, ,. „i^t ,.,.,.,., It is remarkable of both these bands that their natural increase is bare- ly sufficient to uiako good the losses by death ; so that thoir numbers main- tain an uniformity which could hardly be predicated of any other people under like circumstances. Jiice Lake Indians, — According to official returns, published a few years ago, the Rice lake Indians occupy 1550 acres of land, of which 1120 were granted in 1834 "to Trustees for the benefit of the Indian tribes of the Province, and with a view to their conversion and civilization." These trustees are. His Lordship, Bishop Bethune, the Rev. John Gilmour, Capt. Charles Rubidge, R, N., and Robert Dennistoun, Esq. The Rev. Mark Burnham has just been chosen successor to one of their number, who re- sides at Kingston. The Rice lake Indians subsequently purchased 430 acr .: of land; and 200 more in Otonabee are held in trust for the joint bcn^Hu of the Rice lake and Mud lake Indians. Their village, to which the name of Hiawatha has been given, is pleas- antly situated on the northern shore of Rice lake, adjacent to the Cobourg and Peterborough railway, which passes through a portion of their prop- erty. Their land is of excellent quality, and well adapted for agricultural pursuits. The number of the Rice lake Indians, a few years ago, was in all 145. Of late they have slightly diminished. Their village contains 26 houses, mostly of logs, and 13 out-houses. There is a frame church, in which a resident Methodist minister regularly preaches, through the interpreter already mentioned. An effort is now being made to erect a neat brick 215 church, which is likely to prove .succesBful. There are aluo aHchool housf and a school teachor'B residence. The idothodist body largely supports this school, which is under the Common School system. Its attend- ance averages about twenty, a considerable number of which arc whites. Of late years the New England Company has ottered premiums for the best crops, and garden vegetables. In 1866, $38.75 were distributed in this way as an encouragement to industry. , Hiawatha has a Post Office of the same name, and alno a small general store. * . The Chcmong Lake Indians. — This band occupies a tract of 1600 acres, on a peninsula of the township of Smith. It is deeded to the New England Company, in fee simple, in trust, for the benefit of the Indians. About 200 acres are cleared. This was done by the company, who in former years attempted to farm it. This system has been discontinued, and the land is now divided into little plots for the use and occupation of each family separately. During the last thirty years, they Imve increased about two per cent ; and in 1865 their entire population was 140, They have now 14 or 15 houses. Their soil is less fertile than that of the Rice lake Indians ; and they oultivafc) it but sparingly, finding their chief occupation in hunting and fishing. They shew but little disposition to imitate tho husbandry and thrift of the whites, and even that useful animal, the cow, is compara- tively rare among them. The Chemong lake Indians have a good church, a frame building, on a stone foundati»)n, and besides the regular ministra- tions of the Rev. Mr. Gilmour, they are visited periodically by the resident Methodist minister at Laketield. They have a day school, with an average of about 20 pupils, to which is attached a boarding, in which about ten young Indians, male and female, of from 8 to 14 years of age, are fed, clothed and taught. A few of these are from the Rice lake band. From 1838 until 1843, their school was conducted by James Edwards, Es!*i) .'AuuHihir * Since promoted.'* ' " ' ,=^v/i:tr vi I'lrr.ii .vni^A culnl. J .ivMiuloT, -mMhW. .yjHiU XX'ymroiMit ,).t:v vlwnio^l su-.'-Hi.H .7f);)uri'ivl. 1, .ju'V ,v7i.4 iwiJA LAKEFIELD INFANTRY COMPANY.- Captain Edward Leigh, I/ieutcnant Charles Bowker, Ensign George Sheppe, Assistant-Surgeon Alexander Bell, Hospital-Sergeant George Sheffield. Sergeants William Sharpe, Alexander Thorp, David Rao, Heury Mellor. Corporals John Todd, Samuel Jamieson, Thomas Gordon, Joseph Ball. . , , ,. , Privates Frank Bowker, Chas. Bayley, iGeorge Bolton, William Brum- mel, Robert Cassidy, John Carveth, John Crawford, Alexander Fairbairn, Albert Froist, John Fitzgerald, Alexander Fitzgerald, Edward Fitzgerald, Isaac Garbutt, Thomas Hill, David Hillman, Edward Hunter, William Hunter, John Jeffry, Adam Knox, William Leonard, David Lynn, Wil- liam Maidens, David Mann, Charles Portsmouth, Mark Porter, George Pottles, George Ray, William Sage, John Stewart, Thomas Wallace, W. 'Wallace, John Watson, Augustus Wiggin, Andrew Wilson, Edward Wilkins, John Staples. - ^'-r i , no .k .•■i.n . sju>n Ht ..V. .V, OTHER VOLUNTEER COMPANIES. ..v>.^> (frifhtutli The following are the names of officers and privates of other Volunteer Companies in the Town and County, organized since June, 1866, who "have not yet been called to active service; but who, on an emergency, " ^ould no doubt exhibit the same alacrity to meet the foe, and the same *^ heroism at the post of danger, which characterized the officers and men of the Companies already enumerated : — - ' ■ ' PETERBOBOUGH INFANTRY doWpAlsf*- Nb.'^.'^ .f-nhfuAl Captain^ The Hon. Sidney Smith, Lieutenant Jacobs Green, M. S., Ensign Henry H. Smith, M. S., Color- Sergeant Alfred Leach, Sergeants .Sidney Smith, Jun., Hugh D. Stoddart, William J. Green. Corporals, Wesley Morrow, Alex. Gillespie, Christopticr Avmstrong, John Patterson, Bugler Benjamin J. Green, Jr. iv'i..H...„| vaub ' 219 Privates John A. W. Hatton, James Haggart, William BKtohford, John Campbell, Ilobcit Craig, Thomas Tremaine, William Campbell, Jaa. Fox, John Comerie, WilUaro Green, Wm. Taylor, James Kinmouth, John Kinmoath, James Lang, James L. Hughes, Thomas Tate, Wm. C- Holy- well, Porterfield Wareh'im, Fredk. Scobell, Robert Lee, Gordon Wright, Walter Bed, George Cairns, Thomas, George McComb, Richard Beid, James Graham, Joseph Graham, Samuel Seens, James Johnston, Daniel Milliken, James McComb, John Kent, Edward Eastland, Thomas Simpson, Thomas Oakley, Robert Wilson, Isaac Nurse, John Smith, Robert Rcid, Benjamin White, Wm. Chambers, Charles L. Coulter, Peter Londerville. NORWOOD INFANTRY COMPANY. ■j^iain Robert Wigmore*, Lieutenant Thomas M. Grover, Ensign H. Matthew Vars. Color-Sergeant Thomas F. Riggs, Sergeants Thos. H. Dewart, R. H. McGill, Corporals A. Morrison, Thomas P. Pearce, M. NicoU. Bugler Thomas Frascr. , , . f • Privates Robt. Adams, W. Andrews, J, Andrews, J. Bannon, F. Bate- SOB. C. Buck, James Calder, — Comstock, John Cunningham, Alexander Foster, Wm. Glynn, John Harper, Jr., — Hcwson, James Higgins, John Higgins, — Humphries, Wm. Hutcheson, — Jakes, — Lynn, Bristow ' Moffat, Jr., John Munay, Robt. McCasky, — McFadden, Jas. McLaugh- lan, R. H. McLaughlan, Duncan McLaughlan, Jol n McPherion, — Nicoll, Edward Pfltt-cr^von, Alexander Patterson, — Perie, JamBs Rae, Jesse Robertsor oha Scott, C. Smith, W. Seabrooks, E. Southworth, Mat- thew Sw't - Wassen, A. Wigmore, S. Wigmore, William Williamson, David Fiizps It ., J. W. Pearce, — Bimaon, William McCasky. * Since deceased, and Lieutenant Grover promoted to be Captain. HASTINGS INFANTRY COMPANY. Captain Henry Fowlds, Lieutenant Henry H. Humphries, Ensign Robert '^uston. Prir-^'- i Wm, McConnell, J. A. Howard, J. C. Brown, Joscpli A Fife, H. B. Morton, Henry Bently, John Mason, Thos. Lcarmouth, Daniel Huff, :*■ '.■ 220 f:, , i -:n'. iBaae Thorns, J. 0. Fraser, Hugh Collins, James Camphell, W. J Harrison, M. C. Clark, S. J. Kemp, Thomas McKee, S. D Griffia, M. R. Elmhirst, Harry Morton, Andrew Collins, Thomas W. Carr, J. B. Hilton, Thomas McMillen, Paul Huff, Willet C. Potter, George "W. Bush, John Shears, Joha O'Began, A. M. Cuffe, H. S. West, Cornelius Huycke, John Pitt, Wm. M. Boyd, A. Plemming, John Brick, S. West, William Hill, Thos. E. Lohh, Thos. Gilchrist, TFiamer Lobb, Geo. Green, Wm. Ferry, Henry Clarke, Reuben TFannamaker, Rosh W Harrison, Daniel Tierney, N. D. Robertson, John Lobb, John Brakenridge, David Anderson, John Teviot- dale, Urton Hill, Carleton Clifford, Richard Stewart. , . %:p^^uj,/}i0ti i^^'i^t-: ' ) SPRINQVILLE INFANTRY JMPANT. 1 Captain John Dundas, Lieutenant Allan Cathcart, Ensiyn Wm. McCamus. Sergeants William Mclndoo, Samuel Graydon, Edward Archer. Corporals HughB. Meharry, David Walsh, John W. Seany. Bugler Cornelius Mahony. Privates John Armsti-ong, Robert Allister, James Atchinson, David At- <5hinson, William Bennet, Francis Beavis, William Bone, Richard Coe, Adam Douglas, Robert Dunlop, Thomas Dunlop, David Dewart, James Eastwood, William Fisher, Valentine Fair, James Ferguson, Edward Gent, Andrew Goodfellow, William Goodfellow, James Howden, John Howden, Rober Huston, William Lytle, Thos. Lytle, John Little, James Mahony, Hugh Meharry, William McNeil, James McCamus, Moses McCamus, Wm. McBain, Charles McCall, Robert McBrien, Richard McBrien, George Moncrief, John Pake, William Patterson, John Smyth, Edward Shields, John Shields, Wm. Trotter, George Trotter, Edward Taylor, David Wright, John Wright, Thos« Wright, Arthur White, Thomas Whitfield.'^ > > . ^ ^" - ' • *" "^^ . , f .X i'v, »?..•■; F >TV M'iii-;:'fc (,4.";f^j;V^-"(^ ': fe-. fe.,. !t > I! Ui'. ♦> ' s y. i ,'~\ - ■» - ■-■':- ;, : : V,,. ■;,,,,, :!^' J ■I. J. ^K'i-* 1^ TO? •J rm:-B-4 t, STAPLE AND FAITCT DRY GOODS, piu'chased iii the bent markets, and .«okl at i PI.1A8X CAU 9t SXAIHIIX THE STOCK -o — /I Tr 1 IN GREAT VARICTY AMI) AT VERY LOW PRICES. WORK WARRANTED UOOD. ,V?k, IN THE I^EST STYLE ANB ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. -0- Montreal ioise,^ i F^rborragh. Jantiarv, 1861 80 It^" JAMES BEST, Kofp-' <.<>iisiiii»tl\ DU iuuid A LABOE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK UP Nlapie & Fancy Di'V lioods. juid Imates the Publu' lo CALL AMI) EXASfXlll FOK THEJMSSLVXEIS Ix'itVde ijiiichafiing ftlse\vhei>'. Mis STOCK OF GROCERIES l> Al,.Vl> All of vvhicli will f)c Kolfi itt RE 4 S ON A BL E PRICE S. rarneiilar atleiitioii given to the selection of TEAS. One Door Soutli of James Stevensoyi's. UEOHiiE STHEKT. >v. 5AS. //.s. M. MILI AR, WHOLESALE c*^ TIFTAIL HARDWARE MERCHANT, Offei-s for Sale, on the BEST TEKMS and L( )WEST PRICES, a large and varied assortment of IRON AND STEEL. Tools of evei-y dosoi-iptioii. Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, Builders" Hardware, &c., to whicli he would invite the attention of Farmers and the public gendrally. REMEMBER THE PLACE • SKiN OF THE Golden Anvil. George Street, Fetei'boro'. JOHN DOHARTY, ( Lntr Dohnrfi/ cf' ILatlon, ) Carriage and Waggon Factory, AND CiEXERAI. HORSE SHOEINO, REPAIRING, &e. DONE i»N THE SHORTEST Nu'I'K^E, At O'Brien's Old Stand, Hunter Street, P E T E R B O K (.) U (I H . JK^ A Large Number of W'aggons, (Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs. (Aitterc Harrows. »^'e., of tlie Bes(. Material and Workinansliip, always on h and and SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. 30 W. CLUXTON, DEALER IN Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, Both FOREIGN and DOMESTIC, a[L[LOra[iW, ©[L®«: V &.,&<•. ALSO Choice Family Teas, Sugars, &c. Buyers will find at all timos in thi . Estal.lislimcnt (i(H»D VALUE for theii- MONEY. ^SaA^ffiT €?##l£>^ ^^2^ A'^^IS^SE^B*. The STOCK LAJtGE and PKICES are LOW January, 1867. W. CLUXTON, Oeorge Street, Peterborough. GroctM'ies and Provisions ! '3 JOHN MOLONEY Is still hoUling out at liis OLD STAND, No. 3, Burnham's Block, George Street, Where will he fouiifl the usual ''hoic(! a.ssoi'tnieiit of fV Teas, Sugars, CoHces & (leiieral (irroccries Also, a I'"irst Kate Supi)!}' of ?j3a, mm ^ai^j", iDii^ a ijj m^mi^ S^^ r'<)U.VI'in' I'HODrCE taken in Kxehange for (hhkIs. and tlie iliL'liest Market Price allowed. PATRICK GALVIN, Carriage and Waggon Factory, AND GENERAL BLAOKSMITIIING. illlilS, WAiiiK 'art-, IJarrows, llanH T( ) T. BROWN, ) Watch Maker, Jeweler do. Stcreiison^s Blork, (ivonjc Street, Pctevhoromjli. Begs to intimate to the I'ublic of Poterborougli, that he keeps constantly on hand, a Choice Assortment ol' FANCY GOODS, he, &c. Intending Purohaiiei-s will do well to Examine his Stock beforo purehasing elsewhere. Furniture, Cabinet Ware ar 1 Upholstery. Superior Bed lioom S«.'ts, rarloiir Furnituro A-c. T'lIAIUS in f,'reat variety, B(X)k Casos, Sido Boards, 13S~- BUREArS, TABLES, MATRASSES. Looking (Masses, (iilt Muiildiiigs, Ac. I'ctorl-oro', Jan. L'nd, 1867. riE<)H(iK TANNER. ;c. ly on )ro I. ROBINSON & Co. Invite jittcution to their Larce Stoek of DM GOODS, GROCERIES, READY MADE CLOTHING, SAf ^. i^lH 1.S1 f fin t ALSO,— CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER 111 the Newest St3le and Best Manner. T . DONNELLY. nA'R¥°P"5^ TM &RWAT ¥AlRTOfT TRUNKS,VALISES, BAGS, SATCHELS, WHIPS, d-c Hi^^ Oollai's "Warranted. A splendid Stock, uurivalled in Cheapnes."!. Peterboro', Jan. 2nd, 1867. TIKIS. DONNELLY. General Groeeries, Dry Goods, ®a@W-Sii AND r^ • MOLONEY, Would invito his num«^rous CuHtomci-K in Town and (.'ountry, to examine liis Stock of DRY C{(X)DS, (JUOCEJilES juul KEADY-MADE CLOTHINCi, Sf'lcct(Kl from tlio Best and Clioapt-st Marlcots, which lio ofFors for sale on as Good Tomis as any other E.stablislunont in Peterborough. Kept on the PromiHCH, and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed for all Clotliing Made to Order, «^ REMEMBEIi THE PJ.ACE : (iof)ige Street, Peterboro', inmiediatoly opposite Stevenson's Stove and Tin Shop. .Innuary, IS6T. M. MOLONEY. SAMUEL WHITE, BOOT SHOE AND MAKER, Mrs. Dixon^s New Block, 3rd door South o/Jas. Stevenson'' s shop GEORGE STREET, PETERBOROUGH, Has always on hand a largo and varied stock, expressly manufactured for this market, under his o^mi inspection, LADIES' WORK FOR ALL SEASONS AND MADE OF THE BEST MATERIAL. HELM'S Fouiidiy I Machine Sho|), The flubscriber l)ogs to intinmte to his eustoinoia, that lie is still at the OLD STAND, SIMCOS ST. SOLE MAKEK OF HilVs Celebrated Steel Ploughs, Thc^Patent for wliich he hns stcured ibr the < 'ounty. Tie is now prepared to make to order STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, €irisi anil Saw Jftiil Jfiachinery, OF ALL DESCUiPTloNS. All kinds of Castings thature usually found in a FIRSTC'LA.SS ESTABLISH MENT k('))l constantly on liand. Brass Castings of all descriptions made to order. All kinds of REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Patterns in general use /itriii shed Fiir of Charge. WILLIAM HELM, Simcoe Street, Peterborough. mm WILLIAM BELL, ( Liceiitiatt,' of Apothecaries' Hall, Loudon, England,) CITE31^^IST and T>I^XJCJ^CMST, George Street^ 2 doors North of Mr. Clvxton'N, Pcterhorc, Gcnuuif) Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Dye Stufts, Perfumery, J lair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Fancy Soaps, &c. i.^,^ Pennsylvania Roclv Oil by Harr.el or Gallon, a general assort- ment of Coal Oil Lamias antl Fittings of Latest Patterns. Prescriptions Carefully i'repared at all Hours. "f I O'DONNELL, D. S. g office ov(»r Ovmond it Oilmour's Drug Store, geor<;e street. THOS. LAISNIN, Pi'actical Tin and Copper Smith, Plumber and lit-ll Hanger. Mauui'aoturer of all kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, and Dealer in all kinils of Cooking', iso.\ and Parlour Stoves, l'"urnMOop and Agrioultiual Furaaces lor farmers' use, the largest and bt>st assorto>'p''>-if ir S:i\in;,'s' ]?inik I)f,']>:tihi|i'iif ;it l-'iMii |n'i ''t-iit j^irr Animiii. l>. .<. KASTWOOD. Mmmyei . Peteiboio', i)t'ccuib«^r. I«t>6. m The "Pctorboroujih ReView, (>T^BLTSI1ED KVERY FKIDAY. BY ROBERT R M A I N E. .»/(.. 4. MARKET RLnrK, FETERBORO'. Subscription ?<2.00 Tor Annum; or if paid fN Aj>vaNok ^1.50. * , ,;*r BLANfe BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPIION W RULING, WITH . » MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. None but First-class Workmen employed, and the very Material used. l»^CHARGES fflODERATE. MA':iAZIN'Ey. PERlODirALS, MUSIC, AND EVERY OTHER DESCRIPTIOK of eOOKS BOUND teORDEP Nttatly and expeditiously .'Xfrutfcl at Low Rates. ISjgrRemombei th*i .* AT TlfK Georffe Street, second door above B^ock Street, 1» E T E R B O R u r, n . JOHN DOUGLAS, (Late .1. 6c T. Douglas) has opened a New Carriage ct Waggon Facio!;, On Bethune Street ^ about 100 yards West of the old standi Whero First ('lass Buggies, Caa-mgeK, Waggon.s, Sleighs, Ac, Arc. will he kept on hand or made to order OF THE BEST MATERIAL, CHEAP FOR CASH. .^11 Uindls of^ iOla^olcsiiiitliiiig^' PnnjiPTlY ATTENBED TO. JOHN DOLiGLAS. JanuMry, 186T. i rOU CAN BUY A FAR Superior (Tanneiil AT ' HAFFEVS F O K XiESS XMCONEY Than you will haw to Pay for an inlcM-ior oiu- (»ls<'whor Next Door to Mctireprs Hotel PA'IMJKK H\I'FE\ F«Ur borough. 18dl Ill k » t ROYAL INSURANCE COMFY, FIBE AND LIFE. CAPITAL, - - iB2,000,000. ALEXANDER SMITH, Agm t for Pct^rborouf^/' . The Standard Life ACCUMULATED FUND, ANNUAL INCOME, - •.*■■ :i ,:.'^? Go. 3,21 7,8 15. ■.«' ?■ DK. MoNABJi. ALEXANDEK SMITH. Agent for Peterborough. W. H. WRIGHTON, , Pta-. Barley. Potatoes. Butter, Lard. CORNMKAI, OATMEAL, ANl) FLOUR. Also a LARGE STOCK TtF (TCIARS, wliich will bo sold lo Tavern keopei- ;tr lower rates than tlicy ean piu'chase fwrn Pedlars. (Jnol Oil, RetoU. .'i> . p<'i- tiuUoii. tower tuip by the barrel. OS UEA^OXaBIK tebmh. R. THOMPSON d STJN, Photographers, &c., OPPOSITE finCHOLLS £ HALL'S. SJMCOE STREET. PETERBOROUGH. pi. J. T. HENTHORN, ESQ., Justice of the Peace, OFFICE, HENTHOKN'S BLOCK, HUNTEK ST. FITEKBOROUGH, C. W. WM. MERCER & BROTHER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, George Street, Peterborough, C\ If! Janixarv. 186T. ^%'aii^' .J. It. 011M()]M) Jl;i- "II hand li ^pk^ndid iis«oi'ttn»jnt n[ WATCITMS, CrXX'KS. 8PECT A CLKS, . _ Sntrheh, Rubhpr (roods,- IMPORTER OF hiridsK, frenHK German dk America h FANCY GOODS WbicJi iivo Sold WHOLESALE & RETAIL. tMiT Wnlfhrs Chn,},,! ,iwl /fepoirrrK mi^TFM STRKET. ... - PETER BOKOrfJ II. Jerrapiii o-^gy*. Resta iirant Th.^ .Snhsf'iih.^r hops- tf> announce to the publio r,{ I>otO]>iAL0 .1!a "Tlf "•'■* '■'*■■ DEALEK fX Groceries, Wines I Liquors V;' i^\ Hy)'. ■t'^t^^^*'*!^ ].;•; ".r; -■■•}.;'•■ A- mmm AND CHEAP ■I - ■■"" ■ FOR RETAIL. —- A SPLENDID ASSORTiMENT OF ,.^„., Teas, Sugai's,^fFees, Tobaccos, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. (-^oiintry Merchants, Hotel Keepers and Families recjuiring a supply of the above articles will find this one of the Best ' '- Assorted Stocks in Peterborough; - <, , K!J ©iiai/^ip [Fii ^th rs THE MOTTO. Please Call before Buying Elsewhere ! JP»tejfboro', Jjkn, 18&7. A. McDonald. "> • I " a£AHAM A- STRATTOX, 8tatioiiefs*ay Publfshery, ; ^_No. 1, MARKET BLOCK, PETEKHOHO . 't :o:- ■| i i .< »'j CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALL Sl'dH ' English, t'refiich mid Vlassical ~'f' ',• As are in general uso in the Schools, "*» i. ! BfBLE8, PRAYER BOOKS AM) HYMNS JiOOKS. ., OF ALL SIZES AN]> QrAL^^E^J. : [N OR Elf VARJETYf WiiKhnv Shades and Wall Paj^ers of t|ie Latest Styles. L/VUGE ST'X'KS ALWAYS ON HAND. LOVELL'S SERIES OF SCHOOL BOOKS. [i —I T. COLLINS, ^ rjiAJi.1 lot.'k itf ■. ■'■^.i: '^ i i-lki *l'^l .M . roui>l). (". \V. BOOTS *!< 5W„ SHOES i:i/ JOHN S, T '-^ % Boot and Shoe Maker, ^ . \VESTWOi.)i>. will rJHll in lunivc at REbUCEI) PRI< ES. ' us)! paid lor Hide*. Farm Pi-uduce takt^u in exchange I'oi' work. Hepair. iiisd dou.i iii>;uly Mid with do^poT'^h. A ("ALL SOLICiTEl*. \V*i!!hvo(Kl, Jtiiiiiuvy, 1861 X JOHN ^^. DRiSrOLL. ■v: •-:::'■. --i --x?^'r" LOiVG ARII CHOP ft^s^ S»l^ VKESB TEAS. (AJ'i) Sil31fi\li(i IE A WAREHOUSE. ■■<• * "Ihr Suhscribei' inforJiiK tiu* public tluit he ha> .ommeiK-t'd buHinenx uu •iuoige .Street, in th« •V » • S i-. ,1 i' ^ ^ c Shop lately occypied bf Messis. Johnsion & Son, \Vhe»-e ht« will kct!|) toiiHUtiuly un hainl. nud vvliieh Iw will SELL FOH READY PAY ONLY ! At as LOW PRICES a,', tinv hnusc in 'rowu. W ^>*» 0?^52LS^^^=CP Cg?ljfio.iC^^3i^ 6g3'Cj?C£>C2313Cl U F gf ^, FAMILY (JR0C'ER1E8 CONSISTING UK i 1?"^; 'I'ea.T', Coftecfc. Sugai>. ToImccos. .S))icef>*, Fvuits. tSu*. ; PaWiil Pails, Tub!!?, Wa^h-Boards, and everything iiHuallj kept ill f*uch estabiislnnents. -()- Hiuia^ luiU •several yeai'tf expurimi. AiTrnrtig' vvhipli ">vl!l b»' found all dosciipcioi* of / Mechaiiicis" Tools. Fanning Implements & Housjo b'urnishing h'onmongery ; Cutlery, Plated Brittania Metal Warep, Paints. Oils, Colors and Glairs ; Straw and R«x>t Cutters ; Double and Single Guns & Pistoln, Crindbtones and Patent Friction Rollers and Axles ; all descriptions of Naib, sizes and qualities of Iron; EiXFlELD RIFLES & PATENT BREECH LOADERS PfiKun. fliiU'paieni and CoinniDU Axles; Patent Leailioi'. Enninelled Cloth, HaA'ing adopted the Cfl5li evstoni. I am ouribled to 'c^ll goods lo Cash cnstomei'LA on the- most advantageoits term?. SiGX OF THE CiPOULAB SaW, GeOKOF. StREET. PeTEEEOEO'. St, GEORGE'S SALOOK. -y-, '•fi'l; w .X ' , OEOIIGE MITCHELL, PKOPH iirroR. Corner of George and Hunter Streets. ^ ' '^ — ^-^"'-'-'r ill ,,1;; • r,„ --^ - : vt X.— . , >/.■ ^1 ^jiligi^V^'^*i^^^k^-l:^. I • ■ -We^Wsiowiy tti^if ^ .S«w';t K« Rate. J»r. JOHA BURJVHAM, ^ ~ -:- --1- « XMV BY A WlSiCfe.^^^ ■ 2#l * *^'^""v W' \*i ••>•. -^ ^^^■■'^m-i:- k^t ^i 'j'M' "\n\ fci-' ■'>»«ii «f^ 9t fH- ^^ji )^*'«"^^SP^''*^ ,vj ^fK#F» -^'f^^^l^^ ■^^3^^^5I ■^EcWb^ 2^3 K^)§'s .*r. -^'f ■3L ■j.t' .'*"-.«i&;s?4 «v:^ii^w^^. THE PUBLIC LANDS ov CANADA. The; Public liUnds uf Ciinada arc huUl hy local Ci'nwn liUUtl Aueiits in the several (V»uiitjos and Dit^trictN, to whom ajiplicatioiis for purchase by intending settlers ^ cents, onc-tifth to l)c paid at the time of sale, and the remaining: llair-iilllis in four ef|ual annual in.stalments, with interest at G per eent. on the unpaid purchase money. These sales are made subject to settlement dut\, and to current timber licenses for the vear. Purchasers of i'ublic Lands not under license, bein'4 aciual settlers \vitli certain inij»rovemcnts, can obtain license from the respective Crown J^and Agents, or Cr(»\vn Timber Agents, to cut and dis- of the timber growing on the lot.«« purchased by them ; the value oi' the timber so cut and disposed of being applied in payment of the purchase money due the Crown. CKOWN TLMBEU REfnM^ATlONS. The sale and management of timber on the Public Lands are governed by the .Statute. Con. 8tats. of Canada, 22 A'ie. Cap. 2o, and by the Piog- ulatious under it. sanctioued by Ilis Excellency the trovernor (teneral in Council. Licenses for vacant berths arc ofl'cred for sale at Public Auction oji such dates at, the Commissioner of Crown Lands may Hx by Public Notice, at an upset price of four dollars a square mile, or other rate a.-^ he may fix, and arc awarded to the highest bidder making immediate pay- ment. See the Kegulatious themselves for information as to ground rent, size of berths, reuewais, forl'eiture.'!. rate* of duty ou 'I'imber, &c. •S,i I ■:'::^^;,'v-^ .'f,,; * **r *** m :h ^ 1 / W00D8 ANl^ X^pRESTS,^^ i[ [' y f |)kpartmknt of Crown Lands. Oftawd, 20th July, 1866. With reference to the Crown Timber Regulations of the 13th June, 1866, notice is hereby given tliat the following Officers are the Crown Timber Agents duly authorised for the granting of Timber Licenses, ami the collecting of Timber Revenue, to whom all applications for such Li- censes or Renewals of Licenses within the respective Agencies should be addressed. ' ■ .,_. A. J. Russell, Ottawa, for the Upper Ottawa Territory. J. F. AVay, Belleville, for the Ontario Territory, " * J. R. Nash, Toronto, for the Huron and Superior and Peninsula of C^anada West Territories. . , - C. E. Belle, Montreal, for the Lower Ottawa Territory. ' \ * ' ' A. Dubord, Three Rivers, for th<" St. Maurice Territory. G. J. Nagle, St. Hyacinthe, for the St. Francis Territory. * ■ | G. Dubergcr, Chicoutimi, for the Saguenay Territory. C. Dawson, Riviere du Loup en Bas, County of Temiscouta, for the Chaudicre and Madawaska Territory. I . / /*'*.'. C. T. Dube, Trois Pistoles, for tlie Lower St. Lawrence Territory. J. N. Verge, Carlcton, County of Bonaventure, for the Bai des Chn- lours Territory. ,r. . , • ^^ ' . A. CAMPBELL. Commissioner. '•liih fiiu.-.. '.;•'«; ( ■^''■'•■;H'' -^ir' '>|':fe&|SSWb :f^it> h fjji, t'?f -.^^ : ■ : -•■. *'•:>! iii ■, .: ■ -■ ■rtr^ill'^ru.^-iv'M^:-^;* :^'^-:^---,^^. ■■ .^vToc' .i,-^ . ■ --^-l^-^ ,.:=r.-- : i .. i'j'L-.-.j ia'ii.: V, v; :;:'' ■'i:.%i;V - . , : ■ .■.,:::•' : r^;^'''"^. .■ . ■'- "^ I ^'' ■■■'.i'-'uf •; ' a ol' tlio Cha- sioner. 3IIXEKAL LANDS. Dkpartmknt ok Crown Lani)&. Ottawa, I'dth Jvfi/, 1860. IIkoui.ations for tho fi;ile of Mineiiil Lands approved by His Kxecl- leiicy the Goveinor (^leneral in (."oumil. .. r IXFERlOft METALS. j. 1. That each reguhii- mining tract in unsurveyod territory shall consist of blocks of two hundred or four hundred ncres. , 2. Tliat tlu iiiiien>'ion.s of e.nch regular nunin" tract of four hundred acres be fort chains in front by one hundred chains in depth, and smaller tracts, except on lakes and rivers, in the same proportion. The beaj-ingsof the outlines to be North and Soutlj, and East and West, astronomically, in the unorganized territories in l.'pper (.'anada and parallel to the outlines of the townships elsewhere. ''^'' '^' ' tif' -'u^fc-'r*/ -dr'-.i ■, 3. That mining tracts borderiug upon lakes and rivers shall have their frontage upon sucli waters, and shall be subject in all cases to the public rights in navigable or floatable waters ; and that mining tracts, so situated, shall have a mean depth of one hundred chains back from such river or lake, (exclusive of road allowance of one chain in width, which shall be reserved along the margin of sueli river or lake,) in conformity witli the above mentioned bearings. viri 4, That mining tracts in unsurveyed territory shall be surveyed by a Provincial f^and tSurveyor, and connectcid with some known point in pre- vious surveys, (so that the traot may be laid down on the office maps of the territory) at the cost of the applicants, who shall be required to furnish with their application the surveyor's plan, lield notes, and descriptions thereof in accordance with the foregoing regulations, and to the satisfaction of the Depart nient, and pay the price of one dollar per acre into the Oe- partment of Crown Lands at the time of making application. •' ' T). That in surveyed townshins. lots prosentinj^ indications of minerals, be sold on the above conditions, but at not less than one dollar per acre in any townshi[>, and at the same price as the other lauds in the township when it is more than one dollar per acre. ' ' ' ' ''v' G. That mining lands in surveyed townships be .sold by the local agents for cash, but all lands in unsurveyed territory snail )>esold by the Department. 7. The above regulations do not apply to mines of gold and silver. GOLD AND SILVER. 8. That in .selling the lands iu the? gold mining divisions, the Depart- ment is to discriminate as lar as practicable between purchasers for actual settlement, hona fidr, and those for mining or speculative purposes ; selling to the former for the present prices and terms. (.=;v.bject to an to $2 an acre, under the order of 8th August, 1 8fi4, when actually worked for gold,) and to the latter lor one dollar an acre — cash. , . 9. That in all Letters Pateat for Kinds, the cjause reserving all mines ol'gold and silvtion as far as the Maganetewan river. On this river the land is unusuallv ."ood. It is described as a rich loamy elay, covered with tine hardwood, fVee from stones, and unbroken by ridges and ravines. Furtliev on the line also, fair average and siiperior land exists in very large proportions, .so much so. That the good land is described as embracing a proportion of from seventy to seventy-five per c«nt. of the whole. The Northern road passes thro\i,a;h some tracts of excellent land, and settlement is fast proccodiiig in thi.s directiou also. The facilities affordod for ingress to this country aie nuusually great. In the summer season the intending settlor has the ciioicc of three routes. He can proceed from Toronto to Collingwood by rail, and thence by steamboat every Monday, direct to Parry Sound, the latter distance being about seventy miles. At Parry Sound there is already the nucleus of a handsome and thriving village, with mills, stoivs and church. This is one terminus of the Parry Sound road which here crosses the Seguin river by a handsome and substantial truss bridge, and enters the main street of the village. Mr. Beatty, the proprietor of the mill, and the founder of the village resides here, and offers liberally every assistance in hio power to in- dustrious settlers. Abundant supplies of clothing, provisions, and iinplc- nients are also to be found here, which can be had at Toronto prices, with the addition of freight charges. Mr. Wakefield, the Crown Jjand Agent for the District, also resides here. The second route is from Toronto to Bell Ewart by rail, from thence to Orillia and Washago mill, at the foot of lake Couchiching, hy steamboat, thence fourteen miles by stages running daily to Muskoka bay on the lake of the same name, and thence by Mr. Cockburn's new and excellent steamer to the Indian village at the narrows between the above lake and lake Rousseau, and thence by open boats to the Rousseau and Parry Sound roads. The third route is by the above line :'s far as Washago, thence by the Muskoka and Parry Sound roads to the iic;>d of Rousseau lakc; and thence 22 miles to Parry Sound. f>f»l- •fw +0 '^f'/ft'lt •>""-■" '■' A '■& ^ Seventy centH cft^li, or f 11)? instalnienfs. c ' "c j ■PCS — ' 7i P- 0^ ^ S $, $ ^ $ S J g . S g~ 8 / ; ■■;;!> '!{- (■■;:JHi*(i hJii Hi ill I f-Cl t ^ s s s s g .^ s ii d: o "" ?^ i S P I 1^ ^ « g 5, « 8 8 5 00 Hf 8 1.4 0^ =*J < is •< •z S ^ o 1 ec H CQ > H « 5?; H « o b. -*J O IS ft s iz; o Jz; ^ o « I- fjj I -Hi4'.5oi^J4ttV o ilj'li H o CS Ah n?^ U Q U o c o o t ft* i o w-J '6A' T* If ^ll ft* ft* s O o is «M is/TrMiti w. s c o (5 •g- 60 ft* o ft* o 5 s o hi o ■ ■ nj H bl 2 MS ^^-«^« :i 3 q W o o .1 ^ CS •5 I i 3: -S S to O 1^ 'Its -.^ij o '5 GOOD FARMING LANDS IN CANADik WEST AT ONE DOLLAR PER ACRE. (JRKAT Advantages Oiiered to Settlers. Kor iKivtculars apply to C. .1. BLOMFIELD, Secretarif Canadian Land and Emigration Company, Toronto Bank Buildixgs, TORONTO, C. W. Toronto, January 2nd, 1867. Geo. Stethem & Co. IMPORTERS OF CUTLERY .ims^. PAINTS, SAWS, • OILS, \lM' M..^ j^L- RS fSr % MKCHANICS' TOOLS, Carriage and Cabinet Makers' Hardware. VARNISHES, CHAINS, CORDAGE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BRUSHES, MACHINE OILS, Iron and Steel, HSrse Nails, Rasps, CARTIIDGI^ FOR THE MOST APPEOYED RIFLES, &c, &c. ' Purchasers will find here a well assorted stock of General Hardware, comprising many articles not usually found outside of the Cities. Sign of the CROSS CUT SAW, January, 1867. Q^orge Street, Peterhorough. -tf' U E C M ME iV D A TIO NS, FROM LIEUT.-COLONEL HAULTAIN, M. P. P. J7;y Dear Sir, — I have looked over you v historical sketch of the County Vfith much pleasure. I feel thut both its present and future inhabitants arc inucbted to you for the public spirit and nssidu'ty you have displayed, in rescuing irnn oblivion those incidents and recollections which are asso- ciated w ith the early settlement and after prnj^jress of tliis part of Canada. ^ * The difficulties that v>v;re overcome in the past should increase our thankfulness for the advartages of the pree^nt, and prove si' incentive t.i to ill, and therefore, if fo. no other reason, I hope there will be but few liouscs in the county of Pe^/Crboro' where your book will not find a corner. FROM W. H. SCOTT, ESQ., MAYOR OF PETERBOROUGH. I have derived much pleasing and valuable information from the perusal of a work prepared by Dr. Thos. W. Poole, of Peterborough, on the early settlement and subsec^uent progress of the Coutity and Town of 1\ erbo- rough. The author traces, with due and iiiteresting particulars, progres- sive incidents connected with the gradual development of this part of the country fronx early in the present century down to our own day, and answers a want that lias heretofore been seriously felt in the community. The interesting data upon which he builds this history of local civilization, are apparently drawn from various and somewhat intricate sources, at no inconsiderable sacrifice of time and labour. FROM JAMES EDWARDS, ESQ , J. P., TOWN CLERK OP PETERBORO'. T have read somewhat carefully -he proof-shoeis of a pamphlet, b) T. W. Poolo, JM. I)., entitled ■' \ Sketch of the early settlement and subsequent progress of the Town of Peterboro', and of each Townsh'p in the County of Peterborough," and have much pleasure in recommending it as a useful and agr oable record of the early pioneers' trials and triumphs in reducing a hp ,iing wilderness into fruitful fields. Dr. Poole has, in collecting the materials for his work, manifested a groat deal r^ indefatigable industry, and an aptitude io collate narrations and facts as obtained from oral and written sources, trtgether with an agreeable and pleasing style, that will jnake ^ds work not only useful v a ijpferem e to the past and present of the ■J'jwn and County of Peterbc "ough, but al4o readable and instructive. I sincerely hope that he will be amply remu.ierated for the labour and pains he has displayed in making his book reliable and interesting. FROM K. BURNHAM, ESQUIRE, BARRISTER, &C. JJcar Sir, — I have road over the proof-sheet of your work on t!;e Town and County of Peterborough, and from h long esperienco of the facta which you treat upon, I can say that your book oontnins a very careful and correct history of the matters of which it professes to treat. It ought to have ji largo circulation, and it is well worthy a most t-xtensivo patron- age, whii'h I hope it inill receive. 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